International Monetary Fund anci International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Inaugural Meeting of Boards of Governors Provisional List of Members o( Officei Wilminsfon itidira, oeorsia DOCUMEM'S O^H^E^ UNIVERSITY OF FLOR!;;^ U3,JARIES GAINESVILLE, FLO^^lUA 32601 U.SA International Monetary Fund and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Inaugural Meeting of Boards of Governors Provisional List of Members of the Delesations Officers of the Secretariat Wiiminston Island, Georgia March 1946 The list as here printed has been compiled on the basis of infor- mation received to date. Please submit any corrections or additions in writing to the Editor of the Journal. Doc. No. 1 March 5, 1946 Members of the Delegations * AUSTRALIA Observers Leslie G. Melville, Economic Adviser to the Com- monwealth Bank of Australia J. B. Brigden, Economic Counselor, Australian Legation, Washington Leonard John Dooling BELGIUM Governor of the Fund Camille Gutt, former Minister of Finance; Am- bassador-at-Large Governor of the Bank Maurice Frere, Governor of the National Bank of Belgium Alternate Governor of the Fund Baron Herve de Gruben, Director General of Political Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs *The following countries not yet members of the Fund and Bank were invited to send observers to the inaugural meeting: Australia, Denmark, El Salva- dor, Liberia, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Panama, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and Venezuela. The United Nations Economic and Social Council was also invited to send an observer. 2 Alternate Governor of thei Bank Hubert Aiisiaux, Director of the Foreign Ex- change Department, National Bank of Belgium Technical Adviser Baron Rene Boel Private Secretary to Mr. Gutt Robert Rolin-Jacquemyns BOLIVIA Governor of the Fund and the Bank Franklin Antezana Paz, General Manager of the Central Bank BRAZIL Governor of the Fund and the Bank Francisco Alves dos Santos-Filho, Director of Foreign Exchange of the Bank of Brazil Alternate Governor of the Fund arid the Bank Edgard de Mello, Commercial Counselor, Bra- zilian Embassy, Washington Secretaries of the Delegation Carlos Augusto Alves dos Santos James J. Thackara CANADA Governor of the Fund mid the Bank James L. Ilsley, Minister of Finance Alternate Governor of the Fund Graham F. Towers, Governor of the Bank of Canada Alternate Governor of tJie Bank W. Clifford Clark, Deputy Minister of Finance Other Officials Luis Rasminsky, Alternate Chairman, Canadian Foreign Exchange Control Board A. E. Ritchie, Second Secretary, Canadian Embassy, Washington CHILE Governor of the Fund and the Bank Arturo Maschke, General Manager of the Cen- tral Bank of Chile Advisers Angel Faivovich, Member of the Chamber of Deputies; Chairman of the Financial Com- mittee of the Chamber of Deputies Mario Illanes, Commercial Counselor, Chilean Embassy, Washington CHINA Governor of the Fund and the Bank . O. K. Yui, Minister of Finance 4 COLOMBIA * Governor of the Fund Emilio Toro, Colombian Representative, Inter- American Coffee Board, Washington and New York * Colombia is a member of the Fund but is not yet a member of the Bank. COSTA RICA Governor of the Fund and the Bank Julio Pena Morua, President of the National Bank Alternate Governor of the Fund and the Bank Angel Coronas Guardia Secretary of the Delegation Arturo Morales Flores CUBA Observer Joaquin E. Meyer, Minister Counselor, Cuban Embassy, Washington CZECHOSLOVAKIA Governor of the Fund Jan Viktor Mladek, Chief of the Monetary Divi- sion, Ministry of Finance Governor of the Bank Alois Krai, Director in Chief, Czechoslovak Na- tional Bank Alternate Governor of the Fund Julius Pazman, Professor of National Economy, Commercial College, Bratislava Alternate Governor of the Bank Joseph Hanc, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary Secretary of the Delegation Ernest Sturc DENMARK Observers Carl Valdemar Bramsnaes, Governor of the National Bank of Denmark; Chairman of the Delegation Einar Dige, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Erling Sveinbjornsson, Chief of Division, Minis- try of Commerce Count B. Ahlefeldt-Laurvig, Financial Coun- selor, Danish Legation, Washington DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Governor of the Fund and the Bank Jesus Maria Troncoso, Governor of the Bank of Reserves 6 Alternate Governor of the Fund and the Bank Jose Calzada, Under Secretary of Labor and National Economy ECUADOR Governor of the Fund and the Bank Esteban F. Carbo, former Financial Counselor, Ecuadoran Embassy, Washington EGYPT Governor of the Fund and the Bank Ahmed Zaki Bey Saad, Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Finance Alternate Governor of the Bank Mahmoud Saleh El-Falaki, Controller General of Central Administration and Treasury, Min- istry of Finance Alternate Governor of the Fund Ahmed Selim, Controller General of Economic and Financial Affairs, Ministry of Finance EL SALVADOR Observer Hector David Castro, Ambassador to the United States 7 ETHIOPIA Governor of the Fund and the Bank George A. Blowers, Governor of the State Bank of Ethiopia FRANCE Governor of the Bank Andre Philip, Minister of Finance Governor of the Fund and Alternate Governor of the Bank Pierre Mendes-Franee, former Minister of Na- tional Economy Alternate Governor of the Fund Emanuel Monick, Governor, Bank of France Advisers Christian Valensi, Financial Attach^, French Embassy, Washington Mr. Bach Mr. Le Norcy Gerges Boris, Director at the Ministry of Na- tional Economy Jacques de Bresson, OflGicial of the Treasury; Inspector of Finance Jean de Largentaye, Official of the Ministry of Finance; Inspector of Finance 6 GREECE Governor of the Fund and the Bank Xenophon Zolotas, Professor of Economics, Uni- versity of Athens; former co-Governor of the Bank of Greece; Member of the Supreme Economic Council of Greece Alternate Governor of the Fund and the Bank Alexander Loverdos, Head of the Greek Office of Economic Research, New York Advisers Andrew Kirkilitsis, Official of the Bank of Greece; Director of the Ministry of Supply Nicholas Gazis, Legal Adviser, National Bank of Greece GUATEMALA Governor of the Fvmd and the Bank Manuel Morales-Noriega, Minister of National Economy Alternate Governor of the Fund and the Bank Leonidas Acevedo, Secretary of the Treasury Adviser Francisco Linares Aranda, Secretary, Guate- malan Embassy, Washington 9 HONDURAS Delegation Officials Julian R. Caceres, Ambassador to the United States Jorge Fidel Duron ICELAND Alternate Governor of the Fund and the Bank Thor Thors, Minister to the United States INDIA Delegation Officials Sir Chintamani Deshmukh, Governor of the Re- serve Bank of India Sir A. Ramaswami Mudaliar, Temporary Alter- nate for Sir Chintamiani Deshmukh Henry Douglas Cayley, Oflficer of the Reserve Bank of India Jagannath Vishwanath Joshi, Oflficer of the Re- serve Bank of India IRAN Delegate Abol Hassan Ebtehaj, Governor of the Banke Mellie Iran Alternate Delegate Dr. Taghi Nassr, former Director of the Iranian Trade and Economic Commission, New York ib IRAQ Governor of the Fund and the Bank Ali Jawdat, Minister to the United States Alternate Governor of the Fund and the Bank A. M. Gailani, Third Secretary, Iraq Legation, Washington Adviser Adnan Pachachi, Attach^, Iraq Legation, Wash- ington LIBERIA (Information concerning observers not available.) LUXEMBOURG Delegation Official Hugues Le Gallais, Minister to the United States MEXICO Governor of the Fund and the Bank Antonio Espinosa de los Monteros, Ambassador to the United States Alternate Governor of the Fund and the Bank Luciano Wiechers, Financial Counselor, Mexican Embassy, Washington 11 Adviser Francisco R. Saenz, Attache, Mexican Embassy, Washington NETHERLANDS Delegation Officials P. Lieftinck, Minister of Finance G. W. J. Bruins, Netherlands Government Dele- gate to De Nederlandsche Bank N. V. A. M. de Jong, Director of the Netherlands Bank J. W. Beyen, Financial Adviser to the Nether- lands Government, London D. Crena de longh, Financial Adviser of the Netherlands Indies Government H. Riemens, Financial Attache, Netherlands Em- bassy, Washington L. R. W. Soutendyk, Special Assistant to the Minister of Finance Secretary of the Delegation A. Broches, Netherlands Economic and Financial Mission, Washington NEW ZEALAND Observers Edward C. Fussell, Deputy Governor of the Re- serve Bank of New Zealand B. R. Turner, Second Secretary, New Zealand Legation, Washington 12 NICARAGUA Observer Guillermo Sevilla Sacasa, Ambassador to the United States NORWAY Governor of the Fwnd and the Bank Gunnar Jahn, Chairman of the Board of Direc- tors of the Bank of Norway Alternate Governor of the Fund and the Bank Ole Colbjornsen, Financial Counselor, Norwe- gian Embassy, Washington Advisers Hallvard Hillestad, Director of the Bank of Norway Office in the United States Gabriel Kielland, Bank of Norw^ay Johan Wulfsberg, Bank of Norway PANAMA Observer A. Guillermo Arango, President, Investors Serv- ice Corporation of Panama PARAGUAY Governor of the Fund and. the Bank Harmodio Gonzalez, General Manager, Bank of Paraguay Alternate Goveimor of the Fund and the Bank Ruben Benitez, Manager, Monetary Department, Bank of Paraguay 13 PERU Governor of the Fund Francisco Tudela, President of Central Reserve Bank of Peru Governor of the Bank Carlos Montero Bernales, former Minister of Finance Advisers Emilio Barreto Moller, Adviser, Central Reserve Bank of Peru Jose Barreda, Technical Adviser to the Minister of Finance PHILIPPINE COMMONWEALTH Altertiate Governor of the Fund and the Bank Joseph H. Foley, Manager, New York Agency of the Philippine National Bank POLAND Governor of the Fund Edward Drozniak Governor of the Bank Waclaw Konderski Alternate Governor of the Fund and the Bank Janusz Zoltowski, Financial Counselor, Polish Embassy, Washington 14 Other Members of Delegation Josef Swidrowski Leon Baranski Zygmunt Karpinski Maria Chrzanowska UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA Alternate Governor of the Fund and the Bank M. H. de Kock, Governor of the South African Reserve Bank Adviser W. C. Naude, First Secretary, South African Legation, Washington UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS (Information concerning observers not available.) UNITED KINGDOM Governor of the Fund and the Bank Lord Keynes, Economic Adviser to the Chancel- lor of the Exchequer Alternate Governor of the Fund and the Bunk The Hon. R. H. Brand, Head of the United Kingdom Treasury Delegation in Washington 15 Advisers E. Rowe-Dutton, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury George Bolton, Bank of England R. Bridge, Bank of England Paul Bareau, United Kingdom Treasury Delega- tion in Washington UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Governor of the Fund and the Bank Fred M. Vinson, Secretary of the Treasury Alternate Governor of the Fund and the Bank William L. Clayton, Assistant Secretary of State Executive Director of the Fund Harry D. White, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Executive Director of the Bank Emilio G. Collado, Deputy on Financial Affairs to the Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs, Department of State Special Congressional Advisers Robert F. Wagner, United States Senate; Chair- man, Committee on Banking and Currency Charles W. Tobey, United States Senate; Mem- ber, Committee on Banking and Currency Brent Spence, House of Representatives; Chair- man, Committee on Banking and Currency Jesse P. Wolcott, House of Representatives; Member, Committee on Banking and Currency 16 Members of the National Advisory Council Henry A. Wallace, Secretary of Commerce Marriner S. Eccles, Chairman, Board of Gover- nors of the Federal Reserve System William McChesney Martin, Jr., Chairman, Board of Directors, Export-Import Bank Secretary of the Delegation Frank Coe, Director, Division of Monetary Re- search, Treasury Department Technical Advisers Edward M. Bernstein, Assistant Director, Divi- sion of Monetary Research, Treasury Depart- ment Walter Gardner, Chief, International Section, Division of Research and Statistics, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System J. Burke Knapp, Special Assistant to the Chair- man on International Finance, Board of Gov- ernors of the Federal Reserve System Walter C. Louchheim, Jr., Adviser on Foreign Investments, Securities and Exchange Com- mission George F. Luthringer, Chief, Division of Finan- cial Affairs, Department of State Ansel F. Luxford, Assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury August Maffry, Economic Adviser, Export- Import Bank 17 James L. McCamy, Director, Office of World Trade Policy, Office of International Trade, Department of Commerce Herbert W. Parisius, Deputy Director, Office of World Trade Policy, Office of International Trade, Department of Commerce Arthur Paul, Assistant to the Secretary of Com- merce John W. Pehle, Assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury John Parke Young, Adviser, Office of Financial and Development Policy, Department of State Press Relations Officers J. H. Randolph Feltus, Assistant to the Secre- tary of the Treasury Charles P. Shaeffer, Director of Public Relations, Treasury Department Private Secretary to the Governor Mrs. Margaret McHugh Administrative Assistants Mrs. Jacquelyn Hooker Mrs. Linda Shanahan URUGUAY Governor of the Fuyid and the Bank Hugo Garcia, Financial Attache, Uruguayan Embassy, Washington 18 VENEZUELA Observers Pedro Ignacio Aguerrevere, Financial Coun- selor, Venezuelan Embassy, Washington Francisco Alvarez-Chacin, Second Secretary, Venezuelan Embassy, Washington YUGOSLAVIA (Information concerning composition of delegation not available.) UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL Observer Sir A. Ramaswami Mudaliar, India 19 Officers of the Secretariat Secretary General Warren Kelchner, Chief, Division of Interna- tional Conferences, Department of State Temporary Secretary of the Fund Eoman L. Home, Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Temporary Secretary of the Bank John S. Hooker, Deputy Director of the Office of Financial and Development Policy, Depart- ment of State Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries of Com- mittees Alice Bourneuf, Board of Governors of the Fed- eral Reserve System R. B. Brenner, Treasury Department David Delman, United States Senate Committee on Banking and Currency J. E. DuBois, Jr., Treasury Department John Ferguson, Department of State Wilbur R. Lester, Treasury Department Raymond F. Mikesell, Treasury Department Norman T. Ness, Export-Import Bank Phillip T. Thorson, Treasury Department Max J. Wasserman, Department of Commerce Gordon Williams, Department of State Walter H. Windsor, Treasury Department 20 Office of the Secretary General Special Assistants W. Clyde Dunn, Division of Middle Eastern Affairs, Department of State Richard S. Wheeler, Division of Interna- tional Conferences, Department of State Protocol Officer H. Charles Spruks, Division of Protocol, Department of State Administrative Assistant Frances E. Pringle, Division of Interna- tional Conferences, Department of State Chief Press Relations Officer Lincoln White, Executive Assistant, Office of the Special Assistant to the Secretary of State Press Relations Officer Harold R. Beckley, Superintendent, United States Senate Press Gallery Liaison With Technical Officers Ivan White, Foreign Service Officer, Department of State Presentation Officer Jack Becker, Presentation Division, Depart- ment of State Interpreting arid Translating Officer Tomas B. Medina, Central Translating Di- vision, Department of State 21 Assistants Jean B. Richardot, Foreign Liquidation Commission, Department of State Francine Payne, Central Translating Division, Department of State Order of the Day Officer Ralph J. Kibble, Division of International Conferences, Department of State Administrative Officer Millard L. Kenestrick, Division of International Conferences, Department of State Assistant Administrative Officer Harold G. Kissick, Division of International Conferences, Department of State Finance Officer Walter B. Fairman, Division of Finance, Department of State Perso7inel Officer Dorothy G. Selvig, Division of Departmental Personnel, Department of State Liaison for Coast Guard Relations Commander Carl A. Bowman, United States Coast Guard Document Office Document Officer Jerome J. Stenger, Division of Investment and Economic Development, Department of State Archivist Ruth K. Wailes, Division of International Conferences, Department of State 22 Stenogtnphic and Reporting Services Lenore Reece, Division of Public Liaison Department of State Madeleine Woodell, Treasury Department Document Distribution Bernice Mills, Petroleum Division, Depart- ment of State Editor of the "Journal" Frances Armbruster, Division of Research and Publication, Department of State Operations Office Operations Officer Richard M. F. Williams III, Division of Central Services, Department of State Information and Registration Officer G. Victor Lindholm, Interdepartmental Com- mittee on Cultural and Scientific Coopera- tion Transportation (Air and Rml) Officer Ruth Harvey, Transportation Section, Divi- sion of Central Services, Department of State Property and Supply Officer * Ralph J. Ribble, Division of International Conferences, Department of State Office Machine Mechanic Raymond L. Stegmaier, Division of Central Services, Department of State \ * Serves also as Order of Day Officer.