A 4S: ^11 /a- (Amendment 12 to B. A. 1. Order 211. Revised.) United States Department of A§rricultuie BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY ORDER AMENDING B. A. I. ORDER 211 (REVISED) AND CONFERRING AUTHORITY UPON THE CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUS- TRY UNDER THE MEAT-INSPECTION ACT Pursuant to authority conferred by law upon the Secretary of Agriculture, B. A. I. Order 211 Revised, as amended. (Regulations Governing the Meat Inspection of the United States Department of Agriculture) is hereby amended by adding the following new regulation : REGULATION 30. AUTHORITY DELEGATED TO THE CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY Section 1. — The Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry is authorized to determine whether applications for inspection or for exemption from inspection under the provisions of the meat-inspection act shall be granted or refused. The Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry is further authorized to revoke his prior approval of any application if he determines that any false statement was made in such application. Section 2. — The Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry is authorized to withdraw inspection from any official establishment, and to withdraw exemption from any exempted retail establishment, which violates or fails to comply with any provision of the meat-inspection act or of the regulations made pursuant thereto. Sectio7i S. — When any action is taken by the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry under section 1 or 2 of this regulation, it shall be final imless the aggrieved party appeals within 20 days to the Secretary of Agriculture from the action taken by the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Done at Washington, D. C, this 7th day of December, 1939. 'qt.^ Witness my hand and the seal of the Department of Agriculture. H. A. Wallace, Seci'etary of Agriculture. I . U.S. DEPOSITORY 209284—40 U. S GOVERNHE.NT PRINTING OFFICE: 1940 UNIVERSITY OF Fl ORIDA 3 1262 08925 9518