TECHNICAL NOTE number B-M UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY SIN — REVISED FOREST SERVICE October 1956 METHODS OF SPECIFIC GRAVI DETERMINING THE lAVlfTY OF WOOD Next to actual strength tests, the specific gravity of wood "aff or-ds thejpest indication of its strength properties. The specific gravity of any piece of wood may easily be determined by the methods described in this note. With the aid of table 1, the strength of the piece as a beam or as a col- umn, its shock-resisting ability, its hardness or wear- resistance, its toughness, its shearing strength, and its value in several other respects may be estimated. The specific gravity of a substance is its weight divided by the weight of an equal volume of water. As both the weight and volume of wood vary with the amount of moisture in it, specific gravity as applied to wood is an indefinite quantity unless the circumstances under which it is deter- mined are specified. The specific gravity of wood is almost always based on the weight when ovendry, but the volume may be that in the ovendry, air-dry, or green condition. The true specific gravity of wood is, of course, that based on volume when ovendry. For greater convenience inmaking determinations, however, the U. S. Forest Products Labora- tory bases specific gravity on the volume of the specimen when tested and has determined the relation of strength to specific gravity separately for green and air-dry wood. In using table 1 for estimating the properties of particular timber, there- fore, it is necessary to determine specific gravity on the volume of the sample in a green condition or at a moisture content of about 12 percent (air-dry condition). The volume when ovendry may be obtained and con- verted into the volume when green by means of shrinkage figures. Specific gravity determinations may be mad should contain no more than 25 cubic inches siderably more time for drying. ,"P^ p OTa£RY MAY 11 • I.F.A.S.- Univ. cf Florida After selecting a representative specimen, proceed as follows To find specific gravity of wood basedupon volume in a green or air-dry condition To find specific gravity of wood basedupon volume whenovendry 1. Find volume of specimen by measurements or by immer- sion method. 1. Put specimen in oven at 103° C. (plus or minus 2° C. ) and dry until constant weight is attained. 2. Put specimen in oven at 103° C. (plus or minus 2° C.) and dry until constant weight is attained. 2. Weigh specimen. 3. Weigh specimen, 3. Find volume of specimen by measurements or by an im- mersion method. 4. Compute specific gravity, using formula D V Specific gravity where D = weight in grams and V = volume in cubic centimeters. When weights or measures are not taken in metric units, use the follow- ing reduction factors: Inches x 2.54 = centimeters Cubic inches x 16.4 = cubic centimeters Ounces x 28.4 = grams Pounds x 454 = grams Both the ovendry weight and the volume should be correct to within at least 1/2 of 1 percent. Determining Volume of Specimens Lineal measurement method. --The specimen must be regular in shape with right-angle corners for determination of its volume by lineal meas- urement. It should be measured carefully to determine its length and -2- cross sectional area. Its volume is equal to the product of its length and cross sectional area. Immersion methods . --The volume of a regular or irregular specimen may be found by determining the weight of water it displaces when im- mersed. This weight in grams is numerically equal to the volume of the specimen in cubic centimeters. Method A . - -A container holding enough water to completely submerge the specimen is placed on one pan of a balance scale. The combined weight of the container and water is then balanced with weights added to the other scale pan. By means of a sharp pointed rod, the specimen is held completely submerged without touching the container while the scales are again balanced. The weight that is added to restore balance is the weight of water displaced by the specimen. POINTED ROD CONTAINER WATER SPECIMEN WEIGHTS METHOD A Method B . - -A container holding enough water to completely submerge the specimen is placed below one pan of a balance scale from which a wire basket is suspended of sufficient weight to hold the specimen sub- merged. (See sketch.) The weight of the basket is balanced with weights added to the other scale pan. The specimen is first weighed in air and then placed in the basket and held completely submerged without touching the water container while the scales are again balanced. If the specimen has a tendency to float, the weight that is added to restore balance is added to the weight of the specimen in air to give the weight of an equal -3 volume of water. Conversely, if the specimen has a tendency to sink, the weight that is added to restore balance is subtracted from the weight of the specimen in air to determine the volume. In this case, the weights added to restore balance are added to the same pan as the weighf applied to balance the weight of the wire basket. WEIGHTS APPLIED TO REBALANCE SPECIMEN WATER LEVEL WIRE BASKET SPECIMEN & A WEIGHTS APPLIED TO BALANCE WEIGHT OF BASKET METHOD B Green specimens may usually be immersed for volume determinations in the condition in which they are selected. The determination of volume should be made as quickly as possible after immersion of the specimen, because any absorption of water by the specimens directly affects the ac- curacy of the result. To prevent ovendry specimens from taking up water when they are immersed, they may be dipped in hot paraffin wax. After the paraffin dip, the specimen should be weighed again before immersion and this second weight used in connection with the immersed weight for determining the volume of the specimen. A quicker method of treating specimens to prevent water absorption, which is suitable only for softwoods and for hardwoods with small pores, is to dip them in a solution of paraffin wax in carbon tetrachloride (1 gram of paraffin in 150 cubic centimeters of carbon tetrachloride). Al- low a few minutes for the carbon tetrachloride to evaporate and then de- termine the volume by one of the immersion methods. The gain in weight due to the thin film of wax is negligible and may be ignored. An advan- tage of this method of treating the specimen is that it may be used satis- -4- factorily to determine the volume of air-dried specimens, since the thin film of wax does not appear to affect the subsequent shrinkage of speci- mens when ovendried. Rapid Method for Determining Specific Gravity The flotation method is a rapid method of determining specific gravity directly, but it is less accurate than the other methods described. A long piece of regular cross section is floated on end in a narrow vessel of water. The submerged portion of the piece, expressed as a decimal fraction of the total length, is numerically equal to the specific gravity of the specimen, based on weight and volume at the moisture condition when tested. Determination of Moisture Content If the specimen is weighed immediately when obtained as well as after ovendrying, the moisture content may be computed, thus affording both moisture and specific gravity determinations on the same piece. ., . / x green weight - ovendry weight x 100 Moisture content (percent) = — - 2 ovendry weight Weight per Cubic Foot The weight per cubic foot of a specimen at the current moisture condition may be determined quite easily from the specific gravity, based on oven- dry weight and volume at test, by the following relationship: Weight per cubic foot = Specific gravity x 62.4 x (100 + moisture content at test) _ 5_ Lculture- Madi son APR 2 1 19'J up* 1 8 1973 Table 1. --Specific gravity-strength relations among different species - .'«•'» Property Moisture condition Air-dry (12- percent moisture content) Static bending: Fiber stress at : proportional limit. Modulus of rupture Work to maximum load. Total work Modulus of elasticity. . . Pounds per square inch do Inch-pounds per cubic inch. . do 1,000 pounds per square inch Impact bending: Fiber stress at proportional limit. Modulus of elasticity. Height of drop Pounds per square inch 1,000 pounds per square inch. Inches Compression parallel to grain: Fiber stress at proportional limit. Maximum crushing strength Modulus of elasticity Compression perpendicular to grain: Fiber stress at proportional limit. Hardness: End Pounds per square inch do 1,000 pounds per square inch. Pounds per square inch. 10.200G 17.600G 1 35. 6G 1 103G' 2.360G 1 23.700G 2.940G 1 L14G 5.250G 6.730G 2.910G 3.000G' 1.25 1.25 2.25 Pounds . .2.25 2.25 25.700G 32. 4G 1 72. 7G 2 2.800G 31.200G 3.380G 94. 6G 8.750G 12.200G 3.380G 4.630G* 4,800G <: 3.770G 1.75 2.25 2.25 -The values listed in this table are to be read as equations. For example, modulus of rupturr lor green material is 17.600G 125 , where G represents the specific gravity, ovendry, based on voluim- at moisture condition indicated. liiiii* Z M 23990 F