4 f. 6 13C 1 ::.'-" F — 1 ! " / «< — 1 S. R. A.— B. S. 36. U.S DEPOSITORY TsJnefl Novpmher 22, 1920 United States Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY. E. W. Nelson, Chief of Bureau. SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS. OPERATION OF MOTOR BOATS ON BIG LAKE RESERVATION IN THE STATE OF ARKANSAS. Washington, D. C, November 1, 1920. By virtue of the authority vested in me by section 84 of the act of March 4, 1909 (35 Stat., 1088), entitled "An act to codify, revise, and amend the penal laws of the United States," and otherwise, I, E. T. Meredith, Secretary of Agriculture, do make and prescribe the fol- lowing rules and regulations, effective on and after November 15, 1920, to prevent unnecessary disturbance of birds on Big Lake Bes- ervation, Ark., set apart and reserved as breeding grounds for birds by Executive Order No. 2230, of August 2, 1915. REGULATION 1. Every motor boat operated on the waters of Big Lake Beservation in the State of Arkansas shall be provided with a muffler of such construction and efficiency as will prevent any unnecessary noises while such boat is in operation, and such muffler shall not be cut out or its operation otherwise suspended while said boat is being used on the reservation. REGULATION 2. No motor boat of any kind whatever shall be operated on Big Lake Beservation in the State of Arkansas between sunset and sunrise. Note. — Violations of these regulations are punishable under sec- tion 84 of the Benal Code of the United States by fine of $500, or by imprisonment for six months, or both. E. T. Meredith, Secretary of Agriculture. 19530—20 WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE \ 1920 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA lllllllllllllii 3 1262 09218 4935