E2/Union of South Afl-ica of ant board united states department of agriculture 'E ^ agricultural research administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C. : August 22, 19^6 B .E. P. Q. - -471, Supplement No. k PLANT QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA REVISION OF REGULATIONS CONCERNING CITRUS FRUITS, ETC. The Legation of the Union of South Africa in Washington advises that Proclamations 26 and 27 of 19^0 require a rewording of the paragraph on "Citrus fruits from southwest Africa" on page k of B. E. P. Q.--U71. In lines 2 and 3 of this paragraph strike out the words "a 'portion of the territory administered by the Companhia de Mocambique", and insert the words "Portuguese East Africa" in place of them. On page 7 of B . E. P. Q.--U7I, the second paragraph should he changed to read, "The certificate is not required with potatoes from Kenya, Western Australia, and Portuguese East Africa." Also on page in the paragraph on maize and barley, the word "formerly" should be inserted after the word "Territory" in the second line. Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine / UNIVERSITY OF FLORI[)/> 3 1262 09311 4832 !