^CATM'^SJ^, £i. tVl. NATIONAL ADVISORY CQMMITTEE L FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1329 , f CONCERNING THE FLOW ABOUT RING-SHAPED COWLINGS PART DC - THE INFLUENCE OF OBLIQUE ONCOMING FLOW ON TH^ INCREMENTAL VELOCITIES AND AIR FORCES AT THE FRONT PART OF CIRCULAR COWI^ By Dietrich Kuchemann and Johanna Weber Translation of "ZWB Forschmigsbericht Nr. 1236/9, June 10, 1943 NACA Washington February 1952 IJNIVERSnYOPPLOPWOA DOCUMENTS or!-/ H-A,c:My 120MARSTO!v P.O. BOX • GAINESV.^ui^ '. L:C' ■? i 70 n us. 7 ^ ' '• • ^ 1^-75 'jO ^ NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1329 CONCERNING THE FLOW ABOUT RING-SHAFED COWLINGS PART IX - THE INFLUENCE OF OBLIQUE ONCOMING FLOW ON THE INCREMENTAL VELOCITIES AND AIR FORCES AT THE FRONT PART OF CIRCULAR COWLS^ By Dietrich Kuchemann and Johanna Weber ABSTRACT: The dependence of the maximum incremental velocities and air forces on a circular cowling on the mass flow and the angle of attack of the oblique flow is determined with the aid of pressure-distribution measurements. The particular cowling tested had been partially investigated in reference 1. OUTLINE: I. THE PROBLEM II. THE METHOD OF MEASUREMENT III. RESULTS IV. SYNOPSIS V. REFERENCES I. THE PROBLEM As a supplement to former measurements (compare reference 1 and reference 2) where the main stress was laid on the development of usable forms of circular cowls in the case of purely axial flow, the measurements presented here are to give a s\irvey of the phenomena in case of flow at an oblique angle of attack. The occurring forces in the vertical direc- tion to the axis of the cowl are of interest not only in aerodynamical respect but also for the structural stress on the propulsion unit. It was to be assumed that the magnitude of these transverse forces will be a fimction not only of the geometrical dimensions of the entire engine *Ober die Str6"mung an ringformlgen Verkleidungen. IX Mitteilung: Der Einfluss der Schraganblasung auf die Uebergeschwindigkeiten vmd Luftkrafte am vorderen Teil von Ringhauben. Zentrale fiir wissenschaftliches Berichtswesen der Luftfahrtforschung des Generalluftzeugmeisters (ZWB) Berlln-Adlershof, Forschungsbericht Nr. 1236/9, Gottingen, June 10, 19^3- 2 . NACA TM 1329 nacelle and of the angle of attack but also of the mass -flow coefficient and hence the strength and direction of the leaving jet, and of the position of the engine with respect to other airplane parts. Of all these interrelated questions, only a single one has been investigated which could be answered the fastest with the means at disposal and which is of fundamental importance for all further problems. What influence does the oblique flow exert on the front part of the inlet of such an engine cowling? In detail, it had to be determined for a characteristic example} in what manner the transverse force depends on the angle of attack and the mass-flow coefficient, where, approximately, lies the center of gravity of these forces, and how strongly the maximim incremental veloc- ities on the outside of the cowl increase in case of oblique flow. II. THE METHOD OF MEASUREMENT We shall use pressure-distribution measurements on a selected inlet device in oblique flow. The pressirre-distribution measurements in refer- ence 1 and elsewhere-'- have proved to have many applications to our present problem. It is necessary to select a circular cowl where the results may, to some extent, be regarded as generally valid for the tests, thus, extreme forms are a priori excluded. The cowling 1 with hub 2^ investi- | gated in reference 1 is such a circular cowl which satisfies these require- ^ ments for all operating conditions with respect to its construction (ratio ; between free entrance cross section F^ and maximum outer cross sec- tion Fa, ^sAa ~ 0«27] with respect to its maximum incremental velocities and with respect to the loss-free flow about it (compare reference 2). The model of this cowling described in reference 1 could be used directly. Thus, it was only necessary to expand the former program of measvurements i in reference 1 insofar that more detailed and more finely subdivided § series of angles of attack are tested and that the measurements for oblique flow are extended to include smaller mass-flow coefficients. These new measurements are desirable because we had to assume that the locally greatest stresses appear for such states of flight ('which, it is true, are extraordinary) where the mass flow is very small or in the extreme case zero. ■'-Among others, measurements by M. Schirmer (reference 3) on airship bodies show that the forces and moments obtained from pressure distribu- tions for nonseparated flow agree well with the results from a balance. '^his cowl differs only slightly from the circular cowls of class I indicated in reference 2 by a somewhat greater slenderness (the cylindrical piece begins at a distance 3Ra fi'o™ the leading edge). t NACA TM 1329 Because of the disturbed rotational symmetry, an evaluation of pressure-distribution measurements for transverse forces requires the placing of test points over the circumference of the cowl since the pressure p depends - besides being a function of the space coordi- nates X and r in axial and radial direction - on the angle 9 (com- pare fig. 1). The entire air force, N, that acts vertically to the axis of rotation for a circular cowl of the axial length Z is obtained by integration of the respective corresponding component of the local pressure p(x,r,cp) p(x,r,cp)ds — cos q)r(x)d9 ds (1) with s as arc length along the body contour. A simple estimate can be made with the assumption that the difference between the local pres- sure for oblique flow and the corresponding value without oblique flow (a = 0) is distributed over the circumference of the cowl according to a cosine law3. Thus, p(x,r,cp,a) - p(x,r,a = 0) = lp(x,r,cp = 0,a) - p(x,r,a = O) = p - p „ cos cp cos cp (2) Under this assumption of the cosine relationship for oblique flow, one pressure-distribution measurement in the upper part of the meridian section (cp = 0) is sufficient and the integration over the periphery of the circle can be performed. Equation (l) becomes f r^" 2 N = [p^ - P^^q]cos cpr(x)dx dcp = « I [p - P rir(x) dx Jo L°^ ^=^ (3) Theoretically, more complicated relations may be assumed as was the case in a report by J. Lotz (reference h) on airship bodies in oblique flow. NACA TM 1329 If one would, instead of the assumption of equation (2), make the extreme presupposition that the press\ire has on the entire upper side of the body (-It/2 "^ cp "S +J1/2) the same value as for cp = and on the entire lower side the same value as for cp = n, a factor h instead of the factor n would result in equation (S)- Thus, the values given later would, at the worst, have to he multiplied by h/n = 1.27. If one makes the normal force N dimensionless by means of the free -stream dynamic pressure P 2 ^0 2° and the maximum cross sectional area nR^ , one obtains from equation (3) N q TtR 2 ^o a w This evaluation method can be improved by measuring with each positive angle +a at the same time the corresponding negative angle -a which, for reasons of symmetry, represents a second series of pressure test points for cp = l80°. If our above assumption were justified, the corresponding value of the integral, equation (^), would equal, except for the sign, that for the positive angle. In the evaluation of the measurements, it was found that these two values were no longer equal for larger angles of attack (a = 9° and more); however, the deviations were such that the use of the simple arithmetic mean between the two values appeared justified. Aside from the total force normal to the axis which was thus obtained, equation (k) , the point of application of this force in the x-direction, or the moment of these forces for instance referred to the point x = Zj r = 0, are of interest. These are obtained by the further integration M / a Pc, - Pa=o r(x)/ Z x\jx qnEr q. Ra VHi " rtJIr:' ^^^ NACA TM 1329 III. RESULTS Figiires 2 through h show the wall pressure distributions for three different mass flow coefficients.^ The resulting dependence of the pressure minimum on the angle of attack was evaluated with respect to the maximum excess velocities v„^^ (compare fig. 5)- The known char- acteristic variation of Vjjjajr/vQ against the mass-flow coefficient "v^/vq (with v-p = mean velocity in the entrance cross section Fg) is repeated for the different angles of attack; the incremental velocities increase considerahly with angle of attack. The increase of the incremental velocities which is expressed by the quotient o 0) ho MCA TM 1329 11 Figure 2.- Wall pressure distributions on the arrangement 121 of reference 1 for different angles of attack a in the extreme meridian section. 12 NACA TM 1329 In 1.4 Figure 3.- Wall pressure distributions. NACA TM 1329 13 Figure 4.- Wall pressure distributions. Ik NACA TM 1329 '.0 1.7 1.6 'max V \ 1 \ N ^ X^ = 12° V s (t 1.3 12 V V ^ "^ ^ ^ •». "^ ^ 6* ^^ ^ " "^ "^ "-- "^ ^ . ""^ --. I.I ID . H" ■~~~- C ) .1 2 C 13 A 5 6 7 B ^ 'e 1-C Figure 5.- The incremental velocities to be expected for various mass- flow coefficients on the outside of a circular cowl with FE/Fg. = 0.27 as functions of the oblique angle of attack a. NACA TM 1329 15 05 0.4 0.3 02 0.1 h I ^t '"""^'A _ D P ''\ tRqZ f /^ ^0 / / / / / / / 2* 4* 6* 8« 12* Figure 6.- Coefficient of the transverse force perpendiciolar to the axis of rotation acting on the noncylindrical part of the cowl of the length I = SRg^ as a function of the angle of attack and the mass- flow coefficient. 16 NACA TM 1329 'X3 •r-i W 0, bl (D 'l-i s CD W ^ < — t « 5 u e j s i u V i a \ /] ^ \ <^» / •r— 1 \ // \ .1 Q. // // * 1 \ \-° -t-J \\ / / 0) tJ\\ jjl S 0) \ 1 1 — 1 1 1 1 1 Q) \ \ / s N • 1 • NACA-Langley - 2-21-52 - 1000 a S o S 0) — OJ oHfc «hB5: n c a ° HI bs S.S o o .5 " b| rt " s « o ;;; -^ >> r- S ° •2 a :n o iS flj _-. 0) «ciS5: S oS «tiS6: Ver- ingen theo- amik. 01 1 amische stall Gbtt stitut fur Aerodyn C C c J J O ZUUOH[« bC o o il ■< o S rt " ii S-1 I •a " « " oj a o U 01 01 e OQ 3 U 0) (0 3 S H < Z e T3 S 5 0) ■3 5 3 5 O" c- 1 to CO « .s s (h ■ J 3 a «< O M cn CJ u 0, < z ij ■3 c d o 2 x -0 c a; 5 be a > - s c4 c <" "S a g? r^ ^ CD 3 a 03 OQ (4 ^ S K) SS eg s H I c -g ^ o c« "-• a -c 3 i; on « ■c o> -w E 0503 „ < «l Z J4 u 3 0. ■g -a as ■3s flt ■*-» a. till JS H 01 > s V ■s) ■d fcl rt 3 a a Si I S o> 0) B ffl = e •S d55 S '^ ■o §.alt^ the obli re-dlstr ling tes TM 132 — 3 ? ^ w r^ „ M U •M 0) ^ rt 0, rt Z 5 -"S 5 « "^ o2 t'S M »> "" bo S" j: 0) r; ., £ H 0) WW > o> £? .1 C4 ■g T3 i2 >, 3 0) c — s H •< y 88 flow Jetermi asureon sn parti < ft " Al W z 9 u S H < 1 c T3 a> "3 2 3 S o" c- ^ Ih q; 1 j= * T3 XI ui !». c c 0) ^ B s t; c3 0) 3 0. 03 •a CO 01 0) c 0; a (0 s f 3 _; _; ■"= a Z Z " n 1 1 ^- m 01 d 3 •a 01 3 a x: B c o 3 3 ^ Ui ■= " 3 S ^ - ^ S ■" -c " M & Z N ^ ^ - ~ o S o e>J to a OS £* c M ■O T3 i'^ CO s H <: 11 3 O. 2 85 65 flow tlon had .£: Oi -*^-s , C4 •O T3 2 >. ' eo 1-t S 11) c -2 ■ < ss flow letermi asurem ■n parti -/ -. t C« 0) " 85 85 < < z I U 0) S H O c a C T3 O Cli ■ a «i cj i; tn M mi!" ' c S '" ° ri M O u rt rt -a S^ S Si > £ ? . .S I -a 2 >, o c3 •< < z a o »^l S * CQ J ^ J CD ^ i^ — QJ " 13- = 3 to ^ ■" 2 fi "3 -S 2 H w r; ■< 2 S £ £ ?> »i o ? S S tS] to to 0:; T-H c c »dS£: to ■- OJ <1> < M W M o "3 o a.s o o •3 < o <: z H S! o Is" 1 c •a 3 5 ft) 3 "O 3 a It-- 1 t4 10 M ID « s v^ o< o n OQ o U ^ u rt Q, Sg rt o |5 "o T3 t-s V '3 s.^ b£ 0> OD s x: ID 13 ;C to £ H (1) Oi ? .1 M ■a T3 2 >. CO § 1=3 S o a a T3 S 2 a 5 a^ I I ■< u < z J3 O h 0) C T3 O c< ^ CO N to * " m o CJ art Z o o ■- 5h > ii * CQ T3 « § s ? H O <: (0 CJ to ■< rt z a ID ♦J >> 0) c -3 ■S s ^ a S'-S S 3 2. « 2 c 00 c " I u < Z .■:^ TuBBABV GAINESVILLE, FL