*W < V United States Department of Agriculture Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine CUMULATIVE INDEX TO SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS NOS. 1 TO 149 INCLUSIVE 1914-41 BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE United States Department of Agriculture Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine CUMULATIVE INDEX TO SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS NOS. 1 TO 149 INCLUSIVE 1914-41 BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE Compiled by Maude A. Thompson, Assistant Division of Domestic Plant Quarantines Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine ISSUED JUNE 1942 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1912 ORGANIZATION OF THE BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE P. N. A xx \ xi), Chief. Avery S. Hoyt, Associate Chief. S. A. Rohweb, Assistant Chief in Charge of Regulatory Work. F. C. Bishopp, Assistant Chief in Charge of Research Work. W. L. Popham, Assistant Chief in Charge of Control Operations. F. H. Spencer, Assistant Chief in Charge of Business Administration. J. C. IIoltox, Agent, Cooperative Field Relations. ROLLA P. CuRRIE, Editor. J. A. Hyslop, in Charge, Division of Insect Pest Survey and Information. J. I. Hambletox, in Charge, Division of Bee Culture Investigations. D. L. Van Dine, in Charge, Division of Fruit Insect Investigations. Y. C. Craighead, in ^Charge. Division of Forest Insect Investigations. YV. H. White, in Charge, Division of Truck Crop and Garden Insect Investigations. I. Packard, in Charge, Division of Cereal and Forage Insect Investigations. R. YV. Harned, in Charge, Division of Cotton Insect Investigations. V.. C. Cushing, in Charge, Division of Insects Affecting Man and Animals. Bawkins, in Charge, Division of Control Investigations. 1'.. C. Roark, in Charge, Division of Insecticide Investigations. C. F. AY. Muesebeck, in Charge, Division of Insect Identification. C. P. Clausen, in Charge, Division of Foreign Parasite Introduction. S. B. Fracker. in Charge, Division of Plant Disease Control. B. M. (i addis, in Charge, Division of Domestic Plant Quarantines. E. ];. Sasscer, in Charge. Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines. A. F. Burgess, in Field Charge, Gypsy Moth and Brown-Tail Moth Control eadquarters, Greenfield, Mass.). F. (1. Brewer, in Field Cfiarge. Japanese Beetle and Gypsy Moth and Brown-Tail Moth Quarantines, and Dutch Elm Disease Eradication (headquarters, Bloomfield, N. ]{. I.. McDonald, in Field Charge, Pink Bollworm and Thurberia Weevil Quar- antines (headquarters, San Antonio, Tex.). V. A. Hoidale, in Field Charge, Mexican Frvitfly Quarantine (headquarters, Harlingen, Tex.). Claude Wakeland, in Field Charge, Grasshopper Control (headquarters, Denver, Col Baker, in Field Charge, Fruiifly Investigations (headquarters, Mexico City, Mexico). CUMULATIVE INDEX TO SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Nos. 1 to 149, inclusive (1914-41), ' Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Compiled by Mai de A. Thompson, assistant, Division of Domestic Plant Quarantines, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarani FOREWORD The Service and Regulatory Announcements, first published monthly in 1914 and later quarterly, constitute a permanent record of the quarantine and regula- tory orders issued under the Plant Quarantine Act of 1912 and certain related acts, including the text of the quarantines and regulations thereunder, the more important circulars, decisions, press notices, and administrative? instructions, explanatory of, or bearing on, such quarantines. In addition, items of practical value and historic interest may be traced through reports of public conferences, BUCh as the status of early infestations of a giveo pest of economic importance even though no Federal quaratine was promulgated. The organization of the t Bureau and of the preceding Bureau, Administration, and Hoard ch with administering the act are recorded in the announcements as far hack as 1027. Press notices of the more important personnel appointments will also be found. State quarantine matter- published in the announcements include cita- tions to the Supreme Court decision concerning the validity of State quarantines in relation to the Federal Plant Quarantine Act. Summaries of the State quaran- :iat are enforced under the provisions of the terminal inspection procedure will also be found. The cumulative index of these announcement- a- originally compiled in 1934 by Horace S. Dean to cover the years 1914-33, inclusive, has proved to lc ex- tremely valuable. Plant quarantine inspectors and administrative officers have found in it a ready reference to requirements of the plant quarantines of this Department, as promulgated in the above 20-year period, as well as the import restrictions of a number of foreign countries. The present compilation, which brings the former work forward and includes material through 1941 classified under similar subjects from various angles of approach, is the result of a demand on the part of the administrative officers and inspectors for a complete cumulative index. There will be found as heretofore several lists valuable in themselves se of their completeness. For example, each quarantine is listed with all title changes, revisions, amendments, and administrative instructions pertinent bo that have been issued, together with their effective dates. In a few instance- items which were not published in the announcement series have been listed, including for the most part notices and circulars issued by the iral Horticultural Board before publication of the Beries was begun. Anyone u>in^ this index will usually find it more expedient to refer directly to tile major quarantine topic COncei . should he wish to find reference to a circular dealing with the importation of nurserj stock by mail, he would turn to Nursery stock, plant and seed quarantine (No. 37) and locate the desired informa- inder "mail, importation by." For information as to treatment require- for a given pest, he would turn to the quarantine pertaining to that pest. The abbreviations "H. P.." "P. Q. C. A." "B. P. (>.." and "B. E. P. (>." are i designate circular- in the numbered -eric- published by the Federal Horti- cultural Board, the Plant Quarantine and Control Administration, the Bureau of Plant Quarantine, and the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, n tively, of which a complete numerical list will be found. "S. P. A." a- used in the index is an abbreviation for Service and Regulatory Announcements. Mr. Dean has been freely consulted in the work of compiling the present index, and his experience and advice have been of real value. it index brings forward, with some revisions, the "Cumulative Index i" Service and Regulator] Annoui s. 1 to 117, inclusiv< compiled bj Horace 8. Dean, Plant Quarantine I .i>ion of Foreign Plan! Quarantines, Bureau of Plant Quarantine. 2 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS INDEX (January 1914-Decembor 1941) Addis Ababa. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Italy. Admiralty Islands. See New Guinea, Australian. Adoretus sp. Set Hawaiian and Puerto Rican quarantine covering sand, etc. (No. 60). Advisory Federal Plant Quarantine Board: Year and page abolished under act of March 3, 1933 Not in S. R. A. created July 1, 1928 1928-57 organization of 1928-93,144; 1929- 48, 130, 179, 247; 1930-31, 88, 132, 199; 1931-38, 89. 135, 171; 1932-25, 50, 93, 135 Africa: Equatorial. Set riant -quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. French West. Set Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. Italian East. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Italy. South. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Union of South Africa. Airplane. See Pink bollworm, domestic, scouting. All ania. Summary of plant-quarantine import restrictions. (B. E. P. Q. 490, February 1, 1939). 1939-42 Aleurocan'hvs woglumi Ashby. See Citrus black fly quarantine (No. 49) Alfalfa weevil. See United States quarantined to protect Hawaii, quarantine No. 51. Algeria, French Colony of. Summary of plant-quarantine import restrictions (B. E. P. Q. 443, May 6, 1937) . 1937-166 Alofi Islands. Set Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. Amara. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Italy. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Federal Horticultural Board participation in meeting of, at Toronto 1921-108 American Association of Economic Entomologists, address by Lee A Strong, "Plant Quarantine Act and Quarantine No. 37".. 1938-138 American Association of Nurserymen: address by Lee A. Strong, "Nurserymen and quarantines" 1937-273 Federal Horticultural Board participation in meeting of, Chicago 1921-108 Avastrepha fratercuhis (Wied.), A. suspensa (Loew), A. mombinpracoptans Sein. See Fruit and vegetable quarantine of Puerto Kico (No. 58). Anastrepha ludens (Loew). See Mexican fruitfly quarantine (No. 64). Anguilla, Island of. See St. Christopher and Nevis. Anjouan. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. Annam. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. Annand, P. N. Appointed Chief of Bureau, effective August 16, 1941, press notice... 1941-79 memorandum 931 of the Secretary of Agriculture 1941-79 Annual letter of information: No. 34, statement regarding _ __ 1921-10 No. 37. 1923-175 No. 38.. - 1925, following page 114 No. 39 - -.- 1926, following page 140 No. 40 1927-165 No. 41 _. 1928-157 See also List of pests intercepted during. Anomala orientalis Wtrh. See Asiatic beetle and Asiatic garden beetle quarantine (No. 66). Anthonomus qrandis Boh. See United States quarantined to protect Hawaii, quarantine No. 51. Anthonomus qrandis thurberiae Pierce. See Thurberia weevil quarantine (No. 61). Antigua, British West Indies: import restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . nursery stock inspection 1914-51; 1915-59; 1916-54, 103; 1923-77; 1927-9; 1930-167; 1936-25 pestsurvev, fruitfly.... 1933-227,231 Aonidia duplex Ckll. See Camphor scale. Argentina: fruitfly survey ... 1925-43; 1927-17, 58 grapes from. See Fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 56). import restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Arizona: pink bollworm. See Pink bollworm, domestic, infestations in. terminal inspection. See Terminal inspection. Thurberia weevil. See Thurberia weevil quarantine (No. 61). Arkansas, terminal inspection. Nee Terminal inspection. Army regulations, enforcement of plant quarantine restrictions 1941-54 : Mexieo, warning to passengers 1918-82 violations. See Violations. Azores: import restrictions. (B. E. P. Q. 400, June 1, 1936) -- 1936-61 nursery stock inspection . 1923-77; 1927-9; 1930-167; 1936-25 Bacterium citr ntrus fruit quarantine (No. 28); Citrus nursery stock quarantine (No. 19). Baggage declaration: under Fruit and vegetable quarantine of Puerto Rico. 1925-50 under Mediterranean fruitfly and melon-fly quarantine ..- 1917-26 Bahama Islands, British West Indies: nursery stock inspection.. 1914-87; 1915-59; 1916-103 pest survey, fruitfly 1933-227,228 summary of plant -quarantine import restrictions (B. E. P. Q. 378, July 10, 1935) 1935-53 Balaninus spp. See Fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 56), notice of permit requirement. Ballast, ships': :bl" means of introducing noxious insects 1919-3 report of Investigation, press notice 1919-37 Bamboo quarantine 'No. 31k notice of, effective October 1, 1918 1918-82 Treasury Decision No. 37765 . -- 1918-93 proposed, hearinc, not ice of . . . 1918-65 reference to . 1918-80 violations. See Violations. Bamboo smut. See Bamboo quarantine (No. 34). Banana plant quarantines: domestic, quarantine No. 32: notice of. effective April 1, 1918. 1918-34 instructions to postmasters 1918-34; 1924-126; 1936-27 proposed, hearing, notice of 1918-16, 17 press notice . 1918-18 foreign, quarantine, No. 31: notice of, effective April 1, 1918 1918-33 I n BSUry Decision No. 37564.. 1918-47 proposed, hearing, notice of 1918-16, 17 pn 1918-18 violations. See Violations. warninir • o 1918-82 Banana root borer, outbreak in Florida . 1918-2,16 See alio Banana plant Quarantines, foreign. Banks I I -quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. Barba I Impost restrictions. 8et Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . nur 1914-51; 1915-59; 1910-54, 103; 1923-77; 1927-9; 1930-107; 1936-25 • survey, fruitfly 1933-227,233 Barbuda. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Antigua. •d borer, investigation in Cuba 1925-103 •iLso Fruit a: quarantine of Puerto Rico. Belgian Congo, summary of plant-quarantine import restrictioi "■ I P.Q 1 18, May 20, 1937). .. 1937-200 Belgium: Import u Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . nursery stock in 1, 1930-167; 1936-26 4 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS B. E. P. Q.'s, status of circulars II. B.'s, P. Q. 0. A.'s, B. P. Q.'s, and B. E. P. Q.'s: Year and page B. K. P. g. i-'.i, August 31, 1937 (superseded by B. E. P. Q. 508) 1937-222 B. K. P. (,). 508, March 18, 1940 . 1940-15 Bermuda. British Colon; of: import restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . nursery stock inspection 1914-51; 1915-59; 1916-54, 103; 1923-77; 1927-9; 1930-167; 1936-25 Bishopp, FiiKD ('..appointed assistant chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, press notice _ 1941-9 Bismarck Archipelago, s,, New Guinea, Australian. Black stem rust quarantine (No. 38): barberry: Berberix mentorensis Ames I MS), shipment of approved (P. Q. C. A. 320, 2d revision, supplement No. 1, March 4, 1935) 1935-3 classification of: 1'. Q. C. A. 320, July 29, 1931 1931-92 revised August 15, 1932 . 1932-52 supplement No. l. June l, 1933 1933-177 revised (second revision) May 15, 1934 1934-33 supplement No. 1, March 4, 1935. . . 1935-3 (superseded by B. E. P. Q. 385) B. E. P. Q. 385, November 1, 1935.. 1935-71 revised April 1, 1937.. 1937-90 revised August 24, 1937 1937-212 eradication: cooperation of nurserymen requested (H. B. 94, April 4, 1918) 1918-42 pledge card not to ship barberry 1918-43 statements concerning 1921-7; 1928-5; 1929-8, 207 Japanese, not a host of black stem rust (H. B. 94, April 4, 1918) 1918-42 conference, extension proposed, notice of... 1937-91 press notice 1937-91 extension proposed: conference, notice of.. 1937-91 press notice.. 1937-91 hearing, notice of... 1931-41 press notice 1931-40 report of, press notice 1931-41 general statements 1921-7; 1928-5; 1929-8, 207 Mahonia, classification of. See Black stem rust quarantine (No. 38) barberry. notice of, effective May 1, 1919 1919-58 instructions to postmasters 1919-71 press notice 1919-58 amendment No. 1, effective January 1, 1923 1922-126 press notice 1922-127 revised effective August 1, 1931 1931-42 instructions to postmasters.. 1931-93 press notice 1931-42 to common carriers... - 1931-45 to general public 1931-46 amendment No. 1, effective February 20, 1935 -- 1935-1 instructions to postmasters 1935-2 to common carriers 1935-2 to general public - 1935-2 revised, effective September 1, 1937. --. 1937-208 press notice 1937-208 to common carriers. -.. 1937-211 to general public 1937-211 proposed, hearing, notice of 1919-10 violations. See Violations. Blister rust. See White-pine blister rust. Bolivia. Summary of plant-quarantine import restrictions (B. E. P. Q. 484, January 13, 1939) 1939-41 Bollworm, pink. See Pink bollworm. Borneo, Dutch. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Netherlands East Indies. Bougainville. Summary of plant-quarantine import restrictions (B. E. P. Q. 500, June 28, 1939) 1939-89 B. P. Q.'s, status of circulars, H. B.'s, P. Q. C. A.'s, B. P. Q.'s, and B. E. P. Q.'s: B. E. P. Q. 461, August 31, 1937. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 508).. 1937-222 B. E. P. Q. 508, March 18, 1940 1940-15 Brazil: import restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions. . . . nursery stock inspection.. 1930-111, 167; 1936-25 pest survey, fruitfly 1933-227,235 pink bollworm, report of severe damage by 1918-28 British Oold Coast Colony. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Gold Coast Colony, British. British Guiana. Colony of: import restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions. nursery Btock inspect ion 1914-51 ; 1915-59; 1916-54, 103; 1923-77; 1927-9; 1930-167; 1936-25 British Honduras: Import restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . • survey, fruit fly - 1926-10 British India. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . India, British. British Mandate of Palestine. Set Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Palestine. Brown-tail moth. Set Gypsy moth and brown-tail moth. Buka. Summary of plant-quarantine import restrictions (B. E. P. Q. 500, June 28, 1939) 1939-89 Bulb nematode. See Eelworm, etc. 1XDEX O intine Import restrictions ... , Bureau of Entomology and Plan! Quarantine: '" paek inspection. Canary Islands, pest survey, fruitfly . 1927-144 Carpocapsa splendana. See Fruit and vegetable quarantine (Xo. 56), notice of permit requirement. Central America: import restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . • survey .fruitfly, report of 1924-20 Ceratitis enpitntn Wied. Set Mediterranean fruitfly and melonfly quarantine (Xo. 13^; Mediter- ranean fruitfly quarantine (Xo.68). Ceratostomella ulmi Huisman (GTaphium ulmi Schwarz). See Dutch elm disease. Certification: for export. See Export regulations. qualified, system of. established January 31, 1910(11. H. 31J4, January 31, 1916) 1916-12 nderthevariout quarantine subject*. Ceylon. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Channel Islands. Sw Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . England. Charleston. B. C, added to field Stations Of tne Federal Horticultural Hoard, press notice. 1923-91 Cher. ne import restrictions . . . French Colonies. Chestnut bark disi irantine proposed, hearing, notice of 1915-25 report of 1915-39,57 Chestnut weevil. 8u Fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 56), notice of permit requirement. Chile: import -quarantine import restrictions . . . v, fruitfly, report of .... 1925 13; 1933-227, 238 Chilo simp!- king materials quarantini luarantine import restrictions (B.E. P. Q 157, July 10, 1937] 1937-250 Chio: - quarantim unmaryofplant-quarantii ns(B. F. P.Q. 191, March 17, 1939) . 1939-43 Plant-quarantine import - Malaya, British. • 3). • le quaranl Circulars, H B.'s, P. B. 1 P. Q.'s. H. H l. i 18 Pink boDworm situation and ] u of the Department lishment in the United - Nol in 8. R. A. H B. 2, January 27, 1915. Instruction in relative to reehipments, interstate, of 1915-4 6 SERVICE AND RECIl LATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Circulars. H B.'s, P. Q. 0. A.s. B. P. Q.'s, and B. E. P. Q.'s— Continued. Year and page li B. 3, January 29, 1915. Common scab bars Canadian potatoes (obsolete). 1915-6 H B. 4, February 9, 1 1916-62 II. B.60, Ma\ 23,1916. I. icenses (authorizing t be purchase, use, or storage of imported cotton, in effect on May 22. 1916 (obsolete) . Nol in S. R. A. II. B. 51, June 1, 1916. Permits authorizing the importation, and licenses authorizine the purchase and w\ of Imported cotton after July 1. 1916 (obsolete) \"ot in S. R. A. If B. 62, June 15, 1916. Cotton not SUbjecl to disinfection must be covered with wrappings which have not previously been used to cover cotton, importation of burlap or other fabrics which have been used for wrapping cotton subject to restriction (obsolete) 1916-79 INDEX i Circulars. II. B.'s, P. Q. C. \ '8, B I Ontinued. Year and page 11. B. 63, June 19, 1916. Results of inspection of Christinas trees and ery stock, forest prodi iry products snipped from the territory quarantined on at of the gypsy moth (obsolete). II. B. ."'t. June 26, 1916. Regulation 13 amended to provide for the return under certain conditions to the l nited States of cotton grown in the United States, or of foreign cotton which has been disinfected in the 1 s and sent abroad (obsolet< H. B. 55, July 1. 1916. Extension of bonding period beyond the todays provided in regulation 7 for the disinfection of Imported cotton authorin II. B. 56, July :<. 1916. Postponement of the effective date of amendment No. "> to the rules and regulations governing the Importation <>f cotton into the United States (ob II. B. 67, Julj 18, 1916 i icensees authorized to purchase and ase,tion of nurserymen requested in eradication of common rry to aid in the control of wheat stem rust (obsolete) 1918-42 II. R. '.*•'. April 8, 1918. Third supplementary list of licensees authorized to purchase and ; traffic in, or store imported cotl _. NotinS. R. A. II. R. 96, April 19, 1918 for disinfection of imported cotton (obsolete) 19 II. B. '.c. Ju- >■ in. 1918. Licena i s authorize l to purchase and use, traffic In, or store imported Not in S. R. A. H. B. 98, July 9, »f cotton mailing list (obsolete) ... NotinS. II. authorized to purchase and tore imported cotl 3. R. A. II ; (obsolete) I.B.A II R. loi, Jam: . nd supplemei tnthorized to pure] and use. traffic in, or store im; Not in 8 R. A. 8 SERVICE AXD REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Circulars. H. B.'s, P. Q. C. A.'s, B. P. Q.'s, and B. E. P. Q.'s— Continued. Year and page H. B. l, April 10. 1919. Explanation of provisions for entry of plant novelties and propagat- ing stock under quarantine No. 37. (Superseded by P. Q. C. A. 249) 1919-33 revised July 28, 1919 1919-82 supplement October 7, 1919. Xew varieties for personal use 1919-105 revised July 1, 1920 Not in S. R. A. revised January 1, 1922. Title: Explanation of provisions for entry of plant novelties and propagating stock under regulation 14, quarantine 37 1921-168 revised February 26, 1923 1923-18 revised March 31, 1923 1923-22 revised April 10, 1926 1926-31 H. B. 106, April 10, 1919. Instructions for sterilization of sand, soil, or earth used for packing bulbs Imported under notice of quarantine Xo. 37. (Superseded by H. B. 132 revised) Not in S. R. A. revised November 8, 1920 _. Not in S. R. A. H. B. 107, May 15, 1919. Notices required by regulations 10 and 11 of quarantine No. 37, for stock entered at Boston, New York, Philadelnhia, Xew Orleans, San Francisco, or Seattle (obsolete) Not in S. R. A. II. B. 108, May 16, 1919. Notices required by regulations 10 and 11 of quarantine No. 37, for stock entered at ports other than Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Xew Orleans, San Francisco, or Seattle (obsolete) Not in S. R. A. II. B. 109, July 14, 1919. Lily-of-1 he-valley clumps must be free from sand, soil, or earth (obsolete; see regulation 7, Quarantine Xo. 37) 1919-82 H. B. 110. September 5, 1919. Fumigation of railway cars and other vehicles and freight, express, baggage, and other materials from Mexico. (Superseded by H. B. 112)... Not in S. R. A. H. B. Ill, September 15, 1919. (Explanation of form 207-3) (obsolete) Not in S. R. A. H. B. 112, September 16, 1919. Fumigation of railway cars and other vehicles and freight, express, baggage, and other materials from Mexico. (Superseded H. B. 110; supplemented by H. B. US; obsolete) 1919-109 H. B. 113, October 1, 1919. Licensees authorized to purchase and use, traffic in, or store imported cotton, revised to November 1, 1920 (obsolete) Not in S. R. A. H. B. 114, October 27, 1919. Shipment of nursery stock in bond to foreign countries (obsolete. See Plant Safeguard Regulations) 1919-108 H. B. 11"), November 15, 1919. Entry under regulation 14 for immediate transportation and exportation in bond of plants with earth prohibited (obsolete. See Plant Safeguard Regula- tions) ... 1919-123 H. B. 116, November 21, 1919. Seedlings or lining out stock of ornamentals not permitted entry under quarantine Xo. 37 (obsolete) 1919-124 H. B. 117, October 31, 1919. Instructions relative to inspection and entry of plants under regulation 3, quarantine Xo. 37 (obsolete) 1919-103 H. B. 118, January 16, 1920. Reduction of fumigation charge on Texas-Mexican border. (Supplemented H. B. 112) Xot in S. R. A. H. B. 119, January 6, 1920. First supplementary list of licensees authorized to purchase and use, traffic in, or store imported cotton (obsolete) Xot in S. R. A. H. B. 120, February 28, 1920. Grinding or sterilization of corn as a condition of entry from Mexico under quarantine Xo. 42. (Superseded by P. O- C. A. 309) 1920-16 II. B. 121, March 8. 1920. Conversion of certain classes of burlap into paper as satisfying the disinfection requirements of regulation 14, cotton regulations. (Supplemented by H. B. 191) . 1920-39 revised October 1, 1923. Title: Conversion of certain classes of burlap into paper or other approved treatment as the equivalent of the disinfection required by regulation 11, cotton regulations 1923-136 H. B. 122. April 1, 1920. Second supplementary list of licensees authorized to purchase and use, traffic in, or store imported cotton (obsolete) Not in S. R. A. II. B. 123, April 19, 1920. Bad condition of French fruit stocks (obsolete) 1920-36 LT. B. 124, May 20, 1920. Licensees authorized to deal in or convert into paper certain classes of burlap which may be converted into paper as satisfying the disinfection requirements of regulation 14 of the cotton regulations. (Superseded by H. B. 127) Not in S. R. A. II. B. 125, September 1, 1920. Licensees authorized to purchase and use, traffic in, or store imported cotton, revised to September 1, 1920 (obsolete) Not in S. R. A. addition, September 25, 1920 Xot in S. R. A. II. B. 126, Xovember 1, 1920. Licensees authorized to purchase and use, traffic in, or store imported cotton, revised to Xovember 1, 1920 (obsolete) Xot in S. R. A. II. B. 127, January 21, 1921. Licensees authorized to deal in or convert into paper certain classes of burlap which may be converted into paper as satisfying the disinfection require- ments of regulation 14 of the cotton regulations. (Superseded H. B. 124; superseded by E.B.176 XotinS.R.A. H. B. 128, February 8, 1921. Xests of brown-tail moth and white tree pierid arriving on French fruit seedlings— careful inspection of all French stock necessary (obsolete) 1921-43 II. B. 129, February 14, 1921. First supplementary list of licensees authorized to purchase and use, traffic in, or store imported cotton (obsolete) .. Not in S. R. A. II. B. 130, February 25, 1921. Restrictions on entry of foreign plants widely misunderstood (obsolete) ' 1921-44 II B. 131, February 28, 1921. Misinterpretation possible of inspection at port of entry (obso- lete .... 1921-52 II. B. 132. March 10, 1921. Sterile packing material for packing bulbs authorized . (Super- seded II. B. 106; superseded by B. E. P. Q. 369) Not in S. R. A. revised June 8, 1921. Title: Packing material for nursery stock, plants, and seeds. ... 1921-52 II. B. 133, March il, 1921. Imported plants must be inspected at time of packing and washed bee from earth (obsolete) - ..1921-53 II. B. 134, March 23, 1921. Notices of shipment of nursery stock made a condition of entry (obsolete) 1921-54 INDEX y Circulars. H. B.'i a, B. P. Q.'s, and B B. P. Q.'s Continued. Year and page H.B. 135, April 11, 1921. Uncertified imported oottoo wraste, and burlap or othi r fabric which !. or of the kinds ordinarilj used, f<>r wrapping cotton must !><• held pending the tig of required certificate or must be disinfected n> condition of release (obsolete) 1921-84 II. B.136, Ma\ 4,1921. Quarantine 37 to be strictly enforced as to plants brought i>\ travi or oil, l'J-Jl-55 revised April i;>, 1927. Title: Emergency permits for entry of plants and plant products brought by travelers or othi rs 1927-86 11. B. 137, Ma\ a. L921. Eleasons for rejection of miscellaneous planbimportat H. B. 138, Mav id. L921. Special permits for the year 1921-1922. (July 1, 1921, b Not n: - H. B. is 1 '. June 14, 1921. A violation of quarantine X". 87 1921-57 H. B. 140, June 22, 1921. Control status of the gypsy moth in the United States. Washington conference (obsolete) 1U21-G1 E.B.l 11, January 1. 1922. Mail entry of importsunder regulation 14, quarantine 37, hereafter permitted (obsoleti 1921-172 revised May n, 1923. Title: Restrictions on importations through the mails of plants and 3e< revised February 11. 192S 1925-15 H. B. 142, January 3, 1922. Release of cotton samples after fumigation (obsolete). 1922-68 II. B. 143, February ! ;uarantine bugaboo laid to rest (obsolete) 192 II. B. 144, February 27, 1922. Importation under regulation 2, quarantine 37, of "plant prod- ucts" In a live sta'te. other than the classes specifically enumerated, are subject to restriction (Obsolete). .... - - 1922-25 H. B. 145, March 1, 1922. Is quarantine 37 a plant embargo?. 1922-26 H. B. 1 16, Manh i, 1922. Licensees authorised to purchase and use. traffic in, or store im- ported cotton, revised to March 1, 1922 (obsolete) Not in 8. R. A. II B. 147, April 13, 1922. Shipment of Mexican citrus fruit in bond through the United (Superseded by P. Q.C. A. 30f ,— 1922-94 supplement No. 1, July 21, 1922 1922-129 supplement No. 2, October 17, 1922 (supersedes supplement No. 1) - .. Not in S. R. A. supplement No. 3, November 15, 1923 (supersedes supplement No. 2)... 1923-168 revised February 1. 1926 — 1920-19 II. B. lis, April 21, 1922. Blister rust quarantine violations— policy of the Department (obsolete) .. 1922-69 II B. 149, May 12, 1922. Violation of plant quarantine No. 37 (obsolete) 1922-29 11. B. l- r ><», Mav 12, 1922. Brief notes on pests intercepted on foreign plants offered for entry (obs"'. .-.. 1922-29 H. B. 151, Mav 15, 1922. European restrictions on the entry of plants from America. (Su- : d by H. B. 160, 1'. Q. C. A.'s 301, 302, 303, 315) 1922-36 H. B. 152, June 30, 1922. Record of the endorsement of quarantine 37 (obsolete) Not in S. R. A. H. B. 153, Jury 22, 1922. The selective features of quarantine 37 (obsolete) 1922-103 H. B. 154, July 22, 1922. List of circulars explanatory of quarantine 37 (obsolete) 1922-106 B B 155, July 21, 1922. Reinstatement of Peter Uopmnn & Sons (obsolete) 1922-107 H. B. 156, Jul; . -nance of permits under regulation 3, quarantine 37 (obsolete).. 1922-107 H B. 157, August 9, 1922. Rose stocks for propagating purposes (obsolete).. 1922-107 H. B. 158, Aueust 11, 1922. Importation of stocks of Rhododendron, Azalea, and Japanese maple (obsolete) 1922-108 11. B. 159, November 24, 1922. Samples of raw or unmanufactured cotton may be imported reel post when addressed to the Federal Horticultural Board, United States Depart- ment of Agriculture. (Superseded II. B. 26; obsolete) 1922-130 revised December 31, 1923 1923-140 H. B. 160, January 8, 1923. Conditions which must be met in plant exports to England and iperseded II. B. 151 in part; supplemented by P. Q. C. A. 296; superseded by P.Q.C. A . 1923-46 II. B. I'm. February 6, 1923. Directions for the disinfection of broomcorn. (Superseded by P.Q ;. E.P.Q.474 1923-28 revised November 26, 1923 1923-155 li. ruary 15, 1923. Federal Plant Quarantine Act— purpose and field covered (obsoler. 1923-48 revised March 1, 1926. Title: Federal Plant Quarantine Act of August 20, 1912 — purpose and powers of the Act 1926-22 H. B. 163, February 23, 1923. Mill use of fumigated cotton substantially without risk (ob- solete) ' 1923-37 II. R. 164, March 1, 1923. Hydrocyanic-acid gas fumigation of cotton and cotton wrappings as condition of entry. (Superseded H. B. 42) 1923-37 II. R. 165, March 31, 1923. Personal liability agreement to replace bond, quarantine 37 (ob- BOl 1923-17 H. !'. L66, April 11, 1923. Personal liability agreement replaces bond. Discussion of circular H.B .'obsolete) _ Not in S. R. A. II. B. 167, April n, 1923. Controlof movement of nursery stock under Japanese beetle quar- antir; 1923-83 II. B. 168, May 10, 1923. Except as to Boston, entry of broomcorn restricted to the months berto March, inclusive (obsolete) 1923-86 H. B. I-.9, July 17, 192 tions on entry of plants into the [rial (Super- 1923-121 H. B. 17' Permittees warned against importation of overripe or damaged lemons, similar warning as to other fruits and as t ... 1923-158 H. B. 171, Novembd ! ind vegetables permitted entry under quarantine 56 1923-158 ivember 17, 1924 Not in S. R. A. , ... i H. B. 172. November - _M-154 H. B. 17<. December 28, 1923. Warning a* dnst the inclusion of bulbs the entry of which is not provided for under regulation 3 of quarantine 87, In shipments of bulbs under that 1923-144 H B. 171, December - editions governing inspection and certification of nursery i regulation 7, as amended, quarantine No. 45, on ac- count of the gypsy moth and brcwn-tail moth. (Supplemented bv H. B.'s 179, 182; super- A. 334) 10 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Circulars. II. IVs. P. Q. C. A.'s. B. P. Q.'s, and B. E. P. Q.'s— Continued. Year artd PW II. B. 175, 1 >((•( inbor 28, 1923. A means of expediting prosecution for violations of the Plant Quarantine Act. (Superseded Jay P. Q. C. A. 292) 1923-167 II . B. 176, Januar\ 25, L924. Licensees authorized to deal in or convert certain classes of bur- lap into paper or other approved treatment as the equivalent of the disinfection required by regulation 11 of the cotton regulations. (Superseded H. B. 127; supplemented by H. B.'s 184, 186: superseded by B. E. P. Q. 460) Not in S. R. A. revised February 2, 1925 Not in S. R. A. revised January 27, 1926 Not in S. R. A. revised February 26, 1927.. Not in S. R. A. revised January 18, 1928 - Not in S. R. A. revised January 30, 1929 Not in S. R. A. II. B. 177, February 7, 1924. Potato wart— statement of policy (obsolete) 1924-22 II. B. 178, February 18, 1924. Control of movement of nursery stock under Japanese beetle quarantine. (Superseded H. B. 167; supplemented by H. B. 180; superseded by P. Q. C. A. 220) 1924-10 H. B. 179, February 26, 1924. Report of a conference .on the restrictions on the movement of nursery stock under the gypsy-moth quarantine. (Supplemented H. B. 174; supple- mented by H. B. 182; superseded by P. Q. C. A. 334) 1924-8 H. B. 180, March 3, 1924. Conditions of certification and movement from nurseries of first, second, and third classes as designated in II. B. 178. (Supplements H. B. 178; superseded by P. Q. C. A. 220) 1924-13 H. B. 181, March 18, 1924. Entry of heavily infested broomcorn not to be tolerated (obso- lete) 1924-15 H. B. 182, May 3, 1924. Restrictions on movement of nursery stock during larval period of gypsy moth. (Supplements H. B.'s 174 and 179; superseded by P. Q. C. A. 334) 1924-35 H. B. 183, May 8, 1924. Restrictions on the entry of cut flowers and decorative plant mate- rial 1924-64 H. B. 184, July 1, 1924. Supplementary list of licensees authorized to deal in or convert cer- tain classes of burlap into paper or other approved treatment as the equivalent of the dis- infection required by regulation 11 of the cotton regulations, (Supplemented H. B. 176; superseded by 1925 revision of H. B. 176)... Not in S. R. A. H. B. 185, September 2, 1924. Nursery stock shipments must be free from sand, soil, or earth. Warning re nursery stock shipments. (Supplemented by H. B. 187; obsolete) 1924-96 H. B. 186, October 1, 1924. Second supplementary list of licensees authorized to deal in or convert certain classes of burlap into paper or other approved treatment as the equivalent of the disinfection required by regulation 11 of the cotton regulations. (Supplemented H. B. 's 17fi, 184; superseded by 1925 revision of H. B. 176) Not in S. R. A. H. B. 187, November 20, 1924. All nursery stock and other plants for propagation must be freed from sand, soil, or earth as a condition of entry. (Supplements H. B. 185) 1924-119 H. B. 188, April 6, 1925. Certain classes of bulbs to be restricted as to entry January 1, 1926 (obsolete) . 1925-33 H. B. 189, April 23, 1925. Restrictions on the entry of potatoes into the Czechoslovak Re- public. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 366) 1925-54 H. B. 190, June 27, 1925. Fruit and rose stocks versus pest risks (obsolete) Not in S. R. A. H. B. 191, July 11, 1925. Conversion or treatment of certain classes of undisinfected burlap within 60 days from date of receipt no longer required. (Supplemented H. B. 121) 1925-69 H. B. 192, July 17, 1925. Special certification requirement of Ceylon governing shipment of plants. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q.428) 1925-74 H. B. 193, March 10. 1926. Conditions governing entry of narcissus bulbs under regulation 14, quarantine 37. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q.'s 412, 482) 1926-8 H. B. 194, April 21, 1926. Utilization of plants imported for propagation. (Superseded by P. Q. C. A. 308) 1926-30 revised March 15, 1927. 1927-11 revised July 28, 1927 1927-114 H. B. 195, May 4, 1926. Disinfection of narcissus bulbs. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q.'s 412, 482). _• 1926-36 H. B. 196, September 10, 1926. Restrictions governing the entry of cipollini (obsolete) 1926-81 H. B. 197, January 15, 1927. Narcissus importations in 1937. (Supplemented by H. B. 207; superseded by B. E. P. Q.'s 412, 482). 1927-10 H. B. 198, February 5, 1927. Notice to narcissus bulb permittees of 1926. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q.'s412,482) 1927-48 II. B. 199, March 9, 1927. Regulations governing the importation of plants and plant prod- uctsinto Denmark. (Superseded by P. Q. C. A. 304) 1927-51 H. B. 200, March 9, 1927. Certification of domestic narcissus bulbs a condition of interstate shipment. (Superseded by H. B. 203) 1927-48 II. B. 201, March 21, 1927. Segregation and charting requirement of plants imported under special permit for propagation. (Superseded by P. Q. C. A. 's 285 and 308) - 1927-15 revised November 14, 1927.. 1927-148 H. B. 202, April 15, 1927. Entry of narcissus bulbs for propagation in the fall of 1927. (Super- seded by B. E. P. Q.'s412,482) 1927-81 II. B. 203, April 25, 1927. Inspection and certification of domestic narcissus bulbs. (Super- seded II. B. 200; obsolete).. 1927-80 II. B. 204, May 28, 1927. Violation of quarantines 37 and 62. (Superseded by H. B. 206)... 1927-83 II. II. 205, May 31, HS27. Conditions governing the entry of chestnuts, walnuts, filberts, cobnuts, and aeorns from Europe during the, shipping season 1927-28. (Supplemented by li. I'.. 208; superseded by If. B. 215) 1927-59 II. B. 206, July 9, 1927. Pen-boom case adjusted (obsolete) 1927-113 H. B. 207, August 1. 1927. Supplemental notice re grading of narcissus bulbs. (Supple- mented H. B. 197; superseded by B. E. P. Q. 1 12) 1927-116 II. B. 208, October 6, 1927. Treatment of chestnuts in Italy prior to shipment to the United (Supplemented E. B. 205; superseded by H. B. 215) I 1927-141 II. B. 209. Octol er 2d. 1027. Action deferred with respect to certain isolated Japanese-beetle infestations (obsolete)- 1927-147 II. 15.210, November 14, 1027. Flowers may be cut from field grown narcissus bulbs imported under special permit. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 412) 1927-148 TI. B. 211, February 13, 1928. Conditions governing the entry of plants and plant products into Mexico. (Superseded by P. Q. C. A. 284).. 1928-18 supplement no. I, May 10, 1928 1928-51 INDIA 11 Circular.-. B. B s. P. Q. C. A.'s, B. P. Q.'S, ind B, F. P. Q.'l -Contlnn Year and page 11. B. 212, March 16, 1028. Regulationsgoven i ment of plants and plant products through the malls. (Superseded by B. P. Q.351) 1928 18 revised May l. 1929 Not In B. R. a. 11. B.213, April io. 1928. Entry of narclssu: bulbs for propagation in the fall of 1928. (Super- E. P. Q. 112 1928-45 H.B.214,Jun< itton price forecasts prohibited (obsolete) 1928-52 11. B. 215, June 14, 19128. Conditions governing the- entry of European chestnuts, Bhipping Superseded H. B B superseded by P. Q. O. A. 241) 1928-38 H. H. 218, Jim. mdltlons governing entry of bananas (obsolete) 192 (On July i, 1928, the Federal Borticultur une the Planl Quarantine and Con- trol Administration: accordingly circulars of this scries issued after that date a nated as r. Q. C. a.'s.) P. Q. C, A. 217, July 12, 1928. Calcium-cyanide fumigation for bulb-fly control authorized. (Superseded by B. P. Q. 837) . - 1928-79 revised July 28, 1928 1928-79 P. Q. C. A. 218, Julj 24,1928. Restrictions n orchid permits. (Superseded by P. Q. C. A. - .. 1928-84 revised Octobers, 1928 - 1928-121 P.Q.C. A. 219, January 25, 1929. Not ice to nurserymen shipping currant or gooseberry plants or flveleai pines (obsolete).™ . 1929-18 1'. Q. C. A. 220, February 21, 1929. Administrative instructions relative to enforcement of regulation 8, quarantine 48 (sixth revision), on account of the Japanese beetle. (Superseded 11. B. 178, 180; obsolete) .. 1929-38 P. Q. C. A. 221, effective March is, 1929. Administrative instructions relative to enforcement of regulation 5, quarantine No. 06, on account of the Asiatic beetle and the Asiatic garden bee;!. ... 1929-16 P. Q. C. A 222, March 28, 1929. Flowers may be cut from field-grown bulbous iris imported under special permit (obsolete) 1929-40 F. Q. C. A. 223, April 1". 1929. Entry of narcissus bulbs for propagation in the fall of 1929. (Superseded by B. E. F. Q.'a 112,482 ._ 1929-118 P. q. c. a 224, April 16, 1929. Instructions to inspectors on the disinfection of nursery prod- ucts for the Japan seand Asiatic beetles. (Supplemented by P. Q. C. A.'s 239, 265, 293, 307, 322, 333, B. P. Q.3.i" superseded by B. F. Q. 350) 1929-63 F. Q. C. A. 225, April 16, 1929. Recorded hosts of Crratitis capitata (obsolete) Not in S. R. A. May 8, 1929. Cleaning refrigerator cars under Mediterranean fruitfly quaran- tine (obsolete) 1929-93 P. q. C. A. 227, May 10, 1929. How to recognize the Mediterranean fruitfly (obsolete) Not in S. R. A. rtinent portion published as part of P. q. C. A. 230) 1929-105 P. q. C. A. 228, effective May 11, 1929. Administrative instructions relative to enforcement literranean fruitfly quarantine (obsolete) 1929-100 P. q. C. A. 229, effective May 16, 1929. Administrative instructions. Florida fruit and vege- table shipments limited as to destination. (Modified by P. Q. C. A. 240) (obsolete)- 1929-101 P. ', May 20. 1929. War against the Mediterranean fruitfly (obsolete) 1929-101 P. q. ('. A. 231, May 22. 1929. Refrigeration of infested fruit not an adequate safeguard idoffruitflj 1929-105 P. q. C. A. 232. effective May 2:>. 1929. Administrative instructions. Interstate movement of imported fruits and vegetables via Florida ports (obsolete) 1929-109 1 . q. ('. A. 233. effective, May 23, 1929. Administrative instructions. Period of shipment of noncitrus fruits and host vceetables from protective zones in Florida extended for season of 1929. (Modified by P. q. C. A. 23*?) (obsolete) 1929-109 P. q. C. A. 231. effective June 4. 1929. Administrative instructions. Shipment of nursery by mail from Florida prohibited. Extension of citrus-fruit shipping season from newly established protective zones (obsolete) -. 1929-111 P. q. ('. A. 23.".. June 5. 1929. Re Mediterranean fruitfly-orchard and packing-house sani- tation urged for all fruit sections (obsolete) 1929-112 P.i. , effective June 14, 1929. Administrative instructions. Extension of shipping peri »l for Florida eggplants and peppers 1929-116 p. q. O. A 237, effective J l Administrative instructions. Removal of restric- tions on COWpeaS 1929-117 P. q. C. A. 238, effective Julv 2. 1929. Administrative instructions. Shipment of grapes from. plants. (Modifies P. Q. C. A. 233) (obsolel 1929-135 F. Q Supplement No. 1 to instructions on the disinfection of nursery products for the Japan. (Supplemented P. Q. C. A. 221; supple- ment ed by B. 1*. q. 339; super.--. led by B. P. q. 359) 1929-133 P. q. C A. 240, effective July 23, 1929. Administrative Instructions, Removal ofreso in destination of limes from Monroe and Dade Counties. (Modifies p. q. C. A. 229) - 1929-139 P. q. C. A. 241, July - • ntry of chestnuts and acorns from all countries and localities, shipping 129-30. (Superseded 11. B. 215; supi a byB. P.Q Xot in S. R. A. P. '. :. effective August 12, 1929. Administrative instructions. Removal of re- strictions o. 1929-141 P 243, effective September l. 1929. Administrative instructions. Shipment of Florida citrus fruit prior to October 1. (Superseded by P. Q. < \ 269 1929-158 P. q. «'. A. 214. effective September 7. 1929. Administrative instructions. Diversion of Florid Lthern points 1929-158 P.Q - ptember 17, 1929. Administrative instructions Modification ited in Mediterranean fruitfly quarantine regulations I P. 1 . 29. Administrative instructions. Sterilizal of citrus fruits under M . fruitfly regulations. (Modified by P. q. C. A. 271) 1929 160 September 27, 1929. Information re sterilisation outside of the State of Fieri ofcitr. ler Mediterranean fruitfly regulatioi P. q i September 16, 1929. l ! given wide opportunity oi entry under proposed amendment to Plant Quarantine ... Not in S. R. A. 12 SERVICE AXD REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Circulars. II. B.'s. P. Q. c. A.'s. I?. P. Q.'s, and B. E. P. Q.'s— Continued. Year and page P. Q. c. A. 249, September 28, 1929. Explanation of provisions for entry of plants under quarantine 37. I Re\ ision of H. B. 105; superseded by B. P. Q. 340) 1929-169 revised Jul; 15, 1931 1931-111 P. Q. C. A. 250, effective October 11, 1929, Administrative instructions. Weekly in place of semiweekly clean-up of groves and gardens in eradication area authorized. (Modifica- tion of regulations supplemental to notice of quarantine No. 68) (obsolete) 1929-217 P. Q. 0. A. 251, effective October 12, 1929. Administrative instructions. Sterilization re- quirements modified as to areas hitherto designated as infested. (Modified by P. Q. C. A. 6) (obsolete) 1929-217 P. C. Q. A. 252, effective October 23, 1929. Administrative instructions. Sterilization of grapefruit by use of heat under Mediterranean fruitfly regulations (obsolete) 1929-218 P.Q.C.A.253, effective November 13, 1929. Administrative instructions. Authorization . of transportation of Florida host fruits and vegetables from the District of Columbia to nearby point- in Virginia. (Superseded by P. Q. C. A. 263) 1929-219 P. Q. C. A. 254, effective November 21, 1929. Administrative instructions. Movement authorized of sterilized host fruits and vegetables from Florida to other Southern and W,stern States. (Modified by P. Q. C. A. 262; superseded by P. Q. C. A. 272) 1929-220 P. Q. O. A. 255, effective November 27, 1929. Administrative instructions. Sterilization of oranges, tangerines, and satsumas by use of heat under Mediterranean fruitfly regula- tions (obsolete)... 1929-221 P. Q. C. A. 256, effective December 2. 19t:9. Administrative instructions. Release of cer- tain areas designated as infested under the Mediterranean fruitfly quarantine regulations. (Modifies P. O. C. A. 251) (obsolete) 1929-221 P. Q. C. A. 257. December 17, 1929. Instructions to inspectors re interstate shipments of celery from Florida (obsolete) 1929-222 P. Q. C. A. 258. effective December 26, 1929. Administrative instructions. Containers authorized for interstate movement of Florida host fruits and vegetables. (Modified by P. Q. C. A. 266; obsolete) 1929-222 P. Q. C. A. 259, effective January 8, 1930. Administrative instructions. Elimination of screening requirement with respect to potted plants under the Asiatic-beetle and the Asiatic- garden- beetle quarantine (obsolete) 1930-2 P. Q. C. A- 260, effective January 8, 1930. Administrative instructions. Elimination of screening requirements with respect to potted plants under the Japanese-beetle quaran- tine (obsolete) 1930-4 P. Q. C. A. 261. effective January 23, 1930. Administrative instructions. Diversion restric- tions on Florida host fruits and vegetables modified. (Modification of P. Q. C. A. 254; superseded by P. Q. C. A. 272) 1930-16 P. Q. C. A. 262, effective January 23, 1930. Administrative instructions. Period of move- ment of host fruits and vegetables from Florida to Southern and Western States extended to February 28, 1930. (Modifies P. Q. C. A. 254; superseded by P. Q. C. A. 272) 1930-17 P. Q. C. A. 263, effective February 3, 1930. Administrative instructions. Modification of the restrictions on the movement of Florida host fruits and vegetables from the District of Columbia, and the States of Maryland and Pennsylvania to nearby points in Virginia, West Virginia, and Ohio. (Supersedes P. Q. C. A. 253; revoked by P. Q. C. A. 280) 1930-19 P. Q. C. A. 264, effective February 6, 1930. Administrative instructions. Extension of pro- duction and harvesting period of Florida cantaloups to June 15, 1930. (Superseded by P. Q. C. A. 269 and P. Q. C. A. 272) 1930-20 P.Q. C.A.265, February 8,1930. Supplement No. 2 to instructions on the disinfection of nursery products for the Japanese and Asiatic beetles. (Supplemented P. Q. C. A. 224; supplemented by P. Q. C. A. 333; superseded by B. P. Q. 359) ....Not in S. R. A P. Q. C. A. 266, effective February 11, 1930. Administrative instructions. Waterproof fabric mesh bags authorized as containers for Florida host fruits and vegetables. (Modifies P. Q. C. A. 258; obsolete) 1930-20 P. Q. C. A. 267, effective February 19, 1930. Administrative instructions. Production of cotton in and the interstate movement from eradication areas in Florida (obsolete) 1930-21 P. Q. C. A. 268, effective February 21, 1930. Administrative instructions. Release of west Florida from Mediterranean fruitfly quarantine restrictions (obsolete) 1930-22 P. Q. C. A. 269, effective February 26. 1930. Administrative instructions. Extension of production and harvesting period of Florida citrus and other host fruits to April 15, 1930. (Supersedes P. Q. C. A. 243 and P. Q. C. A. 264; modified by P. Q. C. A. 272; obsolete).. 1930-23 P. Q. C. A. 270, effective March 3, 1930. Administrative instructions. Florida host vege- tables produced outside eradication area authorized to be shipped by express in less than car lots (obsolete) 1930-24 P. Q. C. A. 271, effective March 4, 1930. Administrative instructions. Additional method of sterilizing Florida citrus fruit ; by refrigeration authorized. (Modifies P. Q. C. A. 246; obsolete) 1930-24 P. Q. C. A. 272, effective April 9, 1930. Administrative instructions. Modification of pro- duction, harvesting, and shipment restrictions on Florida host fruits and vegetables. (Super- sedes P. Q. C. A.'s 254, 261, 262, 264; modifies P. Q. C. A. 269; modified by P. Q. C. A.'s 273, 280, 282. 286, and 288; obsolete) 1930-65 P. Q. C. A. 273, effective April 10, 1930. Administrative instructions. Spraying require- ments for grapes produced in the eradication area of Florida. (Modifies P. Q. C. A. 272; obsolete) 1930-66 P. Q. C. A 271, April 10, 1930. List of true bulbs, corms, and tubers. (Superseded by B.E. P. Q. 394) 1930-59 P.Q.C. A. 275. effective April 10, 1930. Administrative instructions. Reshipment of certain Florida host fruits and vegetables within Southern and Western States authorized (obsolete). 1930-67 P. Q. C. A. 276. effective April 1 1, 1930. Elimination of summer host plants in eradication area in Florida will not be required (obsolete) 1930-67 P. (.). C. A. 277, April 22, 1930. Entry of narcissus bulbs for propagation. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 376) 1930-71 P. (.). ('. A. 278, effective July 1, 1930. Limitations on special-permit plant material entered for propagation purposes under regulation 14 of quarantine No. 37, nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine. (Supersedes P. Q. C. A. 218) 1930-71 ed, effective Jury 17, 1031 1931-108 P. ' '. April 26, 1930. Administrative instructions. Re disposition of ripening citru- fruits, avocados, persimmons, host vegetables, and bananas in the eradication area of Florida during the host-free period (obsolete) 1930-68 1XDKK 13 Circulars. II. B.*S, P. Q. C. A.*8, B. P. Q . ontinued. id page p. Q ve April 30, 1930. Administrative instructions. Shipment of Florida . lima and I men! of host within Northern and Central States authorized. (Modifies P. q. C. A. 272; revokes P. Q. 1930-69 p. . Sective June 1, 1930. Administrative instructioi requirement od Vw M< ifled by 1'. • \ 1930-79 p. Q. C \ fi ve June 21, 1930. Administrative instructi f pro- duction and harvesting period of Floi - getables. (ModiflesP.Q.t a. 1930-70 P, Q, C. A. 283, July l. 1930. Summary of Cuban plant quarantine 1 . . bj B. E. P. Q 1930-114 supplement No. l, r> ttion of prohibition against importation of fruits and vegetables from 1 i . 1^30-190 revised January .. 1932-19 supplement No. l. December l, 1932 (certification requirements fcr seed pota- supplem. tember 15, 1934 (import restrictions) - 1934-79 . U-105 supplement No. 5, October 14. 1937 (import restrictions) supplement No. 6, September l. 1939 (import restrictions) 1939-115 supplemei - mport restricti as 1940-60 P. Q. C. A. 284, July l. 1930. Conditions governing the entry of plants and plant products into Mexico. (Revision of H. B. 211; su B.E.P.Q.411) _ 1930-118 supplement No. 1, Jul K 1931-78 supplement No. 2, June 22, 1931 . 1931-78 supplement No. 3, August 25, 1931 - 1931-130 supplement \ • - ptember 15, 1931 1931-131 suppleuit 1931-131 supplement No. 6, February 1. 1932 i supplement No. 7. December 20. 1933 1933-288 supplement No/8, February 28 1934-16 supplement No. 9. Septeml 1934-79 supplement No. in. December 2s. 1934... . 1934-115 supplement No. 11. March B, I I " 1935-22 P. Q. C. A. 285, July 23, 1930. Segregation and labeling requirement of plants imported under special permit for propagation. (Revision of H. B. 201; superseded by P. Q. C. A. 308) 1930-110 P. Q. C. A. 286, effective July 24. 1930. Administrative instructions. Movement of ster- ilized avocados from Florida to other Southern and Western States authorized. (Modifies P. Q. C. A . 1930-94 P. Q Tective July 24. 1930. Administrative instructions. Sterilization of avo- cados bv use of heat under Mediterranean fruitflv-quarantine regulations (obsolete) 1930-95 P. Q. ('. A. 288, effective July 24. 1930. Administrative instructions. Modification of pro- duction and harvesting period of Florida grapes. (Modifies P. Q. C. A. 272; superseded P.Q. C ' 282 bsolete) 1930-95 P. Q. I 2, 1930. Reflations governing the importation of plants and plant products into Italy. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 469) 1930-122 supplement No. I, May 15. 1933 1933-185 supplement No. 2, November 24. 1933 1933-276 P. Q. C. A. 290, effective August 21, 1930. Administrative instructions. Sterilization of grapefruit . serines, satsumas, and avocados by use of heat under Mediterranean fruitfly quarantmi 1930-107 1'. Q. ('. A. 291, effective August 21, 1930. Administrative instructions. Sterilization of grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, and satsumas by refrigeration authorized (obsolete). 1930-108 P. g ■ L. 292, Sept 17 Kxpediting prosecution for violations of the Plant Quarantine Act. (Revision of H. B. 175) . 1930-129 P. Q - ptember 17. 1930. Supplement No. 3 to instructions on the disinfection of nursery products for Japanese beetle. (Supplemented P. Q. C. A.'s 224, 239; super- 1930-111 P. Q her 22. 1930. Plant-quarantine restrictions of Brazil. (Super- by B. E. P. Q. 378 . 1930-124 supplement No. 1, January 1 1933-153 rember 24, 1933 1933-277 P. Q. C. A . - 15, 1930. Federal domestic plant quarantines. (Superseded by B. K. P, Q II ... 1930-177 Memorandum to state inspectors concerning the plant- • -ition requirements of England and Wales. (Supplemented II. B. 160; by 1 ... 1930-179 P.Q Summ-irvof the plant-quarantine restrictions of the Union ith Africa. by B. K. P. Q. 471) ... 1930-179 supplement No. 1, A. 1931-129 plement No. 2, Novemb r2fi I 81-180 plement No. 3, June 15, 1933 1933-193 instructions. Fumigation of :: lint produced in Eddj ::r>'d for movement to points outside of area regulated on account of pink bollworm. ( Modifies 1'. (}. C. a 1930-168 of the plant-quarantin- I f the Commonwealth I by B. E. V. <.}. t:<. 1930-182 Not in S. : supplement No. I, February 17, 1933 SU] •ton lint produced in CI N Mex . req pink bollw ... 1930-170 14 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Circulars, B. B.'s, P. Q. C. a.'-. B. P. Q.'s, and B. E. P. Q.'s— Continued. YeaT and page P. Q. C. A. 301, Nfovemb rerning the importation Into Franco of plants and plant products from the United States. (Superseded H. B. 151 in part; superseded bj B. E. P. Q. 403) 1930-185 P. Q. C. A. 302, December 27, 1930. Summary of the plant-quarantine restrictions of the German Republic. (Superseded II. B. 151 in part; superseded by B. E. P. Q. 405) 1930-187 revised Mav 15, L033 1933-185 supplement No. 1, September 30, 1933 .... 1933-223 supplement No.*2, September 20, 1934 ... . 1934-80 supplement No. 3, November 21, 1934 (modifies supplement No. 2) 1934-112 supplement No. 4, March 20, 1935 ...... .... .1935-25 p, Q, C uary 21, 1931. Summary of the plant-quarantine restrictions of the Netherlands. (Superseded B. B. 151, in part) 1931-16 supplement No. I, February 19, 1934 1934-15 P. Q. C. A. 304, February 24, 1931. riant-quarantine restrictions of Denmark. (Revision of B. B. 199; superseded by B. E. P. Q. 407) 1931-18 p {} C. \.. 305, February 27, 1931. Shipment .of Mexican citrus fruits in bond through the Unite.: 51 .' s. Revision i l II. B. 147; superseded by B. E. P. Q. 507) 1931-19 revised September 11, 1933 ..-. - 1933-225 P Q. ('. A. 306, March 26, 1931. Summary of the plant-quarantine regulations of New Zea- land.. 1931-23 supplement No. 1, August 25. 1933 1933-218 supplement No. 2, .Tune 25, 1934 1934-53 supplement No. 3, March 9, 1936 1936-30 supplement No. 4. August 21. 1937 1937-230 supplement No. 5, September 10. 1938 1938-88 P. Q. C. A. 307, April 15, 1931. Supplement No. 4 to instructions on the disinfection of nursery products for Japanese beetles. (Modifies P. Q. C. A. 224; superseded by B. P. Q. 1931-62 P. Q. C. A. 308, July 15, 1931. Secreeation, labeling, and utilization requirements of plants imported under special permit for propagation. (Supersedes H. B. 194. P. Q. C. A. 285; superseded by B. P. Q. 341) .. 1931-110 P. Q. C. A. 300, May 1, 1931. Sterilization and disinfection treatments of plants and plant products authorized. (Summary only in S. R. A.) (obsolete) ..-. .. 1931-72 P Q C. A. 310, May 18, 1931. Plant -quarantine restrictions of the Republic of Peru 1931-72 supplement No. 1, June 15. 1934 1934-53 supplement No. 2, September 15. 1934 1934-78 supplement Xo. 3, October 10. 1934 1934-104 supplement No. 4, March 9. 1937 1937-26 p Q. C. A.311,May8, 1931. The importation under permit of frozen-pack fruits authorized. (Superseded bv B. E. P. Q. 462). 1931-79 P. Q. C. A. 3!2, May 28, 1931. Narcissus-inspection records for 1930 (obsolete) 1931-70 P. Q. C. A. 313, June 19, 1931. I ist of plants exempt from gypsy moth certification require- ments under quarantine Xo. 45. (Superseded by B. E. P. O- 386) 1931-62 P. Q. C. A. 314, June 22, 1931. Summary of the plant-quarantine restrictions of the countries of Central America (superseded by B. E. P. Q. 445) 1931-75 supplement Xo. 1. August 25, 1931 1931-126 supplement No. 2, February 17, 1933 1933-164 supplement Xo. 3. September 30, 1933 1933-224 supplement Xo. 4, March 20, 1934 1934-22 supplement Xo. 5, May 7, 1934 1934-49 supplement Xo. 6, Mav 15, 1934 1934-49 supplement Xo. 7, June 15, 1934 1934-49 supplement Xo. 8, January 21, 1935 1935-22 supplement No. 9, December 16, 1935 1935-94 P. Q. C. A. 315, July 9, 1931. Plant-quarantine restrictions, Kingdom of Belgium. (Super- seded H. B. 151, in part; superseded by B. E. P. Q. 437) 1931-123 supplement Xo. 1. November 24, 1933 1933-276 supplement No. 2, December 20, 1933 1933-289 P. Q. C. A. 316, effective July 14, 1931. Fumigation of berries with ethylene oxide as a condition of certification under the Japanese-beetle quarantine regulations (obsolete) 1931-101 P. Q. C. \. 317, effective July 14, 1931. Fumigation of bananas in car lots with hydrocyanic acid as a condition of certification under the Japanese-beetle quarantine regulations. (Su- perseded by B. P. Q. 359) .. 1931-102 P. Q. C. A. 318, effective August 1, 1931. Administrative instructions. Omission of fumi- gation authorized for cotton lint moved from certain counties in Texas and New Mexico. (Superseded by B. P. Q. 342;.. 1931-116 P. Q. C. A. 319, July 22, 1931. Fumigation of narcissus bulbs with sodium cyanide. (Super- seded by B. P. Q. 337).. . .... 1931-105 P. Q. C. A. 320. July 29, 1931. Barberries and Mahonias classified under black stem rust quarantine regulations. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 385) 1931-92 revixd A.USUS1 15, 1932 1932-52 supplement No. I, June 1, 1933 1933-177 revised, second revision, Mav 15, 1934 1934-33 Supplement No. 1. March 4. 1935 1935-3 P. Q.C. A. 321. ^ugustl, 1931. Summarvof plant-quarantine restrictions of Sweden. (Super- seded by B. E. P. Q. 43fl 1931-126 Supplement No. 1, February 17, 1933 1933-164 P. Q. C. A. :<2_\ Aurusl 17. 1931. Supplement No. 6 to instructions on the disinfection of aursen products for Japanese hectics. (Supplemented P. Q. C. A. 224; superseded P. Q. uperseded by B. P. Q.359) . 1931-102 P. Q. C. A 323, Air u-t 17, 1931. Report of distribution of bulbs imported under regulation 3 of quarantine Xo. 37, the nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine, no longer required (obsolete).. . 1931-115 P. Q. C. A 324, September 3, 1931. Administrative instructions. Use of disinfectants in hot-water treatment of narcissus bulbs (obsolete) . ... 1931-105 P ') O. A. 325, September 9, 1931. Administrative instructions. Early beginning of Shipping period under Mexican fruit worm quarantine regulations authorized (obsolete).. 1931-104 P Q C. A. 326, effective October 28,1931. Administrative instructions. Shipping season for Texas citrus fruit extended (obsolete) 1931-149 lxni \ 15 dars, H. B.'s, P. Q. C. l.*s,B I I P Q.'a -Continued. mdpa§t p. Q. 0. I mber 30, 1931. Plant-quarantine restrictions of England, W Scotland, Northern Ireland, The Channel islands (States of Jersey), and the Irish Free State. (Revision of H. B.'s 160, lfW, 2%: superseded bj B. 1 1931-159 supplement No. l. December 30, 1933 19 r. o C. \ 328, effective February 5, I >32 Fretting treatment of green corn on the cot, as a condition of certification inn lor the European corn-borer quarantine regulation 1932-9 p. . K, effective March 5, 1932 Administrative instructions. Sterilization of mil and oranges by heat under the Mexican fruit-worm quarantine. (Superseded by B. E. P. 0. 172] p. Q C \ 830, effective March .'. 1932. Administrative instructions, sterilization of ruit and oranges bs refrigeration authorised. (Superseded bj B. E. P.Q. 172 revised) 1'. (). (". \. 331, effective March 25, 1932. Administrative instructions. Termination of shipping season for Texas citrus fruit (obsolete) . - . . 1932 13 1-. Q. C, A. 332, March 22. jus inspection records for 1931 (obsolete) 1932 14 1'. Q. C. V. 333, Api il 1". 1932. Supplement NO. 8 to instructions to inspectors on the disin- fection of nurserv products for the Japanese and Asiatic hectics. (Modifies P. Q. I i v superseded bj B. 1'. Q 1932 :(0 P. Q. ('. A. 334, Mav 10, 1932. Nursen stock certification under gypsy-moth quarantine. (Revision of H. B.'s 174, 179, 182; obsolete) 1962-80 P. Q. O. S*. 335, Mav Pi, 1932. Legal data with reference to agricultural quarantine litigation in the courts of the United States ......... .1932-43 Mily 1, 1932. the Plant Quarantine and Control Administration hecame the Bureau o! Plant Quarantine; accordingly circulars of this series issued after that date were desig- nated as P. P. Q.'s.^ P. P. (). 336 a. September 12, 1032. Synopsis of white-pine blister-rust quarantine regula- tions, effective January 1. 1933. Table A. Shipments from infected States 1932 -, r ,9 revised, March 15, 1935 (obsolete) 1935-19 P. P. Q. 336-b, September 12, 1932. Synopsis of white-pine blister-rust quarantine regula- tions, effective January 1, 1933. Table B— Shipments from noninfected States 1932-M revised, March 15. 1935 (obsolete) P. P. Q. 337, July 7, 1932. Administrative instructions. Treatment and pest suppression .res in narcissus plantings. (Supersedes P. Q. C. A.'s 217, 319; supplemented by P. P. Q. 353; >bsolete - - — . ...1932-71 P. P. Q. 33s. July B, 1932. Administrative instructions. Narcissus inspection and certifica- tion. (Supplemented by B. P. Q. 353 (obsolete)) 1932-77 P. P. Q. 339, August 12, 1932. Supplement No. 7 to instructions to inspectors on the disin- fection of nursery products fir the Japanese and Asiatic beetles. (Revision of I'. Q. C. A. aperseded by B. P. Q. 359). 1932-04 P. P. <.). 340, August 2u. 1932. Explanation of provisions for entry of plants under quarantine Supersedes P. O. C. A. 219; superseded by P. E. P. Q. 384) 1932-82 P. P. Q. 341. Augusl 20, 1932. Segregation, labeling and utilization requirements of plants imported under special permit for propagation. (Re\ ision of P. Q. C. A. 308; obsolete) 1932-Sti P. P. 0- 342, effective September 1". 1932. Administrative instructions. Omission of fumi- authorized for cotton lint, linters, and samples moved from certain counties in Texas. Mexico, and Arizona. 'Supersedes P. Q. C. A. 318: obsolete) 1932-SS P. P. Q. 313, effective September 15, 1932. Administrative instructions. Early beginning of shipping si ason for Texas citrus fruit authorized (obsolete). .. .. 1932-71 B. P. (,>. 344, October 6, 1932. Conditions eovernintr the entry of chestnuts and acorns from all countries and localities. (Revision of P. O- C. A. 211; superseded by P. E. P. Q.501)... 1932-100 P. P. ',» 345, effective October 29, 1932. Administrative instructions Permits for the inter- movement of cotton and cotton products from the pink-holhvorm regulated area of Florida (obsolete) .. 1932-119 P. P. Q.346, December 10. 1932. European corn borer. State regulations (obsolete) 1932-121 supplement Xo. 1. December 27. 1932... 1932 128 revised March 10. 1933 1933-167 revised, March 15, 1934 1934-23 P. P. g. ::i7. January I, 1933. Plant-cjuaran:ine restrictions, Republic of Greece. (Super- seded by B. E. P. g. 438) 1933-1 At . ; ■lenient Xo. l. September 30, 1933 1933-221 plement Xo. 2. May 7. 1934 1934-50 supplement Xo. 3, August 1. 1934 . 1934-77 supplemi n1 No. ». September 3, 1935 19 supplement N< . 5, December 23. 1935 _. P. P. O. 348, January 12. 1933. Plant-quarantine restrictions, Republic of Chile. (Super- : by P. E. P. 0. AID 1933-158 supplement Xo. 1. March It, 1934 1934 16 supplement No. 2. March 15, 1934 1934-16 supplement No. 3, March 2, 1936 19 supplemi ■ ptember l. 1936 1936-112 temb r 10, 1936 - 1936 114 B. P. Q. 349, February 17, 1933. Narcissus inspection record for 1932 I I I 133-143 P. l VI arch 1, 1933. Plant-quarantine restrictions, Kingdom of Norwa; L933 164 supplement No. 1, June 15, 19 ! supplement No 1 P P. u 351, April 12. 1933. Regulations governing the movement of plants and plant prod- :: the mails. (Supersedes H. B. 212 1933-184 P. I 1933. Administrative instructions. Commercially packed apples under rantine regulation! d b] B 1 P. Q.4P8 1933 178 B. 1 Supplementary administrative instructions treatment a: (Supplements P. P.Q. 337 and B. P. Q. 3 L933-178 B. 1 15, 1933. Conditions governing the entrj and treatment of] bulb import led bj B. E. P. Q 412 463872—42 2 16 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Circulars, II. B.'s, P. Q. C. A.'s, B. P. Q.'s, and B. E. P. Q.'s— Continued. Year and page B. I'. Q. 356, September 7. 1933. riant-quarantine restrictions Jamaica, British West Indies -. 1933-219 revised, June 15, 1934 1934-50 supplement No. 1, August l. 1934 1934-78 supplement Mo. 2, January 6, 1939 1939-31 supplement No. 3, September 22, 1939 1939-115 B. P. 0. 356, October 24, 1933. Information for importers of elm burl logs under the Dutch elm disease quarantine (No. 70) (obsolete). 1933-248 B. P. Q. 357, December 1. 1933. Plant-quarantine restrictions, Republic of Argentina. (Super- seded by B. E. P. Q. 426) .. - - 1933-277 supplement No. 1. April 25, 1934 _. 1934-39 supplement No. 2, March 9, 1935 1935-24 supplement No. 3, February 28, 1936 1936-32,48 supplement No. 4. July 20, 1936 1936-114 B. P. Q. 358, March 15, 1934. Narcissus inspection records for 1933 1934-12 ■R. P. Q. 359, March 14, 1934. Instructions to inspectors on the treatment of nursery products, fruits, vegetables, and soil for the Japanese beetle. (Supersedes P. Q. C. A.'s 224, 239, 265, ind B. P. Q. 339; superseded by B. E. P. Q. 499) — 1934-1 supplement No. 1, August 23, 1935 1935-50 supplement Xo. 2, October 15, 1937.. 1937-260 supplement No. 3, December 20, 1937... 1937-2C1 supplement No. 4, February 15, 1939 1939-16 B. P. Q. 360, March 14. 1934. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Island of Cyprus 1934-17 supplement Xo. 1, May 23. 1936 . 1936-48 B. P. Q. 361, effective April 5, 1934. Shipping season for Texas citrus fruit to end on April 5 (obsolete) 1934-12 B. P. Q. 362, effective May 1, 1934. Sterilization of imported vinifera grapes by refrigeration. (Superseded bv B. E. P. Q. 417) 1934-35 supplement Xo. 1, July 26, 1934 1934-61 supplement Xo. 2. August 2, 1934 1934-61 B. P. Q. 363, May 1, 1934. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Philippine Islands 1934^10 supplement Xo. 1, May 9, 1935 1935-42 B. P. Q. 364, May 5, 1934. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, French Mandate of Syria... 1934-46 (On July 1, 1934, the Bureau of Plant Quarantine and the Bureau of Entomology were merged under the title "Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine." Circulars of this series issued after that date were designated B. E. P. Q.) B. E. P. Q. 365, effective October 1, 1934. Xotice to permittees and others interested. Willow withes 'as plant ties prohibited on plants for entry from Europe and Canada 1934-71 B. E. P. Q. 366, September 20, 1934. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Republic of Czechoslovakia. (Superseded H. B. 189) 1934-80 supplement Xo. 1, Xovember 26, 1934 1934-112 supplement Xo. 2, December 28, 1935 1935-95 supplement Xo. 3, March 2, 1936 1936-33 supplement Xo. 4, March 23, 1937 1937-26 B. E. P. Q. 367. effective September 26, 1934. Administrative instructions— Shipping season for Texas citrus fruit to begin September 26 (obsolete) 1934-71 B. E. P. Q. 368, Xovember 1. 1934, Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Republic of Poland .1934-105 supplement Xo. 1, April 11, 1936 . 1936-43 supplement Xo. 2, October 14, 1937 1937-281 B. E. P. Q. 369, effective March 4, 1935. Packing materials for nursery stock, plants, and seeds. (Supersedes II. B. 132. revised) 1935-16 B. E. P. Q. 370, December 20, 1934. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, British Mandate of Palestine 1934-113 supplement Xo. 1, August 15, 1935 1935-52 revised, March 9, 1936 1936-33 supplement Xo. 1, September 1, 1936 1936-114 B. E. P. Q. 371, January 27, 1935. Administrative instructions— Shipping season for Texas citrus fruit extended (obsolete) 1935-8 B. E. P. Q. 372, effective April 2, 1935. Shipping season for Texas citrus fruit to end on April 2 (obsolete) .- 1935-10 B. E. P. Q. 373, April 23, 1935. Xarcissus inspection records for 1934 1935-40 B. E. P. Q. 374, May 25, 1935. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Presidency of Antigua, British West Indies 1935-42 supplement Xo. 1. May 12, 1936.. 1936-53 B. E. P. Q. 375, June 3, 1935. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Kingdom of Egypt. (Superseded II. B. 19) 1935-44 revised. April 26, 1937 1937-103 supplement Xo. 1, October 11, 1937_ 1937-281 supplement Xo. 2. March 8. 1938 1938-4 supplement Xo. 3, April 8, 1940 1 1940-60 B. E. P. Q. 376, June 4. 1935. Kntrv of narcissus bulbs for propagation. (Superseded P. Q. C \. 277; superseded by B. E. P. Q. 412) 1935-41 B. E. P. Q. 377, July 8, L935. I'l int-quarantine import restrictions, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 125) 1935-53 B. E. I'. Q. 37s. July in, 1935. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Colony of the Bahama Minis British Wesl Indies 1935-53 B. E. I'. Q. 379, July 19, 1935. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Republic of Brazil. (Superseded P. Q. C. a. 294) 1935-56 supplement No. I, September 1, 1936 _ 1936-115 supplement \'o. 2, April "», 1938 1938-68 revised March 10, 1941 .. 1941-29 B. E. P. Q. 380, AugUSl !"■. L935. I'lant-quarantine import restrictions, Republic of Haiti. . 1935-64 October 14, 1937 1937-282 B. I ruber 3, 1935. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Presidency of St. Christopher (St. Kitts) and Nevis, British West Indies 1935-65 revised, January 14, L938 1938-4 INDEX 17 Circulars. II. B. 5, i Q. 0. a. s. B. P. Q.'s, and B. B. P. Q.'a Continued. ndpage B. K. P. Q. 382, September 4, 1935. Plant-quarantine Import restrictions, Republic of Uruguay. - - I revised, September 14, 1940 .. . 194 1941 80 supplement No. 2, December 26, 1941... 1941-96 B. I". P. Q. ;>; . September i t. 1935. Dried, crushed and shredded t anana stalks exempt from Japanese beetle certification requirements under Quarantine No. 4s.. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 395. revised 1935-51 B. E. P. Q. 384, Octol er 19, 1935. Information concerning the entry of plant matt rial under quarantine No. 37, the nursery stork, plant, and Beed quarantine. (Supersedes B. P. Q. 1935-83 B. E. I'. Q. 385, November i. 1935. Classification of barberry and Mahonia plants under the hlack-stem rust quarantine regulations [Quarantine No. 38). (Superseded P. u. 0. A. revised, April 1,1937 1937-90 revised, August 24, 1937.. .. .. 1937-212 B. K. P. Q. 386, November - si of articles exempt from certification requirements under the gypsy moth and brown-tail moth quarantine (Quarantine No. 45). (Sup< i P.Q.C.A.31 revised, February 11. 1936 revised, second revision. March 12, 1936 1936-2 revised, third revision, March 2, 1937 1937-1 instructions to postmasters 1937-2 revise. I. fourth revision. Septeml er 13, U»37 1937-216 .revised, fifth r< ember 6, 1939 1939-132 instructions to postmasters . 1939-133 revised, sixth revision, effective October 10, 1941, administrative instructions; articles exempted from restrictions 1941-88 il ructions to postmasters r 1941-89 B. E. P. Q. 387, January 13. 1936. Administrative instructions — Shipping season for Texas citrus fruit extended (ol solete) - 1936-27 B. E. P. Q. 388, March l. 1936. Administrative instructions— Approval of alternative treat- ments for baled lint cotton from heavily infested areas (obsolete* 1936-3 B. B. P. Q. 889, March 11, 1936. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Grand Duchy of 1 .uxembu rg 1936-36 supplement No. 1. March 9, 1937 1937-27 B. E. P. Q. 390, March 19, 1936. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, British colony and protectorate of Sierra Leone 1936-36 revised. June 16. 1939 1939-116 B. E. P. g. 391, March 19, 1936. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, British Gold Coast Colony _ 1936-38 revised, February 19. 19a* (applicable also to British Togoland) 1938-6 revised, second revision, February 20, 1939... 1939-31 B. E. P. Q. 392. April 13.1936. Plant importations by mail - 1936-42 B. E. P. Q. 393, April 13, 1936. Administrative instructions — Treatment requirements removed as; a condition for interstate shipment of baled lint and linters, and products thereof produced or manufactured from sterilized cottonseed, from the pink boll-worm regulated area in Florida (obsolete) 1936-45 B. E. P. Q. 394. June l, 1936. List of true bulbs, corms, and tubers. (Supersedes P. Q. C. A. 274) 1936-43 revised May 5, 1940 1940-51 B. E. P. Q. 395, June 1, 1936. List of articles exempt from certification requirements under the Japanese beetle quarantine (No. 4S> ._ 1936-44 revised. September 15, 1936. (Superseded B. E. P. Q. 383) 1936-98 instructions to postmasters 1936-98 revised, March i\ 1938 1938-2 revised, third revision, effective November 1, 1938 (obsolete) 193^-124 inst ruct ions to post masters 1938-124 See current regulation* of Quarantine Xo. +8. B. E. P. Q. 396, June 1, 1936. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Dominican Republic... 1936-53 supplement No. 1, July 7, 1937 1937-231 B. E. P. Q. 397, June 1, 1936. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Colonv of Grenada, 1936-56 B. B. P. Q. 398, June I, 1936. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, French Colony of Xew d by B. E. P. Q. 465) 1936-58 B. B. P. Q. 399, June l, 1936. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Presidency of Dominica, British west Indies 1936-59 supplement No. 1, July 29, 1987 . ... 1937-231 R. B. P. Q. 100, June 1, 1936. Plant-quarantine Import restrictions. Republic of Portugal. . 1936-61 B. E. P. Q. 401, Jui Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Republic of Spain ■■ B. E. P. Q. 4H2. June 12 1936. Plant-quarantine import restrictions. Republic of Austria .. 1 • 7. Title: Plant-quarantine import and transit restrictions. Re- public Of Austria 1937-113 supplement No. i. May.'. 10 J -7-120 B. E. P. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Republic of France. 1936-73 supplement No. I, September 2, 1937 supplemei I N >. 2, M m b B, 1938 lit Xo. 3. Jui 5-68 B. B. P. Q. 404, June 13, 1936. Plant-quarantine import n British India IS revised, March . supplement No. 1, Februan 16,1940 19 : t No. 2, l >ecemb< r 2, 1940 Nipplement No. 3, March 3, 1941 suppL 1941 61 18 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS P'rculars, H. B.'s, P. Q. 0. A.'s. B. P. Q.'s, and B. E. P. Q.'s— Continued. Year and page B. K. I'. Q. 405, June 36, 1936. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Republic of Germany. rsedes P. Q. C. A. 302, revised) 1936-83 supplemenl No, i. November 13, 1936 1936-181 supplement No. 2, March 3, 19:57 1937-32 supplement NTo.3, A.ugus1 19, 1937 . 1937-233 supplement No. I. June 9, 1938 1938-09 B. E. P. o. 106, Jul; is. 1936. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, British Colony of Malta. 1936-115 revised, May 5, L937 1937-121 supplemenl No. l. June 14, 1937 1937-122 supplement No. 2, May 9, 1939 1939-85 SUpplenu nt No. 3, November 19. 1941 1941-96 B. E. P. Q. 407, Julv is, 1936. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Kingdom of Denmark. P.Q.C.A.304) 1936-117 B. E. P. Q. 408, Julv is. 1936. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Irish Free State (Saorstat Eireann). (Supersedes part of P. Q. C. A. 327) 1936-120 supplement No. 1. May 12, 1939 1939-85 B. E. P. Q. 409, Julv 20. 1936. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Free City of Danzig... 1936-124 supplement No. 1. March 24, 1941 1941-39 B. F. P. Q. 410, July 29, 1930. Federal domestic plant quarantines. (Superseded P. Q. C. A. 295) . 1936-125 B. E. P. Q. 411. August 24, 1936. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Republic of Mexico. (Superseded P. Q. C. A. 284) 1936-126 supplement Xo. 1, September 18, 1939 1939-118 supplement Xo. 2, April 8, 1940 1940-61 supplement Xo. 3, July 28, 1941 1941-80 B. F. P. O. 412, September lfl, 1936. Information for prospective importers regarding the entrv of foreien narcissus bulbs on and after December 15, 1936. (Superseded H. B.'s 193, 195, 197. 198, 202, 207, 210, 213; P. Q. C. A.'s 223, 277; B. P. Q. 354, B. E. P. Q. 376. (Modified by B. E. P. Q. 482) 1936-101 B. E. P. Q. 413, September 28, 1936. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Republic of Switzerland ... . .. 1936-137 revised, Xovember 15, 1938 1938-142 B. E. P. Q. 411, September 28, 1936. Administrative instructions— Treatment requirements removed as a condition for interstate shipment of baled lint and linters, and products thereof from certain parts of the pink bollworm regulated areas in New Mexico and Texas. (Super- seded by B. E. P. Q. 492, 493) 1936-107 revised. May 27, 1937. (Title: Administrative instructions— Treatment requirements removed as a condition for interstate shipment of baled lint and linters, and products thereof, from certain specified pink bollworm lightly infested areas of New Mexico and Texas) 1937-98 B. E. P. Q. 415, effective October 22, 1931. Administrative instructions— Authorizing ex- tension of harvesting season for Texas citrus fruit (obsolete) 1936-173 B. E. P. Q. 416, October 28, 1936. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, United Kingdom of Great Britain. (Supersedes P. Q. C. A. 327, in part) 1936-182 supplement Xo. 1, January 8, 1937 1937-32 supplement No. 2, April 13, 1937. 1937-122 revised, February 6, 1940 1940-23 B. F. P. O. 417, effective Xovember 9, 1936. Sterilization of imported vinifera grapes bv refrigeration. (Superseded B. P. Q. 362; superseded by B. E. P. Q. 463) 1936-166 B. E. P. Q. 418, Xovember 17, 1936. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, British Colony of Trinidad and Tobago 1936-193 B. E. P. Q. 419, Xovember 20, 1936. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Presidency of the Virgin Islands, British West Indies 1936-196 B. F. P. Q. 420, Xovember 23, 1936. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Republic of Fin- land 1936-198 supplement Xo. 1, October 14, 1937 1937-283 supplement Xo. 2, June 26, 1939 1939-85 B. E. P. Q. 421, Xovember 30, 1936. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Kingdom of Bulgaria . . 1936-202 supplement Xo. 1, March 8, 1938 1938-9 B. F. P. Q. 422, February 6, 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Kingdom of Ru- mania 1937-33 supplement No. 1, March 23, 1937 1937-39 supplement No. 2, May 6, 1937 1937-125 supplement Xo. 3, January 6, 1939 1939-34 supplement No. 4, June 22. 1939 1939-86 B. E. P. Q. 423, February 23, 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Colony of Mauri- tius . 1937-40 B. E. P. Q. 424, March 3, 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Colony of Gambia 1937-41 revised, August 21, 1937 1937-237 li. E. I'. O. 426, March 3. 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. (Superseded B. E. P. Q. 377)... 1937-42 B. K I'. <}. 126, March 1.".. 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Republic of Argentina. (Superseded B. P. Q. 357) 1937-57 supplement No. 1, June 11, 1937 1937-125 BUpplement No. 2, November 2, 1937 1937-284 supplement No. 3, January 18, 1938 1938-9 supplement No. 4, November 15, 1938 1938-147 supplement No. 5, July 11, 1939 1939-118 supplement No. 0. November 22, 1941 1941-97 B. E.P. Q, 427, March 25, 1937. I'lant -quarant ine import restrictions, Kingdom of Hungary . 1937-71 B. !•'.. I'. (). 128, March 26, 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, British Colony of Ceylon. (Supersedes H. B. 192) 1937-78 supplement No. i. January 14, 1938 1938-11 revised, February20, 1939 . 1939-35 B. B. I'. Q. li".), March 27, 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Netherlands East Indies 1937-81 supplement Xo. 1, November 9, 1937.... 1937-286 1M)KX 19 Circulars, H. B.'s, P. Q. C. \ 'a, B. P. Q.'s, and B. I. P. Q.'s Continued. Voir and page B. E. P. Q. ISO, April 1. 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Presidency oi Montserrat, British West Indies 1937-128 B. B. P. Q. 431, April i. 1937. Plant-quarantine Import restrictions, Colons of Bt. \ Incent, British West Indies — supplement No. l. August 17. 1937 . 1937-239 B. K. P.O. 432, April l. 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Qilberl and Elllce islands Colonj p. E. P. Q. 133, April l. 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Colony oi Barbados, British West Indies --- 1937-133 supplement No. I, October 11, 1937 . . 1937-287 II. B. P. q. 134, April I. 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions. Colony of St. Lucia. British West Indi< - 1937 136 revised. October 14. 1937 - - - supplement No. 1, June 22, 1938 .. .... LI B. K. P. q. 436, April 6, L937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Territory of Northern Rhodesia - - 1937-137 B. B. P. Q. 436, April i. 1937. Administrative Instructions— Approval of alternative treat- ment lor cottonseed as a condition lor interstate movement from the area regulated under quarantine No. 61 --- - 1937-99 revised, July 27, 1937 .. - 1037-271 B. E. 1'. q. 437. April 12, 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Kingdom of Belgium. rseded 1'. q. C. A. 316). . 1937-140 B. E. P. q. 438, April 12, 1937. Plant-quarantine Import restrictions, Greece. (Superseded B. P. Q.347)... - - 1937-118 supplement No. I, May 20, 1937 — - - 1937-154 supplement No. 2, January 10, 1939 1939-38 B. E. P. q. 439, April 12. 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Kingdom of Sweden. : 1'. q. C. A. 321) -.- -- 1937-154 supplement No. i. August is. 1937 1938-11 B. E. P. q. 440. May 5, 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, British Colony of Sey- chelles _ 1937-161 B. E. P. q. 441. May 5, 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Fernando Poand Spanish Guinea 1937-163 B. E. P. q 112. May 5, 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Colony of British Gui- ana 1937-164 supplement No. 1. Beptember 17. 1941.. 1941-81 B.E. P. q.443. May6, 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, French Colony of Algeria. 1937-166 B. E. P. q. 441. May 7, 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, French zone of Morocco. 1937-175 supplement No. 1. October 14. 1937. 1937-290 supplement Xo. 2, January 31. 1938. - 1938-11 supplement Xo. 3. March 8, 1938 1938-12 revised. July 1. 1938 1938-88 supplement No. l, January 22, 1941 1941-38 B. E. P. q. 445. May 10, 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Central America. (Supersedes P. 0. C. A. 314) 1937-185 supplement Xo. 1, (Salvador) January 29, 1938 1938-13 supplement Xo. 2. (British Honduras) March 9, 1938.. 1938-13 supplement Xo. 3, (British Honduras) April 6, 1938 1938-69 B. E. P. Q. 446, May 10, 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Territory of Southern Rhodesia 1937-190 B. E. P. q. 447. May 20, 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Kingdom of Yugoslavia. 1937-195 supplement Xo. 1, July 23. 1937 1937-239 supplement Xo. 2. October 14. 1937 1937-290 supplement Xo. 3. March 8, 1938-.. 1938-13 supplement Xo. 4. March 1, 1939 1939-38 ' . E. P. q. 448. Mav 20. 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Belgian Congo 1937-200 B. E. P. q. 449. Mav 20, 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Iran (Persia) 1937-201 supplement Xo. 1, Januarv 29. 1938 1938-13 supplement Xo. 2, June 6, 1938 1938-70 supplement Xo. 3. May 22, 1939 1939-87 B. E. r i,> 169, May _'7, 1937. Administrative instructions— Approval of alternative treat- ment for the interstate movement of baled cotton linters ginned from cottonseed produced in areas lightly infested with the pink bollworm (obsolete) 1937-98 See current Quarantine No. 52. B.E. P.Q. 151, July 10, 1937. l'lant-quarantine import restrictions, Republic of Turkey 1937-240 supplement No. 1, July 6, 1938. 1938-99 supplement No. 2, September 15, 1939 1939-119 B. E. J', q. }."2..Iulv 10, 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Tanganyika Territory.. 1937-242 pplement No. 1, August 19,19:;: 19 B. E. P. q. 463, July Hi, 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Surinam (Xetherlands Quiana) . 1937-244 B. 1 lulyio, 1937. Plant-quarantine Import restrictions. Colony and Protectorate of Xiperifi (including the Camcroons under British Mandate) 1937-245 supplement No. 1. February 4, 1939 1939-39 B. 1 . Julv 10, 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, British Colony of Ber- muda ! 19 supplement No. 1. August 14, 1941 . 1941 Bl B. }•'.. p. q. 466, Julv lit, 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Nyasaland Protectc- .... 1937-249 B. 1 nt-quarantine import restrictions, Republic of China 1937-250 h.i . rantme import restrictions, Federated Me -ded by Hi- .. 1937-252 B. i , July 27, 1937. Admin Mictions -Approval of alternative treat- for cottom indition for interstate movement from areas lightly Infested with the pink bollwonn urrent refutations. Q 1027-218 20 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Circulars, IF. B.'s, P. Q. 0. A.'s. B. P. Q.'s, and B. E. P. Q.'s— Continued. Year and page B. B. P. 0. 460, August 19, 1937. Licensees authorised to deal In or utilize certain classes of imported burlap in approved manufacture, or treatment, as the equivalent of the disinfec- tion required by regulation n of the Cotton Regulations. (Superseded B. B. 176).. Not in S. R. A. B. E. P. Q. 161, August 31, 1937. Present status of the circulars of this (B. E. P. Q.) series. (Superseded byB. E. P. Q. 508) - 1937-222 B. E. P. Q. 462, effective September 15, 1937. Restrictions affecting the importation and interstate movemenl of frozen-pack fruits. (Superseded P. Q. C. A. 311) 1937-213 B. E. P. Q. 163, effective September 15, 1937. Sterilization of imported vinifera grapes by refrigeration. (Revokes B. E. P. Q. 417) 1937-213 B. E. P. Q. 464, effective September 15, 1937. Importation of vinifera grapes and certain other deciduous fruits subject to in-transit sterilization authorized 1937-214 B. E. P. <.,>. 465, October 14, 1937. Plant-quarantine Import restrictions of French Colonies I Cameroons, Equatorial Africa, Guadeloupe and dependencies. Guiana, India (settlements In), Endo-Cbina, Madagascar and dependencies, Martinique, Nev* Caledonia and depend- encies. New Hebrides. Oceania (settlements in), Reunion Island, Somaliland, Togoland, West Africa). (Superseded B. E. P. g. 398). 1937-290 supplement No. 1, February 19, 1938 1938-14 B. E. P. Q. 466, October 21, 1937. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, British Colony of Fiji 1937-306 B. E. P. Q. 467, January 14, 1938. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Australian Territory of Papua 1938-15 B. E. P. Q. 468, January 20, 1938. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Kingdom of Iraq (Mesopotamia) 1938-19 revised August 5, 1940 1940-76 B. E. P. Q. 469, February 5, 1938. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Kingdom of Italy. (Superseded P. Q. C. A. 289) 1938-22 supplement No. I, August 22, 1938 1938-99 supplement No. 2. March 8, 1939 , 1939-39 supplement No. 3, September 16, 1939 1939-122 B. E. P. Q. 470, February 5, 1938. Plant-quarantine import restrictions of Japan 1938-27 B. E. P. Q. 471, February 5, 1938. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Union of South Africa. (Superseded P. Q. C. A. 297) 1938-30 supplement Xo. 1, May 4, 1939 1939-87 supplement Xo. 2, February 23, 1940 1940-36 supplement Xo. 3, July 25, 1941 1941-82 B. E. P. Q. 472. effective April 8, 1938. Administrative instructions. Sterilization of grapefruit and oranges by heat under the Mexican fruitfly quarantine. (Superseded P. Q.C.A.329). 1938-53 revised, effective September 25, 1941. Treatment of grapefruit and oranges for the Mexican fruitfly. (Superseded P. Q. C. A.'s 329 and 330) 1941-73 press n ot ice 1941-73 B. E. P. Q. 473, effective May 2, 1938. Administrative instructions — Fumigation of potatoes by methyl bromide as a condition of certification of potatoes moving by refrigerator car from the area listed in regulation 5 of quarantine No. 48. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 499). 1938-52 B. E. P. Q. 474, May 7, 1938. Method used for the disinfection of imported broomcorn and broomcorn brooms. (Superseded H. B. 161 and supplemented P. Q. C. A. 309) 1938-39 B. E. P. Q. 475, effective July 19, 1938. Administrative instructions — Fumigation of onions by methyl bromide as a condition of certification of onions moving by refrigerator car from the area listed in regulation 5 of quarantine No. 48. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 499) 1938-84 B. E. P. Q. 476, July 20, 1938. Plant-quarantine import restrictions of the Commonwealth of Australia. (Superseded P. Q. C. A. 299) 1938-100 supplement Xo. 1, October 3, 1938 1938-148 supplement No. 2, March 16, 1939 1939-39 supplement Xo. 3, May 9, 1939 J. 1939-88 supplement Xo. 4, July 8, 1939 1939-123 B. E. P. Q. 477, August 15, 1938. Plant-quarantine import restrictions of the Republic of Colombia 1938-110 supplement No. 1, August 3, 1939 1939-123 B. E. P. Q. 478, August 16, 1938. Plant-quarantine import restrictions of Malaya (British). (Superseded B. E. P. Q. 458) 1938-112 supplement Xo. 1, January 26, 1939 1939-40 B. E. P. Q. 479, August 18, 1938. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Colony and Protec- torate of Kenya 1938-116 supplement No. 1, July 1, 1939 1939-123 supplement Xo. 2, September 16, 1939 1939-124 B. E. P. (,». 480, effective August 22, 1938. Administrative instructions— Fumigation of tomatoes by methyl bromide as a condition of certification of tomatoes moving by refrig- erator car from the area listed in regulation 5 of quarantine No. 48. (Superseded by B. E. P.Q.499) 1938-85 B. E. P. Q. 481, effective -November 1, 1938. Administrative instructions— The shipment of fruits and vegetables from Hawaii to the mainland subject to sterilization under supervision isauthorized 1938-125 B. E. P. Q. 482, November 10, 1938. Treatment requirement of noninfested Netherlands narcissus bulbs as a condition of entry revoked (modified B. E. P. Q. 412) 1938-127 B. E. P. Q. 4S3, November 15, 1938. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, French Regency ofTunisia .. .. 1938-148 15. E. P. Q. 184, January 13, 1939. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Republic of Bolivia.. 1939-41 B. E. P. Q. 186, effective January 15, 1939. Administrative instructions. Removal of white- fringed beetle certification requirements until July 1, 1939, for specified articles consigned from designated port ions of the regulated areas 1939-27 Instructions to postmasters . . 1939-26 revised, effective May 8, 1939 1939-79 instructions to postmasters 1939-79 notice to common carriers 1939-79 revised, Becond revision, elTective July 7, 1939 (removing restrictions until February 1, 1940 1939-109 i nst ruction*; to postmasters. 1939-110 to com mon carriers 1939-109 INDEX 21 liars, li. B.'s, P Q C. L's, B P Q ■ . and B. B. P. Q.'a Continued. __ . B. B. P. Q. 185, effective January 15, 1939, etc. Continued. i ear ana page revised, third revision, effective Julj 28, 1989 Instructions to postmasters . .. 1939-111 to common carriers 1989-111 revised, fourth revision, effective February 8, 1940. (Removal of certification require- ments for a limited period, for potatoes and sweetpotatoes) 1940 11 Instructions to postmasters 1940-11 revised, fifth re\ Ision, effective June i. 1940 (removal of certification requirements until February I, 1941, for specified articles consigned from designated portions of the regu- lated areas) . 1940-58 instructions to postmasters 194 revised, sixth revision, effective August 9, 1940 (until February l. 1941) . 1940 72 instructions to postmasters 1940-73 revised, seventh revision. January 24, 1941 (removal of certification requirements fur specified articles for a limited period) 1941 -24 instructions to postmasters - 1911 -24 revised, eighth revision, effective May 1, 1941 1911-52 B. E. P.O. 186, January 28, L939. Administrative instructions. Modifying the restrictions of the white-fringed beetle quarantine by authorizing treatment of plants in pots or in soil- bells not exceeding three (3) inches in diameter ..... 1939-27 revised. March 21, 1911. Administrative instructions modifying the restrictions of the White-fringed beetle quarantine by authorizing alternative treatments by methyl bromide fumigation of plants in pots or in soil halls (superseded by B. B. P. Q. 503, third revision) 1941-26 B. E. P. Q. 187, January 27, 1939. Administrative instructions -Modifying the restrictions of the Mexican fnhtilv quarantine !>\ extending the harvesting season on Valencia oranges from April 30 to June 15, 1939 (obsolete 1939-17 B. B. P. Q. )s^, January 27, 1939. Administrative instructions -Modifying the restrictions of the white-fringed beetle quarantine by removing under specified conditions, the certifi- cation requirements for interstate movement for all restricted articles originating in foreign countries _ 1939-29 B. E. P. Q. 189, January 28, 1939. Administrative instructions -Modifying white-fringed beetle quarantine regulations authorizing treatment of potting soil 1939-29 revised, March 21, 1941. (Superseded by B. B. P. Q. 503, third revision) 1941-27 B.E. P. Q. 190, February 1, 1939. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Kingdom of Albania. 1939-42 B.E. P.O. 191, March 17, 1939. Plant-quarantine import restrictions of Chosen (Korea) 1939-43 B. E. P. g. 192, March 30. 1939. Administrative instructions -Modifying the pink-bollworm quarantine regulations by suspending treatment requirements of designated articles from the counties of Brooks. Jim Wells, Kenedy, Kleberg, and Nueces, Texas (obsolete! 1939-25 B. E. P. Q. 493, March 30, 1939. Administrative instructions— Modifying the pink boll- worm quarantine regulations by lifting treatment requirements as to designated articles from certain rightly infested areas in Xew Mexico and Texas 1939-25 revised. May i, 1940. Restoring the treatment requirements as to cotton linters, cotton- Beed hulls, cake, and meal and extending the area in which baled cotton lint may be moved from certain lightly infested areas in Xew Mexico and Texas without treat- ment 1940-57 B. E. P. Q. 494, March 30. 1939. Administrative instructions— Modifying restrictions of the pink bollworm quarantine regulations by lifting certain requirements as to samples of lint cotton _ 1939-26 B. E. P. Q. 495, April 7. 1939. Administrative instructions— Relating to the Mexican fruitfly quarantine, requiring sterilization of all grapefruit harvested on and after April 12, 1939, and extending the harve I m grapefruit to the close of May 15, 1939.. 1939-77 B. E. P. Q. 496, April 2s, 1939. Suggestions for construction of plunging and growing beds and their maintenance under beetle-free conditions in accordance with regulations of the white- fringed beetle quarantine 1939-78 revised August 25, 1941.. 1941-75 B. E. P. Q. 197, May 12, 1939. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Republic of Venezuela . 1939-89 B. B. P. Q. 498, May 27, 1939. Administrative instructions— Defining the term "commer- cially packed" as applied to shipments of apples or [teaches under the Japanese beetle quar- antine regulations. (Superseded B. P. Q. 352; obsolete) 1939-56 B. B, P. Q. 199, June 9, 1939. Administrative instructions to inspectors on the treatment of nursery products, fruits, vegetables, and soil, for the Japanese beetle. (Superseded P. Q. O. A.316, and B. P. Q.'s359, 473, 475. ISO) 1939-56 supplement Mo. l, November 4, 1939 1939-133 revised, March 22, 1940 1940-8 revised, second revision, September 27*1940 1940-67 revised, third revision, April 11, 1911 1941-46 revised, fourth revision, effective August 9, 1941 ..... 1941-70 supplement No. 2, effective June 4, 1940 1940-56 supplement No. 3, September 19, 1940 . . .1940-67 supplement No. 4, effective May 1,1941 .. 1941-47 B.E. P. Q. 500, Jum - lant-quarantine import restrictions. Mandated Australian Territory Of New Ouinea (including the Bismarck Archipelago (New Britain, Xew Ireland, New 11 mover, Admiralty Island-;, Buka. Bougainville (Solomon Islands)) 1939-89 B. E. P. Q. 501, August 21, 1939. Administrative instructions -Conditions governing the entry o' Superseded B. P. Q. 344) 1939-100 B. E. P. Q, .-,02, September 22, 1939. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Republic of Para- guay 1939-124 supplement No. l, Maj 9, 1940 1940-61 B. E. P. Q.503, November 21, 1939. Administrative instructions Modifying the restrio- f the white-fringed beetle quarantine by authorizing treatment by methyl bromide solution of balled nursery stock 1939-143 • d, March 15, 1940 1940 12 revised, second revision. February 28, 1941 ed, third revision, effective' September 11, 1941. (Superseded R. I VH L941-75 B. i 09. Administrative instructions— Conditions governing the entry of cipollini from Morocco . 22 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Circulars, H. B.'s, P. Q. C. L"», B. P. Q.'s, and B. K. P. Q.'s— Continued. Year and page B. B. P. (). 505, January 1, 1940. Administrative instructions— The shipment of oranges apefruit from Puerto Rico to the mainland subject to treatment under supervision is authorised. (See alto B. E. P. Q. 506) .. 1940-9 B. K.I', Q. 506, January l, 1940. Suggestions on treating citrus fruits by methods prescribed in circular B. E. P. Q. 51 1940-10 B. K. P. Q. 507, January 24, 1940. Administrative instructions— Citrus fruit from Mexico in transit to foreign countries via the United States. (Superseded 1'. Q. C. A. 3U5 revised). 1940-13 B. K. 1'. Q. 508, March 18, L940. Present status of circulars of this (B. E. J'. Q.) series. (Su- perseded B. E. P. Q. 461) 1940-15 B. K. P. Q. 509, June 20, 1940. Order modifying the Japanese beetle quarantine regulations Shipments oi fruits and vegetables from certain areas in Virginia - 1940-57 B. E. 1'. Q. 510, effective August I, 1940. Administrative instructions amending authoriza- tion of the shipment of fruits ami vegetables from Hawaii to the mainland subject to fumi- gation with methyl bromide under supervision . 1940-69 B. E. 1'. Q. 511. November 28, 1940. riant-quarantine import restrictions Republic of Chile (supersedes B. P. Q. 348) 1940-86 B. E. 1'. Q. 512, December 30, 1940. Administrative instructions modifying the restrictions of the Mexican fruit .fly quarantine by extending the harvesting season on Valencia oranges from April 30 to May 31. 1911 (obsolete) 1941-23 I tress notice 1941-23 revised, April 2, 1941, extending the harvest season on Valencia oranges and grapefruit from April 3o to May 31, 1941 1941-51 press notice 1 941-51 B. E. P. Q. 513, effective April 21, 1941. Administrative instructions amending the restric- tions of the Japanese beetle quarantine by lifting certification requirements on certain ship- ments of fruits and vegetables 1941-49 B. E. P. Q. 514, May 12, 1941. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Dominion of Canada.. 1941-55 supplement No. 1, June 20, 1941 1941-61 B. E. P. Q. 515, effective July 15, 1941. Administrative instructions modifying the restric- tions of the gypsy moth and brown-tail moth quarantine by authorizing the issuance of limited permits for certain restricted articles 1941-72 B. E. P. Q. 510, effective September 8, 1941. Administrative instructions modifying the restrictions of the Japanese beetle quarantine by advancing the date of termination of restrictions on fruit and vegetable shipments ... to September 8 (obsolete) 1941-71 instructions to postmasters 1941-72 press notice 1941-71 B. E. P. Q. 517, effective November 10, 1941. Administrative instructions modifying the restrictions of the Dutch elm disease quarantine by authorizing the reshipment from points within the regulated area of elm plants received from nonregulated area and reshipped dur- ing the dormant period of the insect vectors of the disease 1941-88 instructions to postmasters 1941-88 B. E. P. Q. 518, effective November 15, 1941. Treatment prescribed for certain Puerto Rican vegetables 1941-90 B. E. P. Q. 519, November 21, 1941. Plant-quarantine import restrictions, Republic of Cuba. (Supersedes P. Q. C. A. 283, revised, and all supplements) 1941-97 Status of circulars H. B.'s, P. Q. C. A.'s, B. P. Q.'s, B. E. P. Q.'s: B. E. P. Q. 461, August 31, 1937 (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 508) 1937-222 B. E. P. Q. 508, March 18, 1940 (Superseded B. E. P. Q. 461) 1940-15 Citrus black fly quarantine (No. 49). (Superseded by Fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 56): enforcement: general statement 1921-10 instructions to inspectors _ .., 1921-82 unsatisfactory status of Cuban control efforts 1922-80 West Indian authorities to cooperate, press notice 1921-81 notice of, effective April 1, 1921 1921-79 press notice 1921-81 Treasury Decision No. 38655 1921-88 proposed, hearing, notice of 1920-139 press notice 1920-139 Citrus canker. See Citrus fruit quarantine (No. 28). Citrus nursery stock quarantine (No. 19). Citrus census, lower Rio Grande Valley. See Mexican fruitfly quarantine (No. 64). Citrus fruit quarantine (No. 28): extension proposed, hearing, notice of ,. 1921-87 press notice... 1921-87 report 1921-106 general statements 1921-10,106 notice of, effective August 1, 1917 . . ... ... 1917-79 ksury Decision No. 37304 1917-104 proposed , hearing, notice of 1917-43 press notice. 1917-44 citrus nursery stock quarantine (No. 19): notice of, effective January 1, 1915 1914-89 lined, effective July 1, 1932 1932-29 Treasury Decision No. 45795 1932-90 revised, effective Beptember l, 1934. 1934-59 Treasury Decision No. 47254. 1934-60 proposed, hearin?, notice of 1914-81 is, importation of under nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37) effective July 1, L932 1932-29 Treasury Decision No. 45795 1932-90 violations. See Violations. warning to passengers from Mexico 1918-82 Cni(ioc,i Haoeeeene Walk. See Oriental hag moth. Coast Quard: circular No. 17s, 25 March, Kill. Importation of fruits, vegetables, plants, etc 1941-29 Older to observe Mediterranean fruitfly quarantine .- 1929-140 Cochin-China. 8ee Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonics. Cocos Islands. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Malaya, British. INDIA' 23 ID: Ytress notice 1924-17 moth and brown-tail moth, report: H. B. 140, June 22, 1921. - 1921-61 H. B. 179, February 26, 1924 1924-8 press notice 1934-103 Hawaiian cotton quarantine N notice Of (H. B.S.Apr. 10, 1915) 1915-22 n-port of 1915-23 Jap;v luarantines: extension or lifting proposed: notice of 1940-8 press notice 1940-7 report of 1940-40,41 lifting proposed, notice of 1932-10 report, press not i- ! 1932-33 nursery stock: notice of 1924-123 press not ice 1925-5 report of 1924-124 to discuss situation, press notice of . 1933-200 trterraneanfruitfly quarantine (Xo. 6*), movement of sterilized citrus fruit, press notice. . 1929-225 narcissus bulbs, Interstate movement: notice of 1936-181 press notice 1936-153 Narcissus bulb quarantine (Xo. 62): lift: 1932-14 I 1931-12 report of, i i 1931-12 Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (Xo. 37): administration of: notice of 1933-204 ■ notice 1933-203 bulbs: not ice of 1925-91 report of 192 -•of KKD-UO report of, press notice 1922-1 10 bulbs and uiation 3): pret pur; 1 . explanatory statement by Dr. C. L. afarlatt 1922-5 lotice L922 17,19,22 fruit and rose stocks: press notice of 1926-39; 1928-45; 192 24 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS rences, formal and informal — Continued. Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37)— Continued. hosts of the bulb nematode: l ear and page notice of 1936-153 pr» SS notice 1930-153 report 193775 narcissus bulbs: notkvof . 1925-91; 1931-12 report of, press notice 1925-92; 1931-12 treatment of hosts of hulb nematode.. 1936-153 notice of 1936-153 press notice 1936-153 re port 1937-15 orcb. ids, report of, pr.'>s notice 1920-35 pink bollworm: notice of, and report 1915-22; 1917-104; 1919-119; 1920-3, 80; 1921-3, 15, 28. 97, 124; 1925-65, 66; 1939-140; 1940-70 press notice of, and report. 1915-23; 1917-86; 1921-15, 27; 1939-139; 1940-70 Potato powdery scab quarantines (Xos. 14 and 18): control by Stat.> action 1914 (S. R. A. No. l)-7 interstate movement (H. B. 9, May 12, 1915) 1915-35 potato wart: press notice... 1919-122 report .. 1920-104; 1921-105 treatment of hosts of bulb nematode 1936-153 notice of 1936-153 press not ice 1936-153 report 1937-15 white-pine blister rust, domestic: notice of 1915-54; 1924-98 press notice of 1928-28; 1934-103 recommendat ions. 1924-118 report of 1915-55; 1924-115 See also lleari'iL r . notice of. Congo, Belgian (includes Ruanda and UrundD. Summary of plant-quarantine import restrictions (B. E. P. Q. 4*8, May 20, 1937) 1937-200 Convictions, violations of plant quarantines and Plant Quarantine Act. See Violations. Corn borer. See European corn borer. Corn disease quarantine (Xo. 21). (Superseded by Corn diseases quarantine (No. 24)): notice of, effective March 8, 1915 1915-9 proposed, hearing, notice of. 1915-7 Corn diseases quarantine (Xo. 24). Supersedes Corn disease quarantine (Xo. 21): notice of, effective Julv 1, 1916 1916-57 instructions to postmasters 1916-81,86,87 press notice - 1916-88 Treasury Decision No. 36443 1916-74 amendment Xo. 1, effective April 1, 1917- - Not in S. R. A. Treasurv Decision Xo. 37060 - 1917-28 amendment Xo. 2, effective April 23, 1917 1917-43 Treasury Decision Xo. 37169 1917-50 proposed, hearing, notice of 1916-35 Cosmopolites snrdidus (Germ.). See Banana plant quarantines, foreign. Costa Rica. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Cotton: blister mite. See Hawaiian and Puerto Rican cotton, etc., quarantine X"o. 47 1920-86 boll weevil. See United States quarantined to protect Hawaii (quarantine Xo. 51). definitionof . 1916-12,17 Egyptian, restrictions on importations by War Trade Board 1918-65 price forecasts prohibited. (H. B. 214, June 15, 1928) - 1928-52 quarantine of Egyptian Government: 11. B. 49, May 12, 1916. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 375) 1916-62 B. E. P. Q. 375, revised, April 26, 1937. (Superseded H. B.49) 1937-103 supplement Xo. 1, October 11, 1937 1937-281 Cotton regulations. (Rules and regulations governing the importation of cotton lint into the United States.): bagging. .sVe Cotton regulations, wrappers, bonding period: H. B. . r .. r », Julv 1, 1916 1916-85 H. B. 71, November 24, Pjifi 1916-145 burlap. Set Cotton regulations, wrappers. car numbers, requirement for waived (H. B. 11, July 24, 1915) 1915-54 certificates, omission of (H. B. 70, Xovember 21, 1916) 1916-145 compilation of regulations promised 1918-58 conference: noticeof <1I. B.8, April 10, 1915) 1915-22 notice of (amendment Xo. 5, revision of February 1, 1916) 1916-80 report of.. 1915-23; 1916-80 cotton: bag: otton regulations, wrappers. Cotton regulations, wrappers. definitionof 1916-12,17 Imported: brokers purchase of 1915-87 ning and safeguarding: ll B. 21, November 15, 1915 1915-88 II. B. 22, Xovember 16, 1915 - 1915-89 lint, prohibited in mails: II B. 25, Xovember 30, 1915 1915-89 requirement emphasized 1916-97 Mexican, entry at Juarez refused 1920-117 INDEX 25 Cottoni • Continued. Y ^ ootton— Continu > <>tr and page not subject to disinfection must h 2, June 15, 1910) I namploo Set Cotton regulations, sam] i te. Set Cotton regulations, waste. warning ; from Mexico. i uations, w rappers, customs entry number, original to te shown on notii temter21, 1910). . . I91i danger from foreign ships coaling . ... - 19 i disinfection: charges for (H. B. 90, April 19, 1918 - 1918-40 directions for: II. B. 18, October 18, 1915 (obsolete).. I H. B. 42, March 22, 19 - - II. B. 104, March l, 1923 - - - 1623-37 requirement: effective date postponed . 191' 11. B. 32. Fel ruary 4. 1916 --- 1910-15 effective March 10, 1910.. 1910-81 ■ ige pending II. B. 09, Noveml er20, 1916) 1916-144 i otton regulations, fumigation. distril ution, storage pending (H. B. '■'.'. November 20, 1916)... 1910-144 entrj i orta II. B. B3, April 2, 1917 - 1917-37 entry procedure H. B. B4, April 10, nn:) 1917-39 fumigated cotton, mill use of ill. B. 103, February 23, 1923). 1923-37 fumigation: at Boston til. B. 04, Septeml er 22, 1910) 1916-124 at X.w York H. B. 04, September 22, 1916) --- 1916-124 at Portland 1923-39,92 at San Francisco - 1923-92 at Seattle . 1918-16; 1923-92 charges for H. B.96, April 19, 1918)... - 1918-46 effective date of regulation 7 1916-31 l >ress notice - - - 1916-31 HCN, condition of entry ill. B. 104, March i, 1923) 1923-37 of baled cotton, method ;H. B. 18, October 18, 1915) 1915-82 of imported cotton (II. B. 42, March 22, 1916).. 1916-38 permittees responsible for (H. B. B2, March 29, 1917) 1917-32 plants, list 1916-124; 1918-16, 29; 1923-39, 92 M Fumigation plants. plants must be licensed II. B. 85, April 6, 1917). 1917-38 two-hour requirement 1917-120 M Cotton regulations, disinfection. immediate transportation in bond 1916-74 Treasury Decision No. 3»;:-!94 1916-61 instructions to postmasters. Set Cotton regulations, postmasters. leakage, disposal of (H. B. 78, February 8, 1917) 1917-8 licensees: information required of (H. B. 35, February 9, 1916) 1916-18 instructions to. 1915-45 H. B. 22. November 16, 1915 1915-89 list of. authorized to deal in or utilize certain classes of imported burlap in approved manufacture, or treatment, as the equivalent of the disinfection required by regula- tion 11 of the Cotton Regulations (B. E. P. Q. 460, August 19, 1937).. Not in S. R. A. notice of receipt required (H. B. 40, March 15, 1916). 1916-34 mills, screening required 1917-105 H. B. 21, November 15. 1915... 1915-88 notice of. effective July 1, 1915 1915-26 instructions to licensees . 1915-45 instructions to postmasters .... _ 1915-51 amendment No. 1, effective July 1, 1915 1915-49 instructions to postmasters 1915-51 amendment No. 2, effective July s, 1915 .. 1915-53 lanation of (H. B. 10, July 15, 1915) 1915-53 amendment No. 3, effective February 1, 1916 1915-57 revised, effective February 1, 1910. . .. 1916-2 modified by plant quarantine decision No. 8, effective February 2, 1916 1916-15 modified by plant quarantine decision No. 9, effective Februarv 19, 1916 1916-29 amendment No. 1, etTective April 21, 1916 1916-54 amendment No. 2. etTective May 5, 1910 1916-63 amendment No. 3. etTective July 1, 1910 1916-63 amendment No. 4. effective August 1, 1910 .... . 1910-77 1, etTective August 31, 1916 (plant quarantine decision No. 1916-96 amendment No. 5, effective August 1, 1916 1916-77 conference: notice of I report of . . 1916-80 effective date postponed to January 1, 1917 (plant quarantine decision N 1916-86 H B. ■•'. Julj i, ■'■>■ . . amendm. amendment No. 7. eff< . 1910-185 • amendment N< - 1910-130 1610-137 If 1910-141 amendment No 1,1615 1610-142 1610-163 Tre 26 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Cotton regulations— Continued. notice of, effective July 1, 1916— Continued. __ revised, effective February L 1916 -Continued. Year and V^gt amendment No. 10, effective July 1, 1917. 1917-15 explanation of 1917-21 press notice.. ... . ._ 1917-21 Treasury Decision No. 37129. 1917-41 revised, effective August l, 1917 1917-87 Treasury Decision No. 37440 1917-144 revised, effective February 24, 1923 1923-30 press notice 1923-37 Treasury Decision No. 39G45 1923-91 amendment No. 1, effective May 1, 1924 1924-34 press notice .1924-35 amendment No. 2, effective December 15, 1924 1924-114 press notice 1924-113 Treasury Decision No. 40473 1924-115 amendment No. 3, effective December 11, 1937 1937-272 Treasury Decision No. 49398 1938-2 amendment No. 4, effective July 1, 1938. (Superseded amendment No. 2) 1938-66 Treasury Decision No. 49666.. 1938-87 notice of arrival and shipment: H. B. 28, December 11, 1915 1915-98 H. B. 38, March 8, 1916 1916-33 II. B. 63, September 21, 1916 1916-124 notice of receipt (H. B. 40, March 15, 1916). 1916-34 order covering admission of foreign cotton lint under restriction, effective July 1, 1915. 1915-26 picker waste. See Cotton regulations, waste. pochote and other fibers resembling cotton to be held for examination 1918-73 postmasters, instructions to 1915-51; 1916-17, 97, 98, 153; 1917-41; 1922-94, 129; 1923-141; 1925-21, 91; 1935-38 proposed: conference: notice of (H. B. 8, April 10, 1915) 1915-22 report of 1915-23 hearing: notice of 1914-26 press notice of 1914-27 temporary recommendations 1914-26 receipt, notice of required (H. B. 40, March 15, 1916) 1916-34 report of ear numbers waived (H B. 11, July 24, 1915) 1915-54 reshipments, reports of (H. B. 16, October 14, 1915) 1915-81 restrictions of War Trade Board 1918-65 return to United States, conditions of (H. B. 54, June 26, 1916) 1916-80 samples: disinfection of, instructions to postmasters 1925-21, 91 mail entry of: II. B 25, November 30, 1915.... 1915-89 H. B. 159, November 24, 1922 1922-130 revised December 31, 1923 1923-140 instructions to postmasters 1916-98; 1922-94, 129; 1923-141; 1925-21, 91 press notice 1922-130 reentry from Canada as baggage 1924-8 release after fumigation (H. B. 142, January 3, 1922)... 1922-68 storage and distribution (II. B. 34, February 7, 1916). 1916-17 to be manifested (II. B 90, September 27, 1917) 1917-112 shipments to foreign countries via the United States (H. B. 45, March 29, 1916) 1916-40 Treasury Decision No. 36394.. 1916-61 short shipments, report of, method (H. B. 12, August 5, 1915) 1915-56 warning: shipments to nonlicensees (H. B. 74, January 2, 1917) 1917-1 to passengers from Mexico , 1918-82 wastage: baling to prevent (H. B. 80, February 20, 1917) 1917-9 disposal of: H. B. 48, April 26, 1916... 1916-54 H. R. 78, February 8, 1917 1917-8 waste: as packing material. See Packing material. burning of 1914-26 H. B. 17, October 15, 1915.... 1915-81 reclamation (H. B. 37, March 4, 1916) 1916-32 restrictions on: H. B. 32, February 4, 1916 1916-15 II. B. in, March 15, 1916 1916-34 H. B. tit, September 22, 1916. 1916-124 H. B. 135, April 11, 1921 1921-84 wrapi>ers (including bagging, burlap, covers, etc.): conversion of: II. B. 121, March 8, 1920. 1920-39 revised October 1, 1923. 1923-136 If. B. 191, July 11, 1925 1925-69 entry regulated, press notice 1916-137 Inspection at Charleston and Savannah 1921-108 restrictions on: II. B. 62, June 16, 1916 1916-79 II. B. 67, October 28, 1916 1916-134 II. B. 79, February 20, 1917 1917-10 H. Ii. 83, April 2, 1917 1917-37 H. B. 135, Aj.ril 11, 1921 1921-84 II. B. 191, July 11, 1925 1925-69 INDEX 27 0<>tton regulations Continued. y, '" r »«*!»#■ ottonseed products regulations; Baw allan and E*uerto Rlcan cotton, etc. quarantine . . Hawaiian cotton quarantine (No. 23); Mexican border regulations; Pink bollwonn; Thurberia ww\ U. Oottonseed products regulations: notice of, effective July 16, 1917 1917-62 Treasury Decision No. 37268 - - 1917-84 amendmenl No. 1, effective August 7, 1926 19 press notice - 19! reference to 19! order restricting oil, effective July 16, 1917 1917-62 order restricting products, effective July 16, 1917. 1917-61 proposed, on oil. bearing, notice of 1917-61 press notice — 1917 61 proposed, on products, bearing, notice of -. 1917-61 press notice 1917-52 \ lolatfons. Set Violations. warning to passengers from Mexico 1918-82 Hawaiian and Puerto Rican cotton, etc., quarantine No 17; Mexican border regula- tions; l'ink bollwonn; Thurberia weevil. Countries which maintain inspection, lists and directory . — 1914-61, 87; 1915 69; 1916 54, L03; 1917 ill: L918 93; 1919-111; 1923-77; 1927-9; 1930-74, ill, 167; 1933-181, ■202, 290; 1936 26. Court decisions. »r Quarantine litigation; Supreme Court decision. ■rtium ribicola Fischer. Set White-pine blister rust. Cuba: export restrictions: p. Q. c. A. 283, July I, 1930 193U-114 supplement No. 4, October 20, 1934 1934-105 Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 519. November 21, 1941 1941-97 import restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . nurs. ry stock inspection ... 1914-61; 1915-59; 1916-54, 103; 1917-111; 1923-77; 1927-9; 1930-167; 1936-25 pest surveys: in-pod borer, report 1925-103 fruit flv, report 1923-163; 1925-102 potato diseases .. 1924-21 railroad rights-of-way not freed of citrus black fly hosts. 1922-80 Cumulative index to 8. R. A., 1914-33 . 1933, following page 299 CUSHTNO, Kmoky C, appointed chief of the Division of Insects Affecting Man and Animals, press notice 1 1941-95 Cylas formicarins Fab. Set Sweetpotato and yam quarantines. Cyprus. Set Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Czechoslovakia: import restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . nursery stock inspection. . 1936-25 Daeus cucurhitae. See Mediterranean fruit fly and melonfly quarantine (No. 13). Dahomey. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. Danzig, Free City of, summary of plant-quarantine import restrictions (B. E. P. Q. 409, July 20, 1936) ...1936-124 Date-palm scale insects (quarantine No. 6): general statements, progress reports, etc 1920-125; 1921-10; 1928-5, 26, 90; 1929-6, 59, 204; 1930-48 lifted, notice of. effective July 1, 1936 1936-42 press notice 1936-41 instructions to postmasters 1936-42 notice of, effective March 24, 1913 Not in S. R. A. amendment No. 1. effective December 1, 1932 1932-95 instructions to postmasters 1932-96 to com mon carriers 1932-96 to genera 1 pu b I ic 1 1932-96 Denmark: imi>ort restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . nursery stock inspection 1914-51, 87; 1915-59; 1916-54, 103; 1923-77; 1927-9; 1930-167; 1936-25 Departmental importation and exportation of plants and seeds: procedure, memorandum of August 4, 1919 1919-106 D hit ions, effective May 31, 1913 1919-107 Diatraea saccharalis Fab. See United States quarantined to protect Hawaii, quarantine No. 51. Digest: Furopean corn borer quarantines. See European corn borer, domestic, summary. lawi arid reuulat ions atlecting interstate shipment of nursery stock 1918-112 -.', data re Federal and State quarantines (P. Q. C. A. 335, May 16, 1932) 1932-43 Disinfection of railway ears a necessity 1919-3 See also Cotton regulations, fumigation: alw under vetriotli quarantine reijnlaticms. District of Columbia plant regulations. | Rules and regulations governing the movement of plants and plant products into and out of the 1 ustrict of Columbia): draft of proposed amendment to Plant Quarantine Act 1918-124 general statement . 1920 126 notice of, effective September 1, 1920 1920-133 press notloi 1920-136 •'relive April 1. 1929 1928 19 instructions to postmasters penalty for viol ■■' notice... 19 press notice 1929 10 press notice emphasising - 1930 59 mmon carriers - : revised, effective April 30, 1931 1931 17 instructions to p 1931 M to common carriers - . 1931 63 • neral public . 1031 ">3 28 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS District of Columbia planl regulations— Continued. ice of, effective September l. 1920 -Continued. Year and page revised, effective April 30, 1938 _ 1938-62 instruct inns to postmasters -- 1938-65 press notice 1938-62 to common carriers 1938-65 t o genera] \n i \ >lic 1938-65 violations. See Violations. District ol Columbia, terminal inspection 1920-137; 1925-18; 1939-82 DlVBN, E. I... killed in airplane accident 1919-95 Domestic plant quarantines: Federal, general statement: P. Q. C. A. 295, October 15, 1930. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 410) 1930-177 B. E. P. Q. 410, Jul3 29, 1936 1936-125 1 data re litigation (P. Q. C. A. 335, May 16, 1932) 1932-43 Notice of quarantine; List of current quarantines; Statement of Federal plant quarantines. Dominica. Leeward Islands: import restrictions. See riant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Dominica, British West Indies. nursery stock inspection... 1914-51; 1915-59; 1916-54, 103; 1923-77; 1927-9; 1930-167; 1936-25 pest survey, fruitfly — . 1933-227. 232 Dominic m Republic: import restrictions. Sec plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . pest survey, fruitfly.. - .. 1933-227.229 potatoes from, may be sbipped to the United States .. 1929-126 Downy mildew. Set Corn disease quarantine (No. 21); Corn diseases quarantine (No. 24); Rice, l\ , quarantine (No. 55). Dutch East Indies. See 1'lant-quarantinc import restrictions . . . Netherlands East Indies. Dutch elm dif administrative instructions— quarantine restrictions modified, B. E. P. Q. 517, effective ruber 10, 1941 1941-88 domestic: conference to discuss situation in United States: noticeof - 1933-276 pressnotice - 1933-275; 1934-103 notice of quarantine No. 71, effective February 25, 1935 1935-4 instructions to post masters 1935-7 to common carriers 1935-6 eneral public . 1935-6 amendment No. 1. effective April 1, 1936..- 1936-4 instructions to postmasters 1936-45 press notice 1936-4 to common carriers 1936-5 to general public 1936-5 amendment No. 2, effective November 9, 1936. (Superseded amendment No. 1). 1936-176 instruct ions to postmasters 1 936-177 press notice 1936-175 to common carriers 1936-177 to -eneral public 1936-177 amendment No. 3, effective November 9, 1937. (Superseded amendment No. 2). 1937-258 instructions to postmasters 1937-259 to common carriers 1937-259 to general public .. 1937-259 amendment No. 4, elective September 11, 1939. (Superseded amendment No. 3). 1939-98 instructions to postmasters 1939-100 pressnotice 1939-98 to common carriers 1939-99 eneral public ..-. 1939-99 revise 1. effective October l, 1941 1941-56 instr ictions to postmasters 1941-87 notice to common carriers - 1911-69 pressnotice . K 1941-65 to genera] public 1941-69 modified by B. E. P. Q, 517, effective November 10, 1941- 1941-88 instruct ions to nostmasters 1941-88 quarantine proposed, hearing, notice of 1935-3 quarantine extension propose I, hearing, notice of 1941-2 press notice 1941-1 io r n: information for importers of elm burl logs under the Dutch clm»disease quarantine 70) (B. P. Q. 356, October 21, 1933) - 1933-248 notice of qu irantine No. To, effective October 21, 1933 1933-245 Treasury Decision No. 46721 1933-248 revised, effective January I, 1935 1934-93 Treasury Decision No. 47516 1935-3 qu irantine proposed, hearing, notice of 1933-198 1933-197 Dutch Guiana. Summary of plant-quarantine import restrictions. (B. E. P. Q. 453, July 10, 1937-244 Basl Indies. Set Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Netherlands East Indies. Ecuador, fruit Mies in 1937-25 Eelworm dise ise of cereals: domestic quarantine proposed, hearing, notice of,. 1919-84 report, press notice 1919-85 i n i 29 Berworm, stem, bulb, and related Bpeciee of nemat '' ""'' /)a( "' domestic quarantine proposed, bearing, notice ol 192 1923 LIS report, press not in- 1923 119 sus bulb quarantii tdministrative instructions, narcissus Inspec- . treatmenl . cotton from, restrictions of War Trade B 1918-61! import restrictions. Set Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Pink bollworm situation ' 81; 1918-64 Eire. »f Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . ! Ellice l unniarv of plant-quarantine import restrictions (B. E. P Q 132, A.prfl l. Kim dis< • I >utch I'lni di Endcihia pai i aul bark dis nd: imporl restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restnctioi nursery stock inspection 191 54, 103; 192 , .1 or paddy quarantine (N< Epiiach Muls. «S ■ quarantin< Equatorial Africa. Set Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. Hawaiian and Puerto Rican cotton, etc., quarantine (No. 47). quarantine import restrictions . . . Italy. shipped to the Un I 1 lib quarantine (No. 62); Nurserj -stock, plant, and seed quai lypsj moth and brown-tail moth. pe: summary of plant-quarantine restrictions I H. B. 151, May 15, 1922. Obsoh te) 1922-36 For cum • countries. survey of fruitfl ies in (circular E 283, Juu Nol Willi ited entry from I B. E. P. Q. 365, effective October I, 1934) 1934-71 Euro] S Fruit and vegetable qu lotice of permit requirement. Europ rer: dom< tiflcation by Department discontinued, pr< IS n, report of — 1927-57 lift- ■ d, hearing, notice of .. 1932-9 cor. as a condition of certification (P. Q. C. A. 328, effective Febru 1932-9 ol quarantine proposed, hearing, notice of . 191 109; 1920 19; 1921-140; I - press notice - 1920 20; LQ21 141; 1926 106; 1927 - report of 1919-31, 97; 1921-141; I 1919-31, I, 54, 191; 1930-39; 1931-10 ii corn conference, reporl of .:■•>.('. ll , goes to Bun i »ti© 1930-134 ins] ition by Department discontinued, press notice I introduction into New England.. I lift iiitr of quarantine N noti • .... 1932-62 • actions to postmasters IS to common carrii 19 pro; I mt of 1919-57 notice of quarantine No. 36, < ffectn e < >ctober l, 1918. (Superseded by quarantine Xo. .... ...... instructions to postmasters not: les quarantine No. 36 - I ! Instructions to] i endment No. 1, efl 20 .195 press notice 19 amcn-linrn! No. 2, effective Augu 1920 Hi amendment No. 3, effectiv< 2 2 1920-141 ■ odment No. 4, <■;:■ 23, 195 195 ndmenl No. .". effectivi ! sndment No. 6, effective January 15, 1921 ... ; revised, effective November 15, l 21 l IS • actions to ; press notice 192 I Instructions t<> - ....... 195 presj not adment No. I, to quarantine, effective Noveml i 22-119 Instructions to ; amendment No. 1, to , effective July 28, 1922 i i ■ actions top i ■- amen 10, 1923) 1923-86 heavily infested, entry not to be tolerated (H. B. 181, March 18, 1924) 1924 16 rico, infestation in 1923-57 sterilisation: nt Boston. 1921-108 at San Francisco 1923-29 ••clean shelled corn." definition of (memorandum for chief inspectors, May 25, 1927) 1927-58 extension of quarantine proposed, hearing, notice of 1921-58 pr. 1921-58 general statements 1920-123; 1921-6. 102 notice of quarantine No. 41, effective February 21, 1920.. 1920-27 press notice 1920-29 Treasury Decision N< - - 1920-45 Ddment No. I, effective July 31, 1920 1920-97 revised, effective July 21, 1021 1921-147 instructions to postmasters.. - - 1922-134 press notice - 1921-150 Treasury Decision N0.SS8U 1921-172 amendment No. I, effective September 1, 1923 1923-108 press notio 1923-109 Treasury Decision No. 39862 1923.-153 amendment No. 2, ciTecthe November 30, 1923. (Supersedes amendment No. I) 1923-153 press notice -- - 1923-154 Treasury Decision No. 39945 .._. 1923-154; 1924-15 revised (second revision), effective June 1, 1926 1926-41 press notice 1926-43 Treasury Decision No. 41618 192IM3 regulations revised, effective January 1, 1927 1926-113 press notice 1926-116 regulations revised, effective March 1, 1927. (Revokes and supersedes M. Klcan corn quarantine (No. 42)) .. 1927-18 press notice .. . ... 1927-18 Treasury Decision No. 42073 1927-22 amendment No. I, effective August 15, 1927 m 1927 102 I n BSUiy Decision No. 42346 .7 _. 1927-102 regulations revised, March 1,1933 1933-137 ISUry Decision No. 46335 1933-178 quarantine proposed, hearing, notice of._ 1920-26 1920-26 violations. See Violations. European larch canker. Set I. arch canker. European pine-shoot moth quarantine (No. 20): instructions to Inspectors (H. B. 4, F, bruary 9, 1915) 1915-7 lifted, notice of. effective September l. 1936 1936-104 press notice of 1936-103 Tn asury Decision No. 48501 ' 1936-104 notice of, effective July 1, 1915 1915-9 proposed, hearing, notice of 1915-3 and \:im quarantines. S European pine-shoot mot h quarantine (No. 20). Rules and regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture governing the inspection and certification of plants and plant produi r export to meet the sanitary requirements of foreign countl notice of , effect! 1926-99 revised, notice of, effective August l. 193L Title: inspection and certification regula- • i in- et foreign Military requirements 1931-119 - ptember 21, 1936. Title: Regulations governing sanitarj export 1936-108 .: Horticultural Board: accounts, paym< nt of, functions of transferred lo Plant Quarantini and Control Administration. Julj l. 1928 19 pirn, ipation in trade meetings p'21-108 on l 1919 122; 1924 127; 1927 159 uniforms, port inspection service 19 463872—42 3 32 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Federal riant Quarantine Board (advisory): 5 ear and page abolished. Act of March 3, 1933... Not in S. R. A. created July 1. 1928 1928-57 organization of - 1928-93, 144; 1929-48, 130, 179, 247; 1930-31, 88, 132, 199; 1931-38, 89. 135, 171; 1932-25, 50, 93, 135 Federated Malay States (British), import restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Malava (British). Fernando Po and Spanish Guinea, summary of plant-quarantine import restrictions (B. E. P. Q. 441. May 5, 1937) 1937-163 Fiji. British Colony of, summary of plant-quarantine import restrictions (B. E. P. Q. 460, October 21. 1937) 1937-306 Finland. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Flag smut and take-all diseases, domestic: . licationof, press notice 1919-86 general statements 1919-66, 85 quarantine proposed, hearing, notice of . 1919-84 report 1919-85 Flag smut and take-all diseases quarantine (No. 39) , foreign. (Superseded by flag smut quarantine (No. 59)): notice of, effective August 15, 1919. 1919-77 Treasury Decision No. 38105 1919-110 Treasury Decision No. 38158 1919-111 Flag smut quarantine (No. 59). (Supersedes Flag smut and take-all diseases quarantine (No. 39)): notice of, effective February 1, 1926 1925-106 press notice - 1925-106 Treasury Decision No. 41327 1926-15 proposed, hearing, notice of 1925-105 Flaxseed consignment from New Zealand destroyed 1917-103 Florida: banana root borer, outbreak in... 1918-2, 16 European corn borer, summary of State quarantine 1919-120 Mediterranean fruitfly. See Mediterranean fruitfly quarantine (No. 68). pink bollworm infestation in, press notice 1932-48 terminal inspection. See Terminal inspection. Flowei seeds, definition of 1919-105 Foreign countries, nursery stock inspection 1914-51. 87: 1915-59; 1916-54. 103; 1917-111; 1918-93; 1919-111; 1921-37; 1923-77; 1927-9; 1930-74, 111, 167; 1933-181, 202, 290; 1936-25 Foreign plant quarantine officials (Canadian) qualified to inspect and certify plants for shipment to the United States (Treasury Decision No. 43980) 1930-74 amended list. (Treasury Decisions Nos. 46431, 46590).. 1933-181,202 Fracker, S. B., leader, Division of Plant Disease Control, press notice. 1934-104 France: import restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . nursery stock inspection. 1914-51; 1915-59; 1916-54, 103; 1917-111; 1918-93; 1923-77; 1927-9; 1930-167; 1936-25. pest conditions, report by Dr. C. L. Marlatt.. 1925-73 Freezing as a means of sterilization. See under the Quarantine subject concerned. French Colonies. See Plani-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Guiana. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. French Indo-China. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. French Leeward Islands. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. French Mandate of Syria, summary of plant-quarantine import restrictions (B. E. P. Q. 364, May 5, 1934).. 1934-46 French Morocco. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Morocco, French. French New Caledonia. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. French Oceania. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. French Togoland. Ste Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. Frozen-pack fruit, entry permitted: P.-Q. C. A. 311, May 8, 1931. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. No. 462) 1931-79 press notice 1931-79- B. E. P. Q. 462. effective September 15, 1937.. 1937-213 Treasury Decision No. 49247 : 1937-259 Fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 56). (Supersedes Citrus blackfly quarantine (No. 49).) acorns. See Fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 56), nuts, administrative instructions: Citrus fruits from Mexico in transit to foreign countries via the United States (B. E. P. Q. 507, Januarv 24. 1940)... 1940-13- Trcasury Decision No. 50161 1940-40 conditions governing the entry of: acorns and chestnuts (B. E. P. Q. 501, August 21, 1939) 1939-100 See also Fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 56), nuts. dpollini from Morocco (B. E. P. Q. 504, Dec. 7. 1939). 1939-132 Set also Fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 56), cipollini. avocado. Importation of governed by quarantine No. 56 with revocation of avocado fruit order. 1932-27 bananas, conditions governing entry (H. B. 216, June 30, 1928. Obsolete) 1928-33 bean-pod borer, in Cuba, Investigation of 1925-103 beans, gr» en, from Oil a, permits for entry at southern ports canceled 1925-102' bonrh <1 shipments via North American ports, reentry prohibited except under permit. I n asury Decision No. 41382) 1926-9 chestnuts. Sre Fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 66), nuts. chestnut weevil. Sir Fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 56), notice of permit requirement. cipollini: conditions governing the entrv of, from Morocco (B. E. P. Q. 504, December 7, 1939).. 1939-132 Treasurv Decision No. 50067 1940-4 restrictions on entry (11. B. 196. September 10, 1926. Obsolete) 1926-81 citrus fruit: Cuban: entry at Key West, press notice 1924-98- entry at southern ports, press notice 1931-100 INDEX 33 Fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 56)— Continued. .- _. • M citrus Suit-Continued. * Mr ann No. 50017 1940-7 notice of permit requirement . chestnuts and acorns, effective September 1, 1929 1929-132 1929-132 Tree >n No. 43548 1929-132 chestnuts, walnuts, filberts, cobnuts, acorns, effective October 1, 1926 1926-81 1926-82 Treasury Decision No. 41791 1926-127 34 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 66)— Continued. Year and page notice of removal of permit requirement for entry of walnuts and filberts from Europe, effec- tive June 1, 1927. .. 1927-60 press notice 1927-60 Treasury Decision No. 42304 1927-103 nuts: acorns, conditions governing entry: H. B. 205, May 31, 1927. (Superseded by p. g. C. A. 241) . 1927-59 P. Q. C. A. 241, July 29, 1929. (Superseded by B. P. Q. 344) Not in S. R. A. B. P. g. 344, October 6. 1932. (Superseded by B. E. P. g. 501) 1932-100 B. E. P. g. 5(11, August 21, 1939 1939-100 chestnuts: conditions governing entry: B. B. 206, May 31, 1927. (Superseded by H. B. 215) _ 1927-59 II. B. 215, June 14, 1928. (Superseded by P. g. C. A. 241).. 1928-33 !' Q. C. A. 241, July 29. 1929. (Superseded by B. P. Q. 344) Not in S. R. A. B. P. g. 344, October 6, 1932. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 501). 1932-100 B. E. P. g. 501, August 21, 1939 1939-100 Italian: infested, disposition of 1927-142 treatment, prior to shipment (H. B. 208, October 6, 1927. Superseded by H. B.215)....: 1927-141 See Fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 56) nuts, chestnuts, condi- tions governing entry. cobnuts, conditions governing entry (H. B. 205, May 31, 1927. Obsolete) 1927-59 filberts, conditions governing entry (H. B. 205, May 31, 1927. Obsolete) 1927-59 notice of permit requirement. See Fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 56). notice of removal of permit requirement. See Fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 56) . walnuts, conditions governing entry (H. B. 205, May 31, 1927. Obsolete) 1927-59 oranges. Set Fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 56) citrus fruit, pest surveys. See Pest surveys in foreign countries. proof of origin required, Treasury Decision No. 42619 1928-15 proposed, hearing, notice of 1922-124 press notice 1922-124 report, press notice— 1922-126 sterilization of imported vinifera grapes by refrigeration: B. P. g. 362, effective May 1, 1934. (Superseded by B. E. P. g. 417) 1934-35 supplement No. 1, July 26, 1934 1934-61 supplement No. 2, August 2, 1934 1934-61 B. E. P. g. 417, effective November 9, 1936. (Superseded by B. E. P. g. 463) 1936-166 B. E. P. g. 463, effective September 15, 1937... 1937-213 B. E. P. g. 464, effective September 15, 1937 1937-214 Treasury Decision No. 49247 1937-259 tomatoes, found free of fruitfly in Canary Islands, press notice .' 1927-144 violations. See Violations. walnuts. See Fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 56) nuts. For orders of other Departments requesting compliance with, see Navy Department; Treasury Department; War Department. Fruit and vegetable quarantine of Puerto Rico (No. 58): administrative instructions— shipment of oranges and grapefruit to the mainland is author- ized (B. E. P. g. 505, January 4, 1940) 1940-9 baggage declaration... 1925-50 citrus fruits, treating and shipping to mainland: authorized under supervision (B. E. P. g. 505. January 4, 1940) 1940-9 suggestions on treating (B. E. P. g. 506, January 4, 1940) 1940-10 frozen-pack fruit: entry permitted: P. g. C. A. 311, May 8, 1931 (superseded by B. E. P. g. 462) 1931-79 press notice ... 1931-79 restrictions affecting the importation and interstate movement of: B. E. P. g. 462, effective September 15, 1937 1937-213 Treasury Decision No. 49247-...- 1937-259 notice of, effective July 1, 1925 1925-46 instructions to postmasters 1925-70, 1936-27 Navy Department, General Order No. 147 1925-74 press notice 1925-45 to common carriers 1925-49 amendment No. 1, effective January 1, 1933 1932-101 to common carriers 1932-102 to general public 1932-102 revised, effective January 22, 1941.. 1941-3 notice to common carriers. 1941-8 to general public 1941-8 press notice 1941-3 plan for Federal inspection on Island approved, press notice 1925-45 proposed, hearing, notice of 1925-17 press notice . . ...1925-17 violations. See Violations. warning to passengers and crew 1925-50 treatment prescribed for certain Puerto Rican vegetables (B. E. P. g. 518, effective Novem- ber 15, 1911) 1941-90 For orders of other Departments requesting compliance, with, see Navy Department; Treasury Department; War Department. Fruits and vegetables permitted to be shipped from Hawaii to the continental United States. 1917-144 Fruitfly. Bee unrffrthf inrioux fruit fly quarantines. Fruitfly surveys. 8et IVst surveys in foreign countries, •■icks: foreign. See Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37). Oli ni d. See Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37), oriental fruit stocks . . . ; atal fruit stock quarantine (No. 44). 1NDKX 35 Fruit worm, Mexican. See Mexican fruitfly. "w r / Fumigation and disinfection. See under Uie quarantine subject concenud. rear nna />a <" Fumigation plants . - 1916 124; 1018 16,29,65,123; 1930 18,126; 1921 1,101; 1032 131; 1923 39,91,92; 1934 127; 1925 I Fund, revolving, fur Mexican borderfreighl cardisinfi ctton 1018-15, 27 Futuna [stands. Set Plant-quarantine Import restrictions . . . Frencb Colonics. Oabon. S« Plant-quarantine ini|x>rt restrictions . French Colonics. G.uuus. B. M., designated leader. Division of Domestic Plant Quarantines, press notice 1934-104 Qalla and Sidama. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Italy. Gambia, Colony of. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Qambier Archipelago. S« Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. Garbage from foreign vessels, safeguarding of - 1035-30 • ptetfaSaund. See Pink boUworm. Georgia, terminal inspection. Set Terminal Inspection. my: import restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . nursery stock inspection 1014 51; 1015 60; 1016 54. 103; 1023-77; 1027-0; 1930-167; 193G-25 Gilbert and Ellice islands, Colony of, summary of plant-quarantine import restrictions (H. K. V. Q. 1937-132 Gypsy moth and brown-tail moth. Cold Coast Colony. 8a Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . ('.rain rust. See black stem rust quarantia Granada, nursery stock inspection I'll I 51: 1016 60; 1016 54, 103; 1033 77; 1037-0; 1930-167; 1936-25 I Comoro. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. Qraphium ulmi Schwarx. See Dutch elm disease. Grapholitha moletta. Set Oriental fruit moth. Great Britain. See Plant* quarantine import restrictions . . . England. Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Grenada, British West Indies, Colony of. summary of plant-quarantine import restrictions (B. E. P. Q. 307, June 1,1036) .. .1936-56 Guadeloupe and dependencies: import restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonics. pest survey, fruitfly - 1933-227,231 Guam, island of. for quarantine purposes regarded as a foreign country 1916-55 Guatemala: import restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . nursery stock Inspection L014 51; 1915-59; 1916-54, 103; 1923-77; 1927-9; 1930-167; 1936-25 pest survey, fruitfly 1926-10 GuavaS, warning to passengers from Mexico. 1918-82 Guernsey island. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . England. Guiana, British See British Guiana. Guiana. Dutch. Bummary of plant-quarantine import restrictions (B. E. P. Q. 453, July 10, 1937).. 1937-244 Guiana. French. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonics. Guinea, French. See Plant-quarantine 1m port restrictions . . . French Colonies. Guinea. Spanish. See Fernando Po . . . Gypsy moth and brown-tail moth: Canadian Christmas trees and greens. {See Canadian Christmas trees and greens quarantine (No. 57)). Christmas trees and greens: preliminary announcement 1924-21 situation, domest ic 1923-142 conference: press notice of 1934-103 report of: H. B. 140. June 22, 1921. 1921-61 II. B. 170, February 26, 1924 1924-8 cranberry bushes may carry 1919-3 not found in cranberry bogs in Northern and Western States 1919-3 exemption^. Set Gypsy moth and brown-tail moth, list of articles, etc. extension of quarantine proposed, bearing, notice of. 1914-31; 1915-24; 1917-49; 1918-43; 1920-89; 1924-36 press notice 1017 50; 1918-44; 1920-90; 1924-37 ral Statements . 1919-07; 1920-89, 125; 1921-7, 102; 1928-99; 1929-5,53, 189; 1930-38 Intercepted on Frencb nursery stock _ 1921-104 H. B. 103, F( bruary 2s. 1910 . 1919-23 11. B. 128, February 8, 1021 1921-43 list of articles exempt from certification requirements: P. Q.C. A. 313, June 10, 1031. (Sup. m ried bv B. E. P. Q.386) 1931-62 B i 1935-81 revised, February 11, 1036 . 1936-2 revised, March 13, 1936 .. - .. 1936-2 revised, March 2, 1937 . 1937-1 instructions top 1937-2 re-. berl3, 1937 .1937-216 revised, November 6, 1939 .1939-132 Instructions to postmasters 1939-133 revised, effective October 10, 1041 . 1041 ^ Instructions to postmasters . . 1041 BO not. . ntim No 1, effective November 25, 1012. (Superseded by quarantine N 1" Nor [n 8 B a. notice of qu lo. 10, effectivi . 1013. (Superseded by quarantine No. 17) notice of quarantine No. 13 Quarantine No. 10), effective August 1,1014 1014 17 instructioi isters I quarry products quarantine, eflecti' 23, 1014 11) quarantine Issued supplemental to quarantine No. 17 under Bureau of Ento- mology appropriation, to govern Inters) ite movement of stone and quarry products.) 30 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Gypsy moth and brown-tail moth— Continued Year and P°9 e notice of quarantine No. 22, effective July 1, 1915. (Supersedes quarantine No. 17).. 1915-39 instructions to postmasters 1915-51 stone and quarry products quarantine, effective July 1, 1915. (Supersedes similar quarantine effective October 23, I914;issued under Bureau of Entomology appropri- ation to govern interstate movement of stone and quarry products) 1915-42 instructions to postmasters 1915-51 notice of quarantine No. 26, effective July 1, 1916. (Supersedes quarantine No. 22) 1916-64 instructions to postmasters 1916-87 stone and quarry products quarantine, effective August 16, 1916. (Supersedes similar quarantine effective July 1, 1915; issued under Bureau of Entomology appropriation to govern interstate movement of stone and quarry products) 1916-93 notice of quarantine No. 27, effective July 1, 1917. (Supersedes quarantine No. 25. This quarantine also supersedes the quarantine on stone and quarry products effective August 16, 1916, by virtue of the amendment to the Plant Quarantine Act of March 4, 1917) 1917-70 instructions to postmasters 1917-85 notice of quarantine No. 33, effective July 1, 1918. (Supersedes quarantine No. 27) 1918-55 instructions to postmasters.. . 1918-74 revised, effective July l, 1919 1919-67 instructions to postmasters 1919-88 notice of quarantine No. 45, effective July 1, 1920. (Supersedes quarantine No. 33) 1920-91 administrative instructions, authorizing the issuance of limited permits for certain restricted articles (B. E. P. Q. 515, effective July 15, 1941) 1941-72 amendment No. 1, effective July 1, 1921 1921-59 press notice -- 1921-61 amendment No. 2, effective January 1, 1922 1921-150 press notice 1921-151 amendment No. 3, effective July 1, 1922. (Supersedes amendments Nos. 1 and 2) 1922-77 instructions to postmasters 1922-132 press notice 1922-79 amendment No. 4, effective July 1, 1923. (Supersedes amendment No. 3) 1923-84 instructions to postmasters 1923-123 press notice. 1923-86 amendment No. 5, effective August 21, 1923 1923-105 press notice 1923-106 exemptions. See Gypsy moth and brown-tail moth, list oi articles exempt . . . lifting proposed, press notice of conference 1934-103 regulations revised, effective July l, 1924 1924-37 instructions to postmasters K24-43 press notice 1924-42 amendment No. 1, effective October 14, 1925 192.5-94 instructions to postmasters 1925-97 reference to 1925-94 regulations revised, effective July 1, 1926 1926-43 instructions to postmasters 1926-49 press notice 1926-48 to common carriers 1926-50 to general public 1926-50 regulations revised, effective July 1, 1927 1927-61 instructions to postmasters 1927-103 press notice 1927-61 to common carriers 1927-67 to general public. '. 1927-68 regulations revised, effective October 1, 1928 1928-111 instructions to postmasters 1928-118 press notice 1928-111 to common carriers 1928-116 to general public 1928-117 regulations revised, effective June 1, 1931 1931-54 press notice 1931-54 to common carriers 1931-61 to general public 1931-61 regulations revised, effective October 2, 1934.1 1934-61 i nst met ions to postmasters 1934-94 press notice Not in S. R. A. to common carriers 1934-69 to general public 1934-69 revised, effective November 4, 1935 1935-72 Instructions to postmasters 1936-1 press notice. Not in S. R. A. to common carriers 1935-80 to general public 1935-80 revised, effective September 29, 1938 1938-76 instructions to postmasters 1938-123 press notice 1938-75 to common carriers 1938-84 to general public 1938-84 amended by administrative instructions (B. E. P. Q. 515, effective July 15, 1941) 1941-72 revocation of quarantine proposed, press notice 1934-103 nursery stock inspection and certification: H B. 174, December28, L923. (Obsolete). 1923-144 II. B.179, February 26, 1924. (Report of a conference on. Obsolete) 1924-8 II. B. 182, May:t, 1924. (Supplements E. B. 174 and H. B. 179. Obsolete) 1924-35 P. Q.C. A. 334, May 10, 1932. (Revision of H. B. 174 and H. B. 179. Obsolete).... 1932-30 Pennsylvania, infestation found, press notice 1932-64 pillows, fir, balsam, inspection of._. 1916-96 :!ts of Inspection of Christmas greens, nursery stock, forest products, and quarry products (H. B. 68, June 19, 1916) 1916-76 sawdust and shavings (B. K. p. Q. 515, effective July 15, 1941) 1941-72 viol ' Violations. See also Gypsy moth and brown-tall moth quarantines on stone and quarry products. INDEX 37 Year and page moth and brown-tall moth quarantines on stona and quarry products. (These quarantines : under the appropriations ol the Bureau ol Entomologj . The last one w as superseded by quarantine No. 27, bj nrtue of the ameadmenl to the riant Quarantine Act of March 4, 1917): notu effective L914 (Qypey moth quarantine, with regulations. Supplements . ttine No. l • 19H 73 effective July l, 1915. (Quarantine on stone and quarry products on account ofthegj pay moth, with regulations. Supplements quarantine No. 23. Supersedes quarantine effective October J .. .. ...1915-12 effective August 16, 191(1. (Quarantine on stone and quarry products on aocounl ol gypsy moth, with regulations. Supplements quarantine No. 25, Supersedes quaran- tine effective July l. 1915. Superseded by quarantine No. 27 1916-93 Hadley, C. 11.: in charge of Japanese beetle project . 1919-57 transfers to Bureau of Entomology, press notice... - - 19:30-134 Haiti: import restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions. pest survey, fruitfly 1933-227,229 Harar. Sm Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Italy. 1 I 1 \\ ' ' for purposes Of the Plant Quarantine Act regarded as a part of the continental United States.. 1916-55 Inspe tion of mail shipments at Honolulu authorized, Treasury Decision No. 40753 1925-21 quarantine of United states to protect, See United Mates quarantined to protect Hawaii, ^ quarantine No. 51. terminal inspection.. 1921-S5; 1923-120; 1939-82 iian and Puerto Rican cotton, cottonseed, and cottonseed products quarantine (No. 47). (Super- ind quarantine No. 23): cotton blister mite.. - 1920-86 general statement 1920-86 notice of, effective August 15, 1920 ~ - 1920-87 Inst ruct ions t o \ ost masters 1924-126; 1936-27 proposed, hearing, notice of 1920-86 pre- - - 1920-87 See aho Cotton regulations; Cottonseed products regulations. Hawaiian and Puerto Riean quarantine covering sand, soil, or earth, with plants, quarantine No. 60: action postponed. 1923—11 notice of, effective March 1, 1926 1926-16 instructions to postmasters. - 1926-16; 1936-27 press noti e 1926-15 to common carriers 1920-17 eneral public 1926-17 revised, effective September 1, 1936 1936-96 press notice.. 1936-96 to common carriers 1936-97 eneral public 1936-97 proposed, hearing, notice of 1922-88 press notice 1922-89 report 1923-41 Hawaiian cotton quarantine (No. 23). (Superseded bv quarantine No. 47): conference, notice of (H. B. 8, April 10, 1915) 1915-22 report 1915-23 notice of, effective July 1, 1915 1915-46 instructions to postmasters 1915-53 revised, effective February 16, 1916.. 1916-20 proposed, hearing, notice of 1914-27 press notice 1914-27 Hawaiian fruits and vegetables. See Mediterranean fruitfly and melonfly quarantine (No. 13). Hawkins. Lom A., transfers to the Plant Quarantine and Control Administration 1930-85 H. B.'s. Set Circulars, H. B.'s, P. Q. C. A.'s, B. P. Q.'s., B. E. P. Q.'s. Hearing, notice of: ;tic beetle and Asiatic garden beetle quarantine (No. 66) 1928-119 press not. a 1928-118 bamboo quarantine (No. 34)... 1918-65 banana plant quarantines: domestic 1918-17 press notice 1918-18 fore:.:. 1918-17 press notice 1918-18 black stem rust quarantine (No. 38) 1919-10; 1931-41 -notice 1931-10,41 camphor scale, quarantine proposed 1922-127 press notice 1922-127 Canadian Christmas trees and greens quarantine (No. 57). 1923-142 1923-143 chestnut bark disease, quarantine proposed 1915-25 citrus black fly quarantine (No. 49) 1920-139 -notice 1920-139 citrus fruit quarantine (No. 28) 1917-43; 1921-87 1917-44; 1921-87 tock quarantine (No. 19) 1914-81 coi! 1940-2 . 1940-1 corn disease quarantine (No. 21 1915-7 cor: .; 1916-35 cot 1914-26 press notice 1914-27 38 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Having, notice of -Continued. „ . . products regulat ions: rear ana P a 9 e oil . - --- 1917-61 press notice 1917-61 other products 1917-51 press notice - - 1917-52 Dutch elm disease: domestic quarantine proposed . 1935-3 domestic quarantine extension i imposed 1941-2 press notice 1941-1 foreign quarantine proposed — — 1933-198 press notice 1933-197 eelworni, quarantine proposed 1923-118 pres> notice 1923-119 eelworm disease of cereals, quarantine proposed 1919-84 European corn borer: domestic 1918-81; 1919-22, 109; 1920-19; 1921-140; 1926-106; 1927-23, 24 press notice 1920-20; 1921-141; 1926-106; 1927-24,25 foreign 1920-26; 1921-58 press notice 1920-26; 1921-58 European pine-shoot moth quarantine (No. 20) 1915-3 Bag smut and take-all diseases, quarantine proposed 1919-84 flag smut quarantine (No. 59) 1925-105 fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 56) 1922-124 press notice 1922-124 fruit and vegetable quarantine of Puerto Rico (No. 58) 1925-17 press notice 1925-17 gypsy moth and brown-tail moth 1914-31; 1915-24; 1917-49; 1918-43; 1920-89; 1924-36 press notice 1917-50; 1918-44; 1920-90; 1924-37 Hawaiian and Puerto Rican cotton, etc., quarantine (No. 47) 1920-86 press notice .. 1920-87 Hawaiian and Puerto Rican quarantine covering sand, etc. (No. 60) 1922-88 press notice 1922-89 Hawaiian cotton quarantine (No. 23) 1914-27 press notice 1914-27 Japanese beetle quarantines 1918-80; 1920-29, 126; 1923-148; 1926-116; 1927-106; 1928-119; 1929-216; 1930-112; 1931-103; 1932-65; 1933-250: 1935-82 press notice.. 1920-30, 127; 1926-117; 1927-107; 1928-118; 1929-216; 1930-111; 1933-250; 1935-81 Mediterranean fruitfly and melonfly quarantine (No. 13) 1914 (S. R. A. No. l)-7 Mediterranean fruitfly quarantine (No. 68) 1929-77, no press notice 1929-77,110 Mexican bean beetle quarantine (No. 50) 1920-140 press notice 1920-140 Mexican corn quarantine (No. 42) .... 1920-14 Mexican fruitfly quarantine (No. 64) 1927-71 press notice 1927-71 narcissus bulb quarantine (No. 62) 1926-40 press notice 1926-40 narcissus and other hosts of the bulb nematode, domestic quarantine considered 1936-181 press notice 1936-153 nursery stock, plant, and seed quaiantine (No. 37) 1918-30 press notice 1918-31 oriental fruit stock quarantine (No. 44) 1920-32 press notice 1920-33 oriental hag moth, quarantine proposed 1924-100 press notice 1924-101 packing materials quarantine: domestic (Hawaii and Puerto Rico) 1932-91 foreign 1932-91 peach mosaic disease, quarantine proposed 1936-111, 112 press notice 1936-111 re f >ort , press notice 1937-24 phony poach disease quarantine (No. 67) . 1928-135; 1930-75, 158; 1931-116; 1932-112 press notice 1928-134; 1930-75, 158 pink bollworm 1914-26; 1920-7; 1921-29; 1927-85; 1932-112 pressnotice 1914-27; 1920-8; 1927-85 potato powdery scab quarantine: No. 14 1914-21 No. 18... 1914-81 potato regulations, interstate movement- . 1914-21 potato wart, quarantine (domestic) proposed 1919-9 rice, seed or paddv, quarantine (No. 55) 1923-88 pre^s notice 1923-88 ■Btin moth quarantine (No. 53) 1921-157; 1925-71; 1926-127; 1928-125; 1936-100 press notice 1921-157; 1925-71; 1926-127; 1928-125; 1936-100 swectpotato and vam quarantines: domestic 1917-121 pressnotice 1917-121 foreign 1917-120 press notice 1917-121 Tburberia weevil quarantine (No. 61) 1926-60 press notice 1926-60 Tinted states quarantined to protect Hawaii, quarantine No. 51 1921-162 press notice 1921-163 white-fringed beetle 1938-88 pressnotice 1 1938-87 White-pine blister rust quarantine: domestic 1916-2; 1917-28; 1921-lf.O; 1925-41, 100; 1932-18 pressnotice 1917-29; 1921-161; 1925-100 foreign . 1916-1; 1917-29 INDEX 3$ Hearing, notice of Continued. r """ m| w f rust quarantine I Mo 65 . . 19 press m it ice ' . 1028 51 \ ( also Conferences, formal and Informal. HeUipus Uturi. Set Avocado seed quarantine No L2). BoUand: delegation of commercial nurserymen conic! re importations 1921 LOS Import restrictions. - s << Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Netherlands, i)n nurserj stock inspection mil 51, 87; 1915 59; 1916 •">«. 103; 1919 111; 1923 77; 1927 9; 1980 167; I i plant importations from, infestations round in 1018 n»> proposed n \ ision of plant export regulations 1922 10 Honduras: Honduras, British. Set Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . British Hondui is luras, Republic of: import restrictions. Set Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . pest survevs. fruit IK 1926 10 . ing, nursery siock Inspection 1917 111; 1923 77: L927 9; 1930 167; 1936 25 Hopman, Pxtxb mv Sons, violation of quarantine No. 37 (H. B. 139, June 14, 1921) 1921 67 reinstatement ( U. B. 155, Julj 21, 1922) L922 107 HOTT, A. 8., appointed assistant chief. Plant Quarantine and Control Administration 1031 B appointed associate thief. Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, effective August 16, 1041: press notice 1041-79 Secretary's memorandum No. >.':<1 1941 79 named acting chief, Bureau of Plant Quarantine, press notice L9 named acting chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, press notice .. 1941-53 Huan islands. So Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonics. Hungary: nursery stock inspection L933-290; 1936 25 summary of plant-quarantine import restrictions (B. E. P. Q. 427. March 25, L937) 1937 71 Hr.\TKK. Waltxb David, death of ... 1925-83 Hydrocyanic gas fumigation of imported cotton: H. 15. is. October 18, 1915. (Superseded by H. B. 42) 1915-82 11. B. 12, Match 22, 1916. (Superseded by H. B. 164) — 1916-38 supplement, March 22, 1920 Not in s. ha. H. B k.I. March I. 1923 1923 :<7 H'Jinrn postica (Gyll.) Set Qm'ted States quarantined to protect Hawaii, quarantine No. 51. Idaho, terminal inspection . 1923-164; 1925 18; 1933 153; 1936 16; 1939 s_> Identih ims and related plants, provision lor . 1918-30 Illinois Nurserymen's Association, Federal Horticultural Board participation in meeting, at Chi- 1921 his Illinois, summary of State quarantine on account of European corn borer 1919-120 Immediate export and iinuie hate transportation and exportation. Set Plant safeguard regulations. Index, cumulative, to S. R. A. 1914-33 ... - l933-(following page 300) India. British. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . India. French settlement- in. Set Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. Lndo-China, French settlements in. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colo- nies. I, importation not prohibited 1914 (S. R. A. No. 2)-o" ion: and certification for export. See Export regulations, nursery stock in foreign countries. See under country concerned. proposed law for the District of Columbia to authorize 191S-124 'idtr subject co nee rind. Inspect Instruction accuracy required in field notes, reports, manuscripts 1923-92 courtesies and gifts, acceptance forbidden 1924-25 >r damage to shipments, reports of 1923-50 mail importations, disposition of 1924-105 material taken in the course of inspection, disposition of.. 1921-25 monthly service certificates to he mailed promptly 1923-93. 168 I «a vmt n t of accounts . . _ 1919-57 telegraph, use of . . 1922-97 transportation request coupons to he mailed promptly. 1923-50 USO under specific quarantiuts und regulations. State nursery <\<>vk, li-t of 1914-45; 1916-52; [921 38; 1923-77; 1924-78; 1925-55; 1927-9; 1928-21. 154; 1930 167; 19 Instructions: to collectors of customs. 8m Collectors of customs: Treasury Decision, No.; and under guar- dutinf subject concerned. to Inspectors. See Inspectors] und under the quMvntine subjects concerned. to | Qstructionsto. Alto under the quarantint subjects concerned. Intercepted plant pt Intercepted. ipment of nursery stock, digest of Federal and state laws 1918 112 import resti ■ Plant-quarantine import r e stri c ti ons port restrictions. Set riant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Ireland: import restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . England (The United Kingdom). nur ipection 103; 1923-77: 1927 9: 1930 167; i • pot prohibited .. ... 1020 1 1; L921 70, hio • d qu irantine (No. :<7> bulbs. Irish i lant-qurantine import restrictions. tine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Italy. Italian - intine import restrictions . . . Italy. import restrictions. 8et Plant-quarantine import restrict nursery stock ii . 1915-69; 1916-64 1930-167;! t survey, fruitfly, report of.. 1925-18 40 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Ivory Coast. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonics. Jamaica: v , import restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions. Year ana Vage nursery stock inspection 1914-87; 1915-59; 1916-54,103; 1923-77; 1927-9; 1930-167; 1936-25 peal survey, fruitfly 1933-227,228 Japan: nursery stock inspect ion 1914-51,87; 1915-59; 1916-54,103; 1923-77; 1927-9; 1930-167; 1936-25 summary of plant-quarantine import restrictions (B. E. P. Q. 470, February 5, 1938) 1938-27 Japanese beetle quarantines: administrative instructions and circulars H. B., P. Q. C. A., B. P. Q., and B. E. P. Q.: apples, commercially packed: B. 1 . Q. 352, June 26, 1933. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 498). 1933-178 B. K. P. Q. 198, May 27, 1839 (obsolete). 1939-56 articles exempt from cert ideation, list of: B. E. P. Q. 3H5, J une 1, 1936 1936-44 revised, September 15, 1936 1936-98 instructions to postmasters 1936-98 revised, March 18, 1938 1938-2 instructions to postmasters 1938-3 revised, effective November 1, 1938. (Superseded by regulations revised effective Fel ruary 20, 1939) 1938-124 instructions to postmasters 1938-124 See also Japanese beetle quarantines, administrative instructions, etc., apples, bulls, peat banana stalks exempt from certification: B. E. P. Q. 383, September 14, 1935. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 395, revised).. 1935-51 B. E. P. Q. 395, revised, September 15, 1936 (obsolete) 1936-98 instructions to postmasters 1936-98 bulbs, conns, and tubers, list of: P. (.). C. A. 274, April 10, 1930. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 394) 1930-59 B. E. P. Q. 394, June 1, 1936 1936-43 revised May 5, 1940 1940-51 disinfection of nursery products for Japanese and Asiatic beetles: P. Q. C. A. 224, April 16, 1929. (Superseded by B. P. Q. 359).. 1929-63 supplement No. 1 (P. Q. C. A. 239), July 8, 1929. (Superseded by B. P. Q. 331')... 1929-133 supplement No. 2 (P. Q. C. A. 265), February 8, 1930. (Superseded by B. P. Q.359) Not in S. R. A. supplement No. 3 (P. Q. C. A. 293), September 17, 1930. (Superseded by P. Q. C. A. 322) . 1930-111 supplement No. 4 (P. Q. C. A. 307), April 15, 1931. (Superseded by B. P. Q.359) 1931-62 supplement No. 5 (P. Q. C. A. 322), August 17, 1931. (Superseded by B. P. Q. 359) 1931-102 supplement No. 6 (P. Q. C. A. 333), April 15, 1932. (Modifies P. Q. C. A. 265; superseded by B. P. Q. 359) 1932-30 supplement No. 7 (B. P. Q. 339). August 12, 1932. (Revision of P. Q. C. A. 239; superseded by B. P. Q. 359) 1932-64 B. P. Q. 359. See Japanese beetle quarantines, administrative instructions, treatment, etc. See alsc Japanese beetle quarantines, administrative instructions, etc., treatment, etc. enforcement of regulation 6 (P. Q. C. A. 220, February 21, 1929, obsolete) 1929-38 exemptions. See Japanese beetle quarantines, administrative instructions, ere, articles exempt from certification, fruits and vegetables. See Japanese beetle quarantines, fruits and vegetables, fumigation: of bananas (P. Q. C. A. 317, effective July 14, 1931; superseded by B. P. Q. 359). 1931-102 B. P. Q. 359. See Japanese beetle quarantines, administrative instruc- tions, treatment, etc. of berries (P. Q. C. A. 316, effective July 14, 1931; superseded by Department circular 373 (not in S. R. A.). (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 499) 1931-101 B. E. P. Q. 499. See Japanese beetle quarantines, administrative instruc- tions, treatment, etc. of onions (B. E. P. Q. 475, effective July 19, 1938; superseded by B. E. P. Q. 499) .. 1938-84 B. E. P. Q. 499. See Japanese beetle quarantines, administrative instruc- tions, treatment, etc. of potatoes (B. E. P. Q. 473, effective May 2, 1938; superseded by B. E. P. Q. 499) . 1938-52 B. E. P. Q. 499. See Japanese beetle quarantines, administrative instruc- tions, treatment, etc. of tomatoes (B. E. P. Q. 480, effective August 22, 1938; superseded by B. E. P. Q. 499; 1938-85 B. E. P. Q. 499. See Japanese beetle quarantines, administrative instruc- tions, treatment, etc. See also Japanese beetle quarantines, administrative instructions, etc., disinfec- tion, treatment. isolated infestations, action deferred as to (H. B. 209, October 29, 1927) 1927-147 nurseries, classification of: H. B. 17s, February 18, 1924. (Supplemented by H. B. 180; superseded by P. Q. C. A. 220). 1924-10 H. B. ISO, March 3, 1924. (Superseded by P. Q. C. A. 220).. 1924-13 Q C. A.. 220, February 21, 192'.) (obsolete) 1929-38 arantine regulations for further information. nursery stock: conditions of certification and movement from nurseries of first, second, and third clae )\. B. iso, March 3, 1924. (Supplements II. B. 178; superseded by P. Q. C. A. 220). . . 1924-13 P. Q. C. A. 220, February 21, 1929 (obsolete) 1929-38 INDEX 41 Japanese beetle quarantines— Continued. administrative Instructions and circulars -Continued. nursery stock— Continued. ,. „ „„ . control of movement: Year and page 11. B. 167, April u, 1923. (Superseded by H. B. its). 1923-83 li. B. L78, February is. L924. (Supplemented by H. B. 180; superseded by P.Q.C.A.220) .-.- 1924 LQ H. B. 180, March 3, L924. (Superseded by P. Q. C. A.. 220) 1924-13 enforcement of regulation 6 (P. Q. C. a. 220, February 21, 1929, obsolete) L9 peaches, commercially packed (B. E. i\ Q. 498, Way 27, 1939, obsolete} .. 1939-56 screening requirements, elimination of for potted plants (P. Q. 0, A. 280, effective Januarys, 1930, obsolete) 1930-4 eatment of nura ry products, fruits, vegetables, and soil: B. I', q. 359, March 14, 1934. (Superseded I'. <.,>. C. A.'s 224, 239, 205, 307, 317, 13, and l\ B. Q. 339; superseded by B. E. P. Q. 499). L934-1 Bupplemenl No. l, August 23, 1935 .. 1935-50 supplement No. 2. October 15, 1937 1937-260 supplement No. a. Deceml er 20, 1937 . 1937-261 supplement No. 4, February 15, 1939. - 1939-16 H. E. P. Q. 499, June aperseded P. Q. C. A. 316; B. I'. Q. 359; B. E. P. Q.'s473, 475,480) 1939-56 supplement No. l, November 4, 1939 -... 1939-133 revised March 22, 1940 . 1940-8 revised, second revision, September 27, 1940 1940 87 revised, third revision, April 11, 1911. 1941-46 revised, fourth revision, effective August 9, 1941 1941-70 supplement No. 2, effective June 4, 1940 — 1940-56 supplement No. 3, effective September 19, 1940.. 1940-67 supplement No. 4, effective May 1, 1941 1941-47 'so Japanese beetle quarantines, administrative instructions, etc., disinfection: fumigation. announcement, preliminary... ... ... . 1924-21 apples. Set Japanese beetle quarantines, administrative instructions. bananas. See Japanese hi etle quarantines, administrative instructions, fumigation, berries. 8et Japanese hectic quarantines, administrative instruction';, fumigation, bulhs, conns, and tubers, list of. See Japanese beetle quarantines, administrative instruc- tions. confer lifting proposed, notice of 1932-10 report, press notice 1932-33 nurserv stock, notice of.. 1924-123 report of 1924-124; 1925-5 to discuss situation: notice of, January 6, 1940 1940-8 press notice 1940-7 report 1910-40.41 press notice 1933-200 See also Japanese beetle quarantines, extension proposed. developments in situation 1934-95 disinfection of nursery stock. See Japanese beetle quarantines, administrative instructions, extension: not made in 1934 1934-95 or removal proposed, hearing: notice of 193,5-82 press notice of --- 1935-81 proposed, hearing, notice of 1920-29.126! 1923-148; 1926-116; 1927-106: 1928-119; 1929-216; 1930-112; 1931-103; 1932-65; 1933-250 press notice 1 920-30, 127; 1926-117; 1927-107; 1928-118; 1929-216; 1930-111; 1933-250 report of, press notice 1928-119; 1931-146 See dleo Japanese beetle quarantines, conferences; hearings, farm products, restrictions on interstate movement of, temporarily lifted, effective: tember 16, 1923 1923-106 October 1, 1924 1924-96 October 1, 1926 1926-68 October 1. 1927 .-.. - 1927-107 October 1. 1928 1928-76 September 25, 1929.. ...- 1929-134 October 1, 1930 1930-113 r28, 1931 1931-104 'ember 17. 1932 1932-65 instructions to postmasters ... 1932-66 press notices 1923-106; 1929-134; 1930-112 fruits and vegetables: certification requirements waive ! on lot shipments of three pieces or more by common carrier (B. E. P, Q. 513, effective April 21, 1941) 1911-49 seasonal restrictions on Interstate shipment lifted effective: tember i". 1933 1933-201 press DOtice --- 1933-200 19 19 19 tember 18, L93G 19 Instructions to postmasters 19 press notice -- 19 Sep' 1936-99 instructions to 1 .1936-100 notice to common carriers 19 ^notice 1936-99 42 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Japanese beetle quarantines— Continued. fruits and vegetables- Continued. v seasonal restrictions on interstate shipment— Continued. rear an(l P a ^ e September 22, 1937 --- - 1937-217 notice to common carriers 1937-218 press notice 1937-217 tember20, 1038 1938-86 notice to common carriers 1938-86 press nolle- 1938-86 Beptember 20, 1939 1939-102 notice to common carriers 1939-1G2 press notice - - ] 1939-101 1 post mast ers 1 939-102 September 19, 1940 1940-66 instructions to postmasters.. 1940-bb press notice 1940-60 Septembers, 1941 (B. E. P. Q. 516)... 1941-71 instructions to postmasters 1941-72 press notice 1941-71 treatment of. See Japanese beetle quarantines, administrative instructions, fumigation. See Japanese beetle quarantines, administrative instructions. general statements re situation, enforcement, etc 1919-57; 1920-123; 1921-9, 103; 1923-149; 1924-21; 1928-5, 27, 101; 1929-2, 57, 196; 1930-42: 1934-95; 1940-41 ibo Japanese beetle quarantines, conference, lifting proposed, notice of. Hadley, C. H.: in charge of enforcement 1919-57 transfers to Bureau of Entomology, press notice 1930-134 infestations, isolated, action deferred (H. B. 209, October 29, 1927) 1927-147 lifting proposed: conference, notice of 1932-10; 1940-8 press notice. 1940-7 report of, press notice 1932-33; 1940-41 lifting or extension proposed: hearing, not ice of 1935-82 j tress notice 1935-81 See also Japanese beetle quarantines, general statements, etc. list of true bulbs, corms, and tubers. See Japanese beetle quarantines, administrative in- structions, lot shipments, three pieces or more, restrictions lifted (B. E. P. Q. 513, effective April 21, 1941) 1941-49 Memorial Day reminder of requirements, press notice 1931-65 notice of quarantine Xo. 35, effective June 1, 1919. (Superseded by quarantine Xo. 40) 1918-91 inst met ions to postmasters 1919-59 notice of quarantine Xo. 40, effective April 1, 1920. (Superseded by quarantine Xo. 48) 1920-30 warning not ice, poster 1920-32 notice of quarantine Xo. 48, effective October 1, 1920. (Supersedes quarantine Xo. 40) 1920-128 press notice 1920-130 amendment Xo. 1, effective December 1, 1920 1920-131 press not ice 1920-131 revised, effective January 1, 1922 1921-151 instruct ions to postmasters 1922-90 press notice... 1921-155 revised (second revision of quarantine and regulations), effective April 15, 1923 1923-79 instructions to postmasters 1" press notice. 1923-82 regulations revised (second revision), effective Xovember 27, 1923 1923-145 instructions to postmasters 1923-148 press notice 1923-148 revised (third revision of quarantine and regulations), effective April 9, 1924 1924-43 instruct ions to postmasters 1924-52 I >ress no t ice 1924-51 regulations revised (third revision), effective March 21, 1925 1925-7 instructions to postmasters I 1925-41 press notice 1925-6 to common carriers 1925-40 amendment Xo. 1, effective January 1, 1926 1925-104 instructions to postmasters 1926-10 I iress notice 1925-104 to common carriers .->... 1926-1 1 to general public 1926-11 revised (fourth revision of quarantine and regulations), effective May 15, 1926 1926-51 i nst ructions to postmasters 1926-59 press notice 1926-58 to common carriers 1926-59 to general public 1926-60 amendment Xo. 1, effective July 3, 1926 1926-66 instructions to postmasters 1926-68 press notice 1926-67 to common carriers 1926-67 revised (fifth revision of quarantine and regulations'), effective October 11, 1926 1926-117 Instructions to postmasters 1926-126 pre! 1926-124 to common carrii r~ 1926-125 to general public 1926-125 amendment No. l. effective November 17, 1926 1926-126 regulations n\ Ised (sixth revision), effective April l. 1927 1927-32 instructions to postmast I --- - 1927-69 I ires, notice _ 1927-32 INDIA 4v> Japanese beetle quarantines Continued. notice of quarantine No. 18, effective October I. 1980 -Continued. revised (fifth revision of quarantine and regulations) Continued. .. . regulations revised (sixth re^ Ipril 1, 1927 Continued. 1 ""' 1,K to oommoD carriers to general public 1927 K) amendment No. i. effective June is. 1927 to common carriers 1927 ro to general public 1927 71 amendment No. 2, effective August 8, 1927 1927 lm press aotioe 1927 104 to oommon carriers 1927 105 to genera] put. lie 1927 106 smendment No. 8, effective November i. 1927 1927 l !■"• Instructions to postmaster! 1927 146 press notice 1927 m to oommon carriers 1927 146 to genera] public 1927-146 smendment No. 4, effective June 16, 1926 I instructions to postmastera pr o a s notice 1928-34 to common carriers 1928-35 to general public 1928-36 revised (sixth revision of quarantine, seventh revision of regulations), effective February 15. 1929 1929-30 instructions to postmasters 1929-62,126 press notice 1929-29 to common carriers - 1929-39 to general public 1929-39 1 revised (seventh revision of quarantine, eighth revision of regulations), effective March 1. 1930 . 1930-4 Instructions to postmasters 1930-14 to common carriers . . 1930-14 To general public . 1930-14 revised (eighth revision of quarantine, ninth revision of regulations*, effective Novem- ber 10, 1930 -.- ..1930-135 instructions to postmasters .. 1931-11 press notkv . 1930-134 to oommon carriers - 1930-146 ■ general public 1930-146 amendment No. 1. effective June 15, 1931 instructions to postmasters . . . . 1931-102 press notice . 1931-66 to common carriers ....... 1931-70 to general public .. 1931-70 regulations revised (tenth revision), effective January 1. 1932 1931-137 instructions to postmasters 1932-10 to common earrit r^ 1931-146 to general public 1931-146 amendment No. 1. effective January 1, 1932 1931-147 ncral public .. 1931-147 revised (ninth revision of quarantine, eleventh revision of regulations), effective Jan- uary 1. 1933 instructions to postmasters 1933-141 to oommon earners . .... 1932-111 to general pubne. 1932-111 amendment No. 1. effective January 23. 1933 . 1933-142 to common carriers 1933-142 to general public . 1933 14.' revised (tenth revision of quarantine, twelfth revision of regulations'), effective Decern- 1.1933 _ ..1933-251 instructions to postmasters _. 1934-1 notice to common carriers 1933-261 to general public 1933-260 regulations revised (thirteenth revision , effective June 1. 1936 instructions to postmasters press notice 193.5-27 to common carriers ' I to general public revised (eleventh revision of quarantine, fourteenth revision of regulations), effective March 16, 1936 1936-6 instructions to p ...... 1936-97 press notice 1936-6 to common c ar ri er s 1936-17 to general public 1936-17 revised twelfth revision of quarantine, fifteenth revision of regulations), effective March 1. 1937 , 1937-4 instructions t<> postmasters press notice to oommon carrier- 1937 1 » to general public 1937- 1 I amendment No. 1. effective May 10. 1937 press notice to common carriers to genera! public rteentb revision), effective April 11. 1938 tractions to ; ....... H) to common < arn.r- to general public. 44 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Japanese beetle quarantines— Continued. notice of quarantine No. 48, effective October 1, 1920— Continued. revised (twelfth revision of quarantine, etc.)— Continued. Year and P aae regulations revised (seventeenth revision), effective February 20, 1939... 1939-2 instructions to postmasters 1939-101 press not ice 1939-2 to common carriers. 1939-15 to general public 1939-15 amendment No. 1, effective July 1, 1939 1939-69 instructions to postmasters 1939-101 press notice 1939-68 to common carriers 1939-76 to general public. 1939-77 amendment No. 2, effective April 5, 1940 (superseded amendment No. 1).. 1940-42 instructions to postmasters 1940-65 press notice 1940-41 statement regarding extension 1940-40 to common carriers.. 1940-50 to general public 1940-51 amendment No. 3, effective May 27, 1940 1940-52 press notice 1940-52 to common carriers 1940-55 to general public 1940-55 modified by B. E. P. Q. 509, June 20, 1940 1940-57 revised effective February 12, 1941 1941-9 instructions to postmasters ....' 1941-45 notice to common carriers 1941-22 to general public 1941-22 press notice 1941-8 amended by administrative instructions (B. E. P. Q. 513, effective April 21, 1941). 1941-49 nursery stock, control of movement of; treatment of. See Japanese beetle quarantines, ad- ministrative instructions, onions. See Japanese beetle quarantines, administrative instructions, etc. fumigation. peaches "commercially packed" (B. E. P. Q. 498, May 27, 1939. Obsolete.) 1939-56 potatoes. See Japanese beetle quarantines, administrative instructions, fumigation. proposed, hearing, notice of 1918-80 reference to 1918-80 quarantine to be maintained, press notice... 1932-33 revocation proposed. See Japanese beetle quarantines, lifting proposed, screening requirements with respect to potted plants, elimination of (P. Q. C. A. 260, effec- tive Januarys, 1930, obsolete.) 1930-4 situation. See Japanese beetle quarantines, general statements re etc. traps set in lightly infested areas, press notice 1929-76 violations. See Violations. Worthley, L. II., takes charge of enforcement, press notice 1930-134 Japanese rose beetles. See Hawaiian and Puerto Rican quarantine covering sand, soil, or earth, with plants (No. GO). Java, nursery stock inspection. 1930-167; 1936-25 Jersey. Island of. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . England. Job's tears. See Corn diseases quarantine (No. 24). Johore. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Malaya, British. Karikal. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. Katanga, summary of plant-quarantine import restrictions (B. E. P. Q. 448, May 20, 1937) .. 1937-200 Kedah. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Malaya, British. Kelantan. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Malaya, British. Kenya. Colony and Protectorate of. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Korea, summary of plant-quarantine import restrictions (B. E. P. Q. 491, March 17, 1939)... 1939-43 Labuan. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Malaya, British. Laos. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. Larch canker, European: outbreaks in Massachusetts and Rhode Island 1928-27; 1929-8 quarantine considered, general statement .. 1928-110 Laredo fumigation plant, destroyed by fire 1922-131 rebuilt - 1923-91 Laipeyresia moksta B. See Oriental fruit stock quarantine (No. 44). Latvia, potatoes from, admitted, press notice 1937-24 Laws, digest of. re interstate shipment of nursery stock 1918-112 Leeward Islands, French. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. ird Islands, nursery stock inspection.. 1914-51; 1915-59; 1916-54, 103; 1923-77; 1927-9; 1930-167; 1936-25 Legal data with reference to the agricultural quarantine litigation in the courts of the United States (P. Q. C. A. 335, May 16, 1932) ... 1932-43 r of information. See Annual letter of information. List of current quarantines and other restrictive orders and miscellaneous regulations 1916-41, 59, 71, 82, 90, 99, 127, 13*. 149, 156; 1917-4, 12, 33, 45, 54. 75, 100, 107, 115, 131, 139, 146; 1918-7. 21, 35, 40. 60. 66, 75, 84, 94. 116. 126; 1919-12. 24. 44, 60. 72. 89, 112. 125; 1920-40, 107, 146; 1921-90, 174; 1923-99, 137; 1923 52, 94, 127, 109; 1924-28, 87. 107. 130; 1925-23. 57, 70. 110; 1920-135; 1927-153; 1828-138; 1929-241; 1930-192; 1932-129; 1933-292; 1934-117; 1935-97; 1936-144; 1937-311; 1939-46; 1940-96. See also Statement of Federal plant quarantines. Notice of quarantine. List of pests Intercepted during: calendar rear 1929 1929-249 fiscal year 1932 1931-173 fiscal year 1933 1932-(following page 135) fiscal year 1934 1934-ffollowing page 124) fiscal year 1935 1935-(rollowing page 104) fiscal year 1930. 1930-(following page 208) fiseal year 1937 1937-(following page 318) fiscal year 1938 1938-(following page 150) fiscal year 1939 1939-(following page 147) fiscal year 1940.. 1940-(following page 103) IXDKX 45 List of posts Intercepted daring -Oonl Year a7ld P° oe 1930-201 perio I October ). 1819 to December 31, 192 nl re Annual lettei 1021-10 Lnnual utter of information. Louisiana: 1921-103; 1923-118 5 pink bollworm. 8m l'uik bollworm. terminal <:i9-83 Lower Califot . entry into of unmanufactured cotton products prohibited by Governor -... 1917-22 I [ant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. Lumsden, David, added to Federal Horticultural Board staff - 1921-105 Lnxem i I Duchy of: Import • ratine imi>ort restrictions . . . nur- I'M 4-51; 1915-5'J: 1916-54, 103: 1923-77: 1927-9; 1930-167; 1936-25 iscar and Dcpendei Plant-quarantine import restrictions ... French Colonies. int-quarantine Import restrictions (H. B. P. Q. 400, June 1, l'J36) 1936-61 tnport restriction!) . . . Front h Colonies. 1 mail shipments of plant material: >ns on and treatment to be accorded to: domestic 1006-24 i: 1933-184; 1936-27 fore:. . t014 <>. K. A. No. 2)-5; 1919-71; 1922-41. 42. 'JO; 1924-103, 104, 103; 1926-62, 63, 102; 1928-50; 1935-38; 12,47. instructions to i - .nder the various )ua-antini subjects. rminal inspection. Maine. | lb. See Potato powdery scab quarantines (Xos. 14 and 18); Potato regulations, inters ent. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Malaya. British. Malta. British Colony of. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . .:id Unfederated. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Malaya, British Malaya, British. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . ::. X. Dak.. Kibes detention station authorized 1921-106,161 Maklatt. C. L.. n I of the Plant Quarantine and Control Administration. 1929-182 .lions . . . French Colonies. ipan. Martinique: fictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. pest survey, fruittly. .... 1933-227,232 yiaruca tesiulalis Gover. See Bean pod borer; Fruit and vegetable quarantine of Puerto Rico Massachusef -mtine on account of European corn borer _. 1919-57, 120 Mauritania. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. Mauritius, Colony of, summary ( f plant-quarantine import restrictions (B. E. P. Q. 423, February - 1937-40 Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. i by 1924-62 in grapes. See Fruit and vegetable quarantine (Xo. 56), gr -. M Fruit an : luarantrae N si surveys in foreign countries. Mediterranean fruitlly and melonfly quarantine (Xo. 13): bag- detlaration requirement. 1917-26 inspection at Honolulu authorized 1922-124 frozen-pack fruit: entry permitted (P. Q. C. A. 311, May 8, 1931. Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 462) 1931-79 1931-79 •tine the importation and interstate movement of (B. E. P. Q. 462, effective September 15. 1937).... 1937-213 Treasury Decision No. 49217 1937-259 fruits and vegetables p -matted to be shipped from Hawaii to the mainland _. 1917-144 subject to fumigation (B. E. P. Q. 510, etTectivt August 1, 1940) 1940-69 -. 1940-68 subject to sterilization (B. E. P. Q. 4S1, effective Xovember 1, 1938) 1938-125 193S-125 instructions to postmasters, creneral. 1924-126; 1927-49 notice at, affective May 1, 1914 (supersedes quarantine Xo. 2) 1914 (S. R. A. Xo. 2)-2 instructions to postmasters 1911 2 ommon carr 1914 (S. R. A N - 7 amendment Xo. 1, effective May 1, 1915 1915-17 revised, effective June 1, 19." 1917-23 am. 1, effective July 30, 1917 1917-98 ,1023 1922-120 MO-60 instl 1930-64 to eommoi 1930-64 1930-64 regulation 6 revised, effective May 12, 1941 1941-50 -notice 1941-19 notice to general public... . ... 1941-50 pineappl. i passenger's baggage . l)-7 an fruitlly and melonfly quarantine (Xo. 13), fruits i tables . . . . 'Aods. S;e Violations. warning • ... 1914 (S. 117-21 For orders of other DrpartmerVs rcjuesting compliance trith, see Navy Department; iry Department; War 1 1 46 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Mediterranean fruitflv quarantine (No. 68): administrative instructions: Year and P a Q e additional method of sterilizing Florida citrus fruits by refrigeration authorized. (P. Q. C. A. 271, effective March 4, 1930. Modifies P. Q. C. A. 246. Obsolete) 1930-24 authorization of transportation of Florida host fruits and vegetables from the District of Columbia to nearbv points in Virginia. (P. Q. C. A. 253, effective November 13, 1929. Superseded by P. Q. C. A. 263) : 1929-219 containers authorized for interstate movement of Florida host fruits and vegetables. (P. Q. C. A. 258, effective December 26, 1929. Modified by P. Q. C. A. 266. Obso- lete) 1929-222 diversion of Florida products at southern points. (P. Q. C. A. 244, effective September 7, 1929. Obsolete).— 1929-158 diversion restrictions on Florida host fruits and vegetables modified (P. Q. C. A. 261, effective January 23, 1930. Modifies P. Q. C. A. 254: superseded by P. Q. O. A. 272).. 1930-16 elimination of summer host plants in eradication area of Florida will not be required. d". Q. ('. A. 276, effective April 14. 1930. Obsolete) 1930-67 extension of production and harvesting period of Florida cantaloups to June 15, 1930. (P. Q. C. A. 264, effective February 6 , 1930. Superseded by P. Q. C. A. 269 and P. Q. C. A. 272) .. 1930-20 extension of production and harvesting period of Florida citrus and other host fruits to April 15. 1930. (P. Q. C. A. 269, effective February 26, 1930. Supersedes P. Q. C. A. 243 and P. Q. C. A. 264; modified by P. Q. C. A. 272. Obsolete) 1930-23 extension of production and harvesting period of Florida grapes and host vegetables. (P. Q. C. A. 282, effective June 21, 1930. Modifies P. Q. C. A. 272. Obsolete) 1930-70 extension of shipping period for Florida eggplants and peppers. (P. Q. C. A. 236, effec- tive June 14, 1929. Obsolete) 1929-116 Florida fruit and vegetable shipments limited as to destination. (P. Q. C. A. 229, effective May 16, 1929. Modified by P. Q. C. A. 240. Obsolete) 1929-101 Florida host vegetables produced outside eradication area authorized to be shipped by express in less than car lots. (P. Q. C. A. 270, effective March 3, 1930. Obsolete)... 1930-24 interstate movement of imported fruits and vegetables via Florida ports. (P. Q. C. A. 232, effective May 23, 1929. Obsolete) 1929-109 press notice 1929-108 modification of eradication area designated in quarantine ragulations. (P. Q. C. A. 245, effective September 17, 1929. Obsolete) ,. 1929-158 modification of production, harvesting, and shipment restrictions on Florida host fruits and vegetables. (P. Q. C. A. 272. effective April 9, 1930. Supersedes P. Q. C. A.'s 254 261, 262, and 264; modifies P. Q. C. A. 269; modified by P. Q. C. A.'s 273, 280, 282, 286, 288. Obsolete) 1930-65 modification of production and harvesting period of Florida grapes. (P. Q. C. A. 288, effective July 24, 1930. Modifies P. Q. C. A. 272. Obsolete) 1930-95 modification of the restrictions on the movement of Florida host fruits and vegetables from the District of Columbia and the States of Maryland and Pennsylvania to near- by points in Virginia, West Virginia, and Ohio. (P. Q. C. A. 263, effective Februarv 3," 1930. Supersedes P. Q. C. A. 253. Revoked by P. Q. C. A. 280) 1930-19 movement authorized of sterilized host fruits and vegetables from Florida to other Southern and Western States. (P. Q. C. A. 254, effective November 21, 1929. Modi- fied by P. Q. C. A. 262; superseded by P. Q. C. A. 272. Obsolete) 1929-220 movement of sterilized avocados from Florida to other Southern and Western States authorized. (P. Q. C. A. 286, effective July 24, 1930. Modifies P. Q. C. A. 272. Obsolete) 1930-94 movement of tomatoes and peppers. (P. Q. C. A. 228, effective May 11, 1929. Obsolete). 1929-100 period of movement of host fruits and vegetables from Florida to Southern and Western States extended to February 28, 1930. (P. Q. C. A. 262, effective January 23, 1930. Modifies P. Q. C. A. 254; superseded by P. Q. C. A. 272) 1930-17 period of shipment of non-citrus fruits and host vegetables from protective zones in Florida extended for season of 1929. (P. Q. C. A. 233, effective May 23, 1929. Modi- fied by P. Q. C. A. 238 . Obsolete).... 1929-109 press notice 1929-108 production of cotton in, and interstate movement from eradication areas in Florida. (P. Q. C. A. 267, effective February 19, 1930. Obsolete) 1930-21 re disposition of ripening citrus fruits, avocados, persimmons, host vegetables, and bananas in the eradication area of Florida, during the host-free period. (P. Q. C. A. 279, April 26, 1930. Obsolete) 1930-68 release of certain areas designated as infested under the fruit-fly regulations (P. Q. C. A. 256. effective December 2, 1929. Supplements P. Q. C. A. 251. Obsolete) 1929-221 release of west Florida from quarantine restrictions. (P. Q. C. A. 268, effective Febru- ary 21, 1930. Obsolete) 1930-22 instructions to postmasters 1930-23 press not ice 1930-21 removal of restrictions on cowpeas. (P. Q. C. A. 237, effective June 27, 1929. Ob- solete) 1929-117 press notice 1929-117 removal of restrictions on destination of limes from Monroe and Dade Counties (P. Q. C. A. 240, effective July 23,1929; modifies P. Q. C. A. 229. Obsolete) -... - 1929-139 press Dotice 1929-139 removal of restrictions on string beans. (P. Q. C. A. 242, effective August 12, 1929. Obsolete) 1929-141 press notice 1929-140 resbipment of certain Florida host fruits and vegetables within Southern and Western authorized. (P. Q. C. A. 275, effective April 10, 1930. Obsolete).. 1930-67 shipment of Florida citrus fruit prior to October 1. (P. Q. C. A. 243, effective Septem- ber 1, 1929. Superseded by P. Q. C. A. 269) 1929-158 press notic. 1929-155 Shipment of Florida peppers and lima and broad beans to Central States, and reship- ment of host vegetables within Northern and Central States authorized. (P. Q. C. . effective April 30, 1930. Revokes P. Q. C A. 263; modifies P. Q. C A. 272. Obsolete; .. 1930-69 press notice 1930-68 i\ni-.\ 47 Mediterranean fruit tly quarant Continued. . administrative instructions -Continued. ' " ,r " nrt pagf shipment of grapes from cold-storage plants. (P. Q - effective July 2, 1029; modifies P. Q. C. A. 283. Obsolete 1029-180 shipment of nursery stuck by mail from Florida prohibited. Extension of citrus-fruit snipping season from newly established protective zones. (P. q. C. a. 284, effective Juno 4. 1020. Obsolete). 1929-lll spraying requirements for grapes produced In the eradication area of Florida. (P. Q. C 1.273, effective April 10, 1030. Supplements P. Q. C. A. 272. Obsolete) 1080 61 sterilization of avocados by use of heat. (P. q. C. A. 287, effective July 24, 1030. Ob- soli ' 1930-95 sterilization of citrus fruits. (P. q. 6, A. 246, effective September 20, 1029* Modified bi P. Q. C. a. 271. Obsolete) .... 1020-160 press notice 1020 159 sterilization of citrus fruits by refrigeration, additional method (P. q. ('. A. 271, effec- tive March t. 1080. Obsolete) 1030-24 sterilization of grapefruit by OSS Of heat. (P. Q. C. A. 252, effective October 23, Obsolete*. _ 1929-21? press notice 1929-218 sterilization of grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, and satsumas by refrigeration author- ized. (P. q. C A. 281, effective August 21, 1030. Obsolete) 1030-108 - i I*. q. C. A. 271. sterilization of grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, satsumas, and avocados by use of heat under Mediterranean fruit-fiv quarantine. (P. q. C. A. 200, effective August 21, 1030. Obsolete) 1080-107 sterilization of oranges, tangerines, and satsumas by use of heat. (P. q. C. A. 255, effective November 27, 1020. obsolete) ....... 1929-221 sterilization requirements modified as to areas hitherto designated ss infested. (P. q. C. A. 251, effective October 12, 1020. Modified by 1*. q. ('. A. 256. Obsolete) 1929-217 For further information on sttrili:ation, see Mediterranean fruitfly quarantine (No. 68), sterilization, waterproof fabric mesh baps authorized as containers for Florida host fruits and veg- etables. (P. q. C. A. 266, effective February n, 1030. Modifies P. q. C. A. 258. Obsolc 1930-20 weekly in place of semiweeklv clean-up of eroves and gardens in eradication area au- thorized. (P. q. C. A. 250, eflVctive October 11, 1929. Obsolete) ... 1929-217 Agriculture officials visit fruitfly section, press notice 1929-140 American Association of Economic Entomologists endorses campaign, press notice.. 1931-11 avocados. See Circulars P. q. C. A.'s J: bananas (P. q. C. A. 270. obsolete- 1930-68 cantaloups (P. Q. C. A. 264. obsolete) .. 1930-20 celery, instructions to Inspectors re interstate shipment (P. q. C. A. 257, December 17, 103 Obsolete).. ... 1929-222 citrus fruit. Set Circulars. F. q. C. A.'s 220, 234, 240, 243. 246, 252, 255, 269. 271, 279, 200, 291. conference. Federal and State officials, to discuss movement of Florida citrus fruits under sterilization into southern and western markets during winter, press notice 1028 225 containers authorized. Set Mediterranean fruitfly quarantine No. 68, administrative instruc- tions. cotton (F. q. C A. 2(»7. Obsolete) 1930 21 cowpeas (F. q. C. A. 237. Obsolete- ....1020-117 discovery of pest in Florida, press not U n 1929-77 eradication area, modification of (P. q. C. A. 245. Obsolete) 1929-158 extension proposed, hearing, notice of 1929-110 press not ice . . _ 1929-1 10 eggplants (P. q. C. A. 236. Obsolete) 1020-116 :■ ral fruitfly board, press notice. 1930-15,16 Federal inspect ion in Florida discontinued, press notice.. 1931-11 Florida products, diversion of. See Mediterranean fruitfly quarantine (No. 68), administra- tive instructions, diversion. Florida, western part, released from restrictions (P. q. C. A. 268. Obsolete) 1930 22 instructions to postmasters.. 1030 23 press notice 1930-21 fruit and vegetables, limitation on movement or destination. Set Circulars, P. q. C. A.'s . 2,233,236,238,240,243,24 ! Obsolete). fruit, Florida, reshipment of 1030-100, 153 fruit fly- campaign, special statement by Secretary Hyde, press ootice 16 fight in Florida resumed bv the United States, press notice 1030 70 how to recognise (P. Q. C. A. 230. May 20, 1928. Obsolete). LOS rch for in Florida, press notice 1930-1 08 studv in Mediterranean basin, press notice 1929-154 war against (P. q. C. A. 280, Ma> 20, I IS 1928 101 - H statements, situation, etc 1929 50, 182; 1930-34 ruit. Set MediU rrani an fruitfly quarantine I No. 68), citrus fruit. Se< Circulars P.Q. C. A.'s233,23£ t fruits and vegetables. Set Mediterranean fruitfly quarantii - uder thevarv fnite and vegetable*. See alto Circulars P Q I 220,232,233,238,240,242,243,244,246, 270,272,5 201. j, genera] 1930-15 lifted, notice of, effective November 15, 1030 L080-156 Instructions to postmssfa ra pr> 1030 154 to comii . . 1930-155 lima and broad beans (P. Q ...1930-69 lin • literranean fruitfly quarant in< v - •- irus fruit. modification to be made, press notice . 19 Navy Department, instructions for enforcement 1929 141.217 Newefl, Wflmoi Kane, press notice 19 463872—42 4 48 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Mediterranean fruit fly quarantine (No. 68)— Continued. Year and P<*9' notice of , effective May 1, L929 1929-81 instructions to postmasters 1929-88,89 press notice 1929-79 to common carriers 1929-87 to general public . - . 1929-88 regulations revised, effective May 10, 1929... 1929-91 press notice . 1929-91 to common carriers 1929-99 to general public . 1929-100 revised, effective June 7, 1929 1929-113 press notice. 1929-112 to common carriers 1929-115 to general public 1929-115 revised, effective September 1, 1929 1929-143 instructions to postmasters... 1929-153 press notice 1929-141 to common carriers iy29-152 to general public 1929-152 regulations revised, effective August 15, 1930 1930-97 press notice 1930-96 to common carriers 1930-106 to general public 1930-106 amendment No. 1, effective October 15, 1930 1930-147 press notice 1930-146 to common carriers 1930-148 to general public 1930-148 amendment No. 2, effective October 15, 1930 1930-149 press notice.. - 1930-149 to common carriers 1930-152 to general public 1930-152 amendment No. 3, effective November 5, 1930 .. 1930-152 press notice 1930-152 to common carriers 1930-153 to general public 1930-153 revoked. See Mediterranean fruitfly quarantine (No. 68) lifted, nursery stock, shipment by mail from Florida prohibited (P. Q. C. A. 234, June 4, 1929)... 1929-111 O'Kane, W. C., supersedes Wilmon Newell, press notice 1930-25 oranges. See Mediterranean fruitfly quarantine (No. 68) citrus fruit. orchard and packing house sanitation urged (P. Q. C. A. 235, June 5, 1929).. 1929-112 press notice 1929-111 peppers. See Circulars P. Q. C. A.'s, 228, 236, 280. persimmons (P. Q. C. A. 279, Apr. 26, 1930).... 1930-6* proposed, hearing, notice of 1929-77 press notice 1929-77 report of, press notice 1929-78 refrigerator cars, cleaning of (P. Q. C. A. 226, May 8. 1929) 1929-90 refrigeration of infested fruit not adequate safeguard against spread of fruitfly (P. Q. C. A. 231, May 22, 1929) .... 1929-105 release authorized of certain areas designated as infested (P. Q. C. A. 256, December 2, 1929) 1929-221 release of west Florida (P. Q. C. A. 268, February 21. 1930) 1930-2? reshipment of Florida fruit and vegetables 1930-109.153 satsumas. See Mediterranean fruitfly quarantine (No. 68) citrus fruit, sterilization: discussionof 1929-225; 1930-25 P. Q. C. A. 247, September 27, 1929 1929-161 press notice 1 929-159 See also Mediterranean fruitfly quarantine (No. 68) administrative instructions. string beans, removal of restrictions on (P. Q. C. A. 242, August 12, 1929) 1929-141 study of fruitfly in Florida: appointment of specialists, press notice 1929-135 report 1929- 13fi press notice ' 1929- 136, 223 tangerines. .See Mediterranean fruitfly quarantine (No. 68), citrus fruit. tomatoes, movement of (P. Q. C. A. 228, May 11, 1929) 1929-100 Treasury Department order to Coast Guard 1929-140 violations. See Violations. weekly clean-up authorized (P. Q. C. A. 250, October 11, 1929) 1929-217 Meetings, Federal Horticultural Board participation in . . 1921-108 Melanommn glumarum. See Rice, seed or paddy, quarantine (No. 55). Melonlly. See Mediterranean fruitfly and melonfly quarantine (No. 13). Memorandum relative to procedure in the importation of seeds, plants, and plant material from foreign countries for the use of the Department of Agriculture and the forwarding of seeds and plants by the Department to foreign countries (August 4, 1919) 1919-10« Merodon equestris. See Narcissus-bulb quarantine (No. 62); Nur^efy-stock, plant, and seed quar- antine (No. 37). Mesopotamia. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Iraq. Metamaehu hemiptenu Linn. See Banana plant quarantines, domestic. Mexican Agricultural Commission, visit to the United States 1918-80 Mexican bean beetle quarantine (No. 50): general statements 1921-9, 103 lifted, notice of, effective July 23, 1941 1921-155 press notice 1921-156 notice of, effective May 1, 1921 1921-75 press notice „ 1921- 7* proposed, hearing, notice of 1920-140 press notice 1920-140 i\ni:\ ' 49 .n border quarantine sen v, " r and pa ° e contraband Intercepted .. 11)21-107 fumigation: llatofbou 1018-66, 138; il ". 101; 1923 131; 1023-01; 1024 127; 1925-67 imigation plants. of oars, other vehicles, freight, ex pn 1 . and oilier materials from Mexico (H. B. 112, September 16, 1010) 1010 LOO revolving fund requested 1018-16,27 general statement ....... L020 L28 >tton regulations; Mexican bonier regulations; Mexican corn quarantine (No. 42); Pink boll worm. Mexican border regulations I Rules aim regulations prohibiting the movement of cotton and cotton- seed from Mexico into the I cited States ami governing the entry into the I nited States of railw ay :i 1 other vehicles, freight, expn or other materials from Mexico at border points): fumigation: of railway cars, other vehicles, freight, ex] , and other materials from Mexico: 11. B. iu\ Septembers, 1919 ...... Not in B. R. A. li. B. 112, September 16, 1010. (Supplemented by 11. B. 1 is) 1919-109 H. B. IIS. January Hi, 19-0 Not in S. R. A. revolving fund requested 1018-16,27 al»o Cotton regulations, fumigation: Pink bollworm, foreign, control. notice of, effective July 1, 1817 1917-59 Treasury Decision No. 37255 . . 1917-83 amendment No. 1. effective January 29, 1920 1920-18 press not ice 1920-18 warning to passengers from Mexico. 1918-82 See also Mexican border quarantine service. Mexican corn quarantine No. 42. (Superseded by European corn borer quarantine No. 41, revised): general statement 1920-14; 1921-5 grinding and sterilization requirements as conditions of entry, effective March 22, 1920 (ii. B. 120, February 28, 1 - 1920-16 notice of. effective February 21, 1920 . 1920-15 Treasury Decision No. 38280.... - 1920-44 pYoposed, hearing, notice of ......... 19J0-14 revoked, and regulations combined with European corn borer quarantine No. 41, effective March 1. 1027 1927-18 .ions. See Violations. Mexican fruit fly quarantine (No. 5): citrus fruits, bonded shipments through the United States. See Plant safeguard regulations. frozen-pack fruit, entry permitted (P. Q. C. A. 311, May S, 1931) 1931-79 press no; ice 1931-79 fumigation of orange cars, requirements, formula 1914-68 lifted, notice Of, effective December 1, 1936 1936-152 press notice. .. . 1936-152 Treasury Decision No. 48728 1936-153 notice of, effective January 15, 1013 NotinS. R. A. amendment No. 1. February 8, 1913 Not in S. R. A. plums, infested, seized at b irder, press notice 1930-109 violations. See Violations. warning to passengers from Mexico 1918-82 Mexican fruit fly quarantine (No. 64): administrative instructions: harvesting se ison extended: 13. E. P. Q. 415, effective October 22, 1936 1936-173 press notice . 1936-173 B. E. P. Q. 4S7. January 27, 1939 1939-17 pressnotice . 1939-17 B. E. P. Q. 495. April 7, 1939.... 19 pressnotice.... 1939-77 B. E. P. Q. 512, December 30, 1040 1040-86; 19 press notice >41 23 revised April 2, 1041 ... 1911-51 press not lc 1911-51 See also Mexican fruit fly quarantine, harvesting season extended to March 30, 1929. shipping s< P. Q. C. A. 325, September 0, 1031 ... 1931-104 P. Q. C. A. 326, effective October 28, 1931. 1931-119 P. Q. C. A. 331, effective March 25, 1932 1932 13 B. P. Q. 343, effective September 15, 1932 IS B. P. Q. 361, effective April 5, 1034 notice 1934-12 • ce July 31, 1933, extending shipping season to April 30, 1034. 19 B. E. P. Q. 367, effective September 26, 1034 . - 19 B. E. P. Q. 371, January 27, 1035.. . 1935-8 pre- DOtia 1035-7 B. E. P. '. ve April 2. 1935 .. 19 Dfe 1935-9 B. E. P. Q. 387. January 13, 1036 19 ■ otice sterilization of grapefruit bar. April 11, 19 B. E. 1'. Q. 105, Apr.; :. 1939-77 sterilization of oranges and grapefruit: by I P. <, • Elective March '., 1032. I by B. E. P. Q I' notice to comm B. E. P. - 68 .....19 !'.)11 -notice ly 11-73 50 SERVICE AM) REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS n iruitfly quarantine (No. 84) — Continued, administrative instructions -Continued. Bterilisation of oranges and grapefruit-Continued. by refrigeration: Year and WW* V. Q. ('. A. 330, effective March 5, 1932. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 472, revised September 25, 1041). ....... 1932-12 notice to common carriers 1932-13 B. l" P. Q. 472, revised September 26, 1941 1941-73 pn ss notice 1941-73 citrus census, lower Rio (irande Valley 1928-77; 1929-163; 1930-156; 1934-36 general statement, eradication, situation, etc 1928-6, 27. 109: 1929-6,56,194; 193(M1 harvesting season extended to March 30, 1929, press notice 1929-40 notice of, effective August 15, 1927. ..:.. 1927-108 Inst met ions 1 post masters 1927-1 12 press notice 1. 1927-108 to common carriers 1927-1 12 to general public. 1927-112 amendment No. 1, effective October 2, 1931 1931-148 to common carriers 1931-148 to general public 1931-148 amendment No. 2, effective March 5, 1932 1932-11 to common carriers 1932-1 1 to general public 1932-11 regulations revised, effective September 1, 1932 1932-66 to common carriers, - _ 1932-70 to general public 1932-71 amendment No. 1, effective March 19, 1935 1935-8 instruct ions to postmasters 1935-9 to general public 1935-8 to common carriers 1935-8 amendment No. 2, effective November 16, 1936 1936-174 press notice 1936-173 to common carriers J936-175 to general public 1936-175 revised, effective October 15, 1937 1937-262 instructions to postmasters 1937-267 to common carriers 1937-267 to general public 1937-267 regulations revised (third revision), effective October 16, 1939 1939-135 instruct ions to postmasters .. 1939-139 press notice 1939-134 to common carriers 1939-138 to general public 1939-139 oranges and kumquats, commercial production authorized ' 1927-113 plums, infested, seized at border, press notice 1930-109 proposed, hearing, notice of 1927-71 press notice 1927-77 report of, press notice . _ 1927-72 shipping season. See Mexican fruitfly quarantine (No. 64), administrative instructions, sterilization. See Mexican fruitfly quarantine (No. 64), administrative instructions, violations. See Violations. Mexican products, warning to passengers from Mexico 1918-82 Mexico: corn borer infestat ion 1 923-57 cotton, unmanufactured, entry into Lower California prohibited by Governor Cantu 1917-22 cut flowers frcm, entry permitted, memorandum for chief inspectors, October 14, 1927 1927-148 export restrictions on cacti: P. Q. C. A. 284, Julv 1. 1930 (revision of H. B. 211): supplement No. 6, Februarv 1, 1932 . 1932-24 supplement No. 8, Februarv 28, 1934 1934-16 B. E. P. Q. 411, August 24, 1936 (superseding P. Q. C. A. 284).. 1936-126 fruitfly survey 1923-57, 163 import restrictions. .See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . nursery stock inspection 1930-167; 1936-25 pest survey, other than fruitfly 1923-57 pink boll worm: regulations . 1925-67 research work at Laguna 1921-4, 101 safeguarding Lower California, Mexico, against entry of 1917-2, 22: 1925-67 situation in _ 1916-143; 1917-5X, 105, 119, 136, 143; 1918-25, 63, 88, 122; 1919-19, 118; 1920-119; 1921-4; 1923-57; 1925-84 Middle Congo. 8et Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. Minnesota, terminal inspection. See Terminal inspection. Mississippi, terminal Inspection. See Terminal inspection. Mobeii. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. Montana, terminal inspection. See Terminal inspection. Montserrat: nursary Stock inspection 1914-51; 1915-59: 1916-54, 103; 1923-77; 1927-9; 1930-167; 1936-25 summary of plant-quarantine import restrictions (B. E. P. Q. 430, April 1, 1937) 1937-128 Morocco. French: import restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions. nursery stock inspection 1936-25 am specimens, dead insects and plants, importation of 1914 (S. R. A. No. 2)-5 Narcissus. Set Narcissus bulb quarantine (No. 62); Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine . 37). INDEX 51 us bulb quarantin „ _. administrative Instruct * eaT " narcissus inspection and certification (B. P g 338, July 8, 1932. Obsolete) r narcissus treatment and pest suppression iH. P. Q- 353, June 26, 1933. Supplements B. P. Q. 337 and B. P. Q. 338. Obsol. :■ 1989 178 treatment and pest suppression measures Ln narcissus plantings tit P. <.,> 337, Julj 7. 1932. Supersedes P. Q. C. A. 217 and P, Q Supplemented by B. P. Q. rtlflcation a condition of interstate shipment (H. B. 200, March 9, 1927. Obsolete) conference, notice of 1931 12 press notice report of, press notice \w\ 12 control, general statement 1928 107; disinfection, including fumigation and sterilisation: calcium cyanide for bulb llv control (P. Q. 0. A. 217. Julv 12, 1928. Superseded by B. P. Q. 387) 1928 79 revised, Jul lium cyanide fumigation (P. Q led by B. P. Q. 1931-105 use of disinfectants in hot-water treatment (P. Q. C A.. 324, September 3, 1931. obso- lete) 1931-105 Sec all bulb quarantine ministrative instructions, fumigation. Set Narcissus bulb quarantii lisinfection. m neral statement 1928-107; 1935-n inspection and certification of: H. B. 203, April 25, L927 (obsolete) - L9J B. P. Q. 338, July B, 1932 (obsolete) . 1932-77 inspection record! 1928 . -. 1929-7 1929 1930-48 1930 P. Q. C. A. 312. Mav2S. 1931 11 1931 P. Q. C. A. 332. March 22. 1932 1932 1 1 1932 B. P. Q. 349, February 17, L933 1933-113 B. P. Q. 358, March 15, 1934 1934-12 1934 B. E. P. Q. 373. April 23. 1935 labeling requirements, press notice 1928 ^0 lifted, notice of, effective April 1, 1935 1935-10 instructions to postmasters 1935-10 to common carriers ... .19 statement regarding .. 1935-11 liftir.ii proposed, conference, notice of . .. 1932 14 notice of, effective July 15, 1926 press notice 195 to common carriers. to general public . 1926-75 regulations revised, effective April 25, 1927 Im- press notice . 1927-73 to common carriers .__... 1 15 to general public I92i f9 regulations revised, effective May 15, 1928 instructions to postmasters ..... 19.N-44 press notice 1928-37 to common carriers 19 to general public 1928-43 Amendment No. 1. effective June 20, 1932 19 to common carriers . . 1932-36 to general public 1 932-36 proposed, hearing, notice of 1926 40; 1936-181 press notice 1926-40; 1936-153 statement on revocation 1935-11 'ligation. Set Narcissus l ulb quarantine (No. 62), disinfection. violation of quarantine No. 62. (H. B. 204, M 1927-83 ■ adjusted (P. Q. C. A. 208, July 9, 1927) 1927-113 aUo Violations. /'to Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37>, narcissus. For earlier proposed quaruntiiu on hull) tfhrorm, x(i Eel worm, stem, bulb . . . I Bulb Farms, violation (H. B. 149. May 12, 1922) 1922-29 .rd. joint conference with Federal Horticultural Board. 1928-27 u leueoloma Boh., Naupactnt sp. Set White-fringed beetle. . apartment, orders for compliance with the quarantines 1922-131; 1925-74; 1929-141, 217 • Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Malaya, British. Nematode disease of w heat. 8u Eelworm disease ol cereals. Nematodes, sir Eelworm. Nether! import restriction! quarantine import restrictions . . . nursery stock inspection. Set Holland. Netherlands East Indies, import restrictions. Set Plant-quarantine import restrictions. . . Netherlands Quiana, Import restrictions. Set Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . , Surinam. Nevis: Import restrictions (B. E. P. Q. 381, BeptemberS, 1986) .. 19 muan 14, 1038 • survey, rruitfly I • dn. Set Ne« 1 1 I dependencies of, French, in tine import restrictiona . . . French Col< i New England, Enron an corn bon r Introduced into 1918-2 ralian, summary of plant-quarantine import June 52 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS New Bebrides. Set Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. New Ireland. S ■ Ne^ Guinea. _. . New Mexico, pink bollworm. See Pink bollworm, domestic, infestation in. YeaT ana P a Q e New Orleans, establishment of port inspection service 1919-18.32 Now Zealand: consignment of flaxseed destroyed 1917-103 import restrictions. 8et Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . nursery stock inspect ion.- 1914-51; 1915-59; 1916-54, 103; 1923-77; 1927-9; 1930-167; 1936-25 Nkwki.i , Wn HON, succet .hd by W. C. O'Kane, press notice 1930-25 News items. Set Press notice. Nicaragua, import restrictions. See Plant -quarantine import restrictions . . . Niger. Set Plant-quarantine import restrictions. . . French Colonies. Nigeria, Colony, import restrictions. Set Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Noncotton zones. See Pink bollworm, domestic. Northern Ireland, summary of plant quarantine restrictions (P. Q. C. A. 327, November 30, 1931. Revision of H. B. 160 and II. B. 169) 1931-159 See also Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . England. Northern Rhodesia, summary of plant-quarantine import restrictions (B. E. P. Q. 435, April 5, 1937) ..... .. 1937-137 Norway, import restrictions. Sec Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Nossi-Be. Set Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. Notice of ordc r. See Order, and orders. Notice of quarantine: ] . White-pine blister rust, effective September 16, 1912. (Superseded by quarantine No. 7. Not in S. R. A.) No. 2, Mediterranean fruitflv, effective September 18, 1912. (Superseded bv quarantine No. 13. Not in S. R. A.) No. 3, Potato wart (foreign), effective September 20, 1912. Lifted, in effect, by revision of the potato regulations, effective March 1, 1922. (Not in S. R. A. See Potato wart) No. 4. Gypsy moth end brown-tail moth, effective November 25, 1912. (Superseded by quar- antine No. 10. Not in S. R. A.) 5, Mexican fruitflv. effective January 15, 1913. Lifted December 1, 1936. (Not in S. R. A. Set Mexican fruitflv quarantine (No. 5).) 6, Date-palm scale insects, effective March 24, 1913. Lifted July 1, 1936. (Not in S. R. A. See Date-palm scale insects quarantine (No. 6).) No. 7, White-pine blister rust, effective May 21, 1913. Lifted September 1, 1936. (Super- sedes quarantine No. 1. (Not in S. R. A. See White-pine blister rust, foreien.) No. 8. Pink bollworm of cotton, effective July 1, 1913. (Not in S. R. A. See Pink bollworm, foreien.) No. 9. Pink bollworm, effective June 24, 1913. (Superseded by quarantine No. 47. Not in S. R. A. See Pink bollworm, domestic.) No. 10, Gyspy moth and brown-tail moth, effective August 1, 1913. (Supersedes quarantine No. 4; superseded by quarantine No. 17. Not in S. R. A.) No. 11, Potato quarantine, effective December 24, 1913; lifted January 1, 1916. (Not in S. R. A. See Potato quarantine (No. 11).) No. 12, Avocado seed quarantine, effective February 27, 1914. (See Avocado seed quarantine (Xo. 12).) No. 13, Mediterranean fruitflv and melonfly, effective May 1, 1914. (Supersedes quarantine Set Mediterranean fruitflv and melonflv quarantine (No. 13).) No. 11. Powdery scab of potato, effective August 1, 1914; lifted September 1, 1915. (See Potato powdery scab quarantines (Nos. 14 and 18).) . No. 15. Sugarcane quarantine (foreign), effective June 6, 1914. (See Sugarcane quarantines, foreign.) No. \c>, Sugarcane quarantine (domestic), effective June 6, 1914. (See Sugarcane quarantines, domestic.) No. 17. Gypsy moth and brown-tail moth, effective August 1. 1914. (Supersedes quarantine No. 10; superseded by quarantine No. 22. See Gvspv moth and brown-tail moth.) Xo. IS. Powdery scab of potato, effective Xovember 14, 1914; lifted September 1, 1915. (See Potato powdery scab quarantines (Xos. 14 and 18).) Xo. 19. Citrus nursery stock quarantine, effective January 1, 1915. (See Citrus nursery stock quarantine (Xo. 19V) Xo. '_>o, European pine shoot moth quarantine, effective July 1, 1915. Lifted September 1, 1936. (See European pine shoot moth quarantine (Xo. 20).) No. 21, Quarantine on account of the ScJerospora maiidis disease of corn, effective March 8, 1915. (Sup< rseded by quarantine No. 24. See Corn disease quarantine (Xo. 21).) No. 22, Quarantine on account of gypsy moth and brown-tail moth, effective July 1, 1915. (Supersedes quarantine No. 17; superseded by quarantine No. 25. See Gypsy moth and brown-tail moth.) No. 23, Hawaiian cotton, effective July 1, 1915. (Superseded by quarantine No. 47. See Hawaiian cotton quarantine (Xo. 23).) No. 24, Com diseases, effective July 1, 1916. (Supersedes quarantine No. 21. See Corn diseases quarantine (No. 24).) No. 25, Quarantine on account of gypsy moth and brown-tail moth, effective July 1. 1916. (Supersedes quarantine Xo. 22; superseded by quarantine Xo. 27. See Gypsy moth and brown-tail moth.) 26, White pine blister rust, effective June 1, 1917. (Superseded by quarantine No. 63. blister ru^t. domestic.) on account of gypsy moth and brown-tail moth, effective July 1, 1917. (Supersedes quarantine No. 25; superseded by quarantine No. 33. See Gyspy moth and brown-tail moth.) 28, Citrus fruit quarantine, effective August 1, 1917. (See Citrus fruit quarantine (No. ^28).) No. 29, Sweetpotato and yam quarantine (foreign), effective January 1, 1918. (See Sweet- pot ifo and vain quarantines, foreien.) • ito an 1 yam quarantine (domestic), effective Januarv 1, 1918. (See Sweet- potato and yam quarantines, domestic.) (Title changed in 1934 to Sweetpotato quar- antine.) II, Banana plant quarantine (foreign), effective April 1, 1918. (See Banana plant quaran- tim Dana plant quarantine (domestic), effective April 1, 1918. (See Banana plant quar- antines, domestic.) INDEX 53 \ • eofanarantine— Continued. Year and page \ S3, Quarantine on account of the gypsy moth and brown-tall moth, effective July 1, 1918. s quarantine No. 27; superseded i>y quarantine No. 45. See Gypsy moth and brown-rail moth.) No. 34. Bamboo quarantine, effective October l, 1918. (See Bamboo quarantine (No. 34).) \ 15, Quarantine on account of the Japanese beetle, effective June 1,1919. (Superseded by quarantine No' #0. Set Japanese beetle quarantines.) \ 86, Quarantine on account of the European corn borer, effective October 1, 1918. (Super- seded bv quarantine No. 43. Set European corn borer, domestic.) \ 7, Nursery stock , plant, and seed quarantine, effective June l, 1919. (Supersedes the nursery stock regulations. 8ee Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37).) N 88, Black stem rust quarantine, effective May l, 1919. {See Black stem rust quarantine (No. 3 N ; i >. Quarantine on account of the flag smut and take-all diseases, effective August 15,1919. (Superseded by quarantine No. 59. (See Flan smut and take-all diseases quarantine (No. 89).) N 10, Quarantine on account of the Japanese beetle, effective April 1, 1920. (Supersedes quarantine No. 35; superseded by quarantine No. 48. See Japanese beetle quarantines.) \ ii. Quarantine on account oi the European corn borer and other dangerous insects and plant diseases, effective February 21, 1920. (Quarantine No. 41, revised, superseded quaran- tine N( S European corn borer, foreign.) No. 42, Quarantine against Indian corn or maize from Mexico, effective February 21, 1920. rseded by quarantine No. 41. revised. Set Mexican corn quarantine (No. 42).) N 13, European corn borer quarantine, effective March 29, 1920; lifted July 15, 1932. (Super- sedes quarantine No. 36. See European corn borer, domestic.) No. 44. Stocks, cuttings, scions, and buds Of fruits, effective June 1, 1920. (Superseded by quarantine N'o. 37. See Oriental fruit stock quarantine (No. 44).) 45, Qypsy moth and brown-tail moth quarantine, effective July 1, 1920. (Supersedes quarantine No. 33. See Gypsy moth and brown-tail moth quarantine.) 46, Quaruitino on account of the pink bollworm, effective August 1, 1920. (Superseded by quarantine No. 52. See Pink bollworm, domestic.) No. 47, Quarantine against Hawaiian and Puerto Rican cotton, cottonseed, and cottonseed products, effective August 15. 1920. (Supersedes quarantine No. 9 and quarantine No. 23. See Hawaiian and Puerto Rican cotton, cottonseed, and cottonseed products quarantine panose beetle quarantine, effective October 1, 1920. (Supersedes quarantine No. 40. See Japanese beetle quarantines.) No. 49, Quarantine on account of the citrus black fly, effective April 1, 1921. (Superseded by quarantine No. 56. Sec Citrus black-fly quarantine (No. 49).) No. 60, Quarantine on account oi the Mexican bean beet'e, effective May 1, 1921; lifted July 23, 1921. (See Mexican hean beetle quarantine (No. 50;.) No. 51, The movement of sugarcane, corn, cotton, alfalfa, and fruits of avocado and papaya from the I'nited States to Hawaii restricted, effecthe October 1, 1921. (See United States quarantined to protect Hawaii, quarantine No. 51.) No. 52, Quarantine on account oi the pink bollworm, effective September 10, 1921. (Super- sedes quarantine No. 46. See Pink bollworm, domestic.) No. S3, Satin moth quarantine, effective January 1, 1922. Lifted November 2, 1936. (See Satin moth quarantine (No. 53).) No. 54, Quarantine on account of the white pine blister rust, effective March 15, 1922. (Super- seded by quarantine No. 63. See White pine blister rust, domestic.) No. 55, Seed or paddy rice quarantine, effective Septernbi r 1, 1923. (See Rice, seed or paddy, quarantine (No. 55).) No. 56, Fruit and vegetable quarantine, effective November 1, 1923. (Supersedes quarantine N'o. 49. See Fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 56).) No. 57, Quarantine against Canadian Christmas trees and greens, effective July 1, 1924; lifted July 1, 1928. (See Canadian Christmas trees and greens quarantine (No. 57).) N 58, Fruit and vegetable quarantine of Puerto Rico, effective July 1, 1925. (See Fruit and vegetable quarantine of Puerto Rico (No. 58).) No. 59. Quarantine on account of the flag smut disease, effective February 1, 1926. (Super- sedes quarantine No. 39. See Flag smut quarantine (No. 59).) No. 6", Hawaiian and Puerto Rican quarantine covering sand, soil, or earth, with plants, effective March 1, 1926. (See Hawaiian and Puerto Rican quarantine covering sand, soil, or earth, with plants, quarantine No. 60.) 61, Quart mine on account of the Thurberia weevil, effective July 15, 1926. (See Thur- beria weevil quarantine (No. 61).) »V2, Narcissus bulb quarantine, effective July 15, 1926. Lifted effective April 1, 1935. rcissus bulb quarantine (No. 62).) bite-pine blister rust quarantine, effective October 1, 1926. (Supersedes quarantine Jo and quarantine No. 54. Set White-pine blister rust, domestic.) larantine on account of the Mexican fruitfly, effective August 15, 1927. (See Mexi- can fruitily quarantine (No. 64).) No. 65, Quarantine on account of woodgate rust, effective November 1, 1928; lifted effective July 31, 1939. (See Woodgate rust quarantfa* larantine on account of the Asiatii beetle and the Asiatic garden beetle, effective March 15, 1929; lifted March 1, 1930. (See Asiatic beetle and Asiatic garden beetle quarau- larantme on account of the phony peach disease, effective June 1, 1929; lifted March 1, 1933. •• quarantine (No. 67).) rediterranean fruitfly quarantine, effective May l, 1929; lifted November 15, 1930. ;'iean fruitfly quarantine (No. I - ■ king materials quarantine, effective July 1, 1933. (See Packing materials quaran- tine, foreign.) No. 70. Quarantine on account of the Dutch elm dl tive October 21, 1933. (See Dutch elm disease, foreign.) 71. Dutch elm disease quarantine, effective February 25, 1935. (See Dutch elm disease,, domestic.) 72, Whit. i quarantine, effective January 15, 1939. (See White-fringed 72).) tive April 1, 1940. (See Coffee quarantine (No. 73).) See also Order, and orders; Regulations, Rules, and Rules and ngulations. 54 SERVICE AM) REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Notice of regulations. Su Regulations, Rules, and Rules and regulations; also under subject con- eerned. Notice of Rules, and Rules and regulations. See Regulations, Rules, and Rules and regulations; also under subject concerned. Notice to general public, through newspapers. See quarantine or regula'ions concerned. __ . Nurserymen: Year and page and quarantines, address by Lee A. Strong 1937-273 cooperative committee appointed ... 1922-117 Nursery stock: American, conditions of return from Canada 1914-19 avocado. See Avocado fruit and nursery stock regulations; Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37). countries maintaining inspection 1914-51.87; 1915-59 1916-51.103; 1917-111; 1918-93; 1919-111; 1923-77; 1927-9; 1930-74, 111, 107; 1933-181.202,290: 1936-25 importations by the United States Department of Agriculture, regulations governing 1919-106 laws and regulations affecting interstate shipment of 1918-112 restrictions by War Trade Hoard on imports 1918-45 unclaimed, sale at public auction 1914 (S. R. A. No.l) -6 Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37) (including Rules and regulations for carrying out the riant Quarantine Act; and, Rules and regulations under the Plant Quarantine Act: General, including nursery stock): Aglaonema, notice of permit requirement, effective June 1, 1930 1930-73 Treasury Decision No. 44048 1930-74 American nursery stock, conditions of return from Canada 1914-19 apple seeds, inspection of 1916-122 application for special permit: contract between permittee and agent.. 1927-84,114 form 1919-100; 1921-39; 1923-15; 1926-28; 1927-13 liability agreement replaces bond (H. B. 165, March 31, 1923. Obsolete) 1923-17 sup] elemental agreement of permittee 1927-84 avocado nurserv stock, importation under quarantine No. 37, effective Julv 1, 1932 1932-27 Treasury Decision No. 45792 , 1932-90 azalea, importation period extended (H. B. 158, August 11, 1922. Obsolete.) 1922-108 press notice 1921-42 bulbs: and corms, soil as packing material for. See Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37), packing material. begonia tubers, entry of 1938-128 Chinese sacred lily. See Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37), narcissus. foreign, not all to be excluded, press notice 1925-34 letter of transmittal 1925-36 imported under regulation 3, report of distribution no longer required (P. Q. C. A. 323, August 17, 1931. Obsolete) 1931-115 instructions on inspection and entry (H. B. 117, October 31, 1919. Obsolete) 1919-103 iris, field grown, imported under special permit, cutting of blooms authorized (P. Q. C. A. 222, March 28, 1929. Obsolete) 1929-40 lily, entrv at Vancouver, British Columbia (Treasury Decision No. 43579. Revoked by T. D. No. 47733) 1929-227 from Orient, inspection and release at Vancouver, B. C, discontinued (Treasury Decision No. 47733) 1935-39 narcissus. See Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37), narcissus. production of, in the United States, questionnaire 1922-43 report of distribution of regulation 3 bulbs no longer required (P. Q. C. A. 323, August 17. 1931. Obsolete) 1931-115 restrictions on entry of certain classes, effective January 1, 1926 (H. B. 188, April 6, 1925. Obsolete) 1925-33 treatment of tulips, hyacinths, and certain other known hosts of the bulb nematode not to be required, statement February 15, 1937 1937-15 warning against the inclusion of bulbs, the entrv of which is not provided for in regula- tion 3. etc. (H. B. 173, December 28, 1923. Obsolete) 1923-144 See also Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37), narcissus, certification: by Brazil 1930-111 by Canadian officials (Treasury Decision No. 43980) 1930-74 amended list of: Treasurv Decision No. 46431 1933-181 Treasury Decision No. 46590 . 1933-202 by H u ngar ian officials 1933-290 shipments arriving without 1914-20 Treasury Decision No. 37416 1917-138 See also Nursery stock, countries maintaining inspection. Chinese sacred lily. See Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37), narcissus, citrus seeds, importation of, under quarantine No. 37. (Citrus canker quarantine (No. 19) modified effective July 1, 1932) 1932-29 Treasury Decision No. 45795 1932-90 conference: administration of quarantine No. 37: notice of . 1933-204 press notice . . 1933-203 bulb: Doticeof 1925-91 press notice 1922-110 report of. press notice 1922-110 hosts of the bulb nematode, notice of ... 1936-153 press notice . 1936-153 report 1937-15 fruit and rose stocks: decision, press notice 1928-81; 1929-167 press notice 192.5-39; 1928-45; 1929-165 INDEX 55 • > stock, plant, and Beed quarantine (No 17 < Continued. conference Continued. _, , nan -ad page N96 81; 1081 12 n'|xirt of, press notice 1831 12 hosts of the bulb nematode, notice of 19 ■ preas notice 19 • report 19 nursery stock: explanatory statements, pr< 1822-3,4,6 postponements, press notice 162! reports, press notice 1922-17,18,22 orchid, informal, report of, press notice . 195 stacks. St, Nurserj stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 87), conference, fruit and rose stocks. with Holland delegation, informal, report of 1821 108 contract between permittee and agent 1827 84,114 perative committee of nurserymen 1822 i 17 currants, entry of, placed under quarantine No. 37 by revocation of quarantine No. 7. press notice 1836 109 cut Dowers: from: ■ ula, press notice '. 1824 fit Cuba 1817-7 instructions to collectors of customs.. 1917-8 Mexico, memorandum for chief inspectors 1927-148 general restrictions on entry (H. B. 183, Mays, 1824) 1024-64 date offshoots prohibited entry in commercial lots _ 1919-122 deft use and explanation of quarantine No. 37: a quarantine bugaboo laid to rest (H. B. 143, February 15, 1922) 1922-23 cannot trust to foreign inspection of nursery stock, press notice 1919-35 discussion of revision effective August 1,1821. 1921-6 entry of plants restricted to protect American crops— no plants completely excluded by new quarantine, press notice .. 1919-20 explanation of provisions for entry of plants, etc. See Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37), explanation of provisions for entry, explanatory memorandum. Congressional Record, January 30, 1919, pages 2464-66. __ 1919-4 is quarantine 87 a plant embargo (H. B. 145, March l, 1922) 1922-26 literal provisions for plant Introduction, press notice .. 1921-42 list of circulars, i xplanatory of quarantine No. 37 (H. B. 164, July 22, 1922. Obsolete). 1922-106 misinterpretation possible of inspection at port of entry (II. B. 131. February 28, 1921. Obsolete) 1921-52 plant pests exact heavy price for impatience, press notice 1925-37 protection from plant pests— quarantine No. 37 . 1922-112 reasons for rejection of miscellaneous plant importations (II. B. 137, May 4, 1921. Obsolete) 1921-56 reply to protesting nurserymen and florists 1919-37 restrictions on entrv of foreign plants widely misunderstood (H. B. 130, February 25, 1921. Obsolete) 1921-44 statement in explanation of quarantine No. 37 presented by Chairman (Dr. C. L. Marlatt) Of Federal Horticultural Board, at conference. May 15, 1922 1922-5 the selective features of (II. B. 158, July 22. 1922. Obsolete* 1922-103 See also Nursery stock, plant, and w> 1019 21 Treasury Decision No. 37070 1010-59 amendment No. 2, effective June 1, 1019 1010-33 Treasury Decision No. 37070 ..1919-59 amendment No. 3, effective August 16,1910 . 19 Treasury Decision No. 38116 ... .. 1919-110 regulations revised (to incorporate amendments Nos. I, 2, and 3), Issued February 28, 1020 Not in B. R. a. regulations revised, effective August l, 1021.. 1021-30 I treSS not ice 1921-39 Treasury Decision No. 38812 1021 172 amendment No. l. effective October 13, 1022 1922-108 pressnotice 1922-109 amendment No. 2, effective January I, 1023 1022 110 pressnotice v,>.!2 ill regulations revised (second revision), effective April 5, 1023.. 1023-80 Treasury Decision No. 30684 19 amendment No. 1, effective July 1, 1024 1024-83 pressnotice LOS amendment No. 2, effective November 20, 1924 . ... 1924-120 amendment No. 3, effective January 10, 1925 1025-15 amendment No. 4, effective January l, 1028.. Not in s. i; a. regulations revised, effective April 1. 1027 1027-2 Treasury Decision No. 42163 19 amendment No. l, effective August 1, 1928 1928 83 1 nress notice 19 Treasury Decision No. 42073 1928-83 regulations revised, effective November 1, 1928 Not in S. k. A. Treasury Decision No. 43163 . ... amendment No. 1, effective August l, 1929... Treasury Decision No 1929-168 regulations revised, effective December 22, 1930 1930-159 Tr. i 1931-13 amendment No. I, effective July l, 1932 1932 37 Treasury Decision No. 45703 19 amendment No. 2, effective January 14, 1935 1935-11 Treasury Decision No. 47515 . 1035-13 statement concerning narcissus action 1935-14 regulations revised January 14, 1935 (reprinted to incorporate amendment No. 2), issued 1036 Treasury Decision No. 18257 1036-43 amendment No. 3, effective December 1, 1938 1938-128 press notice 1038-128 statement concerning 193S-128 Treasury Decision No. 49788. 1938-18 notice of the nursery stock regulations. (Superseded by quarantine No. 37): .Rules and regulations for carrying out the Plant Quarantine Act, effective September 18, 1912 Not in S. R. A. revised, effective December 3, 1912 Not in S. R. A. amendment No. 1 (plant quarantine decision No. 1), effective April 1, 1013.. NotinS.R.A. amendment No. 2 (plant quarantine decision No. 2), effective April 15, 1913 ... _. NotinS.R.A. amendment No. 3 (plant quarantine decision No. 3), effective May l, 1913 Not in S. H. a. revised, effective July 1, 1913 ... NotinS.R.A. amendment No. 1 (plant quarantine decision No. 4), effective August l. 1013 ...... ... . Not in S. R. A. Rules and regulations under the Plant Quarantine Act: General, including nursery stock, effective July 1, 1914. (Supersedes Rules and regulations for carrying out the Plant Quarantine Act; superseded by quarantine No. 37) 1914-36 amendment No. 1, effective Apnl 19, 191 X,,t in S. R. A. revised, Title: Rules and regulations governing the importation of nursery stock into the United St e July 1,1016 . 1016-45 Treasury Decision No - 1016-61 Treasury Decision N 19 notice of permit requirement for Aglaonema, effective June l, 1930 1930-73 Treasury Decision No. 44048 .. 1030-74 notice of Shipment B condition of entry (H. B. 131, March 23, 1921. Obsolete 1021-64 orchids, restrictions on: 1 -notice 1920-35 P. Q. C. A. 218. July 24, 1027. (Superseded by P. Q C \ 278 102! 34 revised, October 8, 1028 - .1028-121 P. Q. C. A. 278, effective Julj 1,1030 1030-71 Sective July 17, 103 1931-108 oriental fruit Stocks, entry under quarantine No, 37, effective July 1, 1932 _ 19 Treasury Decision No. 45704. - L032-0Q ;>s SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Nursery stock, plant. and seed quarantine (No. 37)— Continued. ^ packing materials: Year and W authorized „ . 1920-34 for bulbs, conns, nuts and seeds (B. E. P. Q. 369, effective March 4, 1935; superseded 11 B. 132, revised) 1935-16 for Imported plants: H. B. 132. revised. June 8, 1921. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 369)... 1921-52 B. E. P. Q. 889, effective March 4, 1935 1935-16 sterilization requirements for earth used as 1919-32 willow withes as plant ties prohibited from Europe and Canada (B. E. P. Q. 365, effective October 1. 1934) 1934-71 peat, ground. See Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37). packing materials. permits: issued under regulation 3 (If. B. 156. July 26, 1922. Obsolete) 1922-107 outstanding, to be revoked May 31, 1919 (H. B. 104, March 25, 1919. Obsolete) 1919-35 pest Interceptions: bad condition of French fruit stocks (H. B. 123, April 19, 1920. Obsolete 1 ! 1920-36 general statement -. 1921-104 brown-tail moth and white tree pierid, nests of, on French stocks (IT. B. 128, February 8, L921. Obsolete) 1921-43 gypsy moth and brown-tail moth on French stocks (H. B. 102, February 28, 1919. Obsolete) 1919-23 on foreign plants offered for entry (II. B. 150, May 12, 1922. Obsolete) 1922-29 on plants from Holland 1918-110 statement regarding Annual Letter of Information No. 34 1921-10 Philippine Islands, for quarantine purposes regarded as a foreign country 1916-55 pines, entry of, placed under quarantine No. 37 by revocation of quarantines Nos. 7 and 20, press notice 1936-103 plant products in living state, other than classes enumerated in regulation 2, importation of (H. B. 144, February 27. 1922. Obsolete) 1922-25 Plant Quarantine Act and Quarantine No. 37, address by Lee A. Strong 1938-138 prohibition of importation of nursery stock, views of the Department 1918-5 propagation, utilization, segregation, labeling, charting: II. B. 194. April 21, 1926. (Superseded by P. Q. C. A. 308) 1926-30 revised March 15, 1927 1927-11 revised Julv28, 1927 1927-114 H. B. 201, March 21, 1927. (Superseded bv P. Q. C. A. 285) 1927-15 revised November 14, 1927 1927-148 P. Q. C. A. 285, July 23, 1930. (Obsolete) 1930-110 P. Q. C. A.30«, Julv 15, 1931. (Superseded by B. P. Q. 341) 1931-110 B. P. Q. 341, August 20, 1932. (Revision of P. Q. C. A. 308.) (Obsolete) 1932-86 Puerto Hi "o, for quarantine purposes regarded as a part of the United States 1916-55 quantity limits: general (P. Q. C. A. 278, effective July 1, 1930) 1930-71 revised, effective July 17, 1931 1931-108 narcissus. See Nursery Stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37), narcissus, orchids. See Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37), orchids. quarantine No. 37, proposed, hearing, notice of 1918-30 press notice 1918-31 quarantine 37 to be strictly enforced as to plants brought by travelers and others (H. B. 136, May 4, 1921) 1921-55 reasons for rejection of miscellaneous plant importations (II. B. 137, May 4, 1921. Obsolete). 1921-56 reshipments interstate, instructions to inspectors (H. B. 2, January 27, 1915. Obsolete) 1915^1 restrictions of War Trade Board on importations of nursery stock 1918-45 rhododendron stocks. See Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37), azalea, rose stocks: for propagating purposes restricted to smallest sizes possible (H. B. 157, August 9, 1922. Obsolete) 1922-1C7 ultimate exclusion probable 1925-93 See also Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37) fruit stocks, sand. See Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37), earth, seedlings, or lining-out stock not permitted entry (II. B. 116, November 21, 1919. Obsolete) .. 1919-124 seeds, definition of -_ 1919-105 segregation. See Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37), propagation, soil. See Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37), earth. special permits, application for. See Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37) appli- cation for special permit, stocks. See Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37), azalea, and fruit stocks, and maple, and pest interceptions, and rose stocks. strawberry plants defined as nursery stock 1916-90 substitution of private shipping card and misleading certification for foreign marking, etc 1916-75 supplemental agreement of permittee 1927-84 unclaimed nursery stock: disposition of (Treasury Decision No. 36532) 1916-75 recommendation for amending Treasury Decision No. 34151 1916-73 sale of 1914 (S. R. A. No. l)-6 utilization. See Nursen stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37), propagation. Vicia, seeds of, notice of permit requirement, effective August 1, 1936. 1936-102 Treasury Decision No. 4K512 1936-102 views of the Department on prohibiting the entry of nursery stock.. 1918-5 violations of quarantine No. 37 Cspecial cases): Bopmarj and Sons p. (H. B. 139, June 14*, 1921) -... 1921-57 case adjusted HI. B. 155, Julv 21, 1922) - 1922-107 National Bulb Farms (H. B. 149, Slav 12, 1922) - 1922-29 Pereboom, John (If. B. 204. May 2s, 1027) 1927-83 adjusted (If. B. 200, July 9, 1927) 1927-113. Set also Violations. i\ni:\ 58 ry stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37) Continued. , . , waning: ) <;r and page si inclusion of bulbs not authorized entry under regulation 3, etc. '<< Y\ bite-fringed beetle. Papaya fruitfly. See United States quarantined to protect Hawaii (quarantine No 51). Papua, Australian, summary of plant-quarantine import restrictions (B. E. P. Q. 467, January 14, - 1938-15 Paraguay, summary of plant-quarantine import restrictions (B. E. P. Q. 502, September 22, 1939).. 1939-124 Parlatoria blanchardi. Sec Date-palm scale insects quarantine (No. 6). Passengers, warning to. See Warning. Peach mosaic disease, quarantine proposed, hearing, notices of 1936-111,112 press notices 1936-111 report, press notice 1937-24 Peaches from Mexico, warning to passengers 1918-82 Pectinophora gossypiella (Saund.). See Pink bollworm. Hawaiian and Puerto Rican cotton, etc. Penalties. See Violations. Penang. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Malaya, British. Pennsylvania, finding of: gypsy moth, press notice. 1932-64 potato wart disease 1918-90; 1919-98 Perak. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Malaya, British. Pereboom, John, violation of quarantine No. 37 (H. B. 204, May 28, 1927) 1927-83 case adjusted (H. B. 206, July 9, 1927).... 1927-113 Peridermium sp. See Woodgate rust quarantine (No. 65). Peridermium strobi Kleb. See White-pine blister rust. Perlis. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Malaya, British. Peronospora maydis Raciborski. See Corn-disease quarantine (No. 21); Corn-diseases quarantine (No. 24). Persia. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Iran. Personnel: Federal Horticultural Board; changes in 1919-122; T24-127 roster 1927-159 Plant Quarantine and Control Administration, roster 1928-144 See also Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, organization of; Bureau of Plant Quarantine, organization of; Plant Quarantine and Control Administration, organization of; also under names of chiejs, associate chief, and assistant chiefs. Peru: import restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions. pest survey, fruitfly 1925-43; 1933-227, 240 Pests intercepted. See Annual letter of information; List of pests intercepted during. Pest surveys in foreign countries: Antigua, fruitfly 1933-227,231 Argentina, fruitfly 1925-13 press notice 1927-17.58 Barbados, fruitfly • 1933-227.233 Brazil, fruitflv 1933-227.235 British Bahama Islands, fruitfly... 1933-227.228 British Honduras, fruitfly . 1926-10 Canary Islands, fruitfly, press notice 1927-144 Central America, fruitfly 1924-20 Chile, fruitfly 1925-43; 1933-227. 238 Colombia, fruitfly. 1924-20 Cuba: bean pod borer. 1925-103 fruitfly 1923-163; 192.5-102 potato diseases. 1924-21 Dominica, fruitfly 1933-227.232 Dominican Republic, fruitfly... 1933-227. 229 Ecuador, fruitflies 1937-25 France, fruitfly and nursery stockpests i_. 1925-73 Guadeloupe, fruitfly 1933-227.231 Guatemala, fruitfly.. 1926-10 Haiti, fruitfly '. 1933-227.229 Honduras, fruitfly 1926-10 Italv, fruitflv.... 1925-18 Jamaica, fruitfly.... 1933-227.228 Martinique, fruitfly... 1933-227,232 Mexico: fruitfly.. ... 1923-57,163 other pests -^ 1923-57 Nevis, fruitflv .. . . ..1933-227.230 Panama, fruitfly 1926-102 Peru, fruitfly 1925-13; 1933-227, 240 Portugal, fruitfly . . - . 1925-18 St. Kitts, fruitfly 1933-227.230 St. Lucia, fruitfly 1933-227,232 St. Vincent, fruitfly. . 1933-227,233 Spain, fruitfly 192.5-18.73 pressnotice 1927-103.142 Trinidad, fruitfly... 1933-227.234 Uruguay, fruitfly 1933-227,238 Virgin Islands, American, fruitfly. -• 1933-227.230 West Indies, fruitfly 1933-227 Philippine Islands: for purposes of the Plant Quarantine Act, regarded as a foreign country.. 1916-55 import restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions. nursery stock inspection 1915-59; 1916-54,103; 1923-77; 1927-9; 1930-167; 1936-25. INDEX 61 Phoenicococcu* marlatti. See Date palm BOale insects quarantine (,Xo. 6). .. , Phoin ; jequarantk* N \ ear and pagi tension proposed, hearing, DOtice I 1930-75,158; 1931-116; 1932-112 press notice . . .... 1980-76,168 general statement, situation, I ito 1928-110; 1929-205 lifted, not ire of. effective March I, 1833 1933-148 Instructions to postmasters. .. ............ l '.'33-148 preaanoUoe 1933-147 to oommon carriers 1933-148 notJoeof, effective June 1, 1929 1929-119 instructions to postmasters 1929-123 press notice 1889 118 to common carriers 1989-122 to general public - 1929-123 amendment \'o. l. effective November 1, 1939. - 1929-228 instructions to postmasters 1929-229 to common carriers 1929-229 to poneral public 1929-229 revised, effective November 30, 1931 1931-149 instructions to ; 1932-15 to comm on carriers . . . 1931-153 to general public 1931-153 proposed , hearing, not ice of 1928-135 press notice .. 1928-134 violations. S« Violations. Phyllophaga spp. 5fe Hawaiian and Puerto Kican quarantine covering sand, etc. (Xo. 60). Physoderma diseases of corn. 5ff Corn diseases quarantine (No. 24). Phytalus spp. See Hawaiian and Puerto Kiean quarantine covering sand, etc. (No. 60). Pine-shoot moth. See European pine-shoot moth. Pink bollworm (including domestic quarantines Xos. 9, 46, and 52 and foreign quarantine Xo. 8): domestic administrative instructions: disinfection, marking, inspection, cleaning 1920-116 fumigation: of cotton lint: omission authorized for movement from certain counties in Texas and Mexico: P. Q. C A. 881, effective June 1, 1930 (obsolete) 1930-79 P. Q. C. A. 318, effective August 1, 1931. (Superseded by B. P. Q. 342 1931-116 B. P. Q. 342. effective September 15, 1932 (obsolete) 1932-88 produced in Chaves Countv, X. Me\. (P. Q. C. A. 300, effective November 30, 1930. Modified P. Q. C. A. 281. (Obsolete)) .. 1930-170 produced in Eddy and Otero Counties, X. Mex. (P. Q. C. A. 298, effective October 20, 1930. Modified P. Q. C. A. 281. (Ob- solete)) 1930-168 of cotton lint, linters, and samples, omission authorized when moved from certain counties in Texas, Xew Mexico, and Arizona. (B. P. O. 342, effective September 15, 1932. (Obsolete)) 1932-88 of freight cars 1920-116 See also Pink bollworm, domestic, administrative instructions, treatment; pink bollworm, domestic, control, permits for movement of cotton and cotton products from area in Florida (B. P. Q. 345, effective October 29. 1932. (Obsolete)) 1932-119 price forecasts prohibited (H. B. 214, June 15, 1928. (Obsolete)) 1928-52 treatment requirements- for cotton lint (haled) from heavily infested areas (B. E. P. Q. 388, March 1,1936. (Obsolete)) 1936-3 for cotton linters (baled) ginned from cottonseed produced in lightly in- fested areas (B. E. P. Q. 450, May 27, 1937. Obsolete) 1937-98 for cottonseed from lightly infested areas. (B. E. P. Q. 459, July 27, 1937. Obsolete) 1937-218 removed or suspended: for baled lint and linters, and products thereof: from certain lightlv infested area in Xew Mexico and Texas: B. E. P. Q. 414, September 28, 1936 1936-107 notice to common carriers 1936-108 revised, Mav 27, 1937. (Superseded bv B. E. P. Q.'s492, 493) 1937-98 B. E. P. Q. 192, March 30, 1939 (expired) 1939-25 B. E. P. Q. 403, March 30, 1939 1939-25 revised May 1, 1940 1940-57 produced or manufactured from sterilized cottonseed from regulated area in Florida (B. E. P. Q. 393, April 13, 1936. (Obsolete)) ........... 1936-45 for baled lint and linters, and product- thereof, cottonseed bulls, cake, and meal from certain lightly infested area in N< m M rico and Texas: B. E. P. Q. 493, March 30, 1939 1939-25 revised May 1, 1940 .1940-57 for baled linters and products thereof, cottonseed hulls, cake, and meal produced in certain Texas counties (B. E. P. Q. 492, March 30, 1939; expin. I 1939-25 for samples of lint cotton (B, K. P. <) ft. IfaaohSO, 1989) PJ39-26 See also Pink bollworm, domestic, administrative instructions, fum- igation. rest i for cotton linters. cottonseed hulls, cake, and meal, and area extended in which baled cotton lint mav lie moved without treatment (B. E. P. Q. 493, revised May 1,1940) 1940-57 62 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS rink bollworm — Continued. domesl to— < lie 1939-25 amendment No. 1, effective September 15, 1939 1939-103 inst ruct ions to post masters. 1939-105 press notice 1939-103 to common carriers 1939-105 to general public. _ _ 1939-105 amendment No. 2, effective September 25, 1939. (Superseded amendment No 1) 1939-106 inst ruct ions to post masters... 1939-108 press notice 1939-106 to common carriers... 1939-108 to general public... 1939-108 amendmenl No. 3, effective November20, L939. (Superseded amendment No. 2). 1939-140 instructions to postmasters 1939-143 press notice 1939-140 to common carriers 1939-142 to general public 1939-143 END] 65 I'ink ■ .. . domestic— Contii - I report of - ram - min- itive instrut I re\ ! 1 . scouting L921-100; 1925 . sen ithern cotton mills i 1917-105 situation, • i •j- -, 1918-64 - • general statements - ... . • •-•h. infestation f< . 1'.<33-212 : K50-1, 114; 1921 -2. 13 7, 99, 128; 1922 iy2i-4 1916-143: 1917-& j92(>-' 21-2,17 . -- 25-29,8 RioClran.ii Valley Tfexas 1917-113, 119. 135, 1918 79, 83 7, 97, 126; 1922 J-2, 16,25.8 hitive to: Arizona SO, 175 Louisiana 192 S3, 76, 78; 192 Mexico 1921-138; 1923-4,68 15 1918-1, 12, 13, 14, 26, 89, 9 1921-3. 11,97 2:1925-63,68. 88; status of. See Pink holhvorm. dom sterilisation. See Pink holhvorm. domestic, control; Pink bollworm. domestic, administrative instructions. violations. Ste Violations, foreign: control: burning picker a ste fumieat ion houses . . 1918-16, 192>>-> - • 101; 1922-131; 1923-01; 1924 27 • «o Fumieation pi . fumi.ation metl H. B. lv • v v H B 42 ... 1915-82 H. B. 42. March 22 - by H B. 164 suppl-mem. March 22. I 12 I N A In 8 R. A. H. B. 164, March 1. 1923 12 1 cooperation with: Lower California. Mexico 1920-1 18 Mexico .... 1925-67 corn, restrictions on entry from Mexico. See Euroj^an corn borer, foreign; Mexican corn quarantine N cotton: samples. See Cotton regulations. waste, containing seed, as packing material 1917-09, 137; 19 cotto: African, destruction of 1916-69 • • 1 Indian, des Lice 1 danger from: -*n ships coaling unauthorized entry of Mexican labon n ent- -i cotton'at Juar.-z. refus- ! 192 infestation in: African cottonseed, pai • l'.' 16-69 ■- ili.i Brazil In: 1921-101 ■<> Pink bollworm, foreign, situ notice of quarantine N ins:- amenrtment No. 1. •■!'• instructs • 66 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Pink hairworm -Continued. foreign— Continued. _. . not Ice of quaranl ine No. 8, effect ive July 1, 1913— Continued. Yenr and PW amendment No. 2, with regulations, effective June 17, 1914 1914-30 an endment No. 3, effective November 4, 1916 (revokes amendments Nos. 1 and2) - - -. 1916-141 instructions to postmasters 1916-153 Treasury Decision No. 36834 1916-142 amendment No. 4, effective July 1, 1917 1917-16 explanation of. — - 1917-21 instructions to postmasters 1917-41 Treasury incision No. 37129 1917-41 price forecasts prohibited (H. B. 214, June 15, 1928. Obsolete) 1928-52 protecting the united States from 1921-4 press notice 1P17-1 regulation of traffic in Mexico - 1925-67 revolving fund requested for disinfection of cars, freight, etc., from Mexico 1918-15, 27 safeguards on entry of cotton, etc., from Lower California 1917-21 press notice ... ... 1917-21 samples, cotton. See Cotton regulations. situation, or status, in: Egypt. 1918-64 Mexican border 1921-4 Mexico 1916-143: 1917-58, 105, 119, 136, 143; 1918-25,63, 88, 122; 1919-19, 118; 1920-119; 1921-4; 1923-57; 192.VM. violation. See Violations. waste. Set Pink bollworm, foreign, cotton waste. See alto Cotton regulations; Cottonseed products regulations: Hawaiian and Puerto Rican cotton, etc., quarantine No. 47; Hawaiian cotton quarantine (Xo. 23); Mexican border regu- lations; Mexican corn quarantine (No. 42). Plant insj ection of foreign countries. Set Nursery stock, countries maintaining inspection. Plant introduction gardens, inspection of . . .. 1919-32 Plant introductions, liberal provisions for, press notice 1921-42 Plant pest and quarantine work in Agriculture Department merged, press notice 1934-38 Plant pests, intercepted. See Annual letter of information; List of pests intercepted during. Plant Quarantine Act: amendments: (Portions of appropriation acts affecting the substantive powers of the Secre- tary of Agriculture over nursery stock, plants, etc. have been considered and listed as amendments to the Act even though not containing language explicitly designating them as such.) March 4, 1913 (sec. 7), relating to importations for scientific purposes, text of entire act-. 1914-43 March 4, 1915, providing for terminal inspection 1915-20 amended June 4. 1936, relating to enforcement of State plant quarantines 1936-179 March 4, 1917 (sec. 8), broadening the plant quarantine powers (1) for immediate appli- cation to the white-pine blister rust; and (2) to cover stone and quarry products; and clarifying the quarantine powers of the Secretary by inserting the clause "when the public interests will permit" 1917-30 H. B. 81, March 17. 1917 1917-30 May 31, 1920. Sec. 15 added, relating to the District of Columbia 1920-133 suggested draft 1918-124 April 13, 1926 (sec. 8), restoring quarantine authority of States as affected by Supreme Court decision 1926-61 Dr. C. L. Marlatt's letter of January 24, 1927, concerning 1927-50 May 1, 1928 (sec. 10), authority to inspect 1928-51 Treasury Decision 42952 .. 1928-90 May 16, 1928, functions of Federal Horticultural Board transferred to Plant Quarantine and Control Administration, effective July 1, 1928, and Advisory Federal Plant Quarantine Board created .. .. 1928-57 March 3, 1933, Advisory Federal Plant Quarantine Board abolished . Not in S. R. A. June 4. 1936, amending the act of March 4, 1915, relating to terminal inspection bymak- ing certain provisions for enforcing State plant quarantines 1936-179 compiled regulations under: Treasury Decision No. 40134 1924-80 amendment to, Treasury Decision No. 42279 1927-94 Treasury Decision No. 44693 1931-27 draft of suggested State laws to control interstate shipments 1927- 51 explanatory circular (H. B. 162, February 15, 1923).. 1923-48 revised March 1, 1926 (obsolete) . - 1926-22 proposed amendment limiting quarantine authority relating to importations: P. Q. C. A. 248, September 16, 1929 . Not in S. R. A. dropped without vote— Senate upholds Act 1929-176 prosecution for violation of: H. B. 175, December 28, 1923. (Superseded by P. Q. C. A. 292).. 1923-167 P. Q. C. A. 292, September 17, L930 — - 1930-129 purpose and field covered (H. B. 162, February 15, 1923) 1923-48 revised, March 1, 1926 (obsolete) 1926-22 Rules and regulations for carrying out the Plant Quarantine Act, effective September 18, 1912. (Superseded by Rules and Regulations under the Plant Quarantine Act.) Not in S. R. A. revised, effective December 3, 1912 .. .. Not in S. R. A. amendment No. 1 (plant quarantine decision No. 1), effective April 1, 1913 Not in S. R. A. amendment No. 2 (plant quarantine decision No. 2), effective April 15, 1913 Not in S. R. A. amendment No. 3 (plant quarantine decision No. 3), effective May 1, 1913 Not in S. R. A. revised, effective Jul; l, 1913 Not in S. R. A. amendment No. 1 (plant quarantine decision No. 4), effective August 1, 1913 Not in S. R. A i\i>i:\ G7 Plant Quarantine Act Continued. r , Rules and regulations under the Plant Quarantine Act: year ana page Qeneral, Including nurserj stock, effective Jul\ I. 1914. (Superseded by Quarantine \ ' 1914 86 amendment No. I, effective April 19, 1915 Not In B. K. a. revised, Title: Rules and regulations governing tin* import at ion of nursery stock Into the United states, effective July I, L916 1916-48 Treasury Decision No. It) Treasury Decision No Regulations, Rules, and Ruli - and n gulati text of act, lugusl 20, 1912 Not m B B v. unended, March 4, 1913 1914 U Bee. 7. amended 191 1 48 Bee, B, amended . 1917 31; I Bee. LO, amended I ■ Sec. 15 L920 138 r. s. District Court decision re Act and Federal quarantine No. 61 1928 i; 1932-46 l. S. Supreme Court decision re Act in relation to State quarantines 1926 ''1: 1927-60 upheld by Senate . 1929-176 violations. See Violations. also riant quarantine oonferei ral and Stat Plant Quarantine Act and Quarantim No. 17, The, by Lee A. Strong 1938-138 Plant Quarantine and Control Administration: change in leadership . 1929-182 organization of .. 1928-93, 143; 1929 is. 129, 179,247; 1930-31,88,132,199; 1931-38.89,135,171; 1932-25.50 personnel of ... I92S-144 Plant quarantine and control work, reorganization of 1928-57; 1934-38 Plant quarantine conference regarding Federal ind Si itc powers: limitations of powers as determined bj the i nited States Supreme Court 1924-67 notice of, press notice - -- 1924-25 preliminary letters to State officials 1924-23 press reports 1924-73,74 immendations l Ive unanimous endorsement . - — 1924-101 report Of 1924-67,77 Plant quarantine decisions: No. 1. Amends regulation 6, Rules and regulations for earn bag out the plant quarantine act. k, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37), notice of nursery stock r tions Not in S. R. A. No. 2. Amends regulation 5, Rules and regulations for carrying out the Plant Quarantine Act. (See Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37), notice of nursery stock regulations)— Not in S. l. No. 3. Amends regulation 8, Rules and regulations for carrying out the plant quarantine act. {Set Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (.No. 37), notice of nursery stock regu- lations) .. Not in S. R. A. No. 4. Amends regulation 7, Rules and regulations for carrying out the plant quarantine act. revised. {Set Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37). notice of nursery stock- regulations'! .. Not in S. R. A. No. 5. Amends regulation 2, Potato regulations, {See Potato regulations).. 1914 (8. R. A. No. 1)-1 No. 6. Defines "locality" and "district." {See Potato quarantine (No. 11); Potato regula- tions) ..... ..1914 (S. R. A. No. 2)-l No. 7. Amends regulation 2. Potato regUlatiOl tato regulations) 1914-84 No. 8. Amends regulation 7, Cotton n gulations. {See Cotton regulations). 1916-15 No. 9. Amends regulation 7, Cotton regulations. (See Cotton regulations) .- 1916-29 No. if). Suspends amendment No. 5 (effective August 1, 1916), Cotton regulations. (See Cotton regulations) 1916-86 No. 11. Modifies amendment No. 4 (effective August 1, 1916), Cotton regulations. (See Cotton regulations) 1916-96 No. 12. Amends regulations Nos. 2 and 6, Potato regulations. (See Potato regulations) 1916-145 Plant-quarantine import restrictions of foreign countries, summary of: (Export restrictions are included in a few instances as indicated under name of country. Addis Ababa. See Italy. Admiralty Islands. See New Guinea, Australian. Africa, East. See Italy. Africa, Equatorial. See French Colonies. Africa, South. See I nion of South Africa. Africa, West. See French Colonies. Albania (B. E. P. Q. 190, February 1, 1939) 1939-42 Algeria, French Colony of (II. E. P. Q. 113, May 6, 1937) 1937-166 Alofl Islands. Stt French Colonies. ara. See Italy. iilla, Island of. See St. Christopher and Nevis. AnjOUan. See French Colonies. Annam. Sf- French Colonies. Antigua. British West Indies (Yi. E. P. Q. 374, May 25, 1935) 18 supplement No. 1, May 12, 1936 1936-53 :.tina: B.P. Q.357, Decemher l, 1933. (Superseded by B. i: P. Q. 126) supplement No. 1, April 25, 1934 supplement No. 2, March 9, 1935 1935-24 supplement No. 3, Februar 1936-32,48 supplement No. 1, July 20, 1931 1986 114 B. B. P Q. 1-'-.. March 16, 1937 supplement No. 1, June 14, ID 1 1987-128 supplement No. 2, November 2, 1937 ... 1937-284 Buppten* : 18 supplement No. 4, November i"-. 1938 <'.s-i47 supplement No. 5, July 11. IB I 1989-118 Bupplenu vember 22, 1941 1941-97 68 SERVICE AND KEOULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Plant-quarantine Import restrictions of foreign countries, summary of— Continued. „ . ralia: Year and page P. Q. C. 1. 890, November 11, 1930. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 476) 1930-182 revised, February 8, 1032 Not in S. R. \. supplement No. l. February 17. 1933 .. 1933-164 supplement No. 2, June 28, 1034 1034-55 B. E. P. 6. 476, July 20, 1938 1938-100 supplement No. l. October 3, 1938.-. 1938-148 supplement No. 2, March 16, 1939 1939-39 supplement No. 3, Maj 9, 1930 1939-88 supplement No. 1, JuTj 8> 1939 1939-123 Austria (B. E. P. Q. 402, June 13, 1036) 1936-08 revised (import and transit restrictions) April l, 1937 1937-113 supplement No. l. May 5, 1037 1937-120 \ res (B. E. P. q. W0. June l. L036 1936-r,i Bahama Islands, British West Indies (13. E. P. Q. 378, July 10, 1935) 1935-53 Bank [slands. Ste< French Colonies. Barbados (B. E. P. Q. 433, April 1, 1037) 1937-133 supplement No. I, October n, 1937 1937-287 Barbuda. Sei Antigua, British West Indies. includes Ruanda and I Hindi). (B. E. P. Q. 448, May 20, 1937). 1937-200 ium: II. B. 151, May 15, 1922 (obsolete) 1922-36 P. Q. C. A. 315, July 9, 1931. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 437) 1931-123 supplement No. 1, November 24, 1933 1933-276 supplement No. 2. December 20, 1933 1933-289 B. E. P. 6. 137, April 12, 1937 ... 1937-140 Bermuda. British Colony of: (B. E. P. Q. 155, July 10. 1937) 1937-247 revised, July 20, 1939 1939-121 supplement No. I, August 14, 1941 1941-81 Bismarck Archipelago (B. E. P. Q. 500, June 28, 1939) 1939-89 Bolivia (B. E. P. Q. 48?. January 13. 1939) 1939-41 Borneo, Dutch. Set Netherlands East Indies. Boueainville (B. E. P. Q. 500, June 28, 1939) 1939-89 Brazil: P. Q. C. A. 294. September 22, 1930. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 379) 1930-124 press no t ice . 1930-122 supplement No. 1, Januarv 1, 1933 1933-153 supplement No. 2, November 24, 1933 1933-277 B. E. P. Q. 379. Julv 19, 1935 1935-56 supplement No. 1, September 1, 1936 1936-115 supplement No. 2, April 5. 1938 1938-68 revised March 10, 1941 1941-29 British Guiana: B. E. P. Q. 442. May 5, 1937 1937-164 supplement No. 1, September 17, 1941 1941-81 British Honduras: P. Q. C. A. 314. June 22, 1931. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 445) 1931-75 supplement No. l, August 25, 1931. 1931-126 supplement No. 3. September 30, 1933 1933-224 supplement Xo. 4, March 20, 1934 1934-22 supplement Xo. 5, May 7, 1934 1934-49 supplement Xo. 6, May 15, 1934 1934-49 supplement Xo. 7, June 15. 1934 1934-49 supplement Xo. 9, December 16, 1935 1935-94 B. E. P. Q. 445, May 10, 1937. _ __. 1937-185 supplement Xo. 2. March 9, 1938 1938-13 supplement Xo. 3, April 6. 1938 1938-69 Buka (B. E. P. Q. 500, June 28, 1939) . .. ' 1939-89 Bulgaria (B. E. P. Q. 421. November 30, 1936) 1936-202 supplemenl No. l, March 8, 1938 1938-9 Cambodia. See French Colonies. • toons, British. See Xiceria. Camercons, French. See French Colonies. Canada (B. E. P. (}. 514, May 12, 1941) 1941-55 supplement No. 1. June 26, 1941 1941-61 Central America, countries of: P. Q. c. .\. 314, June 22, 1931. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 445) 1931-75 supplement No. l, August 25, 1931 1931-126 supplemenl No. 2, February 17, 1933 1933-164 Bupplemi nt No. 3, September 30, 1933 1933-224 supplement No. 4, March 20, 1934 1934-22 BUP1 lenient No. 5, May 7. 1931 1934-49 supplement No. 6, May 15, 1034 1934-49 Supplement No. 7, June 15, 1934 1934-19 supplemenl No. 8, Januarv 21, 1935... 1935-22 supplement No. 9, December 16, 1935 1935-94 B. E. P. Q. It.".. May 10, 1937 1937-185 supplement No. 1. Januarv 29. 1938 1938-13 Supplement No. 2, March 9. 1038 1938-13 supplement No. 3, April 6, 193s _ 1938-69 Ceylon. British Colony of: H. B. 192, July 17. 1925. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 428) 1925-74 B E. P. <). 128, March 26, 1937 1937-78 supplement No. 1. Januarv 14, 1938 1938-11 revised, February 20, 1939 1939-35 INDEJ 69 inline imporl ... of Cootin i time] [stands - I md. Id page B ! by B. 1 suppl S ■ ' . supplement \ supplement No. 3, Man h 2 supplemi supplem* I 196 in B. E. P. Q. .".I!. v China iR. E. P. Q. 157, Julj 10, 1937 Ch< ■ • itish. bin-China. S« French I i, British. E P. Q. 177, August I". 1938 1938 1 10 supplement No. I. Auj nies. B E. P. Q.448, M 1937-200 P. Q. C. A. 314,Jun< i . B. K. P. Q. n: B. E. P. g. 445, Maj 10, L937 b<37-185 Cuba: P. Q S B E P. Q. U8 1930-114 pros.-; notice supplement No. 1, December 31, 1930... 11*30-190 revised, Januan supplement No. 1. December l. 1933 ...19% supplement No ! I 1934-15 supplemei tember 15, 1984 1934-79 supplement No. 4 (exportation of pineapples), October 20, 1934 1934-105 supplement No. 5, October 14, 1937 sapplemei tember 1, 1939 1939-115 supplement No. 7, April 8, 1940 1940-60 B. E. P. Q. 519, November 21, 1941. (Superseded P. Q. C. A. 283, revised, and all supplements) . I'll 97 Cyprus. Island of < H. P. o. 360, March 14, 1934) .1 supplement No. 1, May 23, 1936 1936-48 ikia: 11. B. 189, Apr ded by B. K. P. Q. 366) 193 B. E. P. Q. 366, September 2 1934-80 supplement No. I, November 26, 1934 . 1934 112 supplement No. 2, December 28, 1935 1935-95 3, March 2, 1938 ... supplement No. 4, March 23, 1937... 1937-26 Dahomey. See French Colonies. Danzig (B. E. P. u.4ny.Julv2u. : ■ l supplement No. 1. March 24, 1941 1941-39 Denmark: H. B. 199, March 9, 1927. (Superseded by P. Q. C. a. 304 P. Q. C. A. 3d4. February 24, 1931 led by B. E. P. Q. 407 ... 1 B. E. P. Q. 4u7. July 18, 1936 Dominica, British W< K P. Q. 399, June 1, 1936)... Dt No. 1. July 29. 1937 Dominican Republic (B. K. P. 6. 396, June 1, 1986).. 1936-53 supplement No. 1, July 7. 1937 Dutch Ea i u-V-198 supplement No. l, October 14, 1937 supplement No. 2, June 26, 193 I I '39-85 70 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Plant-quarantine import restrictions of foreign countries, summary of— Continued. _. , Franco: Year and page II. B. 161, May 15,1922 (obsolete) 1922-36 P. Q. C. A. 301, November 20, 1930. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 403). 1930-185 B. E. P. Q. 103, June 13, 193H - 1936-73 supplement No. I, September 2, 1937.. 1937-231 supplement No. 2, March 8, 1938... .. 1938-9 supplement Xo. 3, June 8, 1938 1938-68 French Colonies: B. E. P. Q. 398, June 1, 1936. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 465). 1936-58 B. E. P. Q. 466, October 14, 1937 1937-290 supplement No. 1, February 19, 1938.. 1938-14 French Guiana. Set French Colonies. French Lndo-China. See French Colonies. French Leeward Islands. See French Colonies. French Mandate of Syria (B. E. P. Q. 364, May 5, 1934) 1934-46 French Morocco. Set Morocco, French. French New Caledonia. See French Colonies. French Oceania. See French Colonies. French Togoland. See French Colonies. Futuna. See French Colonies. Gabon. See French Colonies. Galla and Sidama. See Italy. Gambia, Colonv of (B. E. P. Q. 424, March 3, 1937) 1937-41 revised. August 21, 1937 1937-237 Gambier Archipelago. See French Colonies. Germanv: II.' B. 151, Mav 15, 1922 (obsolete) 1922-36 P. Q. C. A. 302, December 27, 1930. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 405) 1930-187 revised, May 15, 1933 1933-185 supplement Xo. 1, September 30, 1933 1933-223 supplement Xo. 2, September 20, 1934 1934-80 supplement Xo. 3, Xovember 21, 1934 (modified supplement Xo. 2) 1934-112 supplement Xo. 4, March 20, 1935 1935-25 B. E. P. Q. 405, June 26, 1936 1936-83 supplement Xo. 1, Xovember 13, 1936 1936-181 supplement Xo. 2. March 3, 1937 1937-32 supplement Xo. 3, August 19, 1937 1937-233 supplement Xo. 4. June 9, 1938 1938-69 Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Colony of (B. E. P. Q. 432, April 1, 1937) 1937-132 Gold Coast Colony, British (B.E:P. Q. 391, March 19, 1936) 1936-38 revised, February 19, 1938 (applicable also to British Togoland) 1938-6 revised (second revision), February 20, 1939 1939-31 Grand Comoro. See French Colonies. Gnat Britain (The United Kingdom). See England. Greece: B. P. Q. 347, January 1, 1933. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 438) 1933-154 supplement Xo. 1, September 30, 1933,... 1933-221 supplement Xo. 2, May 7, 1934 1934-50 supplement Xo. 3, August 1, 1934 1934-77 supplement Xo. 4, September 3, 1935 1935-52 supplement Xo. 5. December 23, 1935 1935-94 B. E. P. Q. 438, April 12, 1937 1937-148 supplement Xo. 1, May 20, 1937 1937-154 supplement Xo. 2, January 10, 1939 1939-38 Grenada, British West Indies (B. E. P. Q. 397, June 1, 1936) 1936-56 Guadeloupe and dependencies. See French Colonies. Guatemala: r.g.C. A. 314, June22, 1931. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 445) 1931-75 supplement Xo. 2, February 17, 1933 1933-164 B. E. P. Q. 445, May 10, 1937 1937-185 Guernsey. See England. Guiana, British (B. E. P. Q. 442, Mav 5, 1937) 1937-164 supplement Xo. 1, September 17, 1941.. 1941-81 Guiana, Dutch (B. E. P. Q. 453, July 10, 1937) 1937-244 Guiana, French. See French Colonies. Guinea. See French Colonies. Guinea, Spanish (B. E. P. Q. 441, May 5, 1937) 1937-163 Haiti (B. E. P. Q. 380, Aueu^t 15, 1935) 1935-64 revised, October 14, 1937 1937-282 Harar. See Italy. Holland. See Netherlands. Honduras, Republic of: P. Q. C A. 311, June 22, 1931. (Superseded bv B. E. P. Q. 445) 1931-75 B. E. P. Q. 445, May 10, 1937 - 1937-185 Luras, British. See British Honduras. Huan Islands. See French Colonies. HuriL'arv (B. K. P. q. 427, March 25, 1937) 1937-71 India, British (B. F. P. Q. 404, June 13, 1936) 1936-79 revised, March 27, 1937 . 1937-27 supplement Xo. 1, February 16, 1940 1940-23 supplement Xo. 2, December 2, 1940 1940-95 supplement Xo. 3, March 3, 1941 1941-38 supplement No. 4, June 24, 1941 1941-61 India. French settlements in. See French Colonies. Indo-China. See French Colonies. Iran (I'crsia) (B. F. P. Q. lid, Mav 20, 1937).... 1937-201 supplement Mo. 1. January 20. 1938 .--- 1938-13 supplement \'o. 2. June 6. 1938 1938-70 supplement Xo. :$. May 22, 1939.... 1939-87 INDEX 71 Plant-quarantine import restrictions of foreign countries, summary of Continued. ,. , Iraq (Mesopotamia): i ear and page B. K. P. Q. 468, January 20, 1988 ro\ Ireland, Northern. Set England. Irish Free State: II. B. 169, July 17, 1923 (obsoleto 1923 121 1". Q. C. ' mber30, 1931 (ob» 1931-169 B. K. P. Q. 408, Julv is. 1986 19 supplement No. l. May 12, Italian Fast \frica. Set Italy. Italian Somali. Set Italy. Italy r. -, Lugusl 12, 1930. (Superseded l>y B. E P. Q. UK) . i'.'30-122 press notice 19 supplement No. I, Ms I! supplement X". 2, Noven r B. E. I' 3 ....... supplement No. 1. August 22, L93S supplement No. j. March - supplement No. s, September 16, L939 1939-122 ry Coast, Si ■ French Colon] Jamaica. British West Indies B. V. Q. 355, September 7, 1933) 19 revised, Juno 1."., 1934 - 19 supplement No. l. August l. 1934 I supplement No. 2, January 6, 1939 i supplemei ptember 22, 1939-115 Japan. Empire oJ (B. E. P. Q. 170, Febraarj 6, 1938) 1938-27 Ji'rst . land. Johore. S British. Earikal. Set French Col n B. E. P. Q. 148, Maj 20, 1937) 1937-200 Malaya, British. Kelantan. Set Malaya, British. a (B. E. I'. Q. ; -i 193S-116 supplement No. 1, Jul] 1,1939 1939-128 supplement No. 2, September 16, 1939 19 Korea (B. E. P. Q. 191. March 17, 1939). ... 1939-43 ' lalaya, British. French Co! Islands, French. See French Colonics. Ity Islands. S I n Colonies. Luxemburg, Grand Duchy of (B. E. P. Q. 389, March n. 1936) 1936 36 supplement No. 1, March '.». 1937 j Madagascar and Dependencies. See French Colonies. Madeira (B. E. P. Q. 400, June l, 1936) 1936-61 Mahe. Set French Colonies. Malacca. See Malaya, British. Malaya, British (Federated and unfederated Malay States), (B. E. P. Q. 458, July 10, 1937. rseded by B. F. P. Q. \:^ 1937 252 B. E. P. Q. 47S. A.UgUSl 16, - - - 19:38-112 supplement No. l. January 26, 1939 1939-40 Malta, British Colony of (B. E. P. Q. 406, July 18, 1936) 1936-115 revised, May 5. 1937... 1937-121 supplement Xo. 1, June 14, 1937 U»37-122 supplement Xo. 2, May 9, 1939 1939-85 supplement Xo. 3, Xovemher 19, 1941... 1941-96 Marquesas Islands. See French Colonies. Marshall Islands < B. F. P. Q. 470, February 5, 1938) 1 Martinique. Set French Col Mauritania. See French Colonies. Mauritius, Colony of (B. E. P. Q. 423, February 23, 1937) 1937-40 Mayotte. See French Colonies. Mesopotamia. See Iraq. Mexico: Lower California, cotton, etc 1917-22 H. B. 211, February 13, 1928 (obsolete).... 1928-18 supplement Xo. 1, May 10, 1928 1928-51 P. Q. C. A. 284, July 1, 1930. (Sui>erseded by B. E. P. Q. 411) 1930-118 press notice 1930 117 supplement Xo. 1, June 22, 1931 1 supplement Xo. 2, June 22, 1931 1931-78 supplement No. 3, August 25, 1931 1931-130 supplement Xo. 4, September 15, 1931 1931-131 supplement No. 5, September 15. 1931 1931-131 supplement Xo. 6 (exportation of cacti), February I, 1932 supplement No. . 1933-288 supplement Xo. S (exportation of cacti), February 28, 1934 supplement No. 9, Septem: 1 supplement No. 10, December 28, \'->m 1931-U5 supplement No. H. March 8, 1935 1935-22 B. E. P. Q. 411, August 24, 1936 193< supplement No. I, September 18, 1939 supplement No. 2, April 8, 1940 i supplement No. 3, July 28, 1941 ... 1941-80 Middle C I ranch Colonies. M obeli. See Frei Montserrat, British West Indies (B. E. P. Q. tin, April 1, 1937) 1937-128 72 SERVICE AND RKCILATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Plant-quarantine import restrictions of foreign countries, summary of— Continued Year and page Morocco. French (B. K . P. Q. HI, May 7. 1937) 1937-175 supplement No. i. October 14, 1937 1937-290 supplement ouary31, 1938 .• 1938-n supplemenl No.:?. March 8, L938 1938-12 revised, July 1, 1938 1938-ss supplemenl No. 1, January 22, 1941 1941-38 ri Sembilan. Set Malaya, British. Netherlands, The Kingdom of : (Holland) 11. B. LSI, Ma\ L5, L922 (obsolete) - 1922-36 circular modifying, March 20, 1924. 1924-25 P. Q. C. A. 303, January 21. 1931_ 1931-16 supplement No. 1, February 19, 1934 1934-15 Netherlands Fast Indies (B. E. P. Q. 429, March 27, 1937) 1937-81 supplement No. 1. November 9, 1937 1937-286 Netherlands Guiana (B. F. P. Q. 453, July 10, 1937) 1937-244 Nevis. Set Bt. Christopher and Nevis. New Britain (B. E. P. Q. 500, June 28, 1939) 1939-89 I !aledonia and dependencies, French. See French Colonies. New Guinea, Australian (including Bismarck Archipelago (New Britain, New Ireland, New Hanover. Admiralty Islands) Buka, Bougainville (Solomon Islands)) (B. E. P. Q. 500, June 28, 1939) 1939-89 New Hanover (B. E. P. Q. 500, June 28, 1939) 1939-89 New Hebrides. See French Colonies. New Ireland (B. E. P. Q. 500. June 28, 1939).. 1939-89 New Zealand (P. Q. C. A. 306, March 26, 1931) 1931-23 supplement No. 1. August 25,1933. : 1933-218 supplement No. 2, June 25, 1934 1934-53 supplement No. 3, March 9, 1936 1936-30 supplement No. 4, August 21, 1937 , 1937-230 supplement No. 5, September L0, 1938 1938-88 Nicaragua: P. Q. C. A. 314. June 22, 1931. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 445.) 1931-75 B. E. P. Q.445, l.May 10, 1937 1937-185 Nieer. See French Co on ies. Nigeria, Colony and Protectorate (including British Cameroons) (B. E. P. Q. 454, July 10, 193D ... . 1937-245 supplement No. 1, February 4, 1939. 1939-39 Northern Ireland. See England. Northern Rhodesia (B. E. P. Q. 435, April 5, 1937) 1937-137 Norway (B. P. Q. 350, March 1, 1933) 1933-164 supplement No. 1, June 15, 1934 1934-52 supplement No. 2, October 26, 1937 1937-287 Nossi-Be. See French Colonies. Nyasaland Protectorate (B. E. P. Q. 456, July 10, 1937) 1937-249 Oceania, French. See French Colonies. Oubangi-Chari. See French Colonies. Pahang. See Malava, British. Palestine, British (B. E. P. Q. 370, December 20, 1934) 1934-113 supplemenl No. 1, August 15, 1935 1935-52 revised, March 9, 1936.. 1936-33 supplement No. 1, September 1, 1936 1936-114 Panama: P. Q. C. A. 314, June 22, 1931. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 445) 1931-75 B. E. P. Q. 445, May 10, 1937. 1937-185 Papua. Australian (B. E. P. Q. 467, Januarv 14, 1938)_ 1938-15 Paraguay (B. E. P. Q. 502. September 22, 1939) 1939-124 supplement No. l. May 9, 1940 1940-61 Penang. Set Malaya. British. Perak. Set Malaya, British. Perlis. See Malaya, British. Persia. Nee Iran. Peru (B. Q. C. A. 310, May 18, 1931) ! .1931-72 supplemenl No. 1, June 15, 1931 1934-53 supplement No. 2, September 15, 1934 1934-78 supplement No. 3, October 10, 1934 . 1934-104 supplement No. 4, March 9, 1937 1937-26 Philippine Islands (B. E. P. Q. 363, May 1, 1934) 1934HU) supplement No. l,Mav9, 1935 1935-42 Poland (B. E. B. Q. 368, Nov. 1. 1931) 1934-105 supplement No. 1, April 11, 1936.. 1936^9 supplement No. 2, October 14, 1937 - --- 1937-281 Bondicherv. See French Colonies. Portugal (B. F. B. O. too, June 1, 1936) 1936-61 Redonda. Set Antigua. Reunion Island. Set French Colonies. Rhodesia: Northern (B. F. B. Q. 135, April 5, 1937) 1937-137 Southern (B. E. P. O. 446, May io, 1937).. 1937-190 Ruanda (B. E. P. Q. us. May 20, 1937) 1937-200 Rumania (B, F. P. Q. 422, February 6, 19371 1937-33 supplemenl No. I, March 23. 1937 - 1937-39 supplement No. 2, Mav 6, 1937 1937-125 supplement No. 3, Januarv 0. 1939 1939-34 Supplement No. 4, June 22, 1939 1939-86 Russia. Set ( nion of Soviet Socialist Republics. St. Christopher and Nevis, British West Indies (B. F. B. Q. 381, September 3, 1935) 1935-65 revised, January 11, 193s 1938-4 t.Kitts. See St. Christopher and Nevis. u antine Import restrictions ol ton Igi summary of Continued. ^ " u '"''' '"" ; '' Lucia, British West Indies, Colons ol B. I P. Q. 134, ipril 1, 1937 1937 135 revised, October 14, 1937 193 supplemenl No. l. June 22, 19 St. Vincent, British West Indies, Colon) B I P. Q. 131, Ipril I. 1937 i" supplement No. i. August 17, 1937 11 Mane-de-Madagascar. Set French Colon Salvador: P. Q. C. A. 814, June 22, 1931. (Superseded by B. I P. Q M 1931 ::. supplemenl No. 8, Januan 21, 1935 B. E. P. Q. 443, M ftj 10, 1937 I ■• supplemenl No. I, Januarj Western. Set \r« Zealand. \ Zealand. England. S Malaya, British. Sei I rench Colonies. Seychelles, British Colony of (B. K. P. Q. 140, Maj 5, 1937) 1937 161 Sidama, Galla and. Set Italy. Sierra Leone, British Colony of (B. E. P. Q. 390, March 19, I ISO 1936 36 revised, June 16, 1939 1939 116 See J a, British. Society Islands. Set French Colonies, Solomon Islands. luinea, Australian. Somali, Italian. S < Italy. Somaliland. Set French Colonies. South Africa. Set Union of South Africa. Southern Rhodesia (B. E. P. Q. M6, Maj 10, 19871 1937-190 Spain. (B. E. P. Q. 401, June 12, 1936) 1936 64 nish Guinea ill. F P. Q. Ml, May 6, L937) - iy:i7 163 Straits Settlements. Set Malaya, British. Sudan. Set French Colonies. Surinam (Netherlands Guiana) (B. E. I ilj 10,1937) 19 len: P. g. C. A. 321, August l. 1931. (Superseded by B. K. P. Q. 439) 1931-126 supplemenl No. 1. February 17, 1933 - 1933 164 B. K. P. Q. 439, April 12. 1937 ... 19 supplemenl No. l. August is. 1937 1938 n Switzerland (B. E. P. Q. 413, September 28, 1936 193 i-137 revise,), November 15, 1938 1938-142 I, French (B. P. Q. 364, Mas 5, 1934) 19 Tanganyika (B. E. P. Q. 452, July 10, 1937) . :... 1937-242 supplement No. 1, August 19, 1937 . .. 1937-244 Tasmania. See Australia. Tcha 1. Set French Col Tobago i B. B. P. Q. lis. November 17, 193'M93 Togotend, British. Set Cold ("oast Colony, British. Togoland, French. See French Colonies. Tonkin. Ne< French Colonies. Torres Islands. See French Colonies. Trengganu. Se< Malaya, British. Trinidad and Tobago, British (B. F. P. Q. lis. November 17. 1986).. -- 1936-193 Tuamotou. See French Colonies. Tubuai. Set French Colonies. Tunisia. French (B. E. P. (). 183, November 15, 1938) 1938 1 18 Turkey I B. E. P. Q. (51, July 10, 1937) 1937 240 supplement No. I, July 6, 1938 1938 99 supplement No. 2, September 15, 1939 19 ■ la. Se< Kenya. Unfederated Malay States. Set Malaya, British. D Islands. Set New Zealand. Union Of South Africa: P. q. C. A 297, October 16, 1930. (Superseded bv B. F. P. Q. -171) 1930 179 supplement No. I, August 25, 1931 supplement No. 2, November 28, 1931. .. .. 1931-169 supplemenl No. 3, June L5, 1933 B. F. P. Q. 471, Feb: . supplement No. 1, May 4, 1939 1939-87 supplement No. 2, February 23, 1940 1940 36 ;. lenient No. 3. July 26, L941 1941 82 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics B i (Superseded by B. F. P. <«> 126 B I March 3, 1937 .. Zealand. B I 19 revised September 14, L940 supplement No. 1, August 28, 1941 . Lfl supplement No. 2, December 26, 1941 Crundi | B. F P. Q M8, M May 12. 1939 19 West Indies (B E. P G 18 W i>. illd. • rench Colonies. W< .. », British. West Africa, French. Set French Colon land. Yanaon. Stt French Colo: 74 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Plant-quarantine import restrictions of foreign countries, summary of— Continued. Year and page Yugoslavia | B. K. P. Q. 447, May 20, 1937) 1937-195 supplement No. 1, July 23, 1937. 1937-239 supplement No. 2, October 14, 1937... 1937-290 supplement No. 3, March S, 1938 1938-13 supplement No. t. March 1, 1939 1939-38 Plant-quarantine officials, state, list of - 1914-45; L916 52; 1921-38; 1923-77; 1924-78; 1925-55; 1927-9; 1928-21, 154; 1930-167; 1936-25 Plant quarantines: domestic, genera] statement: P. q. ('. A. 295, October 15, 1930. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 410) 1930-177 B. E. P. Q. 111). J uly 29, 1936 1936-125 Federal: compilation of: Treasury Decision No. 40134 1924-80 amendment to, Treasury Decision No. 42279 1927-94 Treasury Decision No. 44693 .. 1931-27 list of, numerical 1933-241 legal data regarding litigation (P. Q. C. A. 335, May 16, 1932) 1932-43 State. See State plant quarantines. See also List of current quarantines; Notice of quarantine; and tinder specific name of quarantine. Plant safeguard regulations: administrative instructions; citrus fruit from Mexico in transit to foreign countries via the United States (B. E. P. Q. 507, January 24, 1940) 1940-13 Treasury Decision No. 50161.. . 1940-40 Amendment to the compiled regulations (T. D. 40134). (Treasury Decision No. 42279) 1927-94 citrus fruit. Mexican, bonded shipments through the United States: authorized routes: H. B. 147, April 13, 1922. (Superseded by P. Q. C. A. 305) 1922-94 supplement No. 1, July 21, 1922 1922-129 supplement No. 2, October 17, 1922. (Supersedes supplement No. 1) Not in S. E. A. supplement No. 3, November 15, 1923. (Supersedes supplements Nos. 1 and 2) 1923-168 revised, February 1, 1926 1926-19 P. Q. C. A. 305, February 27, 1931. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. 507) 1931-19 revised September 11, 1933 1933-225 B. E. P. Q. 507, January 24, 1940 1940-13 Treasury Decision No. 50161 1940-40 shipment authorized under certain conditions. 1914-68,79 additional routings, etc.. 1915-16; 1917-44 cotton: from Canadian ports, immediate transportation in bond 1916-74 shipment: in bond, Treasury Decision No. 36394 1916-61 to foreign countries via the United States (H. B. 45, March 29, 1916. Obsolete). 1916-40 earth, unsterilized, with plants, not permitted entry (H. B. 115, November 15, 1919. Obso- lete) 1919-123 notice of I. E. and I. T. & E. regulations (Rules and regulations governing (1) entry for im- mediate export and (2) entry for immediate transportation and exportation in bond of pro- hibited plants and plant products which, revised, became Rules and regulations governing (1) entry for immediate export, (2) entry for immediate transportation and exportation in bond, and (3) safeguarding the arrival at a port where entry or landing is not intended, of pro- hibited plants and plant products) effective December 1, 1917 1917-121 Treasury Decision No. 37433 1917-143 revised, effective August 1, 1920.... 1920-99 press notice 1920-98 Treasury Decision No. 38489 1920-145 superseded by Plant safeguard regulations, effective December 1, 1932. notice of plant safeguard regulations, effective December 1, 1932 1932-119 Treasury Decision No. 46211 1933-150 T. & E. shipments bv mail (Treasury Decision No. 48237) 1936-29 nursery stock, shipment in bond to foreign countries (H. B. 114, Oct. 27, 1919. Obsolete) 1919-108 Plants: and plant products, the entry of which is restricted, annotated list of 1927-87; 1931-80 and plant products, uncertified, postal regulation re 1926-24 and seeds: importations by mail. See Mail and mail shipments of plant material; Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37) mail importations by; Postmasters, instructions to. regulations governing the importation and exportation of, by the United States De- partment of Agriculture. 1919-106 dead, importation of, not prohibited 1914 (S. R. A. No. 2)-5 Pledge not to ship common bar berry, nurserymen's 1918-43 Pochote and other fibers resembling cotton, to be held pending examination 1918-73 Poland, import restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . PolytOCB. Set Com diseases quarantine (No. 24). Pondichery, Set Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. POFHAM, WILLIAM Lee, appointed assistant chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, notice 1941-95 PopfUia faponiea Newm. Set Japanese beetle quarantines. Port Inspection service: adopts distinctive uniform 1925-55 appropriation Increased 1920-106 contraband intercepted 1921-107 kbllsbed at: Charleston, press notice 1923-91 New Orleans 1919-18,32 Oflion of 1920-106; 1921-107 maritime ports, general statement.. - 1920-126 INDIA 75 y moth and brown-tall moth. rVorondpofi u of imported cotton 1023 89 Porto R ! ;< rto Rico. Portui irvey. fruitily 1925-18 summarj of plant-quarantine im i »t»rt restrictlona (U. B. P. Q. (00, June L, 1936 i .. tions to: fruits and other plant products sent to military camps l'Ui 94 :n. for quarantine purposes regarded as a forei n country 19 or quarantine purposes regarded as a pari ol the l Hit «•« J States 1916 56 Importations of plants and plant products, general, treatmenl of, etc L922 12; 1924 103; 6 24,63, 102; 1928 17. 50; 1935 38; 1936 27, 28, 29, 17 Philippine Islands, for quarantine purp oreign oduntrj 1916 55 Puerto Rico: articles unmailable to the mainland ifl for quarantine purpos a a part of the United States 19 terminal Inspection 1915 20, 55, 99; L916 36, 133; 1917 52, 53, 85, 138; 1918 6, 82, 33; L919 20, ^7; L920-137, 138; 1921- 122 89, 132, 133, 134; 1923 90, 120, 121, 164; L924 -'1. «.7. 99, LOO; 1925 18,51,52, tt. H)7: 1926 is. nil. L32; 1927 86, 129, L51; 1928 17. 89; l I I; 1930 28, 85, in, 176, 177; 1931-72, 122; 1932-18, 19, 43, 89, 123; 19 - 5-46,47,179,18 102,218, 273; 1938-3,67,87, 138; 1939 30,31,80, 112, m. LI I 1041 M), 11,64, 78,90, 94. uncertified shipments of nursery stock . 19! Wot instructions to postmasters relating to Federal quarantines, see subject of quarantine concerned; to State quarantines, set Terminal Inspection. Potato powders scat) quarantines (Nos. it ami 18): certification: for table potatoes urown in uninfected areas I'M 1 77 of seed potatoes i'i inf. Cted districts discontinued, press notice .. I'd.', 10 notice and warning to Male officials - 1 ■ conferences, reports t. f 1914 S. K. A. \'o. l)-7 11. B.9, May 12, 1915) 1915-35 control by State action 1914 (S. R. A. No. l)-7 interstate movement under scab regulations. Set Potato regulations, interstate movement. instructions: tive to inspection . . . 1915-18 to growers and shippers in uninfected areas. 1914-75 to Inspectors in quarantined areas 1914-78 lifted, notice of, effective September l, 1915 1915-57 ::!1l: centers ana stations — - 1914-78 Maine, part of: I as infected area 1914-50,90 released from restrictions 1915-1 New York, part of, de infected area 1014 s_' notice of quarantine No. 14, effective August 1, 1914 . .. 1914 19 instructions to postmasters - - - - 1'' proposed, hearing, notice of i9U 21 notice of quarantine No. Ineffective November 14, 1914 19 instructions to postmasters - 1915-2,3 proposed, bearing, notice of - - 1914 Bl seed potatoes, to be purchased in certified sacks only, press notice 1914 (S. R. A. No. 2)-9, 88 ;ern New York, apparently free from powdery scab, press notice ... l'jll S3 ato quarantine (No. 11 ; Potato regulations, interstate movement. Potato quarantine (No. 11 , < foreign quarantine n latin? to powdery seal) and other potal Belgium, importations from, prohibited 1914 (8. R. A. No. 2)-9 . da, importations from: prohibited 1915-10 •nations lifted, press notice 1914-85 common scab bars Canadian potatoes EL B. 3, January 29, 1915) 1915-6 Denmark, importations from: prohibited because of infestations in 1914 23 restrictions lifted - 1915-6 desiccated potatoes not governed by - 1914 (S. R. A. No. l)-7 "district", definition of - 1914 (8. B. A. No. 2)-l Holland: importations from, allowed, with exceptions - 191 1 24, 50 infestation in .1914-24 lifted, notice of, effective January 1, 1916 1915-97 press notice . . - - - - - 191 5-97 "locality", definition of . 1914 (8. B \. Mo. 2)-l notice of, effective December 24, 1913 Not in 8. R. A. amendment No. 1, effective February 20, 1914 1914 (S. K. A. No. IM amendment No. 2, effective February 20, 1914 1914 (8. R. A. No. l)-4 amendment No. 3, effective March 12, 1914 1914(8. 1: L. No. 2>-4 amendment No. 4, effective July 1, l'Hl 19 amendment No. 5, effective November 30, 1914 .. 1914-83 press notice 1914-85 notice of importation, filing of . 1914 - R \ No. l)-6 order governing the admission of foreign potatoes under restrictions, effective January 15, 1914 Not in 8 permits for importation from Cans 1915-10 ed on or prior to D ,1913 . 1914 (8. R. A. No. l)-6 ib quarantines Nos. Hand 18; Potato regulation da- tions. Intel Potato r ning the importation of potatoes into the Ui I mder the provisions of the order of the Secretary of Agriculture Issued I teoember 22, \'J\'A): Australia: Importations from, prohibited 1917 112; 1920-43 1 n on No. 37416 rmits for potatoes from Victor! i suspended .— ...19 tatoes from Victoria to be admitted ......... 76 SERVICE AND KKCl'LATOHY ANNOUNCEMENTS Potato regulations Continued. } ear and page Belgium, Importations from, not permitted 1919-121 C LB . common scab bars Canadian potatoes (H. B. 3, January 29, 1915. Obsolete) 1915-6 conditions of entry from: H. B. 72, Nove aber 27, L916 (obsolete) 1916-147 II. B. 73, December 14, L916 (obsolete) 1916-154 press notice 1916-154 shipments to and from, press notice . 1916-41 Cuba, importations from, authorized 1924-21 definition of "locality" and "district" - . . 1914 (S. R. A. No. 2)-i disease tolerance, regarding importations (H. B. 31, January 15, 1916. Obsolete) 1916-1 discussion of. press notice 1916-131 Dominican Republic, importations from, authorized 1929-126 Estonia, importations from, authorized 1929-176 Holland, Importations from, prohibited .. 1919-121; 1921-105 Ireland, importations from, prohibited 1920-43; 1921-70, 160 Latvia, importations from, authorized, press notice 1937-24 Mexico, potatoes from, warning to passengers .. 1918-82 Norway, importations from, prohibited 1920-43, 105 notice of, effective January 1."). 1914 Not in S. R. A. modified by plant quarantine decision No. 5, effective January 23, 1914 . 1914 (S. R. A. No. 1)-1 amendment No. I, effective February 10, 1914 1914 (S. R. A. No. l)-3 amendment No. 2, effective February 20, 1914 1914 (S. R. A. No. l)-3 amendment No. 3, effective March 3, 1914 1914 (S. R. A. No. 2)-l amendment No. 4. effective July 1, 1914 1914-31 amendment No. ">, effective October 1, 19i4 1914-71 modified by plant quarantine decision No. 7, effective November 30, 1914 1914-84 press notice 1914-85 revised, effective January 1, 1916 1915-91 press notice - 1915-97 Treasury Decision No. 36061 Not in S. R. A amendment No. 1, effective January 1, 1916 1915-96 press notice 1915-97 modified by plant quarantine decision No. 12, effective November 25, 1916. 1916-145 press notice 1916-154 Treasury Decision No. 36858 1916-154 amendment No. 2. effective July 1, 1917 1917-130 Treasury Decision No. 37244 1917-83 amendment No. 3, effective September 15, 1920 (supersedes amendment No. 1). 1920-143 press notice .. 1920-144 Treasury Decision No. 38500 1920-145 revised, effective March 1, 1921 1921-64 Treasury Decision No. 38695 1921-88 revised, effective March 1, 1922. (This revision had the effect of lifting potato wart quarantine (No. 3)) 1922-81 press notice 1922-86 amendment No. 1, effective June 20, 1922 ...'. 1922-87 press notice 1922-88 amendment No. 2, effective February 1, 1923. (Supersedes amendment No. 1)__ 1923-42 press notice 1923-43 withdrawn, effective February 13, 1923 1923-43 amendment No. 2, effective August 1, 1930 1930-83 press notice 1930-82 Treasury Decision No. 44162 1930-113 amendment No. 3, effective December 1, 1936 1936-178 press notice 1936-177 Treasury Decision No. 48693 1936-179 notice of arrival .. 1915-95 notice of importation, filing of 1914 (S. R. A. No. l)-6 ordercoverinRadmissionofforeignpotatoesunderrestriction,effectiveJanuaryl5,1914. Not in S. R. A. regulat ions, discussion of, press notice 1916-131 Scotland, importations from, prohibited : 1920-43 shipments to and from Canada, press notice 1916-41 shipper's certificate of soundness ....... 1916-146 H. B. 73, December 14, 1916 (obsolete) 1916-154 Spain, importations from, authorized, press notice 1933-173 Victoria, Australia. See Potato regulations, Australia, violations. See Violations. Set also Potato quarantine (No. 11); Potato wart. Potato regulations, interstate movement (Rules and regulations under the Plant Quarantine Act: Interstate movement of potatoes from areas quarantined for powdery scab; which, revised, became Rules and regulations governing the inspection, disinfection, certification, and method and manner of delivery and shipment in interstate commerce of potatoes from States, Territories, or Districts of the 1'nited states, or portions thereof, quarantined for powdery scab): conference, notice of HI. B. 9, May 12, 1915) --- 1915-35 instructions: relative to inspection en route and at destination.. 1915-18 to jo st masters 1915-2, 3 Maine, pari of. designated as infected area 1914-50, 90 New York, part of, designated as infected area 1914-82 lifted, notice of, effective September 1, 1915 1915-57 notice of, effective Augusl 1,1914 1914-31 Instructions to postmasters -.. 1915-3 amendment No. l, effective September 25, 1914 1914-72 amendment No. 2. effective October 17, PHI 1914-75 amendment No. :',. effective November 1, 1914 1914-75 press notice 1914-75 amendment No. 1, effective November 11, 1914 1914-82 amendment No. . r ,, effective November 16, 1914. 1914-83 Instructions to postmasters _ 1915-3 im>' 77 Oat ions, interstate movement Continued \ Lgusl i. 1914 Continued, rear and page amendment No. 6, effective Januarj 8, 1915 1916 l Instructions to postmasters 1916-8 amendment No. 7, effective Januarj B, 1915 1916 i endment No. 8, effective Februar j 18,1915 amendment No. 9, effective March i. 1916 1915 to press notice 1916 io amendment No. 10, effective April 16, 1915, Title: Rales and regulations governing tlu> Inspection, disinfection, certification, and method and manner of delivery and shipment In interstate commerce of potatoes from States, Territories, or Districts of the United state-, or portions thereof, quarantined f"r powderj scab (supersedes Rules an«l regulations under the riant Quarantine Act: [nterstati movement of potatoes from areas quarantined for powdi nd the preceding nine amend' ments) 1915 n press notice pr o po se d , hearin g, notice of 1914 21 warning regarding movement from quarantined areas 1915 17, 36 - Potato powdery scab quarantines (Nos. Hand 18); Potato quarantine (No. 11). •a art: Belgium, importations from, not permitted . _ 1919 121 eon fere nee: press notice 1919-122 report of 1920-104; 1921-105 discovery of disease in: Pennsylvania 1918-90; 1919-98 West Virginia 1919-98 Holland, importations from, not permitted 1919-121 immune varieties of potatoes 1921-105 • ee of quarantine No. 3, effective September 20, 1912 (foreign) (lifted In effect by revls of the potato regulations, effective March 1. 1922) Not in S. R. A. quarantine propose.! (domestic), hearing, notice of I restrictions on entry to remain in Force, press notice 1925-107 general statement 1918 90; 1919 98; 1920 124; 192J B, 105 statement of policj (H. B 177, February "■ 1924). obsolete 1924 .'-' Potato quarantine (No. II); Potato regulations. Powdery scab of pot powdery scab quarantines (Nos. 14 and 18); Potato quaran- tato regulations; Potato regulations, interstate movement. !' Q, C. v. circulars, status of: B. I' P Q. 161, A.UgUSt 31. 1937. (Superseded by B. E. P. Q. . r .lK) 1937-222 B. I 3 March is, 1940 1910-15 u'ais. H B.'S, P Q C As. p p. Q.' Si u „l }\ \ }■ tice: Annand. 1'. \\. named Chief of Bureau 194 La itic beetle and Asiatic garden beetle quarantine (N 1928-118,135; avocado fruit and nursery stock regulations .. 1924-97 ballast ; banana-plant quarantines: domestic quarantine 0" ; foreign quarantine (No. 31) 1918 18 Bishopp, Fred ('.. appointed assistant chief. Bureau of Entomoloy and Plant Quarantine 1941 94 black stem rust quarantine (No. 38) 1919-58; 1922-127; 1931-40, 41, 42 bulb pests - camphor scale Canadian Christinas trees and greens quarantine ( \'o. 57) 1923-113; 1924-66; II Charleston, S. C, station opened I citrus black-fly quarantine (No. 49) 1920 139; 1921 Bl citrus-fruit quarantine (No. 28) 1917 it; 1921 87, 106 coffee quarantine 1940 1,2 conference, Federal and State quarantine powers 1924-25, 73. 74 i/jto Conferences. corn diseases quarantine (No. 24) 19 cotton regulations 1914-27; 1916-31, 137; 1917-21; 1922-130; 1923-37; 1924-85, 113 cottonseed products regulations 1917-52,61; 1920 18; 19 aing, Emory C., appointed chief, Division of Insects Affecting Man and Animals 1941 *.». r . Date-palm scale quarantine (No. 6) 19 District of Columbia plant regulations 1920-136; 1929-19; 1930 59; 1931 46; V. Dutch elm disease 1933-197, 275; 1934 103; 1938 4, 175; l'Ui 1, 65 1923 119 >rn borer. domestic 1920-20, 24, 96; 1921-:.s. ill. 146; 1922 76; 1923 27, ins: 1924 56, 121; 1926 11, 69, 108, 111; 1927 24, 25, 930 90, 131; 1931 1. Hi. Federal certification discontinued 1941 95 foreign 1920 26, 29; 1921 58, 150; 1923 87, 109, 154; 1926-43, 116; European pine shoot moth quarantine (No 20 19 flag smut quarantine . -s ker, 8. B., leader, Division of Plant ntrol 1934-104 frozen-fruit park I fruit and vegetable quaranl 1922 124, 126; 1923-116, 157; 1924 17, 60 97, 98; .'. 101; 1926 82; 1927 17, 58, 60, 103, I I 1931 79, 100 ■ fruit neof Puerto Rico - 192 ■ ■: 79; 1941 3 B M., leader, Division of Domestic Plant Quarantines 1934 104 gypsy moth and brown-tail moth . 1917 50; 1918 it; 1920 90; 1921 451, 151; v.ni 79; 143; 1924 87. 12; 1926 18; 1927 61; 1928 ill; 1931 54; 1932-64; 1934 103 :>;..< II , transfers to Bureau of Entomology 19 11 V* lii m and Puerto Kicaii COtton, etc., quarantine No 17 B iw dian and Puerto Riean quarantine covering sand, et> Hawaiian cotton quarantine (No. 23). 'Ml 27 78 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Press notice Continued. Tr , Boyt,A. 8.: Year and page appointed acting chief, Bureau of Plant Quarantine 1933-227 appointed assistant chief, Plant Quarantine and Control Administration. _ 1931-80 named acting chief, Bureau of Kntomology and Plant Quarantine. 1941-53 named associate chief of Bureau 1941-79 immediate export and Immediate transportation and export regulations 1920-98 Japanese beetle quarantines 1920-30, 127, 130, 131; L921-155; 1923-82, 106, 148; 1924-51; 1925-5, 6, 104; 1926-58, 67, 117, 124; 1927-32, 104. 107, 144; 1928 34, L18, 119; 1929-29, 76, 134, 216; 1930-111, 112, 134; 1931-65, 66, 146; 1932-33; 1933-200, 250; 1934-69; 1935-27, 51, 81; 1936-6, 99; 1937-3, 92, 217; 1938-86; 1939-2; 1940-7, 41, 52, 66; 1941 8, 71. Mediterranean fruit fly and melonfly quarantine (No. 13) 1938-125; 1940-68; 1941-49 Mediterranean rruitfly quarantine (No. 68) 1929-77, 78, 79, 91, 108, 110. Ill, 112, 117, 135, 136, 139, 140, 141, 154, 155, 159, 218, 223, 225; 1930-15, 16, 17, 21, 25, 68, 70, 96, 108, 146, 149, 152, 154; 1931-11. Mexican bean beetle quarantine (Xo. 50) .. 1920-140; 1921-78, 156 Mexican border regulations 1920-18; 1923-91 Mexican fruitllv quarantine (No. 5) 1930-109; 1931-79; 1936-152 Mexican fruitflv quarantine (Xo. 64) 1927-71, 72, 108: 1929-40; 1930-109; 1933-201; 1934-12; 1935-7, 9; 1936-26, 173; 1939-17, 77; 1940-85; 1941-23, 51, 73 narcissus bulb pests 1936-153 narcissus bulb quarantine (Xo. 62) 1926-40, 75; 1927-73; 1928-37, 80; 1931-12 nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37) 1918-31; 1919-20, 35, 37; 1920-35; 1921-39, 42; 1922-3, 4, 17, 19, 22, 109, 110, 111; 1924-64; 1925-34, 37, 39, 70; 1927-83; 1928-44, 45, 81; 1929-165, 167; 1931-12; 1933-203; 1936-101, 153; 1938-126, 128. nursery stock regulations..- 1916-125 oriental fruit stock quarantine (No. 44) 1920-33 oriental hag moth 1924-iOl peach mosaic disease -. 1936-111; 1937-24 phony peach disease quarantine (No. 67) 1928-134; 1929-118; 1930-75, 158; 1933-147 pink bollworm: domestic 1914-27; 1917-1, 86, 105; 1918-28; 1920-8, 132; 1921-15, 27, 115, 122, 124, 125, 131; 1922-53, 64; 1923-2, 68, 13.--; 1924-96; 1925-16, 89; 1926-1; 1927-49, 85, 116: 1928-16, 47, 122; 1929-123, 173; 1930-169; 1932- 48; 1933-212; 1936-105, 155, 163; 1937-95; 1938-130; 1939-18. foreign 1916-143; 1917-1, 21, 52, 61; 1930-76 plant pest and quarantine work merged 1934-38 Popham, William Lee, appointed assistant chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quaran- tine .... „ 1941-95 port inspection service 1923-91 potato powdery scab quarantines (Nos. 14 and 18) 1914 (S. R. A. No. 2)-9, 83, 88; 1915-10 potato quarantine (Xo. 11) 1914-85; 1915-97 potato regulations. 1915-97; 1916-41, 131, 154; 1920-144; 1922-86, 88; 1923-43; 1925-107; 1930-82; 1933-173; 1936-177; 1937-24 potato regulations, interstate movement 1914-75; 1915-10, 14; 1925-107 potato wart 1919-122 rice, seed or paddy (quarantine No. 55) 1923-88, 89, 111; 1934-74 Rohwer, S. A.: appointed assistant chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine 1934-38 placed in charge of regulatory work, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine 1941-95 transfers to Bureau of Entomology 1931-35 satin moth quarantine (No. 53) 1921-157, 159; 1923-156; 1924-124; 1925-71, 97; 1926-127, 129; 1927-149; 1928-125, 126; 1929-43; 1931-13; 1936-100, 154 Spencer, Frank H., appointed assistant chief of Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. 1941-94 Strong, Lee A.: appointed chief: Bureau of Entomology 1933-227 Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine 1934-38 dies in Arizona 1941-53 See also Strong, Lee A. sugarcane quarantines 1916-68; 1934-76 summary of plant-quarantine restrictions of foreign countries.. 1930-114, 117, 122 sweetpotato and yam quarantines 1.. 1917-121 Thurberia weevil quarantine (No. 61) 1926-60,79; 1927-116; 1936-171 United States quarantined to protect Hawaii, quarantine No. 51 1921-163, 165 white-fringed beetle quarantine (No. 72) 1938-87, 132 white-pine blister rust: domestic 1917-29, 42; 1921-71, 72, 161; 1922-71; 1923-40; 1925-100; 1926-87,88; 1927-40, 98; 1928-7, 28, 59; 1934-103; 1937-15; 1938-54 foreign .' 1917-42; 1936-103 Woodgate rust quarantine (No. 65).. 1928-51, 131; 1929-44 See also under the quarantine subjects concerned. Price forecasts, cotton, prohibited (H. B. 214, June 15, 1928). Obsolete.. 1928-52 Pseudaonidia duplex Ckll. See Camphor scale. Public conferences. See Conferences, formal and informal. Public hearing. See Hearing, notice of. Puccinia graminis. See Black stem rust quarantine (No. 38). Puerto Kico: for quarantine purposes regarded as a part of the United States 1916-55 notice to postmasters re violations in the mails to the mainland 1936-27 terminal inspection „ . 1933-183; 1939-84 See also Banana plant quarantines; CofTee quarantine (No. 73); Fruit and vegetable quar- antine of Puerto Rico (No. 58); Hawaiian and Puerto Rican cotton, etc., quarantine (No. 47); Hawaiian and Puerto Rican quarantine covering sand, etc., (No. 60); Potato quarantine (No. 11); Potato regulations; Sugarcane quarantines; Sweetpotato and yam quarantines; and, other quarantines affecting. Pyravsta nitbilalil Hubn. See European corn borer. Qualified certification, system of, established January 31, 1916, rules governing (H. B. 31H, January 31, 1916; 1916-12 ixdkx 79 Quarantine: officials, State. See Plant-quarantine ofl ml page powers, Federal and State, lira • letennined by the United States Bapreme Court _ ,,,■_., 87; p^o-Gi iar intine pov< Quarantines. See List of current quarani quarantine; Statement of Federal plant quarantines; and under tht na inline. Quarantines of foreign countries. Set plant-quarantine Import restrictions . . . tine and plant pest work merge I Quarantine litigation, legal data witl uts of the i'nited i • Supreme (.'curt decision. Railway cars, ajpossible way of distril L010-^3 Set Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Antigua, B. VV. I. ration of fruit. See under qua Regulations, Rules, and Rules and r. OS: affecting interstate shipment of nursery stoek, digest of . 1018-112 govern ins I end J •>,. United Btatea Department of Acrirul- tUBb, effective May 31, Departmental importation and exportation of avocado fruit and nursery stock Into the I i i, under the provisions i I Agriculture, effective February 27, I9it. See ruit and mi' s into the 1 i under the pro virions of the order of the Secre- tan of Agriculture. 5 dilations, plant s if( guard, effective Pecembei -■< Plant safeguard regulations. pursu joint resolution of the House of Representatives and Senate entitled, "For the relief t ton Belt en aid to cotton fanners", ap- proved August 9, 1921, effective April l, 1922. {See also Pink bollworm, domes- tic, cotton- free zones) . 1922-63 public resolution No. 17. Seventieth Congress, entitled, "To provide for eradica- tion of pink bollworm and authorizing an appropriation therefor", approved .May 21, 1028, effective October i. 1029 No1 in s. R. \. public resolution No. 42. Seventy-first Congress, entitled "Joint resolution to amend the joint resolution entitled 'Joint resolution to provide for eradication of pink bollworm and authorizing an appropriation therefor', approved Maj 21, 1028," approved February s. L030; effective April 9, i Pink bcUworm, domestic, cot ton -free rones) . Rules governing qualified certification of plants distributed by the Department of Agricul- ture. (H. B. 31J4, January 31, 1916 . Obs •'• • Rules and regulations: for carrying out the Plant Quarantine Act, effectivi September 18, 1012 Stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37 inspection and certification regulations to meet foreign sanitary requlrementi port regulations, •ning: (1) entry for immediate export and (2 entrj for Immediate transportation and exportation in bond of prohibited plants and plant products, See Plant . . entry lor immediate export. 2» entry for immediate transportation ate! rtion in bond, and (3) safeguarding the arrival at a port where entrj .ir landing is not intended of prohibited plants and plant products. Set Plant safeguard regulations. ry export certification. See Export regulations. the importation of cotton and cotton wrappings into the United States. Set < Jot- tan regulations, the importation of cotton lint into the United States. See Cotton regulations. the Importation of cottonseed cake, meal, and other cottonseed products into the United States. Set Cottonseed products regulations, the importation of nursery stock into the United States. S« Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. :57). the. inspection, disinfection, certification, and method and manner of delivery and shipment in interstate comn toes from states, Territories, or !>• of the United Btat< ins thereof, quarantined 1'otato regulations, interstate moves the movement ofplai aid out .,f the District ol lumbia. See District of Columbia plant regulations. ■ . -,., retary of Agriculture governing the inspection and certification of plants and plant products off ojtary requirements of foreign • regulations, prohibiting the move! and cottonse* d from M< rico into th>^ Unil and g. 44<>, 1937-101 SMppii - plant produ ts ..... 1928-89 ... Italy. tine import restrictions. . French Col ons . . . New Guinea, Australian. ... French (*<.:• South Africa, Uni Spain: nursery stock ins] ■ survey, family imary of plant -quarantine imp : es. S . Fruil and \ • g( tal l< i immary of plant-qu N irserystock, plant, and seed quaranl ink H., appointed assistant chief, Bureau of 1 iubterranea. Set Potato powdery scah quarantines (Nos. 14 tine (No. n ; Potato regulations, interstate movement. of" and plant products required of r< - . .;. relation pi try H. B. 131, February 28, 1921. obsolete) 21-55 . mary of.... -- l •- Plant quarantine officials, State. - ■ctii Lment to Plant Quarantine Act, April 13, 1926 ... 1926-61; 195 Plant-quarantine conference regarding dr. -.. l j .1 data wit), r 2 March l. 1921 : borer, don Terminal inspection. See also under (he Statement of I at quarantinee. - -land. ition and disinfection ol : . ,ns, and ba ntal fruit-stock qn moth. nursei ad : Nurserymen ai 1 appoh Bureau of Ent< i ■ dies i: 82 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Year and pft .- It . 1914 _. .. L934-102 for* .. - ites Department of A ericult ore. press : 172 v 1934-101 1 warning to pas- r. . - : .. 1526-61: 1 IB ' .-. E. . ! "ions . . . ■ 1 1918-3:1924-126:1936-27 coter 10, 1934. Title chai - - : .ine 1934-102 1917-121 1917-121 ...:... : _u tire January 1, 1918 :- 1917-120 1917-121 1918-30 . : Sweetf 1932-13 - un cjuaranr a ■ 1896-28 - I May 5,1934; 1934-4*; ■ . . . French Col i Tern. . ' - I ..... 19 T'39-112 1941-90 1939-S1 W5; 1939-81 .. 1938-67 ... . 1939-sl ... 1915-37 ?31-122: — 1937-99 . . ... 1939-81 unbia ■ • . 938-138 • 1923-120,12] 133-183 ■ M 923- 120; 1939-82 . .. 1923-164: 192' . . 1 939-82 rycam] ... 1941-94 199; 1939-80 1915-20 Postmaster General's W - 1936-179 83 . - . v < • ■ s State phot qoarantineg ■ - ' . HU-fZ ■ - . .. PBBftl F. "• • - . - - Rkw I • tfpmenta Statt • lax - .:r. •:.•- -.--;■ : - * rH. E . - " b rt Beats '. . . . . . - to common ramei . • " 2~. - * > T .. noacto* valic i * d ™ . Tocolar ; ' ; . . ■ .- -j.-* > ■ ■ Hi ■— i coupons to be mailed prompdr_. •=- n. '.-«■** 84 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Treasury Decision No.: Year and page 34151, to be amended, recommendation 1916-73 36379, importation oi plants by mail prohibited 1916-61 14, immediate transportation of Imported cotton 1916-61 129, nursery stock regulations - — - 1916-62 36443, corn diseases quarantine (No. 24V 1916-74 36532, nursery stock regulations, amends Xo. 34151 . 1916-75 36811, cotton regulations . .. . 1916-141 36834. cotton regulations; pink bollworm quarantine (Xo. 8) 1916-1 12 5858, potato regulations 1916-154 BO, corn diseases quarantine (No. 24) . ..1917-28 37125' cotton regulations; pink bollworm quarantine (Xo. 8) 191 7-11 37169. corn diseases quarantine I Xo. 24) 1917-50 37179, white pine blister rust, foreign, quarantine (No. 7) ...... 1917-50 37244. potato regulations 1917-83 37255, Mexican bonier regulations 1917-83 37258, cottonseed products regulations 19 37304, citrus nursery stock quarantine (No. 28) 1917-104 37416, nursery stock regulations; potato regulations. .. . 1917-138 37433, immediate export and inline bate transportation and exportation 1917-143 37440, cotton regulations. — . 1917-144 37468, sweetpotato and yam quarantine, foreign (Xo. 29).. 1918-2 37564. banana plant quarantine, foreign (No. 31) ig 37648, cotton, etc., as packing material 1918-59 37765, bamboo quarantine (No. 34) 1918-93 7, nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (Xo. 37) 1919-11 37970, nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37) 1919-59 23, importation of plants by mail prohibited. . 1919-71 38105, flag smut and take-all disc ises quarantine (Xo. 39) 1919-110 38116, nursery stock, plant, and sect quarantine (Xo. 37) 1919-110 smul and take-all diseases quarantine (No. 39) 1919-111 8253, nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (Xo. 37) 1920-44 - 19, Mexican corn quarantine (No. 42) 1920-44 38348, European corn borer quarantine (No. 41) 19! 38405, oriental fruit stock quarantine (No. 44) : 1920-106 38489, immediate export and immediate transportation and exportation 1920-145 38500, potato regulations 1920-145 55, citrus black fly quarantine (No. 49) _ 1921-88 38695, potato regulations ... 1921-88 38811, European corn borer quarantine (No. 41).. 1921-172 38812, nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (Xo. 37) .__ 1921-172 39645, cotton regulations .... - 1923-91 39684, nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (Xo. 37) 1923-91 " 12, fruit ; -nd vegetable quarantine (No. 56) 1923-124 39862. European corn borer quarantine (No. 41) 1923-153 399-13. fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 56) 1923-158 3904.'., European corn borer quarantine (No. 41) 1923-154; 1924-15 39983, fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 56)..... 1924-20 40134. compiled plant-quarantine regulations. (Superseded by Xo, 44693.) . 1924-80 40331, Canadian Christmas trees and greens quarantine (No. 57) - - 1924-99 40363, disposition of mail importations of plants. (Superseded by 48181.) 1924-101 40573. cotton regulations 1924-115 40753. Hawaiian inspection of mail shipments. (Superseded by 48181.) 1925-21 41327, flag smut quarantine (Xo. 59) . 1926-15 41382, fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 56) I 41562, disposition of mail importations of plants. (Superseded by 48181.) 19 416K European corn borer quarantine (Xo. 41) 1926-43 41791, fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 56) 1926-127 42073. European corn borer quarantine (No. 41) 11 2 42163, nursery -took, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37) 1927-83 42279, compiled plant quarantine regulations (superseded by Xo. 44693) 1927-94 42304, fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 56) .- 1927-103 42346, European corn borer quarantine (No. 41) 1927-102 42619, fruit and vegetable quarantine No. 56) 1928-15 42921, Canadian Christmas trees and greens quarantine (No. 57) 1928-60 42952. Plant Quarantine Act amended to authorize search, etc ... i' 12973, nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37) 11 43163, nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37) 1929-40 43527. nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (Xo. 37) 1929-168 43: in, fruit and vegetable quarantine (No 1929-132 lock, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37). (Superseded by 47733.) .... _. 192 43980, Canadian officials qualified toeertifj 18 tock, plant, and seed quarantine (Xo. 37) 19 44162, potato regulations 1930-113 14600, nurserj Mock, plant, and , 25 March, 1941. Import a- •; meats into the United States 1941-29 Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Malaya, British. lad: nursery stock inspection 1914-51; 1915-59; 1916-54, 103; 1923-77; 1927-9; 1930-167; 1936-25 survey, fruitfly. summarj of plant-quarantine import restriction- I B. E. P. Q. 418, November 17, 1936) 1936-193 Tryp' *-<, Mexican fruitfly quarantine (No. 5). Se< Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. Tubuai. n : < Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . French Colonies. Tunisia, French, summary of plant-quarantine import restrictions (B. E. P. Q. 483, November 15, 193S-148 Turkey, import restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Tylenehtu dipsuci Kuthn. Set Eelworm, stem, bulb, and related species of nematodes; Narcissus- bulb quarantine. Tyhnchu.s tritici. Ste Eelworm disease of cereals. : lam-quarantine import restrictions . . . Kenya, Colony of. •utch elm dis Uncertified shipments of nursery stock— instructions to postmasters 1926-24 Unfederated Malay States. S(( Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . . Malaya, British. Uniforms, distinctive, port inspection service 1925-55 Union of South Africa: • restrictions. See Plant -quarantine import restrictions ... nui .. 191 1 51; 1915-59; 1916-54, 103: 1923-77; 1927-9; 1930-167; 1936-25 Dt-quarantine import restrictions . . . New Zealand. Union i Lalist Republics, import restrictions. Set Plant-quarantine import restric- . . . i Kingdom of Great Britain. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions, England. United States empl . nsation act, collaborators entitled to benefits of 1927-129 United £ protect Hawaii, quarantine No. 51. (The movement of sugarcane, . alfalfa, and fruits of avocado and papaya from the United States to Hawaii restricted) : notice of, effective October I, 1921 1921-163 press :. • 1921-165 hearing, notice of 1921-162 1921-163 statement of 1921-107 Upora - rod. L'rocystis tritici Kcke. S ll quarantine (No. 59). • >>': import restrict: int-quarantinc import restrictions. it survey, fruitfly . 1933-227 Bamboo quarantine (No. terminal inspection. See Terminal inspection. ermitted to be shipped from Hawaii to the mainland 1917-144 rnmary of plant-quarantine import n B. E. P. Q. 497, May 12, 1939) ck, plant, and seed quarantine (No. 37). Victori 5 tions. Mo. 86 192 • - - ■ .lit and nui L921 173; I 27, 177. 240; L930 30, § - avo 08 0, 136; -- 134, 170; L932 - 1,90, 117; L935 .. 72. 119, 120, 154, 155; l 2,82,83,105 94, L03. 1927 LSI - I Lfl L930 59,86, 130, 191; 1931 *7, 132; lfl - - 1 86 SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Violations— Continued. v European corn borer quarantines: YeaT an " P fl c domestic 1922-136; 1923-45, 126, 166; 1921-27, 128; 1929-208, 210; 1930-29, 49, 86. 130, 191; 1931-36, 132, 169; 1932-92; 1933-242; 1935-4:. (violation in 1929) foreign 1928-53, 136; 1930-87; 1931-37, 133, 170; 1932-24, 49; 1934-56, 117; 1936-91; 1937-202; 1939-94 forms for reporting 1918-19.20 fruit and vegetable quarantine (No. 86) 1926 64, 104, 134; 1927-131; 1928 53, 90; 1929 17. 177, 240; 1930-30, 87, 130, 131, 192; 1931-134, 170; 1932-19. 92. 128; 1933-173, 194, 243, 291; 1934-30, 56, 56. 89, 90, 91, 116. 117; 1935-25, 46. 68, 96; 1936-40, 91, 92, 112. 143, 144, 20H; 1987-86, 202, 203, 204, 254, 255, 310; 1938-36, 71, 72, 119, 120. 151. 155; 1939 Hi. 93, 94, 125, 126, 127, 12s. 1 15, 146; 1940 36, 37, 62, 63, 82 83, 102; 1941-41, 42, 62, 63, 82, 83, 84, 103, 104. fruit and vegetable quarantine of Puerto Rico (No. 58) 1932-49 gvpsv moth and brown-tail moth quarantines 1914-72; 1915-4, 58; 1917-99, 114; 1918-48; 1919-19; 1920-45, 144: 1922-97, 134; 1923-15, 92, 126, 166; 1924-128; 1929-208; 1930-49; 1934-116; 1935-68; 1936-141; 1938-36, 119, 153. Japanese beetle quarantines. 1923-107, 126, 166; 1924-128; 1925-109; 1926-25, 64, 103, 133; 1927-95, 130, 152: 1928-22, 53, 104. 136; 1929-3, 46, 59. 126, 208, 240; 1930-29, 49, 86; 1931-36, 87, 169; 1932-49, 92: 1933-173, 193, 212, 290; 1934-89, 116; 1935-25, 67, 95; 1936-141, 205; 1937-308, 309; 1938-36, 70, 119; 1939-45, 92, 144. Mediterranean fruitflv and melonfly quarantine (Xo. 13) 1921-88; 1923-45, 51, 165, 166; 1924-128; 1925-75; 1926-25; 1927-152; 1928-90; 1929-240; 1930-192; 1933-242 Mediterranean fruitfly quarantine (Xo. 68) 1929-208; 1930-29, 49, 86, 131, 191; 1931-36, 87. 133 Mexican corn quarantine (Xo. 42) 1926-134 Mexican fruitflv quarantine (No. 5) 1924-26. 128; 1925-109; 1926-63, 104, 134; 1927-95, 131, 151; 1928-22, 53, 90, 136; 1929-47, 127, 177, 240; 1930-30, 87, 131, 192; 1931-37, 88, 134; 1932-24, 49, 92, 128; 1933-173, 194, 243, 291; 1934-30, 55, 56, 89. 99. 91, 116, 117; 1935-25, 46, 68, 96; 1936-40, 91, 92, 142, 143, 144, 206. Mexican fruitflv quarantine (Xo. 64) _ 1929-208; 1930-49 narcissus bulb quarantine (Xo. 62) 1927-83, 113; 1929-208; 1930-49 nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine (Xo. 37) ' . 1921-57; 1922-29, 107; 1924-86, 128; 1926-103, 134; 1927-83, 95, 113, 131; 1928-22, 53; 1929-47, 127, 177, 210; 1930-30, 87, 131, 192; 1931-37, 88, 133, 134, 170; 1932-24, 49, 92, 128; 1933-173, 194, 243, 291; 1934-30, 55, 56, 89, 90, 91, 116. 117; 1935-25, 46, 68, 96; 1936-40, 91, 92, 142, 143, 144, 206; 1937-86, 202, 203, 204, 254, 255, 310; 1938-36, 71, 72, 119, 120. 151. 155; 1939-46, 93, 94, 126, 127, 128, 145, 146; 1940-36, 37, 62, 63, 82, 83, 102: 1941-41, 42, 02, 63, 82, 83, 84, 103, 104. phony peach disease quarantine (Xo. 67) 1929-208; 1930-49 pink bollwoim quarantines: domestic 1918-53 foreign 1932-24; 1936-92; 1937-202; 1940-37; 1941-83,84 policy of the Department in blister-rust quarantine violations (H. B. 148, April 21, 1922) 1922-69 potato regulations, foreign 1934-90,117; 1936-40; 1937-203; 1941-42,84 prosecution for, expedition of: H. B. 175, December 28, 1923 1923-167 P. Q. C. A. 292, September 17, 1930 (revision of H. B. 175) 1930-129 satin moth quarantine (Xo. 53) 1928-6; 1930-49 liopman & Sons, P. (II. B. 139, June 14, 1921) 1921-57 case adjusted (H. B. 155, July 21, 1922) 1922-107 National Bulb Farms (H. B. 149, May 12. 11)22) 1922-29 Pereboom, John (H. B. 204, May 28, 1927) 1927-83 •adjusted (H. B. 206, July 9, 1927) 1927-113 sugarcane quarantine, foreign (No. 15) __ ...: 1922-98; 1923-45, 166; 1924-128: 1925-109; 1927-151; 1928-22, 136; 1929-47, 240; 1930-30, 87, 192; 1931-37, 88; 1932-24; 1933-291 ; 1934-1 16. 117; 1935-25; 1936-206; 1937-86, 202, 203, 310; 1938 36, 72, 154; 1939-46, 93, 125, 145, 146; 1940-36, 102; 1941-41, 42, 83, 103, 104. s\seetpotato and yam quarantines: dome-tic 1922-97; 1923-45, 126, 166; 1924-128: 1929-47. 210: 1930-29; 1932 21 foreign 1930-30; 1931-87, 170; 1935-96; 1936-206; 1938-154; 1940-62; 1941-63, 103 white pine blister rust quarantines: domestic .. - 1919-67; 1920-106; 1921-88, 173; 1922-97, 135; 1923-45, 51, 92, 124, 165, 166; 1924-26, 85, 105, 127; 1925- 21. 56. 75. 108; 1926-25, 64, 103. 132, 133: 1927-53, 129; 1928-22, 90, 136; 1929-47, 176, 208, 239; 1930-30, 49, 87; 1931-88, 133; 1932-24; 1937 254; 1938-153 policy of Department in prosecutions (H. B. 14X, April 21, 1922) . 1922 69 foreign 1931-170 V irgin Islands: \merican. pest survey, fruit flj 1933-227,230 British. nursery stock inspection 1914-51; 1915-59. 1916-54, 103; 1923-77; 1927-9; 1930-167; 1936-25 ""imarvof p'-ant-auarantine import restrictions (B E. P. Q 419, Xovember?0, 1936). 193< import restrictions. See Plant-quarantine import restrictions . . England nursery stock inspection 1914-51; 1915-59; 1916-54, 103; 1923-77, 1927-9, 1930-167 1936-25 plant inspection requirements on imports . 1922-39 ■ Plant-quarantine import restrictions , French Colonies War Department^ • ■< to the enfoi 1941 54 Board cooperation requested in enforcement of Plant Quarantine ^ct... . 1918 n rotton, Egyptian, restrictions on Imports 1918 plants and plant material, restrictions on imports 19 \\ arning: in .1 Inclusion of regulation 14 bulbs in shipments of regulation 3 bulbs (H. B. 173. Decem- ber 28, 1923. Obsolete) 1923 l M misuse of blister rust certification, press notice 1921 72 INDEX 87 Qtinued. Year and page tock from Band, soil, or earth (II. B. 186, September 2, 1924. Obsolete) l Jaj uaese beetle poster I'-'-'" 32 ^hipping: tton to nonlicensees H. B. 74. January 2, i ete) 1917-1 i!. B. 170, I ictober 30, 1923 L9S to: i . and crow. •run and vegetable quarantirj llterranean frultfly and melonfly.. L.A.I 17-27 Mexican ruitflj . - 1918 B2 relative 1 I ns of living plants shippers, interstate movement of] — -- 191.V 17, 36 packing materia] wart. • uton: Btate quarantine on account of blister rus1 1922 71 terminal J 134; 1939-84 riant-quarantine import restrictions . • • Malaya, Br \ nea, Frencl Import restrictions . . . French Co fruitfly. See Fruit and vegetable quarantine of Puerto Rico (No ! ■ ii. s: occurrence of pink rv".\vorm in .. » '21-101 • survey, fruitfly - -- - - - 193 Virginia, potato wart discovered in L919 18 ■ Quarant i Horticultural Board participation in meeting, at Vic- toria, n. r 1921-108 int-quarantine import restrictions . . . New Zealand. Wheat: - Eelworm disease of cereals, sum rust. Set Black stem rust quarantine (Ni White ants. S in and Puerto Ricaa quarantine covering .-and, soil, or earth, with plants White-fringed beetle: administrative instrcu tions relating to restrictions of quarantine No. 72: removing certification requirements: for restricted articles originating in foreign countries (B. E. P. o. 488, January 27, 193 1939-29 fur specified articles from designated portions of regulated areas: until July l. 1939 (B. E. P. Q. 485, effective January L5, 1939) r instructions to postmasters 1939-26 revised effective May 8, 1939 r instructions to postmasters 1939-79 to common carriers I ■ until February l, 1940 (,B. E. P. Q. 485 (second revision' effective Jul\ 7. 1939-109 instructions to postmasters ... 1939-no to common carriers 1939-109 revised (third revision) effective Jul - ... . 1939-110 instructions to postmasters 1939-in to common carrier- 1939-111 until May 1, 1940 fur potatoes, June 1, 1940 for sweetpotatoes (B. E. P. Q arth revision) effective February L940-1U instructions to postmasters 1940-11 until February 1, 1941 Q. 48. r > (fifth revision) effective May 24, .. : • until February 1, 1911 (B. E. P. Q. 4*5 (sixth revision) effective August 9. .. 1940 72 instructions top 1940-73 until May 1, 1941. for potatoes and sweetpotatoes: until June 1. 1941, for certain other articles (B. E. P. Q. 188 (seventh re\ ision January 24, 1941) L941 -24 instructions to] . 1941 24 no' i, 1942, for certain articles; throughout the year for others ■ mi |94i 52 ■ P ! re' -rseded by B E. 1 B.E.P.Q.4 ... 1939-29 revised March 21. 1941 (superseded bv E E. P. Q. 503, third revision* ... 194 R l November 21, 1939 ... . ..1939-143 revised March 15,1940.. .. . ..1940-12 : revision) Fehruai J ! • ■ id third revision i effec ■ - • I • eneral pul qo ■ ticeot pre instruction of plunging and gr 1941 7. r , White grubs Set Hawaiian and Puerto Rican quarantine nd, soil, ot earth, with plants xs SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS White pine blister rust: domestic: } ear and page certification, warning against misuse of, press notice 1921-72 compilation of State laws .. 1920-37; 1921-73 conference, notice of .._• _ 1915-54; 1924-98; 1928-28 recommendation 1924-118 report 1915-55; 192-1-115 See also White pine blister rust, dom< stic, proposed qi control areas established (P. Q. C. A. 219, January 25, 1929. Obsolete) 1929-18 cooperation: of nurserymen requested, press notice 1921-71 of State inspectors requested 1918-18 of western inspectors requested 1916-37 currants and gooseberries, movement of: application for permit to ship 1926-91 modified application 1927-47 press notice 1927-98 instructions: to postmasters 1927-98 to shippers 1926-93 nurserymen requested not to ship to Western States. (H. B. 41, March 22, 1916). 1916-36 pledge not to ship. 1916-37; 1918-43 digest: of State quarantines 1920-37; 1921-73 of regulations, explanatory notes. .. 1926-94 explanation of purpose of quarantine Xo. 63 1926-96 extension proposed, hearing, notice of 1921-160; 1925-41, 100; 1932-18 press notice . 1921-161; 1925-100 general statements on enforcement. 1920-124; 1921-9, 106; 1922-120; 1928-107; 1929-7, 60, 207 instructions to postmasters, general 1922-93; 1924-63; 1927-98 liftine of quarantine proposed: hearing, notice of .. 1932-18 press notice of conference 1934-103 notice of quarantine No. 20, effective June 1, 1917 (superseded by quarantine No. 63)... 1917-41 instructions to postmasters 1917-51 press notice 1917-42 amendment No. 1, effective June 1, 1917 .Not in S. R. A. instructions to postmasters 1917-51 notice of quarantine Xo. 54, effective March 15, 1922 (superseded by quarantine No. 63). 1922-70 enforced as to entire State of Washington 1922-120 instructions to postmasters 1922-93, 94 press notice 1922-71 to common carriers 1922-120 amendment to quarantine, effective March 2, 1923 1923-40 instructions to postmasters 1923-41; 1924-63 press notice . 1923-40 notice of quarantine No. 63, effective October 1, 1926 (supersedes quarantines X T os. 26, 54) 1926-82 instructions to postmasters 1926-90 press notice 1926-87, 88 to common carriers 1926-89 to general public 1926-89 lifting proposed: hearing, notice of 1932-18 press notice of conference 1934-103 regulations revised, effective March 15, 1927 '. 1927-41 instructions to postmasters 1927-98 pressnotice 1927-40, 98 to common carriers 1927-56 to general public ... ... * 1927-57 amendment Xo. 1, effective March 1, 1928 1928-7 instructions to postmasters 1928-12 pressnotice __ _ T 1928-7 to common carriers 1928-11 to general public 1928-11 regulations revised, effective August 15, 1928 1928-59 instructions to postmasters 1928-66 pressnotice . 1928-59 to common carriers. . 1928-65 to general public ... ... - - 1928-65 regulations revised, effective Mine 5, 1930 1930-50 instructions to postmasters - 1930-56 to common carriers 1930-55 to general public - 1930-55 regulations revised, effective January 1, 1933 1932-53 instructions to postmasters - 1933-152 to common carriers 1932-58 to general public 1932-58 amendment Xo. 1, effective March L5, 1935 1935-16 instructions to postmasters 1935-19 to common carriers 1935-18 to general public . ... 1935-18 regulations revised, effective March 1, 1937 1937-15 instructions to postmasters.-. 1937-22 notice 1937-15 to common. carriers.. . 1937-21 to general public 1937-21 INDIA S ( J While pine blister rust Continued. domestic Continued. „. v . ,. „„,; ,„„,. DoUce oi quarantine No. 8S, effective October I, 1928 Continued. > "' r "'"' '"" !e ffective Jul> l. L938 Instructions to postmasters 1938 6] press notice to common carriers 1 8 - to genera] public notice to nurserymen snipping currant or gooseberry plains or five-leaved pines I P. (}. . 219, Januan 25, 1920 1929 is pledge not to ship stuck to western area - 1916 37; ; proposed quarantines, bearings, not ires of 1916 -'. 1917 28; L925 iiki press notices - - 1917 29; 1925 LOO to White pine blister rust, domestic, confer request cot toship to western anas (H. B. 41, March 22, 1916) I restrictions on mailing five-leaved pints, currants, and gooseberries 1917 51 Ribes detention station, Mandan, N 1921 106,161 rust found in Washington 1921 L06 State quarantines. Set White pine Mister rust, domestic, digest. summary of regulations — 1938-55 synopses of regulations: Table A. Shipments from infected States (B. P. Q. 336 A. September 12. 1932). L932 59 Table B. Shipments from noninfcctcil States (H. P. Q. 336 B, September 12, 1932 60 Table 1, Shipments from infected States (B. P. Q. 336a, revised effective March 15, 1935-19 Table .'. Shipments from noninfected States (B. P. Q. 336b, revised effective March 15,1935 .-- 1935-21 transit inspection authorized, instructions to postmasters.. 192 violation: policy regarding (H. B. 148, April 21, 1922) 1922 69 ■ Violations. warning against misuse of State certification, press notice 1921 72 Washington, State quarantine on account of 1922-71 leral quarantine extended to entire State 1922 120 foreign: ension of quarantine proposed, hearing, notice of 1916 l: 1917 29 gooseberries, England's request for a modification of quarantine denied . 1917 106 Importation prohibited, Treasury Decision No. 38023 . 1919 71 notice of quarantine No. 7,effective May 21, 1913 (sui>crscdes quarantine No. 1) Not In s. R. A. amendment No. I, effective March 16, 1916.... 1916 29 amendment No. 2. effective June I, 1917 1917 42 press notice 1917 42 Treasury Decision No. 37179 1917 50 lifted, notice of. effective September 1, 1936 1936-103 press notio 1936 103 Treasury Decision No. 48501 .. 1936-104 Entry placed under Nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine, which see.) scientific names u) Ix 1 iriven on notice of arrival 1914 (S. R. A. \"o. 2)-6 violations. Set Violations. White tree pierid. on French stocks (II. B. 12s, Februarys. 1921) 1921-43 Willow withes as plant ties prohibited from Europe and Canada (R. E. P. Q. 365, effective October 1, 1934) . ... 1934-71 Windward Islands, nursery stock inspection.... 1914-51; 1915-59; 1916-54, 103; 1923-77; 1927-9; 1930 167 Wisconsin, State quarantine on account of European corn borer 1919-120 Woodgaterust quarantine (No. 65): itements 1928-1 10; 1929-8 lifted, notice of, effective July 31, 1939 1939-111 press notice 1939-111 instructions to postmasters.. . 1939-112 to common carriers 1939 112 notice of. effective November l, 1928 1928- 131 instructions to postmasters 1928-134 press notice 1928 131 to common carriers . 1928 hi public 192* amendment No. I, effective April 1, 1929 - instructions to postmasters. ... 1929 125 PCI 1929 It mmon carriers .. \ to general public 195 pro] Ing, notice of pre- ■ . 1928-51 situation .1928-110;] WORTHLBT, I.. H.. takes eh irire of Japanese beetle project, pi. ... I Wyoming, terminal inspection. . 1929 15; 1933 \