Registry No. 1333—1—03 NATIONAL RECOVERY ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE KNITTING MACHINE NEEDLE MANUFACTURERS INDUSTRY AS SUBMITTED ON AUGUST 31, 1933 UNIV. OF FL!. TC' r ,...0 "^ -- ^ /E DO OUR PART U.S. DEPOSITORY The Code for the Knitting Machine Needle Manufacturers Industry in its present form merely reflects the proposal of the above-mentioned industry, and none of the provisions contained therein are to be regarded as having received the approval of the National Recovery Administration as applying to this industry UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1933 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. Price 5 cents Submitted by THE KNITTING MACHINE NEEDLE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION PROPOSED CODE FOR THE KNITTING MACHINE NEEDLE MANUFACTURERS INDUSTRY To effectuate the policy of Title I, of the National Industrial Recovery Act, the following provisions are established as a code of fair competition for the knitting machine needle industry. 1. Definitions. — The term " knitting machine needle industry " as used herein is defined to mean the manufacture for sale of spring beard and latch knitting machine needles and those items commonly referred to as " parts ", which include Sinkers, Dividers, Jacks, Knocking Over Bits, Narrowing Points, Transfer Points, and similar items, all of which are used in machines for the production of hosiery, underwear, outerwear, or other knit fabrics. The term " productive employees" as used herein shall mean all persons directly engaged in production of merchandise within the said industry. The term " effective date " is defined to be the second Monday after this code shall have been approved by the President. 2. Membershi'p. — :(a) This code shall apply to all manufacturing engaged in the manufacture and distribution of said knitting ma- • chine needles and parts. (b) Each member of this code shall be assessed pro rata shares of expenses for the administration of same by this Association. However, at no time shall the pro rata share be less than the annual dues of a member of this Association. 3. Wages. — On and after the effective date the minimum wages shall be paid at the rate of 40 cents per hour for men and 30 cents per hour for women by employers in the knitting machine needle industry to anj^ of their Productive Employees, and learners shall not be paid less than $10.00 per week for a period of three months •of training, and no office employee shall be employed at a rate of less than the minimum rate for Productive Employees. 4. Hours of Work. — On and after the effective date employers in the knitting machine needle industry shall not operate in their manu- facturing operations on a schedule of hours of labor for their em- ployees directly engaged in the production of merchandise in excess •of fort}'^ hours a week, it being understood that this does not apply to supervisors, foremen, engineers, firemen, electricians, carpenters, repair shop men, shipping crews, watchmen, cleaners, sweepers, and outside crews. Office employees in any six months period shall be employed not to exceed more than forty hours per week. 5. Conditions of Work. — All productive operations shall be per- formed on the premises of a plant, this being understood to specifi- 'cally prohibit the farming out of work to be done in private homes 'or elsewhere than in the plant. Exceptions, in the case of individual workers may be granted where the proofs show that the worker can 'Only work at home, and requires such work as a means of livelihood. -Permits for exceptions shall be procurable from the Executive Com- 9942—33 (1) mittee of the Association, which will prescribe the manner and' conditions under which they shall be kept. 6. Labor Code. — As required by Section 7 (A) Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act, the following provisions are con- ditions of this code : " ( 1 ) That employees shall have the right to organize and bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing and shall be free from the interference, restraint, or coercion of employers of labor, or their agents, in the designation of such representatives or in self -organization or in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection; (2) That no employee and no one seeking employment shall be required as a condition of employment to join any company union or to refrain from joining, organizing, or assisting a labor or- ganization of his own choosing; and (3) that employers shall comply with the maximum hours of labor, minimum rates of pay, and other conditions of employment approved or prescribed by the President." It is further provided: (a) That no employee and no one seeking employment shall be required as a condition of employment to join any union or labor organization. (b) That it is clearly understood that the foregoing paragraphs do not impair in any particular the constitutional rights of the employee and employer to bargain individually or collectively as may be mutually satisfactory to them; nor does it impair the joint right of employer and employee to operate an open shop. (c) That nothing in this code is to prevent the selection, retention, and advancement of employees on the basis of their individual merit, without regard to their affiliation or nonaffiliation with any labor organization. (d) None of the members of the code shall employ any minor under 16 years of age. 7. Monopolies. — No provision in this code shall be interpreted or applied in such a manner as to promote monopolies and permit or encourage unfair competition, eliminate or oppress small enterprise, or discriminate against small enterprises. 8. Code of Fair Practice. — The knitting machine needle industry condemns and prohibits as unfair trade practices : (a) The granting of special or secret rebates because of quantity purchased or because of a contract covering a specified period of time, to any manufacturer of hosiery, underwear, outerwear, or other knit fabrics is an unfair trade practice. (b) The granting of cash discounts in excess or beyond terms of 2% tenth of following month date of invoice, but providing, how- ever, shipments made on or after the 25th day of the month may be billed as of the first of the following month, forwarding f .o.b. factory and/or from agencies is an unfair trade practice. (c) The acceptance or filling of orders for knitting machine needles or parts, not carrying a provision that adjustments covering loss in customer's production or spoilage or damage to his goods, shall be limited to the cost of the needles responsible for such dam- age, is an unfair trade practice. (d) Misrepresentation of merchandise or the use of false, de- ceptive, untrue, or misleading statements by way of advertising,, branding, or otherwise is an unfair trade practice-. (e) Commercial bribery in any form as a means of influencing the placement of orders is an unfair trade practice. (f) The acceptance of orders for either special latch or special spring beard needles and other parts not regular stock items and made according to special specifications at regular prices is an unfair trade practice. (g) The selling of merchandise below costs is an unfair trade practice. (h) The billing of customers' sample requirements at less than regular stock prices is an unfair trade practice. (i) The violation of any regulations of the Federal Trade Com- mission or other bureau, board, or commission of the Federal Gov- ernment dealing with the matter of unfair trade practices in business is unfair. 9. Administrative Performance. — The Knitting Machine Needle Manufacturers Association is hereby designated as the agency for administering, supervising, and promoting the performance of the provisions of this code by the members of the knitting machine needle industry. The Association may function in this regard through its executive committee, and the manufacturers in the industry will ob- serve and conform to the regulations, themselves conforming to the National Recovery Act, that may from time to time be promulgated by the Association or its executive committee under the powers hereby bestowed. 10. Modification of Code. — In compliance with Section 10, Par. B, of the National Industrial Recovery Act, it is provided that the President may, from time to time, cancel or modify any order, ap- proval, license, rule, or regulation issued under Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act. o Digitized by tine Internet Arclnive in 2011 with funding from University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries with support from LYRASIS and the Sloan Foundation UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08582 9009