22/ Sweden UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant .Quarantine Washington 25, D. C. Kay 19, 1953 B.E.P.Q.-U39, Revised Supplement No. 1 PLANT QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OP THE KINGDOM OF SWEDEN According to the Plant Protection Bulletin of the Agricultural Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations for November 1952 , the Royal Decree of May 5ยป 1952, as published in Svensk Foerfattningssamling No. 222-223 on May 20, 1952, and as modified by a circular of the Plant Protection Institute of July 1, 1952, published in the same journal No. 621-622 on August 22, 1952, governs the impor- tation of barberry, as follows: Import Permit Required for Barberry Importations 1. Plants of Berberis , including Mthonia and Mahoberberis , are allowed entry, sale, or planting only with the permission of the Plant Protection Institute. This restriction does not affect the transit of such material through Sweden when sealed by the Custoas House at the port of entry. Importation, however, is prohibited from countries where foot and mouth disease is found. ?., The following species of Berberis are admissible, provided that they are not grafted on other species: Berberis aggregata B. koreana B. aggregata prattii B. mentorensis B, buxifolia nana (= julianae x thunbergii ) B_, caniidula B. parvifolia B_. chenaultii B. sar;;eutiana (= gagneoainii x verruculosa ) B. thunbergi i B. gagnepainl i B. verruculosa B, julir-nae B. ( Mahonia ) aquifoliuro ( Note : See also certification requirements of Sweden for plants in gen ral on page 2 of B.."3.P,ft.-U39, Revised.) Avery fa-Iigyt Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine UNIVERSITY OF FLOR'DA mil mi I 3 1262 09245 5467