UIIITED STATES DEPimTt/EHT OE AGPJCULTUBE Bureau of Entomology :md Plant Q,uaranti?ie 'vV a sixi n^; t o n , D . C . B. S. P. Q,. — 3^1 SeptemlDer 3, 193^. PLAIJT-qUi'JlAl'ITIlIE IMPORT RESTHICTIONS OP THE PRLSIDEilCY OF SAIIIT GHRISTOPHZR AilD NZVIS. E.^.'/.I, Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/plantquarantinei00unit_2 UNITED STATES DEPAHTI^NT OF AGHICUlTUIj; Bureau of Entomology and plant Quarantine Waghinr^ton, D. C. B. S. P. Q^.— 331 Septemoer 3, 1935. PLMT-qu;jlAlITIl]E IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OE THE P3ESIDSNGY OF SAINT GHRISTOPPISR (ST.KITTS) AND KEVIS, B.W.I. This summary of the plant-quarpntino im^ ort restrictions of the Presidency of Saint Christopher and ITevis has "been prepared for the information' of nurc3rymen,. plant quarantine officials, and others interested in thj exportation of jjlai.ts and plant products to that Presidency. It was prepared "by Hr;.rry B. Suaw, plant Quarantine Inspector, in ch:irgo of Foreign Service Information of tne Division of Foreign Plant O^uarantines, from the orit^'inal texts of Ordinance No. 2 of May 11, 1923. and the Proclnmations of Au^ast 21, 1930 t and of November S, 1932, and reviev;ed hy the A£,~ri cultural Superintendent of the said Presidency, Tlie information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the originrd texts, and i t is not to be interpreted as legally authori- tative. LEE A. STRONG, Chie f, B'areau of Entomology and Pl ant Q.uarantine . PLMT-qUARAlTTIl^^E IMPORT RESTRICTIONS 0? TIiE PR3SID3NCY C? SAINT CliRISTOPHER (ST. KITTS) im NEVIS, B.W.I. (iriCludir.g the Island of Anguilla) BASIC LEGISLATION Plant Protection Ordinance No. 2, May 11, I923. SmiiJffiY IMPORTATION PROHIBITED BANAiTA ( Musa spp.) fruits, suckers, and evt ry part of the plant: Importation p rohibited from all sources except St. Vincent and the Leeward Islands (ilngiiiJla, ijitig-'Jii, Barbuda, Dominica, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands), to prevent the introduction of: Panaiaa dis'^.-ise ( gusarium cubense E.F. Sra.). COCOl'IUTS, COCONUT P^\LiviS ( Ooco s naciicra L.), and parts, thereof: ImT:;>ort-.ition prohibited from Grenada, St. Vincent, Trinidad and Tobago, Cuba, J^juaica, and the countries of Centred America ar.d South ilmerica, to prevent the introduction of: Red-ring disease (Ap helenchoides cocophila (Cobb)Goodey ) , and bud rots. CITRUS ERUITS, PLANTS Ai}ID PARTS TK2RE0F, e-xcept lime- plants: Im- portrtion prohibited from United States of America, Cuba, Jconaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico, to prevent the introduction of: Citrus carJcer (E acterj-um citri pagso). Doidge) . SOIL OR EARTH with plants or portions of plants above indicated from the sources naned. IMPORTATION RESTRICTED COTTONSEED .iND SEED COTTON: Importation prohibited from all sources, unless undor '..'rittcn authority of the Governor, as a p re cau- tion a.7;ainst the introduction of: Cotton bollwetvil ( Antho - nomus ;;randi s Boh.) and other cotton oests not yut found in the Presidency. -2- SUGARCAilE i^T) ALL P.IHTS THEEEOF: Importation prohibited from all sources, unless under written authority of the Governor, as a precaution against the introduction of: Pests and diseases of sugarcane not yet found in the Presidency. IMPORTATION U1^EES:^HICTED Nursery stock, plants, seeds, fruits, and vegetables, other than those above mentioned. GSiER.^ p-lGL'LATIONS (Plant Protection Ordino.nce IJo. 2, May 11, 1923) Section 1. This Ordintaice may be cited as the Plant Protec- tion Ordinance, 19?3« Sec. 2. Definitions. Sec. 3« Appointhient of inspectors. Sec. h. Inspection grounds. PEO:iIBITION TO IMPORT Sec. 5' (1) The Governor may from time to time, by p rocla- mation, prohibit the imncrtation into the Presidency of any plants, parts of plants, seeds, frmts, soil, or any claos of goods, packages, coverings, or other articles or things named and specified ixi such procL-ai/io-tion. (2) The Governor may from tine to time, by proclamation, order that the articles mentioned in the preceding paragraph s hall not be imported into the Presidency except u-oon such conditions as may be specified in such proclamation. (3) Every plant, article, or thing named in any proclamation in force under this Ordinance coming into the Presidency or o.ny part thereof b^- sea, may be deemed to Lave come from a place the introduc- tion thereof from wnich is prohibited by this Ordinance and may be treated accordingly, unless the importer satisfies the Treasurer, or the principal Treasury or Revenue Officer at the port of arrival, of the contrary. -y ^ZIZ'JRE Sec. b. Zvevy plant, article, or thing imported into the Presidency in contravention of cziy proclamation under this Oidinance, or CI r\n-j of tnc conditions imposed thereby, nsy "be seized "by r-r\y Treasury or Zevenue Officer, "by the Ghijf Inspector or any inspector, or "by any meuher of tiio Leeward Islands Police Force, find shall thereupon become forfeited and may be destroyed or otherv.'ise dealt ^7ith as t "ne Governor may direct. IMPORT PHOHIBITIOIIS MJD 33STHICTI0NS (Proclam^ation llo. l6, Aug, 21, I93O, as a:nended cj Proc. ilo. I7, llov. S, 1932) Tile importation into the Presidency is prohibited absolutely of the things specifit^d in Schedule A hereto from the countries * therein specified; the im^.ortation into the Presidency is prdiibited of the things specified in Schedule B, save under the conditions therein e?rpressod, from the couLitries specified in the s aid S chedule; provided, nevertheless, thr.t all fruit and vegetables vvhichmay be imported into the Presidency from the British Isles, Canada, and the British '".'o^st Indies shall be accompanied by a certificate from a responsible authority in the country of export s tatii^g. that such articles do not originate in a prohibited cox^\try. sc^iEiru: niPORTATIOi.^ PHOHIPITZD . Fruits, suckers, and every part of the banana ( wlusa spp . ) , and earth, soil, or other thing packed therewith, from all places sa.ve St. Vincent and the Loev/ard Islands ( Ang^H'"-. Antigua, Barbuda, Dominica, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islai.ds) , to prevent the introduction of: Panama disease (Pusariun cubense Z.F.Sn. ). Coconuts, coconut palms ( Cocos n ucifera L.) and everj- pert of such nuts andpaLms, earth, etc., from Grenada, St. Vincent, Trinidad and Tobr^go, Cuba, Jauaica, and the c o^jntries of Central Aaerica and South America, to prevent the introduction of: Red- ring disease ( A-pnelenchoides coco^phila (Cobb)Goodey) , and bud rots ( phytorht"..ora Dalmivora Butler) etc. -1+- Citrus fruits, plants and. every part thereof (except of the line plant) and e arth, etc. from the United States of Ar.Br ica, Cutp , Jaiao-ica, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico, to prevent the introduction of: Citrus cai'ikor (B acterium c itr i (Ha,sse) Doidge) . SCHEDULE B ItlPORTATIOK RESTRICTED Cottonseed and seed cotton may not "b-e imported from aiy source except under t he v; ritten authority of the Governor, as a precaution against the introduction of: The cotton hoilweevil ( Anthonomus ^;randis Boh.) and other cotton pests not yet f o-und in the Presidency. S'ogarcane and all parts thereof may hot be imported from any source except under the written a.uthority of the G-overnor, as a, precaution a.^ainst the introduction of: Pests and diseases of sugarcane not yet fou:id in the Presidency. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09245 2993 t