LIBRARY I STATE PLANT BOARD I December 19U E-631 UNITBD STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE A DIGEST OF THE LITERATURE ON DDT THROUGH APRIL 30, 1944 R. C« Roarlc and N, B. Molndoo Division of Inaoctioide Investigation* /, /5 - 2 - CONTENTS Pago No, Introduction •• » • ••••• S Nomenclature and chemistry •••••••••• 5 Commercial production* ......... 6 Pharmacology • • 6 Effect on plants «. •.... 7 Insecticidal value •••••••••••••••••••• 10 Orthoptera: Acrididae •••••••••••• 10 Blattidae 10 Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae • . • • • ••••••»••• IS Mallophaga: Trichodectidae •••••••••••••••••••• IS Thysanoptera: Thripidae •••••• 14 Romoptera: Aphiidae ••••••••••••• • • • • 16 Cicadellidae 16 Cocoidae •• • 17 Membracidae •••••••••••••••••••••• 17 Hemiptera: Cimicidae 18 Coreidae • •• 19 Miridae 19 Pentatomidae •••••••• • • 19 Anoplura: Haematopinidae •••••• •••••••• 20 Pediculidae . . . . 21 Coleoptera: Anobiidae ••• •••••••••••••• 22 Bostrlchidae •• ••••• 25 Bruchidae • • • • 23 Buprestidae •••••••••••••••••••••• 25 Byturidae •••• 23 Chrysomelidae ••••• ••••••••• 24 Cocclnellidae ••••••••••••• 26 Curculionldae •••• ••••• • 26 Elateridae 28 Meloidae. •• 28 Nitidulidae 28 Ostomidae • 28 Soarabaeidae •••••• •• ••• 28 Scolytidae 29 Silphidae SO Tenebrionidae ..•••••••••••• SO Lepidoptera: Bombycidae. •••••••••••••••••••••• SO Crambidae ..•••• ••••••• SO Geometridae .......•.•••••••••••.• 30 Hesperiidae •• 31 - 3 - CONTENTS (continued) Page No. Hyponomeutidae • 31 Olethreutidae •• • ••••• Phalaenidae •• 34 Fhaloniidae ••••• 36 Phycitidae 36 Pieridae 37 Pyraustidae Sphlngidae ...... ...... 38 Tineidae Tortrioidae • •••••••••• 39 Hymenoptera: Apidae 39 Pormioidae •• •••••••••••• 40 Tenthredinidae ••••• • ••••»... 40 Dipterai Anthonylidae .••••••••••••• • 41 Culioidae 41 Itonldidae 41 Muscidae •••••• 41 Otltldae Pallida© 45 Syrphidae •••••• 45 Trypetidae • •••%••••- •••• Siphonapteras Uectopayllidae ...... 46 Pulicidae 46 Acarlnat Argasidae . ......... 46 Erlophyidae ................. 46 Ixodidae Tetranyohidae •• • 48 Trombidiidae 48 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this digest is to abstract the information oontained in the 174 publications listed in a bibliography on DDT that was issued by this Bureau in June 1944* Many of these aooounts appeared in periodicals not readily available to entomologists interested in ohemical methods of insect control. It is beldeved that the issuance of this digest will be helpful to all persons having an interest in the development of oontrol measures for injurious insects or in the manufacture of DDT, The numbers in parentheses refer to the publications listed in the bibliography mentioned* Information on the insecticidal value of proprietary products is not usually given out by the Bureau of Entomology and Plant quarantine. However, the urgent need to find substitutes for insecticides of which the available jupplies are insufficient to meet the requirements ha6 made it desirable to test materials that were thought promising or available, including those covered by private patents or proteoted by - 4 - trade-nark names. DDT, or 2,2-bis(_£-chlorophenyl)-l,l, 1-trichloroethane, is one of the chemical compounds tested in recent months, the use of which as an insecticide is patented. Brief reports on preliminary tests at the various laboratories of the Bureau were published in the February 1944 issue of the Journal of Economic Entomology (51, 60, 61). Because of the successful large-scale use of dusts containing DDT in delousing civilians in Naples and North Africa and its adoption by the Army for use in louse powder, it has received wide publicity in the popular press, over the radio, and on the screen* The interest of the public has been aroused in its possibilities for control of insects commonly found in houses, gardens, and orchards. This digest of the published information on the use of DDT in insecticidal combinations provides a medium for determining what the literature contains on this subject up to April 30, 1944. A large number of nontechnical, or popular, references, whioh ordinarily are not included in a technical review, are added in order to present a complete historical record of the subject. The general public has obtained its information on DDT largely from anonymous and other popular articles, some of which contain erroneous or inadequate information. Since most of the statements in the popular press are based upon the technical reports of experimental work, in this digest such references containing similar statements have been grouped and designated as nontechnical references, in order that readers may distinguish them from the original articles, and evaluate them accordingly. It should also be emphasised that most of the testing of DDT insecti- cides reported in this digest has been done under laboratory and small- field-plot conditions. The results should therefore be considered as preliminary and subject to modification as the investigations proceed. At present the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine does not recommend DDT insecticides for the control of any species of insects injurious to agricultural orops. The insecticidal action of DDT is not universal; that is, while it is highly toxic to many species of insects, it is relatively nontoxic to others. Before it can be recommended to farmers, many more tests must be conducted to determine whether it injures plants; to establish the tolerance for DDT residues on fruits and vegetables; to learn the minimum lethal dose to a large number of insects, injurious and beneficial; to learn how it is best applied and best prepared for different types of application; and to find out its stability when mixed with various diluents, wetters, spreaders, and stickers* All this will take considerable time. - 6 - NOMEKCLATORE AND CHZHISTRT Diohlorodiphctyltrichloroethane, from -which the designation DDT it derived, can exist in many isomeric forms depending upon the position of the chlorine substituents* The product mads "by condensing monoohloro- bsnxcnc snd chloral* according to the process originally described by Zeidler (174) , consists largely of 2,2-bis(j&-ohlorophenyl)-l,l,l-'tri- chloroethane, sobs of the ortho-para' isomer, and other substances* This product is known as technical DDT and is of somewhat variable composition depending on the temperature and other conditions during its synthesis* A refined grade of DDT, which consists almost wholly of 2,2-bis(j>- ohloro- phenyl)-l,l,l-triehloroethane, is designated as pure DDT. DDT is an ingredient of several trade-marked insecticides, such as GNB-A, GIB-A-DDT, Neooid, Gesarol, and Gesarex* These trade-marks are the property of the Geigy Company (12, 82-66)* It is incorrect, as some writers have done, to state that DDT and Gesarol are synonymous. DDT is a constituent of Gesarol just as nicotine" is a constituent of Blaok Leaf 40. Before DDT was suggested in the summer of 1943 as a suitable abbreviation for diohlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, the aotive ingredient of Gesarol from Switterland was designated GNB, meaning Gesarol-tfeoold base (67). The product made in the United States was called GNB-A* DDT has also been referred to as "T/DT concentrate* and "Gesarol concentrate." Following Zeidler' s (174 ) description of its synthesis in 1874 no further mention of this compound is found in the literature until 1942. In that year a British patent assigned to J. R* Geigy A*-G. (81), was issued whioh states that j>,j>'-dichlorodi phenyl triohloro ethane may be produced as follows) "226 parts of chlorobansene are mixed with 147 parts of chloral or the corresponding amount of ohloralhydrate and then 1000 parts of sulphuric aoid monohydra£e are added* Whilst stirring well the temperature rises to 60 C. and then sinks slowly down to room temperature, the mass then containing solid parts* It is poured into a great deal of water, whereupon the product separates in solid form. It is well washed and crystallised from ethyl alcohol forming fine white crystals, having s weak fruit-like odour*" The pure para, para* compound melts at 107 -108 C, but oommeroial DDT is Acceptable to the Army if it has a setting point of not less than 88° DDT is insoluble in water but is readily soluble in organic solvents, such as toluene, chloroform, tetraohloroethane, butyl aoetate, ethyl acetate, aoetone, ethyl alcohol, and methyl cyolohexanol (80). The mixtures of alkylated naphthalenes sold as Velsicols AR-50 and AB-60 ( 168 ) ere also good solvents for DDT, even at °C. The use of tine chloride in place of sulfur io add as a oondensing agent in the synthesis of DDT has been tried by a student at the - « - Fresno (Calif*) State College*— Anon* (37)* The Association of Official Agricultural Chemists at its 1943 nesting reoommended that DDT be studied (92) • COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION DDT was first manufactured in the United States in 1943 at the two plants of the Cincinnati Chemical Works, a subsidiary of the Geigy Company (5). Barly in 1944 £• I* du Pont da Nemours and Company (19 , 20, 21, 2$, 31, 38, 44, 49, 109, 120 , 153) , Merck (23, 26, 31, 46, 46, 49", TSb) , anT"the Hercules Powder Company (25, 28, "5T, 4?, T2"0 )"Tegan 17s manufacture* DDT has been under allocation by the War Production Board (124 , 156) since January 1, 1944, and the supplied have gone to the Army and Navy* None is available for civilian use (24, 54)* PHARMACOLOOT The effect of DDT on nan and other warm-blooded animals has been investigated by three groups of pharmacologist* - namely, the U* S* Food and Drug Administration, the U* S. Public Health Servioe, and the Kettering . Laboratory of Applied Physiology of the University of Cincinnati, the last mentioned being sponsored by the Geigy Company* Because of war restrictions none of the results of these pharaaoologioal investigations have been published* However, entomologists engaged in testing the insectioidal possibilities of DDT have made the following observations on its effect on man and other warm-blooded animals: No deleterious effects were noted from the handling of DDT or from the breathing of the atomized spray, — Tenhet ( 151 )* None of the dogs treated with DDT dusts and emulsions showed any ill effects from the treatment*— -Gou ok and Smith (90)* None of the dogs dusted with 4 or 5 percent of DDT in pyro- phyllite showed any ill effects from the treatment.— Lindquist, Madden, and Knipling (108). DDT even in concentrated emulsions apparently had no effect upon the fiber or skin of goats. --Baboock (64). The ears of 303 range cattle were treated with mixtures con- taining 2 and 5 percent of DDT for destruction of tioks with no apparent injury to the animals*— Rude and Smith (ISO). DDT, administered for 10 days to mioe, SCO mg*, and to rabbits, 100 mg* per kilogram of body weight, produced no ill effects* Two oows and 6 sheep were fed grass sprayed with 1-peroent DDT solution for 1 week, with not the slightest disturbance in their health* The pre- paration was tolerated also in a 2-peroent emulsion, as a dipping solution of nursing sheep and their lambs, without any reaction* The repeated application of a 6-percent solution to the oornea of a rabbit produoed no injurious phenomenon during 7 days of observation*— Sohmid (134) - 7 - In addition the effect of DDT on nan is noted in various nontechnical articles t In powdered form (as louse powder) it appears to be harnless to human skin (7, 15, 20, 30, 66). For use as an insecticide DDT is harmless to humans and warm-blooded aninals (11, IS, 16, 18, 55, 41, 47, 118 , 162 , 165 , 164). The question of cumulative effects has not yet been answered* It is reported as being ■onewhere between three and five times as toxio as phenol when taken by mouth (66) . It is distinctly toxio to higher animals when taken by mouth (8, 9). DDT is poisonous to human beings (32 , 91) « BFFBCT ON PLANTS Alfalfa . No burning of foliage was observed following the application of a 50-60 DDT-pyrophyllite dust. — Wilson ( 171) . Apple* Single applications of the following sprays (pounds per 100 gallons) with a hand sprayer on young Rome apple trees growing outdoors gave the following results: DDT 4 plus pyrophyllite 4, no in jury j DDT 5 plus bordeaux (4-8-100), moderate injury} DDT 5 plus wettable sulfur 6 plus hydrated lime 6, no injury*— Siegler ( 159 )* No injury occurred on any of the 11 Winesap trees that had been sprayed with DDT (1*5 pounds per 100 gallons), but all the Grimes Golden trees developed injury which may have been oaused by the DDT* Irregular dead patches developed between the veins of nearly 26 percent of the leaves, which turned yellow or dropped* All the foliage on these trees gradually became a lighter green than that on unsprayed trees* There was no association between the location of visible deposits of DDT and the injured areas* The injury appeared on most of the trees by August 24, but on 2 trees that had been sprayed with niootine bentouite prior to July 6 the injury did not develop until later* By October 1 the leaf loss on all 9 trees approximated 75 percent, oompared with a 10 percent loss on unsprayed trees* The injury nay have been oaused, or aggravated, by the increased mite population and extremely hot, dry weather which prevailed between July 6 and September 2. The injury was as serious on trees that reoeived two applications of DDT at 1 pound per 100 gallons, the second on July 27, as on one tree that was given five applications, the last on August 12. Until the phytooidal effect of this material on all varieties oan be in- vestigated under different olinatio conditions, it should be used with caution.— Steiner, Arnold, and 8unmerland (147; • - 8 - Burning of apple foliage was noticeable only when 3 or 4 percent of Gesarol was used, whereas the normal strength of 1 percent in no oase produced any burning effect.- Wiesraann ( 164) . Beans . A spray suspension of 8 pounds of 5-percent DDT per 100 gallons of 1 water in two applications 7 days apart and two applications of a 1-percent suspension of DDT concentrate caused no injury to young plants.— Swingle and Mayer (149 ). Bean plants were not injured by 3 or 10 percent DDT-pyrophyllite dusts.— Harries (93). Aerosol mixtures containing 2 percent of DDT (with and without 4 percent of orthodiohlorobenzene, in methyl chloride) did not injure bean plants. No injury was apparent following the application of a spray containing 4 pounds of 5-peroent DDT per 100 gallons of water.— Welgel (159 ). Citrus . No plant injury was observed following the spraying of orange and lemon trees with light-medium grade petroleum spray oil or with kerosene, each of which contained GNB-A.— Lindgren and Boyce (104) . No injury to tender lemon leaves has been detected from Gesarol dusts. In one instance, injury to very tender lemon leaves followed an application of a Gesarol emulsion containing 0.2 percent by weight of Gesarol [DDT, not Gesarol, was used.— R.C.R.]. It was emulsified in water with trichloroethylene, oleic acid, and potassium hydroxide.— McGregor (111). Coleua . Slight injury to a ooleus cutting was caused by the appli- cation of 1 aerosol mixtures containing 2 percent of DDT and 4 percent of orthodiohlorobenzene in methyl ohloride.— ffeigel (1 5 9 ) • Collard . Same as on b^ans.— Swingle and Mayer (149 ). Corn . Tolerance tests oonducted in the field at rates of 2, 4, 6, and 8 pounds of 5-percent DDT per 100 gallons of water previous to the regular spraying season showed no injury to the corn plant at any con- centration.— Quest el (127 , 128) . Gladiolus . On gladiolus foliage DDT spray (7.5 pounds of 6-percent DDT per 100 gallons) with or without brown sugar left a alight white deposit and apparently caused soattered rusty-brown spots. The oil emulsion containing DDT (l percent in deodorised kerosene, emulsified in water at the rate of 4 gallons to 100 gallons of spray) oaused severe yellowing and death of many plants of the variety Flaming Sword and less severe injury to La Paloma. The oil emulsion alone seemed to cause more injury than did that containing DDT.— Smith (145) . Grape . A test of DDT, 4 pounds per 100 gallons, on Concord grape showed severe foliage injury.— Siegler (139) • There was no evidence of injury to fruit and foliage following application of DDT, 1 pound per 100 gallons.— Fleming and Chisholm (78). - 9 - Onion. No ill effects were observed on onion foliage, although a alight white deposit was left by the treatments with DDT alone and with brown sugar* DDT was applied at the rate of 7.5 pounds of 5- peroent DDT per 100 gallons,— Sad th (146) . Pea oh . Single applications of the following sprays (pounds per 100 gallons) with a hand sprayer on Elbert a peaoh trees growing out- doors gave the following results t DDT 4 plus pyrophyllite 4, moderate Injury i DDT 3 plus wet table sulfur 6 plus hydrated liae 6, no injury.— Si eglsr {129). There was no evidenoe of injury to fruit end foliage following one applioation of DDT, 1 pound per 100 gallons ••—Fleming and Chisholm (78), Ho injury to the fruit or foliage of four varieties of peaches (Raritan Rose, Cumberland, Triogem, and Golden East) was observed from the one spray applioation of DDT.— Driggere (77), Martin ( 115 ). Peas. Effect of 5-peroent DDT tame as on beans.— Swingle and Mayer*T»9). Pea plants were net injured by pyrophyllite dusts containing 10 peroent of DDT.— Harries (§8) . Plum. Same as on peach.— Fleming and Chisholm (78). Potato . Two applications of a 1-peroent suspension of DDT caused no injury to potato plants.— Swingle and Mayer (149 ). A dust of 3-percent DDT in pyrophyllite oaused slight yellowing of potato leaves within 4 days after treatment, whereas the sprays oaused no injury.— Ifaigel ( 159) . Pumpkin . Same as on beans.— Swingle and Mayer ( 149 ). Radish . DDT applied as an aerosol from methyl chloride solution oaused no injury.— Wei gel (169 ). Snapdragon . Ho injury was apparent following the applioation of 4 pounds of b-peroent DDT per 100 gallons of water.— Weigel (169 ). Swiss chord. . Same as on beans.— Swingle and Mayer (149 ). Miscellaneous plants . Preliminary observations on DDT indioated that it might be noninjurious to vegetation harboring ticks.— Smith and Oouok (143 ). DDT was tested for injury to the foliage of upland cotton, oowpea, peanut, soybean, tomato, velvetbean, and 11 spool es of herbaceous flowers and weeds. Both a 60-60 DDT-pyrophyllite dust and a spray containing 0.5 pound of DDT and 3 pints of raw linseed oil per 100 gallons of water were used. No rain occurred for 10 days or more after the applications, and no foliage injury was observed on any of these plants.— Toung (172). - 10 - Nontechnical referenc e DDT does not seen to be harmful to plants (56). INSECTICTDAL VALUE DDT has been tested against 132 identified speoies of insects and other arthropods belonging to 13 orders and 63 families* 0RTH0PTERA Aorididae Cannula pelluoida (Scudd*), the clear-winged grasshopper itolanoplus bivl^FEatus (Say), the two-striped grasshopper ^elanopjus devastator (Scudd*), -fhe devastating grasshopper Field trials were conducted against infestations consisting of 10 to 30 adults per square yard in alfalfa in Nevada and California* A 60-percent DDT-pyrophyllite dust killed 90 percent in 24 hours and a 10-peroent dust killed only 15 percent in dense* alfalfa and none in the open* Bait containing 3 pounds of DDT in 50-peroent DDT-pyrophyllite mixture per 100 pounds of bran was equal in efficiency to bait con- taining 1 to 1^ quarts of sodium arsenite (32 percent of A82O3) to 100 pounds of carrier* In other field tests this DDT bait was 24 percent more effective in green alfalfa than 3 pounds of sodium fluosilicate* The DDT bait killed the grasshoppers much more quickly than sodium arsenite bait, the rapidity of its aotion resembling that of sodium fluosilicate*— Wilson ( 171 ). Melanoplus mtscioanus mexioanus (Sauss*), the lesser migratory grasshopper Melanoplus fCTur-ruYrum (Peg.), the red-legged grasshopper M. mexicanus mexioanus was the most abundant speoies tested, but small numbers of M. bivitrtatus and M. femur-rubrum were also present* In oage tests baiTs prepared with tiD*T (4 pounds per 100 pounds of bran) were definitely toxic but were inferior to the sodium fluosllioate bait applisd at the same rate* The DDT bait killed 33 peroent in 1 day and 57 peroent in 3 days, while the sodium fluosllioate fesit killed 78 percent in 1 day and 100 percent in 3 days* When DDT was dissolved la' aoetone before being mixed with bran, the mortality was greater than when dry DDT was mixed with branj 4 pounds of DDT in aoetone in 100 pounds of bran killed 35 peroent in 1 day and 83 peroent in 3 days*— Hinman (96)* Blattidae Elattslla germanioa (L*), the German cockroach Four insectioides were tested as dusts, the base of which was a 50-50 mixture of talc and soybean flour— sodium fluoride (C*P.). DDT (C.P.), derris (5 percent rotenone) , and pyrethrum (l percent pyre- thrins). The roaches were tested in 1-gallon glass jars, 20 to 30 adults 10 weeks old being put into each jar* The insides of the jars were dusted thoroughly and the excess- dust was then shaken out* Pre- - 11 - liminary determinations had shown that approximately 140 mg. of dust was required to ©over one jar, or about 0.8 mg. per square inoh. Seven percent of DDT and 33 percent of sodium fluoride were the minimum con- centrations required to kill 100 peroent in 48 hours. DDT appears therefore to be about five times as toxio to roaches as is sodium fluoride* Dusts containing 33 percent of derris or pyrethrum gave 30 and 90 percent kill in 48 hours, respectively. Thus, DDT is vastly more toxic to roaches than are sodium fluoride, derris, and pyrethrum.— Ginsburg (88). When DDT (100 percent), mixed with dog biscuit or mouse food (l- 100) , was fed for 3 weeks to cockroaches, ell the German cockroaches died. Other tests were made with a 50-50 mixture of dog biscuit and mouse food to which was added DDT at 1 gm. to 50, 100, 500, and 1,000 gnu of the food mixture. Five adult roaches (German and American) were placed in each of 20 jars. After 10 days 6, 14, 25, and 25 Ger- man roaches were found alive with the respective mixtures.— Morrill ( 116 ) . In laboratory tests 5 percent of DDT in talc was applied as a band an inch wide across the oenter of a pan 14 inches square. Roaches exposed continuously to this dust were all killed within 48 hours. Of roaches allowed to run onoe aoross this band 30 and 40 peroent were killed in 96 hours. In practical tests in Army mess halls a 5-peroent spray, made by dissolving DDT in an equal weight of cyclohexanone and mixing 1 gallon of this stock with 12.5 gallons of kerosene, was used in two buildings. A water emulsion containing 5 peroent of DDT, 15 peroent of xylene, and 5 percent of Triton NE was sprayed in a third building. Six buildings were dusted, four with 25 peroent of DDT mixed with talc and two with 10 peroent of DDT in talc The sprays applied were 18 to 95 gm. of DDT per 100 square feet and the dusts 19 to 29 gm. Large numbers of oookroaohes were killed by all these treatments. Almost instant results were obtained with the sprays, whereas delayed action was observed in the case of the dusts. In one building 2,000 dead roaches were on the floor within 30 minutes after spraying. The dusts were also highly toxic, and similar results were obtained with the 25- and 10-percent mixtures* In each of three buildings at least- 4,000 dead adults and large nymphs were seen on the floor. Complete eradication of these pests was not obtained in any of these buildings, but their populations were satisfactorily decreased, with the greatest reductions in the buildings that were dusted. A theater which had dif- ficulty in controlling roaches was sprayed at the rate of 1 gallon to 300 seats with a water emulsion containing 2.5 percent of DDT, 5 percent of xylene, and 0.1 percent of Triton NE. Fourteen days later the pop- ulation was noticeably decreased. —Gahan and Knipling (79). In preliminary tests by the pendulum method, a deodorized kerosene spray containing 2 percent (w./v.) of DDT applied to the dorsal surface of German roaches was less effective than b similar sprny containing 0.4 percent (w./v.) of pyrethrins. A proprietary powder containing 3 percent of DDT, scattered over the floor of glass cylinders, caused - 12 - mortalities approximately equal to that obtained with a pyrethrum powder containing 0,66 percent of pyrethrins. A dust containing 10 percent of DDT in pyrophyllite was less effective than a finely ground commercial grade (95 percent) of sodium fluoride, but on the basis of the amount of toxicant in each powder the DDT was more effective.— McGovran, Richardson, and Piquett ( 110 ). Periplaneta americana (L.), the American cockroach DDT mixed with bait (1 to 100) was fed for 3 weeks to 50 cockroaches (10 in each of 5 jars) all but 1 of which died. In other tests the food consisted of dog biscuit and mouse food (50-50) to which was added DDT at rates of 1 gm. to 50, 100, 500, and 1,000 gm. of food mixture. Five adult roaches were put in each of 20 jars and each rate was replicated five times. Ten days after the respective mixtures had been given them l f 4, 7, and 20 roaches were found alive. --Worri 11 ( 116 ) • In laboratory tests, when 5 percent of DDT in talc was applied on a band an inch wide across the center of a pen 14 inohes square, all the roaches exposed were killed within 48. hours. DDT in concentrations as low as 0.1 peroent was completely effective in 96 hours. When 5 peroent DDT and undiluted sodium fluoride were compared in pens 10 feet square, all roaches that had been placed with DDT were on their baoks within 48 hours and 24 hours later were dead, while only 60 percent of those placed with sodium fluoride were dead after 144 hours. In a more severe test in which roaches were allowed to run across a narrow band of 5-peroent DDT, mortalities of 100 percent in 48 and 72 hours were obtained. A dust containing 0.1 percent of DDT was ineffective. In a practioal test in a dairy a 6pray containing 2 percent of DDT, 2 per- cent of Nopoo 1216, and 10 percent of acetone was applied to control flies. Two days later 982 dead and dying cockroaches were counted and two weeks later dead roaches were still being found on the floor.— Gahan and Knipling ( 79 ) . Deodorized kerosene containing 2 percent (w./v.) of DDT was in- effective when tested by the pendulum method. When this spray was tested by confining roaches in a rising mist of spray, it was less effective than a similar spray containing 0.2 percent (w./v.) of pyre- thrins. The roaches were not knocked down rapidly by the DDT sprays. A 3-perccnt DDT powder was less effective than a pyrethrum powder con- taining 0.66 percent of pyrethrins. A dust containing 10 percent of DDT in pyrophyllite was less effective than a finely ground commercial grade (95 percent) of sodium fluoride, but on the basis of the amount of tox- icant in each powder the DDT was more effective.— McGovran, Riohardson, and Piquett (110). In laboratory tests 100 peroent mortality was obtained in 18 hours when adult American roaches were confined on a surface treated with a 5-peroent DDT dust, and in 48 hours when a 1-percent dust was used. A 10-percent dilution of sodium fluoride caused no mortality, and 5 percent of pyrethrum (1.2 percent of pyrethrins) killed only 65 percent in 72 hours. When large nymphs were confined for 3 days - 13 - on » deposit from a 1-percent spray suspension of DDT concentrate, 92 percent mortality was obtained. — Swingle and Mayer ( 149 ) . Nontechnical references on cockroaches DDT is effective against the American cockroach (56) Vut art against the German cockroach (55, 91, 129) • DDT has been found toxic to cockroaches (7, 18, _20, 51, 5£, 72, 122 , 123 , 129 , 154 ) . """ ISOPTERA Rhinotermitidae Reticulltermes flavipes (Kol.), the subterranean termite When termites were confined in an artificial ohanber dusted lightly with the 5-percent DDT mixture, they succumbed within 2 days. In field tests, howerer, they avoided it wherever possible. Pieces of paper toweling, stripe of fabric, and small pine plant Barkers treated with 1 or 5 percent DDT in acetone and exposed out of doors were attacked little or not at all, although owing to the severe drought the results were not conclusive.— St. George (132). Reticulltermes sp. A 3-percent DDT dust mixed with sand (1-10,000) oaused no Mortality within 2 days of adult termites placed on the surface of the treated sand. However, the treatment repelled the termites and prevented their entrance into the sand. In 5 days 97 percent were dead, but thi6 mortal- ity must have been caused by excessive exposure to the air. — Swingle and llayer ( 149 ). Nontechnical references DDT has been employed successfully against termite* (18, PO, 63, 70) MALL0P1IAGA Trichodectidae Bovicola caprae (Gurlt), the red goat louse Trichod"ectes h"en»ei Kellogg and Nakayaae., the yellew geofi fcouee Trichodectes linbatus Gervais Angora goats infested with these lice were dipped in 0.3 and 0.6 percent of DDT in a wpter emulsion. In every case all the lice were killed soon after hatching and no reinfestation develeaed in 2( days. In another test Angora goats were dipped in water enulsioas ooataininf 0.3, 0#15, 0.07, and 0.04 percent of DDT. All oon cent rati ens killed all red and yellow lice, and there was no reinfestation in 25 days. - 14 - Tests with DDT combined with wettable sulfur in dips suggested that neither chemical influenced the effectiveness of the other. These limited tests indicated that a single dipping in DDT may serve as an effective control for goat lice. These biting lice (Mallophaga) are more susceptible than are the sucking lioe (Anoplura). The DDT, even in concentrated emulsions, apparently had no effect upon the fiber or skin of the animals,— Bab cock (64). Nontechnical references DDT has been found effective against goat lioe ( 59 , 154 ). Trichodectes equi (L.) , the horse biting-louse Geigy*s preparation No. 1859 {contains DDT] in powder form proved to be a satisfactory remedy for the destruction of lice and nits on horses.— Schmid (134) . tfeocidol, either as a powder or an emulsion, does not irritate the skin of sensitive animals and kills all lice and nits within 2 days. About 150 to 300 gm. of the powder is required per horse. -- Schneider (135 ). THYSANOPTHfcA Thripidae Frankliniella fusoa (Hinds), the tobaooo thrips In preliminary plot tests a 3-percent DDT-pyrophyllite dust was very much superior to a 2-peroent dinitrocyclohexylphenol- sulfur dust for control of this thrips on cotton.— Shiller and Richmond (138 ). Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis (Bouohe), the greenhouse thrips Soirto'thrlps citri Ufoult.), the oitrus thrips DDT sprays and dusts have given promising results in field tests against these thrips.— Boyce (66, 67). Etoulsions of Gesarol [DDT, not Gesarol, was used.] oarrying 2, 0.5, and 0.2 percent by weight of this compound, applied to lemon leaves in laboratory tests, killed all citrus thrips in 1 day when the insects were place' 4 on freshly dried residues, and in 1 or 2 days on residues 1 day old. When adults were placed on lemon leaves dusted with Gesarol and talc (2+98) pt the rate of 1.4, 3.4, and 9.8 micrograms per square centimeter of leaf surface, the mortality was 91 to 100 percent in 24 hours, and 100 percent in 41 to 48 hours. A dust containing 20 percent of Gesarol in talc, applied so as to deposit 98 micrograms of Gesarol per square oentimeter, killed all adult thrips in 4 hours.— McGregor ( ill ) . Taeniothrips simplex (Morison) , the gladiolus thrips Sprays containing 7.5 pounds of 5-peroent DDT, with and without 4 - 15 - pounds of brown sugar, and a spray containing 1 peroent of DDT in 4 gal- lons of deodorized kerosene and 8 pounds of soap, were compared with a standard tartar emetic spray (2 pounds plus brown sugar 4 pounds), all quantities per 100 gallons of water. The tartar emetic-brown sugar spray was superior in all treatments. The DDT-brown sugar spray was inferior to the DDT alone or to the DDT-oil emulsion. — Smith (145 ). Thrips tabaci Lind., the onion thrips Same as for Frankllnlella fusca (Hinds) • Sane as for fa'en'iothrlps. simplex (Morison) • Unidentified thrips Gesarol is used against thrips. --Kotte (IPS ). HOMQPTERA Aphiidae Aphis g08sypii Glov«, the cotton aphid A 2-peroent DDT-pyrophyllite dust killed 15.4 peroent of aphids in laboratory tests as oorapared with 81 peroent in similar tests with 2-peroent niootine dusts.— Ivy (101 ). In a small plot of ootton dusted with 2-peroent DDT, temperature 87°F., 41 peroent of the aphids were dead after 48 hours. A 2-peroent free-nicotine dust killed 76 percent. In another plot, temperature 82 F., the DDT dust killed only 5 peroent of the aphids, as compared with 86 percent for nicotine. — Stevenson, Sheets, and Breazeale ( 148 ) . Aphis pruni (a A. prunifoliae Fitch) , the prune aphid The southern sides of six plum trees were sprayed with 1-percent Gesarol mixture, while the northern sides were left unsprayed as con- trols. Later no aphids were found on the treated sides, but they were very numerous on the control sides. Gesarol afforded a lasting pro- tection against the aphids. --Wiesmann ( 169 ) . Aphis spireacola Patch, the spirea aphid A 3-percent DDT dust killed all stages of this aphid on young orange, but not so quickly as did a 0.25-peroent niootine sulfate spray.— Swingle and Mayer ( 149 ) • Macros iphum pisi (Kltb.), the pea aphid Results on wingless adults in laboratory tests indicated that, in equal ooncentr.ationa, DDT in pyrophyllite is at least as toxio as rote- none in derris-root mixtures with the same diluent* DDT killed faster than derris. A concentration of DDT as low as 0.0781 peroent gave 88 peroent mortality of aphids. — Harries (93). - 16 - Uyzus persicae (Sulz.), the preen peach aphid F.pdish plants infested with aphids were exposed for 2\ hours in a 16- cubic-foot fumigation chamber in which 34 gm. of an aerosol mixture containing 2 percent by weight of DDT in methyl chloride had been released. After 48 hours 86 percent of the aphids were dead. An aerosol containing 2 percent of DDT and 4 percent of orthodichloro- benzene in methyl chloride killed 98 percent within 3 days. In a greenhouse test a spray containing 4 pounds of 5-percent DDT per 100 gallons of water killed only 38 percent of the treated aphids within 48 hours after treatment, A 3-percent DDT dust killed only 51 percent of the aphids within 4 days.— Weigel ( 159 ). Phorodon humull (Schrank), the hop aphid The control of this aphid in Germany with Gesarol is discussed.— Zattler (173). Rhopalosiphum pseudobrassicae (Davis), the turnip aphid Small plots of turnips heavily infested with aphids were dusted twice with 1 percent of DDT in pyrophyllite while other plots were dusted with standard insecticides. The DDT mixture was applied at the rate of 119 pounds per acre per application, the derris dust (l percent rotenone and 2 percent oil) at 98 pounds, and the niootine sulfate dust (3 percent nicotine) at 65 pounds. The numbers of aphids sur- viving on four leaf sections after 48 hours were 43 for DDT, 18 for derris, 8 for nicotine, and 412 for the control (undusted) .—Howard (98). Sipha flava Forbes, the yellow sugar cnne aphid Sugarcane dusted four times with a 50-50 DDT-pyrophyllite mixture at the rate of 8 pounds per acre for the control of the sugarcane borer was examined 3 days after each of the last two dustings to determine the effeot of DDT on the abundance of the yellow sugarcane aphid. The number of aphid-infested leaves in the DDT plots was about six times as great as in the undusted check plots. The great increase of aphids resulting from the use of DDT would thus be a serious drawback to its use in control of the sugarcane borer.— Ingram ( 100) • Unidentified aphids If used with a wetting agent Gesarol is very effective against aphids. — Kotte ( 103 ). Nontechnical references DDT is effeotive against aphids (20, 44 , 150 ). Cioadellidae Eropoasca fabae (Harr.), the potato leafhopper - 17 - In experiments on small plots of beans end potatoes a mixture containing 1 percent of DDT, 19 percent of Bancroft clay, and 80 percent of sulfur was as effective as a pyrethrum-sulfur mixture (0.025 percent pyrethrins) • Some of the counts showed less than one lenfhopper surviving per leaf,— Howard (98). Peregrinus maidis Ashm., corn leafhopper A 5-percent DDT duet caused 100 peroent mortality of large nymphs infesting a oorn leaf within 24 hours. The pyrethrum standard (1.2 peroent pyrethrins) diluted to 10 percent in talc gave similar re- sults.— Swingle and Mayer (149 ). Coccidae Aonidlella aurantil (Mask.), the California red scale In laboratory tests DDT in petroleum spray oils, applied as emulsions, has not only given increased kill of adult females and younger stages over the oils alone, but has been strikingly effeotive in preventing young crawlers from settling and developing on citrus fruits for as long as 60 days after spraying. Emulsions of xylene or benzene containing DDT had little effect on the adult female scales, but the residue in- hibited the settling and development of the young for at least 45 days. Deposits from water suspensions of technical DDT, used at the rate of 2 pounds to 100 gallons of water, inhibited more than 95 percent of the young crawlers from developing on citrus fruits. In many of the tests with DDT-oil sprays the young crawlers were killed before they emerged from beneath the waxy covering of the mother insects. Oil sprays con- taining DDT plus cube powder or derris extract were also promising. — Lindgren and Boyce ( 104 ) ; Boyce (66, 67) ; Lindgren, LaDue, end Dow ( 105 ). This work is referred to in ($2) . Pseudococcus citri (Risso), the citrus mealybug Mealybugs were exposed for 2h hours in a 16- cubic-foot fumigation chamber in which 54 gm. of an aerosol mixture containing 2 percent of DDT in methyl chloride had been released. Only 6 percent of the mealy- bugs on the coleus were killed after 48 hours. In another test with an aerosol containing 2 percent of DDT and 4 peroent of orthodiohloro- bensene in methyl chloride, only 25 percent of the mealybugs (mostly nymphs) were dead 3 days later. The eggs were unaffected. — Weigel ( 159 ) . Membra oidae Sti otocephaly f estina (Say) , the three-cornered alfalfa hopper Three days after the application of DDT-pyrophyllite dust (1-10) to oabbage plants at the rate of 18 pounds per acre, 1 dead three- cornered alfalfa hopper was observed. — Smith and Harrison (142). - 18 - HEMIPTERA Cimicidae Cimex lectularius L., the bedbug Cimex hTemipteru*s '"(F.), the tropioal bedbug In approximately 1,500 laboratory tests with about 100 materials against a mixed population of these two species, DDT was found to be the most outstanding, with pyrethrum somewhat less effective. No difference in resistance was detected between the two species. In jar tests 5 per- cent of DDT in a mixture with dimethyl phthalate and acetone and 1 per- cent of DDT in deodorized kerosene gave complete mortality up to 39 days after application* In order to simulate natural conditions, cages con- taining miniature mattresses were next used. Spray was applied to the mattress and lower half of the oage at the rate of 100 to 150 mg. per square foot of surface. Fresh bedbugs were introduced weekly after spraying and exposed for 48 hours. In these tests 20 percent of DDT in orthodichlorobenzene applied at the rate of 100 mg. per square foot gave complete mortality after 73 days. A cage receiving this treatment, but scrubbed with hot water and soap 8 days later, gave 100 percent mortality after 78 days. A spray containing 0.5 percent of pyrethrins plus 2 per- cent of N-isobutylundecylenamide in deodorized kerosene applied at the rate of 2.5 mg. of pyrethrins per square foot gave kills from 60 to 80 percent up to 22 days after treatment end after that time was practically worthless. In practical tests 20 percent of DDT plus 40 percent of ortho- dichlorobenzene in kerosene applied at the rate of 140 ml. per bed gave 100 percent kill up to the 281st day and 5 percent of DDT in kerosene applied at the rate of 195 ml. per bed killed 100 percent up to the 64th day. In several small tests in Army barracks in Florida 5 peroent of DDT in kerosene was effective for several months. In a large-scale practical test involving 80 barracks oomplete freedom from bedbugs was recorded for nearly 4 months. It was concluded that, from a practical standpoint, 5 percent of DDT in crude kerosene is probably the most satisfactory to use, particularly under military conditions.— Madden, Lindquist. and Knipling (112 ). Tests to determine whether insecticidal action oan be effeoted through the blood of the host by oral administration of insecticides were conducted with these two species of bedbugs on rabbits. Mortality as high as 100 percent occurred when the bugs were allowed to feed S to 5 hours after DDT was administered to the rabbits in dosages of from 228 to 400 mg* per kilogram of body weight. Pyrethrum extract gave similar results, but the knock-down of the bedbugs was faster.— Lindquist, Knipling, Jones, and Madden ( 106 ) • DDT in deodorized kerosene was .highly toxic to both species of bed- bugs, when applied directly as a contact spray by the turntable method. At a concentration of 0.18 percent in deodorized kerosene DDT was as toxic as the same concentration of pyrethrins, although the lethal ef- fect was not complete until 2 to 4 days after treatment as compared with 1 day for pyrethrum. The DDT sprays appeared to have little effect on - 19 - bedbug eggs.— McGovran, Riohardson, and Piquett (llO ) . Nontoohnioal references DDT kills bedbugs and bttgproofs mattresses for several months (£' I» I 8 -' i£' 12' .52» *& 5£» ££* 21» 21* 152 )» Cor el da e Anas a trlstls (Deg«), the squash bug A 3-percent DDT dust applied to first and fourth instars on pumpkin foliage oaused 100 percent mortality in 2 days in laboratory tests. The pyrethrum standard (1*2 peroent pyrethrins) gave the same results against fourth ins tar 8.— Swingle and Mayer (149 ). In inseotary oages 10-peroent DDT—pyrophyllite dust killed 100 per- cent of Anas a spp. adults and nymphs in 2 days, in another test 94 per- oent in i days, and in a third test 100 peroent in 6 days. Derris (0.75 peroent rotenone) killed 96 peroent in 7 days.— Harrison (94). Miridae Creont lades femoralls Yen D. In eage tests 2-peroent DDT-pyrophyllite dust killed all (20) the mirids on cotton in 24 hours.— Stevenson, Sheets, and Breaxeale ( 148 ) • Haltlons braoteatns (Say), a flea hopper A 3-porcent DDT dust gave excellent oontrol in weekly applioatians to small celery plants in outdoor plot. A oommeroial pyrethrum dust was relatively ineffective in semiweekly applications. A suspension of 8 pounds of 6-peroent DDT in 100 gallons of water also gave excellent control*— Swingle and Mayer ( 149) . Lygus obllncatus (Say), the tarnished plant bug In laboratory experiments a 10-peroent DDT dust killed 96 peroent of the nymphs and 99 peroent of the adults in 24 hours, and all were dead in 48 hours.— Hills (95). Lygus sp. See Creont lade s femoralls . Pentatomidae Chloroohroa llgata (Say), the oonchuela in the Southwest In tests in whioh screen cages were placed over cotton plants, 5- peroent DDT-pyrophyllite dust killed 80 peroent and 2-percent dust - 20 - killed 6© percent of the adults in 5 days*— Clark (74) Chloroohroa sayi Stal., the Say stinkbug In two experiments with the hugs confined in small screen cages, 10-percent DDT dust killed a large percentage, hut its action was slow, the mortality not "being complete until 4 to 6 days after application.— Hi 11a (95). In cage tests 2-percent DDT-pyrophyllite dust killed all (29) the hugs tested in 96 hours j hut only 10 percent in 24 hours and 80 peroent in 48 hours*— Stevenson, Sheets, and Breaseale (148 )* Eurydema oleraceum (L.) Gesarol is used against this hug on truck crops.— Kotte ( 105 ) * Buschistus impl otiventris Stal, the brown cotton bug In cage tests 2-peroent DDT-pyrophyllite dust killed all (60) the bugs tested in 96 hours but only 50 percent in 24 hours and 80 peroent in 48 hours.— Stevenson, Sheets, and Breaseale (148) . Hurgantla hlstrionioa (Hahn), the harlequin hug In laboratory tests a 1-percent DDT dust killed 90 percent of the adults within 2 days. Four other concentrations ranging from 3 to 100 percent as well as the undiluted pyrethrum standard (l.*2 peroent pyre- thrins) gave about the sane results.— Swingle and Mayer ( 149 ) . Tests conducted in insectary cages showed that both 10-percent DDT-pyrophyllite dust and derris dust (0*75 peroent rotenone) killed 100 peroent of the adults in 2 days.— Harrison (94). Messrs viridula (L«), the southern green stinkhug In cage tests a 3-peroent DPT dust killed 86 percent of adults in 3 days, hut in two later tests only 75 and 72 peroent in 5 days.— . Chamherlin (f 3) . A 10-percent DDT-pyrophyllite dust killed 100 peroent of the adults and nymphs in 2 days in one sories of laboratory tests but only 76 per- cent in 4 days in another series. —Harrison (94). Three days after the application of DDT-pyrophyllite dust (1-10) to cabbage plants at the rate of 18 pounds per acre, 1 live southern green atinkbug was observed.— Smith and Harrison (142 ). ANOPLURA Haematopinidae Haematoplnue euryaternus Nitr., the short-nosed cattle louse - 21 - A spray containing 0.5 percent of DDT gave a complete kill of all aotive stages. It persisted on the hair of the animals long enough to ld.ll the young lice that hatched from the eggs .--United States Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine (154 ) • Linognathus stenopsis (Burn.), the blue goat louse Angora goats infested with lice were dipped in water emulsions in strengths of 0,3, 0.15, 0.07, and 0.04 percent of DDT. All blue lice were killed with all concentrations except the 0.04 percent and there was no evidence of a reinf estation in 25 days. Mixtures of DDT and wet- table sulfur were also tested*— Bab cook (64, 154) . Nontechnical references DDT has been employed successfully against livestook lioe by Agrioulture Department researchers ( 18 , 29 , 65 , 70)« Pedioulidae Pedioulus hum an us corporis Deg., the body louse Pedi cuius h'um'anus hum anus ~L., the head louse Phthirus pubis (L«), the orab louse The first sample, a commercial dust [containing 3 percent of DDT] proved far more promising in preliminary tests against these lice than any of the hundreds of synthetio organic compounds previously tested. Later tests confirmed the initial observations that DDT was a highly effective lousicide. DDT has no ovioidal properties. Two-piece, 50- percent— wool underwear impregnated with a solution of DDT whan not washed remained effective for 3 to 5 weeks' wearing, while similar suits when washed once a week were effective for 2 to 3 weeks. Suits im- pregnated with a higher percentage of DDT when washed once a week re- mained completely effective through five washings and were still moder- ately effective after six washings. With a still larger percentage of DDT, garments gave complete oontrol of lice after nine washings and 9 weeks' wearing. Impregnation has been accomplished by dipping the clothing in solutions of DDT in a volatile solvent or an aqueous emul- sion, with no difference in effectiveness.— Pushland, McAlistsr, Eddy, and Jones (68) • Nontechnical references to lice affecting man The effectiveness of DDT against lice on man has been mentioned by many other writers (15, !7, 18, 29, 33, 37, 38, 41, 42, 46, 50, 69, 62, 63, 70, 72, 75, 91, TT8,"T297"l3T7 14T , TfrpT" "*" "" — — The use of DDT as the active ingredient of the Army's new louse powder has been widely heralded (4-8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19-23, 25-30, 32, 36, 41, 43, 44, 45, 48. 4"9,""T2,""66,~?9/Tl3, 12*57 150","T52). TFT "Gas "Seen cre"dTte3~with" wiping ou"£"~the typTius epidemic" In Naples' in the winter of 1943-44 (27, 34, 50, 55, 131). - 22 - The erroneous statement that the German army had a DDT louse powder before the Americans knew about it appears in oertain articles (3, 35, 36, 39). "" COLEOPTEBA Anobiidae Lasioderma serrioorne (F.), the cigarette beetle Newly emerged beetles, confined in a modified Peet-Grady chamber, weie sprayed with DDT in a light, volatile, highly refilled oil of the kerosene type at the rate of 76 oo. per 1,000 cubic feet* The fol- lowing results are reoordedi Insectioide in oil spray Moribund after 24 hourf Mortality after 6 days Percent' Percent 28 44 50 66 24 36 2 IP DDT, 3 percent DDT, 5 peroent Pyrethrum extract, 0.2 peroent total pyrethrins Unsprayed The residual effect upon beetles plaoed in wire-gause cages that had been sprayed with 5 percent of DDT in oil is indicated as followet Interval between spraying of oage and exposure of inseots Time inseots were exposed Mortality In sprayed In unsprayed oage oage Dajrs 0.2 9 37 Days 2 3 3 Percent Percent 100 24 96 92 8 — Tenhet (151). - 23 - Bostrichidae Rhjiopertha doroinloa (F.), the lesser grain borer Of a large number of ohemicals tested for impregnating paper bags, a 10-percent solution of DDT in acetone showed the greatest efficiency in preventing beetles from cutting through the bags. Paper impregnated with DDT and exposed for 2 months to the attack of this insect suffered no damage.— Cotton, Baiter, and Young (76). Bruchidae Bruchus pisorum (L.), the pea weevil In laboratory tests adults were dusted with two strengths of DDT and then held 10 days in a cabinet at 86°F. Only 62 percent mortality was obtained with 0*3 gnu of 10-peroent DDT, and only 11 percent mor- tality with 0.16 gnu of 2-percent DDT.— Schopp and Brindley (136) « Nontechnical referenoe DDT proved ineffective (55). CallosobruchuB maculatus (F»), the cowpea weevil In laboratory tests a 3-percent DDT dust mixed with Crowder peas (1-10,000) gave complete control of adults confined in the peas with- in 2 days* The derris standard (4*8 percent rotenone) gave similar results in the same period*— Swingle and Mayer ( 149) • Buprestldae Agrilus sp«, a fruit-tree borer In a preliminary test in Switserland a 1-peroent Geaarol prepara- tion [about 0.4 pound of DDT per 100 U. S. gallons] sprayed on fruit trees killed all the borers within 3 days.— Wiesmann (164 ). Byturidae rus tomentosus (Dec*), the raspberry beetle Byturus t omen to bus (Deg»), the raspbe Byturus urbanus (.Lind.JI (■ B. fumatus ) Small-scale tests in 8wit*erland showed that the beetles perish within 24 hours of coming in contact with Geaarol spray deposits. In tests made out-of-doors one-half of the raspberry bushes in cultivation were sprayed with a 1-peroent Gesarol mixture (about 0.4 pound of DDT per 100 U. S. gallons] shortly before the blossoms opened and a second time when they were fully open. On the untreated bushes the worminees was 17.1, 26.2, 34.7, and 42.5 peroent, while on the treated bushes it was 0.6, 1.6, 2.3, and 3.0 percent* These results were considered Very LIBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD - 24 - satisfactory. Also additional tests were partly very good and partly satisfactory. There was not a single failure, and it can be stated that an effective control of raspberry beetles can be obtained with two applications of Gesarol, whereas three or four applications of derris are required to obtain satisfactory results. — Wiesmann (169 ). In a preliminary test all the beetles treated with a mixture con- taining 1 peroent of Gesarol were killed within 3 days. — Vfiesmann ( 164 ) . Gesarol was effective against raspberry beetles. — Kotte ( 105 ) . Chrysoroelidae Cassida spp., tortoise beetles In field tests in Switzerland Gesarol proved suitable for the con- trol of these beetles on turnips.— Wiesmann ( 164 ). Crioceris asparagi (L*), the asparagus beetle Gesarol is used against this beetle.— Kotte (105 ) • Diabrotioa balteata Lee, the banded cucumber beetle In small-plot field tests an application of DDT-pyrophyllite dust (1-10) on oabbage at the rate of 18 pounds per acre killed 91 peroent of adult beetles in 5 days.— Smith and Harrison (1.42) . Diabrotioa duodeoiapuncta ta (F*), the spotted cucumber beetle Three days after the application of DDT-pyrophyllite dust (1-10) to oabbage plants at the rate of 18 pounds per acre, two spotted cu- cumber beetles were observed, one of which was nearly dead.—Smith and Harrison (142 ). Epltrix cuoumeris (Harr.), the potato flea beetle In oage tests 10 adults were put on a potato-plant cutting that had been sprayed or dusted with DDT. Complete mortality was obtained in 24 hours with a 5-percent dust and in 72 hours with a spray con- taining 4 pounds of 6-percent DDT per 100 gallons of water.— Weigel ( 159 ) Epitrlx hirtipennls (Welsh.), the tobaoco flea beetle In oage tests complete mortality of 100 adults was obtained in 24 hours with a 6-peroent DDT dust mixture* The insects were confined to small tobaooo plants under four lantern globes, and the dust was applied by means of a precision duster*— Chamber lin (75) • Leptlnotarsa deoemlineata (Say), th» Colorado potato beetle A spray made of 1 povind of DDT oonoentrate per 100 gallons of water - 25 - caused complete mortality of all instars infesting potato plants in an outdoor garden, — Swingle and Mayer ( 149 ) . In greenhouse tests potato cuttings were sprayed or dusted with DDT. When the 3-percent dust was applied, all hut one of the beetles were killed in 48 hours, end all were dead after 72 hours. With a spray containing 8 pounds of 5-percent DDT per 100 gallons, ell the beetles were dead in 4 to 7 days. At 6 pounds per 100 gallons the spray was less effective. In a number of tests that followed in the greenhouse and in outdoor cages, results similar to those above were obtained on the adults, but the larvae were killed more easily. — Weigel (159). In field tests in Switzerland Gesarol proved suitable for the con- trol of this pest. — Wiesmann ( 163, 164 ). Gesarol was effective.— Kotte (105 ). Nontechnical refer enoes DDT is highly effective against the Colorado potato beetle (20, 5b, 72). Gesarol is used against flea beetles (72 , 103 ). Coccinellidae Epilaohna varlvestis Muls., the Mexican bean beetle In laboratory tests DDT at 8 pounds to 100 gallons of water, with 0.8 pound of acacia as wetting agent, was sprayed on excised bean leaves, which when dried were put in unsprayed cages and infested with fourth instars. The mortality in 6 days was 45 percent. One pound of derris root (4.8 percent rotenone) in 100 gallons of water caused 67 percent mortality in the same time.— McGovran, Riohardson, and Piquett (110 ) . When applied to growing plants in the ereenhouse, neither the 3- peroent dust nor a spray containing 8 pounds of the 6-percent DDT per 100 gallons caused any mortality of adults and larvae within 24 hours after application. The test insects were put on the plants after the insecticide was applied* None of the larvae died within 7 to 10 days. Coworkers who used DDT dusts and sprays against this insect on bush beans growing in their victory gardens reported poor suooess. — Weigel (169). In laboratory tests a 3-peroent DDT pyrophyllite mixture killed only 36 peroent of the third instars tested, while a derris mixture (0.6 peroent rotenone) killed 70 percent within 5 days. In later tests 10-peroent DDT killed fewer larvae than did the derris mixture. DDT had no appreciable repellent effeot. — Harries (93). A 10-peroent DDT- pyrophyllite dust was tried in two field ex- periments. The results were very poor in comparison with the stand- ard cube dust (0.5 peroent rotenone).— Nelson (119). - 26 - Nontechnical reference DDT is apparently not effective in controlling the Mexican bean beetle (55, 59). Lady beetles (unidentified species) Three days after the application of DDT-pyrophyllite dust (1-10) to cabbage plants at the rate of 18 pounds per acre, 1 dead lady beetle was observed.— Sndth and Harrison (142 ). Nontechnical reference DDT kills the aphid's natural enemy, the ladybird beetle, with much more certainty than it does the aphid (55). Curculionidae Anthonomus grandis Boh., the boll weevil In cage tests 2-percent DDT-pyrophyllite .dust applied at the rate of 32 pounds per aore was comparatively ineffective, the mortality being only 18.5 percent.— Ivy ( lOl ) . In cage tests using 1- and 2-percent DDT-pyrophyllite' mixtures, the mortality after 96 hours was 16 percent with each mixture, as compared with 77 percent when calcium arsenate was used. The weevils were re- leased on the caged cotton plants, which were then thoroughly dusted with a hand gun.— Smith (146 ) . Nontechnical referenoe The boll weevil is little affected by DDT (72). Anthonomus poroorum (L.), the apple blossom weevil Weevils colleoted out-of-doors in Switzerland were put in Petri dishes containing shoots of apple trees sprayed with Gesarol. The weevils that moved on the shoots showed symptoms of paralysis with- in 1 to 2 hours and died in 1 to 2 days* Small apple trees were sprayed with a mixture containing 1 percent of Gesarol and 1 percent of lime-sulfur, and 10 weevils were then put on eaoh sprayed tree. After 8 days all the weevils were dead. This test indicated that an effective control may be obtained by spraying apple trees with a 1-percent concentration of'Oesarol with or without lime-sulfur solu- tion at the time of oviposition.--Wiesmann ( 169 ) • Gesarol was effective.— Kotte ( 103) j Anon. (2). Anthonomus rubi (Hbst.), the raspberry blossom weevil In the raspberry cultivations sprayed with Gesarol in Switzerland only a few blossoms per thousand were destroyed by this weevil, while - 27 - in the untreated cultivations the damage amounted to 8 to 10 percent.— Wlesmann ( 169 ), Gesarol was effective.— Kotte (103) • Listroderes cbllquus Klug, the vegetable weevil Three days after the application of DDT-pyrophyllite dust (1-10) to cabbage plants at the rate of 18 pounds per acre, 3 vegetable wee- vils were observed, 1 dead, 1 living, and 1 affected. —Smith and Harrison ( 142 ). Pantoroorus leucoloma (Boh.), the white-fringed beetle In insectary and field-plot tests DDT was the most potent in- seotieide ever tested against the adults. In cage tests as a stomach poison a 2.6-peroent DDT-pyrophyllite dust on cotton foliage killed 94 par cent in 72 hours and on peanut foliage 100 peroent in 48 hours* Comparative mortalities for the same periods with other poisons are 12 peroent for synthetic cryolite on cotton, 53 for calcium arsenate on ootton, and 63 for cryolite on peanut. Sprays containing DDT (0*25 pound to 100 gallons of water) were equally good. DDT was also effective as a oontact poison. It was very effeotive in field-plot tests.— Young (172) , lontechnioal references DDT was highly effective against the white-fringed beetle (55, 59, 72), Phylloblus oblongus (L*), the graft weevil In Switzerland Petri dishes were sprayed with a 1-peroent Gesarol mixture and allowed to dry for 24 hours. Weevils were put in these treated dishes for 5, 10, 15, and 30 minutes and then removed to un- treated dishes for observation. All the weevils exoept those exposed for 5 minutes became paralysed and later died.— Wiesmann ( 164 ) . Gesarol spray works well and rapidly.— Anon. (l). Gesarol had a lasting lethal effect by contact.— Wlesmann ( 169) . Gesarol was effeotive in the laboratory and in the open.— Kott^ (103 ) . 81tophllus orysa (L.), the rice weevil In laboratory tests a 3-peroent DDT dust mixed with wheat ( 1-10,000) oaused BO and 82 peroent mortality of adults is 3 end 6 days, respectively. Derris (4.8 peroent rotenone) at 1-200 killed 36 and 100 peroent of the weevils in 4 and 7 days, respectively.— Swindle end Mayer (149). - 28 - llateridae Wlreworas (unidentified species) Gesapon [contains DDT and an emulsifying agent j produced ap- preciable results*- Kotte ( 103 ), Heloidae Bpioauta 1 omnia oat a (Fi») 8 a blister beetle In laboratory tests a 3-peroent DDT dust on swiss chard leaves killed all adults within 3 days. Undiluted barium fluosilioate killed 96 percent under siailar conditions* A 4-100 suspension of the 5-per- cent spray Material on swiss chard killed 0, 71* and 96 percent in &, 4, and 6 days, respectively. A 4-100 suspension of the undiluted cryolite killed only 25 and 75 percent in 4 and 6 days, respectively.— Swingle and Mayer (149 ). Hitidulidae Mellgethes braasloae (Scop.) Gesarol nay be effectively applied against this species on field orops*— Xotte (105) . Ostomidae Tenebroldes neurit anie ns (L.), the eadelle Sane as for Bhiao p c rtha donini oa . — Cotton , Bali-er, and Young (75 ) • Soarabaeidae Melolontha vulgaris L*, the May beetle If the beetles are put in large containers provided with food sprayed with Gesarol, the Insects eat very little and soon show symp- toms of paralysis, and after 2 or S days die. Contact with the spray deposit for 1 to 5 hours causes moderate paralysis, and if removed from the poisoned food the beetles recover on the second day. If they are in contact with the spray deposit for 5 hours or more, severe paralysis results and death occurs on the fifth day* Three large branches of beech and oak trees were sprayed with a 1- percent Gesarol mixture in a greenhouse in Switierland. Subsequently 300 beetles were released In the same compa r tme nt * Within a short time all untreated branches were densely covered with beetles. A number of beetles flew onto the treated branches but left them quickly. The test was repeated three tiisas with the same result. The oontrol food was always completely eaten, but the treated food was eaten little or not at all. Tests on a large scale showed that fruit trees may be protected against defoliation by a spray of Gesarol prior to the flying period of May beetles.— ifiesmann (169 ). - 29 - Gesarol when 'used at a concentration stronger than usual was effeotive.— Kotte (103). Phyllopartha hortloola (L.), the cockchafer In a preliminary test in Switzerland all the beetles treated with a 1-peroent Gesarol mixture were killed within 2 days.— Wlesmann (164 ). Gesarol was effective as a deterrent.-- •Wiesmaxm ( 169 ) > Gesarol spray works well and rapidly.— Anon. (JL) • Popillia japonioa Newm., the Japanese beetle DDT was the most effective of the proteotive materials tested. In laboratory tests sprays containing 0.25 pound of DDT per 100 gallons were consistently as effective as those containing 6 pounds of toad arsenate. In field tests one application protected fruit and foliage of early varieties of peaoh trees for about 10 days, whioh was the same protection as that given by two sppli cations of the recouroended derris-rosin residue emulsion. A single application of a spray con- taining 1 pound of DDT to 100 gallons protected the fruit and foliage during the period when the beetles were attaoking the peaoh trees, and also destroyed the infestation on heavily infested plum trees and kept the trees free from beetles for the remainder of the season. This spray also proteoted grapes. DDT acted both as a poison and as a repellent and appeared very promising as a substitute for the d err is, lime- aluminum sulfate, end lead arsenate sprays recommended for control of this in- seet. It remained effective longer than did derris and left no oon- spleuous residue on the fruit and foliage. — Fleming and Chisholm (78). Nontechnical references DDT is highly poisonous to the Japanese beetle (18, 29, 55, 56, 69, 65, 21* 21' U6 ' ls *) « Rhliotrogua solstltlalls (L.) Gesarol was effective.- Kotte (105 ). 8oolytidae 8colytus pruni . Rats., the fruit-tree bark beetle In Switserland small apple twigs sprayed with a 1-percent Gesarol mixture were put in large Petri dishes, and when the twigs were dry 5 beetles were plaeed in each dish. After 2 to 3 hours the inseots ap- peared paralysed and within a day they died. In other tests beetles were placed in dishes that had been sprayed a month earlier. The in- seets showed severe symptoms of paralysis after 15 minutes and died within 24 hours.— Hi esmann (169). - 50 - Unidentified specie* Gesarol at a heavier dosage than usual was effective against bark beetles on fruit trees.— Kotte (103) • Silphldae Blitophaga sp* Gesarol nay be effectively applied against this inseot on field orops ••—Kotte (103) • Tenebrionidae Tribolium oastaneun (Hbst*), the red flour beetle In laboratory tests a 3-percent DDT dust mixed with wheat at a dilution of 1 to 10,000 parts by weight caused 100 percent mortality of adults confined in the treated grain for 2 days •—Swingle and Mayer (149), LEPIDOPTHIA Boobyeidae Bombyx morl (L.)„ the silkworm In laboratory tests against silk moth larvae on mulberry leaves, DDT, when applied as a 10-peroent dust, was at least as toxic as lead arsenate*— Martin ( lis ) « Crambidae Dlatraea saooharalis (F*), the sugaroane borer Small plots of sugaroane were dusted four times with DDT-pyro- phylllte (60-50) at the rate of 8 pounds per acre per application* This mixture gave a lower degree of borer control than did synthetic oryollte, although not signif ioantly so*— Ingram (100 ) • Oeometrldae Alsophila pom et aria (Harr*), the fall oankerworm The following field tests were madet (l) Seven trees were banded with burlap that had been saturated with 6-peroent DDT emulsions (2) the trunks of four trees from the base up to about 4 feet above the ground were sprayed with a similar emulsion; (3) the trunks of five trees were dusted for the same distance with a 50-60 DDT-pyrophyllit* mixture* DDT-pyrophyllite dust killed all female moths that oame in contact with it* The moths did not die immediately but quiokly lost all power of locomotion* DDT emulsion was not very effective in the field, but moths confined in oloth-oovered cages the inside of which - 51 - had been sprayed with the emulsion soon lost all power of locomotion and died within 24 to 48 hours.- Schaffner ( 133 ). Cheiaatobia brumata (L.), the winter moth Gesarol was effective.— Kotte ( 103 ). Hibernla aurantiarla (Esp.) Gesarol spray works well and rapidly.— Anon. (l). Hibernla sp. In a preliminary test in Switzerland a 1-percent Gesarol spray on fruit trees killed all these insects within 2 days.— Wlesmann ( 164 ). Hesperiidae Urbanus proteus (L.)# the bean leaf roller In laboratory -bests a 3-percent DDT-pyrophyllite dust on bean foliage killed 100 percent of third instars within 2 days, with almost no feeding. The pyrethrum standards (1.2 peroent pyrethrina) killed 96 percent in the same period. A spray containing 4 pounds of DDT per 100 gallons of water gave excellent control of the first three instars in an outdoor garden.— Swindle and Mayer ( 149 ). Hyponomeutidae Aorolepia assectella (Zell.) Gesarol is used against this insect on truck orops.— Kotte ( 103 ). Hyponomeuta mallnellus Zell., the ermine moth Several branches on apple trees in Switzerland were sprayed with a mixture containing 1 peroent of Gesarol and 2 peroent of lime-sulfur. After 2 days the caterpillars on the sprayed branches were dead, and the result was at least equally as good as that obtained with the arsenioJL compound formerly used.— Wlesmann (164) . The southern sides of six plum trees in Switzerland were sprayed with a mixture containing 1 peroent of Gesarol and 1 peroent of lime- sulfur, while the northern sides were left unsprayed as oontrols. Later there were nine nests of caterpillars on the oontrol sides and none on the sprayed sides • —Wlesmann ( 169 ). Gesarol was effeotive.— Kotte (103 ) • Plntel la maenlipennis (Curt*), the diamoodbaok moth In small-plot field tests with two applications of DDT-pyrophyllite - 32 - (1-10) on cabbage at the rate of 14 pounds per aore, 1 caterpillar sur- vived per 100 plants, -while 10 survived applications of pyrethrum (0.3 percent pyrethrins) dust, and 4 of derris (0*5 peroent rotenone) dust*~ Smith and Harrison (142 ) • Gesarol ia used against this speoiea on truck orops*— Kotte ( 103 ) • Olethreutidae Carpocapsa porconella (Li), the codling moth In preliminary laboratory spray tests DDT (l pound to 100 gallons of water) appeared signif ioantly more effective than lead arsenate (3 pounds to 100 gallons), giving nearly perfect control* In laboratory- field tests DDT at the same strength was highly effective, even after long periods of weathering* Other tests suggested that DDT oould prob- ably be used effectively after first-brood sprays of either nicotine bentonite with soybean oil or lead arsenate and lime with mineral oil* In field tests not only did the DDT at 1*5 pounds prevent worm entranoes, but there were no new stings at harvest and less than 3 percent of the picked apples were wormy* DDT did not repel ovipositing moths*— Steiner, Arnold, and Summerland ( 147 ) * When tested by the apple-plug method, DDT showed excellent promise when used alone at concentrations of 1 or more pounds per 100 gallons* It showed little to no loss in effectiveness when combined with bordeaux mixture, neutral soap, or pyrophyllite, but the addition of hydrated lime, bentonite, and lime-sulfur reduoed its toxicity somewhat* One pound of DDT per 100 gallons of water gave 16 p;»rcent of wormy and 12 peroent of stung apple plugs, whereas lead arsenate (4 pounds to 100 gallons) gave 44 percent of wormy and 5 percent of stung plugs.— Si egler (139 )* Gesarol, applied as a 1-percant spray mixture, acted both as a stomaoh and a contact insecticide on codling moth larvae* It was aisoible with all kinds of fungicides and after being sprayed produced an adhesive, whitish deposit, which resisted the rain fairly well and remained visible up to 3 weeks*— IT! esmann ( 164 ) * In tests on a small scale Gesarol was first found inferior to lead arsenate, but later tests showed it to be effective* Apples sprayed with Gesarol were suspended in cages, where female nioths laid eggs on them. Only 2*3 percent of the larvae resulting from 128 eggs deposited on 26 sprayed apples were able to eat their way into the apples, where- as the infestation of the oheok apples was 97.5 percent* Tests were con- ducted in orchards in three localities in Switserland* In Wadenswil lead arsenate generally ef footed a greater reduction of infestation, but Gesarol was equally effective in some oases* The spray mixture con- tained 1 percent of Gesarol or 1 peroent of lead arsenate plus 1 percent of lime-sulfur solution (32 Be'*)* The Gesarol- lime-sulfur mixture formed a suspension which had to be constantly stirred, the resistance to rain of its white deposit on the fruits was not entirely satis- factory, and its wetting and spreading properties were also poor* In - 33 - Herrenhof this mixture was equally effective as 0.5 percent of lead arsenate plus lime-sulfur. In the third locality, Oeschberg, tests were carried out in three towns comparing 1 percent of Gesarol with 0.5 percent of lead arsenate, each mixed with 1 percent of lime- sulfur. At Lindenhof and St. Niklaus Gesarol was unsatisfactory on one variety of apple after two treatments, but on a second variety it was half as effective as the lead arsenate. The results obtained at Ut t ens torf were conclusive.— Wiesmann (169). Gesarol sprays were inferior to those of lead arsenate in tests made in 1941.— Anon. (l). Nontechnical references DDT has been found to be very poisonous to the codling moth (16, 20, £2, J55, 69, 72, 113, 118, 150, 154 ). Grapholitha funebrana (Treit.), the plum tortricid moth Four prune trees in a large orchard in Switzerland were sprayed with 1 percent of Gesarol in water, on June 17, 1942, and the records were taken at harvesttiroe, September 3. The spray deposit on the leaves was good and fairly ocrapact, but on the fruits spotlike and not uniform. The single application reduced the infestation about 30 to 40 percent, which corresponded somewhat to the reduction ob- tained by two applications of niootine sprays. As Gesnrol showed a lasting effect, union niootine preparations lacked, the spraying with Gesarol might be used during the first third of July and thus ooin- oide with the second oodling moth treatment.— Mesmann ( 169 ) . Grapholitha molests (Bus ok), the oriental fruit moth DDT (l pound to 100 gallons of water) caused a marked reduction in moth injury to peaches after one spraying, and the treatment ap- parently was effeotive for 3 to 4 weeks.— Drlggers (77) • In the laboratory DDT in all the forms tested was highly toxio to the newly hatched larvae* DDT was very effeotive when dissolved in oil and other organic solvents or when prepared in dust mixtures. Deposits on fruit prevented the entry of large numbers of these larvae. DDT was also highly toxio to the moths when they were confined in cages with sprayed pea^ foliage or the sides of the cages were sprayed or dusted.— Carman and Fleschner (71). DDT was effective in laboratory tests. — Boyce (67). Nontechnical references DDT is effective against the oriental fruit moth (55, 115 ). Grapholitha sp. Gesarol was effective. — Kotte (103). - 34 - 8pilono/ta oo ell ana (D. & S.), eye-spotted budmoth In a preliminary test in Switzerland a 1-percent Gesarol prepara- tion sprayed on fruit-trees killed all the budmoths within 3 days.— Wie smarm (164)« Phalaenidae Agrotinae Five days after the second application of DDT-pyrophyllite dust (1-10) at the rate of 14 pounds per acre, all these caterpillars on cabbage plants were killed.— Smith and Harrison ( 142 ). Alabama argillacea "(Hbn.) , the cotton leafwonn Two-percent DDT-pyrophyllite dust applied in cage tests at the rate of 32 pounds per acre of ootton gave only 35.5 percent net mor- tality.— Ivy (101). In a field test using 2-percent DDT-pyrophyllite dust at rates of 5 and 10 pounds per acre, no mortality was observed after 6 days.— Clark (74). Antioarsia gemmatilis (Hbn.), the velvetbean caterpillar In a laboratory oage test of a 2.6-percent DDT-pyrophyllite dust and a cryolite-wheat flour dust (9-1) against half-grown caterpillars on peanut foliage, 48 hours were required for DDT and 96 hours for cryolite to cause 100 percent mortality. A field plot of velvetbeans was sprayed twice with 0.5 pound of DDT plus 5 pints of raw linseed oil per 100 gallons of water. The first application was made at the rate of 58 gallons per acre and gave good control. The seoond ap- plication protected the new foliage from the hordes of caterpillars that were moving in from the surrounding mtreated area. — Young ( 172 ) • Barathra brassioae (L.) Gesarol is used against this species on truck crops.— Kotte ( 103 ) . Heliothis armigera (Hbn.), bollworm, corn earworm, tomato fruitworm A water suspension of 2-percent DDT-pyrophyllite killed bollworms when put on the dorsum with a pipette. The median lethal dose of DDT applied in this manner to 240 fifth instars was 0.299 mg. per gram of body weight. This mixture, applied as a dust at 32 pounds per aore of ootton in cage tests, killed 96 percent of third instars, whereas basio copper arsenate-sulfur (l-l) at 16 pounds per aore killed 86 percent. In another series of oage tests DDT caused 97 percent mortality at 32 pounds, 82 percent at 16 pounds, and 63 peroent at 8 pounds per aore. Calcium arsenate at 8 pounds per acre killed 62 percent. DDT acts both as a stomach poison and as a contact insecticide, the latter being the - 36 - more important. Bollworms were readily killed by exposure to dust clouds of this material. Following a 30-second exposure 40 percent kill was obtained with fifth instars, 90 peroent with fourth instars, and 100 percent with third instars. Larvne were also killed when put on sheets of blotting paper and dusted at the rate of 32 pounds per acre. Larvae fed on dusted leaf sandwich consumed a lethal dose after 2 to 4 days' exposure. --Ivy ( 101 ) • Soreen cages were placed over cotton plants on which bollworas had been released, and the plants were then dusted with 2-peroent DDT-pyrophyllite dust. The mortality was 100 percent in 46 hours in one test, but poor in another. --Stevenson, Sheets, and Breaxeale ( 148 ) . In small field plots tomato plants dusted with 3 and 1 percent of DDT in pyrophyllite and with undiluted calcium arsenate produced, respectively, 4, 8, and 6.5 percent of worm-injured tomatoes, as com- pared with 28.5 percent on untreated check plants. The results showed good promise for DDT in the control of the tomato fruitworm. In labora- tory tests complete mortality was obtained of 30 larvae fed leaves dusted with the 3 percent of DDT. Of 30 others fed leaves dusted with the 6- percent mixture 29 died. In comparable tests with calcium arsenate 25 larvae died* The respective deposits were 69, 42, and 15 micrograms per square centimeter. More feeding took place on the calcium arsenate than on the DDT. — Johnson ( 102) . DDT has been tested against the bollworm. (20). A dust of DDT-pyrophyllite (1-10) applied at the rate of 18 pounds per acre caused a tomato fruitworm to regurgitate and quiver 2 hours after the treatment.— Smith and Harrison (142). Prodenla eridanla (Cram.), the southern armyworm In laboratory tests a 3-percent DDT-pyrophyllite dust on collard leaves killed 100 percaat of fourth instars within 2 days. Pyrethrum (1.2 percent pyrethrins) killed only 48 percent in the same time. An 8-100 suspension of the 5 peroent DDT, applied as a spray to oollard plants, caused 100 peroent mortality within 2 days. This foliage was equally toxic to larvae 8 days after application of the spray. Un- diluted lead arsenate at 8-100 killed 97 percent in 2 days.— Swingle and Mayer ( 149 ). Pseudoplusia (r Autographs ) rotationis (Guen*), a looper In laboratory tests DDT dust dilutions as low as 1 peroent killed 90 to 100 peroent of fourth instars within 2 days, and 0.6-percent DDT dust killed 100 peroent in 3 days* A derris dust (0*96 percent rotenone) killed 89 peroent in 3 days* A 8-100 suspension of the 5-percent DDT applied to oollard plants killed 33, 85, and 96 peroent of fourth in- stars in 2, 4, and 6 days, respectively. A 4-100 spray killed only 62 peroent in 6 days* Lead arsenate at 8-100 caused 100 peroent mortality within 4 days, and derris (4*8 peroent rotenone) at 4-100 killed 46 peroent in 6 days. — Swingle and Mayer (149) . - 56 - Trichoplusia ni (Hbn.) (= Autographa brassicae (Riley)), the cabbage looper In laboratory tests a 3-peroent DDT-pyrophyllite dust on oollard leaves killed 100 percent of fourth instars within 2 days. The pyre- thrum standard (1.2 percent pyrethrins) killed 96 percent in the same time.— Swingle and Mayer (149; • In small-plot field tests with two applications of DDT-pyrophyllite dust (l-lO) on oabbage at the rate of 14 pounds per acre, 5 loopers »ur- vived per 100 plants, as compared with 51 on plants treated with pyre- thrum (0.3 percent pyrethrins) and 70 on plants treated with derris- pyrophyllite (0.5 percent rotenone) •—Smith and Harrison ( 142) . Phaloniidae Phalonia ambiguella (Hbn,), a European vine moth In Switzerland Gesarol applied as a spray at a concentration of 1 percent [8 pounds per 100 U. S. gallons] proved effective against the second-generation larvae.— Wiesmann (162, 163). Phycitidae Ephestia elutella (Hbn.), the tobacco moth Newly emerged adults, confined in a modified Peet-Grady chamber, were sprayed with DDT dissolved in a light, volatile, highly refined oil of the kerosene type at the rate of 75 cc. per 1,000 cubic feet. Results were as follows: Insecticide in oil spray Moribund Mortality Eggs after 24 after 3 deposited hours days in 3 days DDT, 3 percent DDT, 5 percent Pyrethrum extract, 0.2 percent total pyrethrins None, unsprayed Percent Percent Number 90 94 1298 98 100 1039 95 96 1202 4 16 380 - 57 - Moths confined for 3 days in wire-gauxe cages that had been sprayed with 5 percer; ^DT in oil and allowed to air for 2 days were all killed, end after 15 days 1 exposure (introduced 14 days after spraying) 20 peroent of the larvae were dead. — Tenhet ( 151 ) . Pieridae Pieris brassloae (L.), the cabbage white butterfly Gesarol is used against this speoies on truck crops. — Kotte (103). Pieris rapae (L.), the imported oabbage worm In laboratory tests a 5-peroent DDT dust on collard leaves killed all fourth inatars within 2 days. The derris standard (4.8 percent rotenone) gave the same results.-- Swingle and Mayer ( 149 ) . In small-plot field tests with two applications of DDT-pyrophyllite (1-10) on oabbage at the rate of 14 pounds per acre all larvae were killed. The same was true for pyrethrum (0.3 percent pyrethrins) and derris (0.5 peroent rotenone) dusts.— Smith and Harrison ( 142 ) . Larvae one-third to nearly grown confined on cabbage plants in insectary oages were dusted with 10 percent DDT-pyrophyllite and with derris (0.75 percent rotenone). In 3 days the respective mortalities were 90 and 100 percent.— Harrison (94). Pyraustidae Diaphanla hyallnata (L.) # the melon worm Diaphania nitldalls (Stoll), the piokleworm In laboratory tests all dilutions of DDT dusts down to 0.6 percent oaused 90 to 100 percent mortality of fourth instars of melon worms on pumpkin foliage, and 100 percent of pickleworros. Derris dust (0.96 per- oent rotenone) killed only 36 percent of melon worms and 24 peroent of piokleworma in 2 days. An 8-100 DDT spray oaused 100 peroent mortality of the piokleworm in 2 days and a 4-100 spray in 4 days. The respective mortalities of the melon worm with an 8-100 spray were 65 and 100 percent. Derris (4*8 percent rotenone) at 4 pounds per 100 gallons killed 100 per- oent of piokleworma in 4 days, but only 77 percent of melon worms in 6 days at 8-100.— Swingle and Mayer ( 149 ). Bvergestls rimosalis (Guen.), the cross-striped oabbage worm In laboratory tests a 3-percent DDT dust applied to oollard leaves killed all fourth instars within 2 days. The pyrethrum (1.2 percent pyrethrins) standard gave similar results. At 4 pounds per 100 gallons the 6-peroent spray killed 90 and 100 percent of third instars in 2 and 4 days, respectively. Derris (4.8 percent rotenone) at 8 pounds per 100 gallons killed 3 and 100 percent in 2 and 4 days. — Swinple and Mayer (149). - 38 - Larvae, one-third to nearly grown, confined on cabbage plants in oages in an insectary were dusted with 10-percent DDT-pyrophyllite* In 3 days the mortality was 100 percent, while for derris (0.75 percent rotenone) the mortality was only 80 peroent.—Harrison (94) • Pyrausta nubilalis (Hbn.), the European corn borer In laboratory and field tests DDT was the only one of many mate- rials tested that held promise of beooming a satisfactory substitute for ground derris or cube, because of its relatively high reduction of borers in both corn ears and plants without injury to the corn* A proprietary product containing 5 percent of DDT applied as a spray at the rate of 4 pounds per 100 gallons killed all the borers*-- Questel ( 128) * In small plots at Toledo, Ohio, a powder containing 5 percent of DDT used as a spray at the rate of 6 pounds per 100, gallons reduced the borers in the plants 91 9 9 percent and in the ears 96.1 percent.— Quest el (127) . Sphingidae Protoparce sexta (Johan*), the tobacoo hornwora Second and third instars on tobacoo plants in oages were dusted* Complete mortality of 70 larvae was obtained in 48 hours with a 3-per- cent DDT dust applied at the rate of 16 to 20 pounds per acre, and all of 50 larvae treated with lead arsenate were dead in 48 hours* The larvae consumed very little of the foliage dusted with DDT*— Chaaberlin (73). Tineidae Clothes moths (unidentified species) A milky emulsion suitable for use as a spray for the destruction of moths is made by dissolving 15 parts of DDT in a warm mixture of 30 parts of toluene and 15 parts of methyl hexaline [methyl oyclohexanol], adding 56 parts of sulfonated castor oil and 4 parts of ammonia, stirring well for some time, and diluting the resulting clear solution with 50 to 100 times its quantity of water*- Geigy (80)* Pumice stone, charcoal, kieselguhr, or other natural or artificial porous mass is steeped with a solution of 10 parts of DDT in 20 parts of benzene and dried under reduced pressure. The product is suitable for use as a moth-repelling end a moth-destroying agent*— Geigy (81) • Moths are destroyed witnin a very short time by a spray of DDT in aloohol, petroleum, or similar solvent or in an aqueous emulsion. DDT oan be used for the preparation of solid mothproofing agents, such as moth balls, and in combination with compounds already employed for the same purpose *T-Muller (117) » - 39 - Nontechnical references DDT was originally developed in Switzerland as a moth repellent for clothing (11, 15, 20, 21, 44, 72) and its effectiveness as a mothproofing agent has been reported in the United States (55, 154 ) » Tortrioidae Arohlps fualferana (Clem.), spruce budworm *I think there are possibilities with the use of DDT for budworm."— Aimand (59), Unidentified speolea Gesarol spray work* well and rapidly against budworms and web- worms • — Anon • (l ) • HYMENOPTERA Apidae Apis mellifera L., the honeybee In Switzerland 1(3 bees taken from the combs at the back of the hive were plaoed in small olosed cages and fed a spray mixture containing 10 percent of sugar, 2 percent of honey, and 1 percent of Gesarol on pads of ootton. The bees would not eat the usual spray mixture containing 1 percent of Gesarol, but they readily acoepted this sweetened mixture. These trials were repeated three times, and in order to keep the bees as lively as possible the cages were kept at 28 C. Not one of the bees fed Gesarol or the oontrol bees died within 10 dsys, but all the bees fed a 0.5-percent lead arsenate solution were dead within 3 days and all fed 1-percent lead arsenate died within 2 d*ys.— mann ( 163 , 164 ) . In order to test the effect of Geserol »prny deposits as a contact poison on bees, an old comb whs thoroughly sprsyed with a 1-percent mix- ture. When the spray had dried, the comb was put in a one-frame ob- servation hive and 50 bees were introduced. Within 6 days 4 bees in this hive died while 5 died in the control hive. Therefore, the dried Gesarol deposits did not harm the bees that crossed the treated oomb hundreds of times. These results indicate that the spray deposits on fruit trees would not be injurious to bees. To determine whether a direct wetting of the bees with a spray of Gesarol would poison them, 20 bees were sprayed with a 1-percent mixture. The insects were com- pletely paralysed in 1 hour and dead in 4 hours. To test the effect of Gesarol dust, a oomb was dusted and then put in the one— frame ob- servation hive. Within 4 hours all 50 bees were dead. — Wiesraann ( 164 ) . The bee experiment in rearing frames proves unequivocally that dried residues of Hesarol sprays are unobjectionable to bees coming in oontaot with them. Therefore, a preblossom spraying of fruit trees with Gesarol is harmless to the bees visiting the blossoms. Bees are killed by direct wetting with a Gesarol spray. — Wiesmann (165). - 40 - Three days after the application of DDT-pyrophyllite dust (1-10) to cabbage plants at the rate of 18 pounds per acre, 1 dead honeybee was observed.— Smith and Harrison (-142 ) . DDT (0.05 percent) in dilute honey and in queen-cage candy was fed to caged honeybees, at least 20 young bees per cage. In 6 such trials the majority of the bees were dead within 17 to 42 hours, whereas few or no bees in t ne 6 control cages were dead. Both drones and worker bees were affected. Several hours after taking oandy or sirup containing DDT the bees became agitated, and later died. No contact-poisoning effect was demonstrated when bees were kept in cages previously sprayed with 0.05 percent DDT or when the bees were sprayed directly. However, when 1 or 2 peroent DDT spray was used, within 6 hours most of the bees were dead and the rest were poisoned. Therefore, DDT is a stomach poison for honeybees at 0.05 percent concentration, and at 1 percent it also acts as a contact poison. -•-Hoist (97). Nontechnical references DDT kills bees as readily as it does other insects (55). The Swiss work with Gesarol against bees is mentioned (2^2) . Formioidae Fortni ca sp., an ant DDT applied in relatively low concentrations in an artificial cham- ber was toxic to ants. They had considerable difficulty in walking with- in a few minutes after coming in contaot with the residue of the 5 peroent DDT-aoetone solution and died several, hours later. The 5 percent mixture, when applied as a dust, acted a little more slowly, and the 1 peroent solution in acetone still more slowly, but both were effective.— St. George ( 132 ). Iridomyrmex humilis Mayr, the Argentine ant A thin line of DDT was plaoed across an ant trail in a greenhouse, but the ants did not detour to avoid crossing it. They apparently suf- fered no ill effects from contact with it. Several puffs of undiluted DDT dust were blown into a nest of ants. For 9 days thereafter no ants were observed) therefore, they either abandoned the nest or all were killed.— Ingram ( lOO ). Nontechnical reference DDT appears to be effeotive against ants (72). Tenthredinidae Hoplooampa flava (L.), the plum fruit sawfly Hoplocampa minuta (Christ.), continental plum snwfly - 41 - The southern sides of six plum trees in Switzerland were sprayed with a mixture containing 1 percent each of Gesarol and lime-sulfur, while the northern sides of these trees were left unsprayed as controls. The infestation was reduced in the worst case to one-third and in the best oase to one-tenth; the first was considered acceptable and the second, good*- Wiesmann ( 169 ) • Hoplooampa testudinea (Klug), apple sawfly Pteronldea rlbesll (Soop.), imported currant worm, gooseberry sawfly Geearol was effective against these species. — Kotte (103). DIPTERA Anthotnyiidae Hylemya antique (Meig.), onion maggot Hylemya brassioae (Bouohe), oabbage maggot Gesapon [ODT and an emulsifying agent] has produced appreciable results against these larvae.— Kotte ( 103 ) . Culioidae Mosquitoes • Nonteohnloal references DDT offers wide potential use in mosquito control (7, 15, 18, 20, 32, 37, 45, 56, 114, 123 , 125 , 150 ), and particularly as a TarvToide TTi/lfo/Tis, 12J7"137}T Itonididae Contarinia torquens Mei j • Gesarol is used against this fly on truck orops,— Kotte ( 103 ) . Musoidae Musoa domestloa L», the housefly DDT "reacts surely against flies by spraying 5 com. of an alcoholic solution of 5 percent strength per cubic meter of room." Ths flies are killed within 2 hours, and after 10-15 minutes nearly all flies are so paralysed that they oan no longer fly.— Muller ( 117 ) . In Switzerland houseflies were confined for various periods in Petri dishes that had been sprayed with a 1- percent preparation of Gesarol and allowed to dry. Contact with the dry spray deposits for only 30 seoonds within 35 hours of the treatment was fatal to the flies. A 60-minute contact caused paralysis in 10 minutes and killed then within 3 to 4 hours. The longer the exposure the sooner severe convulsions took plaoe, fallowed by a quioker death. The dried Gesarol deposits upon the glass - 42 - retained their potency for at least 3 months. Since flies have sense organs in their tarsi, these organs were probably first affected, then paralysis of the legs resulted, followed by rapid injury to the nervous system, and finally death. — Wiesmann (167 , 168, 170 ) . When sprayed on surfaces in suitable solvents, DDT remains as a nearly invisible deposit after the liquid has volatilized, and acts as a contact insecticide. When applied in unpainted wooden oages at the rate of 25 mg. of DDT per square foot, DDT in dibutyl phthalate was less effective than in ethylene dichloride or kerosene. Of all the solvents tested, kerosene appeared to be the most desirable for the immediate use of the armed services. In oages sprayed with 5 percent of DDT in kero- sene the time required for complete knock-down ranged from 15 minutes for flies introduced after 15 days to 300 minutes for flies exposed after 93 days. These cages were still effective on the 265th day after spraying. There were differences in knock-down by DDT on different surfaces and at different temperatures. Flies have been knocked down and killed by dosages as low as 0.25 mg. per square foot. The walls and oeilings of the milk barn and feed room of several dairies were sprayed onoe with 5 percent DDT in kerosene* The immediate reduction of flies was approximately 95 peroent, and for several months the population oontinued to be much lower than in untreated barns.— Lindquist, Madden, Wilson, and Jones ( 107 ) . Experiments were conduoted to ascertain how long DDT oan be depended on to prevent an accumulation of houseflies. Small cages sprayed inside with 2 percent of DDT in kerosene or a 1 peroent suspension in water killed all the flies put into them for nearly 5 months. Large cages sprayed inside with a 1 percent suspension of DDT in water knocked down all the flies put into them in 60 to 120 minutes over a period of 4 months, and none recovered. A small dairy barn was treated inside with 1 peroent eaoh of DDT and pyrophyllite and 0.5 peroent of sodium lauryl sulfate in water. Flies were released in this room a week later and at irregular intervals for 3 months. The first releases required 75 minutes for com- plete knock-down, whereas the last release required 120 minutes. All the flies succumbed. The residue on the walls retained its toxicity for 103 days. A large dairy barn, heavily infested with flies, was sprayed with the 1 percent aqueous suspension of DDT and 38 observations were made from June 29 to October 8. The maximum number of flies at any one time was 56, the minimum 0, and the average for the entire period was 10.8. In 9 other barns treated with DDT the infestations were completely destroyed and no considerable numbers of flies accumulated after the treatments.— Van Leeuwen ( 157 ) . Effective control of housefly breeding oan be obtained in manure, when it is thoroughly treated (0.6 gallon per oubio foot) with DDT-water emulsions in concentration as low as 0.1 peroent .--Simmons and Wright (140). In laboratory tests by the spray-tunnel method a spray containing 0.25 gnu of rotenone per liter of deodorised kerosene left the same per- centage of flies active at the end of 6 hours as a spray oontaining 1 - 43 - £nu of DDT, and 1 gm. of rotenone was about as effective as 2.5 gnu of DDT. Therefore, rotenone is 2.5 to 4 times as effeotive as DDT against flies when applied by this method. The rotenone was in the form of an extract oontaining 5.04 gm. of rotenone per 100 ml. plus other extrac- tives.— Hunt (99). Tests by the turntable method showed that DDT at concentrations above 0.2 percent (w./v.) in deodorized kerosene caused a pronounced knock-down of houseflies in 10 minutes but at lower concentrations the knock-down was negligible. The toxicity of DDT increased much more rapidly with increase in oonoentration than did that of the pyrethrins. Consequently, below 0.7 mg. per milliliter, at which concentration the two materials had the same toxioity to these houseflies, the pyrethrins were more toxio, and above this oonoentration DDT was more toxic. When the results were plotted on log-probability paper, it was found that the concentration required to give 50 percent mortality was 1.65 mg* per milliliter for pyrethrins and 0,95 mg. for DDT. In tests by the Peet- Grady method when 12 ml* were used per test, 0*2 percent of DDT in deodorised kerosene, combined with 0.03 percent of pyrethrins, 1 per- oent of fenchyl thiocyanoaoetate, or 1.5 percent of commercial beta- butoxy-beta'-thiocyanodiethyl ether, knocked down and killed all the flies. DDT alone in deodorized kerosene caused less than 50 percent knook-down in 10 minutes when 0*5 percent or less was used) at 1 and 2 percent of DDT much higher knoqlwlown was obtained, but even at 2 per- oent all the insects were not knocked down in 10 minutes.— Gersdorff and McGovran (87). Samples of housefly breeding media (23 gm* each) were treated with DDT and infested with third-instar houseflies. The cultures were then held until the adults emerged. In samples treated with 60 and 30 mg. of DDT 88 and 77 percent of the larvae died, as compared with 92 percent when 60 mg. of borax was added to similar culture. Thiourea is much more toxic, for only 7.5 mg. added to each 23 gm. of media caused 92 pereent mortality.— McGovran, Richardson, and Piquett ( 110 ) . Nontechnical references DDT is highly effective against flies (7, 15, 20, 26, 46, 75, 89, 115 , 118 , 123 , 150 , 152 , 154 ), and surfaces sprayed with~~it remain "£oxio Tor severaTmon^hT (To7 lTT"l8» 20 , 2£, 32, 33, 40, 41, 55, 56, 59, 63, 70, 72 , 121 , 129 , 14T 7 lTg ) . Siphona irritans (L.), the horn fly Tests were conduoted with DDT in aerosols and emulsions for the oon- trol of horn flies on beef oattle undwr ranch conditions. Tests with aerosols oontaining 5 percent of DDT, 10 percent of sesame oil (or aoe- tophenone), 20 peroent of Freon 113 (triohlorotrifluoroethane) , and 66 percent of methyl chloride Indicate that satisfactory control may be obtained for 2 weeks by a single spraying. Equally satisfactory oon- trol was obtained when DDT in emulsions was applied to range cattle with a power sprayer at 300 pounds' pressure. In one operation 90 - 44 - cattle were sprayed ell over with one nozzle in 1 hour. The best emul- sion formula contained DDT 100 gm., benzene 140 ml., dibutyl phthalate 140 ml., and Triton NE 12 gm. Water was added to make 1 liter. The emulsions were found to stand indefinitely and to mix readily with water .—Wells ( 160 )» Nontechnical references DDT is highly effective for killing horn flies (59, 72, 154). Stomoxys calcitrans (L»), the stablefly, the dog fly Tests were made in Switzerland in which stableflies were confined in Petri dished that had been sprayed with Gesarol. Contact with the dry spray deposit for 60 minutes was fatal to them within 4 hours and a 30-minute contact was fatal in 35 hours. A small horse stable and a cow barn with 10 cows and 2 heifers were sprayed with a 1 percent Gesarol [about 0.4 pound DDT per 100 U. S. gallons] preparation at the rate of 1 liter per square meter of surface. The flies dropped at onoe from the ceiling and landed in a paralyzed state on the floor, where. they soon succumbed. The cow barn soon became free from flies and remained prac- tically free for 36 days. It was concluded that spraying the stables early in June and again at the beginning of August will eliminate flies for the whole summer.— Wiesmann (166 , 167 , 168 ). Three applications, 10 to 12 days apart, were made to each of two screened horse barns with DDT in white kerosene (2 gm. to 100 ml.). The spray was applied as a mist with a small knapsack sprayer. Ap- proximately 8 gallons 6f material was applied to 2,000 square feet of wall surface, which was enough to wet it without run-off. Previous to this treatment the 44 horses were held inside during bad fly out- breaks and a commercial fly spray was used. After the DDT applications no further sprays were necessary to protect the horses, although the spraying did not apparently reduce the number of flies outside the barns. In another barn a single window screen was sprayed with DDT in kerosene (5 gm. per 100 ml.). At the end of 13 days this window was still killing flies. At another barn 100 percent kill was obtained for 12 dayl in eight unoocupied stalls sprayed with 2 gm. of DDT per 100 ml. of kerosene. Sprays containing DDT in various solvents applied to hor- ses in 4-ounoe doses, twice daily for as many as 35 applications, gave a 100 percent knoofc-down and kill of flies alighting on the animals. No repellent effect was obtained with DDT. The most efficient repel- lent combination used was DDT in Indalone at 2 gm. per 100 ml. When used as a spray on horses this solution gave 100 peroent kill, 1 hour of complete protection, from 2 to 4 hours of satisfactory partial pro- tection, and a residual deposit on the animal that remained toxic for a few days.— B lakes lee (65). Effective control of the stablefly breeding in peanut litter was obtained when it was thoroughly treated with a DDT-water emulsion in concentrations as low as 0.25 percent of DDT. The emulsion was made by diluting a stock formula containing 10 gm. of DDT, 12.5 ml. of - 46 - bensene, 2.5 ml. of B-1956 emulsifier, and 75 ml. of water. — Siwmons and Wright ( 140 ) . DDT, especially if a wetting agent is added to the spray, is very effeotive in the oontrol of flies in stables •-- Kotte ( 103 ) . Otitidae Otites fulminans (Meig.) Psilidae Psila rosae (F.), the carrot rust fly Gesapon Contains DDT and an emulsifying spent] has shown appreci- able results apainst the larvae of these two species .--Kotte (103). Syrphidae Unidentified species Three days after the application of DDT-pyrophyllite dust (1-10) to cabbage plants at the rate of 18 pounds per acre, 1 live syrphid fly larva was observed whioh was active and apparently unaffected.— Smith and Harrison (142 ). Trypetidae Anastrepha ludens (Loew), the Mexioan fruitfly DDT at concentrations of 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 8 pounds per 100 gallons was tested against adult flies confined in cages. These solutions were made by dissolving the DDT in 20 ml. of acetone and diluting to 200 ml. by the addition of a solution containing 20 pounds of sugar and 1 pound of dried Chinese egg albumen in 100 gallons of water. The toxicity was very erratic All the flies died upon exposure to 2 and 4 pounds, but some of the flies survived when exposed to the other concentrations. Two pounds of tartar emetic was considerably more toxic than any of these concentrations of DDT tested.— Plummer ( 126 ) . Rhagoletis cerwsl (L.), the European cherry fruitfly The tops and bottoms of Petri dishes were sprayed with 1 percent Gesarol and allowed to dry, and then flies were put in the dishes. No effect was observed within 2 hours, but the flies were completely para- lysed after 6 hours and dead within 9 to 20 hours. Branches of cherry trees in cages were sprayed with 1 peroent Gesarol and allowed to dry. After several days flies were introduced, and within several hours they were paralyzed, fell to the bottom, and usually were inactive after 24 hours. In field experiments the spraying of six oherry trees with 1 peroent Gesarol proved to be ineffective, but when a secluded group of - 46 - trees was thoroughly sprayed with 1 percent Gesarol by use of a strong motor sprayer, good spray deposits were had and the flies were suc- cessfully controlled. The spraying should not be done until 8 to 10 days after the flies begin to fly. — Wiesroann ( 170 ). SIPHONAPTERA Heotopsyllidae Echidnophaga gallinacea (Westw.), the sticktight flea Pulicidae Ctenooephalldes canis (Ourt.), the dog flea Ctenocephalides fells (Bouohe), the oat flea Powders containing DDT diluted to 4 or 5 percent with pyrophyllite were dusted lightly oxer 11 dogs, about 10 grn. being used to treat a medium-sized dog. The dog and oat fleas began to leave the host within 10 to 16 minutes j some of then died on the dogs, but most of then died on the ground within S to 5 hours* The sticktight fleas died on the host. Dogs treated witii DDT were completely freed of fleas and pro- tected from reinf ©station for 4 to 7 days, while dogs treated with d ar- ris powder (4*8 percent rotenone) were protected for only 2 days. None of the animals showed any 111 effects from the treatment .--Lindquist, Madden, and Khipling ( 108 ). Nontechnical references DDT kills fleas (16, 20, 141 , 160 , 152) . ACARINA Argasidae Ornithodoros megnini Duges, the spinose ear tiok A nondrying adhesive containing 5 percent of DDT was applied to the inside of the ears of 113 cattle, with no observed injury to the animals. The material gave a high kill of the ticks present at the time of treat- ment and afforded some protection from reinf est ati on .—Rude and Smith (130 ) • Eriophyidae Erlophyee sheldonl Bwing, the citrus bud mite Sprays of DDT have given encouraging results in laboratory tests .-- Boyoe (66) • Ixodidae Amblyomroa amor i can um (L»), the lone star tiok Preliminary observations indicated that DDT might be effective against ticks on vegetation. Benzene, pine oil, and xylene were each combined with - 47 - four emulsifiers, and eaoh combination was tested with three strengths of DW-- 0,2, 0*1, and 0*06 peroent. Adult ticks were dipped in each ■dsrirttre. In eaoh instanoe the survival after 6 days was lowest (3 per- oent) when pine oil was used as the solvent and Areskap 50 as the emul- sifier, although pine oil and B-1956 gave almost equally good results (6 percent survival) .—Smith and Gouck (143) . An emulsion containing 6 peroent of DDT and B-1966 applied as a wash controlled larvae of this tiok on a heavily infested short-haired dog* Ho live ticks were found at any time, and all were dislodged by the seventh .day after treatment. A spray containing 20 percent of DDT in benzyl bensoate applied to a collie was unsatisfactory. The dogs showed no ill effeots fro* the treatment. — Gouok and Smith (90). Amblyomma ma ou latum Koch, the Gulf Coast tick DDT incorporated into a nondrying adhesive was applied to the ears of 303 range cattle, with no apparent injury to the animals. When a 2-percent DDT mixture was used, about 10 percent of the normal number of adult ticks attaohed to the ears, but when a 5-percent DDT mixture was used, few adult tioks were able to attach for engorgement. The 5- peroent material gave a highly satisfactory kill of the ticks present at the time of treatment and afforded a high degree of protection from reinfestation for 3 weeks. This is approximately three times as long as the protection period afforded by any of the remedies now being used by the ranchmen.— Kude and Smith (130 ). Ix o de s rloinus soapularla Say, the black-legged tiok Benzene, pine oil, and xylene were eaoh combined with four emul- sifiers and eaoh combination was tested with two strengths of DDT— 0*02 and 0*01 peroent. Adult tioks were dipped in eaoh mixture. In eaoh instanoe the survival after 6 days was lowest (0 peroent) when pine oil was used as the solvent and Areskap 60 the emulsifier, al- though pine oil and B-1956 gave almost equally good results (5 per- cent; c" "-Smith and Gouok ( 143) . Hhiploephalus sanguineus (Latr.), the brown dog tiok Emulsions containing 5 percent of DDT applied as washes gave satis- factory control of this tiok. The emulsions were prepared by dissolving 6 parts of DDT in frj parts of bensene, adding l£ parts of an emulsifier (B-1966), and pouring this slowly into 87^ parts of rapidly stirred water. At the end of 10 days all the tioks on a heavily infested hound were dead. A month later the same emulsion killed all the ticks on a wire-haired terrier within 3 days. An emulsion containing 6 peroent of DDT with Dreft as the emulsifier killed all the ticks on two short- haired dogs in 3 days. The same was true with a long-haired dog treated with a 6-perwent DDT emulsion containing Vatsol OS. A heavily infested long-haired dog was washed in an emulsion oontaining 2 percent of DDT with B-1966 and Areskap. At the end of 5 days all tioks were dead ex- oept 14 engorged females (about 6 peroent of the total). A cooker - 48 - spaniel infested with thousands of ticks was dusted with 10 percent of DDT in pyrophyllite. At the end of 10 days many female ticks were still alive.— Gou ok and Smith (90). Nontechnical references on ticks DDT is highly effective against ticks infesting animals* (59), and gives some protection to man ( 141) • Tetranychidae Paratetranychus pilosus (C. and F.), the European red mite In July this mite was more abundant on apple trees sprayed with DDT than on unsprayed trees or on those to which other treatments for the codling moth had been applied. On August 24 the lady beetle Stethorus pun ot urn (Lee), was absent from DDT plots, but later this predator moved in and checked the threat of a severe mite outbreak*— Steiner, Arnold, and Summerland ( 147) . Nontechnical reference The application of DDT in the apple orchard has resulted in the increase of the European mite (59). Tetranyohus spp., oommon red spiders An aerosol mixture containing 2 percent of DDT in methyl chloride and applied at the rate of 34 gnu in a 16- cubic-foot fumigation chamber killed only 6 percent of the red spiders on bean plants and 20 peroent on radish leaves within 48 hours. In another test in whioh 4 peroent of orthodichlorobenrene plus 2 percent of DDT in methyl chloride was used, 67 percent of the red spiders were killed, but the eggs were un- affected. A spray containing 4 pounds of 5-percent DDT per 100 gallons of water killed only 13 percent within 48 hours, and a S-peroent DDT dust killed only 12 percent of the spiders. — Weigel ( 159 ). The DDT sprays applied to apple trees apparently did not affect the red spiders. At harvest large populations were found on the fruit and under bark on all trees sprayed with DDT, while this pest was dif- ficult to find on all the other trees.— Stein er, Arnold, and Summerland (147). Trombidiidae Acer i sou 8 mas on i Ewing, a chigger EutrombTcula alfreddugesi (0ud«), the chigger Both species are pests of man. In tests against the second species in Georgia, plots 10 feet square were marked off about the bases of in- fested trees. In tests against the first species in South Carolina, the - 49 - plots were 10 by 20 feet and rarely Included trees. The materials that gave the best control for Acarlsous masonl were sulfur, dinitro-o- cresol, and 2 percent of DDT in pyrophyllite. On the first day after dusting with sulfur, chigger abundance was only 9 to 17 percent of the original infestation, and it oontinued to decline thereafter. In two or three tests all chiggers were eradicated in 8 days. Applications of 5-percent dinitro-o-cresol and 2-percent DDT were followed by complete absence of ohiggers for 2 days, after which a few reappeared. Similar results were obtained against E. alfreddugesi .— Smith and Gouck ( 144 ) • Nontechnical references The effectiveness of DDT against chiggers is mentioned (141, 150) . References (List of publications is issued separately.) - so - INDEX OF COMMON AND SCIENTIFIC NAMES OF INSECTS Acariscus masoni, 48-49 Acrolepia assectella , 31 Agrilus sp», 23 Agrotinae, 34 Alabama argillacea , 34 AlYalfa hopper, three-cornered, 17 Al30phila pometaria , 30-31 Amblyoimna — aroericanuro , 46-47 maculatum , 47 Anasa tristis , 19 Anastrepha ludens , 45 Ant CsT7~40 Argentine, 40 Anthonomus— grandis, 26 porno rum, 26 rubi, -^6-27 Anticarsia gemroatilis, 34 Aonidiella aurantii, 17 Aphid (s), T6 See also specific kind* Aphis -- gossypii , 15 pruni (s prunifoliae) , 15 8pireacola , 15 Apis melllTera , 39-40 Apple— blossom weevil, 26 sawfly, 11 Ar chips fumifera n a , 39 Armyworm," southern, 35 Asparagus beetle, 24 Autographs. — br assioae , 36 rotationis , 35 Bar athra brassicae , 34 Bark beetle, fruit-tree, 29-30 Bean- beetle, Mexican, 25-26 leaf roller, 31 Bedbug ( 8 ), 18-19 tropical, 18-19 Beetle, See specific kind Blattella gernianicn , 10-12 Blister beetle, 28 Blltophaga sp., 30 Boll weevil, 26 Bollworm, 34-35 Bombyx mori , 30 Bovicola caprae , 13-14 Bruchus*~pi sorum , 23 Bud moth, eye-spotted, 34 Byturu8 — tomentosus , 23-24 urbanus (= fumatus ), 23-24 Cabbage— looper, 36 maggot, 41 white butterfly, 37 worm — ■ cross-striped, 37-38 imported, 37 Cadelle, 28 Callosobruchus maculatus, 23 Camnule pellucida, 10 dankerworm, fall, 30-31 Carpocapsa pomonella , 32-33 Carrot rust fly, 45 Cass Ida spp., 24 Cat flea, 46 Cattle louse, short-nosed, 20-21 Cheimatobia brumata , 31 Cherry fruitfly, European, 45-46 Chigger, 48-49 Chlorochroa— ligata , 19-20 sayi, 20 Cigarette beetle, 22 Cimex — " hemipterus , 18-19 lectularius , 18-19 Citrus- bud mite, 46 mealybug, 17 thrips, 14 Clothes moths, 38-39 Cockohafer, 29 Cockroach (es), 13 American, 12-13 German, 10-12 Codling moth, 32-33 Colorado potato beetle, 24-25 Conchuela, 19-20 Contarinla torquens, 41 Corn— "" borer, European, 38 •arworm, 34-35 - 62 - leaf hopper, 17 Cotton— aphid, 15 bug, brown, 20 leafwomi, 34 Cowpea weevil, 25 Creontiades femoralla , 19 Crloceris asparagi , 24 Ctenooephalldes -- oanls , 46 felis , 46 Cuoumber beetle— b ended, 24 •potted, 24 Current worn, imported, 41 Diabrotloa— balteaTa , 24 duodecimpunotata , 24 W. aaondbaok moth, 31-32 Diaphania— hyall nata , 37 nilldaUa , 37 Piatraea saooharalia , 30 dog— flea, 46 fly, 44-46 tiok, brown, 47-48 Bohidnophaga gallinacwa , 46 Bapoaso a fabae , 16-17 "" gpheatla elutella , 36-37 Bploauta lemniaoata , 28 Bpllachna varlvestla , 26-26 Epltrlx— ououmeris , 24 hlrtlpennls , 24 Briophyea sheldonl , 46 Ermine moth, 31 Burydema oleraoeum , 20 Eaaohia€ua implotiventrla , 20 Butroabloula alfroddugeal, 48-49 Evergeetia rimoaalif, 37-38 Flea— oat, 46 dog, 46 •tioktlght, 46 Flea beetles, 26 8ee alao apeoifio kind. Floa hopper, 19 Flour beetle, rod, 30 Foradoa sp. 40 Frankllnlolla fueca, 14 Fruitfly See under specific kind* Fruit moth, oriental, 33 Fruit-tree bark beetle, 29 Fruit-tree borer, 23 Gladiolus thrips, 14 Goat louse- blue, 21 red, 13-14 yellow, 13-14 Gooseberry sawfly, 41 Graft weevil, 27 Grain borer, lesser, 23 Grapholitha-- funebrana , 33 moleata, 33 ap«, 3*3 Graaahopper— olear-winged 10 devaatating, 10 leaser migratory, 10 red-legged, 10 two-striped, 10 Greenhouse thrips, 14 Haematoplnua eurysternus , 20-21 Haiti ous braoteaxua , 19 Harlequin bug, 20 Heliothis armigera, 34-35 Heliothrips haemorrhoidalia , 14 Hlbernia — aurantlarla , 31 sp., 31 Honeybee, 39-40 Hop aphid, 16 Hoplooampa— flava , 40-41 minuta, 40-41 teatudinea , 41 Horn fly, 43-44 Hornwom, tobaooo, 38 Horae biting-louse, 14 Houaefly, 41-43 antique , 41 braasioae , 41 Hyponoroeuta mallnellus , 31 Irldomyrex humllis , 4o" txocles rioinus soapularia , 47 Japanese beetle, 29 Lady beetle, 26 Lasioderma aerrioorne, 22 ^ - 52 - Leafhopper. See under host. Leptinotarsa decemlineata , 24-25 Linognathus stenopsis, 21 Listroderes obliquus, 27 Looper, 35 Louse (lice)-- body, 21 crab, 21 head, 21 See also under host* Lygus— oblineatus , 19 sp*, 19 Maorosiphum pisi , 15 Maggot. See under specif io kind* May beetle, 28-29 Mealybug, citrus, 17 Melanoplus-- blvittatus , 10 devastator , 10 f emur-rub'rum , 10 mexioanus mexicanus , 10 Meligethes brassicae , 28 MelolontKa vulgaris7 28-29 Melon "worn, 37 Mexican bean beetle, 25-26 Mexican fruitfly, 45 Mir ids, 19 Mite. See under specific kind. Mosquitoes, 41 Murgantia histrionica , 20 Musca domestica , 41-43 Myzus persicae , 16 Nezara viridula , 20 Onion- maggot, 41 thrips, 15 Oriental fruit moth, 33 Ornithodoros megnini, 46 Otites fulminans , 45 Pantomorus leucoloma , 27 Paratetranyohus pilosus , 48 Pea— aphid, 15 weevil, 23 Peach aphid, green, 16 Pediculus— humanus corporis , 21 hum anus humanus, 21 Peregrinus maidis , 17 Periplaneta americana, 12-13 Phalonia ambiguella , 36 Phorodon humuli, 16 Phthirus pubis , 21 Phyllobius oblongus , 27 Phyllopertha horticola , 29 Pickleworm, 37 Pieris— brassicae , 37 rapae , 37 Plant bug, tarnished, 19 Plum- fruit sawfly, 40-41 sawfly, continental, 40-41 tortricid moth, 33 Plutella maoulipennis , 31-32 Popillia japonioa , 29 Potato — beetle, Colorado, 24*25 flea beetle, 24 leafhopper, 16-17 Prodenia eridania , 35 Protoparce sexta , 38 Prune aphid, 15 Pa eu do co ecus oitri , 17 Peendoplusia rotationis , 35 Psila rosae , 45 Pteronidea ribesii , 41 Pyraust a nubilalis , 38 Raspberry- beetle, 23-24 blossom, weevil, 26~27 Red flour beetle, 30 Red mite, European, 48 Red scale, California, 17 Red spiders., 48 Reticulitermes — f^lavipes , 13 sp«, 13 Rhagoletis cerasi , 45-46 Ehipioephalus sanguineus , 47-48 Rhizotrogus soletitialTs , 29 Rh'opalo s iphum ps eudobr ass 1 cae , 16 Rhizopertha dominica , 23 Rice weevil,""2"7 Sawfly. See specif io kind* Scirtothrips oitri , 14 Scolytus pruni , 29 Silkworm, 30 Siphp flava, 16 ^ - 53 - Siphona irritans, 43-44 SitophiluB orvza, 27 Spiders, red, 48 Spilonota o cell ana , 54 Spinose~~ear tiok, 46 Spire* aphid, 15 Spruoe budworm, 39 Squash bug, 19 Stablefly, 44-45 Stlotocephala featina , 17 Stinkbug— Say, 20 •outhern green, 20 Stomoxys oaloi trans , 44-45 Sugarcane-- aphid, yelloir, 16 borer, 30 Syrphid flies, 45 Taenio thrips simplex , 14 fonebroid'es mauritanicus , 28 Termite (u) 9 13 subterranean, 13 Tetranyohus spp., 48 Thrips. See under speoific kind. Thrips tabaci, 15 Tick — blaok-le^ed, 47 brown dog, 47-48 Gulf coast, 47 lone stnr, 46-47 spinose ear, 46 Tobacco- flea beetle, 24 hornwonn, 38 moth, 36-37 thrips, 14 Tomato fruitworm, 34-35 Tortoise beetle, 24 Tortrioid moth, plum, 33 Triboliun oastaneua , 30 Trichodectes — equi' , 14 hermsl , 13-14 limbatus , 13-14 Triohoplusia ni, 36 Turnip aphid, T6 Urbanus proteus, 31 Vegetable weevil, 27 Velvetbean caterpillar, 34 Vine moth, European, 36 Webworms , 39 White-fringed beetle, 27 Winter moth, 31 Wireworjss, 28 - UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09230 3881