UNITED STATES DEPAP.Tl'IENT OF AG-RI CULTURE Biireau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washinj£,'ton, D. C. B. E. P. q.— 339 March 11, 1936, PLMT QUARANTIl-IE IlffOHT RESTRICTIONS OF THE GRAM) DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/plantquarantinei00unit_9 -r UNITED STATES DEPAHTI/IENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Q,uarantine Washington, D. C. P. Q.~3S9 ' " r.. ' ■ ■ March 11, I936, PLAI^T-QUAIIANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS - > ■■ ' ' OF the' . GRAIID DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG The Nachrichtenhlatt fur den Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienst XV: 1, January 1935i summarizes the decision of the Grand Duke of December U, 193^» The summary, in translation, reads as follows: SPECIAL IMPORT AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED A special authorization is required for the importation of the following articles: Potatoes, cereals of all kinds, fruits and vegetahles of all kinds, greenhouse and open-air plants and shruhs . AUTHORIZED PORTS OF ENTRY Importation may "be made only by rail and on the following highways: Diedenhofen-Friesingen, Diedenhofen-Mondoft , Deutsch- Oth-Esch-Alz , Trier-Wasserbillig, Rennig-Rennich, Arlon-Steinfort , Arlon-Oberpallen, Athus-Rodingen, Bastnach-Donkols , St. Bith- Wemperhardt, Stavelot-Wemperhardt , and Perl-Schengen. PHYTO SANITARY CERTIFICATE REqUIRED However, the phylloxera regulations promulgated by the Order of A'ug:ust 20, 12S6, prescribe that trees and plants from abroad must be accompanied by a certificate of competent authority affirm- ing that they proceed from nurseries that are free from injurious insects and plant diseases. Otherwise, they are subject to inspec- tion, and infested shipments may be reladen for return to the country of origin, disinfected, or burned. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09241 7673 T - 2 - CERTIFICATE RE^UIIGD FOR POTATOES, TOHATOES, AlID E':^PLAKTS The Order of September 2h, 1923 • prescribes that potatoes, and the fruits and plants of tomatoes and eggplants will be admitted to entry and transit only when accompanied by a certificate issued by the phytopathological service of the coxmtry of origin, affirming that those products proceed from a district free from the Colorado potato beetle ( Leptinotarsa dece mlineata Say) and from the potato wart ( Synchytrium en dobioticu m (Schilb.) Perc). Products grown in, and shipped from, a locality at least 20 km from any infestation of Leptinotarsa are considered to be from an exempt district. LEE A. STROIia, Chief, Bixreau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.