iTE PLANT BOARD ^^^^^^"^ "'^'"^ miTED ST.^ES DEP-^TIIENT OF AGRIOILITIRE AC^'ic^'-l'tural Research AcLniinistration Bureau of Entonologj'- and plant Q,uarantine VJashington, De C. B.E.P.O^* 391. 2d Revision September 14, 1951 Suppleiient MOo 1 PI^^-Q^AR/HTIKE ILTOI^ RESTRICTIONS OE THE BRITISH GOID CO/^T GOiOKY .â– ufflCLSS PROPHBTTED OR PJEBTRICTED IE TinC WJUS The follovdng information received, by the Post Office Departnent from the "Dostal authorities of the Gold Coast refers to articles prohibited in the mails bv that British Colony: "3. For the protection of animals and plants o (a) Irohibited articles: Living aniraalso plants in soil. All plants from Central and South America^ Trinidad, Tobago, G-renada and St. Vincent. Jj-l cottonseedo Llaize seed, (b) Articles allov;ed conditionally: Coffee in cherry is admitted if accompanied by a certificate of freedom from mealy-pod disease issued by the country of export, prepared cocoa beans, cocoa plants, or parts of them, and pL'.nts generally, only under a license issued by the Director of Agriculture, Accra*" / ^. u Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09241 7749