B^Lireau of Sntomology and Plant Quarantine T7ashington, I), C. 3. S. p. Q. - 423 February 23, 193? PLANT-QUAPjUmTIHE Ii\IPOHT PESTRICTI^'NS OF THE COLCiNY CF KVuPITIUS OTITED STATES DEPjmTMM\TT r^ AGRICUL.TUEE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine >7ashington, S . C. B . S. p. Q,.~~ 423 February 23, 1937 PIAiIT~QUAilAI«TTINS IMPORT HESTPICTI^ITS OF TES COL-'^ITT OF .ViAlIRITIUS This sw.mary of the plant-quarantine import restrictions of the Colony of Mauritius has been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation vof plants and plant products to that colony. ^ ^^ It V7as prepared by Harry B. Shan, Plant Quarantine Inspector in Cnarge, Foreign Information Service, Division of Foreign piant Quarantines, from Proclamation iTo. 10, of Febr^jiary 29, 1935. ■The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts, and it is not to be interpreted as legallv authorita- tive. LEF A. STROKG, Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine hbs-car Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/mauritius37unit PIAj^TT'*^?;IA;RAj^ITBTE ii^oht rsstrictiots CF THE COIOLIY '^F I/JllIRITIUS BASIC LEGISLATION '"Ordinance No. 4, J^^jjie 30, 1910, to prevent the introduction into the Colony of diseases of plants. This ordinance authorizes the C-overnor in Executive Council to prohibit or restrict importation of articles from anyplace. Proclamation No. 10, Eeh. 29, 1936. Under the authority of Crdina-nce No. 4, Proclamation No. 10, Fe"braary 29, 1936, prohibits or restricts the importation into the Colony of Mauritius of the following: Importation Prohibited LIVE PIAITTS OP ALL S'RTS, including roots, tubers, cuttin,^ and grafts in any description of earth or soil: Importation prohibited from any source. EARTH AND LEAP AND C-ARDEIT Iv^LD; d^ong or animal droppings (except g^aano, ajid dung and animal droppings fronj Rodrigues); forage timber with bark on: Importation from any source prohibited. SEELS "F PLAITTS PCR USE AS C^Zm PRESSDIGS: Prohibited from Reunion^ Importation Restricted GRAPEl^INS PLAITTS proceeding from countries where phylloxera exists: Importation allowed only when the plants are accompanied by a certificate signed oy the Director of Agriculture, or other competent official authority of the country of origin, to the effect that the vines have not been exposed to infestation '\'j phylloxera for the 6 weeks prior to the date of shipm^ent . 2 - SAED AM) BALLAST: Importation allowed only ^onder a permit previously obtained frdm the Director of Agriculture subject to such conditions as he may prescribe. TOBACCO SSEDS from sJiy country or place, including the Dependencies of Mauritius; Importation peimiitted only if the seeds are either accompanied by a certificate of competent authority of the country of origin that the seeds have been properly disinfected before shipment, or, in the absence of a certificate, after disinfection in the Colony by the Department of Agricul- ture before delivery. POTATfES FROM AM SOURCE; From July 1, 1936, importation will be permitted only when each shipment is accompanied by a certificate, issued by competent authority of the country of origin, affirming that the potatoes originated in a district free from potato wart (Synchytri-gm endobiotic-gm (Schilb.) Perc), and Colorado potato beetle ( Leptinotarsa d ecemli neata Say). Importation Only under Permit The following articles may be imported only under a permat previously obtained from the Director of Agriculture. The issuance of the permit shall be in the discretion of the Director of Agriculture, who may attach conditions or may limit the number of plants, cuttings, g or other articles to be imported: i SUr>ARCAlTES OR CUTTBIGS, or any other part thereof, and living vegetable * parts of any other member of the family of araminae . LIYINf^ PLAINTS OR BULBILS of Agave or Eourcroea. Dung or animal droppings from Rodrigues. LIVE PLANTS OP ALL SORTS, and parts thereof, and all seeds and fresh fruits when imported by air transport. Importation Subject to Inspection on Arrival The following articles when imported under a permit from the Director of Agriculture, or where the importatinn thereof is not prohibited, shall before delivery at the port of entry be inspected by an authorized official: SUG-ARCAMS or cuttings thereof^ 3 - LI'vTE PLAtTTS of all sorts, including roots, tubers, (jattings, grafts, "buds, and all parts or sections of any sort, of live plants; ALL SSS-DS Al^ID YKESE FHUITS whatsoever; B^jong or animal droppings from Rodrigues. If, on such inspection, the articles are found to l3e not free from pests or diseases, they may he ordered to he destroyed hy the consignee or his agent under the supervision of the inspecting officer, or to he suhjected to such process of disinfection or treat- ment as the inspection officer may prescribe, and the consignee or his agent shall piiy in respect of such treatment such fees and charges as are prescribed. Containers and packing also may be destroyed. S'dgarcanes, live plants, and parts thereof may be grown in Quarantine subject to inspection by the Department of Agricu]-ture d'oring at least 12 months from, the date of importation and treated according to findings during that period. The government reserves the right to import any plant miaterial it may require for scientific purposes. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA ■iliillill 3 1262 09242 2137