AW. lb — < U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY, BUL£#TIN SCGAR-PRODUCING PLANTS; THE COMl^^^ftiaM^^ICULTURE, J THE CHEMIST, ■1887-'88. SORGHUM: FORT SCOTT, KANSAS; RIO GRANDE, NEW JERSEY. 8U&AB CAXE: LAWRENCE, LOUISIANA. TOGETHER WITH A 8TUBY OF THE DATA COLLECTED ON SORGHUM AND SUGAK CAM-]. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1 sss. \ . Itctvntmt 3- Caiman, ^ommt4dtimei '/ <5$zitbu//ait U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. BULLETIN No. 18. SUGAR-PRODUCING PLANTS. RECORD OF ANALYSES MADE BY AUTHORITY OP THE COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE, UNDER DIRECTION OF THE CHEMIST, 1887-'88. SOEGIIUM: EOltT SCOTT, KANSAS; BIO GllANDE, NEW JERSEY. SUGA11 CAjSTE: LAWRENCE, LOUISIANA TOGETHER Willi A STUDY OP THE DATA COLLECTED ON SORGHUM AND SUGAR CANE, WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICII , 1 888. 2357G— Bull, is 1 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 INTRODUCTORY LETTER. Sir: I submit herewith, for your inspection and approval, Bulletin No. 18 of the Chemical Division. In Bulletin Xo. 17 it is stated that much of the analytical work per- taining to the recent experiments in the manufacture of sugar was not ready for incorporation in that report. This work is now finished and tabulated and will be found in the following pages. In view of the fact that the experiments which have been conducted for so long a time by the Department in the manufacture of sugar have come to a successful end, I have thought it would be useful here to collect together, in a condensed form, all the important recorded analyses of sorghum which I have been able to find. Where series of such analyses have been made, there are given only the means of the analyses, since to reproduce them singly would extend the size of the bulletin to undue proportions. For those, however, who may desire to study the analyses more minutely, references are given to original publications contain- ing them. I have also added to this part of the work an abstract of recorded tonnage per acre for sorghum, yield of sugar per ton, and other data which may help to assist any one interested in the matter to an intelligent conclusion concerning the merits of sorghum as a sugar-producing plant. In like manner I have epitomized the results of the analytical in- vestigations which the Department has carried on lor several years at Magnolia Plantation, Lawrence, La. Intending investors in establish- ments for manufacturing sugar should have :<> a careful and unbiassed statement of the data on which the industry rests, and in the following pages an elfort has been made to furnish this kind of in formation. Reports written under the influence of prospective personal profit, or for pushing the claims of a patent, or to gratify personal piqae or ambition, are likely to become the argument of the advocate rather than the charge of the non-partisan judge. The persistent and often malicious misrepresentation of the work which has been done by the Department has not been without its baneful influence, although it lias entirely failed of its chief purpose. The large number of persons interested in the culture of sugar beets, sorghum, and sugar cane rOCO 'lie value of the work which the I Department has done, a value which misrepresentation can not dispar- age nor selfish greed pervert. In the work which has been done under my supervision I am not con- scious of having withheld credit from others to whom it was due, nor of having claimed, for the Department, undeserved honor. Exploring an unknown country, the real path of progress has often been lost to view, and for myself I am content if my labors have pointed out to others the road to success. The cordial encouragement and support which 1 have received from yon, even in the darkest hour of the work, have been most unqualified, and your faith in the ultimate success of the industry has never fal- tered. The process of diffusion, by the efforts of your Department, has been fully established as the best and most economical method of extracting the sugar from the cane, and the way has been opened for private capi- tal to extend and develop© the sugar-producing power of our country until it shall be placed on a sure foundation of prosperity. Respectfully, H. W. Wiley, Chemist. Hon. Norman J. Colman, Commissioner of Agriculture. ANALYTICAL WORK AT FORT SCOTT, SEASON OF 1887. In the agreement made by the Commissioner of Agriculture with the Parkinson Sugar Company for conducting the experiments in the manu- facture of sugar from sorghum during the season of 1887, provision was made for a complete chemical control of the work by the Chemical Division of this Department. Having been directed by the Commis- sionerof Agriculture to take charge of all the chemical work to be done at the three sugar stations, Dr. C. A. Crampton and Mr. N. J. Fake were directed to perform the analytical work at Fort Scott. The following general directions were sent for conducting the work: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Chemical Division, Washington, D. C, August 29, 1887. Dear Sir: In conducting the analytical work at Fort Scott during the present season, you will he guided by the following general directions: (1) Samples of cane from the wagon or cane-carrier are to ho taken from time to time as last year, representing as nearly as possible the best, poorest, and medium canes which are brought to the factory. (*2) When the diffusion battery is in operation, a given weight of chips is to be taken from each of the cells until one complete rouud of the battery is represented. These samples are to bo preserved in a closed vessel until all arc taken and then passed through a small mill and the expressed juice examined in the usual way. (.'J) A measured sample of the juice discharged from each cell of the ditfusion battery should be taken until one complete round has been made. These mixed samples of juice to be examined in the usual way. (4) Samples of the juice above examined should bo taken after the process of clarification, representing as nearly as possible the same body of juice as above, and examined in the usual way. (5) After concentration to simp, a sample should be taken, representing as nearly as possible tho juice of the above two numbers and subjected to analysis. ((>) Samples of tho masse cuite, sugar and molasses are to bo taken, carefully Labeledi and forwarded to the division here for examination. (7) When th*' large mill is running, samples of the mixed juices should he taken as often as convenient and subjected to examination. (8) The bagasse from the large mill should be examined from time t<> time, either by exhaustion with Bucoessive portions of water in an open vessel, or bj exhaustion in a closed flask, a little freshly precipitated carbonate of lime being added to the water of maoeral ion. (9) Take from each cell of discharged chips a certain quantity represent r nearly ai possible the mean character of the chips discharged from that cell after one complete circuit of the battery has hecn made, pass the samples so obtained through the small mill, and subjeol the expressed juices to examination. Concerning the details of the analytical work, little need he said. Double polaii- tation lanol nee iep1 in cases where the oanea may be badly injured, and you will uso your own discretion in this matter. You will please report by mail to this office at least once a week the general character of the analytical results obtained. Any special chemical investigations desired by Mr. Parkinson or Mr. Swenson you will make, in so far as these may not interfere with the genera] work indicated above. Respectfully, H. W. Wiley, Chemist. Dr. C. A. CitAMPTox, Fori Scott, Kaus. Later in the season additional instructions were sent to carefully compare the Brix spindles used in determining the total solids in the juice with the direct determination of solids by drying a weighed por- tion of the juice (2 grammes circa) and determining the per cent, water it contained. This was thought necessary because it was found that by determining the water directly in the masse cuitcs they were shown to have a higher co- efficient of purity than the juices from which they were derived. The large mill which, it was expected, would be in operation, was nor erected, and the directions to examine the juices therefrom were t herefore superfluous. The work at Fort Scott was begun on the 2d of September and ended October 19. The sucrose in the juices was determined by polarization in a Laurent large model instrument, with white light attachment. During the later part of the season a Schmidt and Ilaensch double-compensating shadow instrument was employed to check the results of the instrument first named. The glucose was determined by Feb ling's (Yiolette's) solution. The total solids were determined by Brix spindles and by direct weighing. Following are the results of the analytical work: ANALYSES OF JUICES OF SELECTED CANES. For sampling different lots of cane, comparing saccharine richness, etc, the juice of single canes, or small collections thereof, was exam- ined at different periods, in these eases ii would be expected that much greater difference would be found than in the average samples of chips in the second table. The results show how rich single canes <-!' sorghum may be in available sugar, and also how poor. Tint maximum content of sugar is found in sample No. 0, viz, 11.20. The minimum is seen in sample No. 8, where the sucrose drops to 2,54 per cent. DE8CBIP] i"\' I >r SAMP] I No. i. Orange cane sample from Ballook. .'. Orange cane sample from Bowman. :'.. < Grange oane sample from Zoak. 1. bate planted earh amber from Hi-own. No. 8. Honduras cane shipped by freight from Osage, Mich., to Fort Scott. 20. Orange cane from wagous, average sample cut to dry. 21. Amber cane from wagons, average sample cut to dry. 28. Steward's hybrid cane. 2*J. Honduras cane. 31. Link's hybrid, from land of company west of railroad track. 35. Link's hybrid, same field, east end. 30. Link's hybrid, green from slough. 37. Link's hybrid, brow of hill. 36. Liuk's hybrid, brow of next hill. 39. Mixture of orange and amber ripe cane. 40. Amber cane from company's laud. 41. Link's hybrid, same field, green. 42. Link's hybrid, same field, green. 43. Link's hybrid, same field, green. 148. Sample of cane cut and allowed to lie sometime to show effect of inversion, 253. Orange cane badly damaged by chinch bugs. 254. Same, another sample. 25(5. Orange cane from company's laud. 257. Orange cane from company's land. Table No. 1. — Various analyses of in ill juices from whole canes. Date. Xo. Brix (corseted). Sucrose. Glucose. Sept. 2 1 2 3 4 16.63 19.13 19.6.5 1!). 13 l'> r cent 11.30 13. 20 13. 11 12. 17 2. 54 7.83 14.20 11.03 9. -J 7 12.44 8.20 9.03 9.88 12.21 10.19 5.95 10. 22 10.85 11.81 3. 32 12.98 13. 07 7 75 Per cent. Sept. 2 Sept. 2 Sept 2 8 18.43 Sept. 9 20 21 28 29 31 35 30 37 38 41 42 43 M 148 254 258 15.87 19.87 17.87 16.15 18.37 13.68 14.68 15. 80 17.30 15. 18 12.43 15.18 16.28 L6.78 10.31 17.43 17.!':: 1 2.99 15.31 16.72 5. 43 2.50 3. 43 4. 23 2.23 2.81 2.46 2.82 1.76 2. lii 2. 78 2.71 4.91 2. 10 9. 36 1.78 Sept. 'J Sept. 10 Sept. 10 Sept. 10 Sept. 12 Sept. 12 Sept. 12 , Sept. L2 Sept 12 Sept. 12 Sepl 12 Sept. 12 Sept 12 Sept. 24 Oct l<» Oct 10 O.-t. 10 Oct. 10 m. 12 14.20 2. :.i 3. 35 1. 75 Table No. 2. — Mill juices from fresh chips. Date. Xo. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept Sept. Sept. Sept Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct, Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oot Oct. Oct. Oct, Oct. O. t. Oct. Oct. Oct, Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. ' 5 9 11 16 23 30 33 17 51 .".4 69 73 M 85 88 92 96 99 106 110 123 131 i:u 142 lit) 149 l;,:; 161 166 174 182 187 193 198 203 •J Hi 222 230 238 246 258 262 265 272 278 287 'I'.il 300 ::ni 807 .'ill 315 318 Brix (collected). 15. g:j 17. 43 16. 73 10. 68 15.87 16.87 !•'.. 70 17.88 17.06 16.46 17. 00 16. 20 15. y;f 14.(1.-) 17.47 16.80 16. 07 16.78 16.80 15.70 17.68 17.17 17.73 17.21 16.76 19.0.) 17.17 16.51 14. 04 16.79 1(1*00 15.79 15.69 16.63 15.83 16.70 10. 58 18.65 16. 10 15.76 15. 21 14.44 14.73 15.11 14.97 15. 33 15. 69 13. 68 1 1. 24 1 5. 1 1 15.31 13.09 15.81 11.21 14. 93 Sucrose. 16.14 Percent 8. 06 10.78 10.45 10.34 6.20 9.48 8. 50 11.39 9. 56 9.21 10.08 10.21 10.15 9.36 9.99 9. 99 10. 40 11.19 10. 21 8.91 9. 48 7.70 7.07 9.84 10.24 9.86 11.28 8.89 9.04 10. 39 10.30 10.38 10.38 10.18 9.88 10.00 10.20 11.51 9.60 7.46 9. 50 9.18 9.13 10.45 9.22 9. 62 9. 5 1 8.30 9. 02 9.13 8.85 7. 09 0 47 8. 18 8.46 9.51 Glucose. Per cent. 3.50 6. 49 3.87 4.10 3.48 3.84 4.07 3.62 2. 82 2.96 2. 72 4. 09 3. 54 2.67 1.39 3.05 3. 15 4.20 5.60 5.34 3.82 3.31 2.50 3.93 2. 68 3.10 3.08 2. 08 3. 48 3. 08 67 78 63 23 15 96 41 40 3.17 2. 75 3. 53 2.77 2.69 3. 10 3. 39 '_>. 47 3. 03 3. 23 3. 60 3. 40 A study of Table Xo. L* reveals the same characteristics of sorghum juices which have been noticed in the work of previous years. The variations of the juice, however, from the mean have not been so pro nounced as they were during the season of 1886, owing, doubtless, to the fact that the cane was, after harvesting, more promptly delivered to the factory and worked with less delay than during the previous season. The maximum percent, of sucrose was fonn d in the juice obtained on October 6, viz, 1 1.51. Other notably good juices were secured on Sep tembei 12, 19, and 24; the sucrose in these cases rising above 11 per (•(■nt. The Dai ni mum per centageof sucrose was found September \l viz, 6.20. Other notably poor juices are shown by the analyses of Sep- tember 22 and October 17. Table No. :j. — Diffusion juices. Date. Sept. Sept. Sept Sept Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept Sept. Sept Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept Sept. Sept. Sept Srpt. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct Oct. Oct Oct Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct Oot (». i. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. 9... 10... 12... 13 -. 13 .. 15... 15 .. 16 .. 16... 17... 17... 1;).., 19... 20... 20... 21... 22... 22... 2:5 . . . 23... 21... 24.. 20.. 27.. 1... x Brix ' (corrected). 11.. II.. 12.. 12.. 13.. 1::.. It., i:... IT... it;.. 17.. 17.. 18.. 10.. 19.. 17 22 34 48 52 55 70 74 82 93 <<7 100 ld7 111 121 132 135 14.". 117 150 154 162 167 175 183 18S 194 199 204 217 223 231 239 247 259 263 266 27:; 283 293 301 312 316 319 Me. His . Maxima Minima. 12.28 12.82 12.32 12.08 12.28 12.42 12. 08 12.02 12.38 13 10 12.28 12.28 11.32 12.28 12.32 12. 32 11.61 10.85 11.61 11.47 11.57 12.14 10.95 Id. HI in. 17 10.12 10. 24 10.54 10. 51 1'). 15 11.05 11.68 13.10 10.98 11.51 10.39 10 49 9.97 10. B2 9.71 10.27 10.17 lit. 24 9. 45 B. 74 9.51 9. t;7 8.64 11.08 13.10 Sucrose. Glucose. Per <■• at. 7.03 7.00 6.51 7.23 7.19 7.47 7. 57 8.30 7.88 8.79 7.44 7. 82 7.35 8.00 6.90 7. 51 6.04 5. 80 0. 40 0.71 6.80 6.57 6.92 6.32 6. 37 6.20 6. 25 0.15 6.64 6.27 6.44 6. 29 7.15 8.04 6. 54 6.58 6. 51 0.17 7. 32 5.97 6.59 6.02 5.66 6. 50 6. 04 5. 0:, 5.05 8. 79 5.05 2. 20 3.07 1.80 The lowest sucrose in the diffusion juices was found on October 17 and li), viz. 5.05 per cent., and October 17 and is, viz, 5.88 and 5.66 per cent. This was at the cl<>>c of the season. On only four preceding days did the percentage of sucrose fall below 6, viz, September 22, Oc- tobers, 13, and 15. The maximum percent, of sucrose in the diffusion juice was found in sample No. 86, September 16, viz, *.7'.>. The sample of mill juice corresponding to this number is found in Table Xo. 2, sample No. s,~>. The Sucrose in this juice was 9.36 per cent. 10 Thus, while the content of sucrose in the chip juices for that day was 18 per cent, below the average for the season, the sucrose in the diffusion juice was 2 11 per cent, above it. These numbers show the difficulty of obtaining comparative samples in sorghum examinations. Single anal- yses are apt to be deceptive, and reliance should be placed rather on the work for the entire season. TABLE No. 4. — If ill jukes from exhausted chips. Date. No. Total Date. KTo. Total - 7'. /• cent. Pi r Sept 0... 24 . 99 Oct, 1.... 170 . 57 Sept. 10... 32 I. lit Oct. 3.-.. 189 .90 Sept 12... 49 Oct. 4 ... 200 1.01 13... 58 AY.t Oct 5... 218 .88 Sept. L5 .. 71 .88 Oct 6 ... 232 .84 Sept. 16... 1.09 Oct 7.... 240 Sept. 17... 90 l. 8:< Oct. 8 .. 248 L35 Sept. L9 .. 98a Oct 11.... 260 Sept. 19... 102 1.19 Oct. 12.... 267 .91 Sept. 20... 108 L14 Oct. 13.... 280 1. 43 Sept 20... 112 Oct 14.... .70 Sept 21... 125 L22 Oct 15.... 294 1.02 Sept. 22... 133 1.27 Oct. 18... 313 1.4-2 Sept. 23... 145 .4!) Sept. 24... 151 .77 Average 1.03 Sept 26... 163 .09 The sucrose in the juice expressed from exhausted chips was inverted and estimated with the reducing sugar present, and the whole expressed as total sugars. The ratio of the sucrose in the chips to the reducing sugar shows that the former is more readily diffused than the latter. This ratio was not determined for the whole season. From October 8 to 18, however, seven such analyses were made, with the following results: Table No. 5. — Sucrose and glucose In juice from exhausted chips and corresponding diflu- , sion juices. Date. Exhausted chips. Diffusion j a NTo. Glucose. No. Glucose. Oct. 8.... Oct 11 .... Oct 12.... Oct 13 ... Oct. U ... Oct. 15 ... L8 ... A\ • •207 313 1 .51 . 29 .27 .43 1 . 95 .77. . 99 217 200 27'.) 293 812 2. 03 1 90 1.75 2 02 5. 90 1 - 6, 17 5. 97 . M .78 2. 09 ira exhausted chips l Ratio of glo i diffusion juice l Ratio of glo tondlng mill juice from fresh chips — l i 2.69 The variations in the quantities of sugar left in the chips were due to differences in the quantity of diffusion juice drawn off at each charge, and to changes in rapidity of working. Rapid working with small quantities of juice drawn off leave more sugar in the chips than slower working and larger charges of diffusion juice. 11 Up to the 22d of Septeaiber the quantity of juice drawn at each charge was 2,200 pounds. From this time to October 4, 2,G40 pounds were drawn off each time. Thence to the close of the season 2,120 pounds. Assuming that each cell held 2,000 pounds of chips and the cane con- tained 90 per cent, juice, we have the following data : Weight of chips in each cell pounds.. 2,000 Normal juice in each cell do 1, .^00 Mean extraction (circa) percent.. 93 Normal juice extracted from each cell pounds.. 1, 074 Charge withdrawn up to September 22 • do 2,200 Weight added water do 526 Percentage of dilution 32.02 Charge withdrawn September 22 to October 4 pounds.. 2,G40 Weight added water do 966 Percentage of dilution 57.70 Charge withdrawn October 4 to .dose pounds.. 2, 4"20 Weight added water do 740 Percentage of dilution 44.56 With the modern appliances for evaporating sugar juices in multiple effect vacuum pans, the objections which have been urged against dif- fusion on account of the necessary dilution of the juice are of little force. A dilution of GO per cent, is not at all incompatible with the complete economic success of the process, TABLE No. G. — Defecated juices. Date. N... Brix (corrected). Sucrose. Glucose. ]'■ t ■■■ lit. /'. /• r, ,,t. Sept 12... 13. 35 8.25 2.66 Sept. to... 72 13.02 8. 2.'5 2.55 Sept. 16... B7 13.28 Sept. IT... 01 12.48 7.90 ii.:.:; Sept 19... 10.90 C). !i9 l. - Sept 19... 101 1.97 Sept. 20. .. iOfl 12.34 7. 93 2.11 Sept. 21... Sept 22... Sepl 126 L36 144 12. n.") 11.44 11.24 <;. :;■_' ft 50 •J. 35 Sept 24... 1 52 <;. 4:j Sept. lti4 M. 81 0. 11 2.38 Oct 1... Oot :{... 184 195 1 on. 12 .. 7. IS •j. 02 <».t. 18... 10.91 7. in 1.69 Oct l.". .. 10.51 8.74 Oct 17 .. '.». 7.'. :..!'} L87 Oct Axei 820 :.. 1 1 •J. nt 11.81 ft 91 2. lit Dr. 0. A. Crampton baa famished the following additional notes on tin- foregoing analytical work : The first analysis of fresh chipa was made on Septembers, bnl 1 1 1 * » chemical *'>n- ti"l <>i" tin- t'.n tory was not fully instituted until the 8th, This control consisted <>t" 12 daily analyses of the fresh chips as supplied to fche battery, of the diffusion juice, the defecated juice, and of the exhausted chips, together with analyses of the semi-sirup (mite and BUgar from nearly every strike that was made. Great care was taken to have the analyses of the different products comparable with each other : the samples were always taken after at least one complete circuit of the battery had been made, :i> starting up the battery fresh did not allow of a proper extraction of the tirst cells filled. After the tirst round had been made a sample of the fresh chips was collected, an equal quantity being taken from each cell filled, the whole properly mixed and run through the small experimental mill, and the juice submitted to analysis. Tin sam. plo of diffusion juice was taken from the same cells represented by the samples of fresh chips, by collecting and mixing together equal volumes from the drawings from each cell. The sample of exhausted chips was likewise collected from the same cells, and the juice obtained from them by pressure with the small mill. Thus the analyses of these three important products are strictly comparable and represent as truth- fully as is possible, BO far as the sampling is concerned, the character of the cane en- tering the battery, of the juice obtained from it, and of the waste matter thrown out. The defecated juices, having been boiled continuously in an open pan, samples could not be obtained which would correspond precisely with the samples of diffusion juice, but they were taken from a large recen ing tank, which held the juice from a number of cells, so may be taken as a fair average of the defecated juice as it went to the double effect. ANALYSIS OF WHOLE CANES, TABLE 1. These analyses were made for various purposes and are inserted here simply as a matter of reference. They furnish additional proof, if any is needed, of the extreme variability of sorghum cane, and of the fact that analyses of a few selected canes give higher results than the average of a crop, and can not be depended on to show the average composition of a field of cane. Nos. 29-43 were taken from different parts of the same field, and at the same time. They show a content ofsucrose all the way from 12.44 to 5.95 per cent. No. 148 shows very well the inversion sorghum un- dergoes by keeping after it is cut. It was taken from a load brought in by a farmer, and had doubtless lain in the field several days after it was out. This analysis, which is simply an instance of what has been frequently observed before, shows the neces- sity for the rapid handling of sorghum after it is cut. It has been proposed to buy sorghum cane by its Brix indication, as is done with beets in some parts of Ger- many. This analysis, with a liiix indication of '9, and a polarization of 3.32, shows very conclusively that it would not pay very well to buy cane that had stood exposed on the degree Urix given by the juice. Table N<>. ?. — Sirups (thick juices). Date. N... Brii (ooi reoted). Soorose. Glai Percent to. IS 7. e * 16.92 7. 69 In 16 11. 70 '.» 69 Sept. 12. Sept. 13 Si pt. 1."- Sept. 17 Sept. '-"> Sept. 22 Sept. •!.'. Sept. L'l on. :t o.i. 0 M.I. 7 ta 18 Oct n 16 67 ?:. '..I 118 187 156 196 276 41.66 41.86 5«J. 30 16. in 28. 70 39. Ui 41.96 28. 00 :;;. in 27. 76 26. 7n \r, 66 l ' i" 60 1" 60. 60 40.90 16 26 16. ::ii 6. rj 13 The variations in the proportion of sucrose to glucose in the thick juice as shown on Table Xo. 7 are much greater than would be expected from the analyses recorded in the foregoing tables. The thorough mix- ing of the products of large numbers of diffusion charges should tend theoretically to equalize the ratios of the two sugars. This remark- able variation is explained partly by the addition of sugar to the clari- fied juices in order to promote crystallization in the vacuum pan. Table No. 8. — Masse cuites. No. Moist- ure. Ash. Glucose. Sucrose direct. Sucrose indirect, Not sugar. Remarks. Per cent. Pr. ct. Percent. Per cent. Per cent. Pr. ct. 5309 12. 34 4.82 21.69 50.44 53.94 6.81 Not enriched. 5310 11.18 5.28 22. 70 52.85 56.73 4.11 Do. 5311 11.47 4. 22 15.92 62. 40 66.47 1.92 Enriched. 5312 13. 86 4.07 16. 91 55. 93 60.22 4.94 Do. 5313 13.58 4.13 15. 62 60.52 65. 30 1.37 Do. 5314 12.11 4.58 18.19 50. 19 55. 32 9.80 Not enriched. 5315 13.83 4.48 19.88 52. 18 58.50 3.31 Do. 5316 12.74 4.81 16.82 60.24 64.01 1.62 Do. 5343 13.83 4.02 15.25 60.97 61. 25 5.65 Enriched. 5381 16.72 5.09 19. CO 57.64 55.83 2.75 Not enriched. 5385 17.80 4.72 21. 00 50. 28 51.76 4.72 Do. 5386 13. 22 4.26 16. 55 63. 12 62. 66 3. 31 Enriched. 5387 14.48 4.48 15.83 63.16 62. 63 2.58 Not enriched. 5388 13. 89 1.83 16.40 57.84 59.64 5.24 Do. 5389 15.19 4.60 19.52 56.70 55.59 5.04 Do. 5344 14.38 4.50 17.36 61.79 61. 83 1.93 Do. 5347 11.40 4.49 13. 61 65. 23 63. 38 7.12 Do. 5348 12.96 5.01 15.20 61.79 61.51 5. 32 Do. 5349 13. 30 4.62 17. 30 60. 00 60. 00 4.78 Do. 5353 12. 5:. 7.14 17.78 59. 10 59.62 2.91 Do. 5354 25.61 4. 24 15. 95 51.90 52. 11 2.09 Do. 5355 15. E9 4. 93 18.18 56. 03 58. 91 2.39 Do. 5357 13.10 4. 92 19.40 57. 37 5.21 Do. 5358 22. 01 4.80 16.68 54.86 52. 18 4.33 Do. 5;.83 Ave .. 14. 12 4. 32 15.70 66. 08 59. 77 C.07 Do. 14.45 4.70 17.56 51.87 59.06 4.21 The remarks applied to the analyses of the sirups, Table Xo. 7, belong equally well to Table Xo. 8. A distinction is made of the samples for- tified by the addition of sugar. The differences between direct and double polarization, which are so plainly shown in the analysis of sirups, masse cuites, and molasses, will be discussed in another place. The greatei reliance should be placed on the indirect polarization when it is care- fully done. Vet the difficulties attending an accurate analysis of these substances are very great, and every precaution known to science will not always lead to perfectly satisfactory results. The remarkable difference between the direct and indirect polariza- tions will at once be remarked in the mean results of Table No. 8. In general, as has been already said, the preference should be given to the Indirect polarisation when carefully done. In the present case, however, the percentage of sucrose by indirect polarization appears to be too high. The mean percentage of organic solids not sugar is only 4.21, a much less proportion than would be expected. 14 Table No. 9. — Polarization of first sugars. No. Sucrose. No. - Per cent. Per cent. 0 97. 90 202 96. 60 GO 95. u() 224 95.20 61 96. 7() 96. 40 77 08. 10 236 94. 80 104 07. 80 245 93. £0 195 91.20 250 94. 90 120 96. 50 251 94.20 139 94. 20 277 95. 30 159 97. 30 281 96.10 160 97. 60 93. 70 165 97. 20 3o2 92. 40 168 90. 30 303 9'.. 60 160 97. 10 310 93. 60 192 96.70 Mean - 95. 64 TABLE No. 10.— Second sugars. No. 83 173 255 Mem .. Sua i Per rtnt. 82. 30 88. 70 86.40 85. 80 The first sugars, as shown by Table Xo. <), had a mean content of su- crose equal to 95.G4 per cent. The color of these sugars was mostly grayish yellow, and most of the samples could be used for the coarser kinds of table use and for cooking without refining. Only a small quantity of second sugars was made, it having proved more profitable to sell the molasses than to work it into sugar. The composition of the second sugars is sufticiently indicated by Table No. 10. I \iw I Xo. 11. — Molasses from first sugars. St :i t inn Serial Moist- .A«li. Sucrose Not ure. direct. indirect. «i)tf;ir. I 1 - 281 82 16.43 28. 10 36 07 18.81 59 5318 0.18 27. 90 3.01 79 5320 5. 97 3152 11. is 89 ,V"1 25. 50 5.91 23. 15 35. 30 10 98 07a r.:s. '2 5. 22 22. 73 5, 1 1 lo3 5323 23. 30 6 11 27. 17 5. 7:1 [80 23.01 8. oi 24.32 :;-.. 10 10. 1 1 lie ragei 22. 22 7. 12 25. 00 81.70 23. 42 0.17 25.31 35. 81 30.00 In Table No. 1 1 is given the composition of (he molasses after separat- ing the first sugar. The increase in per cent. SUCrOSe on double polariza- tion is not as great as the results with masH cuites would lead us to ex- pect 15 The samples taken from the tanks at different times represent fairly well the average composition of the whole for the entire season. The sucrose remaining after the first crystallization is seen to be nearly 1.5 times the reducing sugar. The composition of the molasses gives a check on the yield of sugar per ton, which the failure to weigh the cane left to a certain extent undeter- mined. Supposing that there was no appreciable destruction of reduc- ing sugar during the process of clarification, and no inversion of su- crose during the evaporation, the relative composition of the molasses and diffusion juices will indicate the theoretical yield in sucrose. Since, however, the quantity of diffusion juice drawn off is difficult to deter- mine from the data furnished, the comparison will have to be made on the composition of the normal juice expressed from the samples of fresh chips. In these juices the mean composition for the season was — Per cent. Sucrose 9. 54 Reducing sugars 3. 40 In the molasses the proportion of reducing sugars to sucrose is — 25.31 : 3G.00, or 1.42. Now, the product of 3.40 by 1.12 is 4.S3 ; and 0.51 - 4.83 = 4.71, the percentage of sucrose obtained in first sugars. I u 1 ton of cane chips there are, in round numbers, 1,800 pounds juice. The extraction was 03 per cent., or 1,074 pounds. The theoretical quan ■ tity of pure sucrose obtained per ton was, therefore, 78.8 pounds. The mean polarization of the first sugars was 95.04. Then 78.8^- 95. G4 = 82.38 = number of pounds actual weight first sugar produced per ton. The yield per ton is estimated at 100 pounds by Mr. Swenson1. By Mr. Gowgill the yield per ton is estimated at 93.8 pounds per ton*. A fact worthy of remark will be noticed on comparing this yield with the output at Rio Grande and Magnolia, to be mentioned further on. It is this: That tin' quantity of sugar obtained at the first crystallization can not be determined by any fixed rule based on the relative proportions of sucrose and glucose in the juice. As the proportion of sucrose dimin ishes the relative amount obtained rapidly increases. At Rio (irande. for instance, the quantity of sucrose remaining in the molasses aftei the first crystallization is actually less in some cases than the glucose, In Louisiana, even altera second or third crystallization, more sucrose than glucose will usually— not always— be found in the molas In the working of sorghum of the richness indicated by the foregoing analyses, it is a grave question whet her a second crystallization is com mercially desirable or even practicable The difficulty of drying the see., n,i massi cuite in the centrifugals is often s<> greal as to render it commercially unprofitable* Until the quality of sorghum, therefore, is 'Ball. it. p. I ■ ii. ui. p 16 improved it will be well to base all calculations on the yield of first sugars alone. This yield, with such caue as mentioned, will be -1 to 4.5 per cent, on the weight of clean cane. Table Xo. 12. — Second masse cuite. No. Moist- ure. Asb. Glucose. Sucrose Sucrose direct, indirect. Not sugar mio). 5345 5384 5356 Means 19.34 18. 02 21.00 Percent. 7.08 6.93 7.26 Percent. Percent. Percent. 27.30 89.15 38.65 29. 70 39. 68 44. 81 26.45 40.52 41.98 Per cent. 7.0:5 1. 04 3.31 19. 45 7. 09 27. 82 39.78 41.84 3.99 Table No. 13. — ITolasses from seconds. No. Moist- ure. Ash. Glucose. Sucrose direct. 32. 40 35. 60 31. 66 Sucrose indirect. Per cent. 29. 08 33. 58 30. C8 No! sugar (organic). 3.15 5.90 5350 5351 5380 Means • 24. 42 26.14 Pt r cent 8.06 8.00 7. 53 /'. ret nt. 81.35 30. 85 29.78 25. 39 7. 86 30.66 33. 22 31.11 4.98 In the second masse cuiies the only marked difference from the first molasses is in the degree of evaporation. In the second molasses we see the sucrose about in the same propor- tion as the glucose. It is also less by double polarization — a fact diffi- cult of explanation. TOTAL SOLIDS IN JUICES. In Tables Kos. 1, 2, and 3 the total solids represent the readings of the hydrometer graduated to give the quantity of pare sugar in an aj diffusion 23576— Bull is 2 18 than l>y milling, sufficient to cover whatever slight inversion there was in the bat- tery, and leave a margin beside. The latter hypothesis seems to be borne out by the analysis of the exhausted chips. Up to October 8 the total sugar remaining in the chips was determined, no separate analyses being made of glucose and sucrose. After that date both sugars were estimated. Table Xo. 5 gives the results, together with the sucrose and glucose in the corresponding diffusion juice- ; Table No. 15. — Acidity in mill juices and diffusion. Mill Juice. Diffusion. Xo. c r n- L.L.10 Xo. alk. for 100. alk. for 100. 174 32.0 175 14.4 193 28.8 194 16.8 198 38.0 199 20. 0 222 32.0 223 18.4 230 39.0 231 32. 4 '.'XO 20.0 'J 4 6 30.0 •JIT 20.0 258 10.0 259 16.0 265 20. 0 266 15.2 278 34.0 279 18.0 292 18.0 293 10.0 304 34.0 305 12.0 311 21.0 312 9.0 315 26.0 316 10.0 Mean . 29.1 Mean . 16.3 The work recorded in Table No. 15 was undertaken to show the ex- tent to which the carbonate of lime added to the diffusion cells neutral- ized the free acids of the juice. The numbers indicate the quantity of tenth normal alkali required to neutralize the acids in 100 cubic centim- eters of the juice. Taking as a basis of comparison the total solids in the mill and diffusion juices for the seasou, as indicated in Tables Xos. 2 and 3, the following data are obtained: Total solids in mill juices It'.. 1 I Total solids iu diffusion juices 11. 08 Acidity of mill juice 89.1 CO. The normal acidity of the diffusion juice, had no carbonate been used, is obtained by the following calculation : 16.1 1 : 11.08=29.1 : X : whence \ - L9.98 The mean quantity of alkali required for neutralizing the acid in the diffusion juice was 16.3 cubic centimeters. Deduct thifl number from the calculated normal number ami the difference, viz, 3.68 cubic centim- eters, represents the amount of acid neutralized. The percentage Of acid neutralized is therefore 3.68-^29.1 X 100 = L2.65. The action of the carbonate, therefore, in neutralizing the acids is not as far reaching as the experiments made by the l department and n corded in Bulletin 11 would lead us to expect. 19 .Dr. Cramptou has made the following report respecting the extrac- tion of sugar : The mill juice from exhausted chips contained 1.03 per cent, of total sugars. This gives the total sugars as U2.04 per cent, of the amount contained in the cane. Sup- posing the ratio of glucose to sucrose in the exhausted chips for the whole season to have been the same as that shown during the time that the two sugars were esti- mated separately, the average sucrose remaining would be .G-1 per cent, to the juice, or .01 per cent, of the chips themselves. This would give an extraction of 92.87 per cent, of the total sucrose present in the cane. This is not so good an extraction as has been obtained in previous experiments with diffusion on cane. It is explained b\ Professor Swenson on the ground that the chips were not made fine enough, gaps in the knives of the small cutters, made by stones, etc., getting into it, allowing of the passage of comparatively large pieces of cane. WORK AT RIO GRANDE, N. J. The general instructions sent to the Fort Scott station were given also to the analysts at Eio Grande, with such changes only as the locality required. Mr. F. V. Broad bent was placed in charge of the analytical work, with Mr. Hubert Edson as assistant. Mr. Broadbent resigned his posi- tion early in October. Mr. Edson then took charge of the work and remained until the close of the season. With the assistance of one boy he successfully conducted the chemical control of the factory. In the following tables are given the results of his work: Table No. IG.— Juices from diffusion chips. Date. Specific gravity. Baume. Brix (cor- rected). Sui rose Purity. Glucose. 1 1 Sept 8 Sept 9 Sept. 10 Sept L2 Sept 13 Sept 1"» 1. 057 7 8 14. 00 7. '.'» 56. 47 1. ().'.:» 1. 0.">7 1 . a S. 1 13. 96 7. 7 13. 53 61. oi 1 052 1. 052 7 2 1 2. s2 7. 95 02. 10 L ." 12. 8ii S 11) i;:i. 28 1.051 t'I 12.96 7. 37 "■y.Yo" Sept IT .... 1.054 7. .". 8. 01 02. 4:1 X 22 Sept 19 .... 1.050 <;.'.» 12.26 7. 2!) 59. 16 B.79 Sept 19 1.052 7.2 22. 92 7.:i:{ 56.73 l.o7 Sept 20 1. 055 7.0 12.96 7. (il f>8. 72 ■A. 13 Sept. 20 1.057 7.8 13.62 7 >2 55.21 :;. :m Sept 21 1.069 9.4 16. 17 11.63 70.61 Sept 21 1.072 17. -mi 12.28 c,s. 99 2. Tti Sept 22 1.063 8.0 10.88 71.20 2. 4G Sc|,i.-j:{ 1.059 8. 1 13.90 8. 32 ;?. 04 Sept 24 1.058 7.8 13.86 8. 55 01.69 Sept 26 1.061 8.:f 14.23 «.». 0!> •2. 07 Sept. 27 . . 1.058 7.!) 13.71 H 12 61.42 Sept 27 1 061 8. :i 14.37 62. :.r. 8. so s, pt28 1.060 11 2" 01. 07 Sept. 29 L.053 7.:t 13. 02 8. 29 8. 30 on. 1 1.053 7.:; 13.01 61.34 Oct ;{ 7 o 11. 19 :;. IS o,t. :i 7.7 13.74 61.36 Oct 1.000 14.67 8. s:i 60. 19 :;. 63 Oct 4 7. !» 14.31 65. 27 8. 69 Oct B 1.0.-.7 9.21 ■J 70 Oct <; *. 1 15.03 9. 19 01. H Oct 7 1.057 7.8 13.88 - «\ lil 11 Oct 8 1.056 7.7 13.66 7.40 • il. 1'.' :t. 71 <», t. ID 1.065 15.94 In !•", Oct. ]() S !i 16.88 11.64 71.28 8,01 Oct M .... '.. 0 15 61 1 1 . 02 Oct n .... 1.067 9. 1 8. 12 Oct. 18 ... 1.056 7. !i 13.66 B 08 60 (7 2.91 o.t. 13 1 060 H. 2 i ... S. 1 n 34 B i :;. is Oct n 7.K . 1 13 77 9 81 Oct. 17 .... 16, 71 11 10 <>. 1 17 ... 1.070 11.51 Oct 1 1 060 0 1 M i, 8.28 1 1 80 20 21 Table No. 16. — Tuioes from diffusion chips— Continued. Date. Specific gravity. Baume. lhix (>or rected.) Sucrose. Purity. Glucose. Percent. r< r .'• nt. Oct. 20 .... 1.056 7.7 13. 2G 8. 49 64.02 2. 83 Oct. 20 1.050 7.7 8. 52 64.14 Oct, 21 1.050 6.9 11.90 7. 29 61. 26 •J. 56 Oct. 21 1.053 7.3 12. 53 7.79 62. 17 2.94 Oct. 22 1.0-18 6.7 U.24 6.81 60.59 •1. U'J Oct 24 1.0G5 8.9 15.21 10. 42 68.51 2. "7 Oct. 24 Oct 25 1.005 1.051 8.9 7.1 15.47 12.26 10.39 0.74 67.16 54.97 :;. 74 Oct. 26 1. 045 6.1 10. 45 4.71 45. 07 4. 45 Oct. 27 1.056 7.7 13.43 8.85 65.90 3.49 Oct. 27 1.059 8 1 14.10 9. 20 65. 25 3. 7:5 Oct. : 9 1.052 7.2 12. 57 8. 12 64.60 3. 40 Oct. 31 1.053 7.3 12. 24 8.16 66. 6G 3.78 Oct. 31 1.056 7.7 13. 05 7.70 59. 00 3. :>.-) Nov. 1 1.0G2 8.5 14.52 9.95 68. 52 3.30 Nov. 2 1.062 8.5 14.35 9.9G 69.47 -- Nov. 3 . . . . Nov. 8 . . . . Mi-ans .. 1.0G2 1.0G1 8.5 8.3 14 74 14.20 10. 08 9.48 68.38 G6.29 3.53 1. 067 7.8 14.02 8.98 64.05 3.24 Maxima . 1.070 9.5 17. Ml 12.28 71.28 4. 15 Minima.. 1.045 6.3 10.45 4.71 45.07 The analyses of the samples of chips taken from each charge of the battery, often twice daily, show the remarkable fluctuations in sucrose which have always been noticed in sorghum juices. The mean composition of the normal juice, Table 10, shows a less per- centage of sucrose, but a somewhat higher purity than were obtained at Fort Scott. The maximum percentage of sugar in the juice is not as great as at Fort Scott, ami the minimum is not so small. In general it may be said that the canes worked at Rio Grande were slightly inferior for production of sugar to those of Fort Scott. The theoretical yield per ton, based on the Fort Scott analyses, would have been as follows : Pounds of juice at '.»:; per cent, extract ion 1,674. Glucose \ 1.42 4.60 Sucrose less glucose x 1.42.. 1.38 Pare Bucrose, first crystallization 7:'.. 32 Pare sucrose, etc., at Fori Scott 7-. - The yield obtained, for various reasons, was much less than this, The tonnage obtained at Rio Grande, however, was fully double that at Fort Scott, and this heavy growth may account for the slightly in- ferior quality of the cane. 22 Table No. 17. — Diffusion juice. Date Specific gravity. Banna''. Liix. o Biix (cor- rected). Sacroee. I'oiity. Glucose. 0 - Sept. - 1.040 5.G 0.0 9. 57 Sept. '•• .... 1.040 5. 6 9. 1 10.21 6.21 Sept. n> ... 1.040 9.1 9. 02 50. 15 Sept 12 1.033 4.7 8. 1 8 91 62. 02 Sept 13 1 037 5.2 9.0 9 61 o. o:i 02. 75 Sept. 15 1.037 9. 2 9.77 5. 4:t Sept. 17 1.045 6.3 10.4 10.43 6.71 64.33 J. »rt * Sept. 19 1.040 9.6 10. 16 5 74 50.50 Sept 20 .... 1.045 6 3 10.5 10. 95 0.18 :;. 27 Sept. 20 Sept. 21.... LI 17 1 050 6. :> 6. 9 11.1 11.8 11.55 12.18 8.47 57 84 "2.T2"" Sept. 21 ... 1.060 6.9 u. a 13.22 07. 85 2.17 Sept 22 1.060 8 2 14.0 14.40 9. 00 2.72 Sept. 23 1 . 055 12.8 B5.06 7. .".I 5T.50 3.00 Sept 24 .... 1.051 7. 1 12.3 12. 30 7.07 57.47 8.24 S.-m . 26 ... 1.042 5. 9 9. :. 9. 56 ti. IS 01.04 2. 00 Sept 27 1.052 7. 'J 12.4 12.00 7. 72 61.27 8. 27 Sept. 27 1.055 7.0 12.5 12.86 7.81 0l.o2 3.51 Sept. 28 .... 1.053 7.3 12.5 12.77 7.47 & 27 Sept. 29 ... 1.051 7. 1 11.6 L2.33 7.81 :;. 10 Oct l 1.040 6. 1 10.9 11.58 7. 09 til. 20 3. 09 Oct :: 1.010 5. 6 10.0 11.12 0. SO 61.69 2. :s7 Oct :* 1.052 7.2 12.1 12. 62 7.55 :t. 00 Oct. 4 1.044 6.1 10.2 10.90 o. 7:5 61.74 :;. 10 Oct. 4 1.0 0 7.1 13.39 v To 04 07 Oct .". 1.043 6. 0 10.1 10.35 0. 62 2. :.o Oct 6 1.045 6 3 10. 6 11.01 (i. OS 63. 40 2 62 Oct 7 l.o:(8 5. 3 9. 28 Oct 1.035 4.0 7.0 8.44 5. 08 00. 10 2.03 Oct. 10 1.042 f). 9 10.4 io 87 7. 42 2. 10 Oct 10 7.0 13.6 14.30 10. 02 70.07 3.10 Oct 11 1.057 7. 8 13.5 13.73 9. 58 09.78 2.94 Oct. 11 1*052 7. -' 12. 1 12.58 s. 10 07. 49 2. 1 - Oct l:; ... 1.045 C). 3 io. 5 10.62 0. 85 60.47 2.50 Oct 13 1 052 7. '_• l •_».:{ 12. 66 8. 28 05. 40 2.94 Oct 14 .... 1.051 7. 1 12. '_> 12.58 8.11 til. IT 2.01 Oct U ... 1.053 7.3 12.3 L2.85 s. 66 3.01 Oct 15 .... 1.047 (i. 5 10. 0 10.98 7.14 65. «i2 2.81 Oct 17 ... 1.034 7. 9 8. 12 0.19 71.14 1 57 Oct 17 .... L.035 4.9 8. 2 6.24 70.75 ........... Oi i. U .... 1 035 1. 9 8.2 0.01 69. 77 Oct l!) 1.036 5.1 8.5 8. 82 2. i:i Oct. 20 1.017 6. 5 in. s 11. 18 7. 00 Oct. 20 1.046 6. I 10.8 11.31 0 07 61.64 2. T.7 Oct. 21 .... L038 9. 1 0.51 5. 54 54. 05 2. 16 Oct 21 1.045 6. 3 10.4 io. ::{ 0. 52 00. 70 Oct 22 1.041 5.7 9. 5 !>. 77 5. :o 56. L9 2. 80 Oct 24 L035 4.9 s. 0 8. 10 5.81 00. 17 1.82 Oct 'J J.... Oet 25 .... 1. 048 1.046 0.7 <; i li. i 10 9 11.91 LI. 35 5 TT 52. 16 '":;. :ct" Oct. 26 .... 1.037 5. 2 8. 5 :;. so ll :;i Oct 27.... 1. 050 6 9 11.8 12.08 Till 63.00 Oct 27 L055 7.0 12.7 13 oo 7 07 8.60 Oct 1.043 8 o 10.0 10.37 6 19 :i. 10 Oct 31 i 036 ;-.. 1 8. 2 2. 75 0( i. 31 .... L045 (i :: io 6 11.01 0. 2:1 Nov. 1 ... 1.050 6.9 11.7 ll 82 0. T2 Nov. '-' ... 1.050 8. 1 13 1 L3. io N<>\ . 3. L056 7.7 13.1 13 .V. Nov. 1.056 7.7 L3. 2 8.41 63. 71 \1. a:is . . i.on; 0.4 10.6 11. 18 0. 9:1 01. 08 2. 80 Maxima Hi) 11. 1(1 10.02 71. 11 B.97 Minima. . 1.7 7. 9 14.81 1.82 The system of diffusion employed ;it Rio Grande is fully explained by Fig. 5, Bulletin N<>. 17. It differs radically from the system <»t ed diffusion. A.s operated a1 Rio Grande lasl year the extraction w;is no better than by good milling in Louisiana, while the dilation was fully as great as at Fori Scotl and Magnolia. The defects of the system were both mechanical ami chemical, 23 The mechanical difficulty is the same as that which attends all meth- ods of diffusion in which the cane chips are moved instead of the diffu- sion liquors. From a mechanical point of view, it is far easier and more economical to move a liquid in a series of vessels than a mass of chips. In the Hughes system the whole mass of chips undergoing diffusion, together with adhering liquor, and baskets and suspending apparatus, are lifted vertically a distance of several feet, varying with the deptli of the diffusion tanks every few minutes. The mechanical energy required to do this work is enormous, and with large batteries the process would prove almost impossible. The chemical defects of the system are shown in the exposure of so large a surface to oxidation and the action of invertive ferments. It is not surprising, therefore, to notice a distinct increase in the ratio of glucose to sucrose in the data of Table No. 17. Diffusion in open ves- sels was tried years ago with the sugar beet, aud was abandoned as being both unscientific and expensive. The degree of extraction in open vessels is also less perfect than in closed cliff users where a considera- ble pressure is exerted on the osmotic liquors. It is but just to say, however, that the poor extraction obtained at Rio Grande is due more to the low temperature at which the diffusion took place than to the open diffusion vessels. I measured the temperature several times at the beginning of the season and found it below G(P 0. By certain modifications made after the close of the season, Mr. Hughes obtained a better extraction. (Bulletin 17, p. 67.) The composition of the diffusion juices is sufficiently shown in Table Xo. 17. Table No. 18. — Exhausted chip juice. Specific gravity. Baumr. I'rix (cor- rected. I Sucrose. Purity. Glucose. 0 0 0 .' Sept. 9 . Sept 12.. Sept. 13.. Sept 15.. Sept. IT 1.019 2. 7 4. ."> '). 03 ::. 22 63.70 1. 7 1 . 82 1.018 2 (i :;. !i :;. 07 I. 017 -• * 4. 41' 1. 010 2 :; 3.7 1 22 2. 67 :>1 l. 'i l. 55 2.3 3. 1 3. 12 2.0 1 '"'til'" Sept 10 1.011 L.O 2.0 2. 70 1.73 64.07 . 7:! s. pt 20 1.007 1.0 1.2 1.70 . 09 . 50 Sept. 20.. 1.010 1. 1 1.0 1. 16 ..".1 Sept 21.. 1.007 1.0 1.88 .98 Sept. 21.. 1.011 ......... Sept, 22.. ""i. :';'.. "4.96 " "";;. 12 Sept 23 1.018 2. 6 3.7 2.31 56. 1 - 1.07 Sept. 24 1.021 4.6 Sept. 26. 1.021 1.3 1.00 Bept 27.. 1.018 - 4. 05 1 78 s. pt 27. 1.016 2. :: s. pt 28 1.021 :; i) 2. mi Sept 29.. 1.016 2. 8 3. 5 4. 12 61. 16 Oct l 1.015 2. ii 1. M Oct 8 . 1.011 1.8 2 1 1 Oct :: 1.021 Oct i 1.016 . •J 54 1.15 Oct 4 8.51 Oet 5 1.007 1 0 1.7 Oct B 1. 007 l.n 1 :. 2.04 Oct V 1. 000 1.0 ,81 1.013 J.:) LOT ,91 24 Table No. 18. — Exhausted chip juice— Continued. Date. Specific gravity. Baumc. Brix. Brix (cor- rected. 1 o Sucrose. Purity. Glucose. 0 0 Per cent. Per cent. Oct. ]0.. 1.018 2.6 4.1 4.40 2.81 63.86 . 92 Oct. ]0.. 1.023 3.3 5.6 3.90 62.10 1.25 Oct. 11.. 1. 027 3.8 6.4 6.64 4. 23 63. 70 1.56 Oct. 11.. 1.016 2,3 3.3 3. 00 2.:; i 64.17 . 75 Oct. 13.. 1.021 3.0 4.6 4.77 2. 95 61.85 1.40 Oct. 13.. 1. 022 3.2 4.9 5. 34 3. 35 62. 75 1.37 Oct. 14.. 1.023 3.3 5.1 5.42 3.42 63.10 1.41 Oct 14.. 1.H19 2. 7 4.2 3.14 65. 14 1 . 02 Oct. 15.. 1.018 2.6 4.1 4. :;;> 2. 72 62. 53 1.04 Oct. 17.. 1.009 1.3 1.9 2. 23 1.49 66.81 .42 Oct 17-. Oct. 18.. 1.009 1.00G 1.3 .9 1.7 1.1 2. 14 1.57 1 . 29 .93 60. 28 59. 23 ...„„.. Oct. 10.. 1.016 2.3 4.5 5. 03 2. 53 50. 30 .85 Oct. 20.. 1.017 2.4 3.8 4.21 2. ,-9 67. 22 .94 Oct. 21.. 1.013 1.9 2. 9 2 01 61.28 .79 Oct. 21.. 1.021 3.0 4.9 5. 25 3.11 59. 24 1.29 Oct. 22.. 1.013 1.9 2.6 2. -7 1.87 65. 85 .81 Oct. 24.. 1.021 3.0 4.8 5. 26 2. 76 52. 47 . 65 Oct, 25.. 1.C14 2.0 :;. 2 3.43 1.75 51.01 1.16 Oct. 26.. 1.014 2.0 3.4 ;:. -7 1.91 49.35 1.43 Oct. 27.. 1.017 2 4 3.9 4.1!) 2. 73 65. 1 - 1.18 Oct. 27.. 1.020 2.9 4.5 4.87 3. 4D 1.31 Oct. 29.. 1.013 1.9 3.1 3.40 2.48 72. 94 .84 Oct. 31.. 1.015 2.2- 3. 5 3.67 2. 17 64.3! 1.08 Oct. 31.. 1.023 3.3 r>. :; 5.53 3.09 54. 07 1.62 Nov. 1.. 1.023 3.3 5.4 5.45 3.48 62. i 2 1.41 Nov. 2.. 1.024 3.4 5.4 5.43 3.60 G6. 30 1.43 Nov. :s.. Nov. 8.. Means .. 1.019 1.019 2.7 2.7 4.2 4.4 4.48 4.56 2.80 2. 97 63 .-1 62. 94 — ••£- — 1.01G 2.3 3.61 4.03 2. 46 61.04 .98 Maxima. 1.027 3.8 6.4 6. Ii4 4. 23 72. 94 1 . 62 Minima . 1.006 .9 1.0 1.33 .81 43.46 .i:o In Table Xo. 18 is shown the composition of the juices expressed from the chips as discharged from the battery. The total sucrose in the fresh- chip juice, as shown in Table Xo. 1G, was 8.0S per cent. There was left in the juice of the discharged chips 2.4G per cent. The juice remaining in the chips suffers a slight dilution during the process of diffusion, but for comparative purposes the quantity of juice in the chips before and after diffusion may be taken as the same. In this case the percentage of juice extracted is 8. IKS — 2.46 = 6.52 per cent. The percentage of extraction, therefore, based on the percentage of sucrose in juices from fresh and discharged chips, is 72.6. This is about the average extraction of good milling in Louisiana, but is better than the results obtained by milling sorghum. As already stated, the efticiency of the apparatus was greatly increased by some changes made after the season was over. 25 Table No. l9.-~9irup (thick juice). Date. Specific gravity. Banna-. Brix. Brix (corrected). Sucrose. Purity. Glucose. 0 0 0 /'- /• cent. > Per cent. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept 8... 1.130 17.5 31.4 32.10 18.67 58.05 9... 10.... 1.138 1.181 17.7 22.3 34.4 40.7 31.86 41.12 18.47 21.26 57. 97 51.70 .'.'.'.'.'..'.... 12.... IS.... 17.... 1.122 1.131 1. 124 15.9 16 9 10. 1 28.8 30.8 28.8 29.64 31.48 28.83 16.81 17.45 15.74 56.71 55.43 54.60 ........... s.'oi"" Sept. 19.... 1. 128 10. 6 29.5 30.08 16.60 55.18 8.49 Sept. 19 ... 1.1-1.'. 18.5 33. 4 33. 94 18.22 53.71 10.45 Sept. 20.... 1. 145 18.5 33.5 31,05 17.38 51.04 10. 20 Sept. 20.... 1.166 37. 9 38. 37 21.00 54. 77 Sept. 21.... 1.154 10. 5 30. 0 30. 69 23.07 62. 88 7.44'" Sept. 21.... 1.14!) 18.0 34.2 34. 74 23. 00 60. 21 7. 26 Sept, 22 ... 1. 101 20. 0 37.0 38. 2G 25. 51 00. 68 7.64 Sept. 23 .. 1.150 19.1 34. S 35.15 19. 25 54. 77 8.46 Sept. 24... 1.162 20. 4 37.1 37. 20 20. 50 55. 27 9.52 Sept. 20.... 1. 122 15.9 28. G 28.68 16.90 58. 92 5.97 Sept. 27 .. 1.149 10.0 34.0 34. 83 20. 03 57. 56 9.10 Sept. 27.... 1.110 14.5 30. 2 26.40 15. £3 59. 96 6.87 Oct. 1.... 1.118 15.4 27. 5 28.55 17.13 60.00 9.24 Oct .'{.... 1.105 13.9 24. 5 2.\ 57 15.84 61.95 6. 05 Oct :*.... 1 080 11. G 24. 0 12.32 49.64 6.10 Oct. 4.... 1.110 14.5 26.0 26. 60 15. 44 58.05 7.79 Oct. 4.... 1. 155 19.6 35.4 35.91 21.06 58. 64 9.10 Oct 4... 1.099 13.2 2:!. 2 23. 23 12. 05 51. 87 5. 53 Oct 6.... 1. 102 13.5 24.4 24. 70 16. 25 05. 70 5.69 Oct. 7.... 1. 008 13.1 23.1 13.42 57.10 6.3 4 Oct. 8 ... 1.087 11 7 20.0 21.28 11.69 54. 03 6.59 Oct. 10... 1 1.-4 19.5 35. 0 35. 74 22.70 63. 68 - - Oct 11.... 1.115 15.1 26.8 26. 98 18.65 60.13 6. 32 Oi r. 11.... 1.140 18.0 32.2 20. 98 64.51 7.40 Oct 13... 1. 172 21.4 39. 30 22. SO 58.17 9.70 Oct 13.... 1. 138 17.7 32. 3 32. 55 19.00 8. 32 Oct. 14... 1.149 19.0 34.5 34.89 21.32 01.11 8.70 Oct 14 ... 1.147 18.8 34.1 34. 65 20. 80 60. 29 *.XC> Oct 15... 1.132 17.0 30. 9 31.10 60.39 7.91 Oct 17.... 1.083 11.2 10.5 19.88 13.73 64.03 3.81 Oct. Oct. 17.... 18.... 1.085 1.134 11.5 17.3 19.9 31.2 31.84 14.04 20. 80 68.32 65. 33 Oct. 20.... 1.171 21.3 39. o 39.59 23.31 lo. r_> Oct 20 ... . 1.144 18.4 31!. 8 3 4.15 20. 4 1 59.85 7. 95 Oct. 21.... 1.121 15.8 15. 15 52. 94 7. 50 Oct 21.... 1.1. ".4 19.5 35. 3 35. 00 10. 10 53. 82 10.82 Oct. 22.... 1.163 20.6 37.4 37.51 18.55 40.-12 lo. 70 Oct Oct. 24 ... 2:. .. 1.183 1. 131 22. 5 16.9 41.4 30.6 42. 02 30. 90 24.86 ■ 15. 82 59. io 51.05 ""a.34**" Oct. 26 ... 1.126 10.3 29. •'. 3o. 07 10.78 12.94 Oct. 27... 1.158 L9.9 30.3 21.73 5!). 78 10.93 Oct. 1.139 17.8 33.17 10. 72 50.4 5 Oct. 29 .... 1.132 17.0 31.7 17.20 - 10, 13 Oct 31.... 1. 189 23.1 42. 0 42. 00 21.8 51.83 14.45 Oct. 31.... 1. 118 15.4 27.7 15.07 5::. A 4 Nov. 1.... 1. 17:. 21.7 51.83 15.70 Nov. 2.... 1. 192 13. 1 13. 10 25. 20 12.27 Nov. :<.... Nov. 8.... Means 1.156 1. 1.7.1 1'.. 7 20.0 36. 4 86.30 21.07 21.20 "lo.' 7:;'" 1. 138 17.7 31.90 32.40 18.68 57. 65 M azima. 1. 192 2.: 4 43 1 41. 10 25. 2.; 15.70 M iniina. 1. 083 11.2 19.5 26 The diffusion juice at Rio Grande, without any treatment whatever, was conducted directly to an open pan and concentrated to a thin sirup. The disastrous effects of this treatment are shown by the data of Table No. 19. The evaporation of sugar juices in an open pan is to be con- demned for lack of economy ; but such treatment, before neutralizing the free acids of the juice, must also necessarily invert a large portion of the sucrose. The glucose per hundred of sucrose in the normal juice at Bio Grande was 3G.0G ; in the sirup it was 46.3S. The pan on which the concentration took place was shallow and fur- nished with steam-pipes. The liquor ran rapidly through, otherwise the inversion would have been much greater. Table No. 20.— Masse cuitcs, Bio Grande, X. J. Table No. 20 shows that no further inversion has taken place by evaporating the sirup in the vacuum pan. Only a small number of samples of masse cuite were obtained, since it required a long working of ' the battery to furnish enough sirup for a strike. Moreover, no samples of masse twite were taken until Mr. Edson took chargeofthe analytical work. The data of Table No. 20 are therefore not strictly comparable with those of Table Xo. 10. The masse cuites at Rio Grande were placed in wagons and kept in the crystallizing room, at the proper temperature, for several days, before being sent to the centrifugal machines. The fust and second sugars were thus obtained as one product. By reason of tin' omission of clarification the sugar was dried with extreme difficulty. Indeed if was found impossible to dry if so as to make a granular product. The gum, glucose, and other impurities kept it in the form of a waxy mass. A glance at the data of Table No. 21 will show the character of the sugar made. A sugar which still con- tains 13.08 per cent, of reducing sugar would be regarded with grave Suspicion by refiners. The character of the sugar shows the necessity of careful defecation ami clarification. Sorghnm juices especially, when worked for sugar, should DC as nearly neutral as possible, and great <'a\<' Bhould be I \ ercised to remove all the scums and to allow suspended matters to settle, 27 Table X<>. 21.- -Raw sugars, Bio Grande, X J. Number. Moistnre. Ash. Glucose. Sucrose direct. Sucrose indirect. Per cent. Ter cent. i Per cent. 1 5326 4.61 2.48 12.12 80. 3 82, 1 1 8327 6. 74 3. 75 16.94 67.7 70. 65 5328 4. 7H 2.94 13.02 7»;. o 77.11 5330 6.67 3. CO 14.25 75.0 76.88 5331 :;. 92 2.71 13.23 69.7 72. 79 5332 5.18 2. 52 13.13 78.8 5333 5.11 2. 83 13.33 78.4 76. 33 53?4 5.11 2. 09 12.35 73.8 71.95 5359 0.08 3.08 16. 78 72. 5 72. :;!i 4.41 2. 00 13. 98 78.2 77. 63 5367 5.81 1. 54 11.00 81.0 79. 77 5368 4.77 1.14 85. 6 84.49 8.40 1.72 12.58 77. 2. 75. 97 5396 5.40 2.01 11.75 80.0 79.61 5397 6. 33 2. 02 13.15 77.73 Ave) 5.30 3.29 13.48 79. 2 7.S.01 5.51 2.48 13.08 76.9 76. 93 The molasses made at Rio Grande shows the unusual phenomenon of a larger percentage of reducing sugar than of sucrose. This is chiefly due to the fact that it contained so large a quantity of water that it was partly fermented before the analysis was made. The samples stood in the laboratory from October, 1887, to February, 1S88 ; and during this time suffered some inversion. No. 5342, Table No. 22, is an extreme instance of this inversion. No. 5305 is also an anomalous sample, the data showing some fault of anal- ysis which was not discovered until tbe tabulation was made. The pro- portion of sucrose in this sample is entirely too large. For further data concerning the composition of the molasses consult Table No. 22. Table No. 22. — Molasses. J!i<> Grande. X. -f. Number. ' A>h. Glucose. Sucrose direct. indirect. /'< T r, at. Per '•< a f. 7*' /■ '•- n>. •' P ' 41.41 6. 36 32. 35 •jo. 2 23.74 30. n 6. 17 26. 6 5338 6. 12 35. 12 2& 1 27.92 5340 0. 16 34.68 25. 4 27.11 5:; ii 39. 17 5.31 32. 70 23. o 5. 4'.t 39.70 14. H :!7. 05 ■20. 4 27.H7 39. L2 2.'. 5 36.61 31.65 33 '.'1 40. 11 30.21 21.1 23. 4 t 30. lo 1.81 34.70 26.-2 31.53 31. 05 A\ . : <;. 50 26. 6 29. lit 31.31 5. 46 3 ■:. 75 „;.:, BECRYSTALL1Z] i> SUG LBS. In order to lit the raw sugars formarkei Ihej \\ ere melted and reboiled iii the vacuum pan. Tbe composition of these rrcrvstallized sugars is aboul the same as seconds fr< m sugarcane. The moan percentage ol is 90.7, while the percentage <>i gl maiua abnormally bigb< 28 The analyses of these sugars are found in Table No. 23. Table N<>. 23. — Recrystdllized sugars, I»'i<> Grande, X. J. Number. Moisture. Ash. Glu. direct. Sucrose indirect Percent Percent ■rnt. Pt r Per cent. 5430 4. 12 .04 1.84 92.5 90. 76 5431 5. 0 1 .90 85. 1 5432 4.7U .91 6 54 91.5 89.6!) 5433 5 M . 32 8. 60 92. 5 91.37 5434 3. 3t .41) 2. 74 9a 5 3. 98 .83 5.93 91.3 89. 5!) 5438 5. 33 1. 11 6. 26 86. 57 5440 3,08 .07 4.13 91.5 90.31 5441 4.20 .67 4. 93 91.2 90. 08 5442 3.85 .84 5. 14 86. 12 Averages.. 4. 1G . 73 5.77 90.7 89.10 Table N j. 24. — Xitrogenous hodia in cane juice. Number. Nitrogen. Albuminoids. 1 Number. Nitrog Albuminoids. /'. /' C< at' Per cent. !( lit. /'. /■ cent. 276 . 052 . 3250 40? . 020 . 1250 277 . 045 .2813 413 .017 .1062 27* . 058 . 3025 431 . 093 .5813 279 .040 . 25D0 471 .012 . 0750 280 .049 472 .017 . 106 ! 28.) .048 .3000 480 . 1438 29D .01!) .3063 4S1 . 027 . L68H 292 . 052 . 3250 H7 . 022 .1375 29:5 .041 . 2563 4b 8 . 025 . 1503 Table No. 25 — Nitrogenous bodies in diffusion juice. Number. N itrogen. Albuminoids. Pi cent. I', r cent. 282 . 023 .143H 105 .014 . 0835 415 .013 .0813 433 .051 . 3375 4S3 .010 . 1000 Table No. 26. — Nitrogenous matterin diffused chip juice. Albuminoids. Number. Nil rogen 17.: . 006 .1)12 i-:i .014 Per ct at. . 02 .07:0 The most encouraging feature connected with the Rio Grande experi- ments is not found in the composition of the cane so much as in the quantity of it which can be grown per acre. The large tonnage ob- tained enabled Mr. Hughes to gel more sugar per acre with 72 percent extraction than was made al Fori Scott with 93 per cent. With a good extraction in the lottery, the yield at Rio Grande could have been in- creased fully 20 per cent. ANALYTICAL WORK AT MAGNOLIA, LA. The analytical work at Magnolia was divided into three classes, viz: (1) A study of tbe composition of the juices from the mill and a par- tial chemical control of the operation of the factory. (2) A complete chemical control of the experiments in diffusion. (3) Miscellaneous work. The chemical work was done chiefly by Messrs. Cramptou and Fake. During the latter part of the season Dr. Cramptou was absent, and the control work was done solely by Mr. Fake. The miscellaneous work I did myself, assisted part of the time by Mr. Fake. The regular chemical work began on the 4th of November, 1887, and ended January 19, 1888. In sampling mill juices a measured portion was taken from each of six clarifiers, representing the average composition of the juice from IS tons of cane. In comparative work, the samples were taken as nearly as possible from the same body of juice in different stages of concentra tion. The samples for the diffusion work were taken as at Fort Scott and I»io (1 ramie. 31 ILL JUICES. During the first few days of the season the juices from the mill were run through a sulphur box, where they were saturated with sulphurous dioxide. They then passed through a heater to the elariliers and thence to the quadruple effect and strike pan without the use of animal char. This method of treatment was abandoned after a short trial, and no further sulphur was used except in one of the diffusion trials. In Table No. 27 are found the analytical data obtained during this time. Table No, 27.— Mill juices sulphured. ' deducing Purity. ■ 1 i . 1 . .. 4 K 10 o !•. K '.< 0 o L6.2 • 14.41 13 li ill 1. 14 1.01 1. 11 1. 17 - - 17 1 nil 1. "i 13 JO in 30 A comparison of the sulphured and clarified juices was also made J bat the duration of the use of sulphur was not long enough to give con- clusive data. It would appear from the results of the analyses in Table No. 28 that the process of clarification tended to lower the parity of sulphured juices ; an apparent fact which more extended investigation would probably modify. Table Xo. 23. — Mill juices. — Comparative samples of sulphured and clarified. Date. Sulphured. Clarified. ■~ s = & - ad n p Z - C - s = fa v3 0 © s u P a- Xov. 2 N«>v. 3 Nov. 4 4 6 10 o 8.8 9.6 9.0 0 15.90 17.-10 16.20 Pr. ct. 12.93 14.41 13.11 Pr. et 1.11 1.14 1.11 81. 32 82.81 80. 92 5 7 11 o o 9.1 16.51 9.0 17.31 11. 4 10. 97 l'r.ct. 14.31 L3.56 /'/■. Ct 1 28 l.lo 1.20 80.43 82. 00 77. 90 9.6 8.8 9.13 17.40 15. 90 16. 50 14.41 12.93 13.48 1.14 82.81 1.11 HO. 92 1. 12 I 9.6 17.31 14.31 10 51 13.28 16.93 13.72 1.28 1.10 1.19 82. 66 77. !•(! 80. 33 9.1 9.37 Means The daily analyses of the mill juices are recorded in Table No. 29. The variations in the percentage of sucrose were caused by the charac- ter of the soil in which the cane was grown. The front lands gave uni- formly a cane richer in sucrose thau the low lands back from the river. Especially in new back land with a high tonnage was this deficiency noticed. The mean results show a juice rich iu^ucrose, poor in reducing su< gar, and of satisfactory purity. Table No. 29. — Mill juices. Date. Nov. 8... Nov. 9 ... Nov. 9... Nov. 10.... Nov. l'.-.. Nov. 12.... Nov. 31.... Nov. 14.... Nov. 15... Nov. 10 ... Nov. 17... Nov. 18... Nov. 20... Nov. 21... Nov. 22.... Nov. 23... Nov. 26.... Nov. 27.... Nov. 28 Nov. 80.... Deo. l ... Deo. 2 ... Deo. :: ... I Number. Sue- rose. o o /'. /■ e< "/. IS 8. 9 16.00 112. 7.- 22 7.9 11.. -in 10.85 -1 9.1 16.36 i.;.:.:. 20 8 8 L5.90 13.22 31 8.0 10. io 12.27 8 7 15.07 12.35 8.9 15.97 12.39 IS 8.0 15.97 52 16.83 13.25 L6.67 01 9.3 60 9. 25 10.73 71 9. 1 16.93 13.83 78 9. 5 17.10 l 1 20 17. 17 11 M '.hi 10.03 u 07 04 !l 1 14.00 Km 9. 1 L6.50 166 16 ".I' 1 : ;i 111 s. :t U 97 12. 13 HI 0 i 16.91 14.09 Hi; 17. 17 14.40 L20 16. II 13.90 i i 9.7 14.74 l ; I 9 146 13.03 150 9.1 16. n 18.87 Reducing Purity. Per out. 1.23 79. 87 1. 11 . S5 . 88 83. 14 1.06 .91 1. 12 1. 1 ■ si. 13 1 08 1.18 61.28 1.(15 81. 11 1.04 .o:t t>3. 27 B7 "1 . 00 si. 50 .70 XI. 69 . 7'.» .82 81.03 .73 .78 .SI . 72 81.22 HO. 18 77.(il 85. 27 - ■> 31 Table No. '20.— Hill juices— Con tinned. Date. Number. Baunie. Biix. Sucrose. Reducing sugar. Purity. 0 0 Per cent. Per cent. Dec. 6.— 160 9.0 16.21 13. 50 .75 83.33 Dec. 6 . . . . lti2 8.8 15.93 13.37 .70 83. 30 !).•.•. 7.... 166 9.1 16.40 14. 16 .70 86. 34 Dec. 8.... 168 8.65 15. CO 12.57 .93 80.57 Dec. 8.... 172 8.9 16.13 13. 55 84. 00 Dec. 9 174 8.5 15. 27 12.1- 1.00 79. 77 Dec. 10.... 177 8.4 15.24 12.17 1.14 79. 85 Dec. 12.— Dec. 13.... 219 8. 3 15.06 12. 05 80.01 226 8.15 14.91 11.94 i.oi 80.01 Dec 13.... Dec. 14.... 227 8.30 14.69 11.72 80.00 230 8.3 15.04 11.84 .*92*"" 78.72 Dec. 14.— 231 8.4 15.11 12.13 .87 80. 27 Dec. 15.... 236 8.15 14.67 11.76 .88 80.16 15.... 238 8.2 14. 83 11.61 .84 78.28 ' Dec 16.... 239 8.0 14. 39 11.33 .94 78.68 i Deo. 17... 243 8.0 14.42 11.33 1. 02 78.57 I), c. 17.... 245 8.15 14.69 11.67 .99 79.45 Dec. 18.... 246 8.6 15.51 12.31 1.01 79.37 Dec. 18.... 247 8.4 15.24 12.27 .97 80.51 Dec. 19.... 248 8.4 15. 23 12.08 1.16 79.31 Dec. 20-... 8.7 15.71 13.61 .86 83.00 Dec 20..-. 254 9.2 16.59 13. 68 .69 82. 45 Dec. 21.... 256 9.0 16. 23 13.97 .64 86.07 Dec 21.— 259 8.1 14.57 11.66 .78 80.02 Dec. 26.... Dec. 26.... 269 9 3 16. ^«i 14. 54 86.49 270 9^4 17! 06 14.78 --—— 86.' 63 27.-.. 271 9.4 17.04 14.81 .44 86.91 Dee. 27.... 272 9.25 16.73 14.31 . 52 85.53 Dec. 28.... 275 9.4 17.07 14.92 .44 87.41 Dec. 28.... 279 9.6 17. 34 15.09 .51 87.02 Dec. 29.... 28] 9.5 17.23 15. 32 .43 88.91 Dec 29.... 9.5 17. 23 15.18 .40 88.10 Dec. 30.... 297 9. 75 17 57 15.40 .41 87. 65 Dec :i0.... 300 9. 4 17 07 14. 72 . 53 Dee. 31.... 310 9.7 17.47 1 5. 33 .47 87.18 Dec. 31.... 316 9.4 16.89 14. 64 .57 86. 67 De, . 31.... 326 9.4 17.68 14.75 .49 86.34 Jan. 1 331 9.4 17.09 14.61 .68 •7an. 1.... 9 25 16 67 14 16 Jan. 2.... :.;i 9.3 14.87 """."k"" 88. 30 •fan. 2... 338 16.64 14.59 . 59 87. C8 Jan. 3 — 342 9.4 17.01 14.67 .54 Jan. 3.... 344 9.8 17.67 15.55 .38 88. 00 Jan. 4.... 345 9.6 17.44 15.28 .44 Jan. 4.... 356 9. 5 17.19 1 4 82 .46 Jan. 5 351 9. 75 17.59 15. 33 .43 87.16 Jan. 5 354 9. 5 17.16 14.92 .47 86.94 Jan. 6 356 9.4 16. 93 14.82 . 69 Jan. 6 ... 361 9.C 17.33 15.26 .55 Jan. 7 361 g t 16.96 14. 55 83. 79 Jan. 7.... 365 17.00 14 89 . 59 Jan. 8 367 17. 23 14.76 .60 Jan. 8... 9.1 16.49 13.79 .70 83. 57 •Ian. 1) 9.5 17.17 14.20 .64 Jan. 373 9.4 .6.90 14.41 Jan. 10 377 9 25 16.66 13.98 7-' • Ian. ID.... 9. 1 16.51 14.02 J17 84.90 Jan. 11.... 9.0 it;. 20 13. h7 Ka 61 Jan. 11.... 384 9.3 16.79 14. 4S Jan. 12.... 16.66 1 I. 20 Jan. 12... 396 9. 25 1.5.7:; . 96 hj 21 Jan. 13 m i ana . . . 396 9.1 10.47 .79 9.04 16. 37 13. 69 .77 Maxima . 9. *0 17.07 15 .V, 1 . 5 "1 Minima. . .'.'.'."..... 7.90 14.30 32 The clarification of tbe mill juices was made in a simple manner. To the juice, as it entered the clarifier from the heater, a quantity of lime was added, nearly sufficient to neutralize the free acid present. The whole was then boiled aud swept until no more dirty foam was formed. It was then allowed to subside for half an hour, and the clear juice drawn off. The skimmings and sediments were sent to the filter presses. The effect of this method of clarification is shown in Table 30. Table No. 30. — Comparative samples of raw and clarified juices. Date. Raw. Clarified. u O ■i 5 u it 1| ■~ to 9 a 3 6 S = a s 6 a 0 * 05 O o p = SI IS 5 >> 3 fc « M xn - ' ~ fe B H •/. - Ph O o I'r.rt. Pr. ct. o 0 I'l.Ct. Pr. ct. Nov. 8... 19 8.9 16.00 12. 78 1.23 79.87 19 9.3 16.79 13.67 1. 25 81.41 Nov. 9... 22 7.9 14. :jo 10.85 1.11 75.87 23 8.7 15.67 12. CO 1.12 Mi. 41 Nov. 10... 26 8.8 15. 90 13.22 .88 83. 14 27 9.25 16.73 14. 01 .92 83.74 Nov. 11... 31 8.9 16.10 12.77 1.08 79. 31 32 9.0 16.31 13.06 1.12 80. 07 Nov. 12... :r> 8.7 15. 67 12.35 .94 78.81 36 8.9 16.01 13. 02 1.20 81.37 Nov. 13... 45 8.9 15.97 12. 39 1.55 77.58 46 8.9 15.97 13.19 1.57 82. 59 Nov. 14... 4S 8.9 15.97 12.63 1.42 79.08 49 9 25 16.68 12. 94 1.58 77. 58 Nov. 15... 52 8.5 16.33 13. 25 1.15 81.13 53 10.0 17.98 14. 87 1.21 82. 70 Nov. 16... 55 8.6 16.57 13.20 1.08 79.66 56 9.5 17.02 14.21 1.04 83. 49 Nov. 17... 61 ft 3 16.83 13.68 1.18 81.28 62 10.0 18.10 14. 92 1.21 82. 4:; Nov. 18... 66 '.). 25 16.73 13.58 1.05 81.11 (i7 9. 55 17.21 14.37 1.08 Nov. 20... 74 9.4 16.93 13. 83 1.04 81.69 75 9. 9 17.83 15.13 1.13 84.85 Nov. 21... 78 9.5 17.16 14. 29 . 93 83.27 79 10.1 18.28 15. 64 .95 85. 55 Nov. 22... 83 9.5 17.17 14. 94 . 65 87.01 84 9.8 17.72 15. 7: i .63 89. 1 1 Nov. 23... 9G 9. 2 16.03 14.07 .lid 84.50 91 9.5 17.17 14.72 Nov. 24... 91 9.4 16. 93 14.00 .76 82. 69 95 9.9 17. 93 15. 25 .72 85. 05 Nov. 26... 100 9. 1 16.56 13.79 .79 82. tit; 101 9. 75 17.57 14.70 .81 83.66 Nov. 27.. 106 9. 25 16.70 13.44 .88 80.48 107 9.6 17.38 14.14 .82 81.35 Nov. 28. . . 114 9.4 16.91 14.09 .73 83. 37 115 9. 65 17.45 1 1. s.: .70 Nov. 29... 116 9. 5 17.17 14. 46 .78 84.21 117 9.8 17. 7K 15.33 .74 86. 22 Nov. 30... 120 8.0 14.41 13. yo .81 84. 75 121 9. 75 17.63 15.20 .77 86.21 Dec. 1... 123 9.7 17.50 14.74 .72 84.22 126 9. 8 17. 611 14.72 .75 83. 10 Deo. 2... 133 «... :. 1 7. 23 14.85 .68 86.18 134 9. 9 17.79 15.71 . ti.; Dec. 5.. 156 9.1 16.44 13.87 .72 81.86 157 9.4 16.94 14.53 .73 Dec. 6... 100 9.0 16.21 13.58 .75 83.83 161 9.4 17.03 1 1 1~ .70 85. 02 Dec. 7... 166 9.1 16.40 14.16 .70 107 9. 1 16.46 11. 18 . 09 8tl. 14 Dec. 8... 168 & 65 15.60 12.57 .93 80. 57 169 8.9 16.07 13.34 . 93 83.01 Dec. 9... Maxima 174 8.5 1 5. 27 12. L8 1.00 79. 77 175 8 9 16.03 13. 17 1.04 82. io 9. 70 17.50 14. 94 1. 55 87. 01 10.1 18.28 15.70 1. 58 89. 1 1 Mi lima . 7. 90 11 50 10.86 . 65 7.\ .-7 15.97 12.00 . 63 77. 58 Mi ana 9. 02 16.84 ,94 82.01 9.48 17. 12 11.:;.. . 115 The increased density of' the clarified juices, and the consequent higher percentage of sucrose, are due to the evaporation which takes place during clarification. The purity of the juices was raised 1.75 points by the process. A Blight destruction of reducing sugars also took place. After clarification (lie. juices were filtered through bone black. This char had been so long in use thai its decoloriziug power was partially destroyed. It served, however, as a most excellent mechanical filter, Berving to remove suspended matter which would not subside. 33 The purity of the juice was raised nearly one point by this filtration. A comparative study of raw, clarified, and filtered juices is given in Table No. 31. TABLE No. 31. — Mill juices. — Comparative samples of raw, clarified, and filtered juices. RAW. Date. Number. Baume. Biix. Sucrose. Reducing sugar. Purity. o 0 Per cent. Per cent. Nov. 8... 18 8.9 10.00 12.78 1. 23 79.87 Nov. 9 .. 22 7.9 H. :;o 10. 85 1.11 75.87 Nov. 10... 20 8.8 15.90 13. 22 83.14 Nov. 11... 31 8.9 10. 10 12. 77 1.08 79.31 Nov. 12... 35 8.7 15.67 12.35 .91 78.81 Nov. 13... 45 8.9 15.97 12. 39 1.55 77.58 Nov. 11... 48 8.9 15.97 12.03 1.42 79.08 Nov. 15... 52 8.5 1G.33 13. 25 1. 15 81. 13 Nov. 10 .. •)j 8.G 10.57 13. 10 1.08 79.06 Nov. 17... 6L 9.3 10.83 13.68 1.18 81.28 Nov. 18... 06 9. 25 10.73 13.58 1.05 81.11 Nov. 21... 78 9.5 17.10 14.211 .93 83. 27 Nov. 22 .. 9.5 17.17 14.94 87.01 Nov. 23... 90 9.2 10.03 11.07 .00 84.56 Nov. 24... 91 9.4 10 93 14.00 .70 82. 69 Nov. 26... 100 9.1 10. 50 13 79 .79 82. 60 Nov. 27... 100 9. 25 lfi. 70 13.44 .88 80.48 Nov. 29... 110 9.5 17.17 14.40 .78 84.21 Nov. 30... Maxima. 120 8.0 10.41 13.90 .81 84.75 9. 50 17.17 14.91 1. 55 87.01 Minima . 7.90 8.95 14.30 10.37 10.85 13.31 .05 1.00 75.87 81.39 CLARIFIED. Date. Number. Baume. Brix. Sucrose. Reducing sugar. ' Purity. o o Per cent. JYr cent. Nov. 8... 19 9.3 1G. 79 13. 07 1.25 81.41 Nov. 9... 23 8.7 15.07 12.60 1. 12 80.41 N'..v. 10 .. 27 9. 25 10.73 11.01 Nov. 11... 82 9.0 10.31 13. 00 1.12 80.07 N..v. 12 . 36 16.01 13. 02 1.20 81.37 Nov. 13... 40 8.9 1 '.. 97 13.19 1.57 Nov. 14... 49 ;i. 25 16.08 12.111 1.50 77.58 Nov. 15... 53 10.0 17.98 11.-7 1.21 82. 70 Nov. 10 ... 50 9.5 17.02 14.21 1.04 Nov. 17... 02 10.0 10. 10 1 1. 92 1.21 82. 43 Nov. 18... 07 17. J4 14.37 1.08 83. 35 Nov. 2] •- 79 1.'. 1 Nov. 22... M 17.72 15.7!) 89. 1 1 Nov. 91 9. 5 17.17 14.72 .01 85. 73 24 95 9. 0 17 93 15.25 .72 Nov. Itii 9. 75 17.57 11.7.) .81 Nov. 27... 1U7 9. 0 17. ::8 11. 11 Nov. 117 9.8 17.78 .74 Nov. 30... M.i\im;i 121 * 75 17. o:; 15. -jo . 1 1 10.1 18.28 15. 79 1. 57 89.11 Minima 8.7 9.50 15.07 17. 10 16.20 14.30 1.02 :j;;;,7i;_13u11 IS- 34 FILTERED. Date. Number. Baume. Brix. Sucrose. Reducing sugar. Purity. o o .' Nov. 8.... 20 9.4 10.90 1 1 00 1.20 Nov. 9 21 9.0 16.23 13.01 1.12 80. 10 Nov. 10..-. 15.73 12. 10 1.01 78. 7G .14 . . . :v.\ 9. :j 10 83 13.62 L03 80. 93 Nor. 12 ... 37 9. 1 16.47 13 29 1. 10 Nov. 13 -17 9.2 1 (i. 50 13.25 1. 39 8.). 01 Nov.14.... 17.27 ia 25 1.60 70. 11 Nov. 1"> . . 54 9. 6 17.38 15. 16 1. L.J Nov. 16 .. Nov. 17... 57 63 9.0 17.30 1 1. 29 1. 18 *1. 60 Nov. 18 ... S 9.8 17.63 1 1. 27 1. U Nov. 21 ... 10.0 18.09 15 50 .:>1 Nbv.22... 8.-. li). 2 IK 39 16 25 .51 88.31 Nov. 23.-.. 92 9.9 1 7. 87 1 5. ti l .:.» 87 52 Nov. 24 .. 06 Nov. 26 .. 102 9.6 17.30 14.63 .77 81.50 Nov.27.... 108 9.9 1 7. 90 1 1. 89 .7_' K:i. 13 Nov. 29.... 118 9.7 17. 17 15.45 .72 ,--4 1 Nov. 30... 122 9. 75 17.50 1 5. on .07 85.77 Maxima in. 2 18.39 1G.25 l.GO 88.41 .Minima. . 9.0 15.73 12. 10 .51 70. 72 9. 55 17.23 !!.:;:. .99 83. 17 ►Samples of the sirup issuing from the Yaryan quadruple effect pan were taken from time to time, and the results of the analyses of these sirups are shown in Table 4S.0. 32. Table No. 32. Date. Number. Brix corrected. Baume' corrected. rarity. Sucrose. Glucose. 1 1 Nov. 3.. 9 54 37 29. 15 ll 27 l 18 Nov. 4.. 15 53. 34 28. 90 80.4:! 12.9 1.88 Nov. 12.. 38 37. 15 20 53 80.91 30.3 2, 89 Nov. IK.. 09 50. 90 27. 70 K2. 32 11.9 Nov. 22.. 86 51.50 28. 00 14.9 2.31 Nov. 23 - m 54. IK 29. in 85. 40 2.04 Nov. :<>.. 103 17.01) 25.00 76. 05 : 6 2 Nov. 28.. 112 51.53 2K. 00 85. 1 0 4:;.!) 2. 50 Dec, -.. 50. 19 27. 30 89. 66 15. 0 Deo. 1.. 151 52. 20 28. 35 15 3 2. 4 1 Deo. 6 163 50. 00 27. 53 86. 16 2. 02 17ii 52. 64 28.54 15.0 2. 16 Dec. 15.. 237 !-. 86 26. 60 K1.K7 40. 0 3. 16 Dec. 20.. 25 : 48. 74 26. 50 78 17 3. 65 Dec. 22.. Deo. 28.. 280 276 46.29 18.79 25. 20 26. 60 89. 57 80. 8 1.86 Jan. 2 ■si:> 50. 5fl 50.02 27. 50 14.8 1.64 Jan. i Bieani 346 27. 40 14 S 1.00 27. 19 84.45 2. 75 The Samples of ma88e CUttes were placed in bodies and seal to the lab- oratory for analysis. In addition to the determinations of the Sucrose by direct and double polarization it was also estimated by copper solu- tion. The mean result of this latter estimation is slightly below the mean ol* the direct readings. In individual cases a marked variation bet ween the chemical and optical methods is noticed. The percentage of ash, compared with sorghum masse euites^ is small. For details see Table N<>. 33. 35 Table No. 33.- -First masse cuiles (mill), Lawrence La. Number. Moisture. Ash. Glucose. Sucrose direct. B Sucrose indirect. Sucrose by copper. Per cent. Percent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per ceJit. 5715 9.69 2.33 8.06. 78.70 78.37 74.94 5717 9.06 2.05 8. 75 77.03 70.74 75. 02 5719 6.30 2. 31 7.03 81.00 80.77 78.58 5720 9.12 2.64 7.31 70.50 74.80 5721 8.C5 2.03 7.06 78.00 77.41 75. 04 5727 17.88 4.06 12.36 70.00 71. Ut 71.48 5729 13.51 2.01 4.56 81.30 80. CO 78. 17 5730 9.40 5.53 75.80 77.71 70.78 5731 8.52 2.41 4.00 80.50 81.06 5734 10.79 2.79 5.91 74.10 75. 58 76. 13 5740 7.85 6.54 75.90 76.88 76.82 5743 5748 8.47 8.21 3.96 2.58 6.94 4.79 80. 7 1 79.00 5749 9.05 3.10 5.13 76.80 78.45 78. 40 5754 10.71 2.17 4.78 77.10 78.08 7,-. 30 5755 10.67 2. 63 3.65 80.00 80.H2 78. 95 5762 10.73 2.66 4. 29 77.70 79.31 82. 14 5763 9.29 1.94 3.98 79.00 78.40 5767 8.84 2.14 3.79 83.20 84.31 70.50 576s* 4.26 82.20 83.00 5770 10.54 2.12 4.40 79.00 8'). 61 79.38 5773 9.03 2.37 4.75 78.10 79.84 79. 10 5776 9.39 2.35 4.83 79.30 80.01 5780 9.48 2.48 5. 28 78.60 8D.15 78. 28 5783 Averages . . 9.84 2.50 5.21 78.10 79.54 70.75 9 79 2.53 5.73 78.21 79.05 77. 40 87. 63 The high parity of the masse cuites, as shown in Table Xo. 33, as com- pared with the juices and sirups, may be accounted for as follows : In the latter the percentage of total solids was calculated from the readings of the saccharometer ; in the former by drying and direct weighing. The results of last season's work, both with sugarcane and sorghum juices, show that by the use of the spindle the percentage of total solids found is always too high. The parity of the juices, therefore, is higher than indicated by the analyses. A note on the subject will be made subsequently. The direct polarization of the first sugars is given in Table Xo. 34. In these sugars there was only a trace of glucose, but no attempt was made to estimate its quantity, not even by Soldaiui's reagent (carbonate of copper dissolved in acid carbonate of potassium). For the same reason a double polarization was not necessary. Tabi U.— First sugars, Lawrence, La. Sucrose. Date. No. Sucrose. N<>\. 1 14 97.0 I 210 -JT.ii 18 202 Nov. 11 280 70 • Ian. 77 Jan. 3 !•:. ;. Jan. a 97.0 .1 HI. 0 : 109 97.6 Nov. :'8 1 110 l IQ 36 FIRST MOLASSES. Samples of molasses from tbe first sugars were taken from time to time from the large tank into which the molasses was pumped alter issuing from the centrifugals. These samples therefore represent fairly well the composition of the first molasses for the entire seasou. The same remarks apply to the mean purity as were made in respect of the purity of the masse cuites — the water in the molasses having been de- termined by direct weight. The mean determinations by the copper method agree well with the results of double polarization, although, as in the case of the masse cuites, the individual deviations are large. The presence of invert sugar, op- tically active, is clearly shown by the differences in single and double polarization. Analyses follow in Table No. 35. Table No. 35. — First molasses, Lawrence, La. Number. Moisture. Ash. Glucose. Sucrose direct. Sucrose indirect. Sucrose by Fehling. 5718 5724 5728 5741 5744 5745 5747 5753 5700 5766 5768 5772 5775 5778 5781 Averages. . .. Mean purity. Per cent. 31. 25 28.84 39.65 29.39 Per cent. 4.32 3.92 4.48 6.12 8.43 7.48 5.64 4.87 Per cent. 13.65 14. 23 16.18 Per cent. 47. 20 45. 50 33.00 Per cent. 46.97 48.21 33.33 Per cent. 44.89 46.89 14.63 9.43 32. 30 46.20 36.70 45.34 34.05 43.83 30.70 29.30 4. 25 10.58 13.34 8.53 8.28 9.80 'J. 52 10.05 54.90 44.10 46.20 55. 50 5^.50 53. 90 55. 20 55.10 52. 46 55.14 49.77 58.46 61.98 57. 27 59. 12 58.85 48.09 56. 26 50. 80 59. 26 18.82 22.95 20.94 23.30 23. 08 23.27 7.15 4.49 4.52 5.29 4.32 4.8i 57.72 58.44 67.70 26.79 5.42 10.90 48.28 51.05 51.56 69.73 SECOND MASSE CUITE. The samples of second masse euitc analyzed were all, with one ex- ception, taken at the last of the season, when the juice was particularly rich in sucrose. They show therefore a higher purity than the mean of the first molasses. The data in Table No. 30* furnish a further illus- tration of the fact that the molasses from rich juices have a higher purity than dial from the poorer sorghum. These facts are suggestive of the idea that the solids not sucrose in BOrghum are less melassigenic than those in sugar cane. 37 Table No. 36. — Second masse cuites, Lawrence, La. Date. Number. Moistire. As"- <- *£* Sucrose indirect. Sucn Fchl . Nov. 11 5722 576 L 9764 5765 5784 Per cent. 5.49 10.51 Per cent. 4. 25 4.08 Per cent. : 7.31 8.30 5. 92 Per cent. J\r cent. 67.10 6». 20 " - 73. 00 67.90 fig 77 /Vr ■ Jan. 2 j. in. f; 7.15 7.78 4. 12 Jan. 12 4.48 9.69 7.73 4.23 8.91 69.04 71. 54 Uean purity . i 1 1 ' SECOND Mr LASSES. The samples of second molasses were taken from large cisterns and represent fairly well the character of tins product for the entire season. The most striking feature of the mean composition of this molasse is the purity co efficient. After two crystallizations the molasses at Mag- nolia still had a purity-number only a little below the first masse cuitc at Fort Scott, and almost identical with that of the first masse cuitc at Rio Grande. This number shows the possibility of a large yield of third soga Table No. 37. — Second molasses, Lawrence, La. Number. itare. Ghi' Sucrose direct. Su< - indirect. tog. Nov. 19 5751 5706 Per cent. 16. 33 Per cent. 7.15 I'- r 16.60 13.34 /'. r 4I.7U ^4.70 34 84 Deo. 24 •Jan. 0 19.81 7.10 L7.29 45.01 TaBLI -Si ond sugars, Lawrmce, La. X umber. Safin Per cent. 44 95. 6 Dee. - 171 -• a • Lin. 4 A \ 1 89.76 38 CHEMICAL CONTROL OF THE DIFFUSION EXPERIMENTS. The following data respecting the diffusion experiments are abstracted from Bulletin 17, pp. 83-89: The first results from the experiments were obtained from the ran of December :>, 1687. The juice was treated with .3 per cent, its weight of lime, aud after the precipita- tion of the lime with carbonic dioxide, an amount of lignite equal to 10 per cent, of the weight of the sugar present was added. The juice filtered readily through the presses, forming iirm, hard cakes. The filtered juice was treated with phosphate of soda, 15 pounds of this salt being added for each 5,000 pounds of juice. The phosphate produced an abundant floccnlent precipitate, which filtered easily through the twin filter presses, giving a juice of remarkable limpidity. The masse cuite, however, was dark, and the molasses much inferior in color to that made by the use of bone-black and ordinary clarification. The phosphate of so;la did not produce as favorable results as had been expected, and its farther use was discontinued. Following are the data obtained in the first run : Table No. 39.-— First diffusion run, December [I, 18& Total solids. Sucrose. Glucose. Juice from chips : Per ct. 14.45 15.45 ; 12.01 1 1 . 02 Per cent. . 96 1.00 1.02 Third 15.03 12. 26 .90 Diffusion juice : First 10.88 10.40 8.88 8. 05 .8:? .74 10.64 8.70 .78 Exhausted chips: .51 .70 .01 .7:; 11. 00 I 9. 20 .70 51.80 42.20 4.". o,) 01.01) 76. 30 11.11 Pounds. The i "i;. i mi -,ii in i lie cane at 00 pei cent juioe vrai or tli is thei ried 140.1 pounds at 07.60 nit a i.i I'M pounds al dm; Total pure sucrose obi lined 181. i Leftin • . 14.6 Total lofl hi inola noHund losl in manufacturing 24. '.) lie third sugar will not be dried until In MavorJuni . «• been made by We. B. C> Barthelemj The estl 39 EXTRACTION. The percentage of sucrose left in the spent chips was .73. 11.03 per cent. The per cent, of extraction is therefore 11.03- 100 = 93.4. SECOND TKIAL. Sucrose in cane was .73 = 10.30 -H 11.03 X Another trial was made of the diffusion machinery, beginning December 9. Car- bonatation was again used, but without lignite or any farther treatment. The juice passed directly from the filter presses to the double-effect pan. The quantity of lime employed was .G per cent, the weight of the juice. The filtra- tion was perfect. The experiment was remarkable in showing that a perfect defeca- tion can be made with carbonatation with a much smaller percentage of lime than had been supposed necessary. The ynossc cuite was dark, but the sugar a fair yellow. Following are the data of the run : Table No. 40.— Second diffusion run, December 9, 1887. S2S. s— Fresh chips: First sample . . Second sample Third sample. Fourth sample Fifth sample .. Average Diffusion juice: First sample . . Hid sample Third sample.. i th sample Fifth sample .. Per ct. 14.06 15.65 15.70 35.50 14.00 14.98 Per cent. 11.70 13 64 13.62 13.02 11.18 12. Gl 9. 36 8.G7 !) 68 10.40 10.20 7.61 a 4.-. Glucose. Per cent. 1.04 .75 .81 1.02 .67 .58 .78 9.CG 96 G9 Carbonatated juioe: )1 sample 9.12 Second sample 8.74 Third sample 10. 2<> Fourth sample 11.40 9. 86 ited chips : First sample . •1 sample Third sample Fourth samph Fifth sample . 7.73 9.00 8. 16 .61 1.58 L69 .48 .40 A verage Semi-sirup in -i sugar a firsts Second Bugar 72.1(1 42.40 87.30 Yield of Qrst sugar per ton pounds.. Field of sec 1 Bugar per ton do - - . Cane used tons.. The total sugar in the cane at 90 per cent, iuioe vras per ton.. Of these tin re wrere obtained 128 pounds at 96.6 A i, 1 1 43 pounds at 87.3 Total pure sucrose obtained p Pure sncTose lefl in chips Pure soorose lef( In molasses and lost In manufacture I hi nl sugar estimated do.... Pcrcentagi ar in <• ine «v • The poor yield was dno to nso of thick chips during the firal pari of the run, Musing a low of 1.6 p< i cents suerose in the chips, 40 THIRD TRIAL. Ill this run the use of carbonatation and lignite was discontinued. The diffusion juices were treated with sulphur fumes until well saturated. They were then treated with lime and clarified in the usual way. The clarification took place readily. The quantity of scums was very small, and the sediment subsided rapidly, forming a thin layer on the bottom of tho tank, per- mitting the clear liquor to bo easily and completely drawn off. The juice passed at once from the clarifiers to the double effect pan and subsequently received no further purification. Following are the analytical data obtained : Table No. 41.— Tkird diffusion run December 10 and 11, 1888. Fresh chips : First sample .. Second sample. Third sample.. Average. Diffusion juice : First sample. Second sample Third sample. Average. Sulphured juice: First sample... Second sample. Average. Clarified juice : First sample... Second sample. Thiid sample. . Average. Exhausted chips: First sample... end sample. Third sample. Fourth sample. Average. Semi-sirup First sugar i first sugar. Total solids. Per ct. 14.39 12.77 14.49 13.88 9.42 9.41 9.55 9.46 9.69 P. 12 Sucrose. Per cent. 11.88 10.63 12. 06 11.53 7.82 7.87 7.80 7.85 8.17 7.53 9.40 =|i 7. 8."> 9. 95 9.89 10.32 10.05 41.70 "72." 90 8.21 8.00 8.39 8.22 84 m 08. 30 36.70 Glucose. .79 .77 .80 .78 .62 .59 .67 83 .58 2.87 12.07 First sugar per ton , pounds.. 143 N amber tons cane used no The molasses from the first BUgar was boiled to Btring proof, and put in wagons. A good crystallization of second sugar was secured but, the molasses having been left too acid, a good separation was not seemed. Mr. Barthelemy therefore decided to reboil the molasses with some of the product of the mill process, and therefore no statement of the quantity of second sugar can be given. H was estimated at 30 pounds per ton. The cane from which this run was made was grown on new bach land and was the poorest of t he \\ hole season. The percentage of sugar extracted of total sugar In cane vras 92.80. .ill I rial. [n this run the diffusion juice was treated with lime until almost neutral. It was then boiled, skimmed, and allowed to set I lo. The scums and sediments were of small volume ami were all returned to the battery. 41 The juice received no other treatment whatever for clarification. It was converted to sirup in a double effect vacuum pan. The capacity of this pan was not quite great enough to evaporate the juice as fast as furni.shed by the battery. For this reason the run which might have been linished in two days occupied a part of a third day. The quantity of cane worked was 200 tons. The following is a record of the analytical data obtained : Table No. 42.— Fourth diffusion run, December 29, 30, and 31, 1887. Juices from fresh chips : A. M., first day P. M., first clay Midnight, first day ... A. M., second day Midnight, second day. A. M., third day P. M., third day Average fresh chip juice for run. Diffusion juices: First sample, first day Second sample, first day... Third sample, first day Fourth sample, first day . - - First sample, second day . . Second sample, second day. Third sample, second day- . First sample, third day Second sample, third day .. Average diffusion juice for run. Clarified juices: Average for first day Average for second day ., First sample, third day .. Second sample, third day Third sample, third day . Average clarified juice for run Juices from exhausted chips: First sample, first day S.cond sample, first day ... Third sample, first day Hi st sample, second day. . . Second sample, second day. Third sample, second day.. 1 list sample, third day.'... Second sample, third day.. Third sample, thud day"... exhausted chip juice for run. : up for first strike Masse cuito, first strike First sugar from first strike First molasses from first strike Semi-Sirup for .second strike I uite First sugar .I second strike Am rage extraction Pounds fust rogar per ton Per i cut sugar extra* U d obtained in Brsts. Total, solids. Per ct. 16.46 17.27 17.26 17.13 16.97 16.19 16.26 16.79 9.72 10.09 11.38 11.60 11.10 10.92 10.94 10.45 10.87 10. 10.75 11.77 12.01 11. CI 11.25 Sucrose. 11.48 Glucose. Per cent 14.23 15.33 15.12 14.84 14.93 13.90 14.05 37.37 7fi. 22 40.00 79.00 14. 60 8.71 9.01 10. 16 9.31 9.87 9.69 9.77 9 31 9.69 50 Per cent. .49 .43 .43 .45 .54 .61 .50 0.34 10.36 10.30 9.78 9. 51 9.87 .83 1.12 .72 .95 1.09 L30 1.10 !il 33.10 81.20 9S. 40 51.80 35. l" 93. K 165.5 .49 39 36 7. 76 1.19 ton pounds Third sugar per ton (estimated) do ... Case used t<>n* * On February 29 I was in funned l.y |. n. r from Governor Warmotb thai the third sugars (run id* fourth run !i id boon di i< I md weighed, yielding 3,723 pound I, or 18 8 pounds per too. 42 FIFTH TRIAL. The fifth ami last run of the diffus j wasbegnn on January 14 and finished on the 18th. This trial was made after the milling work had been completed. The diffnsionjuices were treated precisely the same way as the mill juices had been, and after passing over bone-black were concentrated to sirup in a Yaryan «viadmple effect, which has been in use with the mill juices during the manufacturing season. The working of all the machinery during this final trial was satisfactory, and the even march of the whole work promoted the efficiency of the machinery ami the suc- cessful manipulation of the juice. Table No. A3.— Analytical data of fifth run. So. Brix. Sucrose. Glucose. No. Brix. Sucrose. Glucose. Fresh chips : 397 o 16.87 16.39 16. 39 17.(9 16.86 17.16 10.93 17.00 10.70 16.79 17.19 10.73 17.11 16.17 16.17 10.60 16.63 10.77 16.23 10.03 16. 07 16.81 16.37 16.51 10. 94 16.57 Per cent. 14.23 13.45 13.79 11.7.1 12.11 14.73 14.06 14. 50 13.93 14.11 14.17 14.19 14. 55 13.48 13.43 13.99 14.39 14.28 13.29 1 3. 79 13.35 14.34 13.54 14.17 14. 38 14. 52 Per cent. 74 .87 .89 .68 .75 .04 .70 .01 .73 .74 .61 .59 .01 .75 .70 .63 .05 .03 .77 .76 . 85 .64 .82 .70 . or. .03 Diffusion juices— continued. 450 o 9.88 10.87 9.89 10.67 10.47 10.17 10.15 10.31 10.59 9. 69 Per cent. 8. 12 9.00 Per cent. .4? .38 .45 .61 .72 .48 .48 .47 . 52 .61 400 403... 453 405... 460 408 406 8.41 8.01 7. 86 7. 92 8.26 7.53 411... 409 4'4 . 473 417 .. 470. 420 479 423 .. 485 426 491 4°9 Maximum . Minimum.. 437 9. 28 7.53 8.41 .72 .31 .47 440 443... Exhausted chips: 399 449 .52 .21 .32 .52 .41 .33 .42 . ia . 12 .50 . 50 .42 .40 .51 . 12 .39 . 13 .51 ! 18 452 459 402 465 .. 407 468 410 472 .. 413 475 . 410 478 484 490 Maximum . Minimum.. 419 422 4 ." .. 4' 8 14.73 12. 1 1 13.98 .89 . 59 .70 431 439 4 42 Diffusion juices: 398.... 40; 404 41)9 412 415 .. 11.37 10. 07 10.61 11.01 10.91 10.71 10.0.". 10. :.7 10.52 10.65 10.27 10.73 10.88 9.5 445 9.28 oil t his to grain did not succeed in giving s maweouiU whioh could be dried with ease. The molasses running from the machines was so thick that it red them np. Seven large sogar wagons were filled with this material and set in the hot room. 43 The sugars made were equal incvery respect to those obtained by milling in simi- lar instances. Without counting the second sugar above named, the grained sugar per ton amounted 181.5 pounds. The grained sugars in -wagons will yield not less than 7,500 pounds, or 18 pounds per ton. The third sugars are estimated by Mr. Barthelemy at not less than 1G pounds per ton. The total yield per ton of the fifth run will reach therefore 215.5 pounds per ton. The number of tons of cane used was 417. Table Xo. 44. — Summary of results. Sugar Mean Mean erained Xuinber of lun. sucrose glucose. iupanper 1U juice. in juico. ton. First sugar. Tons. . . Pounds. 1 80.3 12. 'JO .99 146.1 2 9J.0 110.0 200.0 417.0 12. 61 11.53 14. GO 13.98 .78 .49 .70 128.0 143. 0 105. 5 181.5 3 4 5 "Wagon sugar per ton. Total sugars Second Third timated). per ton. Pounds. Pounds. Pound*. 40.1 201. 2 4:;.0 18 189.0 30.0 12 185.0 45.9 18 229.4 18.0 10 215.5 MASSE OTJITES, SUGARS, AND MOLASSES FROM THE DIFFUSION Rl Following are the data of the analyses of the masse cuites, sugars, and molasses from the diffusion runs. In Table No. 45 are the results of examination of samples afforded by tlie first (1 illusion run. Tabu . — Fust run, juices a th sodium phosphate. X... Moisture, Glucose. Sucrose direct Indirect Sucrose Feuling. cuite ' I Tl.ln A \ era ;ea 2. 79 o.:.i 2. 79 5.91 7 7.:. i 44 Table No. 46. — Carbonatation, second run, diffusion, Laurence, La. No. Moistuie. Ash. Glucose. Sncrose direct. Sucrose indirect. Sucrose by Fehfing. First masse cuite... 5735 Per cent. 9.53 Percent. 3.90 Per cent. 6.21 10.50 Per cent. 75.7 42.4 96.6 87.3 Per cent. 76. 22 Per cent. 70.94 First sujjar 5J37 6762 .58 3.23 .48 2. 88 Second sugar 1.36 80.49 84.20 Table No. 17. — Juice suljrfiurcd, third run, diffusion, Lawrence, La. No. Moisture. Ash. Glucose. Sucrose direct. Sucrose indirect. Sucrose by Fehling. Masse cuite Molasses 5736 5739 5738 Per cent. 8.42 34.04 .46 Per cent. 3.79 7.53 .82 Per cent. 6.79 12. 07 Per cent. 73.9 36.7 96.3 Per cent. 76.19 rer cent. 76.58 Table No. 43. — Fourth run, clarification by lime, diffusion, Lawrence, La. Number. Moisture Ash. Glucose. Sucrose direct. Sucrose indirect. 575G 5759 Percent. 9.42 !l. 27 Per cent. 2.63 2.57 Per cent. Percent. 77.40 Per cent. 78.48 9.35 24. 01 .27 2.00 5. 28 .32 77.40 51.80 98.4 78.48 5758 0757 7.77 Table No. 49. — Fifth run, juices uonc-llaclccd, diffusion, Lawrence, La. No. Moisture. Ash. Glucose. Sucrose direct. Snorose Indirect. Sucroso by Fehling. First masse cuite.. 57*7 5790 Per cent. 8.83 10.08 12.04 Per cent. 2.47 3.49 Per cent. 4. ;;<; 4.24 1 70. 8 76. 5 7:;. 7 Per cent. 78. 77 7.".. 88 /Vr r> lit. 7:.. 1 1 10. 52 2.81 4.62 76.6 7S.2) 7.x.:::! I • ii.-d molasses 5791 BL67 C, 71 39.0 41.98 41. 11 4:>. 7;> 43.82 42. 79 43. 92 38.01 i 68 10. 51 44.80 48.51 77.2.1 53.14 Second masse cuite Second molaasi-n... 6792 5793 10.21 7. 60 7. (Hi 15.80 43.81 24. 33 1 1. 80 41.9 47. 52 49.48 The second molasses from the fifth run of diffusion, on account of the crowded condition of tin' sugar-house, could not be kepi separate from the mill products, it will be 1 1 < >t i <-« *« l thai this molasses was still ex« oeedingly rich in sucrose. 45 The apparent percentage of sucrose is as high as in the first molasses, but this is due to the much higher content of water in the latter prod- uct. Nevertheless the sugar yield would still be very large to reduce the third molasses to the relative proportions of sucrose and glucose con- tained in the sample from the Calumet plantation, sent by W. J.Thomp- son, the analysis of which will follow. In view of this exceeding richness it would seem that the estimated yield of third sugars from the ruu given in Bulletin 17, viz, 15 pounds per ton, is entirely too low. This yield would doubtless have been fully 30 pounds per ton. While the chemical control of the diffusion experiments has proved reasonably satisfactory, yet there remain many points of interest which can only be determined by more extended investigations. Among these may be mentioned the marked oxidizing power of the bone black on diffusion juices. These juices on reaching the bone-char- filters were as nearly neutral as possible. On issuing from the fil- ters they were intensely acid, and were again treated with lime before a second filtration. Diffusion juices have proved to be much more amenable to treatment for clarification than our first experiments with diffusion applied to sorghum indicated. A simple treatment of the juice with lime, careful skimming and subsequent precipitation of the sedi- ment in settling tanks, appears to be all that is necessary to make a fine article of raw sugar, either with sorghum or sugar canes. SUMMARY OF DATA FOR FOUR YEARS AT MAGNOLIA. BY G. L. SPENCER. The crop of 1887 was in many respects a remarkable one. In the early spring the cane was considerably larger than in average seasons. The stand was unusually good. Favorable rains and exceptionally good weather permitted a very thorough cultivation. The rows were well shaded before the 1st of July. All these favorable conditions united to make this crop the best in the history of the plantation. Mag- nolia seemed to be especially favored. When the fields above and ou the opposite side of the river were too wet for cultivation those of Mag- nolia were in the best possible condition. The following is a brief resume of the growing seasons of the four years since the establishment of the Magnolia station : Season o/1884. — The spring weather was favorable and continued so until the 1st of June, then followed a period of wet weather lasting until August, which was a very dry month. September and October were favorable to the ripening of the cane. During the rolling season there were frequent and heavy rains. The tonnage was good, and the quality of the cane excellent. Season of 1885. — Exceptionally wet weather continued through the early part of this season. The rainfall from April to July was limited to two or three showers. There were frequent rains in August and September. The rest of the season was exceptionally cool and dry. A severe wind storm in September completely prostrated the cane. The wet weather in September and the wind storm damaged the cane very materially. The tonnage was large. Season of 18&6>— In January a freeze of remarkable severity threatened damage to the stubble. Small crops were predicted for the next season. The crop was small, but the shortage was not attributable to the results of the freeze. February, March, and April were cold and wet: consequently the cane obtained a Late start. May was dry and cool; June and July were too wet to permit <>r proper cultivation; August was dry and exceed- ingly hot. These adverse Conditions all tended to stunt the cane. Al- though the start was good the tonnage was small. The juice was ex- ceptionally rich and pure. 46 47 Season of 1887. — The cane obtained an early start. The weather was favorable throughout the season. The crop was but little damaged by the heavy wind storms in August and October. The tonnage was ex- ceptionally large and the juice excelled in richness and purity. It may be seen from the above resume that two of the seasons were very favorable, one of these exceptionally so. The following table of averages shows the quality of the juices for the four seasons : Season. Degree Brix Percent, sucrose — Per cent, glucose Co-efficient of purity 1884. 18S5. 1886. 1887. 16.54 13. 05 .67 78.69 15.80 12. 11 1.02 76.64 16.20 13. 50 .61 8:3. 33 16.37 13.69 .77 83.48 The quality of the cane in 1885 was exceptional. The proportion of glucose is considerably above the average for the four seasons. The percentage of sucrose is low. The analyses for this season show fully thirty pounds less available sugar present than those for 18S7. A comparison of the analyses of juices for the seasons of 1880 and 1887 shows that they were of almost exactly the same average quality, although in the latter season the tonnage was about twice that of 188G. Many planters considered it impossible to obtain a very large tonnage and at the same time a rich cane. The yield and quality of the cane in 1887 indicate that a large cant' does not necessaril}' carry a weak juice. On the contrary, some of the heaviest cane on Magnolia was the richest, containing about 15.5 per cent, sucrose in the juice. All this cane, including the heaviest, was quite ripe. Wouk at Magnolia Plantation. ;> 0/1837-83.* Tons of cane 13, 344 Acres plant-cane - 275 Acres first year's stubble 242 Acres second year's stubble Total 604 Average tonnage per aore Total weight, first Bugai pounds.. 1,6! Total freight, grained seconds do Total weight, wagon seconds do Total weight, third sugars do 21 I, 178 Total weight, all Bugara do.... •Averages for entire crop, including diffusioo work. 48 Average yield of sugar per ton of cano pounds. Per cent, of yield, sugars Total gallons of molasses Total pounds of molasses, at 11^ pounds per gallon Per cent, of yield of molasses Per cent, of yield of masse cuite (i. e., sugar and molasses) Pounds sugar per acre Pounds molasses per acre 181. 43 9. 072 58, 350 671,025 2.514 11.566 4,008.3 1,110 Magnolia Plantation. Crop of 1887-'88.*— Diffusion work. Tons of eaue worked 913 First sugar pounds.. 121,9(54 Second sugar, grained do 31, 704 Second sugar wagons do 15,935 Third sugar wagons 14,653 Total sugar 184,316 Average yield, first sugar, per ton pounds.. 133.58 Average yield, second sugar grained, per ton do 34. 17 Average yield, second sugar wagons, per ton do 17. 46 Average yield, third sugar wagons? per ton do 16.05 Total sugar per ton of cane 201.26 Percent, of yield 10.063 Magnolia Plantation. Crop 1887-'88. Tons of cane rolled E xti action, per cent Pounds 1st sugar per ton cane.. Pounds 2d sugar por ton cano .. Pounds 3d sugar per ton cano . . Total sugar per ton cano, lbs . . . First period. 494 78.60 101 84 16.05 151. 05 Second period. 2,201 79. 02 * 132. 80 8 10.05 150. 85 Third period. 2,244 79. 01 139. 94 36.36 16.05 192. 35 Fourth period. 2,260 78.46 123.50 29. 00 16.05 109. 15 Fifth period. 806 79 122.70 40. 50 10. 06 179. 25 Sixth period. 3,966 79.30 •144.60 41.00 16.05 202. 15 Total. 12, 131 78.81 138.81 26. 06 16.05 179.93 Includes grained seconds. Magnolia Plantation. Crop of IS&I-'m.—Mill work. Total tons of cano rolled Pounds of juice 19, Extraction per cent cano First sugar Pounds.. 1, Second Nugar grained do Second sugar wagon do Third sugar wagon do Total sugars do 2, Average first, sugar per ton cane do average teOOnd sugar grained per ton cano do Average second sugar wagon per ton cane do "Average of all the cine worked l»y dill'usion. 12, 431 636, 068 7 8. 94 537, LS6 188, 720 311, 334 199 525 236 7;;;> 66 L5. L8 25. 06 49 Average third sugar wagon per ton cane * pounds.. 16.05 Average total sugar per ton cane do 179. 93 Per cent, of yield, sugars 8. 996 SPECIAL ANALYTICAL WORK. Several problems were presented during the progress of the work at Magnolia for solution. It is difficult to get time during the progress of manufacture to study such special problems ; as much time, how- ever, as I could take from the general supervision of the work was given to this special analysis. COMPARISONS OF DIRECT AND INDIRECT POLARIZATION. If sorghum and cane juices were composed alone of a solution of su- crose, the quantity of this substance could be determined at once by a direct polarization ; unfortunately for the simplicity of chemical manip- ulation, such is not the case. These juices contain other substances which are optically active. In sorghum juices especially we find large quanti- ties of substances present other than sucrose, which have the power to affect the polarized ray. In cane juices the substances which tend to produce right-handed ro- tation are soluble starch, so-called, and its derivatives, dextrine and dextrose. Of the substances tending to produce left-handed rotation at ordinary temperatures may be mentioned invert sugar and certain nitrogenous bodies. Were these left-handed and right-handed bodies present in neutral- izing proportions they would have no effect upon the polariscopic de- terminations of the sucrose, but such is not always the case; hence, a direct reading on the polariscope of sugar juices can not always be re- lied upon to give exact data concerning the proportion of sucrose pres- ent. In the case of juices the variation may not be marked, but after con- centration a direct polariscopic reading of the masse cuite, or molas may prove very erroneous. To determine the magnitude of this variation in the juices of sirups and molasses from sugar cane, the following analyses were made. In Table No. 50 are found data relating to clarified juices. These samples were taken with the greatest care. The measurements were made in tared flasks, with a weighed quantity of the juice, and all of the analytical operations conducted with the greatest precautious. It will be seen by consulting the mean data of the table that the per- centage of sucrose was increased from 1 1. k9, the direct reading, to 1 1.07, the percentage given by the polariscope after inversion. The mean quantity of sucrose is increased by about one-third of the percenta the reducing sugar present. L>:;;>7o— Hull IS 1 Table No. 50. — Single and double polarization of mill juices, Magnolia. Sii _ Number, polarization sucrose. Invert Temper- polarization, ature. Sucrose by doable Increase. polarization. Glucose. Per a nt. 1 14.7 2 12.75 3 15. 53 4 13.75 5 13. 02 (i 13. 95 7 16.45 8 15. 58 9 16. 23 1') 16.18 11 14.80 12 12.73 — 4.84 — 4.39 — 4.75 — 4.90 — 4.4.! — 4.35 — 5. 23 — 4.57 — 4. 98 — 4.90 — 4.68 — 4.18 — 4. 95 °C. 24.0 23.0 25. 5 23.0 21.5 27.0 29.0 31.0 31.25 27.0 28.0 Per ft ut. 14. i'O 0. 20 12.92 0.17 Per c< nt. 15. 40 14.07 13.09 14.02 16.74 16. 52 15. 40 14. !)9 12. 84 - 0.07 0. 32 0.07 0.07 0.29 0. 26 0. 29 0. 22 0.19 0. 11 .53 .40 .36 .47 . 12 .53 . 56 .57 .64 .56 13 Averages 13.65 13. 93 14.49 14. 67 .50 Iii Table Xo. 51 is given the single and double polarization of sirups derived from the juices in Table No. 50. The same precautions were taken in the selection of samples and in the analytical manipulation as iu the preceding table. The increase in the percentage of sugar on double polarization in the case of the sirups is equivalent to about one-half of the percentage of glucose present. It will be noticed in Table No. 50 that there are nu- merous examples of a like proportionate increase. In sample No. 3, in Table No. 50, there is an actual loss of sucrose, the second reading being .07 less than the first. This result was doubtless due to some error which all the precautions taken could not avoid. TABLE No. 51. — Single and double polarization of sirups from mill ju> Number. Single polarization. Double polarization. Temper- ature. Sucrose. Increase. Glucose. i ut. o 0 O. !'■ i c< nt. Pcrci nt. 4 41. Ot — 17.49 26. o 15.07 5 4.-». 25 — 16. 23 23. 0 46.40 1. 15 1.89 (i 1 ! . 50 — 15. 13 19.0 42. 27 0.77 1. 19 7 4::. oo — 14.28 26 5 43. 81 0. SI 1. 11 8 — 14.58 2a ;"> 0. 49 1. 28 9 45. 53 — 14.71 46. 63 1. 10 1.63 10 — 13.28 31.25 13. 1!) 1.04 1.51 11 — 14 30 45. 62 0.77 1.76 12 — 13. Bl 27. (i 0. 19 1.92 I 3!). 98 — 13.26 40. 53 L. 81 43.00 .79 1.55 In Table No. 52 are found the data of polarizations of various samples of molasses taken at different times during the season. Unfortunately, in only three eases was the percentage ol'glueose determined. In these eases the increase on double polarization is equal to almost half the per- centage of glucose present The mean increase, however, viz, 8.30 per cent., would probably not have been mucn greater than one third of the mean percentage of glucose present in the molasses. 51 Table No. 52. — Differences between single and double polarizations of molasses. Number. Single polarization. Polarization after inversion. Temper- ature. Sucrose. Increase. 1 Glucose. 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 Averages Per cent, su- crose. 46.0 45. 5 25.1 45. 8 28.2 27.1 36.9 38.0 35.7 — 24. 2 20. Per cent. 52.4 51.2 36.7 51.6 39.04 37.9 45.3 45.7 43.1 6.4 5.7 11.6 5.8 10.81 10.8 8.4 7.7 7.5 Per cent. — 23.1 - 24.1 - 20.4 — 23.7 - 23. 54 — 23. 32 - 22.33 — 21.78 20. 20. 23.5 22.5 21.0 22. 0 24.0 21.0 25.25 23.90 16.60 36.48 44. 77 8.30 1 Description of samples.— No. 1, sample of first molasses; No. 2, sample of first mo- unple of third molasses; No. 4, sample of first molasses; No. 5, sample of third molasses; No. (5, sample of third molasses; No. 7, sample of second molasses; No. B, sample of second molasses; No. 9, sample of second molasses. Iii Table Xo. 53 are found the analyses of some samples of molasses sent by Mr. W. J. Thompson, of Calumet plantation. In these samples we have again the remarkable illustration of the error into which the analyst would fall who would rely upon a single polarization alone. As a check upon the results the sucrose was determined also with an alka- line copper solution. The percentage obtained in this way agrees re- markably well with that got by double polarization. In these eases the total increase is a little less than one-third of the amount of glucose present. Table No. ">:}. — Composition of third molasses. [Furnished by W. J. Thompson, Calumet plantation, Tatterson, La. J No. Sei i.d number. inc. Asl). Sucrose Sucrose indirect. Sucrose by copper. Albumi- noids. Glucose. 1 ~: 4 .VJ18 5!>1<> 5!>20 5921 28.15 25. 30 9. 35 7.01 Per cent. 17.45 17. 15 Per cent. 1 26. 14 26. 19 1.97 Per cent. 30.07 31.31 Tabli '• -Composition of third mo/omm, average sample from Magnolia plan- tation. No. ui'v 3 direct BaoroM indirect. by copper. Albuiui- 1 ■ ! •' 1 Aside from the larger quantity of water in the third molasses from Magnolia, the ohief difference between the Oalamel and .Magnolia 52 samples is found in the smaller percentage of reducing sugar in the lat- ter. These results with the sugar-cane juices show that when single polarization alone is practiced the real percentage of sucrose can be approximately obtained by adding to the direct reading one-third of the percentage of glucose present. The results also show the preponderance of lsovo-gyratory imparities in cane juices. The left-handed disturbance, however, is greater than would be ex- pected from the amount of invert sugar present. We would, therefore, conclude that the albuminous matters present are also active, or that in the reducing sugar naturally contained in the juice there is a preponderance of lsevulose. In sorghum juices I have shown in a previous publication that the differences between direct and double polarization are not so great. This is due to the fact that in sorghum there is a large portion of so- called soluble starch and dextro-gyratory bodies. STUDY OF INVERSION IN THE YARYAN QUADRUPLE EFFECT. To determine the invertive effect of concentrating the juices in the Yaryan quadruple effect pan, a series of careful analyses of entering juices and issuing sirups was made. The samples were taken in the following way, viz: From the feed-box of the Yaryan apparatus a measured sample of the juices was taken every two minutes for thirty minutes; four minutes after taking the first sample of juice and every two minutes thereafter for thirty minutes a measured sample of the issuing sirup was taken. After mixing the samples of juice and sirup were subjected to analysis. It will be seen that by the above method t he samples of juice and of sirup were strictly comparable. In each case the sample for analysis was weighed out and made up to a stand- ard volume in a tared flask. The analytical manipulations were con ducted with every possible precaution. The results of the work are given in Tables Nos. 54 and 5~>. Table No 54. — Test for invasion in ) '(iri/nn nuii. --( Inriftnl jnici Eteduoing Reducing Purity on Purity on Sucrose to 100 of sue lose direct tion. BUgan Total solids. polai i/.;i- indirect, polarisa- direct, polariza- direct polariza- Roduoing to LOO sn oroaeindi tlon. tion. tion. tion. reol po /•- /■ .•- ni i.n Lzatioo l887-'88 Per (■• ni. I'll- Ci lit. 1 i :.. '2. 7"» 8 I - • II- 1 i r>. m II.' .47 4 ran. i 92. (in L6. ,1 2.61 0 Jan. <; i . 1 1 80.73 92. 28 if, 84 . 63 :; 10 3. 30 II I. in. 7 DO. 52 . Mi 8.44 3. 39 7 ■Liu. E 81.56 1 5. 1 H .67 3. 7f> 3. 70 8 • Ian. '.i 16.78 >-H. 'JO it 88 .64 4.33 4.'J7 0 Av ■ Jan. lo uraget 14, is 8J. 77 'jn.;,:, 12. 7:i .50 1 II 4.37 10.33 89.54 90. G8 14. G3 .50 3.45 3.39 Table No. 55. — Siruj)s. [Dates and numbers correspond to comparative samples in above table. 1 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 Dec. 28 Dec. 28 Jan. 4 Jan. 5 Jan. G Jan. 7 Jan. 8 •J an. 9 Jan. 10 51.23 40. 70 49.02 50. "J 4 51. 1G 47. GO 88.33 88.87 87.72 92. 7G 88.99 88.55 90.60 90.51 89.35 93.73 91.14 90.74 45. 25 41.50 43.00 46.88 45. 53 42.15 44.85 42. 85 39.98 46.40 42. 27 43.81 47. 37 4G.G3 43.19 45.62 43. 04 40.53 1.39 1.19 1.44 1.28 1.03 1.51 1.76 1.92 1.81 3.07 2.87 3.35 L'. 73 3.59 3.57 3.92 4.48 4.53 3.00 2.82 3.28 2.70 3. 50 3. 50 3.86 4.46 4.47 48. 83 45.22 87. 7G 88.15 88.41 89. G3 Av erages . 48.79 88.92 90.48 43.55 44.32 1.55 3.57 3.51 Any inversion which would take place in the process of concentration would be indicated by an increase in the ratio of reducing sugar and sucrose. In the entering juices the mean ratios are as follows, viz: By direct polarization, 3.45 parts reducing sugar to 100 of sucrose. By double polarization, 3.39 parts reducing sugar to 100 of sucrose. For the issuing sirups the ratios are as follows : By direct polarization, 3.57 parts reducing sugar to 100 of sucrose. By double polarization, 3.51 parts reducing sugar to 100 of sucrose. It will be seen by the above numbers that the inverting effect of the Yaryau pan is practically nothing. It amounts to only one-tenth of a pound to 100 pounds of sugar made or 2 pounds to the ton of sugar. ANALYSES OF BAGASSE. Sixteen determinations were made at various times during the sea sion of the quantity of water and sugar in the bagasse. The samples were taken as follows : From time to time during fifteen to twenty min- utes a handful of the bagasse issuing from the mill was taken and placed in a covered vessel. These samples were then thoroughly mixed to- gether and a portion taken for analysis. Small quantities of bags were taken from the selected portion and cut into very fine chips. Weighed portions of those chips were then dried at 105° C, and weighed for the determination of moisture. For the determination of sucrose, weighed portions of the baga were extracted in a marked stoppered bottle for two hours at the tem- perature of boiling water. After cooling, the contents of the bottle were poured in a mortar and thoroughly rubbed up with a pestle. The sucrose was determined in a filtered portion of the liquid, due allow- ance being made for the volume occupied by the fiber of the cane. The results of the analyses are given in Table Nb. 56. 54 Table No. 56. — Composition •/ bagasse. No. Date. Water. Sucrose. No. Date, Water. Sucrose. 1888. Per cent. Per cent. 1888. Per cent. Per cent. 1 Jan. 4 52. GO 8. 58 10 Jan. 8 54.99 7.50 2 Jan. 4 52.87 7.59 11 Jan. 9 55.08 7.95 3 Jan. 5 52.99 8.10 12 Jan. 9 54. G9 7.65 4 Jan. 6 53.89 8.19 13 Jan. 10 53.59 7.44 5 Jan. 6 52. 51 7.73 14 Jan. 10 55.88 6.88 6 Jan. 6 51.69 8.00 15 Jan. 11 56.71 7.74 7 Jan. 7 53.12 8.07 16 Jan. 11 56.78 7.95 g J in 7 7 95 9 Jan. 8 53. 97 7.35 Averages 54.00 7.79 It will be seen that the mean percentage of the water in the bagasse was ol and the sucrose 7.79. It appears from the above analyses that the bagasse contains water other than that in the sugar j nice of the cane. This fact is also shown by the following phenomenon. If a sugar-cane be passed through a small mill, the top entering the mill first, drops of water will be seen to issue from the butt of the cane as it approaches the rolls ; if this water be tasted it will be found to be free from sugar. It appears, then, from the analyses of the bagasse and the phenomenon just related that the sap in the circulatory organs of the cane is entirely different from the sugar juices stored in its cells. ESTIMATION OF TOTAL SOLIDS BY HYDROMETERS AND BY ACTUAL WEIGHT. Attention has already been called in this bulletin to the error which may arise from estimating the total solids in sugar juices and sirups from the specific gravity as determined by a hydrometer. In Table No. 57 is given a comparison of the results obtained in esti- mating the total solids in cane juices by careful drying in a flat dish partly filled with sand. The method of procedure was as follows : A flat platinum dish was filled about two-th irds full of pure dry sand and weighed; from a weighing bottle about 2 grams of the cane juice was placed on the sand, and the exact amount taken obtained by re- weighing the weighing bottle. The dish was now dried at 100° until the moisture was nearly all driven off, and then for a halt* an hour at 105°. In each case the amount of total solids as given by the Brix saccharometer was greater than that obtained by actual drying. The mean increase was .56 per cent. Table ?>7. — Comparison of total *<>lids h\j spindle ami dniiiuj on sand. UK I 9 Xo. drying. spindle. No. drying. By spindle. 1 'J 3 4 0 7 1888. Jan. 4 Jan. 6 .luii. e Jan. o Jan. 7 • Ian. 7 B L6.81 17. 17 17.03 10.71 1 1.. 07 18.64 . 12 1 i w 0 10 11 12 .l.m. H .Ian. !> Jan D .l.m l" .Ian. 10 10.7:. n 18 17.28 17. 17 17.80 i 8.06 11. M .47 .7!> 07 * !G.r»7 1 17.18 .06 55 Table 58,—SinqJs. Jan. 4 Jan. 5 Jan. G Jan. 7 48.54 50. 5 1 50. 85 47.60 49.02 52.72 51.82 48.64 .48 2.18 .97 1.04 Jan. 9 Jan.10 Av'age. 48.83 45.22 48.60 50. 22 46.76 1.39 1.54 1.27 111 Table 58 the same comparison is made with simps. In order that the simps might not occlude moisture a less quantity was taken than of the juices, so that the total solid residue might be the same. The mean increase in the case of sirups as determined by the Brix spin- dle was 1.27 per cent. With sugars aud molasses enough alcohol must be added to the dish containing the sand and samples to dissolve the latter thoroughly and distribute them evenly through all parts of the sand. Not being quite satisfied with the result obtained by the method given above, I tried the device of using paper coils for the ab- sorption of the juices whose total solids were to be determined. The manipulation was as follows : A piece of thick filtering paper 40 centimeters in length aud 5 to 8 centimeters wide was rolled into a coil and tried at 105°. While still hot it was placed in a dried weighing tube and carfnliy stoppered. When cold it was weighed together with the tube. About 2.5 grams of the juice is now placed in a small beaker cov- ered with a watch glass and weighed. One end of the coil is dipped into the beaker and held there until the juice is absorbed. By means of the dry end, the coil is transferred to the air bath, placed in an up- right position with the wet end up aud dried for two hours at 100°. While still hot it is again placed in the weighing tube, and, when cold, weighed. By reweighing the beaker and the cover the weight of juice taken is accurately determined. The increase of weight of the coil gives the total quantity of solid matter present in the weight of juice taken. This method was introduced so late in the season that only a few trials of it were made, but they were eminently satisfactory. The results are given in Table No. 59 : TABLE No. 59 — Total solids by drying on paper coils. MILL JUIl \o. Data 'l otal solid*. Total solids l>y ipindle. Total solids 1>\ sand. 1 :! 4 1 1884. Jan. n Jan. 12 Jan. 13 Jan. 17 16 22 15 M 15.42 it;, to 10.07 Vtr cent. 16.05 16 16 15.86 1G.54 56 Table No. 59— Tola! solids by drying on paper ooih— Continued. DIFFUSION JUICES. 1 2 3 Averages Jan 1G Jan. 17 Jan. 17 10.10 9.80 9.57 11.37 10. G7 10.47 9.82 10.84 As in the case of drying iu sand, the amount of solid matter found in juice is uniformly less than was indicated from the reading of the spindle. EFFECT OF TREATMENT OF MOLASSES WITH SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME AND ALUMINA. It is the custom in the sugar-houses of Louisiaua to dilute the molasses and treat it with superphosph ate of lime and alumina, or other chemi- cals, before rcboiling it for sugar. To determine the eflect which this treatment had upon the molasses, the analyses which are recorded in Table No. 60 were made. Table No. GO. — Treatment of molasses with supcrphospnate of lime and alumina. MOLASSES BEFORE TREATMENT. No. Total solids. Purity, direct polariza- tJOD. Purity, indirect polariza- tion. Sucrose, direct polariza- tion. Sucrose, indirect polariza- tion. Glucose. Glucose per 100 sucrose. Glucose per 100 sucrose, indirect. 1 2 Pr. ct. 65. 59 61.72 71.29 77.50 70.17 Per cent. 4G. 75 44.00 Per rent. 50.80 47.01 Percent. G. 33 5.71 Percent. 13.55 12. 9G Per cent. 12. 47 12. 1G MOLASSES AFTER TREATMENT. 1 2 63.86 60.45 72.70 72.01 70.80 75.89 41.30 43.53 48.91 45.88 6.17 5.43 13.33 12.43 12. G4 11.84 REMOVED SKIMMINGS. 1 2 67.03 G4. 09 77.20 78.90 7!». 15 51.70 52.90 51.20 G.71 G. 17 12.97 12. G5 12.68 12. 03 The table is divided into three parts, the first being the analysis of the Lasses before treatment; second, analysis after treatment; and third, the analysis of tin' removed skimmings. In the three cases the numbers refer t<> the same sample. It is quite difficult t<> secure the same density in each ease, and comparison should be made with the ratio of the reducing sugar to the sucrose. Prom this it Is seen that the skimmings, which were removed and which were sup- posed to be gum, Were nothing but air-bnbbh s, surrounded with a film 57 of molasses. It is difficult to see any beneficial result attending the treatment in question. EFFECT OF DIFFERENT METHODS OF CLARIFICATION. Id order to determine the amount of organic matter removed by dif- ferent methods of clarification the following experiments were made: Weighed samples of mill juice were treated with subacetate of lead until no farther precipitation took place. The precipitate was then thoroughly washed with hot water until all excess of lead was removed and then dried. Similar treatment was given to the same jnice after clarification by lime in the usual way, after filtration through lignite, and after single carbonatation. The results are recorded in Table Xo. Gl. TABLE No. 61. — Effects of different methods of clarification. Haw. Clarified. Lignite. Carbonated. Weight of lead precipitate : December 20, 1887, grammes December 21, 1887 2.1919 2.2901 G2. 08 06.01 13.08 13.78 .07 .11 81.75 85. 34 1. 94.32 2.1515 52.43 09.31 13.45 14.01 .07 .07 82.50 80. 32 1.7085 2. 1930 69. 53 71. 08 15.12 15. 02 .03 1.2725 1.7058 71.68 71.52 13.99 14.74 .06 P« cent of lead: December 20, 1 8S7 December 21. 1887 Sucrose, percent : December 20, 1887 December 21, I8s7 Albuminoids, per cent: December 20, 1 887 l>. comber 21,1887 .0:J .03 84.38 R"> r.r Parity : imber 20, 1887 December 21,1887 84.71 88.58 It is seen that the weight of the dried precipitate is in every case greatest in the raw juice and least in that which had been subjected to single carbonatation. The parity of the juice was increased least In- ordinary clarification, next by filtration through lignite, and most of all by carbonatation. In regard to the removal of albumen, filtration through lignite ap- pears to be the most efficacious method. Carbonic dioxide l»y the Department of Agriculture were made by Dr. < '. M. Wetheiill in L862. 1 Second Ann. Bulletin Washington Chemical Society, pp. 11 onderates ; and were the question only on the amount of sugar to ho obtained, tho decision would he in favor of working on the partially dried canes ; but on observing the ratio of glucose and cane sugar in the fresh juice aud that expressed later, it will he remarked that the relative amount of glucose is much higher, so that the sugar appears to he gradually passing into glucose the longer it remains in the cane, show- ing that the fermenting causes are as active within the stem of the drying cane as after the juice has been expressed and exposed to the air. Several attempts were made in the laboratory to granulate the sugar of this juice ; but whether neutralized and defecated or not, the invariable result was the disappearance of cane BOgar, and a uniform sirup of uncrystallizable sugar. Thus far, then, laboratory examinations indicate the necessity of evaporating the juice of the recently cut canes, if it is de« sired to obtain any crystallizable sugar. In 1878 Dr. Collier began his extensive studies of sorghum. Dr. Col- lier gave the following result of the analyses made by the Department of Agriculture in 18792: Early amber, from August 13 to October ^'J, inclusive, fifteen analyses, extending over seventy-eight days, 11.0 per cent, sucrose. White Liberian, from August 13 to < Ictober 29, inclusive, thirteen analyses, extend' iug over seventy-eight days, 13.8 per cent . Boorose. Liberian, from September L3 to October 'J'.*, inclusive, seven anal Elding 0T6I forty-six days. 13.8 per cent, sum Honduras, from October 14 to October 29, inclusive, three anal. ndingovec bixteen days, 1 1.6 per cent. SUOroSG. In 1880 these analyses were continued in large numbers on samples of cane grown in tbe Department grounds and on others sent in from various localities. The details of these analyses are to be round in the Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture for 1880, pp, 37 ■ 8eq. The canes, according to development, were divided into nineteen classes. With the seveuth stage, the seed is just entering the milks state. Since a large pan of the Beed will still be in this state, w hen the Department of Agriculture » Sorghum., p. 196 G2 manufacture is to be carried on on a large scale, I give the means of the analyses of the different varieties from that stage on1 : Stages. Glucose. Sucrose. Available sucrose. X umber juices analyzed. 7 Per cent. 3.8li 3.83 3.19 2. GO 2.35 2.07 2. 03 1.88 1.81 1.64 1. f)G 1.85 3.09 1 7.38 8. 95 0. 98 10.66 11.18 11.40 11. 7G 11.69 12.40 13.72 1 1 . 92 12. 08 Per 5. 50 G. GO 1.-21 7 77 70 111 266 217 1G6 170 183 101 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8 21 16 8.86 8.27 197 191 30 17 18 19 Mean 2.44 10.83 181 * The method of determining available BUgai does uot clearly appear. These analyses were continued in great detail during the following years, 18S1 and 1S82, and the results are found in the reports of the Department.2 The averages for the whole number of samples for each stage alter the sixth is given below. 3 Stages. Glucose. Sucrose. Available Bucn 7 Per rent. 3.69 3.70 3.30 2. 86 2, 47 2.21 •J. 22 1.84 1.72 1.83 1.75 1.73 1 6.08 7.47 8.76 10.00 12.01 13.06 14.34 1 5. 08 16 61 15.28 Per ami, 1. 14 ■_'. B6 1 14 7.61 8.87 11.14 11.02 11 77 0.33 8 9 10 11 12 13 .. 14 15... 18 17 18 After 18th Mean 2.47 12. 41 The effect of frost on the character of the juice was also investigated.4 The frost produced a loss of sucrose amounting to L5.6 percent., and a gain Of gluCOSe, 29.1 per cent. Dr. Collier makes the following observations on the results of t lie analyses : B '.I m i:m : i ANALYSES BEARING I POM THE QUESTION OF AVAILABLE 81 OAR, r. reference to the table giving the general rosultsof all the analyses of the several varieties of sorghnm in 1879, 1830, and 1881, the aggregate n amber of analyses being 1 Department of Agrionltnre, Report 1880, pp. 110,111. Department of Agrionltnre, Reporl L88I 1882, p. 370 st teg., and [nvestigations of Sorghnm as a Sngar-Prod uoing Plant, speoial report, I Department of Agriculture, Reporl 1831 and 1882, pp. I « Department of Agriculture, Reporl 1881 and 1882, p Op, . - Glucose Available sugar 3.09 wvlvsls OP ii [OES PROM LARGE MIL!. The analyses were made from September 27 to October -7, L881, The total quantity of cam- ground was 229 tons Ml pounds. The mean composition of the juice for this entii »n was as fol lows : Sucrose <;. '.'i Glucose I Nol sugar* I, op, oit . |. ii 1 Department ol Agriculture, Report 1881 ami 1882, pp. L Depart] ri culture Report, 1881 ftutl I- 64 In respect of the character of the cane, Dr. Collier makes the follow- ing reports :l THE WORK OF THE LARGE 6UGAB MILL. Mention has already been made of the several plots of sorghum of different varie- ties upon the lands of Mr. Patterson, Mr. Golden, and Dr. Dean, which were intended for working upon a scale of sufficient magnitude to afford a practical demonstration of the economical production of sugar upou a commercial scale Owing to the backward spriug and the ravages of wire and cut worms, two succes- sive plantings of seed almost entirely failed, and it was only after thoroughly coat- ing the seed with coal-tar that a final stand of cane was secured. This third planting was concluded Juno 18, fully seven weeks after the planting of the plot upon the Department grounds, the examination and working of which has already been dis- cussed in the preceding pages. To any one who has carefully perused this report thus far, or either of the reports of the preceding years, giving the results of our ex- amination of sorghum, it is entirely useless to say that this delay was fatal to suc- in the production of sugar, and that failure was inevitable unless all our pre- vious experience was to be falsified. The failure of the crop to mature, as had been confidently predicted during the summer, was fully realized, and at last, with the assurance that the frosts would soon render the crop unfit even for sirup, owing to its immature state, it was resolved to begin work, since, with the limited capacity of the mill, it would require at least two months to work up the entire crop of 135 acres. Accordingly the work of cut- ting the cane began September 19, a;id grinding began September 26, and was con- tinued without any serious interruption until October 28. At this time the cane still remaining upon the field, through the effect of frosts and succeeding warm weather, had become worthless, and the cane from only 93^ acres in all was brought to the mill, the last portions of which had already become sour and offensive. ANALYSES IN 18S2.3 Beginning with the stage when the seed was in the inilk, 1 give be- low the mean results of Dr. Collier's analyses of many different varieties of sorghum in 1882 : Seed in milk Seed In dpngfa Seed hard Bucket seed in milk . . Sucker Herd in dough. Backer seed bard Glucose Sucrose. Percent. Percent. 2. 90 8.45 2, 171 1.83 1.203 LI. 448 1.12 1.4.-. 12.63 Available sugar. - 8. 20 5.054 7. 120 8 19 8.58 1 Op. ott., p. 504. Sagar-produoinj Plant, by Peter Collier, Special Report, L883, p. l 65 COMPOSITION OF JUICE IN BLADES AND STALKS. Numerous analyses were made1 to determine the relative coinposi. tion of stalk and leaf juice. This comparison will be sufficiently indi- cated by some of the analyses quoted below : Stalks. Leaves. No. Sucrose. Glucose. Xot Bugar. Sucrose. Glucose. Not sugar. 1 2 3 4 Per cent. 10.29 14. G4 11.79 13.31 Per cent. 3.21 1.87 1.15 .93 Per cent. 1.84 1.54 3.03 3.28 Percent. 2.84 2.15 4.23 2.23 Per cent. 1.C6 1.52 2.25 2.50 Per cent. 7.82 9.21 6.76 7.71 Dr. Collier adds the following observation :2 It is to be observed that in no case was there any available sugdr in the juice from the leaves, owing not to tbe excess of glucose, but to tbe much larger percentage of solids not sugars in the leaf juice. FURTHER ANALYSES OF FROSTED CANES.3 Per cent. Analyses before frost, November 3, 1882. — Means : Sucrose 12. 44 Glucose 1. 23 Not sugar 2. 68 Available sugar 8. 62 Juice extracted 58.19 Analyses after thirteen frosts, December 8. — Means : Sucrose 14. 35 Glucose ; 2. 85 Not sugar 2. 98 Juice extracted 39.17 Loss of juice 32.69 Gain in sucrose 15.35 Gain in glucose 131. 71 Loss in available sugar 1.16 ANALYSES DURING TDK YEAR 1S83. Numerous analyses were made by the Division of Chemistry of the Department of Agriculture during the season of 1883, under my super vision. Considering that it had been sufficiently well established by the re- searches of Dr. Collier, that small plats of cane under careful culture and proper fertilization afforded an extremely rich saccharine plant, I directed attention Chiefly to the character of the juice as a whole. The analyses represent the average composition of the juice from 740,360 pounds of cane.1 1 Op. c\t., pp. 29-30. 3 Op. cil, p. 34. '- Op. cil., p. 30. i Ball N«». 3, pp. 43 and it. 23576— Bull 18 5 66 Means : Per cent. Sucrose 8.38 Glucose 4. 09 Total solids 14.06 The part of the cane ground from September 29 to October 4: was of an exceptionally poor quality. Its analysis is given separately.1 Per cent. Sucrose 6. 73 Glucose 6. 16 Purity co-efficient 50. 00 A separate study of the mill juices was also made from October 16 to November 21.2 Following are the means of these analyses : Per cent. Sucrose 9. 04 Glucose 4.08 Total solids 14. 81 Analyses of diffusion juices obtained from the same lot of cane and at the same time showed the following composition : 3 Per cent. Sucrose 4. 95 Glucose 2.4a Total solids 8.02 Analyses were also made of caues grown in Indiana. The canes were cut and prepared as follows : 4 These canes were cut, the leaves and tops left undisturbed, the cut surface covered with melted wax, and the whole wrapped carefully in paper and sent by express to the laboratory hero for analysis. Nos. 1 and 2 were cut in the afternoon of October 1 and analyzed October 4, having been I luce days on the road. No. 1 was a sample of eight selected canes. No. 2 was a sample of sixteen caucs taken seriatim from an average row, and represents the cane as a whole. It soems to have deteriorated very little in transit, and the analyses of the sirup go toshow that the average of the whole patch was about a mean of the results of Nos. 1 and 2. No. 3 was cnt at 4 p. m. October 1 and analyzed October 6, at 9 a. m., an interval of four days and seventeen hours. Following are the results of the analyses:5 Indiana canes and sin^s. No. Sucrose. Othor sugars. 1 2 3 I', r r< nt. L8.25 10.78 l',r cent. 2. M :t.7i 5.91) it October l . . . . ; Op, ott.,p. 13. ■BulL N. >.•.'. p.38. :: ()p. dt., p. 3 1. .(>:. 1.99 •J. 79 20. 00 --, •>■> Not sufjaj- Total solids Parity oo-efficient .. I add the following observations : fl JUIOB8 OF 1884 COMPARED WITH THOSE OF L8€ The most surprising phase of the. experimental work :is exhibited in the tables given is thegreal difference which it shows between the composition of jnices ana- lyzed and those analysed during Lti£ - roentagc iqotom Mr:ui percentage reduoing sngari Mem percentage ftlbtimin 8. H8 . l.MI 1SS1. 14.72 l . 2 1 .981 1 Op. . 1 18. > Op. cit., pp. 142, 143. ■ Op, at., p. 144. *Op. cit., pp. 148, 1 19. • Op. dt., p. 150. 69 The chief points of interest in this comparison are the increase in sucrose, the de- crease in reducing sugars, and the increase in albuminoids. It is difficult to explain why the same varieties of cane grown in the same locality, with the same kind of culture and fertilizing, and in seasons not markedly different, should yield juice of such different composition. Sorghum is one of the most capricious of plants, and the above comparison brings some of its moods into strong contrast. During the season of 1884 the Department made an extensive series of analyses at Helena, Wis. l The variety of cane was Early Amber, and it was grown in a light, saudy soil without fertilizers. I visited the plantation during the prog- ress of the work. The cane, though small, looked well and was mostly ripe. Following are the means of the analyses for the whole season:2 Per cent. Sucrose 7. 85 Glucose 5.00 The proprietors of the plantation, Messrs. Williams & Flynn, even after the discouraging results of the above analyses, were not without hope that sugar-making could be profitably undertaken in Wisconsin. To this opinion I was not able to subscribe, as will be seen from the following quotation : 3 In spite of the conviction of Messrs. Williams & Flynn that sorghum sugar can be made profitably in Wisconsin, I am far from being convinced of the justness of that expectation, unless, indeed, it be in some small way. In view of the disasters that have overtaken attempts at sorghum-sugar making further south I think it would be unwise to encourage like enterprises in regions where at best not more than four weeks of an average milling season can bo expected. In 1885 additional analyses were made of sorghum grown near Ottawa, Kans.4 The juices from the two mills used in grinding the cane were collected in a common tank and the samples for analysis taken from time to time from this tank. These samples, therefore, represent the mean constitu- tion of the juice from several thousand tons of cane. The samples were taken from September 9 to October 14, inclusive: Means of the analyses. Per cent. Sucrose 9. 23 Glucose 3. 04 Not sugar 2. 87 Tot al sol ids 15. 07 ANALYSES OP CANES USED IN DIFFUSION. During the progress of the diffusion experiments al Ottawa, Kans., October 8, 1885, three samples of cane were taken at different times 1 Op. eit.f pp. 151 , > i sttj. Op. <■;/.. p. 154. Op. oil., i». 156, •Department of Agriculture, Division of Chemistry. Hull. No. (J, 1886. 70 during the day, and the juice, expressed on a small hand-mill, subjected to analysis. The following results were obtained : ] First analysis, 10 a. m. Second analysis, 11 a, m. Third analysis, 11.30 a. ni. Total solids Sucrose Glucose Not sugar Per cent. 17.00 11.24 2.44 3.32 Per cent. 15.60 9.62 2.85 3.13 Per cent. 15. 20 9.83 3.41 1.96 ANALYSIS OF DIFFUSION JUICES. The diffusion juices obtained in the above experiment were analyzed with the following results : l First sample. Second sample. Total solids.... Sucrose Glucose. Not sugar Percent. 10.84 6.19 2.32 2.23 Per cent. 9.70 5.90 2.00 1.80 Vomjwsition of canes used in second diffusion experiment at Ottawa.* No. Hour. Sucrose. Glucose. Not sugar. Total solids. 1 2 3 4 10 a. m. 3 p. m. 4. 3 J p. m. 5. 30 p. m. Per cent. 10.23 8.64 8.54 8.81 Per cent. 2.11 2. 95 3. 1 1 2.61 Per cent. 2. 81 2.89 2.98 Per cent. 15.16 14.4') 14.54 14.40 Composition of diffusion juices from above canes. No. Sucrose. Glucose. Not sugar. Total Bolide. 1 Per cent. 4. SG 5.94 4.H9 4,7a 3.91 Per cent. 1.09 2. 00 2.31 2. 2:. 2.10 Per cent. 1.78 2. 20 1.64 1.65 1.63 ]', r cent. 8, 33 10.14 7.70 a i 4 5 M<:iUS 4.89 2.08 1.76 8.74 Composition of juices from oanes t<>i>i><rni;il /•- /• pi n/ . 1 . !»'.» 2. B2 1 7. 20 /'. /■ n nt. 12.40 i7.:,i 12. 15 16.77 Not sugar 'i otel solid - Op. r. , ■;/., p. 31, 72 MEAN COMPOSITION OF Tlth DIFFUSION JUICES FOR THE SEASON of 1880. Sampling. — From each cell as it was withdrawn a measured quantity of the diffusion juice was taken until an entire circuit of the battery bad been made. The mixed samples was then subjected to analysis.1 Mean comjiosition of diffusion juices. September 9 to October 1 : Per cent. Sucrose 5. ?f> Glucose 2.3-2 Total solids 11.77 September 30 to October 28: Sucrose 4. 90 Glucose 3. 39 Solids 11.34 (8) WORK NOT DONE BY THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. D. J. Browne2 says the juice of sorghum grown in France contained from 10 to 1G per cent, sugar, a third part of which is sometimes un- crystallizable. C. T. Jackson3 analyzed samples of sorghum canes sent him by the Department, and obtained from 9 to 12 per cent, saccharine matter to weight of stalk. From samples grown in Massachusetts he obtained from 10.0 to 14.G percent, saccharine matter. He made no attempt to separate the dif- ferent sugars in the juice. In same volume, p. 313, is given an analysis made at Verrieres, France showing 1G per cent, sugar, of which 10.33 is sucrose and 5.G7 glucose. C.T.Jackson reports further analyses in Agricultural Report, 1857, pp. 186 ct Hcq., in which the per cent, of sacchariue matter varied from 0.36 {<» 10. G, and the sucrose from nothing to a large quantity, the exact amount of which was not determined. Dr. Jackson made no determina- tions of the sugar in the juice, but calculated the saccharine matter from the Specific gra\ ity. J. Lawrence Smith4 made several analyses of sorghum, from which he concludes that "the sorgho contains about 10 per cent, crystallizable sugar.5 Op. cit., pp. 18, 11). Department of Agriculture. Report L856, pp. 300-313. Op. off., p. 308. 4 Agricultural Report 1857, i>p- 198 :; and 34, Toulon ie, i - 1 Manuscript sent to author. irghnm and its products, 1867, pp. i?i ti teq. 74 The reliability of the observations of Mr. Stewart may be called in question by the fact that he gives an illustration of a thiu section of sorghum cane which shows an abundance of cane sugar crystals of a triangular shape. I will allow Mr. Stewart to describe these crystals in his own words :l An incontrovertible evidence of the presence of cane sugar almost exclusively in the juice of sorghum is afforded in the fact that thin sections of the fresh stalk of the plant under the microscope exhibit the cells tilled with innumerable minute crystals of pure white sugar, which by their form and other criteria are shown to he cane sugar only. Scarcelya trace of any other substance is found in the cells. This is well repre- sented in the engravings. The means of analyses of Early Amber cane made by Professor C. A. Goessmann at the Agricultural College of Massachusetts in 1878 are as follows :2 Per tout. Sucrose 5. 00 Glucose f>. ;:.". Total solids 14. 4 J An analysis of the juice of the Amber cane at Berkeley, Cal.,was made in 1870 by Professor Hilgard. It gave the following results:3 Specific gravity 1.0605 Total solids per cent.. 14.8 Sucrose do 10. 1 Weber and Scovell4 give the results of numerous analyses of Amber and Orange sorghum. Following are the figures: Composition of juice. No. Sucrose. Glucose. Per cent. Per cent. 1 10. 75 3.34 2 4.90 5.70 3 12.48 2.47 4 7.12 6.19 5 11.42 2.11! 0 9.13 5.00 7 11.02 •J. 7'.' 8 9.7G 4.11 9 10.00 2.47 10 13.11 1.82 11 9.G7 2. 94 12 11.41 ■1 02 13 Mt'Alls 3.55 14.06 9.G1A 4.43 Weber gives the mean composition of the juice of orange cane as fol- lows:1 rer oent Baorote 9.77 GtlncoM 3.00 Water 76.68 St aid. 4.1:2 1 Op. ctt.,p. 186. Department of Agriculture, Report 188] and l Report California College <>i" Agriculture, 1879, p. 58. * Illinois Agricultural Report, 1880, pp. 125 ei & (>}>. oil, p i'< 75 Five samples of sorghum juice examined by Professor Hilgard, of Berkeley, Cal., in 1880, showed the following mean composition:1 Specific gravity 1. 031 Total solids per cent .. 19.65 Sucrose do 11. 89 Purity 06.82 In 1881 Weber and Scovell continued their analyses.2 The means of three series of determinations of sucrose and glucose were found to be : Series. Sucrose. Glucose. First ... Second.. Third... Per cent. 8.56 11.95 11.18 Per cent. 4.84 3.21 2.85 Weber and Scovell 3 give the following as the mean composition of the juice of Amber cane for 1881 : Specific gravity 1. 070 Sucrose per cent.. 1*2.08 Glucose do 2.47 ANALYSES AT EXPERIMENTAL FARM OF WISCONSIN FOR 18S1.4 The mean composition of the juice for 1881 at Madison, Wis., was — Per cent. Sucrose 9. 5 Glucose 3.2 Not sugar 2. 3 Water 85.0 Analyses of Early Amber, Early Orange, and Honduras canes gave the following mean results : 5 In the juice. Early Amber. Early Orange. Honduras. Sucrose Glucose Per cent. 10.63 2.68 Per cent. 10.50 4 95 Per cent. 7.00 4.20 CANES FROM DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE STATE. The mean composition of the juice from canes grown in different parts of the State of Wisconsin and sent to experimental station for analysis is as follows : 6 Per oent Sucrose 8. 07 Glucose 6.12 1 College of Agriculture, California, Report 1880, p. 41. ■ Illinois Agricultural Report, 1881, p. 497. 1 Eueonragemenl to the Sorghum and Beet Sugar Industry, Department Agricult- ure, 1883, p. 12. * Report National Academy Soiencea on Sorghnm, i>. p. v0 ei se. 21. 77 Three days later the juice had the following composition: Per cent. ^ Sucrose 9. 50 Glucose 5.00 At Modena, Italy, during the same year, farther experiments were carried on by Professor Pirotta.1 The experiments were divided into four series. Following are the mean results for each series. In each series are given the means of twelve analyses of sorghum juices : First scries : Specific gravity 1.0712 Sucrose per cent . . 8. 20 Glucose do.... 6.53 Second series : Specific gravity 1. 0946 Sucrose per cent . . 14. 84 Glucose do 5.14 Third series : Specific gravity 1.0997 Sucrose per cent.. 15.10. Glucose do 5. 81 Fourth series : Specific gravity 1. 1039 Sucrose per cent.. 18. 01 Glucose do 4.17 In 1882 I made numerous analyses of juice from a large cane-mill at La Fayette, Iud. The analyses represent 50 acres of cane, the greater part of which was stripped and ripe.2 The means of the analyses are as follows : Sucrose per cent . . 7. 52 Glucose , do 5. 80 Specific gravity 1. 05S6 Fifteen varieties of sorghum were also grown on the experimental farm of Purdue University during the same year. The whole of the plots was cut and passed through the mill, and the analysis represents the com- position of the entire juice. The means are as follows : Sucrose per cent . . 7.17 Glucose do 5. 15 Specific gravity do 1. OS Prof. Giulio Monselise3 gives the result of numerous analyses of sor- ghum juices. Following are the means of forty-one analyst s made on canes planted in April, 1882: l'i r i Sucrose 11. Glucose 5. 78 Total solids 1 Annali di Agricoltura sul Sorgho Ambrato, 1--::, pp ma. 'Report Agricultural College of Indiana (Purdue University . 1--.'. pp.244 - 3L'ambra priruiticcia o Sorgho Zucrlicriiio d.-l Minnesota, Manit«»va. L88S, Pi • Quorto; tablo opposito p. 198. 78 In 18S2 experiments were made at the Zootechnic sebool in Keggio, Italy, by Professors Zanelli and Spallanzani. The means of the analy- ses made by them are as follows : « First series: Per cent, in the juice. Sucrose 13. 99 Glucose 4. £7 Second series : Sucrose 11. 5o Glucose 7. 82 Two samples of sorglmin juice (early amber) examined by Professor Ililgard, of the University of California, showed the following mean com- position :2 Specific gravity 1 . 070 Total solids per cent . . 17. 00 Sucrose do 8.10 Purity 45.40 A sample of juice from sugar-cane also grown in California showed the following composition : Specific gravity 1. 070 Total solids per cent.. 18.4 Sucrose do 16. 9 Purity 92.93 Professor Hilgard adds the following observations:3 The above analyses exhibit, first, the superiority of the true sugar-cane over the sorghum in respect to purity as well as total sugar contents, although in both respects the former is here shown below the quality to which it attains in tropical countries. There can be no doubt that wherever the tropical sugar-cane can bo grown to ad- vantage within the reach of intelligent labor and perfected appliances, it is superior to the sorghum as a sugar-producing plant. Remarkable results were obtained by using special fertilizers in the New Jersey experiments. In sixteen experiments the percentages of sugar in the cane were as follows:4 15.05, 13.13, 12.97, 11.74,11.40, 12.50,15.01,11.70, 12.70, 15,20, 12.59, 13.57, 15.42, 15.93, 1G.09, 15.37. Mean calculated lor juice, 15.16 per cent. In 1883 two samples of sorghum juice were analyzed by Dr. II. P. Armsby, chemist of the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station. The results are given in the first annual report of the station, p. 79: No. 1. No. 2. 1% r crnt. . (il. . Experimenl Station, Hull. No. x\x, p. 7. 79 Swenson1 says the average percentage of cane sugar in sorghum grown by him on the Wisconsin farm was 10.5 to 12.5. Weber2 reports the following as the general average of all the cane juices manufactured at Champaign during the year 1883 : Specific gravity 1. 059 Sucrose percent.. 7.7- Glucose do 4. 76 The means of seventy analyses made of Amber canes at Hutchinson, Kans., during the season of 1883, by Prof. M. Swenson, are as follows : 2 Per cent. Total solids 14.2 Sucrose 9. 3 Glucose 2.8 The means of thirteen analyses of the cane juices from the large mill at Hutchinson, Kans., give the following numbers: 4 Per cent. Total solids 15.7 Sucrose 11.1 Glucose 3. 3 The means of thirteen analyses of Orange cane at Hutchinson during 1883 are as follows:4 Per cent. Total solids 13.1 Sucrose 8. 7 Glucose 3. 5 Seven analyses of the juices of Link's Hybrid cane, made at same place in 1883, are as follows : 4 Per cent Total solids 13.2 Sucrose 10. 3 Glucose 2.13 Means of two analyses of the juices of Honduras cane, made at the same time and place, are as follows:5 Per cent. Total solids 15.9 Sucrose < 10.2 Glucose 3 1 The means of fifty-six analyses of the juices of sorghum, chiefly Amber, made by Prof. M. A. Scovell, at Sterling, Kans., in L 883, are as follows:' Per cent. Sucrose 7. 45 Glucoso 3. 61 Not sugar 3.13 'Third Annual Meeting Wisconsin Cane-Grow, i -* Association, February, p. 1G; edited by J. A. Field, Saint Louis, Mo. 2 Department of Agriculture, Division of Chemistry, Ball. No. i?, p. 82. 3 Op. cit., p. 04. « Op. oft., p. 65. ' Op. cit., p. 66. ■ Op. cit., p]>. (17,08. 80 The means of nine analyses of Early Amber cane juice, made by Prof. G. II. Failyer, of the Kansas State Agricultural College, at Man- hattan, in 1883, are as follows : ! Per cent. Total solids 15. 35 Sucrose 11. 72 Glucose 1. 45 The means of six analyses made b|T the same person, at the same place, of the juices of Liuk's Hybrid cane, are as follows:1 Per cent. Total solids 11. 12 Sucrose C. 13 Glucose 2. 83 Means of four analyses of Kansas Orange cane juice, made by the same person at same place and time, are as follows : 1 Per cent. Total solids 14.91 Sucrose 11. 28 Glucose LOG One analysis of Honduras cane, made at the same time and place by Professor Failyer, gave — Sucrose per cent.. 9.7(5 Glucose do.... 3.29 Specific gravity 1.0G1 The means of sixteen analyses reported by F. L. Stewart are as fol. lows:2 Specific gravity 1. 068 Sucrose per cent . . 12. 50 Glucose do.... 2.23 I'rof. W. A. Henry3 reports the analyses of twenty-one samples of sorghum juices from different varieties. I lie meail results are as follows: Per cut. Sucrose 8.93 Clucose 2.31 In L885 farther analyses were made of field samples at the Rio Grande factory by the ohemist of the Now Jersey station, Dr. Neale, All the samples except the last one named had been fertilized. The jiiantity <>f SOgar in the cane of the several samples was as follows:4 1 Op, oil, pp. I - Fourth Annual Report Neu York state Sugar-Growers' Ajuooiation, p. 44. Second Annual Report Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment station,]). 33 4 New .!> i i riment station. Boll. No. \\ \ vim. p. 10. 81 7.18, 7.5G, 7.48, G.57, 7.29, 7.14, 7.50, 6.2G, 7.50, 8.19, 8.30, 7.54, 7.46, G.4G, 6.17. Mean calculated for juice, 7.9G. After the experiments above mentioned all the canes of the experi- mental plots were cut and passed through the large mill, and the ex- pressed juices sampled and analyzed. The respective percentages of sucrose in these juices were as fol- lows : l 8.C9, 8.23, 9.9G, 8.89, 9.70, 9.48, 9.96, 9.12, 11.30,11.21,11.38, 11.16, 11.03, 8.87, 9.18. Mean, 9.88. Twenty-six tons of early orange cane was found by another analysis to contain 7.25 per cent, sucrose :2 Composition of sorghum juices from large mill at Mo Grande, N. J., for the four seasons from 1882 to 1885, inclusive* SUCROSE. [Averages for each week.] 1882." 1883. ■ 1884. 6 1885.' Ter cent. Ter cent. Per cent. Ter cent. 10. 35 9.70 9. 1'O (i. GO 11.33 10.37 9.64 8.03 11.61 S. 56 !). 10 8.39 11.50 '.). 22 10. 9G 8.70 10.08 D. 50 11.10 8.94 11.58 9.70 12.60 10. 04 10. 85 10. 86 10.25 10.00 11.(0 10.50 11.38 10.74 !). 95 9.42 10.33 9. 90 8.70 11.11" 9.75« 10. 25" 8.7G8 4 From Sept. 4 to Nov. G. 5 From Sept. 10 to Nov. 12. 6 From Sept. 8 to Nov. 10. 7 From Sept. 2 to Oct. 12. 8 Mean. For 188G the mean percentage of sucrose in the cane as reported by the New Jersey Experiment Station was 114 to 120 pounds per ton. Mean in cane (pounds) 11? Mean per cent, sucrose in cane 5. 85 Me best shown by an example. The oane on plot 1 1 contained 1,11'J pounds of sugar per acre. of this the mill expressed 1,983 pounds, leaving In the bagasse 52 per cent, of the sugar which the cane contained. This result is the most favorable in the experiment. Tho other extreme is found on plot 10, where nearly 70 per cent. <'t" the sngar was 'Third Annual Report New Jersey agricultural experiment station, pp. 64, 65. 1 Op. oft, pp. 61, 62. 'Fourth Annual Report New Jersey Experiment station, p. 70. 1 Op. cit., pp. C7.G8. 84 wasted. In eleven other cases the loss exceeds GO per cent. Apparently the greener the cane the smaller the loss of sugar by the milling process. To explain this loss it is necessary to assume that a considerable portion of the sugar is stored in the cane in a solid state, either aspuro crystallized sugar or in some combination easily decomposed or dissolved in water. It is claimed that the micro- scope has shown crystals of sugar in the cells of the sorghum ; if this is true, it is irrational to attempt the perfect separation of sugar from the cane fiber by mechani- cal means. For attaining this end the process of diffusion seems to be the most prac- tical and promising method. It has been thoroughly tested and generally adopted by the beet-sugar industry, and experiments thus far reported indicate tbat it is also applicable to the sorghum and tropical caue. Mr. II. B. Blackwell states in tho Boston Journal of Chemistry that by following this process he was able without difficulty to make 13 pounds of crystallized sugar and G pounds of good sirup from 100 pounds of Amber cane. In my opinion natural crystals of sugar never exist in healthy sor- ghum canes. In 1883 I bad this subject thoroughly examined.1 Six hundred sections of sorgbum and sugar canes failed to show a single crystal of sugar. In very dry seasons the juice of sorghum has been known to exude tbrougb perforations made by an insect and to crystallize on tbe outside of tbe stalk. A sample of very pure cane sugar formed in tbis way was sent to me last year (188G) by Mr. A. A. Denton, of Kansas. In 1884 tbe following data were obtained as tbe result of tbe experi- ments at tbe station.2 Tbere were sixteen plots Early Amber all fertilized but two. The per- centage of sucrose in tbe cane was 8.53 and in tbe juice 9.30. The aver- age total sugar per acre for the sixteen plots was l,7o2 pounds. Two additional plots were planted in Amber and Orange canes respectively, no fertilizers being used.3 Tbe total sucrose in tbe Amber plot was, lor the cane 0.20 per cent., and for tbe juice 10.12 per cent. For tbe Orange tbe numbers were: for the cane 6.57 per cent., and for tbe juice 7.22 per cent. A plot of amber cane, from seed sent by Professor Henry, of Wis- consin, showed in the same conditions as above :* Pat cent. Sucrose in cane 8. «">:; Sucrose in juice 9,40 The intensely hot weather following May 1 1. the date of planting, was decidedly unfavorable for sorghnm. Tin1 soil "baked" hard, the Amber seed germinated slowly, tin- "moping" period appeared to be unusually prolonged, ami tho plants in many bills perished, especially upon plots 12 to IC, inclusive, For- a longtime the experiment was regarded as a failure, and received comparatively little attention. Later tie- development was remarkable, and tin- yield of cane from several of the plots was above the average ; in quality, however, in all oases it fell far below pro- \ ions results.0 1 Department of Agriculture, Division of Chemistry, Bull. No. 9, p. 6, -' Fifth Aim. Report New Jersey Agricultural Experiment station, pp. 84, 86. 3 Op, >,!., p. 7i>. * Oj>. vit., p. 90. * Op. cit., p. 81. 85 Iii 1885 comparative experiments were made with native Amber seed, Amber seed from Prof. W. A. Henry, and native Orange seed. The percentages of sucrose in the three kinds of canes were as follows:1 In the cane. In the juice. Native Amber Wisconsin Amber Native Orange Per cent. 8.98 10.40 7.38 Per cent. 9.87 11.44 8.11 Sixteen plots all fertilized save two were planted in Early Amber and the following data were obtained : 2 Mean sucrose in canes percent.. 9.37 Mean sucrose in juice do 10. 30 Average weight sugar per acre pounds.. 2, 372 Another set of experiments was made at Rio Grande with the co- operation of Mr. George 0. Potts and Mr. H. A. Hughes. The follow- ing data were obtained. Early Orange cane, sixteen plots, all fertilized but one : 3 Mean percentage sucrose in juice 9. 88 Total weight sugar per acre pounds . . 2, 508 Id reviewing the operations of the Rio Grande factory for the past five years, Professor Cook says : 4 The records of this plantation for the past five years show that upon tho average 7.7 tons of unstripped and untopped cane only have been grown per acre, while the average yield of merchantable sugar per ton of cane has not exceeded 40 pounds. To compete successfully with other sources of cane sugar, therefore, tho average tonnage of good cano per acre should he at least doubled, while the quantity of mer- chantable sugar secured per acre should be increased many fold. In 188G the experiments at Rio Grande were continued. Sixteen plots all fertilized but one were planted in Early Orange Cane. The fol- lowing data were obtained : 5 Cane (leaves and seed) per acre pounds.. 13,383 Clean cane per acre do 10, 448 Sucrose in clean cane per cent.. 7.95 Total weight sugar per acre pounds.. 905 Professor Cook makes the following remarks on the results of the season : c Three years ago it was clearly seen that tho Rio Grande Company failed to secure one-half of tho total amount of sugar present in its sorghum crops, and since that time all energies have been directed toward tho substitution of diffusion for milling. 1 Sixth Annual Report Now Jersey Agricultural Experimental Station, p. 109. » Op. eU., p. 111. 3 Op. * Op. cit.,\>. 119. •Seventh Annual Report New Jersey Experimental station, p. 151. 8 Op. cit., p. 111. 86 The obstacles to this change, met at the very beginning, have at last been overcome, and 70 per cent, of the sugar in the cane has this year been extracted and sold. In- formation has also been gained which shows how 90 per cent, of the total sugar may be secured in the future. It still remains to bo demonstrated that this industry can be made a financial suc- cess. The chemical analysis of cane, showing its percentage of sugar only, is far from re- liable information on this question if unaccompanied by the actual weight of crop per acre. ; A normal evaporation of water from a crop, for instance, may cause an apparent improvement in its quality, but as this evaporation is accompanied by a corresponding loss of weight, it leaves the absolute amount of sugar per acre un- changed. Again, the percentage of sugar in the juice may remain constaut while the quantity of juice to be secured from an acre of cane may be steadily decreasing, in- volving thereby a loss in the absolute amount of sugar. During the period October 9-23, 728 tons of unstripped and untopped sorghum were diffused, and an average yield per ton of 80 pounds of 100° test sugar thereby se- cured. Of this 80 pounds, 55.7 pounds crystallized and 24.3 pounds remained in the molasses. This cane was grown principally upon banked meadows, and although it may have passed its best stage as regards sugar production, it was not considered u dried up " or pithy. On the 1st, 2d, and 3d of November 241 tons of unstripped and untopped cane were diffused, and an average yield per ton of 50 pounds of 100° test sugar thereby se- cured, of which 30 pounds crystallized and 20 pounds remained in the molasses. This cane was grown upon upland which had been heavily dressed with stable ma- nure. Early in the fall it was considered a first-class crop, and, as it was within easy reach of the sugar-house, it was held in reserve to be used in case any emergency made it difficult to secure the necessary supply from more distant fields. This sor- ghum affords an unusual example of an over-ripe, pithy crop. The green cane yielded 80 pounds and the pithy cane 50 pounds of 100° test sugar per ton. If, therefore, this loss of sugar was accompanied by losses in tonnage as heavy as farmers claim, then milling wastes at once sink into comparative insignifi- cance. For if one-half of the tonnage disappears, and if at the same time that por- tion of the crop which remained depreciates 40 per cent, in value to the sugar boiler, it follows that two-thirds of the sugar formed in the plant may be wasted by delays in field- work. This reasoning rests upon claims and assumptions which can be easily and thor- oughly investigated ; it indicates that the most important question now awaiting solution is, "At what stage in its growth should sorghum be harvested '" MANUFACTURF OF SUGAR, EXPERIMENTAL. The li i- -it sorghum sugar made in this count ry appears to have been in an experiment by Dr. Battey, of Rome, Ga., in the laboratory of Dr. Booth in Philadelphia.1 We \\ ill give farther results of experiments made at the South, and quote from the Southern Cultivator for October, L656: •■ in the winter of l844-'46' the junior editor of this journal obtained from Boston a fewouna )>. n'.'., pp. 153 i / peg. • I h< ■ < i Be Sugai Cane, by James P. C. Hyde, New fork, 1857, pp. 16 ei teq. ■This is probably n mistake and meant I B5 1 87 vious disappointments with new-fangled notions, we concluded to test it cautiously and moderately. Passing by it one day, when the seeds were nearly or quite ripe, we concluded to test the sweetness of the stalk; so cutting a moderate-sized cane and peeling its hard outside coat, we found an exceedingly sweet and pleasant flavor, wholly and entirely unlike anything of the corn-stalk family that we had ever tasted. It was, in fact, ready-made cand\ . " Fully satisfied by this time that it was valuable, at least for the production of soiling, forage, and dried fodder, we next turned our attention to its saccharine prop- erties, and fortunately induced our friend, Dr. Robert Battey, of Rome, Ga., who was at that time pursuing the study of experimental chemistry in the well-known labora- tory of Professor Booth, of Philadelphia, to test it. As the result of his experiment Dr. Battey sent us three small phials, one containing a fine sirup, one a very good sample of crude brown sugar, and the other a very good sample of crystallized sugar. This we believe to be the first crystallized sugar made in the United States from the juice of the sorgho-sucr6." Experiments were made by Joseph S. Lovering at Oakhill, near Phila- delphia, in 1857, in the manufacture of sugar from sorghum. The first experiment was made September 30. In view of the voluminous liter- ature on this subject in the thirty years that have passed since this ex- periment was made, I give Mr. Lovering's own description of it:1 The fact of the presence of crystallizable sugar in the cane being established, I pro- ceeded to cut and grind 20 feet of a row, and passed the thirty canes which it pro- duced three times through the rollers; about one-fourth of the seed had changed to a dark glistening brown color, but was still milky; the remainder was quite green; ground six to eight of the lower joints, which together yielded 3j gallons of juice, weighing 9°Beaume; neutralized the free acid by adding milk of lime ; clarified with eggs and boiled it down to 240° F. This first experiment looked discouraging and unpromising at every step; its product was a very dark, thick, viscid mass, apparently a caput mortuum ; it stood six days without the sign of a crystal, when it was placed over a Hue and kept warm four days longer, when I found a pretty good crop of soft crystals, the whole very similar to the " melada** obtained from Cuba, but of darker color. Lovering's fourth experiment was made on one fiftieth of an acre. It yielded 18.5G pounds of sugar and 23.73 pounds molasses.2 Calculated to 1 ; ere this gives 928 pounds sugar and 98.87 gallons molasses. A footnote informs us:3 Neither the scales in which this juice was weighed nor the quart measure in which it was measured were sufficiently delicate or accurate to give precise results, and as Ihey form the basis of these calculations, the percentages are probably not absolutely exact, but they are sufficiently so for all practical purposes. Three other experiments were made by Mr. Lovering, but with results less favorable than Xo. 4. The fashion in excuses for failure in sorghum-sugar making was early set by Mr. Lovering. In the fifth experiment4 he observed "a very sodden and unfavorable change in the working of the juice," which ho ascribes to the weather u becoming and continuing very warm." The sixth experiment, November 27, v> as mad€ after warm Indian .summer weather, with heavy rains, also veryoold weather, making ice 2 inches in thickness, thermome- 6 Op. cit., pp. 20-21. 1 Op. cit. p. 7. . oil. p. 17. 9 Op. cit., p. 111. • Op. eft, p. L9. 88 ter having varied from 16° to 60°. To try the effect of these changes, I cut one- hundredth part of an acre, which produced 11.15 gallons of juice only, instead of 19 or 20 gallons, as before. It had, however, regained its former weight of full 10° B., but was much more acid, rank, and dark-colored than previously. It clarified with- out difficulty, but raised a much thicker and denser scum, and, when concentrated, was very dark and molasses-like; it, however, produced good, hard, sharp crystals, but the quantity being much reduced, there was no inducement to pursue it further. This experiment proves, however, that this cane will withstand very great vicissi- tudes of weather without the entire destruction of its saccharine properties. On page 2L Mr. Loveriug announces as a fundamental principle a rule of analysis which he followed, which, unfortunately, has not char- acterized all subsequent investigations. He says : 1 The foregoing are all actual results produced by myself (the polariscopic observa- tions having been taken on the spot, under the supervision of my partner, Mr. Will- iam Morris Davis), with no object in view but the truth and a desire to contribute whatever useful information I could towards the solution of this interesting and im- portant question. But even thus early he was led into the error of making sorghum sugar on paper, a process which for ease and profit is far superior to making it from canes, and which, unfortunately, has been largely prac- ticed since these days of initial experiments. Taking only his experi- ment No. 4, he figures a yield of 1,466.22 pounds of sugar and 74.39 gallons molasses per acre, adding2 Further, it will be observed that my acre produced but 1,847 gallons of juice. I have, however, seen published accounts of far greater yields than this— ouo for in- stance, in this county, apparently well authenticated, reaching 6,800 gallons per acre, which, according to my actual results would produco 4,499 pounds of sugar and 274 gallons of molasses, and according to the foregoing probable results, would yield 5,389 pounds of sugar and 274 gallons to the acre. Mr. Lovering was also the fust one to show (on paper) that sorghum was quite as One a sugar-making crop as the sugarcane in Louisiana. He makes the following comparison :3 Yield of juice per acre gallons Density of juice (Banme) degrees Field of sugar per gallon of juice .. pounds field of sugar per acre: Actual pounds.. Probable do Field of molas as p< i acre i Actual gallons Probable do — . Louisiana. - n .78 Pennsylvania. 1,704 102 1, 847 10.00 . 88 1,221.85 1,812.00 71. :u) 81.83 As a resull of the study of all his experiments, he arrives at the fol- lowing conclusions : ' (1) Thai it La obvious that there is a culminating point in the development of the Mgarin theoane, srhloh is the boat time for sugar making. This point or season I consider to be when most if not all the seeds are ripe, and after several frosts, Bay when the temporal are falls to 25 oi 30 I '. Op. ■ If., pp. "-'I and 29. • Op. oil . pp. 23 24 " (>p. (it. p, 25. 4 nf). rlt.. pp. 26, 27 89 (2) That frost, or even hard freezing, does not injure the juice nor the sugar, but that warm Indian summer weather, after the frost and hard freezing, does injure them very materially, and reduces both quantity and quality. (3) That if the cane is cut and housed, or shocked in the field when in its most favor- able condition, it will probably Eeep unchanged for a long time. (4) That when the juice is obtained the process should proceed continuously and without delay. (5) That the clarification should be as perfect as possible by the time the density reached 15° Baume", the sirup having tho appearance of good brandy. (6) That although eggs were used in these small experiments, on account of their convenience, bullock's blood, if to be had, is equally good, and the milk of lime alone will answer the purpose ; in tho latter case, however, more constant and prolonged skimming will be required to produce a perfect clarification, which is highly impor- tant. (7) That the concentration or boiling down, after clarification, should be as rapid as possible without scorching, shallow evaporators being the best. With these conditions secured, it is about as easy to make good sugar from the Chinese cane as to make a pot of good mush, aud much easier than to make a kettle of good apple-butter. EXPERIMENT BY PROF. C A. GOESSM ANN. Iii 1857 Professor Goessniann obtained from 1,440 grains of sorghum juice, by two crystallizations aud washing the crystals with alcohol, 120 grams of sugar.1 Professor Goessmanu says:2 As I before mentioned, J. S. Lovering obtained in practice 7 to d per cent, of sugar without estimating the amount left in the molasses. I found from 9 to 0£ percent, in the juice; and Mr. Wray, an Englishman, who examined .several species of sorghum at Cape Natal, on the southeastern coast of Africa, found the percentage almost equal to that of the real sugar cane, 18 per cent. I mention these facts to show what may be expected when the sorghum shall have received the attention of our farmers and have become acclimatized on a suitable soil. The transplantation of a plant to a new and perhaps less congenial climato and soil invariably exerts at first an inju- rious influence on the vital principle and its products. When the beet root was first cultivated for the manufacture of sugar it contained only 7 to 8 per cent, of sugar, but by the application of proper care to the cultivation and to seleetiug tho best specimens for seed tho percentage was increased to from 11 to 12 in soino sp- Should it bo possible to increase the percentage of sugar in the sorghum in the same ratio, its successful cultivation wTould become an accomplished faet ; and our farmers, aided by their superior skill, more perfect machinery, and many other advantages af- forded by this country, would be able to compete successfully with the planters of the West Indies. Between the dates of the experiments recorded above and 1878 hun- dreds of successful attempts to manufacture sorghum sugar as a by product of molasses were made in the United States. I say successful in the sense that they demonstrated beyond any doubt the possibility of making sugar, although they threw no light on either the scientific or economic problems involved. I therefore omit any farther discussion of them here. Numerous experiments were made by Dr. Collier, chemist of the De- 1 Sorghum Saceharatum, republished from Transaction! N. T, State Agricultural Socioty, 1861, p. 'J I. 8 Op. cit., pp, 90, '27. 90 partment of Agriculture iu 18S8, iu the production ot sugar from sor- gbuui and maize stalks.1 Dr. Collier says of these experiments :2 The point which these experiments have fully settled is, that there exists no diffi- culty in making from either corn or sorghum a first-rate quality of sugar, which will compare favorably with the best product from sugar-cane grown in the most favor- able localities. The experiments here given clearly indicate the probability that sugar may bo thus made at a profit, and it is desirable that nothing be spared in continuing au in- vestigation giving such fair promise of success. The experiments in the production of sugar were continued by the Department of Agriculture in 1879. 3 The sugar was not separated from the molasses except in one case, but the percentage of sucrose in the melada is given. The melada from Chinese sorghum gave 54.7 percent. sugar.4 Some of the analyses seem to show a loss of glucose, and in one instance this loss is given at 144.5 per cent.5 On this point Dr. Collier says :6 The presence of the same relative proportions of crystallizable and uncrystallizable sugar in a sirup to those present in the juice from which this sirup has been prepared by no means implies that there has been no inversion of the crystallizable sugar ; for the destructive action of an excess of lime upon glucose is well known and is not un- frequently made available in the production of sugar. Hence, it not nnfreqnently happens that the relative quantity of crystallizable sugar in the sirup may be greatly in excess of that present in the juice, even after a large quantity of the crystalliza- ble sugar has been destroyed by inversion. lie adds:7 There is no doubt but that when the present industry shall have secured the em- ployment of the capital and scientific ability which has developed tho beet-sugar in- dustry, even these results, which may appear extravagant to many, will be assured. EXPERIMENTS AT TIIE ILLINOIS INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY, CHAM PAIGN, IN 1880. These experiments were all directed by Professors Weber and Sco- vell. They undertook a series of experiments to determine the possi- bilities of manufacturing sugar from sorghum.8 Twelve experiments with amber and orange cane were made from September 17 to Octo- ber 2, In experiment No. 5 the sugar obtained, calculated to 1 acre, amounted to 710.G7 pounds. 'Agricultural Report, 1878, pp. 'JSetseq. (>,>. oft., i». 99. Agricultural Report, i^~9, p. 53. •Qp. off., p. .'.'">. ''Op. cit., p. 01. °Op. cit., p. CO. (>i>. . ? Yield sugar per ton do 77. v? Experiment 3 : Weight of cane pounds.. 1,440 Weight of melada obtained do 145.8 Weight of sugar not given. Experiment 4 : Weight cane pounds.. 1,161 Weight melada from juice do 05.5 Weight sugar from juice do 41. 5 The authors add the following observations: J (1) Seed should be planted as early as possible. (2) The proper time to begin cutting the cane for making sugar is when the seed is in the hardening dough. (3) The cane should be worked up as soon as possible after cutting. Cane which cut in the afternoon or evening may safely be worked up the following morning. (4) The manufacture of sugar can be conducted properly only with improved ap- paratus, and on a scale which would justify the erection of steam sugar-works, with vacuum pans, steam defecators and evaporators, and the employment of a competent chemist to superintend the business. The same is true for the manufacture of glu- cose from the seed. Our experiments were made with the ordinary apparatus used in manufacturing sorghum sirup, and any person who desired to work on a small scale could use the methods with good results, provided he had acquired the accessary skill in neutralizing and defecating the juice and in tin; treatment of the bone-black filters. The manufacture ofglucoseon asmallscale is entirely out of the question. Five hun- dred to a thousand acres ©f sorghum would be sufficient to justify the erection of steam sugar-works, and this amount could easily be raised in almost any community within a radius of 1 or 2 miles from the work-.' Fourteen quantitative experiments were made by the Department of Agriculture in 1 SS2 in the production of sugar. These experiments are described by Dr. Collier as follows: ■ In the fourteen experiments which were made, quantitatively, eleven of the sirup:! were a solid massof erj stals; in twoof them two-thirds of the sirups were mush sugar, and in the remaining sample the strap contained a few crystals of sugar, bnt the analysis showed that this one had not been evaporated quite to the point of good crystallization. 1 Op. cit. 502, 503. 'Investigations of Sorghum, Special Report, 1883, pp. M vl «"/. 93 EXPERIMENTS FOR WHICH AN AWARD OF $1,200 WAS MADE BY THE COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE. (1) CHAMPAIGN, ILL. The Champaign Sugar and Glucose Manufacturing Coinpauy in 1882 submitted a report of its operations to the Commissioner of Agricult- ure, of which the following is a summary : l Number tons cane worked for sugar 1, 723. 99 Number acres cane 185. 8 Pounds sugar manufactured 86, 603. 00 Pounds sugar per ton 50. 3 Pounds sugar per acre 465. 5 A part of the crop was so poor in sucrose that it was worked for mo- lasses only. The climatic conditions attending the experiments are de- scribed as follows : 2 The weather during this year, so far as planting, cultivating, maturing the crop, and the development of cane sugar in sorghum in this section of the country has been the most unfavorable of any year within our knowledge, and we are informed by those who have grown sorghum and broom-corn that this year has been the most unfavorable season for upwards of twenty years in this section for those crops. Further difficulties in manufacture are also described.3 The company were unfortunate in not having a crystallizing-room, capable of being heated to the proper temperature for the best results in crystallization, and the subse- quent purging of the sugar. The room was so cold that the melada was too stiff to arrange itself evenly in the centrifugal without the addition of warm water in the mixer, and even then it was often found impossible to purge without washing with warm water. Wo took the trouble to make experiments to see how much or what pro- portion of sugar was being washed down with and iutotho molasses by reason of the cold. It was done by takiug a certain weight of melada, 120 pounds, which was care- fully wanned and then swung out. The yield was 56 pounds of dry sugar. The same amount of melada from the same car was swung in the usual way, aud the yield was 38 pounds of dry sugar, or a loss of 18 pounds of sugar in a purge, by reason of the cold. We had but a few days of favorable weather, and the results from it com- pared favorably with the above experiment. Upon that basis wo find that there was uselessly washed away 27,799 pounds of sugar. Add sugar obtained, 86,603, and, with a suitable crystallizing-room kept at a temperature of from 98° to 100°, the sugar product would have amounted to 114,402 pounds. This would have made the yield per ton of 66.3 pounds ; yield per acre, 615.7 pounds. This sugar was actually made, and was lost in separation by reason only of the fact that it could not be kept at the proper temperature. This difficulty can be overcome by having a crystallizing-room and having it kept properly heated. In the next place sorghum requires hot summer weather for its proper development. As shown in our report, the average temperature during the pat t of the past D fell far below the usual summer temporal ure in this section, and was an average of6° below the average of | he same months of last year. 1 Enrnuragement to sorghum, etc . UK33, p. 13. - Op, lo effect), and also the cano brought to the mill should bo manufactured into sugar or sirup within twelve to fifteen hours, as the longer it is exposed to air the more sucrose will turn to glucose. Thero should not bo more cane cut in the field than can be worked at the mill each daw Op, < it.} pp. L9 - Op, r//., p 20. Op, j>. [). 2;{ et acq. 1 Op. cii., p. 25. 95 In the summary of his report, however, we have the following curi- ous information : l Number of acres of sorghum brought to the mill 300 X amber of tous of cane manufactured 3, 600 The yield of sorghum per acre tons . . 15 The amount of sugar manufactured (about) tons.. 5 The amount yielded per ton of cane (about)., .pounds.. 80 to 90 Mr. Steck, it seems, had equal difficulty in making sugar and comput- ing yield per ton. Had heavy floods and frosts not occurred, and the factory had been large enough, Mr. Steck states that he would have made 288,000 pounds.2 The loss of 278,000 pounds is therefore to be at- tributed to the unfriendliness of nature. Mr. Steck closes his report with a promise which he has never per- formed, viz : My intention next year is to manufacture sugar from sorghum, knowing the exact process necessary to its manufacture. (4) REPORT OF NELSON MAETBY, GENEVA, OHIO. Mr. Maltby makes the following statement of his work : 4 I worked up cane from 17£ acres; the weight of the caue was 167 tons and 824 pounds, yielding a little over 9^ tons per acre. I made 1,406 gallons sirup not to be granulated. I made 1,095 gallons of sirup for sugar, weighing 12 pounds per gallon, all of which grained well. I made 4,380 pounds good dry sugar from the same. From some cane I made 7%2 pounds sugar and 112 pounds sirup per ton. The average was 62 pounds sugar and 124 pounds sirup per ton. (5) REPORT OF DRUMMOND BROS., WARRENSBURGH, MO. The number of tons of caue manufactured was 243, an average of 9J tons per acre. The greater part of this product did not crystallize. The sugar obtained was wholly from the Early Amber variety, and amounted to 1,4G4 pounds, being an average of 50 pounds per ton. Calculated on the whole quantity of cane, however, it is not quite 7 pounds per ton. Drummond Bros, make no complaint of the unfavorableness of the season. (C) REPORT OF A. J. DECKER, OF FOND DU LAC, WIS.6 Mr, Decker, in competing for the prize of $1,200 for sorghum-sugar making, naively remarks in his summary of operations ■ Gallons. Full amount of sirup made this year :?, GOO Vinegar 800 Sugar (not yet swung out).7 ' Op. cit., p, 25. *Op. tit., p. 27. • Op. cit., pp. 31 it aeq. 2 Op. cit., p. 2G. *Op. cit., pp. 23etacq. 'Op. cit.. p 3 Op. tit., pp. 26 ct seq. 96 The date of Mr. Decker's report is not given. He says, however : l On September 22 and 83 there was ■ sharp frost. The caue was mo3tly in blossom ami the juice tested 5° B. Three months later it tested less than 6° B. There is, there- fore, internal evidence that the report was written later than December 23. This failure to separate the sugar may have been due to the small capacity of the centrifugal, which2 "was small, 24 inches in diameter, 6 inches deep, with a capacity of 500 pounds per day." In respect of the weather we learn :3 The season has been the most unfavorable of any known in this locality since the introduction of this crop. Mr. Decker closes with a number of observations to which the pre- ceding part of his report gives great emphasis :4 There are a number of points requisite to the development of sugar from sorghum as wefl as the process of manufacturing. First, is ripe cane; second, proper appli- ances; third, "the know how." The long-continued high degree of heat required in open-pan boiling destroys nearly all the sugar long before the required density >s reached, and under the most favorable circumstances not more than one pound of sugar to the gallon can bo expected fro/n open-pan work, and that does not deserve to be called sugar making yet. I believe with the use of the vacuum pan and the skill to run it, sngar in the West is as certain as making flour from wheat. (7) REPORT OF WILLIAM FRAZIER, ESOFEA, VERNON COUNTY, WIS.5 The weight of caue manufactured by Mr. Frazier was nearly 259 tons, grown on a little more than 4L acres. Mr. Frazier's success in sugar making can not be properly appreciated save in his own words : 6 My report on this subject can not be what I would like. I am able, however, to send you what I believe to bo a pretty fair sample of crude sugar ; it was dried from sirup made of Mr. Brigg's cano, dried by draining tho sirup through a coarso cloth. Allow mo to state here that my object has been sirup, with a view of making sugar in the near future. The most of my sirup was thoroughly grained one week aftor it was made. Had it granulato in the coolers frequently. My coolers are 8 inches deep and hold 40 gallons each. On two occasions there was about an inch in the bottom of tho second cooler so completely grained that it would not run out, although tho melada was quite warm. I now have about 2,500 pounds of sugar in tho bottom of sirup tanks, which I intend to throw out in tin- spring. Mr. Frazier also funis fault with the weather:7 But tho expected spring rains failed to come. It continued very dry until the 34th day of. June, when nearly 1 inches of rain fell in one day, many heavy rains follow- ing, making it impossible to work our crops until the seasOD was far advanced. I re- piantcd my cane twice, hut owing to the cold, dry spring and to the ravages of tho grub worm, failed to get half a stand on the 19 acre piece. (8) REPORT <>F THE JEFFERSON BUGAB company JEFFERSON, OHIO. \\v manufactured 33,250 pounds of melada from 1 1 1 « - 190 tons of cam worked. We have not separated all of it in the centrifugal as yei ; bnl it is running about 1 pounds illon (or for every 12 of melada), from the firs! granulation. Wb expect on re- »Op. elf. , pp. 31 and 3fe 3 Op. cit.t p. 31. • Op. ciUt pp. 36 et atf. 'Op. cit., p. 41. *Op. tit.,?. 35. *Op. 0tt.,p. 30. • Op. cit.,]}. 38. 8 Op. cit., p. 4G. 97 boiling twice to raise the figures to 7 pounds. Last year we got 6 pounds in every 12, with two boilings, from some of the best cane. If we do not succeed in getting more than 6 pounds per gallon, we will have from the above figures lb",625 pounds sugar. This would be nearly 90 pounds sugar per ton of cane, and about 700 pounds per acre of land. We feel assured of this much from the yield of that already separated ; but we hope to obtain an average of 7 pounds per gallon from all of the cane worked for sugar during the present season. If cane had fully matured we should not want to stop with less than 8 pounds per gallon. The weather, as usual, was bad : The last two seasons have been the most disheartening ones for developing this new industry that our country has seen for years.1 (9) REPORT OF THE OAK HILL REFINING COMPANY, EDWARDSVILLE, ILL.2 The report says : 3 And now we must state plainly that we have not manufactured sugar on a business scale this season. That is, wo have simply made a small quantity as samples of our work, and contented ourselves with turning out the greater part of our products as sirup. We did this for several reasons. In the first place, during the two previous years the juice, at its best (and seldom so), had been on the ragged edge ; that is, scarcely enough sugar to crystallize under the most favorable circumstances. In 1830-'81 the best "quotient of purity " (i. e., polarization divided by solid contents) was about equal to the lowest boilings in a sugar refinery, where a vacuum pan is needed, and three weeks' storage in a "hot room " to insure a yield of 25 per cent, in sugar, and afterwards a bone-black filtration to give the sirup a salablo color. In 1881-82 the cane, if anything, was poorer; we had line-looking ripe cane, the stalks of which were sticky with exuded juice; it had been in the society of the chinch-bug, and the juice polarized from 1 to 2 per cent. This year the chinch-bug had been hard at work improving the time as far as possi- ble, and we knew what to expect. As to the weather, etc., the report says : 4 The past three years the chinch-bugs have been very troublesome in this section. They have done great damage to the cane crop, especially severe in dry seasons, as the past three have been. (10) REPORT OF C. BOZARTH, CEDAR FALLS, IOWA.5 Mr. Bozarth introduces his report as follows:6 I want to preface by stating that I havo been in the business twenty-lour years, and this has been fche worst year for cane that we havo had for sixteen years. We had a very eohl, wet, backward spring. The cane was four weeks coming up, after which there were a number of hard frosts, the weather continuing cold and wet up to July, which so delayed the crop that it was not much past tho bloom when frost came again on the 22d of September, leaving the eane poor in sweetness and weight, both marking only 0° to 8° Baum<5 and averaging not more than 7°. I have made but lit- tle sugar this season, hardly enough to pay for running through tho centrifugal ma- chine, and inasmuch as the sirup is a good price I havo not thought best to put it through for the little that is in it, although there is a considerable granulation through all my sirup, fully as much this year as I OOuld expect, and more, consider- ing the quality of cane. Last year I had 5,000 pounds thai sold in the market for bO\). cit., pp. ,77 cts,,(. 8 Op. cit., p, .".7. i Op. cit., p. 13. sOp. cit., p. 51, "Op. cit., pp.47 eftSg, * Op. cit., pp. r>r> 2357G Bull 18 7 98 8£ cents per pound, and the year before 15,000 pounds that sold for8 cents per pound. I raised this year on my own farm 85 acres, which was all worked without stripping. The introduction contains all there is iu this report concerning the production of sugar. The results of the experiments just abstracted are appropriately pre- ceded by a summary made by the Commissioner of Agriculture of the experiments which had been made up to that time by the Department of Agriculture in the production of sugar from sorghum. He says :l On assuming the duties of my office in 1881 I found 135 acres of sorghum, contain- ing fifty-two varieties, which had been planted in Washington for the use of the De- partment. On and sugar, I eng recommended fo being informed that the time had arrived for manufacturing sirup aged the services of an expert in sugar-making who had been highly C the position of superintendent, and operations were commenced ou September 26 at the mill erected by my predecessor on the grounds. These opera- tions were continued with slight interruptions until the latter part of Ootober, at which time the supply of cane became exhausted. Forty-two acres of the crop were overtaken by frosi before being sufficiently ripe for use, ami this portion of the crop was 80 badly damaged as to be unlit for manufacture. The yield of cane per acre on the 93 acres gathered was 2\ tons; the number of gallons of sirup obtained was 2,977, and the number of pounds of sugar was lo.">. The expense of raising the cane was $6,589. 15, and the expense of converting the cane into sirup and sugar was $1,667.69 — an aggregate of $8,557.04. To recapitulate the results of the ten experiments I give the follow- ing table: Sugar made. rounds. So. 1 86, 603 3,718.5 10, 000 1,461 0,000 0,(100 10, 000 0,000 No. 2 No. 3 (about) No. 4 No. 5 No. 0 No. 7 No. 8 (estimated) No. 9 No. 10 ("a little") 116,165.5 Amount of premium given, $12,000. Amount per pound (nearly), 10.3 oeata. BY THK DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. PRACTICAL. Attempts were made in L88J by the Department of Agriculture to manufacture Bugar at Washington. Cane from 93.5 acres was crushed. Prom the official report it docs not appear that any success attended these efforts. The causes of failure arc thus set forth by Dr. CoNier :2 Briefly stated, the serera] ohief soarees of failure are ai follows : (1) The immaturity of the sorghum a( the period when it is oat and worked. This m;i> be dneto late planting, as in oar experience the past season, or to the selection <>r. rii.. ]». :;. uriiiiurul Report, 1881 '', pp.509 eietf. 99 of a variety which requires mure time for its complete maturity than the season in any given latitude may give. The importance, then, of selecting only such varieties as will ma;ure sufficiently long before frosts, so as to give a reasonable time to work up the crop, can not be overestimated. (2) Another frequent cause of failure is due to allowing the sorghum to remain some time after being cut up before it is worked at the mill. That such a course may be pursued in certain seasons and in certain localities without producing an unfavor- able result has been established beyond much doubt, but the climatic conditions which render such a procedure possible are imperfectly understood at the present, and re- peated experiments have demonstrated that after being cut up the juices are subject to chemical changes which speedily result in the destruction of the crystallizable sugar. For the present, then, the only safe course to pursue is to work up the cane within at most twenty-four hours after it is cut up. (3) A third cause of failure exists in an imperfect method of defecation of the juice. The object of defecation and the method by which it is accomplished should bo care- fully studied aud as thoroughly understood by the sugar-boiler as is possible, for, al- though somewhat complex in its details, the general principles which underlie this important step are few and easily comprehended. The report of the engineer in charge of the work, Mr. J. II. Harvey, gives the following summary :l Cane crushed pounds.. 458,444 Juice obtained gallons.. 26,794 Sirup obtained do 2, 977 Sugar made pounds.. 105 Mr. Peter Lynch, sugar expert, makes the following statement con- cerning the work:2 Peter Lynch, who had the general management of the sorghum business, super- intending its manufacture into juice, sirup, and sugar, says that ho has had fifteen years' experience as a sugar-boiler with Cuban molasses, cane sugar, grape sugar, etc. ; that of the 20G£ gallons of light sirup obtained October 5 and C, 1881, there were from 175 to 200 pounds of sugar obtained — nearly 1 pound per gallon. It was good sugar, worth 8 to 9 cents a pound, wholesale ; would polarize between 9G and 98. No special means were used to obtain this result. It was boiled to a proof that would granulate. The juice from which this was made contained on an average from 2.8 to 3£ per cent. of glucose and from 11 to 13$ per cent, of cane sugar. The mill worked excellently, aud every particle of juice possible was extracted, thi,^ same quality prevailed with all the season's juice, the same average quality of sugar would probably have been obtained every day. The only canes really worth anything were those worked that day. On other days the" proportion of glucose was greater, owing to bad cane. Do not think the qoality of. ^iiiip made tin- year as fair an average as might bo expected with fair soil, lair cli- mate, etc. Good soil ought to raise from 1G to 18 tons of stripped stalks. For the results of tin- season's work no blame can be attached to the machinery or anything else. The only cause for failure to make sugar was that the cane was not sufficiently ripe. In 1883 57^,350 pounds of sorghum cane were worked for sugar by the Departmental Washington. The machinery employed was that used by Dr. Collier in the work of 1881. The quantity of sugar made was 7,100 pounds, or 1.24 per cent, of the cane worked, or 24.8 pounds per. ton.3 1 Op. ci t . . , i> . 682 . 9 Op. cit., p. 523. 'Department of Agriculture, Division of Chemistry, Bulletin No. 3, p. 43. 100 Forty-two tons of clean cane grown in Indiana were also worked for sugar. The quantity made was 2,SG0 pounds, or 3.39 per cent., equal to G7.S pounds per ton.1 Further attempts were made by the Department in Ottawa, Kans., in 1885 to manufacture sugar from sorghum. The process of diffusion was employed. Expensive machinery was provided and one satisfactory trial was made. Unfortunately the actual number of tons of cane used could only be estimated. The estimate was based on the weight of masse cuite obtained, and is without doubt very nearly correct. The quantity of sugar made was 1,420 pounds, estimated at 9f> pounds per ton.2 A subsequent trial failed to produce any sugar.3 Further attempts were made by the Department in 1880 to manu- facture sugar from sorghum at Fort Scott, Kans. The diffusion pro- cess was employed. The average weight of masse cuite was 12 per cent, of the weight of the cane used.4 The weight of cane worked for su- gar was 2,322 tons.5 The weight of sugar made was 50,000 pounds.6 Weight sugar per ton, 21. G pounds. MANUFACTURING TRIALS WITHOUT THE DEPARTMENT. I could not give hero all the incidental attempts at making sugar which have been made in connection with the manufacture of molasses from the time of the introduction of the sorghum plant into this country to the present time. I will confine myself to a brief review of the at- tempts which have been made to produce sugar. CRYSTAL LAKE, NEAR CHICAGO. I believe the first attempt to make sugar from sorghum on a large scale in this country was at Crystal Lake, near Chicago. The factory was under the direction of Mr. J. B. Thorns. According to the report of the National Academy of Sciences on sorghum — 7 In 1879, with a " miserable mill," he obtained juiee of 8£° B. (specific gravity 1,0G0), ;iiid from a gallon of sirup weighing 11 pounds got a yield of about 4 J pounds to tbo gallon, lie obtained from 15 to 2\\ gallons of sirup to the ton of cane, weighing 11£ pounds to the gallon, the simp yielding 4^ pounds sugar, polarized 53°. Of amber cane, which is the only sort ho has worked, has known as high as 21 tons cut to an acre, and states 12 tons as an average. lie sold of the crop of 1879 ovor 50,000 pounds of good C sugar, which was tested in Boston and Now York, and polarized 96} per cent. Of sugar. In L680 his crop of about 300 acres was nearly all destroyed by a hurricane and the product, of about :'>() acres of damaged cane was all made into sirup, which polarized only \Z per cent. ■ Op. cit., p. 52. 1 Department of Agrioulture, Dlv, of Chemistry, Bnl. No. C, p. 9. (>i>. eW.,p. 13. 'Department of Agrionltnre, l>iv. of chemistry, Hub No. 14, p. 3G. 6 Op. cit., p. 36. *Op. cit., p. 36, 7 Report Nat. Acad, of Sciences, p. 30. 101 Farther data concerning operations at Crystal Lake and Hoopeston I give in quotations from the communication of Mr. Thorns to the com- mittee of the National Academy : 1 In the first place let me state to you I am a practical sugar refiner; spent some eight years in the West Indies making sugar from cane. So you will perceive I came here well armed in the knowledge of the business of sugar making. In August, 1879, I saw sorghum for the first time, and although the works were put up by inexpe- rienced persons, besides being so near the time for grinding the cane, we had not much chance to make the necessary alterations, so had to get along as well as we could; and as the cane was new to me, and I had little or no faith in its sugar-producing qualities, I resolved to treat it with as much delicacy as a mother would her sick child. In consequence of the vacuum-pan boiling the sugar so hot, and not being familiar with the juice, and wishing to get as largo a yield of sugar as possible, I boiled it rather stiff, which made the grain finer than I wished it, but to the experienced that did not detract one iota from its strength. I continued to run until I had made over 50,000 pounds of sugar. In 1880 we had made alterations in order to do some pretty good work ; planted about 300 acres of caue, and a month before it matured it was struck by a hurricane and damaged to such an extent that we received only the product of 30 acres ; that, mixed with dead cane, rendering the juice so bad that the sirup only polarized about 42 per cent. Boiled some for sugar, but finding it very gummy abandoned the idea and made ouly sirup. Thus ends the chapter for 1880. In 1881 the spring was so backward our caue hardly matured, and the sirup from it polarized about the same as the previous year (42^ per cent). Having such bad luck the past two years at Crystal Lake, 111., where the above experiments were tried at the works of P. A. Waidner & Co., we have concluded to abandon any further work at Vic above place. I should here state that Crystal Lake is the most elevated section in the State of Illinois which makes raising a crop there rather uncertain; although the old resi- dents of the place say they never experienced two such years with sorghum as 1880 and 1881; indeed, that is the general verdict throughout the country. Crystal Lake is situated about 44 miles north of Chicago. I am interested in a large works at Hoopeston, 111., which is attached to a corn-canning establishment erected for the purpose of utilizing corn-stalks. That we found was no go, as the stalks had but little juice; could not produce enough sirup to pay expenses. I consider the corn- stalks had a thorough test. Wo found only about a foot or a foot and a half of the stalk to contain juice ; the rest was a dry pith. At the time the coin was in the roast - ing-ear. The corn-stalks were tested in 1880. In 1881 we cultivated 500 acres of sorgo, and the drought was so severe wo only got about 2$ tons to the acre, instead of from 10 to 20. Cane was very thin and in some instances not over 2 or 3 feet long, sirup only polarizing 40; did not attempt to make sugar. This year we are putting under cultivation at Hoopeston 1,000 acres. We sold all of our product last year by the ear- load in this city at 50 cents per gallon. Notwithstanding I have been here threo seasons I have not had a single day's fair trial of sorgo juice. With the plant of machinery wo have at Hoopeston now to work up juice such as I had in 1879, I am sure the results I could produce would astonish the country. I am satisfied of ono thing, thai tip- cultivation of the cane is not thoroughly un- derstood. One great drawback here has been the want of proper machinery and a knowledge how to treat the juice. They Imagine all that is necessary is to boil out tho water and let nature do < he rest. 1 Op. ril., pp. Ui>, 120. 102 I have been a very careful student for the last three years, and consider myself now familiar with the juice, and just want one lair chauce. They wren thirteen years in Louisiaua before they could successfully make sugar from ribbon cane. We did it here in six weeks." I will add that the further attempts to make sugar at Iloopestou were total failures, and both factories have beeu abandoned and dismantled. FARIBAULT, MINN. In 1879 a factory was built at Faribault, but no sugar was made.1 In 1880 5,000 pounds sugar were made.2 In 18S1 there are several con- flicting reports of the amounts made. Blakeley reports 7,000 pounds.3 He also reports the amount at 11,000 pounds.4 The total amount made during the season is also given at 15,000 pounds.5 The manufacture of sugar having proved financially unsuccessful further operations were abandoned and the factory closed. A large factory was built at Champaign, 111., iu 1882. This factory was under the immediate supervision of Professors Weber and Scovell. Professor Weber says : 6 As a result of the experiments carried on hy the writers in the seasons of 18S0 and 1881 the Champaign Sugar and Glucose Company, of Champaign, 111., was organized. The object of the company was to carry out on a commercial scale the production of sugar and glucose from sorghum, as was indicated hy our laboratory experiments. The company was orgauized with a capital etock of $25,000. The total expenditure for building the works and raising the crop, however, exceeds $30,000. The committee of the National Academy 7 say : In 188*2 the results of the sugar mill at Champaign, 111., arc reported as being very satisfactory to owners. Several hundred thousand pounds of white sugar were made iu that and the two following seasons. The venture, not proving profitable, was abandoned. HUTCHINSON, KANS. This factory was built in 18S2, but the first year failed to produce any BQgar. In 1883 about 200,000 pounds of sugar were made, but at a heavy loss. 1 1) 1SS1, 250,000 pounds of sugar were made, but still with a loss. Fur- ther attempts were then abandoned and the factory lias been dismantled. STERLING, KANS. The first season's work of this mill, L882, resulted in the production of a very small quantity of sugar. In L883, i7o,ooo pounds were made. 'Blakeley, Beport N';it. Acad. Sciences on Sorghnm, p. :'..">. • Op. <-/.. >>. ::.".. Op. "/., i». 36. ♦Third Ann. Meeting Win. State Cane-Growers' Association, ]>. 33 'Report Nat. Acad, of Sciences on Sorghnm, ]>. 30. *Op. oit.f p. 78, 1 Op. rit., ],. 84. 103 In 1884 a little over 100,000 pounds sugar were manufactured and the business was then abandoned as unprofitable. FRANKLIN, TENN. The disasters which attended the fortunes of this company, 18S3-84, were not softened by the production of sugar. The young sugar-boiler at first secured a few crystals in his pan. Each day, however, the re- sults were poorer, u and at the end of one week no trace of sugar could be found, and in mortification he left without notice and has not yet been heard from.7'1 OTTAWA, KANS. A large glucose factory here was converted into a sorghum-sugar fac. tory. Sugar was made in considerable quantities in 188 I and 1885, and the house was then shut up, the business being attended with financial loss. RIO GRANDE, N. J. This factory is the most extensive and thoroughly equipped of any sorghum-sugar house ever built in the United States. For five successive seasons from 1882 it was conducted with the highest skill. With the aid of a State bounty of $1 per ton for the cane and 1 cent a pound for the sugar, the company was able to hold together financially. With the close of 188G the State bounty expired and the factory has now been closed and dismantled, since it could only be run at a loss without the bounty. In all nearly 1,500,000 pounds of sugar have been made by this company. In speaking of the operations of the large factories tlie commit tec of the National Academy says : 2 One signal success, on a large scale, obtained by intelligent attention bo the results of experimental research and skillful culture, opens the way to a repetition of like results. It. is from the States of New Jersey and Illinois that we are able to cite examples of success on so large a scale and attended with such a sat isfactory result as fairly puts to rest any doubts as to the product ion of sugar, on a great scale, in a northern climate with a commercial profit. How sadly the members of the committee suffered themselves to be deceived the financial ruin of the above two "successes" has attested* At the present time, May, 1888, there remains only one sorghum' sugar factory on a large scale in the country, viz, at Port Scott, Kans. One is building at Topeka and one at Conway Springs, Cans. Col. Cunningham, Sugar Lands, Tex., is also preparing to make sorghum sugar in connection with the sugar-cane. DISCUSSION OF Till: DATA. Saving thus collected from every available source the results of the analyses of Borghum juices made by different invest igators, except those 1 Department of Agriculture, Div. of Chemistry, Bull. No. 5, i>. 165. 'Report National Academy <>i" Sciences on Sorghum, pp. :'•", 31. 104 recorded in Bulletin 17 and Professor Stubbs's Bulletin Ko.12, it ought to be possible to weigh them justly and to form some approximately accurate idea of the value of sorghum as a sugar producer. First of all, it will be necessary to divide the analytical data into two classes, viz: (1) Data derived from the analyses of small samples, in other words, experimental data, and (2) those obtained from analysis of large quantities of material entering in the process of manufacture ; in other words, manufacturing data. I have collected below all the mean analyses of experimental samples, and have obtained therefrom a general average of the character of all the juices which have been analyzed in a small way. BY THE DEPARTMENT. 1 Authority. Sucrose. Glucose. Total solids. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Wetherell 4.29 4.13 6.08 7.00 6.19 3.65 Erni 10.31 11.10 7.86 2.07 8.90 4.38 Antisell 5.94 3.60 Collier 14.60 13.80 13.80 14.60 10.83 2." 44* 12.41 2.47 13.17 2.14 lA.ii 10.05 2.95 17.08 9.89 3.85 8.45 2.90 9.88 2.17 10.48 1.33 11.45 1.20 12.25 1.12 12. 63 1.45 10. 29 3.21 "15.' 34 14.64 1.87 18.05 11.7!) 1.15 15.97 13.31 0.93 17.52 12.44 1.23 it;.:;:. 14. 35 2. 8.") 20.18 Wiloy 9. 04 4.08 14.81 » 13.25 2. :io 10.73 3.71 8. 54 5.99 10.68 3. 2') "i5.'36 12.78 1.77 17. 78 9. 32 4.99 15.27 14.90 1.32 19.90 14.83 L25 20.06 14.72 1.22 19.66 14.60 1.18 20.67 14.48 1. 99 18.41 15.71 1.57 20. i\* 15.89 1.36 20. 58 15.05 1.99 20. 90 11.24 2.44 17.00 1». 6) 15.60 :t. Kt 3.41 15.26 10.23 2.11 l.V 16 8.64 2. 95 14.40 8.54 3.11 14. 54 8.81 2. til 14.40 12.4f) 1 !»!• 17. -JC 13.46 < 17.31 12.15 2. 06 16.77 10.49 1 HI 17.50 ■ 8.70 4.15 it;, en Averages 11.34 2.80 17.37 105 ANALYTICAL DATA OBTAINED WITHOUT TIIE DEPARTMENT Authority. Sucrose. Glucose. Total solids. Browuo Per cent. 7.00 11.00 10.33 11.00 10.94 5.01 5.57 7.29 9.35 17.81 5.00 10.10 9.61 9.77 11.89 8.56 11.95 11.18 12.08 9.50 10.63 10.50 7.00 8.07 8.20 10.17 10.75 9.89 12.10 11.20 10. 59 9.50 8. 20 14.84 15.10 18.01 7.17 11.35 13.99 11.55 8.10 6.15 7.89 9.30 8.70 10.30 10. 20 7.45 11.72 6.13 11. » 9.76 12.50 8.93 7. 96 9.88 7.25 11.92 a 88 9.00 8.80 10.16 13. 16 12.20 15.16 9.39 10. l'J 7. 88 '.i in 9. K7 «. 11 a ii 10.80 0. 88 7. 9.'. Per cent. 3.00 5.00 5.67 2.20 Per cent. G.35 14.42 14.80 Hilgard Weber &. Scovell 4.43 3.00 Weber Weber & Scovell 4.84 3.21 2.85 2.47 3. '20 2.68 4.95 4.20 5.12 3.06 2.48 3.09 'is.' 66 Weber o mature, in place of being cut when the ear lean in an immature state Jit for ; nt. /•. /• & nt. /', r ,; nt. 13.54 2. 97 20.00 14. 50 •_'. 77 21.20 18.53 2.41 18.70 12.88 8. 78 17.80 1 1. M 1.77 20. 20 14. 87 2. 18 20. 70 18.20 2. 87 19.70 18. 72 2. GO 19. 70 1 Op. cif.,p.4& 8 Department of Agriculture, Drv of Chemistry , Bui, No. 1 J, p, ir>. 110 With such cane juices, although they are not as pure as the average sugar-cane juice in Louisiana, it would not be difficult, in my opinion, to make sugar profitably. The data which I give are easily duplicated in those of former years, but this point is so well settled that I will not dwell longer on it here. In contrast with this I will cite an equal number of aualyses made in the same circumstances : * Date. Sept.lG s. pt.'j:j Oct. l Oct ". Oct 9 Oct.12 Oct. 13 Means Sucrose. Glucose. Total solids. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. 7.04 7.80 19.00 3. 00 11. 36 20.30 8.37 4. «»r. 15.50 it. it') 4.88 18.80 4. :"> !i 63 18.30 G. 05 l. Ti- 14.40 5.71 ll. 41 21.50 G.56 7.82 18. 2G It seems almost incredible that two sets of analyses so entirely different in their results could have been made on samples taken in identically the same manner. This remarkable fact discloses the great difficulty which the sugar maker working ou sorghum has to encounter, viz, the unre- liability of his raw material. This difference between seven of the best analyses and seven of the poorest ones, made during the same season, is not more remarkable, however, than the differences between two sets of such experiments made under similar conditions by the New Jersey station. In the data already quoted we find : 1883. 1886. Sucrose in .juice per cent . . Total sugar per acre pounds. . 15.16 3, 9G3 7.95 9.05 These two illustrations set forth in a most striking form the tendency to acute and extensive variations which the sorghum plant has shown ever since its introduction into this country. The worker in sugar cane and sugar beets is reasonably sure of his material. What it is to day it will likely be to-morrow and so continue sensibly until the end of the season. Unhappily the sorghum-sugar worker has no such assurance. The same variety Of cane, in the same degree of maturity, will show the most surprising differences in the sugar content of its sap. Prof. Eippolyte Leplay has noticed this variation especially, from year to year, and has ascribed it to t he process of degeneration. He saya : 2 The culture and distillation of sorghum cant' bad given such important results in Algiers thai Mr. Hardy, direo tor of the Central Government nursery at Algiers, an- nounced, bs results of bin experiments, thai from l hectare (2.47 acres) of sorghum, 1 Loo. oit. Ms id ;mt imr. p. ., , t toq, Ill when the price of alcohol was 171 francs per hectoliter (2G.40 gallons), ho could realize a profit of 8313 francs, and with the price of alcohol as low as 70 fraucsper hectoliter, the profit from 1 hectare would be 3340 francs. Under the influence of these encouraging results, the question as to the culture and distillation of sorghum could not be doubtful. The most important establishments were able to distill from 8,000,000 to 10,000,000 kilograms of sugar cane in the districts of Haute-Garonne, Pyre'uc'es-Orientales of Vau- cluse, and in Algiers. Five years later, that is to say, in 1862, all this grand agricultural and industrial movement had disappeared, all the large and small distilleries had closed, with great tosses, and the culture of sorghum cane was almost entirely abandoned. What have been the causes of these great reverses after the grand success of the beginning so generally and so well established .' Certain circumstances have led the author of this article to occupy himself per- sonally in the culture of sorghum, mostly with a view to its industrial utilization. He took an active part in the grand movement of which sorghum was the object in 1856 to 1802; he has followed all the phases of its prosperity and of its decadence as propagator and a-s victim; he has been able to study the causes of the failure and the means of avoiding it, but the discouragement from all sides became too great for him to examine with coolness and mature thought or to attempt new efforts. In 18(53 he finally abandoned sorghum, which every one else had already given up, as the captain abandons his ship at last, when it sinks under his feet, and the distillery " St. Michel," at Avignon, was, like the other establishments, closed up and abolished. Since that time, and until within the last few years, sorghum has given no signs of life and no further publications upon the subject have been made ; but generations pass, the de- feats of the past lose their intensity, prejudice isdissipated, and there is born of these disasters a new breath of youthfulness which creates new projects. We have studied much into the details and the causes of this failure in France in many manufactories established in the south for the distillation of the cane using several millions of kilograms of stalks each season. The first year the production in alcohol was, from 100 kilograms of stalks, 7.50 liters or quarts, or 22 pounds. The second year the production from the same amount of stalks was G liters ; the third year, 4. 50 liters ; the fourth year, 2 liters. It was discovered that the cause of this reduction in the quantity of alcohol, and consequently in the quantity of sugar, was due to the fecundation of the sugar cane by the broom cane, or Sorghum vulgare, which is cultivated in great quantities in the same localities. The crossing is caused by the pollen from the broom cane being car- ried by the winds to the Bugar cane, and the consequence of this fecundation was that the seeds which had received this attaint, when resown, produced stalks full of white pith without juice, like the stalks of broom coin, or stalks half pithy, which, instead of containing 90 per cent, of juice, contained only 1". or 20 per cent., and this juice was of a quality which produced a small quantity of sugar. All means employed to overcome this imperfection were without Buecess, One could distinguish by the peculiarities of the spike those Btalks which had not been tainted by the pollen from tin- broom corn, but this influence was invisible in the seed, which had been fecundated by the polhn to such an extent that, although taken from stalks containing IS percent, sugar ami sown the following season, would pro- duce only degenerated cane. W'e ha\ e Been stalks of sorghum cane produced from the planting of seeds from the same spike, of which the primitive stalk contained 16 per cent, ol ve bunches of seeds ami single seeds presenting such entirely different characteristics thai they would serve t<> constitute as many different varieties, more or less rich in sugar, and which in reality were only the product of a degeneracy under the influence of a crossing more or less pronounoed in each seed. Such an experience lor several yean was disastrous, and it is upon this hybri- dizing of the sorghum cane and the broom oano that all the responsibility mutt be 112 thrown. Now that which is true in Fiance should also occur in America, and the tana ea lor taw failure in the > _ must be the same in the two count i There is no doubt of the truth of M. Leplay's ideas iu respect of the admixtu: - ^hnm with broom corn, but such au admixture can be led, and if this were the only cause of deterioration we would have little to fear. Horace Piper ^ a The natural cross-breeding of divert: riorqualil - - Hi 1 in gram i neons and leguminous ar us plants, which are raised anunally from their seeds. All the Tarieties of maize are very liable to deteriorate in this way. Those of the Smjkmm $mttkmrmt*m intermix so freely that cultivators have found it almost in ble to obtain pure seeds. From the same cause mely difficult to p: :' the varieties of the melon pure for an 7 ..ble time. ne ean have any seen ri~ _ mmi > unless they are planted many rods from all others, and the ■ which seeds are to be raised are coTered with small I g ire of sufficient size to inclose each and protect it from - - . '. . - :—":-.'.._. L: - r. f individuals of the same variety, when taken from a will, as has before been observed, have a tendency to - The rapid deterioration of the juice of the cane when cut has been noticed by every one who has had anything to do with sorghum. This deterioration, however, is independent of the natural variations above mentioned. The gradual failure of the sucrose in the juice is also noticed when there has been no admixture with broom corn, as pointed out by Mr. Leplay. This has been unmistakedly illustrated at Rio Grande, N. J. The sugar in the amber cane there has been failing since the first until the year 1886, when the juice of this cane from several hundred acres was so poor that no attempt was made to convert it into sugar. My own observations on this inconstancy of sorghum have been pub- lished more than on In speaking in a previous publication of the difficulties of successful sugar making. I said Acareful study of the foregoing data will not fail to convince every investigator that the manufacture of sugar from sorghum has not yet proved financially successful. The men who have put their mo: termites seem likely to lose h intending investors will carefully consider the i . forth before making a The expectations of the earlier advocates of the industry have the predictions of enthusiastic prophet-* have ■ ified. It bo unwise and unjust to conceal the fact that the future of the surgl. hat doubtful. In the first place, the difficulties inherent in the plant itself have been constantly undervalued. The success of the ii. - been baaed on the belief of the production of sorghum with high percentages of sucrose and small amounts of reducing sogar and other impur But the universal experience of practical manufac bat the a itation of the sorghum-cane is far inferior to that jn Dg the 'Ann. Rep - >-partme irtment of Agriculture, I 113 Another i 4u.i i".:ri::; ..■_.'.::..■_• :.r? : : ;.v .:: ::; ::.• ^: - --:•:.._■-:■. r .: ' - _- *? if:-:::.::-.'.? :' :. . .". . - : . . .:> .. :r.-i ■: i^-.j nz .:> • . - ■-. I:.-- :: l. .1- s»: :^ '_-.■■_.■.:•.. :. •.?::/"_:.> - ::■:•. '. :'.-...: -r ;■■: ifr-i. .-_- :vs« c tt_. ._ ii- •:•:•: :: J r :!•* •..:,,:;_:-•: : :..- ::: :•: - :". ". !■ '::.:•:•• _i • r :■.*:.*:• i ..>-.? ~ 1 • :- : • ■:-•■ ::l-:? cv::.:: .: ". .:.> '• .-.-.. :., • :\i":".f.. 1: .? "_i :•■../ 7 :■: : -& . .- ; : ii : _t : r . : . : - _ ■. : -; : -- again to its m\iiiaw of the sears prowil Only war, noBnkavot, or drffiarthw wonM r-:-->:. ■..-.:'...--. . : - - -- :..::-.::•: :'.:-_-?._ : -~ -r: 7. *: ■. ■: : ,: -. z :-.^-. 11 price as final, and make his arrangements ami Singly. Bat law nanoes anal mannnva ■ . creased production rasy find bis hauanem leanaamlay »— amini*e if not as faa%hang as before . The sorgham-«a£ar grearer mill be injered or hiaiaamii with taw go wean of other kinds of sugar by these eeoaeamie farces. Hera* itoer* thwM ho no n an latj between the grotrerof thoaorghonv the sagar-haet, nad ta*:aagar'-<^ae,baa affldaoond ■ . :rne that the present ontlook is daacoaaagiag. Bat iinnma&iiaaial is nca oe- The time has now tome far solid, eaer^etac work, finataaa aaai practice anm* ;;•■.-.- ■:-. ■■. :."■ :\:. :.,v '.:.-.:■: :, '. :. : „• " : : : .v. t,:-. . . >.': v :,ir, .-..L-: h -. -. '/.._.. erer m i Aiere. la is not wj>e to aaaaaiw too mach,, bat that Baroaa woafti fail 90 ; her to suppress the diaconaaging venerea of that an* dastry or tail to leeogniae the posatotfit 5- of its lanicmnw, TV* fiatat* ineae»ac on the Atom of the adceeates of aarghaat. The nwhftena lihey have ot aolve is a . ineult one> hot ita aolntaam is not > m Again, in speaking of the necessity of systematic field experiments insecuring a sorghum suitable for sugar making, I said :x Such a series of experiments carried on under uniform conditions over the whole country would do more in live years to determine these great agricultural problems than fifty years of spasmodic and disjointed work could accomplish. Much of the success of the beet-sugar industry of Europe has been due to a wise selection and improvement of the seed, by which the sugar contents of the beet, in some instances, has been nearly doubled. There iu no reason to doubt that a similar improvement (but not, perhaps, to the same extent) could be made in Northern cane. Such an improvement station could be established at small cost; but. to be effective, must be continued through, series of years. The seed of those canes showing the highest sugar content should be planted and the selection continued until a maximum of sugar is obtained. If in this way a variety of cane could be produced which would give an average result in analyses of only 2 per cent . unerystallizable sugar and 1U per cent, of sucrose, it would prove of the greatest value to the country. In another place, referring to the lessons which were taught by the Port Scott experiments, I said:2 The chief thing to be accomplished is the production of a sorghum plant containing a reasonably constant percentage of crystalli/able sugar. Recently in a public address I said :;i It is easily seen from the foregoing tigures that in four years I have never found a large field of sorghum, judged by the juice obtained, which was rich enough to make sugar economically. On the other hand, intensive culture, like that given to a garden, has produced sorghum which, with the improved processes which have been introduced, would easily make L50 pounds of Sugar per ton. The sorghum enthusiast has been abroad in the land, and, in his wake, has closely followed the crank. Fairy tales of the richness of sorghum have been told every- where, and have often obtained credence. Fictions of the imagination, and often, 1 am sorry to say, fictions without any imagination, have portrayed the glowing futuro of sorghum- a futuro full of triumph and glory. Sorghum has been extolled as the one greal savior of the country, furnishing alike its bread, its sweets, its meats, and its drinks. The hope for sorghum is not in new methods and new machinery; it is in the akill and patimcc of the agronomist. Wise selection of seed, intensive en It ure, judicious fert ili/at ion — t hese are the fac- tors I hat can make the sorghum sufficiently saccharifacient . Still more recently, having collected various data concerning the in- stability of sugar in sorghnm, I presented them to the Indiana Acad- emy Of Sciences. From this paper I make the following quotations:4 ON Till CAUSES OF THE VARIATIONS IK un CONTENTS 01 SUCR06B IN SORGHUM SAG- CHAR \ ii \i. For some years I ha ve been im eel igating t be Sorghnm saooharatuin in respect of its adaptability to t he prodnoi i »t ngai . During this time many difficulties have been enoountered, ami these troubles have all been overcome with one exception. The chief obstacles Unsuccessful sugar mak> 1 Department of Agriculture, Report l--:;, pp. 1 13, 111. Departmeu! of AgriouN lire, Division of Chemistry, Hull. 14, p. 48, Bulletin No.-.'. Chemioal Society of Washiugton, pp. •-'-, •'>. 'Botanical Gazette, Vol. XII, No. ::, pp. M ett i a, 115 ing have been, first, unfavorable climatic conditions; second, imperfect methods of extracting the sugar; third, improper treatment of the extracted juice : fourth, va- riations and rapid chauges in the sucrose of the juice. All of these problems have been successfully solved save the last. It is proper to say, however, that certain methods of cultivation and certain methods of selecting seeds tend to produce maxi- mum contents of sucrose in the cane, and these methods are not jet fully developed. A proper conception of the variations to which the sucrose in sorghum is obnoxious can not be had unless wTe study briefly the method of its formation, how it is stored, and the physiological functions in which it takes part. Vegetable physiologists have taught us that a carbohydrate can be formed by a certain retrogressive change in protoplasm, by which the cell envelope, in other words cellulose, is produced. The carbohydrates which appear in the embryo of a plant are developed at the expense of the stores of material iu the seed. After the appear- ance of the chlorophyll cells in the plant the production of carbohydrates takes place with their aid, COg being absorbed from the air and free oxygen being eliminated. It would be easy to explain the production of carbohydrates by supposing that the chlorophyll cell exerted a reducing influence1 on the CO* which, with the assimila- tion of water, produced, for instance, starch by the formula GCOj+SH->O = C6Hi0O5--f-Oi2. In the vast majority of plants it is found, in corroboration of this supposition, that the volume of the oxygen set free is sensibly the same as the carbonic dioxide ab- sorbed. The carbohydrate which is generally formed in the chlorophyll cells is starch. This starch is removed from the leaf, and it is supposed that the carbohy- drates which are formed in all parts of the plant are derived from this original sub- stance. • In point of fact, however, the production of organic matter in a plant does not probably take place in the simple maimer above described. It is more likely that the presence of a nitrogenous body is necessary and this proteid itself is the active principle in the production of new organic matter, by a certain decomposition it suffers, with the help of carbonic dioxide and water. Nor is it by any means certain that starch is the only organic matter formed by the chlorophyll cells; in fact, it is known that oil is often the product of this constructive and destructive metabolism. But it seems reasonable to suppose that the different sugars are as likely to be formed in the leaf of the plant as starch.2 When we remember how easily starch is detected in most minute quantities, and how easily sugar is missed even when present in much Larger quantities, wo do not wonder that vegetable physiologists have supposed that starch is the first carbohydrate formed in the leaf, and that all the Others are derived therefrom. Tin- explanation, which is made of the translation of the starch from the point of its formation to the localities where it is stored, is as follows : Take, for instance, the formation of starch in the germ of cereals. We are taught that the Btarch first formed in the leaves is changed into sugar, and in this soluble state carried through the plant until it reaches the seed. This sugar, reaching the point where tin- seed is forming, is changed to standi again by the amyloplast . Lei us subject this the" try 01 the translation of starch to a brief examination. There arc two only known methods by which starch can be converted into BUgar, vi/ : First . by the action of certain acids, and second by the action of certain ferments. Tim conversion of standi into sugar by acids even at a high temperature and with the stronger acids is very slow. It is simply incredible thai such a conversion can take place at the ordinary temperature in the Leaf of a plant, and bj reason of the action of the extremely dilute weak vegetable acids which the leaf contains, [n the same 'It has lately been stated thai this reduction is due to the action of electrioitj on the leaf -producing hydrogen— and this hydrogen is the active principle in the redoe- tion of the carbonic dioxide. This statement appeals to be purely theoretical. 1 Meyer (Botanische Zeitung, 14, Nos. ."Mi, T, 8) has lately Bhown thai the leaf of the plant is incapable of forming starch out of sucrose. LtBvulose, etc., and calls es- pecial attention to the fact that starch ma\ not be the original substance formed. 116 way it must be conceded that the opportunity for tin- art ion of a ferment in the leaf is extremely Limited.1 Such action requires time and much more favoable eonditions than can be found in the living leaf. In any ease if sugar be formed from starch in either of the ways indicated it could not be sucrose. In fact the reducing sugar which is found in plants is seldom starch sugar, i. 0., mal- tose or dextrose. This appears to be a fact which the vegetable physiologists have- entirely ignored. The sugars of plants which reduce au alkaline copper solution are either derived f rom sucrose by inversion, or more probable are of independent formation. If they were derived from starch they would show dextio if from su- crose, hevo-gyration. In point of fact they often show neither, as I long ago pointed out, when, in view of this optical inactivity, I proposed for them the name of anop- tose. Winn they do show rotation, however, it is left-handed. It seems to me that there is one fact that the physiologists forget, viz, that standi is not always insoluble. In my examinations of sorghum juices I have never failed to find soluble standi when I looked for it.- The existence of bodies when first formed in the soluble state, which when once made solid become insoluble, is not unknown. Certain forms of silica are illustrations of this. It seems much more reasonable to sup- pose that in the case of the sorghum, for instance, the starch which appears in the Beed is partly transferred directly from the soluble nascent state to the seat of its final depo- sition. This, indeed, is hardly a theory in the light of the fact mentioned above — that the sap of the plant always contains soluble starch. It is far more simple to suppose that the sucrose which we find in sorghum is pro- duced directly by the decomposition of protoplasm in presence of carbonic acid, pro- voked by the katalytic action of the chlorophyll cell. At any rate there is no sort of evidence that it is ever made from starch, and no physiologist has ever invented any hypothetical saccharoplast to account for such a transformation. This subject of the origin of sucrose is of great interest ; but I have not yet finished my experimental studies of it, and so will not pursue it further at present. The question now arises is the sucrose of sorghum a plasl ic material, reserve mate- rial, or waste \ In respect of plastic material it is sufficient to call attention to the fact that the development of sucrose does not begin in the plant until it is far on the road to maturity. To this it may be objected that its accumulation does not begin until this period, and that what is formed earlier in its history is a really plastic ma- terial used in the development of other tissues. Had I time I might show, 1 think, conclusively, that the presence of the sucrose as a plastic material is not probable. Is it a reserve materialf The sucrose which is deposited in the seedsof plants, in tubers like the sugar-beet, and in sugarcane, doubtless is a true reserve material, and by its decomposition helps the growth Of the succeeding plant. But the sucrose in sorghum Beems to have no such function. It can in no way aid the incipient growth of the next plant, for that plant grows from a seed. As far as an\ use in the economy of the plant is concerned, it appears to be absolutely worthless, it is true that in the case of " sucker ing,w the sucrose in t he cane may sutler loss, imt "sucker* ing " is not alw a\ s a natural growth J it is ad\ cut it ion s and is alw ays detrimental to the proper mat nrity of a plant. Il seems, therefore, that the BUCrOSe in BOrghum is purely a waste material— as much so as an alkaloid or a resin. In tie cases where BUCrOSe is a true reserve material, as in seeds, in tubers, and in Bugar-cane, we find t here i-, no tend* ncy for it to disappear until the needs of the new plant require it. The BUCrOSe remains, fox instance, unchanged in the sugar beet until the new growth begins. The same Is true in a higher degree of the sucrose in seeds, 'fhe fact, therefore, that in sorghum all braces of sucrose may disappear in a few days shows that its office is radically different. 1 The i'ei nieiii which a«ts on the starch has been studied i>\ Brasse and s. dumper (Bied. Centralblatt, vol. 14, p. it;'.', vol. 15, pp. 310 and 473). It is called amylase 'That is a body in solution which gives a Mm- color w n h iodine. 117 As a result of ray investigations I will say that the development of sucrose in sor- ghum is an accidental function, or rather an adventitious function. It goes on usu- ally pari passu with the formation of the starch in the grain and the content of su- crose in the plant, and its quantity is at a maximum at the time the starch formation is completed. In the sugar-cane the sucrose appears to be not only reserve, hut also plastic material. In the upper part of the cane the content of sucrose is much less than in the lower, showing that in the region of most active growth the sucrose may suffer decomposition and help in the formation of proteid. (I wish to add here that the only way in which the plant can use sucrose for the formation of other bodies or for working it into living tissues is by thus getting it into protoplasm.) On the other hand, the content of sucrose in sorghum is sensibly the same in all parts of the cane, being just as great at the top near the place of most rapid starch storage, as it is near the base. It is not strange, therefore, if it be true that the production of sucrose is only the expression of the exuberant vitality of the leaf of the sorghum, that the greatest variations should be met with the content of sucrose. These variations are not confined to different varieties or to different fields, but are found in the same va- riety in different canes growing in the same hill, and which, therefore, have been subjected to precisely the same conditions of culture and weather. In ten successive analyses of sugar-beets made two years ago, I found no greater variation than 1 per cent, in sucrose. The same was true of ten successive analyses of sugar-canes I made last month, November, I860. On the other hand, any ten suc- cessive analyses of sorghum-canes, made last October, will show a variation of 6 per cent. 1 have not the time here to cite all the instances I have noticed which illustrate the principles set forth above. They number hundreds. Without a record of these analyses, however, the tact clearly appears that the chief cause of variation is found in the accidental or adventitious nature of the formation of the sucrose; in other words, its independence of the life history of the plant. When, however, the sucrose has once been formed, as in a mature1 cane, it is subject to sudden variations. Sudden changes in the weather, severe frosts, followed by warm weather, or simply standing dead ripe, often cause a rapid disappearance of the sucrose. It is first converted into invert BUgar and this quickly disappears by fermentation. When the canes have been cut also, if they be expressed at a temperature of a warm September day, the sucrose is rapidly inverted. This inversion is not due to the ac- tion of t he acids which the sap contains, but is produced by a special ferment, proba- bly inveriin, or some similar substance.1 These variations in the content of sucrose are. as I intimated at the beginning, the chief obstacles now in the way of the successful introduction of a sorghum-sugar iu- dnstr\ into this country. The last one is easily avoided by promptly working the cane as soon as ii i> cut. The first ■ can only he overcome by the scientific agrono- mist, aided by the best practical botany and chemistry. Since writing the above I have received the Revue Scientifique, of February 5, 1887, containing a not ice of the observations of Girard on the production of carbohy- drates in plants. This author definitely confirms my statements in respect of the in- dependent formation of sucrose in Leaves. The reviewer says : " Lee experiences de If. A. < Hrard mettenl hois de doute que les limbes fabriquent alors des saccharoses r the New Jersey Btation we have already seen flic theoretical yield of Bngar per acre, it is a matter of considerable 1 Duolouz, Compt. rend., 103, p. 881, has shown thatsunlight is capable of inverting a ■010 ion of sin ! 118 importance to know what the average yield of sorghum in clean stalks per acre is. Weber and Scovell1 report yield of clean cane, equal to 15,766 pounds or 7.88 tons per acre. Professor Henry2 gives the follow- ing as the yield of cane per acre : Pounds. First plot 30,348 Second plot 23,550 In 1882 Henry found the following as a mean yield iu clean cane of fifteen plots calculated to one acre:3 Mean for fifteen experiments, 1 4,300 pounds =7.15 tons. The yield per acre for the field crop4 in the several fields was as fol- lows: First field 20, 906 pounds = 10.45 tons. Second field 14, 487 pounds = 7.24 tons. Third field 13,088 pounds = 6.84 tons. In the field trial of cane by the Department at Washington in 1881 the average yield from 94 acres was 5,000 pounds5=2.5 tons. The mean weight of clean cane per acre as determined at Champaign, 111., in 1882, is seen from the following data.0 Number acres 244. 59 Number tons 2, 682. 75 Tons per acre 9.33=18,660 pounds. The average yield of 0.85 acres at the Wisconsin agricultural farm in 1882 was 16,200 pounds per acre, equal to 8.1 tons. Nelson Maltby obtained (mean of 17.5 acres) 0.5 tons per acre, equal to 19,000 pounds.7 Drummond Brothers report an average of 20.5 acres, at 9.17 tons, equal to 18,340 pounds.8 A. J. Decker9 reports average yield of 45 acres at G tons, equal to 12,000 pounds, William Frazier" states yield for 45 acres averaged C tons per acre, equal to 12,000 pounds. A. L. Talcott11 estimates yield per acre at 9.G tons (220 acres), equal to 1.9,200 pounds. Belcher and Schwarz18 report yield for 191 acres at 3 tons per acre, 0,000 pounds. 1 Transactions Department <»i Agriculture, Illinois, 1881, p. 601. ] :perimenta In Amber cane, 1881, p. 14. 'Second Annual Report, Amber cane, p. 8. * Op. tit., p. it. Encouragement <«» Sorghnm, i>. :J. '()i>. Op. oi*.,p. 87. •Op.dt.t p, 28. '(),>. <■//., p. :{.r). u>Op. 'it., ,,.:!?. nop. el*., p. 46. wop, oit, p. sa 119 Bozarth1 from 85 acres reports a yield of 8.1 tons p^r acre, equal to 16,206 pounds. In a field of 64 acres grown b y the Department of Agriculture near Washington, in 18S3, the yield was 746/250 pounds of clean caue, or 11,662 pounds per acre, equal to 5.83 tons. At Rio Grande, according to the report of Professor Cook already cited,2 it is shown that the average yield of that plantation for tive years (about 1,000 acres per annum) was only 7.7 tons of un stripped and un- topped canes, or of clean cane about 6 tons, equal to 12.000 pounds per acre. TONNAGE PER ACRE DETERMINED BY THE EXPERIMENTS OF THE NEW JERSEY AGRICULTURAL STATION.3 In 1881 the average yield at the New Jersey experiment station4 was 4.84 tons, equal to 9,741 pounds per acre. In 1882, in fall-plowed land, the mean yield in sixteen experimental plots was 8.45 tons, equal to 17,110 pounds5 per acre. For the spring-plowed laud the numbers are 9.84 tons per acre, equal to 19,680 pounds.0 For 18S3 the mean yield of sixteen experimental plots was 14.4 tons, equal to 28,851 pounds per acre.7 In 1884 the mean yield of sixteen experiments was 10.30 tons, equal to 20,601 pounds per acre.8 In 1885 the mean yield of sixteen plots was 12.48 tons, eqnal to 24,965 pounds per acre. In 1886 9 the mean weight of cane on fourteen fertilized plots calcu- lated to 1 acre was of clean cane 10,443 pounds, equal to 5.22 tons. I believe a perfectly fair average of the yield per acre of sorghum, taking into consideration all seasons and methods of culture and fertiliz- ing, will be found by the investigation of the foregoing. means. xOp. cit., p. 58. •Sixth Ann. Krpnrl New Jersey Agricultural ExpiMinn'iil Station, p. 119. Ami. reports of station. *Op. cit., 1881, p. 15. » Op. cit., , 1882, p. 64. • Op. cit., p. 65. : Op. rit., 1883, p. 70. »0)>. cit. . L884, p 34. *Op. cit. , 188(», p. 151. 120 .> it mm (in/. Authority. Weber and Scored Henry and Sweuaon Henry Harvey Weber and Scovell Henry and Swcnson Maltl'.y Drummond Bros Decker Frazier Talcott Belcher and Schwartz Bozarth Wiley Hnghea and Cook Cook Genera] averagi per acre We may, therefore, place the average crop of topped and stripped jane in round numbers at 8 tons per acre. Practical farmers, chemists, and manufacturers have long- recognized the imperative necessity of producing abetter raw material for sorghum sugar in, iking, hut many of those who have gone into the business have not been impressed with such a necessity. In many of our newspapers, in some official documents, and in tin1 report of the Academy of Sciences, which has already been (juoted, sorghum lias been represented as the equal of Louisana sugar-cane, ami therefore the meat inferiority of it to that sugar plant has been first revealed by the crash of financial failure. Among the methods which have been tried for increasing the suerose in sorghum I will cite the EFFECT OF REMOVAL OF THE BEES BEADS. The question of the formation of sucrose in the sorghum cane has already been discussed. Formerly, when it was considered that the starch was derived from the sucrose, it was supposed a priori that the removal of the panicle, (bus preventing the formation of starch, would lend to increase the per* Cectage Of sucrose in the juice. It is stated in Hyde's book ' that — 1 1 be < 'inn' Be 8ugar-< lane, Hyde, pp, •-':'•. 24. 121 The ripeness of the seeds does not appear much to lessen theproductiou of sugar, at least in the climate near Paris, but in other countries where it matures when the weather is still warm the effect may he different. According to the report of M. de Beauregard, addressed to the " Cornice de Toulon," the ripening of the sorgho in that latitude had no unfavorable effect ; and he considers the seeds and the sugar as two products to be conjointly obtained. On the other hand, Mr. Wray says the Zulu- Kaffirs are in the habit of pulling off the panicles of the plant the moment they ap- pear, in order to augment the quantity of saccharine matter in the stalks. Mr. Leonard Wray1 makes the same statement. In the direction for making sugar from sorghum priuted in " The Working Fanner," and quoted in the book of Mr. Stansbury,2 occurs the following sentence : When the grower intends to make sugar, he should pinch off the seed heads before they are fully formed, or indeed as soon as they appear, thus causing the plant to give a larger yield of stronger juice. In 1882 and 1883 experiments were made by Prof. II. A. Weber and Prof. M. A. Scovell, at Champaign, 111., to determine the effect of the removal of the seed heads. Following is Professor Weber's report :3 The first experiment in topping cane was made in the season of 1832. It was sug- gested by the theory that the starch, which forms about 6:J per cent, of the weight of the seed, could, by removing the top in time, be retained in the stalk in the form of cane sugar. The experiments in this direction fully proved the correctness of this theory. In tin- first experiment a portion of the heads was removed from a plat of Amber cane soon after they made their appearance and before there was any visible formation of* seed. When tin; remaining cane had reached the hard-dough stage comparative analyses were made, with the followiug results: Topped. Untoppctl. Density, Bamn6 Cane sugar, per cent. . . (irape sugar do 9.5 12.62 2.58 8.1 7. 80 4.80 In the season of 1883 two more experiments were made in this direction. In the first one, a field of Kansas orange cane was chosen. Two rows lying side by Bide and of uniform growth were selected. One was topped as soon as the heads appeared. The first comparative analyses were made on September li>, when the upper hall' of the seed heads was in the hardening dough. The results are as follows: topped. CTntopped. Deaaity, ''••nun.' • '.nil- sugar, per cent. .. I trape sugar.. . do 10. s n i 4.01 9.x 11.88 Two more comparative analyses of the same rows were mad< the seed w as fully ripe. < October 2, after 1 Agricultural Report I -."»!, p, •_>•.' j •Stansbury. Chinese Sugar-Cane. p. '.{." •Department of Agriculture, Division of Chemistry, Ball. No. 5, pp. 145,146. 122 Tin- following table shows the results Topped. Untopped. 13. 3 9. 4 14.82 ■ 11.53 J. 82 3. 53 ( lane sugar, per cent . - » trape sugar.. . do The last test was made with a plat of Indian cane. The topping was done Angus! 23, three days after the heads began to appear. The comparative analyses were made October f>. At this date the seeds were per- fectly ripe, and would drop from the head when shaken. The results are given in the following table: Topped. Uutopped. Density, Bauiue Cane sugar, per cent... Grape sugar... do 10.2 13.04 1.54 8.3 10.06 2.4G These results show an increase of over 3 per cent, of cane sugar in favor of the topped cane. Dr. Collier also was led to investigate the same subject.1 Two sets of analyses were made. In the first set of ninety six pairs of analyses the results are as follows : In the juice. <. L887, Dr. Collier makes a comparison of the analyses of juices of sorghum and sugar canes, which he submits as the teachings of years of experiment. 1 Department of Agriculture, I>i\ of i IhetnUtry, Ball. No. 5, pp. I Op. <•;/., ,,,,. l ii. 1 16, •Bull. No. 6, p. 16. 124 From these analyses be draws the following conclusions: The average of the above (including two hundred and two analyses of sugar-cane juices grown on different plantations and in different years, and of three hundred and thirty-one analyses of many varieties of sorghnm jnices also grown in different years) gives for each ton of sugar cane 225 pounds total sugar, of which 179 pounds are the- oretically available, and for each ton of sorghum cane a total of 361 pounds of sugar, of which 199 pounds are available. In respect of the quality of the crop of sorghum at Fort Scott the same writer in the Journal of Commerce of the date mentioned, after quoting the results of a single analysis, makes the following observations : Now, the above shows in each ton of cane 'J;'>-4 pounds total sugar, of which 169 pounds were available. Such was the average crop of cane according to the very best, and indeed the only method by which its value could be ascertained. It is thus seen that it has been claimed that the sorghum crop at Fort Scott was not only equal to Louisiana cane, but, iu fact, far supe- rior to it in its sugar-making qualities. The same authority says: l The next question which arises is most naturally this: Granting that this sugar is found in the crop of cane, can it be recovered by processes em- ployed on the sugar-cane plantations of the South or the best sugar factories of Eu- rope? I reply with a decided yes to this most important practical question. In the light of these statements the value of the actual comparison is greatly increased. ABSTKACT OP EXPERIMENTS WITH SORGHUM AT FOK T SCOTT, KAN'S., IN 1S8G.2 Mean composition of juices, seventy analyses, expressed from small quantities of sorghum canes daring the entire season : :] Pel .-. li! Sue lose it. ill ( 4. 10 Total Bolids 16. 94 Parity co-efficienl 65»14 The small samples of cane above mentioned were taken in such a waj as to represent as nearly as possible the general character of cane en- tering the mill. Lt is idle to claim, however, that in nearly 3,000 tons of cane, varying in such a marked manner as has already been set forth, SUCh ;i selection of samples could accurately represent the whole. They might give results better or worse than the average. Which of thest Was th<' <•;!><' with the above samples will appear l>\ studying closel; the following data : SAMPLES COLLECTED PROM CHIPS ENTERING EACH CELL \M> A 1' IT. 11 MIXING PASSED THROUGH SMALL MILL. Such samples represent much more accurately than those just stud- led the average composition of the canes entering into manufacture] 1 Chicago Journal of Commerce, November IT, L88t5. 'Department of Agriculture, Div. of Chemistry, BulL N«>. it. *0p, oil., pp. it. 16. 125 They were taken on twelve different days, from October 15 to 27, and each sample represents the mean composition of 10 tons of cane. The means of the twelve samples are as follows : ■ In the juice. Per cent Sucrose 7.28 Glucose o. 74 Total solids 14. 80 Purity co-efficient 49.00 MEAN COMPOSITION OF THE DIFFUSION JUICES FOR THE WHOLE SEASON. Following are the means of seventy-six analyses2 extending over the whole season. The samples were taken (a measured quantity) from each cell when discharged. After ten samples were collected and mixed the analysis was made. The results of the aualyses are, therefore, a true index of the diffusion juices for the entire season:2 Per ceut. Sucrose 5. 10 Glucose 3. 07 Total solids 11. 47 Purity co-efficient 44. 4 There is one point in the above data to which I desire to expressly call attention. The juice which was actually worked for sugar at Fort Scott was the diffusion juice, of which the mean composition is given above., This juice, according to the methods of estimating its value in common use, not only would not yield crystallizable sugar, but, on the other hand, could have had a large quantity of pure sugar added to it before any could be obtained in the ordinary process of manufacturing. The above is the actual character of the juices which Dr. Collier has stated had in each ton "238.5 pounds sugar, of which 1(5!) pounds were available." We now turn for comparison to the data obtained with identically the same processes employed at Fort Scott to make sugar from sugar cane. The canes on which these trials were made were cut in Louisiana Oc- tober l'.") to 30, and subjected to diffusion at Fort Scott, November 6 and V, 1880. mi;\.\ COMPOSITION OF rin: JUICES in tin; cam:. Samples of chips were taken from each cell until twelve were tilled. These samples were passed through the small mill and the analyses made in the mixed juices. Five sets of analyses were made, giving the mean composition of seventy-two tons of chips. J Op. (it., p. IT. pp. 1-, I'.'. 126 Following are the means of the results : In juice. Per ct-nt. Sucrose 10.G8 Glucose 1.78 Total solids 14.38 Purity co-efficient COMPOSITION OF DIFFUSION JUICES FROM ABOVE CANES. The samples were taken by withdrawing a measured quantity from each of the twelve cells and thoroughly mixing. Six sets of analyses were made. Following are the means: Per etiit. Sucrose 7.16 Glucose 1.23 Total solids 0.86 Purity 72.6 In this connection it must be remembered, too, that the mean temper- ature used in the diffusion of sorghum chips was 70° C, while for sugar cane the diffusion took place at 90°. Therefore, a much greater inver- sion would be expected with the former than with the latter. In point of met, it has been clearly established that the sucrose in ripe and fresh sorghum canes undergoes no appreciable inversion dur- ing the process of diffusion at 70°, if that process is not delayed by faulty machinery or accidents. When inversion in the battery does take place, it is due to the fact that chips are used which are not in a fit state for sugar making, or by reason of some delay in the process. Without discussing further the details of the experiments with sugar- cane, I desire to call your attention to the following points : (1) Sorghum-canes manufactured at Fort Scott in 1SS6 gave a yield of 21.6 pounds sugar per ton. (li) Louisiana sugarcane, manufactured at the same place, by iden- tically the same processes, and under identical conditions, save that the temperature in diffusion was 20° higher, gave 144 pounds sugar per ton. The sorghum-cane, therefore, grown at Fort Scott was nearly seven times less valuable for sugar making than the sugar-cane. I am fully convinced Of the fact, however, that had the machinery at Port Scott in L886 been perfect, so that the sorghnm could have been promptly worked at mat urity. the quantity of sugar it made would have been greatly increased. This fact 1 have emphasized in Bulletin No. L4. It will be of interest in closing this brief review of our present knowl- edge concerning sorghnm and sugar cane, to add to the summary given the results of the final experiments recorded in Bulletin No. 17. In the summary of the data for Louisiana this has already been done. 127 The mean composition of sorghum juices used for manufacturing sugar on a large scale up to 1S87 and the means of the two stations at Kio Grande and Fort Scott for 18S7 are as follows : Up to 1887. Kio Grande, Fort Scott, 1887. 1887. Per cent. 8.54 4.59 15.19 Per cent. ! Per cent. 8. 98 9. 54 3. 24 3. 40 14.02 If.. 14 56. 22 «4. 0", 59. 1 1 1 It will be seen that the cane both at Rio Grande and Fort Scott was slightly better than the average of the recorded analyses up to that time. I see no reason to doubt, however, the possibility of producing in a few years a sorghum-cane, the purity of whose juice will average higher even than that at Kio Grande. I am not one of those, however, who claim for sorghum a position above the sugar-cane, either at present or remotely. All such claims are based either purposely on a few selected analyses, or iguorantly on partial evidence, or on no scientific evidence whatever. The work which has been done under my supervision has had a double purpose: (1) To determine the true average sugar content of sorghum when grown on a commercial scale; and, (2) to devise the best methods of securing the sugar in merchantable form. I have not hesitated to state the facts as they were disclosed during the progress of the work, nor have I knowingly concealed any result which has had any apparent relation to the problem, whether of a favor- able or unfavorable nature. In conclusion, I will say that I have written this bulletin to bring into convenient shape for reference all the information which I have been able to collect- concerning the sugar industry of this country. « INDEX A. Page. Analyses made hv Division of Chemistry in 1833 65 Antisell, Dr. Thomas, analyses by 61 Arwshy, Dr. IT. B., analyses by 73 B. Bagasse, analyses of 53 composition of 54 Blades and stalks, composition of juice in 65 Bozartb, C, report of 97 C. Cane, sorghum, various yields per acre of 118 yield per acre 117 Canes from di lie rent parts of Wisconsin, analyses of 75 frosted, analyses of G5 selected, analyses of juices of 6 jiium, analyses of, by Dr. C. M. Wetherill 59 stripped and nnstripped, analyses of i 63 Chips, samples of, collected from each cell and after mixing passed through a small mill 1*24 Clarification, effect of diffusion, methods of 57 Collier, Dr. Peter, analyses by 61 effect of removing seed heads 122 Fort Scott experiments 123 sorghum crop at Fort Scott 124 D. Br, A. J., report of 95 Diffusion experiments ai Ottawa, Ivans., 1885 69 (■In mica! control of 33 juices at Fort Scot t. mean composition of 125 for the season of l — »'>, mean composition of 72 run, first second :'.•.' third 40 fourth 4L fifth 42 runs, summary of results by 4:{ Drummond Brothers, report of 23676— Ball 18 0 129 130 E. Page. Experiments at Fort Scott, comments of Dr. Collier on 123 daring 1888, analyses in 71 for which an award of 81,200 was made by the Commissioner of Agriculture 93 P. Failyer. Prof. G. H., report of 68 Fake, X. J., analytical work by „ 29 Fort Scott, analytical work at, season of 1^57 5 instruct ions sent to 5 work at, additional notes on 11 Frazier, William, report of 96 G. Goessmann, Dr. C. A., analyses by 73 experiments in the manufacture of sorghum sugar by 69 II. Harvey, Mr. J. IT., report of 99 Helena, Wis., analyses made by Department at 69 Henry, Prof. W. A., analyses by 68 Hilgard, Professor, analyses by 74 I. Illinois Industrial University, experiments at, in I860 90 J. Jackson, C. T., analyses by 72 Jefferson Sugar Company, report of 96 Juice, discussion of the composition of, at Fort Scott 126 from exhausted chips and corresponding diffusion juices, table of glu- cose and sucrose in 10 Juices, comparative samples of raw, clarified, and filtered, table of analyses of. 33 and clarified, table of analyses of defecated, table of analyses of 71 diffusion, for the season <>(' L886, mean composition of tables of analyses of 9,28 employed in manufacturing, analyses of 106 .nisted chip, table of analyses of from diffusion chips, table of analyses of 80 hand mill, analyses of 10.) in the cane at Fort Scot fc, mean composition of 125 L. Lime-kiln and bagasse chimney, carbonic dioxide in gases from 57 ph 8., experiments by — Lynch, Mr. Peter, statement of 99 If. Magnolia, special analytical worh at 49 summary of data for four yean at, 4f> w oik at 21) Malt by, Nelson, report of 95 > 131 Page. Masse cuites, analyses of 13 first, table of analyses of 35 sugars, and molasses from diffusion runs, analyses of 43, 44 table of analyses of 26 Mill juices at Magnolia 29 table of analyses of 30 from exhausted chips, table of analyses of 10 fresh chips, table of analyses of 8 whole canes, table of analyses of 7 single and double polarizations of 50 Molasses, analyses of, sent by W. J. Thompson 51 effect of treatment of, with superphosphate of lime and alumina.... 56 first, analyses of 36 from first sugars, table of analyses of 14 seconds, table of analyses of 16 second, analyses of 37 table of analyses of 27 single and double polarizations of 51 Monselise, Prof. Guilio, analyses by It New Jersey Agricultural Station, analytical d-i1?lo(j 2 ' ' v'vV«.-riments at .... Oak Hill, experiments made at, in 1857 . ../^H ^II^V Oak Hill Refining Company, report of ■ f , Polarization, comparison of direct and indirect 49 R. Kio Grande, N. J., work at 20 S. Seed heads, effect of removal of 120 removal of, experiments by Dr. Collier in 139 Sirups at Magnolia, table of analyses of 34 single and double polarization of 50 tables of analyses of 12,26 Sorghum, abstract of experiments with, at Fort Scott, Ivans 124 as a sugar-producing plant, data relating to analyses of, by Henry Erni (>0 at Prnden, Miss 77 cane, discussion of cross-breeding of — 112 the deterioration of 11 -J the variation of, by Hippolyte Leplay 110 yield per ton of 15 experiments in the cultnro of, at Algiers 110 with, at Ifodena, Italy 77 grown at Hutchinson, Kans., anal\ iei of 7J jnioe, comparison of the composition of, at Rio Grande and Fort Scott in 18c7 jnioes manufactured into sugar, means of analyses of 17 mean analyses of L nitrogenous bodies in 28 I 132 Page: Sorghum on Department grounds, analyses of 67 ripe, suciose found by Hippolyte Leplay in 73 saccharatum, variations of the contents of sucrose in 114 suitable for sugar making, necessity of field experiments in 114 sugar, discussion of the data on the practical manufacture of 103 experiments in the manufacture of, by Dr. C. A. Goessmanu.. 89 Joseph IS. Loveriug ... first attempt to make, at Crystal Lake 100 made in this country, by Dr. Battey 86 trials in the manufacture of, without the Department 100 various factories for the manufacture of 109 summary of average yields per acre of 120 tonnage per acre, determined by the New Jersey Agricultural Station 119 Spencer, G. L., summary of data for four years at Magnolia, by 46 Steck, Mr. Paul, report of, on sugar making 94 Stewart, F. L., analyses by 73 Sterling, Kans.. analyses at 79 Stubbs. Professor, means of analyses by 81 tuckers, effects of, ou the composition of juioe 63 *<''£,- ir, available, discussions of, by Dr. Col'ier 62 and glucose, Champaign Manufacturing Company, reports by 93 corn stalk 1^3 experiments in the practical manufacture of, by Dr. Collier 90 experimental manufacture of <-b Field per aor< .W.A.Henry 118 Sugars, first, ami ^e^i versify experii^za*wns °^ 1* i able of an.. 36 raw, table of analyst 27 rccrystallized at Bio Grande 27 table of analyses of 28 Swenson, Magnus, report of three experiments by 94 analyses by * 76 T. Thorns, Mr., communication to National Academy by 101 Total solids, by spindle, comparison of, with the results obtained direct by unit ion 17 estimation of, by hydrometers ami by actual weight 51 W. Weber and Scovell, analyses by 74 riments by, to determine eff moral of seed- heads of sorghum 121 practical experiments in the manufacture of sugar by 91 yield per acre reported by 118 ontin, experiments at the agricultural station in 91 Work at Bio Grande, N. J 20 Work on sorghum not done by the Department of Agriculture 72 V. mi quadruple effect, analysis of sirup from 34 stmly of inversion in r>2 Yields of sorghum per acre, summary of various 120 per ton, theoretical, at Bio Grande, N. J 21 O