B. E. P. Q. 576 Effective March 15, 19^9 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE FOREIGN QUARANTINE NOTICES ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS EXEMPTING CERTAIN ARTICLES FROM REQUIREMENTS OF NURSERY STOCK, PLANT, AND SEED QUARANTINE On February 11, 19^9, there was published in the Federal Register (1^ F.R.627), a notice of proposed issuance of administrative instructions as authorized in the first proviso of- Nursery Stock, Plant, and Seed Quarantine No. 37 (7 CFR 319.37 (a), 13 F=R. ^267) to exempt certain articles from some of the requirements of the regulations supplemental to that quarantine (7 CFR 319.37-1 et seq.; 13 F.R.4268). After due consideration of all rele- vant matters presented, including the proposals set forth in the notice, and pursuant to the said proviso, administrative instructions are hereby issued as follows: s 319. 37 -2a Administrative instructions exempting certain restricted articles from some of the requirements of the Nursery Stock, Plant, and Seed Quarantine Regulations . --Pursuant to the first proviso of Nursery Stock, Plant and Seed Quarantine No. 37 (7 CFR 319.37 (a), 13 F.R. ^267) the following articles are hereby exempted from the requirements of the regulations speci - fied below, which are supplemental to that quarantine: Restricted plant material (except Aglaonema) for food, analytical, medicinal, or manufacturing purposes, enterable under § 319.37-2, is hereby exempted from the notice of arrival requirements of § 319.37-H. All grains and cereals from Canada which are restricted plant material enterable under I 319.37-2 are hereby exempted from the provisions of §§ 319.37-7, 319.37-8, 319.37-9, 319.37-11, 319.37-15, and 319.37-16, relating respectively to costs and charges, inspection, treatment, notice of arrival, freedom from soil, and approved packing materials. These instructions shall be effective March 15, 19^9 . The purpose of these instructions is to permit the importation of the above -specified articles without compliance with certain requirements and con- ditions that are unnecessary insofar as entry of these types of plant material is concerned. Waiver of the notice of arrival requirements of § 319. 37 -H of the regulations relating to importations for food, analytical, medicinal, or manufacturing purposes is feasible because equivalent information can be obtained from other available documents. Also, existing conditions as to the pest risk involved in the importation of grains and cereals from Canada make it safe to relieve the above specified requirements. Since these administrative instructions relieve restrictions, they are within the exception In section k (c) of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U. S. C. 1003 (c)) and may properly be made effective less than 30 days UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 2 - 3 1262 09314 8012 after their publication in the Federal Kegister. (Sec. 5, 37 Stat. 316: 7U. S. C. 159 ; 7 CFR 319-37 (a), 13 FJt. h?£1) Done at Washington, D. C, this 2nd day of March, 19^9. Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine