... .. -.-... ~-w" ni i ...... EEEECT Of BOILING fCR VARIOUS PERIODS Of TIMf ON THE STRENGTH Of JOINTS IN DIRCH PLYWOOD DONI 1 1 WITH URfA GLUE fORTIflED WITH VARYING AMOUNTS Of MELAMINE AND RESORCINOL December 1946 I V 1348 ^ TLAf * m \NCH i£ OR Qu No. 1 343 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY Madison, Wisconsin In Cooperation with the University of Wi»con»in EFFECT O F B OILING FOR VARIOUS PERIODS OF TIKE ON THE STRE NGTH OF JOINTS IN BIRCK PLYWOOD BONDED 7TITH UREA GLUE FORTIFIED WITH VARYING AMOUNTS OF MSLAMINE AND RESORCINOL- By SYLVIA U, LECHER, Technologist Boiling tests are commonly made on glued joints as a means of distinguishing urea glues, which are weakened by boiling, from glues, such as phenol, mela- mine, and resorcinol, that are not so affected. Because glues are on the market that are mixtures of urea resins and either molamine or resorcinol resins (commonly referred to as "fortified ureas"), information was desired on the effect of boiling on the strength of joints made with uro% glues con- taining varying amounts of these fortifiers. The purpose of the work here reported was to ascertain the effect of boiling for various periods of time on the strength of joints in birch plywood bonded with urea glues fortified with varying amounts of melamine or resorcinol. The procedure was to prepare plywood panels with urea- formaldehyde glues containing various proportions of melamine-resin and resorcinol fortifiers, to boil cheer specimens cut from these panels for various periods of time, and to determine thy joint strengths of the boiled specimens by the standard plywood shear tests. Resorcinol-fortif ied Urea- formaldehyde Glues The urea-formaldehyde glue employed in this phase of the work was a liquid urea-resin solution containing 70 percent nonvolatile. To this solution was added various amounts of a resorcinol fortifier and appropriate amounts of a catalyst. The relative parts by weight of urea resin and resorcinol in the six glues tested (all formulated to produce hot-setting glues) are given in table 1. The panels were made of three plies of l/l6-inch yellow birch hoartwood veneer conditioned in an atmosphere of SO F. and 65 peroent relative humidity, A ^— hour closed-assembly time was allowed, and the panels wore pressed for k minutes at 2S0° F. under a pressure of 25O pounds per square is study was made during the war period at the request of the Air Tech- nical Service Command of the Army Air Forces with funds provided by them for the purpose. Report No. I5I+9 -1- inch. One 2k— by 2'!— inch panel was made with each glue* The specimens cut therefrom were selected so that spocimens matched as nearly as possible were subjected to each of six exposure conditions. The specimens were condi- tioned for 1 week at SO F. and 65 percent relative humidity before boiling and testing. The results of the shear tests on these specimens before and after boiling ore presented in table 1. Mo lomine-resin- fortified Urea-fo r maldehyde Glues The urea- formaldehyde glue employed in this phase of the work was a powdered urea-formaldehyde resin. To this rosin were added various proportions of molamine rosin and appropriate quantities of water. The relative propor- tion:; by weight of urea resin and of melamine resin in the nine glues tested ore given in table 2. The plywood panels were made in the same manner as described for the experi- ment with rosorcinol-fortif ied urea glue, except that a lb-hour closed- assembly period was allowed and the panels wore held under pressuro at 2cS0° F."for g minutes. The results of the shear tests on these specimens before and after boiling are presented in table 2. Conclusions From the results of these experiments it appears that, except for rather low concentrations of fortifiers, periods of boiling in excess of 12 hours would bo required to reduce the joint strengths of fortified urea glues below acceptable values. It would, therefore, be necessary to boil for periods longer than 12 hours in order to differentiate between such forti- fied urea glues and low- temperature phenol, melamine, or resorcinol glue. Report No. 1^9 -2- Table 1. — Average re sults of she ar tests on throe-ply 3/l6- inch birch plywood specimens, glued -with a ur oa-formaldohy d o roc i a glu e fort ifie d with resorcinol, before and after boiling in \mter Glue: Relative parts :Numbor : Dryi : Wet- num- : by wo ight : of s speci- : mens : Boiling poriod«2- :Urca- :Resorcinol :3 hours: 6 hourr:- hours :12 hours iresin [tested 1 :100 2 : 93 l 7 l 120 , 120 "^77-91 504-92 -573-96 I 635-99 ;-L50-l . 344-0 1 -5^-1 271-1 i '• 4 ^2-1 203-1 I h : ~23-0 2<»- 3 : S7 : 4 20 ! 13 1 20 : 120 ! 120 : 523-gS 536-OS 6^7. 100 j I 671-100 : 453-42 '+99-77 1 423-32 4Sl-9o: 1 394-11 1 391-7 1 465-65 5 : 73.5= 6 : 62 , 26.5 1 33 i 120 : 120 j Rlo-94 : 443-99 1 601-100 ! 57 6- 100 : 536-91 1 549-95: 491-49 : 1 5OS-S5: 515-72 1 469-69 495-23 —Tested dry after conditioning at 60° F. and 65 percent relative humid J "Tested v;et after soaking in water 46 hours. ^Tested xrot after boiling for the period designated. 4 —The first figure is the shear strength in pounds per square inch; the second figuro is the -wood failure in percent. Report No. 1549 Tabic 2. — Average res ults of s hear tests on th ree-ply '^/lG-inc\\ birch plywood s poo imo ns, glued with a u r e a- formald ehyde resin gl u e fortified with me 1 ami no resin bo f or o^ and after boiling in wa ter Glue ; Relative parts : Number ' p num- ber i by weight : of 1 Dry- : Wot— : Boiling poriod^- :Uroa- : Mel amine - : mens t :3 hours: 6 hours :9 hours 12 hours :resin : resin :testcd 1 1 1 2 3 : 100 I 95 ! 90 : 5 i 10 : ! 156 ! 36 36 IV33-9S . : 462-97 teg-95 : k -430-99 396-IOO 434-94 ! -H3-3 : IS3-5 302-5 1 --3-0 1 133-3 : 212-0 : -0-0 : 33-0 . I96-O ! -Vo 20-0 160-0 4 5 6 , S5 : : SO i 60 , 15 i 20 : 4o i 36 < 120 ; 120 : 539-90 . 14.54-. 100 i 433-100: 495-95 1 51S- 100: £54-99 332-42 421-73: ^-25-96 ' 276-17 339-30 : 392-8 ; 5 ! 22R-6 . 302-21 : 370-63 215-1 330-32 363-75 7 ! 3 i 9 : 40 \ 20 : : 6o 1 SO : 100 j 120 ; 120 : 120 i ^72-95 I ^55-54 ! ^19-57 ' 493-100: 513-91 1 495-97 1 431-S9: 474-93 1 51S-95' 403-73 447-56: 449-S7 : 410-30 • 440-60 : 445-36 : 1 409-73 430-62 434-92 —Tested dry after conditioning at 30° F. and 65 percent relative humidity. 2 . . ""Tested wet after soaking in water 4o hours. Ip k Tested wet after boiling for the period designated. "The first figure is the shear /in" pounds per square inch; the second figure is the wood failure in percent. Report No, 1549 UN/vep< !!l!((/iilf/ 3 1262 08 ^4 6606