In Effect until April 30,1?39 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B.E.P.Q.— 492 3h 30,1939 Sec. 301.52-4a — Administrative Instructions - Modifying the Pink Bollworm quarantine regulations by suspending treatment re- quirements of designated articles ' froin the counties of Brooks , Jim Wells , Kenedy, Kleberg, and Nueces , Tex? Under authority contained in the' second proviso in Notice of Quarantine No. 52, revised (Sec. 301.52), and having determined tt I facts exist as to the pest risk involved which make it safe to modify, by making less stringent, the restrictions contained in paragraphs (a.) and (cj of regulation 4 (Sec. 301.52-4) of the pink bollvjorm quarantine, notice is hereby given that baled linters and products thereof, cottonseed hulls, cake, and meal produced in the counties of Brooks, Jim Wells, Kenedy, Kleberg, and Nueces, Tex., may be moved interstate therefrom without restriction other than (1) that the pro- ducts have been produced in an authorized oil mill and subsequently protected from contamination, and (2) that a certificate issued by the United States Department of Agriculture has been obtained and attached to the containers or shipping papers, in accordance with the requirements of regulation 11 (Sec. 301.52-11). The removal of certain treatment requirements for the above- mentioned products is due to the fact that a light infestation of the pink bollworm was discovered in the affected area at the peak of I 1938 ginning season, and facilities were not available for sterili- zation of the cottonseed from which : "O ducts ar factured. This modification shall remain in ril 30, 1939: Provided, That products manufactured prior to that date wil] eligible for certification subsequent bhi reto. (Sec. 301.52-4) [B.E.P. . 492, ' -oh 3°, 1939] ■•-•■•■ | ■ , ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 ^— ■ jarj UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA !i ii ii mm 3 1262 09311 5458