A^t* • ^ i AGRICULTURE, SO M I MISCELLANEOUS RESULTS WORK OF THE DIVISION OF ENTOMOUMiY. IV. PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION "OF— L. O. HOWARD , ENTOMOLOGIST. GOVEK N M E NT P mTS T I N G ( > F F DIV1S10X OF ENTOMOLOGY. EniSmoloffisi: L. O. Howard. tint Assistant Eniomoloyisi: ( ,. U MM» • . a Frank Benton. !»*«■■ ?■ A - ^W^jS 'Van s C Pratt, An,. Hunck, Otto Reide* issisUmts: K. S. Clifton, Nathan hanks, I . L. A. N. C'an.lell, J- Kotmsky. Artist: MissL. Sullivan. Bui.i.r tin N -v Series. U. S. DEPAR r M I \ r I >l AGRICl LT1 RE, 1>I\ I8I0N OF EN rOMOLOO) . so M E MISCELLANEOUS RESULTS OF TI IK WORK OF THE DIVISION OF ENTOMOLOGY, • IV PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF L. O. HOWARD, ENTOMOLOGIST. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1900. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL U. S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Entomology, Washington, T). C, November 16, 1899. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith the manuscript of a bulletin which contains matter similar to that published in Bulletins 7, 10, and 18 of the new series, namely, miscellaneous articles and notes which are too short for separate publication, but which are of sufficient importance to render prompt printing desirable. I recommend the publication of this manuscript as Bulletin Xo. 22, new series, of this Division. Respectfully, L. O. Howard, Entomologist. Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. 2 i ONTENTS. Tin: Two Most Abundani Pulvinarias o\ Maple (Pulvinaria InnumerabilU Rathv. and Pnlvinaria aoericola W. & R.) (illustrated) /.. 0. Howard.. 7 Tiik Insects rowHica mx name " Kissing Bug w becami applied during mi: si rimer of 1899 (illustrated) L. 0. Howard.. 24 Ax Envestigation ro determine whether Melanoplui apretut breeds per- manently in the Turtle Mountains in North Dakota.. W. Ik Hunter.. 30 Tin: Bronze apple-tree Weevil (Mogdalis cenescens Lee.) (illustrated). /■'. //. Chittenden.. 37 Two New Cecidomyiax^ DESTRUCTIVE to BUDS of Kosks (illustrated). I). U\ Coquillelt.. 44 ANew Violet Pest (Diplosis violieola n. sp.) (illustrated). .D. TV. Coquillett.. 48 rs and the Weather: Observations during the Season of 1899. F. H. Ch itte n de it . . 51 Food Plants and Injury «>i North •American Species of Agrilus. F. H. Chittenden.. 64 Experiments with Hvdkocyanic Acid-Gas as a .means of exterminating Mealy Bugs and other Insects in Greenhouses II. D. Hemenway.. 69 Scale Ensects on American Fruit Imported into Germany. Abstract of a paper by Dr. L. lieh.. 79 Eh8B< t ( ontrol in Riyerside, California Felix G. Havens.. 83 - ON a Brief Trip to Puerto Rico in January and February, 1899 A. Bnsck.. 88 ( . i x eral Notes 93 A Dipterous Euemy of Cucurbits iu the Hawaiian Islands (p. 93) ; A trouble- some Twig Girdler of tbe Southwest (p. 94) ; Notes on Cockroaches in South Australia (p. 95) ; Insectivorous Habits of Lizards (p. 96) ; On the Recent Spread of the Mediterranean Flour Moth (p. 97) ; Note on Two Species of " Lightning Hoppers " (p. 98) ; Cotton Insects in Egypt (p. 99) ; A Cotton Stainer in Peru (p. 100); Biologic Observations ou Harpalus pcnnsylvanicus DeG. (p. 100); A New Western Enemy of the Colorado Potato Beetle (p. 102) ; Notes on Miscellaneous Insects in Kansas (p. 103) ; An Embarrassing Feature of Foreign Iuterdiction against American Plants and Fruits (p. 103) ; The Green June Beetle of the Southwest (p. 104) ; A Note ou the Cocklebur Bill-bug (p. 104) ; Reported Injury by Giant Scarab;eid Beetles (p. 105); Locusts in Argentina and Lourenco Marqnez, Southeastern Africa (p. 105); A New Clothes Moth Remedy (p. 106); Nocturnal Flight of Grasshoppers (p. 106.) N >tes from Correspondence 107 Habits of Atta insularis Guerin in Cuba (p. 107); A New Name for an Old Insect (p. 107) ; Injury by Wingless May Beetles in Texas (p. 107); The New York Weevil in Virginia (p. 107) ; Appearance of the Twelve-spotted Asparagus Beetle near New York City (p. 107); Recent Injury by the Margined Vine chafer (p. 108); Food Plants of the Blister Beetle Henous oonferku (p. 108); The Original Home and a New Food Plant of the Harlequin Cabbage Bug (p. 108); Injury to Strawberries by My odocha serripes (p. 108) ; Hibernation of the Electric-light Bug (p. 108) ; The Pray- ing Mantis as an Enemy to the Apiary (p. 108); Mayflies on Lake Erie (p. 108) ; A Plant-bug Enemy of the Green Plant-bug (p.109). 3 ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. Fig. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. • 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 26. 27. 28. Pulvinaria innumerdbilis : newly-hatched young, third stage, male and female Pulvinaria innumerdbilis: male larva, second stage Pulvinaria innumerdbilis: female larva, third stage Pulvinaria innumerdbilis : female Larva, fourth stage Pulvinaria inrcumerdbilis : young hibernal ing female Pulvinaria innumerdbilis : gravid female Pulvinaria innumerdbilis: adult male, second stage of pupa, and true pupa Pulvinaria innumerdbilis : adult females on twigs with egg sacs Pulvinaria innumerdbilis: female with fully extruded egg sac showing waxy filaments and eggs after being touched Eunotus lividus : adult parasite and parasitized scales Pulvinaria acericola : egg, male and female larvae in different stages, and adult male... Pulvinaria acericola : larva of third stage and early hibernating female. Pulvinaria acericola : male pupa Pulvinaria acericola : late hibernating female Pulvinaria acericola: full-grown fertilized female from above and from side Pulvinaria acericola : full-grown female from above and from side Pulvinaria acericola : full-grown female on leaf; same with egg sac Reduvius (Opsicates) personatus Melanolestes abdominalis: male, female, and mouth parts Coriscus subeoleoptratus : short winged and fully winged female with piercing rostrum lihasah us biguttatus Conorhinus sanguisuga: first and second pupal stages, and adult Conorhinus sanguisuga: newly hatched larva, larva in second stage, and egg Conorhinus sanguisuga : different views of head, showing piercing beak and set;e Magdalis cenescens : weevil, larva, and pupa Work of Magdalis amescens, showing adult, pupa, parasite, etc., in situ, natural size Xeocerata rhodophaga : adult with enlarged antenna Diplosis violicola: female liy with auteunal joints; male genitalia, and larva 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 24 26 26 27 28 29 40 45 49 REFACE The present bulletin is the fourth of the new series of this Division containing miscellaneous short articles and notes. The article on the two most abundant I'ulvinarias on maple gives a summary account of the life history and habits of, and remedies to be used against, the common cottony maple scale, a species which occasionally does great damage to shade trees in the Eastern United States and concerning which the Division has had no printed matter for distribution for a number of years, although a short account of the species was pub- lished in the Annual Report of the Department for 1884. The second part of this article brings together for the first time a full account of the maple-leaf Pulvinaria, a species which, although it has been con- sidered identical with the last-named form, was rehabilitated as a dis- tinct species by the writer last year. The second article illustrates the insects which, together with the newspapers, were responsible for the remarkable so-called "kissing-bug scare" of the past summer, and it is here published in response to an extraordinary demand for information by correspondents as to the actual truth of the newspaper stories. Reports on the destructive locusts in the West for the year 1899 are at this time of unusual interest on account of undoubted flights of the true Rocky Mountain locust, or "destructive grasshopper" (Melanoplus spretns), in certain portions of the Northwest. Mr. Chittenden's arti- cles on the bronze apple-tree weevil and the food plants and injury of species of Agrilus are in continuation of his investigations on fruit and garden insects and of an investigation begun in 1898 on the pernicious bronze birch borer (Agrilus anxius), while his article on insects and the weather is an interesting and suggestive consideration of the insect conditions following the severe winter of 1898-99. Mr. Coquillett's two articles and that of Mr. Hemenway will be of interest to florists and greenhouse owners. The abstract of the paper by Dr. L. Reh on the scale insects found on American fruit imported into Germany is a summary of a somewhat extended series of observations, and is of interest to exporters of American fruits as showing the importance of sending abroad only perfectly clean fruit. The article by Mr. Felix G. Havens is a careful account of the excellent work done against inju- rious insects by the County Horticultural Commissioners of Riverside County, Cal., and is published for the information of officers in other 5 r 6 States engaged, or about to be engaged, in similar work. Mr. Busek's report on a brief trip to Puerto Rico is in Hue with other articles pre- viously published. The trip was made at slight expense to the Divis- ion, owing to the courtesy of the United States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, and was practically a reconnaissance expedition to gain a preliminary idea of the abundance of destructive insects on the island and the probability of the entrance of new injurious species into the United States through increased commercial relations with the island. The insects collected on the trip have been named, but only the list of scale insects is published at this time. Housekeepers will be interested in Mr. Tepper's Australian remedy for cockroaches and Dr. Fisher's clothes-moth remedy, while the infor- mation given about the recent spread of the Mediterranean flour moth will interest those connected with milling industries. L. O. H. L SOME MISCELLANEOUS RESULTS OF THE WORK o THE DIVISION OF ENTOMOLOGY. IV THE TWO MOST ABUNDANT PULVINARIAS ON MAPLE. (Pulvinaria innumt rabilia K'atliv. and Pulvinaria auricula \Y. & R.) By I.. 0, Howard. The old and well-known cottony maple scale (Pulvinaria innumera- bilis Rathv.) has been the subject of many published articles on account of its occasional extreme abundance and on account of the conspicu- ous damage which it does to maple shade trees in cities. It is true that the species of the genus Pulviuaria have not as yet been properly and systematically studied in this country, although several investi- gators are now engaged in such work, and it is altogether possible that more than one species is even at this late date confused under Rathvon's name. This possibility is emphasized by the comparatively recent discovery by the writer that a form occurring upon maple leaves, and which was figured as long ago as 1808 by Walsh and Riley under the name Leca- nium acericola, a name which was considered by J. Duncan Putnam and subsequent writers as a synonym of Pulvinaria innumerabilis, is in reality a perfectly distinct and thoroughly characteristic species, as will be shown in the second section of this article. So also the closely allied form occurring upon Osage orange to which the name Lecanium maclurce was given by Walsh and Riley in 18G8, but which has since been considered to be identical with Rathvon's species, is now consid- ered by Professor Cockerell to be distinct. These forms being thus separated from Pulvinaria innumerabilis, there is reason to suppose that careful study may establish the occur- rence of other species living upon maple and allied trees, and that in consequence the true P. innumerabilis may have a more restricted geo- graphic distribution than is here given it. It is worthy of remark, moreover, that Professor Cockerell has described as at least a variety the form occurring upon maple branches in the State of Washington. This he calls P. innumerabilis var. occidentalis. 7 I. THE COTTONY MAPLE SCALE. < Pulvinaria innumerabilis Rath von.) Original home and present distribution. — This is a scale insect native to the United States which was originally found by Dr. S. S. Bath von at Lancaster, Pa. Later it was found by Walsh and Riley and other observers to be very abundant and occasionally very injurious in the Mississippi Valley. It is frequently noticed in the Northeastern cities, especially in Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington. It lias been sent to this office by correspondents in Massachusetts, Ver- mont, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri, and what is apparently the same species has been received from Port Worth, Tex., Omaha, Nebr., and from Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, as well as northern and southern California. Fig. 1.— Pulvinaria innumerabilis: a, newly-hatcked young; b, female, third stage, from above; c, same, from side; d, male, third stage; e, same, natural size, on leaf and petiole; /, same, enlarged, on leaf petiole showing two specimens parasitized — all greatly enlarged except e (original). Food plants. — As its popular name indicates, this insect is generally found upon maple. It seems especially to thrive upon the so-called silver-leaf maple {Acer saccharinum), but it is also found upon Norway maple and the sugar maple, as well as upon Acer dasyearpum. It occurs abundantly upon the box-elder (Kegundo negundo), and it or a very closely allied species is found upon the Osage orange (Madura aurantiaca \. During the summer of 1S98 it was found at Washington by the writer occurring upon red mulberry (Mortis rubra); and it has been received from Prof. George C. Butz, of State College, Pa., upon Aralia japonica. According to Prof. C. V. Piper, the Northwestern form (occidcntalis) affects apple, pear, alder, willow, hawthorn, poplar, currant, and lilac, which diversity of food offers strong argument for the specific distinctness of the so-called variety. Etilej Aim. Kept. I . 8. Dept. A.gr. 3 L884, p. 362) gives as the t'<»«»«l plants of this spe Maple, grapevine, Osage orange, oak, linden, elm, back berry, Bycamore, rose, currant, and Boonymus, and Putnam adds locust, sumach, wild grape, bos elder, beech, and willow. < Sareful studies of the forms occur- ring on all of these plants are. however, liable to indicate specific differences. Habits and life history, — This species is a large naked scale insect, which is rendered conspicuous during the summer by a large white cottony-like egg mass at the end of the body of the female insect. Perhaps unnoticed previously, they suddenly attract almost everyone's attention in the month of June, for the reason that, although prior to that time they have been inconspicuous Hat scales of much the same coloration as the hark, in June the brilliant egg mass is pushed out of the body. These insects appear frequently in enor mous numbers on maple trees grown as shade trees. sapping their vitality, and thus becoming of much economic importance. The life history of this species was worked out with elaborate care by J. Duncan Putnam, of Dav- enport, Iowa. Mr. Put- nam's paper was published in the Proceedings of the Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences (Volume II, December^ lc><9, pages Fig. 2. — Pulmnaria innumerabilis: male larva, second 293— 347) and Was illllStra- gJW&J enlarged, with antenna and leg above, still more , n .' 1*11 ,. i \ enlarged (original). ted by two carefully etched plates. His descriptions of the different stages were so carefully drawn that descriptive details maybe omitted from this article. The account of the life history which follows, however, is based upon observations made at Washington and upon notes taken by Mr. T. Pergande, the assistant in charge of the insectary at this office. The young lice hatch early in the summer, usually in the month of June, but occasionally at least as early as May 22. The hatching period usually extends on into early July, but may last until August. They soon settle upon the ribs of the leaves, very rarely upon the twigs. They seem to prefer the lower surface of the leaves, but many settle at a later date on the upper surface. It has been noticed that those upon the lower surface seem to grow more rapidly than those upon the upper surface. In the course of a month they undergo a molt and begin to secrete a certain amount of wax from the dorsal surface of the 1 \ w 10 body, which gradually spreads in a more or less homogeneous layer over the surface. This first molt sometimes occurs at Washington by June 10, and a second molt by June 22. From young larvae which hatched on July 1, 1898, the first adult males issued on August 18, the full grown male scales being readily distinguished from the partly grown females by their narrower and more convex form. On reaching full growth the male larva assumes the propupal form within its scaly covering, and therefore without strictly casting skin. In a few days the propupa casts off its skin and assumes the true pupa form, which during its earlier stage is of a pale green color, becoming dark flesh color at a later date. The true pupal stage lasts only a few days, when the winged females appear, remaining a day or two below the scale before coming forth. The molted skins of the propupa and the pupa are seldom seen on the tree, as they are easily dislodged by the wind. At the time when the males emerge the females have un- dergone two molts and are of a pale green color, marked with a brown dorsal stripe for the whole length of the body. The males copulate with the females late in Au- gust and early in September, and early in October those females which have escaped the attacks of parasites and other natural enemies begin to take their station on the nearby twigs. A change in color from green to buff is noted at this time and all are covered with a barely perceptible cover- ing of waxy secretion. They are broadly oval and still quite flat. In this condition the females remain through the winter, the males having in the meantime died. With the opening of spring, however, the females begin to grow rapidly, the eggs developing in great numbers, and by May, or as early as April 15 at Washington, the formation of the egg sac begins. The egg sac is composed of threads of fine wax, extruded from spinnerets near the end of the body. These threads become matted together and gradually form a large cushion under and behind the body of the female. Into this mass as it grows are gradually extruded the oval, light-colored, slightly reddish-yellow eggs, which, as above stated, hatch during June and July and on into August. The growth of the egg sac Fig. 3.— Pulvinaria innumerabilis : female larva, third stage, greatly enlarged, -with leg below and antenna above, still more enlarged (original). n pushes the hinder end <>f the body of the female upwards until when the sac Is completed she la practically standing on her head, the body being at an angle from 45 degrees to Dearly vertical* The development of the insect during the summer oi L899 at Wash ington was more rapid than daring L898, and considerably more rapid than as described by Putnam for his Iowa region. The* indi rated in a previous paragraph, commenced to hatch .May 22; the young larva 1 bad begun to settle iii numbers by May 26, tin- hatching contin- uing, however, for many days; on June i<> the first larvae were observed to east their first skins, which for some time adhered to the end oft lie body, resembling a small twisted string. By dime 22 they commenced to east their second skin, still retaining the same general appearance but having become considerably larger. The differentiation between m ales and females was plainly ob- servable at this time, tbe males being nar- rower and more elon- gated. The dorsal secretion became no- ticeable at this time. Ou July 7 they were still apparently in the third stage, but some of the females had be- come marked with the peculiar purplish radi ating lines characteris- tic of this insect. (See figure 1.) By July 26. some of the males had already cast a third SKin, and Were nOW lU ^IG. ^.—I'ldiinaHa innumerolrilis: female larva, fourth stage, the last Or f O U r t h greatly enlarged, with leg at right and antenna at left, still more , J™ , enlarged (original). stage. The antennne, which up to this time were 7-jointed, had now become 8-jointed. The male larvae at this time still resembled the females to some degree, although they were smaller and narrower, and of a pale yellowish or whitish color, covered with a glossy covering. There seemed to be two propupa stages. After casting the second skin, the male larva loses its rostrum and its anal cleft, although the wing pads have not yet developed j the antenna? are stout and laid back- ward without perceptible points, and the end of the body is furn- ished with two long conical tubercles. After the third skin is cast, an apparent propupa stage is found which bears wing pads reaching to 12 FlG. .">. - l'ulriiui ria innumer- abilis: young hibernating female, from above — greatly enlarged (original). the abdomen; the claw of the tibia is lost, and between the posterior tubercles has appeared the stout, rudimentary style. The true pupa, specimens of which were also found as carry as July 26, needs no description. The adult males began to issue on the same date for cer- tain specimens, and as early as August G females had begun to migrate to the trunk; by August 21 all of the young females had left the leaves and migrated to the stem. It should be stated that these observa- tions of 1899 were made upon a young potted tree in the insectary. The temperature, how- ever; was x^ractically the same as out of doors. So great had been the parasitism of the insect outside, that it was found necessary to make observations on potted trees under glass both in 1898 and 1899 in order to preserve the species for observation. Briefly then, there is one annual generation : the young hatch in early summer and settle upon the tivigs; the males appear at the end of August and early in September ; they fertilize the females, which migrate to the twigs, where they remain unchanged through the winter, rapidly swelling in the spring and forming the egg mass in early summer. The insect is a notable one from its frequent sudden appearance in great numbers. After being almost unnoticed for a series of years it will appear in excessive num- bers, apparently injuring shade trees to a consider- able extent; then, without insecticide measures having been employed, it will as quickly disappear. These sudden appearances and disappearances are due very largely to fluctuation in numbers among natural enemies of the species, as will be shown in the following paragraph. Natural qnemies. — Birds destroy the full-grown scales, although one would hardly suppose a mouthful of wax to be very palatable. The writer has often observed the English sparrow apparently feeding upon this species. The usual predatory insects which feed upon other scale insects seem equally fond of this species, and the twice-stabbed ladybird (Chilocorus bind- nerus) is one of its especial enemies, as was long ago pointed out by Miss Emily A. Smith. The little insignificant ladybird beetle, known as Hijper- ein hatch <>ii June L3, The newly hatched larvae are <>t' ;i very i ►; » 1«* yellowish color, with mediaii line Blight l\ brownish, and the eyes dark purple. Tfce antennae are Bix-jointed, joints 3 and »'. longest and subequal in length, 4 and 5 also subequal and together about as long as joint 3; the two basal .joints are also subequal, each about as long as joints I and 5, the first joint being Btoutest. There is a bristle near the apes at the inner side i of joints 3 to 5, and several at both sides and apex of t he sixth joint. The digitules of the tarsi are extremely tine: those of the claws stouter and shorter; and all art' capitate. Anal bristles are long and curved. The surface of the body is densely rugose, especially toward the sides: and the edge of the body is closely and sharply serrate. On July 31 the larva- commenced to cast their first skin. They were still of a very pale yellowish white color and almost transparent, though a very few speci- mens were marked near each end of the body with a pale purplish spot. In other respects they resembled the larvae of the first stage except that they were a little longer and broader. The antenna' were still six-jointed, though somewhat longer than before; logs and their digitules as before; the bristles around the edge of the body were somewhat longer than in the first stage, but the anal ones were much shorter and but slightly longer than the others; all were situated on small cylindrical tuber- cles which, however, were slightly enlarged at the apex. The growth from this time was very slow, aud not until October was the second skin cast in the year of 1899. In 1898, however, a few larvre of this third stage were observed as early as July 2G. In 1899, many by October 15 had already left the leaves and had set- tled on the twigs. They were of a pale brownish yellow color, some- what darker along the medio-dorsal ridge, and were characteristically marked with a large reddish, almost crimson, medio- dorsal spot on the prothoracic segment, and a similar spot just in front of the anal cleft. The eyes were minute and black. They were nearly twice as large as before, aud at this time the sexes Fig. H.—Pulvinaria acericola: late hibernatin female, greatly enlarged ; natural size on fcwi at right (original). Fig. l').—l'uhutaria acericola : a, a full-grown fertilized female, seen from above, in May before the secretion of the egg sac ; b. same from side— greatly enlarged (original). 20 could not be distinguished. As seen under the microscope the dorsal surface was finely granulate, with numerous transparent spots around the anal region and a row ^gg of seven or eight spots ii N each side of the median ridge between the two reddish spots. The an- tenna; were now seven- jointed and gradually tapered toward the end, the third joint being somewhat the longest, joints 4 and 7 next, and subequal in length, and 5 and 6 shortest, nearly of equal length and together being a little longer than the seventh. Joints 4 to 6, each had a bristle -bearing notch, and the seventh had apparently three such notches on each side. The tarsal digitules were long, slender, and of equal length, while those of the claws were of unequal length ; the shorter one was very stout, curved upward, and the other one was fine, almost straight and capitate, as were those of the tarsus. The hairs around the margin of the body seemed more numer- ous. By October 21 most of the larv;e had settled on the trunk and branches for hi- bernation. In October, 1898, the distinction b e - tween the males and females could be ob- served. The females were more broadly oval than the males, though all were very similar in coloration, possessing the large reddish spots just described. The antennae of both were 7-jointed, though rela- Fig. 16.—Fulvinaria acericola : a, full-grown female, from above, just beginning to secrete egg sac; b, same from side — greatly enlarged (original). 21 tively much shorter than in P. innumerdbili*. About the time when the migration to the twigs began, late in October, the great majority of the larvae were round on the underside of leaves, mostly along the ribs. A large number were also found on adjoining twigs, generally In and around the forks, in o\( rescuers, or near buds or Other projections. At this time they run about quite actively in Bearoh of Buitable places for hibernation. At this time is noticeable the delicate layer of waxy secretion which gives the insect a somewhat grayish appearance. This secretion is more or less distinctly broken up so as to form ;i -erics of waxy plates. On November 1, L898, practically all of the larva; bad settled for hibernation. I'pon one branch about IS inches long 150 larva- were counted. They were most numerous on twigs and branches from one eighth to one- fourth of an inch in diameter. None had appreciably increased in size, but their color was considerably darker and more Fig. 17. — Pulvinaria acericola: a. full-grown female, from above, on leaf, with 24 hoars' secretion of m : b, same, with egg sac completed, from side; c, same, from above — enlarged (original). dingy looking, harmonizing quite well with the coloration of the bark. This change in color seems to be due to the waxy secretion, which serves as a winter covering and also as a means of concealment. So close does this resemblance in color to the bark become that to the naked eye a twig thickly covered with the insects seems simply blis- tered or pustulate. In December the conditions had changed but slightly. The larvae were of a dingy, yellowish gray color, more or less spotted with purple, except the mediodorsal ridge, which was entirely yellowish. The whole surface was rather rough and covered each side with three more or less distinct rows of round or squarish scales of waxy secretion, looking like tortoise shell. On March 31 there had been practically no change. By the 8th of April, on potted trees, were found both males and females. The largest females were about 3 ni,n in length by 1.8 n,m in diameter. They were dark purple in coloration, with the median 22 ridge yellow, and were still provided on each side of the ridge with three to five rows of roundish, more or less projecting masses of white waxy secretion. The male insect was about 2.4 m,n by 0.8 mm in diameter, and of the usual Lecanium shape. It was purplish brown and covered with a transparent layer of waxy secretion which was divided into l luce scci ions. The anterior and posterior sections were each about one-fourth of the length of the body, and the median sections about oue- half of the length of the entire body. This median section was bordered at each side by a row of more or less confluent, squarish, white, flat, waxy scales. The general appearance is well indicated by fig. 11. By April 22 the first male had transformed to a pupa, as shown in fig. 13. The color of the pupa is reddish brown, darkest dorsally, with the wing pads, legs, and antennae paler; the anterior legs are directed forward and curved around the head; the others lie close to the body and are directed backward; the median pair reach to the fourth abdominal segment, and the posterior to near the end of the body. The wing pads reached slightly beyond the posterior margin of the second abdominal segment. The style is short and stout, and with a pointed lobe on each side. There is a small patch of woolly secretion externally near the coxre of the anterior and median legs. The length of the pupa is 1.6 mm . By April 28 the anal filaments of the male had begun to protrude, and by May 1 the adult had emerged. On May 18 large females with swollen bodies, indicating that impregnation had taken place, were found. They were 5.5 miu in length by 3.5 mm in diameter and 2" im high. They were of a dark purplish color, with a brownish- yellow mediodorsal stripe, ornamented on each side with three rows of small waxy scales or points, presenting the appearance as indicated in fig. 15. On May 22, females began to move from the young branches out upon the twigs, and on May 23 one had reached the under side of a leaf and had commenced to form its ovisac. In the course of twenty- four hours the extruded white wax, forming nearly a complete circle about the insect, longer toward the anal end, had reached a width of about l mm ; Forty-eight hours later it had reached a length of 5 mm and was distinctly divided from the first secretion by a deeply impressed line. The first wax extruded contained no eggs, but the real ovisac, comprising the last 4 n,m extruded, was full of eggs. The true ovisac has numerous transverse ridges which are divided lengthwise by two deep grooves. As the ovisac increased, the body of the female was tilted up more and more and became more shrunken in size. At the end of the third day the body had shrunken to a size a little more than half of its former dimensions, the abdomen having contracted into four transverse folds; the color had become lighter than at the beginning of the migration, and the extreme margin was pale yellowish. After two weeks the ovisac had become 10 miu long by nearly 5 ,mu broad, 28 tapering gradually toward the anterior end and presenting theappear (Mice shown at ii^-. 17. li was composed <>!' four Btrongly rounded Longitudinal ridges. On June L3 the larvae began to hatch, and thus we have the life round completed. Summarized, then, the life history is as follows: The eggs batch in June from the ovisac of the females attached generally to the under surf ace of the leaf. The larvae casl two skins, and in the autumn— late in October — crawl to the twigs, where they hibernate, in the spring they begin to grow. The males issue in May, fertilize the females, which toward the end of May migrate to the leaves, extrude their ovisac filled with eggs, from which the young begin to hatch in June once more. There is probably a Bpring moult of the larvae, but tin's was not observed. In none of the occurrences which we have noted above, except in the one at Dothan, Ala., lias the insect been so numerous as to cause pinch damage. Mr. Malone stated in his letter of May 25, 1809, that one of his trees was in places literally covered with the insect, which had caused a number of twigs and smaller side limbs to die. Natural enemies. — The only enemy observed in Washington is one of the ladybird beetles (Hyperaspis signata Oliv.), which was received in the larval condition from Knoxville, Tenn., feeding on the scale. From the specimens of this scale collected by Mr. Pettit at Ithaca, X. Y., in 1893, he reared six parasites, which were sent to the writer for determination. They proved to be Chalcidids (Aphycus hederaceus Westw., Aphycus fldvus How., Coccophag us fraternus How., Pachyneuron altiscuta How., and Ghiloneurus albicornis How.) and a small fly (Lett- copis nigricornis Egger). The same Coccinellid {Hyperaspis signata Oliv.) was also reared by Mr. Pettit. Remedies. — There is always a chance that it may be desirable to use some remedial treatment against this insect, as at any time it is liable to increase in numbers and become more or lessHestructive. A strong whale-oil-soap wash during the winter will undoubtedly kill the hiber- nating individuals, and any treatment which will cause a premature falling of the leaves will be efficient as greatly reducing the numbers of the insect. The use of its leaves to a tree is practically completed some little time before the leaves really fall, and therefore knocking them off with a strong stream of water, or spraying with a strong kerosene-soap emulsion which may even kill the leaves, will do no harm at this time and will kill the insects. 24 THE INSECTS TO WHICH THE NAME " KISSING-BUG*' BECAME APPLIED DURING THE SUMMER OF 1899. ]iy L. O. Howard. Iii a paper read before the Zoological Section of the American Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science 1 the writer gave some account of the so called "kissing-bug" craze, which, origiuating in the city of Washington, in June, 1899, spread over almost the entire United States, and which, encouraged by the newspapers, resulted in one of the most interesting cases of widespread popular alarm arising from a comparatively insignificant cause which has occurred in the present scientific and matter-of-fact century. While very many different insects have been brought to entomolo- gists as undoubted specimens of the kissing-bug, including a large number of perfectly harmless forms, several species of heteropterous insects, each one of which is capable of inflicting a more or less severe wound with its beak, have helped to authenticate the scare, and it seems true that two of them, namely, Melanolestes picipes and Beduvius personatus, have been more abundant than usual this year, at least around Washington. They have been captured in a number of instances while biting people, and one or the other of them is undoubtedly responsible for the original cases in the Emergency Hospital at Washington, which gave rise to the first newspaper stories. The writer has thought it advisable to bring together an account of six of the most prominent of these bugs, which with greater or less fre- quency pierce the skin of human beings, and to illustrate them, as a matter of record. Opsivates personaius, also known as Beduvius personatus (fig. 18), and which has been termed the u cannibal bug," is an European species introduced into this country at some unknown date, but possibly follow- ing close in the wake of the bedbug. In Europe this species haunts houses for the purpose of preying upon bedbugs. Kiley in his well- known article on " Poisonous insects," published in Wood's Eefeience Handbook of the Medical Sciences, states that if a fly or another insect is ottered to the cannibal bug it is first touched with the antenna?, a sud- den spring follows, and at the same time the beak is thrust into the prey. The young specimens are covered with a glutinous substance to which bits of dirt and dust adhere. They move deliberately, with a long pause between each step, the step being taken in a jerky manner. The distribution of the species as given by Renter in his Monograph of the Genus Reduvius is: Europe to the middle of Sweden, Caucasia, Fig. IS.— Reduvius (Opsi jyeisonatus : About twice nat- ural size (original). Published in the Popular Science Monthly for November, 1899. 28 Asia Mmor, Algeria, Madeira; North America -Canada, New Vmk, Philadelphia, Indiana: rasmania; Australia: from which n appeart tliat the insert is already practically cosmopolitan, and in tact may almost be termed a household insect. The collections of the I'. S. National Museum and of Messrs. Ileidemann and Chittenden, of Washington, l>. 0., indicate the following localities for this species: Locust Bill, Va.: Washington, D.O.j Baltimore, Md.: Ithaca. N. v.; Cleveland, Ohio; Keokuk, Iowa. The l>ite of this species is said to l>c very painful, more SO than the sting of a bee, and to be followed by .numbness (Lintner). One of the eases brought to the writer's attention this summer was that of a Swede servant girl, in which the insect was caught, where the sting was upon the neck ami was followed by considerable swelling. LeConte. in describing an insect of this species under the synonymical name Reduvius pungens^ gives Georgia as the locality, and makes the follow- in-; statement: "This species is remarkable for the intense pain caused by its bite. I do not know whether it ever willingly plunges its ros- trum into any person, but when caught or nnskillfully handled it always stings. In this case the pain is almost equal to that of the bite of a snake, and the swelling and irritation which result from it will sometimes last for a week. In very weak and irritable constitu- tions it may even prove fatal." (Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phil., Vol. VII, p. 404. 1854-65.) The second eastern species is Mela notes tes picipes. This and the closely allied and possibly identical M. abdominalis (fig. 19) are not rare in the United States and have been found all through the Atlantic States, in the West and South, and also in Mexico. They hide under- neath stones and logs and run swiftly. Both sexes of M. picipes in the adult are fully winged, but the female of M. abdominalis (fig. 19) is usually found in the short-winged condition. Prof. P. E. Uhler writes (in litt.): " Melanolestes abdominalis is not rare in this section (Balti- more), but the winged female is a great rarity. At the present time I have not a specimen of the winged female in my collection. I have seen specimens from the South, North Carolina and Florida, but I do not remember one from Maryland. I am satisfied that M. picipes is distinct from M. abdominalis. I have not known the two species to unite sexually, but I have seen them both united to their proper con- sorts. Both species are sometimes found under the same flat stone or log and they both hibernate in our valleys beneath stones and rubbish in loamy soils." Specimens in Washington collections show the follow- ing Realities for M. abdominalis: Baltimore, Md., Washington, D. C, Wilmington, Del., New Jersey, Long Island, Fort Bliss, Tex., Louisiana, and Keokuk, Iowa.; and for M. picipes: Washington, D. C, Kosslyn, Va., Baltimore, Md., Derby, Conn., Long Island, a series labeled New Jersey, Wilmington, Del., Keokuk, Iowa, Cleveland and Cincinnati. Ohio, Louisiana, Jackson, Miss., Barton County, Mo., Fort Bliss, Tex., San Antonio, Tex., Crescent City, Fla., and Holland, S. C. 26 This insect has been mentioned several times in entomological litera- ture. The fust reference to its bite was probably made by Townend Glover in the Annual Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for 1>7~». page 130. In Maryland, he states, .1/. picipes is found under stones, moss, logs of wood, etc., and is capable of inflicting a severe wound with its rostrum or piercer. In 1888 Dr. Lintner, in his fourth report as State entomologist of New York, page 110, quotes from a corre- spondent in Natchez, Miss., concern- ing this insect: "I send a specimen of a fly not known to us here. A few days ago it punctured the finger of my wife, inflicting a painful sting. The swelling was rapid, and for several days the wound was quite annoying." Until comparatively recently this insect has not been known to the writer as occurring in . fi houses with any degree of frequency. FIG. 19.— Melanohstcs abdominahs : d\ adult " ° . male; ?, female: laad and piercing beak at In May. 1895, however, I received a left of male above -about twice natural size specimen from an esteemed corre- spondent, Dr. J. M. Shaffer, of Keo- kuk, Iowa, together with a letter written on May 7. in which the state- ment was made that four specimens flew into his window the night before. The insect, therefore, is attracted to light, or is becoming attracted to light, is a night flyer, and enters houses through open windows. Among the several cases of bites by this insect, coming under the writer's observation, one has been reported by the well-known entomologist, Mr. Charles Dury, of Cin- cinnati, Ohio, in which this species (M. picipes) bit a man on the back of the hand, making a bad sore. In another case, where the insect was brought for our determination and proved to be this spe- cies, the bite was upon the cheek and the swelling was said to be great but with little pain. In the third case, occurring at Holland, S. 0., the symptoms were more serious. The patient was bitten upon the end of the middle finger, and stated that the first paroxysm of pain was about like that resulting from a hornet or a bee sting, but almost immediately it grew ten times more painful and a feeling of weakness followed with vomiting. The pain was Fig. 20.— Comet** subeoleoptratus : a, short-winged female adult (braehypterous form): b. winged female; c, piercing rostrum, seen from side, twice natural size (original). 27 Celt to Bhool ap the arm to the anderjaw, ami the Bickneu lasted fora Dumber of days. A fourth case, at Port Bliss, Tex., is in teres tin having occurred in bed. The patient was bitten on the hand with very painful results and bad Bwelling. The third of the eastern species. Corisms SUbOOltOptrattU li.LT. 20 . is said by Qhlerto have a general distribution in the Norl hern States, and is. like the species immediately preceding, a native insect. There is no record of any bite by this species, ami it is introduced heir tor the reason that it attracted the writer's attention crawling niton the walls of an earth closet, in (ironic County, N. ST., where on one occasion it bit him between the fingers, The pain was sharp, like the prick of a pin, but only a faint swelling followed and no further inconvenience. The insect is mentioned, however, for the reason that occurring in such situations it is one of the forms which are liable to carry pathogenetic bacteria. There remain for consideration the South- ern and Western forms, Basahus thoradcus and R, biguttatus, and Conorhinus sangu- isuga. The two spotted corsair, as Easahus bi- guttatus (fig. 21) is popularly termed, is said by Riley to be found frequently in houses in the Southern States and to prey upon bedbugs. Lintner, referring to the fact that it preys upon bedbugs, says: "It evidently delights in human blood, but prefers taking it at second hand." Dr. A. Davidson, formerly of Los Angeles, Cal., in an important paper entitled "So-called Spider Bites and their Treatment,*' pub- lished in the Therapeutic Gazette of February 15, 1897. arrives at the conclusion that almost all of the so-called spider bites met with in southern California are produced by' no spider at all, but by Basahus biyuttatus. The symptoms which he describes are as follows: "Next day the injured part shows a local cellulitis with a central dark spot: around this spot there frequently appears a bulbous vesicle about the size of a 10-cent piece and tilled with a dark grumous fluid; a small ulcer forms underneath the vesicle, the necrotic area being generally limited to the central part, while the surrounding tissues are more or less swollen and somewhat painful. In a few days with rest and proper care the swelling subsides, and in a week all traces of the cellulitis are usually gone. In some of the cases no vesicle forms at the point of injury, the formation probably depend- ing on the constitutional vitality of the individual or the amount of poison introduced. 1 ' The explanation of the severity of the wound suggested by Dr. Davidson, in which the writer fully concurs, is not that the insect introduces any specific poison of its own, but that the Fig. ■l\.—liasalius biguttatus: once enlarged (original). adult, 28 poison introduced is probably accidental, and contains tiie ordinary- putrefactive germs which may adhere to its proboscis. Dr. Davidson's treatment was corrosive sublimate — 1 to 500 or 1 to 1,000 locally applied to the wound, keeping the necrotic part bathed in the solution. The results have in all cases been favorable. Uhler gives the distribution of /.'. biguttatus as Arizona, Texas, Panama, Para, Cuba, Louisiana, West Virginia, and California. After a careful study of the material in the United States National Museum, Mr. Heidemann has decided that the specimens of liasahus from the southeastern part of the coun- try ; ire in reality Say's B. biguttatus, while those from the Southwestern States belong to a distinct species answering more fully (with slight exceptions) to the description of Star's Rasahus thoracicm. The writer has recently received a large series of it*, thoraeicus from Mr. H. Brown, of Tucson, Ariz., and had a disagreeable experience with the sam e species in April, 1898, at San Jose de Guaymas, in the State of So nor a, Mexico. Perhaps the best known of all the species mentioned in our list is the blood- sucking cone-nose ( Conorkinus sang ui- suga) (figs. 22 and 23). This ferocious insect belongs to a genus which has sev- eral representatives in the United States, all, however, con- fined to the South or West. C. rubro- fasciatm and C. variegatus, as well as C. sanguisuga, are given the general geographical distribution of "Southern States." C. dimi- diatus and C. macuUpennis are Mexican forms, while C. gerstoeckeri occurs in the Western States. The more recently described species, C. protractus, Uhl., has been taken at Los Angeles, Cal., Dragoon, Ariz., and Salt Lake City, Utah. All of these insects are bloodsuckers and do not hesitate to attack mammals. LeConte, in his original description of C. sanguisuga (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Yol. VII, p. 404, 1854-55), adds a most significant paragraph, which, as it has not been quoted of late, will be especially appropriate here: "This insect, equally with the former (see above), indicts a most painful wound. It Fig. 22.— C- norhinus sangvisviia papal stage; c, adult bug; d, a: same scale (from Marlatt). «, first pupal stage; //. second ue, lateral view — all enlarged to 29 is remarkable also for sacking the blood <>!' mammals, particularly of children, l have known its bite followed by \«m ,\ serious consequences, the patient not recovering from its effects for nearly a year. The many relations which we have of spider bites frequently proving fatal bave do doubt arisen from the stings of these Insects or others of the same genera. When the disease called spider bite Is aot an anthras or car- buncle, it is undoubtedly occasioned bj the bite of an insect, by do means, however, of a spider. Among the many Bpecies ofAraneidae which we have in the CJnited States, 1 have never seen one capable of inflicting the slightest wound, [gnorant persons may easily mistake a Cimex for a spider. I have known a physician who sent to me the fragments of a large ant, which he supposed was a spider, that came out of his grand- child's head." The fact that LeOonte was himself a physi- cian, having gradu- ated from the Col- lege of Physicians and S n r geo n s in 1840, thus having been nine years a doctor of medicine, renders this state- ment all the more significant. The life history and habits of C. sanguisuga have been so well written up by Mr. Marlatt, in Bulletin No. 4, New Series, fig. 23 of this Division, that it is not neces- sary to enter upon them here. The point made by Marlatt that the constant and uniform character of the symptoms in nearly all cases of bites by this insect indicate that there is a specific poison connected with the bite deserves consideration, but there can be no doubt that the very serious results which sometimes follow the bite are due to the introduction of extraneous poison germs. The late Mr. J. B. Lembert, of Yosemite, Cal., noticed particularly that the species of Conorhinns, occurring upon the Pacific coast, is attracted by carrion. Professor Tourney, of Tucson, Ariz., shows how a woman broke out all over the body and limbs with red blotches and welts from a single sting on the shoulder. Specimens of C. sanguisuga received in July, 1899, from Mayersville, Miss., were accompanied by the statement, which is appro- priate in view of the fact that the newspapers have insisted that the Conorhimts sanguisuga: a, larva, second stage; b. newly hatched Larva; c, egg w it li sculpturing of surface shown at side — all enlarged to same scale (from Marlatt). 30 "kissing bug" prefers the lip, that a friend of the writer was bitten on the lip and that the effect was a burning pain, intense itching, and much swelling, lasting three or four days. The writer of the letter had been bitten upon the [eg and arm, and his brother had been bitten upon both feet and legs and on the arm, the symptoms being the same in all cases. More need hardly be said specifically concerning these biting bugs. The writer's conclusions are that the bite of any one of them may be, and frequently has been, mistaken for a spider bite, and that nearly all reported spider-bite cases have had in reality this cause; that the so-called "kiss- ing-bug" scare has been based upon cer- tain undoubted cases of the bite of one or the other of them, but that other bites, including mosquitoes, with hysterical and nervous symptoms produced by the news- head, Bhowingbeak; b, same, from the paper accounts, have aided in the general side, with piercing seta? removed from FIG. 2±.—C'onorh!)>us naiKjvitvga slieatl) and with tip of one of them alarm. The case of Miss Larson, who died enlarged; c, same from below -much m AugUSt, 1898, aS the result of a 1UOS- enlarged (from Marlatt). ^^ ^ ^ M y Stic> Conn#? ig an ilistauce which goes to show that no mysterious new insect need be looked for to explain occasional remarkable cases. One good result of the "kiss- in g-bug" excitement may be in the end to relieve spiders from much unnecessary discredit. AN INVESTIGATION TO DETERMINE WHETHER MELANOPLUS SPRETUS BREEDS PERMANENTLY IN THE TURTLE MOUNTAINS IN NORTH DAKOTA. By W. D. Hunter, Special Temporary Field Agent. * ITINERARY. I left Lincoln August 9 aud arrived in St. Paul the next day. Here Dr. Otto Lugger, of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, who shortly before this time had returned from a trip to Manitoba, gave me most valuable advice and information concerning the country, the people, and the routes, most cheerfully assisting me in every way. The same day I started for Winnipeg, whence the Turtle Mountain region is more easily accessible than from the North Dakota side, and arrived there on the 11th. A call was made upon the chief clerk of the depart- ment of agriculture for Manitoba, Mr. Hugh McKellar, who accom- panied me to the held the next day. Mr. McKellar, who had already been over the ground in company with Dr. Lugger and Dr. Fletcher, spent three days with me, and, being of an exceedingly energetic dis- position and very well known in the province, his assistance removed all the obstacles that harass a newcomer seeking information, and is gratefully acknowledged. We arrived at Boissevain, a village about 31 9 miles north of the highest point of the Turtle Mountains, on the L21 h. and made a preliminary trip into, the country. <>n the LStfa \\<- drove about 50 miles along the base of the mountains, visiting as man] pla cea as possible in order i<> gain an idea of the extent of ih<' spread of s/n-r/iis; penetrated quite a distance Into the mountains at one place, and reached Deloraine in the evening. On the L4th we thoroughly traversed the territory between Deloraine and the base of the mountains, and on tin* L5th I started alone to travel across and explore the moun- tains. < me day was spent upon the mountains proper, and the next day 1 proceeded to Bottineau, in North Dakota. Prom this point I rode about 30 miles westward, in search <>t* a possible breeding ground for sprctNs. My itinerary then took me along' the south side of the moun- tains, by way of Dunseith, Belcourt, Kolla, and St. Johns. From all of these points, as well as in many eases between them, I made incursions as far into the mountains as the trails would permit. Return was made by way of Wakepa and Boissevain (where the 20th was spent), through Whitewater, to Deloraine. On the 22d Napiuka was reached, and the 2;>d was occupied in an investigation of a sand-hill region on the north side of the Souris liiver, between that point and the town of Souris. This had frequently been spoken of by the residents as a probable breeding ground for spretus. After one stop at Stockton, I proceeded to Winnipeg, and conferred with Mr. McKellar and others regarding the situation, and then took train for Fargo. From this point a side trip to Miles City, in Montana, was taken, in order, if possible, to obtain infor- mation regarding the place where a swarm of locusts which had been observed in Manitoba had alighted. Upon returning, a stop was made at Fargo and a day was occupied in conference with the officers of the North Dakota Agricultural College. From this point I returned by the shortest route, through St. Paul and Omaha, to Lincoln, arriving on the 31st. OBJECT. For a long time it has been supposed by those who have been interested that the Turtle Mountains, in Manitoba and North Dakota, furnished a permanent breeding ground for the Rocky Mountain locust, and this has taken form among other places in the report of the Canadian Dominion entomologist, Dr. James Fletcher, for 1898, where it is stated: " It is probable that this locust breeds regularly every year in parts of the Turtle Mountains." It has been noticed' that invariably the swarms that in recent years have alighted in Minnesota come from the direc- tion of these mountain s. In fact the county in Minnesota, namely, Otter- tail, that is always invaded whenever this locust reaches that State, and which has figured prominently in the literature of this subject for the last decade, is the nearest agricultural county in the State to the Turtle Mountains, and is, moreover, in exactly the direction from them that swarms of locusts, originating there, would naturally take. During the past two years there has been a visitation ofspretus in the region directly 32 north of the mountains, as well as in a similar region directly to the south of them. Under these circumstances it will be seen that it was very natural to suppose that this place was the source of the evil; the evidence most certainly pointed in that direction. If there were a locality in North Dakota where this dangerous locust was breeding every year there would be continual likelihood that swarms would invade that State as well as Minnesota. Therefore the object of the trip was to ascertain whether the suppositions regarding this region were correct, and in case they were found to be, to devise means of removing the evil. THE NATURE OF THE COUNTRY. Turtle Mountain, as this region is called by residents, is a broken plateau of roughly elliptical outline, between 800 and 900 feet above the N level of the surrounding plains, and reaching a height of not more than 2,500 feet above sea level. The total area is about 1,500 square miles; the international boundary line passes through in such a manner that two-thirds of this lies within North Dakota, in the counties of Bottineau and Eolette. The surface is covered with a dense and impenetrable growth of scrub oak, poplar, balm of gilead, choke cherry, dwarfed elm, and rose and raspberry bushes, intertwined in the most bewildering manner with vetch. There are no coniferous trees. The vegetation is so dense that there are no roads that penetrate far into the interior, so that the inhabitants, except in the winter, when the snow makes it possible to pass over the top of the tangle to reach the opposite side, pass entirely around it. The whole region is dotted with hundreds of small lakes and ponds, from which the seepage through the light?, fertile soil makes an almost tropical growth possible. The only open places are glades, where the grasses and sedges grow up in luxuriant abundance to a height of 4 or 5 feet, and which often form a bed of standing water. From an extended and careful survey of the whole region I am able to state that there are absolutely no open places, even measurably free from vegetation, which could be suitable ior the hatching of spretus. From time to time forest fires have swept over the mountains. In 1802 the whole territory was burned over, and the smoke was so great that time that it darkened the sky at Winnipeg, over 200 miles away. But within one season the humus formed, which is too light to be used by locusts for the deposition of eggs, gave rise to a dense growth of hawthorn and Solidago, the second season showing numerous shrubs and small trees covering the ground. The country is unsettled, except for a colony of French half-breeds near St. Johns and a small summer resort at Fish Lake, in Bolette bounty. Bat wherever the farmers have taken up and cleared the "bush," as the English people there call it, the result is seen in yields of wheat, oats, and potatoes that are marvelous. The only trouble h in the often excessive moisture in the soil, from seepage from the lakes To gain an idea of the Turtle Mountains, imagine that following well known laws and owing to its considerable elevation, a portion of th( S3 northern deciduous forest, which normally does not reach south of the Assiiiihoinc River, in an isolated case crops out again. Practically all of that part within Manitoba has been made a forest reserve by the Dominion government We will thus see thai a place thai ie virtually a transposed portion of the country north of the limit of the prairie region, far beyond the limit of spretus and totally ansuited for the eon tin nation of that Bpeoies, has been suspected, owingto a lack of definite knowledge, of furnishing breeding grounds, it is the one pari of the country in which it may be positively stated that spretus does not breed. There is along the escarpment of the Turtle .Mountains, extending from about the point where the international line crosses the western limit of the hills along the southern slope to the vicinity of St. Johns, an oftentimes broken and narrow outcropping of a sandy substratum. This area is covered with a very sparse growth of grass and was often referred to by the residents as a probable breeding ground for spretu*. In fact, I was informed by one observer that be had seen a species, presumably spretus, breeding there for years before the cultivated lands had been invaded. After determining definitely that the moun- tain proper was in no sense the sougut-for breeding ground, some attention was devoted to this formation. Although doubtless more or less suited for the deposition of eggs by locusts, it was found to be of very limited extent. There will be found a few square yards upon the brow of a hill, and perhaps no more will be found exposed for several rods. Below this the alluvial soil of the low land along the southern slope becomes well marked, and in the western part below this sandy formation we find extensive fields of gumbo. Both of these are, of course, quite impossible places for the permanent harboring of spret us. After a succession of favorable seasons the locust might breed in this narrow strip in numbers to invade the cultivated parts and cause damage. But there were none here this year; the swarms doing dam- age at this time did not originate there, and I am of the opinion that- this place never will furnish any considerable number of locusts. After I had arrived at the conclusion that it would be necessary to look elsewhere for the origin of the swarms that from time to time have come upon North Dakota and Minnesota than in or about the Turtle Mountains, I received information regarding a swarm flying high on the afternoon of the 17th of August over Whitewater Lake and in an almost due southeasterly direction, far above the mountains, into North Dakota. It was very remarkable that all the sprctm along the northern slope on the mountains had joined this swarm in motion. Where a week before this species had been seen everywhere between Boissevain and Deloraine, upon my return none were to be found. It had been expected that swarms would pass over that region at about that time, since they have always appeared by the 15th of August in Minnesota. On that day, for the first time in a fortnight, the wind had changed from a southerly direction and blew toward a point south of southeast, 11608— No. 22 3 34 I have been at considerable pains to locate this swarm in order to warn those concerned of its presence. The day that it was observed I made use of the telegraph to notify the authorities in Minnesota and North Dakota of what might be expected. However, it has been impossible at the present time to obtain trace of its whereabouts. Owing to a speedy change of wind at sundown on the day of the flight, I have surmised that it did not extend far into North Dakota, and judge that a point somewhere between New Rockford and Fargo will be the center of some destruction next year. It may be, however, that the Red River Valley in Minnesota was reached. While hastening to reach a point from which the swarm mentioned might be traced in North Dakota, I continued my efforts while in Mani- toba to find the actual breeding ground for spretus. It should be men- tioned, however, that the season was now far advanced and the swarms had left, so that the search was confronted with many obstacles. For the purpose of working out this point a trip was made to a range of sand-hills and barren coulees on the north side of the Souris River, between Napinka aud the village of Souris. This was in exactly the direction that the swarm had taken. I found here a sample of a peculiar formation that appears, as I am informed, at places through- out Manitoba and the territory of Saskatchewan and toward the north- ern limit of the prairies especially. There is exposed a ridge of red sand which is of such fineness and lightness that it is continually blown about by the wind. During many seasons the most labyrinthine hollows and knolls have been formed. Here aud there scrub oak and poplar have obtained a foothold, and a few specimens of Kuhnistera villosa Nutt. and Solidago missouriensis Nutt. are seen in places where an outcropping of rock makes the soil slightly more firm. But I am convinced that this place, to which all persons familiar with the coun- try with whom I consulted regarding suitable grounds for the habita- tion of spretus referred me, can not be the source of swarms. The loose and drifting soil is totally unsuited to their habits. Moreover I received reliable information regarding flights, both this year and in several preceding years, from the northwest of this point. As accurately as may be stated from the data in hand, spretus origi- nates in the territory lying northeast of Regina, toward the Big Touch- wood Mountains and to the south of a line drawn between these points. Here, along the Assiniboine River and its tributaries, is a region covered with sparsely occurring grasses which is adapted for the species. But a personal visit to this place at the proper time of the year is necessary for the solution of the question. THE PRESENT STATUS OF MELANOPLUS SPRETUS IN NORTH DAKOTA. The three years preceding (1899), in Manitoba and North Dakota, were unusually dry, and a climax was reached in 1898. June, which is usually the wet month in that part, and the month when the locusts hatch, had brought but little moisture. Accordingly, the swarms of spr eius which bad entered in the fall of 1897, supposedly then from the Turtle .Mountain region, bad prospered well. The pres ent >ear, however, tliere was an unusually hea\ \ precipitation in dune, but thiseame so late that, although it did not affect the earlier-hatching sprctiis, still most of the lute batching BpecieS were dest roved. It was easily noticed that tlie ordinary species of the plains were remarkably scarce and, until a colony of sprc/us or the form of atlanis winch appears there was reached, grasshoppers of all kinds were almost entirely absent. Melanoplus sprctiis, M. hirittatns, and M. packardi were the only destructive species present in numbers sufficient to attract attention. In North Dakota, aa was predicted last year, sprctiis occurred most notably at New Rockford, where, approximately, the same area that Buffered then was affected. There is in force in North Dakota an excellent locust law. It provides that upon notification by the county commissioners any farmer upon whose place grasshoppers have deposited eggs shall plow all summer-fallow and open stubble fields within a cer- tain time. If this is not done the plowing takes place at the expense of the county and the charges are assessed against the property as taxes. Working under this provision most of the young locusts in the vicinity of New Rockford were plowed under, as many as twenty- seven gang plows working together, and working on Sunday when the need was urgent. It may be confidently stated that the trouble at that place is almost passed. Along the southeastern slopes of the Turtle Mountains, however, there is a fresh invasion of considerably smaller extent but which, consider- ing the territory affected, is rather serious. At several points between Dunseith and Rolla some little damage was done by spretus, and at one point about 2 miles to the east of the last named place the situation was indeed critical. In June a formidable number of locusts appeared from eggs deposited in the fall by parents that had passed the year in that same place. Several acres of wheat were destroyed; and in gen- eral this swarm, which to all intents was simply a part of the swarm that was divided in alighting by the Turtle Mountains in 1897, was more destructive than in Manitoba. The total area affected might be included in a quadrangle 10 miles long and 5 wide between Dunseith and Rolla; but within this area only isolated fields, often at consider- able distance from one another, were infested. The most damaged field was one of about 10 acres, in which the locusts had begun to feed only after the heads were quite well formed. These were quite dry and consequently the insects fed upon the green part of the stalk just below, causing the heads to fall to the ground and the field was ruined. Invariably, when looking for locusts in that region, I would ask to be shown where last year there was a field left in summer-fallow, and very uniformly in that immediate vicinity the insects in greatest num- bers would be found. By plowing or thoroughly cross-harrowing these and the stubble fields in September, there is no reason why the pests, 36 even if they should recur for years, as they are not likely to do, could not be entirely overcome. The county commissioners of the two coun- ties affected were consulted. They understand the situation, and with the aid of the admirable law on the subject, it is supposed that sys- tematic warfare will be waged this fall and the locusts exterminated. THE NATIVE SPECIES. Associated with spretus in this region there was an unusually large number of M. atlanis (principally the large, very dark-colored form mentioned by Scudder in his Melanopli, p. 18 *, from the Northwest Ter- ritories) which the preceding dry seasons had caused to flourish. In many places this form, which seems certainly worthy of nominal recog- nition, has caused as much damage as spretus in others. M. birittatus was seen everywhere in a most flourishing condition, and was by all odds the most common locust observed. By the 20th of August the females of this species were depositing eggs, often for this purpose boring down in the hard beaten roadbed, where millions were destroyed by the passing vehicles. The edges of grain fields and land under sum- mer-fallow that was measurably firm from rains or otherwise were generally selected. At one place about 10 miles northwest of Bot- tineau and near the Dominion line, M. packardi was as numerous as the other species were anywhere, and demonstrated that it should be listed among the locusts capable of the greatest destruction. This species prefers the roadsides for the deposition of eggs. As it evinces an inclination to abandon wild grasses and to feed upon cultivated grains it should be watched, for the rather disastrous results that have followed a similar change of food habit by Dissosteira longipennis might be repeated. It seems, however, that a peculiar succession of favorable seasons has brought about results that may not become fixed nor in any way normal, and that may not occur again for many years. In general it may be stated that the parasites have not been suffi- ciently numerous in the Turtle Mountain region to affect the situation at all. Trombidium locustarum was often seen and was generally dis- tributed. As a test, near Dunseith I captured 25 individuals of spretus, and of these 18 had mites upon them. But in a slightly removed locality only 2 or 3 out of the same number were found parasitized. Some parasitic Diptera were seen, but the number was not large. All in all, the locusts were remarkably healthy. SUMMARY. I. Melanoplus spretus does not breed permanently in the Turtle Mountains nor in that immediate vicinity. The ground is totally unsuited to the purpose, and, more- over, swarms descending upon North Dakota and Minnesota have been traced from far to the northwest of that place. The probable permanent breeding ground is upon the Assiniboine River, north and east of Regina in the Territory of Assiniboia. II. There has been a visitation of Metanoplus spretus in North Dakota, besides at New Rockford, near Rolla. The county authorities will probably take the matter in hand and reduce the danger to a minimum. 37 III. The native §p< ' lanopliu bitittatus, '/. aftoai end bf . paektu attracted attention on account of drj yean V.tttlanit has been destructive in reetrieted areas all through the Bed River Valley. iv. An outbreak of ipretut Bimilar to thai which took place al Rolls s ill probably occur next season al Bome point between i»<-sils Lake and Kargo. Thii iwarm, however may h:i n »■ reached Minm THE BRONZE APPLE-TREE WEEVIL. tfagdalis a nesa us Leo.) By F. II. ('ill tTENDKN. REPORTED INJURY IN WASHINGTON STATE. January 14, 1899, Mr. S. Kerr, of Sunny dale, Wash., wrote this Division that in the fall of the previous year his atteutiou had been called to a discoloration which appeared in spots upon apple trees in his vicinity. In removing' a piece of bark a small hole was disclosed, and on following* this up a specimen of a borer was found. Thirty- eight such larwc were taken from a single two-year-old tree at that time and several hundred were obtained in that orchard. On further inquiry it was ascertained that most of the orchards in the vicinity were affected similarly, and the owners were quite anxious to learn of some easier way to rid themselves of the pest than by cutting them out. Mr. Kerr's own trees, he wrote, were entirely free from attack, a condition which he attributed chiefly to an annual wash of the trunk and larger limbs with lye. One of the difficulties in combating insect pests of this sort in that locality consists in the fact that about one- half of the territory is planted in orchards, while the remaining half is covered with timber and brush, the wild deciduous trees offering the best sort of shelter for pests which attack also orchard trees. February 28 we received infested twigs from which we later suc- ceeded in rearing the beetle, which is now identified as Magdalis aiiescens Lee. On the last-mentioned date our correspondent wrote that the tunnels of this specie's, which are illustrated on a subsequent page (tig. 26), seem to start in the majority of cases from the butt of a tree and often continue up 5 feet from the ground • that while some- times larva- are found in the trunk most of them are in the larger limbs. Larvae are sometimes found singly, and often from two to six occur together. The trees that have thus far been found to be most subject to attack are Baldwin and Ben Davis. King of Tompkins, Northern Spy, and Bellflower occurring in the same orchard appeared to be free from infestation. In a letter dated March 3 our correspondent stated that a dead tree which had recently been cut down was so full of borers that whenever the wood was cut into borers would be disclosed. In the samples which he sent at that time this was found to be the case. Every por- tion of the twigs showed the borers or their galleries. 38 In a letter dated March 24 our correspondent wrote that he had since visited several other orchards and was very much surprised to see the extent of the damage done by this little pest. "There is hardly an orchard in this vicinity,' 7 he wrote, "but has been injured more or less by it. Two-year-old to 20-year-old trees appear to have been attacked indiscriminately, and in many cases ruined. If anything, the borers seem to have a preference for the north side of the trunk, but on the limbs they occurr everywhere. It puzzles me somewhat that, though I can hardly ever find any borers in the trunks and very seldom even see galleries there, I invariably see the dark maroon blotches and dead bark under these discolorations." There seemed to be a rather general impression (which appears to have been proven to be a true one) that the diseased condition of the trees was due to "canker "or "black spot." In the last specimens received there were numerous parasitic insects present in the galleries, at least two of the parasites to one of the borers. Specimens of wood kept in the insectary of this Department disclosed the beetleb during March, but other specimens received later did not develop during that month. Writing April 17, Mr. Kerr stated that the local fruit inspector, a Mr. Brown, had informed him that he had noticed the ravages of this insect eight years before the present time, but had not regarded it as a dangerous species, being much surprised to learn the extent of recent injuries. Mr. Kerr's observations pointed to the borer as commencing near the base of very young trees, but as soon as these grew larger, ascending into the limbs, evidently preferring young and tender wood. ATTACK BELIEVED TO BE SECONDARY TO THAT OF A FUNOUS. April 27, 1899, Prof. 0. V. Piper, Pullman, Wash., sent a specimen beetle of this species, from Tracy ton, Kitsap County, with the informa- tion that the insect was reported to be doing serious damage to the apple industry in that State, many complaints relative to it having been received during the year. Later, however, on the occasion of a visit to this office in the latter days of September, the same gentleman stated that he had given the subject of the attack of this species in his State considerable attention, and his first suspicions in regard to the injurious character of the insect had been much allayed by the discovery that insect injury was appar- ently secondary to the fungus disease known as "canker" or "black spot." The presence of this fungus causes large, more or less oval blotches, and it is in these that the female selects, evidently by pref- erence, a place for ovipositiou. Examination of twigs received from Sunnydale shows on these cankerous spots, or, in some cases, at the sides of them, the minute punctures made by the proboscis of the female while depositing her eggs. Oviposition was noticed in the orchard much later than in our rearing jars, continuing well on during the summer season. 39 OOCl BBENCE IN OREGON. On the occasion of a visit of l>r. A. I). Hopkins to tin- Northwest, in April. L899, adults and pup;i> were loiind on the L'Stli at OoiTalHs, Oreg., in the barb and outer wood of the branches <>f dead a j »i »1»*. and Professor A. B. Oordley, of the state Experiment station located in that town, stated thai it was of common occurrence in such locations. IN.TIKY IN BBITISH OOLUMIJIA. There is one record of injury by this insect, by Dr. James Fletcher, published in the Report of the Entomologist and Botanist for L898 (1899), page 207. He mentions receipt of specimens of apple boughs containing the larva' of this insect from Victoria and Nanaimo, British Columbia, with report from Mr. R. M. Palmer, of the former locality, that these bark-boring larvae did much harm, especially in young orchards on dry lands of the island. Many young trees were described as being killed outright or so badly injured that they would scarcely recover where preventive measures were neglected. Attack was also men- tioned, on the authority of the Kev. G. W. Taylor, on Gabriola Island, by the beetles feeding upon the leaves of cherry. This was noticed during two seasons, and hence may be considered a regular habit of the beetles. Dr. Fletcher's name of bronze apple-tree weevil is adopted. DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIES. The adult of this borer may be recognized by the accompanying illustration (tig. 25a). It is rather remarkable in the structure of the prothorax, the posterior angles of which are promi- nent and produced over the base of the elytra, a char- acter which it shares with other species of the genus. The beak is of about the same length as the protho- rax and the femora are acutely dentate. The color alone, black bronzed, will distinguish the species from others of the genus. LeConte's description appeared in 187G and was based upon material from Oregon (Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Yol. XV, p. 192). It is quoted herewith : Elongate, black bronzed, slightly pubescent; head, beak and prothorax densely finely punctured, the last longer than wide, rounded on the sides, which are serrate in front; hind angles small, prominent, base bisinuate, disk subcarinate in front of the middle. Elytra obliquely impressed behind the base, and also behind the mid- dle; stria> composed of not very large punctures, interspaces finely rugose. Meso- sternum not protuberant; thighs acutely toothed, claws distinctly toothed near the base. Fig. 25.— Magdalis cenescens: a, adult weevil dotted portion of size line showing length of snout; b, larva; c, pupa— six times natural size (original.) 40 The length exclusive of the beak varies from a little less to a full sixtli of an inch (3 to 4 mm ); the width is less than half the length. The species is limited in its distribution to the Pacific Coast, and it apparently occurs throughout the States of Oregon and Washington, where, according to Professor Piper, it is very abundant west of the Cas- cade Mountains. The full list of known localities include: Sunnydale, Puyallup, Tracy ton, Vancouver, Sedro, and Woolley, Wash.; Salem, Hood River, and Corvallis, Oreg.; Victoria, Nanaimo, and Gabriola Islands, British Columbia. LIFE HISTORY. From the excellent lot of material received from Mr. Kerr a fair idea of the insect's life stages may be had. The larva, illustrated at b of figure 25, departs from the usual curcu- lionid type in being rather larger in the prothoracic portion, in which re- spect it suggests the Bostrychinoe. It is, however, legless and less hairy than in that group. It is perfectly white in color and the surface of the body is rather strongly wrinkled. The mouth- parts are small and dark brown at their sutures and tips only, the remain- der of the head being nearly the same color as the body. The length in curved position as figured is 4 lum and the greatest width nearly 2 mm . The pupa, figured at c, shows much of the appearance of the future beetle. The head and snout are bent down upon the abdomen between the legs and the tips of the thorax or humeri show the serrated points seen in the beetle. It is of the same white color as the larva and its length is a little less than that of the beetle. A wild food plant of this weevil was observed by Mr. Schwarz on the occasion of a visit to Oregon in May, 1892. It is a species of thorn, presumably a Crataegus, upon which the beetles were found in the vicinity of Hood River. Judgiug from the condition of the insect at the time of the receipt of sendings it makes its first appearance in a latitude like that of Sunny- dale in the early part of April and continues, according to Professor Piper, till at least the middle of August. Soon after the appearance of the insects in April they copulate and l a y eggs for the next generation, as previously described. Fig. 26.— Work of Magdalis oenescens : a, pupa in its cell; b, exterior of pupal cell; c, empty cell; d, parasitic pupa in its cell; e. two empty cells of parasite; /, beetle and holes made by beetles in their escape- all natural size (original). II The tunnels made by the larva? utter h itching ma\ branch <>n io any directioD ap <>r down a limb or at right angles to it^ main axis. The} are nol always so easily traceable as in the piece of apple twig illus- trated, being sometimes very irregular in shape, running in all direc tions, crossing and reerossing in hopeless confusion. The average length of the burrows is a mat km- of only 1 or 2 inches, the largest seen measuring only 2j inches I7" ;i ). At their beginning they measure about half a millimeter in width, and at their end where the pupal cell is formed l.V 1 "" to a little more than 2""". The length of the pupal cells is 5 or 6 mm . They are rather regular oblong oval in shape see fig. I'll, a and c.) The larva completes its growth toward the end of the warm season and with little doubt hibernates in this stage, undergoing transforma- tion to pupa and thence to imago in March ami April respectively. The beetle makes its escape through a round hole which it cuts out through the bark by means of the mandibles at the end of its rostrum or pro- boscis. The diameter of these holes is from 1 to a little more than l mm . These holes are figured natural size (tig. 26,/). The native species of true weevils (Rhynchophora exclusive of Scoly- tidae) produce as a rule a siugle generation annually, and the present species is probably no exception. Professor Piper has kindly furnished for publication in this connec- tion his notes bearing upon the biology of the species, which supplement our own and render the account more complete. These notes include a brief description of the egg. an account of oviposition, the supposed correlation of fungous disease and insect attack, feeding habits of the beetles, and observations which show quite conclusively that the spe- cies is single brooded : HIOLOGIC NOTES, BY C. V. PIPER. The egg. — Length, ± mw ; ■width, ^-'? m ; ovoid, yellowish-white, smooth, shining. Ovipositing habits, — The eggs are laid singly in horizontal holes burrowed in the bark to the depth of about l mm . Usually from 12 to 25 of these holes are made in a more or less circular area 6-10 m::! in diameter; but, in some cases at any rate, eggs are not laid in all of them. The beetle usually requires half an hour or longer to burrow each hole and two minutes in which to deposit the egg. In one case which was watched the beetle burrowed first for twenty minutes, then turning around as if on a pivot she tested the hole with her ovipositor. Apparently it proved too shallow and she turned sharply about and burrowed for twenty-one minutes longer. At the end of this time she turned about as before and immediately deposited an egg at the mouth of the hole. Again turning she pushed the egg in with her beak, and then rlew away. In another instance the beetle burrowed for thirty minutes and then laid her egg in the burrow exactly in the same manner as above described. Apparently the different egg cavities in each group are burrowed at different times; at least in all the cases observed the beetle went away after digging one cavity and laying her egg therein. Mr. D. A. Brodie reports that he several times saw the beetles burrow holes and fly away without depositing eggs therein. These observations, taken in connection with 42 the fact that commonly only one beetle emerges from each cluster of egg cavities, as proven by the single exit hole, indicates either that a large proportion of the eggs or Larvae are destroyed or else that but few eggs are laid. Probably both explanations are true in part. In nearly all cases these egg cavities are burrowed in or immediately adjoining bark attacked by the "black spot" or canker, a fungous disease caused by Macro- phoma mali Peck. In only a few instances did we observe egg burrows in healthy bark, and in these cases the trees were much weakened by the attacks of the fungus. We were quite unable after a careful search to find any trees unaffected by the canker that were attacked by the weevil, and there can be no doubt that the dam- age caused by the weevil is very insignificant compared to that caused by the fungns. As the tissue invaded by the fungus always dies within a year, it follows that the weevil does no damage in such spots; and as it attacks healthy bark so seldom it certainly does but little injury. It is possible, however, that if the canker is held in check the beetles may attack healthy bark more frequently. Feeding habits of the adult. — Our earliest record of the appearance of the adult is April 15. From this time on, as late at least as the middle of August, the beetles are abundant. Shortly after their first appearance they may be found laying eggs, and as new adults are constantly emerging, this goes on through the whole season. The adults are found only occasionally on the trunks of the trees, usually where they are ovipositing or have just emerged. On the leaves of the trees, however, they are abundant, and are frequently found in coitu. They feed only on the pulp of the leaf, biting out shallow holes usually to the lower epidermis of the leaf but sometimes quite through. Where very abundant many of the leaves come to be quite riddled from their attacks, though ordinarily this injury is of slight consequence. The beetles are not very quick nor easily alarmed, so that their actions may be watched indefinitely, even with the use of a lens. The species evidently single brooded. — From the egg to the adult occupies apparently one year. This would seem clearly to be the case from. the relations of the insect and the canker disease. The canker spots begin in the fall and reach their limit of growth, which is sharply marked, either before or early in the next spring. In this diseased tissue the eggs of the weevil are laid during the summer. By the follow- ing summer the cankered bark is dead and nearly dry, and covered with the black spore- containing pustules. It is always from bark of this kind that the adult beetles emerge. We have never found them in older dead and diseased bark, which indeed separates from the wood at this time, and only rarely does the larva burrow beyond the limits of the diseased tissue. It necessarily follows that the larval and pupal stages do not occupy more than one year, and from the same facts they can require little less time than that period. FURTHER INVESTIGATION DESIRABLE. The desirability of additional observations and investigations becomes obvious to anyone who has perused the preceding paragraphs. It seems not impossible, in the absence of positive proof to the contrary, that certain canker-like spots or blotches on apple trees may in reality be caused primarily by the attack of the borer and that parasitic fungous attack is secondary. Professor Piper, however, writes that canker spots are common without the presence of larvae and that young canker spots seldom show any egg punctures. It is also possible, and even probable, that more than one fungus is present in limbs affected by the weevil, and further study will be neces- sary to establish the economic status of all the factors that contribute to the premature demise of the trees in the affected region. ■i:s a point that lends color to the hypothesis thai the beetle It capable of being a primary enemj is that congeneric Bpeoies are known to attack healthy tires, and hitherto, bo far as the writer can learn, no fungous disease has ever been associated with any of them, the same being true of other species of beetles related zoologically <>r of similar habits. The beetles were found to continue living in dead and dry limbs nearly or quite ;i year old, and t be presence of a fungous dig eon Id not be detected in them w hen examined in the Division of \ table Physiology and Pathology. There were also on the limbs exam ined numerous holes bom which the insects had issued and where the fungus had not been present. The cankerous spots were almost inva- riably attacked by the weevils, and we have the testimony of Professor Piper that the k> black spot' 7 ' was actually detected in these place-. It is hoped that another season may see these points made clear. PARASITIC ENEMIES. From the material in which the parasites were first detected thirty specimens of Chalcidids and one beetle were reared during the week ended April 12. Of this lot 17 were true parasites and 13 were hyper- parasitic. The primary parasite of this lot was identified by Mr. Ash- mead as au undescribed species of Dinotus, and of a subsequent rearing as Chiropachys colon Linn., a well-known parasite and efficient destroyer of the fruit tree bark-beetle (Scolytus rugulosus). The sec- ondary parasite is Asecodes aUntarsis Ashm. METHODS OF CONTROL. This apple-tree borer may prove a difficult insect to successfully combat unless future observation should show that its attack is mainly secondary to a*d dependent upon that of the fungus. In case it is shown that the insect is not dependent upon the fungus and that it attacks vigorous, healthy growth, insecticides and other direct reme- dies will be necessary. From the general maimer of the insect's work, it should prove ame- nable to the same treatment as that outlined for the fruit-tree bark- beetle in Circular No. 29 (2d ser., pp. 7, 8) of this Division. Clean cul- ture would, of course, be the first requisite. The use of mechanical barriers and deterrent washes, employment of girdled trap-trees, and the use of kerosene emulsion or creosote oil as insecticides are among the remedies advised against the bark-beetle. It will be noticed that Mr. Kerr ascribed the immunity of his trees from attack to an annual wash of lye applied to the trunks and limbs. Mr. Palmer states that a wash, composed of lime, soap, and carbolic acid is effective if applied early in spring (in British Columbia) and renewed at the end of May. 1 As this bulletin is going to press Professor Piper writes that the fungus in ques- tion is Macrophoma curvispora, recently described by Dr. C. H. Peck, from British Columbia (Bui. Torrey Bot. Club, Jan., 1900, p. 21). 44 There can be no doubt that the beetles could readily be reached by spraying the leaves, since observation has shown that they feed on the foliage of their host plants. Should it be proven that the fungus is the primary cause of injury, as is now apparently the case, all efforts should be directed toward the suppression of this fungus; but, as the subject of fungous diseases and their remedies does not come within the scope of this Division, it need not be discussed here. It may be said, in any case, that when a tree becomes badly infested by the insect it should be cut down and destroyed by burning, and. this should be done before the month of April to prevent the development of the insect and its issuance from the wood for the infestation of other trees. TWO NEW CECIDOMYIANS DESTRUCTIVE TO BUDS OF ROSES. By D. W. Coquillett. At intervals during the past twelve years complaints have reached this office in regard to certain kinds of insects which infest the buds of roses grown under glass, causing them finally to wither and turn black. The blossom buds as well as those for the production of wood and foli- age are thus attacked, and in several instances during an entire season not a single flower of certain varieties was produced in some of the rose houses owing to the depredations of these pests. For some curi- ous reason the only varieties of roses known to be subject to these attacks are the Meteor, Wooton, La France, and a sport of the latter known as the Duchess of Albany. Xo other variety of rose has been known to be attacked, although frequently grown in the same house side by side with plants of the kinds mentioned which had in some cases lost all of their buds. The pests in question are small legless larvae which are to be found within the buds at the bases of the outer scales, or sepals, if a blossom bud is examined. These larvae are of a white color when young, but become orange red in the latter part of their larval periods. Their manner of transformation is at present not known to the writer, but it is probable that they enter the earth and pass through their various changes in a cell or cavity formed just beneath the surface. So far as I am aware, they have never been known to attack roses grown in the open air, and this would seem to indicate that they were originally natives of some tropical region, from which they have been imported into this country either upon plants, cuttings, or in the soil in which the plants were imported. The earliest record of the occurrence of these pests in this country that has come to my notice is a letter dated September 29, 1886, accom- panied by specimens, addressed to this Department by Mr. Ernst Asmus, of West Hoboken, ]ST. J. This letter has already been pub- lished on page 284 of Insect Life for March, 1889, and is followed by a i i: second letter under date of January 18, L889, In which Mr. A.smoi records the discovery of this pesl in two other florists' establishments in his neighborhood. In the same periodica] for March, L891 p. 294 . la a letter from Mr. Benjamin Bammond, Fishkill, N. ST., under date of October 26, L890, relating to the same or a similar pest which has destroyed many bads of the Wooton rose grown under glass in his locality. More recently Mr. 1*. II. Dorsett, of this Department, lias published a short notice of an insect having t be same habits, recording his obser- vations of its attacks on the Meteor and La France roses grown under glass iii the vicinity of Washington, I). C. These are the only published references t<> < 'ecidomyian larvae attack- ing buds of roses in this country that have come under my notice, but the note-books of this Division indicate that they have been received from several localities besides those recorded above. dune 2, 1801, Mr. A. B. Cordley, at that time in the employ of this Division, detected larva' of this kind in the buds of rose bushes iu a florist's establishment in this city; they were under the sepals and usually occurred singly, but sometimes in clusters of five or six individuals. More of these larvse were obtained by him on the 5th of the following September, and from these the adult flies were bred on the 15th of the same month. April 30, 1894, larva? were received from Mr. W. J. Stewart, Boston, Mass. On October 22 of the same year Mr. Theodore Pergande, -of /his Division, investigated an outbreak of insects of this kind in one of the rose houses in the vicinity of Washington, D. C, and reported that they were first noticed by the owner three years previously, since which time they had steadily increased in numbers. They confined their attacks to the La France, Meteor, and Wooton roses, notwithstanding the fact that other varieties were growing among them. The pests were the most abundant during the latter half of the year, but became quite scarce during the winter season. October 15, 1897, larva? were received from Mr. Walter C. Wyman, Chicago, 111., who stated iu an accompanying letter that they infested the buds of the La France and Meteor roses iu a rose house in that city, and that other varieties of roses were untouched. He was familiar with the operation of this pest for the previous six years. In response to inquiry, Mr. L. E. Wood, Fishkill, X. Y., wrote that this species, which was reported, as already stated, by Mr. Benjamin Fig. 27. — Neocerata rhodophaga: adult much enlarged, antenna more enlarged at left (origiual). 48 Hammond as injurious at Fishkill in 1890, had again made its appear- ance in the summer of 1898, this being the first time it had been noticed since the appearance above recorded. In the autumn of 1896 Mr. Dorsett collected a number of infested branches of roses from the same rose house as that in which Mr. Cordley had found this insect, and placed them in a jar of water under a bellglass for the purpose of breeding the adult flies, 12 of which were found beneath the bellglass November 4 of the same year. These were placed in alcohol and recently presented to this Division. A compari- son of these specimens with those reared by Mr. Cordley reveals the fact that two different species, even belonging to different genera, are concerned in this destructive work. The single male and female speci- mens bred by Mr. Cordley belong to the genus Diplosis, and judging from the description and figure of Riibsaamen, are closely related to his Diplosis rosiperda which iu Germany has similar habits ( Verhandlungen der Kais.-Kon. zool.-botan. Gesell. Wien, 1892, p. 54, PI. II, figs. 7 and 8). The larvae of the two species, however, are very distinct; ours entirely lacks the so-called u breastbone"; the posterior end of the body is rounded and bears several short tubercles, but there is no trace of a pair of very long ones at the extreme apex of the body, nor of a pair of very lqng bristles anterior to them ; moreover, the surface of the body in our larva is comparatively smooth, even under a very high power, not showing a vestige of the minute tubercles wherewith the body of the allied species is densely covered. In order that our species may be recognized in the future, a description of it is given herewith : Diplosis rosivora new species. Female. — Antennae three-fourths as long as the head and body taken together, subeylindrical, fifteen jointed (2+13), first two joints slightly broader than the others, the first slightly longer than wide, the second as wide as long, the third about six times as long as its greatest width, noticeably longer than any of the others, tapering at the base, the apex suddenly narrowed into a petiole one-fifth as long as the remainder of the joint; other joints suddenly narrowed at the apex into a petiole, the thickened portion expanding slightly at its apex, bearing near its base a whorl of bristly hairs, its apical half sparsely covered with similar hairs; some of the hairs in the basal whorl are slightly longer than the entire joint from which they spriug; last joint almost one-half as long as the thickened portion of the preceding joint. Wings hyaline, rather densely covered with hairs, first vein reaching the costa slightly before the middle of the latter; third vein terminates slightly below the extreme wing-tip, the basal portion connecting it with the first vein quite indistinct; fifth vein branching slightly beyond the middleof the wing, the upper branch very indistinct toward its apex. Colors (in balsam), head black, antennae brown, palpi yellow, thorax dark brown, two subdorsal vitta j , the metathorax and front part of the breast yel- low, scutellum and abdomen orange yellow, hal teres yellow, an orang< yellow spot on each knob, legs yellow. Length 1.75 mm . 17 Male. Both antennae in the onlj specimen are broken off toward their apices, but were evidently almost twice as long as the bead and body taken together, apparently fifteen-jointed (2H L3)j flrsl joint slightly longer than wide, the second as wide as long, each of the remain Ing joints suddenly contracted into a petiole before the middle and again at the apex of each, the narrowed portions longer than the thick- ened part at their bases, the latter at the base of each joint bears ;i Whorl of bristly hairs, thai near the middle of each joint bears tWO whorls, one with few hairs at its base, the other with many more bain at its apex: the last joint is nearly twice as long as those near the mid- dle of the antenna, and the second thickened portion is greatly con- stricted at the middle, four times as Long as the thickening at the base of the joint, terminating in a slender proeess which is almost one half as long as the thickened portion. The fifth vein at the point where it forks is nearer to the hind margin of the wing than it is to the third vein, and the latter opposite this point is mueh nearer to the costa than to the fifth vein. Third tarsal joint slightly longer than the fourth and fifth taken together. Colors as in the female. Length 1.5""". The specimens bred by Mr. Dorsett belong to a new genus, differing from all others by the much smaller numbers of antenna! joints, and both the genus and species are characterized herewith. Neocerata rhodophaga new genus and species. Antennre in both sexes slightly shorter than the head and thorax taken together, nine-jointed; joint 1 obconical, 2 globular, wider than any of the others; joints 3 to 8 only slightly longer than wide, subsessile, the hairs very sparse, not arranged in whorls; joint 9 almost twice as long as 8, slightly constricted near the middle. Wings hyaline, bare except along the hind margin _ne^ the base and on the veins, which are sparsely bristly, rather densely bristly along the first half of the costa, interspersed with flattened bristles; the first vein lies very close to the costa, which it joins slightly before the middle of the wing; third vein evenly arcuate, joining the costa far before the extreme apex of the wing, this distance almost equaling one-half of the great- est width of the wing, the extreme base of this vein, where it joins the first vein, very indistinct; fifth vein indistinct toward its apex, forked at its last fourth, the anterior fork reaching the hind margin a short distance basally of the tip of the third vein. First tarsal joint less than one half as long as the second, claws of tarsi simple. Color of alcoholic specimens yellow, the head and thorax tinged with brown. Length, 1 to l^S""". Nine males and three females, bred November 4, 1890, by Mr. P. H. Dorsett. This fly is shown in fig. 27 highly magnified, the antenna still more enlarged at the left. The hair lines below show the actual size of the fly- The larva of this species is at present unknown to the writer. 48 Some of the rose growers whom I have visited inform me that they exterminated these pests in their rose houses by a continued and lib- eral use of Persian insect powder, and Mr. L. E. Wood writes that he has complete success in the use of California buhach, a very similar product, which has been recommended by this Division against this pest for years past. One grower assures me that he accomplished the same thing by a liberal use of refuse tobacco stems obtaiued from a cigar factory. These stems were placed beneath the benches on which the infested roses were growing, and some were also placed on the healing pipes. The stems were quite moist when obtained, and the heat of the rose house caused a constant evaporation, which was suf- ficiently deadly in its effects upon these fragile insects as to result in their death, without at the same time producing a perceptible injury to the rose bushes. The same grower also informed me that when these pests first made their appearance in one of his rose houses he had all of the rose bushes in that house cut off close to the ground, only to find that when these bushes began to grow the pests were soon apparently as abundant as before. A NEW VIOLET PEST. (Diplosis violicola n. sp.) By D. W. Coquillett. In Europe, two different species of Cecidomyia attack cultivated and wild violets — the one, Cecidomyia violas of Franz Low, dwarfing the entire plant and causing it to assume the form of a rosette through the working of the larvre at the bases of the short sessile leaves j the second species, the Cecidomyia affinis of Kieffer, folds and distorts the young leaves and unopened blossoms. It is somewhat curious that, although sweet violets have been somewhat extensively cultivated in this country for many years past, yet up to the year 1896 no complaint had been made of any Gecidomyian attacking either these or anj 7 of the many wild species of violets which occur in almost every locality in this country. On October 5 of the above mentioned year Mr. P. H. Dorsett, of this Department, brought to this office several leaves of sweet violets from the vicinity of Washington, D. 0., each of which was folded up in such a manner as to bring the upper surfaces together; the leaves were much wrinkled and distorted, and each contained from one to three whitish, or more or less yellow, legless larvne. Thirty one adults were bred from thesfe on the 23rd and 24th of the same month. Mr. Dorsett has published a brief account of this pest, which is known among florists as the "gall fly", together with figures of the distorted leaves. More recently Dr. Howard, by request of a correspondent, has published a brief account of this insect in a current publication. Plants of violets infested with what is evidently this same pest were received July 17, 1896, from Mr. W. A. Hammond, of Eichmond, 49 Va,, with tbe statement that these insects bad been quite destructive to his violets dnring the months of June and July for two years past. The attack waa principally directed against the youngest leaves, which in a short time turned browD and dropped from tin' plant. As many as a dozen larva? \\ ere somet imes found w ithiu a single folded leaf. September 9 and _i, 1897, larva- of this species were also received at this office from Mr. W. Davison, of Nyack, N. v.; and on August 31, L898, others were received from Mrs. J, II. M arbacher, Tappan, N. f. The latter stated in an accompanying letter that her violet plants were literally covered with these larvie in the folded and dis- torted leaves. From those received, .5 adults issued on the 9th ot tiie following months Fig. 2$.—Diplotiis violicola : a, female fly; b, female antennal joints; c, male genitalia; d, larva; e, breastbone of larva— a, L, much enlarged; c, d, e, more enlarged (original). Under date of October 12, 1898, Mrs. J. Sampson, Gordonsville, Ya., wrote that a " gall fly," presumably this species, bad been injurious to violets grown in beds during the early spring of that year, but all the infested leaves had been picked off and destroyed and no specimens were available at the date of writing. Writing under date of January 27, 1899, Mr. W. V. Y. Powers, Cornwall-on-Hudson, N. Y., stated that he had noticed this species about three years previously, and had been troubled with it more or less ever since. He was not certain that there was any connection between the appearance of this pest and the introduction of the so- called California violet, but stated that they both appeared the same year in his vicinity. 11608— No. 22 1 50 In a letter published December 3, 1898, Mr. Davison, mentioned above as having sent specimens of this insect to us for identification, states that his experience with this maggot convinces him that it is the worst enemy the violet grower has to contend with, owing to the extreme difficulty experienced in its destruction without injury to the plant. He says: It secretes itself in the crown of the plant; the leaves as they come up are tightly curled, and when unfolded there will he found 6 to 8 small white maggots. On some plants you can pick off the youug leaves until the crown is bare. Loosing the crown will cause the side crowns and runners to start; the latter must he taken off. The maggot seldom appears on the side crowns, giving them a chance to make good plants. The flowers will not he as large as crown flowers. 1 find when the maggot leaves the plant it goes into the ground. As proof of this, I placed 40 or 50 of the leaves containing maggots on a pot tilled with soil, covering the soil with glass, expecting in this way to see the maggot in the chrysalis state. At the end of two weeks, wanting to send some specimens to the Division of Ento- mology at Washington, I removed the glass, but the maggots were gone. I turned the soil out of the pot and found maggots all through the soil in the same state in which they left the leaves. He also expressed the belief that the fly was introduced with manure purchased from a person who collected garbage, as no flies were seen in his greenhouse previous to the introduction of this manure, aud the maggots were observed only where it was used. Further experience is necessary to confirm this opinion. The subject of the so-called gall flies which affect violets has also received mention by Mr. B. T. Galloway in his recently published hand- book on violet culture under the heading " Gall Fly Maggots." The nature of the injury is there described and remedies suggested. This account also includes a half-tone illustration reproduced from a photo- graph showing the twisted leaves of violets. This insect, although belonging to the same family as the two spe- cies already referred to as also attacking violets in Europe, pertains to a different genus; and while its work is very similar to that produced by the Cecidomyiu affinis, yet a comparison of the adult gall-gnats with the description of the last mentioned species reveals the fact that the two are very distinct, not only differing in the venation but also in the structure of the antenna?. Following is a description of our species : Diplosis violicola uew species. Antenna? in both sexes three-fifths as long as the body, li-jointed (2x12), the first two joints subequal in length, each as broad as long; third joint more than twice as long as the second and more slender, other joints becoming successively slightly shorter except the last one; joints 3 to 13 each slightly constricted near the middle, narrowed at the apex into a petiole, which, on the thirteenth joint, is almost one-half as long as the thickened portion of the joint; 2 whorls of bristly hairs on each of the joints from 3 to 13 inclusive, one near the base, the other near the apex of the thickened portion. Head aud thorax 51 black, the hairs yellow; antennae ami legs brown, balteres yellowish, sciiti'lhim and abdomen bright yellow, the bain also yellow. Wings gray, stronglj iridescent, thickly covered with short hairs; flnl rein extending rather close to the costa, terminating slightly before the middle of the wing; third veil! terminating distinctly below the extreme tip of the wing, its basal portion, connecting with the first vein, imperceptible; fifth vein forked near the middle, the anterior fori terminating midway between the apes <>r the posterior fork and of the tip of the third vein. Length 1.26' to l.oO lm ". The remedy generally employed against this pest consists in picking Off and destroying the infested leaves. It is also amenable to the hydrocyanic acid gas remedy, as detailed in Circular No. 37, 2d Ber., of this Division, and undoubtedly also to the bnhach insect pow- der, recommended as a specitic against the "gall Hies" on roses. Tobacco, however, can not be safely used to any great extent on violets grown under glass. INSECTS AND THE WEATHER: OBSERVATIONS DURING THE SEASON OF 1899. By P. H. Chittenden. Every economic entomologist receives from* time to time complaints regarding some insect which is stated to be new to the locality of the sender, and, among other questions, it is often asked, will the insect prove injurious and is it likely to reappear in future years? Such communi- cations usually apply to insects which are periodical in their attacks, common examples of which are to be found among the bill-bugs, numer- ous flea-beetles, cutworms, army worms, etc., and to introduced and other insects which are extending their ranger In the case of many species, such as certain forms of plant-lice, the imported cabbage worm, tussock moth, etc., we know from years of experience that para sites or other enemies are almost sure to check the later appearing individuals or later broods of the insect (if there be more than one generation annually), and we can usually predict a scarcity in numbers for one or two years to come, although we know that eventually there will probably be a repetition of the attack. Very often it happens, when we are unable to account for a sudden appearance or disappearance of an insect on the score of the activity of its natural enemies, parasitic, predaceous, fungous, or bacterial, that we give expression to the opinion that some atmospheric condition, heat or cold, dryness or moisture, is the principal element that has brought about its reported abundance or scarcity, as the case may be; but if asked to show in just what manner the weather has been responsible we sometimes hesitate before offering the desired information. Official entomologists report injury or scarcity of this or that insect 52 year by year in their annual reports, seldom giving the cause of rarity or abundance a thought. During the season which has just passed the writer has given some attention to this subject, particularly in its bearing upon insects affecting garden crops; and it is the object of this paper to explain certain of the apparent phenomena of sudden appear- ances and disappearances, the notes which follow being directed toward showing that certain southern, mostly Austroriparian, forms of insects occurring in and near the District of Columbia have been destroyed or lessened in numbers by recent severely cold weather (as well as by other causes), while certain northern, or Transition, species owe an evident very perceptible increase to the same cause. As a preliminary it will be necessary to define briefly the location of Washington as regards the life areas. THE LIFE ZONES ABOUT THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Inquiry of those who have collected for years in Maryland and Vir- ginia, within a radius of 100 miles of Washington, brings out the fact that many animals belonging to the Lower Austral, or more strictly Austro- riparian, life zone inay be found within about 65 miles southward, while a somewhat smaller number of Transition or Alleghanian forms occur within the same distance northward. At Piney Point, Md. ^zoologists, members of the Biological Survey of this Department, and others, have found certain birds nesting which are not known to breed farther north in this longitude. Mr. Schwarz, who has done considerable collecting in this vicinity, particularly of Coleoptera, informs me that many southern species occur there which have never been taken farther north, and that many of these have found their way up the Potomac into what is called the Eastern Branch, as far north as Bladensburg, Md. (about 7 miles east aud a little north of Washington), that are identified with the Lower Austral life zone and are seldom to be found much farther north. Northward the exact southern limit of the Transition life zone does not appear to be so well defined. Some Subboreal aud many Transition forms of Coleoptera, Mr. Schwarz has observed, are to be found on some of the highest mountains near Harpers Ferry and between that point and Penmar, in Pennsylvania, bordering the Maryland State line. During the writer's first years in the city of Washington he was impressed with the scarcity of individuals of many of the species which were usually to be found in so much greater numbers farther north, and was at first at a loss to account for the fact. Finally it was surmised that the wanner weather of fall and winter interfered with the proper hibernation of many species, the warm spells which are usually experienced here during the wiuter inducing the hibernating insects to come forth from their retreats and the subsequent sudden cold snaps, for which this district is noted, being responsible for their decrease, many of the insects being killed or so injured that they were unable to survive the winter. Washington is situated well within the Carolinian area of the Upper Austral life gone, bul collectors who have given the Btud) <>r the dii tribntion of animals any attention are aware that theinaecl fanna of tlic northern portion of the Carolinian and thai of the southern portion of the same life area differ to a very considerable extent. Although many Bpeeies arc common to both regions, certain tonus will be much more abundant cither in the northern or in the southern extremities. In other words, there are present iii the sou t hern end many forms whieli properly belong to the Austroriparian section of the Lower Austral, while the northern portion has a preponderance of Transition or AJle ghanian Bpeeies. The District of Columbia occupies a place in the Carolinian fauna! area about midway between the two extremities. Many of the north- ern or Alleghanian species are rarely met with in numbers save in exceptionally favorable seasons, like that of L899, while the southern or Austroriparian forms which inhabit this latitude are usually to be found in all years. SOUTHERN CHARACTER OF THE INSECT FAUNA OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. In the Heteroptera we find perhaps the most noticeable examples from the southern life zones. A very considerable number of large conspicuous southern species 1 habitually occur here, and their usual normal northern limit is not far north of here in Maryland, except near the coast line, where many species of this, as well as of other orders, go considerably farther north than they do inland, some extending into southern Xew Jersey and parts of Pennsylvania, and a few following the coast to the shores of Long Island. A notable feature in connection with the occurrence of the northern spscies of Coleoptera in this vicinity is that they are mostly vernal, appearing late in March or early in April if the season favors or in just about the same temperature which induces them to issue from their winter quarters a month and more later in their more northern habitat. 2 Injurious species which appear at this time include the white-pine weevil (Pissodes strobi), certain other weevils and Scolytids which infest 1 Among these species may be mentioned: Leptoylossus corciihis. Metapodius termi- nalis, Archimerus calcarator, Eitthoctha galeator, Ectrichodia oruciata, Chanesterus an- tennator, Stenopoda ciiliciformis, Xarvesus earolinensis, Pnirontis injirma, Pygolatupis pectoralis, and Laryus ductus, many of which are usually abundant. Of rarer but conspicuous species occasionally taken here are Sirthenea carinata and Tetyra bi- punctata. The former has been taken only at light; the latter on Pinus inojjs early in spring. 2 Many Lower Austral forms which have become injurious in this region are on the other hand remarkably late in their occurrence in the held, some of them produc- ing an extra generation here after the native species have gone into hibernation. 54 conifers, Orsodachna atra, Crepidodera helxines, and other species which are associated with willow. 1 The other orders of insects doubtless present equally striking exam- ples of the preponderance of southern forms here, but they have not been very closely studied by the writer, and enough has been said to show that the fauna is in the main southern. EFFECT OF THE COLD WINTER OF 1898-99. During the season of 1899 the writer was impressed quite early in the year with the unusual scarcity of certain species which we know are more abundant in the South, and which for the most part have been introduced from warmer districts, and the corresponding abun- dance of many species which, though not peculiar to the North, are more thoroughly acclimated there, and are usually more abundant and destructive in colder climates. This was particularly noticeable of the species which affect garden crops, a group of insects which has engaged the attention of the writer in recent years. The cause of this was not far to seek. The blizzard which began February 5 was one of the greatest severity, and the weather was the coldest that has been experienced for more than twenty years. 2 The winter as a whole was an unusually cold one, with few warm spells, and it was a long time after the blizzard before warm weather was experienced. 3 These conditions would be conducive to the perfect hibernation of Northern species, but would be destructive to Southern ones. A few of the best observed examples of the effects of the cold winter weather of 1898-99 will be given, beginning with a consideration of Southern forms. 4 1 Among conspicuous southern species of Coleoptera occurring near Washington are: Helluomorpha bicolor and nigripennis, PMleurus valgus, Hopliatrivialis, Canthon cyanellus, Macrodactylus angustatus, (Erne rigida, Heterachthes ebenus, Cur'uts dentatus, Liopus crassulus, Sinoxylon texanum, Acanthocinus, nodosus, Tetrops canescens, Hypo?', hagus punctulatus, Zabrotes obliterans and subnitens, Bruchus obsoletus and Apion segnipes. Amoug northern forms which are to be found in the boreal zone are: Phellopsis obcordata, Enchodes sericea, Boros tinicolor, Laricobius erichsoni and Phyxelis rigidus. 2 From notes made by Mr. Clifton, of this office, in his private diary, and which he has kindly placed at my disposal, I am able to state that heavy snows ensued for the three days following the 4th of February ; on the 9th the thermometer sunk to several degrees below zero, continuing below for the next two days; heavy snow fell on the 11th, and the blizzard came on the 12th and 13th, traffic being suspended on the latter day and the day following ; on the 16th there was heavy rain and freezing. On the 7th of March a smaller blizzard visited the neighborhood, following a warmer spell. :i Very much the same conditions have been present over a wide extent of the country east of the Mississippi Valley, as evidenced by correspondence from both west and south. Certain of the correspondence from southern observers will be quoted. Letters were also received from different portions of Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan in regard to the winter weather conditions and its effects upon insects. 4 It was not alone, perhaps, the severity of the winter of 1898-99 that brought about these conditions as regards the scarcity or abundance of all the insects under observation, since the previous winter was also colder than normal, and without doubt had its effect on some of these species, although evidently not upon others. The effects of the last cold spell were felt upon plants as well as insects, peach trees particularly suffering, as well as certain exotic ornamental trees which were intro- duced here several years previously. B0AB0IT1 OP SOUTHERN POBM8 0] i\m;< t LIFE i\ L899, Prominent among the Southern Bpeoies of insects which were notice able by their scarcity in L899 was the harlequin cabbage bug, Murgantia histrionicn, which has conic nort hwnrd from warmer States in reeent years. This bug has been the most injurious <>f all garden peats for several years past in the District of Columbia aud aear-by points of Maryland ami Virginia. The first generation of the bug was found this year only upon wild criicil'eis and not abundantly on these, and with moderate tare on the part of the tanner in destroying the first brood practically no trouble would have been experienced with later generations. Even as it is but trifling damage has been done by this species, although in some small tields some injury lias been committed, especially late in the season. The tobacco tlea-beetle, Epitriv parvula, which lias been quite iujurious in the past, and was particularly numerous last year when nearly every leaf of tobacco in many districts was ''peppered" with holes, was rare the present season, comparatively speaking, its effects being scarcely perceptible on most plants inspected. The imbricated snout beetle, Epiccvrus imbricatus, though several times observed, was rarer than in several years. The green June beetle, Allorhina nitida, though locally not really rare, was much less common than usual, and not nearly so abundant as last year. Col. W. Eives reported it extremely scarce at Rives, Md., as did also Mr. A. T. Goldsborough at Wesley Heights, D. C. The squash-vine borer, Melittia mtyriniformis, appeared so late in the season that large crops of cymblings were obtained without diffi- culty, something that was an impossibility, owing to the numbers of the insect, during the season of 1897 and 1898. Later in the season the species showed its presence, but nofr in such excessive numbers as in former years. The two Pyralid borers of cucurbit fruits, the so-called pickle worm, Margaronia nitidalis, and melon caterpillar, ,1/. hyalinata, were neither of them to be found, though frequent search was made for them. The former was observed in considerable abundance in 1897, doing appre- ciable injury in this vicinity, but could not be found in 1898. The lat- ter was observed, although rarely, in 1898. The cabbage Pionea, Pionea rimosalis, was not found at all in the neighborhood during the season, although many cabbage patches were visited in the course of investigation of insects affecting cruciferous crops. Southward the species was present in some numbers and did appreciable damage. Specimens received in the fall were parasitized. The garden webworm, Loxostege simiJalis, was not noticed once the . past season, although search was made for it. Specimens, however, were received from Georgia, and moths as well as larvre were numerous during two years preceding. This is very obviously a Southern species, as it extends its range into South America, from which it has spread northward. 56 The Northern leaf-footed plant-bug, Leptoglossus oppositus, though uot a species of great importance, was rarely seen as compared with the previous two years; and the same is true of a species of similar habits and economic status, the horned squash bug, Anasa armigera. Of the effect of the cold winter in the South, Mr. H. M. Simons, Charleston, S. C, wrote in response to our suggestion concerning the effect of the climatic conditions upon the imported cabbage webworm, Helluld undalis, that the cold weather had probably caused the decrease of this insect which he had noticed for the season of 1899. He wrote July 22 that the previous winter had been unusually severe, being marked with snaps of intense coldness. It is just such weather as this, in the writer's opinion, that would destroy many individuals of an insect which is not yet thoroughly acclimatized with us, since such sudden changes and severely cold spells are practically never experi- enced in the Old World regions to which this insect is native. Mr. N. L. Willet reported a similar scarcity at Augusta, Ga., saying that it was a difficult matter to obtain specimens until the last of August, when practically the first evidence of attack became manifest. Both of these gentlemen reported serious injury the previous year. The larger corn stalk-borer, Diatrcea saccharaUsj was also extremely rare in those localities where it was found abundantly in 1898 and prior to that time. Several fields were visited where individuals had been observed in numbers previously and only a single chrysalis was found after several hours' search. At the same time that the stalk-borer was being observed a close watch for the corn -ear worm, Heliothis armiger, was made. This was comparatively rare upon corn and other crops which it is known to infest. 1 In one locality, however, it was reported troublesome and the later generations did some injury, but sweet corn which it generally injures seriously was very little affected. In Mississippi this species did extensive damage the present year to beans by boring into the pods. The American locust, Schistocerca americana, which is usually suffi- ciently abundant a few miles south of Washington to attract attention, was not noticed at all in 1899 in any of the frequent visits paid to the localities where it has always abounded in previous years until Sep- tember 23, when a single individual was seen, a few others being observed later. ABUNDANT NORTHERN FORMS OF INSECTS IN 1899. One of the most noticeable of the Northern species which were injurious the present season was the imported cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapce, the first generation of which destroyed many early cabbages. The later individuals of this first generation, it was observed, were very x Tbe fall army worm, Laphygma frugiperda, practically replaced the last two men- tioned insects, being often found, while in search for them, working on com in a somewhat similar manner. 57 extensively parasitized in then- larval condition i>\ their two moat common parasitic enemies, and t<> these we may ascribe the comparative immunity from later generations of the pest. The cabbage ourculio, ( leutorhynchua rapa . ooenrred in myriads early in the season on wild orucifers, bat did ool attack cabbages at the time when they were planted in gardens. The ae* generation of beetles attacked cabbage and other crucifers, 1 »u t these had 1 1 1 ;i < i «* such good growth that n<> trouble was experienced. The clover- leaf weevil, Phy tonomus punctatus, was observed in the hitter part of August by the writer, as well as by Messrs. Schwarz and Pratt, in greater numbers than ever seen before in this locality. The common rhubarb eiirculio, Lixus concavus, was similarly abundant early in the season in most fields visited, attacking every plant of rhubarb and dock and puncturing often every stalk and leaf-stalk. The zebra caterpillar, Mamestra picta, though reported to occur con- siderably farther south than the District of Columbia, had not been observed by the writer here until the present year, when considerable numbers were seen. The plum moth, Qrapholitha prunivora, which is somewhat of a pest in Canada and some of our most northern States, was quite abundant the past summer in some orchards, attacking and destroying both plums and apples. The imported currant worm, Pteronus ribesii, was also among the injurious species found the present year; but most noticeable of all was the abundance of insects which affect strawberry, blackberry, and simi- lar rosaceous crops. Among these were the oblique-banded leaf-roller ( Caccecia rosaceana) ; an allied species, Lozotcenia clemensiana ; the rasp- berry sawtiy (Monophadnus rubi); the raspberry leaf-roller (Exartema pennundana) ; the common strawberry leaf-roller (Phoxopteris comptana), and the raspberry cane-borer {Oberea bimaculata). Most of these were exceedingly numerous and were equally scarce in former years. Some were discovered for the first time the present year on rosaceous crop plants in this vicinity. ON SPECIES COMMON TO NORTH AND SOUTH. Thus far we have considered insects which are for the most part distinctly Southern, at least in their origin, or that are confined more particularly to the ^orth or are at least more injurious there than far southward. Of the occurrence this year of species which are usually about equally abundant and troublesome in most States of the North and South, I am unable to draw any deduction. On the whole, how- ever, many of these, which include a very considerable portion of our injurious species, were locally scarce, more so thau in previous years, but the writer at present finds it impossible to account for this on the l The reasons for the retention of the above name for the cabbage curculio will be given in a forthcoming bulletin. 58 score of the weather. For example, the squash ladybird, EpUachna borealUj which is a thoroughly acclimated species coming originally, though a great many years ago, from the South, was unusually trouble- some in some localities and scarce in others. The same is true of l>ia- brotica vittata, the striped cucumber beetle. Of periodically injurious species that were troublesome the present year about Washington, and that do not fall readily into either the Northern or Southern group, are the fall army worm (Laphygmafrugi- per da), grass bill- bug (Sphenophorw parvulus), pale-striped llea-beetle (Systeiia blanda), bean leaf-beetle (Cerotoma trifurcata). and the destruc- tive green pea louse [Nectarophora destructor Johns. MSS.). The fall army worm and other cutworms are not apparently very susceptible to changes of the weather. The bill-bugs hibernate in the adult stage, and in this condition are among the most difficult insects to destroy, being long lived and exceedingly tenacious of life. The plant-lice, though delicate in structure, are really capable of enduring a considerable variation of temperature, and are to be found in activity after severe frosts and long after most insects have sought their win- ter quarters. It is matter of common observation that they are less affected by cold and by the sudden changes which destroy many insects in wintej than by heat and dryness, or by dampness or humidity. Prolonged cloudy, wet, or humid weather favors their multiplication, because it is practically only in sunny weather that the parasites of plant-lice are active. The Chrysomelidae, which includes the leaf-beetles and flea-beetles, with but few exceptions, hibernate as adults, and are also unusually vigorous when in this stage, the tobacco flea-beetle being apparently an exception. COMPARISONS WITH OBSERVATIONS 3IADE IN OTHER STATES. The observations conducted by the writer in Maryland. Virginia, and the District of Columbia just mentioned, and the deductions drawn therefrom, were independent of those reported by other economic writers, and to bring out this fact more clearly and to show that the conclusions were drawn from personal observation originally, the reports of Messrs. Johnson. Webster, and Quaintance on the same and similar insects, as well as those of Messrs. Marlatt and Scott on the effect of the recent weather on scale insects, are referred to in different paragraphs. The manuscripts from which the notes which follow are taken reached me about the middle of September, after most of my observations had beeu written down, and as the papers in question have already been published in a previous bulletin of this series (Bui. No. 20, n. s.), where particulars are given, the different species will be only briefly mentioned. To begin with, the different species reported by Professor Johnson as injurious during the season in Maryland, the currant worm, Pteronus ribesii, was described as a serious pest throughout the State, and was 59 reported also to have done much iujurj at I ienderaon, B j . The gi ape \ine flea-beetle, Haltica chalybea^ which maj i»<- considered ;i Northern Bpeeies, was also yerj abundant in the northern part <>t Maryland and many complaints were made of injury t<> grape leaves and unfolding buds. The harlequin cabbage bug was so rare in tin- State a- t<> have been mentioned bj Professor Johnson as bardly to have been seen by li i in during the season, only one complaint having been received at his office, as compared with very serious injury inflicted the previous season. The imported cabbage worm. Fieri* ri* impieal ori-in, ;iml tin- in-ects which affect them are for the mod part tobefonod In the Tropics, from which region they have extended In comparatively recent times north of tli< j Lower Austral life /one. The squash Tine borer will probably not suil'ci- any great diminution, but the pickle worm and the melon caterpillar, being more truly southern and being apparently actually absent from this region at the present time, wilJ doubtless require mi era] years before they can regain ;i foothold here, Buch at l<-;i-t as (he former species had in L897 (See liulletin No. L9, p. II). The leaf tooled plttUt-bug and horned squash bug are somewhat better calculated to survive a cold spell than many species BO distinctly Lower Austral as these appear to be. The pests of cabbage and other cruciferous crops have been con trolled more particularly by parasites, although the weather doubtless assisted greatly. It' I may be understood as being more specific with- out being subject to the charge of prognosticating, I would say that the harlequin cabbage bug should be on the whole rare next year at the beginning of the season, though it may be fairly abundant in some few limited localities, particularly late in the season and in the absence of an attempt to control it. Even in the case of the last generation, which appears to be the third, this was so small in individuals in 1899 that under any circumstances enough should not survive to work exten- sive injury. Such specimens of the cabbage looper as were collected here and received from the South were mostly parasitized, and this species ought to be held in check by its parasites alone. The imported cabbage butterfly, though numerous early in the season, was apparently almost completely killed off by parasites. As the cabbage Piouea was not once observed all season in 1899 further comment is superfluous. Leaving out the insect enemies of cucurbits and cruciferous crops, which have been largely reduced in this region by the cold spell or par- asites, there remain for cucurbits a few species of importance. These include the striped cucumber beetle, common squash bug, melon louse, and squash ladybird. Parasitic and other natural enemies of the first three were noticed to be unusually active throughout the season and their services should have due effect in decreasing the pests for another year, but in spite of these it may happen that any one or all four will be troublesome, at least locally. Of the principal specific cruciferous plant pests which have not been mentioned, the cabbage louse, diamond-back moth, and flea-beetles, were all present during the year, but not in sufficient numbers to jus- tify any fear that any of them will be especially and extensively trou- blesome next season. PROBABLE DECREASE IN OTHER INSECTS AFFECTED BY COLD. Of other pests mentioned as rare during 1899 on account of the sever- ity of the winter, the tobacco flea-beetle, imbricated snout-beetle, gar- den webworm, and corn stalk borer will probably not again resume 62 their abundance of recent years for one or more seasons to come, unless unknown influences are involved. We can scarcely expect future scarcity of the corn-ear worm unless another severe and blizzard-marked winter is in store, as this insect increased in numbers with the advance of the season until, toward the closing days of September, it was fairly abundant in corn fields, though not injurious in gardens. The immediate future of the American locust is also doubtful. Both of these species are strong fliers, and favorable winds might bring either in considerable numbers and to a great distance northward in a year or two and the two species again be as common as ever. NORTHERN SPECIES APPARENTLY BENEFITED BY COLD WINTERS. This brings us to the subject of the species which are more at home in colder regions, and which were apparently benefited by the cold spell in their hibernation. A study of the insects affecting strawberry, blackberry and other rosaceous garden crops in the vicinity of the Dis- trict of Columbia goes to show that we have in this region only one species which is really of prime importance in ordinary years, the straw- berry weevil, which it might be mentioned was reported injurious the past year as in nearly every year for the past decade and more. The other insect enemies of these crops are, with scarcely an exception, Northern species, and we may expect a continuance and possibly an increase of these provided the cold weather prevails throughout the winter 1899-1900. The same is true of the insects which affect the currant and gooseberry, only one of which, the imported currant worm, has been noticed injurious in this viciuity in recent years. SOME GENERALIZATIONS. Finally, I wish to emphasize a remark made by Dr. Howard in a discussion of the geographical distribution within the United States of certain insects injuring cultivated crops and brought out in referring to the American locust (Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., Vol. Ill, p. 225), which my own observations substantiate. It is that in certain forms of insects the winter temperature must have some effect in determining distribu- tion. While admitting that the past winter was exceptional as regards temperature, the writer feels confident in carrying conclusions still far- ther in stating that in his opinion, based upon the study of the effect of that winter on injurious Northern and Southern forms of insects occuring in that portion of the Carolinian or humid life areas of the Austro riparian and Alleghanian zones (a climate like that of the Dis- trict of Columbia), mean winter temperature has more effect upon deter mining the rarity or abundance of these species than has the mean summer temperature. These observations tend to show, also, what has 68 been long known in regard bo plant growth and theoretically of In eel that sadden ohaugea hi the winter temperature, snob as " freezes w oi severe and protracted cold "snaps" w hioh sometimes folloi nnseasonably warm spells, are more inimical boinseol lifehere and particularly when these occur after \\ arm, sunny days In earlj Bpring or late w Inter n hen many species arc t cm pied to issue prematurely from their winter quar ters) than are hot spells In Bummer or autumn and periods <»r long drought. 1 in Kansas a mi other States of the middle West, and especially southward in the arid region of the Upper and Lower A.ustral (Sonoran) areas, the contrary . according to Mr. Marian. Is true owing to the greater frequency and length of droughts iii that region. During the entire season of L899 not a single instance came under notice of an insect which was lessened in cumbers to any appreciable extent by atmospheric conditions existent during the summer. During the season of 1 SIX), on the other hand, it was noticed of two Species, the Colorado potato beetle and the common asparagus beetle,' whose larva' tcod freely exposed upon their host plants, that the intense heat of that summer had the effect of killing them off in a very marked degree. It also appears to me what has been observed by Mr. Marlatt in the case of scale insects (Bui. No. 20, n. s., p. 73), is true in general, viz, that favorable or unfavorable climatic conditions are of greater impor- tance in determining the abundance or scarcity of insects as a whole than are other natural checks such as parasitic and other enemies, or even fungous or bacterial diseases. The year that has just passed, with its blizzards and low temperatures, was an exceptioual one, and for that very reason had so striking an effect as to have called forth general remark on the part of the botan- ist, fruit grower, and in fact all others interested in plant life as well as the entomologist, and it is in just such years that we are best able to observe the effect of the weather and to draw conclusions as to the particular factors which conduce toward the preservation of the balance of nature. 1 This subject is treated more fully by Dr. Howard iu his artiele, entitled tl Tem- perature experiments as affecting received ideas on the hibernation of injurious insects/' and in the discussion which followed the presentation of that paper before the meeting of the Association of Economic Entomologists in 1897 (Bui. No. !'. n. s., pp. 18, 19). It was conclusively shown by Dr. Howard, through an experiment con- ducted by Dr. A. M. Eead, with larva; of Tineela buelliella and Attagenus piceus, that a consistent temperature of 18° F. would not destroy these insects, but that an alternation of a low temperature with a comparatively high one invariably resulted in the death of both. 2 The latter species affords an excellent example of the effect o-f temperature in limiting the distribution of an introduced insect northward and southward, the cold " snaps" killing off" the hibernating beetles in the northern limits of the species and the hot dry spells of summer effecting a similar result in respect to the larva' in its southern limit (see writer's remarks in Yearbook Dept. Agr. for 1896, p. 374). 64 The subject is one of considerable interest and promise, but fraught with difficulties. In the writer's opinion, several years of careful study of different species, and particularly of most of those which have re- cently been under observation, together with all of the elements which tend to produce an increase or decrease in their numbers, would be productive of definite conclusions as to the cause of these fluctuations. FOOD PLANTS AND INJURY OF NORTH AMERICAN SPECIES OF AGRILUS. By F. H. Chittenden. At the time of the publication of an article on the bronze birch borer, Agrilus anxius Gory, in Bulletin No. 18 (n. s., pp. 44-51), which appeared in January, 1899, it was intended to include some observations on the habits of other species of Agrilus, together with a summary of the known host trees of other North American species, and the paper which is presented here was prepared with that intention. Lack of space, however, prevented its publication at that time, and it is now presented as a separate article, together with a few additions resulting from observations during the past season. The Buprestid genus Agrilus includes five species which have been reported to be injurious to birch and poplar, chestnut and oak, Lombardy poplar, raspberry and blackberry, and pear trees, respectively ; and there is strong likelihood that some others, which will receive mention in this article, may assume destructive habits at any time. In the notes which follow special mention of injury by different species of Agrilus a sum- mary is given of all the North American species whose food habits are known, together with their host plants, dates of appearances, and refer- ences to published records of their habits. In the preparation of this portion of the article the writer has made free use of Divisional notes and is particularly indebted to Mr. E. A. Schwarz for kindness in placing at his disposal many unpublished notes based on the observations of the late H. G. Hubbard and himself on the food plants of species mostly of the Southwestern States. THE BRONZE BIRCH BORER. As the subject of the biology and remedies to be applied to this species has lately become a special study on the part of Prof. M. V. Slin- gerland, of the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, it has not been given the same attention at this office since the publica- tion of the writer's former article on this insect that would otherwise have been given it. A few facts, however, have been reported by cor- respondence and others have come under observation through office rearings which are of interest and which may be appropriately recorded here in connection with what will be said concerning other species of the same genus. 66 Further report* of conditions at Buffalo, x. )'. in b letter dated Deoember2, 1898, Mr. M. r. Adams stated that the trees In Delaware Park, Buffalo, n. v., were infested ;»i a time prior to those in which the insect was iir>! discovered and subsequently reported to this office, it was learned from Bomeof the park employees thai the health ol the biroh trees there were Impaired by a little sapsocker presumed Pious (Dryobates) pubescent. This bird was believed to have seriously injured the trees, which brought the condition of the Bap to the liking of the borer, ami it multiplied so freely thai it was afters ard ! driven to attack and has been the primary cause of the death of many healthy trees. This was effected through the carelessness of allowing the first trees attacked to remain Standing, or in wood piles, all of which aided in the accumulation of the pest. On the other hand, our correspondent states that a tree which he had under observation during the past few years, and which is located on the outskirts of the city, was until very recently in apparently vigorous condition. It did not show the attack either by a plant-louse (presum- ably a species ot'Callipterus), which was found in a central part of the city, nor the sapsucker which injured the trees in Delaware Park. It had plenty of fertilizer in the way of manure water, etc., and many remarked what a beautiful and healthy tree it was. Toward fall, how- ever, it began to show signs of infestation by this insect and upon examination it was found to be seriously affected in the larger limbs. In the central part of the city our correspondent believes that this plant-louse has brought the trees to a condition that has subjected them to the attack of the birch borer. Reported occurrence in the ]Yest. — June 11, 1899, Prof. F. C. Newcombe, of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., wrote that what was without doubt this species, and which he designated as the white-birch borer, had been in that locality for two or three years and had killed half the white birches in the city of Ann Arbor. Recent office observations. — From samples of infested wood sent from Buffalo by Mr. Adams the following spring and kept in a cool place in as near natural conditions as possible the beetles began issuing the second week of May. Possibly in a more sunny exposure they might issue as early as the first week of May. A single parasite was reared, the chalcidid Phasgonophora sulcata Westw. which began issuing about two weeks after the adult beetles and continued after they had all issued from the wood. This parasite has other hosts as it has been reared by the writer from Japanese redbud {Cercis japonica) infested by Chrysobothris femorata, the most likely host. Adults issued July 8, Washington, D. 0. AGRILUS OTIOSUS SAY: A SPECIES LIKELY TO TROVE TROUBLESOME. March 12, 1887, pieces of bark of maple infested by the larvre of a species of Agrilus were received from Mr. F. M. Webster, at that time located at Lafayette, Ind. Mr. ^Vebstel• stated in his accompanying 11608— No. 22 5 letter of March 10 that within a year a whole row of maple trees on a street had died, one after another, and the trees were then being dug up. An investigation of the trees disclosed the presence of numerous larvae of Agrilus, which our correspondent believed to be the cause of the trouble. In our rearing cages the beetles began to issue April 18, continuing until the 23d. The species concerned proved to be Agrilus otiosus Say. During the spring of 1893 all stages of this Agrilus were taken by the writer in abundance on a dying tree of the flowering dogwood (Cornus jiorida) growing in the suburbs of Washington, in the District of Columbia. Field observations began during the first week of May and continued until the end of the month. May 18 the majority of the insects were turning to imagos, some having developed at that time. Larva? taken from the pupal chamber May 6 transformed to pupae on the 13th and to imagos the 28th, the duration of the pupal stage having been fifteen days. The pupal cells were constructed in the wood just beneath the bark and at varying angles to the grain of the wood, seldom at right angles, though often approaching it. The exact dimensions of the galleries and their general character were not observed at this time further than to note that in these respects the work of this species resembled that of the two-lined chestnut borer, A. bilineatus. Dogwood appears to be the favorite food tree of this species, but it is probably a somewhat general feeder. The writer has reared the beetles from butternut and redbud (Gercis canadensis) in June, and has seen individuals sunning themselves on dead box-elder under such circum- stances as to lead to the belief that this was also a food plant; and there is record in Packard's Fifth Report of the United States Entomo- logical Commission (p. 376) of the beetles of this species feeding on freshly formed foliage at the tips of new growths of locust. Dr. Blanch- ard, in his list of Massachusetts Buprestidae (loc. cit.), notes the common occurrence of this species on oak shrubs in June and July, and the late Dr. John Hamilton (Tr. Amer. Ent. Soc, Vol. XXII, p. 364) adds that it breeds in oak. Dr. A. D. Hopkins states that it "infests bark on dead twigs and branches of hickory and black walnut," the adults being found from April 14 to July 25. (Bui. No.32, W. Va. Ag. Exp. Sta.,p.l83.) The same writer has mentioned the attack of some species of Agrilus, perhaps the one under consideration, on Cornus jiorida. (Insect Life, Vol. VII, p. 198.) In the writer's experience it infests particularly the larger limbs of its host trees. THE TWO-ilNED CHESTNUT BORER. July 8, 1899, Mr. C. G. Hatcher, Macon, Ga., sent specimens of the larva of what is with little doubt Agrilus bilineatus Weber, with report that it threatened the extermination of the wild chestnut trees on his plantation in Crawford County, Ga. Fifty years ago, he writes, the 67 chestnuts were abundant in that section, but are now on a steady and swift decline. The specimens Bent wen token from ;i i.n-' hit about half dead and very badly infested With this borer, the leaves having wilted at this time. The characteristic channels <>f this specie A m ilns could be seen on the trunk to ;i distance of about 7 led. inn oing under the bark across the cambium. Theinsect appeared to kill the trees about the month of May, the trees dying in a few weeks alter attack (presumably after the emergence of the adults), the leaves look- ing as if they had been scorched. LIST »>i sen iks and 11IKIK POOD PLANTS. .(. ahdiirtiis Horn. — Observed by the late 1 1. (J. Hubbard and by Mr. B. A. Behwsrz at Oracle, Ariz., on Queroua arizonioa, July 7 (unpublished not. . I. (ibshrsus Horn. — Reared by Hubbard and Behwarz from twigs <>f Acacia greggii at Santa Rita Mountains, Arizona, in May (unpublished). A. aoutipennit Mann. — On foliage of oak shrubs, June, duly, Mass. — Blanchard i Km. Amer., Vol. V, p. 32). A variety was taken by Dr. Blanchard on poplar sprouts (Tr. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XVIII, p. 308). A. auxins Gory. — The bronze birch borer. Injurious to birch (Betula dlba,papy- r if era, etc.), and willow (Salix discolor) and probably to poplar, June, July, central and western New York. — See writer's article in Bui. No. 18, n. s. , Div. Ent., pp. 44-51. A. arcttatw Say. — Beaten from oak, elm, and hazel.— Stromberg, Can. Ent., Vol. XXVI, ]>. 36. Var.ooryK "Ou the hazel" (Corylus americana), June, July, Mass. — Blanch. (I.e.). A. bilineatua Weber. — The two-lined chestnut borer. Injurious to living chestnut (Castduca dtntata) and oak of several species, May-July, D. C. — See articles by writer in Bui. No. 7, n. s., Div. Ent., pp. 67-75; Circ. No. 24, 2d ser., pp. 1-8. Mr. Harrington has taken it upon beech and believes it to infest that tree (Rept. Ent. Soc. Ont. 1§96, p. 71). A. couesii Lee. — "On Mentzella nuda v Santa F<5, N. Mex., Aug. 3. — T. I). A. Cock- erell (Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc., p. 150, Sept., 1897). A. cuneus Lee. — Bred from Croton capitatum; ftlso occurs on Croton eleagnifolium in Texas. — Schwarz (unpublished note). A. difficilis Gory, (occidentalis Uhler). — " Obtained from a species of willow," Indiana— Uhler (Proc. Ac. Phila., Vol. VII, p. 416, 1855). A. i the plants were badly Injured. This was especially ti ne in case of tbe Bmilax, t be upper leave i of I be carnations, ami the lettuce. .Much Of the latter, which was Verj -mall and in full light, was killed, while some that w;i^ shaded Bhowed much less injury. The smiln\ ami earnnt ions recovered in tunc, hut received a severe Check. As will DC seen later, smila\ and more delicate plants bave been subjected to doable the strength of gas in darkness without injury. I A I KKIMl \ I I. Conditions. — Made Nov. 27, L 897, in sunlight, in a glass l><>\ contain- ing nearly 42 cu. ft. The following proportions were used: 2.1 .mams (l oz. cyanide of potassium to 570 ft.) of potassium cyanide, liberated with 2.1 " water and 2.1 °« sulphuric acid: temperature of box, 63° F.j plants treated were Asparagus plumosus, veronicas, roses, cinerarias, begonias, and chrysanthemums; the insects upon these plants were mealybug, "green fly," scale, and Fuller's rose beetle (Aramigus fuller i); there were 2 plants each of smilax and roses, one sprinkled with water, the other dry. The box was closed for 30 minutes. Results. — Some of the green tiies commenced to drop in three minutes. There was no apparent injury at close of fumigation, but December 2 nearly all plants showed some injury. Most of the insects were killed, but the rose beetles were not much injured. EXPERIMENT II. Conditions. — Made November 27, 1897, in same glass box; in dark ness; potassium cyanide used, 1 oz. to 285 cu. ft., with same proportions of acid and water as before; temperature 55° F. ; time fumigated, 25 minutes; plants used: 2 genistas, 2 cupheas, 2 veronicas, and 2 coleus; insects: mealy bug, green fly, white tailed mealy bug, scales (Aspidiotus rapax and A. ficus). Results. — All insects dead; no injury to any of the plants. A com- parison of these two experiments shows that the first lot treated in sunlight were all injured while those treated in darkness with double the strength of hydrocyanic acid gas were uninjured. EXPERIMENT III. Conditions. — Made November 28; glass box; dark; potassium cyan- ide used, 1 oz. to 190 cu. ft., with 1 oz. water and lj oz. sulphuric acid (see table); temperature, 47° F. ; time fumigated, 20 minutes; plants: calln, ferns, cineraria, genista, cuphea, camphor tree; insects: scale, rose beetles, mealy bug, and aphis. Results. — All insects excepting rose beetles killed; no plants injured. EXPERIMENT IV. Conditions. — Made November 29, 1897; glass box; darkness; potas- sium cyanide and conditions same as in No. Ill (see table); time fumigated, 20 minutes. In this experiment an attempt was made to watch the effects on Fuller's rose beetle. 72 Results, — In 5J minutes after fumigation commenced beetles on the plants dropped, and those on the surface rolled over and drew them- selves together, apparently dead. About one hour after fumigation they all recovered. EXPERIMENT V. Conditions. — Glass box; darkness; same as above except that time of exposure was 25 minutes. Results. — Same as in No. IV. EXPERIMENT VI. Conditions. — Made November 29, 1897; darkness; 1 oz. potassium cyanide, 1 oz. water, If oz. acid to 142 cu. ft. (see table); plants: cine- rarias (1 sprinkled with water, 1 dry), smilax (1 sprinkled, 1 dry), ferns; insects: rose beetles; time, 25 minutes. Results. — Plants not at all injured; nearly all beetles killed. To destroy the rose beetle it will probably be better to use less strength of gas and place sheets of paper or canvas beneath the plant infested, than to use the larger percentage of cyanide, as they are sure to drop off when the house is fumigated with sufficient strength of the gas to kill mealy bugs. They can then be gathered up and destroyed. TRIAL III. Conditions. — Date, November 27, 1897 ; place, rose room ; 1 oz. potas- sium cyanide, If oz. acid, and 1 oz. water to 570 cu. ft.; room contained only roses, the new shoots being covered with green try; length of time fumigated 25 minutes (see table). Results. — All aphides were killed, but the tender buds and leaves of the plants were injured. TRIAL IV. Conditions. — Time, November 29, 1897; place, octagon room; 1 oz. potassium cyanide, 1 oz. water, 1 oz. sulphuric acid to 175 cu. ft. (see table). In this room, containing 25,689 cu. ft. of space, three jars were used with 49 oz. of cyanide to each jar. In this room was a large number of tropical plants, trees, and ferns. It was very badly infested with mealy bugs and scale, beetles, and aphides. Results. — Very satisfactory; many of the beetles dropped on the walk and died. The only injury noted on December 20 was on the climbing Perle des Jardins rose, but this was not serious. The tree fern, which was very badly infested with mealy bugs, has sent out several new fronds. The manettia vine, which had its growth checked by mealy bugs, now has long growing shoots and is covered with blossoms. In fact, all the plants in this room have made new and decided growth. trial v. Conditions. — Place, camellia room; 1 oz. potassium cyanide, 2 oz. water, and 1 oz. sulphuric acid to 190 cu. ft. (see table); insects 7:; present wove aphis, raealj bug, white- tailed mealy bag, scale in i in this room was .1 collection of cool bouse plants, a difference In the proportions of water, acid, and cyanide wi\\ bere be noticed. Results. — In the previous experiments it wras found thai although there was always an excess of acid present, some of the hydrocyanic acid was not liberated, owing t<> the fact, probably, thai potassium buI phate \kis formed ami became crystallized upon the surface before all the potassium cj anide below was reached i»\ t lie acid. For this re. i son more water was added to hold t he potassium Sulphate in solution longer. In this trial, however, there proved to be too little sulphuric arid to gen- erate heat enough to rapidly liberate the gas, and heme some of the potassium cyanide was not decomposed at the end of the fumigation. ruder these circumstances this trial was not wholly successful, as only the aphides were killed. TRIAL YI. Conditions. — Place, camellia room; 1 oz. potassium cyanide, l 2 oz. water, and U oz. sulphuric acid to 190 ft. of space (see table). Results. — This trial was satisfactory, as no plants were injured and all insects were killed with the exception of the rose beetle. THE " DILUTE METHOD 77 OF USING HYDROCYANIC- ACID GAS FOR FUMIGATING GREENHOUSES. 1 Last year we worked with what 1 am going to call the concentrated method of using hydrocyanic-acid gas with results as previously shown — some satisfactory, some unsatisfactory. The following wUl show the results of the "dilute method" of using the gas for fumigating greenhouses. TRIAL I. Conditions. — Date, January 17, 1899; place, camellia room; 1 oz. potassium cyanide, 1£ oz. sulphuric acid, and 2 oz. water to every 3,000 cu. ft. In this room, containing 6,196 cu. ft. of space, 2.06 oz. cyanide of potash, 4 oz. water, and 3 oz. sulphuric acid were used. It was fumigated at night about 6 o'clock, the room remaining closed until morning. The following insects were present: green fly, mealy bug. Fuller's rose beetle. The plants in this room at the time of fumiga- tion were, coleus, azaleas in bloom, heliotrope, ferns, hoya, jasminums. polygala, hibiscus, ericas, orange trees, camellias, cinerarias, oxalis. The temperature went below 50° F. Ji'esults. — Upon examination it was found that no plants were injured, and none of the insects save a part of the green hies. x See article by Dr. J. Fisher, American Gardening, October 29, 1898, and Circular 37, before cited. 74 TRIAL II. Conditions. — Date, January 17, 181,9; place, stove room; 1 oz. potas- sium cyauide to 3,000 cu. ft.; in this room, containing 7,357.31 cu. ft. of space, 2.45 oz. potassium cyanide, 5 oz. water, and 3J oz. sulphuric acid were used; the room fumigated after dark, remaining closed until morn- ing; insects present were mealy bug, green fly in abundance, and Fuller's rose beetle ; plants present : Grevillias, ferns, dracamas, palms, bananas, pandanas, strelitzia, begonias in variety, mahernias, passifloras, Hoff- mannias, allamanda, ivy, sansevieria, aristolochia, agaves, heliotrope, cinerarias, callas, roses, etc. ; temperature, about 50° F., or a little above. Besults. — Upon examination it was found no plants save the tender leaves of the roses were injured, while the aphides on the Hoffmannia and elsewhere were killed. The other insects were apparently uninjured. TRIAL III. Conditions. — Date, January 20, 1899; place, camellia room; all night; 1 oz. cyanide of potash to each 2,000 cu. ft. ; 3.09 oz. potash cyanide, 6.2 oz. water, and 4.6 oz. sulphuric acid used; insects present: aphides, mealy bugs, Fuller's rose beetle; plants same as in Trial I. Besults. — Aphides all killed and a part of the mealy bugs; none of the older ones, however; no plants injured. TRIAL IV. Conditions. — Date, January 20, 1899; place, stove room; all night; 1 oz. potassium cyanide to each 2,000 cu. ft.; 3.7 oz. potash cyanide, 7.4 oz. water, and 5.5 oz. of sulphuric acid required; plants same as in Trial II, except roses; insects: mealy bugs and Fuller's rose beetle. Besults. — Part of mealy bugs killed; old ones not killed; no plants injured. trial v. Conditions. — Date, January 23, 1899; place, camellia room; 1 oz. potassium cyanide to 1,000 cu. ft.; left in all night; 6.2 oz. potash cvanide, 12.5 oz. water, and 9.1 oz. sulphuric acid; the room was warmer than at other times, the temperature being over 50° F. Besults. — In afternoon of January 24, 25 or more mealy bugs were examined with a lens and all were dead. No injury to any of the plants was seen. At this fumigation there w T as no heliotrope or coleus. The other plants, including carnations, were the same as in Trial I. TRrAL VI. Conditions. — Date, January 23, 1899 ; place, lily room; 1 oz. potash cyanide to each 3,000 cu. ft.; left in all night; 1.76 oz. potash cyanide, 3.56 oz. w r ater, and 2.64 oz. sulphuric acid required; temperature, 60° F. or over; plants present, philodendrons, water lilies (JSyinplneas), parrot's feather (Myriophyllum proMrpinacouUs), water hyacinth (Eickkomia crassipes major)) water poppy Limnoeharis humboldti), ('munis aUerni folins, Papyrus antiquorum^ oxalis, orchids in variety, i ill. is. ferns, New /calami flax, eobaeas, oaladiums, etc. Results. — Upon examination the next day aphides were Grand all dead, although as yet not discolored, aud remaining in then placet. ()f 11 mealy bogs examined, 6 were dead and 5 alive! There was no injury to any plant, except to the young foliage of tin' roses, which was burned. TRIAL VII. Conditions. — Date, January 28, L899; place, second octagon room: all night ; 1 OZ. of potash cyanide to each 3,000 en. It. ; 8.56 OZ. of potassium cyanide, L7.12 oz, water, and 12.84 oz. sulphuric acid required; insects: aphides, mealy bugs, and beetles: plants present: ferns, callas, palms in variety, agaves, aspidistras, marantas, guavas, jasminums, loquat, durantas, ficus, manettias, pleromas, bananas, cordylines, yuccas, Solanum jasminoides, Cherokee and climbing perle roses, bamboo, abutilons, cytisus, etc. Results. — Aphides were killed. On January 31, three days after fumigating, the only injury to plants was the burning of the tender leaves on the climbing perle rose, the tender leaves of the Solanum jas- minoides, which w r as just starting into growth, and the new fast-growing shoots of Asparagus tenuissimus. The tender leaves of the Cherokee rose were slightly burned. Almost none of the bugs (at least none of the old ones) were killed ; of 10 examined, at least 9 were alive; the temperature was rather low, however. TRIAL VIII. Conditions. — Date, January 28,1899; pface, first octagon room; all night; 1 oz. potassium cyanide to each 3,000 cu. ft.; 9.44 oz. cyanide of potash, 18.88 oz. water, and 14.16 oz. sulphuric acid used ; insects : aphi- des and mealybugs; plants present: asparagus (phtmosus, spreiujeri, and tenuissimus), palms, vincas, ferns, mosses, dracsenas, eupatoriums, iponueas, ficus (elastica and religiosa), cytisus, begonias, marantas, niauettia, aspidistras, cyperus, etc.; the temperature was below 55° F. Results. — Aphides were killed; but of 50 mealy bugs examined, mostly adults, however, only 8 were killed. No plants were injured, with the exception of the asparagus, which was sending out new and very tender growth. TRIAL IX. Conditions. — Date, February 15, 10, and 17, 1899; place, second octa gon room ; left in all night 3 nights in succession; 1 oz. cyanide of potash to each 3,000 cu. ft.; 8.5 oz. cyanide of potash, 17 oz. water, and 13 oz. sulphuric acid used each night; temperature averaged about 50° F.; the insects for which this trial was made were mealy bugs. 76 Results. — On the morning of the 16th our eat was found dead upon the walk near the entrance. She had evidently walked in the open door the night before, when 1 went in with the cyanide, and must have been killed in a short time. On the 18th 25 mealybugs were examined with a lens and 18 were found dead; but this is not a correct percent- age of those killed, for many of the dead ones on the plants were washed off by syringing the house previous to examination. The climbing roses, the tender leaves of the Solatium jasminoides, the new leaf buds of Pleroma macranthum, the new fronds of Pteris trcmula, and the new shoots of Asparagus tenuissimus were all more or less injured. The other plants showed no injury. TRIAL x. Conditions. — Date, February 15, 1899; place, stove room; left in all night; 1 oz. potash cyanide to each 2,000 cu. ft.; 3.7 oz. potash cyanide, 7.4 oz. water, and 5.5 oz. sulphuric acid required; temperature, 55° to 60° F. ; insects: mealy bugs and aphides. Results. — In this room there was no injury to plants; all of the aphides were killed, and all mealy bugs examined were dead. This house was also fumigated with the same proportions on January 27. TRIAL XL Conditions. — Date, February 16, 1899; place, vegetable house, west; 1 oz. potash cyanide to each 3,000 cu. ft. ; left in all night; temperature, 56° F.; 2 oz. cyanide of potash, 4 oz. water, and 3 oz. sulphuric acid required; insects: an abundance of " green fly' 1 ; plants present: let- tuce, radishes, papyrus, smilax, cinerarias, kale. The lettuce and cin- erarias were badly covered with "green fly." Results. — All or nearly all "green fly" killed, even under the lower leaves of the lettuce, which had commence to head. There was no injury to plants. TRIAL XII. Conditions. — Date, February 23, 1899; place, the pit; 1 oz. cyanide of potash to each 3,000 cu. ft. ; left in all night; 3 oz. cyanide of potash, 6 oz. water, 4.J oz. sulphuric acid required; temperature, 47° F.; insects present: mealy bugs and "green fly"; plants: cinerarias, calceolarias, pelargoniums, geraniums, muehleubergia, eupatoriums, nasturtiums, clematis, etc. Results. — The aphides were nearly all killed, while the mealy bugs, the older ones at least, were not injured. There was no injury to plants. TRIAL XIII. Conditions. — Date, February 28, 1899; place, camellia room; 1 oz. cyanide of potash to each 1,000 cu. ft. ; left in all night; temperature, 50° F. ; G oz. cyanide of potash, 12 oz. water, 9 oz. sulphuric acid used ; plants 77 present: carnations, figs, pomegranates, orai chrysanthemums, Saxifraga iarmmto*a y polygala, liardj cuttta insects: several hundred mealj bugs from vinca vines were picked, placed in a Bhoe box cover, ami put in this room just before I'ii in : Ing it. /»' 'cs nits.- -Over 80 Of t he mealy bugs in t lie DOS eo\ei weir e\ ;i mined with a lens, but none of them were alive. N<> live ones were found anywhere in the room. The leaves of the figs and pomegi anates, w hich were just beginning to come out, were injured. Some of the fig le that were partly formed dropped. The other plants were uninjured, excepting the tender veronicas. TRIAL \IV. Conditions. — Date, February 28 and March 2, 1899; place, the pit ; 1 oz. cyanide of potash to each 3,000 cu. ft. ; left in all night; •"> ox. cyanide of potash, oz. water, and 44 oz. sulphuric acid required; tempera- ture, 54° F. Results. — At the first fumigation, February 28, most of the "green fly" were killed, but not all, owing to the fact that the jar used in fumigating was too large, and the cyanide was not all immersed. On .March 2 a smaller dish was used. There was no injury to plants in either case. The "green fly" were all killed the second time. TRIAL xv. Conditions. — Date, March 1, 1899; place, vegetable house, complete; 1 oz. cyanide to each 3,000 cu. ft.; left in all night; 4 oz. cyanide, 8 oz. water, 6 oz. sulphuric acid required; temperature average, 45° F.; insects: "greenfly 7 '; plants: headed to heading lettuce and small let- tuce, small cabbages, parsley, old smilax, papyrus, hibiscus, strawber- ries, radishes, kale, and Bellis perennis. Eesults. — In this trial the jar was too large and the liquid did not cover the cyanide, some remaining undecoinposed until morning. The "green fly" were, however, nearly all killed. There was no injury to any plant. TRIAL xvi. Conditions. — Date, March 2, 1899; place, cactus room; 1 oz. cyanide to each 2,000 cu. ft. ; left in all night; 3.5 oz. of cyanide, 7 oz. water, 5.3 oz. sulphuric acid required; temperature, 58° F.; insects: mealy bugs, "green fly"; plants: agaves, cacti, cinerarias, pereskia, begonia-. mahernias, asparagus, vincas, calceolarias, doryanthes, ferns, oxalis, acacias, cyclamen, clematis, etc. Eesults. — In the morning there was a stronger odor than usual in the house. The "green fly" were killed. Of 10 mealy bugs examined 6 were dead, the larger ones being the ones alive, as a rule. The only injury to plants was on the marguerites: a part of the blossom buds were burned just below the bud, causing the buds to droop. 78 TRIAL XVII. Conditions. — Date, March 2, 1899; place, second octagon room; 1 oz. cyanide to each 3,000 cu. ft. ; left in all night ; 8.5 oz. cyanide, 17 oz. water, and 13 oz. sulphuric acid used; temperature, 57° F.; insects: "green fly " and mealy bug. It was found that a large number of mealy bugs had been destroyed by the fumigation of February 15, 16, and 17, but some remained. Results. — " Green fly" all killed. Of 10 mealy bugs examined 7 were dead. It is possible that a part of this number remained on the plant, dead from the previous fumigation. The younger ones were the ones generally killed. The roses and solanum were injured as usual. TRIAL XVIII. Conditions. — Date, March 1', 1899; place, first octagon; 1 oz. cyanide to each 3,000 cu. ft.; left in all night; 9.5 oz. cyanide, 19 oz. water, and 14.2 oz. sulphuric acid required; temperature, 53° F.; insects: mealy bugs; plants: palms, veronicas, cytisus in bloom, oxalis, asparagus, cyperus, ficus, oranges, mahernia, vincas, cupheas, Spiraea japonica, marantas, etc. Number. House. Date. Time, temper- Condition. Sparc Tnal I Min. ! ° F. Nov. 9 Raining do Daylight ... Sunlight Darkness . . . do do . . . Cubic feet. 30 30 30 60 7 357 31 Trial II 22 729 Experiment 1.. Nov. 27 do ... fi3 4 -) do 25 55 42 Experiment3. . do Nov. 28 Nov. 29 ....do ... 20 20 25 25 30 25 30 30 30 47 4° do 42 do 47 45 do do 42 ...do ...do . 42 do 42 Trial III Nov. 27 Nov. 29 Dec. 4 do 63 60 Darkness . . . do do 4, 894. 37 Trial IV 25 689 Trial V 6. 196 Trial VI do 55-60 do 6,196 Number. Rate,l ounce to- Potash cyanid<\ Water. Acid. Results. Trial I Feet. Ounces. '40 40 80 Grains. 2.1 4.2 6.3 6.3 6.3 8.4 0.3 Ounces. 80.3 147 34 37 Ounces. 40 40 80 a c 2.1 4.2 6.3 6.3 6.3 8.4 12.6 Ounces. 86.3 147 68 68 Ounces. 70 70 120 C. c. 2.1 4.2 6.3 6.3 6.3 8.4 9.45 Ounces. 152 147 34 51 Insects killed ; no injury to plants. Do. Trial II 285 570 285 190 190 190 142 190 570 175 190 190 Plants injured; insects killed. Insects mostly dead ; all plants injured. Insects killed; uo injury to plants. All but beetles killed; no injury to plants. Do. Do. All insects and some beetles killed ; plants uninjured. Tender buds injured; insects killed. Satisfactory. Not wholly satisfactory. Experiment 1. . Experiment 2.. Experiment 3.. Experiment 4.. Experiment 5.. Experimeut 6.. Experiment 7.. Trial III Trial IV Trial V Trial VI to 99 per cent pure. 79 SCALE INSECTS ON AMERICAN FRUIT IMPORTED INTO GERMANY. [ . V i » - 1 1 ;i. i of | papei bj Dr. J kin.] [NTBOD1 I i i«».N. Extensive scientific investigations oould uol i»<- madedoring the first winter of the existence of the station, and ii><- present pnblicati i confined i<» some statistical notes basrd iipou ;i «;i i «• fi 1 1 count of tbe scale insects fonnd on American fruits. a> a matter of course, oulj a small tract ion of the inspected fruits could he made the basis of the following enumeration : I. [INVESTIGATIONS. DISTRIBC Hon OF COC< IDB on THB si i:ia« r. <-i I ki M-. As a general rule Ooccids are found on the protected places of the surface of fruits; in stone fruits, therefore, in the stem cavity, but also on the stem; in pears and apples the tlower cavity and tbe calyx cavity are favorite living places; in apples, in addition, the deep stem cavity. Aspidiotus pernio%08U8 alone occurs frequently on the unprotected sur- face of pears. I have couuted ou pears : Male. Female. ( 'h i C nas-pis furfu rus Fitch : In tbe calyx cavity In the flower cavity Near the flower cavity . . On the side Around the stem On the stem 1 16 30 ...J 1 10 13 1 4 Total Similar tables follow regarding G other species, which it is not neces- sary to print in detail, but which may be summarized as follows: Asjiidiotus ancylus Putu., 259 specimens. A8pidiotus forbesi Johus., 17 specimens, all in the cavity of the llower. Aspidiolus perniciosn8 Comst., 757 specimens. Aspid'tottts camellia' Signoret, 115 specimens. Chionaspis fttrfttrtts Fitch, 52 specimens. Mytilaspis pomorum Bonche, 59 specimens. This last-mentioned species proved to be quite aberrant. On the free surface there were 20.34 per cent of the specimens and none whatever in the flower cavity, which is so favored by the other Ooccids. 'This paper of Dr. Reh's, entitled "Untersuchungen an Amerikanischen oii^t- Schildlausen," was published recently in the " Mittheilungen aua dem Naturhis- torischeu Museum," Volume XVI, and as it summarizes a lengthy series of careful observations, points a moral to American exporters of fruit, and shows plainly the importance to our entire fruit industry of sending abroad only perfectly clean fruit, this abstract in English has been drawn up at my request by Mr. E. A. Schwarz. — L. o. H. 80 In the following table are summarized the data concerning place on surface of fruits where the specimens were found : Above. On side. Below. Aspidiotus ancylus ..... forbesi , perniciosus camellice. . . Chionaspis furfurus . . . Mytila tapis pomorum .. Per cent. 7.33 Per cent. 0.38 34.75 78.26 13.80 71.18 50 8.62 20.34 Per cent. 92.28 100 61.69 21.74 77.58 8.48 From a consideration of these figures I am inclined to assert that the distribution of scale insects on the surface of fruits depends on the sensitiveness of the insects to meteorological influences. Those not sensitive are Aspidiotus camellia?, and especially Mytilasjris pomorum; those very sensitive are Aspidiotus ancylus and A. forbesi; Aspidiotus perniciosus is comparatively not sensitive. STAGE AND SEX OF THE SCALE INSECTS (COUNTED ON FRUIT). Free living larvae have never been found, and the specimens desig- nated as larvae are specimens already fixed. A. ancylus. — Among 262 specimens were 250 immature females, 12 larvae. There is therefore hardly any danger that this species could be imported, although it is by far the most common species. A. forbesi. — Of the 17 specimens all were immature females, but in a few instances (not enumerated here) a few male larvae were seen. On account of the rarity and sensitiveness of this species there seems to be no danger of its being imported. A. perniciosus. — I counted 82 males, 354 females, 259 larvae. The specimens designated as males were, almost without exception, male larvae or male pupae. Most of the females were almost mature and many had eggs, but only 2 had mature embryos. The danger of impor- tation of this species is therefore very great. In sendings of apples (pears are sent to Germany only in a dried condition) which arrive in the late fall of the year this danger is reduced to a minimum, but it increases with the beginning of spring, reaching its maximum from March to May. A. camellia'. — Of 33 specimens 1 was a male (dead), 10 females with mature embryos, 12 females mature but without embryos, 9 young females, and 1 larva. There is danger in its importation, since it occurs only in warmer countries and since its home is southern Europe. Chionaspis fur fur us. — Of 133 specimens 115 were females, 17 more or less developed males, and 1 larva. Of the females 94 were filled with eggs. The danger of the importation of this species appears to be quite considerable, but is reduced by the facts that the species is con- fined to warmer countries and that it is everywhere driven out by 31. pomorum, which is so common in Germany. -1 Mytilaspis pomorum. Of 63 specimen! .ill wen- females. Of tl 1 1 weir examined, and 1 1 of tins Dumber contained <•-■_•-. Since tln> species is a native of Europe, the question <>r importation <;in hardly be considered. In Bumming up, a danger of importation comes into consideration only with the San .i<»sc scale, and the recent edicts of the Government arc therefore justly confined to this specie-. LIVING LXD DKAI> 8PECIMKN8 won,, [MPORTBD * kLE8— PARA8ITE8. For dried fruits of ;»11 sorts it must be accepted as an Invariable rule that no li\ r ing scale lias ever been found thereon. The following tables refer to fresh fruit, and while, as Professor Kxaepelin Bays, the coloni- zation of such fruit by scales must be considered aa an abnormal phe- nomenon or an alienation, there is no reason to doubl that such scales as have settled on fruit will develop and propagate. Aspidiotus ancylus. — Of 250 females 232 were alive: of L2 larva- 11 were alive: total. 92.75 per cent alive, 7.25 per cent dead. Of the 19 dead scales 1 had been killed by liymenopterous parasites and li were infested by fungi. A.forbesi. — Of 17 females 1 was dead. A. perniciosus. — There was considerable difference in the various lots and the following tables are taken at random from those I have exam- ined, in some of them the scales being greatly and in others poorly infested by parasites. Here follow six tables which it will not be necessary to print in full, the summary of which is as follows: Two hundred and fourteen 33.49 per cent) living and 425 (6(3.51 per cent) dead specimens of A. pernici- osus were found. Of the dead specimens 03 were "eaten out" (killed by insect enemies), equal to 9.06 per cent of all specimens, and 156 (equal to 22.44 per cent of all specimens) were infected by fungi. More than 30 per cent of all imported San Jose scales arrive infested by parasites (insects and fungi). The experiments regarding the accli- matization of hymenopterous parasites seem to be beset with great difficulty. That of the fungi would be easier, and it would be quite important to ascertain whether the fungus found by us is really SpJwe- ro8tilbe coccophila. This question must be left to the botanists. COMMON OCCURREN* i: OF SEVERAL SPECIES OP COCCIDjE. 1. Common occurrence on different apples of the name sending. — ./. ancylus, A. forberi, and M.pomorum on Russets (November 21, L898 . A. ancylus and M. pomorum on Baldwins three times (November 25, 1898, December 14. 1898, December 27. 1898); on Canada Red (November 28, L898), on Rock Rnssel (December 14, 1898), and on Spy (November 25, 18 J. ancylus and Ch. furfur us on Fallawater (November 22, l v ,x . A. camellia' and M, pomorum on Newtown Pippins (December 29, 1*98). A. perniciosus, A. camellia, and M. pomorum on Newtown Pippins (November 11. 1898). 11608— No. 22 crniciosu8 and A. camellia' on two Newtown Pippins (February 14, 1899). A. perniciosns and M. pomorum on one Newtown Pippin (February 14, 1899). The result of the investigation is rather negative. The various spe- cies of Coccids occur in company in all sorts of combinations, but it seems that the occurrence of A. ancylus excludes that of A. camellice and A. pernieioms. EXPERIMENTS. No experiments to imitate the American methods of drying fruit were made for various reasons, but more especially because we rely implicitly upon the results of the experiments made in the laboratories of the United States Department of Agriculture, under the direction of L. O. Howard, by the pomologist, William A. Taylor, and the ento- mologist, Nathan Banks. Only the two following experiments appeared to me important in rela- tion to the importation of fruit: 1. The non-importation edict is also directed against the wrappings and packings of the invoices. Many wrapping papers were examined by us, but always with negative result. In this connection experi- ments were made to ascertain how long a Coccid would live when removed from its place and transported to another place on the apple. The result was that, under the most favorable circumstances, the Coc- cid lives about three months; under ordinary circumstances, about one week. The result is that the various packings — barrels, boxes, paper — do not appear to present any danger as to the transportation of the San Jose scale. 2. The non-importation edict refers also to dried-apple peelings.- Upon such peelings no living Coccids have ever been found, as far as I know, but I made experiments to ascertain the vitality of A.pemiciosus on fresh peelings. Result: The scales on the thickest peelings lived longest, not quite twenty days; on ordinary peelings they died in from eight to fourteen days. But in all cases these peelings were fresher than those arriving from America. A few other experiments may be briefly mentioned here. 3. Re-formation of the scale, and vitality without the scale. — The scale was carefully removed from the Coccids without touching the latter, but a re-formation of the scale never took place. If the scale was only slightly lifted it was slowly but firmly drawn back again by the insect. The vitality without scale was a very long one, extending over more than three months. 4. The behavior of Coccids on rotten apples appears to me of impor- tance, because such apples are of course thrown away. My experiments 88 gave the result that Ooooida are able t<> retain their vitality on rotten apples for about three weeks. .'). l itality of Ooceids immersed in water. Thefew experiments seem t<> show t hat ( loooids can live several hoars under water. 6. Experiment* with gases, -Cold vapor of alcohol does doI kill; irurm vapor of alcohol kills pretty quickly, Vapors, cold and warm, of formal iu do not kill. Bulphur vapors seem to kill scales on apple. Tommon chloroform gas easily kills the lice, but the apples turn quite browu. To gas ofoyancalium the lice proved to be quite indifferent, 7. Fluids tkatpenetrate the sale. — Quickly evaporating fluid's —such as alcohol, formalin, chloroform, eau deJavelle — do not seem to have any effect, whereas a painting of the scale with sulphuric acid, toluol, and heavy oil (Rubol) surely killed the lice. S. Temperature experiments, — One apple was immersed for twenty minutes in water of 50° O.j the liee were not killed. Without microscopic examination of the cells it is extremely difficult to decide whether a (Joccid is dead or alive. INSECT CONTROL IN RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA. By Felix G. Havens, Riverside, Cal. The work of insect pest control naturally divides itself into three parts, viz, inspection, eradication and quarantine. INSPECTION. In Riverside County the work of inspection is organized as follows: The county board of horticultural commissioners, consisting of three members, has divided the county into three divisions, each division being in charge of one commissioner. The orange-growing section, known as Riverside, and comprising 12,500 acres of citrus orchards, is one of these divisions. Riverside division is subdivided into six districts, and a local inspector is in charge of each district. All of the work of inspecting done in each district is reported by the inspector in charge, and these reports give in detail the names of the inspectors employed, owners of property inspected, acres examined, pests found, date of plat or report, amount of time occupied in inspect- ing each ranch, and how divided as between the inspectors employed. Each orchard is examined tree by tree and row by row, together with all of the shrubbery, rosebushes, etc., on the place. Whenever infested trees are found in an orchard they are marked around the trunk or in some equally permanent manner, and the inspector in charge notes their location in the orchard, and when the orchard is tinished, he makes a plat or diagram showing the location of all the infested trees in the orchard, in relation to each other and to the boundaries of the orchard. The orchards are so set out and arranged that a sheet crosslined with 35 lines each way can be used to correctly designate the location of each 84 tree on any given 10 acre orchard in the county. Where orchards are less than 10 acres the diagram is cut down, and where more than 10 acres it is platted in 10-acre sections. Three copies of all plats are made, and used as follows: One is given to the foreman of the eradica- tion work and is used in locating the trees in the orchard when that work is done, one copy is filed in the office of the horticultural commis- sioner, and one is given to the owner of the orchard. The inspector keeps the notes taken at the time the infested tree was found and thus has a permanent record. By these means the identifi- cation of all infested trees is made absolutely correct. The plats of each orchard for the consecutive years or inspections are kept together and present in each case a full brief of the course of the insects in each orchard. The work of inspection is at present being fully cared for in the entire 12,500 acres by six inspectors. The older part of the orchards, comprising about 5,000 acres, is inspected as near as may be once a year. It is in these orchards that the pests were established when the inspection began, and as most of the trees are large seedling orange trees, from twenty to twenty-five years old and 30 feet high by 20 feet in spread of branches, it can be seen that an inspector must needs be expert to safely inspect from 2 to 3 acres of such trees per day. The younger part of the orchards comprises about 7,500 acres, and contains mostly navel orange trees. These trees have all been set out since the horticultural commission was established, and as every tree was inspected and none allowed set out unless it was clean of insect pests these orchards have grown up under good care and not to exceed 20 trees infested with pests have ever been found in the whole 7,500 acres. An attempt is made to inspect this part of the orchards once in two years. The work has always been such that the efficiency of the inspection was of the highest importance. In case of such pests as the red scale, for instance, if an inspector should fail to find it on a tree, before the routine brought the inspector around to the orchard again not only would that tree be badly infested, but a dozen trees or more perhaps in its immediate vicinity would be affected also. The policy has been to use every endeavor to stamp the pests out, and to that end every tree found infected has been treated. If the infection was slight and only on a few leaves or one or two twigs, the branches were cut out liberally and burned. This was found to be quite suffi- cient in almost all of such cases, and thousands of trees have been cleaned in this way by the inspectors, and have never since shown infestation. By this system of reports, records, plats, etc., it is pos- sible to keep track of every tree in all this 12,500 acres and find all of the data in our office, and all arranged in very simple manner. A tree selected at random anywhere in this valley can be taken, and the records of the commission will show whether it was ever found infested with pests, and what kind, also how many times, and the dates when it was inspected, name of the inspector who examined it each time, and if it has been found affected with pests when it was treated and what with, also what variety of fruit the tree is. 85 This does not involve a complex system al all, Foi .1 fe* verj simple reports and plats furnish it all. The cost of this system of inspection since April, is!>;>, and the acres examined, Dumber of trees found infested each year to date In Riverside division, has been as follows: 1 I'ei lod. i.> . it .1 fuODcl in- 1 396, 9 months, April t«> Deoembei I 1896 1897 .. 1899, 11 months, (>• December l : 1 I ; Iii this state fruit trees over I years old arc taxed. !n this county an agreement has been made whereby the money raised from this tax is available tor the work of the horticultural commission. It is divided between the three divisions, each division receiving the money raised by the tax on the trees within its limits. Under this arrangement Riverside has never used her full share of the money in any year sinee 1894. The expense given in the above table covers also the cost of the quarantine work; in fact, all of the expeuse of the Riverside division exeept the work of eradication. The following is the form of report each inspector makes covering operations in his district: Report of fruit pest inspecting done and time of each inspector working in division , district during . -, Inspector in Charge. Assistants. Kind of O 1 .2 O . O Remarks. P •4 a 3 Pi q p S3 3 Pi 3 p 50 a H p 00 a — »8 0.9 EH P Days. Days. Days. Days. Days. ERADICATION. Efficient methods for destroying insect pests are fully as important as careful work in inspection. The pest which has given the most trouble is the red scale; other scale pests have either never gotten a foothold or else have been checked by parasites or natural causes. The hydrocyanic-acid gas treatment is the one that has been generally used on citrus trees, and it has been almost uniformly successful. 86 Previous to June, 1807, the work of eradication was under the con- trol of persons not connected with the horticultural commission, and, consequently, there was not the system and promptness so essential in work of this kind. The new horticultural law, which took effect April, 1897, provided that owners or agents of pest-infested trees or premises be given notice as follows: NOTICE. No. . To , residence . You are hereby notified that the undersigned, horticultural commissioner of the county of Riverside, State of California, has caused an inspection to be made of your orchard and the trees thereon, located at , in said county. That said examination was made on the day of , 189 — , and that upon said examination of your said orchard trees wee found to be infested with injurious to fruit and fruit trees. You are therefore notified that your said orchard and trees are infested with said injurious to fruit and fruit trees, and you are hereby required to eradicate or destroy the said scale insects and other pests and their eggs and larva*, within days of the time of the service on you of this notice. Dated this day of , 189—. Horticultural commissioner as aforesaid, quarantine guardian in and for the county of Riverside at large. Notice served by , horticultural inspector. The law further provides that in case said owners, etc., do not eradi- cate the pests, it is the duty of the horticultural commissioners to at once proceed to abate and eradicate said pests. This made it necessary for the horticultural commissioners to be provided with the required outfit for the business. The commissioners therefore had the following form of contract prepared, secured the signature of the owners of infested property, and went into the fumigating business. FORM OF CONTRACT. State of California, County of Riverside, ss: I hereby waive the within notice, and all notice and service thereof, and consent that the horticultural commissioner may proceed at once without further notice or any notice and eradicate and destroy the scale insects and other pests and their eggs and larva3 with which my orchard and trees are infested, at my expense. 189—. The work is done at actual cost , but 10 per cent is added to cover repairs and to replace the outfit when it wears out. Below is given the cost and number of trees fumigated since June 7,1897: Year. Number of trees. Total cost. 1897 4,720 5,888 1,637 $4, 153. 60 5, 299. 20 1, 474. 87 1898 1899 Aji examination of the above figures di>< iiIiamh >m«*ii:il d<-< re i-e in tin' Dumber of pests since L898, \ comparison ol record thai 28 orobards of a total acreage ol i> b res bad 1,609 trees found infested with red scale and fumigated in 1898, The same orchard al the 1899 inspection turned on! onlj 133 infested orchards, containing WO acres, bad 2,134 infested trees in L898and in 1899. [n all of these 3,734 trees fumigated in these 06 orchards con taining 805 acres, not a aiugle one but was cleaned and the i destroyed by the fumigation of L898, Every one of i he 1,066 trees found this year were new ones that bad never shown infection before. These orchards referred to arc in the oldest section of the Stiver side orange district, and the trees, which are seedlings, are mostly over twenty-five years old, and the red scale was established in them when the horticultural commission was established in L889. The records of the commission show this to be the smallest number of infested trees ever found at any Inspection of these groves since the records began, which was April, 1895. QUARANTINE. The quarantine work is regarded as the most efficient part of the service. The pests kept out do no harm. In this part of the work is included the inspection of all nursery stock grown in the district and the inspection and treatment of all nursery stock and fruit brought in; also the inspection of fruit packing houses, and attention to all of the methods whereby pests might be carried from one locality to another orchard or locality. So efficient has this work been that no insect pests have been brought into Riverside and become established since the horticultural commission was established; and this, too, in the face of the fact that in 1890, 1891, and 1892 more than 200 carloads of orange nursery stock was brought to this place from Florida and set out. A very large proportion of the navel orange orchards was planted with this stock. There was hardly a tree among all of the hundreds of thousands that was not infested with dangerous pests, and many of them were covered with purple scale. The worst infested trees were burned, and the rest dipped in a strong whale oil soap and kerosene solution and the insects scrubbed off with stiff bristle brushes. A tree was never allowed to be taken away as long as there was any possibility of there being pests on it. Similar vigilance has been observed ever since, and the results have more than justified the care fulness of the commission. The law requires all persons bringing in or receiving nursery stock to notify the horticultural commissioner or local inspector within twenty-four hours of the time of their arrival. The railway and -express agents also refuse to deliver such goods except to the horticultural officers. All shipments of nursery goods are inspected before delivery to the owners, no matter whose certificate accompanies them, for experience has amply convinced the commission that it can not afford to take any 88 chances whatever, but must be governed by the condition of the nursery stock in every case. In innumerable cases the accompanying certificate gave the stock a clean bill of health, when a careful examination would reveal the presence of dangerous pests. Sometimes it would be root borers, as in the case of Japanese orange stock, which passed the State quarantine officer's hands. The commission regards it as a mat- ter of the utmost importance that the inspection of nursery stock should by all means be done at destination of goods, no matter where else they may have been examined. In no other way can the matter be brought home to every community and made a local one, which it is in a very large measure. In addition to the nursery stock work, both that coming in and that being shipped out, the fruit-packing houses are watched and all infested fruit condemned and destroyed; also the orchard it came from is traced and inspected and the infested trees fumigated as soon as possible. The fruit packers are not allowed to take boxes, ladders, etc., from infested groves to those known to be free of pests. In these matters the commission has the hearty cooperation of both packers and growers. CONCLUSION. The system has grown up with the magnitude of the work. Changes and improvements have been made by each of the commissioners who have had it in charge. The law has been changed in some respects; public opinion, which has always been strongly in favor of the work, is now unanimously for it; the courts have lately upheld the law, and the commission looks forward in expectation that Riverside will con- tinue to be, as it now is, not only the largest compact area of citrus groves in the world, but the cleanest of insect pests as well. NOTES ON A BRIEF TRIP TO PUERTO RICO IN JANUARY AND FEBRUARY, 1899. By A. Busck, Assistant. Sir: December 11, 1898, in accordance with your instructions of December 10, 1898, I proceeded to Norfolk, Ya., and joined the United States Fish Commission expedition on the U. S. S. Fish HawTc for Puerto Eico. My instructions read as follows: (1) " Make as complete a col- lection as possible of the scale insects of the island, making an especial effort to secure their parasites; (2) to collect and learn as much as possible about other insects in all orders, especially those injurious to agriculture." The results of the trip were the collection of between 800 and 900 species of insects, together with many spiders and myriapods, most of which have already been determined. It is the object of the writer, however, in this brief report to give simply a summary account of the journey, with mention of such injurious insects as he could collect or learn about. He has appended a list of Coccidfe which he collected and which have been named by Messrs. Pergande and Cockerell. J Stopping on the iraj at Charleston, S ( . I fbee [aland, Georgia, and Nassau. I"..r. .una Island-, I n>t d thr limited time .il 684 b OOl lect [arrived at San Joan, P. R., January and worked from thereon the northern part of the island aafai inland I Bayamon. January 17 the FisA Hawk took me to Aguadilla, on the northwest corner of tin- island, and leaving the steamer I worked on foot and by rail south to Mayague: and. after a fe* days, north and west inland on horseback oVer A.nasca, San Sebastian, Lares, I tnado, and south to Adjnnctas and Ponce, Stopping at each place a lew d.i\>. Prom Ponce 1 again took the Fish Hawk) February 2, to Arroyo, in the southeast corner of the island. Alter a lew days' work from this point inland as far as (inayama 1 remained on the steamer on its coaling trip to Saint Thomas, Danish West Indies, and stopped on the way back sei eral days on the two American islands, Vieques and Cnlcbia. 1 landed February 13 on the east coast of Puerto Rico and worked over Bumacao, Fajardo, EJ Yunqne. and Carolina back to San Juan and joined the steamer there for the home trip, February 22, via Key West, reaching Norfolk. Ya.. March s. and Washington, I). 0., the next morning. Of insects injurious to the sugar cane in the held, were especially noted the common lepidopterous borer in the stalk, THatrasa saccharalis; Sphenophoru8 sexguttatus Drury. also boring in the stalks; a lamellicorn larva common and destructive to the roots, and a mealy bug, Dactylo- pius sacehari Ckll. The first of these was iu some localities quite bad, nearly every cane containing several specimens, but no intentional remedy is undertaken. The annual cutting and crushing the cane with all living larvae and pupa' naturally keeps the pest in check, but the remaining roots and single canes always contain enough individ- uals to infest the next year's growth. The coffee plantations seemed remarkably free from serious insect pests. Of scale insects, only Lecanium hemispheericum was found, aud that very sparingly, and mostly killed by a parasitic fungus. The coffee leaf-miner. Leucoptera (Gemiostoma) cofftelld, was very abundant, the empty larval mines being often found three or four on nearly every leaf, giving the trees a brown, withered aspect; but this did not seem to injure the trees seriously, at least no attention was paid to the insect - b$' the growers. T was told several times about depredations of a snout beetle, which at times does so much damage to "the leaves, young shoots, llowers, and berries" as to kill the trees, and estate holders pay a premium for each bushel collected and destroyed, but during the dry season, when I was there, neither beetle nor damage was visible. In the tobacco fields, among other insects met with, were the tobacco Sphinx, Protoparce Carolina, both in larval and adult stage, and the tobacco -split worm, ,? GelechiasolanellaJ which are also tobacco enemies in the United States. Not hitherto recorded from the West Indies. 90 Here I met with the only trace of applied economic entomology that I fouud on the island; it was directed against the very abundant and very destructive " shanga," a mole cricket, Gryllotalpa hexadactyla (named for me by Dr. Stahl in Bayamou, who told me that it is a com- paratively new insect in Puerto Rico, having been introduced within his recollection). This insect is one of the first which draws the atten- tion of an entomologist, first, on account of its size and abundance, and because it flies to light, and becomes a nuisance in houses, second, because it seems to be the only insect known to be injurious, in the minds of most people in Puerto Pico. When asked about " iusectos," they may mention u Mariposas " and "esperanza," but first and last "el changa,"' which is invariably pronounced "mucho inalo" (colloquial for muy malo, very bad). The protection against this insect consists in the use of the large, smooth leaves of " mammee" (ill. americanaf), which are placed one around each plant edgewise, like a cylinder, down about an inch in the ground. I have seen thousands of young plants of tobacco or vegetables thus protected, the leaves being placed around the plants when they are set out in the field from the seed bed. It is a tedious way, but seems to give good results, probably merely as a mechanical fence, which the mole cricket does not dig under or through; in which case cheap tin cylinders 5 inches high and 3£ inches in diameter, made wholesale, would be a practical substitute; it is possible, though, that the mammee leaves may be disagreeable to the insects. Among the insects injurious to small vegetables Spartocera fusca was especially abundant and noxious, sucking the stems of u Malanga"and "Yauchia." Of shade tree enemies the showy larva of Pseudosphinx tetrio was found in all stages, during my visit, on the ornamental " Alelia" (Phoni- er ia rubra). One striking feature in the insect fauna is the abundance of honey bees and no beehives; at least I neither saw nor heard of any, and they must be a rarity. Still the honey harvest is quite important, although the figures given in the last Estadistica General del Comercio Exte- rior, of Puerto Rico ($517,746), of the exportation thereof surely must be wrong, unless they possibly include molasses. Very large colonies of a dark variety of Apis mellijica were abundant in hollow trees and especially in caves, sometimes also in outhouses. These are annually smoked out and furnish large quantities of honey. I was in all fifty days on the island, several of which were neces- sarily lost in traveling about in order to keep connection with the steamer. Naturally such a short trip in the dry (winter) season, when the real characteristic fauna is dormant, and handicapped by the limited knowledge of the language, customs, roads, and way of traveling, could only result in a mere skimming of information concerning the fauna of the island. An expedition undertaken in the summer season and with more time, so as to give opportunity for breeding insects, would be very interesting '.'1 and would Undoubtedly result in tin- disco\n\ ..f m;iu\ new and < har aoteristic species. On such an expedition tin- iu\. should not try to cover the whole island, as was necessary in mj cane, but Bhould sett it • down for a month at a time in i^hmh tine- localities and exploit' (he in thoroughly. Bayamon with its verj varied snrroundi] and near which arc found BOme extrusive and Interesting «\i\r>. would be one profitable stopping place and lias tin advantage that tolerable food and quarters can be obtained, and communication with the outside world is easy by rail to San .luan. Adpintas. OU the BOUtb Bide of the mountain range, is another place with the same advantages. The south side of the island \s rather more interesting than the north, where the dry and rainy seasons are not so sharply defined. Very interesting are the two small islands. ( Sulebra and Vieques, and both would give good returns under a prolonged stay. The only large tract of virgin land is the mountanous northeastern part centering in the almost inaccessible mountain top, El Yunqe. To explore the fauna of this unique locality one should be provided witli food supply and tent, and making one of the coffee estates nearby headquarters, should take trips for a few days at a time. Horses are out of the question on such a trip, and guides as such are useless, as none of thein have ever been through there; still a native is very help- ful to have along, as he will cut you through the thorny luxuriant trop- ical underbrush with his machete, where you would be absolutely barred without him, or at least his machete. I found a strong beating net with plenty of extra netting very use- ful in collecting. Sifting can not be practiced easily because of the extreme humidity of the soil. During my stay in Puerto Eico I met the most courteous reception from everybody, and my friendly intercourse with many natives of dif- ferent stations in life was a help to me while there, and a happy recol- lection now. Particularly am I indebted for identification of plants, and much other valuable information, to the learned Dr. Agustin Stahl, of Bayamon, who is a close observer of nature and has made large collections and very fine colored drawings of life histories of many insects. For most hospitable reception and readil3 T given explanations about agricultural matters, I wish especially to thank Seiior Manuel Gonzales, of Hacienda "Casualidad, r near Aguadilla; SefiorG.Bianchi, "Central Pagua," Anasco; Sefior Santiago Pietri, "Esperanza," Ad- juntas, and the Mulero family, on Culebra Island. From the alcaldes in all the towns 1 visited, as from the American officers stationed there, I received helpful courtesies. But perhaps most highly of all receptions did I prize the unmistakable glad wel- come extended to me as an American citizen all over the island by the poorest class of native laborers. They had nothing to give, and it was only meager information of any kind 1 was able to wrestle from them with my very limited Spanish; but the eagerness to please, the activity with which an entire family would turn out to dig iu the ground, turn 92 stones and logs to procure "insectos" (which mostly showed up to be large spiders and myriapods), or climb the tall trunk of a cocoa palm to offer me a refreshing drink of cocoa milk, made one feel well and at home. Needless to say that I never carried any weapon for defense, and never had the slightest use for one. Thanks are due to the TJ. S. Fish Commission, through whose invita- tion the trip was made, as well as to the entire expedition under Profes- sor Everman and to the officers and crew of the U. S. S. Fish Hawk for the very pleasant and profitable sojourn among them. All identifications of insects are made through the Division of Entomology. LIST OF COCCID^E COLLECTED BY MR. A. BUSCK IN PUERTO RICO, 1899. By T. Pergande and T. I). A. CocJeerell Only one Coccid (Aspidiotus destructor) has been recorded in print from Puerto Rico. (Canad. Entom., 1895, p. 261.) It was collected by Mr. J. D. Hall at San Juan. Icerya montserratensis Riley and Howard. On orange, Mayaguez, .January 20. On orange, Bayamon, January 10. Phenacoccus gossypii Twns. Ckll. On cotton, Humacao, February 15. New to the West Indies. Dactylopius sacchari Ckll. On sugar cane, Bayamon, January. On sugar cane, Mayaguez, January. On sugar cane, Humacao, February. Asterolecanium pustalans Ckll. On some leguminous plant, Guayama, February 4. On Anona reticulata, San Juan, February 21. Asterolecanium aureum Boisd. On a liber plant, San Juan, January 17. Occurs on the leaves. Asterolecanium bambusw Boisd. On bamboo, Bayamon, January 12. On bamboo, Utuado, January 28. Pulrinaria sp. on undetermined weed. Viegues Isle, February 7. Lecanium oleo3 Bern. On Calabassa tree, Lares, January 25. On honey-locust, Adjuntas, January 30. On iiuazuma ulmifolia, Guayama, February 4. On Terminalia catappa, Mayaguez, January 20. (Brown variety.) Lecanium nigrum Nietn. On Terminalia catappa, San Juan, January 5. On cotton, San Juan, January 5 (var. depressum Targ.). ■ Lecanium hemispliwricum Targ. On eggplant, Catana, January 17. On guambana, San Juan, January 5. On coffee, Caguas, January 10. Ccroplastcs floridensis Comst. On Anona reticulata. Vinsonia stellifera Westw. On cocoanut palm, Catana, January 16. On cocoanut palm, Bayamon, January 16. On cocoanut palm, Arroyo, February 3. 93 THaspia pentagon a Targ. amytfdali, Tryon. < )n oaator ml plant, Rio Pedro, January it. ( »n unknown tree, Baj an January L6. On peach, Adjnnotas, Jaunarj 24. On honey-locust, January 30, < >n mahagna, Pajardo, l 'ebruarj 17. THaspia calyptroidea Costa, var opuntiw, CU1. Ponoe, February l . l 'hiona8pia citri ( 'must. ( >n linn-, An.isro, January L'(». Chionospia | Hemichionospit) minor Mask. i >n eggplant, < atana. January 17. On Guozumo. ulmi/olia, Gnayama, February 1. Ischnaspia lonyirostria Sign. On oocoanut palm, Caguae, January 11; Catania, January 12; biayaguez, Jan- nary 20; Arroyo, February ::. Wowardia biclavia Coins! . On lti.ro orellana, San Sebastian, January 24; Anasco, January 20 This and the following five species were studied also by Mr. C. L. Afarlatt. Chry80tnphalu8 aonidum Liun.—jicua Ashin. On Terminalia caii>o % San .In;!!), January 5. <>n Auona muricata, San Juan, January 5. ( »n oleander, Ponoe, February 1. On Mnsa , Caguas. (Someof this lot had the exuviae \ cry dark, black or nearly so. j Aspidiotus aurantii Mask. On Anona muricata, San Juan, January 5. On Anona muricata, Ponce, February 3. Aspidiotua articulatua Morgan. On orange leaves, El Yun<|iie, February IS; about2,000 feet altitude. Aapidiotua personatvs Coinst. On plantain leaves, Caguas, January 11. On Anona muricata, San Juan, January 5. ( >n banana leaves, C atana, February 21. On ( ocoanut palm, Mayaguez, January 20; Caguas, January 11. A*})idiotns destructor Sign. On banana leaves, C atana, February 21. On banana leaves, San Juan, January 5. On banana leaves, Arroyo, February 3. GENERAL NOTES. A DIPTEROUS ENEMY OF CUCURBITS IN THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. March 13, 1899, we received from Mr. George Compere, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, specimens of what is locally known as the melon or cucumber fly. Our correspondent, writing under date of February 14, 1899, states that this is a very serious pest with vegetable growers, as it destroys more than 75 per cent of the watermelons, cantaloupes, and cucumbers grown in those islands. He writes, in substance, that tin- parent flies are to be found at all seasons of the year, and that they puncture the cucumber, which is the only plant on which our corre- spondent has observed the species, on the upper side, and generally near the stem end, this operation taking place when the cucumber is abouthalfor two-thirds grown. In the punctures thus made they deposit 94 their eggs, which soon hatch into minute footless white maggots. Their presence in the cucumber is manifested by a small yellow spot where the puncture was made. Twenty seven minute maggots were counted in one of these punctures. In one cucumber that had been punctured three times in different places 116 of these maggots were counted. These maggots eat out the entire inner substance of the fruit with the excep tion of the seeds, leaving only the outer skin, which turns yellow and decays, when a slight touch or a few drops of rain will cause it to collapse. By that time the maggots have all attained their growth, and if any of them become exposed to the sunlight they immediately draw themselves together and, after the manner of the cheese maggot and other species that might be mentioned, spring in all directions, jumping as high as 3 feet. If the skin of the cucumber be left iutact they will emerge from the decayed pulp on the underside and burrow at once into the earth for pupation. Fourteen days after placing maggots in a breeding jar, with soil kept constantly moist, Mr. Compere succeeded in obtaining the adult flies. In the conclusion of this letter our correspondent adds, as a warning, that watermelons, canteloupes, and cucumbers should never be allowed to be shipped from the Hawaiian Islands into the United States. It is quite probable that this insect could be introduced into several of our Southern States or recently acquired iusular possessions, and it is one of those species for which quarantine inspectors should be on the look- out. No class of vegetables, if we except cabbages and botanically related plants, are so badly infested with insects as are the cucurbits, and the introduction of another new pest is most undesirable. The insects were referred to Mr. Coquillett, of this office, who after careful examination pronounced the species an undescribed Trypetid. He has accordingly given it the name of Dacus cucurMtce, and has published a descriptiou of it in Entomological News for May, 1899, under the title "A New Trypetid from Hawaii." A TROUBLESOME TWIG GIRDLER OF THE SOUTHWEST. October 23, 1899, we received from Mr. Morgan E. Wise, Oalabasas, Ariz., specimens of the twigs of mesquite [Prosopis Jul [flora) girdled by the long horned beetle (Ondderes putator), together with the statement that this very valuable tree is much injured by the girdler. The pre- vious year the beetles had doue much injury, so that this year the girdled twigs snapped off dead. Our correspondent was of the opinion that if this condition of affairs continued that ultimately the mesquite tree would be exterminated by being so badly crippled as to preclude the possibility of its bearing fruit. Mr. Schwarz, of this division, who has traveled very extensively through that portiou of the Southwest, states that this beetle is extremely injurious to the mesquite, particularly in western Texas, southern New Mexico, and in Arizona. In certain localities which he visited all of the young shoots of bushes were girdled, which has the 90 ultimate effect of amputation; f>ut old trees DeversufTer much. The trouble he believes to be due to tin- frequent cutting down of old trees, as this in a measure compels the beetles to attack the young growth for food for i heir 3 oung. This species, us its seirnt i ii<* nainr im Neat es, is a near relative of the commou hickory twig girdler [Oncideres riiif/nlf tlio United states Entomological Commission, on pages 288-290. The man- ner of working of the twospecies is probably very similar The beetles of both occur in August and until October. If the injured branches were systematically collected and burned in the winter or before the appearance of the adults in August, future damage could be greatly lessened, particularly if these measures were practiced over a consider- able territory. NOTES ON COCKROACHES IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Ill regard to Mr. Marlatt's chapter on cockroaches, I beg to remark that my observations on our native ones lead me to slightly different views as to their general habits. Thus, I have never yet seen a Blat- tarian eat a living plant in nature, but frequently found them devouring caterpillars, other soft-bodied insects, etc. Plants injured where they abound I have always found to have been attacked by snails, caterpil- lars, etc. In my garden Epilampra notabilis occurs in numbers at cer- tain times, and with its multiplication the herbivorous larva' disappear rapidly, and 1 have always spared the lives of such forms as species of Polyrasteria and Platyrasteria which might be taken home alive with firewood and placed among the boxes, timber, etc., of my outhouse, yet have never observed any increase; nay, they remain very few. Still, I suffer very much less than others from depredations of the notorious household iusects. Even centipedes and spiders are protected without the slightest bad results, but instead there is freedom from any excessive insect injuries. I regard the Blattariae as eminently carnivorous, of which a few species (the domestic ones) have developed a capacity for amylacious food assimilation. Although Periplaneta orientalis and amerieana were very troublesome some years ago, there are scarcely any complaints received now, though they are by no means extinct; and this, I think, is in consequence of the application of a very simple remedy which I have recommended in every case, viz, a mixture of plaster of paris (I part) and Hour (3 to 4 parts) in a saucer, and near by another fiat plate with pure water, both supplied with several bridges to give easy access, and one or two thin boards floating on the water, touching the margin. The insects readily eat the mixture, become thirsty and drink, when the plaster sets and clogs the intestines. The insects disappear in a few weeks, the bodies no doubt eaten by the sur- vivors. Where a tew of the large kinds occur, the small ones disappear quickly, and it took a long time before I could secure a sample of 96 Phyllodromia germanica (last year only). I have seen and captured large and small kinds in my own bouse, but they never increase beyond a few stray ones and give me trouble. The only kind of pyrethrum powder I found effective is Keating's; the others only seem to intoxi- cate, but not to kill. Neither fleas, bedbugs, ants, nor moquitoes appear to be proof against its effects nor the minute pests infesting dried plants. — J. G. O. Tepper, Adelaide, South Australia. INSECTIVOROUS HABITS OF LIZARDS. Our prettiest lizards are the most useful ones. Our three kinds of horned toads are great eaters. I have never known one to eat anything but live, moving insects. While the garden toad feeds mostly by night, the lizards feed by day and bury themselves at night, both as a protection from nocturnal enemies and to absorb moisture from the earth. Contrary to general report, they do sometimes drink. I have seen pet lizards do so. A large horned toad will kill a small snake, probably because the snake would eat its young ones. The young — sometimes more than a dozen — are born, each inclosed in a skin covering (some call it an egg). In an hour or so this skin cracks and the young emerge looking just like their mother and begin at once to eat minute insects that are so small that they would not be noticed if one were not looking for them. I have seen them eat bedbugs when a few weeks old. Our several kinds of blue-tailed lizards eat the most minute insects as well as worms so large that they have to bite them off in mouthfuls. They dig about the roots of plants with their tiny hand-like forefeet and bring out something that makes a noise when they crush it, whether eggs of insects or hard- shelled insects I could not tell. Like the horned toad, they are fly- catchers, ant-eaters, and worm-eaters. It is often said that " blue- tailed lizards are spitters and ought to be killed:" that ••horned toads are as poisonous as rattlesnakes;" that "the bite of a horned toad makes a sore that will not heal." When I see the persecution that these harm- less animals suffer, I wish that they could bite. Unlike birds, they can not fly away, and they never meddle with fruit or grain. The pretty leopard-like Holbrookia eats some herbage as well as insects. A baby Holbrookia an inch long will eat an apple worm half an inch long. When put in the flytrap cage these lizards first pick out the very large, black, and bright-colored flies before eating the house flies. Dipsosaurus dorsalis eats herbage only. Crotaphytus is a cannibal, eating the young of the horned toads and all kinds of insectivorous lizards. It eats herbage aud some insects, but no doubt does more harm than good. The blue-tailed lizards are Cnemidophorus and Utas. Natural enemies are cats, dogs, ground squirrels, and chickens, fiats and snakes are very destructive to she young. These lizards could be shipped to any part of the United States except during the breeding season — the middle of summer — and I think could stand the cold and other climatic conditions. Little girls and ladies own pet lizards; boys and gardeners Kill them. \f\t fall [expect to be able to report on other groups of lizards. My efforts to introduce them as insect destroyers have failed because towns have not been williug to protect them ;mt protect them. -Winnie Harward, Albuquerqm . A . Mex. ON ill!. BEOKNl SPREAD OP Mil: M EDI I BB B \ m: \ N PLOUB MOTH. Since the first reported invasion of flour mills by Ephestia kuehniella in Ontario, Canada, in the year L889, the spread of this species in North America has been fortunately comparatively slow. There is no doubt that its further dissemination has been prevented largely through the many notices of its Injuriousness and of the precautions to be used against it that have been published in scientific periodicals and other publications, and the progress that has been made in methods for the insect's suppression. Et is equally positive that the insect had been present in this country, and in each of the several localities where it was first reported as injurious, sonic years previous to the dates >\>i-i- ified, as it requires usually several years for almost any species of in- sect to become seriously injurious in a new locality. As an example of this it is only necessary to cite the observation of Danysz, who traced the occurrence of this flour moth in America back to the year 1880, nine years before its reported occurrence in injurious abundance here. The recorded spread of this species after the first Canadian invasion mentioned is, in brief, as follows: In 1892 it first became destructive about San Francisco, Cal., aud is very troublesome there and elsewhere in that State even at the present time, in spite of the most approved methods that have been devised and put in use for its destruction. In 1893 its occurrence was noticed, though not in flouring mills, at Loveland, Colo., on houeycomb, the larvae seeming to feed on pollen in the cells (C. P. Gillette, Bui. No. 47, Colo. Agl. Expt. Sta., pp. 50, 51). In May, 1895, its appearance was noted in mills in southwestern Xew York State, presumably near the Pennsylvania State line. Although the locality has not, to my knowledge, been published, correspondence between the miller and Prof. W. G. Johnson, who first reported this outbreak in a milling journal in May, 1895, elicited the information that the species had been present in that locality at least since 1893. Later the species occurred in Pennsylvania. In both these localities it was injurious in flouring mills. Very recently the pest has been discovered in Ohio, in Stark County, as well as in various new localities in States where the species has been previously observed. These localities have been given by Professor Johnson in recent publications. We have now to record the occurrence and probable establishment of this pest in Minnesota, in the very center of the most extensive milling plants in this or any country. 11608— No. 22 7 98 October 12, 1898, Prof. II. L. Osborn, Hainline University, St. Paul, Minn., sent to the United States Department of Agriculture larvae of this species, from which the imago was subsequently reared, taken iu flour. It came to a laboratory at Mainline University in a sack, and was transferred to an empty barrel, where it had remained since the preced- ing June. The previous history of the barrel was not known, and could not be traced. Professor Osborn, however, wrote us, under date of October 19, that the flour was purchased in St. Paul in April of that year, and was not opened until fall, as the house was closed during the summer, while the owner was absent. About the middle of September the servant began to use the flour, and from what our correspondent writes, it seems probable that there was every chance that some of the larvae made their escape. As soon as Professor Osborn became acquainted with the identity of the insect he killed all of the larvae that could be found, so that there conld be no possibility of their escap- ing and developing; but it is possible that some of them had already made their escape before this time. Nothing further has been learned concerning this occurrence, but it is believed best to bring the matter to public notice, so that millers in the vicinity of St. Paul and Minneapolis may be forewarned, and hence the better able to cope with this insect should it make its appearance in their mills and warehouses. The fact that it is the most pernicious of all mill insects is well established, as well as that it is capable of developing upon all sorts of ground cereals. In addition to the localities mentioned above, this species has been recorded from North Carolina, Alabama, and New Mexico, but evidence is wanting to show that its occurrence in these States is iu mills, or that it is established there otherwise than in the open. It is known to live in the nests of wild bees, and in the three States last mentioned it may not even occur in the vicinity of mills or storehouses. — F. H. Chittenden. NOTE ON TWO SPECIES OF "LIGHTNING HOPPERS." During the past two years two species of hoppers of the family Ful- goridae have been noticed in considerable numbers on useful plants in the District of Columbia and near-by points of Maryland and Yirginia. One of these, Ormenis (Pceciloptera) jwuinosa, or the frosted lightning hopper, as it has been called, is new to the list of apple insects as recently revised by the late Dr. Lintner, while Chlorockroa (Flata) conicahas not been mentioned in the list of grape insects published by Prof. Lawrence Bruner (Kept. Nebr. State Hort. Soc. for 1895, pp. 69-72). Both species are reputed to weaken and distort the young and tender shoots and other growth of their food plants by the innumerable minute punctures which they make for the deposition of their eggs and for food, and both have the singular habit of congregating in rows or ranks of half a dozen or more on the vines or tree twigs which they infest. When disturbed all the individuals retreat to the opposite side of the vine or twig in almost as complete unison as a squad of soldiery. 99 Orwenis pruinoaa Say, Nymphs nearlj mil grown and b f«-w adults of this species were foaud dariug the last week of June, 1890, upon apple al Cabin John. Mil. Borne were upou the leaves and some upon the stems of the fruit They readily attraci attention bj thesofl white flocculent substance which is Beereted and forms in a light mass about tla i iiNiuplis and which remains for some time after the nympha have issnrd as perfect insects and gone to some oilier portion of the plant. Nymphs and adults were also found in great abundance on plum, both at this place and in the 'District of Columbia, as well as on cherry, potato, three sided Mercury [Acalypha virginica), virgin's bower (Clematis virginiana) } and trumpet creeper (Tecoma radicans). Although a general feeder this species appears to favor climbing plants. This hopper has received rather frequent mention in different eco- nomic, including governmental, publications. The first of these that I find is by Miss M. B. Murtfeldt (Bui. No. 13, o. s., pp. 61,62), in which special reference is made to abstractiveness to foliage and stalks of dahlia at Kirkwood, Mo., in 1886. In one garden plants were injured beyond recovery, In volume I'Y of Insect Life (p. 112) brief notice i^ given of reported ravages on so-called "California hedge plant" in Texas. In volume V of t he same publication p. L55) it is mentioned brietly by Miss Murtfeldt among- the enemies of Osage orange, and in Bulletin No. 32 (p. 38) the same writer states that the insect was remarkably abundant in 1893 in vineyards in Missouri, where it was popularly mistaken for u mealy bug, 71 and that it caused considerable blighting of the leaves and twigs. A still longer account was given in the Fifth Report of the United States Entomological Commission (p. 281) from notes by Professor Riley, the food plants mentioned includ- ing elm. hackberry, maple, red clover, and Erigeron canadense. Illus- trations of the species and a short account of its habits and of the method of its attack on sassafras were given by the same writer in his Fifth Missouri Report (p. 122). Chlorochroa conica Say. — This beautiful green species was taken in some numbers at Colonial Beach in July, 1897. The adults fed upon grape, and it was reared from nymphs found on the same plant. Its favorite food plant was not grape, but hop, and its occurrence on grape was due to an overflow from the hop vines upon which it was present in large numbers. This species has also been recorded as occurring on Osage orange and lilac, the tender shootsof which plant, according to Miss Murtfeldt (Bui. No. 13, 1. c), it weakens in the same manner as does the Ormenis. — F. H. C. COTTON INSECTS IN EGYPT. In the May and dune numbers of the "Journal of the Khedival Agricultural Society,'' published at Cairo, Egypt, there is an article by Mr. George P.Foaden on " Insect and other pests injurious to cotton in Egypt." The author deals chiefly with two insects, the cotton worm, Prodeniti littoralis, and the boll worm, Earias insulana. 100 The Prodenia differs from the Aletia of our Southern States in at least three important points — the moth lays her eggs on one or two leaves only, the pupal period is passed in the ground, and the cater- pillar feeds on various crops, as berseem, maize, and barley. There are at least five broods in a season on the cotton. Sometimes, if the cotton is sown on land recently in berseem (a winter forage plant), the stems of the young cotton plants will be eaten close to the ground, thus necessitating replanting. The habit of the moth in placing her eggs mostly on one or two leaves is the clew to the best remedy — the picking of these leaves before the larva* leave them. About a month after this the cotton should be heavily flooded to destroy any caterpil- lars which escaped and are now, as pupae, in the ground. The intelli- gent use of these two measures prevents any serious damage to the crop. The Egyptian boll worm (Ear las insulana), known to us through the writings of Frauenfeld and others, is, like our own form, not so easily controlled. One egg is laid by a moth on a boll, the larva, hatching, gnaws into and destroys the contents of the boll. It passes the winter in a grayish white cocoon which is fastened to the bracts of a flower. No real remedy has been found; the only measure of value is the burn- ing of the cotton wood as soon as possible after the gathering of the crop. Two other insects are mentioned as of minor importance. One, a plant-louse, Aphis ulmarce, sucking the leaves; the other a Lygaeid, Oxycarenus hyalinipennis, which infests the bolls damaged by the Earias. — N. B. A COTTON STAINER IN PERU. We recently received from Mr. Eduardo Fowks, of Paita, Peru, a bug congeneric with and rather closely resembling the well-known cotton stainerof the Southeastern United States (Dysderciissutureilus), 2b full account of which was published in Insect Life (Vol. I, p. 234), and which was further mentioned in the writer's account of insects affecting the cotton plant (U. S. Dept. of Agric, Farmers' Bulletin, "No. 47). The Peruvian insect, which proves to be Dysdercus ruficoUis Linn., has the same habits as our North American species, piercing the bolls and staining the cotton, reducing the value of the cotton, according to Mr. Fowks, "from 4 to G cents a pound." The common name (presumably Indian) is Eabi atadi, which signifies " tails tied together," the name being given from the fact that the adult insects are usually found attached in this way. During 1898 the damage to two cotton plantations at Paita from this insect was at least $10,000. BIOLOOIC OBSERVATIONS ON HARP ALUS PENNSYLVANICUS DEG. One of the commonest insects over a wide extent of territory in this country is the ground beetle, Harpalus pennsylvanicus DeG. In the late Dr. Riley's First Missouri Report (p. 59) the adult of this species is figured, as also a larva, which latter is fully described and which was 101 believed i<> probabh be the same species. Since the publication of thai report in L868, the laine species has received frequent mention in reports and other publications of l>r. Riley, as also by many other economic entomologists. The species has in some waj gained general credit for being efficient as a destroyer of injurious insects, but, to the best of the writer's knowledge, its exact economic status lias never been dearly defined. The observations which will be here presented, although not bearing upon this subject, to any considerable extent, are of interest as being, perhaps, the first actual observations on the living habits of the larva. Prom the fact that the larvae were found so deep under ground, and in the absence of other species that might have served for food, it would seem not improbable that they subsist toa considerable extent upon angleworm 8 rather than on the larvae and pupa- ot* other insects. A comparison with the illustration and descrip- tion of the larva mentioned in the First Missouri Report and umm| the same year in the American Entomologist (Vol. [, p. 34), show that this is not Harpalus pennsylvanicus, the color alone being sufficient to exclude it, but is perhaps Pterostichus or a related genus, as pointed out in volume V of Insect Life (p. 209). The species treated by Riley in the First Report of the CJ. 3. Entomological Commission (p. 290, fig. 2 1 is, however, plainly a Harpalus, or at least a closely related genus, and perhaps H.herbivagus Say, a smaller species than yennsylvanicus, and undoubtedly differing toa considerable extent in structural details and, perhaps, also in habits, judging from the fact that the hypothetical herbivagus is much darker than penmylvanicus. The latter is nearly white throughout, indicating an almost exclusively subterranean habit. April 8, 189S, while preparing a little plat of earth for experimental purposes on the Department of Agriculture grounds a single larva and two adults of TIarp<(Ins pennsylvanicm DeG. were found by Mr. F. C. Pratt at a considerable depth below the surface. The digging of the earth began at the southeastern corner of the grounds and pro- ceeded northward, the work extending over portions of three days. On the second day numerous pupa' and only a single larva weie found, and on the third day in the northern end of this plat, which was bor- dered at this side by a driveway aud high hedge of evergreens, an abundance of larva' were taken, with only one or two pupa'. The last larva' dug up were the smallest and least mature. The most mature individuals were found on the southern end of this plat and the least mature on the northern end. Still another point was noticed, namely, that the insects occurred for the most part within about 2 or 3 feet of an Osage-orange hedge nearest the sidewalk. Nearly all of the larvae and pupa' dug up — about 40 in number — were found at a depth of !> or 10 inches, and with the exception of three individuals— beetles and larva' taken on the first day — were within about 20 feet of the hedge and trees bordering the driveway. These details, although, perhaps, inconsequent in themselves, are mentioned, as the occurrence of the insects in the manner narrated was as noticeable as it is unexplainable. 102 The larva' that were kept under observation burrowed into the soil with which they were provided and remained there until the advent of a warm spell, which happened April 17, when they came up from the earth, evidently in search of food. The pupal cells observed were in most cases rather crude, but some few were fairly well defined — one such which will prove a fair sample of the best, measuring about 20 n,m in length, half that in width, and nearly as deep as wide. A larva that was kept under observation transformed to pupa April 15 and the imago appeared May 15, this individual having remained as pupa thirty days. From the species figured and described by Riley as E. herbivagus, this larva may be distinguished by size alone as well as by color and form, but it also agrees in many particulars. It is about a third longer, measuring 0.85 inch (11 to 12 mm ) as against 0.58 inch for her hi vagus. The abdomen does not taper strongly, all of the segments except the last three being of similar width to the head and thorax. The color is white, the thorax being bright yellowish, but little darker than the body. The mandibles are dark brown and the single strong median tooth is black. The body is clothed with short yellowish hairs in the same manner as herbivagus, but these are more sparse than in the figure of that species. One of the pupae taken April 9, while being placed in alcohol, gave forth a parasitic larva, evidently dipterous, which crawled out from the under surface of the body near the legs of its host. — F. H. C. A NEW WESTERN ENEMY OF THE COLORADO POTATO BEETLE. Mr. J. A. Green, Waynoka, Okla., has sent us specimens of the sol- dier bug Periling claudits Say, with the accompanying information made under date of September 16, 1899, that the species is an enemy of the Colorado potato beetle. He writes as follows : These bugs appear during the mouth of May. They have a bill that lies close to the under part of their body when not in use. They deposit their eggs (which are black) on a potato leaf. The body of the young bug is a bright red and the bead is a dark blue, almost black. As they grow they keep shedding their skins and chang- ing in appearance until they are grown. The young bugs commence feeding on the eggs of the potato bug. They insert their bill in the end of the egg and suck the juice. One little bug will commence on a nest of potato-bug eggs and never stop until he has sucked the last egg. The bugs, both young and old, stick their bills into the young potato bugs, and when these are scarce they do not hesitate to tackle old ones. They do not stop at potato bugs, but suck all the miller or moth eggs they find, and even destroy the worms after they hatch. I saw them last spring with worms on their bills two or three times as large as themselves. Worms of different kinds are very destructive to tomato vines in Oklahoma. Last spring I placed one nest of this bug's eggs in my tomato patch, and, for two months, or until the bugs left, I was not troubled with worms of any kind. It was here that I first noticed them destroying worms. There is a similar bug, belonging to the same family, perhaps, that destroys the moth, eggs, and worms in the katir corn in the same way. If we only had some means of protecting these valuable insects 103 through the winter they would prov< rerj aeefal i<» the fiinri< r During tbeli breed- ing Benson the soMu-i i»n- |. ..>«,!•>,.,••* .• \ i.rac ions appetite, carrying ;• bog on bie bill moel oi tbe time, During the Pall end winter thej lire hidden ewaj in drj p ;in«l Beem tt) <;it nothing. Many «>l llirin link away in boTUee. I l<»iin.| tin- BCCOm< panying specimens In the bonee. I be male and Female ere marked a little different, tbe male being red where thie - la yellow. NOTES "N KI8CELLANBOUS INSECTS in KANSAS. Under date of December 11, L899, Mr, P. P. Crevecceur, of Onaga, Kan 8., wrote that on June of thai year be observed an individual of the distend beetle, Patomalus estriatu8 ) feeding upon a i><>\ elder plant- bug [Leptocoris trivittatus). The same day he saw a specimen of the robber ily Dasyllis tergissa) feasting on a honey bee. July 16 a speci- men of •■ granddaddy long-legs" (Phalangium ventricosum was seen attacking a bine wasp, Chalybion tceruleum, in his house. It had uearly devoured the abdomen, but whether it had killed the wasp or found it already dead was not ascertained. July 20 the targe ground beetle Pasimachus punctulatus was observed while carrying off a smaller ground beetle. Anisodaetylus verticalis, that it had just killed. August 20, Mordella Scutellaria was reared from a yellow pupa about a quarter of an inch in length, which was taken August, 14 in the stem of Amaranthus chlorostachya. The Pyralid moth. Titanio oetonalis /ell.. was reared from larva' taken June 20, feeding on Onosmodium caro- linianum : the imago issued June 29. As to the reported statement by us in Farmers' Bulletin No. 99 that the white-marked tussock moth (Orgyia leucostigma) had not yet made its way west of Iowa, so far as known to our Department, Mr. Crevecceur wrote that in 1898 two or three larva' were observed hanging from trees at Onaga, Kans.. and in 1899 two adults were reared from larvae on box-elder, and that as long back as 1890 this species was very plentiful ou walnut trees in that vicinity. Onaga, it should be mentioned, is not farther west than Lincoln, Nebr., a locality also recorded by us for this insect. Concerning the peculiar buzzing noise made by the large ground beetle (Harpdlus caliginosus), by stridulation, our correspondent wrote that it was several times observed during the summer. The habit is now well known, but it is seldom that one has the opportunity of hearing this singular noise for himself. AN EMBARRASSING FEATURE OF FOREIGN INTERDICTION AGAINST AMERICAN PLANTS AND FRUITS. It appears from a dispatch from the United States consul at Geneva that the vineyards in the Canton of Vaud. the greatest wine-producing sectiou of Switzerland, have Buffered greatly dining the year 1899, as well as 1S98, from the grapevine Phylloxera, and that the vine-growers of all French Switzerland are greatly concerned over the present situ- ation. The grand council of the Canton of Vaud has recommended the 104 planting of American vine stock throughout the wine-growing territory. Under the present laws American vines can not be introduced into the country, but the grand council will ask the Confederation to permit the introduction of such vines under strict governmental inspection. THE GREEN JUNE BEETLE OF THE SOUTHWEST. Writing under date of August 31, 1899, Dr. K. E. Kunzc, Phoenix, Ariz., calls attention to the injuries inflicted by the Western green June beetle (Allorhina mutabilis Gory) in southern Arizona. This species has received some mention in Insect Life, and more particularly by Mr. Townsend in Bulletin No. 5 of the New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station, page 10, where it is stated to be extremely injurious to ripe peaches, apples, pears, tigs, grapes, and other fruits. The following is an abstract of Dr. Kunze's letter : A few words about the Scarabfeid Allorhina mutabilis, which periodically appears in great numbers in southern Arizona to the detriment of deciduous fruit trees and vines. My observation is based upon a continuous residence of three and a half years during closed season (December, January, and February) of each year. This pestiferous insect destroys the first fig crop of the year in southern Arizona. Next to the fig, this beetle attacks grapes. Peaches, apricots, nectarines, pears, and apples are in turn destroyed, the last two fruit trees the least of any. While in Tucson, season of 1897, Mr. Elliott, ex-postmaster, told me that his crop of garden grapes was annually destroyed by mutabilis. He picked off the beetles as fast as he could, and within two days beetles and berries were alike gone. Other residents related the same story concerning their fig crop. In the early summer of 1898 in Phoenix I observed mutabilis hanging to a single fig in clusters the size of a folded pair of hands, and when the stem was eaten off would drop to the ground, flying in every direction. Mr. S. M. Barrows, of Tombstone, whose family camped with me in the Hnachucaa during July, 1899, informed me that his grapes were usually eaten up by mutabilis. A NOTE ON THE COCKLEBUR BILL-BUG. One of the insects figured and treated by the late Dr. Riley in his Third Missouri Report (p. 60) and in the report of this Department for 1881-82 (p. 142) is the gayly-colored red and black snout beetle, Rhodo- bcvnus 13-punctatus 111. This species is said to attack cultivated sunflower, but as neither this nor any other stem borers that attack the large-stemmed com- posites have any apparent effect on the vitality of the plant the species can hardly be said to be of economic importance either as a destroyer of cultivated plants or of weeds. The insect is, however, of interest by reason of its near relationship to the genus Sphenophorous, many species of which are injurious to corn and other Graminea?, and and are known generally throughout the country as corn bill-bugs. Two imagos and one pupa were taken recently during September near Rosslyn. Va., from the stems of the Joe-Pye weed (Eupatorium perfoliatum) a single individual in each stem. Several other stems which comprised this clump were opened, all of which betrayed un- I Ofj mistakable evidence of having been recently tenanted i>.\ thiH Bpecies, the accumulated castings aud the siec of fctae exit !i<'l<- indicating the nature of the late occupant In almost everj stem then- was equal proof of the presence of a second tenant, vi/., Languria mozardi, the latter occupying the upper portion of the stem, the Calandrid the lower. The species was also louiui breeding in the stems of the so-called large-flowered leaf-cup Polymnia uvedalia) at Marshall Ball, Md. Other food plants thai have been recorded lor this insect belong to the genera Xauthium, Eelianthus, Cirsium, Ambrosia, and Silphium. Some time ago Rev. G, l>. llulst informed me that this Bpecies also breeds in the stems of Verrtonia, and it seems probable that it will thrive in all the Composite if not also on some other plants which have stems of sufficient size and structure for its occupancy. The hibernated imagos appear in the neighborhood of the District of Columbia as early as the first week in May. and the newly bred imagOS have been found the first week of September. Two parasites of this species have been observed by the writer. The first of these is the chalcidid Habrocytus rhodobceni Ashm., reared from material from Rosslyn, Ya., and described in 189G (Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. Vol. Will, p. 220), and the other, also a chalcidid, is unde- scribed.— V. B.C. REPORTED IN. I TRY BY GIANT SCARAB. KID BEETLES. July 27, L899, we received through Trot'. F. S. Earle, Auburn, Ala., specimens of both sexes of Strategics antceus, a relative of the well- known rhinocerus beetle Dynastes tityus, with an inelosure from Mr. 0. W. Ewing, Gadsden, Ala., who reported severe injury by these beetles to orchard trees, particularly peach. A specimen of the root of one of these trees accompanied the letter, which showed the gnaw- ing- of some animal. Mr. Ewing seems to be positive that beetles were the cause of the injury. No such instance of injury by this species has apparently been recorded, but it is not impossible that it may have been done under the most exceptional circumstances, as, for instance, in a locality where many dead roots would afford breeding places for the beetles. A similar instance of injury was reported by our corre spondent on the authority of his brother, who noticed these beetles upon peach trees at Chattanooga, Tenn. April 29, Mr. S. 0. Gibson, of the University of Virginia, wrote that Xyloryctes satyrus, another related species, attacked ash in his vicinity, and after boring a hole under the surface of the ground to the depth of an inch or two u seemed to destroy the bark all around the tree. v LOCUSTS IN ARGENTINA AND LOURENrO MARQUEZ, SOUTHEASTERN AFRICA. Through Mr. James W. Ayers, United States consul at Kosario, Argentine Republic, the Department has received, by courtesy of the Department of State, a clipping from the Standard, of liueuos Ayres 106 of August 27, 1899, stating that there is every prospect that during the comiug season (this winter) there will be a locust invasion in great force. The statement is made on the authority of Mr. Oliver 0. James of Car- carafia, who is said to be one of the best authorities in the Argentine Kepublic on questions relating to locusts. Mr. James calls attention to the fact that the permanent breeding grounds of the South Ameri- can locust in Uruguay are neglected, and emphasizes the fact that money spent in invaded regions is absolutely thrown away unless sup- plemented by coordinate efforts in Uruguay. A report from Mr. W. Stanley Hollis, United States consul at Lou- renco Marquez, in the southeastern part of Africa, transmitted in the same way and dated August 24, states that during that month the town was twice visited by dense swarms of locusts which did considerable damage and left the roofs of the buildings in a filthy condition, thereby necessitating much extra cleaning. As all of the drinking water is drained from the roofs and stored in iron tanks, the pollution by locusts is a serious matter, as locust droppings are most offensive. This is a new aspect of locust damage. A NEW CLOTHES-MOTH REMEDY. Dr. A. K. Fisher, of Washington, uses bisulphide of carbon against clothes moths. He has a wooden chest in which he stores away his clothes. In the cover of the chest he has a large auger hole, with a sponge tied immediately below it. In midsummer he pours a few drops of bisulphide of carbon through the auger hole upon the sponge and closes the hole with a cork. He states that by virtue of this treatment he has never had any moths in his clothes. NOCTURNAL FLIGHT OF GRASSHOPPERS. The following interesting note has been sent to this office by Dr. H. M. Smith, of the United States Fish Commission: On July 12, 1899, between 11 and 12 o'clock at night, there was a remarkable flight of grasshoppers at the light house in Lake Erie off the mouth of the Detroit River. The insects were of large size and very numerous, the platform around the lantern being thickly covered with them. The keeper aroused his assistants and had them sweep the grasshoppers from the platform, a number of pailfuls being removed. Although grasshoppers have occasionally appeared at this light house in the day- time this is the first instance of a night flight. The light is one of the most pow- erful and conspicuous on Lake Erie. After comparison with named specimens in Washington, Dr. Smith, from recollection, seems reasonably sure that the species was the American locust (Schistocerca americana). This species is a strong flier, and, while it breeds only farther south, has been occasionally taken in Ontario. This remarkable flight noticed by Dr. Smith will account for the Canadian occurrences of this species. 107 NOTES FROM CORRESPONDENCE. Habit:, ol Att.i Insularis Querin in Cuba. \ correspondent, Mr, \. M. ^ sending specimens of ;i leaf . nttei ant, Itta intnlarit, writes 1 1 ■ . ( r these Insects w< ra Introduced some yean ago into the lulls of another rather destructive ant, and proved to be even more injurious than the original species, linee the] did oonaidera ble damage to young poult iv, and, in fact, to all young domestic animals. He write* further: ".] remember that my father some years ago was advised to propagate thia ant in his cane fields, where mice an ed iron, a corresponded at Princeton, Iowa, a letter of inquiry in regard to what he calls "the new potato beetle or fly," on potatoes, which from the description Was undoubtedly a blister beetle. The insect was said to be very destructive, taking the place of the "old-style potato hug," by which our correspondent undoubtedly referred to the Colorado potato beetle. .Soon after the advent of the latter species iu the East the blister beetles became known as the "old-fashioned potato beetles/' and it is one of the strange reversals that sometimes happen that has led to the Colorado potato beetle being now called "the old-style potato bug,"' while the original potato destroyers are known as "the new potato beetles." Injury by Wingless May Beetles in Texas.— May 22, 1899, Mr. G. G. Hood wrote from China Springs, Tex., that the distended May beetle, Lachnosterna farcta Lee, specimens of which were sent, was doing injury to collards in that vicinity. The beetles were observed to he working at night from dark until about 10 o'clock, when they deserted the plants and entered the ground to a depth of about 4 inches. They were first observed by the 1st day of March and had visibly decreased in numbers after the 1st of May. Young plants they devoured completely; older plants they defoliated, leaving the main stalk. Another May beetle, Lachnosterna lanceolafa Say, was also found to attack collards and was noticed more or less every year since 1890. Their principal food was stated to be "careless weed" (Amaranthus), two or three species of which grow commonly in or near cornfields. The New York "Weevil in Virginia. — Writing of the so-called New York weevil, Ithycent* noraboracensis Forst., in 1871, the late Dr. Riley said that this beautiful beetle often did considerable damage to fruit trees and that he was receiving it every spring from persons who desired information concerning it. Evidently since that time the species has for some reason been on the decrease, as no cases of injury have been reported to this division since June of 1*79, when damage was observed to fruit trees in southern Illinois. May 22, 1899, Mr. George W. Sandefur, Sidna, Carroll County, Va., sent specimens of the beetle with the information that the species was destroying his apple trees, cutting off the leaves and twigs of various Lengths from 2 to •; inches. Work was noticed to be done chietly at night. The present year injury was noticed at 'Kome, Ga., t<- apple and peach tret reported by Mr. A. L. Quaintauce in ;i preceding bulletin | Bui. No. 20, p. 58 Appearance of the Twelve-spotted Asparagus Beetle near New York City. — Writing under date of June 6, 1899, Mr. Richard P. Pearaall Btates that on the pre- vious day he discovered a colony of the introduced asparagus pest, Crioceris t£-puno- tata, in the outskirts of Brooklyn, the beetles being sufficiently abundant to permit 108 the capture of some 30 specimens. This is not the first record of the occurrence of the species in New York .State, hut it does not appear to have been noticed near New York City he fore this time. Recent Injury by the Margined Vine-chafer.— June 21, 1899, Dr. E. K. Harding Orange, Va., wrote that this insect, Anomala marginata Fab., specimens of which were sent later, was troublesome in that section of Virginia. The beetle was stated to devour the leaves of fruit and other trees and hushes, eating the fruit around the stem >o as to cause it to fall off. Injury had never been noticed prior to 1899. Food Plants of the Blister Beetle (Henons confertus). — Under date of June 7,1898, Mr. F. W. Thurow, Harvester, Tex., writes that this black meloid beetle, specimens of which he sends, appears to be a general feeder, but that it takes a special liking to Amari/llus Candida, an early fall-blooming exotic plant cultivated in this country. At first it keeps the leaves eaten off, afterwards taking the flower stem, and next the ilower itself. Mr. Schwarz says that this species also attacks potato, but prefers wild Solanum. The Original Home and a New Food Plant of the Harlequin Cabbage Bug. — Prof. T. 1 >. A. Cockerell finds at Las Vegas, N. Mex., and formerly at Embudo, X. Mex., that Alurgantialiistrionicaoccuvs abundantly upon a Capparidaceous plant, Oleoma serr id aia. He thinks, and the editor sees no rea'son to differ from him, that the Harlequin cab- bage bug is probably native to that region, and that the Cleome is its proper food plant, or one of them. Injury to Strawberries by Myodocha serripes. — June 1, 1899, Mr. T. J. Peyton, Rapidan, Va., sent specimens of the Lygadd, Myodocha serripes 01., with the report that it was very injurious to strawberries by puncturing the fruit. They were observed to attack the berry in all stages of its growth, but did not attack the vine at all. They begin by puncturing the fruit as soon as the bloom drops, and con- tinue until the berry is destroyed. As many as 20 of the bugs could be observed on a single large berry, and hundreds were about each plant. They were stated to increase by thousands daily, aud to be destroying our correspondent's entire crop, which gave promise of being very large for the space planted. Vines were stated to have from 50 to 75 green berries on each, and from most of them not a single ripe berry was obtained. The insects punctured the small ends of the green berries, and this ajipeared to retard their growth, causing them to become small and knotty and, of course, not fit to eat. Attack by this insect of the nature specified has previously been recorded in the same locality by Prof. W. G. Johnson (Bui. No. 20, n. s., p. 63). Hibernation of the Electric-light Bug. — Mr. H. J. Giddings, of Sabula, Iowa, sent to this office under date of February 4, 1899, an adult specimen of Belostoma amencanum, which had been found alive under the ice in a creek, the temperature at the time being 10° F. below zero. The Praying Mantis as an Enemy to the Apiary.— August 20, 1899, Dr. O. M. Blanton, Greenville Miss., wrote that this species, Stagmomantis Carolina, specimens of which accompanied his letter, was quite often found about his apiary feeding upon the bees. They were stated to devour them as ravenously as a cat would a mouse. Our correspondent was informed that these insects also fed upon house flies. Mayflies on Lake Erie. — The following note has been received from Dr. H. M. Smith, of the United States Fish Commission: Capt. John Baxter, of the U. S. light-house tender Haze, reports that he has at times sailed through 20 miles of dead May-flies in the middle of Lake Erie. On July 20, 1899, I found on the flat top of a gas buoy near the national boundary line thousands of dead May flies. About one year ago when I was at the same buoy there were many more May flies on it. The entire top, about 4 feet in diameter, was covered with a mass of May flies fully 2 to 1 inches thick; these had been matted into a compact cake by rain and sun. 109 A Plant-bug 1'iuMi. ol the Green Plant-bug. In Volume I ol ' Insect plant bug / nthyrhym * imi i •• I '•• I orded at having been observed in the act ol piercing a honej bee. Many of the plant-bugs feed with apparently equal relish on either plants or insects, au<1 it ii often a matter of difficulty to determine the eoonomio status ol when the ■ has this dual habit. Is further continual Ion of the predaceous habits of this b pedes, we received, nndei date of January 2, L899, through Mi. B. M. Hampton, Lakemdnt, Fla., q speoimen from Mr. J. P. Donnelly, Mount Dora, Fla., who cap tared it in the acl of dragging the green plant- bug, Yezara hilariB, along the ground. lt> long proboscis was found on nearer observation to be inserted in thee liter of the abdomen of its viotiui, and the green plant-bug was dead. . UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09216 6155