UNITED STATES DEPjLEffiMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D.C. B. E. P. Q.— 447 iviay 20, 1937, PLANT- QUARANTINE IkPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE KINGDOM OF YUGOSLAVIA Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/yugoslavai37unit UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D.C. B. E. P. Q.— 447 May 20, 1937. PLANE- QUARANTINE IkPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE KINGDOM OF YU&OSLaVIA This summary of the pi ant- quarantine import restrictions of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia has been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant- quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to that country. The summary was prepared "by Harry B. Shaw, Plant Quarantine Inspector, in Charge of Foreign Information Service, Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines, from the German texts of Order No. 50570/n, of August 10, 1935, and reviewed by the Ministry of Agriculture of Yugoslavia. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of its preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original text of the order, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. The order itself should be consulted for the exact text. .- y 7 \ (/ V ^l LEE A. 1 STRONG, Chief, Bureau,, of Entomology and Pl'styC Quarantine PLANT-QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE KINGDOM OF YUGOSLAVIA CONTENTS Page Easic legislation -------------------------- 1 Summary ------------------------------- 1 Importation prohibited ---------------------- 1 Importation restricted ---------------------- 1 Importation unrestricted --------------------- 2 General regulations ------------------------- 2 Importation of diseased plants prohibited ------------ 2 Restrictions on importation of potatoes, fruit stocks, and other woody plants from infected countries -------------- 3 Diseases and pests to be excluded -__-____--___-_- 3 Phytosanitary certificate required --- ___--_____- 3 List of infected countries to be published ------------ 3 List of countries infected or infested by potato wart, Colorado potato beetle, potato tuber worm, and San Jose scale ------ 4 Character of phytosanitary certificate ---- — ________ 4 Model certificate in English and French __-____-__-_ 5 Sealing of containers required ------------------ 7 Phytosanitary certificate required ---------------- 8 Restrictions on other living plants intended for planting ------ 8 Restrictions on plants and plant products, other than, apples and pears, intended for consumption __-_---_-_____-_ 8 Transit of living plants _--__-_-______-_-_____ 9 Imported alfalfa and clover seeds to be stained ---____-_-- 9 PLANT- QUARANTINE liviPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE KINGDOM OP YUGOSLAVIA BASIC LEGISLATION Law of Dec. 9, 1929, Section 15, paragraph 3, on Combatting Diseases and Pests of Cultivated Plants (SluSbene Novine , No. 300, Dec. 23, 1929). SUivuvARY Importation Prohibited PLANTS AND PARTS OF PLaNTS INTENDED FOR PROPAGATION: Importation into Yugoslavia prohibited if attacked by plant diseases and pests. (Order No. 50570/lI, Aug. 10, 1935, art. 1; see p. 2.) Importation Restricted POTATOES, STOCKS OF FRUIT TREES, AND OTHER WOODY PLANTS FROi^ INFECTED COUNTRIES: Importation into Yugoslavia from countries in which the disease and pests named in article 2 prevail, subject to the presentation of a certificate affirming the freedom of the ship- ment from that disease and those pests and that it does not proceed from a locality in which the said disease and pests prevail nor from a protective zone with a diameter of 10 km surrounding that district. (Order No. 50570/II, Aug. 10, 1935, art. 3, see p. 3.) POTATOES, STOCKS OF FRUIT TREES, AND OTHER WOODY PLANTS FROM UNINFECTED COUNTRIES: Importation into Yugoslvaia from countries in which the disease and pests named in article 2 do not prevail, is subject to the presentation of a certificate affirming freedom of the shipment from any injurious disease or pest. (Order No. 50570/11, Aug. 10, 1935, art. 7; . see p. 8.) APPLES AND PEARS FROM ANY SOURCE: Shipment must be accompanied by a certificate affirming freedom of the fruit from any injurious disease or pest. (Order No. 50570/11, Aug. 10, 1935, art. 7, -see P. 8.) ALL OTHER LIVING PLANTS, PARTS OF PLANTS, deciduous and other fruits -2- (other than apples and pears) intended for propagation: Importation from any scarce permitted under the provisions of article 7, namely, the shipment to "be accompanied by a certificate affirming freedom from injurious pests and diseases. (Crder No. 5C570/II, Aug. 10, 1935, art. 8; see p. 8.) Importation Unrestricted PLANTS, PARTS OP PLANTS, MP PPUITS, including different kinds of vegetables (except potatoes), deciduous and other fruits (except apples and pears) intended for consumption, and cut flowers: Importation into Yugoslavia from any source unrestricted. (Order No. 50570/11, Aug. 10, 1935, art. 9; see p. 8.) NEW POTATOES FROm ANY COUNTRY: Importation into Yugoslavia up to May 31 cf each year unrestricted. (Order No. 50570/lI, Aug. 10, 1935, art. 9; see p. 8.) ' LIVING PLANTS, PARTS OP PLANTS, AND PRUITS PROM ANY SOURCE: Transit in sealed cars' or containers unrestricted. (Order 50570/II, Aug. 10, 1935, art. 12; see p. 9.) REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE IMPORTATION AND TRANSIT OP LIVING PLANTS . AND PARTS OP PLANTS, STOCKS OP DECIPUOUS-PRUIT aND PCREST TREES, YOUNG GRAPEVINES., SHRUBS, ORNAMENTALS, BEDDING PLANTS, CUT FLOWERS, TUBERS', BULBS, DECIDUOUS, AND OTHER FRUITS (Order of the Minister of Agriculture, No. 50570/lI, Aug. 10, 1935; Sluzbene Novine, No. 191, Aug. 19, 1935) GENERAL REGULATIONS Importation of Diseased Plants Prohibited Article 1. The importation into Yugoslavia is prohibited of plants and parts of plants intended for propagation that are attacked by plant diseases and insect pests. To prevent the introduction of plant diseases and pests, the importation and transit of plants and parts of plants intended for propagation are subject to supervision in accordance with the provisions of these regulations. The Minister of Agriculture is empowered by Section 15, paragraph 3, of the Law on the Combat of Diseases and Pests of Cultivated Plants, December 9, 1929, temporarily and exceptionally to order the prohibition or inspection of plants and parts of plants and also to order their placing in quarantine in cases where their importation is permitted in accordance with these regulations and without inspection. RESTRICTIONS ON THE IMPORTATION OF POTATOES, STOCKS OF FRUIT TREES, AND OTHER WOODY PLANTS FROM INFECTED COUNTRIES Diseases and Pests to Be Excluded Art. 2. To prevent the introduction of injurious plant diseases and pests, and especially potato wart disease ( Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilb.) perc. ) , Colorado potato beetle ( Leptinotarsa decernlineata Say), the potato tuber worm ( Q-norimo schema operculella Zell.), and San Jose scale ( As-pidiotus perniciosus Comst.) on deciduous fruit trees, the importation of potatoes, and stocks of deciduous fruit trees and other woody plants is subject to a special supervision in accordance with the provisions of articles 3, 4, 5, and 6 of these regulations. The Minister can make the same procedure applicable also to other plants, plant diseases, and pests, through decrees, when necessary. Phytosanitar5 r Certificate Required Art. 3. The importation of potatoes, stocks of deciduous fruit trees, and other woody plants into Yugoslavia from any country in which the disease or any of the pests mentioned in article 2 prevails, will be permitted only when the shipment is accompanied by the certificate prescribed in article 4 of the institute in charge of the public phytopatho- logical service of the exporting country. In this certificate it must be affirmed that the shipment is infected by the disease or by any injurious pest named in article 2, and that the shipment does not proceed from a locality in which the said disease or parasites prevail, nor from a protective zone of 10 km diameter surrounding that locality. List of Infected Countries to Be Published The Ministry of Agriculture shall regularly, in January of each year, publish in the official gazette (Sluzbene Novine), on the basis of data furnished by the agricultural experiment and control stations, a list of the countries in which a disease or a pest named in article 2, or any new injurious pest or disease prevails. Furthermore, there will be published in the course of the year the fact that the disease or a -4- pest named in article 2 invades another country or when any new disease or pest appears. In both cases, the frontier customs of- fices will be advised. List of Countries Infected or Infested by the Potato Wart, Colorado Potato Beetle, Potato Tuber Worm, and San Jose Scale (Order of the Minister of Agriculture, No. 4565/lI, Jan. 28, 1937; Slu*bene Novine No. 24, Feb. 3, 1957) In accordance with technical reports of agricultural and super- visory stations, the following countries, for the year 1937, are to be regarded as infested or infected by potato wart ( Synchytrium en- dobioticum ) , Colorado potato beetle ( leptinotarsa decemlineata.) , the potato tuber worm ( G-norimo schema operculella ) , and San Jose scale (As-pidiotus perniciosus ) . 1. The potato wart prevails in Austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, the Free State of Danzig, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, and Switzerland. 2- The Colorado beetle occurs in Belgium, Canada, England, France, Germany, Luxemburg, and the United States of America. 3. The ootato tuber worm occurs in Algeria, America (continent of), Australia, Azores, Belgian Congo, Canary Islands, Cyprus, France, Greece, India (British), Italy (Sicily), Java, Madeira, Malta, Mauritius, Morocco, New Zealand, Portugal, Rhodesia, Spain, Sumatra, Tasmania, Tunisia, Union of South Africa, and the West Indies. 4. The following countries are infested by the San Jose scale: Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Hawaii, Hungary, India (British), Iraq (Mesopotamia), Japan (with Korea) , Mexico, New Zealand, Portugal, Rumania, Spain, Tasmania, Union of South Africa, United States of America, Uruguay, and the Union of Soviet Socialis Republics. Character of Phytosanitary Certificate Art. 4. The phytosanitary certificate mentioned in article 3 must be written both in the language of the exporting country and in French, and must include: 1. The name of locality of origin (district, county, state); 2. The declaration that the shipment is not infected either by the disease or any of the pests named in article 2, on account -5- of which the importation into Yugoslavia of the products mentioned in the same article is prohibited; 3. The declaration that the shipment does not proceed from a region in which the disease or any pest named in article 2 prevails, and that it does not come from a protective zone with a diameter of 10 km surrounding the infected locality, and that, consequently, with respect to potatoes, no danger of infection by the first three, and with respect to stocks of deciduous fruit trees and other woody plants, no danger of infestation by San Jose scale exists; 4. Railroad car numbers, marks on containers, kind and quantity of goods, and the text of the seal on railroad cars and con- tainers; 5. The declaration that an official of the phytopathological service of the exporting country personally inspected the merchandise and attached the seals thereto; 6. The seal of the phytopathological institute of the exporting country and the signature of the official who made the in- spection; 7. Notation as to whether the shipment is in bulk or is packed in accordance with the provisions of article 5. MODEL CERTIFICATE Title of Phytopathological Institute Titre de 1'Institut Phytopathologique Serial No . No. d'ordre The undersigned, (full name, official title and address of ins-pector) , certifies, in accordance with the results of the inspection of products contained in the shipment described below, that they are deemed free from injurious pests and diseases and especially from / potato wart ( Synchytrium endobioticum ) , Colorado potato beetle ( Leptinotarsa decemlineata ) , and 1 potato tuber vrorm ( Gnorimo schema operculella )/ San Jose scale ( As'oidiotus 1. Applicable to potatoes only. -6- 2 •gerniciosus ) / ; that these products do not proceed from a region where "ootato wart, Colorado potato "beetle, or potato tuber worm prevail / San Jose scale prevails -/• nor from a protective zone surrounding the infected or infested region within a radius of 10 km and that he has personally inspected the merchandise and affixed seals. He also declares that the ship 3 3 ment is in bulk/ packed in new containers/ . Le soussigne, certifie, conformement aux resultats de 1' inspection des produits contenus dans l'envoi ci-apres decrit, qu'ils sont consideres indemnes de maladies et d'ennemies dangereux et , notamment / de la galle verruqueuse ( Synchy- trium endobioticum ) , du doryphore ( Leptinotarsa decemlineata ) , et de la 1 teigne de la pomme de terre ( Gnorimo schema operculella) / du pou de San Jose 2_ ( As-pidiotus nerniciosus ) / ; que ces produits ne proviennent pas d'une region ou regne la galle verruqueuse, le doryphore, la teigne de la pomme 1 f 2 de terre/ regne le pou de San Jose/ ni d'une zone de protection autour d'une region infectee d'un diametre de 10 km; et qu'il a fait personnelle- ment l'examen de la marchandise et la mise de plomb. 3 En outre, il declare que 1' envoi est en vrac/ avec emballage neuf. Description of Shipment Description de 1' envoi Quantity, weight and kind of container Nombre, poids et nature des colis Marks and numbers on containers Marques et numeros des colis 2. Applicable to plants and parts of plants. 3. Strike out the words that are not applicable. -7- Description of products Description des nroduits Place where grown Lieu de culture Inscription on the seal Texte du plomb Full name and address of shipper Horn, prenom et adresse de l'expediteur Full name and address of consignee Norn, prenom et adresse du destinataire Place and date of issuance of certificate Lieu et date de delivrance du certificat Date of shipment Date de 1' expedition Done at the port of Fait au port de Seal Sceau . Signature Sealing of Containers Required Art. 5. Each shipment of potatoes, stocks of deciduous fruit trees, and other woody plants, originating in a country in which the disease or any pest mentioned in article 2 prevails, must "be packed in sealed rail- road cars or in sealed new sacks, boxes, "baskets, or other containers. Art. 6. Concerns the procedure on arrival of a shipment at a frontier customs port of entry, and provides for the disposal of the shipment according to the findings. Utf^BO^' .a***" phy to sanitary Certificate Required Art. 7. The importation of potatoes, stocks of deciduous- fruit trees, and all other woody plants from countries in which no disease or pest named in article 2 prevails, as well as the importation of apples and pears (the fruit) from all countries, is permitted if the shipment is accompanied "by a certificate issued by the supervising institute of the phy topatho logical service of the exporting country, in which it is affirmed that the shipment is not attacked "by any injurious disease or nest. Restrictions on Other Living Plants Intended for Planting Art. 8. The importation of all other living plants, parts of slants , deciduous and other fruits, is permitted from all countries, whether or not the countries are infected "by a disease or pest named in article 2, on condition that the provisions of article 7 shall be applicable. Restrictions on Plants and Plant Products Other than Apples and Pears Intended for Consumption Art. 9. Shipments containing plants, parts of olants, and fruits, even when not accompanied by a phyto sanitary certificate, are not to be inspected on entry if they are intended exclusively for consumption and not for propagation, whatever country they proceed from. Thereto belong* various kinds of vegetables (except potatoes) , deciduous and other fruits (except apples and pears), and cut flowers. New potatoes may be imported until May 31 of each year from countries not contaminated by the disease or pests named in article 2 without a phytosanitary certificate- This applies to all shipments of new }30tatoes that reach frontier custom houses up to the date mentioned. Art. 10. Concerns the restrictions on plants and parts of plants shipped across the frontier from estates of double owners in contiguous countries. Art. 11. Inspection fees and expenses. -?9- Transit of Living Plants Art. 12. The transit of living plants, parts of plants, and fruits through Yugoslavia will be permitted in through sealed railroad cars or in sealed containers, without regard to the phytosanitary certificate or the country of origin. Arts. 13 and 14. Penalties and appeals. Art. 15. The foregoing regulations became effective on the date of publication in Sluzbene Novine and those promulgated by Order No. 11940/ II February 24, 1934, were thereby revoked. Imported Alfalfa and Bed Clover Seed to Be Stained on Entry Alfalfa and red clover seed imported into Yugoslavia must be stained red with a prescribed solution of eosine and alcohol at the time of importation. (Order of the Minister of Finance, July 23 } 1935.) The present digest supersedes the Memorandum to Chief Inspectors and Collaborators, dated July 15, 1932. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA '"" III 3 1262 09244 7100 I