p^ iv^ t /.p M^Yc^Aa^j- Man^'€. ■ Emergency Regulations Governing the APPOINTMENT AND TRAINING OF CADET OFFICERS IN THE UNITED STATES MARITIME COMMISSION CADET CORPS Revised January 8, 1942 UNIV. OF FL Lli. I A 1^1 4 U.«. DEPOSITORY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1942 EMERGENCY REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE APPOINT- MENT AND TRAINING OF CADET OFFICERS IN THE UNITED STATES MARITIME COMMISSION CADET CORPS United States Maritime Commission, Washington^ January 8, 194^. Under authority of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, as amended, the following revised regulations governing the appointment and training of Cadet Officers in the United States Maritime Commission Cadet Corps are prescribed and issued for the duration of the emer- gency proclaimed by the President May 27, 1941. All previous regulations which may conflict with the following are hereby cancelled. By direction of the Commission. W. C. Peet, Jr., Secretary. All communications relating to matters connected with the appoint- ment and training of cadet officers in the United States Maritime Commission Cadet Corps should be addressed to : Supervisor of Cadet Training United States Maritime Commission Washington, D. C. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Article 1. (a) A candidate must be not less than 19 nor more than 25 years of age on the date application is received. If less than 21 years of age, the application shall contain written consent of a parent or guardian. (&) He must possess a license, under which he has not served, as Third Mate — Ocean, or original Second Mate — Ocean, or Third Assistant Engineer — Unlimited, or original Second Assistant Engi- neer — Unlimited, issued by the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation of the United States Department of Commerce. (c) A candidate must satisfy the Supervisor of Cadet Training as to his good moral character. (d) A candidate must satisfy the Supervisor of Cadet Training that he has sufficient educational qualifications to pursue courses of study which are prescribed for Cadet Officers. (e) A candidate must be unmarried. Any cadet officer who shall marry or who shall be found to be married before completion of 437541° — 42 (1) training shall be requested to resign and, failing to do so, shall be dismissed by the Supervisor of Cadet Training. (/) No person who has been dismissed or compelled to resign from the United States Maritime Commission Cadet Corps, a Government service academy or a State Maritinie academy, for improper conduct, or who has been dishonorably discharged from the armed forces of the United States, or who has been dismissed for cause or has re- signed with prejudice as a civil employee of the United States is eligible for an appointment as a cadet officer in the United States Maritime Commission Cadet Corps. {g) A. candidate must enroll or be enrolled, as a cadet, Merchant Marine Reserve, or hold a commission in the United States Naval Reserve, to be eligible for appointment as cadet officer. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS Article 2. {a) No physical examination will be required of can- didates ^vho are enrolled in the Naval Reserve. Candidates who are not enrolled in the Naval Reserve will be required to pass the Naval Reserve physical examination for appointment as Cadet, Merchant Marine Reserve, without waiver. If waiver is recommended, candidates cannot be appointed until after waiver is approved by the Navy Department. (&) Any defect or disease developed by a cadet officer during train- ing, which would result in his discharge from the United States Naval Reserve, will be sufficient cause for the Supervisor of Cadet Training to terminate his training as a cadet officer. APPLICATIONS Article 3. {a) Application for appointment as cadet officer, fully completed, together with all supporting papers, shall be submitted to the Supervisor of Cadet Training. (&) Graduates of the United States Maritime Commission Cadet Corps may submit requests for promotion to cadet officers in lieu of new applications. CERTIFICATES Article 4. («) A candidate who is not a graduate of an approved State Maritime Academy or the United States Maritime Commis- sion Cadet Corps, but has attended other schools, shall submit a properly attested certificate listing subjects and grades received at accredited schools or colleges. The school certificates shall be for- warded by the respective accredited schools direct to the Supervisor of Cadet Training, United States Maritime Commission, Washing- ton, D. C, on the form prescribed and furnished by the Supervisor of Cadet Training. (&) A candidate who is a graduate of an approved State Maritime Academy shall submit a properly attested certificate from his -State Maritime Academy in which shall be listed subjects studied, grades received, and class standing on graduation. No certificates will be required of graduates of the United States Maritime Commission Cadet Corps. () of this section, the Supervisor of Cadet Training shall make assignments from amongst those candidates on the eligible lists who have been on such eligible lists the longest in point of time. (d) The Supervisor of Cadet Training may select qualified eligibles for postgraduate training in vessels of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and other Government agencies and at locations of special training ashore. (e) After appointment and assignment to cadet school, cadet of- ficers shall arrange to procure textbooks for the first year course of study, and the uniforms designated by district instructors or com- manding officers of cadet schools. (/) The Supervisor of Cadet Training, the district instructor, or when authorized by the Supervisor of Cadet Training, the com- manding officer of the cadet school may order any cadet officer to his home after a period at cadet school and there await assignment to a vessel. In such cases a cadet officer will be reimbursed for trans- portation, at the rate of 5 cents per mile from school to home and from home to vessel, but will not receive pay or allowances during period away from school or vessel. (g) Candidates high on the eligible lists must be prepared to report promptly to cadet school or locations of special training ashore, or direct to ships on short notice. (h) The name of an eligible will be removed from the list if he fails to acknowledge receipt of instructions by telegram within 24 hours of receipt of same, fails to report, or rejects assignment without acceptable reason. The Supervisor of Cadet Training shall decide whether reason offered is acceptable. (i) Candidates or cadet officers shall not be permitted to select vessel or steamship company employer, and steamship companies shall not be permitted to select candidates or cadet officers except as provided in article 6 (&). (j) The district instructor, or, when directed by the supervisor of Cadet Training, the commanding officer of the cadet school will arrange for: (1) Oath of office as United States Maritime Commission cadet officer and taking of fingerprints ; (2) The Division of Finance to commence pay of cadet officer on date he reports to cadet school; (3) Furnishing of prescribed study assignments, quizzes, cir- cular letters, and supplementary study material ; (4) Assignment to cadet school ; (5) Detachment from cadet school and assignment to a vessel; (6) The Division of Finance to reimburse for pay due while at cadet school and travel allowance, upon detachment from cadet school; (7) Introduction to proper shore official of steamship company to which assigned. {k) The shore official of the steamship company will instruct cadet officers relative to — (1) Company regulations. (2) Approval of Master. (3) Signing of ship's articles and commencement of pay from steamship company. (Z) Certificates of appointment signed by the Secretary of the United States Maritime Commission and the Supervisor of Cadet Training shall be issued to all cadet officers after appointment. COURSE OF TRAINING Article 7. (a) Cadet officers must prove to the district instructor, who will visit their vessels while in United States ports, that they have been applying themselves diligently. (6) Cadet officers shall be supplied with regulations, instructions, and circular letters, before sailing on their first voyage, or before assignment to cadet school. (c) Cadet officers shall make application for the Naval Reserve correspondence courses listed below, prior to assignment to cadet school or vessel, (d) The courses of study shall be as follows, except as may be changed by direction of the Supervisor of Cadet Training: Cadet Ofjficers (D) Cadet Officers {E) Naval Reserve Correspondence course Naval Reserve Correspondence course in: in: Navigation (K) Engineering {e) In addition to the foregoing, cadet officers may be detailed to shore training at shipyards, plants, educational institutions, or specialized training aboard vessels of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and other Government agencies. (/) Cadet officers must purchase all prescribed textbooks excepting texts loaned by the Navy. {g) Cadet officers shall be advised by circular letters of any change made in their curricula by the Supervisor of Cadet Training. PAY Article 8. {a) Cadet officers will receive pay at the rate of $100 per month from the United States Maritime Commission while at cadet schools and while serving aboard United States Coast and Geodetic Survey vessels for special training. Pay while at cadet school will commence on the date of reporting to the commanding officer and will terminate on the date of detachment from cadet school, (6) A candidate who receives an appointment as cadet officer and is assigned to a cadet school will be expected to serve as cadet officer on board ship to which assigned, in order to receive reimbursement for transportation and pay while at cadet school. While at cadet schools, cadet officers shall assist the instructors, as directed by the commanding officer of the cadet school. ((?) Cadet officers initially assigned to the cadet schools shall not receive their pay or transportation allowances until after the date of their detachment from cadet school for assignment to ships or places of special shore training. (d) Cadet officers will receive minimum pay at a rate of $100 per month during their first year aboard merchant vessels and $120 per month during their second year aboard merchant vessels, from their steamship company employers. (e) In addition to minimum rates of pay, steamship companies shall grant to cadet officers the same percentage of increases for war or other emergency bonuses as is granted to third officers. TRANSPORTATION Article 9. (a) The Maritime Commission shall reimburse cadet officers at the rate of 5 cents per mile, based on the official mileage tables of the War Department, for their traveling expenses : (1) From home town to port wherein cadet school is located, after reporting to the commanding officer of cadet school, execution of oath of office as cadet officer of the United States Maritime Commission, and detachment from cadet school for assignment to vessel or places of special shore training. (2) From port wherein cadet school is located to port where vessel to which cadet officer is assigned, or where place of special shore training is located. (3) From port where detached from vessel to port wherein cadet school or place of special shore training is located. (4) From port of cadet school to home and from home to port where vessel to which assigned or a place of special shore train- ing is located, after having been ordered by the district instructor to his home to await assignment to a vessel or place of special shore training. (6) Kequests from cadet officers for transportation reimbursement, properly endorsed and approved by the district instructor, will be submitted to the district auditors of the United States Maritime Commission at either San Francisco, New York, or New Orleans for their action. When cadet officers are transferred from one district to another, the mileage voucher will be prepared, approved, certified, and paid in the district to which the cadet officer has been transferred. (e) Cadet officers will not be reimbursed by the Maritime Commis- sion for travel expenses to and from cadet schools or ships or places of special shore training while they are on leave, unless ordered home from the cadet school by the Supervisor of Cadet Training or the district instructor to wait for assignment to ships or places of special shore training. ALLOWANCES Article 10. (a) Cadet officers, while assigned to cadet schools, will be furnished with quarters and subsistence by the United States 8 Maritime Commission. Laundry service, not to exceed $1 per week for any one cadet officer, will also be paid by the United States Mari- time Commission. (h) Cadet officers, while on special assignments ashore away from the cadet school and when so authorized by the Supervisor of Cadet Training, or district instructors, will receive an allowance of $45 per month for quarters, subsistence, and other living expenses, in addition to their pay from the United States Maritime Commission' provided steamship companies, shipyards, or others to whom cadet officers are assigned for special training ashorfe do not pay such wages or allowances. (c) Cadet officers, while assigned to merchant vessels will be fur- nished quarters and subsistence gratis by the steamship company employer. (d) Cadet officers, while traveling on orders of a steamship com- pany, or when quarters and subsistence are not furnished aboard ship, shall receive the same allowances for transportation, quarters, and allowance as third officers of the steamship company. QUARTERS AND MESS Article 11. (a) Cadet officers aboard ship shall be berthed in rooms with other cadet officers or cadets in that part of the vessel designated as officers' or first-class passenger quarters. (h) Cadet officers shall mess with licensed deck and engineer officers. ANNUAL LEAVE Article 12. (a) Cadet officers shall receive the same annual leave with pay as is granted by employers to their licensed officers. DEPOSIT Article 13. (a) Cadet officers assigned to cadet school, before their first assignment to ships, shall make a deposit sufficient to cover the cost of uniforms and textbooks designated by the district instructor or commanding officer of cadet school and furnished by the Division of Purchase and Supply of the United States Maritime Commis- sion. The cost of such uniforms and textbooks shall be deducted from this deposit plus pay earned while at cadet school. UNIFORMS, INSIGNIA, TEXTBOOKS, EQUIPMENT Article 14. (a) Cadet officers shall purchase uniforms, insigiiia, textbooks, and equipment as prescribed by the Supervisor of Cadet Training in Uniform Regulations for United States Maritime Com- 9 mission Cadet Corps, circular letters, and designated by the district instructor or commanding officer of cadet schools. (6) The Supervisor of Cadet Training shall prescribe those items of uniform, insignia, textbooks^ and equipment that shall be possessed and maintained during the period of training, or made optional, in accordance with the following groups : Group 1 shall include personal items, such as underwear, shirts, etc., that must be possessed upon reporting to the cadet school. Group 2 shall include items of uniform, insignia, textbooks, and equipment in designated quantities, which may be furnished by the Division of Purchase and Supply, and the costs deducted from pay while at cadet school. Group 3 shall include those additional items of uniform, in- signia, textbooks, and equipment which cadet officers shall pur- chase after leaving the cadet school and/or while serving in ships or locations of special training ashore. Group ^ shall include those items of uniform and equipment that will be optional for cadet officers during the entire period of training. (c) Uniforms, insignia, textbooks, and equipment as designated by the district instructor or commanding officer of cadet school, shall be furnished to each cadet officer at cadet school by the Division of Purchase and Supply only after such cadet officers have deposited sufficient funds with the district auditor to pay for all items to be furnished by the Division of Purchase and Supply during period at cadet school. CERTIFICATES Article 15. {a) Cadet officers, upon satisfactory completion of prescribed courses, shall be awarded a certificate of completion signed by the Chairman of the United States Maritime Commission. (6) Cadet officers assigned to United States Coast and Geodetic Survey vessels for postgraduate course shall, upon satisfactory com- pletion of post-graduate training, be awarded a certificate signed by the Rear Admiral-Director of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, and by the Chairman of the United States Maritime Commission. LENGTH OF SERVICE Article 16. (a) Cadet officers shall not remain in such grade for a period longer than 1 year, except that the status shall not be im- paired until the conclusion of the last voyage begun within this year of service, and that the status as cadet officer may be extended in the UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 10 3 1262 08484 2615 discretion of the Supervisor of Cadet Training, on the request of the cadet officer, provided: (1) The extension of status is recommended by the master. (2) The employer agrees to promote the cadet officer to li- censed position when the opportunity presents itself. (3) The progress record of the cadet officer is satisfactory. (b) The limit of extension of service as cadet officer shall be 1 year. If not promoted within that time, the cadet officer shall lose his status as such at the end of the extended year. PROMOTION AND FUTURE OPPORTUNITIES Article 17. (a) The Supervisor of Cadet Training shall have no jurisdiction over promotions to licensed officer positions. This mat- ter is one for employers to decide. RESIGNATIONS Article 18. (a) Cadet officers who for various reasons find that they must terminate their training, shall submit their written resig- nations to the Supervisor of Cadet Training, via the master or com- manding officers of their vessels and the district instructor. Resignations of cadet officers assigned to vessels must be made effective at the termination of the voyage in a United States port and shall be submitted to the master or commanding officer at least 10 days before arrival in port. (b) Detailed reasons for terminating training, especially whether promoted or resigned to accept licensed position in another vessel, must be stated in resignation. DISTRIBUTION OF REGULATIONS Article 20. (a) These regulations shall be published in the Fed- eral Register and distributed to all cadet officers, applicants for appointment as cadet officers, and others concerned with the training of cadet officers and cadets ashore and afloat. INSTRUCTIONS Article 21. (a) The Supervisor of Cadet Training is hereby authorized and directed to prescribe and issue instructions supple- menting these regulations, for the training of cadet officers and cadets assigned to cadet schools, locations of special training, and aboard ships. Copies of such instructions or rules will be distributed to cadet training instructors, officials of steamship companies, ship's officers, cadet officers, and others concerned. o