mikm-wbi NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM No. 1138 ON THE APPLICATION OF THE ENERGY METHOD TO STABILITY PROBLEMS By Karl Marguerre TRANSLATION "tjber die Anwendung der energetischen Methode auf Stabilitatsprobleme' Jahrb. 1938 DVL, pp.252 - 262 '^QE^ Washington ^,^,vers1TY OF FLORIDA October 1947 DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT 120 MARSTON SCIENCE LIBRARY P.O. BOX 117011 GAINESVILLE. FL 32611-7011 USA /OO 06^ Q^iZ inOYJ riATIOKAL ADVISC5Y C0^ME1TEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECBiniCAL MEMOR^lilD'UM ITO. 11 38 Cn TEE APPLICATION OF THE ErJERGY WJmOQ TO STABILITY PSCBLEMd^ By Karl Marguerre Since sta.l5illt3r problems have come into the field of vision of engi- neers, energy method's have proved to he one of the most powerful aids in mastering them. For -finding the especially interesting critical loads special procedures have evolved that depart somewhat from those customary in the usual elasticity theory. A clarification of the connections seemed desirable, especially with regard to the postcritical region, for the treatment of which these special methods are not suited as they are. The present investigation^ discusses this question ~ complex (made important hy shell construction in aircraft) especially in the classical example of the Eiiler strut, because in this case — since the basic fea- tures are not hidden by difficulties of a mathematical nature — the prob- lem is especially clear. The present treatment differs from that appearing in the Z.f .a.M.M. (1938) under the title "tJber die Behandlung von Stabilitatsproblemen mit Hilfe der energetischen Methode" in that, in order to work out the basic ideas still more clearly, it dispenses with the investigation of behavior at "large" deflections and of the elastic foundation; in its place the present version gives an elaboration of the 6th section and (in its Tth ar.d 8th sees.) a new example that shows the applicability of the general criterion to a stability problem that differs from that of Euler in many respects. "Uber die Anwendung der energetischen Methode auf Stabilitats— probieme." Jahrb. 1938 D'lTL, pp. 252-262. ■ In the paper investigations were continued at the instigation of Professor Trefftz (during his activity at the Deutschen Versuchsanstalt fur Luftfahrt). For a large part of the work (especially in sees, h and 6) the author is very grateful to his colleague, R, Kappus, for his close collaboration. 3 - ■ ' See the next to last paragraph of- the Introdu-ction. KACA TM No. 11 38 SLWIAEY In the two examples of the Euler stmt and the slightly curved 'beam ■under transverse load it vas shovna that the difference hetveen the sta— hilitv problems and the prohlems of linearized elasticity theory rests upon the fact that in the sta'bilitj' problerns the expression for the energy of deformation contains terms of higher than the second order in the dis- placements. This idea makes it possible to establish the connection be- tween the ener.^y method in the special form most used for stability in- vestigations and the principle of virtual displacements in its general elasticity — theoretical version; besides, it permits the investigation of elastic behavior beyond the critical deflection. IHTROLUCTICSf Kirchoff *s uniqueness law states: An elastic body can assume one and only one equilibrium configuration •under a given (sufficiently smsill) extenjal loading. In the formulation from the energy point of view: the potential U of the inner and outer forces has one and only one extremal ?II = (1.1) and the extremal is a minimum.^ The rniquenesE law holds without restrictions in the realm of line- arized theory of elasticity, that is, as long as the stresses a, t can be expressed linearly in terms of the strains y^-^ and the strains line- arly in terms of the displacements u, v, w. ' Then the function II is of, at most, the second degree in the displacements, and geometrical considera- tions show directly that a "parabola" of the second degree (positive def- inite quadratic form) can have one and only one minim-ori, (or fn mechanical terns, equilibrium position) . The situation changes, however, when struc- tures are considered tho behavior of which can no longer be expressed i-rith -ror the derivation of the principle of virtual displacements (equa- tion (1.1)) for elastic equilibrium, see, for example, reference 1, pp. 70 ff . A careful fo-'-mdation of the general theory of the behavior at the stability limit appears in reference 2, p. I60. (For further literature, see reference 1, pp. 277 ff., or reference 2). The investigations in section Stable and Unstable Equilibrium in particular make xise of the Trefftz point of view. MCA ™ Ko. 1138 srif fie lent accuracy by the lineari?;ed strain-dieplacement equations. Such ai"8, pai'ticulary, bodies for which one dimension is small compared to the others, sti-'uctures in the forni of shells, plates, or bars. For example, p, rod can, vrithout exceeding the proportionaJ. limit, undergo bending de- flections several times greater than its thiclmess, and ijnder these cir- cvmstances the quadratic part of the (transverse) displacements in the strain displacement equations ,ia no longer small compared to the linear part. Then the energy of deformation of the potential II becomes of higher than the second degree in the displacements, and a parabola of higher order can naturally have severa.1 extrema3.s (equilibrium positions). Tlie problem of the theory of stability is usually considered to be the determination of that external load under which several neighboring equilibrium -configurations are possible. The reason for limiting in- vestigation to this "critical point" lies in the fact that the differential equations describing the elastic behavior in the postcritical region are, in general, no longer linear and an analytical treatment would therefore be difficult; while at the critical point itself the problem can still be "linearized".^ * . . This purely practical viewpoint has, however, led to a certain (as is shoTm, from ijnfounded standpoint) systematic separation of the sta- bility problem from the other problems of the theory of elasticity, which finds its mathematical expression in a formulation of the principle of virtual displacements somewhat different from the usual one - has also for convenience led to the formulation of a special principle. (For ex- ample, see reference 3 • ) The principle of virtual displacements states that during a virtual (that is, geometrically possible) displacement from an equilibrium posi- tion, the energy of deformation taken up, by the elastic body is equal to the work dene by the external forces. For the use of this principle in the theory of elasticity it is convenient to express this fact in the following way: An equilibrium state is distinguished by the fact that for every virtual displacement from that state the potential of the inner and outer forces H = A^ + V Knowledge of the postcritical region wa.s until now of secondary practical interest, because buckled striicturaJ. elements were considered unpermissible. It has been onlj-- in recent years that in the shell con- struction of aircraft critical loads have been permitted to be exceeded by large amounts unhesitatingly. k - MCA TM.No. 1138 has a statlonaiy value : • ■ 5TI = 8(a^ + V) = 0. (1.2) Therein the potential A^^ of the iruier forces is given hy the energy of deformation (inner work), an.d the potential. V of the external forces ty the negative product of the external forces considered constant and the displacements cf their points of application. In the region of appli— cahility of the proportionality law numerically V = -2Aa, where Aa is the work done by the external forces as they increase from zero to their final values in paesing through only etjuilihrium states. The prin- ciple (1.2) can therefore he written conveniently also in the form. (Far exsjtnple, see reference 3.) ■ . • &(Ai - 2A^) = (1.3) As against this there is often used as a "minimal principle" in stahility theory the condition 6(Ai ~ A^) = (l.k) The author intends to show in the present paper (in the classical example of the strut) that also stahility investigations are "best hajidled in connection with the single main equation (l.2), wherein terms muet he retained of higher order in the deformations logically only in the ex- , press ion for the energy cf deformation. This procedure is essential from the practical standpoint, if the relationehlpe are tc be investigated. in the poetcrltjcal region, and desirable from the systematic standpoint, because it becomes clear in this manner that no additional principles are required. In particular, this consideration will clear up the apparent contradiction between eqiTations (l.3) and (l.^). The calculation itself is carried out in the following manner: First, the expression for the energy of deformation Aj is set up, then the differential equations for the two components of displacement are derived from the condition ; SH = MCA TM No. 1138 5 and the question of the etahility of the equilihrium position is anevered hj the restricted condition n = minlrnvm (1.5) Then the same prohlam is treated vith the help of a Eitz procedure; in this vay the result of the statilitv consideration is "brought out in an especially elei^ant manner. After a thorough discussion of the usual sta— hilitv theory^ it is shovn in conclusion how the same considerations can serve for tlie treatment of the snap-action protlem of a slightly cLurved ■beam. EKSRQY 0? LEFORT/IATIOrT If the customary asB''jmiptions of the heam theory are retained ~ that for small deflections of the heam the work of stretching and work of "bending are independent of each other and that the part of the work re- sulting from the shear forces is small compared with the other two parts — then the energy of deformation can easily "be given. As a result of the assumption of small displacements — vlthout at first saying anything a'bcut the sizes of the displacements u and w (fig. l) relative to each other ~ the strains u^j. and Wj^(or . w^j.^) may "be neglected in comparison with unity; that is, in a development .of "both quantities in powers of Uj- and w^ only the lowest power need be retained. If, there- fore, the sq_uare of a line element of the "beam centerline "before deforma- tion is dx^ and after deformation / ( ] + v^ j dx (2-1) (the su"bacripts on u and w indicate derivatives with respect to x), then the strain of the "beam centerline (reference 1, p. 57) is /; ^ 7 „, 2 C" =./(l + Uxf + wx -l^u^+-_- (2.2) X -v V -^ ^ '^x / ^ ™x -^ ^x g- _ MCA TM No. 1138 From Hooke*s law the correeponding stress Is and therefore the energy of stretching is 1 — W r I W; 2\ 2 ^ o The incremental strain e^ due to tending is, according to the assunrption that normale are preserved, : e^ = -zvj^ (2.5) the tending energy is therefore given "by I '^ = 1 fff G^^) ^ ^y <^^ - ? /^xx^ e'^. In figures 2 and 3 the quantities f and p are .plotted against e. The solid lines are for tlie solution (^.T), the dotted lines for equation (3.6). The result (3.9) - that the load for the huckled strut -does net in- crease heycnd p* even when the critical end shortening has teen con— siderahly exceeded -- is a result of the limitation to "small" deflections. For the preeent prohlem thjs lim.itation If not important hecause hers it was only a question of seeing that as a result of the appearance of higher . powers of w in equation (2.8) the elastic rod can assume several equi— lihriuDi positions — espec:5ally that the existence of a real multiplicity is hound up with the exceeding of a certain "critical" strain € = e*. STii^LE AKD MSTABLE EQUILIBErUM, In the "ordinary" theory of elasticity it is necessary to consider only the condition 511 = 0, that is, II = extremum (^.0) ■'•Seference ?, v-^. 70 ff . Also the theory of the so-called exact differential equation of strut huckling Ej/o + ?w = (reference 1, p. 230) sho^^^s that at Isrge deflections ("because of the in- creased demand on oendlng energy) there is a very small increase in load. From the er.srgy standpoint, to "be sure, this "exact" equetion is not lm~ ■ portant, f c^ if w^^ is taken as not small compared to 1 in the bond- ing term (x'jat is, the cm^vature l/p is used in place of w^x) it is. necessary \o proceed in a corresponding manner with the stretching term (equation (2. 2)) - unless it is assumed that an incompressible strut exists from the stai^t, as is done in the theory of the Euler elastica. mCA TT^IJo- 1138 11 in the determination of equilitriimt Bts.tes, for the supplementary con- dition S^H > (mechanically: the stability of the equilihriim posi- tion) is assured there hecaus© of the lineiarization (reference 1, pp. 71-- 72); in the present prohlem the minimal, condition must he set up explicitly, since only through SH = 0, S^H > 0, that 'is,: H = minimum ■ (^i-.l) can the stahle eguilihrium positions he distinguished from other possi- ble (the unstable) positions. The concept of stability is- made precise here lij the following convention.^ i. iin oguilibrium state is called v^^table if for every neighboring state the potential energy has a larger value." ... -j 2. An equilibrium state is called labile (unstable) if there is at least one neighboring state for ■which the potential energy is smaller. 3. A stability limit (that is, a neutral equilibrium state) is spoken of when there is at least one neighboring equilibrium state the potentiaJ. energy of which is equal to bixt ' none having potential energy less than that of the given equilibrium, state. Seturn to equations (2.8) or, (2.9)j ■ I I r/ „ 2\^ i2 r T^ » ^ = rr / I ^x + --— ; ^ -i- -7 / %x • dx - -e = rJ^iM^M 21 ^ \ 2 / 21 -Q E and perform a variation; that is, replace u by u -f 5u and v by w + pw; there results, after arranging in powers of 5u, 6w and stoppir^ after terms of the second ordei'. The following definition wag given, in substance "oj E. Trefftz in- cidentally to his DVL lecture. 12 MCA TM No. 1138 A. A AH = II (u + 5u, w + 5v) - H (u,w) = &II + K s n + • I 1 ^^i * \ I i'^ * ^) ""^ "^ * 7 I L("- ^ T") ": 6w^ + 1 fiT--. Sw, X "X XX "XX dx 1 rV ^' 1- r } r/ iT / b W-v \ 21 J L\ ^ 2 o \ "x A ""X + -^^ + w^" ;( Sw^.) + i( 5w^ j I dx .n ^^ n 'XX The condition that the terras of first order shall vanish leads to equa- tions (3.1) and (3.2); the question of stability is answered by the terms of second order. By inserting for u, w the values obtained from Sn = there results for (3.6) (straight position) 2i^ ^ / 2^ \ 5 n ;^ . [^^ hX = 1 I / ^^ 2 L V / , + 1 '-, 2 Swxx '■J dx + - /(&0 ^ (^.2x) for (3.7) (bent position) J ^2. 1 1 ' !/ 5^11,1 = 6% ) = i / }( -e* + ~ f^ cos 2 '^^'^r^./V X/' dx 2irf jrx cos — SWjj. Suj. dx + — / I &Ujj y dx (^^.22) First the stability limit -will bo determined. According to the defi- nition given above there must be at the stability limit a state for whioh the second variation vanishes but none for vhich it becomes negative: The value zero is therefore the smallest value that S^II can assume at the limiting point. If, therefore, S^ri has certain continuity prop- erties (the existence of which is obvious on mschanical grounds), then MCA TM No. 1138 13 the "characteristic ' value b^TL = ip at the same time an analytical minimum, compared with neighhoring values, and the associated ("charac- teristic")- displacement system 5u, 8w is determined from the condition •5(5^0 ■)= .0 (1^.3) The straight position (see equation (^.2i)) thus reaches the sta- tility limit when 6u, 6v satisfy the two differential equations (6u)„ = 'XX (8w) ■ + — (dw)- ■ ■= vlth the end conditions 8w(0) = 5w(Z-)- = Bw^QjCo) = t\tj^(l) = 5u(0) = and (h.k) bud) = b-uM) = (i^.5) The solution of this eigenvalize prohlem reads in hoth cases Su = 0, 5w = 5f sin -~ ik.6) The amplitude 5f j^ remains undetermined and. from the second of. equa- tions {h.k) there is obtained for the critical value of • i . . - ^ - crit = --^ that is exactly the expression ^crit = ~* ^^ which the branch point of the equilibrium was characterized; stability limit and branch point coin- cide. . , ....... The investigation proves to be somewhat more difficult for the bent position. The two minimal conditions read — ll^ NACA m No. 1138 T— ( 5vu, + — cos -—- oWy ; = C'+.7) Sx t 6 If _j XXX V ,2 for the "boundary condition there is retained 8w(0) = 5w(Z) = 6wxx(0) = 5V3^(1) = 5u(0) = and, depending on whether or not the right-hand "boundary point is pre— scrlhed or not. &u(Z) = ( 5ux + ^ cos ^ 6wx) , = (if. 7') It is recognized lamediately that for f = 0, hence at the heglnning of huckling, the "bar is in neutral equilihrium, for all conditions are satis- fied "by the solution (^.6). This res^llt is trivial. It is not so directly o'bvious, however, that also for f ^(^ there is a variation that laakes 8^11 a minimum; the homogeneous system of equations with homogeneous "boundary conditions permits of a non-vanishing solution also for f 5^ 0. In fact if the variation is so performed that the second "boundary con- dition of (4.7') is satisfied there follows from the first of equations 5u_ = cos — Sw^. C+.S) •*■ I I . -^ If this is put in the second of equations (^.7) the latter reduces to i^^xxxx -^ ^*S^xx = i^ (s^xxxx + ^ ^^xx J = ° and this equation (together with its boundaury conditions) is satisfied by 5w = 5f sin — . For 5u there is obtained from (^.8) HACA TM Ko. II38 I5 — 5-1 X + — sin -—— ) in which Sf again represents the (not determinable ty a system of homoge- neous equations) arhitrsj^y factor. The question of the stahility of the equilibrium positions helow and above the .limit can now be answered. 1. Since the straight position (see equation (^.2i)) is stable for very small e, from considerations of continuity it is so for e < e^. 2. For e > e* the straight position represents an unstable equi- librium state, for a variation 6w, namely, &w - 8f sin ^ . can be given for which 5^11 <0. 3 • ?o^ e > e * the bent rod is against the variation &w 5: 6f sin -y- ■ \ . (^.9) jt^fSf f'^ I 27rx ovt .= .r- [ X + — Sin 21^ \ 2it I In neutral equilibrium.^ Since the variation (^.9) (and only this) makes 6^11 a. minimum (of value zero) every other variation gives it a positive value. If in some way the special variation (^.9) is prevented, then the bent equilibrium position is stable. This holds especially in the impor- tant case where not the force but the displacement of the end point is prescribed; for the displacement system (4.9) is in fact excluded by th© boundary condition 5u(l) = 0. At this point a result discussed later iii section Connection between- the Ordinary Investigation of Stability and the Procedure Presented Here, shoiild be emphasized. The behavior of the rod beyond the stability limit is ■ different depending upon whether the load or the displacement is This result is natxirally connected with the assumption that the strut adheres strictly to the law of deformation established by the ex- presBion (2.7)..' 16 MCA TM No. 1138 considered as the prescrited quantity. More noteworthily, however, the "behavior at the stability limit is not affected hy this difference. For, although there are the two different houndary conditions (U.5) . 5u(l) =0 and &ux(l) = they "both (together with the differential equation BOj^^r = O) lead to the same result Su = That is, it makes no difference whether a motion of the end points In the x- direction is "permitted" or not: during the buckling they do not move. Thus the resvilt is arrived at that the two mechanically entirely different problems: buckling under constant load and buckling under constant end shortening, lead to exactly the same critical state 6u, Sw, ^ grit' ^crit. IKTERPBETATION OF TBE RESULTS WITH AID GF THE EITZ ^!ETHOD Tlie res-ults of sections The Differential Equa.tions for the Displace- ments u, w and Stable and Unstable Equilibrixan can be illustrated very elegantly if the variation problem is turned into an ordinary minijnum problem by the use of the Ritz method. In the case of the Ritz method to be sure nothing certain can be said about the question of stability, since from the start only quite definite displacements p.rs cor.eidered and therefore nothing general c:in be -concluded about the sign cf the second varia- tion; nevertheless, with a Judiciously chosen deflection system the question can be answered \-rlth. great probability or the answer made very plausible. In the present, especially simple case the earlier results are found again exactly. As a set of displacements satisfying all boundary conditions are chosen, the solutions of the differential equations (3.2) and (3.I) This is a peculiarity of the problem. In general., the critical load depends upon the boundary cond-" ':ior3 — whether are prescribed forces or displacements, the system is supported, or guided, or built ' in, etc.; for the "minimum" - variation, from which the critical load follows, differs according to the boundary conditions prescribed by the data of the problem. - MCA IM No. 1138 17 -en--^ (5.1) - = ^=^f''^*1 Then the minimal condition A. n = I 2 ^ [ Tux ^ ^M dx + 21-/ \^ 2/ - = 2t - 7-5- (g " e*) + 321 kl — ■ / Wy„^ dx - - e o ,2 p , € = mlnlmijm 2 E (5.2) furnishes an equation for the "free value" f as a function of e. arc f jr= Z' * . . TT^f 2 \ €* - € + ^^ ) = (5.3) 3f 21^ V i^l The relationship hetveen load and end displacement is obtained hy means of the stress-strain equation (2.3) from the second of equations (5.l)j it becomes P Jt f / 1 > i. = e - -r-^ (5.i^) There are again the two possible solutions f = 0, p = Ee ' (5.5) and f 5^ 0, hence — i- = e - e*, p = E€* (5.6) The question of stability is answered (with the above-mentioned limitation) by the second variation. As hitherto, two cases are distin- guished: 1. If the force is prescribed, e therefore left open, there are two displacements to be varied, and the sign of the expression 18 . MCA TM No. 1138 S^n = ^ (5f)^ .- 2 fe 5f5. -f fe (8e)^ (5.7) must "be investigated. This expression is a quadratic form in 5f^ 8e with the coefficients a 2 * -e + 3 Ul2 af2 ~ 222 V^ ■•■^^11 t^ Bf^e 21^ As 3.= >.2 ^ Since -■■ o > 0, this expression is positive definite (that is, oe never negative) as long as the discriminant A = ^^-V^; =^(^-^-]^) (5.8) is greater than zero. This is certainly the case belov the critical point (e < e*); here the system is therefore stable. Cn the other hand, A< for f = and f > e*; that is, the straight position is unstable above the critical point. Finally, the bent position is neutral, because by (5.6) the discriminant vanishes far f 7^ 0. This result agrees with that of the previous section and is an expression of the fact that a buckled strut In the elastic range can be bent arbitrarily farther without in— 'Cji^eaaing the load. .•,•■; 2. If the end displacement e is prescribed, only the quantity f need be varied and it is foimd that: ■' > / 52n = fe (sf)^ = 2lu* -,.e + 3 ^1^ ) (5f )2 (5.9) ^f- 2Z V Ifl^ / MCA TM No. 1138 19 From this relation Hfeildws^iSsniedf&tely that, •■- :.r; . -: , for G < e* 5^ > ']--■- ■::;-:■■ '■'- for <:> €^:': and f j^cO ,,5\6: >• G ; ^ . -■■ - .. .■■-' ' - • ■ '•'' ''' z^ ' ■■■ ■:■ ■ ' ■ -'■■.■;■ for 6 > 6* and f =:■ 5 U. .< . . •>. that is, the straight position is staTjle for £ < c*, vmetatle for e > €*, the tent position, as soon as it is mechanically possible (hence for G > 6*)^ al-'.ra.ys stable. Figure 4 shows, the energy relationships in this second case (prescribed displacement e = ae* of the right-hand end of the rod).- -Plotted -as A^^ • ■-:^ ^ or ^i i,^_,/(,.,),£ e*2 ^ :. . , •■ . / f \ V e ^ ■ "" ' ■ '■ .as aftinction of f ( or | = — j -with e ! or a = — r } as a parameter. ■ ■ " ■ \ 2i/ \ . e* y -^ - (The_ potential of- the external forces is not included, beoatise it Is not affected by the minimal condition vith reispect to f .) . It is seen that the straight position (f = 0) is an equilibrium position ■under all circumstances, for all curves start with a horizontal tangent-. For a < 1 associated with f = is a minimum, for a > 1 a maximum; the curves for a > 1 have f^urther to the right also a minimum, whereby the bent pc^sition f 5/ is characterized as a (stable) equilibriimi position. This f igiire shows especially well the "type" change of the curves in the transition from the sub— critical to the supercritical region: the coin- ciding 'Of maximum and minimum for a = 1. It is also clear here that, although at the moment of transition the displacements are email, the behavior of the body at the stability limit is nevertheless determined by the "possibility" of greater deflections, expressed mathematically, by- the existence of the f— terms of higher order in the expression for 20 "NACA 1M-W6, II38 COMECTION BETWEEN THE^ ' ORDIMEIY IITVESTICATION " OF STABI-LITy ' Airo THE PEOCEDURE PRESENTED HERE The ordinary statrlll'ty theory is limited to an investigation of the critical point. It vas seen that the critical point is characterized 'by two energy condition. The condition ' ' ■':.: ■-• - , . :■■ bU ^ Q- ■ ■ ■ ■ -• • •- ~f or ar^' variation • '6U; " Bv, 5v ' • " (6.I) characterizes it as an equilihrium position in general; the condition 8^n = for a characteristic variation 5u, 5v, 5w (6.2) as the critical one. Or^ the critical point is distinguished "by the fact that .-there a variation of the state of deformation can "be made for which the potential II remains unchanged to terms of the second order. Nov in practical "buckling prohlems it is usiially a question of the transition from a- very simple (often independent of the coordinates) initial state of stresB to a comparatively very complicated one. It is therefore custom- ary to specify the Initial, .state of stress directly without recourse to the definition in terms of energy (6,l) and to proceed with the variation imr- media,tely .in regard to the determination of the second state. There then remains as the single iarportant condition the statement (6,1), which can be ejcpressed. in the form of a me thod-of— procedure as follows, for example: Consider a system of infinitesimal distortions superimposed upon the critical state of deformation, collect the parts of the potential energy n quadra-tic in the added displacements and set the sum equal to zero. That such a procedure is at all possible rests upon the fact that as a result o.f the "large" initial stresses two types of quadratic term arise: an'(£ilways positive) part that represents the work done by the stresses caused "by the added displacements, and a second part that comes from the work done "by the stresses already present upon the quadratic part of the added displacements. (See reference 2.)^ The fact that this statement-of -procedure concerning the vanishing of the quadratic members Is nothing more than the extended principle of virtual displacements ("extended" in the sense of the statement ahout S H) does not come out clearly in the applications mostly for three reasons . In equation (if.2i), for example, the last t\m terms represent the first type and the first term, the second type. MCA TM No. 1138 21 1. Since a confusion with the very simple initial state is in general not to te feared, it is possible to dispense with the designation 6u, 5v, 5w and write more hriefl.y u, v, w for the added displacements. This manner of writing does not express the fact that the added displace- ments are to he not only small j.n the sense of the general hypotheses of the theory of elasticity hut also infinitesimal in the sense of the calcu- lus of variations. 2. In close connection with the above, in considering the energy it is customary to start not with the total potential II hut directly wilii the energy changes (appearing as tlie result of u, v, w) and to designate these changes hy^ A, _V instead of hy ^A, SV; the (extended) principle of virtual displacements hecomes in this manner of writing A^ + V'= 0, or even -Aj = A„ V (6.3) —J, ■ T— '• —74. "^d since the potential difference —X also represents the work of the external forces on the infinitesimal displacements u, v, w. Equations (6,3) can he put into, words ^ follows: For t^ie virtiial displacement u, V, V, . through which the original equilihriuii conf igiuration goes over into the neighbor Ing ("buckled") configuration at the critical point -the internal energy . Aj^ • talcen up by the system is ' equal' to the work done hy the external forces Ag, taking into accovint the terms linear and quadratic In^ u, V, w. By this formulation the two conditions (6.I) and (6.2) are combined into one; a procedure in which there is the danger of losing sight of the difference between the (holding for any equilibrium position) principle (6.I) and the (characterizing the critical position) extension .(6.2). 3. As the proper equation for the determination of the critical . system of virtual displacements u^ v, w. there follows (see sec. Stable and Unstable Equilibrium) from (6.2) and the added requirement . 2 ' ••.-■• 6 n > for all other ^u, Sv, 5w . tire condition ■■■"/'f- ,, ■ •. ■ 5(5^11) = . {6.h) To distinguish them' from those used earlier,' the quantities usually wrlttep ■ A^, -Ag^, V'; are designated by Af;, A^^, V. The. second form of the law (6,3) thei-^fore does not represent the special energy law A^ = Ag^, by which Is expressed the fact that for conservative systems. the external work Introduced by the transition from the initial to the (not neighboring!) final state is stored up as elastic energy in the body. 22 - • KACA TM Ifo. 1138 If it is agreed to consider in A^^, A^,, y_ only the (alone essential f or the critical tehavior) quadratic terms, the condition •(6» is -written in the form S(A. + Y) = ■ S(Ai - A^) = . . This form, which is only a natua\'5l consequence of the original agree- ment to write u, v, w instead of 5u, &v, ?5w, makes it quite clear to what extent the simplified maniier of i^nriting can lead to conceptual errors. For the statement (6.^'), aside from the deceptive formal agreement, has nothing to do with the principle of virtual displacemente (l.2) or (1.3)5 The principle (l.2), in content the same an the energy law (see the Introduction), answers the question of the equilibrium positions under given loads (or edge displacements), and equation (1.3) is a special form of the same principle possible only in the realm of linearized elasticity theory "besides being very inexpedient^; equation (6.^1-'), on the other hard, in content the same as the minimal condition (6.'+) concerning the behavior of the quadratic terms at the stability limit, gives the second equilibrium position possible at the branch point and the sought-for value of the load at which the equilibrium begins to be many— va.lued . The difficulties so far discussed ■'.^re difficulties in interpretation arising from the symbolism of •\'?ritinc. There is another, more factual circumstance that makes the question complex especially difficult to see through. It was seen in section, Stable and Unstable Equilibrium that fcr the rod ttare were two independent equations (^,^), with tlie likewise independent boundary conditions (*i-.5)j for the two added displacements 6u, 6w (which here would have been iinritten u, w) . From them it was concluded that li vanished identically. This result — and correspondingly u = 0, V = in the case of plates — makes possible, when (as is tacitly done in the stability theory of a bar) it is presupposed as Imo'tvn, a treat- ment of the problems of bar and plate btability deviating from the general methods of stability theory depicted above. Since, however, bars and plates are the most well-known problems, being analytically the most tractable, frequently ideas that were developed there are erroneously brought into ^So, for instance, for the compressed strut below the critical point t-VTice the external work can be written in three forma: E"^, pc, P^/E ~ which is to be varied (with respect to e.')? The' second form is meant, but as a result of writing 2Ag^ in the place of -^T that is no longer uniquely discernible. MCA TMUo. 1138 23 more genera.1. stability problerae. It ia therefore necessary to examine • more tlio:rou:w(0) = Sw(Z) = Sw^(O) = ^^XK^''-} = The desired critical a-value is the lowest eigenvalue of the equations (7.9). APPROXIMATE EETEEMHTATION OF THE SNAP LOAD Because of the great mathematical difficulties that equations (7.9) present, the second method outlined is not suitable for an exact treat- ment of the problem hut is well suited - and therefore that procedure vrill "be considered here — to an approximate treatment "by the method of Eitz or Galerkin. ' ' .' This procedure can he started at either of two points: either, maie a Eitz approximation for 5w in (7.9), determine the correspond- ing 5u from the first of equations (7.9), and following Galerkin from the condition S(5 H) = obtain a (transcendental) equation for the determination of a; or - very much more simply, if also necessarily with a corresponding loss in accuracy — introduce at the start a Eitz approximation for w itself in place of (7.5) into the expression (7.1). It is well to use the second method but only indicate (reference 8) the course of the calculation. If again itx W = f „ sin I is chosen and as a Eitz axpression jrx 2jrx ,„ . ■ w = f 1 sin — + f 2 sin (8.1) L L then all boundary conditions are fulfilled, except for the one dis- continuity requirement (7.^), the violation of which is, however, un- important. Further, by satisfying exactly equation (7-2) (obtained by variation with respect to u) and calculating the horizontal force H from (7.6), the integral in (7.1) can be evaluated and II is obtained as a function of the amplitudes f^, fi, fz or the dimension- less parameters KACA TM Ho. 1138 33 f f f Ao = -^, >vi = -— , ?\2 = -- (i = radius of gyration) i i i in the simple form 4 2 2 where 3 2 ^o - ^1) (^^0^1 " -~ - ^2 J- qho =^ i^ H 327V2 - 4^2 Ao^i - -J^ - 2>^2^V (8.3) Th^ are in the two unknowns A^ and ^z ^^^ of the third degree; nevertheless a complete discussion is possiMe without numerical calcu- lation, "because the second equation may be written as a product ^2(Vi--~-2V-8) = Therefore the cases can te. -.distinguished ^2 = 27.1 + {\ - AJ fvi - -2~ ) = ^i 2/ + 2^2^ I - iShsH-h^ - >^i)2 = vhich condition becomes >.2 = vith \ -] r ? / 2 /. I = and with " hafw - V/2 -s) = There are therefore two sets of values for Tvi, >2, and q^j-it >^2 = 0, 7^1 = ?\o - — r. y ^0 " - ^; ^o ■S ^22' ^" ■ (8.80 under the critical load given by (8.8) there enters definite instability^ increasing deflection fi without increase of load* Accordingly the beam sns-ps — under constant load ~ until it finds a stable conf igura'- tion-"- at ^1'. Since ^^i' > 7\q the beam is now convex downward; it also can be seen clearly that the system now must be stable with respect to an increase in load; a further deflection results in a longitudinal pull. (See equation (8.^').) For >Vo^,/22 (8.9») the critical load is given by (8.9) • Before the external load can assume the value (8.8), the longitudinal compression according to (8.5*) reaches the value 1+H*, that is, the second Euler load, under which the strut assumes the S-shape configuration Tvg jf'O. It snaps again into a stable position Ai', this time, however, passing through an un— S3niimetrical deformation. At the critical load there appears a branch- ing of the elastic equilibrium; figure 6 shows the two bremches of the Q - f 1 curve, both of which however -and this is the noteworthy differ- ence from the Euler problem - are unstable. For further details see the publication referred to. Here it was Just a question of . presenting the chain of ideas that led to the deter- mination of the critical loads (8.8) and (8.9), in order to show the application of the general stability criterion (^,3) to a stability ■problem of an entirely different kind. That is^ at first vibrates about ?vi' as a stable equilibrium position. KACA m No. 1138 37 HEFEIEKCES 1. toadbuch der Physik. Bd. 6 (Berlin), pp. 70 ff., 1928.;: 2. Trefftz, E.: Zur Theorie der StabUitat. Z.f.a.M.-M, -Bdv^lS, 1933, p. 160. 3. Pbschl, Z. B. Th.: Ufa er die Minimalprinzipe der Elastizitatstheorie. Bau - Ing. Bd. 17, 1936, p. I60. h. Marguerre, Karl: The Apparent Width of the Plate in Compression, MCA m Wo. 833., 1937, 5. ferguerre, Karl; Uber die Behandlung von Stabilitatsproblemen mit Hilfe der energetischeA Methode. Z.f .a.M.M. Bd. 38, 1938, pp. 70 ff . 6. Reissner, H. : Z.f .a.M.M, Bd. 5, 1925, p. ^75.' '' 7. Biezeno, C. B.: Das Durchechlagen'eines schwach gekrummten Stabes, Z.f. a.M.M. Bd. I8, 1938, p. 21. Brazier, L. G. : The Flexure of Thin Cylindrical Shells and Other "Thin" Sections. E. & M. Ko. IO8I, British A.R.C., 1927. Heck, 0. S.: The Stability of Orthotropic Elliptic Cylinders in Piire Bending. NACA W Wo. 83^, 1937. Welnel, E.; ttber Biegimg und Stahilitat eines doppelt gekrunmten Flattenstreifeus. Z.f. a.M.M. Bd. 17, Eec. 1937, pp. 366-369. 8. Marg-uerre, Karl: Die DurchschlagBkraft einee schvach gekr"ijnmten Balkens. Sitzungeberichte der Berliner Mathematischen Gesellschaft, Bd. 37, June 1938, pp. 22-40 38 ' WAGA TM No. 1138 TRAITSLATOR 'S HGTES Eq-uation 3.7, last peurt : ' . , .- . ■ .-. Trahe^, • note : ; It appears that this equation, should "be . . . .: ... . ':> • n f 2 • 2nx . ■ f 2^2 . . Us- fc"% sin • ^— r X ■ ■" . . . • Equations (7.5) and (7.5') " Trans';- note: It appears.: that, the term ■- — . should he — :;r-:i — , . ; . . . ' • 2jt2a*EJ 2n^a EJ Equation (8.8) 1 /A/-l^\'3/2 • ■ Trans, note: ■ It appears that 2 + --- ' ■ j should "be 2-^ V^'Ao^-^ o Page 2h ■ ' ■ 'EJ r" 2 Trans . note : It appears that A^^ "^ "p" / '"'^xx ^ should he o . . . ■''':''!.■. .V EJ r „ o Page 36 Trans, note: It appears that (8.^+') should he (8.5*). MCA TM Sfo. 1138 39 z w ^Vl)=^i ligax*e 1.- Strat under compression. ii it 1 e/ e* a 0X23 Figure 2.- Amplitude f against e. 1 2 Jigure 3.- Load P against e. il-0 MCA TM Ko. 1138 Figure 4.- Variation of energy of deformation with the amplitude f =, 2i|. Edge compression e = ae* as a parameter . Mom.ent of inertia J, Section I Radius of gyration i, Elasticity modulus E ar^ figure 5.- Slightly curved team -under transverse load Q. K4CA I'M Ho. 1138 41 o 03 OJ* II 1 2 3 4 5 6 fl/i=Al Pigore 5.- Variation of the load Q with the displacement fx »f the point of application, Parameter = initial amplitude fo- CO O ft n UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 262 08106 308 2 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT 120 MARSTON SCIENCE LIBRARY RO. BOX 117011 GAINESVILLE, FL 32611-7011 USA