\ f. C : ?a S. R. A.— B. S. 42. September 12, lyil United States Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY. E. W. Nelson, Chief of Bureau. SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS. HUNTING OF MIGRATORY GAME BIRDS ON NINE-PIPE AND PABLO RESERVATIONS, MONTANA. ORDER. Until further order, migratory game birds may be hunted on Nine- Pipe and Pablo Reservations in the State of Montana, set apart and reserved as breeding grounds for native birds by Executive Orders Nos. 3503 and 3504, respectively, of June 25, 1921, during the times, in the numbers, by the means, and in accordance with all other conditions and restrictions, authorized and prescribed by the Migra- tory Bird Treaty Act Regulations and under such conditions and restrictions as are imposed upon the hunting of such birds by the laws of Montana. C. F. Marvin, 4 Icting Si en tary of Agriculture. Washington, D. C, August 23, 1921. 65657-21 I'UIN TIM. r ■ ■SXSSff™ 0F FLORIDA J 1262 09218 4984 i