p.HP'.i'i ^ y : ^y/ui jppc -/o^ I mum ( ■ 1- 52 6 1 o / V z ° UJ 1- z 1 o / \ • UJ 4 V > ^ < tu t ^ *^ , - — "^ X ^ -0.5 -0-4 -0-3 -02 -0.1 CI 0.2 0.3 0-4 0.5 RADIANS FROM CENTER OF BEAM Figure 2. Curves for angular distribution of fast neutrons from a copper target struck by 190 Mev deuterons. Circles and solid line: vertical distribution. Dashed lines: outer parts of horizontal distribution. Central part coincides with vertical distribution. The horizontal curve on the right contains some neutrons caused by deuterons striking the dee. H orizontal distributions were taken with targets of Be, Cu, Sn, and U. The central portions of these are nearly identical to the corresponding vertical distributions. The outer portions on the left side correspond to extensions of the vertical curves to greater angles; on the right side away from the center of the cyclotron, they deviated appreciably from the vertical curves. For the case of a copper target, the outer parts are shown as dashed lines in Figure 2. The extra intensity on the right is certainly caused by deuterons striking the dee, which was confirmed by the fact that the dee ac- quired an appreciable induced activity. Because of this distortion of the horizontal curves, only the vertical curves were used in the half-width measurements. The empirical equation given above, when extended to 6 = -0.4, falls below the dashed line by about a factor of two. The shape of the extreme wings of the curve is not to be taken too seriously because of the probable presence of a weak back- ground arising from nuclear processes in the target other than that responsible for the sharp neutron 4 ] MDDC - 1081 beam. No attempt was made to evaluate this background or to correct for it, since it can have only a small effect on the shape of the main part of the beam. SECOND SERIES OF MEASUREMENTS Since the results of the first series showed that the distributions all have the same form, but have apparently significant variations in width, a second series of measurements aimed particularly at determining the half-widths was made. Only vertical distributions were measured, and for each exposure only nine samples were used, in groups of three with 1 11/16 inch spacing bracketing the peak of the curve and the two half- intensity points. With the smaller number of samples it was pos- sible to get three or four readings on each one, and to plot for each a decay curve, minimizing the possibility of error in the activity determinations. All the target elements used in the first series were repeated in this way, and in addition, Al, Mo, and Ta were used. Also, in order to obtain some idea of the precision of the measurements from internal consistency, several independent runs were made for each of the target materials; these were done in random order among the various targets. All of the half- width measurements are given in Table 1. Table 1. Half-widths of neutron beams in radians. Target Be Al Cu Mo Sn Ta Pb U 1st series .162 .174 .203 .213 .205 2nd series .159 .155 .181 .178 .206 .200 .208 .201 .164 .158 .170 .183 .197 .199 .197 .208 .155 .148 .169 .183 .191 .206 .198 .203 .150 .150 .180 .188 .206 These values are plotted against atomic number in Figure 3. The mean of the total spreads of values for the different targets is ± 3 per cent, which can be taken as a rough measure of the degree of precision of the measurements. PROPERTIES OF DEUTERON BEAM In order to interpret these results, it is necessary to know certain things about the deuterons striking the target, particularly their energy and their spatial and angular distribution. The dis- cussion of these matters is closely tied in with the more general problem of understanding the oper- ation of the synchro-cyclotron, and some of the material used in the following discussion comes from observations made by members of the cyclotron group for the latter purpose. First, some conclusion must be made about the energy of the deuterons. The nominal energy given by the radius (81 inches) and magnetic field (14,250 oersteds) is 195 Mev. However, the possibility must not be ignored that the radius of curvature of the orbit may differ from the geo- metrical radius at the probe; this can be caused by a displacement of the magnetic center of the field from the geometrical center of the tank, or by radial oscillations of the deuterons in their orbit. The first effect mentioned is easily checked. From measurements of the azimuthal and radial variations of the field, it is possible to compute the displacement of the magnetic center; at the 81 inch radius, this was found to be about 3/4 inch, in a direction nearly perpendicular to the probe radius. This displacement was verified by measurements of the current to the probe when two de- fining vanes were put in from the left and bottom of Figure 1; it makes a negligible change in the energy. The other effect is harder to measure, and a detailed discussion would go beyond the limits of the subject of this paper. The observations made show that radial oscillations certainly exist, and MDDC - 1081 0.22 0.2^ 0.20 2 2 0.19 m o I- UJ 0.18 O i 0.7 < X 0.16 0.15 0.14 ^( ( / o / o - O o o / o o o o x^ fC. o/ / u / /o Pb o/ @ / To ; Oy/ r / / ^ Sn / / /» Mo o / Cu o o o o o Be Al 20 40 60 80 ATOMIC NUMBER OF TARGET 100 Figure 3. All measurements of neutron beam half-width (width between points of half maximum intensity) plotted against atomic number of target. The ordinate scale is in radians; note that its origin is below the bottom of the plot. The lines A and B give the theoretical half-widths computed in the "opaque nucleus" and "transparent nucleus" approximations respectively. The best straight line fit to the experimental points comes close to line A at uranium and close to B at beryllium. I 6 ] MDDC - 1081 that their amplitudes probably range from about zero to about two inches. Since the oscillating ions always strike the target near the peak of the oscillation, the amplitude must be subtracted from the probe radius to get the radius of curvature. We therefore estimate the effective radii to range from 79 to 81 inches, and the deuteron energies from 185 to 195 Mev, the mean energy being about 190 Mev. We must next consider the question of what happens to the deuterons while passing through the target. Dr. Berber has computed the energy losses and the RMS scattering angles for a single pas- sage through l/l6 inch of the various materials, with the following results. Table 2. Effect of target on deuteron beam. Material Energy loss RMS scattering angle Be 1.0 Mev .0024 radian Al 1.6 .0056 Cu 4.9 .015 Mo 5.3 .019 Sn 3:7 .017 Ta 8.0 .029 Pb 5.4 .026 U 8.8 .035 Since the vertical angle of the deuteron orbit is limited to about 0.01 radian by the dee aperture, It is apparent that for targets from Cu to U, most of the deuterons passing through the target once will strike the dee before making a second passage through the target, and the contribution from those that do go through again with reduced energy will not be important. In the cases of Be and Al, it would take several passages for the RMS scattering angle to reach 0.01 radian, and, therefore, there must be an appreciable number of deuterons going through the target several times. However, the energy loss in these cases is small, cind this effect does not make a serious error in the mean energy. The energy loss in U would give, according to the theory, a change of about 2 per cent in halt-width, which is within the accuracy of the half width measurements. Therefore, the energy losses in the targets will be neglected. Next, we can examine sources of angular spread other than the intrinsic width of the neutron beam. One such source is the multiple scattering in the target, as given in Table 2. This becomes appreciable in the heavier targets, and is included in the calculated results of the accompanying theoretical paper. Other sources of spread are the spatial and angular spread of the incident deu- terons. The easiest to determine is spatial distribution of the deuteron beam striking the target. This is found by making a radioautograph of the target after bombardment. The activity is concen- trated in a thin band not over 1/8 inch wide along the edge, with a vertical distribution in the form of a peaked curve having a half-width of 7/8 inch, corresponding to an angle of 0.01 radian at the sample position. The vertical angular spread of the deuterons is limited by the dee aperture to ± 0.01 radian and is actually less than that, since the vertical oscillations of the orbits are observed to be con- siderably smaller than the available aperture; the half-width is certainly not greater than 0.01 radian. These spreads are random, and, therefore, must be combined with the intrinsic widths according to the rules for random errors, — that is, the total spread is of the order of the order of the square root of the sum of the squares of the separate spreads and the intrinsic width. Thus the resultant errors are of the order of 1 per cent, and can be neglected. MDDC - 1081 [■^ DISCUSSION The fact that measurements with detectors having different thresholds, or with an ionization chamber, lead to consistent results, can be interpreted in two ways. Either most of the neutrons in the beam have energies above the highest threshold, or else if there is present a considerable frac- tion of lower energy neutrons, these are also distributed in a beam of about the same width. The theoretical interpretation of the mechanism of neutron production favors the former possibility. This is also consistent with measurements of the transition effects observed when paraffin is placed in front of an ionization chamber. The theoretical interpretation of the angular distributions is given in detail in a paper by Dr. Berber. It is shown there that the probable chief mechanism is a process in which the proton of the deuteron strikes the nucleus, leaving the neutron free. The neutron velocity at this instant is com- pounded of the deuteron velocity and the relative motion of the neutron with respect to the center of mass of the deuteron. The transverse component of the relative motion gives the angular spread, and the longitudinal component should give a spread of energy with a mean amplitude of about ± 20 Mev about the mean neutron energy, which should be about 95 Mev. It is easy to see from this pic- ture that the magnitude of the angular spread should be of the order of the ratio of the relative in- ternal momentum to the total momentum, or the square root of the ratio of the deuteron binding energy to its kinetic energy. Thus the spread should be about (2.18/190) or 0.17 radian, which is indeed of the correct order. There is also to be expected an additional spread caused by the deflec- tion of the deuterons in the Coulomb fields of the nuclei responsible for their dissociation, and this additional spread should increase with atomic number. The observed shapes of the curves obtained in the first series of measurements agree with the computed shapes, as illustrated in the previously mentioned paper by Dr. Serber. The theoretical half-widths as a function of atomic number are in- dicated by the solid lines in Figure 3, which are computed using the two limiting forms of the theory, the "opaque nucleus" approximation A being probably better for the heavier elements, and the "transparent nucleus" approximation B for the lighter elements. It will be seen that either curve fits the experimental data with reasonable accuracy; in only two cases, Al and Sn, are the means of the experimental points more than 3 per cent from the nearest theoretical curve, and these devi- ations we believe are probably not significant. Nothing has been said so far about the relative neutron yields from the different targets. These ratios were hard to determine, since no means were avail- able for measuring the deuteron currents passing through the thin targets, and only very crude es- timates were made. The theory indicates that there should be no great variation of yield with atomic number, and the experimental estimates are not inconsistent with this. To conclude, we can say that a simple theory involving no arbitrary parameters fits the observed distribution curves with regard to shape, absolute width, and variation of width with atomic number within a few per cent, and therefore, that the presumption is strong that the theory is a correct in- terpretation of the mechanism of neutron production responsible for the beam. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to express their appreciation to Professor E. O. Lawrence for his interest and encouragement in this work, to Dr. R. L. Thornton and the cyclotron operating crew for their help in making the exposures, and to Miss Alice Dodson for her aid in computing the data. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08908 0005