â– fttttYV United States Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. NOTICE REGARDING INTERSTATE MOVEMENT OF HORSES, MULES, AND ASSES AFFECTED WITH GLANDERS. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington, D. C, October 9, 1907. The attention of managers and agents of railroads and transportation companies, of stockmen and others interested in the interstate move- ment of horses, mules, and asses, is directed to the provisions of sec- tion 6 of the act of Congress approved May 29, 1884, entitled "An act for the establishment of a Bureau of Animal Industry," etc. This sec- tion reads in part as follows : Sec. 6. That no railroad company within the United States, or the owners or masters of any steam or sailing or other vessel or boat, shall receive for transportation, or transport from one State or Territory to another, or from any State into the District of Columbia, or from the District into any State, any live stock affected with any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease, and especially the disease known as pleuro-pneumonia ; nor shall any person, company, or corporation deliver for such transportation to any railroad company, or master or owner of any boat or vessel, any live stock, knowing them to be affected with any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease ; nor shall any person, company, or corporation drive on foot or transport in pri- vate conveyance from one State or Territory to another, or from any State into the District of Columbia, or from the District into any State, any live stock, knowing them to be affected with any contagious, infec- tious, or communicable disease, and especially the disease known as pleuro-pneumonia. (23 Stat. L., 32.) Under this section it is a misdemeanor, punishable by fine and imprisonment, for any person or corporation to deliver for transporta- tion, receive for transportation, transport, drive on foot, or otherwise remove from one State or Territory or the District of Columbia into another State or Territory or District of Columbia any horses, mules, or asses which are affected with glanders, as disclosed by a physical examination or by the mallein test. It is suggested that common carriers engaged in such interstate trans- portation require the shipper of such animals in all cases to sign a state- ment to the effect that the animals offered for shipment are not affected with glanders. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. o UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA llllll Jlllll 3 1262 08925 9591 ------- ! UNIV. OF FL LIB. DOCUMENTS DEPT. "" / **\'fy U.S. DEPOSITORY