V/^C/hT/v^^/MDO o CO < U < NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1420 ON THE CONTRIBUTION OF TURBULENT BOUNDARY LAYERS TO THE NOISE INSIDE A FUSELAGE by G. M. Corcos and H. W. Liepmann Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT 120 MARSTON SCIENCE LIBRARY RO. BOX 117011 GAINESVILLE. FL 32611-7011 USA Washington December 1956 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 114-20 ON THE CONTRIBUTION OF TURBULENT BOUNDARY LAYERS TO THE NOISE INSIDE A FUSELAGE* by G. M. Corcos** and H. W. Liepmann*** September, 1956 "itoedited by the NACA (the Committee takes no responsibility for the correctness of the author's statements . ) " Aerodynamics Research Group Doviglas Aircraft Company, Inc. Sstnta Monica, California California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California (Consultant, Aerodynamics Research Group, Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc. Santa Monica, California) NACA TM 11^20 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT i INTRODUCTION 1 I. THE ACOUSTIC COUPLING OF A RANDOMLY VIBRATING PLATE WITH AIR AT REST 1+ II. THE DYNAMIC BEHAVIOR OF THE SKIN 8 a) The Mean Acceleration 9 b) The Length Scale X 12 III. THE FORCING FUNCTION lU IV. SPECIAL CASES 20 1. Convected Turbulence 20 a) The coupling of the plate with air at rest in the case of convected turbulence .... 20 b) The response of the plate 21 2. The case of zero scale 23 V. SUMMARY OF RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 2k A Note on Testing 25 VI. REFERENCES 2^ APPENDIX I: THE RANDOM RADIATION OF A PLANE SURFACE: A. Four Limiting Cases 28 B. The Noise Generated by Skin Ripples of Fixed Velocity 35 C. The Generation of Noise by Plate Deflections of Zero Scale 38 APPENDIX II: THE SIMPLIFICATION OF THE PLATE RESPONSE INTEGRAL . . Uo APPENDIX III: THE EVALUATION OF THE INTEGRAL SCALE k2 Digitized by tlie Internet Arcliive in 2011 witli funding from University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries with support from LYRASIS and the Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/oncontributionofOOunit NACA TM 114-20 ABSTRACT The following report deals in preliminary fashion with the transmission through a fuselage of random noise generated on the fuselage skin by a tur- bulent boundary layer. The concept of attenuation is abandoned and instead the problem is formulated as a sequence of two linear couplings: the turbu- lent boundary layer fluctuations excite the fuselage skin in lateral vibra- tions and the skin %d.brations induce sound inside the fuselage. The techniques used are those required to determine the response of linear systems to random forcing fimctions of several variables. A certain degree of idealization has been resorted to. Thus the boundary layer is assumed locally homogeneous, the fuselage skin is assumed flat, unlined and free from axial loads and the "cabin" air is bounded only by the vibrating plate so that only outgoing waves are considered. Some of the details of the statistical description have been simplified in order to reveal the basic features of the problem. The results, strictly applicable only to the limiting case of thin boundary layers, show that the sound pressure intensity is proportional to the square of the free stream density, the square of cabin air density and inversely proportional to the first power of the damping constant and to the second power of the plate density. The dependence on free stream velocity and boundary layer thickness cannot be given in general without a detailed knowledge of the characteristics of the pressure fluctuations in the boundary layer (in particular the frequency spectrum). For a flat spectrum the noise intensity depends on the fifth power of the velocity and the first power of the boundary layer thickness. This suggests that boundary layer removal is probably not an economical means of decreasing cabin noise. In general, the analysis presented here only reduces the determination of cabin noise intensity to the measurement of the effect of any one of four variables (free stream velocity, boundary layer thicltness, plate thickness or the characteristic velocity of propagation in the plate). The plate generates noise by vibrating in resonance over a wide range of frequencies and increasing the damping constant is consequently an effective method of decreasing noise generation. One of the main features of the results is that the relevent quantities upon which noise intensity depends are non-dimensional numbers in which boundary layer and plate properties enter as ratios. This is taken as an indication that in testing models of structvires for boundary layer noise it is not sufficient to duplicate in the model the struct\xral characteristics of the fuselage. One must match properly the characteristics of the exciting pressure fluctuations to that of the structure. TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM ll|20 INTRODUCTION In his efforts to minimize the noise levels for which he is responsible, the airplane designer has had to pay increasing attention to a source of noise which until recently had been ignored. This is the boundary layer. The boundary layer will generate noise whenever it is the seat of any fluctuating phenomen®n. In particular it will nurture randem pressure fluctuations whenever it is turbvilent . The designer's interest will naturally center on the characteristics of that part of the boundary layer noise which has been transmitted through the fuselage slvin and into the cabin rather than on that part which is radiated into the free -stream. This is so because the radiation intensity is, as we shall see, a rapidly increasing function of the velocity of the boundary with respect to the air and to a likely observer outside a fuselage either the relative velocity of the plane is low (as near a take-off or lEindlng) or the plane is considerably distant. As a consequence the practical question which has to be raised concerns the effects on a fuselage skin, and on the air which it encloses, of the boundai^ layer pressure fluctuations acting directly on the skin.* Two features of this problem are worth noting: To toegin with, the fuselage will transmit noise only by deflecting laterally. The thickness of the skin is very small when compared to the wave length in metal of audible sound waves so that, effectively there are no fluctuating pressure gradients within the skin and hence the latter will not oscillate in lateral compression. In the second place , the turbulent pressure fluctuations in the boundary layer axe random both in space and in time. The fluctuations are generated locally. If they are measured simultaneously at two different points of the boundary layer, say on the skin Itself, they are found to have no relationship with each other lonless the two points are separated by a very short distance. Mike the value of the pressure fluctiiatlon at a given point soon loses correlation with itself.** Noise intensity is defined in this report as pi /po^-i- I't is assumed that this is the physical quantity of interest. It has the dimensions of an energy flux; but it is not necessarily equal to the energy flux at some point in the field, nor is it necessarily equal to the density of energy radiated away (lost) by the fuselage. **Recently two authors (Refs. 5 & 6) have s\iggested that the randomness in time is not Independent of the randomness in space; i.e., that the pressure fluctuations at the wall are created by the convection at a single speed of a "frozen" pattern of pressure disturbances. Some attention is paid later to this eventuality which is treated as a special case. NACA TM 11+20 V/e are thus led to visualize the process of transmission of "boundary layer noise through the metal slcin of the fuselage as follows : A multitude of external pressure pulses push the elastic slcin in and out and the skin, in turn, not iinlike a set of distributed pistons, creates inside the fuse- lage pressure waves which propagate and superimpose. This constitutes cabin noise. It is of course desirable to determine the characteristics of this noise. One should point out that the data for the problem are not complete and are not likely to be so in the near future. Specifically the structure of the turbulent mechanism within the boundary layer and, in particular of the coupling between pressure fluctuations, velocity fluctuations and temperature fluctuations is not enough explained or measured to define wholly our forcing function. As a conseq uenc e it is not now possible to define say average cabin noise intensity pj2 as a function of say, free stream Mach number, Reynolds number and plate characteristics. It Is however possible and it is the pixrposeof this report to indicate the approximate functional dependence of pj^ on these quantities and thus to give similarity rules which will reduce to a minimum the amount of testing reqmred. We assume at the outset that the boundary layer unsteady pressure field is known and that it induces small deflections in the skin. As a consequence (a) The skin dynamics are described by a linear equation (b) The generation of a random pressure field Inside the cabin Is a linear radiation problem. Thus the mathematical techniques used are those required to obtain the response of linear systems to stochastic forcing functions of several variables . We also assume the fuselage to be a large flat plate. This assumption is not necessary but it simplifies the discussion and allows us to present more clearly the new features of the problem. The material in this report is presented as follows: First we study the radiation of sound from a randomly vibrating plate . It is found that the sound levels in the cabin are defined by the intensity and the scales of the plate normal accelerations . Second, generalized Fourier analysis is put to \ise in order to relate the normal acceleration of the plate to the forces exerted on it by the boundary layer flow. Third, the boundary layer forces are defined in terms of flow character- istics, and dimensional similarity is used to determine the significant parameters . FineLLly, the functional fonii of the noise intensity In the cabin Is given save for an -jnknown function of one non-dimensional parameter. This function depends on the frequency spectrum of the pressure fluctuations In the boundary layer. No measvirements yielding this spectrum have been NACA TM 1U20 reported to date and speculations conceminc it would introduce in the analysis both complication and uncertainty. A summary of results is given at the end of the report. Some derivations and some of the longer arguments have been presented as appendices to the text. MCA TM IU2O I. THE ACOUSTIC COUPLING OF A RAITOOMLY VIBRATING PLATE WITH AIR AT REST We start with Rayleigh's well knovm solution of the acoustic equations when the sound is generated in an otherwise unbounded stationary gas by a large flat plate or disc oscillating normally to its plane (Ref. 1 page IO7), Ztt J ^t ^ ^ ' ^ ai / \ii where : the static pressure p has been broken into a steady part p and a f luctiiating part , pj^ : P = p" (x,y,z) + pj^(x,y,z,t) Vjj = the normal velocity of the plate d) the if the two points are brought to,'-;ether ( Sj- correlation fimction is simply (3 V-n/ Qt")i . Now we assume that the average properties of the plate motion are the same anywhere on its surface and at any time (we assimie statistical homogeneity and stationarity) . Then the expression above for the correlation becomes merely a function of the distance ( jSi- So\) between the two points and of ( ^.- 1i ) We call this function llS '■ '-••L b\Jn -hi then (^.r-^^)5_^(r,t-.).^|(,s%s-0,^^^ sT- si cr. CTz. (3) fL, 1.1 ft A " ' Now we can evaluate pj^2 (y) under a variety of assumptions forTD , for the plate area A and for the distance Y between the plate and the observer. V/e will consistently hold the view that the normal acceleration at most points of the plate surface are not correlated (Wj = O ) and that two points of the plate, in order to show appreciable correlation, must be a small fraction of the total plate size away from each other. We define as A^ the mean distance over which^ /dZ) is strongly correlated (i -e .^^^f (dVo^^A^ ) and call it the integral (length) scale*. * The integral scale is given, say in the x-direction by NACA TM ll|20 Our hypothesis can then be expressed as \ ^< X where R is the average linear dimension of the plate. A representative case Suppose that the observer distance Y to the plate is such that \ « Y « '^ and that no appreciable phase difference can airise at Y between two strongly correlated signals (i.e., between sound pxilses originating within \ of each other) . Then, if we examined eq^uation (3) h^ = < 4Tr^ we see that the inner integral contributes very little except when the point Sj. is appr oximate ly within a distance X of S, • Then, approximately rj_ _ ^l_i and '\l/' s I ^^"/J • Thus the inner integral is approximately [-dt-] euad equation (3) caa be rewritten We should note that The integral in (U) is not finite if the plate area A is infinite The length scale /\ plays no role in the geometry of the problem. The integral is a function of Y, the distance to the plate, and the plate dimensions only. For instance if the plate is circular and of radius R * This case is treated more rigorously in Appendix lA w NACA TM ll|20 ^-"^h'^f ^5(-^:) 2-7^ \Jt~J ^ ^ ^^ ^ (5) It is appaxent from this result that the distance Y from the plate to the observer is measured in terms of plate diameters, and not in terms of average correlation lengths or wave lengths ^ . This result holds for all the cases considered (see Appendix I) aind depends only on the assumption that at a given time the plate vibrations are largely un- correlated or incoherent.* Here, in effect, /\ loses its identity ajid combines with V^ '"'^t J to define a strength. Eqiiation (k) indicates that in order to evaluate the pressure — —jt intensity for the case considered above, one must first determine (^""/Ot) the mean square normal acceleration of the plate and A , the length scale for the plate deflections. Other cases (i.e. cases for which either the plate deflects differently or the observer moves closer to it) are treated in Appendix lA. For some of them the time scale or mean period »©< is required as well as \ . We rewrite Equation {h) where

^^x.,o,±.-)i.i. v^ are proportional to O • Also the relative contribution to pressure intensity of the various frequency bands must be a function of Ua9,0 is variables, x,z,t, b^ is rel K= rr.si'^^'- ,A..^.)i^^.^ such that : 7r(^,4.> ^O'^'^'^fj''^^''^^'^) MCA TM li|20 15 Loosely speaking, this means that a characteristic frequency for pressure fluctuations is proportional to Ujo /j and a characteristic wave length is proportional to O . Now the forcing function of Eq. (7) is a force/unit mass so that according to our similarity liypothesis i /.*U 4 eo -^-;'^)^-'>^-^ " Jo J. 00 J-ao and thus -^1,^ ?.(-(.., 4., co)= illr i'i T.(''.,'C / (5"^ 1^-^ I 5ac» (j«, J (Ik) Equation (1*+) yields the two-non-dimensional parameters upon which the plate dynamics depend. The first one, Ch /S \Jae> is the product of a ,, , , , speed of free stream ^ , Mach number, ( ^ — s z'- 7 : — TZ , . ) and a ' ^ speed of propagation of waves in the plate' , thickness ratio ( boundary layer thickness ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^6 /UoO plate thickness ' is a non-dimensional damping parameter which is, alike, a function of plate and free stream properties . If we treat the equation for the integral scale (Eq. 11) in the same way, we notice that no new non-dimensional parameter occurs, so that, at most A - f ^0 ' M.] MCA TM li^20 17 We now wish to Investigate the form of the functions H and L in Eqs. (ih) and (15) respectively. First, we make an assumption which is not strictly necessary but which simplifies the manipulation of Eq.. (12). We take the function F(K, , K,,A) to be symmetric in K, and K« , which leads us to define a new wave number. Ks \l K.^-f Ki" and to write Tx(k.,Kx;/l) = T(K>-^;) Thus, Eq. (13) becomes iV-n \\ -LTV Jo Ui feo Jeo ^^ assumed small and under these circumstances it can be shown (see Appendix II) that 00 ^dM. Jo CO \<,dM. (16) The small difference between these two integrals can easily be evaluated for arbitrarily small values of /i*/UeP even though both integrals are lanbounded as /i-*-0. This leads us to believe that for low damping the main contribution to the inner integral comes from the resonance condition cJn Thus, if the spectral function F(J1,k) is reasonably wide, i.e. if3F/^K«l over a large range of K, Eq. (16) suggests that we write n^.^)-T{4W^'^) (IT) 18 MCA TM 114-20 The requirement that F be flat In K when compared to l/X(K) is equivalent to the requirement that the average correlation distance or integral scale for the boundary layer pressure fluctuations be sina.1 1 coinpared to integral scale of the plate deflection. Translated in physical terms the simplifica- tion sxiggested here is prompted by the following remark: If the plate has some stiffness, it makes little difference whether the forcing function is assumed to be distributed over small distances or made of con- centrated loads (see Fig. 3) FIGURE 3 Thus a satisfactory model for the problem at hand woijld be the impact of rain drops on a metal roof. Equation (l6) allows us to integrate over K, to get h^cp (18) MCA TM 114-20 19 The expression jVF(\/i^.A)aa can be evaluated only >rtien F(K,JI) is known. It may be an increasing or a decreasing function of ^U«/th • In the absence of data on the spectral function F, we will noi attempt to define it. The function H defined by Eq. (l4) can be written: \ 17.' u^] " l'~l f"' l^^ ' '^'> where f„ is an unspecified function related by (18) to the boundary layer pressure spectrum. In order to determine pj^^ ^g need to find out, in addition, what quantities the integral scale \ depends on. Here we make use of con- siderations which are similar to those yielding Eq. (16) (see Appendix III). The result is that MS ' .. (20) -(^)'i-i where fo is another function related to the boundary layer pressure spectrum by IIl(i+). Now we are able to write Eq. (6) as Si (21) Here h= i'f Expression (2l)g.ves the functional dependence of pressxire intensity "inside' on boundary layer parameters for a typical case. The only quantity, not immediately available is h (^ /ct»)< It is probable that we shall have to await experimental data to define its numerical value reliably. 20 NACA TM li+20 IV. SPECIAL CASES 1. Convected Turbulence Two authors (ref . 5 & 6) have recently suggested that the ■boundary- layer pressure fluctuations at any point of the fuselage skin are caused essentially by the passage over the point of a fixed (i.e. time inde- pendent) pattern of pressure disturbances carried downstream at a fixed (jonvective velocity. So far, experimental evidence in proof or disproof is lacking. However, it is interesting to incorporate this special case in the general formulation which has been presented. Both the response of the plate and the coupling of the plate with the air at rest must then be reconsidered. a) The coupling of the plate with air at rest in the case of convected t\xrbulence If a fixed spatial pressiore distribution is carried downstream on the surface of the plate, it is easy to show that the (infinite) plate* response will be of the same kind, i.e., that it will consist of ripples which are randomly distributed in space but which travel through the plate at the same comvective velocity as the boundary layer disturbance. The determination of the pressure field inside the fuselage is not in principle different for this case and has been carried out in Appendix IB**. The res\ilt is that for both subsonic moving ripples (with convection velocity (J, < CL'i, ) and moderately supersonic ones: K- ^^^T^'1 (I. 10) A a.(a+ML3t'J where For higher supersonic speeds , the function of geometry and Mach number appearing as an integral is more complicated. The eqviation (I. 10) above has the same form as equation (6). On the other hand there is a sharp difference in terms of energy radiated by the plate between the subsonic and the supersonic case, since no energy at all is radiated by subsonic ripples while the supersonic ones do generate some. One must, then, make *Here the presence of transversal bulkheads will change the picture because of multiple reflections of the ripple. **This problem can also be viewed as a steady (randomly bumpy) wing problem from the standpoint of a stationary observer. NACA TM 114-20 21 a distinction between the results in terms of pressure intensity (the quantity of practical interest) and in terms of energy radiation. This distinction stems from the fact that (as is pointed out on page 7) the acoustical field investigated is truly a near field. b) The response of the plate According to the convective hypothesis, time is not aji independent variable once the convective velocity U[| is fixed. Translated in terms of the spectral density TT {to yk-^ f}^) °^ ^^^ pressure fluctuations, this means that TT (^ Al^^2)i^ zero, except vhenUf ^ Utf^i> or in non- dimensional form, when -^*(^'/(, ^K,■ We rewrite equation (12) for this speciaJ. case . *' Here a L UooJ ^^ the Dirac delta fxmction of the variable Jc. Then the plate response becomes - ^?o^ f*(TLl.\^ K.^F, (K.,lCv^JLU. (26) Here A is a weak function of the Mach number as seen from (l.lO). MCA TM 11+20 25 2. The case of zero scale Under some circumstances it is possible that the space average of the plate motion vanishes, i.e.: This does not mean that the normal accelerations at two neighboring points show no correlation, but that the correlation function becomes negative as indicated in Fig. {h) and in such a way that its space integral vanishes. We can then consider the normal accelerations as dlpoles rather than sources and we are led to a slightly different radiation problem. Appendix IC shows, however, that if one defines a length "^e such that ■k; = r y Rji? The results are a^ain identical in form with those of equation (6). Here ^ caji be viewed as the mean moment arm of deflection moments. Alternatively one can redefine the integral scale as \>=cp|Tlj|Aj (27) where c is a constant. Equation (27) can thus be used to define the integral scale in any event. 2j^ MCA TM 11+20 SUMMARY OF RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Appendix I discusses in addition to the cases mentioned In the text a few examples which provide different limiting conditions. Thus the observer is brought close to the plate (Y<'< ^ )• A short time scale is considered etc The common feature of all these analyses is that the resulting mean noise intensity can always be represented, say by eq.uati0n (26). We sheill therefore retain this equation: as the most general statement that we can make at the present time. Here b^ = mean square noise intensity inside (?• = air density inside ^\ = speed of sound inside y^ = air density in the free stream ^ = plate density Ueo = free stream velocity O = boundary layer thickness 'Xf) = plate thickness jO = viscous damping constant (of units l/time) Y = perpendicular distance between observer and fuselage (3 = geometry of the plate Mi, = I'lach number ^'/^' V\ = convective velocity of turbulence pattern 4- ^ = characteristic velocity in the plate 3(r(.-y40 MCA TM li4-20 25 For all but high supersonic velocities, the dependence of ^ on M^^ is quite small and can be disregarded. The function 2^ (Y,g), a quantity which does not depend on the dynamics of the problem but only on its geometry should be modified to take into account the fact that the fuselage is a cylinder and not a large flat plate. The form of the function S cannot be given here both because no information is yet available on boundary layer pressure spectra and because S d epends too critically on the type of model assiamed. How- ever, if bjl is measured while any one of the four variables defining S {S ,iiao , c or h) is varied, then the functional form of the noise intensity inside a fuselage can be determined. Thus the main contribution of the analysis is to diminish the extent of the testing required. One of the conclusions which can be drawn from the foregoing equation is that unless the boundary layer pressure spectrum is a ver^ sharp function of frequency (which would make S very sensitive tooUtt/ch ) it is not practical to decrease cabin noise by boundary layer suction: Since the noise intensity is a weak function of boundary layer thickness, decreasing appreciably cabin noise would involve the removal of a prohibitive amount of air. Another conclusion is that increasing the damping is a very effec- tive way of limiting the production of noise of all frequencies, since the structure transmits sounds essentially by resonance. The analysis which has been presented deliberately omitted some of the features of the problem which would influence the results and intro- duce new parameters. For instance, the fuselage of commercial airplanes is usually subjected to an axial tension as well as other loads. In addition the skin is curved. To account for these featiires of the prob- lem one would introduce further terms in the differential equation describing the plate and one could treat it in much the same way as has been done here. The general methods which have been used are adaptable in addition to the study of a germane problem, the fatigue of panels which are buffeted by a turbulent boundary layer. A NOTE ON TESTING The discussion of the various limiting solutions makes it clear that for the transmission of boundary layer noise through a structxire, the ratio of outside (boundary layer) noise to inside (cabin) noise is in general a function of boundary layer as well as structural character- istics. This is to say, first, that an attenuation coefficient cannot be defined by testing the sti-ucture alone with a standard noise source. Thus accurate testing reqiiires at the outset that the model be tested 26 NACA TM ll^■20 for transmission of a noise similar to boundary layer noise. The main property of such a noise, as we have seen is that it must be rajidom in space as well as in time, which precludes the use of one or a few concentrated so\irces as noise generators. The only proper substitutes for boundary layer pressiare fluctuations are forcing functions whose effects on a fuselage are local.* The impact of water drops for instance might be found adequate simulation. Further, similarity in testing requires the matching of parameters which are ratios of plate and forcing function properties. For instance if the forcing function used in the test is a turbulent boundary layer, similarity parameters are: *This is not true of jet noise which is generated away from the fuselage. NACA TM li4-20 27 VI . REFERENCES 1. Lord Rayleigh: The Theory of Sound. Dover Publications, New York. Volume II (194$). 2. Liepmann, H. W.: Aspects of the Turbulence Problem (Part l) ZAMP, Volume III (1952) pp 321-342. 3. Liepmann, H.W. : On the Application of Statistical Concepts to the Buffeting Problem. Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences 19 (1952) pp 793-800. k. Timoshenko S. and Young, D. A.: Advanced Dynamics. McGraw-Hill, New York (19^*8). 5. Ribner, H. S. : Boundary -Layer - Induced Noise in the Interior of Aircraft. UTIA Report No. 37 (April 1956). 6. Kraichnan, R. H. : Noise Transmission from Boundary Layer Pressure Fluctuations. To be published. 7. Corcos, G. M. and Liepraann, H. V/. : On the Transmission Through a Fuselage Wall of Boundary Layer Noise. Douglas Report No. SM-19570. (1955) 28 NACA TM li+20 APPENDIX I THE RANDOM RADIATION OF A PLANE SURFACE: A. FOUR LIMITING CASES In order to determine the coupling between fuselage vibrations and cabin air one has to choose a model for the correlation TJS between the normal accelerations at two different points of the plate. The model which was discussed and for which equation (k) was made plausible is predicated upon two conditions: A. That the observer is distant enough so that a large number of plate elements vibrating independently contribute sound in comparable amoimts, i.e. Here as before, A. is the integral (length) scale for the plate normaJ- accelerations and Y is the perpendicular distance between the observer and the plate . B. That the time scale of the phenomenon is large enough so that the differences in phase (introduced by the unequal distance from the point at Y to the various points of a plate element of length ^) are unimportant, i.e. X « a lie* a-j^ is the speed of sound in the fuselage air, and is the integral (time) scale for the phenomenon: . j;^^(WO^(-;*^^ ( ^\^ I ot j Then one can choose a simple model for the correlation function 'w' where d is the delta function. The normal accelerations are assumed perfectly correlated \id.thin a length 7v and not at all for distances NACA TM li+20 ^^ greater than A • Then and upon integrating a^'. a.S^a^,^fc^, X[^:-^J^Si^z.'.r.;^^(r^ \>i'- = Z:LiL(^\* (fi^iii which is equation (k) . This caseYijX « Y ; l) ^ ^< Al ^^H J corresponds to the following conditions. The passenger (or the microphone) is far from the plate (in terms of ^ ) , the boundary layer is thick and the airplane velocities low. One may well wonder about cases for which these conditions do not apply. V/hile it appears difficult to answer such a query with generality it is possible to consider other limiting cases. For instance let us assume that condition 2 still applies but that our observer is extremely close to the plate. This would correspond to the following physical case: A thin fuselage skin^ a thick boundary layer, a low airplane velocity and we are measuring noise by placing a microphone very close to the skin and insulating it on all sides except the side which faces the skin. Then 7S>7'Y • 7^< Ai,M^* • - BOUNDARY LAyeR TA//CK/vess fezz^^^^^^'^^^^^szzzzz^^^^,^^^ A^/CROPHC3f/E FIGURE ^ Under these conditions the noise at the microphone is contributed primarily from a single plate element which in the average vibrates in phase. The evaluation of this contribution is particularly simple. We can witite, very nearly 50 MCA TM li+20 1^ (^-^'''t-5:0lFl->-^-^^.)'-r^r (1.2) If, for the sake of definiteness, we assume the element circular, then w^' f'^drri^K^-Y) and since A ^7 Y it is permissible to write K=A'?^f^) The pressure intensity is therefore given as (1.2) Thus Eq. (6) applies for the very close as well as for the very far field when phase effects are not important {7\«-t&a^) • Now assume that we carry on the same experiment but that the boundary layer is thin and that the velocity of the airplane is high so that the exciting frequencies are high. Let us assume in addition that the skin is thick, so that Y <4. X • '^ ^^ ^/^L . FUS£LAGE BOUh/DAF.y i.Ay£R ^aSSLAGE SKIf/ MICROPHONE FIGURE 6 MCA TM li+20 51 Now the time scale of the plate motion is short and phase effects are prevalent. We define a simple time history in analogy to the space description of Eq. (l.l) The microphone still receives signals effectively only from one plate element and all points within that element vibrate in phase but the pressure pulses originating from that element do not arrive at the microphone in the same time. Then: (1.3) A' is simply\ . Equation (1. 3) is evaluated by noticing that: \\li)'[ii^)Vi- Mill Here ^^ are the real roots of g( ^ ) = which are included in the interval between and and b . We only have one root , namely rn = r2 • If we choose to integrate, say, with respect to S2 first we get (assuming again that the element is circulax (lA) (1.5) A' - M' and according to (l.^) the inner integral yields; \ 5(^^) y*Af. '' I '^^ 1 V.?. L §* ) ^ 52 NACA TM 114-20 so that K ft ai*^* ( m^\ '-^ = ?:.:^(|^f(,[^^-Y] "bM^ p ^ f.v-.'^MIr) (1.6) The time scale appears explicitly in the answer. For the vmbounded plate however it is simply proportional to S /^oo just as the time scale for the boundary layer pressure fluctuations. Finally we may consider a physical case for which phase effects are important ajid for which the microphone has been placed a large distajice away from the plate . i.e.: t^ 4^ >» /jj^ ) "Ts C<, ^ BOt/A/OA/iY 4.AYER J^aS£i.AS£ SM/A/ MlCROPH0A/£ FIGURE 7 NACA TM li+20 35 Now the contribution from each sub -element of vibrating plate is still in the average independent from that of the next one. However, there are in addition cancellations from within one element just as in the previous case. This will happen if the boundary layer is thin, the airplane velocity is high if&i small) and the observer is far from the fuselage wall. In order to evaluate this limiting case we first specify the time behavior of the correlation function: we write so that A A and we integrate first with respect to P~ . Using the same techniques as in the previous example , we get : ft o '••I Now we assiarae that Tjf (0,8.-6.) =/^-J^f^S,(6.-6v)jXLo) Integrating with respect to Og, 0, , O, successively: 5^ MCA TM 11+20 For a circular plate of radius R, this would give Pr; Zl i:^\^ CO) X(o)a; f ii da S(tr--'"(-M In general, and defining K^.vo=( i^ii a function of the plate geometry and of the distance Y only, we have g^~.(^^)\^Xl,(,.V) (1.8) NACA TM 11+20 55 APPENDIX I B. THE NOISE GENERATED BY SKIN RIPPLES OF FIXED VELOCITY: If the turbulence pattern is frozen, as discussed in section IV-l ripples will travel through the (infinite) skin at a fixed convective velocity. Then the correlation function 'UT must be vrritten differently: where \)t is the speed of propagation of the ripple (turbulence convective speed) and therefore or where now The inner integral is of the form \tis]'\^ls)\H which can be written as in part A. The expression ^/^)- [['='.' ^''O-l^''"^-^'^] (1.9) 36 NACA TM 11+20 has either one or two real roots depending as ''\,<^ or r'yj>\ respectively. For M 4 V J "tlie only real root is Pi *» r-j, ajid thus the inner integral yields I ;li + HiXi so that : n.. (ii+rtpc/) (l.lOa) notice that equation (I. 10a) above tends to equation {k) for low convective speeds. For ^i>| ) (l'9) has, in addition to the root X, « ?C), , another root given by Mr- 1 It is easy to show that this root exists for all values of x-j*. In order to simplify the integration let us assume slightly supersonic conditions; i.e. let us write where £«.» Then and 2 t «l * -!1* [r,*xl) NACA TM 1^4-20 57 and the inner integral I ti f Mgx-v 1%« '»L so that for the supersonic case : M.(r.^ M.x.'J (UJilV, (I. 10b) A result which is save for a constant coefficient the same as I. 10a. Q MCA TM 1420 APPENDIX I C. THE GENERATION OF NOISE BY PLATE DEFLECTIONS OF ZERO SCALE If the space average of the correlation function is zero and if the plate vltrations are isotropic in x' and z' one can define a new length scale as a moment arm: 3-U^'' '*'') ( ^« is a fixed point) alternatively one can define a modified integral scale 'to Here where c is a constant. Then, one can idealize the correlation function as provided It follows that and integrating with respect to | - CM ^ I ^^^' S?-4!' 9['^y>'0 Now, iinless a or b = b \JNn^]h-lii^^'b)^% MCA TM lit-20 39 and thus If there is a (time) microscale and F^^-S'L^^^->['-^^-'-^-M ?^^ Here the plate has been assumed circular and R is its diameter. 1^0 NA.CA TM II4-2O APPENDIX II THE SIMPLIFICATION OF THE PLATE RESPONSE INTEGRAL (Equation I6) We consider the approximation equation m^s-^m]''' kcLk 4Xf •Slice Sr^' W The right-hand side is clearly iinbounded as the damping constant /3 - since its value is explicitly proportional to l//3 (see for instance Eq..(l8)). On the other hand the difference between the left and the right-hand integrals is finite for ^ = 0. To show this we write I = :Kk' §[ioo Then the left-hand side becomes for /9 = S\i 00 •Ma (r-i)' and the right-hand side becomes for ^ = (III) (16) cflico poo Jo df {$-'}' Now (112) (^^-0^% I a-i/"" a-o^'^a-D cr-o (113) so that the difference D between expressions (ill) and (II2) is or r Schn re + I I (^1/ ^ (^.1; (?-') (11^) NACA TM 114-20 ^^ This expression is finite and of course independent of /? so that we can conclude that the left-hand integral of (l6) is unbounded for /3 = 0. Further, it is clear that D is a regular 1 unction of /3 so that the ratio of the left-hand side to the right-hand side of Bq.. (l6) can be made ar- bitrarily close to unity, by choosing arbitrarily small ^ . If a correc- tion is desired a numerical check indicates that Eq. ijlh') gives a good approximation to the error made even with moderately large damping. k2 KACA TM 1420 APPENDIX III THE EVALUATION OF THE INTEGRAL SCALE Our starting point Is Eq,. (ll). In terms of non-dlmenslonal variables It becomes We now simplify the denominator by writing successively (nil) Ki«0 (III2) Then we define ch >r'K.'' Eq\iatlon (III2) can now be written and If we replace Kq by its value at resonance,* namely * The justification for that step Is identical to that advanced in Appendix II. NACA TM 11^-20 45 We can write reo »o K.tfO d/i (III3) If we compare (III3) to (l3) we get immediately (IIIM NACA - Langley Field, Va. • ii a> ■*-• ■ — I rt ■a 3 C M 3 § i s ^ s aS§oo.so^gd rt ■::; h en Q Z o n IS ■^1 o H O P >-£S o og CO 2 E •* > 5 ^ -o o < rt Z ZZ O O ' S " - P-2S . > T3 ) -r t« 2 T* TO ra e s» ?< 4-> q X XJ H u o 0^ 3 rr CO < o (1) H •o to CO CO a; o (0 XI o -a 2 3 ■3.2 Q.S c o - ^ " C CO 3 — CD C 3 bD— ' XI rt (0 « t'. ^ c:S.S o ?* S ;,.2 ^ C > I* 2 ° CD c« "1 2 Si c 2 § " § — g i: 3 O iJ't ^ — c< C 'c ■a c; S o a 5i u c3 3 C » 5 m 5 CO . a> CO N g^.2 ■? o gi: O T3 .5 •" o g so a, o a '^ S ^ c ^ Ci3 _< aZ " c li T3 " So T3 <" c *-• o 5i ■a E c< 3; Cfl rt 2 en §•5 2§' o u .2 o o ■3 •3.2 ° 2 " a ig s t 2^ ^ c^ =: t^ X! Q ■" Oj >. > 73 -r «'i i. ■- -S •a- § . S c o ■ 3- CO *- .^ CJ = » -3 • cu ~ 3 bO — ■? J3 CO « '!^ ^ c -S s r: o 2 3 11) Sg£ t. .2 -a cd .n c 0) cd C4 □■ 2 CO ■< 0) bC . o ° s ■o5 ' i; to > •a 0) > -i c TJ c« c« c s 3 ^ O bn ■S .a = t; w t: i'-s , S" O .^* c ^ ^ "^ .S J= 4 T3 w CO ci 3 _ ■" c : (D O - _: ^ rt o u O cT cu CM u s -<*< CJ '"' c § s s< to o. CJ ^ o < o a g .H 73 O f-rt w < rt Z z z o O ' < t^ 2<5 S »> - <:^ . W "0 ,> 73 73—3 S c o 3- CO XI S i> - ■« 5i CD ^ 3 bC — X3 cH O lO 3 OJ ? ™ *^ S 3 o S o „ m rt -C 41 ■" 73 0) o r f-" S "o CU > -ii " " o 5 Ml a cu g < - ^ cu . cu d s ■C c >• ti Z! S 3 bC ^ 3 tU tH Cd (4-) Ss o J - SI . t, -H bo K ■ ^.S US C " -3 73 — (U •- CO o 3 a, CD 2 s g c: cu 73 C 3 I ^ 73 cd - I S S u CO § a, |si£ ; CO ccj 73 < < z - iH .2 c« « E CO N 3 Z^ .2 rt cu — o j<: — '::^ X to H i g§£ Qi (A d . oj 3 (^ >i ^ en i3 -^ "5 — CO ™ . >• «» ^ § M S •° ■" s ■ cu a.uzijjSzQ5 ;«d a£; CO Q z p o - ™ ?z gw p J p u O ' ^ j^ ^^ J <; -"J" S " - pi3? cu < « a 05 P H " li, So li o H O P >.9 « 2 C •* > z S<:o < c« Z z z o [I] CD ):? a; Q ^ OS T3 => to s- !^ a» Z s s O. o JD u CO CO o So o .2 -a o 6S O.Z g- ' W El o-Z P p g" CO < O O 73 "S.2 o. S 0> 01 £2 H £ I (0 cu 2 c 2 ".2 -2 ^«5 tH XI cu c ' 2e .lis .2° CO ". ^ — c ;-. ^ ,S o £ U.2 — cd c 173=: 7 .S- to I «— ™ 3 < < _ z S j3 e Cd »5 CO to ctJ XJ OJ en N 3 O Id O Tl c 3 o >> S co" i5 -!< 'S CO « . >> », .2 ■ -Q C^ CU . CO cd C (u O 3 t: t: .:: ^ •t= "5 J -s 3 , O CT ° ^ ^ ° QJ - O 0) c o c to i" 01 T3 CO OJ O 0) •2 o ^ .2 ' >. a J u T3 ' o c o. m i5iil c S w 0) o ^ o. rt 'U >. m >, m !" ctl (U to 1 T3 0) > c si- 3-m T3 3 O •5 e t; ° -: OJ a. 3 to CO -w to rt tP r^ u a. a J> rt rt frt cn I -a S ■o ^ s ■a H (U < TJ f ) to <: s; V S 2 ■^ 3 •^ O ^ S to t. i ■a -a ^ i i3 >> g m rt £ 1 Q. -^ „,—'—' «, 3 " — . rt 2 to I- 0) o to I^ <" 13 £ c o o u -a o c a a o c <» c o t< „ ■ to ^ o 9 S- >. v ^ ::: 73 ^ to s s to 5 s in S8 c .- — a ■o S S Hi ^ "* 5"-^ 0.-C s; i3 J3 >' ?T3 ^ i i ° a> o 0) -o S 5 -S .5 B « h 0) to J= c ■" On — - c (-1 bo CO c o o (0 T3 s m 4) o 4) (U J= > u c ■^ c« ■^ O 3 6 3 0) c ^ ^ Lh a 3 3 (J a tn o OJ oJ (H o si TJ (0 C4 a H rt J3 d a rt 3 >, 73 3 O 0) o to o [>. £ XI '% o i to T3 T3 >> 3 "a a 1 bO c V. ■o c a> a (U T3 o > a c T3 >> h > x O '3 a> c4 o J3 c % bC a> lU s o X X c So S to v — " _ 2 ti > c '- P = tc >.,S t^ rt to ■a -r rt § £-£ ° is o x; - ^ ^ ^ j2 t- 2 cti gtoS -is m — C ^ - O =^ to " ■a 3 " c £ = t« -a. 5 < z s < < z -|2 ci O to g g to x: to Is S fe HJ ■" S"S-£ CJ § >. 01 T3 u J3 to fi a , >>« Ji ^ j; u I. :;: c 2 i S ■§ "O T3 . C a> ii S ■ tn «— a^ SCO,,," , T3 *" -^ — • ■ « I ° S 1 .S -• ID s ■ ),S tn s J^ ; u t_ a to . .2- S So 2 f .2 ,i - ,- ■a zi £ > £ O 3 2 g^ ^ 3 T3 — S f iS a 0) to T3 to t« ^H u a £ « 01 L, >. a (1) C to S S w O T3 (« a c tn ^ £ £ '5 o bi x: to Q) — M "rt S > C i.s ^ S 7 t« >•? \ f-, *- ) C T3 : 3 >« ' o o u .3 n> c bJ!) (U c o rt c U4 OJ rt > j= to QJ ^ Q t^ c tj '" cu a >< a,u ^ tu to rt T3 t. a- a g 3 T3 o < z S H < u <; z *^ ,- J. n >, ^ r. .c: o (0 (U , AJ >^ ,' J a a a >. a TI u o ^ a- J? S S -^ t, c . to Ji JS ■3=5' 5 S. « S M> en toi-^i; g cr?£ o ^•s <" "f -^'S-'S i£ q; (0 m cu S t- CD ,i t- « "H S c x: " ax: ■d it in oun e of u ^Z^ •n to o j= x: _ -o -a , •*^ x: ■-- .^ i « >, to u-i a -t^ c o ., iJ T3 -* 3 tH ,M TD G-S " 01 (V ^ S; a 0) t< 3 " ? 0) tn *j o TJ to t< a 2 = £ n 3 O r 4, t, "^ J= O m *^ fo ^ _rt a c '^ x; H S o I tq c o ^ *J *J CI ■^a°s 3 i» s £ rt t: o *3 o ,« a tn 5-S .S u m c u > x: ,S| ^ .2 a* 2 tn o u 2 c Q) £3 p:; rt I. g >, 0) SP 1, >..s iS i3 to °^" t- 2 cd QJ £ 0) o " ^ a ^ — tt! tS - 1 2 <-. cfl O Q, — C £ - o - « i;? •tJ = "^ c £ c >. a tH (1) eti T5 73 C 3 >» O tn n c (U o £ c < < z • 1! 4) -5 m- 3 O t, a; J) 5 o Z.^ tT u « o < a bO CA Q z o - to £^ 5g iio o H o oK "■ > 5 '^ -a O g <; u t- 13 w < rt Z zz o O ' j<5 S " - ri « A » S 3 r- * a> -^ oj >< > T3 * — S •|- § S c o £1 .3 0) i5S T3 . S ^ [^ <0 o' ^ 3 <1> x: " 2 S c ^ § " 2 c (i> n N C t-. C Ji ^ .5 — o S 5P 1) 2 5 » tn I! .2 rt 3 •° •" S £ ^ (U QJ O tl J3 x; t. ^ «J 4-t •*-! A uzujSzq5 m w 2 H » c « < ° J , K m a; S CO a g w o H K g< < rt z a z z o < o o . CD « 6S ■o c E-i c — <^ ^< a 3.Z o S" (J o .0 ,^ 2!^ bo fE s' T3 C CM w .13 *-o - g t S c o ID .. ^ £1 i DO > r H .-3 ^ 3 0) g < - •a Qj rt Jh J; 0) ed — 3 ._ rt .5 c > K t3 « S (u _ en cj T3 a> CO IS) Q 13 « rt 2 a. CO rt j^ "O bO ■ iu bD (u .3 S 3 m be— tc a> M c4 — T3 C; T3 :%■ 0) - I ■7^ to ■: •S ^ 1 ■- Sr ' -^ 5 ' a- I « u , fc- ° m a- — " o S H < < Z _2 « ■a ~ 10 J= c ^ ' V (U _ !- > (1) m S i 2: s w til § o £ o q; -o w ^ t-. 4| 3 « 5 !? = " .5 *i 1' -2 C i O O S C . t^ t. C m J. " <1> O CO £ « S 4) O T3 -a - C C i rt . m S i5 - H >. <" .2 O 3 3 ^^ r, o •o ^ — m c L4 0> o c >, 0> rt L4 o = £•1 T3 T3 ^ . CD ii S £ rt >, o ,, " u, x; — CD *-* (U s — > ° ° c j_i CD Cti » s 2 bo-" w Oi CO . -3 3 oj en T3 CO a. ii> CO s *j o ■ rt a. QJ ^ ? o C CO eg c CD T "* o _ -S t. CD 5 cj cfl "O > -c 3 - O CO i3 C WOO o;2 2 t. 2 "1 O M S rv t-i — i c< ca - s^s <*- CTJ o ^ - o " « ^ C ;= C cd E-i rt U < z ^1- c x: ■ o to a> » -; 01 rt Qi .a >^ ;:^ CIS t^ o CO a -^ 3 o a- ■^ CO o ^ a.- o 5 W Ih c O CO J, CJ *^ QJ O CD o c ^ — 0) o C — i. -a -a X s o o c c J= ^ 3 Oi cd 0) -" T3 ^ o c CO ;? •D ,„ O S 2 O 3 2 S. c cti CO £ .S i (J C C J^ Oi cd 4) -" t. c « £ >. m ^ iS - c« 3 ■:3 ID 5 3 % CO T) CO 3 '-• o ° ID U a CD CO s *j o _ d o. c =2^3 - B-co 3 ^5 0) CO m ID u ID S 1- ID H cas pre he f tT .5 c o s CD limit e sou uare H CD < ■a <"- S' O CO c ■" cti O z O J= £ •^'='S o ^ rt " J2 1-1 Tt o J! j= £ co S ij n ^- o 5 rt " a -a -o -a C ID ii i :n " iS ^ CO «— a.:ti c o ., u ID , S O ID -" CD ih a .« > ■«l°s c „ S CU c« i; o i; u (» a< CO o tu S o be >^ a ID U n T) nt T) c b C ID nl 3 > £ C) CO CJ J2 c i3 r; 3 .3 So ID = 5 .2 ID 2 rt o ^ P = rt u rt >> 0) SP t, >..s rt rt U) ID C ^ £ 3 <_ — O O o ;S 2 t. 5 rt ID i q; IcoE cd cfl « S..2 ■- §2 a, — c ^ - o *" "> ^ .« 3 4) C ;? C c« E-i C« < < z ■^ ■?.'■?; < U < Z :» ^ O - " >> 5 -" CD £ m g g - o a* CO :^ CO s s S &=•£ Cfl o ID <:4 O C CO ^ Oj O CO TS 5 - ■* ID .2 . ca CO c 2 3 ti ■o bS^ S <» C ID C« -S ■?! ID M £ S i — ^ Oj CO 3 O t. ' m 3 CD 0) CO S I) t. 4) M t- ID 2 <" ■" S !« t. 0) H **■£ c "2 ^ « £ c O O 'Z '" V t, T3 T) o c c U c Q) S a- rt -o >, J' CD -3 -Ji £ > C ^ rt ni ^ I .= P Ji ID ■;; ID '5 3 CD CO X) CO O fri >, 01 Zi u. ID t4 a ID CO ;* ^ , o n a - a to I w a. I ' So I- CO O J, 6h j= — " ^ c I'' " c z; 3 ID ID ■ ; 5 "ii CO J= ^ I -o » ? • cd b o \ ij ■Z a. bd >^ a u OJ rt T) nl T1 r ;^ c: Cll nt 3 > ji: O CO Wi o X! c CO ^ *3 *- ■ So CD ^ J .2 ID 15-2 S CS o ^ P = rt I. g >. ID SP t^ >>.S iS i3 CO i >-?: ID C ^ -J o o of" t^ S c« 4) £ ID IcoS m rv — .b o:b ^■-§ cc! H c« UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA DOCUMENTS DEFV\RTMENT 1 20 MARSTON SCIENCE UBRARY P.O. BOX 117011 GAINESVILLE. FL 32611-7011 USA T. «. 1420 •.,.;;.•, .^\0. LAB. 1 CE.NTER BUlLUlNii 704-W KOoS.^OUMT, MtN!JE33TA XJKk::^50it B.ll. LBADO.N U-V