Bulletin No. 13 l)Ei J AliTMEXT OFAGRICUL/1 />f DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. 5 ■ ' Vp* f FOODS AND POOD ADULTERANTS. INVESTIGATIONS MADE ENDEU DIRECTION OF II. \V. WILEY, ( JIH ■>• CHKMISTj WITH THE COLLABORATION OE K. l\ McELROY, W. H. KRl'G, T. ('. TREN or. W. 1 . BIGELOW, AND OTHERS. PART NINTH. Cereals and Cereal Products, ™xxxxxxxxxxxxmx x o 3 "E.CQ M " H S M H M M M M |? M 2. M - M •i M M ►4 Q.' D < tr — t a5 ^MIXXXIXXIXXXXHX WASHINGS jfc.\\l!'A I PRINTING OFFICE, 1 8 US. 1 /. ^ United States Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY. H. W. Wiley, Chief. A KNIFE FOR KILLING POULTRY. By H. C. Pierce, Food Research Labors The knives in common use in bleeding apd braining poultry are not suited to their purpose. The blades ate too broad and too long and the curve at the point should be on the back instead of (bn the cutting edge. The handle is so large that the killer is encouraged to use too much force in making the cut to bleed, whereas a light touch of the sharp knife, properly directed, is all that is needed to cut the blood vessels. The knives are also insanitary in that dirt collects at the junction of the blade and handle. The knife which is to be used to bleed and brain poultry should be small, with a narrow blade; stiff, SO that it does not bend: of the best steel, so that it can be kept sharp and is not nicked when used in braining; and the handle and blade should be in one piece. Such a knife, with the aid of the packing-house emery wheel or grindstone and oil-lone, can be made from an 8-inch Hat file. (See fig. To make this knife the handle of the file should first be ground off. Then the blade should be shaped from the small end of the file a- shown in figure 1,6. It should be 2 inches long, one-fourth inch wide, and one- eighth inch thick at the back. The curve to make the point should slope from the back downward. A blade of this -hape reaches the 1>1 1 vessels to be cut more surely than does a blade on which the point Curves upward. After the blade i- made the Ildgefl OH the file should be ground down, leaving just enough roughness to prevent the knife slipping in the ham I of the killer. The length of the knife, over a PIO. 1. Knif.- for bV braining poultry: <». Flh from which knlfi >hould he 7 inches. Washington, l>. ('.. Juru .v. 1910, i -10 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA