UNIT3D STATES DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU 0? ENTOMOLOGY AND PL.^TT QUARANTINE Washington 25, D. C. R.I.F.Q, S7S-27 November 2, 19' 1 SUMMARY 07 STATE NURSERY- STOCK SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS AND PLANT QUARANTINES AND REGULATIONS AFFECTING I TERSTATE SHIPMENTS MONTANA The information contained in this summary was compiled from material received from the plant quarantine official of Montana and has "been ap- proved "by him. It is issued for the convenience of plant quarantine in- spectors, shipoers, transportation agents, truckers, and others concerned in the interstate movement of plants, plant products, and other materials subject to State reflation on account of plant pests. The summary for Montana gives the general requirements for shippi nursery stock into that -State, as well as digests of the State plant quar- antines and regulations affecting interstate shipments. An appendix fur- nishes information on post-office requirements for mailing plants, as well as terminal-inspection procedure. This summary does not include digests of nursery-stock or plant— quarantine requirements relating to the movement of plants entirely within the State, The information contained in this circular is believed to he correct and complete up to the time of preparation, hut it is not intended to he used independently of or as a substitute for tie original texts of the re ulations sni quarantines, and it is not +o b'n interpreted as legally authoritative. 7or detailed information address the Chief, Division of Horticulture, State Department of Agriculture, Lahor and Industry! Mi s souls , Mo nt ma , In addition to State requirements, shippers will need to take into consideration applicable plant quarantines of the United States Department of Agriculture, In most instrnces these quarantines re ulate the inter- state movement of specified plants, plant products, and other articles from designated regulated areas. However, some of these quarantines regu- late the interstate movement of certain articles into designated protect, i areas. Copies of such quarantines may he obtained from fche Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Washington 25i D. C, . ... ■ / / ,7''-7 t Chief, iiyreau o^ Jlnto^qAo •;' and Plant quarantine " Montana nursery-stock shipping requirements - 2 - MOSTTAHA summary o? asrsRAL r^shy-sioc:; ship?:?.73- R":yj:?~ .j:"/ts (Ch. 306, Rev. Stat. 1935, as amended by Ch. 112, L. 1939, Ch. 220, L.19U3, and Ch.89, 1.19^5; Regulations July I9U5) Definition of Nursery Stock. — Fruits, shade and ornamental trees (deciduous or evergreen), shrubs, vines, plants, roots, scions, cuttings, or other portions of plants or shrubs or trees designed to be replanted in Montana for home or commercial use. General Shipr>in-" Requirements. --Anyone wishing to deal in nursery stock in Montana should make application for a license to the Montana Commissioner of Agriculture on a form, furnished by him upon request, and ^pa.y an annual license fee, as follows: Sin for a general nursery; $10 for a nursery deal- ing in small fruits, ornamental shrubs, ~nulbs, and perennials; and $5 "for- a nursery dealing in bulbs and perennials only. A nurseryman should also file a copy of his State inspection certificate with the Commissioner. All licenses expire en July 1 following date of issue, -agents of licensed nur- series will be granted salesmen's certificates, free of charge, upon re- quest of their principals. It is unlawful to misrepresent the name, age, variety, cr class of any nursery stock or place where the nursery stock was grown, or to sub- stitute inferior varieties for those ordered. Customers ordering nursery stock must be provided with a. duplicate orier stating this information. Ho one may receive or deliver uninspected nursery s^ock in Montana. Persons having uninspected nurserr stock shipped to them in Montana by un- licensed nurseries or persons must have such nursery stock inspected by a Montana inspector for a fee of 10 percent of the invoice price of such shipment. The minimum fee is 50 cents, tdIus traveling expenses of the in- spector, except that a licensed consi-rnee may have such nursery stock inspected at the regular fee. Licensed persons or nurseries must notify the Commissioner of intent to ship nurser,r stock not .r>reviously inspected into Montana at least 5 days befor- date of shipment. All nursery stock, fruits, and vegetables moved into Montana by any method of transportation are subject to inspection at a designated station at a charge fixed by the. Commissioner. Montana nureery^-etock sh ippin - in q ' re m< nts - 3 - Plgfit Material s Subject to Tr- rrdr.al Insp ^ction The State of Montana has arranged, under the plan outlined in the appendix, for terminal inspection of the following plants and plant materials: All florists' stock, trees, shrubs, irin^o, cuttings, ra.ftsi scions, buds, fruit pits, and other seeds of fruit end ornamental trres or shrubs and other plants and plant products in the raw or unmanuf a c tur i state, except vegetable and flower seeds and succulent plants, such as tomato, pepper, and cabba The State of Montana hap also arranged for t! = snforcement of ' quarantines on account of the hire'': locust borer and the c 3rr fruit fly. Terminal Inspection Points in --ion tana ?illincs Slas^ow Havre Laurel -rutte 'lendive Helena Miles Cit; Culbertson Oreat F->lls Kalispell i -soula Montana Plant quarantine - U - Summary of Plant Quarantines Black Locust iorer (quarantine Order Sfo. 7-3, effective Mar, 25, 1932) Black locust plants or untreated black locust products or !lany other material likely to contain or transport the borer in any of its life stages," are prohibited from moving into or through Montana from the in- fested areas. Infested areas All States east of the eastern boundaries of Arizona, Utah, Idaho, and Montaj " Sntire State o^ Washington Cherry Fruit Fly (Quarantine Order No. 5-3, revised effective May ig, I9U7) Fresh cherries and used cherry containers may not be shipped into Montana from the areas in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington infested with cherry fruit flies. Fresh cherries and used cherry containers will be admitted into Montana from the noninfested areas in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, only when ac- companied by State-of-origin certification, signed at point of origin only, stating that the cherries in such shipment were -^rown and packed in and shipped from a county free from cherry fruit flies, and specifying numb', r of packages in shipment. The ori :inal certificate should be mailed to the Division of Horticulture, Missoula, Montana., and the first copy should ac- company the shipment. Ncninfested areas Idaho: Central and southern Idaho Ore on: -Counties of Baker, C os, Curry, Douglas, Hood River Jackson, Josephine, Lake, Malheur, Umatilla, Wasco Washington: Counties of Adams, Benton, Ch Ian, Columbia, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Kittitas, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Stevens; and territories in Asotin and Walla t/alla Counties adjacent to the Snake River Montana plant quarantines - 5 - Pea Weevil (Quarantine Order No. 8-?-, effective Mar. 20, 193?) Each shipment ofseed oeas moving into Montana must be accompanied by (l) a certificate of the State of origin to the effect that the peas were ^rown and packed in a district free from pea weevil or that the peas were fumij; ted with carbon di sulphide, as specified in the quaran- tine, or (2) by a Montana certificate providing for fumigation at destination. The fore to in^ summary was reviewed and approved on September 13» 19^1 by R. 0, Young, Chief, Division of Horticulture. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09314 8343