E2/French Colonies UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Administration " Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C. .... January 26, 1953 B.E.P.Q. U65» Supplement No, 3 PLANT QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OP THE FRENCH COLONIES GUADELOUPE, GUIANA , AND MARTINIQUE Importation of Cacao, Coffee, and Sugarcane Plants Authorized According to the Plant Protection Bulletin of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations for December 1952 , three Orders of France dated September 30> 1952 t published in the Journal Officiel, Vol. Sk, No. 2^2, October 9f 1952, provide for the entry of cacao, coffee-, and sugarcane plants and parts, into the French Colonies of Guadeloupe, Guiana, and Martinique, subject to certification requirements, as follows: Certification Requirements 1. CACAO, including seedlings and cacao pods or "beans, and parts thereof; Sanitary certificate required, attesting freedom from witches* broom disease ( Marasmius perniciosus ) in the fields of origin and of virus diseases in the region where grown. (This supplements the Order of December 3» 1929 » as amended - See B.E.P.Q. I+65, p . 26.) 2, COFFEE, including seedlings, fruits, and unroasted coffee beans in all forms: Sanitary certificate required, attesting freedom from coffee-berry borer ( Stephanoderes hampei ) and coffee rust ( Hemileia vastatrix ) in the fields of origin, or indicating, in case of infestation by the borer, that such products have been disinfested. (This supplements the Order of February 27, 1922, as amended, and the Order of May 19, 192^ - See BcE.P.Q. 1+65, pp. 28 and 30.) UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA - 2 ~ 3 1262 09245 5681 3. SUGARCAHE, including cuttings, seedlings, and seeds: Certificate of selection control and phytopathological inspection required, at- testing in particular freedom of the fields of origin from virus diseases and Tomaspis saccharina . (This supplements the Order of December 3, 1929 - See B.E.P.Q. U65, P. Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine