ia 14; m-i3 ■ FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY t FOREST SERVICE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ♦.4S411 Conveying to pile SMALL SAWMILL IMPROVEMENT PRACTICAL POINTERS TO FIELD AGENCIES me hods c? ic-ASirs- l:l^33 at : : llap. cf ~:- :l mill (Second Series) Several methods cf loading lumber at the rear of t: . • :•• scribed report .4S241 (Mimeo. 3899-16) of thin series. Additional types of lunber- Ioj so f 3] Lb as used in the West are here described, ivormally i ' tc 5,000 board feet of predominantly 16-foot stock comprises a load. Porta bl e jacks . — Jacks housed ir. portable standards can be used oi:' r to ease the load onto the true!: cr to take it off. Used as a truck-loading scaffold (fig. l) a set of two jacks sup-pert a small lc metal beam at a height adequate for bunk clearance as the truck is backed under it. The re ted is inclined downward at the front of the lead so that in a icking between the supporting jacks the rear bunk engages the load and positions it properly with relation tc the cab and bunk". Ehe truck is stopped at this joint, the front i :od down, and the load is settled on the true] without shock. Where this equipment is used to remove ET-tcpifi fr. . he truck, jacks are used, two elevating the front su • or r no. Lever-arm support . — In a lever-am support] :h s "end of the log cross- piece is supported by the end of a plank which/ can bo fulcrumme'd so as to raise or lower the crosspiece slightly (fig. 2). - load, the true': is positioned as described under - ' le jacks , <:•'..• It at a (fig. 3) re- moved, and restraining leverage applied to the plank to steady the descent of the front corner as the plank pivots under the weight of the lead. ~ -p at b if, bout 5 feet above 3 in a. Che let-down of tae front corner result j . from the plank end travelling from a tc b is not enough to bring the loa.d down o. ie bunko, but after the other front corner is lowered in a ;;imilar manner, the supporting l«g can be easily turned down, with a cant hook, toward the front end of the load ! J 3 the load rest'-, on the bunks. G-at e -frame support s . — A rectangular fr me (fig. 3) adequate to - one end of the load at the req ired is pi • it 10 feet mill platform. It may be tilted w: th the top slightly toward tl L, and propped with a plank, or it may be supported bv a notched 2-by-4 (fig. 4, k) with the - er end of the 2-by-4 nailed to Ihy 1 . .J.- 1 ' 11 tilted wil e top slightly ahead of cent;" (4Jj|Vf£ HBRAR¥ r It maybe set up directly on the roadbed (fig. 4, A) (fig. 4, 3) ' i - -red • ■■-<-■ turned en a pipe ( 4, B) o the planked roadbed is cut out so that I 11 02' -o. If anchored, -■ oe ' be •tion of '• :.;e iftfk" v .l H^-k when flat, provide a roadbed for the truck wheels at t .■ same lc-vel i a I fining r< ..bed. The height of the ate should be ideqi ate to keep t real end rf the pile above t .e load-out plat 'crny r^ thai l Lcuckj roller engages under the load about a foot back f r tyri * tej • '" •'-ft' '"'- P\ he 'i£ 3 1 the load off t si pport as the tr -'- oont irnh-r, \ r \ S55 un or" ■ mill platform has a stop to provide a backstop as thi placing the load. ts nes back in (ov Heport No. 3.803-23 t Maintained at Madison, Wisconsin in cooperation with the UniverMty of Wisconsin *S«« outline in Small Sawmill Improvement Working Phut. March 1930, lor explanation of indexing system proposed - Figure 5 indicates the truck features and roller spacing. The metal apron at the rear minimizes "breakage as loads are rolled off the truck.- By cutting the end of the rear roller to take a wrench, provision can "be made to unload the entire package in one operation. Contributed by C. J. TELFQBD Small-mill Specialist March 1945 Report Ho. R399-23 -2- PLATFORM 16 30" 3i D'AMETf METAL BASE- c -»-/V£. /, r n m ^ — IZ-X-12' 4" X 6" 'STRUTS 2"X 6' 3RACE- l- -SQUARE FACT FOR WRENCH r"n £-4-X-6" BASE -loading scaffold using portable Jacks and details of the standards in which the Jacks are mourn l "BOLT Pt • Hoi t >■ r nrm In pi ruck. ^72 F UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08926 9772 LOAD LOAD Figure 3. — Truck-loading scaffold using gate-frame support. Z X 10— Z X 4 BRACE: W X 10" ^ 3" X 10"^ '■V. n Z X 10 CHAIN —3" X 10' 4" PI PL B Figure 4. — Details of two types of gate frames. k, gate frame supported by notched 2-by-4; B, gate frame supported by chain and hinged on a pipe. METAL APRON lb' WIDE. 4-6>~ 3'-^~\*- SPACING OP ROLLERS -6-o' COLLAR BEARING — ROLLER Figure 5.— Truck equipped with rollers for ease In loading and unloading, with details of truck roller and roller spacing- Z M 60973 f