January 1951 ET-2!j2 United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine LIST OF ENTOMOLOGICAL TECHNIQUE (ET-SERIES) PUBLICATIONS 271 to 291 Compiled by Division of Insect Survey and Information This list includes the ET publications that were issued from July 1949 through December 1950. Five previous lists for this series have been issued: 1 to 50 in October 1935, 51 to 100 in December 1937, 101 to 150 in September 1939, 151 to 233 in September 1946, and 234 to 270 in August 1949. ET-271. A Simplified Procedure for Cleaning and Filling Aerosol Cylinders in the Laboratory. R. A. Fulton. July 1949. ET-272. A Photographic Method for Recording Size of Spray Drops. J. M. Davis. July 1949. ET-273. An Improved Apparatus for Observing Aerosol Solutions and Determining Freon-Insoluble Matter in Pyrethrum Extract. R. A, Fulton. July 1949. ET-274. List of Entomological Technique (ET-Series) Publications 234-270. Division of Insect Survey and Information. August 1949. ET-275. Short-Cut Procedure for Error Estimate in Laboratory Studies of Synergism in Insecticides. F. M. Wadley. August 1949. ET-276. Fertilizer Spreader Modified to Apply Insecticidal Dusts. W. C. Fest and A. R. Whitcraft. September 1949. ET-277. A Collapsible Cage for Field Use. R. L. Wallis. September 1949. ET-278. An Improved Trap for Collecting Aphids. E. W. Davis and B. J. Landis. December 1949. ET-279. A Device for Spraying Bean Seed in the Row While Planting. John C. Elmore. January 1950. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA lllllllililillllliillilllillilll 3 1262 09242 9363 ET-280, A Sprayer for Dispensing Small Measured Quantities of Liquid. Orin A. Hills and Edgar A. Taylor. January 1950. ET-281. Determining the Catch of Cigarette Beetles in Suction-Light Traps in Cigar Factories or Cigar-Tobacco Storages. Joseph N. Tenhet and C. O. Bare. February 1950. ET-282, Directions for Applying Windborne Aerosols for Insect Control Out of Doors. A. H. Yeomans. May 1950. ET-283. Tumbling Equipment for Recovery of Insecticide Residues. C. H. Batchelder and O. E. Berndt. May 1950. ET-284. Gravity-Flow Equipment for Dispersing Insecticides from Aircraft. Frank S. Faulkner, C. C. Deonier, and A. N. Davis. June 1950. ET-285. A Rapid Vat-Side Test for Assaying Toxaphene in Cattle Dips. C. V. Bowen. June 1950. ET-286. Propeller-Blower Applicator for Fumigation with Hydrocyanic Acid. Harold R. Yust. June 1950. ET-287. Construction of a Simple Air Flowmeter. F. A. Fulton and Frank S. Phinney. July 1950. ET-288. A Device for Transferring Insects from Holding Cages to Test Containers. Robert A. Hoffman. July 1950. ET-289. A Portable Field Cage. Marion W. Pedersen, Frank E. Todd, and Frank V. Lieberman. August 1950. ET-290. An Improved Syringe Hydrometer. C. V. Bowen. August 1950. ET-291. Thresher and Separator for Red Clover Seed Samples. A. W. Woodrow and B. A. App. October 1950.