If you no longer need this publication, write to the Geological Survey in Washington for an official mailing label to use in returning it UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE A MANUAL DESCRIBING METHODS AND PRACTICES OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 888 METEOROLOGICAL AND HYDROGBAPHIC BRANCH BALBOA. HEIGHTS, GZ. Gift of the Panama Canal Museum UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director Water-Supply Paper 888 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE A MANUAL DESCRIBING METHODS AND PRACTICES OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DON M. CORBETT AND OTHERS Reprinted 1962 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1962 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D.C. - Price $2.00 (paper cover) Digitized by the Internet Archive i in 2013 http://archive.org/details/streamgcOOcorb CONTENTS Page Foreword, by Nathan C. Grover _ xin Introduction 1 Administration, personnel, and acknowledgments 2 Organization for water-resources investigations 3 Water Resources Branch 3 Division of Surface Water 3 Division of Ground Water 4 Division of Quality of Water 4 Division of Power Resources 4 Division of Water Utilization 4 Administration and operation 4 Personnel 5 Recruiting of personnel 5 Training t f personnel 6 General procedure 7 Records of stage 8 Methods of obtaining gage-height record 9 Observed gage heights 9 Recorded gage heights 10 Observers 10 Availability 10 Trustworthiness 10 Duties 10 Compensation 13 Measurement of discharge 13 Current-meter measurements 13 Types of discharge measurements 14 Wading measurement 14 Cableway measurement 16 Bridge measurement 19 Boat measurement 21 Measurement through ice cover 24 General precautions 28 Suspension of current meter and measurement of depth 28 Rod suspension 29 Hand-line suspension 30 Reel suspension 31 Single-conductor system with hand-line or reel suspensions 31 Electrical hook-up with dry cell eliminated 33 Measurement of velocity 34 Vertical velocity-curve method 35 Two-point method 37 Six-tenths-depth method 38 Two-tenths-depth method 39 ra IV CONTENTS Measurement of discharge — Continued. Current-meter measurements — Continued. Measurement of velocity — Continued. i'«ge Three-point method . 41 Subsurface method 41 Integration method . 42 One-point continuous method 42 Measurements of streams that are deep and swift 43 Measurement of depth 44 Placement of current meter 52 Procedure 54 Tag-line method 56 Stay-line equipment 57 Horizontal angles 58 Recording of data 59 Form 9-275 59 Form 9-275a 61 Form 9-275b 62 Form 9-275c 62 Form 9-275d ... 62 Factors affecting the accuracy of measurements 65 Use and care of equipment 65 Selection of measuring section 66 Spacing of verticals 68 Measurement of depth 69 Ice in measuring section 69 Freezing temperatures 70 Turbulent flow and turbulence 70 Angle of current 71 Effects of piers, piling, and eddies 73 Vertical and horizontal motion of meter 75 Insufficient weight on current meter 75 Wind 75 Drift and aquatic growth in channel 76 Mean gage height for a discharge measurement 76 Special methods 80 Weirs. 80 Slope area 81 Floats 84 Venturi meter 85 Parshall measuring flume 86 Submerged orifice 87 Chemical methods 88 Salt velocity 88 Salt dilution „ 89 Contracted openings 90 Velocity-area method 91 Computation of discharge over dams 93 Calibration of water wheels and valves, gates, and sluices 94 Volumetric method 96 Determination of discharge by adjustments for gain or loss in storage 97 Laboratory models 97 CONTENTS V Measurement of discharge — Continued. Determination of flood discharge 98 Extension of rating curve 98 Extension on logarithmic paper 99 Extension by d-Q' 99 Extension by studies of areas and velocity 99 Extension of discharge as a function of A^d 100 Slope-area method 100 Selection of reach 100 Survey 101 Office procedure 101 Assumptions and computations 102 Contracted-opening method 102 Selection of the contracted opening 103 Survey 103 Office procedure 103 Assumptions and computations 104 Flow over dam 104 Selection of dam 104 Survey 105 Office procedure 106 Assumptions and computations 106 Other methods 107 Critical-depth method 107 Timing of flood drift 108 Flood formulas 108 Flow characteristics in open channels 109 Stage-discharge relation 109 Permanent controls 111 Low-water controls 112 Sensitiveness of low-water ^controls 115 Submergence of low-water controls 115 Artificial controls 117 Design of artificial controls 117 High-water controls 118 Dams 120 Contractions 121 Bends in channel 122 Channel controls for high stages 122 Shifting controls 125 Effect of scour 126 Effect of fill 126 Shifts in the channel above the control 127 Overflow 127 Effect of ice on the stage-discharge relation 128 Vegetal and aquatic growths 130 Slope-stage-discharge relations at gaging stations affected by variable slopes 130 Variable slopes caused by backwater 132 Velocity-head increment to slope 135 Relation between discharge and fall 135 Curves of relation . 137 Constant-fall stage-discharge relation 139 VI CONTENTS Flow characteristics in open channels — Continued. Slope-stage-discharge relations — Continued. Variable slopes caused by backwater — Continued. Curves of relation — Continued. Page Normal-fall stage-discharge relation 139 Discharge-fall relation __ 139 Effects of channel conditions 140 Effects of difference in datum 140 Effects of fluid turbulence 140 Practical application of the curves of relation 141 Tennessee River at Chattanooga, Tenn 141 Tennessee River at Guntersville, Ala 143 Ohio River at Metropolis, 111 143 Kootenai River near Copeland, Idaho 145 Determination of discharge 146 Arithmetical method 146 Graphical method 147 Development of discharge hydrograph 148 Normal-fall method 149 Stage-ratio method 150 Selection of gaging stations on streams affected by variable slope 151 Length of reach 151 Type of reach 151 Selection of reach 151 Position of gages 152 Variable slopes caused by changing discharge 152 Adjustments using slope as a factor 152 Velocity of the flood wave 154 Adjustments using channel storage as a factor 156 Return of overbank flow 157 Resum6 of equations 157 Gaging stations with two gages 157 Gaging stations with one gage 157 Adjustment of discharge measurements 158 Jones method 159 Wiggins method 160 Boyer method 161 Lewis method 162 Determination of discharge 163 Jones method 164 Wiggins method 164 Boyer method 164 Lewis method 165 Development of discharge hydrograph 165 Variable slopes caused by backwater in conjunction with changing discharge „ 166 Instruments and miscellaneous equipment 167 Current meters 168 General requirements in design of current meters 169 Types of current meters 170 Price current meter 171 Price acoustic current meter 171 Small Price current meter 172 CONTENTS VII Instruments and miscellaneous equipment — Continued. Current meters — Continued. Page Principal parts of the type- A small Price current meter 173 Yoke . 175 Tailpiece 175 Bucket wheel 175 Bucket-wheel hub 175 Shaft 175 Pivot 176 Pivot bearing 176 Penta gear 176 Contact chamber 176 Binding posts « 176 Changes for special low-velocity work 177 Assembly and adjustment of the type-A current meter 177 Operation and care of current meters 178 Balance with cable suspension 178 Mounting on wading rod 179 Shaft alinement 179 Care of pivot and bearings 179 Insertion of new parts 180 Spin test 180 Pygmy current meter 181 Rating of current meters 182 Current-meter rating station at the National Bureau of Standards 182 Current-meter ratings 183 Water-stage recorders 184 Development of water-stage recorders _ 184 Advantages 187 General requirements 188 Height element 188 Timing element 189 Recording mechanism 189 Gage-height ratio 190 Time scale 190 Instrument case 190 Precautions • _ 191 Specifications 191 Nonrecording gages 191 Vertical-staff gage 193 Chain gage 193 Inclined staff gage 194 Hook gage 194 Float gage 194 Electric tape gage 195 Canfield wire-weight gage 196 Type-A wire- weight gage 196 Sounding equipment 197 Wading rods 198 Sliding support 198 Meter cables 198 Hand cable 199 vm CONTENTS Instruments and miscellaneous equipment — Continued. Sounding equipment — Continued. Meter cables — Continued. Page Direct-lay cable 199 Reverse-lay cable 199 Single-conductor cable 200 Hand reels , 200 Lee-Au hand reel 200 Morgan reel 200 Connectors 201 Weights 201 Hangers for suspending weight and meter 202 Cranes and reels . .203 Type-A and type-D cranes 204 Types A, B, D, and E reels 205 Sounding protractor 206 Miscellaneous equipment 207 Headphones 207 Gaging cars 207 Lee-Au tag-line reel 208 Veatch horizontal-angle coefficient indicator 208 Reference-mark tablet 208 Leveling equipment 209 Timers 209 Use of field equipment 209 Nonexpendable field equipment 209 Equipment in stock 2l0 Maintenance of gage datum 210 Necessity for a single and permanent gage datum 211 Checking of reference marks, reference points, and gages 2 12 Precautions to be taken in checking gages 2 12 Procedure in checking gages 2 13 Reference marks 2 15 Reference points 215 Vertical-staff gage 215 Inclined-staff gage 215 Chain gage 216 Wire- weight gage 217 Electric tape gage 218 Float gage 218 Hook gage 218 Reference to mean sea level 219 Routine field work 220 Regulations and instructions governing travel 220 Preparation for field trip 220 Equipment for current-meter measurements 220 Wading measurements 220 Measurements from cableways and bridges 221 Boat measurements 221 Measurements through ice cover 221 Supplementary articles 222 Supplies 222 Data concerning river-measurement stations 223 Itinerary 224 CONTENTS IX Routine field work — Continued. Page W ork to be done at the station 224 Inspection of gages and water-stage recorder. . 224 Inspection of float and intake pipes 226 Cleaning of stilling well and intake 227 Reference of flood marks 228 Necessity for discharge measurements 228 Inspection of the control 228 Determination of stage of zero flow 229 Measurement of chain length 22!) Checking and correction of wire-weight gages 230 Contacting the observer 230 Collection of data for supplying missing records of stage 231 Flood heights 232 Repairs at station 232 Levels 233 Preparation for winter operation 233 Preparation of report of field work at station 234 Trespassing. 235 Reports to the district office 235 Hazards of field work 236 Accidents and poisoning 236 Poison oak and poison ivy 237 Spotted fever 237 Snake bite 237 Frostbite 237 First-aid manual and equipment 237 Automobile operation 237 Swimming 238 Cableways and gage wells 238 Construction 239 Measurements through ice 239 Bridge traffic 239 Floods _ 240 Index 241 ILLUSTRATIONS Page Plate 1. Stream-flow measurement station on Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg, Md Facing 8 2. A, Type- A wire-weight gage; B, Water-stage recorder in opera- tion on Rahway River at Springfield, N. J Facing 16 3. A, Wading measurement on Patuxent River near Burtonsville, Md. ; B, Measurement from cableway on Licking River at Toboso, Ohio Facing 17 4. A, Bridge measurement with type- A crane and type- A reel on Rillito Creek near Tucson, Ariz. ; B, Heavy crane and hand reel for bridge measurement Facing 24 5. A, Power-driven truck carrying crane and reel for bridge meas- urement, used on Mississippi River at Memphis, Tenn. : B, Equipment used in boat measurements Facing 25 X CONTENTS Page Plate 6. Discharge measurement through ice cover: A, Current meter supported on a rod; B, Reel and sled equipment used on Mis- sissippi River at St. Paul, Minn Facing 32 7. A, Natural control on Smith River near Bristol, X. II., li, Trenton-type artificial control on Railway River at Spring- field, N. J Facing 120 8. Changes in stage-discharge relation at station on Merrimack River at Lowell, Mass In pocket 9. Curves showing relations of stage to discharge, Tennessee River at Chattanooga, Tenn In pocket 10. Curves showing relations of stage to constant-fall discharge and discharge ratios to fall ratios, Tennessee River at Chat- tanooga, Tenn In pocket 11. Curves showing relations of stage to discharge and discharge ratios to fall ratios, Tennessee River at Guntersville, Ala _ In pocket 12. Plan and profile of Ohio River in the vicinity of Metropolis, 111 In pocket 13. Curves showing relations of stage to discharge and stage to fall, Ohio River at Metropolis, III In pocket 14. Curves showing relations of stage to normal discharge and discharge ratios to fall ratios, Ohio River at Metropolis, 111 In pocket 15. Curves showing relations of stage to constant-fall discharge and discharge ratios to fall ratios, Kootenai River near Copeland, Idaho In pocket 16. Curves of equal fall, Ohio River at Metropolis, 111 In pocket 17. Adjustment of discharge measurements for changing discharge, Ohio River at Wheeling, W. Va., during the period March 14-27, 1905 In pocket 18. Adjustment of discharge measurements for changing discharge, Tennessee River near Scottsboro, Ala In pocket 19. Horizontal-axis propeller-type current meters Facing 176 20. A, Original Price current meter; B, Type- A small Price current meter Facing 177 21. A, Pygmy current meter; B, Discharge ntegrator Facing 92 22. Typical rating table for current meter In pocket 23. A, Graduated sections for vertical-stafT gag s; B, Vertical-staff gage on concrete gage well Facing 200 24. A, Chain gage; B, Hook gage Following 200 25. A, Float gage; B, Electric-tape gage Following 200 26. A, Canfield wire-weight gage; B, Flat wading rods_ Following 200 27. A, Hand reels; B, Connectors Facing 208 28. A, Columbus-type sounding weights; B, Meter hangers, weight pins, and other miscellaneous equipment Following 208 29. A, Type-D reel mounted on type-D crane; B, Type-D reel dismounted - Following 208 30. A, Type-A reel; B, Type-B reel . Following 208 3J. A, Type-E reel; B, Tag-line reels Facing 216 32. Reference-mark tablet Following 216 33. Form for level notes In pocket Figure 1. Typical vertical velocity curves. 36 2. Position of a sounding weight and line in deep, swift water — 45 3. Discharge-measurement notes, form 9-275 60 4. Current-meter notes, ice cover, form 9- 275a _ 61 CONTENTS XI Page Figure 5. Discharge-measurement notes, two-table method, form 9--275b_ 63 6. First sheet of discharge-measurement notes, form 9-275c 64 7. Supplementary discharge measurement notes, form 9-275d.__ 65 8. Typical design of the Trenton type of artificial control 119 9. Rating curves for Merrimack River below Concord River at Lowell, Mass 124 10. Slope and energy relations in an open channel 132 11. Gages on Tennessee River at Chattanooga, Tenn 142 12. Assembly diagram of type-A small Price current meter 174 13. Water-stage recorder used in 1876 185 14. Inspection of recording gage, form 9-176b 192 TABLES Page Table 1. Air-correction table giving difference, in feet, between vertical length and slant length of sounding line above water surface for vertical angles between 4° and 36° 46 2. Wet-line table, giving difference, in feet, between wet-line length and vertical depth for vertical angles between 4° and 36° 50 3. Summary of effect on air and water corrections caused by raising the meter from the sounding position to the 0.8-depth position 54 4. Amounts to be added to observed vertical angles to obtain actual vertical angles 59 5. Values of n for canals and ditches and for natural streams 83 6. Slope of the energy gradient, Tennessee River at Chattanooga, Tenn 135 7. Relation between stage, fall, and discharge adjustment factor, Ohio River at Metropolis, 111 147 8. Discharge measurements of the Tennessee River at Scottsboro. Ala 159 9. Adjusted discharge for measurements of the Tennessee River near Scottsboro, Ala 163 10. Types of reels used in sounding 206 FOREWORD By Nathan C. Grover 1 The Sundry Civil Appropriation Act approved October 2, 1888. contained an item. 2 For the purpose of investigating the extent to which the arid region of the United States can be redeemed by irrigation and the seg- regation of irrigable lands in such arid region, and for the selection of sites for reservoirs and other hydraulic works necessary for the storage and utilization of water for irrigation and for ascertaining the cost thereof, and the prevention of floods and overflows, * * * the work to be performed by the Geological Survey under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior * * * In order to carry out this mandate, a knowledge of the quantities of water available for storage, diversion, and utilization in irrigation was needed. At that time, there were no systematic records of the flow of the streams and little knowledge of the methods that would best serve in obtaining such records; and no adequate instruments, apparatus, or equipment for collecting records of stage and discharge of streams were available. As a first and essential step in the investi- gation, Maj. J. W. Powell, Director of the Geological Survey established, in December 1888, a camp at Embudo, N. Mex., on the Rio Grande, where instruments and methods were studied and young men were instructed in the undeveloped art of stream gaging. With the establishment of the Embudo camp, the Geological Sur- vey began systematic work in collecting records of stream flow and in studying the problems related to the utilization of water for irri- gation and other purposes, and this work has continued uninterrupted to the present time. Specific appropriations for stream gaging, car- ried first in the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1895, 3 have been made annually. More than 4,000 stream-gaging stations are now being operated by the Geological Survey in coopera- tion with other Federal agencies, and with States, counties, and cities. These stations are distributed throughout the 48 States and the Terri- 1 Chief Hydraulic Engineer (retired), Geological Survey. 2 25 Stat. L. 9G0-961. » 28 Stat. L. 398. xra XIV FOREWORD tory of Hawaii. The field operations are conducted through 38 dis- trict offices, each of which has a district engineer in charge and a group of assistants proportional in number to the amount of work to be done. Study of the instruments, equipment, methods, and technique involved in systematic stream gaging, which was started at Embudo, has been continued by the hundreds of engineers engaged in it, and their findings have contributed both directly and indirectly to this report. Among the reports issued by the Geological Survey that have presented various aspects of the development of the art of stream gaging are the following Water-Supply Papers : 64. Accuracy of stream measurements, by E. C. Murphy. 1902. 99 pp., 4 pis. 94. Hydrographic manual of the United States Geological Survey, by E. C. Murphy, J. C. Hoyt and G. B. Hollister. 1904. 76' pp., 3 pis. 95. Accuracy of stream measurements (2d, enlarged edition), by E. C. Murphy. 1904. 169 pp., 6 pis. 150. Weir experiments, coefficients, and formulas, by R. E. Horton. 1906. 189 pp., 38 pis. 180. Turbine water-wheel tests and power tables, by K. E. Horton. 1906. 134 pp., 2 pis. 187. Determination of stream flow during the frozen season, by H. K. Barrows and R. E. Horton. 1907. 93 pp., 1 pi. 200. Weir experiments, coefficients, and formulas (revised), by R. E. Horton, 1907. 195 pp., 38 pis. . 337. The effects of ice on stream flow, by W. G. Hoyt. 1913. 77 pp., 7 pis. 371. Equipment for current-meter gaging stations, by G. J. Lyon. 1915. 64 pp., 37 pis. 868-A. Investigations of methods and equipment used in stream gaging, part 1, Performance of current meters in water of shallow depth, by C. H. Pierce. 1941. pp. 1-35, pis. 1-27. 868-B. Investigations of methods and equipment used in stream gaging, part 2, Intakes for gage wells, by C. H. Pierce. 1941. pp. 37-75, pis. 28-31. In recent years, reports on special phases of stream-gaging activi- ties have been issued as mimeographed circulars under the general title "Equipment for river measurements." These circulars have been issued in small editions and, like the earlier water-supply papers, most of them are no longer available for distribution. Developments in instruments, equipment, and practices are reported and discussed currently in the Water Resources Bulletin, a mimeographed pam- phlet that is issued periodically for the official use of engineers of the Geological Survey. At a conference of district engineers held in January 1930, the development of a field manual was discussed, and its preparation was subsequently authorized by the Director. Attempts were made over a period of several years to obtain a draft through the efforts of individuals who were fully occupied with other work. Finally, in 1934, steps were taken to make Don M. Corbett, then an assistant FOREWORD XV hydraulic engineer, available for part-time service in preparing the manuscript for the manual. He drew upon all sources of informa- tion, including published and unpublished reports and suggestions by district engineers and others. He brought to the task 10 years of personal experience in field and office in four Geological Survey districts. In 1935 he completed a draft of the manual, which was mimeographed and distributed in that year to all engineers of the Water Resources Branch of the Geological Survey with a request for criticism and suggestions. As Mr. Corbett could no longer be made available, C. H. Pierce, senior hydraulic engineer, was assigned to the responsible and exacting task of revising the manuscript, utilizing the many suggestions received. This manual is far more than a compilation and adaptation of information previously published in scattered reports, as it embodies the results of the work of many engineers who have been active in all sections of the country over a period of many years. It presents the technique that has stood the test of experience under a wide variety of conditions as it has been applied by skilled engineers who have been constructively critical and have not hesitated to modify, abandon, or propose substitutions for any precedure that seemed to be unsatisfactory. The report has been prepared primarily for use in the training of young engineers for work in the Geological Survey. During 1938, 1939, and 1940 the number of new engineers added to the organiza- tion averaged 85 a year. The work of training these young men represents an undertaking that warrants the furnishing of the best possible facilities. The report will serve also to systematize, stabi- lize, and improve the work of stream-gaging as a whole. In a far- flung field organization it is not easy to obtain consistency in methods and results among many groups that perform their work without frequent contacts with each other. The report will be useful also in connection with the training of students in the engineering colleges — an activity in which the Geological Survey is much in- terested because it must recruit its personnel from such students. It will also serve as an aid to practicing engineers who may be called upon to measure and record the flow of streams, as it contains much new and valuable information not to be found elsewhere in engineer- ing literature. The information given relates to both the science of the flow of water in open channels and to the art of measuring and recording river discharge. Because the technique followed is perhaps as im- portant as the instruments and equipment utilized, much attention is given to the details of the field procedures that have been found to yield the best records of river flow. XVI FOREWORD Iii stream gaging, as in all other engineering activities, over-all costs are .important, especially so when the funds available are inade- quate for the work to be done, as lias always been the situation in connection with the systematic recording of river discharge by the Geological Survey. The instruments, equipment, and procedures have been developed, therefore, with a view to obtaining reliable records at a minimum cost. Since the greatest elements of cost are those of salaries and traveling expenses, including subsistence, all field instruments and equipment are designed for operation by one man or, at most, by two men. The report is limited in its scope to the field side of stream gaging, and except for the office work related directly thereto, it does not discuss the many office practices that are fully as important as the field activities in their relation to the collection, computation, and publication of records of stream flow. In an activity that is current, it must be understood that there will be continuing improvements, and even as this report goes to press it is probably not strictly up to date, because of changes made in instruments or procedures since the latest revisions were made in the manuscript. It can be said, however, that the methods and practices described herein represented, in general, the best used by the Geological Survey at the time the report was prepared. STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE A MANUAL DESCRIBING METHODS AND PRACTICES OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY By Don M. Corbett and others INTRODUCTION Water is a requisite of both plant and animal life. Its availability in usable form defines the limits within which human activities can be carried on, because the growth of cities and towns, the production of food supplies, the maintenance of transportation facilities and other public utilities, and the operation of many industries depend upon the availability of suitable supplies of water. In its unending cycle between the clouds and the surface of the earth, water follows many courses. Precipitation, if in sufficient amount, produces surface runoff in stream channels, but not all of the total precipitation appears in surface runoff because a large part enters the ground directly or returns to the atmosphere either by evaporation or by transpiration. In its journey to the sea, water may follow courses below the surface of the ground or it may flow in surface channels. In general, there is much intermingling and interchange of surface and subsurface waters. Systematic studies of the water resources of the United-States have been made by the Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior, for more than 50 years, and a vast amount of valuable information has been collected and made available by publication in more than 900 water-supply papers. The investigations have included measurements of the flow of streams, studies of the quantity and availability of ground water, chemical analyses to determine the quality of water with respect to its use in agriculture and industry, surveys of river channels and valleys, studies of power production, and collection of other data needed in determining the best methods of utilizing water resources. With the increase in growth and pop- ulation of the country, the problems of providing adequate water sup- plies and of controlling the flow of streams to prevent damage and to promote utility have become increasingly difficult; and the de- 1 2 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE mand for reliable information has become more insistent with each succeeding year. Measurements of the flow of streams, investigations of underground currents and artesian wells, and determinations of the available water supplies of the United States were begun by the Geological Survey in 1888 in connection with special studies relating to the irrigation of the public lands. Systematic records of stream flow at more than 7,800 places in the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii, have been obtained by the Geological Survey. These . records of stream flow usually extend over long periods of time and include determina- tions of the daily flow of the stream at the place of measurement. The data thus obtained are used in the administration of water rights, in studies in hydraulics and hydrology and in engineering studies related to the design, construction, and operation of hydraulic struc- tures; to domestic, industrial, livestock, and irrigation water supplies; to the design of hydroelectric power plants; to litigation involving the determination of water rights; and to stream pollution, flood control, navigation channels and locks, drainage of agricultural lands, sani- tary and storm sewers for urban areas, railway and highway bridges, road drainage, and erosion-control structures and practices. In July 1941 more than 4,000 river-measurement stations were being maintained by the Geological Survey in cooperation with Federal bureaus, with nearly all of the States, with the Territory of Hawaii, and with many counties, municipalities, and other organizations. The greatly increased usefulness in recent years of the results of the water-resources investigations of the Geological Survey and its resulting increased personnel have led to a pressing need for a manual on stream-gaging procedure. In recognition of this need, the district engineers during their conference in 1930 recommended that the committee on field methods prepare a preliminary draft of a field manual. In the conference in 1931 further consideration and approval was given to the project. Preparation of the complete text of the field manual extended over a period of several years. As the manual received the attention of many of the engineers of the Geological Survey, the descriptions of methods and procedure are representative of the general practice of the Geological Survey in measuring and recording the flow of streams. ADMINISTRATION, PERSONNEL, AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The entire project of writing the manual on stream-gaging pro- cedure was under the administrative direction of Nathan C. Grover, Chief Hydraulic Engineer, and C. G. Paulsen, Chief, Division of Surface Water. ORGANIZATION FOR WATER-RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS 3 The committee on field methods, which prepared the preliminary draft of the manual in accordance with the recommendations of the district engineers in conference in 1930, consisted of E. D. Burchard, chairman, M. H. Carson, J. J. Dirzulaitis, H. E. Grosbach, A. B. Purton, and M. R. Stackpole. In 1934 the assignment of expanding the preliminary draft into the complete manual was given to Don M. Corbett who carried the work forward until the spring of 1938, when he was assigned to other duties. C. H. Pierce then undertook the completion of the manuscript. Parts of the manuscript were prepared, or reviewed and revised, by other members of the Water Resources Branch, as follows: The section on "Measurements of rivers that are deep and swift" by G. C. Stevens; the sections on "Slope-stage-discharge relations at gaging stations affected by variable slopes," "Variable slopes due to backwater," "Variable slopes caused by changing discharge," and "Variable slopes caused by backwater in conjunction with changing discharge" by M. C. Boyer; and the section on "Instruments and miscellaneous equipment" by A. H. Frazier. At various stages in the preparation of the manual, the manuscript had the benefit of review and revision by the district engineers of the Water Resources Branch. ORGANIZATION FOR WATER-RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS WATER RESOURCES BRANCH The Geological Survey is divided into five branches — Geologic, Topographic, Water Resources, Conservation, and Alaskan. Water resources are investigated by the Water Resources Branch, which is subdivided into five divisions. The part of the work relating to measurements of river discharge comes within the activities of the Division of Surface Water, whose work is in many ways closely connected with the work of the other divisions of the branch. The various types of investigations conducted by the divisions of the Water Resources Branch are discussed below. Division of Surface Water. — The Division of Surface Water meas- ures the flow of streams at selected stations in the 48 States, the District of Columbia, and the Territory of Hawaii. At these stations not only is the flow of water measured, but records of stages and other data are collected. A stream-flow measurement station on Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg, Md., is shown in plate 1. The Division of Surface Water operates through 38 district offices with a district engineer in charge of the work in each district. In general, the districts are limited to single States, although a few districts 4 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE include two or more States or parts of States. In river basins that cross State boundaries, the work is efficiently and economically coordinated among the districts concerned. Division of Ground Water. — The Division of Ground Water inves- tigates those waters that lie below the surface in the zone of satura- tion, from which wells and springs are supplied. That division studies the source, occurrence, quantity, and head of these waters; their conservation; their availability and adequacy for domestic, in- dustrial, irrigation, and public supplies and for watering places for livestock and desert travelers; and devises methods of constructing wells and recovering water from them and of improving springs. Each year surveys are made of selected areas where problems of water supply are acute, and the results of the surveys are made available to the public. Division of Quality of Water. — The Division of Quality of Water makes chemical analyses of water from surface and underground sources with reference to its suitability for both industrial and agri- cultural uses and for such domestic use as is not related to questions of health, so far as such use is affected by the dissolved mineral matter. Division of Power Resources. — The Division of Power Resources studies and reports on water-power resources, collects and compiles information regarding not only the capacities of water wheels in water-power plants in the United States of 100 horsepower or more, but also the records of power production. Division of Water Utilization.— The. Division of Water Utilization investigates problems that are related to the utilization and control of the waters of streams and issues reports on floods and water utiliza- tion; interprets records of stream flow; and performs such adminis- trative work as relates to supervision and investigation of those ac- tivities of the field organization of the branch that pertain to power projects of the Federal Power Commission and of the Department of the Interior. ADMINISTRATION AND OPERATION Under the Director of the Geological Survey, the Chief Hydraulic Engineer is the administrative officer of the Water Resources Branch. The operation of the district and field offices of the Division of Sur- face Water is supervised by the chief of that division, who is respon- sible for the procedure used in collecting records of stream flow and who assists the Chief Hydraulic Engineer in administrative matters pertaining to that work. The Division of Surface Water cooperates with the other divisions of the Water Resources Branch and with many bureaus of other departments in obtaining stream-flow infor- mation needed in connection with the work of those divisions and ORGANIZATION FOR WATER-RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS 5 bureaus. The work in each district is under the direction of a district engineer, who has charge of the details of the work in his district and is responsible for the selection of the sites; and for the establishment, construction, and operation of river-measurement sta- tions; and also for the analysis and compilation of records for publi- cation. The district engineer is the contact officer between the Geo- logical Survey and the Federal, State, and municipal officials who cooperate in obtaining records of stream flow at stations in his district. PERSONNEL Appointments to the staff are made from lists of eligibles certified by the Civil Service Commission. Vacancies in the higher grades are nearly always filled by promotion of experienced persons selected from the lower grades; therefore new appointments, especially in the professional and scientific services, are usually made in the lowest, or entrance, grades. A position may be filled by transfer from another Government agency if the applicant's request for transfer is approved by such agency and by the Civil Service Commission and if the qualifications of the applicant meet the requirements of the work. A vacancy may be filled by the reinstatement of a former employee if the person is eligible for reinstatement under Civil Serv- ice rules and regulations. A vacancy may occur because of promo- tion, resignation, transfer, or death, or because of an increase in the work of any district or branch division. RECRUITING OF PERSONNEL, College and university graduates who have established Civil Service eligibility provide the normal sources of supply for pro- fessional and scientific personnel in the Geological Survey. These graduates may acquire experience in other kinds of work before re- ceiving an appointment in the Geological Survey. If this is not extended for too long a time it is helpful in broadening their outlook on general problems. Some educational institutions provide training in water-resources investigations so that men preparing for this type of work have an opportunity there to apply theoretical hydraulics to practical prob- lems. Instructors in such colleges welcome the opportunity to have a representative of the Geological Survey address their students on the subject of hydrography. These personal contacts, which engage the interest of the students in the work of the Water Resources Branch, may result in an increased number of high-grade eligibles on the Civil Service lists from which the Survey replenishes its personnel. 6 STREAM- GAGING PROCEDURE TRAINING OF PERSONNEL New appointees to engineering positions in the Geological Survey serve a probational period of 1 year, during which time their services may be terminated if they are not found satisfactory. New appoint- ments must be made at the lowest salary in the grade, which is usually the junior grade. The new appointee is normally assigned first as an assistant to an experienced man, under whose close supervision he obtains practical experience in the highly specialized technique of stream gaging. Much of the routine field work is done by engineers traveling alone, with no assistance except such as they may obtain locally. The newly appointed junior engineer is preferably given instruction by more experienced engineers and acquires some field experience while acting as an assistant before he is given the responsibility of independent field work. In order to insure the best possible instruction for each junior engineer upon his introduction to the work to which he has been assigned, it is desirable that the district engineer supervise the instruction personally and that he arrange for one of his ablest as- sistants to^give such technical advice and instruction as may be most helpful to the appointee in becoming acquainted with the details of his work. This instruction should include details in connection with the work to be performed at gaging stations. Instruction received by an assistant while observing the methods used by an experienced man, supplemented by his own experience when doing similar work under the direction of his superior, will make a deep and lasting impression. This personal instruction might well continue through- out a field trip covering all the gaging stations likely to be visited by him on his first unsupervised trip. If the trip does not include the different conditions which prevail at low and high water, for which different methods might be used, it should be repeated when those conditions do prevail. An engineer engaged in this work should be able to adapt himself readily to the various local conditions that may prevail as he moves from place to place. These conditions vary not only in different districts but also in different parts of the same district. Some of the districts are so large that it is expedient to divide them into two or more areas with a group of engineers assigned to each area. After an engineer becomes thoroughly acquainted with the conditions in one area, he may be assigned to another area and there obtain ex- perience of value in supplementing that previously obtained. These changes in assignment within a district ordinarily can be made by the district engineer to the mutual advantage of all concerned, as they not only provide wider experience for the men assigned to the work, thereby developing their resourcefulness and initiative, but they GENERAL PROCEDURE 7 also bring the accumulated experience of several men to each problem of an area. Although essentially the same methods are used in all districts, the application of those methods to the great variety of conditions in different sections of the country results in variations in the work that require engineers able to meet new situations and new problems as they arise. Therefore a broad and well-rounded experience that can best be acquired by service in several districts is always beneficial in developing w r ell-trained and efficient engineers. Many helpful suggestions in regard to contacts with the public- can be given to a junior engineer by those who are familiar with the local customs. As the Geological Survey is a service organization it should not be necessary to enlarge upon the importance of courteous conduct. A mere suggestion that each engineer has his share of re- sponsibility in maintaining the good will of the public toward the organization he represents should serve to direct his attention to the importance of creating a favorable impression. The scientific aspects of the work should never be overlooked. The engineer employed in obtaining basic stream-flow data should realize that he is also a scientist engaged in research and that these data, or deductions from them, may be used in establishing fundamental laws in hydraulics and hydrology as well as in more immediate en- gineering problems. Above all else, the young engineer should be imbued with loyalty to his work and to the organization of which he is a part. He is one unit among many units engaged in the same undertaking. Confidence in his superiors and loyalty to their programs will carry him through many difficulties and enable him to use his talents to the best advantage. GENERAL PROCEDURE In a program for obtaining systematic records of stream flow, the technical work may be classed under three major heads : (1) establish- ing and constructing stream-flow measurement stations; (*2) operating and maintaining those stations; and (3) computing, compiling, and preparing stream-flow data for publication. Before a stream-flow measurement station is constructed a general reconnaissance is made in order that a suitable site for the gage may be selected. This reconnaissance is facilitated by an examination of topographic maps or such other maps of the area as may be available. Tentative sites for the gaging stations may be indicated on the maps, each site being subject to critical examination, and to rejection if the physical characteristics of the stream channel at and near it are unfavorable. 8 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE Consideration should be given to the channel characteristics in the vicinity of each proposed site with particular reference to the hydraulic conditions necessary for maintaining a fixed and permanent relation between stage and discharge at the gage. The selection of a suitable cross section of the stream for use in making discharge measurements and the proper placing of the gage with respect to the measuring section and to that part of the channel which controls the stage-discharge relation are of special importance. As the suit- ability of a particular site with respect to the hydraulic requirements for a gaging station may vary with different stages of the stream, it is desirable that information be obtained in regard to the hydraulic conditions prevailing at times of low, medium, and high stages. If time and opportunity do not permit examinations at various stages, and if the engineer must make his selection of sites for gages from information obtained at one stage, he should give consideration to the probable changes in conditions that might prevail at other stages before making his selection. The construction of stream-flow measurement stations includes all the work pertaining to installation of the staff gages, building of the gage wells and shelters, erection of cableways and structures from which discharge measurements are made, improvement of the chan- nels and control sections, and placing of reference marks and other items of permanent equipment. Structures typical of those generally used at stream-flow measurement stations are shown in plate 1. Operation and maintenance work begins with the completion of the construction of the station. It involves collecting basic stream- flow data and comprises most of the routine activities of the field organization when it is away from field headquarters. The data are computed and compiled in the district offices. This work includes the analysis of all discharge measurements; the development of rating curves defining the relation between stage and discharge; the computation of mean daily, monthly, and annual rates of flow; and the preparation of descriptions of the stations to accompany the tables of discharge. Reviewing and assembling the data for publication in water-supply papers of the Geological Survey are functions of the reviewing section of the Division of Surface Water in the office at Washington, D. C. RECORDS OF STAGE The stage or gage height of a stream is the height of the water surface above a chosen datum corresponding to the zero of the gage. An accurate record of stage is one of the essential factors in determin- ing river discharge, and it provides basic data necessary for comput- ing the rates and quantities of flow for any period of time. An RECORDS OF STAGE 9 engineer assigned to field work should recognize the obvious fact that a record *of discharge can be no more accurate than the record of stage upon which it is largely based. METHODS OF OBTAINING GAGE-HEIGHT RECORD Gage heights may be obtained either from direct observations on a nonrecording gage or by the use of a mechanically operated record- ing instrument and are classed either as observed gage heights, which consist of gage readings made by individuals, or recorded gage heights, which are those obtained by means of a recording instrument. OBSERVED GAGE HEIGHTS A record of observed stages consists of one or more daily readings of the height of the water surface as indicated by a nonrecording gage. Where such a record is used in determining mean daily dis- charge a sufficient number of observations should be made each day to assure a satisfactory record of stage from which the mean daily discharge can be computed. A record of this kind usually consists of two daily readings with additional observations made during floods and periods of large or rapid variations in stage, although for a stream not affected by diurnal regulation and where changes in stage occur very slowly one daily reading may suffice. The frequency with which the gage can be read depends to a large extent on the availability of a gage observer, the distance he must travel to reach the gage, and the compensation that can be made for the work. A Geological Survey type-A wire-weight gage used in obtaining ob- served records of stage is shown in plate 2, A. A record of observed stages is kept in a gage-height book (Geo- logical Survey form 9-175) provided for that purpose. The book contains sufficient space for a 3-month's record of stage observed twice daily and such additional information as may be obtained by the observer. The name of the gaging station and the date for each day during the 3 months' period is entered in the proper places in the book before it is issued to the observer. For each day of the period, spaces are provided for two observations of stage, for the time of each observation, and for remarks pertinent to the accuracy and significance of the observations. The accuracy and sufficiency of an observed record of stage depends largely upon the capability and faithfulness of the observer as well as upon the number of readings each day. The ever-present per- sonal or human element is probably the greatest single factor with which the field engineer must contend in obtaining an accurate and reliable observed record of stage, because the observations and 10 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE records are made by persons of varying intelligence, carefulness, and faithfulness and not by mechanical instruments. RECORDED GAGE HEIGHTS A record of recorded stages is obtained by the use of a mechanically operated recording instrument known as a water-stage recorder. This instrument may be designed either to produce a graphic record of the rise and fall of the water surface with respect to time or to print or otherwise indicate the stage at definite time intervals. Of these two types of records, the graphic record is generally accepted as being both more accurate and more usable. The record produced by a water-stage recorder largely eliminates the personal element that always prevails in an observed record and provides the refinement that is necessary for a high degree of accuracy. A water-stage recorder in operation in a concrete shelter over a 5-foot square gage well at the gaging station on the Rahway River at Springfield, N. J., is shown in plate 2, B. OBSERVERS Gage observers are employed for obtaining records of stage either by directly observing nonrecording gages or by attending to the operation of water-stage recorders. Availability. — In many places little or no choice in the selection and employment of gage observers may make it necessary to employ the person living nearest the gage, as he may be the only individual reasonably available. If a choice is possible, it is good practice to interview first the person on whose property the station is situated. If that person, or someone else connected with the property, is in- terested in the work and appears to be competent, it is better to employ him than another person who must trespass in order to per- form the duties, thus avoiding potential trouble with the property owner as well as possible embarrassment to the Survey. The necessity for daily observations at definite hours, eliminates as gage observers many persons who are profitably employed other- wise. Therefore the selection may be limited to comparatively few persons even where the gaging station is in a thickly populated area. Trustworthiness. — The observed record of stage should be accurate and reliable, which is possible only if the observer is competent, faithful, trustworthy, and has a full understanding of the need for accurate observations. These characteristics are not always obvious when the individual is first interviewed but are usually encouraged by proper contact and instruction. On the other hand, a capable and honest observer may become careless and unreliable if the en- gineer fails to show proper interest in his work. Some observers RECORDS OF STAGE 11 whose capability and honesty were doubted at the time of their employment have rendered excellent and faithful service as a result of tactful and diplomatic efforts of the field engineer. Discontent and laxity of the observer can generally be avoided if, at the time of his employment, he is given definite instructions as to his duties and the compensation he is to receive. It is a good policy to issue instructions, either personally or by correspondence, with consideration and diplomacy, and thus avoid as much as possible any inference that the supervision of the work is to be conducted in an arbitrary manner. It is desirable for the observer to realize that there are ways of detecting errors in gage readings. If he is shown that inconsisten- cies in gage readings may be discovered by comparison with records at other gaging stations on the same stream or on other streams in the vicinity, he is likely to be more careful in his work and less apt to think that he can ''estimate" the gage height without actually reading the gage. Duties. — The character of the observer's duties varies with the type of the gage-height record required. For an observed record of stage the duties are specific. They consist mainly of the careful reading of the gage and the proper recording of the readings. In addition the observer is required to assist in keeping the gage in good con- dition and to report promptly to the office any trouble that he cannot correct. For example, at times he may need to remove such small amounts of mud, debris, or ice as interfere with his accurate reading of the gage. The instructions in each gage-height book must be followed by the observer if his duties are to be performed most satisfactorily. The gage-height book should either be kept in a compartment in the gage box at the gaging station or taken by the observer to the gage at the time of each reading so that the record may be entered at the moment the observation is made. The observer should be careful to record each gage reading, with the time, date, and remarks related thereto, in the proper columns. Recording these data elsewhere for later entry, or trusting to memory, should always be avoided. If for any reason the observer is unable to read the gage, he should leave the spaces blank in the gage-height book except for a note stating that no reading was obtained. If he employs someone to attend to his duties, a note to that effect should be made under "remarks." If a rise and fall in stage has occurred between visits and if the highest stage reached by the river can be seen from the high-water mark on the gage, the gage height of such a high stage with the prob- able time of its occurrence should be recorded under "remarks" for the day. Information on conditions that affect the height of water at 12 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE the gage, such as the forming or breaking of log jams, the growth of grass in the channel, or the collection of logs and debris on the control, is of value to an engineer using the record and should be noted by the observer. Statements regarding the weather, the approximate amount of precipitation (whether rain or snow), and the trend of river stage at the time of the observation (whether rising, falling, or stationary) should be made. During winter the observer should describe the condition of the river below the gage, or at the riffle or rapids con- trolling the ordinary stage-discharge relation, by stating whether the channel is open, partly open, or frozen over; whether there are ice jams above, below, or on the riffle; and whether ice is anchored to the bed at the riffle or floating in the stream. If the stream at the gage is covered with ice the observer should record the stage of the water surface and not the height of the top or bottom of the ice. At the end of each week the observer should copy on a card (Geological Survey form 9-176) the week's data from his gage-height book and mail the card to the district office, thus providing the office with an up-to-date record of the stage of the stream. At the end of the 3-months' period for which the gage-height book was issued the observer should sign the book and mail it to the district office. The duties of the observer at a station equipped with a water-stage recorder are so exacting that they must be performed by the field engineer if a capable observer is not available. In several districts where the stations are so situated that they can be visited frequently by an engineer, it has been found economical and practicable to operate well-equipped gaging stations without the use of observers. In other districts experience has shown that every reasonably acces- sible gaging station should be visited by an observer at least once a week in order to insure continuity of the records. Improved high- ways and transportation facilities have made it possible in many sections for a field engineer to visit gaging stations frequently and to perform the essential duties more efficiently than the ordinary observer. Modern water-stage recorders installed with adequate gage wells and shelters require less frequent attention than older types of recorders. Manipulation of a water-stage recorder by an observer who has no knowledge of its operations may result not only in additional work for the field engineer but also in the loss of valuable records. In- structions to the field engineer in regard to his duties at a gaging station also apply to the observer for those duties that he must perform. Upon the completion by the observer of those duties that are directly related to the operation of the water-stage recorder, a sum- mary of the results obtained should be recorded on the inspection card MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 13 (Geological Survey form 9-176-C), which outlines specifically those duties that should be performed on each visit to the gaging station. The card is then signed and sent to the district engineer. Compensation. — Observers, like all other individuals earning a live- lihood, expect compensation for the work they do, even though it may require but a few minutes of their time each day. The compensation of each observer should be based on the amount of work he has to do and the distance he must travel to reach the gaging station. MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE The discharge or rate of flow of a stream is the quantity of water flowing past a cross section of the stream in a unit of time. The unit in which discharge is usually expressed is cubic foot per second, which is contracted into second-foot. A second-foot of water is de- fined as the quantity flowing through a cross section 1 square foot in area at a velocity of 1 foot per second. The procedure of measuring the area of a cross section of a stream and the velocity of flow past the section is known as the velocity-area method of measuring dis- charge. The product obtained by multiplying the area of the cross- section by the velocity constitutes a discharge measurement for that area. The velocity of water may be measured either directly or indirectly, depending on the method employed. A direct method consists in observing the rate of travel of a float or a chemical placed in the stream. An indirect method consists either in the measurement of the slope of the water surface from which the velocity is computed by means of a slope-velocity formula or in the use of an instrument to measure the velocity of flow within a selected section. Discharge measurements are classified according to the method used in meas- uring velocity. The detailed collection of stream-flow records needed in a well- arranged investigation of water resources has become practicable through the development of methods and equipment for accurately measuring the velocity of water in open channels. In the following discussion the merits of several of the more generally accepted meth- ods are reviewed and considered with respect to the adaptability and application to general stream-gaging procedure. CURRENT-METER MEASUREMENTS A velocity-area measurement of discharge in which the velocity is measured by an instrument known as a current meter is a current- meter measurement. In making a current-meter measurement, the total area of the cross section at the place of measurement is divided into small or 14 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE partial sections and the area and the mean velocity of each is deter- mined separately. The small sections are each bounded by the water surface, the stream bed, and two imaginary vertical lines, called ver- ticals. Each vertical, therefore, being a common dimension for two adjoining sections, fixes the point at which observations of depth and velocity are made. Sufficient velocity observations are made to establish the mean velocity in each of the two verticals forming the side boundaries of a section, and the velocities in the two verti- cals are then averaged to determine the mean velocity in the section. The product of the mean velocity thus obtained and the area of the section, which in turn is the product of the distance between the two verticals and the mean of their depths, is the discharge in the section. The sum of the discharges in all the partial sections is the discharge of the stream. The specific procedure followed in making a current-meter meas- urement depends on the method selected for use in determining the depth and the mean velocity in the vertical, the manner in which the meter is suspended, and the type of structure or support from which the measurement is made. TYPES OF DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS Discharge measurements are made in various ways and therefore may be said to be of different types, depending on the kind of support used by the engineer in crossing the stream and the manner in which the current meter is held in the desired position in the water. The specific procedure for each type of discharge measurement is described below. Factors affecting the accuracy of measurements of the differ- ent types are discussed on pages 65 to 76. The meter and sounding equipment are described on pages 168 and 197. Stop watches, note forms, angle charts, and other items of equipment are assumed to be available. WADING MEASUREMENTS Before making a wading measurement, the engineer should examine various cross sections in the vicinity of the gage to find the one most suitable for this type of measurement. With the measuring section selected and the equipment assembled, the next step is to span the measuring section with a tag line at right angles to the direction of the current. As this cannot always be done with respect to angularity throughout the width of the stream, it may become necessary to measure and record the amounts by which the angles formed by the current with the tag line at some of the measuring points deviate from 90°. Any unnecessary deviation should be avoided by care'ful placing of the line. While placing the tag line, the engineer should obtain a general idea of the proper spacing of MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 15 verticals by observing the total width of the section and the char- acter of the stream bed. After the tag line is placed, the actual discharge measurement is begun. A wading measurement in progress at the gaging station on Patuxent River near Burtonsville, Md., is shown in plate 3, A. The edge of the water in reference to a marker on the line and also the bank from which the measurement is started (whether left or right bank, looking downstream) are recorded. The rod is then placed in a perpendicular position in the first selected vertical and the depth observed. If the depth in the vertical is 1.5 feet or greater, the two-point method should be used. If the depth is less than 1.5 feet the method used will depend largely upon the type of current meter, the depth of the water, and the roughness of the stream bed. The performance of current meters in water of shallow depths has been investigated by the Geological Survey at the National Hydraulic Laboratory of the National Bureau of Standards. The results indi- cate that the 0.6-depth method should be used for depths between 0.5 foot and 1.5 feet and that the 0.5-depth method should be used for depths less than 0.5 foot. It appears that coefficients other than unity may be necessary for current-meter measurements in very shallow depths for two reasons : First, the distribution of velocity in a vertical may be such that the actual velocity at the point of observation is not the mean for the vertical as, for instance, an observation at 0.5 of the depth; and second, the registration of the current meter may be affected by its proximity to the water surface or the stream bed. Sometimes the errors from those two sources may be of opposite sign and therefore compensating. Under other circumstances the errors may be of the same sign, or may be predominantly of one sign, and therefore not compensating. As a result of the investigations mentioned above, coefficients have been determined for use with observations of veloci- ties in shallow depths. 1 In wading measurements the engineer should stand in a position that least affects the velocity of the water passing the current meter. Field and laboratory studies conducted by the Hydraulic Laboratory Committee of the Geological Survey indicate that the position of the engineer least affecting the accuracy of a discharge measurement by wading may be described as follows: With the meter rod at the tag-line and facing the bank with the water flowing against the side of his leg, the engineer should stand from 1 to 3 inches downstream from the tag-line and 18 inches or more from the meter rod. If facing the left bank, he will naturally hold the meter rod with his 1 Pierce, C. H., "Performance of current meters in water of shallow depth" : U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper S68-A, pp. 1-35, 1941. 16 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE left hand ; if facing the right bank he will hold it with his right hand. The results of the investigation show that no coefficient for position need be applied if this position is used. The engineer can maintain a standing position 18 inches or more from the meter rod with a reasonable degree of comfort and at that distance can also give proper attention to the current meter. Care should be taken to keep the rod in a vertical position and the meter parallel to the direction of flow while the velocity is being observed. If the flow is not at right angles to the tag-line, the amount by which the angle deviates from 90° or the angle coefficient for that difference should be recorded. This angle coefficient, which is the cosine of the angle of difference, may be determined by the use of an angle chart or a protractor held in proper alinement with the tag-line while the "angle-coefficient line" that corresponds most nearly to the direction of the flow is being observed on the chart or pro- tractor. Upon completion of the necessary observations at the first measuring point, a similar procedure is followed successively at each of the remaining verticals. If the velocity at the edge of the water is not zero, it is customary to estimate this velocity as a percentage of the velocity measured at the first vertical or measuring point. In order that no appreciable error may be introduced into the total measurement • as a result of such estimates, care should be taken to space the verticals so that the flow in the section bordering the edge of water is extremely small in comparison with the total flow. Furthermore, it should be kept in mind that the vertical-shaft cup-type meter tends either to under - register or to overregister when used close to a vertical wall or bank where the velocity is nonuniform, the direction of deviation depending on whether the bank or wall is to the right or left of the meter, looking downstream. CABLEWAY MEASUREMENT A measurement of discharge may be made from a cableway with the meter and weight suspended either from a hand-line or from a reel assembly. The use of a reel assembly with a type-B gaging car on a cableway at the gaging station on the Licking River at Toboso, Ohio, is shown in plate 3, B. A hand-line used from a type-A gaging car is generally operated over a sheave placed on the side of the gaging car near the end opposite the operator (see pi. 1). A scale, marked in feet and tenths, attached to the side of the gaging car and in direct alinement with the sheave, materially assists in measuring the depths and in placing the meter in position in the vertical. If a type-B gaging car is use, the hand-line may be operated over the end sheave and the depths measured with a graduated scale. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 888 PLATE 2 B. WATER-STAGE RECORDER IN OPERATION ON RAHWAY RIVER AT SPRINGFIELD, N J. MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 17 A reel assembly may be used from either the type- A or the type-B gaging cars. In the type-A gaging car, in which the operator works from a sitting position, the reel assembly is operated most satis- factorily if the rack on which it is mounted is placed at right angles to the sides of the car. In this arrangement the axis of the drum is at right angles to the cableway. In the older type-B gaging car, in which the operator works from a standing position, the reel assembly is mounted on the upstream side of the car with the axis of the drum parallel to the cableway. The improved type-B car has an end sheave, and the reel assembly is mounted so that the axis of the drum is at right angles to the cableway. Provision for easily mounting the reel assembly is essential in the construction of either type of gaging car. If the observations of depth and velocity do not necessitate the consideration of the vertical angle (see p. 45) , the specific procedure in measuring from a, cableway may, in general, be considered the same for both the hand-line and the reel assemblies. This procedure is as follows: Identify the edge of the water in relation to the initial point or zero marking, which is usually at one of the structures supporting the cableway, and the record the bank (whether left or right, looking downstream) where the measurement is started. The meter and weight are lowered at the first vertical until the horizontal axis of the meter is flush w T ith the water surface; they are then lowered until the weight touches the bed of the stream, during which pro- cedure the amount of line let out is measured. If the bed of the stream is composed of stable material, the weight may be again raised and lowered a short distance to determine irregularities in the pro- file of the section at that point. If there is a difference in the two observations, the mean is usually accepted. If, however, the stream bed consists of mud or shifting sand and silt, the depth should be noted the instant the weight touches the bed, as repeated churning with the weight may cause a scour that will result in an unduly large observation of depth. To the part of the depth thus measured, the distance from the bottom of the weight to the horizontal axis of the meter must be added to obtain the total depth. Some engineers prefer to use the bottom of the weight instead of the axis of the meter as an index for determinations of depth. Where the suspension cable of the current meter makes a considerable angle with the vertical line from the point of suspension to the water surface, commonly called the vertical angle, and wmere floating drift is present in the measuring section, there is a recognized advantage in this method; but where a vertical angle and floating drift are not present, the swerving and swinging of the meter will be materially 18 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE reduced if the weight is submerged, and consequently a more accurate measurement of depth will be obtained, particularly if the cableway is far from the water surface. After the depth is measured and recorded, the observations of velocity are made. With the weight at the stream bed after the measurement of depth, the most convenient procedure is to raise the current meter first to the 0.8-depth position for an observation there, and then to bring it to the 0.2-depth position for the observation at that place. In computing the distance that the current meter is to be raised, the distance from the meter to the bottom of t he weight must be taken into consideration. In working from a cableway, the velocity observation should not be started until the cable and car have ceased oscillating. The two-point method, in which velocities are measured at 0.2- depth and at 0.8-depth, should be employed wherever the depths will permit. The minimum depth at which this method may be used in cableway measurements depends on the position of the meter with re- spect to the bottom of the weight. If the horizontal axis of the meter is placed 0.5 foot above the bottom of the weight, the minimum depth in which this method can be used is 2.5 feet. For the 0.7-foot position of the meter, the minimum depth is 3.5 feet; for the 1.0-foot position, 5 feet. The 0.6-depth method should be used where the depth in any vertical will not permit the use of the two-point method ; except that in very shallow water where depths are less than 0.5 foot the 0.5-depth method may be preferable. If the angle made by the current with the cableway deviates from 90°, the correction for this angle may be determined from an angle chart, a protractor, or an indicator operated from the side of the gag- ing car by observing the "angle-coefficient line" which coincides with the direction of flow. The direction of flow may be detected by ob- serving particles of drift that pass the measuring section near the measuring line or by noting the position of the meter when it is placed just beneath the surface of the water. The latter practice is preferable, and is reliable provided the velocities are great enough to overcome any torsional force that the twist of the measuring line may exert on the meter. When observing passing drift, note carefully that the particles under observation are not affected by action of the wind. In the absence of floating drift when the surface is fairly smooth, the angle coefficient may be observed by bisecting the wake produced by the meter cable. The wake is usually identified by two small ripples that make an acute angle with the measuring line at the apex. After the completion of the above procedure in the first vertical, each successive vertical is treated in like manner until the stream has been crossed. MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 19 If there is floating drift at or below the surface, it may be necessary to raise the meter for inspection or cleaning after the depth is meas- ured and before the velocity observations are completed. After such an interruption of the routine procedure it may be desirable to measure down from the water surface when placing the meter for the velocity observations. With this change in procedure from that used in placing the meter from the bottom upward, care should be taken to see that the meter is lowered the computed distance below the water surface. An emergency may arise in using a hand line where the available weight is insufficient to obtain reliable measurements of depth in the usual manner. Under those circumstances the line and weight may be cast upstream and a fairly accurate measurement of depth obtained with the line pulled taut when the weight is on the bottom of the stream directly beneath the cableway. A measurement is sometimes required in a section of shallow depth that cannot be waded because of a soft stream bed. In making a measurement from a cableway under such conditions, it may be neces- sary to place the meter below the weight in order to obtain a 0.5-depth or 0.6-depth observation. If the meter is used in that position great care must be used in placing it so that it will not come in contact with the bed. Under these circumstances the measurements of depth should be made either with the meter removed and before the observa- tions of velocity are begun or by means of an auxiliary weight and line. Although it is desirable to adhere to specific procedure in measur- ing depths and velocities, departures are sometimes permissible. For example, in streams that are comparatively free of drift and in which a vertical angle is not involved, the tag-line method may be used to advantage in measuring the depth and in placing the current meter. The tag-line method may be used also when the vertical angle must be considered, provided the angle does not change when the index tag is brought to the water surface (see p. 56). However, before adopting any method that apparently tends to simplify a generally accepted practice, the engineer should first assure himself that his proposed departure from customary methods will not affect the accuracy of his measurement. BEIDGE MEASUREMENT On some rivers subject to overflow, the only places where the total flow at flood stages can be measured are at highway or railroad bridges where the roadway embankments restrain the flow to channels under the bridges. During flood stages, when the use of a cableway is impracticable, it may be necessary to utilize the bridge in measur- 20 STREAM-CAGING PROCEDURE ing the discharge. It is, of course, desirable that the bridge should be normal to the current and that the cross section of the channel beneath the bridge should be reasonably uniform. Old pier footings, piling, and other obstructions left in the channel after the comple- tion of the bridge may sometimes seriously impair the accuracy of measurements made at bridge sections. Bridge piers in the measur- ing section are particularly objectionable where the piers make large angles with the direction of flow. A discharge measurement is rarely made from a bridge as quickly and conveniently as from a cableway. The necessity of dividing the area into a larger number of sections because of bridge piers and greater irregularity in the stream bed, the inability to observe float- ing drift if working from the downstream side of the bridge, the greater possibility of damage to the meter, and the interference of bridge members are some of the factors that make a bridge measure- ment difficult and undesirable. The downstream side is generally preferred in measuring from a bridge, as the direction of flow on that side often appears to be more nearly normal to the structure. The tendency for the meter line to move away from the lower bridge members affords a better oppor- tunity for measuring the vertical angle of the meter line, if any is present. This tendency also largely eliminates the continual con- tact of the line with the bridge members, which cannot be avoided on the upstream side. Either a hand line or a reel assembly may be used from a bridge in essentially the same manner as from a cableway. In the use of a hand line assembly from a bridge, it is generally more convenient to lower the sounding weight first to the bed of the stream and meas- ure the depth by raising the meter and weight from the bottom to the surface This procedure reduces to a minimum the contact of the meter line with the bridge members. If a weight heavier than 30 pounds is required, it is customary to use a crane-and-reel assembl} 7 , the reel being mounted on a crane designed to clear the handrail of the bridge and to guide the meter line beyond any interference with bridge members. The crane is attached to a movable base for convenience in transferring the equip- ment from one measuring point to another. The use of such equip- ment in making a bridge measurement at the gaging station on Rillito Creek near Tucson, Ariz., is shown in plate 4, A. Another somewhat heavier type of crane with hand reel that is sometimes used for measurements of the overflow sections of the Mississippi River at Vicksburg, Miss., is -shown in plate 4, B. If the depths and velocities require weights greater than 200 pounds, the crane-and-reet equipment is usually mounted on a power-driven truck, the motor MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 21 of which is arranged to operate the reel as well as the truck. A power-driven truck carrying crane-and-reel equipment used at the gaging station on the Mississippi River at Memphis, Tenn., is shown in plate 5, A. If the current deviates from the 90° angle with the bridge, the angle correction may be best obtained by placing the angle chart or protractor against the handrail and reading the angle co- efficient in the same manner as for eableway measurements. For measurements of canals, tailraces, and small streams, foot bridges are sometimes designed and built to provide facilities for making discharge measurements by use of the rod suspension. Where the depths and velocities do not permit the use of a standard wading rod, a special rod may be designed, or a stay-line and wire arrange- ments may be employed to hold the rod and meter in place. Although for low velocities the procedure may be the same as for a wading measurement, it is often advisable at higher velocities to measure the depth in the following manner: For each selected vertical a point is established on the bridge. With this point as an index, the distance to the water surface is measured by lowering the rod until the base plate touches the water. The rod is then lowered to the bottom of the channel, and the rod reading is again noted at the index point. The difference in readings is the depth of water in the vertical. Meas- uring the depth in this manner tends to eliminate errors that may be caused by the piling up of water on the upstream face of the rod. BOAT MEASUREMENT Measurements of discharge from a boat are generally made by the Geological Survey only on those rivers that may be readily spanned by a temporary cable of sufficient strength to hold the boat in position while the observations are being made. The equipment used will depend largely on the size and character of the stream, the frequency with which discharge measurements are to be made, and the availability of a suitable boat. The boat should have a flat bottom, should be at least 15 feet long, and should be heavy enough to dampen the effects of the action of waves. The temporary cable used to span the measuring section must serve as a means of holding the boat in position and also of measuring the width of the stream. This cable should be wound on a reel that can be conveniently operated from the stern of a boat to pay out the cable as the boat is propelled across the stream. A hand-line or reel assembly operated from a boom is most adaptable for measuring the depth and velocity from a boat, although where the depths are shallow and the bed of the stream is uniform and smooth, the depths may be measured with a rod. The boom should extend upstream beyond the bow of the boat a sufficient dis- 22 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE tance to eliminate any possible effect of the boat 1 on the velocity of the water at the meter. It is preferable that the boom be so de- signed as to permit the use of a Geological Survey type of sounding reel, although reels of special design may be developed for use on individual streams where boat measurements become general prac- tice. In general, the equipment should be of such nature that a boat measurement may be made by one engineer with the aid of not more than one helper. Equipment used in the St. Paul district of the Geological Survey in making boat measurements of the Mississippi River is shown in plate 5, B. Although one particular assembly of boat equipment may not be adaptable for all types of streams and conditions, the equipment specified in the following list may be considered as typical for use with river spans of 1,000 feet or less and for velocities up to 5 feet per second. Deviations from this list of equipment may be neces- sary because of specific local conditions. Assuming that a boat is available and that an engineer has the usual current-meter outfit, the following additional equipment is necessary : 1. A demountable tag-line reel and support carrying about 1,300 feet of %2-inch 19 wire galvanized aircraft-strand boat cable gradu- ated into 10-, 50-, and 100-foot intervals by solder marks using one, two, and three marks, respectively. 2. A pair of lightweight double blocks and tackle with a parallel jaw or a winch to be used in taking up the slack in the boat cable. With the latest design of tag-line reel, the slack can be taken up by means of the reel crank. 3. A hand ax, sledge, stakes, and a short length of rope for use in anchoring the boat cable. 4. A boom consisting of a single beam constructed either of an oak timber reinforced along the sides by angle irons or of two struc- tural aluminum channel shapes, one telescoped within the other to permit adjustments in length. This boom is equipped with a bronze sheave at the far end and must be of sufficient length to reach from a cross beam attached to the gunwales of the boat to a point at least 3 feet beyond the bow. 5. A cross beam, preferably constructed of structural aluminum angle shapes or channels, for attachment to the gunwales of the boat near the center. This cross beam should be provided with a base to permit the ready mounting of the measuring reel. It may be pro- vided also with a guide sheave at each end under which the boat cable is passed. A combination boom and cross beam has been designed as part of the standard equipment for boat measurements. 6. Sufficient J -bolts or C -clamps to attach the cross beam to the gunwales of the boat and the boom to the cross beam. MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 23 7. A sounding reel of the type described on pages 205-206 or a specially designed reel equipped with the necessary length of measuring line. The recommended procedure in making a boat measurement is as follows: After the measuring section has been selected and the necessary equipment taken to the site, substantial anchorage to which the boat cable can be temporarily attached must be provided. If a tree or other object is not available near the edge of the water for an anchorage, an iron pin of the proper length and size may be driven into the ground. To stretch the cable, the free end is fastened to the anchorage on one bank. The boat reel assembly is placed in the stern of the boat with the cable leading off the top of the reel. As the boat is propelled across the stream the cable is paid out. As the cable is paid out, the boat should be headed somewhat upstream so that the opposite bank may be reached at the desired point or slightly above it. If the cable is allowed to unreel easily it will fall to the river bottom practically at right angles to the current. When the bank is reached, the reel and support are taken ashore and the cable tightened by means of a block and tackle, or by the use of the reel and reel crank, until the cable clears the water by 6 to 12 inches. In preparation for the measurement the boat is placed under the boat cable with the bow upstream. The cross beam is then at- tached to the boat, and the boat cable is passed through the guide sheaves on the cross beam. These guide sheaves may be two J -bolts installed in an inverted position at each end of the cross beam, or two C-clamps attached directly to the gunwales opposite each other. Usually there is sufficient friction between the cable and guides to hold the boat in position while the observations are taken. By plac- ing the boom over the forward gunwale slightly to one side of the stem at the bow, the operator may more easily observe the meter. With the equipment assembled in this manner the procedure fol- lowed in making the measurement is essentially the same as for cable- way measurements, and sufficient weight can generally be used to eliminate the vertical angle. The two most common factors contrib- uting to the inaccuracy of a boat measurement are the upstream and downstream movement of the boat, which is caused by variable wind or nonuniform velocity of the water, and the vertical movement of the boat, which is caused by wave action. Inaccuracies in measurements of velocity resulting from the upstream and downstream oscillation, which is usually rather uniform, may be overcome by taking velocity observations over a longer period, or by starting and stopping the velocity observations at the same point in the oscillation. Upstream or downstream wind may destroy the uniformity of this oscillation and also create enough wave action to produce vertical movement. This vertical movement, in addition to making observations of depth 24 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE more difficult and less reliable, may also affect the accuracy of the velocity observations, especially those taken with types of meters affected by vertical motion. For this reason, boat measurements should not be attempted when the velocity of the wind is more than 15 miles an hour. On navigable streams the boat cable should be fastened so that it may be readily lowered to the bed of the stream. This is usually accomplished by releasing the tension through either the block and tackle or the reel crank. The boat cable should be well tagged so that approaching boats can see it. Where these precautions have to be taken an additional helper may be desirable or necessary to operate the cable. MEASUREMENT THROUGH ICE COVER A measurement of discharge may be made through ice cover if the ice is of sufficient thickness to support the engineer safely and if no open water measuring section is available. In some situations it may be necessary to measure the flow for a part of the distance across the channel in open water and the remainder through ice cover. This procedure should be limited to those channels that can be waded as the surface ice may be thin and unsafe where such conditions exist. The equipment used for a measurement through ice cover must in- clude, in addition to that used for open-water measurements, tools for cutting holes through the ice and for measuring its thickness and hangers to permit such changes in the suspension of the meter as may be found necessary. A shovel and an ice chisel or an axe are most commonly used for cutting holes. The shovel is used principally for clearing away surface snow and for removing chips of ice from the hole during the process of cutting. The use of either an ice chisel or an axe is a matter of preference where the surface ice is thin, but for a thickness of ice greater than 1 foot an ice chisel is indispensable. If a suitable ice chisel cannot be purchased, one can be constructed by a blacksmith from an ordinary steel bar. It should be at least 4 feet long, should be looped at one end to permit easy gripping, and should weigh at least 14 pounds. The blade should be wedge-shaped and drawn out to a section about 14 inch in thickness and 3 inches in width. The blade must be tempered so that it can be ground to a keen edge and readily sharpened with a file or stone. The edge should be sharpened on one side only and the cutting surface kept straight. To assist in keeping the lower part of the hole free from ice chips, the lower 6 inches of the chisel may be so bent back that the cutting edge is not more than % 6 of an inch to the rear of the chisel above. A scale about 4 feet long, graduated in feet and tenths and having an L-shaped projection at the lower end, is generally used for measur- ing the thickness of the ice and the distance from the water surface MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 25 to the bottom of the ice. For use in a newly cut hole, the horizontal part of the L should be at least 4 inches long so that it may extend beyond any irregularities on the under side of the ice. If the holes are used for subsequent measurements, the lower edges may become so rounded that the horizontal part of the L should be about 1 foot long for reliable determinations of thickness of ice. The holes cut through the ice should be elliptical, with the major axis of the ellipse parallel to the current, and should be no larger than is necessary to permit the raising and lowering of the meter. For most efficient cutting, the worker should strike with the chisel so that as many of the chips as possible will fly clear of the hole. This can be best accomplished if the worker cuts with the blade slightly inclined toward the center of the hole as he makes the first cuttings around its circumference, and with the blade inclined toward the outer edge of the hole as he makes the second round of cuttings. The groove thus completed will be several inches deep and compar- atively free from chips of ice. The solid central part can then be jarred loose, usually in one piece, by striking it a wedging blow with the chisel. This procedure is repeated until the bottom of the ice is reached, although special care is required to complete the cutting before an appreciable amount of water is admitted into the hole. The entrance of the water may be largely prevented by cutting the last groove to a uniform depth just above the bottom of the ice and striking the center part with a sharp blow to loosen it. The remain- ing pieces of ice will float to the surface and may be easily pushed aside with the chisel or shovel. It is usually advisable to chop the first hole through the ice in the middle of the measuring section and then proceed to the quarter points. This practice may lead to the detection of slush ice and so enable the engineer to investigate another section if necessary before much time and effort have been expended. On small streams where measurements of velocity are desired at many points close together, the ice may be removed from the entire measuring section, thus materially reducing the vertical pulsation of water that sometimes occurs at holes cut through ice cover. A measurement through ice cover may be made by either a rod, a hand-line, or a reel suspension. A meter supported on a rod may be used satisfactorily where depths are shallow and temperatures such that ice will not readily form in the meter bearings when the meter is removed from the water (see pi. 6, ^i). If the temperatures are subfreezing and if the regular wading assembly is used, it is better practice to keep the meter at a fixed position on the rod throughout the measurement, say at a point 0.5 foot above the base plate. If the surface of the ice or water is used as an index point, the meter 26 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE may be placed at the proper position in the vertical for velocity ob- servations without removing it from the water until it is transferred to the next vertical. If the meter is retained in the fixed position on he rod, the assembly may, in the absence of the L-shaped scale, be used for determining the thickness of the ice and the distance from the water surface to the bottom of the ice. A small portable reel assembly mounted on a tripod, stand, or sled in such a manner that the weight and meter can be raised and lowered directly over the hole in the ice is useful in making this type of measurement. Reel and sled equipment used in making discharge measurements of the Mississippi River at St. Paul, Minn., through ice cover is shown in plate G, B. The tripod or stand should be collapsible and have adjustable legs by which its height and spread may be regulated. These features of design assist in making the equipment readily transportable. A hand-line assembly may be con- veniently used if the hand-line consists wholly of rubber covered cable and if the velocities are such that reliable soundings are obtainable with a 15- or 30-pound sounding weight. When either the hand-line or reel suspension is used during subfreezing temperatures, the ob- servations of depth and velocity in a vertical may be obtained with- out exposing the meter to the atmosphere once it has been placed in the water. This may be accomplished by tagging the measuring line at a known distance above the horizontal axis of the meter and by using this point as an index for measuring the depth and for placing the meter. The two-conductor system as used in making open-water measure- ments of discharge is generally employed with satisfactory results in measuring through ice cover with either a hand line or a reel assembly. Satisfactory results may also be obtained with the single-conductor system if the ground wire is placed in running water while the obser- vations of velocity are being made. Some difficulty may be experienced with the single-conductor system if there is a layer of frazil or anchor ice (p. 69) under the surface ice, unless the ground wire extends into the running water. After holes have been cut and positions of the verticals established, observations of depth and velocity are started. The thickness of the ice and the distance from the water surface to the bottom of the ice are measured at both the upstream and the downstream ends of the hole. If the measurements differ, the mean of the two measurements is recorded. The total depth of the water is then measured, and from this depth the distance from the water surface to the bottom of the ice is subtracted to obtain the effective depth. If there is a layer of frazil or anchor ice below the surface ice, its thickness must also be determined. The lower limits of the layer are found by raising MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 27 the meter upward from the bottom of the stream until it fails to reg- ister any velocity. The distance from the meter in this position to the top of the water surface is measured and subtracted from the total deptli to obtain the effective depth. The method selected for measuring the velocity will depend on the type of meter suspension used and the effective depth. If the effective depth is 2.0 feet or more and the meter is supported on a rod, the two- point method should be used. If the meter is suspended from a line and is placed 0.5 foot above the bottom of the sounding weight, the two-point method should be used for all depths of 2.5 feet or greater. AVhere the two-point method is not practicable, the velocity observa- tion may be taken at either 0.5-depth or 0.6-depth, and coefficients may be applied to reduce the observed velocity to the mean in the vertical, these coefficients being less than unity. The results of experiments by the Geological Survey 2 show that for velocities under ice cover, the average coefficient for a 0.5-depth observation is about 0.88 and for a 0.6-depth observation about 0.92. Wherever practicable it is advisable to establish the coefficient by defining one or two vertical velocity curves in sections where there is sufficient depth below the ice. The procedure of placing the meter for velocity observations will be simplified if the percentage depth is determined from the bottom upward regardless of the typo of suspension used. The distance that the meter must be raised when the weight or the base plate of the rod is on the bottom is computed by multiplying the effective depth by the desired percentage depth above the bottom and by subtracting from the figure thus obtained the distance from the horizontal axis of the meter to the bottom of the rod or weight. In subfreezing temperatures where the stage is likely to remain reasonably constant during the measurement, it is advisable to com- plete all correlated steps in the procedure, such as the determination of distances between verticals, the measurement of depths, and the preparation of forms for notes, before making the velocity observa- tions. In this manner, inconveniences caused by the formation of ice in the meter bearings and the collection of frazil in the meter cups will be appreciably reduced. The vertical pulsation of w r ater in the holes cut in the ice must be given careful attention in determining depths and velocities. Pulsa- tions of half a foot or more are not uncommon and may cause appre- ciable error if they are not carefully observed and averaged. Because of pulsations the meter should be held as far upstream as possible when the velocity is being observed. Where pulsations are large, 2 Barrows, H. K., and Horton, R. E., Determination of stream flow during the frozen season. U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 187, 92 pp., 1907. 28 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE inaccuracies in depths and placement of meter may be reduced by using, as an index, the top of the ice or a rod placed across the hole ; or, if the depths are shallow, the L-shaped scale may be used to measure the effective depths directly. It is desirable to observe the revolutions of the current meter over a longer period of time than is usual in open water measurements. GENERAL, PRECAUTIONS Experience has shown that the following precautions will increase the accuracy of discharge measurements by eliminating sources of error. Test the meter immediately before and after each discharge meas- urement by submitting it to a spin test in quiet air. For use in velocities of less than 1 foot per second, the meter should have an initial spin test of at least 2 minutes and should slow down gradually in coming to a stop. Only in streams of high velocity or in streams heRvily laden with sand and silt is it advisable to use a meter with a spin test of less than 1 minute. The current meter should be inspected at frequent intervals. As meters hold to their ratings only when operating freely, it is essential that they be kept in good operating condition at all times. The cross section of the stream at the place of measurement should be divided into a sufficient number of partial sections so that the meas- usements of depth will develop an accurate profile of the bed and so that the measurements of velocity may be made close enough to each other for an accurate determination of velocity in each of the partial sections. Where the velocity is not uniformly distributed, a larger number of sections will be needed than where uniformity prevails. The number of necessary verticals will depend therefore upon the roughness of the bed and the variations in the velocities (see p. 68). The stop watch used in timing velocity observations should be checked frequently, as accurate timing is obviously essential. In slow and irregular velocities, if the stage is not changing rapidly, observe the revolutions of the current meter over a longer period of time than usual. SUSPENSION OF CURRENT METER AND MEASUREMENT OF DEPTH Measurement of depth at each of the selected verticals in the meas- uring section is essential, both in determining the area of the cross section and in the correct placing of the meter. The method used in measuring depth depends largely on the manner in which the meter is suspended or supported. The depth must be the true vertical dis- tance from the surface of the water to the bed of the stream. MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 29 Measurements of depth and velocity at each vertical are usually made in successive operations. For this reason the following dis- cussion not only includes the various methods of suspending the meter and measuring the depths but also describes briefly the assembly of the equipment for each type of meter suspension. ROD SUSPENSION The determination of depths and velocities by a current meter supported on a graduated rod is restricted generally to measurements made by wading; to measurements made from complete ice cover where depths and velocities are not excessive ; to measurements made from a boat ; and to measurements made in canals, flumes, and narrow streams that are spanned by footbridges placed just above the surface of the water. The rod suspension cannot be used where the velocity is so great that the rod and meter cannot be held in position by the engineer. A rod 4 or 5 feet long attached to a base plate is used for the ordinary wading measurement. The base plate largely prevents the rod from sinking into the stream bed or from entering narrow crevices in the bed that are not representative of the general profile of the measuring section, and thus it eliminates certain tendencies to obtain soundings that are too large. The rod may be round, half an inch in diameter, in one piece or made up of 1-foot or l^-foot sections joined together. Flat rods of various designs are used also (see pi. 26, B). The current meter, with a sliding support inserted between the tailpiece and the meter, is mounted on the rod. Care must be taken to observe that the bucket wheel rotates in a horizontal plane at right angles to the rod. This sliding support is so designed that when undamped it can be easily moved along the rod, and when clamped it will hold the meter firmly at the desired position. Occasionally there are places where mud or shifting sand at the measuring section makes it impossible to rest the base plate of the rod on the bed of the stream, or where the collection of ice on the rod is sufficient to interfere with the placement of the meter. For these conditions it may be necessary to dispense with the base plate and to hold the rod in position by hand, first clamping the meter at a selected position on the rod. Revolutions of the current-meter rotor are electrically indicated through a telephone head set (p. 207) connected to two small insulated wires of suitable length, one leading to a binding post on the head of the meter and the other to the attachment cap on top of the rod or to the hanger screw on the meter. A small dry battery is introduced into the circuit to provide current for actuating the telephone receiver, but satisfactory results can be obtained without this battery. 30 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE Depths are measured by reading the position of the water surface on the rod when the base plate rests on the bed. In high velocities the water will tend to pile up on the upstream face of a rod and to draw down on the downstream face, so that the observations of depths may be in error if this fact is not given proper consideration. Under this condition, the accuracy of the measurement of depth may be increased by standing at one side of the meter and viewing the rod across and at right angles to the direction of flow and by observing the position of the water surface on the side of the rod. For very small depths it is advisable to slide the meter clear of the water before the sounding is made in order to eliminate surface disturbance caused by the current-meter bucket wheel. Although the smallest graduation on the rod is one-tenth of a foot, shallow depths should be read to half-tenths or hundredths of a foot if the smoothness of the measuring section will permit. A folding rule graduated to hundredths of a foot is convenient for measuring shallow depths. HAND-LINE SUSPENSION The current meter and sounding weight are generally suspended from a hand-line if accurate soundings are obtainable with a 15- or a 30-pound weight. This procedure is adaptable for measurements made from a bridge, a cableway, a boat, or ice ; but its use is limited to small depths and comparatively low velocities. If vertical angles are too large to be neglected and if the required weight is more than can be conveniently manipulated by hand, hand-line suspension should be re- placed by reel suspension. A hand-line consists of joined sections of two types of cable, one section for use above the surface of the water and the other sections for use below. For ease in handling, the upper part is a rubber-covered cable about %-inch in diameter, which contains two insulated copper strands. The underwater part is usually a strong, flexible wire cable about y 10 -inch in diameter, which is used to reduce to a minimum the resistance offered to the moving water. The cable has an in- sulated copper core for use with the two-way electrical circuit. A small reel where the two sections are joined permits adjustment of the underwater part to the depth of the stream. This reel also provides a means of electrically connecting the two cables. Occasionally a square knot is used to join the cables, but it provides no means for readily adjusting the underwater length. At the upper end of the hand-line the copper strands are attached to the terminals of a connec- tion plug, which permits ready connection to the telephone head set. The hanger, to which the meter and sounding weight are fastened, is discussed below, as are also the small connector that joins the measuring line to the hanger and the manner in which the meter is electrically connected to the measuring line. MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 31 REEL SUSPENSION The practicable assembly for measuring high velocities and great depth is a current meter and sounding weight suspended from a reel and line. This type of suspension is convenient and simple and utilizes sounding weights that are too heavy for use on a hand-line. A reel suspension is most commonly used from a cableway or bridge, although it is adaptable for measurements made from a boat or an ice cover. Suitable apparatus for supporting the reel and for guid- ing the measuring line must be provided for each of these types of measurements. A typical reel assembly consists essentially of a drum of known diameter, around which the measuring line is wound; of a counter calibrated to the diameters of the drum and cable for measuring the depths; and of a crank and brake with which to operate the reel. These parts may be assembled and supported on a base in a portable unit. The measuring line is a small metal cable, the diameter of which depends on the strength needed. It has an insulated copper- strand core, which makes possible the completion of a two-way elec- trical circuit. A small connector fastened to the lower end of the cable provides for its attachment to the weight hanger. Before the line is fastened to the connector the end of the copper-strand core is freed so that it may be readily joined to another small insulated wire strand of sufficient length to reach the binding post on the meter. A typical hanger from which the sounding weight and meter are suspended is designed to permit the placement of the current meter in certain definite positions relative to the bottom of the sounding weight. These positions, depending on the type of hanger used, are such that when a 15-pound sounding weight is used the horizontal axis of the meter is 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, or 1.0 foot above the bottom of the weight ; when a 30-or 50-pound weight is used the axis of the meter is 0.7, 0.9, or 1.0 foot above the bottom of the weight ; and when a 75-, 100-, or 150-pound sounding weight is used the axis of the meter is 1.0 foot above the bottom of the weight. SINGLE-CONDUCTOR SYSTEM WITH HAND-LINE OR REEL SUSPENSIONS Although a two-conductor electrical system is generally used with either a hand-line or reel assembly, a single-conductor system that includes a ground return may be adaptable for emergency or general practice. In an emergency the two-conductor system can be converted into a single-conductor system by electrically insulating the weight hanger from the measuring line and electrically connecting the measur- ing line to the binding post on the meter head. If the single-conductor system is used in general practice, the measuring line may be the same 32 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURF as used for the two-conductor system, or it may be a smaller wire cable or strand without the insulated copper core. If the single-conductor system is used from a cableway the elec- trical circuit may be completed through the cable, provided the anchorages are well grounded. The battery and head-set assembly must then have an extension consisting of two insulated wires, one leading from the measuring line to the battery and head-set assembly and the other from this assembly to the cableway. A battery clip or small thin sheet of lead or zinc attached to the end of the wire that is to contact the cableway facilitates the completion of the circuit. In some situations a short piece of copper wire perma- nently attached to a cable-car hanger bolt will suffice if the bolt is insulated from the reel. The battery clip or sheet of metal, when gripped about the cableway by hand, will make a satisfactory con- tact if the cableway is free from paint and rust; otherwise the wire used to ground the circuit should be attached by means of a sharp instrument that will insure a good contact. A small radio ground clamp with a pointed setscrew is convenient for this purpose. If the return circuit cannot be completed, through the cableway, a ground attached to the battery and head-set assembly and extend- ing beneath the surface of the water may be substituted. A piece of copper or zinc fastened to the submerged end of this line is usually needed to improve the ground. In using a single-conductor system from a bridge the return cir- cuit is commonly made with the ground line as mentioned above, although sometimes it is possible to complete the circuit through a metal handrail or drain pipe effectively grounded. Bridge measure- ments by this system should be made from the downstream side to avoid possible short circuits from interfering bridge members. The wire used to contact the handrail or drain pipe should also be at- tached to a sharp instrument so that any rust or paint on the surface may be easily penetrated. If the metal, particularly on the handrail, cannot be reached without marring its surface, a wire the length of the bridge and grounded at the ends can be used to complete the circuit. The successful application of the single-conductor system when using a battery as a source of electrical current depends largely on the depth of the stream and the chemical composition of the water. As the leakage in the electrical circuit increases with the depth of water, the identification of the revolutions made by the rotor of the current meter becomes more difficult with increasing depth. Basic or acidic water assures better conductivity than relatively pure water. At times this system may yield favorable results without a dry cell; but a dry cell in the circuit is recommended, with the polarity reversed when necessary, as explained below. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 8S8 PLATE 6 A. CURRENT METER SUPPORTED ON A ROD. B. REEL AND SLED EQUIPMENT USED ON MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT ST. PAUL. MINN DISCHARGE MEASUREMENT THROUGH ICE COVER. MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 33 ELECTRICAL HOOK-UP WITH DRY CELL ELIMINATED Without a dry cell in the circuit, the source of electromotive force may be considered as a wet voltaic cell in which the meter assembly, or a part of it, acts as one electrode ; a trailing piece of metal, ground cable, or insulated part of the meter assembly acts as the other elec- trode; and the river water acts as the electrolyte. This method was developed by the Geological Survey in its Montana district and was later used in its California district, where B. C. Colby and H. M. Orem conducted extensive experiments on its adaptability, with the meter supported on a rod, by a hand line or by a reel, using either the two-conductor or the single-conductor system. It was found that the current in the wet voltaic cell, for a given hook- up and depth, has a definite direction, which may be the same or the opposite of that supplied by the dry-cell battery. As the con- dition of a wet voltaic cell is also in effect when a dry cell is used in a single-conductor system, it is desirable that the dry cell be connected so as to aid and not oppose the wet call action. In some single-conductor hook-ups there is a definite but narrow zone in which no meter signals will be heard. This may occur either with or without a dry cell in the circuit. In studying the action of the wet voltaic cell alone with various hook-ups it was found by Colby and Orem that the current through the telephone receiver reversed as the meter was lowered from the top to the bottom of the stream, and around the point of reversal was a zone of weak signals. A strength of signal that does not vary appreciably with depth can be had by increasing the size of the zinc electrode by attaching an insulated piece of zinc to the back of the sliding support or by using an insulated meter tailpiece con- structed of zinc, these additions to the zinc electrode being connected to the galvanized suspension cable above the insulator on the meter hanger. The hook-up for this arrangement, except the head-set assembly and the use of an additional wire to connect the insulated hanger or tailpiece with the measuring line, is the same as for the single- conductor system* A convenient head-set assembly for this hook-up, which is adapt- able to rod, hand-line, or reel suspension, is as follows: A 7-foot length of small rubber-covered two-strand extension cable is con- nected with the head-set and the insulation removed from the free ends for about 6 inches. These free ends are made into terminals by coating one end with solder and attaching the other to a small galvanized or zinc battery clip. When this telephone assembly is used with rod suspension one of the loose terminals is attached to the binding post of the meter 34 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE contact chamber and the other is clipped to an insulated tailpiece or to the sliding support. The electrolytic action between the bat- tery clip and the meter assembly will usually produce sufficient current to give satisfactory signals. If at times it is found necessary to strengthen the signals, this can be done by resetting the battery clip or by fixing a strip of zinc around the insulated sliding support to provide additional electrode area. The battery-clip electrode and insulation are placed behind the rod on the meter assembly so that there will be negligible interference with the flow past the meter. When this assembly is used with hand-line or reel suspension from a bridge or cableway, the loose terminal of the telephone cable is fastened to the terminals of the hand-line or to the frame of the sounding reel. If the usual two-conductor rubber-covered cord is used for a hand-line, it is convenient to twist the two strands to- gether and attach them to a battery clip, which in turn may be clamped to the loose terminal of the head-set cable. The battery- clip terminal of the head-set cable is then fastened to the best avail- able ground, which is usually the cableway or handrail. For this purpose it is desirable to have about 3 feet extra of insulated cable, stripped of insulation at one end and attached to a battery clip at the other, for use as an extension from the sounding reel or as a ground wire when a direct contact is made with the cableway or metal bridge rail. MEASUREMENT OF VELOCITY In determining the mean velocity in a section used in making a discharge measurement, the mean velocity normal to the measuring section must be measured at each vertical. This is done with the current meter by measuring the velocity at specific points in the vertical. The number and position of the selected points with ref- erence to the total depth identifies the method used in measuring the velocity. After the current meter is placed at a selected point in the vertical it should be permitted to become adjusted to the current before the observation of velocity is started. The time required for such ad- justment is usually only a few seconds if velocities are reasonably high. In low velocities, particularly if the current meter is sus- pended by a cable, this adjustment may require a minute or more. The failure of the operator to wait for full adjustment may lead to inaccurate results. The number of revolutions made by the rotor of the current meter is ordinarily observed over a period of 40 to 70 seconds except for velocities less than 1 foot per second, in which a longer run is usually taken. Observation of time to the nearest half -second is MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 35 usually sufficient. The observed number of revolutions and the cor- responding time are converted into velocity in feet per second by use of a rating table for the current meter. VERTICAL VELOCITY-CURVE METHOD In the vertical velocity-curve method a series of velocity observations at points well distributed between the surface of the water and the bed of the stream is made at each of the selected verticals. If there is considerable curvature in the lower part of the vertical velocity curve, as indicated by the intervals between revolutions of the current- meter rotor, it is advisable to space more closely the observations in that part of the depth. The velocities measured in each vertical will, when plotted against depth, define the vertical velocity curve from which the mean velocity in that vertical can be determined. In order that vertical velocity curves at different stations may be readily com- parable, it is customary to plot the curves with proportional parts of the depth as ordinates. Typical vertical velocity curves at stream-flow measurement stations are shown in figure 1. Studies of vertical velocity curves made under widely different hydraulic conditions show that their shapes usually correspond to part of a parabola, the axis of which is parallel to the surface of the water, coincides in general with the filament of maximum velocity, and is generally between the surface and one-third of the depth. The velocity decreases gradually upward from the axis to the surface and downward nearly to the bottom, where the change becomes more rapid as a result of the friction and turbulence produced by the bed. For the same mean velocity and different depths of water, the curvature of the vertical velocity curve decreases as the depth increases. For the same depth and different velocities, the curvature increases as the velocities increase. In making observations of velocity for constructing vertical velocity curves, three of the points selected for observations should be at dis- tances below the surface equal to 0.2, 0.6, and 0.8 of the total depth, so that the results obtained by the vertical velocity curve method may be compared directly with those obtained by the two-point and 0.6-depth methods. Observations made near the surface should always be checked, because irregularities in the movement of the water are likely to occur in that part of the vertical and because the current meter is erratic in its action if it is only partly submerged. Velocity observa- tions at points in the vertical frequently give erratic results, owing to pulsations and surges affecting the distribution of velocities. 3 These pulsations or surges vary the velocity of the water in cycles ranging ■ Murphy, E. C, Accuracy of stream measurements : U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 95, pp. 28-32, 1904. STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 37 from a few seconds to several minutes, depending on the nature of the stream. To obtain a reliable vertical velocity curve under such condi- tions, it is necessary either to run each velocity observation long enough to average the effects of the pulsation and surge or to determine the velocity limits of the cycles. These limits may be approximated either by taking several short velocity observations while the meter is at one position in the vertical or by increasing the number of observation points in the vertical while decreasing the time required for each ob- servation, so that two or more velocity readings are obtained within the same phase of the cycle at two adjacent depths. Although either of these procedures may result in reducing the probable accuracy of an individual velocity observation, the information thus obtained is useful in systematically weighting the individual velocity determination when constructing the vertical velocity curve. In constructing the vertical velocity curve the velocity observa- tions are plotted with the velocities as abscissas and depths below the water surface as ordinates. The mean velocity is determined from a smooth curve drawn as nearly as possible through the plotted points. With a sufficient number of velocity observations available to define a velocity curve for each vertical, the discharge may be determined by plotting on a graph of the cross section the velocities at different depths as indicated by the vertical velocity curves. Lines of equal velocity are then drawn and the areas between them are measured by means of a planimeter. The sum of the products of the area and the average velocity for each area is the discharge in the section. This method of determining discharge is described in textbooks on hydraulics. The vertical velocity-curve method is valuable in determining co- efficients for application to the results obtained by other methods. The method is not generally adapted to the making of routine dis- charge measurements, chiefly because the apparently increased pre- cision thus obtainable may be more than offset by errors resulting from changes in stage during the longer period of time needed for making such measurements. TWO-POINT METHOD In the two-point method of measuring velocities, observations are made in each vertical at 0.2 and 0.8 of the depth below the sur- face. The average of these two observations is taken as the mean velocity in the vertical. The two-point method is based on many studies of actual observa- tions and also on the theory that the vertical velocity curve cor- responds to part of a parabola with axis horizontal at the point of highest velocity, for which it may be mathematically demon- 38 STKEAM-G AGING PROCEDURE strated that the average of the velocities at 0.2114 and 0.7886 of the depth is equivalent to the mean velocity. 4 Studies of many vertical velocity curves made for different depths, velocities, and conditions of stream bed support this theory. Experience has shown that this method gives more consistent and accurate results than any of the other methods, except the vertical velocity curve method when it is used under measuring conditions of constant stage and steady flow. Because of the support given the two-point method by both theory and practice, it is generally used by the Geological Survey in cur- rent-meter measurements of discharge. There are, however, a few situations where correct results are not obtainable by the use of the two-point method. One situation re- lates to the use of the vertical-shaft cup-type current meter, which underregisters near the surface and near the bed of the stream, so that for shallow depths a coefficient greater than unity may be required, as shown by Pierce. 5 The coefficient may vary with both depth and velocity. With the cup-type meter it is generally not advisable to use the two-point method in depths of less than about 2.0 feet unless a coefficient is applied. Occasionally, conditions, may necessitate the application of a coefficient less than unity to obtain the correct discharge, as for example in deep water immediately above a dam where the measuring section is sloping upward. Before any coefficient is applied, however, its applicability should be thor- oughly established by vertical velocity curves for the entire range of conditions covered by the measurement or by such other data as are available. SIXTH-TENTHS-DEPTH METHOD In the 0.6-depth method an observation of velocity is made in each of the selected verticals at 0.6 of the depth below the surface. This method is based on the theory that the vertical velocity curve cor- responds to part of a parabola with the maximum abscissa within the upper third of the ordinate representing the depth. On this basis, the mean abscissa lies between 0.58 and 0.67 of the depth below the surface. If the maximum abscissa is in the upper fourth of the measured depth, the 0.6-depth ordinate is very nearly the mean. Although a large percentage of velocity curves that have been studied indicate that the mean velocity in the vertical is at approximately 0.6 of the depth below the surface, experience on 4 Pardoe, W. S.. Methods of stream gaging : Eng. Neics, vol. 75 p. 889, 1916 ; Liddell, W. A., Stream gaging, pp. 39-40, 1927 ; Hoyt, John C. The use and care of the current meter as practiced by the United States Geological Survey : Am. Soc. Civil Eng. Trans., vol. 66 (1910), p. 97 and 110 (discussion by H. K. Barrows). 5 Pierce, C. H., Performance of current meters in water of shallow depth : U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper S68-A, pp. 35, 1941. MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 39 certain streams, particularly those of great depths or with smooth beds, has shown that the results obtained by this method tend to be slightly greater than those obtained by the two-point method. Under those circumstances it is possible that the maximum abscissa for several of the selected verticals in the measuring section may be more than one-fourth of the depth below the surface. Laboratory investigations of performance of current meters in water of shallow depth indicate that vertical-axis cup-type current meters when used at 0.6 of the depth give results that are too small (requiring co- efficients greater than unity) for velocities of 0.3 foot per second and less and also where depths are 0.5 foot or less. Although the 0.6-depth method generally gives fairly satisfactory results, nevertheless as the variations of individual observations may be somewhat greater than those shown by the two-point method it is used by the Geological Survey only if the two-point method is found impracticable because of insufficient depth or for other reasons such as a rough stream bed or aquatic growth. TWO-TENTHS-DEPTH METHOD The 0.2-depth method consists of an observation of velocity in each of the selected verticals at 0.2 of the depth below the surface and is used only when the depths, velocities, or other causes do not permit the use of the methods previously described. The depth is obtained from a standard profile of the measuring section or, if the cross section is not permanent, from soundings made before the velocity observations are taken or as soon thereafter as possible. Discharges are determined in the following manner: The measure- ment is computed by using the 0.2-depth velocity observations with- out coefficients as though each was a mean in a vertical. The ap- proximate discharge thus obtained (called for convenience the 0.2- depth discharge) divided by the area of the measuring section gives the weighted mean value of the 0.2-depth velocity. Studies of many measurements made by the two-point method show that for a given measuring section the relation between the mean 0.2-depth velocity and the true mean velocity either remains constant or varies uni- formly with the stage. In either case this relation may be deter- mined for a particular 0.2-depth measurement by recomputing measurements made at the site by the two-point method to obtain the observation values of the 0.2-depth discharge and the mean 0.2- depth velocity. The plotting of the true discharge and the 0.2-depth discharge as coordinates for each measurement will give a discharge- relation curve, and the plotting of the mean velocity and the mean 0.2-depth velocity as coordinates will give a velocity-relation curve. 40 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE These curves may be extended to determine the true discharges corresponding to the 0.2-depth discharge either by reading directly from the discharge-relation curve or by multiplying the true mean velocity obtained from the velocity-relation curve by the area of the measuring section. It has been found that many of these relation curves are prac- tically straight lines passing through the point of origin, thus show- ing an approximately constant relation between the 0.2-depth values and the true values of mean velocity and discharge. However, where backwater or overflow conditions affect the flow or where the distribution of the flow changes decidedly with the change in stage, the discharge-relation curve may give a more accurate extension. If the measuring section shifts materially and if the velocity dis- tribution is not seriously disturbed by change in stage, an extension of the velocity-relation curve may be the more reliable. It is there- fore advisable to plot both these relation curves and select for ex- tension the one more nearly approaching a straight line. Results obtained by this method are reliable provided the dis- charge relation and the velocity relation do not change materially between the time of definition of the curves and the time when the measurement is made. The relation curves for shifting channels should be checked frequently by data obtained from measurements made by the two-point method. The 0.2-depth method may be advantageously used under conditions where high velocity, floating ice or debris, or inadequate measuring equipment makes it impracticable to obtain reliable velocity observa- tions at 0.8 of the depth ; also at times when the stage is changing so rapidly that it is desirable to complete a measurement in as short a time as possible. This method is generally considered superior to the sub- surface method because the relation between the mean 0.2-depth velocity and the mean velocity is usually more nearly constant and more easily determined than the relation between the mean subsurface velocity and the mean velocity. It is also useful in studying the accuracy of a measurement made by the two-point method, especially if the uncer- tainty relates to the 0.8-depth observations. The method should not be used if the depths are so small as to bring the meter close to the surface of the water. Appreciable errors in velocity because of uncer- tainty in regard to placing the meter at the exact 0.2-depth position are not likely to occur, even if soundings are roughly determined, because most vertical velocity curves for depths where this method might be required show little curvature in the vicinity of the 0.2-depth point. The results obtained by this method are considered more reliable than those based on coefficients determined by vertical velocity curves occa- sionally made at the station. MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 41 THREE-POINT METHOD In the three-point method the velocity observations, which are made at 0.2, 0.6, and 0.8 of the depth below the surface, combine the two- point and the 0.6-depth methods. In this method the 0.2- and 0.8- depth observations may first be averaged and the result averaged with the 0.6-depth observation or, if it is desired to give more weight to the mean of the 0.2-depth and 0.8-depth observations, the arith- metical mean of the three observations may be used. The two-point method is considered more reliable than the 0.6-depth method; there- fore, in using the three-point method it is probable that additional weight should be given the mean of the 0.2-depth and 0.8-depth observa- tions to the extent of using the arithmetical mean of the observations at the three points. The method is used principally for comparison with other methods, although its use may be desirable if velocities appear to be abnormally distributed in a vertical or if the 0.2-depth observation is near the surface and the 0.8-depth observation is made in that part of the depth where the velocity is seriously affected by friction or by turbulence produced by the stream bed. The method is based on the assumption that the mean velocity obtained by the two- point method alone is too small and by the 0.6-depth method alone is too great, and that an average of the results obtained by the two methods represents more nearly the true value. Its use is recom- mended only for unusual conditions where other methods are not entirely applicable. SUBSURFACE METHOD In the subsurface method a velocity observation is made in each of the selected verticals at a uniform depth below the surface. This depth should be at least 2 feet below the surface and preferably at a greater depth for deep, swift streams in order to avoid the effect of surface disturbances. The measured velocity must be multiplied by a coefficient to reduce it to the mean velocity in the vertical. Whether this coefficient should be applied to each velocity observation or to the computed discharge for the measurement would depend upon information obtained from vertical velocity curves. If the vertical velocity curves are well distributed across the section and show variable coefficients, a higher degree of accuracy will be obtained if the coeffi- cients are applied separately to each measured velocity by using the coefficient deemed most applicable to each vertical. If the coefficients are fairly uniform, an average coefficient can be applied to the total discharge. It should be kept in mind that these coefficients are likely to vary with the stage, depth, and position in the measuring section. As it is generally difficult to determine accurately the exact coeffi- cients for use with the subsurface method, results of high accuracy 42 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE cannot be expected by this method. It should be employed only where it is impracticable to obtain reliable soundings or where the 0.2-depth method is not adaptable. INTEGRATION METHOD In the integration method the current meter is lowered and raise* 1 at a uniform rate in each of the selected verticals in the measuring section. The number of revolutions is timed over two or more com- plete cycles, and the result when converted into velocity is the mean velocity for the vertical. This method may give accurate results if sufficient care is used in its application. However, as vertical move- ment of a vertical-shaft cup-type meter affects the motion of the rotor to some extent, the method is not recommended for general use. In order that the vertical movement of the meter shall not seriously affect its rotation, the rate at which the meter is raised and lowered must be limited to a small percentage of the average velocity of the water. The integration method requires additional precautions on the part of the engineer and possibly additional assistance, which are added reasons why it is not particularly adaptable to routine stream gaging. Its only use by the Geological Survey is for purposes of comparison. ONE-POINT CONTINUOUS METHOD In the one-point continuous method the velocity is measured con- tinuously at a point in a selected vertical with a current meter which is provided with a recording apparatus. The position of this point, which varies with the depth, should be in the region of the higher velocities and should be between 0.3 and 0.6 of the depth below the surface to insure the best results. This measured velocity is averaged, usually for 24-hour periods, and a coefficient is applied to obtain the average mean velocity for the period. The coefficient to be used in obtaining the mean velocity is deter- mined from discharge measurements made at different rates of flow at the section in which the recording current meter is placed. The revolutions registered by the recording current meter are observed for the actual time of each discharge measurement and converted into average velocity in feet per second for the period of observation. The coefficient is then computed by dividing the mean velocity obtained from the discharge measurement by the average velocity measured by the recording meter in the selected position. The coefficient may vary for different rates of flow if the distribution of velocity in the measur- ing section changes materially. Where such a condition prevails, a velocity-relation curve is developed by plotting the mean velocity for the discharge measurement as the ordinate and the average velocity measured at the selected point as the abscissa. MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 43 The accuracy obtained by this method may be of a high order, but its adaptability is so limited that its use is restricted to places where the discharge is largely a function of the slope and where the variation in stage is relatively small, such as in some canals, tailraces, flumes, and lake outlets. The coefficients or velocity-relation curves used in this method can generally be defined easily and accurately, and a record of the revolutions made by the recording current meter can be obtained either by an electrically-controlled counter or by graphs made on a time chart. In the application of this method the operator must be sure that the recording current meter is always placed at the selected depth, that it is kept free of algae and floating debris, and that its mechanical operation is uniformly maintained. This method has been used by the Boston district of the Survey in determining daily discharge at the outlet of Lake Winnepesaukee at Lakeport, N. H. MEASUREMENTS OF STREAMS THAT ARE DEEP AND SWIFT Measurements of depth and velocity of streams that are both deep and swift require additional precautions and special equipment. Accurate determinations of depth and of mean velocity in the ver- ticals are of primary importance in obtaining an accurate measure- ment of discharge because the discharge is the product of the area and the velocity; so an error in the measurement of either would result in a corresponding error in the discharge measurement. Those parts of the cross section that have the greatest depths and velocities usually carry the major part of the total discharge, and it is in those sections that accurate soundings are most difficult to obtain. Improvements in cable cars, booms, reels, sounding weights, and suspension lines have increased the accuracy and efficiency of stream- measurement work, particularly on streams of high velocity and great depth. There is, however, a practical limit to the extent to which the difficulties caused by high velocities and great .depths can be overcome by the use of the available equipment, and when that limit has been reached under the usual methods of operation, other methods must be used to increase the accuracy of soundings and the precision of placement of the current meter. In rivers of high velocities and great depths where the current meter and weight drift downstream from the vertical, the accuracy of the measurement may be increased by measuring the angle made between the line and the vertical and by applying corrections to the indicated depth to offset the effect of the inclination of the line above the water surface and the effect of curvature of the line between the surface and the weight. Thus it is possible not only to obtain a more accurate determination of depth but also to place the mete" more nearly in the desired position. The use of tags or markers 44 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE placed at known intervals on the measuring line will expedite meas- urements in comparatively deep water under certain conditions. In streams of high velocity and comparatively shallow depth the use of stay-line equipment will be of assistance in measuring the depth and in placing the meter. MEASUREMENT OF DEPTH Measurements of depth made by the usual methods are too large if the depth and velocity are such as to cause the weight and line to drift downstream from the vertical. The downstream drift of the weight and line will place the weight downstream from the vertical when it reaches the river bed, causing the sounding line to be curved from the water surface to the weight and to be inclined above the surface. The length of line under water is therefore greater than the vertical depth, and the measured line includes the effect of the inclination of the line above the water. The excess in length of the curved line over the vertical depth is indicated by the vertical angle made by the line at or above the water surface, nnd the excess in apparent depth caused by inclination of the line above the water is a function of the same angle and the vertical distance between the surface and the point of suspension of the line. Therefore the vertical angle of the line at or above the surface and the vertical distance from the surface to the point of suspension of the line must be measured as additional observations in the process of obtaining a correct measurement of depth. The error that may occur in such a measurement of depth is illus- trated in figure 2, which shows the position of a sounding weight and line where the depth and velocity are such as to cause the equipment to drift downstream. The error consists of two parts if the structure supporting the equipment is not at the water surface. If the index on the measuring reel is read when the sounding weight is at the surface (b) and then read again when the weight is at the river bottom (OOiOO •— 1 Oi cO CO os co oo co C 00 lO CM OS 00 CN CM CO Tf iO iO CO CO t*-t-»XXX OOJCO i— 1 CM CM CO CO CNOO-i CM Tf iO CO OS O CM Tf iC © N Q O CM -f i-O CO OTfXCOt- r^iCOifON — COCfOO NtOOtO CON-HiOO cm cm cm co co Tf^Tf'ioio* cdcbt^t^t^ x x os os os ddnHi-l i OS io — t- CO — i iO X CM 00 Tf O CO CM iO OS CO CO O 0CC0O5 1O-H t- co x Tf © cor^o^foo -«ioxcmco so N oo eo OS OS CO CO © CO CM CM CM CO CO CO Tf Tf iO iC m CO CO CO r-*. x x x os © © © o iO CO t-» 00 00 iO X Tf OS © «-H CM CO O'tNOM Tf IO CO b- 00 CO OS CM U3 00 OS O — CM CO —< lC * -h Tf Tf Tf io co © CO CO OS O CO — —< CM CM CM CO CO CO Tf Tf Tf tJ< iC iO iO CO CO CO x x x x o CO OS CO CM OS CO iO 00 — CO iC CM 00 iO th CO OS iH Tf t-» 00 Tf tH t^. Tf OS CM iO O Ot^COOCO CO iO X rH CO CO OS CO CM OS CO X — — CO 00 CM ^ ft rH CM CM CM CM CO CO CO CO Tf Tf Tf »o iO iO iO CO CO CCNNN CO iO X O CO HCO"0 000 iO X O CO 'iO CM Tf t~-» OS i— i xccoiox ocooxo co co x -< co CO CO X C CM iCNOSrHrf CO X O CO iO CM CM CM CM CM CO CO CO CO irj iO no co co co iO Tf CM — O o> i-i co io t-- OS 00 N O iO X © CM Tf CO Tf CO CM — O X © CM Tf CO COS b- CO iO Tf t~"" OS i—i CO iO CO CM »—i O OS I s * os i— < co Tf CM CM CM CM CMCOCOCOCO CO CO Tf Tf Tf t^iCiflO OS ^ O CO t^- OS CM O H ^ rH rH — ; — I CM CM co x Tf © io OS O CM Tf iO CM CM CM CM CM CO CO CO CO CO CO Tf Tf Tf Tf Tf o CO CO CO COS O 'tNO iO CO X CO iO X — ■ OS O —i CO NCCNLOO0 lONOOOiO — Tf t» OS CM CM CO Tf iO I s — CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CO CO CO CO CO CO — CM CM CM CO CO CO Tf Tf Tf O —I CM CO Tf Tf io iO iO CO »o -ot-xoi CO C N N C — ' CM CO Tf X X X X iC CO N X OS CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM --^ OS t>» lO CO X X OS © i— 1 — OS iO CO CM CM CO Tf iO CM O X CO Tf C — — CM CO CM CM CM CM CM i— 1 CO OS iO CO CO Tf Tf iO ^NMOO tO CO N X X CM X Tf O CO OS OS © i-H i OS lO —i N CM CM CO Tf Tf CO OS iO i— ' X >C»OtCNt>» CM — CO © CM CM CO CO Tf •-OOSTfGCCO I> — © © iO OSTfXCOb- CM CO — 'iCO TfTfiOuOCO CONNXX XOSOSOO — — CM CM CO iO OS CM iO X i—< i—i CM CM CM ^rf NOCC COOSCMCOOS CMiOX — ^ NCMcOOS COCOCOTfTf TfTfiOtCiO cococot>i> r>. x x x x O CM Tf CO X OCMTfcOX OS — CO iO t» Oi'-MiON OS i-< CO iO t>- CM CM CM CM CM CMCOCOCOCO CO Tf Tf Tf Tf Tf iO iO iO »0 CO X OS O O C C O — i — CMCOTfiO NX.OSO^ CMCOTfiOCO X © © — < CM _ _h _< ^ i-H i-^ i— i CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CO CO CO CM CO CO Tf Tf OOOOO idiCtOtON NXXOJO) O O — 1 CM CM CO CO Tf Tf OOOOO OOOOO ^r-^^H^H^H ^ ^ ^ «8 JO ^ ^ a o) i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i OCMTf'cOX O CM Tf ' CO X © CM Tf CO X O CM Tf ' cd 00 O CM Tf CO X H i-i r-i CM CM CM CM CM CO CO CO CO CO Tf Tf Tf Tf Tf u0iO»OiO»O MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE © CM CO 00 CO CO CO CO CO O CM ^ CO 00 t-» r>- t-~ t>- O CM CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 O CM CO 00 OS OS OS OS OS o o CO 00 »0 iO O OS t*< OS CO CO O I"*- 00 CO 00 CO if} CM OS CO CO cm 1— • co »— < CO rf rf if} *C CO CO 1^ 00 00 OS OS O O i — i i—i CM CM CO CM CM CM CM CM CO CM MNINCOO iO CO OS rj< 00 CM CO O © «— < CM CO iO if} OS CO t^" i— 1 CDNOOO^h if} OS CO 00 CM CM CO CM CM CO CO TP tj< tjh io tei co co co oo OO 00 OS OS O d CM lO l>» CO 00 tt< O CO CM 00 iO OS CM CO OS CO OS UO i-i t*- COCOO^N CO 00 rf 1 O CO 1-H 00 CM if} CM OS O -H _j CM CM CO CO CO ^ if} if} if} CO CO CO t^- i-H 00 OS O -H CM CO rr iO CO 00 l-H Tf O 00 Os Os O i— 1 CO CO OS CO CO CM CO io CO OS CM if} 00 -h OS OS OS O O O —i ^ — i CM CM CM CM CO CO CO if} 16 iO . os CO CM t>. 00 00 00 OS OS OS OS O O O O ^ ^ ^ CM CM CM CM CO CD 00 -h CO CO t-- OS CM TT CO 00 "—i CO CO oo oo i-i co if} i- i— ' CO CO 00 i— < O CM CO OS CO CO 00 i—i CO — < CO if} 00 O CO CM CO CO t>- 00 00 00 00 OS os os Os os OOOO-h 00 b- CO if} CO 00 O - t^- 00 00 00 00 00 OS OS OS i-h CO 00 Tt ^ 00 O — i CO OiCiHNCO if} CO OO Os i-H 00 TJH O iO CM CO l> OS CM 00 O if} 00 rt* iO lO iO lO if} if} if} CO CO CO CO cO CO lO 00 --« CO oo os ^ cm co OS CM iO 00 i—i CO 00 O CO CO OS CM if} i-h CM CO iCCO 00 O CO CO OS CM CO CO Tf Tf ^ ^ ,, ct* if} LO if} if} iO if} if} iO CO CO CO cd OS OS OS O O O CM tJh iO CM CM CM CO CO i— 1 CM CO iO CO CO Tf CO l"— 00 OS © if} CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO rt 4 Tfi rt* lO iO Tt< iO lO CO t^. CM O 00 CO OOOSOSOi-h (NOOJNiO CM CO CO iO CO i-H OS t^. iO CO b» l>» 00 Os CO o CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO W' w w ^ O CO OS /-o rsj i*y"i rv"\ if} r-i CO OS iO CO CO if} CM 00 O Is— fV\ ry^i (^Ti i.^ VAJ *AJ U' W CO o -h CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CO CO *-H fTl A""*! *N_ /^vl CO CO rf iO cO if} CO ^ iO CO CO t>- 1^. /^s ^v*» rV^ /vi Kta. c^j caj v*n r*» 00 00 OS OS cO O O -H — 1 CM CM CM CM CM 2. 23 CO CO OS CM if} OS OS OS O O 00 1-H O O i— i i-H i—i CM CO t^- O CO CO CM CM CO CO CO OSCMiOOO^H CO Tf ^ if} 1. 54 os «— i co io t>» if} CO CO CO CO OS i-i CO if} l> CO t^- t^- t-» t^- os i— i co io ^ oo oo oo oo 00 O CM CO 00 OS OS OS OS 00 OS co io co CO CO CO CO CO OS O I-" CM CO t£ iO CO tj- oo O <-< CM CO ^ lO "O iO iO iO tO lO lOiOCOCDN t>- 00 00 OS OS OOO— CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CO CO ^ CM CM CM CM CM CM O CM "^f CO 00 cO co CO CO co O CM ^ CO 00 O CM rt 4 CO OO 00 00 00 00 00 O CM ^ CO 00 Os Os Os Os Os 8 48 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE The correction for excess in length of line below the water surface is obtained by the method for determining the true depth of a sound- ing from the wet-line depth and vertical angle of the line at the water surface, described by F. C. Schenehon, 6 who was formerly assistant engineer in charge of discharge measurements of Niagara River. The method depends on an elementary principle of mechanics : if a known horizontal force is applied to a weight suspended on a cord, the cord takes a position of rest at some angle with the vertical, and the tangent of the vertical angle of the cord is equal to the horizontal force divided by the vertical force due to the weight. If several additional hori- zontal and vertical forces are applied to the cord, the tangent of the angle in the cord above any point is equal to a summation of the hori- zontal forces below that point, divided by the summation of the vertical forces below the point. In applying the above principle to conditions of measurements of depths of flowing water it is assumed that with a properly designed sounding weight the horizontal pressure on the weight in the compara- tively still water near the bottom can be neglected. The distribution of total horizontal water pressure along the sounding line is made in accordance w T ith the variation of velocity from surface to bottom. The excess in length of the curved line over the vertical depth is the sum of the products of each tenth of depth and the exsecants of the corresponding angles derived for each tenth of depth by means of the tangent relation of the forces acting below any point. Table 2, which is taken from Shenehon 's report, 7 shows corrections for even-numbered angles between 4° and 36° and wet-line depths between 10 and 100 feet. Corrections for wet-line depth of 100 feet are numerically equal to percentage correction for any depth. The corrections from table 2, which may be called the water-cor- rection, cannot be ascertained until the air correction has been deducted from the observed depth and the wet-line depth obtained by means of table 1. The air correction is zero when the apex of the vertical angle is at the water surface. The air correction may be nearly elimi- nated by using tags or markers at selected intervals on the sounding line. This practice is almost equivalent to moving the reel to a posi- tion just above the surface and gives a measurement of wet-line depth with small error. The vertical angle of the line at or above the sur- face must be measured so that the wet-line depth may be reduced to vertical depth by use of table 2. 8 Shenehon, F. C, in Lydecker, G. J., Survey of northern and northwestern lakes : Ann. Rep. Chief of Engineers, 1900 U. S. Army, pt. 8, Appendix III, pp 5329-5330, 1900. * Shenehon, F. C, op. cit., p. 5330. MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 49 The following points concerning the method for determining the vertical depth of the water from the wet-line depth and vertical angle of the line at or above the surface should be kept in mind by users of the method : 1. The weight and line are such that the weight will go to the bottom despite the force of the current. 2. The sounding is made when the weight is at the bottom but entirely supported by the line. 3. Horizontal pressure on the weight when in the sounding position is neglected. 4. The table is general, not for any particular line or wire or sounding weight, provided they are designed so as to offer little re- sistance to the current, as the vertical angle is a function of the resist ance offered by the line and weight. The correction tables show the amount and rate of variation of the corrections. In each table, for a given vertical angle, the corrections vary directly as the distance — either the distance above water or the wet-line distance. Also in each table, for a given distance, the cor- rections vary approximately as the squares of the vertical angles. The correction tables show also that, for a given angle, the air and water corrections are about equal when the distance above water is about one-third of the vertical depth. For many gaging stations at which the distance above water is equal to or greater than the depth, air corrections will be necessary for depths and velocities not requir- ing water corrections. Soundings made in deep, swift water sometimes have been reduced to vertical depths by applying the cosine of the vertical angle to the measured depth. If the measured depth is the wet-line depth the method will give results that are too small. The reason for this statement is evident from the diagram in figure 2. If the meter line under water continued to the bottom at the same angle as at the surface, the cosine method would give true depth if applied to the wet-line depth, but the wet-line depth (de) is shorter than the straight con- tinuation of the line ; therefore, application of the cosine of the angle to the wet-line depth gives too small a depth. The error is compen- sated to some extent if the cosine is applied not to the actual wet -line depth but to the observed depth, which is greater than the wet-line depth by the amount cd. As the compensating effect increases with the distance between reel and water surface, it follows that for a cer- tain distance between reel and water surface an application of the cosine to the observed depth (measured at the reel) will give the true depth. For a greater distance, the cosine method will indicate depths that are too large ; for a lesser distance, depths that are too small. STREAM OC s . 98 1. 02 1. 05 1. 08 1. 12 23S3S CO CO co -r — t L.t >~ Ifl CO s rH t>- 1>- go oo oo ' ' * *rH §§§22 -ig?5S co §gg§S§ 8 %%%%% gg§g§ B s 2g§SS 8 tN co co eo 8 r-< UJ h z D S5 CD Oh c/3 in & z h z UJ bl K D (/) w < J 5 5 j a Width C JS si VELOCITY Mean in section e « 3.S- 3 *> At point •i ,11 Revolu- tion » Depth of obser- ! Vertical depth — Water correc- tion Wet-line depth — Air correc- tion Observ- ed depth Vertical ancle Distance above water surface Distance from initial point 1 o XL X> o Xi o s a £ o O 04 Stream-gaging procedure 9-275 O (July 1935) UNITED STATES Meas.No... DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Checked by WATER RE80URCE8 BRANCH DISCHARGE MEASUREMENT NOTES Date Date , 19. Party Width Area Vel Method No. sees. G. H. change in G. H. Disch. . hT8. gage readings Susp Method coef Hor. angle coef Meter No Susp. coef Date rated Used rating for rod susp. Meter _ ft. above bottom of wt. Tags checked Spin before meas. after Meas. plots % diff. from rating Wading, cable, ice, boat, upstr., downstr., side bridge feet, mile, above, below gage, and Chain, wire, found , changed to at Correct length Levels obtained Time Recorder Inside Outside Start Finish Weighted Q. H. con- Correct M M. G. H.. . G. h.„. Measurement rated excellent (2%), good (5%), fair (8%), poor (over 8%), based on following conditions: Cross section Flow Weather Other Gage Observer Record removed Intake flushed Control Remarks Sheet No of sheets. G. H. of zero flow ft. II. S. GOVERN MENT PRINTING OFflCf &—7UD Figure (J. — First sheet of discharge-measurement notes, form 9-275c. MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 65 and is the basis of the field report to be prepared by the engineer at the time of his visit to the station. If the data relate to a discharge measurement, the form is attached as the final sheet of notes concern- ing the measurement ; if they have no reference to a discharge measure- * ment they are filed with other data pertaining to the station. 9-275 nappe taken in the vertical plane of the weir crest; and the depth of the water on the crest (measured just above the draw-down curve and referred to the height of the crest) is the head. A weir so designed that the nappe touches only the upstream edge of the crest is called a "sharp-crested" weir," whereas a weir having breadth of crest that is contacted by the water is known as a "broad-crested weir." A weir having a crest that extends entirely across the channel of approach is known as a "suppressed weir;" a weir having a crest that does not extend entirely across the channel is known as a "contracted weir." Weir measurements must include the observational data indicated in the formula used in computing the discharge over the particular type of weir. These data generally include the following: Head on the crest ; length of crest and shape of the section ; angle of side slopes, if any; nature of crest, whether sharp or broad and, if broad, the shape and width; height of crest above bed of channel; number of MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 81 end contractions; width and depth of the approach channel; and the velocity of approach. Permanent weirs are used by the Geological Survey as measuring devices on some small streams whose channels do not have suitable sections for accurate current-meter measurements. Care must be exercised to insure that the weir conforms in every respect to that for which the weir formula and coefficients were determined. Com- mon sources of errors in the use of weirs as measuring devices are attributable to such conditions as leakage, inadequate channel of approach, inaccurate readings of the head, and improper setting or construction of the weir. The fact that a weir is constructed in exact accordance with a model tested in the laboratory is not complete assur- ance that the results obtained will be reliable, because conditions ( hat prevailed at the time of construction are not necessarily permanent. Weirs usually require some attention to keep their crest free from debris. It is advisable, whenever possible, to verify the discharge computed by weir formula by occasional discharge measurements made by current-meter or other methods. Tables computed from formulas for various types of weirs have been published in a report of the Geological Survey 10 and in textbooks on hydraulics. SLOPE AREA The slope-area method of measuring the discharge of a stream con- sists of the determination of three basic factors : first, the area of the average cross section of a longitudinal reach of channel of known length; second, the slope of the water surface or the slope of the energy gradient in the same reach of channel; and third, the character of the stream bed so that a suitable roughness factor may be chosen. When these factors are known, the mean ve locit y of the stream may be computed by the Chezy formula V=O^RS. In this formula V represents the mean velocity in feet per second, S the slope or energy gradient, R the hydraulic radius in feet, and C a coefficient depending principally on the roughness of the stream bed and the hydraulic radius. The product of the velocity thus obtained and the area of the average cross section will be the discharge. If the mean velocity does not remain constant from point to point along the reach of channel, the surface slope will not coincide with the energy gradient, and for those conditions the energy gradient should be used in place of the surface slope for the value of S in the Chezy formula. Therefore, whenever there is any appreciable difference in the areas of the cross sections within the reach, the surface slope, as measured, must be modified by the change in velocity head to obtain 10 Ho r ton, R. E., Weir experiments, coefficients, and formulas: U. S. Geol. Survey Water- Supply Paper 200, 195 pp., 1907. 82 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE the energy gradient as the value of S. Since the velocity varies in- versely as the area of the cross section, and the velocity head varies with the square of the velocity, the following formulas may be used to determine the value of S: (2) S e =S m 2gL In the above formulas S m represents the measured value of S, S e the energy gradient, V 1 the mean velocity corresponding to area A.i of the cross section at the upper end of the reach, V 2 the mean velocity corre- sponding to the area A 2 of the cross section at the lower end of the reach, L the length of the reach, and g the acceleration due to gravity. If V x is larger than V 2 formula (1) is used; if V 2 is larger than V x formula (2) is used. If the velocity at a downstream section is less than that at an upstream section and there is a transformation of kinetic energy into potential energy, it is customary to assume the actual recovery to be 50 percent of the theoretical recovery. Of the two measurable factors S and R in the Chezy formula, the determination of JS requires the greater precision. This factor is ex- pressed by an abstract number computed by dividing the difference in feet of the heights of the water surface or energy gradient at the ends of the selected reach of channel by the length in feet of the reach. The differences in heights of the water surface from which the slope or the energy gradient may be computed are measured by means of gages or from reference marks, all of which are referred to a common datum. If the channel is straight and comparatively narrow and the slope of the water surface essentially uniform, a gage at each end of the reach is usually sufficient. In some reaches it may be advisable to have gages placed on the banks opposite the primary installations, or if information is desired regarding the uniformity of the slope or gradient line, gages may be placed at various strategic points along the reach. The gages should be protected from wave action and should be read simultaneously when determining differences in heights of the water surface. The length of reach that is required depends upon channel conditions, and as a fairly uniform slope or gradient is a prerequisite, it may be necessary to select shorter reaches than other- wise would be chosen. Seldom is it advisable to select a reach less than 1,000 feet long and, wherever possible, the reach should be of sufficient length to provide a difference of 1 foot or more in height of the water surface between the upper and the lower ends. In determining the average area and the hydraulic radius for a reach of channel, enough cross sections should be measured to obtain representative averages. One such determination may suffice for an MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 83 artificial channel of uniform cross section, whereas in a natural stream, variations in the channel may necessitate several measurements of the cross section at carefully selected points along the reach before reliable averages can be determined. The formulas developed by Kutter and by Manning are those most commonly used for determining the coefficient C. Except for the in- clusion of the factor S in the Kutter formula, the two formulas are practically identical. As examination of Kutter's formula shows that surface slopes greater than 0.0003 do not materially affect the value of 6 y , it may be considered that for any stream having a slope greater than 0.0003, the formula that is used is largely a matter of choice. These formulas, with R and S representing the same factors as in Chezy's formula, and with n representing the roughness factor of the stream bed, are shown below. According to Kutter's formula C-- 41.65 1.811 . 0.00281 n S 1 + In Manning's formula (« 65 0.00281 N n S JjR n The accompanying table of values of n for canals and ditches and for natural streams, prepared by R. E. Horton, 11 is of assistance in selecting the value of n for use in either Kutter's or Manning's formula. Good judgment is essential in selecting the values of n and each of the factors affecting the coefficient must be given individual consideration. Table 5. — Values of n for canals and ditches and for natural streams Surface Canals and ditches: Earth, straight and uniform Rock cuts, smooth and uniform Rock cuts, jagged and irregular.. Winding sluggish canals Dredged earth channels Canals with rough, stony beds, weeds on earth banks Earth bottom, rubble sides — Natural stream channels: 1. Clean, straight bank, full stage, no rifts or deep pools 2. Same as (1) but some weeds and stones 3. Winding, some pools and shoals, clean.. 4. Same as (3), lower stages, more ineffective slopes and sec- tions. 5. Same as (3), some weeds and stones 6. Same as (4), stony sections 7. Sluggish river reaches, rather weedy or with very deep pools 8. Very weedy reaches. Condition of stream bed 0.017 .025 .035 .0225 .025 .025 .028 .025 .030 .033 .040 .035 .045 .050 .075 Good 0. 020 .030 .040 .025 .0275 .030 .030 . 0275 .033 .035 .045 .040 .050 .060 . 100 Fair 2 0. 0225 ' .033 .045 .0275 .030 J .035 .033 .030 .035 .040 .050 .045 .055 .070 . 125 Bad 0. 025 .035 ,040 ,035 ,033 ,040 ,045 ,055 ,050 ,060 .080 . 150 1 As used by Horton. ' Values commonly used in design. u Horton, R. E., Some better Kutter's coefficients : Eng. News, vol. 75, pp. 373 and 863, 1916. 84 STREAM-GAGINC; PROCEDURE Another method that has been used by engineers of the Miami Con- servancy District of Ohio r2 in select ing the proper roughness coefficient is as follows: The coefficient 0.025, which is applicable for a smooth uniform, straight channel in gravel, free from vegetation or other obstructions, is selected as a base figure. This coefficient may be increased 20 per- cent or more by irregularities in the wet-ted perimeter, irregularities in cross section, or the presence of vegetation. Tt may be increased 10 percent or more by curvature in alinement or by obstructions in the channel. By using this method of adjustment, a coefficient should be obtained that is applicable to the conditions in the channel reach. Further assistance in the selection of n may be obtained by examining the results of actual determinations of coefficients of roughness by Kamser. 13 The slope-area method, or modifications of it, may be used in measur- ing flow where there are such variations in the surface slope that the relation of stage to discharge is not stable. This condition may occur in natural streams where the stage is affected by backwater; also in artificial channels such as canals, flumes, and tailraces. In most situ- ations where the slope-area method can be used successfully, the hy- draulic conditions are such that good current-meter measurements can be made. If a suitable section is available, a series of current-meter measurements will assist not only in establishing a stage-slope-dis- charge relation but will also provide information from which C in Chezy's formula or n in Kutter's or Manning's formula may be derived. One of the most important uses of the slope-area method in Survey work is for the determination of a flood discharge after the flood has passed. FLOATS The float method of measuring velocity consists of observing the time required for a floating body to traverse a course of known length and noting its position in the channel. This floating body may be a specially designed surface float, a subsurface float, a rod float, a tube float, or selected pieces of drift or ice cakes floating with the current. A -surface float is designed to move with the same velocity as the surface water. Because of its lightness, this type of float may be very sensitive to air disturbances. It indicates only the velocity of water at the surface; consequently a coefficient must be applied to the observed surface velocity to obtain the mean velocity in the u Houk, I. E., Calculation of stream flow in open channels : Miami Conservancy District Tech. Repts., part 4. p. 143, 1918. 13 Ramser, C. E.. Flow of water in drainage channels ; the results of experiments to deter- mine the roughness coefficient n in Kutter's formula : U. S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bull. 129, p. 102, November 1929. MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 85 section. The proper coefficient is selected with considerable uncer- tainty. A subsurface float consists of a submerged floal attached to an in- dicating surface float by an adjustable line. In channels having a uniform longitudinal section for which the position of the mean velocity in the vertical is known, this type of float will measure' directly the mean velocity if the submerged float is placed at the correct posi- tion. Allowances should be made for the accelerating effect of the connecting line and the surface float. Tube and rod floats are designed to measure directly the mean velocities in the paths traveled by them, but they must not be permitted to touch the bed. Except for longitudinal sections having smooth beds and uniform depths, neither of these types will register the effect of the slower moving water near the bed of the stream; therefore a coefficient less than unity will be necessary for reducing the velocity so observed to the mean velocity in the section. Selected pieces of drift or ice cakes will indicate velocity more re- liably than the ordinary surface float. The results are comparable to those obtained with the floating tube or rod if used where coefficients are required. Floating ice cakes and heavy drift comprising logs and trees that are largely submerged hold their courses well against sur- face disturbances and if observed at a sufficient number of points dis- tributed across the width of the stream will give a fairly accurate measure of the surface velocity. The surface velocity so measured requires the use of a coefficient to obtain the mean velocity. If the hydraulic conditions are such as to insure good measurements by the float method, equally good or better results are generally obtain- able with the current meter if its use is practicable. The float method is used by the Geological Survey only in measurements of flood dis- charge where excessive velocities, depths, and floating drift prohibit the use of a current meter. VENTURI METER The venturi meter consists essentially of a venturi tube and some form of indicator which, when properly calibrated, will register the discharge past a constriction in the tube. The principle of the venturi tube was stated by J. B. Venturi in 1797 and was first appljfed by Herschel 14 to the measurement of the flow in pipes in 1887. In its practical application the venturi meter consists of a closed conduit that is gradually contracted to a throat. This contraction is generally followed, although not necessarily, by a gradual enlargement to the original size. The principle by which the velocity is determined is J * Herschel, Clemens, The venturi water meter: Am. Soc. Civil Entrr. Trans., vol. IT, p 228, 1887. 86 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE based on Bernoulli's theorem that the energy head at any section in a flowing stream is equal to that at any other downstream section plus the intervening losses. The constriction or throat in the tube converts a part of the pressure head at a point just above the constriction into velocity head at the throat, thus creating a difference in pressure head at those respective points and providing the index by which the velocity and the corresponding discharge may be computed. This difference in pressure head is measured by means of two piezometers, one con- nected to the section in the pipe above the constriction and the other to the section at the throat. Owing to friction losses which occur between the two sections, a coefficient must be used depending upon the diameter of the tube, the material used in its construction, and the velocity of the water. This coefficient does not differ greatly from unity and in properly constructed tubes made of clean cast iron will range from 0.97 to 0.99. When this coefficient and the difference in pressure heads are known, the discharge may then be computed by the following formula : n_ QA l A 2 ^2g{h l —h 2 ) ■yjA\-A\ where Q equals discharge, A x the area of section above contraction, A 2 the area at throat, h r the pressure head at section A±, A 2 the pres- sure head at section A 2 , and g the acceleration due to gravity. In the construction of the venturi tube the length of the converging part usually ranges from 2 to 2y 2 times the diameter of the main pipe, and the area at the throat from Vi t° %6 that of the pipe. Such di- mensions will produce a velocity at the throat ranging from 4 to 16 times the velocity at the entrance of the tube. For specific values of C, A, and A 2 , a recording device may be so designed that it will give a continuous record of discharge. The design of the tube should be such that the velocity at the throat will be not less than 3, or more than 40 feet per second if accurate results are to be obtained from the recording device. The venturi meter is recognized as an accurate means of measure- ment and is used extensively for measuring the outflow from reservoirs. One of its advantages is that it will measure water heavily laden with silt or impurities. Owing to the absence of wearing parts, this meter is not subject to a changing coefficient. Venturi meters are not ordi- narily used by the Geological Survey, but discharge records obtained by their use are occasionally published in the Survey's water-supply papers. PARSHALL MEASURING FLUME The Parshall measuring flume, formerly known as the improved venturi flume and later named after Ralph L. Parshall, its inventor MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 87 and principal developer, is designed for the purpose of measuring water in open conduits. It consists essentially of a contracting inlet, a parallel-sided throat, and an expanding outlet, all of which have vertical side walls. The inlet has a level floor ; the throat a floor which slopes downward; and the outlet a floor which slopes upward. The crest is the downstream end of the level floor, and its length is the distance between the vertical walls of the throat. Two gages are used — one in the side wall of the contracting inlet at a point two-thirds the distance from the crest to the upper end and the other placed slightly upstream from the lowest point of the floor in the throat. Both gages are on the same side of the flume and are referred to the crest as the common datum. Because of the depression in the throat floor, negative readings on the throat gage may occur under certain conditions. There are two general conditions of flow through the flume, namely, the condition when the water at the throat gage is lower than the crest, and the condition when the water at the throat gage is higher than the crest. Laboratory tests have shown that the discharge under either condition may be closely approximated by formulas if the head registered by the throat gage does not exceed 70 percent of that reg- istered by the inlet gage. Within this limitation, the length of the crest and the head registered by the inlet gage are the only observa- tions necessary in computing the discharge, the throat gage being used only as an index of the percentage of submergence of the crest. Di- mensions, capacities, formulas, tables, plans and specifications, labora- tory tests, and other information regarding the Parshall measuring flume have been published by Parshall. 15 Although the Parshall flume w T as designed primarily for measuring the discharge in ditches and canals where it is essential to keep the loss of head at a minimum, it may be used as a low-water control section for measuring small streams wher^ the use of a current meter is impracticable. A small portable flume without the expanding outlet has been satisfactorily used by the Survey in the measurement of small flows. Flumes of different design or construction from those for which laboratory calibrations are available should be calibrated before they are used as measuring devices. SUBMERGED ORIFICE The submerged orifice is the constricted part of a structure used for measuring the discharge in open channels. The structure is placed 16 Parshall, R. L., The improved venturi flume ; Am. Soc. Civil Eng., Trans., vol. 89, pp. 840-880, 1926 ; Measuring water in irrigation channels : U. S. Dept. Agr. Farmers' BulL 1683, pp. 8-17, January 1932; Parshall flumes of large size: Colo. Agr. Coll. Exp. SU Bull. 386, 55 pp., May 1932 ; and The Parshall measuring flume : Colo. Agr. Coll. Exp. Sta BuU. 423, 84 pp., March 1936. 88 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE in the stream so that all the flowing water will pass through the con- stricted opening, which must be completely submerged by the tail water. The discharge thr ough a submerged orifice may be computed by the formula Q = c q a\/2gh, where Q is the discharge, a the area of the orifice, h the effective head, which is the difference in the water surface elevations of the head and tail waters, g the accelerat ion due to gravity, and c q the coefficient of discharge. In this formula c q is a coefficient to correct for omission of factors that cannot conveniently be measured individually but are known to exist. Numerous experi- ments have been made to determine this coefficient for different forms of orifices under different heads, and in general they show that c Q is greater for low heads than for high heads, greater for rectangular orifices of unequal sides than for square orifices, and greater for square orifices than for circular ones. The usual range of the coefficient c q is from 0.59 to 0.63 or more; an average value of 0.61 is frequently used for standard submerged orifices. The submerged orifice is used mostly in measuring the discharge in locks, waterways, tide gates, and canals, where the available head is limited. Its use causes only a small loss in head and the results are considered accurate, if the orifice is properly installed and the conditions under which it is designed to function are maintained throughout its use. A negligible velocity of approach, complete orifice contractions, and an effective head large enough to minimize any error involved in its determination are essential factors in obtaining accurate results. Streams laden with silt and sand may be subject to variation in the velocity of approach because of deposition in the forebay upstream from the orifice. Although the submerged orifice is seldom used as a measuring device by the Geological Survey, it is sometimes used on irrigation projects and Survey engineers are fre- quently called upon to check its operation. CHEMICAL. METHODS If the measurement of the velocity or discharge involves the intro- ducing a chemical into the stream the procedure is known as a chem- ical method of measuring discharge. Although several such methods have been devised, the two most frequently used are the salt-velocity and the salt-dilution methods, both of which, properly applied, have been found by numerous experiments to give highly accurate results under favorable conditions. One of the factors limiting their use is the expense involved, particularly on large streams. Salt velocity. — The salt- velocity method of measuring discharge de- vised by Professor C. M. Allen in collaboration with E. A. Taylor 16 "Allen, C. M., and Taylor, E. A., The salt velocity method of water nieaswrenien l : Am. Soc. Mech. Eng. Trans., vol. 45, p. 285, 1923. MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 89 is based on the fact that salt in solution increases the electrical con- ductivity of water. In measuring the discharge by this method the salt solution is admitted under pressure, usually through pipes lead- ing to a group of pop valves placed throughout the section to insure immediate distribution of the solution. Two wires fastened to each of the pop valves in such a manner as to contact the salt solution the instant it is ejected constitute electrodes at each valve. These elec- trodes are connected as a group to a galvanometer which records, with respect to time, the change in electrical conductivity of the water. A second group of electrodes installed at a known distance downstream is also electrically connected to the recording galvanometer. The time of transit of the salt solution between the two sets of electrodes is obtained from the graph. The graph produced at the upper section is usually rectangular in shape, whereas that for the lower section rises sharply to a peak and then slowly tapers off on a curve tangent to the constant conductivity line. The time required for a slug of salt solution to traverse the distance between the two groups of electrodes is determined from the graph by defining the centers of the areas of the two parts above the constant conductivity line. These center-of-area points correspond to the position of the center of gravity of the solution as it passes each group of electrodes. The volume of water in the reach between the two groups of electrodes, divided by the time of transit of the solution, gives the discharge directly. This method has been successfully ap- plied to open conduits with constant cross section, although it is more generally used in determining the flow in closed conduits. Salt dilution. — The salt-dilution or titration method of determining discharge consists of adding a concentrated solution of salt to a stream and, by analysis, determining its dilution after it has had sufficient time to become uniformly distributed throughout the stream. The solution is added at a constant rate during the time the samples are taken, and no measurements of area or distance are necessary. The weight of salt that passes in each second at the point where samples are taken must equal the combined weights of salt ordinarily carried by the stream and the salt added in concentrated solution. This may be expressed by the formula WX+W'X'= (W+W')X". In this formula the constituent parts have the following meanings : W = Weight of water discharged per second. W = Weight of salt solution added per second. X = Percentage (by weight) of natural salt already in stream. X' = Percentage (by weight) of salt in concentrated solution. X"= Percentage (by weight) of salt in sample after mixing. This method is particularly applicable for determining the flow of turbulent streams where accurate current-meter measurements are 90 STREAM- GAGING PROCEDURE difficult to obtain, as the turbulence materially assists in mixing the salt solution with the water. It has been used extensively in measur- ing the flow of small mountain streams in Europe. This method and the design of a portable tank for injecting the salt solution have been described by Rouse. 17 CONTRACTED OPENINGS Where a stream passes through a contracted opening having a cross section less than the normal area of the channel, a part of the potential head is converted into velocity head. As a result of this conversion, the water surface drops rather suddenly at the entrance of the con- tracted opening. This drop may be increased slightly in passing through the opening if the minimum cross section in the opening is below the entrance. Water flowing in such a manner represents a con- dition similar to the flow through a venturi meter or a Parshall flume, and in accordance with Bernoulli's theorem, which states that the sum of the pressure head, friction head, and velocity head is a constant, the following formula applies : Q=kA^ 2g(H+Y g -h,) In this formula Q equals the discharge in feet per second, k the coeffi- cient of contraction, A the area of the contracted opening in square feet, V 2 H the drop in the water surface, in feet, the head in feet due to veloc- ity of approach, and h f the loss in head in feet, due to friction. In de- termining A, the section having the highest velocity should be chosen and those parts of the section eliminated which do not contribute to the flow. If the entrance to the contraction has sharp edges or square corners, a coefficient of contraction ranging from 0.90 to 0.95, should be applied to the area. The surface drop H is best determined by defining a longitudinal profile of the surface slope for a length of channel extending through the contraction to points a short distance above and below. Two lines may then be drawn, one representing the average slope of the stream above the dropoff and the other the average slope below the dropoff. If there are standing waves in the contracted section or below it, their effect must be eliminated in ob- taining the average slope of the water surface below the contraction. The vertical difference in the positions of these lines when both are extended to the most contracted part of the cross section will be the V 2 value of H to use in the formula. If the head represented by the 40 velocity of approach is not readily obtainable from the observed data, a value for V may be assumed and used in determining Q. By divid- 17 Rouse, Hunter, Research Institute for hydraulic engineering and water power : Am. Soc. Mech. Eng., Trans., Hydraulic Section, p. 39, May 15, 1932. MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 91 ing Q thus determined by the area of the cross section of the approach channel, a new value for V will be obtained which can be used in computing a new Q. Successive approximations of this nature will finally satisfy both the equation and the relation Q = V A, where A is the area of the approach channel. The only serious uncertainty in employing the contracted opening method under favorable conditions lies in the determination of the friction head hf. However, where the contraction is short and unobstructed and the surface drop amounts to 1 foot or more this factor has a relatively small influence on the final results except in the case of high velocities where it is desirable to make a deduction covering the loss of head due to the additional friction. As frictional resistance increases nearly as the square of the velocity, the additional friction slope may be calculated for a reach of channel equal in length to the contracted section plus the surface drop. The average velocity in this length may be taken as the mean of the velocity of approach and the velocity in the most contracted section, or, better still, it may be taken as equal to the square root of the average of both the square of the velocity of approach and the square of the velocity in the most contracted section. This method of computing discharge in open channels is occasionally used in determinations of flood discharge. 18 It is also of assistance in computing the size of openings for prospective bridge structures. VELOCITY-AREA METHOD The velocity-area method of determining flood discharge is useful in extending the discharge curve beyond the point where it is defined by discharge measurements. This is accomplished by establishing the area curve up to flood stage for the regular high water measuring section, and by also extending the velocity curve to the same stage by estimates based on a thorough study of the flow characteristics for the individual stream. The product of the values of area and velocity selected from their respective curves at given stages gives the corre- sponding values of discharge. In establishing the area and velocity curves, all available determinations of area and velocity from dis- charge measurements made at the high-water measuring section are plotted to the same scale of gage heights and each curve is developed up to, or slightly beyond, the point where it is defined by measure- ments. The areas for high stages are computed from the cross-section profile of the measuring section. The extension of the velocity curve above the point of definition by measurements is based on studies of flow characteristics, such as the slope of the stream bed or water surface ; the presence of contractions, bends, dams, and vegetal 18 Houk, I. E., Calculation of flow in open channels: Miami Conservancy District Tech. Repts., pt. 4, pp. 53-59, 262-272, 1918. 92 STREAM -CAGING PROCEDURE growth; the possibility of backwater from downstream tributaries; the extent of overflow areas; and the depth of water on such areas. The successful application of this method requires a thorough analy- sis and careful appraisal of fundamental flow factors and a knowl- edge of the channel conditions at the river-measurement station, especially in regard to the manner in which the width and depth of the channel vary with changes in stage, also the factors affecting changes of velocity with changes of stage, such as rapids or falls, which may tend to increase velocities, or contractions of channel downstream from the gage, which may tend to decrease velocities. The cross section of the channel at flood stage, including all overflow and bypass channels, should be determined by instrumental surveys. Pertinent conditions, such as backwater from lower tributaries and changing influences of contracted sections of the channel below, must be visualized and their effects appraised as accurately as possible from available information. The conditions most favorable for the accurate extension of a rating curve consist of well-defined rapids or riffles below the station at all stages and a uniform increase of channel cross section as the stage increases, without abrupt changes in area or addition of overflow channels — in other words, a general uniformity of those channel con- di lions which control the stage and discharge relations at the gage. The construction and study, in connection with other data, of a curve showing the relation of a product of the area of the channel cross section multiplied by the square root of the mean depth (A^d) to the corresponding stage has often proved helpful in the extension of rating curves. The logarithmic plotting of stage and discharge may also be helpful in making the extension. In this method the stage and discharge are both plotted on logarithmic scales. The ob- served stages, or gage heights, are adjusted to conform to the physical conditions of the site, usually by the addition or subtraction of a con- stant corresponding to the gage height of zero flow. For example, at a river-measurement station with a riffle control of uniform eleva- tion across the channel the gage height of zero flow should be sub- tracted from each observed gage reading before it is plotted on a logarithmic scale. The graph of the relation thus developed usually tends to be a straight line or a very flat curve. Radical changes in downstream conditions that control the velocity or stages, or abrupt increases in the area of channel cross section such as result from overflow banks, may interfere seriously with the reliable application of these methods of analysis. In general the results thus obtained are about as likely to be too large as too small. Notwithstanding the application of the best available knowledge and experience, the results obtained by extension of the rating curve may MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 93 be subject to considerable error, especially if the extension is carried far beyond the range defined by current-meter measurements. Re- sults obtained by this method should therefore be used with appropriate caution. COMPUTATION OF DISCHARGE OVER DAMS It is generally recognized that records of stage at dams afford one of the most reliable means of determining flood dischargo for places on rivers where current-meter ratings are not available. For a dam having a uniform section similar in shape to the section of a dam for which the rating or discharge coefficients are known, it is generally possible to convert records of stage into records of dis- charge with a good degree of accuracy by satisfying the general formula. Q-GLTPK (l) In this formula Q is the discharge in second-feet; 6 7 , the coefficient for the dam ; Z, the length of the crest in feet ; and H, the total head in feet. The total effective head is the sum of the pressure head h v and the effective velocity head hv. V 2 H=h p -\- a sin 6. (3) In the above formulas, V is the average velocity in the approach channel, $ is the angle between the crest of the dam and the direction of the current, and a is a correction factor due to unequal distribution of velocity. The value of a in an unobstructed stream has an approxi- mate range of 1.1 to 1.4, but back of a dam or other obstruction it may be 2.0 or more. In the practical application of the basic formula (1), the accuracy of the results depends largely on the selection of the proper coeffi- cient C for the particular dam involved. Values of C have been determined by experiments for dams and models of different shapes and it has been found that, in general, varies with the head. Discharge measurements in the vicinity of the dam would be helpful in determining values of C for the heads at which the measurements are made. Care should be taken to see that the flow on which C is based is sufficiently large to reduce to a minimum the effect of vis- cosity, capillarity, and surface tension upon the coefficient. The effect of these factors on G is greatest when the depth of the crest is small. Material assistance in the selection of values of C may be obtained from the results of experiments already published by the Geological Survey. 19 "Horton, R. E., Weir experiments, coefficients, and formulas : TJ. S. Geol. Survey Water- Supply Paper 200. 195 pp., 1907. 94 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE The velocity of approach in the channel above a dam may be de- termined by trial solution, using the fundamental formula Q = AV in which Q equals discharge, A equals the cross-sectional area of the channel of approach, and V the velocity. The discharge for first trial, is usually approximated by solving the base formula (1). After a satisfactory figure for the velocity of approach has been obtained by a sufficient number of these trial approximations it is then converted into velocity head by formula (2). In determining flood discharges from records for dams it is often found that the observed depth of the water over the dam exceeds stages for which ratings or coefficients are available. Because of the large variations in coefficients used in formulas with the three-halves power of the head, there may be considerable uncertainty in regard to the proper coefficients to use for high heads, even though the coefficients for low heads are fairly well established. For such situ- ations it is often helpful to recast formula (1) where C is a variable so as to obtain the formula Q = KLH n (4) in which both K and n are constant for the same dam but n may be slightly greater or less than the three-halves power. The re- sults of laboratory experiments 20 for the determination of G may be investigated for the purpose of ascertaining the discharge equa- tions of the various models when expressed in formula (4). Those data, if plotted logarithmically, generally define a straight line or a very flat curve. The derivation of the numerical equation is sim- ple where the logarithmic plotting produces a straight line, as the value of Q when H=l (log Z7=zero) represents the coefficient K, and the exponent n is the tangent of the angle between the straight line and the axis of log H. The application of this method has been described by Martin 21 and Pierce. 22 CALIBRATION OF WATER WHEELS AND VALVES, GATES, AND SLUICES The demand for records of discharge at specific places occasion- ally necessitates the calibration of water wheels and valves and the determination of discharge through gates and sluices as a means of determining all or a part of the total flow. In this procedure the following major factors must be considered: (1) the period during which each unit is in operation; (2) the extent of the opening for each unit; (3) the head and tail water elevations (or the head on tho center of pressure is case the tail water is below the opening) for 20 Horton, R. E„ op. cit. 21 Martin, W. F., Discharge measurements and formulas for some large overflow dams; Eng. News, voL 64, pp. 321-325, Sept. 29, 1910. a Pierce, C. H., Am. Soc. Civil Eng. Trans., vol. 94, pp. 826-829, fig. 27, 1930, MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 95 each period of operation of the unit; and (4) the method to be employed in calibrating the individual unit. If the unit is auto- matically operated a recording gage connected to the operating mech- anism in some instances can be used to record graphically both the changes in the opening with regard to time and the extent of the corresponding opening. For a water wheel or valve, the extent of opening is usually expressed in percentage of the total. If the openings are not automatically controlled, a log should be kept by the operator in which the above information is recorded. If the gates are automatically controlled and subject to frequent change, the record of the operating head is best determined by means of two water-stage recorders — one on the tailrace and the other on the fore- bay. The graph produced by the tailrace gage will usually reflect almost instantaneously the changes in the unit openings and may be used for checking the time determined by other means. In calibrating an individual unit a series of discharge measure- ments is made covering the range of openings and for each measure- ment the mean operating head is determined. In order to develop a curve applicable to the individual unit under operating conditions, the head, as measured for each discharge measurement, must be changed to a common head and the corresponding discharge com- puted. This may be accomplished by direct proportion based on the fact that the discharge varies as the square root of the head. In plotting this relation it is the usual practice to show the extent of opening as the ordinate and the discharge for the common head as the abscissa. To facilitate the application of this curve a rating table may be computed showing the discharge in cubic feet per sec- ond for each opening for a series of operating heads. The number of different operating heads selected in this series will depend upon the total range of operating head and the accuracy desired in the computations; where several units are in operation each unit should be calibrated in a similar manner. Check measurements should be made from time to time to determine any changes that may have taken place. In calibrating the units of a hydroelectric power plant it is gen- erally desirable to establish a relation between discharge and the power output. This may be done by determining the average output of each unit during the period of the discharge measurement. The effective head must be known, and each discharge measurement should be made while the units are running at or near constant load. For best results, efficiency ratings should be made for the individual units and for the combinations of units as ordinarily used. After these relations are established, the kilowatt-hour output for the day may be used as an index in comparisons of records at nearby gaging stations on the same stream and in computations of discharge for STREAM- GAGING PROCEDURE periods when the stage-discharge relation is affected by ice or the gage-height record is missing. Where a record of power output is used for computations or comparison of discharge, it must be known that the units are carrying the total flow of the stream during the period involved or, if water is being discharged through sluice gates or over the dam, the amount of such discharge must be known and added to the discharge through the turbines. VOLUMETRIC METHOD The volumetric method of measuring discharge is considered the most accurate of all methods with the possible exception of weigh- ing. It consists either in observing the time required to fill a con- tainer of known capacity, or in determining the rate at which a calibrated tank or reservoir will fill. The volumetric method may be used advantageously in measurements of small flows in the calibra- tion of weirs and artificial controls. A modification of this method has been used in measuring the discharge over broad-crested weirs and dams where the depths are small and the flow is otherwise im- measurable. The equipment for these measurements consists of a diverting box, a leader pipe, and a calibrated tank. The diverting box may be made of sheet metal and should be about 6 inches high by 9 inches wide, with an opening of about 2 feet at the upper end. If the depth of water at the place of measurement is greater than about 0.2 foot, the width of the oppening should be correspond- ingly less; for a depth of 0.5 foot the width should not exceed 2 inches. The lower end is equipped with a 6-inch downspout to which is fastened a 4-inch leader pipe connecting the diverting box and the calibrated tank. The downspout is constructed so that it will divert the water away from the tank while the diverting box is being adjusted. To allow the water to pass into the diverting box without leakage or waste, and to avoid any effect from obstruction of the flow, the open end of the diverting box is placed at the down- stream edge of the crest of the weir or dam just below the lip. After the equipment has been properly arranged and the flow through the diverting box has become stabilized, the water is allowed to flow into the calibrated tank for a definite length of time, or until the tank is filled, and a record is made of the quantity of water that is collected and the corresponding time. The equipment is then moved to other sections of the weir or dam, where similar measure- ments are made. The number of observations that are necessary will depend upon the shape of the crest and variations in the depths and velocities. Measurements at several places along the crest will de- termine the discharge at those places so that the discharge at inter- mediate points may be determined by interpolation. If the crest is MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 97 level, and the How appears to be uniformly distributed throughout i ho total width, only a few measurements may be necessary. The use of this method has limitations. Its adaptability will de- pend upon the type of dam and the distance from the crest to the apron on which the calibrated tank must rest. The nature of the equipment and the method of operation is inadequate for measuring Hows where the depth on the crest is greater than about 0.5 foot. This method of measurement, with equipment similar to that de- scribed above, has been used by engineers of the South Charleston district of the Geological Survey. DETERMINATION OF DISCHARGE BY ADJUSTMENTS FOR GAIN OR LOSS IN STORAGE Where the capacity, gain or loss in storage, and discharge releases from a reservoir are known, the runoff above the outlet of the reservoir may be computed in the following manner: Ascertain the change in contents in the reservoir during the 24 hours by entering the capacity table with the reservoir gage heights at the beginning and end of the day; convert the gain or loss in storage into second- feet and add or subtract this figure (depending on whether the storage has increased or decreased) to the observed outflow discharge. To determine the yield of a drainage basin accurately by this method it is desirable that water-stage recorders be established on the reser- voir and below the outlet , that a stage-discharge relation be developed to determine the outflow discharge, and that an accurate capacity table be prepared for the reservoir. The amount of evaporation from the water in the reservoir should be taken into consideration if the area of the reservoir is large and it is desired to compute the natural yield of the drainage area. In adjusting discharge on a daily basis it will be necessary at times to make slight adjustments for the effects of wind on the reservoir stages. Ordinarily this effect may be detected by careful observation of the graph of reservoir stages. LABORATORY MODELS Where the characteristics of all the elements establishing the stage- discharge relation at a gaging station are known, it is possible to reproduce similar conditions in a model built to scale for laboratory study so that, by observing the performance of the model under different rates of flow, a discharge-rating curve that is representa- tive of field conditions may be developed for the entire range in stage. Although this method has been used in some of the districts of the Geological Survey, the expense and extensive studies that are involved has limited its application to those regions where the 98 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE discharge of small mountain streams is extremely valuable for do- mestic and irrigation purposes and where the development of high- water ratings by other methods is impracticable. DETERMINATION OF FLOOD DISCHARGE Measurement of flood flows require special methods which are not as well developed and understood as the methods used in measure- ments at ordinary stages. Many streams rise and fall so rapidly that the time is insufficient for current-meter measurements at high stages. Means of transportation and communication may fail during floods so that engineers cannot reach those places where measure- ments of flood flows need to be made, or the value of an engineer's opportune arrival at the time of crest stage may be nullified by the presence of floating debris or by the destruction of the bridge or cableway from which measurements are usually made, so that a cur- rent-meter measurement of discharge may be impracticable, if not impossible. Therefore, with no direct measurements available, it may be necessary to determine flood flows by means of surveys and information obtained after the flood has passed. As the accuracy of such determinations will depend largely upon the accuracy of the surveys and the extent of the information that can be obtained, the field work must be done as soon after the flood as practicable. Before beginning the field work, a thorough reconnaissance of the stream or streams in the flood area is made to find the points at which determinations of flow are possible. As high-water marks are oblit- erated very quickly, any available marks should be fixed by surveys or referenced by markers until surveys can be made. Each deter- mination of flood discharge is a distinct hydraulic problem requiring for its solution not only a thorough knowledge of the principles in- volved but also sound judgment in the selection of suitable sites and methods to be used. Careful and logical analyses of the situation and of the information obtainable will generally produce con- sistent and satisfactory results, even where the conditions may at first appear to be unfavorable. It is generally desirable to determine the maximum discharge by two or more different methods or, failing in that, by means of two separate and independent sets of observa- tions. Careful notes containing complete details of field data and observations, together with good photographs, are necessary. The methods commonly used by the Geological Survey in determina- tion of flood discharge are described under appropriate headings in the following pages. EXTENSION OF RATING CURVE The satisfactory determination of flood discharge at a gaging station by extension of the rating curve requires that the rating curve shall MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 99 have been developed by actual measurements to a stage where the differences between successive rates of change in discharge with re- spect to change in stage have become fairly constant. The conditions of the channel that are most favorable for an accurate extension of the rating curve consist of well-defined rapids or riffles below the gage at all stages and a uniform increase of channel cross section as the stage increases, with no abrupt changes in area or addition of overflow channels. The extensions made by the following methods should be checked against each other and a comparison should be made with the results obtained by other methods of determining the discharge. Extension on logarithmic paper. — The rating curve may be extended by plotting on logarithmic paper the measured discharges against effective gage heights or heights above the stage of zero flow. If the stage of zero flow is not known, it may be determined approximately by an examination of the lower part of the rating curve, or by cut- and-try methods to find the constant that must be applied to the ob- served gage heights to cause the higher discharge measurements to tend to plot in a straight line or a very flat curve. With an appro- priate knowledge of the factors that affect the stage-discharge rela- tions, the rating for a channel not subject to overflow may be extended to higher stages, but such extensions should, if possible, be verified by comparisons with results obtained by other methods. Extension by d-Q'. — In the d-Q' method of extension, the mean depth d is plotted on logarithmic paper against Q\ which is the aver- age discharge per foot of width. The line through the plotted points may be extended to the value of d corresponding to the cross section in the channel at the crest stage. The discharge is the product of Q' ', and the surface Avidth W of the channel at the crest stage. This method appears to be reliable under favorable conditions but lacks extensive verification for long extensions under varied conditions of channel and is not well adapted to irregular channels or those subject to overflow. Extension by studies of areas and velocity. — In extensions of areas and velocities, the area of cross section is plotted against gage height to define an area curve. This area curve may be accurately defined by surveys to the highest desired stage. The average velocity in the section as determined for each discharge measurement is similarly plotted against gage height. For channels not subject to overflow, the velocity curve generally approaches a straight line at high stages, and reasonably good extensions may be made by the use of judgment and experience. The discharge for the flood stage is computed as the product of the area and velocity from the extension of the two curves. In the application of this method consideration should be given to the existence of a definite relation between the stages at the gage and stages at the measuring section. 100 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE Extension of discharge as a function of A^jd. — In the extension of the discharge curve as a function of A -Jd, the product of the area and the square root of the mean depth is plotted against measured di charge, the values of A and -Jd having been determined from the area of the cross section. A line through the plotted points may be ex- tended to the value of A-yJd for the desired stage. This method is ap- plicable if the extension above actual discharge measurements is not 100 great, and if the shape of the channel at floor stages is similar to that at which discharge measurements were made. SLOPE-AREA METHOD The slope-area method, the application of which has been de- scribed, 23 requires the use of a formula, generally in the basic form of V=C^RS, in which the factors R and S are evaluated from meas- urements in the field after the flood has subsided. The coefficient C< which includes the effect of the roughness of the channel, may be evaluated by various formulas, the Manning formula generally being preferred (p. 157). Selection of reach. — Selecting a favorable reach of river channel for determination of discharge by the slope-area method does much to improve the accuracy of the results. The following factors should be considered : 1. The channel should be as nearly straight as can be obtained. 2. The reach should not be too long, as conditions of uniformity generally decrease as the length increases, but it should be of sufficient length for satisfactory determination of the fall within the reach. 3. Uniformity of cross section and slope is desirable; reaches should be avoided in which the area of cross section of channel increases downstream or in w r hich there are adverse bottom slopes. Channels having overflow areas should be avoided, if possible. 4. The banks of the channel should be free from trees, brush, and other obstructions. 5. The bed and banks of the channel should be stable and not subject to erosion or deposition during the flood. 6. The high-water marks should be sufficient in number and in definition for the accurate determination of the crest stage. 7. The effect of the movement or deposition of debris is minimized by using a reach in which the channel is relatively narrow, with the area decreasing downstream, so that the velocity increases throughout the reach. 23 Dalrymple, Tate, and others, Major Texas floods of 1936: U. S. Geol. Survey Water- Supply Taper 816, pp. 11-15. 1937. MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 101 Survey. — At each site where the discharge is to be determined by the slope-area method, a survey is made by stadia, plane table, or other means, the survey including the high-water marks on each bank through the slope reach and for a considerable distance above and below it. A profile of the high -water marks so obtained may be plotted in the field and studied with respect to the uniformity of the indicated surface slopes. These marks show the crest stage or define a line very nearly parallel to the water surface of the crest stage. Two or more cross sections of the channel are surveyed, these cross sections being taken at places where the intervening slopes on both banks are uniform, thus insuring as nearly as possible uniform or constant hydraulic conditions. If the cross sections vary in area, it is essential that the change in area be small or at least that the change be gradual. The position of the bed at the time of the maximum discharge should be determined carefully, especially for streams having beds subject to scour during floods and subsequent deposition of fine materials. Streams with very steep slopes may have satis- factory reaches above weirs and dams that have filled to the crest with sediment and thereafter acted as stabilizers of the channel. High- water marks on the ground where wave action and surge are at a minimum are generally more reliable than marks in bushes and trees. Notes are made respecting the character of the bed and banks of the channels and any other conditions that may be pertinent to the par- ticular measurement. Photographs are taken to show channel conditions and to help in the selection of the coefficient of roughness n. Office procedure. — The data obtained by the surveys are plotted and from those data sheets tabulations are made of the essential factors entering into the computations of the flood discharge. Partial exam- ples of procedure have been published by the Geological Survey 24 and contain the following data : 1. Map or sketch to scale, showing the channels and the positions of the high-water marks. 2. Longitudinal profile showing positions of the high-water marks from which the water surface slope of the stream is to be determined. 3. Cross sections of the channels. 4. Computations of the area and hydraulic radius of the cross section of each individual channel into which the total area of the channel cross section in the reach may have been subdivided. It is customary to divide a reach into several channels if the relative conveyance capacities of the different parts of the cross section differ because of different values of the hydraulic radius and the coefficient of roughness. In determining the wetted perimeter of a channel in 34 U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Papers 773. p. 250; 798; 799; 800: »16; 844. 102 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE a subdivided reach, it is customary to neglect that portion which is common to the adjacent channel or channels, unless there is a well- defined line of demarcation between the channels such as might be caused by a dense line of trees or division of the channel. Profiles of high- water marks and sections of slope-area reach used in compu- tations of flood discharge on the Concho River near San Angelo, Tex., have been published. 25 Assumptions and computations. — A value of the coefficient of rough- ness n is selected corresponding to the condition of the channel. The values of n may differ for the different parts of the cross section into which the channel may be divided. Pertinent information on the value of n for streams of less than 15,000 second-feet may be found in a report by Ramser.' J,; If the flow in any reach is not uniform, the velocity head must be considered and the slope adjusted to a value representing the energy grade line. If the velocity at a downstream section is less than that at an upstream section and there is transforma- tion of kinetic energy into potential energy, it is customary to assume the actual recovery to be 50 percent of the theoretical recovery. 27 Vari- ations in this percentage may be warranted by variations in conditions. This correction is simple and easily made if the flow is confined to one channel. Where a reach is divided into two or more channels with different values of n and different hydraulic radii, the weighted velocity head for the section is determined by an adaptation of equations given by O'Brien and Hickox 28 and by Dalrymple. An example of a slope- area discharge determination of 580,000 second-feet, showing in detail all assumptions and computations, is given also by Dalrymple. 29 The contracted-opening method involves the computation of the discharge from measurements of the drop in water surface in a short contracted section, such as the opening between bridge abutments. Under those conditions the discharge may be computed by the formula where Q = discharge in second-feet ; k = coefficient of contraction, to be applied if the water moves around a sharp corner in entering the contracted section ; 26 Dalrymple, Tate, and others, op. cit., fig. 3, p. 3 4. 26 Ramser, C. E., Flow of water in drainage channels — the results of experiments to deter- mine the roughness coefficient n in Kutter's formula : U. S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bull. 129, 101 pp., November 1929. 17 Freeman, J. R., Regulation of the Great Lakes, p. 303, 1926 ; and Stevens, J. CL, Varied flow in open channels of adverse slope, discussion : Am. Soc. Civil Eng. Trans., vol. 102, p. 669, 1937. 28 O'Brien, M. P., and Hickox, G. H., Applied fluid mechanics, p. 271 ; Dalrymple, Tate, and others, op. cit., p. 15. • Dalrymple, Tate, and others, Major Texas floods of 1935: U. S. Geol. Survey Water- Supply Paper 796-G, pp. 252-256, 1939. CONTRACTED-OPENING METHOD MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 103 A — area, in square feet, of the most contracted section; H = surface drop, in feet, at the entrance to the contracted section ; V— velocity of approach, in feet per second; A A = head loss, in feet, due to friction. The contracted-opening method was used to compute the discharge of Dry Creek near San Angelo, Tex., for the flood of September 17, 1936. 30 Selection of the contracted opening. — Contracted openings suitable for use in the computation of discharge are generally those between bridge abutments. In the selection of a contracted opening the follow- ing factors are considered: 1. Alinementof the opening with the channel. 2. Shape and condition of the approach channel. 3. Position and definition of the most contracted section in the opening. 4. Length of the contracted section. 5. Stability of the opening during the flood. 6. Quality and quantity of the high-water marks. 7. Amount of drop in the opening. 8. Probable accuracy of the definition of the draw-down curve. Survey. — At each site an instrumental survey is made of the struc- tures and the high-water marks on each bank for a considerable dis- tance above and below the opening, so as to define the average slope above the drop, the draw-down curve, the lowest part of the trough in the contracted section, the standing wave, and the slope below the drop. Cross sections are measured in the approach channel, in the most contracted part of opening, and in such other places as may appear to be significant. High-water marks are selected with the same care as for the slope -area method. Notes are made of conditions at and near the opening and at other points pertinent to the computation; also at the entrance, especially at bridge openings, with reference to the selection of the coefficient k. Photographs are taken of the opening, the approach channel, and the channel immediately below the con- tracted section. Dalrymple 31 shows a map, profiles of high-water marks, and sections used in the computation of the flood discharge of Dry Creek near San Angelo, Tex. Office procedure. — The field data are plotted and then serve as a basis for maps, profiles, and computation sheets. The map or sketch should be to scale and should show the layout of structures, channels, and high-water marks. A longitudinal profile should show the high- 30 Dalrymple. Tate, and others. Major floods of 1936; U. S. Oeol. Survey Water-Supply I'aper 816, p. 17, 1937. 31 Idem. fig. 4, p. 1 6. 104 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE water marks from which the position of t he water surface is deter- mined. This profile is essential for the development of the draw-down curve. The position of the contracted opening must also be shown. Cross sections of the channel of approach and the contracted section must be prepared. Computations must be made of the area and hy- draulic radius of the cross section of each individual channel into which the total area of the channel cross section in the reach may have been subdivided. Assumptions and computations. — The selection of the coefficient of contraction k that is to be applied if the water moves around sharp corners in entering the contracted section is largely a matter of judg- ment and experience. It is generally assumed that the coefficient k is not less than 0.90.-' If the transition from the approach channel to the contracted section is gradual, with no abrupt projections or sharp corners, the coefficient k may be nearly unity. The velocity head may be determined from cross sections of the approach channel. The head loss due to friction hf may be computed by first assuming an approximate value of hf and subtracting that value from the total head, then computing the friction loss for the length of the contracted section. 33 If the computed value of h f differs materially from the assumed value, a second computation may be made. FLOW OVER DAM The method of computing the flow over a dam involves also the determination of the flow over or through the appurtenant structures. Selection of dam. — On some rivers dams are so many miles apart that little choice is offered in the selection of one, but so far as prac- ticable the following factors should be considered: 1. Angle of dam with channel. A dam that makes an angle of 90° with the direction of flow in the upstream channel is preferable, as the formulas ordinarily used in computing discharge over dams are generally developed for this condition. 2. Alinement of crest of dam. For the best results, the crest should be straight and at the same height throughout the entire length. 3. Approach and get-away conditions. The approach channel should give a uniform distribution of flow in a direction perpendicular to the dam crest. It is desirable that the downstream channel should have sufficient capacity so that the water below the dam will not rise higher than the crest. 4. Velocity of approach. The theoretical correction formulas for the effect of velocity of approach may not always correspond to the 32 Houk, I. E., Calculation of flow in open channels : Miami Conservancy District Tech. Rept, pt. 4, p. 264, 1918. 83 Idem, p. 56. MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE L05 actual conditions. Therefore, it is desirable that the channel above the dam should bedeepenough to give a low velocity of approach. The kinetic energy head-^- should be very small as compared with the observed head h. 5. Stability of crest of dam during flood. Many dams carry flash- boards during the greater part of the year and uncertainties may exist as to their height or the times of their removal. Dams without flashboards or other obstructions to the crest should be selected, if possible. 6. Selection of representative coefficients for the discharge over the dam and through sluices or wasteways. Consideration should be given to the shape of the crest to ascertain if it is similar to other dams for which the discharge coefficients are known. 7. Extent of submergence of the dam by backwater. As the sub- mergence may have considerable effect on the discharge, information should be obtained regarding the heights of water below the dam at times of known stages above the dam. 8. Uniformity of cross section of crest. Irregularities in the shape or height of the crest would require additional computations and might cause considerable error if not taken into consideration. 9. Flow over bulkheads, past the ends of the dam, through gates, wheels, flumes, and other appurtenant structures. Information should be obtained regarding these various conditions in order that the discharge may be computed. Survey. — A survey at the dam is made by stadia, plane table, or other means as a basis for a map showing the dam and all the appurtenant structures, such as bulkheads, canals, gates, intakes, and wasteways of all kinds. High- water marks (see p. 98) are located, studied, and shown on the map for both sides of the river for dis- tances of several hundred feet above and below the dam. In many flood computations the high-water marks above the dam are used not only to determine the static head on the dam but also to deter- mine the slope of the water surface in the approach channel, from which the velocity of approach is computed. The high-water marks below the dam may be used to determine the amount of submergence of the dam and the general downstream conditions. The length, height, and cross section of any structure over which the water flowed and the sizes and positions of all gates, openings, orifices, and sluices for which the discharge is to be computed are also determined. The size, shape, slope, and position of channels through which water may have bypassed the dam are studied. One or more cross sections are surveyed above the dam for the determination of the velocity of approach. Weirs and dams in streams of very steep slopes may 10G STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE become filled to the crest with sand, gravel, and other material and at times may lose their identity as weirs and act merely to stabilize the channel, with a velocity of approach greater than the critical velocity for the weir or dam. The usual methods of computing the flow over a dam may not be applicable under those conditions, and the possible use of other methods should be considered. The details of the structures should be noted in connection with the selection of coefficients for use in formulas for the computation of the flow. It is necessary that the shape of the crest of the dam, especially the upstream part of the crest, should be accurately determined in order that the proper value of the coefficient C may be selected. The possibility that the nappe jumps clear of the structure so that the dam functions as a sharp-crested weir should be investigated. If the shape and height of the crest is uniform throughout the entire length, a discharge measurement of the flow over the dam at a fairly high stage will make possible a determination of the coefficient for that stage, and the coefficient thus determined can be used as a guide in selecting the value of C for higher stages. It is necessary to ascertain whether flashboards were on the dam at any time during the flood and, if so, their condition during and immediately after the flood. It is also necessary to know the posi- tions, dimensions, and heights of any old dams, cofferdams, or other structures that may be in place immediately above the dam, as such structures may have a decided effect on the flow. Photographs should be taken of all the structures and of the channels above and below the dam. Office procedure. — The field data are plotted and are then used as a basis for maps, profiles, and computation sheets. A map or sketch to scale should show the layout of structures and channels with the relative positions of high-water marks. A longitudinal profile should show the important structures and the high-water marks from which the flood profile is to be determined. Cross sections of the channels and of the structure through or over which the water flowed must be made. Computations must be made of the area and the hydraulic radius of each section or channel which may be used in the determina- tion of flow. Assumptions and computations. — For a dam having a uniform sec- tion similar in shape to the section of a dam for which the rating or discharge coefficients are known, it is generally possible to convert records of stage into records of discharge with a good degree of accuracy by satisfying the general formula Q=CLH* (1) In this formula Q is the discharge in second-feet, C the coefficient for the dam, L the length of the crest in feet, and H the total head in feet. MEASUREMENT OF DISCHARGE 107 As the total effective head is the sum of the pressure head h p and the effective velocity head hv sin 6 where is the angle between the crest of the dam and the direction of the current, the formula may be written as V 2 K=a^ sin 6 (2) and V 2 H=h p +ct7£ sin (3) where V is the average velocity in the approach channel section and a is a correction factor due to unequal distribution of velocity. The value of a in an unobstructed stream has an approximate range of 1.1 to 1.4, whereas back of a dam or other obstruction it may be as much as 2.0 or more. Wherever necessary, allowance is made for submergence of the crest by water in the channel below the dam. If the submergence of sharp- crested weirs is less than about 15 percent of the total head, the dis- charge is not sensibly affected. Broad-crested and round-crested weirs are probably not sensibly affected by submergence up to about two- thirds of the total head. Information regarding the selection of coefficients for dams and for submerged weirs obtained from experiments have been published by the Geological Survey. 34 The flow over highway and railroad embankments is considered as analogous to the flow over dams, and values of the coefficient C to be used under those conditions may be selected from experimental data of Yarnell and Nagler. 35 Formulas for computing the flow through sluice gates, flumes, pen- stocks, wheels, and other appurtenant structures are discussed in numerous engineering publications. OTHER METHODS Critical-depth method. — The critical-depth method is applicable where there is available an exceptionally good natural or artificial control over which it is reasonably certain that flow has taken place at critical depths. Points of critical-depth control may occur at or near changes in bottom slope, upstream from which the bottom slope is less than is necessary to maintain uniform flow at the critical depth, and downstream from which the bottom slope is greater than is necessary to maintain such flow. ** Horton, R. R\, Weir experiments, coefficients, and formulas : U. S Oeol. Survey Water- Supply Paper 200, 195 pp., 1907. 35 Yarnell, D. L., and Nagler, F. A., Flow of floodwater over railway and highway em- bankments: U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Public Roads, Public Roads, vol. 11, pp. 30-34, April 1930. 108 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE Surveys of sites for the determination of flood flows by the critical- depth method are similar to those for slope-area reaches, with special attention to the cross section of the control at which it is assumed that flow had taken place at critical dephs. Field data are plotted and data sheets are prepared in a manner similar to that used in the slope-area method. Discharges are com- puted by use of equations adapted from those given by King, O'Brien, Hickox, and others. 36 This method should be used with caution as it is difficult to de- termine if flow actually occurred at critical depth through the control section. Timing of food drift. — The velocity is sometimes determined by observations of drift if a current meter is not available or its use is impracticable. Velocities are observed in as many different parts of the channel as possible by timing the travel of drift over a known distance. Drift that is largely submerged should be selected for tim- ing. The average velocity is computed from the observed velocities by the use of suitable coefficients. The discharge is determined as the product of the average velocity and the area of the cross section, which is either known or is measured after the flood. Flood formulas. — With the increasing knowledge of flood flow char- acteristics and studies made possible by discharge data collected at gaging stations, the use of flood formulas is gradually receiving greater consideration as a practicable means of estimating and predicting both the crest discharge and the total discharge of a flood. No general formula yet derived is of universal application. Flood formulas can be properly modified and intelligently used only by special studies of the conditions at the particular place. The formulas vary in their method of application and with the nature of the results desired. Some formulas are based on the assumption that a relation exists be- tween the peak discharge and the total discharge of the flood, whereas others are established on the basis of a relation between storm pre- cipitation and river discharge. A formula may be devised to indicate the maximum peak that can be expected for the runoff from a given drainage basin, or it may be so arranged as to show the probable fre- quency of floods of certain magnitudes. Therefore, in the selection of a flood formula, consideration should be given to the nature of the problem and the character of the information that is desired. Exhaustive studies of various flood formulas and illustrations of the use of existing stream-flow records in connection with flood pre- dictions, together with tabulations of flood records and references to 38 King. H. W. f Handbook of hydraulics, 3d ed. ( p. 385, 1939 ; O'Brien, M. P., and Hickox, <;. H., Applied fluid mechanics, 1st ed., p. 278, 1937; Dodge, R. A., and Thompson, M. J.. Fluid mechanics, pp. 241-254, 1937. FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 109 numerous sources of information regarding Hoods and flood formulas, have been made by the Geological Survey. 17 Reference should be made to them for specific information regarding flood formulas. FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS The characteristics of flow of natural streams seldom, if ever, satisfy the conditions of steady and uniform flow that are generally assumed in deriving theoretical formulas of flow in open channels. Steady flow may be approximated if the requirement that the flow does not change with respect to time is not too rigid or if the time is made relatively short. Artificial channels and canalized rivers may contain short reaches where the flow is nearly uniform during periods of steady flow, although generally there are variations in channel alinement, cross sections, slopes, and friction factors which interrupt the con- tinuity of uniform flow. Formulas developed for uniform and steady flow have been adapted in some instances to the measurement of flow in natural channels by the determination of conveyance factors, or by the development of curves of relation which served to combine the results of actual meas- urements and theoretical assumptions. These adaptations have been helpful in obtaining records of stream flow under circumstances where the usual methods of procedure could not be followed. The methods ordinarily used by the Geological Survey in recording river discharge are based on the determination of the relations of stage to discharge at the places where discharge records are obtained. River stages may be observed with simplicity and exactness, and the dis- charges corresponding to the river stages may be readily determined from the stage-discharge relation if that relation is known. STAGE-DISCHARGE RELATION The stage-discharge relation at a stream-gaging station is usually determined experimentally from measurements of discharge and ob- servations of the corresponding stages. For dams, weirs, and some types of structures described under "Artificial controls" (see p. 117), the stage-discharge relation for some conditions may be represented by theoretical equations or by curves of relation developed in labora- tories. However, these theoretical relations and laboratory ratings should be verified by the results of field measurements before they are accepted and used in the determination of discharge. In order to have a definite and enduring stage-discharge relation, the channel must have certain physical features capable of regulating 37 Jarvis, C. S., and others, Floods in the United States, magnitude and frequency: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 771, 407 pp., 193fi. 110 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE or stabilizing the flow past the gage to such an extent that for a given stage of the water surface the discharge past the gage will always be the same. This relation of stage to discharge is usually controlled by a section or reach of the channel below the gage known as the station control, which eliminates the effect of all other downstream conditions on the velocity of flow at the gage. The station control may be either natural or constructed and may consist of a ledge of rock crossing the channel, a boulder-covered riffle, an indurated bed, an overflow dam, or any other physical feature capable of maintaining a fairly stable relation between the discharge and the water height at the selected point above it. A natural control at the gaging station on the Smith River near Bristol, N. H.. is shown in plate 7, A. A control may be either complete or partial. A complete control is independent of all downstream conditions in governing the stage-discharge relation and is in full effect throughout the entire range in stage. A partial control may, by itself, govern the stage-discharge relation only for a part of the range in stage that is encountered, although when acting in conjunction with other controlling elements it may become an essential part of a complete control ; the term "complex control" is sometimes applied to a control of this kind. The term "section control" is used in referring to a complete or partial control where the elements that govern the stage-discharge relation are situated in a comparatively short length of the river channel as compared with "channel control where the stage-discharge relation is governed by the slope, dimensions, and frictional resistances of the river channel over a considerable distance. From the above explanation of the principle of controls it appears that if the reactions from the elements which create a stage-discharge relation are to be thoroughly understood, the term "control" must be properly defined with respect to the functions it performs and the stages for which it is effective. It should also be remembered that a control includes all the physical features of the channel which hydraulically determine the stage of the river at a given point for a certain rate of flow. If the control is of the partial or complex type it includes the resistance offered by the river bed and banks for a considerable distance downstream. In general, the distance that may be considered as forming part of such a control varies inversely with the slope and increases as the stage of the river rises. This tendency for the control to extend farther downstream with increases in stage has a direct bearing on the stage- discharge relation, and the introduction into the control of new downstream features may cause reversals in curvature of the rating curve for the station. Under exceptional conditions, such as a constricted section of channel below the gage, the reach including the control may, in effect, become FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 111 shorter as the stage increases. For rivers having flat slopes the control at high stages may extend so far downstream as to introduce backwater complications which do not exist at lower stages. From consideration of these relations it is apparent (hat all the conditions affecting the velocity of flow past the gage must be included as parts of the control. For a control to be complete in its effectiveness in establishing a definite stage-discharge relation it is obvious that for a given dis- charge both the relations of slope to stage and slope to discharge must remain constant, as also must the coefficient representing the channel conditions for the reach extending from the gage to the lower end of the control. Although the condition of steady flow for which the constant relations of slope to stage and slope to discharge would be applicable is rarely if ever found in natural streams, it is true nevertheless that the sites selected for the position of gages and controls for most of the gaging stations now operated by the Geological Survey are such that the variation in discharge for a given stage, due to variations in slope, velocity, or channel condi- tions during the period of time involved, is so small that for all prac- tical purposes the effects resulting from the variation is negligible. The station rating curve should be a smooth curve parabolic in shape, preferably without reversals in curvature. If there is to be no abrupt change in the slope of the rating curve, the rate of increase in stage corresponding to a given rate of increase in discharge should be reasonably consistent throughout the range of stage. Abrupt changes in the profile of the control and submergence of the control are two conditions that are most likely to cause deviations from this requirement. PERMANENT CONTROLS A permanent control, complete in its effect, retains all its original effective physical characteristics, including its position with respect to the datum of the gage, its distance downstream from the gage, and the condition of the stream bed between the gage and that part of the channel which controls the stage-discharge relation. A con- trol satisfying these requirements will assure a permanent stage- discharge relation at all time when the conditions of slope remain the same. The fact that a generally recognized permanent control, such as a dam or ledge, may appear to have eliminated all effects from downstream conditions, or that a change in its original physical features is not readily apparent, is no complete assurance that the stage-discharge relation has remained unchanged. For instance, the velocity of approach may have changed because of scouring or de- position of sediment in the channel immediately upstream from the control, leakage within or under the control may have varied in 112 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE amount, or the elements controlling the height of the water in the reach downstream from the control may have changed and created a more rapid rate of submergence of the permanent low-water cont rol. These changes in conditions are not readily observed, but then occurrence may materially change the stage-discharge relations. It should be emphasized that, regardless of how stable and permanent a control may appear, it is always possible that the stage-discharge relation may change; but the nature of the change may be such as to he over- looked during an ordinary inspection of the controlling elements. The fact that the appearance as well as the effectiveness of the con- trol may change from time to time as the stage of the river changes sometimes leads to a misinterpretation of the actual conditions. On the other hand, some of the physical characteristics of a control may appear to have changed, yet the nature of the change may be such as not to include those elements which materially affect the stage- discharge relation. Positive assurance that a change has not oc- curred in the stage-discharge relation is attainable only through the results of discharge measurements. The shape of the rating curve based on discharge measurements covering the entire range in stage generally reveals or assists in explaining the flow characteristics at the gaging station. If the station control on a stream having a large range in stage is not formed by a dam or ledge producing several feet of fall, it is possible that the elements forming the control for low stages may be entirely different, both in nature and position, from those effective at higher stages, and that the control for low stages may be entirely submerged at times of high water. If the low- water control consists principally of a low dam, riffle, or other obstruction producing a similar effect, it may be considered as partially submerged as soon as the flow begins to show the effect of additional controlling ele- ments. The stage at which the low -water control loses part of its effectiveness is generally indicated by a change in curvature of the rating curve. Streams having steep slopes and high velocities may have the same stretch of channel effective in controlling the stage - discharge relation for low stages as for high stages. In general, the controls which normally function for low stages are easily recog- nizable and may be readily distinguished from those functioning for high stages, although there may not alwa}^s be a clear-cut demarkation between the two sets of conditions. LOW-WATER CONTROLS A low-water control usually consists of a natural ledge or riffle in the stream bed, a contraction of the channel, or an artificial structure such as a dam or weir, which causes a break in the slope of the water FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 113 surface so that the effects of all downstream conditions at low-water stages are eliminated. Occasionally it may consist of a stretch of channel with an indurated bed of comparatively steep slope where the velocity at low stages maintains a permanent relation of stage to discharge. A section suitable for use as a control, whether natural or artificial, usually has a small forebay which extends a short dis- tance above the gage. If a definite stage-discharge relation is to be maintained, this forebay must have a constant capacity for a given stage and should have enough depth to produce a reasonably low velocity of approach. Changes in the velocity of approach which may occur because of changes in the cross section of the channel above the control have an immediate effect on the stage-discharge relation, and the possibility of such changes should be carefully considered in the selection of the site. Variations in the slope of the water surface between the gage and the control for a given discharge of the stream also will affect the stage-discharge relation; the effects of these variations in slope can be minimized, however, by placing the gage fairly close to the con- trol. A low-water control begins to lose its effectiveness when the downstream stage rises to a height above the lowest point on the con- trol, although the accompanying increase in stage above the control, if the increase in stage is caused by an increase in discharge, will tend to offset the effects of the submergence. However, if the discharge continues to increase, the downstream stage will rise faster than the upstream stage until a condition is finally reached where the control is said to be "drowned out." A natural low-water control may consist of a ledge, a riffle, or a reach of channel, each condition producing the necessary fall or break in the water surface in a manner distinguishable from the others. In the ledge type of control, because of its short longitudinal profile, the fall is usually abrupt and similar to that produced by an artificial dam. Although the profile of its cross section may be very irregular, for all practical purposes the upper end of the tail-water reach below the control may be considered as retaining one position, namely, that of the downstream face of the ledge. Information in regard to the effectiveness of a low-water control and the possible effect of submergence of the control on the stage- discharge relation may be readily obtained for the ledge type of con- trol by installing an auxiliary gage at the upper end of the tail-water reach at the downstream face of the ledge, this gage being set to the same datum as the station gage. When the gage-height of zero flow is known, and is used as the basis for comparative observations at the gages above and below the control, the observations of the heights of 114 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE the water surfaces at the two gages will show the amounts of sub mergence for various stages and the stage at which the control loses its effectiveness. The amount of submergence is usually expressed as the ratio of the water-surface height below the control to the water- surface height above the control, both of which are referred to the gage height of zero flow as the point of zero height. The riffle type of control differs from the ledge type in that the fall is produced gradually over a reach of channel. The transverse profile of the cross section is likely to be very irregular and may change from place to place throughout the reach. The longitudinal profile instead of showing an abrupt fall may extend several hundred feet downstream at a small slope. The first complete break in the slope* at the upper end of the riffle indicates the position of the upstream lip of the control and the point where the control is most effective in main- taining the stage-discharge relation. For this type of control the up- stream end of the reach below the control changes position with the height of the water surface. As the stage in the downstream reach rises, the longitudinal profile of the control shortens, and when the water-surface slope of the downstream reach becomes the same as the water-surface slope in the channel above the riffle, the submergence of this type of control becomes complete. Some effects from the con- trolling elements downstream from the riffle usually appear while this type of control still retains several feet of its effective channel length. A determination of the particular stage at which submergence first begins can be made by means of observations of stages downstream from the riffle after the height of the point of zero flow has been established. The channel type of low-water control is conspicuous because of the apparent lack of those elements that cause a decided break in the slope of the water surface downstream from the gage. If a definite stage-discharge relation can be developed for a control of this type, it is generally due to the slope in the water surface that is produced by the frictional resistance of the stream bed. The bed and banks for this reach of channel are not necessarily of a permanent nature if the effect on the stage-discharge relation for any change in their physical features is compensated by a change of opposite effect at some other point within the reach. A fair approximation of the stage of zero flow for this type of control may be obtained by determining the height of the lowest point in the profile of the cross section at the gage. Because of irregularities that usually exist in the cross section of the ledge or riffle types of natural low-water controls there is always a pos- sibility that the determination of the stage of zero flow may not be given the consideration that is needed, especially if a high degree of FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 115 accuracy for extremely low discharges is desired. For these types of controls, the height of the lowest point on what appears to be the upstream lip of the control is ordinarily accepted as being the point of zero flow. This assumption is sufficiently accurate for most prac- tical purposes if there are no narrow depressions or crevices in the cross section. If there are crevices, and especially if the velocity through them is slow, there is a possibility that the bottom of the deep- est crevice may not be representative of the stage of zero flow, which actually may be determined by some higher point downstream. For stations where discharges below 10 second-feet are to be recorded to tenths and hundredths of a second-foot, situations of the above nature require more than ordinary consideration if the degree of accuracy indicated by the fractional part of a second-foot is to be justified. As the low-water part of the rating curve is particularly sensitive to small errors, if expressed as percentages, enough measurements should be made at low stages to define accurately the station rating curve and to afford assurance that no change has occurred in the stage-discharge relation. SENSITIVENESS OF LOW- WATER CONTROLS The sensitiveness of a control should generally be given greater con- sideration for low discharges than for high discharges. If a control is termed "sensitive," it is indicated that for any change in flow a rather quick response to the change is reflected at the gage and that a rela- tively large increase in stage is produced by a small increase in dis- charge. A nonsensitive control usually differs from a sensitive control in that its width is great in relation to the depth of flow over the crest, but it is possible that the lack of sensitiveness may be caused by an abnormally high velocity of approach. In the selection of a site for a gaging station or for the construction of an artificial control, it is desirable that the sensitiveness of the control as well as the shape of the probable rating curve should be considered. Gage heights are usually recorded to hundredths of a foot ; therefore a change in stage of 0.01 foot should not represent more than about 2 percent of the total flow if the control is to be regarded as sensitive. SUBMERGENCE OF LOW-WATER CONTROLS The term "submergence" used in connection with a low-water con- trol refers to the loss of effectiveness in stabilizing a stage-discharge relation because of an increase in the depth of water at the downstream side of the control. The amount of submergence may be expressed as a ratio of the height of the water surface at a point in the tail-water below the control to the height of the water surface at the gage if both water surfaces are higher than the point of zero flow and the point 116 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE of zero flow is the common datum. "Submergence" may occur in any one of three conditions : first, where the water surface in the tail-water has risen just above the point of zero flow and submergence begins; second, partial submergence, which may include any particular degree of submergence expressed in percentage; and third, complete sub- mergence, where the water surface in the tail-water reach has risen high enough to smooth out the break in slope caused by the control and the relation of stage to discharge is then governed by channel conditions downstream from the low-water control. The effectiveness of the control in maintaining permanent stage-discharge relations is dependent on the conditions of submergence of the control. The degree of submergence that may occur before the depth above the control becomes appreciably affected largely depends upon the shape of the control. In general, a sensitive low-water control will stand a much higher degree of submergence than a non-sensitive con- trol. Tests made by the Geological Survey at the National Hydraulic Laboratory of the National Bureau of Standards show that for certain types of artificial controls built so that the low-water flow passes through a deep notch, there may be a submergence of 90 percent with- out increasing the depth of water on the control more than about 5 percent above the depth that Avould have occurred under free-fall conditions. A control that has a very wide crest and is designed so that a hydraulic jump occurs after the water leaves the control has been found to be very effective in maintaining the stage-discharge relation for high stages of tail water. Occasionally it is observed that the stage-discharge relation as de- fined by discharge measurements remains fairly stable for the entire range in stage except for a small part of the range at medium stages, for which the measurements plot erratically. An examination of the conditions at those stages will usually reveal that the low-water control is subject to submergence and the greatest irregularity in the plotting of measurements occurs at the higher percentages of submergence of the low-water control. A possible explanation for this situation is that the stage-discharge relation for the tail -water flow had not been completely stabilized for the higher degrees of submergence of the low- water control which occurred at the times of the discharge measure- ments, and the effects of somewhat unstable conditions were reflected at the gage. Thus, if a measurement made under these conditions plots to the left of the curve, the water in the reach downstream from the gage is higher than it is for another measurement of the same discharge which plots to the right of the curve. Consistency in the curve of plotted measurements above the stage of submergence of the low- water control indicates that the hydraulic conditions have become stabilized by means of a control farther downstream. FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 117 ARTIFICIAL CONTROLS Artificial controls are structures built in a stream channel to stabilize the stage-discharge relation and thereby simplify the procedure of obtaining accurate records of discharge. They may be low dams, broad crested weirs conforming to the general shape and height of the stream bed, or flumes similar in design to the Parshall flume. A Trenton- type artificial control at the gaging station on Rahway River at Springfield, N. J., is shown in plate 7, B. The adverse effects of unstable conditions due to shifting bed or banks, the formation of ice in winter, progressive growth of aquatic vegetation during the summer, and other phenomena which at times affect the stage-discharge relation at low stages may generally be eliminated or alleviated by the con- struction of an artificial control. The structure is seldom designed to function as a complete control throughout the entire range of stage, as generally it is impracticable to build it high enough to eliminate the effects of downstream conditions at high stages unless there is a steep fall below the gage. If the downstream slope is flat, so that with an increase in discharge the water below the control rises faster than the water above it, the control may be complete in its effect only for low and medium stages. Although the artificial control is usually constructed in the form of a dam or a weir, it is seldom if ever desirable to attempt the use of a weir formula as its rating. The rating for each station should be determined by a current meter or other method of measuring dis- charge. The conditions or facilities for the accurate measurement of small streams and the measurement of the low-water flow of larger streams often may be improved by the use of artificial controls, DESIGN OF ARTIFICIAL CONTROLS In the design of artificial controls the following four major points should be considered : first, the shape of the structure should permit the passage of water without creating undesirable disturbances in the channel above or below the control ; second, the structure must be of sufficient height to eliminate the effects of variable downstream con- ditions; third, the profile of the crest of the control should be de- signed so that a small change in discharge at low stages will cause a measurable change in stage, and the relation of changes in stage to changes in discharge should produce a rating curve of a shape that may be extended to peak stages without serious error; and fourth, the control should have structural stability and should be permanent. The artificial control should be self-cleaning and not subject to ob- struction by debris and ice, or to deposits of sand, gravel, or silt in its immediate vicinity, either upstream or downstream. 118 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE Each artificial-control structure should be designed in accordance with the conditions at the particular site where it is to be built. It is, therefore, not practicable to standardize the designs except as to general principles. The width of the stream and its profiles, both upstream and downstream; the nature of the bed; the flow charac- teristics, especially for maximum and minimum stages; and the proba- ble minimum flow of the stream should be considered before deciding upon the width and profile of the crest. Various types of artificial controls have been designed and constructed by engineers of the Geo- logical Survey. A typical design of the Trenton type of artificial control is shown in figure 8. Artificial controls of the flume or Parshall type may be used to advantage in ditches and canals of com- paratively small range in stage and of little fall. On some streams where the beds are continually shifting and per- manent foundations are not available, it may be desirable to stabilize the beds by means of low structures that conform to the general pro- files of the beds. Artificial controls of this type have served satis- factorily in several districts of the Geological Survey. By giving proper attention to the shape of the structure, both longitudinally and transversely, an acceptable degree of sensitiveness may be developed that will result in a well-proportioned rating curve with respect to increments of stage for increasing rates of change in discharge. It is essential that an artificial control should be structurally per- manent, with a definite and fixed relation between the height of the structure and the zero of the gage. The possibility of excessive seepage under or around the control should be considered and the necessary precautions taken for its prevention by means of sheet piling or con- crete cut-offs and adequate abutments. HIGH-WATER CONTROLS The definite positions of high-water controls, with the possible ex- ception of artificial dams or natural waterfalls, are in general more difficult to recognize than those of low-water controls ; and because of their complex nature, at many sites considerable investigation is nec- essary to understand fully the characteristics of the controlling ele- ments. The usual high-water control consists of a group of elements which ordinarily include one or more of such channel features as an abrupt bend in the channel, a contraction of the bed and banks, or a series of riffles. Occasionally one of these channel features may be so effective that, for practical purposes, it can be considered the principal element of the control. A rather pronounced break in the slope accom- panied by a large increase in velocit} 7 makes this particular situation comparatively easy to recognize. If a thorough reconnaissance for some distance below the gage does not reveal any pronounced channel FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 119 C 3 o c PI 120 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE characteristic which acts as the principal controlling element and if discharge measurements indicate that there is a stable stage-discharge relation, the flow past the gage is considered satisfactorily channel controlled. Although it is impossible to determine accurately the degree of effectiveness of each major channel feature and its part in controlling the stage-discharge relation, a knowledge of its existence and posi- tion with respect to the gage, together with a general idea of its possible effectiveness, will be of value both in analyzing the plot- ting of discharge measurements and in extending a rating curve beyond the point where it is defined by measurements. Dams. — A dam constructed to develop power, divert water for irrigation, or improve navigation is rarely acceptable as a control, except possibly for medium and high stages. Usually the crests of such structures are wide, flat, and non-sensitive, and the various by-passes and diversions may be so effective that they do not maintain consistent stage-discharge relations at low stages. If at high stages the flow carried by any diversion is small in comparison with the total flow over the dam and the amount of such flow can be determined and if the dam is sufficiently sensitive as a control under those condi- tions of flow, the structure may be utilized as a high-water control provided there are other means of maintaining stage-discharge rela- tions for the low-water flow. Occasionally it is possible to place the gage above a riffle or a decided break in the surface slope a short distance above the upper end of the pool created by a dam at low water. Such a riffle or break in surface slope may stabilize the stage- discharge relation for low and possibly medium stages; for higher stages the flow over the dam may be large enough to estab- lish a satisfactory relation of stage to discharge. Any diversions through canals or water wheels should be taken into consideration in the computation of discharge. Such a combination of controls is particularly apt to cause a reversal in the rating curve, and care must be taken in making extensions beyond measurements, especially within the zone of the possible reversal. The extent to which a dam will eliminate the effects of changes in slope due to rising or falling stages will depend on the distance between the dam and the gage; the length of the pool must be comparatively short if those effects are to be eliminated. The installation of a gage near enough to a dam to be affected by the height of the pool is especially undesir- able if the flow passing the dam is wholly or partly controlled by the operation of water wheels, gates, or sluices or if the height of the water in the pool varies from time to time because of the use of flashboards on the dam e B. TRENTON-TYPE ARTIFICIAL CONTROL ON RAHWAY RIVER AT SPRINGFIELD, N. J. FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 121 If a gage is placed above a body of water impounded by a dam, the effects of backwater from the dam and the stage at which it occurs at the gage should be investigated with respect to the following condi- tions: first, sensitivity of the control for the low-water stage-dis- charge relation; second, the possibility of a reversal in curvature of the station rating curve: and third, the possibility of a transition from a stage-discharge relation to a slope-stage-discharge relation. Contractions. — A natural or artificial constriction in the channel of some natural streams is an important element in controlling the stage-discharge relation at high stages. Although it seldom is the only element of a high-water control, a constriction may be such a major controlling feature as to govern the shape of the high-water part of the rating curve and to a large extent eliminate the effect of changes in slope due to rising and falling stages. The most common constrictions are those formed by railroad or highway bridges where the abutments and fill at the approaches to the bridge restrict the passage of the water to the openings under the bridge. The reduction in the area of the cross section results in an increase in velocity through the bridge openings and may cause an appreciable difference in stage between the upstream and downstream sides of the bridge. Similar conditions may occur at natural contractions, such as a canyon gorge or a narrows in a river valley. The controlling effect of a contraction is similar to that of a Parshall-flume type of low-water control, except that it is impossible to measure the degree of submergence. If the surface drop due to the contraction amounts to 1 foot or more it is probable that the contraction is the major control factor, and under those circumstances consistent estimates of flood discharge may be obtainable by the "contracted-opening" method of computing discharge (see p. 90). Contractions have a marked effect on the shape of the rating curve and consideration should be given to the position of the gage, whether above, below, or in the drawn-down reach. The high-water part of a rating curve will generally be more sensitive, have a steeper slope, and approach more nearly a straight line if the gage is above a con- traction than if it is below one, especially if the channel has an appre- ciable increase in width below the contraction and the flow is not retarded by other contractions farther downstream. On large streams, especially those having flat slopes, a knowledge of the nature of con- tractions below the gage will assist materially in extending the rating curve above the point where it is defined by discharge measurements. This knowledge will also assist in analyzing the results of discharge measurements, especially if measurements at high stages indicate a reversal in the rating curve. The shape of a rating curve for a gage placed at a section within the reach of draw-down may be similar to that of the curve for a 122 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE gage in a section just above the contraction, but the curves may differ in position with respect to gage height by an amount approximately equal to the difference in water-surface heights at the respective sections. Bends in channel. — An abrupt bend in the channel will produce an effect on the high-water flow of a stream similar to that caused by a contraction. When water is in motion its natural direction of flow is in a straight line. As it approaches a bend in the channel the tendency will be for it to flow straight across the channel to the out- side bank, where the flow is deflected by the resistance of the bank. The centrifugal force will cause a superelevation in water surface along the outer bank. If the bend is abrupt, the flow along the outer bank may be deflected in such a manner as to produce a cushion of water which may move the high velocities away from the bank. Therefore, as the flow approaches the bend, the transverse profile of the water surface changes from a horizontal to an inclined line, indicating a drop in water surface along the inside bank and a rise along the out- side bank. At the lower end of the bend the average gradient of the water surface will be restored to the normal gradient for the channel. At this point the surface slope, which was increased along the inside bank above and through the bend, becomes smaller and so creates a region of low velocity. The flow at the lower end of the bend along the outside bank will no longer pile up, and as a result the gradient there will decrease to the average gradient of the stream. Thus a bend, like a channel contraction, reduces the effective conveyance ca- pacity of the channel and becomes a major controlling element if the breaks in the surface slopes are of an appreciable amount. Some chan- nels below the gage meander in a series of more or less gradual bends which assist in stabilizing the flow and the stage-discharge relation at the gage. Where a bridge is built at or near a bend in the channel, both the bend and the contraction at the bridge may be major factors in producing a high-water control. Studies of flow at river bends have been made by several engineers. 38 Channel controls for high stages. — If there is no contraction, abrupt bend, or obstruction in the channel causing an appreciable break in the surface slope for a considerable distance below the gage, the flow may be considered as controlled by the resistance of the bed and banks of the channel. For this condition a large number of minor controlling elements of various kinds may combine to stabilize the flow conditions effectively. If a stream does not have a steep slope and a correspond- ingly high velocity, it is desirable that the elements forming the high- water control should be situated within a distance of a few hundred M Vogel, H. D., Thompson, P. W., Blue, F. L. jr., and others in Civ. Eng., vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 266-268, May 1933, and vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 258-260, May 1934. FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 123 feet below the gage in order that the effects of variable slopes produced by changing stage may not complicate the stage-discharge relation. Controls for high stages generally consist of more than one major controlling element, although it may not be possible to determine even approximately the part performed by each element in con- trolling the stage-discharge relations. The gaging station on the Merrimack River below Concord River, at Lowell, Mass., exempli- fies a combination of elements forming the control at high stages, and illustrates the manner in which the characteristics of the rating curve can be explained from a knowledge of the channel conditions. A reconnaissance survey of the river indicated that a riffle just above an abrupt bend immediately downstream from the site under considera- tion for the gage created an average fall of about 3 feet and appeared to be a satisfactory control for low stages. From the lower end of the riffle to a point about 10 miles downstream the low-water flow is pooled by a dam. For low and possibly medium stages there was little doubt as to the existence of stable stage-discharge relations, but for high stages it appeared probable that the riffle would be submerged and therefore lose its effectiveness as a control and that the long stretch of pool between the gage and the dam might cause the stage-dis- charge relation to be affected by variable slopes. However, a gage was established a short distance above the riffle and an excellent high-water rating was defined by measurements made on both rising and falling stages which showed no appreciable effect from variable slopes (see fig. 9). The reason for this stabilized condition during high stages was apparent when the effect of various channel features between the dam and the gage was observed during flood flows. For a short stretch of channel both above and below the gage and extending through the low-water control, it was observed that the average width during high stages was somewhat less than the width of the channel for a large part of the distance between the riffle and the dam, 10 miles downstream. It was also found that instead of the riffle drowning out as was expected, a decided break in the slope was maintained throughout flood stages. Furthermore, at a distance of about 2 miles below the bend a decided narrowing of the valley restricted the flow to such a small area that the velocities within this reach were much greater than the velocities above and below this contraction, thereby creating a decided break in the sur- face slope. Therefore, as a result of these investigations, it became possible to identify the high-water control for this station as con- sisting principally of a riffle and bend in the channel immediately below the gage, a natural contraction about 2 miles below the gage, and a dam about 10 miles below the gage, all of which combined in establishing effective stage-discharge relations for high stages. STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE (Hld3a-8"0 QNV Hld3a-ZX» QOH13W INIOd-OMl A1O011A NV31N FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 125 This particular channel control, which is typical of many similar controls, illustrates two major factors relating to high-water controls: first, the results that would be obtained were not fully apparent from a first examination of the site, and only from high-water discharge measurements could the actual situation be known; and second, it indicates the manner in which a bend or contraction of the channel may be effective in stabilizing the stage-discharge relation at high stages, as here these elements almost entirely eliminated the effects of variable slopes which undoubtedly would have existed had either the bend or the channel restriction been lacking. The riffle, which formed the low-water control described above, was found to be somewhat unstable and unsatisfactory in maintaining permanent stage-discharge relations for low stages because of changes in the gravel deposits on the riffle. However, these changes did not appear to affect the stage-discharge relation for high stages, which is additional evidence of the effectiveness of the contraction and bends in the channel in maintaining a permanent high-water control. SHIFTING CONTROLS The term "'shifting control" as ordinarily used in connection with measurements of river discharge refers to that condition where the stage- discharge relations do not remain permanent but vary from time to time, either gradually or abruptly, because of changes in the physical features that form the control for the station. A stage-discharge rating curve will retain its original shape only so long as the elements that form the control retain their original physical characteristics or as long as the changes in characteristics are compensating with respect to their effects on the stage of water at the gage. The effect of a shift in the control must generally result, therefore, in a change in the stage for a given discharge or, conversely, in a change in the discharge shown by the standard rating for a given stage. Furthermore, if conditions such as vegetal or aquatic growths, accumulations of ice, or the confluence of tributary streams which tend to disturb the permanency of the stage-discharge relation are con- sidered as the causes of changes in stage, any changes in stage- discharge relations due to shifting controls may be treated as though they were the direct result of scour or fill, or other normal changes in the physical characteristics of the bed or banks of the stream. The frequency of such changes and the magnitude of their effects are generally dependent upon the climate, physiographic, geologic, vege- tal, and soil conditions within the valley through which the stream flows ; and the situations are often so complex that it is impossible to foresee the changes that may occur in the stage-discharge relation at a gaging station. 126 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE An example of changes in the stage-discharge relation is shown by the shifts that occurred in the rating curve for the station on the Merrimack River at Lowell, Mass. Subsequent to the development of the curve shown in figure 9, the channel was dredged for the pur- pose of increasing its capacity for flood discharge. The effects of cutting out the channel by dredging and the effects of coffer dams used during the progress of the work are shown in plate 8. Effect of scour. — Low-water controls are more likely to be affected than high-water controls by scour or erosion of the stream bed or banks at the riffle or in the reach of channel controlling the stage- discharge relation. The effect of scour or erosion of the control will appear in the discharge-rating curve as a shift to the right of the previous curve, indicating an increase in discharge capacity over that previously found at the same stage. The low-water part of a rating curve may be materially changed as a result of scour, and no change may be apparent in the higher part of the curve because the additional controlling elements that come into effect at high stages are effective in retaining the previous relation between stage and discharge. If the station has a channel control and a radical change has occurred in the bed or banks below the gage, the change in the stage-discharge relation possibly may extend over the entire range of stage, and there may be some degree of parallelism between the old and new rating curves. However, this condition does not generally occur, and the situation where the scour has affected the stage-discharge relation for low stages only is the more common. The actual position of the stage-discharge rating curve after a scour has occurred can be determined only from discharge measurements made subsequent to the scour. Effect of fill. — The effect of fill on the control is opposite to that of scour. A decrease in the discharge for any given stage will be apparent as long as the fill on the control is effective. The curve representing the new stage-discharge relation will be at the left of the original curve and its shape will depend upon the nature and shape of the control and the extent and distribution of the fill. A uniform distribution of the fill over the entire width of a control effective for all stages would result in a parallel shift similar to a lowering of the gage datum. The effect of fill on a low-water con- trol will be drowned out when complete submergence takes place, thus causing a convergence of the curves for high stages similar to the convergence due to scour at the control. Low-water controls that are subject to scour and fill usually in- volve a series of rating curves spreading out generally fanwise at the lower end and converging for stages above the beginning of sub- FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 127 mergence of the low-water control. Some of the causes of scour and fill in a stream bed have been investigated by Troxell and Peterson. 39 Shifts in the channel above the control. — Changes in the channel near the gage or between the gage and the control may, under some circumstances, affect the velocity of the water passing the gage and the control. The banks may slough away, thus increasing the width of the channel, or the bed may scour or fill. However, if such changes do not extend through the particular reach of channel that controls the conditions of flow at the gage, the only effect on the stage-discharge relation will be that brought about by changes in the velocity of ap- proach as a result of the change in the area of the cross section or the slope of the channel. The sensitiveness of the control may be increased by the sloughing of the banks or the scouring of the channel because the greater storage capacity of the forebay above the control would result in a lower velocity of approach for a given stage. If there is fill between the gage and the control, the decrease in the storage capacity of the forebay may increase the velocity of approach so as to increase the discharge for a given stage, thereby changing the stage- discharge relation. Overflow. — Streams having large overflow areas that include one or more high-water channels present many complications with respect to those elements that determine the stage-discharge relation. For streams of that type the difficulties in obtaining reliable records of discharge are especially great at the time when overflow begins during rising stages and again at the time when overflow ends during falling stages. Therefore, the overflow areas and channels should be investi- gated with respect to their controlling elements, especially if it appears that they may carry a large part of the total flow of the stream. Gen- erally a shift in the overflow areas and channels that causes a change in the stage-discharge relation is caused by changes in the natural physical condition. For example, the velocities in the overflow area may be materially increased if an area, originally wooded, has been cleared for cultivation. Also, there probably would be a change in the high-water stage-discharge relation if the openings in a highway or railroad embankment that formed a major controlling element were changed so that the total area of the openings was materially increased or decreased. A knowledge of the characteristics of the overflow areas and of the individual channels in those areas is of value in the analyses of dis- charge measurements that are made at times of overflow. A profile of the measuring section including all overflow areas and channels might 48 Troxell, H. C, and Peterson. J. Q., Flood in La Canada Valley, California, January 1, 1934 : U. S. Geol. Survey Water Supply Paper 796-C, pp. 74-80, 1939. 128 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE indicate that overflow channels would begin to fill with water at certain stages; yet if it is not definitely known that a velocity of flow occurs when these areas and channels begin to fill, the shape of the discharge- rating curve might be changed too abruptly. Under some circum- stances, overflow channels may fill to several feet of depth as a result of seepage from the main channel without any flow in the overflow channel. Therefore the use of a profile of the cross section as the only guide in changing the shape of the curve may be misleading. The total area of the cross sections of all the overflow channels some- times may be used with an estimated velocity to determine the magni- tude of the change in the slope of the rating curve. Here again, if no definite information is available regarding the velocities in the overflow areas, the extension of the curve beyond the highest discharge measure- ments may be subject to considerable error. Occasionally it may be practicable to establish separate ratings for the discharge in the over- flow areas and the flow in the main channel. The discharge in the overflow area may then be added to the discharge in the main channel for the same stage to obtain the total discharge at the station. This procedure may be helpful in extensions of the highwater part of the station rating curve. Effect of ice on the stage-discharge relation. — Ice at the control may affect the normal stage-discharge relations in amounts varying with the quantity of ice and its nature, whether surface ice, frazil, or anchor ice. Ice may also affect the stage-discharge relation if it forms a jam in the channel below the control sufficient to cause submergence of the control, or if it forms or collects between the gage and the control in sufficient amounts to cause additional resistance to flow, thus changing the slope of the water at the gage. The magnitude of the effect of ice on the stage-discharge relation — the backwater caused by ice — may be determined by measuring the discharge, observing the corresponding stage, and computing the difference between the observed stage and the stage for the measured discharge corresponding to the open-water stage-discharge rating curve. Such a procedure is based on the as- sumption that the open- water control remains permanent with respect to its physical features during the time when the stage-discharge relation is affected by ice. This assumption is generally true for streams of fairly stable beds and banks except for such scouring as may occur during the period of ice break-up, which is generally ac- companied by high stages and correspondingly high velocities. Com- plete ice cover at the control and for some distance upstream may, in some instances, produce a closed conduit in which the characteristics of flow are different from those that prevail in a normal open-water channel. FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 129 Ice cover increases the frictional resistance to flow by the additional resistance introduced by the surface of the ice that is in contact with the flowing water. Also, the increase in the length of wetted perimeter causes a reduction in the hydraulic radius. As a result of these changes in the hydraulic conditions, a greater effective slope is needed for the same discharge. Many studies have been made to determine the effect of ice on the open-water rating of a stream that is completely covered with ice for long reaches of channel except for a short distance at the rapids or riffle of the low-water control. These studies have shown in general that if the gage is located reasonably close to the control the presence of ice cover above or below the open control has little if any effect on the open-water stage-discharge rating. However, when the channel is partly or completely covered with ice at the con- trol, the amount of backwater for a given stage will increase with the amount and thickness of ice and with the amount of snow on top of the ice which may, by its weight, cause additional displacement of water. Ice may form so gradually that there may be little to indicate the time when the stage-discharge relations begin to be affected. On the other hand, there may be a decided rise in stage caused by an ice obstruction; or a sharp drop in stage, which may be caused in part by the impounding of water in the form of ice and in part by the channel storage above the gage at places where ice has retarded the flow, may be the first intimation that the stage-discharge relation is affected. On small streams in which a large part of the winter flow is derived from groundwater, it is not uncommon for the minimum flow of the year to occur just after the first extremely cold period, when the discharge from ground water is temporarily checked. Under such conditions when water is being impounded above the gage in the form of ice and channel storage, a period of extremely low flow may occur, which will usually be followed by a partial recovery. If a con- tinuous record of the stage is made by a water-stage recorder, a steeper slope of the graph on a falling stage than on a rising stage usually indicates that the stage-discharge relations is affected by ice. Of the three varieties of ice — surface, frazil, and anchor — surface ice is the most common, and its effect is evident at more gaging sta- tions than either of the other two. Although the different kinds of ice often occur in combination, each one by itself will produce the same general effect on the stage-discharge relation, namely, an in- crease in stage above that of normal open-water conditions. The major stream-gaging problems that result from any form of ice relate to the amount of backwater and its variation from day to day and the length of time when the stage-discharge relation is affected. 130 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE Studies of the formation of ice and its effects on the collection of stream-flow records have been made by Barrows and Horton 40 and by Hoyt. 41 Vegetal and aquatic growths. — Aquatic growths on the control and vegetal growth along the banks and in the overflow areas will af- fect the capacity and the coefficient of roughness of the channel and therefore the stage-discharge relation, by amounts that will vary with the stage and the season. These growths are generally greatest in polluted streams that carry large quantities of organic waste. Aquatic growths at the control may have greater effects on stages at low discharges than at high discharges and except for their sea- sonal characteristics, the effects will resemble in many respects those produced by fill or scour. In northern regions the effects, if any, from aquatic growths in rivers are generally noticeable during late May, increase gradually until the early part of July, then remain fairly constant until late October, and then diminish rapidly after the first subfreezing temperatures. In milder climates the effects may begin earlier in the spring and hist until later in the fall. A knowl- edge of this general sequence of conditions is not sufficient for the determination of discharge without additional supporting data, including discharge measurements made at frequent and regular intervals of time. Abnormally low temperatures may retard aquatic growths, and high temperatures later in the spring and early sum- mer may increase them. Floods or high velocities may remove part or all of the effect of backwater from such growths either by flattening them out or by cutting them entirely away from the bed. In some chemically polluted streams aquatic growths may thrive during pe- riods of high discharge when the chemicals are diluted but may die at times of lower discharge when the pollution is more concentrated. Vegetal growths along the banks within the reach of channel that forms the control will tend so to decrease the effective area of the cross section as to become noticeable, especially at high stages. The presence of vegetal growths in the overflow areas will have a similar effect, particularly if the flow over such areas is controlled by ele- ments not applicable to the main channel. SLOPE-STAGE-DISCHARGE RELATIONS AT GAGING STATIONS AFFECTED BY VARIABLE SLOPES The stage-discharge relations for conditions of steady flow at a section in an open channel are fixed if the channel is stable and if the slope corresponding to a given stage is always the same. Under 40 Barrows, H. K., and Horton, R. E., Determination of stream flow during the frozen season : U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Taper 187, 03 pp.. 1907. 41 Hoyt, W. G., The effects of ice on stream flow : U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 337, 77 pp., 1913. FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 131 these conditions, if a stage-discharge rating has been developed the discharge may be determined from an observation of stage without specific information as to the slope corresponding to that stage. For conditions other than steady flow, or if the slope is not always the same for a given stage, it is necessary to consider the slope of the water surface in evaluating the stage-discharge relations. Variable slopes that affect the flow in open channels are caused by backwater, by changing discharge, or by backwater in conjunction with changing discharge, and each of these conditions requires a special method in obtaining records of discharge. The development of a mathematical equation for the relations of slope, stage, and discharge for conditions of variable slope at a gaging station involves the use of a general equation of steady flow with uniform velocity in the form V=KR a S c > (1) in which V is the velocity, considered as uniform throughout the cross section, K is a measure of the channel resistance, R is the hydraulic radius, considered a measure of channel shape, S e is the slope of the energy gradient, regarded as the rate at which a given volume of water loses energy as it moves downstream, a is an exponent expressing the effect of channel shape, and " is an exponent of the slope of the energy gradient. The development of the method involves the general equa- tion of unsteady flow in open channels which may be expressed in the form 82 8(aV 2 ) 18V * e ~8x' t 8x{2g)~ t g 8t w In this general equation of unsteady flow, S e is the slope of the energy gradient as defined above, ^ is the slope of the water surface (later referred to as S s ), * s the increment of slope due to the veloc- ity head, and ^ ^ is the increment of slope due to the acceleration head, each at the same instant of time. In those practical problems of determining flow in open channels that require the application of equation (2), the increment of slope 1 8V due to the acceleration head - — is, in general, so small with respect to the slope of the energy gradient plus the increment of slope due to the velocity head that its effect may be neglected. Equation (2), written in the form of differentials with the accel- eration-head increment of slope omitted, becomes -&=-s,+^y (3) 132 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE This is the equation for steady, nonuniform flow in an open channel. The slope of the water surface S 8 is considered positive in the down- ward direction and the velocity-head increment is considered positive if the velocity is increasing in the direction of flow. Figure 10 shows the slope and energy relations in an open channel. Equation (1) may be modified to include the area of the cross section from the relation Q= AV, so that the equation becomes Q = AKR a JS ei fi ) which may be written in the form Q AKR a - (4) The term AKR a contains only parameters of the cross section, which are independent of all other conditions, and is a constant at a given oc v, 2 Figure 10. — Slope and energy relations in an open channel. stage except that the friction coefficient K possibly may vary slightly with changes in slope. It is an index of the capacity of a channel to carry water under the theoretical condition of unit slope and is desig- nated by Bakhmeteff 42 as the conveyance of a stream. The discharge at a given stage and condition of energy slope when divided by that slope raised to an appropriate power will define a parameter of channel capacity at that stage. In other words, if at a given stage two dis- charges Q x and Q 2 occur at different times with the corresponding energy slopes S e i and S e2 their relation may be expressed by the equation : VARIABLE SLOPES CAUSED BY BACKWATER Backwater is that condition of stream flow in which the velocity for steady flow gradually diminishes downstream and is manifested 40 Bakhmeteff, Boris A., Hydraulics of open channels, p. 13, 1932. FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 133 by the peculiar characteristic slope of the water surface in the direction of flow, which is always less than the surface slope that would occur if backwater was not present. It may be argued that there is some backwater at nearly every gaging station on a natural stream. This may be true for the gaging staticfns situated above constrictions, such as narrow reaches of channel ; or artificial structures, as dams, weirs, or locks ; but the backwater effects need not be considered unless they are so changeable that they produce material variations in the slope at the same stage. Slope is an inherent element in determining the shape of the rating curve for every gaging station. For a gaging station affected by variable backwater, slope must be treated separately because at any stage differences in backwater will vary the slope, with consequent effects on the discharge at that stage. The discharge for a gaging sta- tion so affected can be determined only by consideration of slope as an essential element in the slope-stage-discharge relation. In practical river hydraulics the slope of the water surface under backwater conditions may be ascertained from observations of stage on gages set to the same datum and placed so far apart that the dif- ference in readings will show the fall in the reach with an accuracy that will not be affected appreciably by the ordinary errors in gage readings. If both gages are set to the same datum, the fall divided by the length of the reach is a measure of the slope of the water surface. It might be supposed that the slope determined by this means would be an accurate measure of the water-surface slope, but certain practical conditions that may prevail in any natural channel may have a mate- rial effect on the relation of the slopes determined by this means to the true slope of the water surface. These conditions are described as follows : First, the water surface in any reach affected by backwater is not a plane surface between points in the reach, as sinuosity of the channel will produce variations in the height of the water surface, both across and along the reach; variations in channel cross section and the effects of backwater also tend to produce curvature of the water surface. The slope determined from observed difference in stages is that of a chord connecting the water-surface elevations at points at the ends of a reach. It may not represent the slope of the water surface at either end of the reach, but may be parallel to a line that is tangent to the water surface at some point in the reach. Second, no reach of a natural stream selected for the determina- tion of slope is completely uniform. The area of the cross section may vary considerably from point to point in the reach, but more important is the effect that shoals, riffles, rapids, or bends on the stream channel within the reach may have on the slope of the water surface, as well as on the energy gradient. In some places there may 134 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE be a section control for some conditions of flow, so that below a cer- tain stage backwater effects at the lower gage will not be transmitted completely through the reach. Under such conditions the chord be- tween the water-surface stages at the ends of the reach will have no significance in connection with the determination of the actual slope of the water surface. Third, the positions of the gages at the ends of the reach with respect to the physical features of the channel may have a material effect on the recorded gage heights and hence on the indicated slope For example, if one gage is on the inside of a rather sharp bend and the other on the outside of a similar bend, the slope computed from records of stages at those gages may be widely different from the actual slope of the water surface. Also, if one gage is attached to a bridge pier where draw-down around the pier affects the re- corded stages in amounts that vary with the velocity past the pier and the other gage is on the bank or at a section of different velocity conditions, the records obtained therefrom may not be true indices of the slope. There may be a draw-down effect on the intake pipe to a gage well so that effects similar to those described above may be produced. It is essential that precautions be taken to eliminate any effects that may change the relation between the recorded gage heights and the stages which they are supposed to represent. For intake pipes, this may best be accomplished by the attachment of suitable devices for the elemination of draw-down, several of which have been designed by the Geological Survey. Fourth, both gages may not be set to exactly the same datum, the difference in datum possibly being a large percentage of the total fall if the fall is very small. The slope determined from gages not set to the same datum would not indicate the true water-surface slope, but would include in it the quantity-^, in which y is the difference in datum and L the length of reach. This quantity would be positive or negative, depending upon the relative datums of the gages. Fifth, the rates at which the water surface will fall in different sections in a natural stream arc determined by the characteristics of the sections as expressed by the values of A, and R. Variations in these values affect the slope of the water surface within and above the sections at which such variations occur and tend to modify the effects of downstream conditions. If the upper gage is used as the basis of reference for determining adjustments for variable back- water effects, the magnitude of the necessary adjustments is generally less than if the lower gage is used, ami the plotting of the measure- ments is more consistent. The nonunifoimity of the reach may be FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 135 such that under certain conditions of flow a section control in the reacli prevents the effects of backwater from reaching the upper gage. Under those circumstances the relation between stage and dis- charge at the upper gage would not be affected by any variation in the backwater conditions below the section control. VELOCITY-HEAD INCREMENT TO SLOPE in equation (3) is a quantity that, under certain condi- The velocity-head increment to slope corresponding to the term d (aV 2 ) dx (2*/) tions, may represent an appreciable percentage of the measured sur- face slope, and its omission may involve a sizable error in the determination of discharge. A study of the effect of the velocity head was made in connection with the analysis of the slope-stage- discharge relations for the Tennessee River at Chattanooga, Tenn. (See p. 141). The percentage relations between the velocity-head increment and the slope of the water surface as obtained from that study are given in table 6. Table 6. —Slope of the energy gradient, Tennessee River at Chattanooga, Tenn. Discharge in second-feet Surface slope 1 Velocity-head increment 2 Slope of the energy gradient Percent increase over surface slope 20,000 0. 000057 -0. 0000005 0. 0000565 -0. 1 36,000 .000061 -.0000019 .0000591 -3.1 55,000 . 000071 -.0000020 . 0000690 -2.8 75,000 .000083 -.0000034 . 0000796 -4. 1 111,000 . 000100 -.0000029 . 0000971 -2.9 1 Fall, in feet, between Meadow Lake and Citico Bar divided by 11,200 feet, the length of reach. 2 The average velocity at the lower end of the reach was greater than at the upper end. From the above table it appears that the velocity-head increment to slope is not a large percentage of the slope of the water surface at this station. It might, however, be greater for conditions at other places. The velocity at each end of a slope reach should be investi- gated with respect to its amount and distribution and the effect of the distribution of velocity upon the velocity-head correction factor a. 43 The results of such a study would determine whether the velocity- head increment must be included in the analysis of the slope-stage- discharge relations for the reach. RELATION BETWEEN DISCHARGE AND FALL As may be seen from pages 133-134, the fall in a reach of a natural channel is not a direct measure of the slope of the water surface 43 For discussion of the factor a see King, H. W., Handbook of hydraulics, 3d ed., pp. 260-263, 1939. 136 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE because of the effects of (1) curvature of the water surface, (2) non- uniformity of the channel, (3) position of the gages, (4) possible errors in datum, and (5) channel characteristics. However, the slope S e as expressed in equation (5) may be considered as a function of the fall in a reach, so that the equation of relation becomes ^= function^ (6) in which the falls are the differences in the heights of the water sur- aV 2 face at the ends of the reach. If the velocity-head increment is large enough to warrant consideration, it should be added to each observed fall. Examination of equation (6) by the application of field data indi- cates that the relation between the ratio of two discharges at a given stage and the ratio of the corresponding falls is in the form of an exponential equation which can be expressed graphically by a curve. It has been found that, for some conditions, equation (6) may be represented by the equation y=x b in which y represents the discharge ratios, x the fall ratios, and b is a constant. Substituting ^ for y F and w for x in the equation y = x b , with the assumption that the second discharge Q 2 is for the unit fall 1.00, and then solving for the second discharge, the equation becomes Q,=§\ (7) For those conditions where equation (7) is applicable, it has been found that the exponent b varies over a comparatively narrow range but seldom is exactly 0.5 as sometimes assumed. Inasmuch as equation (6) does not always reduce to the simple form of equation (7), the evaluation of equation (6) by the aid of graphical methods simplifies the procedure. Those stations within the range of limitations which permit the relation to be solved by the application of equation (7) will have a curve of relation between the discharge ratios and the fall ratios that is parabolic in form and passes through the origin of coordinates. Other stations may have curves of relation which are equally applicable to the solution of the problem of slope-stage-discharge relations but are not as readily adapted to simple mathematical expression, possibly owing to the conditions discussed on pages 133-134. FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 137 CURVES OF RELATION Slope reaches are either of uniform slope or of nonuniform slope. A uniform slope reach is one through which the parameters of channel, A, K, and R are reasonably uniform and any backwater condition at the lower end of the reach is to some extent trans- mitted through the entire reach. In a nonuniform slope reach, A, K, or R may vary considerably throughout the reach, so that under some conditions of stage and flow the backwater effects that are present at the lower end will not pass entirely through the reach but are stopped at the section control, at which point there is a break in the slope. As stated in the preceding pages, the discharge at a given section of a stream channel is a function of the two factors stage and fall. If it is possible to produce two curves of relation for that channel, one between stage and discharge for fixed conditions of fall and one be- tween discharge ratios and fall ratios in accordance with the equation (6), the fall-stage-discharge relations for the stream can then be com- pletely defined. It is possible to develop these relations graphically with little more knowledge of the mathematics involved than is neces- sary for the use of the ordinary stage-discharge relation. The fol- lowing is a step-by-step outline of the method of determining the relations between discharge and stage and between discharge ratios and fall ratios as has been discussed by Boyer. 44 The first step in the development of these relations is to plot all dis- charge measurements in the ordinary manner, using discharge and stage as coordinates, the stage at the upper gage generally being used, although under some circumstances an average of the stages at the upper and lower gages may give more satisfactory results. Op- posite each measurement as plotted, indicate the fall at the time of the measurement. An examination of the discharge measurements plotted in the above manner will indicate one of two characteristics, as follows: A definite stage-discharge relation may not be apparent. It will, however, be possible to draw by inspection a curve conforming to some constant value of fall (hereafter designated as F c ) through- out most of the range of stage. This curve is essentially a contour curve of equal fall and will be designated as the constant-fall curve. From a practical standpoint, the curve of 1-foot fall is most con- venient. The approximate position of this curve for the first trial may be determined by application of equation (7) with the exponent b of 0.5. As the use of the 0.5 exponent is approximate, it is necessary to develop graphically the curve of relation between discharge ratios and fall ratios, and to recompute the constant-fall discharge on the ** Boyer, M. C, Determining discharge at gaging stations affected by variable slope: Civil Engineering, vol. 9, p. 556, 1939. 138 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE basis of this relation rather than on the 0.5 exponent. Each discharge measurement will plot to the left or right of this curve, depending upon whether the fall for the measurement is less or greater than that selected for the curve. This curve of constant fall determines the values of discharge and fall to be used in equation (6), which may be written Q™= function y 71 (8) in which Q m is the measured discharge, Q c is the constant-fall dis- charge at the same stage, F m is the fall corresponding to the measured discharge, and F c is the selected constant fall. A definite stage-discharge relation will be apparent as defined by the measurements that generally plot farthest to the right, if the reach is nonuniform. These measurements define a condition of least backwater, which means that as the backwater decreases, ac- companied by an increase in fall through the reach, a section control in the reach becomes active and for that condition all measurements will line up on a curve — the curve for the stage-discharge relation at the upper gage with respect to the control. If equation (6) is to be applied to stations of this kind, it will be necessary to develop a curve of relation between the stage and the fall at which backwater jusfr begins for that stage, rather than for a constant fall. The fall as expressed by this curve is the so-called normal fall; it is desig- nated Fn> and the corresponding discharge from the curve of least backwater :s called the normal discharge, which is designated Q n . All discharge measurements will plot on the curve of least backwater, or to the left of it. The curves of relation between stage and discharge and between stage and fall for the condition of least backwater are used in defining the relations in equation (6), w T hich may be written % m = function^ (9) The second step in the application of equation (8) or (9) is to compute for each discharge measurement the discharge ratio and F the fall ratio. These ratios arc -tt and -ft if the reach is uniform, He ? c F or and if the reach is nonuniform. The third step is to plot the discharge ratios as ordinates and the fall ratios as abscissas and to draw an average curve among the points so plotted. By means of this curve of relationship adjust each measured discharge to the corresponding constant-fall or normal-fall discharge by dividing each measured discharge by the FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 139 factor for the discharge ratio as determined from the curve for the corresponding fall ratio. Plot these adjusted discharges against stage. It may be found that a slight reshaping of the stage-discharge curve will be necessary on the basis of the adjusted discharge measurements. Therefore, if necessary, redraw the stage-discharge curve to obtain a better average of the adjusted measurements and recompute and replot the discharge ratios against the fall ratios. If the stage-discharge curve for a nonuniform reach is not a smooth curve, some reshaping of the normal fall curve may be necessary. One or two trials will produce smooth curves, both for stage against discharge for the selected constant value of fall or the normal fall and for the relation between* the discharge ratios and the fall ratios These curves are fundamental for this method of determination of the discharge at gaging stations affected by backwater. Constant -fall stage-discharge relation. — If all the discharge meas- urements in a uniform channel affected by backwater could be made under the same condition of fall, the resulting curve for the stage- discharge relation would be a curve for a constant fall. As such a procedure is not possible where there is backwater, it is necessary to construct the curve of constant fall by interpolation between the falls that were observed at the times when measurements were made. Normal-fall stage-discharge relation. — The normal-fall stage-dis- charge relation defines the stage-discharge relation at the upper gage for conditions of least backwater. When no backwater is present the station may be operated by means of the normal-fall stage-discharge relation with no adjustment. As backwater effects reach the upper gage, the section control becomes submerged and adjustment for the backwater effects must be made. The fall at which the submergence begins is different for each stage, hence the necessity for the additional curve of relation between stage and fall for the beginning of back- water. The condition that the fall is a variable with stage instead of a constant, as is the case for uniform reaches, necessitates the consideration of variation of fall with stage in the application of equation (6). Discharge- fall relation. — The curve of relation between discharge ratios and fall ratios is a graphical representation of the functional relation expressed in equation (8) or (9). It includes the effects of variations in the velocity -head increment, nonuniformity of the water surface in the reach, and other unknown factors which may be present. The curve of relation between the discharge ratios and the fall ratios must pass through the point at which each is unity. It need not, how- ever, pass through the origin if the gages are not set to the same datum or if there is a break in the bed slope. If the gages are at 140 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE the same datum and there is no break in the bed slope, other causes, such as a draw-down or piling up of water at the gage or bridge piers, or the effects of bends in the channel, may distort the shape of the curve. Effects of channel conditions. — If the physical conditions of the channel in the reach remain constant with respect to time, the curves of relationship between stage, fall, and dischange should not change. However, if changes in the frictional resistance of the channel, changes in area, or changes in hydraulic radius occur in the reajch, such changes will be reflected in the f all-stage-discharge relations. Shifts occurring in the channel below the reach will be reflected by changes in the fall of the reach and in 'the stage; but as the fall and stage automatically adjust themselves to such shifts, the curves of relation will remain unchanged unless, as indicated above, such shifts occur within the reach itself. If shifts occur within the reach, their effects will be reflected by a scattering of plotted measurements with respect to both the stage- discharge and discharge-fall curves. However, they may be treated as gage-height shifts in the usual manner by determining the departure, in feet, of the adjusted discharge measurement from the constant-fall stage-discharge, or normal-fall stage-discharge curves. It is desirable to review the data at appropriate times to detect the possibility of rating-curve shifts, especially for stations where chang- ing backwater conditions do not continuously affect the upper gage. Under such conditions and with unstable control conditions within the reach, there is alwa} T s the possibility of low-water shifts ; however, with proper precaution and adequate discharge measurements, the shifts may be detected and the necessary changes made in the ratings. Effects of difference in datum. — If there is a difference in the datums of the gages and if the relations between stage, fall, and discharge are being determined for a reach having uniform slope by use of the curve of constant fall and application of equation (8), this difference will be absorbed in the curves of discharge- fall relation, but it may not be possible to express the discharge-fall relations in simple mathematical terms. If the relations between stage, fall, and discharge are being deter- mined for a reach having nonuniform slope by use of the curve of least backwater and the application of equation (9), it is essential that both gages be set to the same datum, as the normal fall varies with stage and the ratio of the observed falls at different stages will not bear a constant relation to the ratio of the true falls as determined by correcting for differences in datum. Effects of fluid turbulence. — The foregoing analysis of the slope- stage-discharge relations is predicated on the assumption that turbu- lence is completely developed in the stream and that all the energy of FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 141 the flowing water is being dissipated in that manner. Under some extreme conditions of small fall and low discharge, it is possible that turbulence may not be fully developed and viscous forces may predomi- nate, in which event the relation between discharge ratios and fall ratios may be a family of curves of equal discharge instead of a single curve. However, the practical difficulties involved in accurately de- termining the discharge and the fall through such a reach are so great that data of sufficient accuracy for definite evaluation of this condition are not yet available. PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE CURVES OF RELATION Several gaging stations now operated by the Geological Survey are affected by backwater. Some of these stations have uniform reaches and some have nonuniform reaches. Records obtained at some of these stations have been selected for the purpose of explaining the practical application of methods described in the preceding pages. TENNESSEE RIVER AT CHATTANOOGA, TENN. The upper gage at the station on the Tennessee River at Chat- tanooga, Tenn., is designated the Meadow Lake gage. A water-stage recorder is installed in a concrete well and shelter on the right bank, 2,700 feet below the mouth of South Chickamauga Creek, 3.0 miles downstream from Chickamauga Dam, and 36.5 miles upstream from Hales Bar Dam. Gage heights are referred to an inside float gage. Auxiliary gages include inside and outside staff gages. A static tube is provided on each intake. The lower gage at this station is the Citico Bar gage. A water-stage recorder is installed in a concrete well and shelter on the left bank, 11,240 feet downstream from the Meadow Lake gage. The gage heights are referred to an inside float gage. Auxiliary gages include inside and outside staff gages. A static tube is provided on each intake. Discharge measurements are made by boat opposite the Meadow Lake gage or the Citico Bar gage, or from the Walnut Street Bridge 6,090 feet below Citico Bar. The channel is curved in the vicinity of each gage, although it is practically straight between them. Each gage is on the outside of a bend. The relative position of the gages is shown in figure 11. The width and depth of the channel are fairly uniform through- out the reach with no abrupt change in the area of the cross section except at Citico Bar, where the bed rises about 5 feet. Therefore, the reach may be considered as being essentially uniform. Careful inspection by boat through the reach does not reveal the presence of any shoal other than that at Citico Bar, nor is there any appreciable contraction of the channel. The bed of the stream is covered with 142 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE coarse hard-packed gravel, sand, and clay, and is not subject to change except possibly at extremely high stages. The banks are covered with a fairly dense growth of brush and large trees. Backwater and variable slopes at this station at low stages are caused by the operation of turbines and flashboards at Hales Bar Figure 11. — Gages on Tennessee River at Chattanooga, Tenn. Dam. This is a low dam which becomes submerged at extremely high stages so that the backwater effects from it are negligible under those conditions. The curves of relation between stage and discharge and between discharge ratios and fall ratios for this station have been developed by means of the constant-fall curve in accordance with equation (8). The plotting of the discharge measurements with the fall indicated beside each measurement, and the trial curve for a constant fall of FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 143 1.00 foot, are shown in plate 0. The plotting of the adjusted dis- charge measurements and the curve of relation between discharge ratios and fall ratios are shown in plate 10. TENNESSEE RIVER AT GUNTERSVILLE, ALA. The upper gage at the station on the Tennessee River at Gunters- ville, Ala., is a water-stage recorder installed in a well attached to the downstream face of the pier at the left end of the main-channel span of a highway bridge. The lower gage is a water-stage recorder installed on the right bank, 43.700 feet below the upper gage and 3,300 feet above the Guntersville Dam. The channel conditions in this reach are reasonably uniform and the sinuosities are approximately of the same nature as those of the Tennessee River at Chattanooga, Tenn. Backwater is caused by the Guntersville Dam. The curves of relation for this gage are shown in plate 11. It will be noted that the curve of relation between the fall ratios and the discharge ratios does not pass through the origin of the coordinates and therefore cannot be represented by a simple form of parabola having its vertex at the origin. This condition may be due to the gages at the ends of the reach not being set exactly to the same datum, or to a break in the surface slope between the two gages. There is also the possibility that the upper gage, which is on the downstream side of a bridge pier may be affected by the draw- down past the pier. The possibility that the positions of the gages may have an effect on the curves of relation is brought out by a study of the fall-dis- charge relations at this station. If one or both of the gages in a reach are so placed that the gage heights recorded by them are dis- torted by conditions such as draw-down around a bridge pier or past an intake pipe, by superelevation of the water on the outside of a bend, or by depression on the inside of a bend, the falls determined from those records may be seriously affected. Conditions of that kind should be given consideration in the operation of a station. The fact that such effects have not always been recognized may have been the reason for mediocre success in the application of theoretical equations under some circumstances. OHIO RIVER AT METROPOLIS, ILL. The upper gage at the station on the Ohio River at Metropolis, 111., is a water-stage recorder installed on the downstream side of a pier of the railroad bridge at Metropolis. The lower gage is a water- stage recorder installed on the right bank, 2,600 feet upstream from Dam 53, a navigation lock and dam, and 95,000 feet downstream from the upper gage. Both gages are at the same datum as determined by 144 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE levels to bench* marks of the Corps of Engineers, United States Army. In the channel between Metropolis and Dam 53 are two large gravel bars, known as the Grand Chain Rapids and the Little Chain Rapids. Prior to 1929, when Dam 53 was completed, the flow over the bars was swift and the depths were shallow during low-water periods, so that navigation was difficult. The present pool has in- creased low-water depths of the river at sections other than the canalized parts of the channel to about 9 feet, and likewise has in- creased the widtli and the total area of the cross sections in all parts of the reach. The plan and profile of the reach are shown in plate 12. The upper part of the diagram shows the plan of the river in the reach. The hatched areas represent that part of the river bottom over which the depth of water is less than 9 feet when Dam 53 is operating and the pool is at normal level, which is 290 feet above mean sea level. The central part of the diagram is a profile of the river bottom for approximately the lowest third of the width at each section. The plan and profile show the degree of nonuniformity of the reach, particularly the bed profile. This marked nonuni- formity is reflected in the variation in the average velocity from point to point in the reach, those variations naturally affecting the slope of the water surface and the energy gradient. The variations in average velocity are shown by the curve at the bottom of the diagram. The velocity was computed from areas determined on the basis of soundings by the Corps of Engineers, United States Army, at sections in the reach for a discharge of 50,000 second-feet with the pool at normal operating level. There are three possible sources of backwater at this station. First, the operation of Dam 53 for navigation, which is the most prolific source of backwater, affects the stage-discharge relation for all dis- charges below about 250,000 second-feet. The effects are most serious for discharges below 100,000 second- feet and under those conditions Dam 53 at times creates such extreme backwater that the fall in the 95,000-foot length of reach is only 0.28 foot. High stages of the Mississippi River is the second source of backwater. Such stages caused 7 feet of backwater in June 1938 for a discharge of 166,000 second-feet in the Ohio River. The third source of oackwater is the return of overbank flow from areas along the channel. This has considerable effect, particularly for discharges above 300,000 second- feet, but is infrequent and occurs only during periods of extreme floods, such as the flood of January 1937. As indicated above, the reach for this station is nonuniform and the relations between fall, stage, and discharge must be determined by means of equation (9), the curves of relation between stage and FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 145 normal discharge and between stage and normal fall, and discharge ratios and fall ratios. The curves of relation between stage and normal discharge and between stage and normal fall at this station are shown in plate 13. The plotting of the adjusted discharge meas- urements and the curve of relation between discharge ratios and fall ratios are shown in plate 14. KOOTENAI KIVER NEAR COP ET, AND, IDAHO Three gages are operated in the fall reach for the station on the Kootenai River near Copeland, Idaho. The gage to which the dis- charge measurements are referred is a water-stage recorder near Copeland, about midway of the reach. The measurements are made at this section. Other water-stage recorders are at Klockmann Ranch above Copeland and at Port Hill below Copeland. The distance between the upper and lower gages is 179,000 feet, or nearly 34 miles. The fall-stage-discharge relations apparently are not affected by draw-down or other local conditions attributable to the position of the gage. The gages are at the same datum as determined by levels to bench marks of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. The Kootenai River is a sinuous stream flowing in a mature valley over a deep deposit of alluvial material. The total curvature in the reach is equivalent to several complete circles. There are no appre- ciable variations in the type of bed and bank material in the reach and no pronounced shoals or rapids which might act as controlling elements. Levees have been constructed on each bank for several miles along and beyond the slope reach. These levees have an appreciable affect on the slope-stage-discharge relations at high stages as observed by the changes in these relations at times of occasional breaks in the levees. Backwater effects at this station are caused by changes in the stage of Kootenai Lake, 48 miles downstream from the Copeland gage ; these effects extend for many miles because of the extremely flat gradient of the stream. The operation of a power dam about 60 miles below the head of the lake and about 108 miles below the Copeland gage may cause changes in backwater throughout the reach. The distances given are in miles along the river. The curves of relations for the gaging station near Copeland with a constant fall of 4.0 feet are shown in plate 15. The curves are prepared in a manner similar to those for the Tennessee River at Chattanooga, Tenn., except that the relations between the discharge ratios and the fall ratios are plotted to logarithmic scales. Examination of the relations indicates that they may be represented very closely by the simple mathematical equation 146 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE Qif Fx Y fl Q2 V4.00/ which is the same as equation (8) with the proper figures substituted. The conditions at this station are unusual in several respects. First, the gage to which the ratings are referred is approximately midway of the reach through which the fall is determined, whereas the records of fall are obtained from two other gages, one at each end of the reach. Second, the fundamental assumption in the theoretical appli- cation of equation (2) to the problems of backwater is that there is a complete interchange between potential and kinetic energy. In other words, losses in kinetic energy due to retardat ion of flow as the dis- charge progresses downstream are assumed to be totally absorbed by the increases in potential energy. The sinuosity of this stream is such that a great loss of energy may occur from the continual change in the direction of flow, so that the kinetic-energy factor may be of minor importance. Third, because of the very flat slopes and low velocities the turbulent condition of flow may not be fully developed and there- fore the exponent to slope in the general mathematical equation of flow (1) may be greater than 0.5. The experimental determination of 0.6 as the value of the exponent in the fall-discharge relations for this station is in agreement with this assumption. DETERMINATION OF DISCHARGE After having determined the curves of relation between fall, stage, and discharge by the above described methods, there still remains the problem of determining discharge for a unit of time by the mechanical operations of converting observations of stage at the ends of a reach into figures of discharge. This may be accomplished either by arith- metical or graphical methods. The arithmetical method requires the use of rating tables and the multiplication of certain factors. The graphical method consists of reading the figures of discharge from a chart. ARITHMETICAL METHOD Before applying the arithmetical method to the determination of discharge at stations where fall-stage-discharge relations are affected by backwater it is necessary to prepare rating tables. These rating tables of stage-discharge relations are prepared in the usual manner for the constant-fall discharge relations and the normal-fall dis- charge relations as follows : For a uniform reach, prepare a table of relation between fall ratios and discharge ratios. As the fall ratios are determined by using constant fall as the divisor, fall may be used directly in place of fall ratio, thus eliminating the necessity of reducing each observation of fall to a fall ratio. FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 147 For a nonuniform reach, prepare a table relation between stage, fall, and discharge ratios. This is .a three-dimensional table pre- pared from the curve of relation between discharge ratios and fall ratios. Table 7 shows part of the range of stage and fall for the Ohio River at Metropolis, 111. The table should be of sufficient scope to adequately cover all conditions of stage and fall. After the tables are prepared the procedure is as follows: First, enter the table of stage and discharge for the observed gage height at the upper gage or gage of reference and determine the constant- fall or normal-fall discharge; second, enter the table of fall and dis- charge ratios (for a constant-fall rating) or the table of stage, fall and discharge ratios (for a normal-fall rating) and determine the factor by which the constant-fall or normal-fall discharge is to be multiplied to give the actual discharge. The arithmetical method of discharge determination has one ad- vantage in that the checker can duplicate the figures arrived at by the computer. This is particularly helpful if the checker is not thoroughly familiar with the details of computation. Also, if the station is undergoing shifts with respect to time, such shifts may be treated as gage-height shifts in the ordinary manner before entering the table of stage and discharge. Table 7. — Relation between stage, fall, and discharge adjustment factor, Ohio River at Metropolis, III. Gage Nor- Applicable factors for designated fall in feet neigni (feet) fall (feet) 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1. 2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 13 5. 33 0. 360 0. 456 0. 52 0.58 0. 61 0. 65 0. 68 0.71 0. 74 0. 78 0. 83 0.88 0. °1 0.97 1.00 14 5. 19 .365 .462 .53 .58 .62 .65 .69 . 71 .74 .79 .84 .88 .91 .98 1.00 15. 5. 05 .372 .468 .54 .59 .62 .66 .69 .72 . 74 .79 .85 .89 .92 .99 1.00 16 4.91 .377 . 474 .54 .59 .63 .67 .70 .73 .75 .80 .86 .89 .93 1.00 1.00 17 4. 78 .382 .480 .55 .60 .64 .67 .70 .73 .75 .81 .87 .90 .94 1.00 1.00 18 4. 65 .384 .486 .56 .61 .65 .68 . 71 . 74 .76 .82 .88 .91 .95 1.00 1.00 19 4. 54 .394 .493 .56 .61 .65 .69 .72 . 74 .77 .83 .88 .91 .95 1.00 1.00 20.. 4.42 .405 .50 .57 .62 .66 .70 .73 .75 .78 .84 .89 .92 .96 1.00 1.00 21 4.31 .410 .50 .57 .62 .66 .70 .73 .75 .78 .84 .89 .93 .97 1.00 1.00 22 4. 21 .415 .51 .58 .63 . 67 . 71 .74 .76 .79 .85 .90 .94 .98 1.00 1.00 23 4. 13 .420 .51 .58 .63 .67 .71 .74 .76 .79 .85 .90 .94 .98 1.00 1.00 24.... 4. 08 .425 ,. c 2 .59 .63 .68 .71 .75 . 77 .80 .86 .91 .95 .99 1.00 1.00 GRAPHICAL METHOD Having established the curves of relation between fall, stage, and discharge, it is a simple matter to produce any desired combination of relations between gage heights at the end of the reach and the dis- charge ; or between the gage height at the upper end of the reach, the fall, and the discharge. A series of curves for equal stages at the lower gage corresponding to different values of fall may be constructed, these curves being plotted against the upper gage heights as ordinates and the discharge 148 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE as abscissas as shown by the broken lines in plate 16. These curves afford a simple method of determining the discharge graphically, as it is necessary only to enter the graph with the upper gage height as the ordinate, proceed horizontally until the proper value of the lower gage height is reached, and then read downward to the discharge. Such a series of curves has one objection in that the curves of equal gage height tend to become horizontal with low discharge and small fall, which conditions make it difficult to read the discharge with the necessary degree of refinement unless curves are constructed for small increments of the lower gage height, Another method is to construct a series of curves of equal fall for stages at the upper gage, plotting the curves with gage heights at the upper gage as ordinates and the discharge as abscissas as shown by the full lines in plate 16. These curves involve one more step — the com- putation of fall — before they can be used. They possess, however, an advantage in providing for more accurate readings of the discharges for low flows and extreme conditions of backwater. The needs and requirements of the particular problem should govern the choice of the particular type of curves of relation that are con- structed. However, it is essential that these curves be first constructed by the methods outlined above and not constructed as a family of curves by simply plotting each discharge measurement with the correspond- ing fall, or gage height. The reasons for this are that a very large number of discharge measurements covering all the range of conditions would be required to fully develop a family of curves; and if progres- sive channel shifts occur, they are generally very difficult to detect in a family of curves, although they may be easily seen on a single curve. DEVELOPMENT OF DISCHARGE HYDROGRAPH A discharge hydrograph developed by either the arithmetical or the graphical method described above is one of the most practical means of determining daily discharge for a station affected by backwater. The hydrograph may be developed from computations of discharge for short intervals of time, using falls obtained from the records of stage at the ends of the reach. The figures of discharge are plotted with the discharge as the ordinate and time as the abscissa. The scale for the ordinates of the discharge graph should be so large that the average discharge for the day can be determined from the graph with a good degree of accuracy, and enough dis- charge figures should be determined to establish accurately the shape of the discharge graph. It has been found by experience that falls determined by simultaneous readings cannot be used at some stations because of the effects of rapid regulation. Use of average falls for periods of time ranging from 2 to 24 hours will be FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 149 necessary to smooth out the effects of regulation. The intervals selected for subdividing will depend on the accuracy desired and the rapidity and frequency of the fluctuations. If there is only a small change in the fall between the two gages, one or possibly two com- putations of the discharge in a 24-hour period are generally suffi- cient. If the fall is changing rapidly, as indicated by changes in stage on the gage height graphs, a larger number of computations of discharge will be necessary. The number of computations re- quired can readily be determined by inspection of the recorder graphs and by selecting points that will define the changes in curva- ture of the discharge graph. After the discharge graph is constructed, the daily discharges can be readily determined by the method of balancing areas. This method of determining daily discharge for stations affected by back- water will facilitate computations because it does not require the computation of mean daily gage heights for either of the gages, it eliminates the necessity of subdividing variations in fall, and it affords a ready means of detecting any necessary adjustments in daily discharge which may become apparent as the discharge graph is being constructed. Plotting of the discharges of actual measure- ments in conjunction with the computed discharges will serve as a check on both the computed discharge and the station rating. NORMAL-FALL METHOD The normal-fall method was one of the first of the so-called slope methods. 45 It consists of the development of a "normal" discharge rating corresponding to F n , the "normal" or average difference in water-surface stages between two gages over a period of time, by means of the equation ^—^j? where Q n represents the "normal" or theoretical discharge for the "normal" or average fall F n , and Q x represents the discharge at another time when the fall is F r . The value of F n may be arbitrarily assumed, but to make the ratio as nearly unity as possible, F n is taken as the average fall in the reach. The equation of relation used in this method is identical with equation (8) except that the functional relationship is assumed to be parabolic with an exponent of 0.5. A variation of this method is that in which the relation between stage and fall is developed for different stages and the "normal" fall F n corresponding to a given stage is used in the above equation. The stage-fall relation is determined by plotting the fall for each dis- 48 Hall, M. R., Hall, W. E., and Tierce, C. H., A method of determining the daily discharge of rtvers of variable slope : U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 345, pp. 53-65, 1915. 150 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE charge measurement against stage and drawing a smooth curve aver- aging the points. The measured Q x is reduced to the corresponding "normal" discharge by means of the "normal" fall as determined from this curve rather than by use of a constant value of fall repre- senting average conditions of fall with respect both to time and stage. In the so-called unit-fall method a modification of the normal-fall method was made by assuming that 7^ = 1.00, so that Qn = —F=~. In this form it came to be known as the unit-fall method. STAGE-RATIO METHOD The so-called stage-ratio method has been used with some success in the determination of discharge at gaging stations in the Ohio River and the Tennessee River Basins. The application of this method to the computation of the discharge of the Tennessee River at the Gilbertsville dam site, Gilbertsville, Ky., has been described by Rutter, Graves, and Snyder. 46 In this method the ratios of the gage heights at the ends of a channel reach are used as criteria of the effects of backwater in the reach. The curves necessary for the application of this method are developed as follows: 1. The ratio of the gage heights (to the same datum) at each end of a reach for each discharge measurement is determined and desig- nated as the gage ratio, GR : Gage height at upper end of reach Gage height at lower end of reach 2. All discharge measurements are plotted against the stage at the upper end of the reach in the usual manner, and a rating curve is drawn in a position lower in stage than any of the discharge meas- urements but as nearly parallel to them as possible. The curve thus constructed is known as the effective-gage-height discharge curve. 3. The ratio of the gage height from the effective-gage-height dis- charge curve and the observed gage height for each discharge meas- urement is determined. This is known as the stage ratio, SR. Effective gage height Observed gage Jieight 4. The stage ratio SR is plotted against the gage ratio GR for each discharge measurement and an average curve drawn through them. The points may depart rather widely from this curve, but by using the curve as a basis a new stage ratio SR may be determined for each ** Rutter, E. J., Graves, Q. B., and Snyder, F. F., Flood routing; Am. Soc. Civil Eng. Proc, vol. 64, pp. 291-310, February 1938. FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 151 measurement and the corresponding new effective gage height com- puted and plotted on the effective-gage-height discharge curve. On the basis of these points a new effective-gage-height discharge curve may be drawn. 5. By a repetition of steps 2 to 4, smooth curves may be developed for effective gage height plotted against discharge and stage ratio plotted against gage-height ratio. SELECTION OF GAGING STATIONS ON STREAMS AFFECTED BY VARIABLE SLOPE Length of reach. — The length of reach between the two gages used in obtaining records of stages should be such that ordinary errors occurring in the determination of gage heights at a gaging station will not be more than a negligible part of the total fall in the reach. It is apparent that the greater the fall the shorter the reach that is necessary. The reach should not be unduly long because of possible variations of channel section or because of inflow from tributaries. On the assumption that the possible error in gage readings at each gage might be 0.01 foot, the maximum error in observations of fall would be 0.02 foot. This would allow a maximum error of 4 percent if the minimum fall was 0.5 foot, which would be about the allowable of error. In the fall reach of the Kootenai River near Copeland, Idaho, falls as low as 0.5 foot have been recorded in a distance of 179,000 feet. Type of reach. — The type of reach that is selected will depend upon the characteristics of the stream. If the stream is similar in general configuration and profile to the Tennessee River at Chattanooga, Tenn. (p. 142), a fairly uniform reach may be available. If the stream is broken in longitudinal profile it may be similar in type to the Ohio River at Metropolis, 111. (see pi. 12). The stream profile should be carefully studied to ascertain if there are any abrupt changes in slopes. If there is a pronounced change in the slope, this condition may act as the controlling element at those times when the back- water does not extend throughout the reach. Selection of reach. — The channel reach between the gages should be as far above the source of backwater as is practicable in order to utilize the greatest possible amount of fall. Even though the upper gage at times may be above the influence of backwater, the fall rela- tions may be established by the methods outlined for the Ohio River at Metropolis, 111. The reach should be so selected that there are no large tributaries entering between the gages. Reaches subject to the return of water from overbank flow at high stages should be avoided if pos- sible, also shifting channel conditions and sharp bends in the reach. 152 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE Sharp bends should be avoided, as the bends are usually undergoing erosion on the outside of the curve and deposition on the inside. Position of gages. — In the selection of sites for the gages, particular attention should be given to local conditions. If it is necessary to place a gage on a bridge pier, the stilling well for the gage should be con- nected with the river in such a manner as to eliminate the effect of draw-down around the pier so far as possible. Also, if the velocity at the intake pipes causes draw-down in gage wells in the stream bank, suitable intake devices should be installed to eliminate this effect. Both gages should, if possible, be similarly placed with re- spect to bends in the streams in order to avoid the possibility of dis- torted water-surface falls caused by the piling up or depression of the water on the outside or inside of the bends. Both gages sliould be water-stage recorders unless the effects of variable slopes are ephemeral and relatively unimportant. In establishing a gaging station on a stream having a section control at low stages, the upper gage should be placed as close as possible to the control, as its nearness to the control greatly reduces the effects of changing discharge. It should be remembered that the effects of changing discharge are greater for flat slopes than for steep slopes and greater for low velocities than for high velocities. VARIABLE SLOPES CAUSED BY CHANGING DISCHARGE If the discharge is changing with respect to time the stage-discharge relations at a section in an open channel will be affected by one or more of three factors : (1) Increase or decrease in the slope of the water surface from the slope corresponding to steady flow conditions, (2) the conversion of discharge into or out of channel storage, or (3) the return of overbank flow. Under these conditions the discharge meas- urements made at times of changing discharge must be adjusted in order to correlate them with discharge measurements made during steady flow when a curve of the stage-discharge relation is developed. It is also necessary to have a means of computing the discharge under conditions of changing stage at a station where the stage-discharge relations have been developed for conditions of steady flow. ADJUSTMENTS USING SLOPE AS A FACTOR If the stage-discharge relation at a stream section in a channel-con- trolled reach is affected under changing discharge conditions by the variation of the slope of the water surface but not by changes in chan- nel storage or by return of overbank flow, an approximate adjustment of the discharge Q m for the changing-discharge condition to the equiva- lent discharge Q c for a condition of constant discharge at the same gage height may be made by consideration of the slope of the water FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN* CHANNELS 153 surface, the velocity of the flood wave, and the rate of change of stage in accordance with the following equation : 1 + Udt in which S c is the slope of the water surface under constant discharge conditions, U is the velocity of the flood wave, and ^ is the rate of change of stage, which is positive if the stream is rising and negative if it is falling. This method requires the determination of the slope of the water surface under constant-discharge conditions by observations of gage height at the ends of the reach and also an estimate of the velocity of the flood wave. Equation (10) will be recognized as the Jones formula 47 for the adjustment of discharge measurements made under conditions of changing discharge, except that in equation (10) the flood- wave ve- locity U has been substituted for the surface velocity j^- The slope term S c must be evaluated for conditions of constant discharge by observations on gages at the ends of a reach. If a second gage has not been installed for the purpose of evalu- ating the slope of the water surface, the adjustment of discharge may be made in equation (10) by substituting the slope of the energy gradient S e at the time of the discharge measurement for the slope of the water surface S c . The equation then becomes V e Udt (11) Qm " which may also be written in the form Qc_ r \~~dh (lla) US e dt The slope of the energy gradient S e for use in the above equations may be computed by means of one of the common formulas of flow, such as the Manning formula. Equation lla is the so-called Wiggins' formula 48 for the adjustment of discharge measurements made under conditions of changing stage. The application of this method is described on page 160. 47 Jones, B. E., A method for correcting river discharge for a changing stage : U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 375, pp. 117-130, 1916. 48 Developed in 1925 by W. C. Wiggins, who was at that time a junior engineer in the Geological Survey. 154 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE Velocity of the flood wave. — The equations of adjustment for the effect of changing discharge contain the velocity of the flood wave U as an essential element. The magnitude of U must be determined before any equation for adjustment for the effect of changing discharge can be applied correctly. Relative to the velocity of gravity waves in open channels, Rouse 4 " states : A gravity wave, in particular, is a most complex phenomenon, and a rigorous analysis must give clue regard to boundary resistance and velocity distribution, channel slope, and the nonhydrostatic distribution of pressure resulting from curvature of the liquid filaments. The relative magnitudes of these several fac- tors will vary considerably with the boundary conditions, and tbe net result can only be a complex case of unsteady motion no matter how the problem is approached. Countless efforts have been made — in particular by Boussinesq — to treat each such influence as an individual problem. Even then only approximate solutions of the separate cases have been obtained, and their combination has remained quite out of the question. According to Moots 50 the velocity of a flood wave may have at least three interpretations : (1) The velocity interpreted as the rate of move- ment of the discontinuities in the first derivatives at either the begin- ning or the end point of the wave (2) The velocity as the rate of pre- gression of the wave's peak or maximum height; (3) The velocity as the virtual movement of a constant flow or stage height. So far as application to problems of changing discharge is con- cerned, the shape of the flood wave which accompanies changing dis- charge can generally be assumed to be constant with respect to time, as its rate of change is so slow that the effect of such change may not be detected because of the limits of accuracy of the data. With respect to problems of changing discharge only two forms of wave transmission need be considered, the first of which is the virtual velocity of a wave with constant velocity in a uniform channel, expressed by the equation and known as the Seddon principle; 51 the second is the velocity of a wave of translation of small height in a pool 52 in which d is the mean depth of the section : Equation (12) is the mathematical expression for the velocity of a flood wave in a uniform channel. From examination of the various empirical formulas 53 for the mean velocity in a natural channel it ** Rouse, Hunter, Fluid mechanics for hydraulic engineers, p. 377, 1939. 60 Moots, E. E., A study in flood wave : Iowa Univ., Studies in Eng., Bull. 14, p. 130, 1938. « Seddon, J. E., River hydraulics : Am. Soc. Civil Eng. Trans., vol. 43, pp. 179-243, 1900. M O'Brien, M. P., and Hickox, G. H., Applied fluid mechanics, p. 299, 1937. M Horton, R. E., Seddon's and Forcheimer's formulas for crest velocity of flood waves subject to channel-friction control : Am. Geophys. Union Trans., pp. 374-382, 1938. (12) Z7t = VW (13) FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 155 appears that the velocity of the Hood wave U u is between 1.3 and 1.7 times as great as the corresponding mean velocity V m . Experience seems to indicate that the most probable value is about 1.3; therefore, for purposes of practical application it will be considered that in a uniform channel tf«=1.3 V m (14) Although natural channels are seldom uniform, yet at times when the flow in a channel is well above low water and in the region of high water, it is probable that minor channel irregularities are drowned out and the channel may be considered as being practically uniform. Under such conditions, equation (14) will give the velocity of a flood wave with reasonable accuracy. Natural channels gen- erally contain shoals, rapids, or constrictions which become con- trolling sections at some stages and create pools above them through which the slope may be practically zero. Under those conditions, a disturbance initiated at the upper end the pool, such as a changing discharge, will pass through the pool and over the control in much the same manner as a wave of translation with a velocity as given by equation (13). Little has been done with respect to actual field observations of the rate of travel of flood waves at gaging stations affected by chang- ing discharge. Because of the lack of definite data it is necessary to make certain assumptions in order to adjust discharge measure- ments made under conditions of changing discharge to the equiva- lent discharge for steady flow. It is apparent that neither equation (13) nor (14) may be used throughout the entire range of stage at a gaging station to evaluate the rate of travel of a flood wave, as such use may produce figures of adjusted discharge, particularly at low stages, that are entirely disproportionate. An examination of data for several gaging stations has led to the derivation of an empirical equation which makes allowance for the factors mentioned above by weighting them with respect to slope. This equation is t/=1.3F m |+(l-|)v^ (15) in which S c is the constant-stage slope for the stage at which the discharge measurement was made, S is the slope which the stream tends to approach at high stages, V m is the mean velocity at the representative cross section, and d is the mean depth at that section. As this is an empirical equation and must be considered as only an approximation, the mean velocity and mean depth for the discharge measurement may be used for V and d unless there is a decided difference between the measuring section and the representative sec- tion. The slope figures are obtained from the curve of slope plotted against stage for conditions of steady flow. 156 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE The meaning of equation (15) is, in effect, that if there is high water and the slope S c for the stage of discharge measurement equals the slope S for high discharges, the second term is zero and U=l.ZV; if there is a pool condition and S c is zero, the flood- wave velocity becomes U = \/gd; and if the discharge is between the pool condition and the completely uniform channel condition the flood-wave velocity is between the values corresponding to those con- ditions. If the slope S c tends to become less as the discharge in- creases, do not use equation (15) but assume that the channel is essentially uniform and that equation (14) applies. Reference is made above to the representative cross section of a gaging station. Frequently the discharge measurements are made from a bridge or cableway which is at a contracted section of the stream and the area, mean depth, and velocity at the place of measure- ment may not be truly representative of the average conditions in the channel. For some stations it may be necessary to develop a rep- resentative cross section of the reach in order to define representative values of the velocity and the hydraulic radius or the mean depth. The velocity and mean depth for each discharge measurement should then be recomputed on the basis of this average or representative cross section before they are used in the above formulas. ADJUSTMENTS USING CHANNEL STORAGE AS A FACTOR At some gaging stations discharge measurements appear to be af- fected by changing slope resulting from changing discharge, when in reality they are affected by channel storage. The discharge meas- urements may have been made at some distance away from the gage (p. 79) , or the gage may be in a large pool some distance upstream from the section control which forms the pool. In either instance each discharge measurement should be adjusted to the equivalent discharge at the gage or at the section control by means of the equation Q m -Q g =WLC^ (16) in which Q m is the measured discharge, Q g is the discharge at the gage or section control, W is the average width of stream, L is the length between the sections at which Q m and Q g are determined, C is a con- stant relating the rate of change of stage ^y*' its equivalent effect in the reach. The constant G is generally close to unity. If a sufficient number of discharge measurements are available to define a curve of relation between stage and discharge for constant- discharge conditions, Q g may be obtained from this curve and the channel parameter WLC computed for each measurement made under FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 157 conditions of changing discharge. If channel storage is the domi- nant factor in the stage-discharge relation the result will be a smooth curve. RETURN OF OVERBANK FLOW The effects of the return of overbank flow are the direct result of changing discharge when water leaves the stream channel and pours out over the banks during rises that exceed bankful stage and returns to the channel during falling stages, creating backwater. The effects are so complicated by changes in bank characteristics during the year, the absorptive capacity of the soil and its ability to release water, and other factors, that no simple treatment of the problem is possible with a single gage and studies of rate of change of stage. One method is to make a sufficient number of measurements during each overbank rise to define a loop curve of stage-discharge relation; an- other method is to install an auxiliary gage and treat the station as a backwater problem. The latter method is to be recommended. The reach chosen for determination of the fall-stage-discharge rela- tions should be as free as possible of overflow areas, because any marked difference in discharge at the ends of the reach upsets the analysis that uses fall as a factor. RESUME OF EQUATIONS For the benefit of those who are interested in the equations them- selves and not in the manner in which they are derived, the following brief resume is given of the equations used in adjustments for chang- ing discharge. Gaging stations with two gages. — The equation of adjustment is -\l bc +Udt in which S c is obtained from the slope-tage relation determined on the basis of slope observations during periods of constant stage. The velocity of the flood wave U is evaluated by means of equation (15). Gaging stations with one gage. — At gaging stations having only one gage the equation of adjustment is The slope of the energy gradient S e may be computed from one of the ordinary formulas, the Manning formula V =h***RHS e » (17) n probably being the easiest to apply. In this formula the value of t? 5 the coefficient of roughness for the channel, must be selected on the 158 STREAM GAGING PROCEDURE basis of experience and knowledge of the channel reach. Pairs of discharge measurements at approximately the same stage, one on a rising stage and the other on a falling stage, will aid in evaluating n. In the evaluation of S e from equation (17) the work may be .sim- plified by using the relation ° e- 2.2082#* W for which values of the fraction 2 2082ffi* ^ ave ^ een punished. 54 For the determination of the slope S e sl series of diagrams may be prepared for different values of n in the Manning formula. In these diagrams the mean velocity in feet per second and the hydraulic radius in feet are used as coordinates and a family of curves for the slope S e is developed for each selected value of n. If the diagrams are prepared on logarithmic paper, for each value of n there will be a series of parallel lines for the values of S e . The use of diagrams is not necessary, as the value of S e from equation (18) may be substi- tuted directly in equation (11a). The velocity of the flood wave U is evaluated by means of equation (15). ADJUSTMENT OF DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS Adjustments of discharge measurements made under conditions of changing discharge are primarily for the purpose of correlating those measurements with other measurements made under conditions of steady flow in developing a curve of the stage-discharge relation. The methods used in these adjustments also serve to determine the effects of the rate of change of stage on the stage-discharge relation used in the computation of discharge. Four methods of determining adjust- ments to discharge measurements made under conditions of changing discharge are given herein. Each method, except the Jones method, has been applied to a series of measurements for the Tennessee River near Scottsboro, Ala. The gage height, the measured discharge, the rate of change of stage in feet per hour and the average velocity and hydraulic radius at the measuring section, which is a representative cross section of the river in the vicinity of the gage, for 25 discharge measurements at that station are given in table 8. Before applying any of the methods it is desirable to plot the dis- charge measurement against stage in the usual manner, indicating beside each measurement the rate of change of stage in feet per hour. It may be helpful to indicate a falling stage by lines leading upward from the plotted point to the measurement number and a rising stage " King, H. W., Handbook of hydraulics, 3d ed., p. 309, 1939. FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 159 by lines leading downward from the plotted point to the measure- ment number. Table 8. — Discharge measurements of the Tennessee River near Scotlsboro, Ala. Measurement No. Gage height Measured dis- charge (second feet) Rate of change of stage (feet per hour) Hydraulic radius (feet) Mean velocity (feet per second) 20 26. 28 247, 000 -0. 008 20. 4 4. 75 31 24. 36 215, 000 — . 007 18. 7 4. 56 30 24. 19 216, 000 -h 032 18. 3 4. 64 21 23. 30 202, 000 + . 119 17. 1 4. 61 32 23. 22 188, 000 — . 084 17. 5 4. 25 16 22. 50 180, 000 013 16. 4 4. 23 33 19. 39 131,000 — . 176 22. 2 3. 98 54 18. 74 132, 000 — . 069 21. 4 4. 16 53 18. 61 136, 000 058 21. 5 4. 29 37 16. 85 124, 000 + . 056 19. 7 4. 31 55 15. 64 96, 500 1 18. 6 3. 53 34 14. 91 91, 000 197 17. 8 3. 49 36 14. 73 107, 000 140 17. 6 4. 18 39 13. 96 95, 800 053 17. . 3. 86 35_ 11. 26 *7 r\ AAA 79, 200 128 1 A A 14. 4 O. 79 56 11. 29 68, 200 160 14. 4 3. 26 42 10. 76 73, 200 008 13. 9 3. 64 50 9. 44 59, 300 058 12. 7 3. 24 57 8. 52 53, 200 063 11. 7 3. 17 61 7. 38 45, 200 +. 016 10. 4 3. 01 59 6. 46 40, 100 +. 010 9. 45 2. 95 19 5. 09 31, 400 006 8. 25 2. 66 45 4. 54 28, 800 105 7. 78 2. 59 22 3. 98 25. 000 003 7. 18 2. 45 24 2. 04 14, 800 011 5. 43 1. 93 JONES METHOD The Jones method 55 was developed for application at gaging sta- tions equipped with two gages. This method uses an equation of relation between constant discharge and changing discharge at the same stage which is practically identical with equation (10). The application of this method is as follows : Construct a stage-slope curve from observations of stages at gages at each end of the reach under conditions of steady flow, and from this curve determine the slope S c of the water surface corresponding to the stage of each discharge measurement. Compute the velocity of the flood wave U by means of equation (15), using in that equation the slope S c for the measure- ment, the So for high stages, and the mean velocity V m and the mean depth d as computed for the discharge measurement from a representa- tive cross section. After computing the velocity of the flood wave £7, substitute the computed value in equation (10) and solve for the constant-stage discharge Q c . If the slope of the water surface has 88 Jones, B. E., A method of correcting river discharge for a changing stage : U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 375, pp. 117-130, 1916. 160 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE not been evaluated by observation of gage heights at the ends of the reach, the slope of the energy gradient S e for discharge measure- ments made under conditions of constant discharge may be com- puted and plotted against stage. Figures for /S e may then be sub- stituted for S c in equation (10). This is an adaption of the Wiggins method, described below. WIGGINS METHOD Gaging stations operated by the Geological Survey on streams affected by changing discharge are generally not equipped with aux- iliary gages to determine the slope. W. C. Wiggins modified the Jones equation so as to use the slope of the energy gradient for a discharge measurement instead of the slope of the water surface under the conditions of constant discharge, the slope of the energy gradient being computed from one of the formulas for flow in open channels. The equation which he developed was similar in form to equation (11). The procedure in applying equation (11) is the same as for equation (10) as outlined above, except that the slope of the energy gradient S e for each discharge measurement is substituted for the slope of the water surface S 8 , and a stage-slope curve is not developed. The slope of the energy gradient S e is computed by use of the Manning formula as given in equation (17) and (18). Proper evaluation of the slope of the energy gradient is probably the most important step in application of the Wiggins method. A figure for the friction coefficient n is selected, and the discharge meas- urements adjusted by application of equations (11), (15), and (17). If discharge measurements have been obtained at approximately the same stages for both rising and falling stages, or if several measure- ments covering the same range in stage for rising and falling stage have been obtained, the adjustments to the measured discharges should bring the adjusted measurements into agreement if the proper value of n has been used. In this connection it should be noted that n may be expected to vary somewhat for different stages between low water and bankfull stage. If the selected value of n results in adjustments that are consistently too large or too small, a different value of n should be selected and the adjustments recomputed until a value of n is found which gives the most consistent results. Similar sets of trial com- putations may be necessary if the measurements are all made under falling stages and cover a sufficient range of stage so that the con- sistency of the adjustments may be considered as a check on the selected value of n. Adjustments of discharge measurements on the Ohio River at Wheeling, W. Va., by the Wiggins method are shown on plate 17. FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 161 On some streams subject to very rapid rises in stage it is practically impossible to obtain discharge measurements on rising stages. On many streams of that nature the only discharge measurements that are obtainable at medium and high stages are affected by changing discharge and are necessarily made during falling stages. The Wig- gins method is particularly valuable for the adjustment of discharge measurements under such conditions, although care should be used in the selection of n. An examination of the data given for the Tennessee River near Scottsboro, Ala., given in table 8, shows that the computed slope of the energy gradient S c for constant discharge is practically a con- stant throughout the range of stage, and as S e at high stages approxi- mately equals JS , for practical purposes is unity, and the solution of equation (15) gives the velocity of the flood wave as 1.3 times the mean velocity of the discharge measurement. The value of n was found to be 0.020. The adjusted figures of discharge by the Wig- gins method are given in the table on page 163. If a sufficient number of discharge measurements have been made under conditions of both rising and falling stages at a gaging sta- tion, solution of equation (10) may be made by graphical methods devised by Marion C. Boyer, without the necessity of computing the velocity of the flood wave or computing or observing the slope. By dividing the numerator and denominator of the second member of equation (10) by S c and inverting, the equation reduces to the form From a study of the plotting of the discharge measurements against stage in the usual manner it is possible to construct a curve of the approximate stage constant-discharge relation from which the constant discharge Q c may be determined for each discharge meas- urement. The measured discharge Q m and the rate of change of stage ^ (expressed in feet per hour for convenience) are known, and by substition of these figures in equation (10a) the term jjg is computed. The term vir for each measurement is plotted against stage and a curve drawn to average the points. From this curve BO YES METHOD (10a) 162 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE of relation each discharge measurement is adjusted by determining the value for the measurement and solving for the relation between the constant discharge and the measured discharge as expressed by equation (10a) Application of the Boyer method to a series of discharge meas- urements made on the Ohio River at Wheeling, W. Va., is shown on plate 17. It will be found that for discharge measurements made during small rates of change of stage, such as 0.10 foot per hour or less, the value of jjg is seriously affected by small inaccuracies in the measurement of discharge. For this reason it is desirable to com- pute the term only from measurements having rates of change of stage greater than 0.10 foot per hour. A considerable variation in the position of the curve of relation between stage and the term jig will have a relatively minor effect on the adjustment of a discharge measurement, this effect decreasing as the rate of change of stage becomes smaller. Adjustments of discharge by the Boyer method for discharge measurements at the station on the Tennessee River near Scottsboro, Ala., are given in table 9. LEWIS METHOD An approximate method devised by Douglas D. Lewis for the solu- tion of equation (10) is based on the results obtained from the analyses of the data for several gaging stations which indicate that the factor jjg is very nearly a constant for a considerable range of stage, so that equation (10a) may be written as |=V^i (10b) This equation gives a direct relation between the discharge ratios and the rate of change of stage, independent of stage. The dis- charge ratio is evaluated for each measurement and is plotted against the rate of change of stage; a curve is then drawn to average the points. Because of the possible variation in the factor jjg- with stage, this curve may indicate only an approximate relation between the discharge and the rate of change of stage, although in many instances it appears to be sufficiently accurate for the purpose for which it is used. The discharge measurements are adjusted by de- termining the relation between the constant-stage discharge and the measured discharge for the corresponding rate of change of stage FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 163 directly from the curve. The application of the Lewis method to discharge measurements of the Tennessee River near Scottsboro, Ala., is shown in plate 18 which indicates the relation between the dis- charge ratios and the rate of change of stage developed in ac- cordance with this method. The curve drawn through these points is that obtained by solving equation (10b) with the constant K=1.00. It has been found that the term is practically a constant over most of the range of stage, and therefore the Lewis method has considerable merit in its ease of application. The following table gives the adjusted discharge for measurements of the Tennessee River near Scottsboro, Ala., corresponding to the data contained in the table on page 159, as adjusted by the Wiggins, Boyer, and Lewis methods. Table 9. ■Adjusted discharge, in second-feet, for measurements of the Tennessee River near Scottsboro, Ala. Measurement N< Measured dis- charge Adjusted discharge Wiggins method Boyer method Lewis method 20 31 30 21 32 16 33 54 53 37 55 34 36 39 35 56 42 50 57 61 59 19 45 22 24 247, 000 215, 000 216, 000 202, 000 188, 000 180, 000 131, 000 132, 000 136, 000 124, 000 96, 500 91, 000 107, 000 95, 800 79, 200 68, 200 73, 200 59, 300 53, 200 45, 200 40, 100 31, 400 28, 800 25, 000 14, 800 247, 000 215, 000 214, 000 196, 000 193, 000 179, 000 147, 000 136, 000 132, 000 121, 000 112, 000 115, 000 102, 000 98, 000 75, 700 75, 800 73, 200 61, 200 54, 900 44, 800 39, 900 31, 400 27, 400 25, 000 14, 800 247, 000 215, 000 214, 000 195, 000 193, 000 179, 000 141, 000 136, 000 133, 000 121, 000 107, 000 101, 000 100, 000 98, 500 74, 400 74, 800 73 200 61, 200 54, 900 44, 800 40, 100 31, 400 27, 600 25, 000 14, 800 247, 000 215, 000 213, 000 191, 000 196, 000 179, 000 144, 000 137, 000 132, 000 120, 000 108, 000 101, 000 100, 000 98, 500 74, 600 74, 500 73, 200 61, 100 55, 000 44, 800 39, 900 31, 400 27, 400 25, 000 14, 800 DETERMINATION OF DISCHARGE The accuracy of the determination of discharge at a gaging station during a period when the stage-discharge relation is affected by changing discharge is dependent upon the determinations of the rela- tions between stage, rate of change of stage, and discharge. If these 164 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE relations have been determined, the discharge for a unit of time may be computed by the application of any of the methods used in the adjustment of discharge, the process being the reverse of that out- lined above for the adjustment of discharge measurements, and con- sists of the determination of Q m when Q c , the stage, and the rate of change are known. JONES METHOD The J ones method was developed on the assumption that two gages would be operated in a reach, the slopes corresponding to constant gage to be determined by observations on these gages. Because of the marked lack of uniformity of most natural channels, slopes deter- mined by that means might be considerably in error. For that rea- son and also because of the additional expense necessary to operate an additional gage, it seems that one of the other methods described herein may be better adapted to the practical problem of determining discharge. WIGGINS METHODS In solving equation (11) for Q m it will be necessary to know the slope of the energy gradient S e corresponding to the velocity at the time of the changing discharge. An approximate value of V for use in equation (18) can be determined by plotting velocities against stages for discharge measurements and determine the relation be- tween stage, rate of change in stage, and velocity. The diagrams mentioned on page 158 are helpful in the computa- tion of the discharge for a unit of time during a period of changing discharge, as they give the graphical solutions of equation (11) and (18). Application of the Wiggins method is rather complicated in this reverse procedure. BOYER METHOD The term jjg> equation (10a), is a factor for reducing the rate of change of stage to its equivalent effective rate, which figure is added to or subtracted from unity, depending on whether the stage is rising or falling; and the square root of the resultant figure is the relation between the discharge for constant stage and the dis- charge at the same stage for a condition of changing stage. In the application of this method two rating tables are prepared, one of stage and constant discharge and the other of stage and the term ^r* To compute the discharge during changing stage it is necessary to determine the constant discharge Q c for the gage height from the first rating table, then find the value of the term j^- for that gage height from the second table, and commute the FLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN OPEN CHANNELS 165 effective rate by the product of the term -jj-g- and the rate of change, add this effective rate to or subtract it from unity depending on whether the stage is rising or falling, take the square root, and multiply the constant discharge Q c by this figure, thereby obtaining the discharge Q m for the condition of changing stage. A three-dimensional table of stage, rate of change of stage, and the adjustment factor may easily be prepared. LEWIS METHOD In the Lewis method the relation between constant discharge and the discharge for a condition of changing stage is obtained directly from the curve of relation between this ratio and the rate of change of stage. DEVELOPMENT OF DISCHARGE HYDRO GRAPH A discharge hydrograph may be developed from a water-stage recorder graph by any of the above methods by computation of dis- charges for certain instants, using the gage height and the rate of change of stage. The figures of discharge are plotted with the discharge as the ordinate and the time as the abscissa. In develop- ing the discharge hydrograph it should be remembered that because of the effect of the increasing discharge the peak discharge occurs a little before the peak stage. The scale of ordinates of the discharge graph should be large enough so that the average discharge for the day can be determined from the graph with a good degree of accuracy and a sufficient num- ber of instantaneous discharges should be determined so that the shape of the discharge graph may be accurately established. The number of computations required can readily be determined by inspection of the recorder graphs and by selecting points that will define the changes in curvature of the discharge graph. The daily discharge is computed from the discharge hydrograph by the method of balancing areas. This method of determining daily discharge for stations affected by changing discharge will facilitate computations in that it does not require the computations of subdivisions according to rate of change of stage and it affords a ready means of detecting necessary adjust- ments in daily discharge that may become apparent as the discharge graph is constructed. Plotting of the discharges of actual measure- ments in conjunction with the computed discharges will serve as a check, both on the computed discharge and on the stage-discharge relation. Each gaging station should be studied to determine under what 166 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE conditions and for what rates of change of stage it is necessary to apply adjustment factors in determining the discharge. If it is found that for some stages there are rates of change of stage that give figures of discharge materially different from the constant- stage discharge at the same stages, the periods during which these stages and rates of change of stage occur should be subdivided and computed on the basis of partial discharges which include the effects of changing discharge for the rates of change applicable to the various parts of the day. Rapidly rising stages, even though gen- erally of shorter duration than falling stages, may show much greater effects of changing discharge than falling stages because the rate of change is usually much greater for rising than for falling stages. The computed discharge may be seriously in error unless the effects of rising and falling stages are recognized. VARIABLE SLOPES CAUSED BY BACKWATER IN CONJUNCTION WITH CHANGING DISCHARGE Natural streams are continuously changing in discharge, the dis- charge rarely remaining constant for any considerable period of time. Usually at gaging stations affected by backwater the effects of chang- ing discharge may be absorbed in the slope or fall as determined by simultaneous readings on gages at the ends of a reach. Although the effects of changing discharge in connection with backwater may usually be absorbed in the slope determinations, the slope-stage-discharge relations become very complex if the backwater is itself undergoing changes with* respect to time. For example, a rapidly rising river to which a stream is tributary will diminish the flow of the tributary stream at a section within the backwater in- fluence, and may at times so decrease the flow at such a section as to cause a reversal in the direction of flow. As the river falls the flow at a section will be materially increased by the release of channel stor- age above the section. Discharge measurements of the tributary stream made under those conditions will show less discharge for a rising stage and more for a falling stage — the reverse of the effect created by the passage of a flood wave. Evidence of this effect may be obtained from simultaneous observations on gages at the ends of a reach, but none of the methods outlined above for gaging stations affected by variable slopes are strictly applicable under these condi- tions. If it is necessary to operate a gaging station within the zone of influence of changing backwater, the only satisfactory solution is by means of an adequate number of discharge measurements to define completely the effects of the changes and the use of two recording gages for obtaining continuous records of the stages from which the slopes may be determined. Discharge measurements should be INSTRUMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 1G7 made as close to the center of the reach as practicable to reduce the effects of channel storage during changing stages. If a section is not available near the center of the reach measurements should be made toward the upper end rather than toward the lower to take advantage of the greater velocities in the region of least backwater. The effects of changing backwater conditions on the flow of a tributary stream generally are of short duration, and the periods of time requiring the use of the special methods would not be long. INSTRUMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT The development and improvement of equipment, especially the current meters and weights used in discharge measurements and water-stage recorders used in obtaining records of stage, have re- sulted in greater accuracy of the records and undoubtedly have con- tributed more to the progress of the surface-water investigations of the Geological Survey than any other single factor. During the development period, attention was first directed toward improve- ments in current meters; this Avas followed by the development and improvement of water-stage recorders and current-meter weights. With the beginning of stream-flow investigations by the Geological Survey in 1888 it was recognized that no current meter at that time had been developed which was satisfactory for use in river measure- ments under the wide range of conditions that must be successfully met. Several different types of current meters were used during the early part of the work, and the vertical-axis cup-type meter was finally selected as the type best adapted to the wide range of field conditions. Improvements were made in the design of the cup-type current meter as a result of experimentation and field experience until the needs of the Survey for a general-purpose current meter were reasonably well* satisfied. The urgent need of greater accuracy in the records of river stages became evident, and in about 1903 the development of water-stage recorders was begun. This development eventually provided the means whereby previous deficiencies in gage-height records could be overcome. By 1914 water-stage recorders were in use at 325 of the 1,741 gaging stations operated by the Geological Survey, 56 and on June 30, 1940, there were 3,181 stations so equipped in a total of 3,910 stream-flow-measurement stations. The need for more accurate soundings and for placing and holding the current meter in a definite position in deep swift water led to the development of heavier weights and suitable apparatus for handling 56 Pierce, C. H., Conditions requiring the use of automatic gages : U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 375, p. 131, 1916. 168 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE them. Descriptions of the design and construction of these articles of equipment are given in the following pages. Records of river stages and measurements of depths, widths, and velocities are the basic data for the determination of stream-flow. Inasmuch as the accuracy of the data depends largely on the per- formances of the current meters, the sounding equipment, and the water-stage recorders which are used in the work, many improve- ments to those instruments and equipment have been made, and it is to be expected that the improvements will continue, especially as new and more exacting uses for stream-flow records make the accuracy requirements more rigid. CURRENT METERS A current meter is an instrument used to measure the velocity of flowing water. It contains, as one of its essential parts, a set of cups or vanes which rotates about a central axis by the action of the moving water, the rate of rotation having a definite relation to the velocity of the water. By placing a current meter at a point in a stream and ascertaining the number of revolutions of the cups or vanes in a known interval of time, the velocity of the water at that point can be determined from the calibration of the meter. The first current meter of which there is record was the simple float wheel used by Borda and by Dupuit in the later part of the 18th century. 57 This meter contained no provision for determining the number of revolutions of the float wheel except by visual observations, and its use was confined to measuring surface velocities. Woltmann, a waterworks inspector of Hamburg, Germany, modified this meter in 1790 by including a gear mechanism for recording the number of revolutions made by the wheel so that it could be used beneath the water surface. The gear mechanism was engaged with the revolving wheel at the beginning of each observation and disengaged at the end of the observation by means of a cord operated by the observer. It was necessary to remove the instrument from the water upon the completion of each run in order that the data for computing the number of revolutions might be read from the gear wheels. Lapointe subsequently arranged the recording apparatus so that it could be read without removing the meter from the water. Various modi- fications and improvements were made to the current meter, although the horizontal axis was generally retained. Baumgarten in 1847 designed a meter having four helicoidal blades. During the next few years Saxton, Laignel, and others made further contributions to its development, but it was not until about 1860 when D. F. Henry, CT Henry, D. F., On the flow of water in canals and rivers : Jour. Franklin Inst., 3d ser., ol. 62, p. 167, 1871. INSTRUMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 169 an assistant in the Lake Survey, invented an electrical recording de- vice which replaced the mechanical registering dials, that the meter attained sufficient sensitiveness for accurate work. This improvement largely overcame the excessive friction which previously had been objectionable. Following the work of Henry, two distinct types of current meters came into use. These were the vertical-axis cup-type meters developed by Ellis and Price and the horizontal-axis pro- peller-type meters developed by Amsler, Stoppani, Haskell, Henry, Ritchie, Fteley, Ott, and Hoff. The earliest use of current meters in America was in connection with investigations on the Mississippi River which were begun in 1850 by Humphreys and Abbot. 58 A ship's log and a meter devised by Saxton were used in that work, but with little success. The first successful use of the current meter in measuring river dis- charge was in connection with studies on the Connecticut River conducted by Gen. T. G. Ellis in 1871. 59 In the course of these studies Ellis made a series of measurements with an electrical meter devised by himself after experimenting with a Woltmann meter equipped with an electrical recording device. Many of the diffi- culties which had to be overcome in the development of a meter suitable for general use were first discovered in this series of measurements. GENERAL. REQUIREMENTS IN DESIGN OF CURRENT METERS The ideal current meter should satisfy two theoretical require- ments: first, the rotor of the meter should respond instantly and consistently to any changes in velocity ; and second, the meter should register only those components of velocities that are perpendicular to a vertical plane across the channel at the measuring section. The quickness with which a rotor of a cup-type current meter responds to changes in velocity depends upon the friction in the bearings, the relative pressures against the cups on the opposite sides of the bucket wheel, the symmetry of the bucket wheel, and the under- water moment of inertia of the bucket wheel. Similar conditions relate to the vane-type meters with the exception that the pitch of the vanes determines the magnitude and the effectiveness of the forces acting in the direction of rotation. Modern current meters generally meet the first requirement satisfactorily. The second requirement as yet has not been fully met because of the compli- cations in designing an instrument to register correctly the normal component of velocity under conditions of excessive turbulence. 68 Humphreys, Capt. A. A., and Abbot, Lieut. H. L., Physics and hydraulics of the Mis- sissippi River : Corps of Topog. Eng., U. S. Army, Prof. Paper 4, pp. 221-285, 1861. 69 Report of the Chief of Engineers for the year 1875, part 2, pp. 300-373. 170 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE Uncertainties in the registration of current meters under unfavor- able conditions of turbulence have long been recognized, and the practice has been adopted of making careful selections of cross- sections of streams for current-meter measurements so as to avoid sections where the current meter could not be expected to yield accurate results. In addition to the theoretical requirements of a current meter, those of a practical nature also must be considered. Some of the more important practical considerations are (1) durability, so that no part is so delicate as to make the meter unsuitable for general use; (2) simplicity in construction so that it may be easily taken apart, cleaned, and reassembled without affecting its * performance ; (3) simplicity in operation so that it may be readily used by a per- son working alone under a wide range of conditions; (4) small resistance to the pressure of the water in order that the current meter may be kept in the desired position in the measuring section; (5) adaptability for use in silt- and debris-laden streams; (6) effectiveness in warding off floating debris without damage to the instrument; (7) adaptability for use with either a rod or a cable suspension; and (8) ability to maintain a constant rating even though field repairs may have been made to the rotor and other parts. TYPES OF CURRENT METERS Current meters having horizontal axes with propeller-shaped rotors and those having vertical axes with cup-type rotors have been experi- mented with extensively to determine their respective advantages and disadvantages. Although many characteristics of different current meters are still unknown, the experiments and investigations thus far conducted are conclusive in one respect, namely, that current meters of either the horizontal- or vertical-axis type when carefully designed and constructed, and when used under favorable conditions, will meas- ure accurately the velocity of flowing water. Several designs of horizontal-axis propeller-type current meters are shown in plate 19. Among the reasons why the Geological Survey prefers the vertical- axis cup-type current meter are the following: (1) the vertical-axis meters will generally operate at lower velocities than the horizontal - axis meters, and the accuracy and consistency of vertical-axis meters is equal to that of horizontal-axis meters in high velocities; (2) by placing the bearings of the vertical-axis meters in air pockets it is possible to eliminate largely the entrance of silty water to those parts, whereas an equally satisfactory method for eliminating silty water from the bearing surfaces of the horizontal-axis meters has not yet been brought to the attention of the Survey; (3) meter cups which INSTRUMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 171 become dented or slightly bent may be repaired readily in the field, and the relation between the velocity of the water and the rate of rotation of the bucket wheel will not be seriously affected ; whereas the effects of slight damage to the rotor of a horizontal-axis meter may seriously affect its rate of rotation, and the proper repair of such damage generally requires considerable skill; (4) the bucket wheel of a vertical-axis meter is relatively slow-moving, and a single rotor serves for the entire range of velocities ordinarily found in stream gaging. In contrast, the vanes of a horizontal-axis meter must be at a considerable angle (or pitch) to the current in order to assure consistent and accurate performance in low velocities. The same rotor when used in high velocities revolves too fast for use under field conditions. Consequently, two or more interchangeable rotors having vanes at different angles are occasionally required to cover the range of velocities encountered in a single measurement of discharge. The use of ball bearings to reduce friction in either type of meter is considered impracticable unless those bearings can be completely isolated from silty water. The wear of the bearings is of minor im- portance as compared with the changes in the calibration of a meter caused by silt in the bearings and with the difficulty encountered in removing silt from ball bearings under field conditions. Because of their general use by the Geological Survey and other governmental agencies, the various models of the Price current meter will be discussed in considerable detail. The Price current meter. — The Price current meter was devised in the early part of 1882 by W. G. Price, a civilian engineer of the Mis- sissippi River Commission, who utilized the principle of the bucket wheel mounted on a vertical axis as previously devised by General Ellis. The new feature in the design of the meter made by Price, and that on which he placed the greatest stress, was the air pocket to prevent the accumulation of silt in the pivot bearing. The meter was equipped with an electric revolution-indicating device apparently adapted from the telegraphic current meter used by Henry. 60 The current meter designed and constructed by Price in 1882 is shown in plate 20, A. The Price acoustic meter. — Following the design and manufacture of the large Price meter, another model known as the acoustic meter was developed. This meter utilizes a 6-cup bucket wheel 5 inches in diameter, surmounted by a contact chamber. It is mounted in a yoke that is attached to a hollow rod. Inasmuch as this meter is not designed for cable suspension, no tailpiece is provided. It is 80 Henry, D. F., op. cit., p. 167. 172 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE adapted for measuring velocities of flow either by wading or from a platform or bridge immediately above the water surface. Every tenth revolution of the bucket wheel is indicated by the sound of a mechan- ically operated hammer striking a metal drum in a contact chamber. The sound is transmitted from the acoustic chamber above the meter through the hollow rod, thence through a rubber tube and earpiece to the operator. The small Price current meter. — When stream-flow investigations were undertaken by the Geological Survey in 1888, engineers of the Survey began experimenting with the various types of current meters at that time available to find one that could be used under the wide variety of field conditions. As a result of these investigations, Survey engineers about 1896 developed a meter containing certain features of the Price acoustic and the large Price electric meters. This type of meter, which was called the small Price, has since been used by the Survey almost exclusively because of its adaptability to general stream gaging. The small Price current meter probably has been used more exten- sively and has been subjected to more investigation than any other type of current meter. As a result of this extensive investigation and because of the natural advantages afforded by the type, the small Price has been perfected in its details and is now better suited to general use than any other meter so far developed. It is light and yet strong, sensitive yet durable. It will measure with a high degree of accuracy velocities ranging from 0.1 foot per second to more than 15 feet per second. It is easily repaired, can be quickly taken apart for cleaning and oiling, and can be quickly reassembled without change in rating. It can be used by a person working alone from a cable- way, bridge, boat, or ice cover or by wading. No other current meter known to the engineers of the Geological Survey satisfies so com- pletely all these conditions. The type-A small Price current meter now in general use by the Geological Survey is shown in plate 20, B. Modifications in the design of the small Price current meter have been made from time to time as years of additional experience have showed the need of improvements. As a result of these modifica- tions, six different types have been developed in addition to the original small Price. The original small Price was designated by the manufacturer the 617-type meter and was designed to produce one electrical contact for each revolution of the bucket wheel. Later, about 1907, the 621-type was developed, which introduced the penta contact feature (one electrical contact for each 5 revolutions of the bucket wheel). A meter with interchangeable single-contact and penta-contact heads was later developed and was designated the 624-type or combination meter. The 624-type meter was modified INSTRUMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 173 by the introduction of the Covert yoke, which permitted a half-inch round rod to be screwed into the upper limb of the yoke. This change in method of suspension adapted the meter better for use without a tailpiece in measuring by wading or from ice cover. The meter with the Covert yoke and interchangeable heads was called the 623-type meter; the name combination meter was also applied to it, as it had the same feature of interchangeable heads that had been developed in the 624-type meter. A meter that was called the 618- type meter had previously been designed for use without a tailpiece. That meter had a circular base plate in a fixed position and was not much used by the Survey. In 1925 the design of the current meter was changed by putting both the single contact and the penta contact in the same chamber. At that time the design of the pivot and pivot bearing was changed to provide a shorter and stronger pivot; the bucket-faising nut, which was a part of the combination-type meter, was omitted; and the suspension hole in the yoke was raised 19/32 inch above the center line of the yoke and bucket wheel. This meter came to be known as the 622-type. The 622-type meter differed from the later design known as the type- A meter (see pi. 20, B) principally in the design of the shaft assembly and pivot, which comprises the shaft, bucket wheel hub, pivot bearing, and pivot. In the development of the type-A meter from the 622-type changes were made in the hardness of the pivot and pivot bearing, and the angles and radii at the apex; the pivot was lengthened and made of the same diameter throughout its length; the bearing was enlarged correspondingly ; the bucket-raising nut previously used in the 623- type meter was replaced; and the position of the bearing seat was raised nearly to the center of gravity of the bucket wheel, thus cre- ating a deeper air chamber at the lower bearing. PRINCIPAL PARTS OF THE TYPE-A SMALL PRICE CURRENT METER In order that a current meter may be properly used and cared for, it is essential that the user shall be familiar with all of its parts, as well as with the assembled meter. If any part fails completely because of excessive wear or injury, the condition is usually obvious, but small irregularities that may introduce large percentage errors in velocity determinations are not always readily detected. For this reason the parts of the type-A meter and their functional characteristics are de- scribed ; the numbers assigned to the various parts in this description correspond to the numbers used in the assembly diagram of the type-A current meter shown in figure 12. STREAM-CAGING PROCEDURE I CM INSTRUMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 175 Yoke. — The yoke (8) is a one-piece, horseshoe-shaped casting made of chromium-plated bronze. A short horizontal rear extension con- tains a hole for connection of the tailpiece. This extension contains two bosses, one of which is slotted vertically and drilled horizontally for the hanger and hanger screw, the other is drilled vertically for the keeper screw of the tailpiece. The slot for the hanger is of such dimensions as to limit the tilting of the meter so that neither the yoke nor the tailpiece will strike the weight. The upper arm of the yoke is drilled to receive the stem of the P-shaped contact chamber; the lower arm is drilled to receive the pivot. These holes are coaxial so as to properly aline the rotor assembly and the pivot. The contact chamber and pivot are held in position by roundhead keeper screws; the tailpiece is held in position by a keeper screw having a knurled fillister head. Tailpiece. — The tailpiece (10) is made of a hard-rolled, nickel- plated brass, and consists of two separate vanes which, when assem- bled, are locked together at right angles to each other by means of a lever arrangement. This two-piece construction permits the tailpiece to be taken apart readily for convenience in packing. The nosepiece of the tail fits into the rear extension of the yoke. A means to balance the meter assembly is provided in the lower part of the tailpiece by a long horizontal slot containing a short, heavy screw that may be adjusted to the proper position to obtain the desired balance. Bucket wheel. — The bucket wheel (21) consists of six cone-shaped cups soldered to a frame to form a symmetrical and balanced assembly 5 inches in diameter and 2 inches high. The cups and frame are made of hard rolled brass, nickel-plated. The frame is centrally drilled for the shaft and notched for a dowel pin. The letter T is stamped on the frame to identify the top side of the bucket wheel. Bucket-wheel hub. — The bucket- wheel hub (13) encases the pivot bearing and the lower end of the shaft and supports the bucket wheel. The hub is threaded in three places: (1) for the bucket wheel hub nut, (2) for the bucket-raising nut, and (3) for the shaft. A small dowel pin maintains the bucket wheel in a fixed position with refer- ence to the bucket-wheel hub. Shaft. — The shaft (12) is made of stainless steel and is of sufficient length to extend from the bucket-wheel hub to a point 0.008 inch below the cap of the contact chamber. The upper half inch of the shaft is turned to 0.125-inch diameter and is rounded at the top to provide a smooth bearing surface for the thrust of the shaft against the bottom of the contact-chamber cap. An eccentric is cut in the 0.125-inch diameter part of the shaft to provide a means for making an electrical contact for each revolution of the bucket-wheel hub. It also contains an acme thread that meshes with the penta gear within 176 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE the contact chamber. A small hole is drilled at about the midpoint of the shaft to facilitate the use of a pin for tightening the shaft into the bucket-wheel hub. Pivot. — The pivot (17) is made of hardened and tempered close- grained tool steel. The upper end of the pivot is ground and polished to form an angle of 90° and the point rounded to a radius of 0.005 inch. It is heat treated to a Rockwell hardness of not less than C-57 or greater than C-59 within 0.125 inch of the point. The lower end of the pivot is threaded to provide for the hexagonal stainless-steel nut that is used to adjust the clearance between the pivot point and the pivot bearing. A slightly tapered flat surface on the pivot above the threads serves as a contact surface for the pivot-keeper screw. Pivot bearing. — The pivot bearing (16) is made of the same metal as the pivot and has highly polished bearing surfaces. It is heat- treated to a Rockwell hardness of not less than C-61 and pressed into the cylindrical recess in the lower end of the bucket-wheel hub. Treat- ing the bearing to a greater hardness than the pivot causes the major part of the wear to take place on the pivot which is easily replaceable. Penta gear. — The penta gear (6) is made of stainless steel and is fitted to mesh smoothly with the acme threads on the shaft. The gear makes one complete revolution for each ten revolutions of the bucket wheel. Two gear teeth, 180° apart, are extended beyond the others to provide a means for making two electrical contacts for each revolution of the gear, with the result that contacts are made at each fifth revolution of the bucket wheel. The gear is mounted in a bronze frame in a horizontal position and the assembly is housed in the con- tact chamber where it is held in place by means of a brass screw. The base of the frame through which this screw passes is slotted to permit the adjustment of the gear teeth with the worm on the shaft. Contact chamber. — The contact chamber (2) is a P-shaped chro- mium-plated brass unit which houses the penta gear, the upper portion of the shaft, the shaft bearing, and the single and penta binding posts. The upper end of the chamber is drilled and threaded internally to carry a knurled cap. A small phosphor-bronze lug, brazed to the chamber wall, serves as the upper bearing for the shaft. The stem of the contact chamber extends through the upper arm of the yoke and is drilled axially so that the shaft can pass into the chamber with ample clearance. The cap is tightly fitted so that the chamber serves as an air trap to prevent silty water from entering the bearing. Binding posts. — Two stainless-steel binding posts (4) and (5) are placed at the rear of the contact chamber. One post is designed to contact the eccentric of the shaft and the other to contact the two ex- tended teeth of the penta gear. They are identical in construction except for the lengths of the slender bronze cables that terminate in GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER k ^ PLATE I. ORIGINAL PRICE CI RRENT METER. B. TYPE-A SMALL PRICE CURRENT METER. INSTRUMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 177 the beads of silver solder through which the contacts are made. Each binding post is insulated from the contact chamber by a bushing (3) made of laminated synthetic phenol-resin plastic. Changes for special low-velocity work. — Two changes for special low-velocity work are sometimes made in the type-A meters before they are rated. First, the penta gear is removed from the contact chamber, thus leaving only the single revolution contact ; and second, the radius of the pivot point is reduced from 0.010 to 0.005 inch, thereby lessening the frictional resistance between the point and the bearing. Shafts having an eccentric that makes two electrical contacts for each revo- lution of the bucket wheel are used in some of these current meters. ASSEMBLY AND ADJUSTMENT OF THE TYPE-A CURRENT METER The procedure in assembling the type-A current meters may best be followed by referring to figure 12 which shows a meter completely assembled. The meter is assembled as follows : First, assemble the two vanes of the tailpiece (10), insert the assembly in the yoke (8), and tighten the setscrew (7) that holds this assembly in place. Next, place the bucket wheel (21) on the bucket-wheel hub (13) with the side marked T up, and with the dowel pin on the hub fitting the notch in the bucket-wheel frame. These parts are clamped together by means of the bucket-wheel hub nut (14). This assembly is next placed in the yoke (8) and the shaft (12) is passed through the hole in the upper limb of the yoke and screwed into the bucket-wheel hub (13) by means of a pin inserted into the hole in the shaft. The penta gear (6) is next loosely fastened in the contact chamber (2) by means of a small screw passing through the adjusting slot of the gear pad. The contact chamber with the cap (1) removed is slipped over the upper end of the shaft and the lower end of the chamber inserted into the hole in the upper limb of the yoke. This should be done with care in order that neither the threaded shaft nor the penta gear become damaged. The contact chamber is then alined (by making the marks on the contact chamber and yoke coincide) and fastened in place by tightening the setscrew. The marks used for such aline- ment are placed on all Survey meters at the top front surface of the yoke and on the adjacent front surface of the contact chamber. The cap is then screwed into the contact chamber. Next the pivot (17) is inserted through the hole in the lower limb of the yoke, and after adjusting the pivot so as to give the proper vertical play to the shaft assembly, the setscrew for holding the pivot is tightened. The proper amount of play is obtained in the following manner: first, the keeper screw (19) in pivot-adjusting nut (18) is released, with the contact chamber cap tightly in place, the meter is turned over so that the top of the shaft rests against the 178 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE cap. The pivot is then inserted* into the pivot bearing until there is no vertical play. The screw for holding the pivot is then tightened and the pivot-adjusting nut (18) is advanced until it rests against the yoke. The setscrew is then released slightly and the pivot-adjusting nut (18) is further advanced a quarter of a turn. With the pivot-adjusting nut in this position, the keeper screw (19) is firmly tightened, thus locking the nut. Upon completion of this adjustment the set screw in the yoke is retightened. This adjustment provides a suitable end play of 0.008 inch. Because the meter is rated with this amount of play, it is essential that this adjustment be made when installing a new pivot or when the point becomes worn. With the pivot adjusted as described above, the cap is again removed from the contact chamber, the penta gear adjusted to properly mesh with the threads on the shaft, and the screw for holding the penta gear assembly is firmly tightened. Contact wires are adjusted and the cap is replaced on the chamber. The assembled meter is then placed on a solid surface with the shaft in an exactly vertical position and subjected to a spin test. (See p. 180.) OPERATION AND CARE OF CURRENT METERS The successful operation of a current meter, like any other instru- ment of precision, will largely depend on the care with which it is used. Although the design, material, and construction of the meter are major factors contributing to its successful operation, they will not prevent inaccuracies caused by improper handling of the instru- ment. Therefore every person who operates a current meter should exert every possible effort to keep his meter in first-class condition, but in so doing he should not make replacements that are likely to affect the rating of the instrument. In order that he may satisfy him- self as to the condition of the meter he should examine it both before and after each measurement with regard to the details described in the following paragraphs. Balance with cable suspension. — In order to balance the assembled current meter, suspend it from a hanger, aline the tailpiece in such a manner that the balance weight (11) is vertically below the centerline of the meter, and then move the balance weight along the slot in the vane of the tailpiece to such a position that the meter will balance freely in a horizontal position. All Geological Survey meters, either new or when repaired by the Division of Field Equipment of the Geo- logical Survey, are balanced in the manner described above before they are sent to the district offices. This balancing is done without a wire connection to the binding post on the contact chamber. The wire used in this part of the electrical circuit should be so flexible that it will not interfere with the free swinging and balancing of the meter. INSTRUMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 179 The length of the wire should be such that it will not touch the bucket wheel when the meter is in a horizontal position and the top of the hanger pushed ahead as far as permitted by the slot in the yoke. Mounting on wading rod. — The current meter, if used with a rod and sliding support, should be assembled with the axis of the bucket wheel parallel to the rod. Care should be taken to hold the rod in an exactly vertical position while making a velocity observation. Care should also be taken with the rod suspension, as well as with the cable suspensions, to eliminate all possibility of interference in the rotation of the bucket wheel by the wire leading to the contact chamber. Shaft alinement. — The shaft of any meter may become bent if (1) the meter receives a sharp blow, (2) if the bucket wheel is raised too forcibly ; or (3) if an attempt is made to unscrew the cap of the contact chamber when the bucket wheel is in the raised position. When raising the bucket wheel from the pivot by means of the bucket-raising nut, the cups should always be held stationary and the bucket-raising nut turned. The bucket wheel should never be raised from the pivot by spinning the bucket wheel with the bucket-raising nut held sta- tionary, as this method may cause several excess turns to be made which may result in the shaft becoming bent or the yoke becoming sprung. The shaft may also become bent by unscrewing the cap when the bucket wheel is in the raised position, as in that position the shaft is pressed tightly against the cap — and screwing the cap in either direction throws a severe torsional stress on the weakest part of the shaft. By spinning the bucket wheel slowly and watching the metal frame to which the cups are fastened, it can be observed whether the wheel runs true. If it does not run true, either the backet wheel or the shaft is bent, and further investigation should be made. The cap should be removed and the movement of the shaft inside the contact chamber should be observed. If, when the bucket wheel is turning slowly, any eccentricit y not caused by a worn bearing lug in the chamber is observed, the shaft should be removed from the assembly and further tested by rolling it on a flat surface. Any meter found to have a bent shaft should be repaired before it is again used. Care of pivot and bearings. — After every discharge measurement the pivot and all bearing surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned and oiled. The pivot should be examined with a magnifying glass to see whether the point is fractured, worn flat, or rough at the apex. A pivot having a fractured or rough point should be discarded or reground. In order to examine and clean the pivot bearing conveniently, the contact cham- ber should be removed carefully and the shaft-and-bucket-wheel as- sembly tilted to one side so that the lower limb of the yoke will not obstruct the cleaning operation. The pivot bearing occasionally may 180 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE become coated with an adhesive, substance which cannot be removed with a cloth. In this circumstance a blunt soft wooden pin turned several times within the bearing will usually assist in the cleaning. If the bearing shows signs of rust a few drops of oil may be helpful if applied during the cleaning process as well as afterward. The pivot bearing, like the pivot point, should be examined for possible fracture, pits, or roughness. No current meter should ever be packed or trans- ported, except to the extent required during the course of a discharge measurement, with the pivot bearing resting on the point of the pivot. The raising nut on the lower part of the bucket-wheel hub is provided as a convenient means for raising the bearing off the point of the pivot during shipment or other transportation of the meter. In addition to the pivot bearing, type-A current meters have bear- ing surfaces above the bucket wheel. These consist of the cylindrical bearings of the shaft and of the penta gear, the thrust bearing between the shaft and the cap, and the bearing surfaces between the penta gear and the acme threads on the shaft. These tarings should be cleaned and oiled with a high grade instrument oil after each discharge measurement. Insertion of new parts. — Bucket wheels, yokes, and contact cham- bers should not be replaced in the field except in an emergency; but if done, it should be with a full understanding that the rating used prior to the replacement of such parts may not be applicable afterward. When such replacements are made, an "as is" rating (one made of the meter in the exact condition as used in the field) should be obtained at the earliest opportunity thereafter. If the "as is" rating is not ob- tained before further changes are made in the meter, it is not possible to detect any errors that may be caused by use of the previous rating. Although the field replacement of caps for contact chambers prob- ably does not affect the ratings of current meters, special precautions should be observed when replacing them. All caps do not screw into the contact chambers to the same depth. In measurements of high velocities the caps become worn by the thrust of the shaft against the cap, and it occasionally becomes necessary to reface the cap when the meters are repaired ; therefore the caps are not interchangeable without adjustment of other parts of the meter. Before a new cap is tightened into the contact chamber, the pivot should always be lowered and the bucket wheel released by means of the bucket-raising nut ; otherwise the cap may be brought to bear against the head of the shaft with sufficient pressure to bend the shaft. Spin test.— -The spin test is a common method for determining the condition of the meter. In making a spin test, the meter should be so placed that the shaft is in a true vertical position and the bucket wheel protected from air currents. The bucket wheel is then given a quick INSTRUMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 181 turn to start it spinning. As the rotating bucket wheel nears the stop- ping point, it should be carefully observed to see whether the stop is abrupt or gradual. The bearings of any meter having a bucket wheel that will spin iy 2 minutes and come to a gradual stop are in satisfac- tory condition for measuring all except very low velocities. If the spin is 1 minute and the meter is in satisfactory condition in all other re- spects, the meter may be used to measure velocities above 1 foot per second without appreciable error. If the spin test drops below 1 min- ute and it cannot be improved by the application of oil or the substi- tution of a new pivot, the meter should be reconditioned by competent instrument men and rerated. Four minutes is the approximate aver- age spin test of a new type-A current meter and about the maximum that may be expected in the field when applying the spin test to meters of that type. PYGMY CURRENT METER The Geological Survey designed the first model of its "pygmy" current meter series in 193C. The pygmy current meter is of the Price type in that it contains a cup-type bucket wheel mounted on a vertical shaft having bearings that operate in air pockets. The bucket wheel is 2 inches in diameter (two-fifths the size of that contained in the small Price current meter). This meter is designed particularly for the measurement of those streams that are so shallow that the small Price current meter fails to perform with high accuracy, but which have too great a flow to be measured conveniently by either volumetric means or with small weirs. It is practicable, however, to use the meter for all wading measurements where the velocities do not exceed 3 or 4 feet per second. The pygmy meter (see pi. 21, A) differs in other respects than its size from the type-A small Price current meter in that the contact chamber is an integral part of the yoke, it contains a single-revolution contact only, it has no tailpiece, and it has no provision for suspen- sion from a cable. The bucket wheel revolves about 2*4 times as fast as that of the small Price type current meter. This relatively high speed, com- bined with the fact that no multiple contact arrangement is provided, limits its use under field conditions where the revolutions are counted mentally to velocities up to 3 or 4 feet per second. Various models have been made since 1936, and although the meter has been used in the work of the Survey with favorable results, its development in 1940 had not reached the stage where specifications had been standardized and where its manufacture had been under- taken by commercial agencies. 182 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE RATING OF CURRENT METERS In order to determine the velocity of the water from the revolu- tions of the current-meter rotor, a relation must be established be- tween the angular speed of the rotor and the velocity of the water which turns it. The establishment of this relation, known as "rating the current meter," is done for the Survey by the National Bureau of Standards. Although the ratings of different current meters of the same type are generally very similar, there may be enough differences in the ratings of individual meters so that the same rating cannot be used for all meters if a high degree of precision is expected. Rat- ings for the same meter also may differ for rod and cable suspensions and for different sizes or shapes of weights suspended below the meter; also if the meter is suspended at different distances above the same weight. In recognition of these differences each individual meter used by the Survey is rated for at least one suspension, generally the rod suspension, and coefficients based on the analysis of many comparative ratings are applied to the rod suspension rating to obtain ratings for other suspensions. However, when special conditions require exceptional accuracy, Survey current meters are rated with the exact suspensions that are to be used for the measurements. Current -meter rating station at the National Bureau of Standards. — The meter rating station operated by the National Bureau of Stand- ards in Washington, D. C, consists of a reinforced concrete basin 400 feet long, 6 feet wide, and 6 feet deep. 01 On the sides and extend- ing the entire length of the basin are steel rails which carry an elec- tric rating car. This car is operated to move the current meter at a constant rate of speed through the still water in the basin. Although the rate of speed can be accurately adjusted by means of a hydraulic regulating gear, the average velocity of the moving car is determined for each run by making an independent measurement of the distance it travels during the time that the revolutions of the bucket wheel are electrically counted. A scale graduated to feet and tenths along the side of the basin is used for this purpose. From 8 to 10 pairs of runs are usually made in the rating of each current meter. A pair of runs generally consists of two traverses of the basin, one run in each direction, at approximately the same speed. Practical con- siderations usually limit the ratings to velocities ranging from one- tenth of a foot per second to about 15 feet per second, although the rating car can be operated at both higher and lower speeds. For ordinary ratings, however, neither of these extremes is used; and unless a special request is made, the lowest velocity used in the 61 Am. Soc. Mech. Eng., Trans., p. 582, October 1936. INSTRUMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 183 rating is about 0.2 foot per second, and the highest is about 9.0 feet per second. Current-meter ratings. — After Geological Survey current meters are rated by the National Bureau of Standards they are returned to the Survey's Division of Field Equipment where they are inspected and given performance spin tests. The rating curves are prepared by the National Bureau of Standards and show the plotting of each run made in the rating flume, with the revolutions per second of the rotor as the ordinate and the velocity in feet per second as the abscissa. The rotor of an ideal current meter in moving through still water would make the same number of revolutions for the same distance of travel, irrespective of the velocity. The rating curve for such a meter, when plotted with revolutions per second and velocity in feet per sec- ond as the coordinates, would be represented by a straight line passing through the origin. In practice, this relation is only approximately true, as the effects of friction and slight imperfections in construc- tion cause variations from the ideal rating, and it is found that the ratings are generally represented graphically by two or three con- nected straight lines having slightly different slopes. Occasionally, however, ratings are obtained which can be represented by one straight line with only a small intercept on the velocity axis, although most ratings consist of two straight lines intersecting at approximately 1 revolution per second. In studies of current-meter performance the ratings are sometimes plotted with revolutions per foot of travel as the ordinates and veloc- ity in feet per second as the abscissas. This method of plotting em- phasizes the effects of friction at low velocities and is helpful in making comparisons of different current meters. For convenience in field use, the data from the rating curves are reproduced in tables, one of which is shown in plate 22. The velocities corresponding to a range of 3 to 350 revolutions of the bucket wheel within a period of 40 to 70 seconds are listed in these tables. This range of number of revolutions and periods of time have been found to cover general field requirements. A few exceptions may occur, and to provide information for extensions of the table if needed, the equa- tions of the rating table are shown in the spaces provided on the table. An abbreviated form for presenting the equations has been adopted in order to adapt them to a very limited space. For example, in the equation F-2.20 #+0.020 (2.22) 2.19 # + 0.030, which is given in the table in plate 22, V represents velocity in feet per second and It repre- sents the number of revolutions of the bucket wheel per second. That part of the equation to the left of the parenthesis, F=2.20 # + 0.020, is the equation used for computing velocities shown in the table below 184 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE 2.22 feet per second. That part of the equation to the right of the parenthesis, 2.19 R + 0.030, is a contraction of the equation F=2.19 R + 0.030, which is the equation used for computing the values for V above 2.22 feet per second. The term in parenthesis (2.22) represents the velocity common to both equations. After "limits of actual rating" there is shown the velocities at which the slowest and fastest runs were made in the rating flume. Other information furnished consists of the type and number of the current meter, the method of current-meter suspension to which the table applies, the condition of the meter, the date of its rating, and the index number of the rating table. It should be noted that the equations given are those of the table, and not necessarily those of the actual rating. The present practice of the Surve}' is to allow the following tolerances in preparing or selecting rating tables: For a velocity corresponding to 0.1 revolution per second of the bucket wheel, a tolerance of ±0.002 foot per second is allowed. This amounts to slightly less than 1 percent at the lower end of the rating. For greater velocities the tolerance percentage is decreased until it becomes ±0.5 percent at 1.0 revolution per second. This ±0.5 percent tolerance is allowed for all values above 1.0 revolution per second. WATER-STAGE RECORDERS A water-stage recorder is an instrument for producing a graphic or printed record of the rise and fall of a water surface with respect to time. It consists of a time element and a gage-height element which, when operating together, produce on a chart a-record of the fluctuations of the water surface. The time element lias a spring, weight, or electric clock mechanism, with accessories for transferring the record of time to a chart. The gage-height element may be actuated either by a pressure device or by a float, with accessories to correlate the height of the water with the record of time. In some types of recorders the time element moves the chart while the gage-height elements actuates a stylus ; in other types the gage-height element moves the chart while the time element actuates the stylus. A water-stage recorder in opera- tion at the gaging station on the Railway River at Springfield, X. J., is shown in plate 2, B. DEVELOPMENT OF WATER-STAGE RECORDERS Probably the first float-type water-stage recorder used in the United States for obtaining records for river stages over a considerable period of time was installed on the Sudbury River at Framingham Center, Mass., in 1876. This instrument (see fig. 13) , as described by Alphonse INSTRUMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 186 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE Fteley 02 appears to have been built in accordance with the same fun- damental principles as those used in the design of water-stage recorders at the present time. A description of the instrument taken from Fteley's paper is as follows: The levels, which in 187.1 were taken three times a day, were afterwards ascer- tained by continuous diagrams recorded by a self -registering float. The float is contained in a box which can he connected, according to the way the water is made to flow, either with the still water above the (lam or with the Hume at its side. An endless sheet of paper, moving between guides on a horizontal table, ad- vances at the rate of 1 foot in 24 hours under the action of the brass roll A, which' is moved by clock work. The float O, is suspended by a slender metallic thread from the pulley C; the slack of the thread is taken by the weight D. The motion of the pulley, when acted upon by the float, is transmitted by the wheels EF to the horizontal bar G, which carries the pencil II and moves on two small rolls. The range of the varia- tions of level at the dam being about 8 feet, it is often necessary, in order to remain within the limits of the paper, to reduce considerably the motion of the pencil; it is for this reason that the main pulley C has four grooves of different diameters. When the largest diameter is used, the motion of the pencil is one-eighth of that of the float; when the smallest is used, the pencil moves as the float; the largest has been used almost. exclusively. The difference of temperature has no percep- tible effect on the length of the wire, and the loss of motion in the transmission of the movements of the float does not cause any appreciable error. In the winter a kerosene lamp suspended in the float-box and a small kerosene stove kept burning in the room containing the apparatus, are sufficient to prevent freezing. In order to render the diagram independent from the side motion of the endless paper, a stationary pencil K records a line which represents constantly a given height of the float ascertained by actual measurement of the level of the water, and the variations of level indicated by the diagram are measured by the distances between the two pencil lines. The first water-stage recorder installed by the Geological Survey was on the Rio Grande at Embudo, N. Mex., in January 1889. The operation of this instrument, which was of the horizontal-drum type, was not satisfactory and its use was soon discontinued. In 1890 a recorder designed by Elwood Mead, then Territorial Engineer of Wyoming, was installed by the Survey on the Rio Grande near Del Norte, N. Mex. In August 1892 a recorder, the type of which is not known, was installed on Rock Creek in Washington, D. C, and oper- ated until November 1894. On December 31, 1894, a chart recorder was installed on the Potomac River at Chain Bridge, in the District of Columbia. None of these instruments was entirely satisfactory and it was not until about 1903, when a 7-day recorder was introduced, that an instrument approaching reliability became available. In April of that year one of the 7-day recorders was installed on the Kings River near Sanger, Calif. Survey records also show that two 7-day 8i Fteley, Alphonse, The flow of the Sudbury River, Massachusetts, for the years 1875-79 : Am. Soc. Civil Engrs. Trans., pp. 225-250, 1881. INSTRUMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 187 recorders were in operation in Arizona as early as 1905. In these early instruments only one time scale and one gage-height scale were available, and the length of the period of operation without rewinding was limited by the use of 8-day spring-driven clocks. Although the need for water-stage recorders had been recognized by the Survey at these early dates it was not until about 1910, when two or more gage- height scales were incorporated in the same instrument, that a water- stage recorder showed promise of satisfying general stream-gaging re- quirements. The first recorder to produce runs longer than a week was an instrument known as a hydrochronograph, several of which were used by the Survey in the White Mountain investigations in New Hampshire during 1911-12. In 1911, J. C. Stevens, who was at that time an engineer of the Geological Survey, designed a recorder with a strip chart of sufficient length to provide a year's record. However, the length of run with- out a rewinding of the clock w T as limited by the distance the clock weight could fall, or the length of the weight chain furnished with the instrument, which w T as usually 15 feet. The advantages of this recorder were soon recognized. In 1912 a printing gage became available and a few gages of that type were installed by the Survey. This instrument printed the gage height at 15-minute intervals on a narrow strip of chart. The devel- opment of the discharge integrator (see pi. 21, Z?), which can be used to obtain mechanically the mean daily discharge directly from a gage- height graph, made the printed strip undesirable and helped to pro- mote the use of graphical records on standardized time and gage- height scales. During 1920-21 C. H. Au, then a hydraulic engineer of the Survey, developed a recorder which contained a "positive-drive" float w T heel and provided a means by which the stylus could record directly on the supply roll. Numerous other developments have since been made with the result that by 1938 ten different types of water-stage recorders were on annual contracts by the Federal Government. Each type contains special features that are required under certain conditions. ADVANTAGES A few of the advantages of water-stage recorders over staff gages read intermittently by local observers are : 63 1. In streams having diurnal fluctuation due to power regulation or other causes, the possibility that the daily mean of the observed gage heights accurately represents the average gage height for 24 hours contains a large element of chance which is eliminated by the use of continuous recorders. «* Pierce, C. H., Conditions requiring the use of automatic gages in obtaining records of stream flow : U. S. Geol. Survey, Water-Supply Paper 375, pp. 131-139, 1916. 188 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE 2. A continuous record provides definite information regarding maximum and minimum stages. Such information generally cannot be obtained unless the stage is recorded continuously on a chart. 3. On streams subject to rapid fluctuation caused by artificial regu- lation, a continuous record of stage is necessary to avoid inaccuracies in the computed discharge. It is uneconomical and impracticable to obtain such a continuous record through the employment of local observers. 4. A graphical record, produced mechanically, is free from the ele- ment of personal bias, which may affect the record when local ob- servers are financially affected by the data — a condition that may occur in some instances, such as where the water is used on irrigated lands. 5. For legal purposes a record produced by a water-stage recorder may be more readily authenticated than an observed record of stage. (5. Discharge records based on surface slope require simultaneous readings of* two gages located at a considerable distance apart. This can be accomplished, (1) by the use of two observers, ('2) by one ob- server and a properly installed water-stage recorder, or (3) by the use of two water-stage recorders, one at each end of the section of river involved. The greatest confidence is placed in the discharge rec- ords that are based on those computed from the two-recorder installation. 7. Water-stage recorders make practicable the obtaining of records at points on streams where local observers are not available. 8. Mechanical devices, such as the discharge integrator can be used in connection with a graphical record to produce highly accurate fig- ures for the daily mean discharge. GENERAL. REQUIREMENTS Any water-stage recorder, regardless of the type, should satisfy the requirements enumerated in the following paragraphs. Height element. — The height element must be sufficiently sensitive to insure that the stylus and chart record accurately at a predetermined scale the elevation of the water surface. Instruments equipped with floats, float cables, and counterweights necessarily contain some fric- tion and lost motion w T hieh result in a slight lag in the graphic repre- sentation of changes in water stages. The amount of this lag will depend on the resistance of certain parts of the instrument to motion, and on the original setting of the index or stylus relative to rising or falling stages. With every change of stage a portion of the float line passes from the rising to the falling side of the float pulley, thus introducing a shift- in weight equivalent to twice to weight of the transposed line. This shift in weight will tend to cause a change in INSTRUMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 189 the depth of submergence of the float and therefore the recorded gage height will be correspondingly in error. If the stage rises until the counterweight and a portion of the line become submerged, the indi- cated height will be in error by an amount proportional to the water displaced by the line and weight. The error due to the submergence of the line and weight tends to compensate the error produced by the line shift. It follows, therefore, that by using a float of large diameter, reducing the instrumental friction, using light float lines and coun- terweights that are not too heavy errors due to the lag. line shift, and submergence of the weight and float line may be reduced to a negligible amount. If the accuracy requirements are greater than the limitations of available water-stage recorders, each source of error may be definitely measured and corrections applied to the graphical record. 64 A further source of error is due to the tendency of the recorder charts to expand and contract with changes in temperature and humidity, and to improper alinement of the paper on the instru- ment ; or, if the chart paper is contained on a 25-yard roll, the gradu- ations of the paper possibly may not be accurately spaced with respect to the margins. Timing element. — The timing element consists essentially of a clock mechanism which must be both sturdy and reliable. In routine stream gaging, continuous operation may be more important than high pre- cision as to time, but in obtaining records for special studies both con- tinuous operation and high precision may be required. It is obvious that the best results will be obtained if the clock mechanism is of high quality and adequately protected from dirt, corrosion, and insects. A w T eight-driven mechanism is usually needed if the instrument is to operate for more than a week without attention. An electric clock mechanism, if a reliable electric current is available, offers two advan- tages : the length of run is not governed by the distance through which a clock weight might fall; and the congealing of lubricants in the mechanism during subfreezing temperatures, is largely prevented by the heat generated in the electrical unit. One disadvantage of such a mechanism is that an electrical unit may be subject to stoppages caused by current interruptions. Recording mechanism. — The recording mechanism consists essen- tially of a pen or pencil. If a pencil is used, it must be of the proper hardness. A pencil that is too hard may fail to produce a legible graph, and in addition, it may tear the chart if the paper is softened by moisture. Too soft a pencil will wear rapidly and is unsafe to use in an instrument that does not have frequent attention. The recording mechanism should be designed so as to permit ready adjust - 84 Stevens, J. C, The accuracy of water-level recorders and indicators of the float type : Am. Soc. Civil Eng. Trans., vol. 83, pp. 894-903. l01S-*>0 190 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE ment of both the gage height and time scales. A slow-motion adjust- ing device is an essential feature if a highly accurate setting is required. Gage-height ratio. — In general, the height element should be de- signed to permit a choice of at least two ratios between the vertical movement of the water surface and the resulting movement of the stylus. The selection of the most suitable ratio should be based upon (1) a consideration of certain stream-flow characteristics, which in- clude the sensitiveness of the control (see p. 115), and the accuracy obtainable with a small gage-height scale on the recorder at a station with a "sensitive" control as compared with that obtained by using a larger scale on the recorder at a station with a less "sensitive" con- trol, and (2), a comparison of the maximum rate of change of stage with the time scales available on the recorder. The relation of rate- of-change-of-stage to the time scale controls the angle between the trace produced by the stylus and the gage-height ordinates on the chart. It is desirable that this angle should not exceed 45°, although at many gaging stations the rate of change of stage is so rapid that the angle is necessarily greater than 45°. The two most commonly used gage-height ratios are those in which a 1-foot change in stage causes a 1-inch movement of the stylus (1:12 ratio) and a 1-foot change in stage causes a 2-inch movement of the stylus (1:6 ratio). Time scale. — In order to meet a wide range of field conditions, it is generally desirable that water-stage recorders contain two or more time scales. A time scale of 2.4 inches per day in combination with a 1:6 or 1 : 12 gage-height ratio will meet the requirements on most unregulated streams. However, very flashy streams and streams that are regulated by the operation of dams generally require the use of more extended time scales than are needed on streams having small variations in stage. Consequently, in order to meet the different re- quirements, time scales of 1.2, 2.4, and 4.8 inches per day are commonly used. Instrument case. — Owing to the fact that paper expands with an increase in humidity it is essential that the chart be protected as much as practicable from excessive humidity changes. The lateral expan- sion of a strip chart may be several times as much as the longitudinal expansion. For this reason, errors in gage height may result from the lateral variation, and errors in time from the longitudinal varia- tion, the errors in gage heights generally being of greater magnitude and more serious than the errors in time. Therefore, if errors caused by changes in humidity are to be controlled, it is necessary (1) to ventilate the shelter which contains the water-stage recorder, (2) to prevent access of the moist air of the stilling well to the shelter, and (3) to enclose the instrument in a case that will exclude moisture. A noncorrosive dehydrant may be used in the instrument case to INSTRUMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 191 absorb excess moisture. The case also serves to protect the instrument from dust and insects. PRECAUTIONS Although a water-stage recorder may be simple in design and con- st nut ion, may be easy to install and adjust, and may require but little attention, negligence on the part of the operator must constantly be guarded against. To this end, Federal specifications require that each new recorder be provided with complete instructions for its installation and operation. Engineers installing water-stage record- ers are urged to follow carefully the instructions which accompany the instruments. A standard form, No. 9-176b, entitled "Inspection of recording gage" (see fig. 14), is used by the Geological Survey in connection with many of its recording gages. The operators should be required to use these forms in reporting their inspections of the recorders under their care. SPECIFICATIONS The specifications for water-stage recorders for use by Federal agencies are issued each year by the Procurement Division of the Treasury Department and are the bases for awards of contracts to manufactures of instruments of precision. Changes may be made in the specifications from year to year to meet the requirements of the work on which the instruments are to be used, and new specifications may be prepared if other types of instruments are required. Copies of the specifications for water-stage recorders and other instruments of precision that are available for purchase by Federal agencies from Class 18 of the General Schedule of Supplies for the period January 1 to December 31, 1942, are on the file in the Procurement Division of the Treasury Department and in the administrative offices of the various federal agencies using such instruments, including the district offices of the Geological Survey. NONRECORDING GAGES The earliest practical means of obtaining a record of stage was by systematic observations of a nonrecording gage. The first gage of this type used by the Geological Survey was the graduated vertical staff. It was soon followed by the chain gage and the inclined-staff gage. Later, in an attempt to eliminate errors in chain-gage readings caused by the wear and stretch of the chain and its susceptibility to errors due to effects of wind action when used from structures high above the water surface, the Canfield wire-weight gage and the type- A wire-weight gage were developed. Staff gages and the chain gages were used almost exclusively until 1903, when the first water-stage 192 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE 9-17t>b UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR File No. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Washington Date River, at Was gage working properly when you reached it? What is correct time by your watch? What is the clock time? What is the time by the pen or pencil ? _ What is the outside or river-gage reading? What is the inside or well-gage reading? What is the recording-gage reading? _ Have you marked pen or pencil time on the chart by raising the float? Did you remove old sheet and put on new one ? At what time did you do this? If you did not remove sheet, did you correct setting of pen or pencil and clock ? Did you wind clock? Regulate it? Did you sharpen pencil or fill pen? Did you mark pen or pencil time on new sheet by raising float ? Have you filled blanks on old sheet according to instructions ? Have you made sure that pen or pencil is down, sheet placed correctly, setscrew on drum fastened, and gage working correctly before leaving station? .._ Have you filled all blanks on this sheet according to instructions? _ Remarks and questions: August 1935 Signed hy -- " — U.S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 6—8945 Figtjke 14. — Inspection of recording gage, form 9-170 b. Observer. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 888 PLATE 21 B. DISCHARGE INTEG R \T< >R. INSTRUMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 193 recorder was put into operation. Since their introduction water-stage recorders have heen installed in increasing numbers until now they are used at most gaging stations. Nonrecording gages are still in general use, however, as auxiliary gages at water-stage recorder in- stallations to serve as checks to indicate whether the pipes are clogged which lead from the river to the stilling wells over which the water- stage recorders are installed. In fact, two nonrecording gages are generally used at all such installations, one outside the stilling well to indicate the height of the river, the other to indicate the height of the water within the stilling well. Chain gages and inclined staff gages are not suitable for use within a stilling well. The types of gages most commonly used in such wells are graduated enameled scales attached to the inner walls of the wells, hook gages, float gages, and electric tape gages. VERTICAL-STAFF GAGE The staff gage most commonly used by the Survey is the vertical staff gage, which faced with a consecutive series of porcelain-enameled iron sections 4 inches wide and 3.39 feet long, graduated every 0.02 foot, each graduation being identified by figures representing the cor- responding altitude. (See pi. 23. A.) A vertical-staff gage attached to a concrete gage well for use as an outside reference gage at the gaging station on the Congaree River at Columbia, S. C, is shown in plate 23, B. CHAIN GAGE The measuring scale of the chain gage generally consists of three enamel gage sections of the type described above, totalling 10 feet in length, extending horizontally from a specially designed box. (See pi. 24, .4.) Attached to the inside of the box is a pulley over which runs a heavy sash chain carrying at one end a weight and near the other end a marker as indicated by the letter M in plate 24, A. Below the pulley is a hole through which the weight may pass. As the weight is lowered to the surface of the water, the chain passes over the pulley with the free end extending along the gage sections. The gage box and scale are arranged in such a manner that when the weight contacts the surface of the water the gage height can be de- termined by reading the scale at the position of a marker consisting of a filed groove on a copper rivet located near the free end of the chain. If the range in stage is greater than 10 feet, additional markers are placed on the chain at 10-foot intervals, the arrangement being such that when the first marker (nearest the end of the chain) is used, direct readings may be made on the scale, and when the second and third markers are used, 10 and 20 feet, respectively, are added to the 194 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE readings. The chain most commonly used is a sherardized-steel sash chain which should be thoroughly stretched or preworn before being installed. The gage weight is a iy 2 -inch steel bar slightly more than a foot long and painted or galvanized to prevent rusting. The lower end is squarely cut and the upper end is tapered and centrally drilled to a depth of about 2 inches. Five cotter-pin holes arc drilled at the reduced end at right angles to the axis to permit connecting the chain to the weight. The cotter-pin holes are spaced 1 g inch apart to allow for adjustments in the distance from the bottom of the weight to the first marker on the chain. Further details concerning construction of the chain-gage box and its installation are given in Water-Supply Paper 371. 05 INCLINED STAFF GAGE The design and construction of the inclined gage varies with the conditions attending each individual installation: therefore, it is impossible to standardize any part of this gage except the numerals used to designate the foot marks. Numerals for this purpose should be cast of a nonrusting material and should be drilled so as to permit the use of brass screws in fastening them to the gage backing. Heavy timber, securely attached to permanent foundation-, should be used for the gage backing. Copper barrelhoop staples have been found satisfactory for identifying the intermediate markings at and between the numerals. Details concerning installation and construction of inclined-staff gages are contained in Water-Supply Paper 37l. cfi HOOK GAGE The hook gage most commonly used by the Survey consists of a movable staff graduated in feet and placed so that the graduations read downward from the top to the bottom of the staff. (See pi. 24, B.) The staff has a steel hook at the bottom and is arranged to slide against a 1-foot level-rod scale which is screwed to a base. The scale is graduated to hundredths of a foot, from zero upward. The height of the water surface is determined by drawing the point of the hook to the surface of the water and, with the staff in that position, observing the foot mark on the movable staff and the fractional part of a foot on the fixed scale which is in juxtaposition therewith. The steel hook should be either plated or made of stainless steel to prevent rust and corrosion. FLOAT GAGE The float gage is used chiefly as an inside reference gage for a waterstage recorder and consists of a float attached to a counterweight 85 Lyon, G. J., Equipment tor current-meter gaging stations: U. S. Geol. Survey Water Supply Paper 371, pp. 9-11, 1015. 68 Idem, pp. 11-13. INSTRUMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 195 by means of a stainless steel tape. (See pi. 25, A.) This tape is graduated to read in feet, tenths, and hundredths of a foot, and passes over a suitable float pulley. The float pulley assembly consists of a wheel, usually 6 inches in diameter, mounted in a standard. The front part of the base of the standard is flanged upward, and the top edge of the flange is used as a reference point. An arm extends forward from one of the trunnions to a point slightly beyond the tape to carry an adjustable index. Either the reference point or the adjustable index may be selected for indicating the gage height on the graduated tape. The tape is connected to the float by means of a clamp which also may be used for making adjustments too large to be accommodated by the adjustable index. Various assemblies are used, depending on the range in stage and the height of the float pulley above the water surface. For heights which may be accom- modated with a 25-foot tape, a float 10 inches in diameter and a 2- pound counterweight will usually suffice. The same-size float and counterweight may also be used if a 50-foot tape is required, although for high precision a float 16 inches in diameter and a 3-pound counter- weight are recommended. If the heights require a 75- or 100-foot tape, a float at least 16 inches in diameter should be used and if highly accurate results are to be obtained with those lenghts of tape, a 20-inch float and a 4-pound counterweight would be preferable if the space in the stilling well is adequate. ELECTRIC TAPE GAGE The electric tape gage, like the float gage, is used almost exclusively as an inside reference gage for water-stage recorders. It offers two advantages over float gages; it can be used in a stilling well which is too small to accommodate two floats, and the possibility of errors caused by leaky floats or by the passage of the float line from one side to the other of the float pulley is eliminated. This type of gage consists of a stainless steel tape, graduated in feet, tenths, and hundredths, to which is fastened a cylindrical weight, a reel for the tape, a source of electric current, and an electric indicating device. All of these parts are supported by an insulated bracket. The electric tape gage de- veloped by the Geological Survey (see pi. 25, B) has capacity for tapes in lengths of 25, 50, and 100 feet. The electric indicating device con- sists of a light sensitive volt meter. The source of electric current commonly used is supplied by a tyfa-volt dry-cell battery, one terminal of which is attached to a ground connection, the other to one terminal of the volt meter. The other terminal of the volt meter is connected through the frame, reel, and tape to the weight. The reel is provided with a ratchet arrangement to hold the weight at any desired height. The weight is drilled in the upper end to permit the insertion of two 196 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE loose-fitting half-round bars used in connecting the tape to the weight. Adjustments for the over-all length are made by varying the amount of tape included between the half-round bars. With the gage properly set to correct datum, the weight is lowered until it contacts the water surface, which completes the electric circuit and produces a deflection in the needle of the voltmeter. With the weight held in the position of contact, the tape reading is observed at the index provided on the reel mounting. In order to prevent errors in the readings because of water collecting on the bottom of the weight, the contact surface of the weight is reduced to six conical points. CANFIELD WIRE-WEIGHT GAGE The Canfield wire-weight gage, designed by G. H. Canfield, district engineer, and later improved by other engineers of the Survey, eon si sis of a cadmium-plated metal gage box containing the following assem- bly: a reel on which is wound a small stainless-steel cable attached to a flat-bottomed cylindrical weight made of noncorrodible material, a 1-foot graduated gage plate made of brass, and a compartment for holding the gage-height book. Brass lugs are attached to the cable at 1-foot intervals, each lug having the foot numerals stamped on two sides. The reel is equipped with a friction brake so that the weight can be held at any desired position. The gage plate, which is gradu- ated in hundredths of a foot and reads from the bottom upward, placed vertically behind the cable. The gage is set so that when the bottom of the weight contacts the water surface, the gage height in feet will be indicated by the numerals on the cable lug, which is oppo- site the graduated scale, and the fractional part of a foot of the gage height will be read on the scale at the position of the scale lug. The weight is drawn up into the box after the reading is obtained, and the hole provided for its passage is closed by a pivoted disk. For a description of the methods used in setting and adjusting a Canfield wire-weight gage see p. 218. A Canfield wire-weight gage installed at the gaging station on Locust Creek near Linneus, Mo., is shown m plate 26, A. TYPE-A WIRE-WEIGHT GAGE The type-A wire-weight gage consists of a drum wound with a single layer of cable, a weight attached to the end of the cable, a graduated disk, and a Veeder counter properly mounted in a cast- metal box. The disk is graduated in tenths and hundredths of a foot and is permanently connected to the Veeder counter and to the shaft of the drum. The cable is made of 0.045-inch stainless-steel wire, geo- metrically wound, and is guided to its position on the drum by means of a threading sheave. The reel is equipped with a pawl and ratchet INSTRUMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 197 for holding the weight at any desired elevation. The diameter of the drum of the reel is such that each complete turn represents a 1-foot movement of the weight. The drum is fastened to the shaft by a fric- tion clamp which, when loosened, allows the turning of the shaft independently of the drum and permits adjustment of the gage to cor- rect datum. For convenience, a horizontal checking bar is mounted at the lower edge of the instrument in such a manner that when it is moved to the forw ard position the bottom of the weight will rest on it. The gage is set so that when the bottom of the weight is at the water surface, the gage height will he indicated by the combined leadings of the Veeder counter and the graduated disk. Plate 2, A< shows a type-A wire-weight gage installed on a bridge at the gaging station on Saluda River at Chappels, S. C. The method used in setting and adjusting the type-A wire-weight gage is described on page 217. SOUNDING EQUIPMENT The ordinary method of measuring the flow of a stream consists largely of (1) making a measurement of depth, commonly called a sounding, (2) placing the current meter at 0.8 of the depth and meas- uring the velocity, and (3) placing the current meter at 0.2 of the depth and making another measurement of velocity. This procedure is repeated at 20 or more points as the engineer advances from one hank of the stream to the other. Because the sounding and velocity observations are usually made alternately, and because stream-flow measurements can be made more quickly in that order, current meters are combined with sounding equipment in the apparatus used for such work. In measurements of shallow streams the current meter is mounted on a rod which is graduated in feet and tenths for the dual purpose of measuring the depth and conveniently placing the meter at the proper point for the measurement of velocity. Cable suspen- sion is used in measurements of streams that are too deep for wading. The meter and sounding weight are suspended either by a hand line, which consists partly of a two-conductor rubber-covered cable and partly of a flexible steel cable about 0.1 inch in diameter, or by a crane and reel, on which a similar small flexible steel cable is used. A weight suspended below the meter is used for making the soundings. It also serves to hold the meter against the drag of the current while velocity measurements are made. The measurements of depth with this type of suspension may be made in several ways, such as by measuring with a metallic tape or a graduated stick the length of cable paid out as the meter is lowered from the surface of the water to the bed of the stream by the tag-line method, or by reading a depth indicator attached to the reel on which the suspension cable is wound. The design and construction of the equipment used in the various 198 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE methods of current-meter suspension are described in the following paragraphs. WADING RODS The type of wading rod most commonly used by the Geological Survey is made of sections of round nickel-plated brass tubing, each section 1 foot long and one-half inch in outer diameter. (See pi. 2G, B.) All sections contain a threaded stud screwed into the upper end and are internally threaded at the lower end with the exception that the base end of the bottom section is externally threaded so as to screw 7 into a socket in a small rectangular base plate. The arrange- ment provides a flush-joint ed coupling when the sections are screwed together. A device called a pole end may be screwed onto the upper end of the rod assembly for convenience in making electrical connec- tions. Each rod has graduations which identify the foot, half-foot, and tenth-foot points. The tenth-foot graduations consist of single circumferential grooves, and the half -foot and foot graduations con- sist of double and quadruple grooves, respectively. Some engineers prefer a flat rod instead of the round rods described above, and several different designs of flat rods have been made for use where the means of transportation does not require the compact- ness provided by the sectional round rods. Several designs of flat rods are shown in plate 26, B. Sliding support. — The sliding support used with the type-A small- Price current meter on the flush- jointed round rod assembly consists of a one-piece nickel-plated bronze casting drilled vertically to ac- commodate the rod. The sliding support is inserted between the yoke and the tailpiece of the current meter and is held on the rod at the desired position by a brass screw which impinges against the rod. Most of the sliding supports now in use are constructed so that the distance from the top of the support to the center line of the meter is exactly 0.1 foot. This feature aids in the accurate setting of the current meter, as the body of the sliding support under some condi- tions obscures the graduations of the rod in the vicinity of the center- line of the meter. In placing the meter in the correct position on the wading rod the top of the sliding support is placed 0.1 foot above the position desired for the center line of the meter. METER CABLES Meter cables commonly used for the suspension of current meters and weights are generally two-conductor cables. The two-conductor cables may be of three types (1) those suitable for use as the upper portion of a hand line, (2) those suitable for use as the low r er portion of a hand line, and (3) those suitable for use on reel-and-crane assem- INSTRUMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 199 blies. The various types of meter cables in general use by the Geological Survey are described in the four paragraphs that follow. Hand cable. — The hand cable, which is that portion of cable in a hand line normally used above the surface of the water, consists of ordinary No. 1G heavy-duty two-conductor electric cable. The break- ing strength of this type of cable is between 300 and 400 pounds. Direct -lay cable. — The direct-lay cable is constructed in two sizes having 0.09- or 0.11-inch diameters. The 0.09-inch-diameter cable is composed of six strands of seven steel wires each, which surround an insulated copper core consisting of twelve enameled No. 36 copper wires wrapped with several layers of cotton saturated with a moisture- resisting compound. The 0.11-inch-diameter cable is of the same con- struction except that the diameters of the individual wires are larger and the core has additional wrappings of saturated cotton. The breaking strength of the 0.09-inch direct-lay cable is from 400 to 600 pounds, and the breaking strength of the 0.11-inch direct-lay cable is from 600 to 1,000 pounds. The direct-lay cable is generally given preference over the reverse-lay cable for use on hand lines because its exterior is somewhat rougher. This roughness is an asset when the current meter and weight must be lifted by this bare wire hand over hand to the rail of a bridge or cable car. Reverse-lay cable. — The reverse-lay cable is made in 0.10-inch and 0.125-inch diameters. The 0.10-inch-diameter cable is composed of 33 galvanized wires, of which the inner 15 are wrapped in one direc- tion about an insulated core and the outer 18 are wrapped in the re- verse direction. The insulated cere consists of 6 No. 36 copper conduc- tor wires and No. 36 stainless-steel wires, bunched together and wrapped in five or more layers of w T ax-saturated cotton. The 0.125- inch reverse-lay cable also consists of 33 similarly wrapped galvanized wires, but the wires are slightly larger than those in the 0.10-inch cable. The insulated inner core is the same as for the 0.10-inch cable except that it contains sufficient additional wraps of saturated cotton to build up the diameter of the conductor core from 0.050 inch to 0.065 inch. The breaking strength of the 0.10-inch reverse-lay cable is from 800 to 1,000 pounds, and the breaking strength of the 0.125- inch cable is about 1,500 pounds. Wrapping the two layers of wires in reverse directions reduces the amount of twisting which ordinarily occurs when current meters and weights are suspended from such cables. Owing to its smooth outer surface, the reverse-lay cable is better adapted for use with reels than with hand lines. Furthermore, its greater strength is sometimes de- manded on crane-and-reel assemblies, whereas great strength in cables is not as essential for use on hand lines. 200 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE Single-conductor cable. — Galvanized airplane strand, which is com- mercially available, is commonly used where a single-conductor cable is desired. The most popular sizes are those having diameters of y 16 inch and % 2 inch. HAND REELS Two designs of hand reels, one known as the Lee-Au reel and the other as the Morgan reel, are extensively used to hold the steel cable of a hand-line assembly and to facilitate its electrical and physi- cal connection to the rubber-covered cable used as the upper part of the hand-line. (See pi. 27, A.) Lee-Au hand reel. — The Lee-Au hand reel is a one-piece oval-shaped aluminum casting constructed in such a manner as to provide sufficient capacity to carry about 50 feet of 0.09-inch direct-lay cable. Both ends of the casting arch over the drum and contain vertical holes for passage of the rubber-covered and steel cables. The lower end, through which the steel cable passes, is notched to permit the cable to be conveniently adjusted for length. In attaching the cables, the rubber cable is first passed through the hole in the upper arch and then laced through the three large holes provided for that purpose in the flat face of the casting. This cable terminates in the hollow center of the opposite side. The steel cable starts from the outer surface of the drum and is laced through the three small holes drilled in the drum, beginning with the hole nearest the upper end. This permits the end of the cable to be placed in the hollow center where it is passed through the loop formed by traversing through the first two holes. It is then electrically connected to the upper portion by means of small binding posts. Morgan reel. — The Morgan reel consists essentially of two stainless- steel bars about 10 inches in overall length, % inch in width, and y s inch in thickness, separated by spacers placed a short distance from each end through which bolts pass to hold the assembly together. This assembly serves as a reel which has a capacity of about 30 feet of 0.09-inch cable. Both ends of one bar are bent at right angles to form an elongated Z. The upper end of this bar is drilled to permit the rubber-covered cable to pass through it, and the lower end is slotted for the steel cable. The reel, when completely assembled, hangs in a vertical position. In attaching the cables, the rubber- covered hand cable is first passed through the upper hole, then laced through three large holes that are centrally located in the Z -shaped bar. The end of this cable terminates within the reel. The steel cable is looped around one of the spacers. The ends of the loop are held with a cable clip, and the loose end is electrically connected to the rubber-covered cable. The remaining part of the steel cable is wound on the two spacers described above. When in use, the steel cable Ho.O o □ o d a □ d. ■jn csj — • a m co r— • lo lo Ha ocDCDcnmcncncn 94U 930 9.10 900 8.90 8.80 870 8.60 8.50 8.40 8.30 8.20 8.10 8.00 7.90 780 7.70 7.60 7.50 7.40 7.30 7.20 7 10 7.00 RlTlTlTlIll 11:1. mm; i iiiihiiiiiihiiiii i i i i i h iih 16.80 1670 16.60 1650 16.40 630 620 16.10 CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD .CD CD CD.' CD CD CD CD CD . CD CD CD CD' CD CD CD CD .CD cd cn oo i — id ui •} n im - □ oi co I s ; id in m t\i — a oi co r> cn 1 1 1 I I I I.I 1 hhl hhlil 1 1 1 I.M 1 1 1 1 1 I.I Ej>u u a □ a a a cd ■ ■Sn ^ n r\j ■ — cDcncar- ■rn rinriririrJMPd □ OaaCQOa - CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD "CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD «CD id in n rj — acnmr-ini/iTfnro — acncar-ioin^n t\j fililil 1 LI 1 l.ll lil 1 hhlihlililililiTiUilihliliTil lil —10.10 '—10.0*0 — 9 90 — 9 80 — 9 70 — 960 — 9 50 — 9.40 — 930 — 9.20 — 9.10 — 9.00 — 8.90 — 8.80 — 8 70 — 8 60 — 8.50 '— 8 40 — 8.30 — 820 — 8.10 — 8.0C — 790 — 7.80 — 770 — 7.60 — 7.50 — 7.40 — 7.30 — 7.20 — 7 10 — 7.00 — 6.90 — 6 7(J — 660 — 6 50 — 640 — 6 30 — 6 20 — 6 10 — 6 00 — 590 — 5 80 — 5 70 — 5 60 — 5 50 — 5.40 — 5.30 — 5 20 5 10 — 5.00 — 4 90 — 4.80 — 4.70 — 4 60 — 4 50 — 4.40 — 4.20 — 4.10 — 4 00 — 390 — 3.80 — 370 360 350 — 340 CD. CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD* n cnj ' — cd cn co co lo nnnn(\ji\ir\ir\ir>j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD> CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD. CD CD CD CD CD CD CD C3+C3B V n rj — qaicof^cqinTrrirj — qmcqr^tDinTrnrj. — cdB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I.I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I.I 1 1 1 1 1 1 l,l| GEOLOGICAL SURVEY W ATLK-.SU PPL Y PAPEB SH8 PLATE 2i A, CHAIN GAGE; B, HOOK GAGE. INSTRUMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 201 may be unwound to any desired amount within the capacity of the reel and held from further unwinding by engaging the cable in the slot in the lower end of the Z -shaped bar. CONNECTORS A connector is used to join the lower end of the current-meter cable to the meter hanger. Various types of connectors used by the Geo- logical Survey are illustrated in plate 27, B. Practically all the con- nectors illustrated therein have provisions for insulating the connector from the hangar. Such insulation is necessary if a single-conductor electrical circuit is used. One type of connector is attached to the cable by lacing the cable back and forth through a series of holes, with the end of the cable slipped underneath one of the loops thus formed. All the other types depend to a large extent on pressure and friction for keeping the cable from slipping through them. They differ, how- ever, in the details of construction. Two of them have projecting knobs around which the cable is threaded before a pressure plate (hav- ing holes just large enough to accommodate the knobs) is forced tightly against the cable by means of screws. A third contains a spiral groove into which the cable is laid prior to the tightening of the pressure plate. The remaining two types are merely clevises containing a grooved wheel around which the cable is looped and clamped by means of cable clips. WEIGHTS The word "streamline'' and the latest concepts related thereto were unknown at the time when current-meter measurements were first made. The earlier types of weights were shaped like a flatiron and were used with the pointed end upstream. Later experience indicated that the accuracy of a discharge measurement might be affected by the shape of the weight, its position with respect to the meter, the amount it permitted the meter to move downstream or to the side, and the rapidity with which it brought the meter to a steady position in the current. This experience led to the design of a torpedo-shaped weight which was cast of lead, pointed at the nose, and equipped with tail vanes as an aid in directing the meter into the current. Although the torpedo-shaped weight performed more satisfactorily than the fiatiron-shaped weights, it did not maintain a stable position in swift water. Also, it had a tendency to affect the meter rating when placed in different positions with respect to the meter. This type of weight, ranging in size from 5 to 75 pounds, was used until 1920. when the so-called elliptical-type weight was introduced. The elliptical-type weight differed from the torpedo-type weight in that its overall length was less, it had a larger diameter, was ellipsoidal at the nose, and 202 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE carried larger tail vanes. Further revision of the design of weights was made in 1934, when the designs for the Columbus-type weights, commonly called C-type, were completed. C-type weights in sizes of L5, 30, 50, 75, 100, and 150 pounds are shown in plate 28, A. Weights of this type were found to be superior to the other types, as they main- tained a steadier position in water flowing at high velocities and adjusted themselves in position more quickly; they offered less resist- ance to flowing water, and had less effect upon the meter rating than any previous type of weight. The C-type weights differ from the elliptical-type weight in that they are longer and of smaller diameter. They are made in sizes of 15, 30, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300, and 500 pounds. The nose of each weight extends beyond the cups of the meter and hence affords protection against injury to the cups. The 15-pound weight is a one-piece cast- ing of gun -metal bronze. All the other sizes are cast of antimonial lead and contain removable aluminum-alloy tail vanes attached to structural aluminum angles that are cast into the weight. This con- struction permits the removal of the vanes for straightening or replace- ment. The shape of the slot for the hanger permits the hanger to tip forward 15° and backward 5° from the vertical. This limitation in the angles prevents the weight and current meter from striking each other, thus avoiding possible damage to the meter. As the specific gravity of the tail vanes is different from that of other parts of the weight, a weight which balances horizontally in air will not balance horizontally in water. It is, therefore, necessary and desirable that the weight be balanced under water, the element in which it is used, regardless of the position it assumes when suspended in air. HANGERS FOR SUSPENDING WEIGHT AND METER With the introduction of the C-type weights, a new design of hanger was necessary. This design is known as the Columbus or C-type hanger and is used with C-type weights ranging from 15 to 150 pounds. It contains a hole threaded for a %-inch weight pin at the weight end and a smooth %-inch hole at the opposite end. Three holes, 7 / 32 -^ch in diameter, are at 4.9, 5.3, and 9.8 inches above the hole for the weight. The lower two of these three holes are used for supporting the meter so that its horizontal axis is 0.5 foot from the bottom of the 15-pound and 30-pound C-type weights ; the lower of the two is for use with the 30-pound, and the upper, with the 15-pound weight. The third hole is located so that the distance from the horizontal axis of the meter to the bottom of the 50-pound weight is approximately 0.9 foot and to the bottom of the 75-, 100-, and 150-pound weights is 1.0 foot. The meter-suspension holes are spaced for use with the 622-type and type-A current meters. If the 623 -type meter is used with the 15-pound C-type INSTRUMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 203 weight, it should be suspended from the hole marked "30." This is necessary because the suspension hole in the yoke of the 623-type cur- rent meter is approximately 0.4 inch lower than it is in the 622-type and type A meters. A combination-type hanger previously designed for use with all elliptical weights may also be used with the 50-, 75-, 100-, or 150-pound ('-type weights if the upper suspension hole is used for the current meter. This hanger has two holes for weight pins, one for the 5 y { 6 -inch weight pins used for certain elliptical weights, the other for the %-inch weight pin for C-type weights. The combination -type hanger also lias three % 2 ~ mcn holes for supporting the current meter. The lower t wo of these are for supporting the current meter 0.5 and 0.7 foot above the bottoms of 15- and 30-pound elliptical-type weights, respectively. The upper of the three holes is for suspending the current meter 0.9 foot above the bottom of 50-pound C-type and 50-pound ellipt ical-type weights. This hole is also used for suspending the current meter above 75-, 100-. or 150-pound weights and when so used, the meter is 1 foot above the bottom of the weights. Meter hangers and weight pins, together with various other items of equipment, are shown in plate 28. CRANES AND REELS The use of heavy weights for holding current meters in position in the current of a stream and for making accurate soundings of deep swift rivers makes necessary the use of cranes and reels for their han- dling. It has been found that specially designed power-driven cranes are necessary at some stream-gaging stations. A notable example is in use at the gaging station on the Mississippi River at Vicksburg, Miss., where the crane is mounted on a li^-ton automobile-truck chas- sis. This crane has a 13-foot boom which reaches from the vehicular thoroughfare of the bridge to a point beyond interfering bridge mem- bers. Power furnished by the truck's motor raises and lowers the current met er and weight. At times of high water a 300-pound weight is used at this station. Somewhat similar equipment shown in plate 5, A, is used at the gaging station on the Mississippi River at Memphis, Tenn. In general, however, the cranes used in the operation of current meters and weights are manually operated and are simpler in design. Two sizes of cranes and four types of reels have been developed by the Geological Survey for use in making discharge measurements from bridges in addition to the power-driven cranes described above. The two sizes of cranes are designated type-A and type-D cranes, and the four types of reels which, with one exception, may be inter- changed on either type of crane are designated types A, B, D, and E. 204 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE The exception is the type-D reel, which is too large to fit on the type-A crane. The essentials for a satisfactory crane are that it shall be of ade- quate strength and of such design that it may be used conveniently on most bridges ; also that it may be quickly assembled, conveniently dismantled and packed for transportation in passenger automobiles or light trucks, and handled manually without excessive labor on the part of the operator. Reels are mounted on the cranes for use in lowering and raising the current meter and weight. Each reel is furnished with a depth indicator that indicates the length of cable paid out in making sound- ings and in placing the current meter at the proper positions for obser- vations of velocity. The reels must be accurate, of adequate strength, compact, and light. They should have sufficient capacity to hold the length of meter cable which may be required at any gaging station in the region where the reel is to be used. Reels are designed so as to be easily removed from the cranes and mounted on cable cars, boat booms, or devices which may be used in making measurements of the flow of streams under ice cover. Owing to the interchangeability of the various types of reels on cranes and other types of equipment, the details regarding cranes and reels are discussed separately in the paragraphs that follow. TYPE-A AND TYPE-D CRANES The type-A and type-D cranes are similar in that they are mounted on wheels, have identical mounting plates for the reels, and have pro- tectable booms which may be extended over or retrieved back of the railing of a bridge. At the outer end of the booms of both types of cranes' is an angle-indicating device that shows the angle from the vertical assumed by the meter cable because of its being dragged downstream by the current. By the aid of this device corrections may be made to sounding observations and to the positioning of the current meter. Both types of cranes can be folded compactly for convenience in transportation. The two types of cranes differ in that the type-D crane (see pi. 29, A ) is slightly larger than the type-A ; it is also heavier and of more rigid construction. It is intended for use with weights up to 200 pounds, whereas the type-A crane is intended for weights of 150 pounds and less. A further difference is that the type-D crane is al- ways used with a four-wheel truck, whereas such a truck is used on the type-A crane only when 75-, 100-, and 150-pound weights are re- quired. If weights of 50 pounds or less are used, the type-A crane w T ith its usual three wheels is preferred. The position of the three wheels is such as to form an isosceles triangle with two wheels close to INSTRUMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 205 the bridge rail and parallel to it. When the boom of the crane is ex- tended over the bridge rail the third wheel, which is on the opposite side of the crane from the bridge rail, is raised. The two wheels parallel to the rail then carry most of the load, but the rail itself pro- vides the third point of support. A type-A crane and type A reel in use at the gaging station on the Rillito Creek near Tucson, Ariz., are shown in plate 4, A. If a four-wheel truck is used with either a type-A or type-D crane, the bridge rail is not used as a point of support, as a toggle arrangement connecting the truck and the upright members eliminates any necessity for it. Both the type-A and type-D cranes are designed to withstand any loads up to the full breaking strength (1.500 pounds) of the heaviest two-conductor cables commonly used on the reels. TYPES A, B, D, AND E REELS The types A, B, D, and E reels are similar in that each reel is fitted with a depth indicator, a threading sheave for laying the cable smoothly in a single layer on the drum, electrical connections for two- conductor cables, and a pawl and ratchet which can be used to hold the current meter and weight at any desired elevation. Furthermore, all the reels are made largely of aluminum parts for lightness and are designed to operate under any loads up to the full strength of the cables ordinarily used. All these reels have the same spacing of anchor studs so that they are, with one exception, completely interchangeable. That exception, which has been referred to previously, is caused by the lack of available space between the vertical members of the type-A crane to accommodate the large tvpe-D reel. (See pis. 29. B; 30; and 31, ,1.) The type-A reel, which is the smallest of the four, has a fixed crank and no brake, whereas the other three are fitted with brakes and quick- releasing cranks. When using any one of the three larger reels, the operator usually allows the weight to be lowered by the force of gravity and controls its movement by application of the brake, the crank being disengaged while the lowering progresses. Reverse-lay cable is recommended for use with all the reels. Major differences in the design of the different reels are indicated in table 10. The selection of the type of reel for use in a given region should be based largely upon the maximum length of cable that would be re- quired. This length would be equivalent to the distance from the bridge railing of the highest bridge at which measurements are ex- pected to be made to the lowest point in the stream bed, plus about 6 feet for threading over the sheaves of the crane and an allowance for the downstream drag of the cable. If weights as heavy as 200 206 STREAM-CAGING PROCEDURE pounds are to be used frequently, and two men are available for operating the equipment, the type-D reel with 0.125-inch cable, a jack shaft, and with cranks at both ends of the reel would best meet the requirements. Table 10. — Types of reels used in sounding Cable Effec- tive Reel Length (feet) Diam- eter (inch) circum- ference of drum (feet) Type of brake Depth indicator Type-A 80 0. 10 1.0 None Similar to Veedcr- typc counter. Type-I3 12") . 10 1.5 Prony type. - Dial type Tvpe-D 17 r, 200 . 12. r > . 10 2.5 do do Type-E 175 . 10 2.0 do do.... Remarks One 8-inch crank attached at right side of reel; keyed rigidly to shaft when in operation. Two cranks 9 and 12 inches in length interchangeable, at right side of reel. Two 12-inch cranks, one for right and one for left side of reel, for 2-man operation. A special jack shaft with reducing pears is provided as an aid in raising heavy weights. Two 12-inch cranks, one for right and one for left side of reel for 2-man operation if desired. SOUNDING PROTRACTOR A sounding protractor which has been extensively used for meas- uring vertical angles (see p. 45) consists of a protractor circle, a pendulum, a pointer, a protractor scale, an arm, and a bar. When these parts are assembled, they form two units that hang freely from the shaft of the sheave at the outer end of the boom. One of the units consists of the pendulum and the pointer. The position assumed by the pointer is determined by the action of gravity. The other, a U-shaped unit to which the protractor scale is attached, is suspended in such a manner that when the sounding cable hangs vertically, the pointer is opposite the 0-degree mark on the protractor scale, but when the sounding cable is inclined downstream by the action of the flowing water, the cable bears against the lower bar of the U-shaped unit, causing the unit to turn through an angle equivalent to that made by the sounding cable as it deviates from the vertical. This angle may be read opposite the pointer, on the protractor scale. A sounding protractor of this type, mounted oil a type-A crane for use in bridge measurements, is shown in plate 4, A. Another type of protractor, which is triangular, is used on the type-B gaging cars. This protractor in position on a type-B gaging car is shown in the illustration for the type-E reel (pi. 31, A). The upper corner of the triangle serves as the point of support. The lower side of the triangle contains the graduations. The angle from INSTRUMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 207 which the position of the meter cable deviates from the vertical is read at the point where the cable passes in front of the graduations on the triangle. MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT HEADPHONES Headphones convert into sound the electrical impulses resulting from contacts made in the contact chamber of a current meter at each revolution or at every fifth revolution of the bucket wheel. It is interesting to note that in general, as long as the current meter is immersed in water, a steady electrical current of small though meas- urable quantity Hows through the circuit regardless of whether the contact is on "make'' or "break." The impulse that occurs when the contact is made may either add to or detract from the steady current, and it is the sudden increase or decrease in current which produces sound in the headphone. One source of this steady electrical current is in the electrolytic action created by different metals that are sub- merged in the stream. Another source, when a battery is in the cir- cuit, is the shunting of current around the insulation either on the binding posts of the current meter or on the cable connector. Occa- sionally, the current produced by the electrolytic action will exactly counteract the current of the battery, with the result that no audible sounds are produced. It has been found that headphones having resistances of 5 to 80 ohms are more effective than headphones having high resistances if the sound-producing differential of the electrical current is very small. If the differential is large, adequate sound is produced by both low-resistant and high-resistant phones. Phones of the type shown in plate 28, B which have coil windings of either 5 or 80 ohms are generally used, as they meet the needs through the widest range of conditions. GAGING CARS Two types of gaging cars known as type-A and type-B are in general use. The type-A car permits the engineer to work from a sitting position. (See pi. 1.) It is provided with a seat at each end, has either one or two foot rests, and can be readily equipped for use with either a hand line or a reel assembly. The type-B car is designed to permit the engineer to operate the meter equipment from a standing position. It is principally con- structed of structural aluminum, although it contains a few steel parts. The floor is made of wood. It is more sturdily constructed than the type-A car and is better adapted for use with heavy sounding equipment. 208 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE A canvas shelter can be used with either type of car. A cast- aluminum gaging-car puller is a convenient means for moving the car and holding it at any desired position along the cableway. A type-B car in use at the gaging station on the Licking Riv^r at Toboso, Ohio, is shown in plate 3, B. LEE-AU TAG-LINE REEL The Lee-Au tag-line reel used in measuring the distances and widths in discharge measurements is a one-piece hollow-center alu- minum casting equipped with two aluminum-alloy sleeve handles, the bolts of which are screwed into a boss on the outer face of each rim diametrically opposite each other. Both rims are symmetrically perforated at regular intervals to assist in tightening and iastening the tag line. The tag lines most generally used consist of y 32 - to %2-inch steel airplane-strand cables marked with solder beads at 5-foot intervals. The 5-foot marking is usually designated by a single bead, the 25-foot, 50-foot, and 100-foot markings being indicated by two, three, and four beads, respectively. One end of the cable is laced through the holes drilled in the face of the drum, and knotted; the other end is equipped with a swivel snap or S link for fastening. Care must be exercised in keeping it taut, both when unwinding and rewinding, in order to avoid kinking. About 400 feet of ^e-inch airplane-strand cable with the bead markings can be accommodated by this reel. Other reels, somewhat different in shape, are also used for the same purpose. (See pi. 31, B.) VEATCH HORIZONTAL-ANGLE COEFFICIENT INDICATOR The Veatch horizontal -angle coefficient indicator is a one-piece semicircular aluminum casting marked in coefficients directly appli- cable to the velocity or width observations in reducing either to their normal components. The base of the casting is drilled so that it may be bolted to the side of a cable car or to any structure from which a measurement is being made. An arm, pivoting about the center of the arc and reading unity when the current is normal, indicates the coefficient which is to be applied because of the angle of current. REFERENCE-MARK TABLET The standard reference-mark tablet (pi. 32) used by the Water Kesources Branch of the Geological Survey is a circular bronze casting with the center of the top slightly raised and circled. The stem, of the tablet is spirally grooved to resist removal from the concrete setting. The top of the tablet contains depressed letters identifying the tablet as a gaging-station reference mark. In addition to their use in maintaining a constant datum at a gaging station (see page 211) , GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 88X PLATE 27 B. CONNECTORS. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 8h8 PLATE B. METER HANGERS. WEIGHT PINS. AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 888 PLATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 888 PLATE B. TYPE-B REEL. INSTRUMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 209 the sea-level elevation of these tablets is established at each gaging station wherever practicable. LEVELING EQUIPMENT The level generally used in stream-gaging work is the Geological Survey standard dumpy level. The telescope for this level is about 18 inches long and has a magnifying power of 26 to 30 diameters. The shortest focus-obtainable from the center of the instruments is 9 feet. The tripod is of the extension-leg type, which collapses sufficiently for convenient transportation. The type of level rod most generally used is a 12-foot sectional rod, each section of which is 4 feet long. The sections are fastened together by means of a telescopic sleeve and rod extension arrangement, which automatically locks when the sec- tions are properly joined. TIMERS The timer mostly used in stream-gaging work is a still-movement type stop watch in which the movement is set into motion each time the stem is depressed. It is usually a 7- jewel movement and registers accurately to a fifth of a second. It is equipped with two hands — one hand registers seconds and the other hand registers minutes up to as much as 30 minutes. The start, stop, and return mechanisms are all operated through the stem. USE OF FIELD EQUIPMENT The engineer should give the same care to the equipment used by him that he would give to his own personal property. All property requisitioned or purchased by the district engineer and charged to him on the Geological Survey property list is termed "nonexpendable property" and must be accounted for by the district engineer annually as of December 31. All property assigned to the field engineer for his use should be recorded in the district office, and its disposition should be reported to that office. Frequent inventories of all field equipment and supplies will not only stimulate the keeping of such a record but will also be of assistance when ordering additional supplies. NONEXPENDABLE FIELD EQUIPMENT Each article of nonexpendable property upon acquisition should be listed on a card, form 9-264, in the district office file. The record should show the name of the article, the date of purchase, the cost, and the allotment from which the purchase was made. A space is provided on the card for the name of the person to whom it was issued, the date of the issue, and the date on which it was returned 210 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE to stock in the district office. The cards may be filed alphabetically by names of articles. When an article is issued for field use, the name of the engineer to whom issued may be inserted on the card and the card then placed in a file for issued articles. Upon return of the article by the engineer, the date of return is inserted on the card, and the card then returned to the alphabetical file. If nonexpenda- ble field equipment is lost, a written report describing the article, the circumstances surrounding its loss, and the efFort made for its recovery should be made to the district engineer, who will in turn make a re- port to the Washington office on the proper form in order that the article may be removed from the list of property charged to him. The success of this card system will depend largely upon the field engineer. His cooperation in keeping the records will aid in account- ing for nonexpendable property for which complete returns must be made to the issuing officer. EQUIPMENT IN STOCK Additional equipment should be kept in stock in the district office. All equipment should be so arranged that it can be found easily when needed and can be checked readily when additional quantities are to be ordered. The equipment -hi pply room should be kept clean and the equipment systematically arranged. MAINTENANCE OF GAGE DATUM A permanent datum to which the records of stage ai t* gaging station are referred must be maintained if the records of stream flow are to be accurate, The datum selected for operating purposes should be such that the gage height of zero flow will be above zero on the gage so that minus signs will not be necessary in the records of stage. The procedure relating to a gage datum is as follows : First, the establishment of a definite datum plane at which the gage is to be originally set, independently of the structure supporting the gage ; and second, the keeping of the gage at the proper position with respect to the established datum plane throughout the period of record. In maintaining a permanent gage datum, various terms such as "bench marks," "reference marks," and "reference points" are used in connection with the operation of gaging stations by the Geological Survey ; and in order to avoid possible confusion and mis- interpretation, these terms are defined. Bench marks are nationally recognized points of known elevation above mean sea level established by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, by the Topographic Branch of the Geological Survey, or by other organizations. MAINTENANCE OF GAGE DATUM 211 A reference mark is a standard bronze tablet (sec pi. 32) or other readily identifiable mark of known elevation above gage datum es tablished in the vicinity of the gaging si at ion. It should be placed in a permanent position, away from the structure supporting the gage and independent of it. It is used for reference purposes in maintaining the position of the gage at a definite elevation with re- spect to the station datum. A reference point is a point of known height above the station datum and is ordinarily established for the purpose of making in- dependent observations of stages or for simplifying the procedure of checking the gage. It is established on the structure supporting the gage and is of such a nature that when used independently of a reference mark it does not necessarily establish the correctness of the gage. The above definitions of terms in common use in obtaining records of stream flow may be amplified as follows: 1. If the elevation of a permanent mark, regardless of its position, is established by the Topographic Branch of the Geological Survey, the Coast and Geodetic Survey, or any other organization whose business is to establish nationally recognized bench marks and it is designated as a bench mark by the organization that establishes it, it is likewise considered a bench mark when used in connection with the operation of river measurement stations. If such a bench mark is situated in the vicinity of a gaging station, the elevation of the station datum arbitrarily taken as the zero of the gage should be obtained and recorded by means of levels run to the bench mark. 2. If a permanent mark is referred to a known or arbitrarily selected datum by the Water Resources Branch or by agencies other than those mentioned above or by private organizations and is used in connection with the maintenance of the established datum of the gage, it should be referred to as a reference mark or a reference point depending on whether it is away from the structure supporting the gage or upon the structure itself. 3. A reference mark or reference point established by the Water Resources Branch will retain its classification in accordance with the above statement until it is included in surveys of the Topographic Branch, the Coast and Geodetic Survey, or other qualified agency and has been definitely established as a bench mark bearing the name of the organization responsible for the determination of its elevation. NECESSITY FOR A SINGLE AND PERMANENT GAGE DATUM The maintenance of a single and permanent datum for all gages at a stream-flow measurement station is of major importance in the establishment and maintenance of relations of stage to discharge. 212 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE Once this station datum is established, it should be maintained at the same elevation throughout the period of record. Changes in datum for the purpose of overcoming minor inconveniences should be avoided. If it is found necessary to change the datum at a station, a report should be prepared promptly, explaining the new datum and the reasons for the change. This report should be inserted in the history of the station for future reference. Changes in datum will generally be unnecessary if proper investigations are made before the establishment of the station. Many gages established by other Government agencies and by pri- vate companies are used by the Geological Survey in obtaining rec- ords of river stages. Changes in the datum for those gages should not be made by Survey engineers unless first authorized by the party a tiUiiin^ the g;ige, as the value of the data for which the gage was primarily established may depend to a large extent on main- taining the original datum. CHECKING OF REFERENCE MARKS, REFERENCE POINTS, AND GAGES The best assurance of maintaining all the gages at a gaging station at correct positions with respect to gage datum is obtained by pe- riodic checkings of all reference marks, reference points, and a>is of levels, it is found necessary to change the vertical position of any one of the graduations previously established, the new position is determined by shifting the base of the level rod on the gage board to a position giving the desired rod read- ing. When new graduations are placed on an inclined stalf gage at new positions, all evidence pertaining to the old graduations should be removed in order to avoid confusion in future readings of the gage. The nature of corrections to observed gage heights, whether plus or minus, is the same as that discussed for the vertical stall gage. Cham gage. — In checking a chain gage with a level it i- ru-tomary to have an assistant read the gage when the bottom of the gage weight is at the height of instrument. (See pi. 24, A, and p. \ ) The height of instrument should be as near as practicable to the water surface so that about the same length of chain is used as when making a gage -reading. Any difference between this gage reading and the elevation of the height of instrument represents the amount of cor- rection to be applied to the observed gage height or the amount of the change to be made in the gage. If the reading on the gage is less than the elevation of the height of instrument, a plus correction should be applied in corrections to observed gage heights; and the clip in, if the length is changed, should be lengthened. If the gage reading is greater than the elevation of the height of instrument, a minus correction should be applied to observed gage heights, and the chain should be shortened. The length of the chain should be measured with a steel tape in order to determine whether the error, if any, is caused by a change in the length of the chain or is caused by a change in the vertical position of the structure supporting the gage or in the scale on which the reading is made. If the chain length is found to be the same as when the gage was last checked with a level, it is evident that the error, if any, is due to a change in position of the structure supporting the gage or of the scale or indicator by which the gage is read. A shift in the vertical position of a structure supporting a chain gage is determined by checking the elevation of a reference point established on the structure. This reference point should, if prac- ticable, be placed on the bridge member to which the gage is attached. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY TAPER 8SH PLATE 31 B. TAG-LINE REELS. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER PLATE 32 REFERENCE-MARK TABLET. MAINTENANCE OF GAGE DATUM 217 Any changes in the total length of the chain and the length to any of the intermediate markers, together with the time of day such changes were made, should be recorded in the level note summary for the station. Wire-weight gage. — Two types of wire-weight gages are used by the Geological Survey— the type-A (p. 196 and pi. 2, A) and the Can- field (p. 196 and pi. 26, A.) The type-A wire-weight gage is checked by sighting on the bottom of the weight with the level at as low a gage height as possible. With the bottom of the weight in this position, the height of instrument is compared with the counter-and-graduated-disc reading. If they are not in agreement, the difference is noted and the two screws between the drum and the graduated disc are loosened, the drum is then held fast by hand, and the crank turned until the counter and the graduated disc indicate the height of instrument. After tightening the two set screws the new setting is given a final check with the level. The weight is then raised to a position a little higher than the checking bar, whose elevation has been previously determined, the checking bar is moved forward to a position under the weight, and the weight is lowered until it touches the bar. The counter-and-disc reading for that position of the weight should correspond to the regular checking length of the wire or the previously determined elevation of the checking bar. In checking this type of gage there may be a slight difference in the results obtained by referring the gage height to the elevation of the checking bar and by referring the gage height to the height of instrument by a level sight on the bottom of the weight. If the results obtained by the two methods are not the same, those obtained by referring the gage height to the height of instrument should be used. If it is not possible to take an accurate level sight from the bank of the river to the weight because of the distance, the levels may be run to the checking bar and to a reference point on the guard rail near the gage. The reading of the gage may then be checked by measuring to the water surface from the reference point on the guard rail, using a steel tape fastened to a gage weight. If it is found by levels that the position of the checking bar has risen with respect to the zero elevation of the gage, the counter-and-graduated-disc read- ing will be too small, thus necessitating a plus correction to gage heights. If the position of the checking bar is found to be lower than the true position, the dial-and-graduated-disc reading will be too large and a minus correction must be made to the gage heights. This type of gage should be checked by the engineer each time he visits the station by observing the reading of the gage when the bottom of the weight is on the checking bar. 218 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE In checking the Canfield wire- weight gage a sight should be taken on the bottom of the weight with the level at as low a gage height as possible, and the reading of the foot marker on the graduated plate compared with the height of instrument. The next step in the procedure is the determination of the elevation of the zero mark on the 1-foot graduated vertical plate in the gage box. For this type of gage it is not always necessary to measure the length of the wire with the steel tape as errors due to stretching of the wire are usually negligible because of the nonelastic properties of the stainless-steel wire. However, the gage should be checked for possible slipping of the wire at the connection to the weight by measuring the distance from the bottom of the weight to one of the foot markers on the wire. If the vertical position of the graduated plate is found to be in error, the application of corrections to gage heights will be the same as stated above for the type- A gage. Electric tape gage. — The electric tape gage which is sometimes used as a reference gage inside the float well is checked by levels by ob- serving the reading of the tape opposite the index marker when the bottom of the weight is at the height of instrument, the level being set up so that the line of sight passes through the lower door in the gage well. (See pi. 25, B.) If the gage reading differs from the height of instrument, a shift in the vertical position of the index marker is apparent, and the deviation from the old position should be determined. If it is not possible to sight on the bottom of the weight, an accessible reference point may be established inside the well. The gage may then be checked by measuring from the refer- ence point to the water surface with a steel tape attached to a gage weight or to an improvised hook. Application of corrections to ob- served gage heights for this type of gage will be the same as those given for the wire-weight gages. Float gage. — In checking a float gage by levels it is necessary to determine the correct vertical position of a reference point inside the gage well. The distance from this point to the water surface is then measured with a steel tape. This measurement may be made by fastening an improvised hook or a weight to the end of the tape in such a manner that the correct distance can be read directly from the tape when it is held on the reference point. If an inconsistency is found, several independent readings from the reference point should be made before changing the position of the indicator on the float gage. (See p. 194 and pi. 25, A.) Hook gage. — In a hook gage the vertical distance between the point of hook and the zero of the graduations on the staff must equal the elevation of the zero of the 1-foot graduated scale that is attached to the bed piece against which the rod slides. (See pi. 24, B, and p. 194.) MAINTENANCE OF GAGE DATUM 219 For this relation of length of staff and elevation of scale, the hook gage should give correct readings of water stages in the float well. If the length of staff — that is, the vertical distance from point of hook to zero of graduations on the staff — is more than the elevation of the zero of the 1-foot graduated scale, the gage readings are too large and minus corrections are necessary. If the length of staff is less than the elevation of the zero of the 1-foot scale, the gage readings are too small and plus corrections are necessary. Incorrect positions of any of the marks on the staff would cause similar errors in the read- ings taken at those stages. The procedure used in checking a hook gage with a level requires two separate steps, namely, the determination of the elevation of the zero mark on the 1-foot graduated scale and the position of the point of the hook with respect to each foot mark on the hook-gage staff. After the position of the graduated scale has been determined the next step is to determine the position of the hook on the staff. This may be done either by sighting on the level rod held on the point of the hook and comparing the elevations thus determined with the reading on the graduated scale or by measuring with a steel tape the distance from a selected foot mark to the point of the hook. In the latter method a foot mark near the end opposite that on which the hook is fastened should always be used so as to reduce to a minimum the slight error caused by the angle between the selected mark on the hook-gage staff and the point on the hook. This source of error can be eliminated if a small try square is used to project the position of the point of the hook back to the hook-gage staff. If the gage is found to be in error, it can be corrected either by changing the posi- tion of the 1-foot graduated scale or by changing the position of the hook on the staff. As a matter of convenience, it is generally desir- able to maintain the 1-foot scale at its original elevation and to adjust the position of the hook if corrections are necessary. REFERENCE TO MEAN SEA LEVEL. If a gaging station is established near an existing bench mark, or if a bench mark is placed near a station after it has been established, the mean sea-level elevation of the zero of the gage should be ascer- tained. The elevation of the bench mark as determined from the latest level-net adjustment and the date of that adjustment should be obtained from the agency that established it. Bench marks, other than those officially recognized as such (see p. 210), should be accepted only when their reliability and the basis of their establishment have been authenticated. Published refer- ences to a bench mark in connection with its use by the Geological Survey in referring river stages to mean sea level should always give 220 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE the name of the agency responsible for the bench mark and the date of the level-net adjustment used in the determination of its elevation. River surveys made by the Topographic Branch of the Geological Survey generally show the positions of gaging stations and the ele- vation of the zero of the gage at each station included in the survey. This is accomplished by cooperation between the district engineers of the Water Resources Branch who operate the gaging stations and the engineers of the Topographic Branch who make the surveys. ROUTINE FIELD WORK REGULATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS GOVERNING TRAVEL Upon entering the Survey each employee who is to travel in the performance of field work is furnished with an identification card, an authorization of field work, and a copy of the "Standardized gov- ernment travel regulations." PREPARATION FOR FIELD TRIP Careful preparation affords the best assurance for a successful field trip. In order that he may be in readiness for any emergency that may arise, the engineer should overhaul his equipment and pre- pare for the next trip immediately after his return to the office. Lack of proper inspection of equipment and replacement of worn or damaged parts will result in trouble eventually and thereby cause delay and increased cost. EQUIPMENT FOR CURRENT-METER MEASUREMENTS The following lists of equipment needed for current-meter meas- urements are not intended as complete lists of the equipment that might be needed under all circumstances but may serve as a guide to the engineer in making his selection for a specific field trip. The articles to be taken on any one trip would depend upon the types of measurements that are expected to be made and the facilities at the gaging stations. Some of the articles of equipment might be in- dispensable, regardless of the type of measurement, whereas other articles could be used only at stations provided with certain facilities. Several of the items listed separately might be assembled into a complete unit ready for use. The most essential articles of equip- ment for the several types of measurements are listed below. Wading measurements. — The engineer should carry the following articles of equipment in order to be prepared for making discharge measurements by wading: 1. Keys for padlocks. 2. Current meter, with one or more extra pivots. ROUTINE FIELD WORK 221 3. Meter carrying case. 4. Notebook and pencil. 5. Stop watch. 6. Headphone receiver, 5 to 80 ohm, complete with cord and head band. 7. Battery (small dry cell, preferably not exceeding 4% volts). 8. Connection plugs, screw driver, cutting pliers, wrench, can of oil, marking keel, metallic tape, stainless-steel tape, miscellaneous wire, and friction tape. 9. Wading rod, consisting of three or four intermediate sections of flush-joint wading rods, a lower section of flush-joint rod, a base plate, a pole end (not essential) and a sliding support. 10. Tag-line reel, complete with tag line. 11. Waders. 31 eoxvrernents jrom cableways and bridges. — Articles of equip- ment for making discharge measurements from cablew T ays and bridges with hand lines consist of items 1 to 8 listed above and the following additional articles: 12. Weights, C-type, in 15, 30, or 50-pound size. 13. Weight hanger, or hangers, corresponding to the sizes of weights to be used. 14. Weight pin, or pins, corresponding to sizes of weights. 15. Connector (complete with cable clips if needed). 16. Direct-lay cable, 0.09 or 0.11 inch in diameter and of adequate length. 17. Hand reel for meter cable. 18. Two-conductor No. 16 electrical cord of adequate length. 19. Cable-car puller. If a crane is to be used in making bridge measurements, items 1 to 8 and 12 to 15 listed above, together with the following items, ordinarily would be required. 20. Type A or type D crane. 21. Type A, B, D, or E reel. 22. Reverse-lay cable, 0.10 or 0.125 inch in diameter and of ade- quate length. 23. Weights, C-type, in 75, 100, 150, or 200-pound size. Boot measurements. — If measurements are to be made from boats, items 1 to 8, 10, 12 to 15, and 21 listed above and the following items ordinarily would be required. 24. Boat, complete with car and carlocks. 25. Boat boom, or special type of crane. Measurements through ice cover. — In making discharge measure- ments through ice cover with the current meter supported by wading 222 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE rods, items 1 to 10 ordinarily would be required and the following additional items: 26. Ice chisel. 27. Small shovel. 28. An adequate number of sections of flush-joint wading rods similar to those listed under item 9. 29. A device for measuring the thickness of the ice. If the current meter is to be supported by a cable in making dis- charge measurements through ice cover, the. equipment should consist of items 1 to 8, 10, 12 to 15, 21, 22, 26, 27, 29, and the following additional item : 30. Device for mounting type A, B, D, or E reel on short skiis or other means of support. SUPPLEMENTARY ARTICLES The supplementary articles that should be carried on a field trip if the occasion and purpose of the trip appear likely to require them are: 31. Extra parts and units for repairing any or all of the principal items of equipment listed above. 32. Water-stage recorder parts, including extra clocks, cable for float and counterweight, paper supply rolls, ink, pencils, mailing tubes, and other incidentals for servicing water-stage recorders. 33. Enameled gage sections and brass screws for the installation and repair of staff gages. 34. Tools, such as hammer, wood chisel, cold chisel, file, hand axe, wire cutters, knife, brace and bits, short handled shovel or spade, board saw, hack saw, pipe wrench, and wrecking bar. 35. Box of assorted nails, screws, bolts, and lag screws. 36. Paints and brushes. 37. Thermos jug. 38. Flashlight. 39. Bucket and rope for cleaning recorder wells. 40. Brush hook or pruning shears for clearing brush. 41. Reference-mark and flood-mark tablets. 42. Level and level rod. 43. Sling for recovering cable cars. 44. Supply of note forms, report forms, and stationery. SUPPLIES The selection of forms and supplies to be carried on a field trip should be given as much forethought as the selection and preparation of equipment. To be without the necessary supplies in the field is not only embarrassing but usually results in duplication of efforts. ROUTINE FIELD WORK 223 The carrying of unnecessary supplies should be avoided, however, by carefully anticipating the needs. In addition to forms and instructions described on pages 235-236, it is essential to have available a supply of notebook forms 9-275, 9-275a, 9-275c, 9-275d, 9-276, and 9-277 on which to tabulate observed data. Supplies such as rolls of recorder paper, slide rule, notebook containing current-meter rating table, angle chart, and other tech- nical forms are of equal importance. If the engineer is to be in the field for several weeks, a supply of the following should be included : Expense vouchers, standard form No. 1012; charge sheets, form No. 9-272 ; service reports, form No. 9-245a ; report of discharge measure- ments, form No. 9-221 ; stationery, franked envelopes and cards. DATA CONCERNING RIVER-MEASUREMENT STATIONS Copies of the rating curve and the station description for each station that is to be visited, and for many stations the station history, are very useful to the engineer in the field. The rating curve shows the stage-discharge relations and the gage heights at which additional measurements are needed. The station description provides essential information concerning the station which is of material assistance to an engineer unfamiliar with the station and the surrounding area. Excerpts copied from the station history regarding corrections to gage heights, changes in equipment, and difficulties pertaining to the station may result in obtaining important information which otherwise would have been overlooked. Other information which the field engineer should obtain before leaving the office relates to the nature and char- acter of work each observer is doing. For instance, the observer may be reading the gage to half-tenths when readings to hundredths are desired, or he may have a habit of moving the float too much, thus distributing the setting of the pen or pencil. Faults of this nature may be discovered and corrected if the engineer examines the gage- height cards or charts before leaving the office. A copy of the profile of the cross section at the measuring section may be very useful. It pictures the section where the measurement is to be made and gives the engineer an idea of the number of velocity observations that are necessary and the depths to be expected. For measurements made during floods when measurements of depths may be impracticable, the approximate depth of water may be determined from the profile and the depth at which the meter is to be placed may be computed. Accurate velocity observations usually may be obtained by the 0.2-depth method, which is described on page 39. Velocities for plotting vertical velocity curves are often obtained during flood measurements to assist in the determination of coefficients for mean velocity. A knowledge of the vertical velocity curves pre- 224 STREAM-CAGING PROCEDURE viously plotted may prevent duplication and thereby give the engineer an opportunity to obtain observations at other places in the measuring section and at different gage heights. Some district offices keep a "trouble book" in which are made nota- tions regarding needed repairs, alterations, and changes to be made on subsequent trips to the various gaging stations. This book may also contain a record of the recorders in operation, the clocks in use, and the dates of the latest changings of recorder paper or the approxi- mate dates on which new rolls will be needed. The engineer should consult this book just before he leaves on the field trip. ITINERARY If an extended trip is anticipated, an itinerary should be prepared and a copy left with the clerk in the district office. The itinerary- should show the work that is expected to be done, the principal stop- ping places and points where the office may contact the engineer, with the. anticipated date of arrival at each place. This schedule should not relieve the engineer from using his own judgment if unexpected conditions developed, as the work, and not the maintenance of the schedule, is of primary importance, Any changes in the itinerary and the reasons for them should be reported promptly to the district office, the type of communication depending on the urgency of the situation. WORK TO BE DONE AT THE STATION The field engineer is responsible for the collection of the basic data from which the determinations of discharge are made, and he should always remember that the accuracy of a discharge record can be no greater than the accuracy of the basic data from which it is computed. Experience in office computations and a knowledge of methods used in analyzing the data give the engineer in the field a better under- standing of the necessity for thorough and careful field work. INSPECTION OF GAGES AND WATER-STAGE RECORDER The first work usually done by the field engineer at a station equipped with a water-stage recorder is to ascertain if the clock is running and to identify the point at which the pen or pencil is rest- ing. He then reads all the gages and checks the position of the pen or pencil of the recorder, both for time and gage height. If the readings are inconsistent, the reasons for any inconsistencies must be determined. One way to identify the position of the pen or pencil on the chart is to grasp the float cord or tape on the float side and raise the float a short distance, thus causing the pen or pencil to make a short ROUTINE FIELD WORK 225 vertical line. Usually it is not necessary to raise the float com- pletely out of the water. The pull on the float cord or tape should always bo upward to avoid slack and the possibility of kinking. Other methods of satisfactorily identifying the position of the pen or pencil may be used, but if the method used requires a vertical movement of the float, such movement should be limited to that nec- essary to produce a legible line distinguishable from the gage-height graph. If the clock has stopped or if there are rapidly rising or falling stages, it is undesirable to mark the chart by vertically mov- ing the float, and a small cross or circle should be used to identify the position of the pen or pencil. In connection with the above procedure a statement should be written on the chart giving the following information : Name of station (when placing and remov- ing chart) ; watch time, clock time, day, month, and year; outside and inside gage readings; and the gage height and time registered by the pen or pencil. In order to simplify the recording of the in- formation the following symbols may be used: O. G., outside gage; I. G., inside gage; P., gage height and time as indicated by the pen or pencil; W., watch time; C, recorder clock time. If it is desirable to associate the type of the gage with the inside or outside gage readings the initial of the respective gage may be included; for example, I. F. G., inside flat gage; I. E. T. G., inside electric tape gage. After the notes are neatly recorded on the chart, a line is drawn from them to the point on the graph which identifies the position of the pen or pencil. It is the usual practice not to wind the clock or the clock weight until after the pen or pencil position has been inspected. A final inspection should be given the instru- ment to make sure that the procedure of winding did not cause the clock to stop or the paper to shift its position. The procedure in removing the chart depends on the type of instru- ment in use. If it is of a weekly type, the chart is marked in the usual manner and left on the drum for removal by the observer. If the instrument is of a 60-day or continuous type, the engineer removes the record each time he visits the station, if the visits are spaced a month or more apart. To insure satisfactory results in removing the record and resetting the instrument the engineer should be acquainted with the mechanical operation of the various types of water-stage recorders in use at the stations visited by him. If the chart is to be renewed, this should be done soon after the engineer reaches the station in order that he may again check the operation of the instrument after his other work has been completed and the new chart has been running for an hour or so. If trouble has developed it can then be remedied without loss of record. At 226 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE those stations where the record is subject to reversals of the recording styles it is good practice to turn the chart forward a short distance and check the point of reversal before the chart is removed from the instrument. With this information as a matter of record, gage- height correction for previous reversals may be made more accurately. Other duties in connection with the water-stage recorder consist of the determination of the amount of paper left on the supply roll and notations on the new chart in similar manner and form to those made on the record just removed. In an emergency, to avoid the loss of gage-height record, the paper for a 60-day or continuous- type recorder can be rerolled and used again, but in so doing care must be taken to set the pen or pencil so as to avoid confusion of graphs. A final inspection of the clock and the pen or pencil is always desirable before leaving the station. It is essential that all recorder charts renewed from the instru- ment should receive proper care and protection. Lost charts are not replaceable and those damaged in transit to the office always necessitate additional work. To use patched and wrinkled charts is not only difficult but it is also time-consuming. If the water-stage recorder does not operate properly the engineer should endeavor to find the trouble and to make the necessary adjust- ments and repairs. Improper operation of the instrument usually can be traced to lack of care and attention, to failure to make neces- sary repairs and adjustments, or to some oversight on the part of the engineer or observer. A loosened float wheel is a common source of lost record especially for water-stage recorders that require rotating the float- wheel shaft for gage-height adjustments. The engineer should see that all shaft bearings and gears of water- stage recorders are oiled in accordance with instructions accompany- ing the instruments. Ball-bearing assemblies should be repacked or replaced if necessary. Noncongealing lubricants such as specified by the manufacturers of the instruments should be used. Recorder clocks that have been replaced by extra clocks carried by the engineer, should be taken to the district office for cleaning and adjustments in accordance with a schedule prepared by the district engineer, or at more frequent intervals if found necessary. In regions of extremely lo w temperatures special care must be taken to see that clocks are prop- erly adjusted and that lubricants suitable for low temperatures are used. INSPECTION OF FLOAT AND INTAKE PIPES The inspection of th'e float and the intake pipes naturally follows the inspection of the water-stage recorder. If the intake pipe be- comes clogged with mud and silt so that the flow of water to and ROUTINE FIELD WORK 227 from the float well is retarded, or if the float does not move freely with changes in stage, the graph made by the recorder is not a true record of river stages. This condition is usually detected by incon- sistent inside arfd outside gage readings, although the readings may be in agreement at times even though the intake pipe is partly clogged. A knowledge of the characteristic fluctuations of the stream and information obtainable from the chart after it has been removed are generally sufficient to enable the engineer to decide if there is in- terference with free movement of the water to and from the float well. Several things may occur which will interfere with the free opera- tion of the float of the water-stage recorder. These troubles may be caused by mud or ice in the well, a punctured float, obstructions on which the float or counterweight may catch while responding to changes in stage, or a broken float cable. In northern regions the delayed removal of subfloors from the well after the freezing period has passed may result in the loss of valuable record. This is also true of failure to remove silt deposits from wells after floods. CLEANING OF STILLING WELL AND INTAKE If the station is equipped with a water-stage recorder it is essential that the water level in the stilling well should correspond to the stage of the river. Stream-flow measurement stations of recent construc- tion are generally provided with flushing devices in the stilling well and valves in the intake pipes to facilitate cleaning of the pipes. Where the stations are not so equipped, clogged intakes may be cleaned by inserting sewer rods into the pipes or by building up a head of water inside the well sufficient to force the obstructions through the pipes. When a stopped or sluggish intake pipe is being cleaned the recorder stylus should be raised from the chart so that surge in the well while the pipe will not cause the ink to soften the paper and the pen to tear it. The gage should be read before and after the cleaning to ascertain what change, if any, has resulted. At stations having long intake pipes a silt trap near the outer end of the pipe will retard the entrance of silt into the well. The necessity for cleaning the float well and intake pipe varies regionally and for individual stations. In some parts of the country special precautions must be taken to prevent accumulations of silt in the wells, and it is sometimes necessary to make use of a ground- water inflow to the well in order to prevent the deposition of silt. So far as possible, the engineer should have the stilling well, intake pipe, and silt trap clean and in the best of working conditions before he leaves the station. 228 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE REFERENCE OF FLOOD MARKS If a high-water mark has been left in the gage well by a recent flood stage, the height of the mark should be referred to tl\e gage for future reference and compared with the height of the flood crest as registered by the water-stage recorder. Once the gage height of this high-water mark is determined, the mark should be removed to avoid confusion with subsequent marks. Flood marks at nonrecording-gage stations should be referenced to gage datums at the first opportunity, as those marks often furnish the basic information for maximum stages. NECESSITY FOR DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS The necessity for making a discharge measurement when a station is visited largely depends upon the conditions and the needs of each individual station. The accurac} r of a discharge-ratiniz curve is gen- erally greater than the accuracy of an individual discharge measure- ment, and several discharge measurements at approximately the same stage may be required to establish definitely the position of the curve at a station where the measuring conditions are poor at that stage. For this reason it may be desirable to make a discharge measurement even though a measurement has been obtained previously at the same stage. Measurements not only serve to define rating curves but also provide information in regard to changes that may have occurred in the stage- discharge relation since the last preceding discharge measurement. Changes in the conditions that control the stage-discharge relations are not always discovered from an examination of the river channel. The first information regarding such changes is generally obtained through the plotting of discharge measurements. Experience has shown that the time used in making a measurement generally has been a good investment even though the necessity for it was not evident. If a shift in the stage-discharge relations is indicated by a measure- ment, a second measurement will confirm the results and will remove any question of the accuracy of the first measurement. It is generally good practice to make at least one discharge measurement at every visit to a station, a practice that is followed in most districts. INSPECTION OF THE CONTROL The control should be inspected at each visit to the station; this inspection is especially desirable if a discharge measurement does not check the rating curve. A record should be made of any changes observed in the stream bed at or near the control and the t ime of their occurrence. This information is helpful in the interpretation of the data and may save time in the office computations. Sloughing of banks, scour or fill of the channel, and lodgment of debris or ice on ROUTINE FIELD WORK 229 the control are some of the conditions causing changes in the stage- discharge relation which may be discovered by* observation. Backwater from tributary streams below the station or from the main stream during floods occasionally may occur at stations where the reconnaissance failed to indicate such possibilities. Any decrease in the mean velocity at a station as compared with the mean velocity at a lower stage should be given careful attention as a possible indica- tion of backwater. DETERMINATION OF STAGE OF ZERO FLOW The stage of zero flow corresponds to the lowest point on the low- water control. A knowledge of the gage height of zero flow is helpful in determining the position of the rating curve for low stages, espe- cially for that part of curve below the stage of the lowest discharge measurement. The elevation of this stage is easily determined for artificial controls, but for natural riffles or channel controls the deter- minations may be somewhat approximate. Any opportunity to determine the position of zero flow at a time of low water when streams can be waded should not be overlooked. Several individual determinations by different engineers at various times may establish the elevation of the stage of zero flow within narrow limits, although a single observation may not be exact. This stage is determined by subtracting the depth of water at the lowest point on the control from the stage indicated by the gage reading. If the control is some distance from the gage, an adjustment should be made for the slope. The greatest difficulty in determining the stage of zero flow is in finding the lowest point on the control, as not all controls are easily identified. It is generally helpful to develop a cross section by measuring the depths across the stream at the first complete break in the slope below the gage, which is usually the upstream lip of the low-water control. The maximum depth directly opposite the gage will, in the absence of more definite information foT a channel-controlled station, give a fair approximation of the depth to be subtracted from the gage-height to obtain the stage of zero flow. MEASUREMENT OF CHAIN LENGTH The length of the chain at a station equipped with a chain gage is measured for the purpose of determining the necessary corrections to the gage-height readings. The chain length is subject to varia- tions regardless of the material from which it is made or the wear to which it has been subjected. The normal change is a lengthening, although corrosion and dirt between the links may result in a shorten- ing. If the length is found to be less than that recorded for the preceding measurement, a careful recheck is desirable, as such a 230 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE measurement may reflect on the accuracy of previous determinations. Large corrections to the length of a chain can be avoided if the I chain is stretched and subjected to artificial prewear before it is installed. The chain length should be measured when a discharge measure- t ment is made, and if the chain has one or more markers, the length j from the bottom of the weight to each marker should be measured and | recorded. This information, together with notations concerning any I corrections made to the chain length, should be entered in the field notes and later inserted in the station history. The chain, when measured, should be free from kinks, twists, and dirt. Any accumu- \ lation of dirt or corrosion between the links should be removed j after measuring, and the chain remeasured. Chain lengths are measured only with a steel tape, with the chain under a 12-pound tension. Some districts follow the practice of correcting the length I of the chain on each visit, regardless of how small the correction may be. In other districts the chain length is measured on each visit, I but corrections to the length and positions of the markers are made j only at times when levels are run. The latter practice has merit be- cause the distribution of the change in length can be studied over a I longer period of time and questionable measurements can be elimi- i nated. The record made by the engineer should show the results of the measurements of chain length and should definitely state what j changes, if any, were made in the length and the time when the changes were made. The engineer often finds it necessary to measure the length of the chain without assistance. Several simple methods can be used | in doing this, the methods varying somewhat in different districts. 1 (See pp. 216-217.) CHECKING AND CORRECTION OF WIRE-WEIGHT GAGES The length of the wire of a wire-weight gage does not ordinarily require checking with the steel tape on each visit to the station, as the stretch of the wire is usually negligible. If a type-A wire-weight gage is used, the engineer should determine and record the indicated elevation of the weight when it is resting on the check bar after the bar has been moved to its forward posi- | tion. This reading is then compared with the true check-bar ele- vation that was determined at the time the gage was set or last checked with a level. (See pp. 217-218.) CONTACTING THE OBSERVER The engineer should contact the observer, if any, on each visit to a station. He should instruct, him in his work, encourage his ROUTINE FIELD WORK 231 cooperation, and cultivate his friendship. The observer may be of either sex and of any class, race, or creed, ranging from the compe- tent engineer to the most illiterate laborer. None is highly paid, and most observers are more necessary to the Survey than the Survey is to them. All observers are human, most of them have individual- ity and pride, and tact and diplomacy are required in dealing with them. At stations equipped with nonrecording gages, it is not only es- sential to interview the observer on each trip but it is also necessary to examine his gage-height book and insert any additional readings that may have been taken by the engineer. If previous instructions have not been followed by the observer, or inconsistencies in readings are found, the engineer should ascertain the reasons for such and make the necessary notations on form 9-275d for the station report. It is usually found that frequent interviews with observers are help- ful in promoting their interest in the work. As soon as possible after reaching the station the engineer should see the observer, or should possibly call at his home before going to the station. Unexpected visits are sometimes helpful in discovering the extent to which the readings are kept up to date. COLLECTION OF DATA FOR SUPPLYING MISSING RECORDS OF STAGE If for any reason reliable records of stage were not obtained at a gaging station during some period of time it may be necessary to supplement the existing records by such data as may be obtained from other sources. Information regarding the height of flood crests, the duration of floods, and the time of their occurrence, can often be obtained from the observer or from local residents. The elevation of the crest stage may be obtainable from flood marks left in the well, or at nonrecord- ing-gage stations from flood marks on banks, trees, or structures in the overflow area. Information regarding pond gage readings, power output, and flow through wheels at power plants at and over dams may be obtained from power companies if power developments have been made near the station. These data are especially helpful in making estimates of low-water flow which may occur at times when the stage-discharge relation is affected by ice. If the clock of the water-stage recorder is found to have stopped, special care should be taken in noting on the chart the exact position of the recorder pen or pencil. The extreme limits of the vertical line recorded during the time the clock was stopped gives the maximum and minimum stages for the' period of missing record unless one or more reversals have occurred. Care should be taken not to destroy this record of maximum and minimum stages by moving the float 232 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE before the chart is removed from the instrument. Different weights of this vertical line sometimes indicate quite clearly the range in stage that was most common during the period. If the loss of record is due to an exhausted paper supply, there is a possibility that the record may be found on the brass core, cylinder, or drum, depending upon the type of water-stage recorder. This record may, if found, be retraced with a fair degree of accuracy if the position of the pen or pencil is first identified with the corresponding gage height. Cross- section paper used for this purpose may be made temporarily trans- parent by wetting it with gasoline or kerosene. Where this record is on the cylinder or driving drum it should be erased before resetting the pen or pencil in order that confusion may be avoided if a similar situation should occur again. FLOOD HEIGHTS Accurate data concerning flood heights are valuable if referred to gage datum. Usually the available discharge or gage-height record covers but a short period of time and it is possible that the maximum known flood may have occurred before the station was established. Local residents often establish flood marks which, if verified from other sources, may be considered sufficiently reliable to warrant ac- ceptance. Other records obtained from mill owners and from em- ployees of power plants may assist in the collection and verification of such data. On navigable streams, records kept by lock masters and by towboat transportation companies may reveal not only the description and location of flood marks but also the time of their occurrence. In the event of a flood above the limits defined by current-meter measure- ments, the engineer should endeavor to obtain data for making a determination of discharge by one of the special methods discussed on pages 98 to 108. The marking of the water-surface profile for a slope-area or a con- tracted-opening method of determination of discharge should be done as soon as possible after the flood. For stations where flood determina- tions are particularly needed and difficult to obtain, it may be worth while to establish suitable slope-area reaches and to take cross sections in advance so that the work of determining the discharge after a flood will be a minimum. (See pp. 100-102.) REPAIRS AT STATION The field engineer is responsible for the upkeep of the station equip- ment. He should make the necessary repairs and replacements in accordance with the instructions of the* district engineer. If it is not practicable to make such repairs at the time the need for them is discovered, the engineer should make a complete report regarding ROUTINE FIELD WORK 233 the repairs that are needed. It is a further duty of the engineer to see that this report is properly recorded and made available for the benefit of the engineer who is selected to make the next trip to the station. LEVELS All nonrecording and auxiliary gages should be checked by levels at least once each year. This is usually done during the season of low flow when a greater range of gage sections is exposed. PREPARATION FOR WINTER OPERATION In regions where sub-freezing temperatures occur, provision should be made in the fall of each year to insure free actuation of the float and continued operation of the water-stage recorder throughout the winter. Ice in the stilling well, moisture and frost in the upper parts of the stilling well and in the gage house, and the congealing of lubricants, particularly in the clock, are some of the most common sources of trouble in obtaining records of stage during the winter. Installation of subfloors and oil cylinders for floats is the best assurance of free float movement during cold periods. A subfloor is a frost barrier installed to check the entrance of the cold air into the lower part of the stilling well and to prevent the entrance into the gage house of vapor rising from the water surface. To be most effective the subfloor should be placed at or below the frost line and should be kept as nearly air tight as possible. It must be high enough to allow normal winter fluctuations of the water and below any auxiliary intake pipe, door, or other opening that will permit the entrance of cold air. It should be made of material possessing the best insulat- ing qualities obtainable within the limits of justifiable expenditure. Openings must be provided in the subfloor for the free vertical move- ment of the cables or tapes actuating the counterweight, clockweight, and floats. These openings may be shielded by strips of felt to pre- vent passage of moisture without interference with the counterweight or float. The subfloor will materially assist in checking the forma- tion of ice in shallow wells. If the conditions are such that a subfloor does not prevent the formation of ice in the well it may become necessary to install an oil cylinder for the float. This cylinder must be oiltight and prefer- ably of a noncorrodible material. The oil cylinder must be of sufficient length to allow for the usual range in stage and of a diameter some- what greater than that of the float. When installing the oil cylinder care must be taken to have it correctly centered in a vertical position. It may be supported by brackets extending either to the gage house floor or to the sides of the stilling well; or it may be suspended by 2i34 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE wires from above. When suspended by wires the cylinder can be given a slight swing at the time of each visit to ascertain if the bottom is free. If silt accumulates in the well so as to seal the opening at the bottom, the cylinder may be raised slightly to permit the entrance of water. Formation of ice in the oil cylinder is prevented by placing in it a layer of kerosene or light fuel oil. It may be neces- sary to replenish the oil occasionally to offset losses from evaporation. The difference in the specific gravities of the oil and the water should be taken into consideration in setting the pen or pencil on the water- stage recorder, and the setting should be made to correspond to the height of water outside the cylinder. Proper ventilation of the gage house will reduce trouble from the formation of ice on the moving parts of the recorder, but regardless of the care used in providing ventilation and in installing subfloors, instrument trouble often occurs during periods of subzero weather due to the freezing of condensed moisture. The use of felt at the open- ings through the instrument shelf will assist in reducing the moisture accumulation on the instrument. This felt, if saturated with a light oil, will also check the formation of ice on the cables or tapes. Certain noncorrosive chemicals possessing moisture-absorbing characteristics have been used to reduce the moisture within the instrument case. Activated alumina is one of the chemicals giving the most satisfactory results. This chemical may be obtained in the form of small balls which can be placed in an open container within the recorder case. The quantity of the chemical required will depend upon the severity of existing conditions. When it is found that the chemical is losing its absorptive power it may be replaced by a fresh supply or its original qualities may be restored by heating. PREPARATION OF REPORT OF FIELD WORK AT STATION The report of field work at a station is prepared for the purpose of assembling and preserving the information obtained in the field regarding conditions at the station which should be taken into con- sideration in making the computations of discharge. It may also serve as a means of bringing pertinent information to the immediate attention of the office engineer or the district engineer so that proper action can be taken by them. Form 9-275d is convenient for recording essential facts regarding some or all of the following subjects : Con- ditions affecting the accuracy of discharge measurements; condition of gage and reference marks ; notes concerning the observer, the gage height record, and corrections that should be applied to observed gage heights ; repairs that should be made to station equipment ; descrip- tions of the channel, control, rating, backwater, diversions, regula- tion, cooperation, stage of zero flow, and suggestions regarding ad- ROUTINE FIELD WORK 235 justments to measured discharge. These items are suggested by the headings that appear on form 9-275d and reference to them will lead to the collection of valuable data that might otherwise be overlooked. The preparation of this report on form 9-275d should be completed at the station and not left until some later date. Several stations may be visited during a day's trip and the engineer should not attempt to remember until evening all the specific information collected at each of the stations visited. TRESPASSING The fact that an individual is employed by the United States Gov- ernment is no reason for him to assume the right to enter private lands without first obtaining permission. Although several States have laws whereby the right of entrance can be legally obtained, it is not good policy to take advantage of such laws. An agreement either verbal or written is usually made with the property owner at the time the station is established, and it becomes the duty of the engineer to see that the spirit as well as the letter or word of the agreement is not violated. The confidence and good will of the property owner is much easier to keep than it is to reestablish once it has been lost. REPORTS TO THE DISTRICT OFFICE Reports to the district office from an engineer on a field trip are more apt to suffer from indifference and carelessness than are any other phases of field work. All reports should be clear, concise, com- plete, legibly written, and made in accordance with instructions received from the district engineer. Reports that require the daily attention of the engineer concern changes in his itinerary and a record of the discharge measurements made each day. The report of discharge measurement is usually made on form 9-221, a card prepared for the tabulation of results of discharge measurements. Even though the engineer has been unable to compute the measurements because of lack of time, this card show- ing the name of the stream, the date, and the gage height at which the measurement was taken should be promptly forwarded to the district office, especially if the stream is in flood stage. Another sys- tem used in some districts requires the field engineer to forward the station report on form 9-275d as soon as practicable after the measure- ment has been completed. These reports are examined by the district engineer and are retained and attached to the discharge measurement computations when they are received. Both methods have their merits; the cards if they contain full data concerning the discharge measurement are easily filed and serve as a duplicate record of the 236 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE discharge measurement. It is essential that the station reports be mailed promptly. If the engineer is to be in the field beyond the end of the month it is mandatory that his service report, salary charge sheet when requested, a list of temporary employees, a statement of expenditures for construction and repair for the Bureau of Labor Statistics report, and a summary showing the number of discharge measurements made during the month should reach the district office on or before the first day of the following month. His expense account with the neces- sary supporting data should be submitted on the first of each month. In order that effective cooperation may be maintained between the district offices and the Washington office it is essential that the field engineer recognize all of the above requirements and become familiar with any modifications of them which may be adopted by the respective districts to which he is assigned. HAZARDS OF FIELD WORK Measurements of river discharge are made under a wide range of conditions, including floods and ice cover. They are made from bridges, cableways, and boats, and by wading. Structures for use in measurements of discharge must be built and maintained, some at heights of 100 feet or more above the water. The work is highly specialized, and, like many other engineering activities, is not without hazards. A knowledge of these hazards and the means by which they may be minimized should be helpful in preventing accidents and in providing greater safety for those engaged in the work. The Federal Government, recognizing the hazards related to its field activities, provides care for those who are injured. Its agency for such purposes is the United States Employees' Compensation Commission, with headquarters in Washington, D. C. As in all large organizations both public and private, "red tape" is necessary with respect to procedure, especially in reporting accidents and in the treat- ment of those who are injured. Federal field workers and especially chiefs of parties should therefore be familiar with prescribed pro- cedure and should conform with it. All accidents should be reported as a step in the protection of the interests of the injured, as unexpected complications sometimes follow what appear to be minor injuries. ACCIDENTS AND POISONING All members of field parties should know how to give aid in cases of accident or poisoning, especially if they are working at a con- siderable distance from the customary routes of travel. The pre- ventive or remedial measures suggested for the ailments mentioned ROUTINE FIELD WORK 237 in the following paragraphs are based upon recommendations of the United States Public Health Service. Poison oak, and poison wy. — A 5-percent solution of ferric chloride in equal parts of glycerine and water applied to all exposed parts (forearms, ankles, and hands) and permitted to dry will neutralize the effects of poison oak and poison ivy. This is to be used before exposure. If one is working in water, apply a thin coat of vaseline to all exposed parts before exposure, removing this with soap and water after exposure. Spotted fever. — As a preventive measure for spotted fever caused by tick bite, inoculation should be made with Rocky Mountain spotted fever serum. This inoculation can be obtained from most doctors in those parts of the country where spotted fever is prevalent, or it may be obtained free from the Public Health Service. Snake bite. — For snake bite tie a belt, a piece of rope, or other ma- terial about the limb above the wound so as to shut oil' the circulation ; then open the wound with- a knife and allow it to bleed freely. After- wards crush a tablet of potassium permanganate and rub it into the wound. Stimulate the patient with alcohol. Loosen the constriction about the limb gradually. Whiskey or alcohol is not a specific treat- ment for snake bite and should not be freely used. Frostbite. — Treatment for frostbite is given for the purpose of gradually bringing the frozen part of the anatomy to its normal temperature. Never use heat. Rub the frozen part with snow, pieces of ice, or cold water. If the frostbite is old and the skin has turned black or has begun to scale off, do not attempt to restore its vitality by rubbing, but wrap it loosely in absorbent cotton or gauze. FIRST-AID MANUAL. AND EQUIPMENT A standard first-aid manual should be provided for each field party. Two such manuals that are in general use are First-aid manual for field parties, prepared by Dr. H. W. Parker for the United States For est Service and printed by the Government Printing Office in 1917 ; and Ship's medicine chest and First aid at sea, Miscellaneous Publication No. 9, prepared under direction of the Surgeon General and printed by the Government Printing Office. Questions and answers on first- aid training, published as Information Circular 6853, October 1935, by the United States Bureau of Mines, may also be referred to. Each field party should be supplied with a standard first-aid kit, which can be purchased from the general schedule of supplies. AUTOMOBILE OPERATION The hazards resulting from the automobile lie generally not in the machine itself but in its operation and maintenance. Unreasonable 238 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE speed and carelessness have no place in Survey practice and in no way are they justified, as courtesy and considerate treatment of the public by the employee is essential at all times. The fact that the employee provides himself with liability and property damage insurance before using any automobile on official work is no excuse for unnecessary risk. It may truly be stated that the engineer to whom the automobile becomes a hazard will in turn become a hazard to the Survey. SWIMMING Inability to swim and to work free from burdensome equipment and clothing if suddenly plunged into deep water is perhaps the most seri- ous hazard in stream-flow measurement work. Even though proper care is taken, there is always the possibility that an engineer may lose his balance or overestimate his ability to wade, or that the structure from which he is working may fail. Any one of these occurrences may result in a fatal accident if he is unable to swim. A man should not overestimate his swimming ability, but in an emergency overconfidence is far better than no confidence at all. At the Conference of October 1931 the district engineers were recorded as being in favor of a re- quirement that all engineers of the Water Resources Branch be able to swim. CABLEWAYS AND GAGE WELLS The principal hazards of cableways are not the possibility of their failure through some unexpected loads or unforeseen weakness, al- though failures sometimes occur from such causes or as a result of deterioration or sabotage, but rather attend the operation of the cable car. Proper instruction regarding the use of the car and an explana- tion of the dangers may save an inexperienced engineer from losing a finger, a hand, or an arm. It is especially important that all cable cars be equipped with the necessary safety appliances, such as car pullers, brakes, and landing platforms, and that the towers or A-frames supporting the cable should be provided with suitable means of access to the cable. Recovery of loose cable cars which have come to rest in the lowest part of the cable over the middle of the stream should be attempted only in the most careful manner and with devices suit- able for that purpose. Small steel flakes or splinters fly from the sheaves of the cable car when it is rolling on the cable ; if sheave guards are not provided, proper precautions should be taken to prevent painful and often serious eye injuries. Certain hazards attend the routine work both in and about the gage wells. Climbing through bridge trusses to inspect wells that are attached to bridge piers, or enclosed in them, is especially dangerous, as also is the cleaning of wells in which the instrument weights are ROUTINE FIELD WORK 239 left suspended. Gas from decaying vegetable matter may be dangerous in deep wells. CONSTRUCTION Construction of deep wells, much of which involves rock excavation, with the well and shelter extending above flood stages at streamflow measurement stations, and the erection of long-span cableways with high towers of timber or steel are attended Dy the dangers inherent in such construction work. Excavation requiring the use of high explosives should not be attempted by one who is unfamiliar with such work. The employment of an experienced foreman who under- stands the use of explosives is not only a necessary precaution against accidents but also promotes efficiency and reduces the cost of the work. The strength of shoring is often overestimated, and attempts to economize on timber for such work may prove dangerous. Caving from quicksand is almost instantaneous, and the safest protection is afforded by substantial shoring. Scaffolding is sometimes necessary and, if secure, is a protective measure, but injuries from insecure scaffolding are probably as numerous as those from all other con- struction hazards. The usual litter of material around a construction job provides opportunity for slight injuries which may become serious through infection. Such injuries, however slight, should be given prompt attention and should be reported promptly. (See p. 236.) MEASUREMENTS THROUGH ICE Discharge measurements through ice cover are sometimes made with considerable risk. The conditions of the ice on a stream are subject to change. The strength of the ice or its safety as a bridge cannot be estimated from the apparent thickness near the edges. In advancing across an ice-covered stream it is advisable to test the ice with a sharp blow of the ice chisel every few steps. Precautions of this nature are especially necessary when attempting a measurement of swift water. A few inches of new snow on top of the ice may conceal dangerous places that would be apparent if there was no snow. Work from ice cover during break-ups is particularly hazardous and requires that sound judgment be exercised before a discharge measurement is attempted. A measurement should never be made at the risk of the engineer's life. Floating ice is almost as destructive to meter equipment as other drift, and precautions should be taken both for personal safety and for safety of the equipment. BRIDGE TRAFFIC The use of reels and booms on bridges for handling meter equip- ment and heavy weights increases the hazards in working from such 240 STREAM-GAGING PROCEDURE structures, especially in places where traffic is heavy. If it is necessary to partly obstruct traffic, suitable arrangements should be made in advance. Warning signals and signs of various kinds are a great help to the engineer when measuring from a bridge, and approval of their use is generally granted by the local traffic officials. When working on railroad bridges a knowledge of train schedules is neces- sary, and at no time should the engineer use any equipment which cannot be quickly removed from the proximity of a passing train. A hazard in connection with the use of current-meter equipment from bridges or long-span cableways that may be especially serious if the structure is high and the channel is wide is caused by low-flying airplanes passing under the bridge or cableway. An auxiliary cable with red streamers attached and carrying a weight lowered nearly to the water would serve as a warning to an airplane pilot who might be flying at a low altitude. If the river is in a lane frequented by planes, an observer should be provided to watch for them whenever a current-meter measurement is being made. Signal warnings, or the dropping of flares, may prevent a serious accident to the plane and to the meter equipment. FLOODS Floods and high water are often accompanied by inclement weather, wash-outs, and inundation of highways. Kiver-measurement struc- tures are sometimes weakened by the action of high water ; examina- tions of weakened structures should always be made before they are used. Meter equipment is occasionally damaged or lost by catching on drift. These elements of danger can usually be avoided by the alert and cautious engineer. In making measurements at high stages where the meter equipment may become entangled in surface or sub- merged drift, the engineer should never allow the meter line to become fastened or attached to any part of his body, and if working from a cable or boat he should be prepared to cut the meter line and sacrifice the meter if necessary for his safety. INDEX Page Accidents, prevention and treatment of 236-240 Accuracy of measurements, factors affecting 65-76 Acknowledgments 2-3 Air correction, data for 46-47 Altitude, checking of 213-215 Anchor ice. See Ice. Angle of current, determination of 58-59, 71-73 Antietam Creek, near Sbarpsburg, Md_ pi. 1 Aquatic growth in streams, effect of_ 76, 130 Artificial controls, types of 117-1 IS, 119, pi. 7, B Automobil. s, operation of 237-238 B Backwater, causes of 111, 142-144, 145 definition of 132 determination of discharge at sta- tions affected by 146-152 effects of 132-152, 166-167 variable slopes caused by 132-152, 166-167 Bench mark, definition of 210, 211 responsibility for 219-220 Bends in channel, as high-water con- trols 122 Boats, discharge measurements from. 21-24, 221, pi. 5, B Boyer method fir adjustment of dis- charge measurements- 161-162, 164-165 Bridges, discharge measurements from 19-21, 221, 239-240, pis. 4. 5, A Bristol, N. H . Smith River near pi. 7, A Bureau of Standards, National, cur- rent-meter rating station at 182-183 Burtonsville, Md., Patuxent River near pi. 3, A Cable cars, operation of, hazards of 238 Cableway measurements, equipment for 221 procedure in making 16-19, pis. 1,3, B Gables for suspension of current meters 30, 198-200 Can field wire-weight gage, features and use of 196. 218, pi. 26, A Page Chain gage, features and use of 193-194, 216-217, pi. 24. A measurement of chain length 229-230 Changing discharge, effect of 163-165 hydrograph for 165-166 variable slopes caused by 152-166, pis. 17, IS Channel controls for high stages 122-125 Channel storage, effect of, on dis- charge measurements- l."j6-157 Channels. See Stream channels. Chattanooga, Tenn., Tennessee River at 135, 141-143, pis. 9, 10 Chemical methods of measuring dis- charge 88-90 Chez.v formula for computing mean velocity 81, 100 values of factors in, determina- tion of 82 Coefficient indicator, Veateh horizontal- angle, description of 208 Connectors, types of 201, pi. 27, B Constant-fall stage-discharge relation. 139 Contracted-opening method of deter- mining discharge 90-91. 10^-104 Controls, artificial, design and use of 117-118. 119. pi. 7, B changes in 111-112 high-water 118-125 inspection of 228-229 low water 113-116, 126-127 natural 110, pi. 7. A permanent 111-112 principles of _ 109-111 shifting 125-130, pi. 8 Copeland. Idaho, Kootenai River near 145-146. pi. 15 Cranes and reels 203-205. pis. 4, 5. A, 29, A Critical-depth method of computing flood discharge 107-108 Current-meter measurements, equip- ment for__220-222, pis. 3, 4. 5, 6. 19. 20, 21, 26, B, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31. Current meters, assembly and adjust- ment of 177 1st care of 65-66,178-181 design of. .general requirements in 169-170 development of 168-lo<> electrical hook up of 31—34 operation and care of 178-181 241 242 INDEX Current meters — Continued. Page parts of 168, 173-177 placement of, in deep, swift streams 52-54 rating of 182-184, pi. 22 suspension of__ 29-31, 75, 178-179, 198- 206, pis. 6, A, 26, B testing of 28, 180-181 types of 170-173, 181, pi. 19 horizontal-axis propeller- type 170, pi. 19 price 171, pi. 20, A price acoustic 171-172 pygmy 181, pi. 21, A small Price 172-173, pi. 20, B type-A small Price 172-181, pi. 20, B vertical-axis cup-type 170- 173, pi. 20 Curves of relation. See Variable slopes. Dams, as controls , 120-121 flow over 104-107 Datum of gages, maintenance of 210-220 Depth, measurements of_ 28-34, 44-51, 56-57 See also Sounding equipment. Discharge, adjustments for changing conditions of 152-167 definition of 13 determination of, by current-meter measurements 13-76 by special methods 80-98 during floods 98-109 at stations affected by back- water 146-152 from stage-discharge rela- tions 163-165 under changing conditions. 163-165 hydrograph of. development of- 165-166 relation of fall and 135-141 relation of stage and__ 109-130, pis. 7-11 relation of slope to 130-166 Dicharge integrator, use of 187, pi. 21, B Discharge measurements, accuracy of, factors affecting 65-76, 130-167 adjustment of, for variable slopes. 152- 163, pis. 17, 18 general precautions 28 in winter.. 24-28, 69-70, 128-130, 221-222, 233-234, 239, pi. 6 mean gage height for, determina- tion of 76-79 methods of making, by current meters 13-76 by special methods 80-98 by wading , 14-16, 198, 220-221, pi. 3, A from boats 21-24, 221, pi. 5, B from bridges 19-21, 221, 239-240, pis. 4, 5, A from cableways 16-19, 221, 238, 240, pis. 1, 3, B necessity for 228 Discharge measurements — Continued. Pagt of deep, swift streams 43-59 of floods 91-93, 98-109 precautions, general 28 recording of data — . 59-65 selection of measuring section for. 66-68 Drift, in channel, effect of, on meas- urement 76 timing of 108 Eddies, effect of, on measurement 74 Electric tape gage, features and use of 195-196, 218, pi. 25, B Elevation, checking of 213-215 Energy gradient, equations for deter- mining value of 82 Equipment, additional, in stock 210 care of 65-66, 209 development of 167-168 field, records of 209-210 See also kinds of equipment and names of individual ar- ticles. Erosion of stream bed, effect of, on controls 126 F Fall, relation of, to stage and dis- charge 135-141, pis. 10, 11, 13-16 See also Slope of water surface. Fever, spotted, treatment for 237 Field work, equipment and supplies for 220-224 Fill, effect of, on controls 126-127 First aid, equipment for 237 Float gage, features and use of 194-195, 218, pi. 25, A Floats, Inspection of 226-227 use of, in measuring velocity 84-85 hazards of 236-240 reports on 234-236 Flood discharge, methods for deter- mination of 91-93, 98-109 Flood heights, obtaining data con- cerning 232 Flood marks, reference of 228 Flood wave, velocity of 154-156 Floods, hazards from 240 Flow of streams. See Discharge measurements. Flumes, use of, in measuring dis- charge 86-87 Forms for recording data 59-65, 192, 223, pi. 33 Frazil, formation of 69-70 Freezing temperatures, effect of, on measurements 70 Frostbite, treatment for 237 Fteley, Alphonse, quoted 186 O Gage datum, permanent, maintenance of 210-220 INDEX 243 Page Gage height, mean, for discharge measurements 76-79 Gage-height book, use of 11 Gage-height records, methods of ob- taining 9-10, 184-197, 231-232 Gage wells, hazards of work in 238-239 Gages, datum of 140, 210-220 inspection and checking of 191. 192, 212-219, 224, 2M3 sites for, selection of 152 types of, chain 193-194, 216-217, pi. 24, A electric tape 193-190. 218, pi. 25, B float 194-195, 218, pi. 25, A hook 194, 218-219, pi. 24, B inclined staff 194, 215-216 nonrecordinr. ^'/s'js SUSPENSION /S C .5 RATED scr. 22j/^3e at Bureau of Standards, Wash.,D.C. Condition of meter Til IS s s VELOCITY. IN FEET PER SECOND Time , in seconds d * it VELOCITY. IN FEET PER SECOND Time, in seconds Revolutions Revolutions 3 5 7 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 40 .185 .295 .405 .570 .845 1.12 1.40 1.67 2.22 40 40 2.77 3.31 4.41 5.51 8.24 10.98 13.72 16.45 19.19 40 41 42 43 .181 .288 .396 .177 .282 .387 .173 .276 .378 .557 .825 1.09 .544 .806 1.07 .532 .787 1.04 1.36 1.63 2.17 1.33 1.59 2.12 1.30 1.55 2.07 41 42 43 41 42 2.70 3.23 4.30 2.64 3.16 4.20 2.58 3.09 4.10 5.37 8.04 10.71 5.24 7.85 10.46 5.12 7.67 10.22 13.38 16.05 18.72 13.07 15.67 18.28 12.76 15.31 17.86 41 12 43 45 46 .170 .270 .370 .167 .264 .362 .163 .259 .355 .520 .770 1.02 .509 .753 .998 .498 .737 .977 1.27 1.52 2.02 1.24 1.49 1.98 1.22 1.45 1.93 45 46 45 46 2.52 3.02 4.01 2.46 2.95 3.92 2.41 2.89 3.84 5.01 7.50 9.98 4.90 7.33 9.76 4.79 7.17 9.55 12.47 14.96 17.45 12.20 14.63 17.06 11.93 14.31 16.69 44 45 46 47 48 49 .160 .254 .348 .158 .249 .341 .165 .244 .334 .488 .722 .956 .478 .708 .937 .469 .693 .918 1.19 1.42 1.89 1.17 1.40 1.85 1.14 1.37 1.82 48 49 47 48 49 2.36 2.83 3.76 2.31 2.77 3.68 2.26 2.71 3.61 4.69 7.02 9.35 4.59 6.87 9.15 4.50 6.73 8.97 11.68 14.01 16.34 11.44 13.72 16.00 11.20 13.44 15.67 47 48 49 50 .152 .240 .328 .460 .680 .900 1.12 1.34 1.78 50 2.22 2.66 3.53 4.41 6.60 8.79 10.98 13.17 15.36 50 51 52 53 •149 .236 .322 .147 .232 .316 .145 .228 .311 .451 .667 .883 .443 .655 .866 .435 .643 .850 1.10 1.31 1.75 1.08 1.29 1.71 1.06 1.2? 1.68 52 53 51 52 53 2.18 2.61 3.47 2.14 2.56 3.40 2.10 2.51 3.34 4.32 6.47 8.62 4.24 6.35 8.45 4.16 6.23 8.29 10.77 12.91 15.06 10.56 12.66 14.77 10.36 12.43 14.49 51 52 53 54 .142 .224 .305 .140 .220 .300 .138 .216 .295 .427 .631 .835 .420 .620 .820 .413 .609 .806 1.04 1.24 1.65 1.02 1.22 1.62 1.00 1.20 1.59 55 56 54 55 56 2.06 2.46 3.27 2.02 2.42 3.22 1.98 2.38 3.16 4.09 6.11 8.14 4.01 6.00 7.99 3.94 5.90 7.85 10.17 12.20 14.22 9.98 11.98 13.97 9.81 11.76 13.72 54 55 56 57 58 59 .136 .213 .290 .134 .210 .286 .132 .206 .281 .406 .599 .792 .399 .589 .779 .393 .579 .766 .985 1.18 1.56 .968 1.16 1.54 .952 1.14 1.51 57 58 59 57 58 59 1.95 2.34 3.10 1.92 2.30 3.05 1.88 2.26 3.00 3.87 5.79 7.71 3.81 5.69 7.58 3.74 5.60 7.45 9.64 11.56 15. 4e 9.47 11.36 13.25 9.31 11.17 13.02 57 58 59 60 .130 .203 .277 .387 .570 .753 .937 1.12 1.49 60 60 1.85 3.22 2.95 3.68 5.51 7.33 9.15 10.98 12.61 60 61 62 63 .128 .200 .272 .126 .197 .268 .125 .195 .264 .381 .561 .741 .375 .552 .730 .369 .544 .718 .922 1.10 1.46 .907 1.08 1.44 .893 1.07 1.42 62 63 61 62 1.82 2.18 2.90 1.79 2.15 2.86 1.77 2.12 2.81 3.62 5.42 7.21 3.56 5.33 7.09 3.51 5.24 6.98 9.01 10.80 12.60 8.86 10.63 12.39 o no 1 (\ AA 1 9 PCS o*r<£ 1U»*0 i*tfcW 61 62 63 64 65 66 .123 .192 .261 .122 .189 .257 .120 .187 .253 .364 .536 .708 .368 .528 .697 .353 .520 .687 .879 1.05 1.40 .866 1.04 1.37 .853 1.02 1.35 64 65 66 64 65 66 1.74 2.08 2.77 1.71 2.05 2.73 1.69 2.02 2.68 3.45 5.16 6.87 3.40 5.08 6.77 3.35 5.01 6.67 8.58 10.30 12.01 8.45 10.14 11.82 8.33 9.98 11.64 64 65 66 67 68 69 .119 .184 .250 .117 .182 .246 .116 .179 .243 .348 .513 .677 .344 .505 .667 .339 .498 .658 .841 1.01 1.33 .829 .991 1.31 .817 .977 1.30 67 68 69 67 68 69 1.66 1.99 2.64 1.64 1.96 2.61 1.61 1.93 2.57 3.30 4.93 6.57 3.25 4.86 6.47 3.20 4.79 6.38 8.20 9.84 11.47 1 8.08 9.69 11.30 7.96 9.55 11.14 67 68 69 70 .114 .177 .240 .334 .491 .649 .806 .963 1.28 70 70 1.59 1.91 2.53 3.16 4.72 6.29 7.85 9.42 10.98 70 3 5 7 10 15 20 25 30 40 60 60 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 TYPICAL RATING TABLE FOR CURRENT METER. GEOLOGICAL SCRVEY UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Geological survey water resources branch LEVEL NOTES Rt.r» am Wat er bury River File No.. Washington Field T.nraiit y Water bury, Vermont Party- Patch A ? Sweet f ngfo August 16 ,38 STATION B. S. HT. TOST. F. S. E thjn" REMARKS RM 1 7.142 As given RM 2 20. 142 As given RP 1 19.870 As £iven RM 2 1.510 20.142 Bronze tablet 40 ft d s. and 20 ft from river 21.652 RP 1 1.784 19.868 head of brass screw in sill of trap door TP 1 0.224 10.910 10.742 10.966 RM 1 3.834 7.132 Bronze tablet 20ft.d.S- 6.086 4.880 Water surface in river Float £a> " >> 5.976 4.990 5.0 " " " " 4.976 5.990 6.0 " " » " J. J /D o.yy u 3.970 6.996 7.0 mark on vertical staff 2.970 7.996 8.0 " " » » 1.970 8.996 9.0 " " » » 0.970 9.996 10.0 » » " » 0.000 10.966 10.97 » " " w T P 1 10.674-1 0.226 10.740 -Comp h y M.A.P. n hfr h y G.A. mi »— 772* WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 888 PLATE 33 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Geological survey WATER RESOURCES BRANCH Washington. File No.. LEVEL NOTES str^m Water bury River Field. Localit y Waterbury, Vermont Par + y Patch "K, Sweet f tw , August 16 10 38 RP From RP From RP I RM 2 Inclined staff 3.C to wat;r in well 21.414 Changed float i ndex to watsr in well SUMMARY Float £a *e found reading Vertical staff 7.0 to 10.97 .546 -0.02 1.274 0.0 2 h to 7.0 fiund 0.C 10 9.868 14.990 4.878 14.990 4.878 20.140 Head of brass screw in sill of trap door Measured with steel tape Water surface in well Float ga ge reads 4.90 Measured with steel tap e water surface in well Float gagCe reads 4.t Bronze tablet 40 ft d.s. £h. Changed -0.02 at 3.40 p.m . found 0.004 low eading high; not changed reading high; not changed No._iL— of— ? etaeets- level notes. -Comp. by_ .Chk. by_ G.A. PANAMA CANAL COMPANY METEOROLOGICAL AND HYDROGRAPHIC BRANCH INSPECTION OF RECORDING GAGE Station Date. 1. Was gage working properly when you reached it? 2. Did you check for cause if it was stopped? 3. Your watch time Inst, clock time Pen 4. Outside river gage reading R F S 5. Inside well gage reading By stick 6. Have you marked pen on chart by raising float? 7. Did you remove old roll and put on a new one? 8. If not, how much paper left on roll? 9. Did you wind clock? What regulation? 10. Have you noted proper data on both sheets? 11. Did you clean and fill pen? Is pen down? 12. Did you oil instrument? Check reverse action? 13. Is new sheet placed correctly? Have you marked pen time on new sheet by raising float? 14. Is set screw on float wheel fastened? Is pen rising or falling correctly with float and paper? 15. Is draincock closed? Have you checked and cleaned intake pipe to tank or stillwell? Flushed it? 16. Was clock running and gage working correctly when you left the station? Have you filled all blanks on this sheet according to instructions before leaving? Remarks and Questions: COMPANIA DEL CANAL DE PANAMA OFICINA METEOROLOGICA E HIDROGRAFICA INSPECCION DEL INSTRUMENTO DE REGISTRO Estacion Fecha 1. (lEstaba trabajando bien el instrumento cuando Ud. llego? 2. Si se paro ^examino la causa? 3. Hora de su reloj Hora del reloj de la Inst Pluma 4. Lectura del Inst, del rio afuera S B E 5. Lectura del Inst, del rio adentro Por regla 6. ,jHa marcado Ud. el papel con la pluma para subir la boya? 7. (iQuito Ud. el rollo viejo y puso uno nuevo? 8. <;Si no, cuanto papel quedo en el rollo? 9. (jDio cuerda al reloj? iQ u & regulation? 10. ,jHa anotado Ud. la information correcta en ambas hojas? 11. ^Limpio y lleno la pluma? 9 ^9 • .03 • 99 •U9 • 99 .04 .54 .04 .54 .05 .55 .05 .55 .06 . 90 .06 S6 . 90 .07 • 9 r D7 ^7 • 9 r .08 . 9° .08 *)8 .09 ^9 • 9 7 09 59 . 9 7 .10 .60 .10 .60 .11 .61 .11 .61 .12 *62 .12 ^62 .13 1 3 .-1-9 63 . u 9 .14 .64 .14 .64 .15 .65 .15 .65 .16 .66 .16 .66 .17 .67 .17 .67 .18 .68 .18 .68 .19 .69 .19 .69 .20 70 9D 7n 91 .71 .21 71 .22 .72 .22 79 .23 73 • <£9 73 . 1 9 .24 .74 .24 .74 .25 .75 .25 .75 .26 .76 .26 76 .27 77 • i i 97 77 .28 .78 .28 78 .29 79 99 79 « (7 .30 .80 • 9U .31 .81 "31 lOl .32 .82 39 .9