hA6 Pit ■ >/ (Amendment 11 to B. A. I. Order 136 J REGULATIONS FOR THE CERTIFICATION OF ASSOCIATIONS OF BREEDERS OF PUREBRED LIVE STOCK AND BOOKS OF RECORD OF PEDIGREES. Certification of Various Associations. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington, D. C, October 21, 1909. The following American association and its affiliated foreign asso- ciation have this day been certified to the Secretary of the Treasury : CATS. American book of record. Foreign book of record. Name of breed 1 Book of record , By whom published I Book of record. By whom published. Longhaired (Persian or Angora) , Shorthaired (Russian. Si- amese, Japan- ese, Mexican. Manx. Abys- sinian, Na- tive). Studbook of the Cat Fanciers' Association. Cat Fanciers' Asso- ciation, Miss Ethel B. Cham- pion, recorder, Manor Koad, Staten Island, N.Y. National Cat Club Studbook and Register. National Cat Club of England, Ed. T. Cox, secretary. 65Chancery Lane. London, W. C, England. The following foreign association and book of record has also been certified this day to the Secretary of the Treasury : cattle. Name of breed. Alderney Book of record. Royal Alderney Ag- ricultural Socie- ty's Herd Book. By whom published. Royal Alderney Agricultural Society. N. W. Gaudion, secretary, Lower Victoria street, Alderney, Island of Alderney. James Wilson, Secretary. O UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08585 4239