m^SZ^. y RM E57K22a NACA RESEARCH MEMORANDUM ELEVATED-TEMPERATURE COMBINED STRESS-RUPTURE PLUS FATIGUE STRENGTH OF WASPALOY HAVING DIFFERENT AGING TREATMENTS AND/OR MOLYBDENUM CONTENTS By C. A. Hoffman and M. B. Hornak Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratoiy Cleveland, Ohio UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT 120 MARSTON SCIENCE LIBRARY P.O. BOX 117011 GAINESVILLE, FL 32611-7011 USA NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS WASHINGTON February 25, 1958 f^/l 03 3- l'^ 3?^ ^^''^ NACA RM E57K22a NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS RESEARCH MEMORANDUM ELEVATED-TEMPERATURE CCMBINED STRESS -RUPTURE PLUS FATIGUE STRENGTH OF WASPALOY HAVING DIFFERENT AGING TREATMENTS AOT)/OR MOLYBDENUM CONTENTS By C. A. Hoffman and M. B. Hornak SUMMARY An investigation was conducted to determine if the combined stress- rupture plus fatigue strengths of three groups of Waspaloy with different aging treatments and/or molybdenum contents could be correlated with their resultant stress -rupture ductilities and notch-rupture strengths. Fatigue tests were run at 1500° F with direct tensile cyclic stresses superimposed upon direct tensile mean stresses. Mean" tensile stresses were selected from 1500° F stress-rupture data to produce stress-rupture failure times of about 10, 100, and 500 hours. Cyclic tensile stress levels were chosen to equal 12.5 to 90 percent of the mean tensile stresses. A possible direct relation between combined stress -rupture plus fatigue strength and stress -rupture ductility of Waspaloy was indicated. However, no clear relation between combined stress-rupture plus fatigue strength and notch-rupture strength was found. If heat treatment and/or composition alone (i.e., without regard to their effects upon basic prop- erties such as ductility, etc.) are considered, the results indicate that the double-aging heat treatment (compared to a single age) increases the combined stress-rupture plus fatigue strength of Waspaloy and that the double-aging treatment plus increased molybdenum content causes further improvement in the combined stress -rupture plus fatigue strength of Waspaloy. INTRODUCTION Waspaloy is of interest as a gas turbine-bucket alloy because of its low strategic material content and its relatively good stress-rupture properties. The developer of this alloy had investigated the stress- rupture strength, stress -rupture ductility, and notch-rupture strength NACA R14 E57K22a of three lots of Waspaloy; these lots had different aging treatments and/or molybdenum contents. For 1500° F, the data revealed that the three lots possessed fairly similar stress-rupture strengths but dif- fered in both notch-rupture strength and stress -rupture ductility. Two of these lots, group A (single aged) and group B (double aged), which were from the same heat and contained 3 percent molybdenum, were notch strengthened; the third lot (group C) which was double aged and con- tained 7 percent molybdenum, either had the same strength or was slightly weaker when notched. The first lot of Waspaloy possessed the lowest stress-rupture ductility whereas the third lot had the highest stress- rupture ductility. Since the third lot had the best stress-rupture duc- tility but not the best notch-rupture strength, stress-rupture ductility and notch-rupture strength might not be directly related. One might hypothesize that among groups of material having comparable stress -rupture properties, the group exhibiting either or both the great- est stress-rupture ductility or notch-rupture strength would have the greatest time to failure in combined stress-rupture and fatigue (partic- ularly where the fatigue component is quite large); hence, a preliminary study of the foregoing three groups of Waspaloy was carried out to deter- mine if a correlation might exist between combined stress-rupture plus fatigue life and stress-rupture ductility and/or notch-rupture strength. In this investigation, endurance tests were run at 1500° F with direct tensile vibratory stresses superimposed upon direct tensile mean stresses for three lots of Waspaloy. The amplitude of the cyclic stresses was as great as 90 percent of the mean stresses. MATERIALS, APPARATUS, AND PROCEDURE Pratt & Whitney (who developed Waspaloy) furnished heat-treated stress -rupture specimens. These specimens were from the same lots and had the same heat treatments developed by Pratt H CO g cd C •H -H CU s +J cd N 'rt B 'to ■ s t 1 to 1 •—^ rH rH CVJ H ,Q o 5 C •s ^ OJ +J +J o Cd ■H C -H Q) H CT> rH CD rH a C ■\ h ■p 10 OJ +J +J o Cd d cd •H C -H 0) rH m in en ^^ c rH a; 4J ^1 •H (U cd •H O O cd Cd <~- CO oo p- Q) +J ^1 3 Ch r-\ s S O Q) t3 a S <3 ^j; •H 4J 03 ti cd ■H cd ■d O QJ m ^ & u in vf cn U (1) rH i! CD LD CD Q) a -H CVO to to ■H ■H cd H o EH i« a o in 5^ (U CO c^o +J -P O Cd rH rH CD -p CD -p CD -p cd cvi 0) r-< cd OO Tji rH ^1 r\^ J T1 ] j '!l!'j a ::::: IB I Ilii '' i ^ ,.l^i:-.',2.-.: T tj ' 1 III' -H- A'' ■ ^ ^ i„ t"' Tl 1 1 ! Ml u T^ 1 1 1 !* 1 III .T-.: .. 1".: ;:^ 1 ^__ . ' ._ "" m fin "^ ! ' D^pecimen n; ■ \\ '1 ' 1 ■ ■ D Pratt & Whitney; unnotched I A Pratt & Whitney; notched \i 1' ' . i! i f .'i+ns 'i. a . L - H '11 50 J [lj t( 1- 1_ — 1" :::: ::, :: li J ■■ >. |: """"^^"=" ira I " ' t ■''~« 7p '' j >- -^ 40 u*. ■ J. ' i ■■; Hrr i a'"^"*^"*!!- IfllftP yH!) rl = ;;j jj "^n"' Iqj M I- ■ ■St i ' ' , Notched" 30 . . i._ _ 1 ^ ' ; r ' -»- ->. 1 1 •^-* ifW J U 1 ~~-=,;;^?iiiimiTn T 1 ) II ■ "^^^ ■A 1 K^ 1 'Bl 'n [i ^^ I Tn n ,-1 "^ >s. ■ 111' 1 ■>* - t I 1 T lii'i Trt 1 1 1 1 T 111 (a) Group A (3 percent molybdenum, single aged). 70x10" (b) Group B (3 percent molybdenum, double aged). •3 50x1 n" ffj IN ^ !lll 'II' 11" " i 1 || III ll'' ' 1 T 1 ... ^^ ,.,, i: "■ :i 1 ill |.,' ' h - ■^ K. -r- -^- 1 -. i ii j: _ -,- ■ J 40 h ■*. ^>^ii i+ VM-^v -Tt- .. 1 i I i ^ •• Z^ '**>^ J i "a ' ^^***- ::^ ' 1 1 ■^-H ^ ■ i< 30 j iiii „:, t , 1 5 1; n ^•* J- I...;l 1 -Iz^ r ' 1 _t ._ ■ i TfHtTil^; .. : . ; ■.■■,, ,.'" iiO i^ — "~ T'T tH- \—\-~ ' — — — _,jz>* ^ 5i-- Unnotchedtijlj^ ' n~ Tn" !■ 1 ^'^^fc^i. ■ 1 !■ 1 1 !!■ IrFilfc t'l' j 1 x li i;;i > 1 A _ _^ 1 r 1 Hi _ ! I: :ii: ■Notched 6 8 10 20 40 60 100 200 Time to failure, hr 400 600 1000 (c) Groiip C (7 percent molybdenum, double aged). Figure 3. - Variation of time to failure at 1500° F with static stress. NACA EM E57K22a 13 X; ILJ b ..-;-;- -: — TT *'" '!:: ■■n :... .*llHl■i',Mfefc^+friUlt^lHl il" ..||..-| ■\-\\i ; j;T/ uycJ-lc stress ratio (ocycllc/°raean) ! j_ r_ _ ~. :::" ■- -- :i -;:. ;i: :: -"- 1 1 -T ^■' ' T+T' :i:. mi- - D .25 r- - -^:.;: ::. ,.„. "S" .67 - ... — -- — p» .90 Solid symbols denote 50 XK si- - z : "- : ~' '~ rt id:::: - ^ ..] 1 failure near radius X :::" __ ~ .^ Tailed symbols denote load or temoerature --I- .--. '* -I -Z- i ^ * ~--- c i"" ~- ■-- -, _ , 'O^ ^ .^ T- controller malfunction 30 ;; X-.-U. ■*r!- ir ^ - -^ ^ -1 ■ F^ ? -= ::; = ;, '■s -« = - -1 = :a r: =: , O^ - i - 4 -'- :; t^ - E I " - : - ■< - ^^ " - - ■rs - - = ic ;- ' in^ (a) Gr oup A ( 3 percent molybc enura. 3 Ing] e aged) i t 4!! ■*■: ::: :r- ..... :i i i 1 *4 ^ ii ^ -Zl :::: ::;: -:::i :±;id .!-4-!-^ rr* : r S nil in .„ i-IjtI iiH ii lii; z: :::i ' ^ ta )■- - - ""'i — 3 _^ a £^ 7>^ :r- - - : - - " ^n^ * i rr -J - 30 -^' - ■ t ! ■• r :::: - - — - - - 17; -~i ^ -^ S ^ -; ■». h-. - ^^ -- aI _^ U r t Ka f t ~- ■i tN i !:« 1 n -— - ~ - I -~ - - ,1 :.:_;. iz: — -+*- _: -- - -- tit; u = - ■^ rj ^1 =^ ^^ =:£ t =■ ^ (b) Group B (3 percent molybdenum, double aged). 1000 Time to failure, hr (c) Group C (7 percent molybdenum, double aged). Figure 4. - Variation of time to failure with cyclic mean stress at constant stress ratio and 1500° F. 14 NACA EM E5TK22a of^Ea ssaa^g oflojCo NACA EM E57K22a 15 1 ' ;F---i--^fc':-- \\ ^1 ; :^= ■ ■ 1 " ■■'■'- ^t+1-- -itjitir ±t5-. : ! , ' '-p=ppf4= u pL|j . ij- ^ ill ■ '■-'— o - r-\ , " 1 ' ■ ■ - — .- - - .-4-1 - - - - j . i ;..;.... |J, .. ; - ; i ■ _| xx^ ; j^ fTT--=I-- . j -.-:=:-: ■ q-.; .-jq -^ . 1 , rH q,uooj3d 'sanxT^J ^^ bsjb u^ uofq.onpaa sq.'suifxojddv 16 NACA EM E57K22a / ^ / _., i iY^ - \ / \ (a) Group A; transverse section; X750 ("b) Group Bj transverse section; X750 ■cM^ :t Y . /:■ K' ■■■-.., ■■ ■ V"" ■Pi A (c) Group Cj longitudinal section; XlOO (d) Group C; longitudinal section; X250 Figure 7- - Structure after heat treatment and prior to testing; electrolytically etched with HC]>HN0_+H20. Magnification reduced 42 percent in reproduction. NACA RM E57K22a 17 (a) Stress-rupture failure ; X3 (b) Stress-ruptxire plus fatigue failure; X3.5 C-46623 (c) Fatigue failure; X3.5 Figure 8. - Three types of failure of Waspalloy. Magnification reduced I7 percent in reproduction. 18 NACA BM E57K22a •X ^ -• WMi^ C^ •a aj feb (D rt tH 'H to 03 03 03 o fe) OJ Ch (1) to ^1) u U3 ^ o (D o „ O o •H (O o crack CLfHNO ion. m hD M W -P (J o 03 O rH fl 3 g iH +j t3 •H 0) rt -H O O (!) U h ^ u Q) tJ (D CO o f^ ^x^^ ■f • -~^ ;f i-s 4 ■^ ^^<"'"' ■•'^^ • / / ^ '' -..>K ■ \:.- ' • . /' \ -. -■ •'■' 1 / ■ ,' i - "~^ — -^ vi. -■• • • ' » -"'"'.-\ / . '/'• ^ > ■ 4- ,7 ^ ^^- . ^ i t ^'•••. C-46622 (b) SpecimenB of group C. Figure 11, - Fatigue fractvire surfaces. Electrolytlcally etched with HCL+HNOg+H-O ; X250 . Magnification reduced 6 percent in reproduction. Load NACA EM E57K22a 21 o ^ o l-( , •\ m o rn F) HI •H U +^ ■p H a! n 01 •^ ^ o ^ ^ 01 o +> o o o •H ■s ^ -P i1 to o g (IJ H n CJ Tb •^ s cfl '^ H c 3; o ^ B •H <> 01 to w ,o liH CO w 1 ,0 O (1 CO o s •H -P o 01 ^ •H (h o > •^ (U • B (M •H r-t