UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington , D . C . UBRARY STATE PLANT BO/ B. E. P. Q. — ^38 April 12, 1937 (Superseding B. P. Q,. — 347). PIAj\TT-QUARAI\ t TIN3 IMPORT RESTRICTIONS "F GSE8CE Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/greeceimp37unit UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B. E. P. Q..-—438 April 12, 1937 (Superseding B. P. Q.— 347). PLANT -QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OP GREECE This digest of the plant-quarantine import restrictions of Greece has been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant-quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to that country. It was prepared by Harry B. Shaw, Plant Quarantine Inspector, in Charge of Foreign Information Service, Division of Foreign plant Quarantines from his translations of the French texts of some of the Greek decrees, and from translations made by Paul Vogenitz, Translator, Post Office Department, from the Greek texts of other decrees and laws. It was then reviewed "by the Chief, Section of Phytopathology, Direction-General of Agriculture, Athens, Greece. The information contained in this circular is "believed to "be cor- rect and complete up to the time of preparation, "but it is not intended to "be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts and decrees, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. The decrees and laws themselves should be consulted for the exact texts. ^kjskrfL STfev2NG, Chief, Bureau oft Entomology and Pfl. an -^Quarantine *i i ~ PLANT-QUARANTI1IE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS DJ 1 GREECE CONTENTS Page Basic legislation ------------------------- 2 Summary ------------------------------ 2 Importation prohibited --------------------- 2 Importation restricted --------------------- 3 Importation unrestricted -------------------- 4 Phylloxera restrictions ---------------------- 4 Importation prohibited --------------------- 4 Importation unrestricted -------------------- 5 Certificate required ---------------------- 5 Importation exceptionally permitted -------------- 5 Importation permitted for scientific purposes --------- 5 Phylloxerated and suspected regions of Greece --------- 7 Regions free from phylloxera ---------------- Regions suspected of phylloxera --------------- 8 Phylloxerated regions -------------------- 8 Importation of citrus fruits prohibited except into Thrace and Macedonia -------------------------- 9 Restrictions on the importation of cotton and cottonseed ----- 9 Restrictions on the importation and transit of potatoes, plants, and parts of plants ----------------- 10 Importation and transit of potatoes -------------- 10 New containers required -------------------- 10 Phytosanitary certificate indicating origin ---------- 10 Phyto sanitary certificate required for plants --------- 12 Restrictions on importation of seed potatoes ---------- 12 Inspection on arrival --------------------- 12 Model certificate in English and French ------------ 13 2 - SUMMARY OF THE PLANT -QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF GREECE BASIC LEGISLATION Law No. 214 of April 9-22, 1914, Protective Measures against Phylloxera. Law No. 217 of April 9-22, 1914, Concerning the Combat against Plant Diseases and the Organization of the Phytopathological Service. SUMMARY Importation Prohibited GRAPEVINES OR PARTS THEREOF ; phylloxera in any stage of development; ma- terials which have "been used among grapevines; animal or plant refuse; humus and soils; any green plant or part thereof, includ- ing garden vegetables; madder and licorice; from any foreign country or from any phylloxerated region of Greece into nonphyl- loxerated or suspected regions of Greece, to prevent the intro- duction of phylloxera. (Decree of Apr. 14, 1927. See p. 4, and footnote on p. 11 . ) CITRUS FRUITS , into any portion of Greece except the departments of Thrace and Macedonia, to prevent the introduction of the scale insect Chrysomphalus . (Decree of Feb. 27, 1931. See p. 9.) C1TT0NSESD , into the departments of Thrace and Macedonia; unginned cotton into any part of Greece, to prevent the introduction of the pink bollworm of cotton ( pectinophora gossypiella Saunders) . (Decree of Feb. 20, 1931. See p. 9.) POTATOES from countries in which the Colorado potato beetle (Lept inotarsa decemlineata Say) or potato wart (Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilb.) Perc.) occurs: Importation and transit prohibit"ecTi CDecree of Mar. 29, 1933. See p. 10.) ~ 3 - Importation Restricted CUTTINGS MP UNROOTED SCIONS (except of the grapevine) exceptionally may "be imported from foreign countries into nonphylloxerated or sus- pected regions of Greece under special order of the Ministry of Agriculture and subject to disinfection. (Art. 4, Decree of Apr. 14, 1927. See p. 6.) GRAPEVINES AND PARTS THEREOF , etc., from any foreign country or region of Greece through the port of Piraeus for special scientific institu- tions of Greece, when accompanied by a certificate of origin and under a special order of the Ministry of Agriculture. (Art. 5, Decree of Apr. 14, 1927. See p. 6.) COTTONSEED may be imported into Greece (except into the departments of Thrace and Macedonia) subject to disinfection and certification to that effect by competent authority of the country of origin. (Art. 1, Decree of Feb. 20, 1931. Seep. 9.) ERESH VEGETABLES, including potatoes, also bulbs and unrooted cuttings, except grapevine cuttings, from Egypt, Cyprus, England, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands, or Luxembourg, only when accompanied by a certificate of origin issued by competent authority of the country of origin, and authenticated by the Greek Consular official. (Art. 3 (b) , Decree of Aor. 14, 1927. See p. 6.) PLANT MATERIALS prohibited by article 1 of the Decree of April 14, 1927, may be imported from any foreign country through the port of Piraeus for the special scientific institutions of Greece when ac- companied by a certificate of origin, under a special order of the Ministry of Agriculture, subject to disinfection or other necessary measures. (Art. 5, Decree of Apr. 14, 1927. See p. 6.) LIVING PLANTS , parts thereof, bulbs, rhizomes, tubers (other than potatoes) , unless rjrohibited' by the phylloxera regulations: Must be accom- panied by an official certificate of the country of origin affirm- ing that the products shipped are free from Colorado potato beetle and tnat this pest does not exist within a radius of 100 meters from the place where they were grown. (Decree of Mar. 29, 1933, art. 2, p. 12, and footnote on p. 11.) POTATOES from countries in which the Colorado potato beetle ( Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say) or potato wart (Synchytr ium endobioticum (Schilb.) Perc.) occurs: Must be packed in new containers and each shipment must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate in prescribed form indicating origin. (Decree of Mar. 29, 1933, see p. 10.) u 4 - Importation Unrestricted Article 2 of the Decree of April 14, 1927, lists the products that may he imported into any region of Greece from any foreign country with- out restriction. (See p. 5.) PHYLIOXERA RESTRICTIONS (Decree of April 14, 1927) Importation Prohibited* Article 1. Prohibits the introduction into nonphylloxerated regions of Greece (regions free from phylloxera or suspected regions) from any foreign country (whether phylloxerated or not), as well as from phyllox erated regions of Greece, of any of the plants or plant products men- tioned in article 1 of Law No. 214, namely: (1) All varieties of grapevines, parts thereof, living or dead, including roots, stocks, cuttings, stumps, hark, leaves, grapes, lees, and in general, any fragment or refuse of grape- vines, except dried grapes and grape seeds. Grape marc and wine must are not included in these provisions. (2) Phylloxera pronymphs, nymphs, and eggs. (3) Stakes, props, sheaves, and haskets which have been used among grapevines. (4) Animal or plant refuse, or mixtures thereof. (5) Humus and agricultural soils, and any ballast composed of soil, as well as gravel and sand containing soil. (6) Any green living plant, as well as green cuttings, grafts roots, rhizomes, twigs, tubers, hulhs, branches, hark, rind, peelings, leaves, flowers, and fruits of garden vegetables ( tomatoes, melons, cucumbers, etc.), as well as grapes. (7) Madder and licorice (with the exceptions provided for by articles 3 to 5) . See note on page 11. - 5 - Importation Unrestricted Art. 2. Provides for the importation into any region of Greece (whether phylloxerated or not), from any foreign country, of: (a) Raisins, grape juice, musts, and wines. (bj Any dry seeds (grains), such as wheat and other cereals, as well as leguminous and other similar seeds. (c) Fresh fruits, such as apples, pears, oranges, lemons, bananas, etc., without twigs or. leaves- These fruits do not include grapes, the importation of which is prohibited into nonphyl- loxerated or suspected regions if they are from foreign coun- tries, .or from phylloxerated or suspected regions of Greece. (For citrus fruits see Decree of Feb. 27, 1931, p. 9.) (&) Dried fruits, such as walnuts, Indian walnuts, almonds, hazel- nuts, chestnuts, figs, prunes, dates, pistachios, pine cones, beans, etc., if free from earth; also dried truffles, mush- rooms, and peanuts, likewise free from earth. (e.) Dried medicinal plants. (f) Dried plants, whether powdered or not, for tanning, such as pine, oak, and acacia. (g.) Dried gall nuts in general, acorns, and dried leaves for tanning, from sumac, rushes, etc. (h) Dried straw and hay as stock feed, dried industrial grasses in general, whether manufactured or not, such as straw, rushes, esparto grass, broomcorn, and other similar materials, as well as dried leaves and flowers. (i_) Lumber in general, and dried woods, with or without bark. (i) Agricultural and industrial products and by-products, such as preserved fruits, pressed oil-bearing seeds, olive pits, and the like, with the oxception of pressed grape hulls. (k) Dried and green sea plants, not mixed with earth or other plants; clean sand for any purpose, porcelain earth, soap earth, or any earth for industrial or metallurgical purposes . 6 - (l) Dried or living aquatic plants, on condition that "before they are ordered the importer shall apply to the Ministry of Agri- culture for a permit, that may he issued after favorable de- cision of the Agricultural Council, which will establish the conditions and restrictions under which the importation of these plants shall "be effected. (Decree of June 17, 1935.) Certificate Required Art. 3. Provides for the introduction of garden vegetables, "bulbs, potatoes, cuttings without roots (except grapevine cuttings) from Egypt, Cyprus, England, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands, or the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, when accompanied by a certificate of origin issued by competent authority of the country of origin, the certi- ficate to be authenticated by the Greek consular official at the place of purchase or at the port of embarkation. The certificate shall enumerate the kinds of products included in the shipment, their weight, their origin (country), and the fact that they are not from greenhouses or farms where grapevines have been cultivated. Cuttings must be packed without soil. Certificates from foreign countries must be prepared in French or be offi- cially translated into French or Greek. Importation Exceptionally Permitted Art. 4. Provides, exceptionally, for the importation from foreign countries into nonphylloxerated or suspected regions of Greece, of cuttings and grafts free from soil, after request by the importer to the Ministry of Agriculture, under the following conditions: (a,) 3y special order from the Ministry of Agriculture, in each case, to the domestic customs and postal authorities. (b.) Subject to previous disinfection at any of the customs or post offices authorized in article 7, in the manner pre- scribed in article 6, at the expense of the importer. Importation Permitted for Scientific Purposes Art. 5. Provides for the importation from any foreign country or from any region of Greece (whether phy liberated or not) of any of the articles mentioned in article 1 through the port of Piraeus, for the special scientific institutions of the States, subject to the following conditions: (a) When accompanied "by the certificate of origin prescribed by article 3 in the case of shipments from foreign countries, or by the certificate prescribed in article 8 if of domestic origin. Certificates from foreign countries must be prepared in French, or b;e officially translated into French or Greek. (b) By special order of the Ministry of Agriculture (subject to the favorable opinion of the Phytopathological Board) to the domestic customs and health officials, requiring disinfection or other measures deemed necessary. Art. 6. The disinfection of the materials mentioned in article 4 shall be effected, after separating the materials from their packing, by immersing them in water at a temperature of 53° C- for five minutes, and afterwards for a few seconds in a 1-percent solution of copper sulphate, then rinsing them in clean water and setting them in a shady place to dry. The packing material will be destroyed by burning or be thrown into the sea. Art. 7. The authorized customs and post offices for the entry and disinfection of the articles mentioned in article 4 are: The customs offi- cers at Piraeus and Fatras, and the post offices at Piraeus, Athens, and Patras, in accordance with the provisions of that article. Art. 8. Domestic restrictions. PHYLLOXERATED AND SUSPECTED REGIONS OF GREECE (Decrees of Mar. 28 and Sept. 19, 1935) I. Regions Free from Phylloxera (a) All ancient Greece, except the Provinces of Larissa and Tymavos in the Department of Larissa, the Department of Trikkala, and the island of Amorgos and all the small islands around it, but including the province of Agyia. (b) The island of Crete. (c) Epirus, except the Province of Konitsa. II. Regions Suspected of Phylloxera (a) The former communes (denies) of G-onnoi and Olympus in the Province of Tyrnavos. (b) The former communes (demes) of Nesson and Ampelakia in the Province of Larissa. (c) The island of Lemnos. Ill- Phylloxerated Regions (a) The whole of Thrace. (b) The whole of Macedonia, including the Provinces of Grevena, Kastoria, and Bias son, which up to the present have "been regarded as suspected of phylloxera. (c_) The Province of Konitsa in Epirus. (d) The Departments of Samos, Chios, and Lesbos (except the island of Lemnos). (e) The Department of Trikkala and the entire island of Amorgos, with the small islands Ano Koufonissia, Kato Koufonissia, Schinoussa, and Heraklia. The small islands around the island of Amorgos: Denoussa Karos, Nikouria, Petalidi, G-ravoussa, Dryma, Antikaros, G-ougari, Fidoussa, Agrilos, G-laros, Prassoura, and Amorgopoula. (f) The former commune (deme) of Tyrnavos in the province of Tyrnavos. (g) The entire Province of Larissa (except the former communes (demes) of lies son and Ampelakia, which have been declared suspected of phylloxera). (h) The place called "valta" in the village of Palama in the Province of Karditsa. (i_) The commune of Rapsani. - 9 IMPORTATION OF CITRUS FRUITS PROHIBITED EXCEPT INTO THRACE AMD MACEDONIA The importation into Greece is prohibited (except into the depart- ments of Macedonia and Thrace) of lemons, oranges, and other citrus fruits in order to prevent the introduction of coccids of the genus Cfcr ysonvohalus . (Decree of Eeb. 27, 1931.) RESTRICTIONS ON THE IMPORTATION OF COTTON AND COTTONSEED Article 1. The importation of cottonseed into Greece is not per- mitted, unless the seed has been duly disinfected. The disinfection must be certified by competent authorities of the country of origin. The cer- tificate must be visaed by the Greek Consul. In the absence of such a certificate cottonseed may not be cleared through the customs. The importation of unginned cotton into Greece is absolutely pro- hibited. In order to prevent the introduction of the pink bollworm of cot- ton (P ectino'ohora g ossypiella Saunders) into Thrace and Macedonia, the importation is prohibited into those departments of cottonseed and unginned cotton, not only from foreign countries, but also from any other depart- ment of Greece. Exceptionally, the importation of cottonseed is cermitted by scientific establishments for scientific purposes and after being sub- jected to proper disinfection. (Decree of Eeb. 20, 1931.) Within the term "duly disinfected" in article 1 may be included vacuum disinfection with carbon disulphide or hydrocyanic acid gas, pro- vided that the disinfection is effected in accordance with the rules of the exporting country and is deemed efficacious. (Letter from the Chief, Section of Phytopathology, Ministry of Agriculture of Greece to the Bureau of Plant Quarantine, Apr. 14, 1932.) 1C - RESTRICTIONS ON THE IMPORTATION AND TRANSIT 01 POTATOES, PLANTS, AND PARTS OF- PLANTS (Decree of Mar. 29, 1933) Importation and Transit of Potatoes Article-. 1. (l) The importation into and transit through Greece of potatoes and parts thereof, as well as of sacks and other containers which may have served for their transportation and storage, from coun- tries infested by the Colorado potato "beetle ( ( poryphora ) Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say), or potato wart ( Synchytrium endobio ticum ( Senile.) Perc. ) , are prohibited. (2) The importation into and transit through G-reece of potatoes from countries other than those which are affected by the prohibition of the preceding paragraph, are authorized under the follow- ing conditions: New Containers Required (a) When potatoes are offered for entry in containers, the containers (sacks, baskets, cases, etc) must be new and never have served for the transportation of potatoes, and must be sealed by the plant protection service of the country of origin. If the potatoes are transported by rail, the cars must be closed and sealed as above. Phytosanitary Certificate Indicating Origin (b) Each shipment of potatoes must be accompanied by two copies of certificates of health and origin pre- pared according to the model under article 5, in the language of the country of origin and in French, or officially translated into G-reek. One copy will re- main in the customhouse at which consumption or in- transit entry is made, and the other will accompany the shipment. The date of the certificates shall not precede the date of shipment by more than 20 days. - 11 * The foreign authority issuing the certificate must at once mail the original to the Phytopatho logical Section, Ministry of Agriculture, Athens, Greece. For importations of potatoes by rail the two copies of the certificate of health and origin must be at- tached to the waybill. If a shipment includes several cars, each car must be accompanied by two copies of a certificate issued for each car separately. (3) The importation of potatoes from countries that are free from Leo ti no tars a and Synchytrium , but which have traversed coun- tries in which that insect and that fungus exist, is authorized on condi- tion that the potatoes are well packed and are sealed by the official service of plant protection of the country of origin. If the potatoes are transported ^y rail, the formali- ties required by the preceding paragraph are to be applied. (4) The frontier customs offices, in the case of transportation by rail, or the ports, in the case of ocean transportation, will prohibit the entry and transit of potatoes, parts thereof, their con- tainers, etc., if the shipments do not absolutely comply with the condi- tions provided by the present decree. (5) The entry into and transit through Greece of potatoes must be effected only through the customhouse of Eidomeni, and through the ;oorts of Piraeus, Saloniki, and Patras. (6) For the present, the countries considered as at- tacked by Leo ti no tars a are France (except its colonies and Corsica), the United States, and Canada. (7) The following countries are attacked by Synchy- t rium : Austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Finland, France, Ger- many, Great Britain, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, and Switzerland. NOTE: Since the prohibition imposed by article 1 applies only to non- phylloxerated and suspected regions of Greece (see pp. 6 and 7), plants and plant products intended for phylloxerated regions of that country are not affected by the prohibition, but are subject to the certification requirements of article 2 of the decree of March 29, 1933 (see p. 12). However, those certification requirements cannot be met in the United States. Consequently, the above-mentioned provisions constitute a practical embargo on Dlants and "oarts thereof grown in this country, except as indicated in articles 3 and 4 of the phylloxera restrictions (Decree of Apr. 14, 1927, p. 4). 12 - Phytosantiary Certificate Required for plants Art. 2. The entry of living plants, and living parts thereof, "bulbs, rhizomes, tubers (other than potatoes), insofar as they do not fall under the prohibitions prescribed by measures in force against Phylloxera, is authorized only when each shipment of trie said products is accompanied by an official certificate of the country of origin, af- firming that the products shipped are free from Leptinotarsa and that that insect does not exist where the products were grov/n, nor within a distance of 100 km therefrom. Restrictions on the Importation of Seed Potatoes Art. 3. The importation of potatoes intended for planting is mitted, whatever their origin, under the following conditions: (1) A permit must have been obtained in advance from the Ministry of Agriculture. (2) The potatoes shall be in containers. (3) The containers shall be absolutely new. (4) Each container shall be sealed by the official plant protection service of the country of origin. (5) Each shipment shall be accompanied by a certificate of health and origin in conform- ity with the conditions set forth in article 1 of this decree, and also a declaration of the firm whence the seed potatoes came, af- firming, in addition to the identifying marks of the shipment, the variety of pota- toes, and a statement that they are suitable for planting. Inspection on Arrival Art. 4. The Minister of Agriculture reserves the right to have the potatoes and the products mentioned in article 2 inspected when of- fered for entry, by officials designated for that purpose, even in cases where all the provisions of this decree have been complied with. STATE PLANT BOAR** - 13 If that inspection shows the potatoes to be carriers of ( D o rypho ra ) Le'ptino ta rsa decemlineata , or ( phthorimaea ) Gnorimo schema operculella , or of Synchytrium endobioticum , those products will be re- exported within 15 days at the expense of the importer, or subjected to disinfection, likewise at the expense of the importer, to the extent that such a measure is deemed sufficient, and that means for disinfecting are available at the port of entry; or, finally, they will be destroyed, still at the cost of the importer, without right of indemnity. The destruction shall take place immediately, if the de- tention of the potatoes is deemed dangerous, or after a period of 15 days. For destruction, the formalities of article 2 of lav/ No. 217 are to be followed. Art. 5. The following is the model of the certificate of health and origin mentioned in this decree. MODEL OF OSSIFICATE OF HEALTH AND ORIGIN MODELS DU CSRTIFICAT S ANITA IRE ET D'OHIGINE Name of Country Indication du pays Official Plant Protection Service Service Officiel de Protection des Vegetaux Serial No. No. d ! ordre The undersigned (full name, address, and official title of Le soussigne (nom, prenom, et qualite officielle et adresse de agent authorized to issue the certificate) certifies, in conformity with l 1 agent autorise a la delivrance des certificats) certifie, conformement the results of the supervision of the cultures of origin and inspection aux resultats de la surveillance des cultures d'origine, et de l'inspection of the products in the shipment, that the plants or parts of plants des produits contenus dans 1 ' expedition, que les vegetaux ou parties des contained in the shipment described below are deemed free from injurious vegetaux contenues dans 1 'envoi decrit ci-dessous sont juges indemnes de diseases and insect pests, and especially from those hereafter named: maladies et ennemies dangereux, et notamment de ceux enumeres ci-apres: - 14 ( poryohora) Lep tinotarsa decemlineata , ( phthorimaea ) Gnorimo schema oper- cullella, and Synchytrium endobioti cum. Description of Shipment Description de 1 'envoi Number, weight, and kind of container Nombre, "ooids, et nature des colis Marks of containers Marque des colis Description of plants and indication of place where grown Description des vegetaux et indication du lieu de culture Name in full and address of shipper Norn, prenoro et adresse de l'expediteur Signature Seal (sceau) UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA II MINI II III III 3 1262 09242 2327