B. E. P. Q. 582 Effective November 28, 1949 LIBRARY UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE . AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE FOREIGN QUARANTINE NOTICES ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS RESTRICTING ISSUANCE OF PERMITS FOR IMPORTATION OF CITRUS SEEDS UNDER NURSERY STOCK, PLAIT, AMD SEED QUARANTINE REGULATION On October 1, 1949, notice of proposed issuance of acL-ninistrat ive instruc- tions to be designated as 7 CFR 319.37-24a relating to restrictions on the importation of citrus seeds was published in the Federal Register (14 F.R. 5999). After due consideration of all relevant matters presented, including the proposals set forth in the aforesaid notice, the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, pursuant to <; 319,37-24 of the regulations supplemental to the quarantine relating to nursery stock, plants, and seeds for importation into the United States (Regulation 24, Notice of Quarantine No. 37; 7 CFR 319,37-24), hereby issues administrative instructions to appear as § 319.37-24a in Title 7, Code of Federal Regulations, as follows: § 319.37-24a A dministrative instructions restricting issuance of permits for the importation of citrus seeds . In accordance with § 319,37-24 of the regulations supplemental to the quarantine relating to nursery stock, plants, and seeds for importation into the United States (Regulation 24, Notice of Quarantine Nc c 37; 7 CFR 319,37-24), the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine has determined that the Plant Commissioner of the State Plant Board of Florida has taken action to suppress citrus canker (X anthomonas c itri (Hasse) Dov/son) , quick decline, and other dangerous dis- eases affecting citrus, and has promulgated as Rule 28 of rules and regula- tions made by the State Plant Board pursuant to the Florida Plant Act of 1927, effective March 31, 1947, a plant quarantine prohibiting the entry in- to Florida in interstate cojaaorce of any and all kinds of citrus trees and parts thereof, including, among other parts, citrus seeds, with certain exceptions not applicable to the movement of such seeds. Further, the Plant Commissioner of the State Plant Board of Florida has requested that the United States Department of Agriculture cooperate in connection with such quarantine by prohibiting the importation into Florida from all foreign countries of citrus seeds. Under authority conferred upon tho Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine by §319.37-24: It is hereby ordered, That permits will be issued for the importation of citrus seeds from any foreign country only if such seeds are to be imported into a place with- in the Unitod States other than the State of Florida. The purpose of these administrative instructions is to cooperate with the State of Florida by restricting the importation from all foreign countries of citrus seeds in furtherance of action already taken by that State to suppress tho types of pests that might be imported with such seeis. This section shall be effective on and aftor November 28, 1949. (Sees. 1, 5, and 8, 37 Stat. 31b, 315, 318 as amended; 7 U. S, C . 154, 159, 161; 7 CFR 319,37-24) Done at Washington, D. C, this 20th day of October 1949, Bureau of . and P3 | j _ .. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA llllllllllllllll 3 1262 09314 8582