% *^2r_WT& / f' / c-s&-c- /7*' FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY t FOREST SERVICE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SMALL SAWMILL IMPROVEMENT PRACTICAL POINTERS TO FIELD AGENCIES PLANS FOR SMALL MILL LUMBER TREAT ING EQUIPMENT Variations of an elementary type of tank (.1*3222)* involving hand dipping are used where frequent moves diotate very portable equipment. Herewith are specifications for treating equipment eliminating hand dipping. The gravity dip tank (fig. l) in the plan shown is placed alongside the rolls and immediately beyond the swing "trimsaw. The trimsaw operator tips to the inclined skids the boards to be dipped. The slope and length adjustment of the l-l/2-inoh pipe skids are such that the weight of the boards being tipped off the rolls pushes the other ones through the liquid to the discharging side. Normally excess liquid drains off the board and into the tank as the board emerges and before it drops to the skids at the discharging side. This equipment permits dipping 2M board feet per hour. The conveyor chain dip tank (fig. 2) is usually plaoed so that the lumber, after trimming, is conveyed through the tank and thence to the sorter ohain. Power for driving the oonveyor chains applied to the sprockets on the shaft at the entering side of the tank and the rider wheels insure submergence of the chain and conveyed material. Strap iron 3 inches wide fastened to the tank under the chains prevents excessive wear and the angle iron section serves to guide the ohain. The chain has no lugs. The tank is floored with a double layer of 1 by 6 tongue-and-grove material staggered as shown (fig. 2, B). The rider wheels (iron pulleys) hinge on a frame supported above the tank. The least waste in liquid results when the speed of the ohain is the minimum required to move produc- tion, and 3° feet per minute is suggested for mills with a capacity up to 2M board feet per hour. For higher speeds, the length of the 10-foot section (fig. 2, B) should be increased, Approximately 130 gallons of liquid will suffice to keep the dip to the level shown, and the tank should have outlets permitting drainage and cleaning. A mixing tank of at least 50 gallons capaoity and a shelter over all oomplete the equipment. (Contributed by C. J. Telford, Forest Products Laboratory, January 19, 19^2.) ROLLS TANK 7^ ! ' 1 lj PIPE , > HLZ - ! '— 14' - • I J4 ROLL SOLUTION 4 m BClOv TOP OF TAHH-i side view END VIEW BOLLS-* TANK- lv',£ LIBRARY jjJCT wl 197? I.F.A.S. • Univ. of Florida fig. r~— GRAVITY DIP TANt 1 Maintained at Madiion, Wisconsin in cooperation with the University of Wiicon*»r •See outline in Small Sawmill Improvement Working Plan, March 1930, for explanation of indexing iy»t« RS99-15 spoted. Z M l*.0076 F UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08926 8709 MIXING TANK POWER APPLIED TO THIS PULLEY 8- DETAIL CONVEYOR CHAIN CHAIN if 1 C -DETAIL RIDER WHEEL Z U 40075 F CONVEYOR CHAIN DIP TANK