UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OE ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE Washington, D.C. 3. Z. P. Q.— 429 March 27, 1937, PLANT-QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/nethereast37unit UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE BUREAU OE ENTOMOLOGY' AND PLANT QUARANTINE Washington, D.C. B. S. P. Q.— 429 ivlarch 27, 1937 PLANT-QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIOES OE THE EETHERLANDS EAST IEDIES This summary of the phy to sanitary import restrictions of the Netherlands East Indies has been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to that colony. It was prepared by Harry 3. Shaw, Plant Quarantine Inspector, in charge of Eoreign Information Service, Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines, from his translations of the original and German texts of the Decrees of September 27, and November 3, 1926, and that of October 21, 1929, and reviewed by the Director of Agriculture, Industry ond Commerce (Directeur van Landbouw, Nijverheid en Handel), of the Netherlands East Indies. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authori- tative. The decrees themselves should be consulted for the exact texts. ,/hief , Bureau/of Entomology and P/iant/Quarantlne - 1 - PLANT-QUARA1TTIEE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES CONTENTS Page Basic legislation ------------------------ 2 Summary ----- _______________________ 2 Importation prohibited -------------------- 2 Importation restricted -------------------- 2 Importation unrestricted ------------------- 3 Definitions -------- __________________ 3 Regulations governing the importation of plants --------- 3 Importation of Hevea plants and seeds from South .America - - - 3 Importation of other plants restricted -- — ________ 4 Exceptions provided for ------------------- 4 Special exemptions ---------------------- 4 General regulations ----------------------- 4 Section I. Authorized ports of entry ------------- 4 Section IV. Importation unrestricted ------------- 5 Section V. Import restrictions on plant material ------- 8 Phytosanitc ry certificate required ------------ 8 Restrictions on the importation of potatoes -------- 8 Restrictions on the importation of Hevea --------- 9 Inspection on arrival ------------------- 9 Restrictions on the importation of fruits and potatoes ----- 10 Ports of entry — --__-___ — __ — ________ 10 Import permit required -------------------- 10 Phyto sanitary certificate required -------------- 10 Special permit required for flax seed ------------- 11 - 2 - PLANT-QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE NETHERLANDS EAST IHDIES BASIC LEGISLATION Law of September 27, 1926, article 2 (Stoatsblad von Ned. Indie No. 427) SUMMARY Importation Prohibited HEVEA BRASILIENSIS, LIVING PLANTS AND PARTS THEREOF FROM SOUTH AMERICA. (Law of Sept. 27, 1926, as amended by that of Oct. 14, 1932.) Importation Restricted HEVEA BRASILIENSIS: THE SEEDS may be imported from South America only under a special authorization from the Director of Agriculture, In- dustry and Commerce. (Decree of Sept. 27, 1926, as amended by that of Oct. 14, 1932.) HEVEA BRASILIENSIS Mull. Arg. SEEDS, LIVING PLANTS AND PARTS THEREOF from countries other than South America: Certificate of the phytopatholog- ical service of the country of origin affirming that the trees from which this material was obtained are free from Fusicladium ma cro spo rum Kuyper, Phytophthor a faberi Maubl. , and Phyt op hthora meadi McRae. (Sec- tion V, article 1 (3), Decree of Nov. 3, 1926.) ?LANT MATERIAL OTHER THAN THAT ITEMIZED IN SECTION IV of the Decree of November 3, 1926: Phytosanitary certificate by a competent official of the Government (or one of the branches thereof) of the country of origin. (Section V, article 1, Decree of Nov. 3, 1926.) (See p. 3.) POTATOES from Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Poland, Great Britain and Ireland, Canada, and the United States: Certificate of competent authority of country of origin affirming that the potatoes have been found free from wart, ( Sync hytri urn e ndobioticum (Schilb.) Fere.) and that this disease does not occur in the field where the potatoes were grown nor within a radius of 500 meters therefrom. (Section V, article 1 (2), Decree of Nov. 3, 1926, and the Decree of Oct. 21, 1929.) (See pp. 8 and 10.) - 3 PLANT MATERIAL FROM CHINA: No certificate of competent authority required, but the shipment will be subject to inspection en arrival'. (Section V, article 1 (4), Decree of Nov. 3, 1926.)' FRUITS FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES (EXCEPT CHINA): Must be accompanied by a certificate issued by competent authority of the country of origin affirming freedom from pests and diseases of cultivated plants; in- spection on arrival nnd release only on issuance of nn import permit. (Decree of October 21, 1929.) (See p. 10.) FRUITS ASSEMBLED IN THE NETHERLANDS for export to Netherlands East Indies: Phytosanitary certificate issued by the Phytopathological Service of the Netherlands . (Section V, article 1 (5), Decree of Nov. 3, 1925.) CACAO PLANTS ( Theobroma cacao L. ) FROM AMERICA: Declaration by competent authority of country of origin that they were grown in Europe in European soil from seeds produced in America. (Section V, article 1 (6), Decree of November 3, 1926.) ( See p. 9.) FLAXSEZD ( Linum usitatissimum ) : Special permit required for its importation. (Decree effective Jan. 1, 1934, p. 11.) Importation Unrestricted PLANT MATERIAL ITEM ZED IN SECTION IV of the Decree of November 3, 1925. ( See pp. 5-8. ) Definitions 1. "Plant material" shall include seeds, fresh fruits, living plants, and parts thereof. 2. "Director" signifies the Director of Agriculture, Industry, and Commerce of the Netherlands East Indies. REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE IMPORTATION OF LIVING PUNT MATERIAL TO PREVENT THE INTRODUCTION OF PLANT DISEASES AND PESTS (Decree of the Governor- General, Sept, 27, 1926; Staatsblad van Neder- landsch-Indie, No. 427, 1926) Importation of Hevea Plants and Seeds from South America Article 1, Concerns the importation of Hcvea plants and seeds from South America. - 4 - Importation of Other Plants Restricted Art. 2. (l) The importation of living plant material, other than that referred to in article 1 (without prejudice to the provisions of articles 4 and 7) is permitted only through the ports authorized for that purpose "by the Director and with due observance of the provisions promulgated by him. Art. 3. prescribes that the importer shall pay inspection fees. Exceptions Provided For Art. 4. Under conditions to be imposed by him, the Director may permit the importation into the Netherlands East Indies of plant material such as that referred to in article 2, in respect to which the provisions of this decree have not been observed. Art. 5. Provides for penalties for infractions of the regulations. Art. 6. Provides for the appointment of officials charged v/ith the detection of infractions. Special Exemptions Art. 7. This decree does not apply to the importation of: (a) Living plant material for the importation of which special regulations are or will be established; (b) Seeds obviously intended for consumption; (c) Living plant material to be indicated by the Director. GENERAL REGULATIONS (Decree No. 9760 - A.Z. , Nov. 3, 1926, as amended) SECTION 1. AUTHORIZED PORTS OP ENTRY Article 1. The Director has resolved to designate the following as ports of entry: (a) For seeds, living plants, and parts of living plants - Tandjoeng Priok, and Medan (Belawan Beli). (b) Por fresh fruits by mail: Tandjoeng Priok, Semarang, Soerabaja, Sabang, Oelee Lheue , Padang, Benkoelen, Palembang, Djambi, Rengat, Bengkalis, Medan (Belawnn Beli), Pang- (c) (d) (e) » 5 - kalpinang, Tandjoeng, Pandan, Pontianak, lingkas ( Tarrkan ) , * Saroarinda, Balikpapan,* Manado, Makassar, and Boela. For potatoes by mail: Tandjoeng Priok, Medan, Lingkas (Tarakar),* Balikpapan,* and Manado. For tea seeds: Tandjoeng Priok, Medan, Palerabang, and Padang. For plant material intended for experiments of the Coconut Experiment Station at Manado: Manado. Sections II and III. Concern the appointment of technical inspectors. SECTION IV. IMPORTATION UNRESTRICTED Living plant material to which the provisions of the Decree of September 27, 1926, are not applicable: (a) Seeds of the following-named vegetables, herbs, fruits, and medicinal plants: Allium spp.: chive, garlic, leek onion, shallot, etc. Anethum grave ol ens L. , dill Anthriscus cer ef o liu m Hoffm., chervil Artemisi a a brotanun L. , southernwood Asparagus officin alis L. , asparagus Brassic a spp.: broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, mustard, rutabaga, turnip, etc. C apsicum annuu m L. , red pepper Cichoriu m intybus L. , chicory, witloof Cochlearia officinali s L. , scurvy grass Coriandrum sati vum L. , coriander Cynara. scoly mus L. , globe artichoke Daucus carot a L. , carrot Foeniculum vulgare Hill, fennel F ragaria spp., strawberries Lactuca sativa L. , lettuce Lavandula (officinalis ) vera D.C. .lavender Leontodon , see Taraxacum Lepidi um s ativum L. , peppergra.ss Lycope r sicum esculentum Mill, tomato Melissa o fficinalis L. , balm Mentha spp. , mints Oci mum basilicum L. , basil Ori garum ma j o rana L. , marjoram Pastinaca s ativa L. , Pimenta officinalis parsnip Berg. , allspice Pimpinella anisum L. , anise Portula ca o leracea L. , purslane Radicula annoracia Robins, horseradish Radi cula nas turt ium-aquat i cum Brit. Rend. , watercress Raphanus sativus L . , radi sh Rheum rhaponticum L. , rhubarb Ribes spp. , currants and goose- berries Rosmarinus officinalis L. , rosemary Rubus spp. .blackberries, raspberries Rumex spp. , sorrel Sal via spp., sage Satureia spp., savory Scandix - see Anthriscu s Scorzonera hispanica L«, salsify Si nap i s - see Brassica Sisy mb rium - see Radicula nasturtiun- aquat i cum S Planum melongena L. , eggplant Sp inacea o leracea L. , spinach Taraxacum officinale VTeber, dandelior Tetragonia expansa Thunb. , New Zealand spinach Thymus vulgaris L. , thyme Valerianell a olitoria Moench, cornsalad *Only the ports of Balikpapan and Lingkas (Tarakan) are authorized for the entry of commercial shipments. (See Decree of Oct. 21, 1929, p. 10.) - 6 - (b) Seeds of ornamental plants belonging to the following genera: Abut i Ion Adonis Ageratum Agrostemma Althaea Alyssum Anaranthus Amm oh ium Anemone Antigonon Antirrhinum A'quilegia Arctotis Aristc lochia Asparagus Aster Begonip Bellis Bidens Boltonia Boussingaultia Buphthalmum Cacalia Calceolaria Calendula Campanula Canna Carduus Celosia Centauria Chei ran thus Ch ry s an th emum Cineraria Clark ia Clematis Clerodendron Cobaea Coleus Convolvulus Coreopsis Cosmos (Cosmea] Cuphea Cyclamen Cynara Cynoglossum Dahlia Eelphinium Dianthus Jigitalis Dimorphotheca Eccremocarpus (Calampelis) Eschscholtzia •Gaillardia Gerardia Gerbera Gilia Gloxinia Gomphrena Gyp sop hi la Helianthus Heiichrysum HeliotropiuTi Helipterum (Acroclinium , Hhodanthe) Hibiscus Iberis Impatiens Inula Ipomoea Kniphofia (Tritonia) Leptosiphon Linaria Lobelia Lunar i a Lychnis Matricaria Matthiola Maurandia Mediola Mirmilus Mir obi lis Myosotis Nemesia Kemophila Nicotiana Nigella Kycterinia Oenothera Passif lora Pelargonium Pentstemon Peri 11a Petunia Phacelia Phlox Physalis Poinsettia Portulaca Potentilla Primula Pyre thrum Quamoclit (Mina) Reseda Ricinus Rosa Rudbeckia Salpiglossis Salvia Sanvitalia Saponaria Scabi*sa Sehizanthus Seneci Silene Solanura Stevia Stokesia . St rep to carpus Tagetes Thelesperma (Cosmidium) Thunbergia Tithonia Torenia Trachelium Tropaeolum Verbena Vine a (Lochnera) Viola Volutarella (Amberboa) Zinnia (c) As amended by Decree No. 7345-A, August 12, 1929: 1. Vegetables, onions, bulbous plants (except potatoes), beets, and root crops intended for consumption or medicinal purposes; 2. Shallots and garlic; 3. Dried f raits and parts thereof, such as almonds, peanuts, grain, chestnuts, caraway seeds, cloves, Jesuit's nut ( Trap a bicornis L. , T. n atans L. , ling-kok) , nutmegs, walnuts, pakwo, pepper, rice, etc., for consumption or medicinal purposes. (d) Coconuts from which the husks have been removed. (e) Spawn of edible mushrooms. (f) Sugarcane cuttings imported through Tandjoenk Priok and Soerabaja for scientific purposes and addressed to the Director of the Experiment Station of the Java Sugar Industry at Pasoeroean. SECTION V. IMPORT RESTRICTIONS ON PLANT MATERIAL Uith respect to the permissible importation of living plant material into the Netherlands East Indies, the following provisions are applicable : Phy to sanitary Certificate Required Article 1. (l) The importation of the plant material re- ferred to in article 2 of the Decree of September 27, 1926 (except as indicated in the following paragraphs) is permitted only when each shipment is accompanied "by a certificate signed by a competent official of the government of the country of -origin or one of the branches there- of. (a) Indicating the species to which the plant material belongs or from which it was derived; (b) The quantity and weight thereof; ( c_) Affirming that at the time of shipment the said ma- terial was, according to his conviction, free from pests and diseases of cultivated plants. Restrictions on the Importation of Potatoes (2) Uithout prejudice to the provisions of the preceding para- graph, the importation of potatoes from the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Poland, England and 'Tales, Ireland, Scotland, United States, and Canada is permitted only when each shipment is accompanied by a certificate issued by an official phytopathological institution of the country of origin affirming that the potatoes were found free from wart disease ( Synchy trium endobioticun ( Schilb) Perc), and that this disease does not occur in the field in which the potatoes were grown, nor within a radius of 500 meters therefrom. (See also the Decree of Oct. 21, 1329, p. 10.) Restrictions on the Importation of Hevea (3) "without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article, the importation of seeds, living plants and parts thereof of Hevea brasiliens is is permitted only when the shipment is accompanied by a certificate issued oy the phytopathological institute of the country of origin, affirming that the trees from which the plant material was taken are free from the South American leaf disease ( Melanop sammop si s ulei (Henn. ) Stahel) = ( Pusicladium macrosporiun Kuyper) and from phytophthora leaf-fall diseases ( Phytophthora faberi iviaube. and P. meadi McRae) , and that on the estate cr estates where the said trees grew no material has ever been imported from countries where these diseases occur. Paragraphs 4, 5, and 6, respectively, of this article provide (l) that plant material may be imported from China without the certificate prescribed by paragraph 1; (2) that fruits assembled in the Netherlands may 9 - bo imported if accompanied by a certificate issued oy the phytopathologi- cal service at VJageningen; (3) that cacao plants ( Theobroma cacao ) from American may be imported only in the form of living cacao plants grown from seed in Europe in European soil. INSPECTION OK ARRIVAL Art. 2. (l) The plant material referred to in the preceding article, and the containers, and packing material in which it was imported, will be allowed to proceed to the consignee only after having been inspected by the expert mentioned in Sections II and III, and found to be free from pests and diseases of cultivated plants; or if that be practicable, after it has been disinfected or otherwise freud from the organisms concerned. Articles 3, 4, 5, and 6. Concern the disposal of shipments of plant material on arrival. Si.CTI0I\ VI. Fees for inspection and disinfection. SECTION VII, Exemption of shipments of plant material intended for the Department of Agriculture, Industry, and Commerce and institu- tions connected with that department. SECTION VIII. Prescribes forms for import perr.its, reports of seizure, etc. RESTRICTIONS ON THE IMPORTATION OF FRUITS AND POTATOES (Decree of Oct. 21, 1929) The following provisions have been promulgated by the Director of Agriculture, Industry, and Commerce, Buitenzorg, by Decree No. 9660-A, October 21, 1929, for the importation of fresh fruits and potatoes. Ports of Entry A. Hi thou t regard to mail shipments of fresh fruits and pota- toes, to which the provisions of the Decree of November 3, 1926, remain applicable, the ports of Balipapan and Lingkas (Tarakan) are designated as ports of entry for fresh fruits and potatoes. -10- 3. The following regulations apply to the importation of the products named in A through the places named therein. Import Permit Required Article 1. Fruits and potatoes are admitted into unrestricted traffic after a permit has been issued "by the chief official of the Import and Export Customs and Tariff Service, or in his name. Phy to sanitary Certificate Required Art. 2. This permit wil] he issued only when the fruits and potatoes offered for entry are accompanied by: (a) A certificate signed by an expert of the government of the country of origin or one of its organiza- tions, in which is indicated the kind and quantity (number of packages), itemized as far as- necessary, and affirming that the fruit or potatoes contained in the shipment, according to his inspection, were free from pests and diseases of cultivated plants. (b) With respect to potatoes, in addition, a certificate issued by a phy topatho logical institution in the country of origin in which it is affirmed that the potatoes were found free from potato wart ( Synchytriu m endobioticum ) and that in the field in which the potatoes were grovm and for a radius of 500 m. this disease does not occur. \c) A declaration of the phy to sanitary official in charge of the national phyto sanitary service in the locality or, in his absence, of the physician of the Batavian Petroleum Company (Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappi j) to the effect that he inspected the shipment and deemed the fruits and/or potatoes fit for entry. Art. 3. The declaration under 2 (c) is not to be furnished ~by the physician concerned for fruits and/or potatoes which on inspection show: (a) 1. With respect to fruits, that these or their packing material are not free from living stages of fruit flies or fresh traces of those insects. 2. With respect to potatoes, that they are not free from wart. (b) That they are found to be in such a dying condition, or so rotten, that it is not possible to make an inspection for the presence of the pests named under (a). - 11 Art. 4. Fruits and/or potatoes not deemed fit for importation by the inspecting physician will be destroyed. Special Permit required for Flaxseed The importation of seeds of plants of the genus L i nun is permitted only under a special permit granted by the Firectcr of Agriculture under special conditions tc be imposed in each case. (Flax- seed is known also as linseed and birdseed and pharmaceutical^ as Semen lini. ) (Fecree effective Jan. 1, 1934.) if 11 Iffllll, 3 1262 09242 2004