^ «^£&~»»Z&«j^. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and plant Quarantine Washington, D . C. B. E. P. Q...420 November 23, 1935. PLMT-QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OP THE REPUBLIC OP FINLAND PLA2TT-QUARA1TTIK3 LvfPCRT RESTRICTIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OP VmUJBD COMEMTS Page Basic legislation 2 Summary Importation prohibited 2 Importation restricted 3 General regulations 4 Definitions 4 Withdrawal of samples 4 Inspection and certification of results 5 Compensation for destruction of plants 5 Plant pests 5 Restrictions on importation of flower "bulbs 6 Special license to import apples 6 Restrictions on importation of potatoes 6 Authorized ports of entry 7 Copy certificate to "be mailed 7 Regulations governing importation of seeds 7 Samples to "be taken 8 Unfit seeds to he reexported 8 Clover seeds must he colored 8 Containers to he marked "foreign seeds" 8 Importation of clover seeds prohihited, except from 9 specified countries UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B. E. P. Q.-420 November 23, 1936 PLANT -QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OE THE i REPUBLIC OE FINLAND 'This summary of the plant -quarantine import restrictions of the Republic of Einland has been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant-quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to that country. It was prepared by Harry B. Shaw, Plant Quarantine Inspector in Charge of Eoreign Information Service, Division of Foreign plant Quarantines, from the texts of the plant Protection Law and Regula- tions of June 5, 1925, and subsequent decisions, and reviewed by the Ministry of Agriculture of that Republic. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to bo used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authorita- tive. Uriier- of Entomology ana^Pl&ht Quarantine Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/finlandrep36unit - 2 - PLANT-QUARMTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS 'OF THE REPUBLIC 01 FI2TIMD BASIC LEGISLATION Plant Protection Law of June 5, 1925. This law defines "plant pest1' as any animal or plant organism that, in any stage of development, immediately or later causes, or may cause, serious injury to wild or cultivated plants of economic importance grown in Finland, or the products thereof. It prescribes "by decree, which plant pests or plants that spread infection or are liable to "become infected thereby, shall "be affected "by the measures incorporated in this law It provides for the importation, transit, culture, transporta- tion of, and traffic in plant parasites for scientific purposes, but only with the consent of the Ministry of Agriculture and under conditions determined "by that Ministry, It authorizes the Council of State to decree, for a certain period or until further notice, that importation into, or transit through, the country of plants, parts of plants, products and wastes thereof, capable of spreading plant pests or liable to infection thereby; or the cultivation and transportation of, and traffic in such plants, may take place in Finland only on permission of the Ministry of Agriculture under conditions determined by that Ministry. SUMMARY Importation Prohibited SEEDS CF TIMOTEY, Phleum prat ens e L.f except from Betonia. SEEDS OF RED CLOVER, Trifolium prat ens e L., except from Estonia, Norway, Russia, and any place north of latitude 54°. . SEEDS OF ALSIKE CLOVER, Tri folium hybridum L., except from Estonia, Latvia, Norway, and Sweden. (Decision of Dec. 31, 1928, p. 9.) Importation Restricted PLANT PAEASIEES FOR SC::::::?IC PURPOSES: Importation, transit, and culture permitted only with the consent of the Ministry of Agriculture and under prescribed conditions. (Law of June 5, 1925, Section 4, see p. 2.) PLANTS, PABTS 31 PLA38TS, AMD PLAINT PRODUCTS: May be held for inspection on arrival, with action according to the findings. The destruction of shipments under the order of the Ministry of Agriculture shall be compensated. (Regulations of June 5, 1925, arts. 3 and 9, see pp. 4 and 5.) -:-??IZ5: Special import license required from the Minister of Agriculture, Eelsingfors, (Decree of Sept. 18, 1934, p. 6.) PI WSB. BULBS: "Will be held for inspection as a precaution against the introduction of the bulb mite (Rhizoglyphus (e chin opus) hyacinthi Bdv. ) and other plant pests. Circular iTo. 4937, Sept. 15, 1925, p. 6.) PTAIOES, Solanum tuberosum L.: Must be imported in new containers and be accompanied by a phyto sanitary certificate affirming freedom of tubers and place where grown from potato wart and Colorado potato beetle; tubers must not be affected to a greater aggregate extent than 5 percent with molds, rots, dry rots, or bruises. (Resolution No . 282, Sept. 27, 1935, p. 6.) SEEDS, &THER TEAS TIMOTHY, RED CLOVER, AND ALSIKE CLOVER: Documents indicating origin required; samples must be taken for analysis to determine purity, germinability, and freedom from weed seeds. (Decisions of Mar. 9 and Apr. 23, 1920, p. 7.) CITVZR SEEDS must also be stained with a solution of eosin. (Decisions of Mar. 9 and Apr. 25, 1920, p. 8.) CRASS AHD TRUCK-CEOS SEEDS: Containers must be plainly marked "Ut- landst fro" (foreign seeds). (Decisions of Mar. 9 and Apr. 23, 1920, p. 8.) - 4 GENERAL REGULATIONS (Plant Protection Regulations of June 5, 1925) Definitions In these regulations "the section" means the research section for plant diseases and pests of the Ministry of Agricultiare. "Authorities" means plant protection authorities. Article 1 pertains to the functions of the Section. Art. 2 pertains to the enforcement of the regulations. Goods Suspected of Infection May Be Held Art. 3. If there is reason to suspect that plant pests have heen carried "by goods, the authorities shall have the right to detain such goods for inspection and to prohibit their unloadin ~\ the opening of containers and packing material, and their tn >crta- tion until it shall have "been established that the £;ood.s are free from plant rjests. Samples May Be Withdrawn Art. 4. If goods have "been detained under the pro- ' of article 3, the authorities shall, unless it was as" ; at the place of detention that the goods were free from pj >ets, draw samples therefrom, which must "be submitted immediately to the Section for inspection. On drawing samples, a record shall he prepared in duplicate indicating: (1) The time of withdrawal of samples, name of person who draws them, his official title, and addres (2) Place where goods are stored; (3) Ov/nsr of the goods, names of "buyer and seller, their occupation, and postal address; (4) Name and characteristics of goods; (5) Quantity, pack, and marks of goods, or the stamp or seal appended thereto; (6) ]>Tum"oer of "bags, "boxes, or other containers from which the samples were taken; (7) Tftiether the samples were drawn in accordance with the instructions of the authorities, or if such instructions were not received, how the samples were drawn. ^ne copy of the record shall he submitted to the Section and the other delivered to the owner of the goods. Prompt Inspection and Certification Required Art. 7. The Section, at the earliest possible date, shall examine samples submitted to it, the examination of which lies within its prov- ince, and shall issue a certificate of the results to the applicant. Compensation for Destruction of Plants. Art. 9. If instructions have "been given to destroy, in accordance with the provisions of Section 6, paragraph 2, of the law on plant protec- tion, the goods named in paragraph 1 of that section, any loss that may "be occasioned by such destruction shall he fully compensated. Arts. 10 to 14. Administrative details. PLA17T PESTS (Decree of June 5, 1925, on plant Pests) By virtue of Section 3 of the Plant Protection Law, it is hereby enacted that the following shall he considered plant pests against which measures may he taken, as provided by the said law: 1. Potato wart, Synchytrium endohioticum (Schilh.) Perc, 2. Powdery mildew of apple, Podosphaera leucotricha (311. & Ev. ) Salm 3. Club root, Plasmo di ophor a "brassicae T7or. 4. Potato late blight, phytophthora inf estans (Mont.) De By. 5. Potato mosaic . 6. Black stem rust, Puccini a graminis Pers. Curt. 7. G-ooseherry powdery mildew, Sphaerotheca mors-uvae ( Schw. )Berk.& / 8. Eire blight of apple and pear, Bacillus amylovorus (Burr.) Trev. 9. Onion downy mildew, Peron^spora schleideni Ung. 10. Bulb mite, Rnizoglyphus (c chin opus) hyacinthi Bdv. 11. Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say. 12. Mustard beetle, Phaedon cochleariae Pab . 13. Currant bud mite, Sriophyes ribis Nal. 14. European strawberry mite, Tarsonemus fra^ariae Zimm. 15. Pear thrips, Taenicthrips inconsequens Uzel. 15. pea weevil, Bruchus msorum L. LIBRARY - 6 - STATE PLANT BOARD RESTRICTIONS ON IMPORTATION OF FLOTCER BULBS (Oircular of the Direction of Customs, No. 4937, Sept. 15, 1925) As a precaution against the introduction of the "bulls mite, Rhizo^lyphus ( echinopus) hyacinthi 3dv. , this circular prescribes that henceforth all flower "buTbs offered for entry into Finland shall "be detained until a competent official determines them to "be free from plant pests. SPECIAL LICEHSE REQUIRED TO IMPORT APPLZS A government decree of September 18, 1934, permits the importation of apples only under a special license to "be obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, Helsingfors. RESTRICTIONS ON THE EXPORTATION OF POTATOES (Ministerial Resolution No. 232 of Sept. 27, 1935; Finlands Forfattningssamling, Sept. 30, 1935, p. 553) Article 1. The importation into and transit through Finland of potatoes is permitted under the following conditions: (1) That the shipment he made in neu hags, "baskets, or "boxes. (2) That each container "bear the lead seal of the plant protection inspector. (3) That a certificate issued "by the plant protection service of the exporting country, furnishing the addresses of shipper and consignee, the number of sacks, "baskets, or cases, and the locality where grown, accompany each shipment. The said inspection service shall certify that the potatoes are free from potato wart and that no cases of that disease have occurred within a radius of 50 kilometers, and that no Colorado potato "beetles have been observed nearer than 200 kilometers from the locality where the potatoes were grown; and (4) That the potatoes do not contain more than 5 percent of frozen, moldy, rotten, and bruised tubers or those attacked by dry rot. 7 - Authorized Ports of Entry Art. 2. Potatoes may "be imported "by rail or water through the following ports: Viipuri, Kamina, Kotka, Helsingfors, Hango, Abo, Mariehamn, Pori, Vasa, Garnlakarleby, Qulu, Kemi, and Liinahamari, and the customs authorities of the respective places shall prevent the release of the goods until a permit therefor has "been received from the plant protection authorities and they must be given opportunity as needed for the withdrawal of samples by the said authorities. Copy Certificate To Be Mailed Art. 3. A copy of the certificate mentioned in article 1, issued by the plant protection authorities, is to he delivered by mail, one week "before the shipment of the potatoes by rail or steam- ship, to the ^Agricultural Experiment Station, Tikkurila (Agrikultur- ekonomiska Eorsoksanstaltens avdelning for Vaxtsjukdomar , Tikkurila). The prohahle date of arrival of the shipment and the name of the-port of entry must also he indicated. NOTE; The certification requirement has the effect of excluding all potatoes originating in the United States except those grown in the very limited area not at present infested 'by the Colorado potato "beetle. REGULATIONS GOVERNING- THE IMPORTATION OE SEEDS (Decisions of Mar. 9 and Apr. 23, 1920) On the hasis of the provisions of section 13 of the law of Decemher 30, 1919, on the importation of seeds and traffic therein, the Council of State, on the proposal of the Ministry of Agriculture, has decreed as follows: Article 1. The agricultural administration can, in case of necessity, on the suggestion of the Government Seed Control Station of the Ministry of Agriculture, make proposals on seeds whose importa- tion must he prohibited. Nevertheless the Ministry of Agriculture, without prejudice to the general prohibition promulgated on the hasis of section 2 of the law of December 30, 1919, on the importation of seeds and traffic therein, upon request can permit the importation of small quantities of pure, selected seeds, under conditions prescribed 07 the Ministry of Agriculture. Arts. 2 and 3 pertain to entry formalities. Samples To Be Taken Art. 4.. TTnoever imports seeds must withdraw samples, in accordance with the provisions of article 10, for the analysis prescrib- ed "by the preceding paragraph, in accordance with the provisions of Section 2 of the law on the importation of, and traffic in, seeds, and send them to the Seed Control Station for analysis. Unfit Seeds To Be Reexported Art. 5. Seeds which upon analysis, in accordance with articles 3 and 4, are found to "be unfit to enter commerce, must he reexported within a period of three months from the date of entry into Finland, unless the Ministry of Agriculture otherwise decrees. Clover Seeds Must 3e Colored Art. 6. Imported seeds of Trifolium, Medicago, Anthyllis, Me li lotus, Lotus, and Phleum, before entering into commerce, must be stained with a solution of eosin through arrangements of the customs. The staining must "be done hy injecting small quantities of eosin dissolved in denatured alcohol through several places in each sack of seeds. The eosin must he an 8 percent solution, namely, 8 grams eosin dissolved in 1 litor of denatured alcohol. Arts. 7 and 8 provide for the annual publication of the minimal requirements . C0N2AISERS TO B3 MARKED "FOREIGN SEEDS" Art. S. Imported grass and truck-crop seeds must have containers plainly and permanently marked with the words "Utlandst fro" (foreign seeds) . UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09242 1881 ~ Q _ IMPORTATION OR CLOVER SEEDS PROHIBITED (Decision of Dec. 21, 1923) On the "basis of the law of December 30, 1919, on the impor- tation and traffic in seeds, the Ministry of Apiculture, under revocation of the decision of December 21, 1923. has ordered that the importation of the following seeds into Finland he prohibited until further notice: Timothy, phleum prat ens e L., except from Estonia. Red clover, Trif ' rat ens e L. , except from Estonia, No rway , N . of lat i tude 54° , ar. cl Ru.. .la. Alsike clover, :.-'iol:;.m hvc^.idum L., except from Estonia, Latvia, Norway, and Sweden.