y'^ RM L57Glla NACA RESEARCH MEMORANDUM THEORETICAL DETERMINATION OF LOW-DRAG SUPERCAVITATING HYDROFOILS AND THEIR TWO- DIMENSIONAL CHARACTERISTICS AT ZERO CAVITATION NUMBER By Virgil E. Johnson, Jr. Langley Aeronautical Laboratory Langley Field, Va. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT 120 MARSTON SCIENCE LIBRARY RO. BOX 117011 GAINESVILLE. FL 32611-7011 USA NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS WASHINGTON September 50, 1957 Declassified May l6, I958 MCA RM L5TGlla NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS RESEARCH MEMORANDUM THEORETICAL DETERMINATION OF LOW-DRAG SUPERCAVITATING HYDROFOILS AND THEIR TWO-DIMENSIONAL CHARACTERISTICS AT ZERO CAVITATION NUMBER By Virgil E. Johnson^ Jr. SUMMARY The linearized theory of Tulin and Burkart for two-dimensional super- cavitating hydrofoils operating at zero cavitation number is applied to the derivation of two new low -drag configurations . These sections were derived by assuming additional terms in the vorticity distribution of the equivalent airfoil; In particular, three and five terms were considered. The characteristics of both the three- and five-term airfoils are shown to be superior to the Tulin-Burkart configuration. For example, the two- dimensional lift-drag ratios of these new sections operating at their design lift coefficient are theoretically about ^4-5 percent and 80 percent greater than the Tulin-Burkart configuration. A simplified calculation of the location of the cavity boundary streamline for arbitrary configurations is also presented. The method assumes that the contribution of camber to the equivalent airfoil vor- ticity distribution is concentrated at the center of pressure. INTRODUCTION In reference 1 Tulin and Burkart present a linearized theory for determining the characteristics of supercavitating two-dimensional hydro- foils of arbitrary section operating at zero cavitation number . It is shown that the hydrofoil problem may be transformed into an equivalent airfoil problem which can be treated by well-known thin-airfoil theory. The theory shows that hydrofoils with high lift-drag ratios are those whose equivalent airfoils have their centers of pressure as far aft as possible while maintaining all positive vorticity over the chord. In reference 1 such a low-drag section was chosen by specifying only two sine terms in the pressure-distribution expansion (or equivalently, the vorticity distribution) and then these two coefficients were adjusted so that the necessary conditions for high lift -drag ratios were satisfied. MCA RM L57Glla The purpose of the present report is to derive hydrofoils whose air- foil center of pressure is further aft than the Tulin-Burkart configura- tion and thus even higher lift -drag ratios are obtained. One obvious means of accomplishing this is to specify a given pressure distribution on the airfoil and then to determine the Fourier coefficients which describe it. This procedure usually will not lead to a closed-form expression for the airfoil or hydrofoil shape; however, the method does permit adequate solutions in tabular form to be made . In the present case, it was reasoned that superior configurations could be derived merely by choosing more terms in the vorticity series expansion and adjusting the coefficients for maximum lift-drag ratio exactly as was done by Tulin and Burkart. In this manner, the results woiild be in a closed form. The nixmber of terms chosen for the analysis was specified as three for the first case and five for the second case. The results of calculations based on these presumptions are presented. Since, for practical reasons the hydrofoils must have some thick- ness; the shape of the cavity streamline leaving the leading edge is required. The thickness of the hydrofoil that can be permitted is then such that the hydrofoil upper surface lies below this free streamline. The linearized theory permits, in principle, this streainline location to be calculated; however, when the expression for the airfoil vorticity distribution becomes very lengthy, the calculation is very difficult. If the vorticity due to camber is assumed to be concentrated at the cen- ter of pressure of the airfoil, the problem is greatly simplified. The results of an analysis based on this assumption are also presented. SYMBOLS Ajj coefficients of sine-series expansion of airfoil vorticity distribution; that is, a(x) = 2V(Ao cot ^ + Ai sin 9 + A2 sin 29 . . . A^^ sin n9J 1 r^ value of Aq when a = 0; that is, Aq ' = - — / J n *o dx distance from airfoil leading edge to center of pressure in chords ao = Ag Al aT = ^5 A 1 MCA RM L5TGlla c chord Cj) drag coefficient, D/qc C^ lift coefficient, L/qc ^L d design lift coefficient at a = Cjji pitching -moment coefficient about leading edge, M/qc2 Cjjj J third-moment coefficient about leading edge, lA^/qc p - p C-n pressure coefficient, 22 P ' q k drag force k number of terms in summation ^ A^ sin n9 n=l L lift force M pitching moment about leading edge M^ third moment about leading edge, 2 / p(x)x'^dx p local press\are p ambient or free-stream pressure 1 P q dynamic pressure, — pV I distance from section reference line to upper cavity streamline V speed of advance, fps u pertiirbation velocity in x-direction V perturbation velocity in y-direction 4 mCA RM L57Glla x' diraensionless distance parameter along X-axis, x/c X distance along X-axis y' dimensionless distance parameter along Y-axis, y/c y distance along Y-axis a geometric angle of attack, radians r circiilation ft vorticity 9 variable related to distance along equivalent airfoil chord by equation x = i c(l - cos B) Subscripts : a due to Aq or if Aq ' = is due to angle of attack c due to camber Barred symbols refer to quantities in the airfoil plane and unbarred symbols to quantities in the hydrofoil plane . SUMMARY OF THE TULIN-BURKAET LINEARIZED THEORY Since it will be necessary in the derivation of the new hydrofoils to refer frequently to the linear theory of reference 1, a suramary of the principal results of that theory is useful. In reference 1 it is shown that the problem of a hydrofoil operating at zero cavitation number in the Z-plane may be transformed into an air- foil problem in the Z-plane by the relationship Z = - \jz. By denoting properties of the equivalent airfoil with barred symbols and those of the hydrofoil with unbarred symbols, the following relationships are derived: dx dx ^ ' u(x) = u(x2) (2) MCA RM L57Glla ■^L = ^m = 2l^o "^ "^1 " T Ct, = C^ = §A„ + A. 2) (3) Cm = Cj^,3 = ^Po + TAi - TAg + 5A3 - -^j (5) The coefficients A^ are the thin-airfoil coefficients in the sine- series expansion of the velocity perturbations u(x) where u(x) = v/aq cot I + y A^ sin n9 (6) n=l where X = i c(l - COS 9) (0 S e S It) (7) Since u{x) = 20, (x) , equation (6) defines the vorticity distribution on the equivalent airfoil as a{x) = 2V Aq cot ^ + \ A^ sin nG (8) The values of the A coefficients can be found for a given configuration from the following equations : Ao=-i / ^de + a=a + A^' (9a) ° « Jn dx ° A^ = I I ^ cos n9 de (9b; J (o ^ 9 ^ rt) (ll) n=l With the stipulation that the vorticity distribution is defined by only two terms in equation (ll) , reference 1 finds the optimum relation- Ap -1 ship between A^ and A2 as ~ ^ = ^' This results in a hydrofoil A]_ 2 configuration given by the equation y = ^ c 2 x *l(^f-i^f (12) MCA RM L57Glla From equation (5) the design lift coefficient (that is, for a = 0) for this section is ^L,a - ^ (13) and the lift-drag ratio for this condition as obtained from equation (lO) is Since 11/20^ represents the lift-drag ratio of a flat plate, the config- uration given by equation (l2) has a lift-drag ratio 2^/k times as great as that of the flat plate. When the hydrofoil given in equation (12) is operated at an angle of attack, the lift-drag ratio becomes 2 °^ + t CL,d ^ = 1 ^ ^ The present analysis is concerned with the derivation of two new configurations. The problem is exactly the same as that discussed in reference 1 and summarized above except that the vorticity distribution given by equation (ll) is defined by: (l) three terms and (2) five terms . DERIVATION OF LOW-DRAG HYDROFOILS AND THEIR CHARACTERISTICS Statement of Problem The problem under consideration is (l) to find the values of the coefficients in the vorticity equation n(x) = 2V y Aj^ sin ne > (o ^ 9 5 «) (16) n=l Ap such that =• is a maximum for the specific cases of k = 5 and Al k = 5, and (2) to use the method of reference 1 to find the shape of 8 NACA RM L57Glla the hydrofoil which when transformed to the airfoil plane has the vor- ticity distribution given in equation (l6) . Three -Term Solution (k = 3) For the case k = 3, the vorticity distribution given in equa- tion (l6) becomes fi(x) = 2v(a2^ sin 9 + Ag sin 29 + A^ sin 39) > (17) The solution of equation (17) is obtained in the following manner. Let a2 = - ^ (18) Al a. = ^ (19) ^ Ai The problem is now to find a2 and a^ so that a2 is a maximum and sin 9 - a2 sin 29 + a^ sin 39 > (o < 9 ^ jtj (20) Substituting trigonometric identities for the functions of the multi- ples of 9, equation (20) may be written as 1 - 2a2 cos 9 + 3a, - ka^ sin^g > (21) The minimum of equation (21) occiors when e = cos-1 ^- 5 Substituting this value of 9 into equation (21) gives 2ao^ / ap^ , MCA RM L57Glla or Ua^ - Ua^^ - ag^ ^ = b (b ^ 0) (25; Therefore, a2 = t y^l^a^ - lla^S _ b (24) and the term under the radical has a maximum at ax = — • Thus, J 2 ' ag = ± Vl - t (25) and the maximum possible value of a2 is 1 which occurs when b = and 3.-Z = — . Since these values are obtained by considering the mini- mum value of the vorticity or pressure on the airfoil, the condition n(x) > is satisfied for all values of 9 (O S 9 ^ jt) . Thus the solution for the vorticity distribution for the case k = 3 is n(x) = 2VA-j_fsin 9 - sin 29 + | sin 59) (26) The airfoil slope which has the vorticity distribution given by equation (26) is obtained from reference 2 and is given as follows: — = A-l(cos 9 - cos 29 + i cos JQ) (2?) dx \ 2 / Substituting trigonometric identities for the functions of the multiples of 9, equation (27) becomes 1-^^ 2 cos59 - 2 cos29 - i cos 9 + l) (28) and since cos 9=1-2— c 10 NACA RM L5TGlla dx 2(1 - 2 ^ 2 1 2§J _i (1-2^1+1 (29) The slope of the equivalent hydrofoil is obtained from reference 1 and is given as follows : ?(x) = ^(^) dx ijc^ ' (50) Equation (jO) states that the slope of the hydrofoil can be obtained from equation (29) by replacing x with Vx". Thus, since c = ^, dx -' 2 1 - 2 ^?-4-a^)^-|(x-.^) + 1 (31) Integrating from to x and dividing both sides by c gives the desired no ndimensional hydrofoil shape; that is, i = l[^) = f 1 Ai a + ^ since c = ^. From equations (55) and (57) (57) c JO a + Al dx = ^ 2 /t ^ ^°^eFx^ (58) where the center of pressure of the airfoil a is found from the thin- airfoil theory, for Aq = 0, as = ll-l^ 2 An (59) By combining equation (58) with the linearized flat-plate solution of reference 1, the complete solution for the shape of the cavity upper streamline on arbitrary configurations is y' = Ao -x' + i(l + 2\^) (/x' + ^) + i logg (1 + 2^' - 2jx' + >/x jx^ - a loggU a + Jx' (60) where x' and y' denote the dimensionless parameters, x/c and y/c. In this equation y is the distance from the X-axis to the cavity upper surface. When the hydrofoil reference line is at an angle of attack, NACA RM L57Glla 19 the actual distance I from the reference line to the cavity streamline is or 2 = y + (XX - = y' + ax' c "^ (61) as can be determined from figure k. When equation (6o) is substituted into equation (6l) and Aq is replaced by its equivalent a + Aq ' from equation (8), the following equation is obtained: 1 = Aq'x' + (a + Aq') |(i + 2v'^) yx' + ^) + i log^ (l + 2)/x^ ijx' + ^) An rr T (a + \/x' ^x' - a loggl i — (62) where z/c is the dimensionless-distance parameter from the hydrofoil reference line to the cavity upper surface . By separating the angle of attack and camber contributions, equa- tion (62) may be written as I = (}l * (l)< (^). a a + }). An (63) where for the case of Aq ' = 0, which applies to the low-drag hydrofoils under consideration. ilia = 1^1 +2^) (Jx' + j^j + i loge(l + 2^ - 2^ + Vx' and (a Al ^' - a I05 a + /x^ 20 MCA RM L57Glla For each low -drag hydrofoil, A-^ may be replaced by its equivalent in terms of Cl d ^^^ equation (62) may be written as c (^l a a + iA CL,d CL,d (6U) where }). ^L,d K {^ a log + Vx* and K = — which is — for the Tulin-Burkart design, — for the 2CL,d 5rt 3« three-term design, ajid — for the five-term design. The value of a may be determined from equation (59) and is '^/Q, J>/h, and 5/6 for the Tulln-Burkart, three-term, and five-term hydrofoils, ii) respectively. In figure 5(a), — is plotted against x/c and in figure 5(b), hydrofoils . coefficients is plotted against x/c for each of the low-drag CL,d It is important to note the relative magnitudes of the a and for a given value of x/c. At the trailing CL,d edge. a is roughly 10 times as great as HI This means that CL,d except for small angles, the angle of attack is predominant in pre- scribing the cavity shape. The adequacy of the assumption of concentrated camber vorticity is shown in figure 5(b) by comparing the solid (A) curve with the dashed one. The solid curve was computed from equation (58) and the dashed curve obtained from the coordinates given in reference 3. The tabulated coordLnates of reference J were computed for the Tulin-Burkart section by considering the vorticity to be distributed as given in equation (52) and perfonning the necessary complicated integration. MCA RM L57Glla 21 In figure 6 the cavity shape derived from equation (6^+) for the lov- drag hydrofoils is shown for C^ ^ = 0.2. Also shown in figure 6 is the lower surface of each design for the value of C^ ^ = 0.2. An inter- esting point (first noted in reference 5) is revealed in figure 6. The calciilated cavity shape at the design angle of attack falls beneath the lower surface of the configuration. This result was not expected for these low-drag hydrofoils because the cajnber was selected to have posi- tive pressure everywhere on the lower surface. It is believed that the disagreement is due to the inability of the linear theory to accurately predict the pressure distribution when the airfoil vorticity is not in reality distributed along the X-axis. However, the shape of the cavity as determined from the linear theory is much less sensitive to the devia- tion of the true location of the vorticity from the X-axis. That is, the distance from a point on the equivalent airfoil to a point forward of the leading edge is approximated very well by only the x component of the distance. Thus, it is seen that the pressure distribution predicted from the linear theory will be more nearly correct when the equivalent airfoil is at an angle of attack and more symmetrically located about the X-axis. It appears, then, that low-drag hydrofoils such as those derived in the present paper and reference 1 can never be operated at the design angle of attack for the following two reasons: (l) an upper surface cavity will not foiTTi even on an infinitely thin configuration and (2) some thick- ness must be provided for strength. The possibility that, near the design angle of attack, the pressure distributions shown in figure 2 are incorrect has been indicated by experimental Investigation in reference k . Even at an angle of attack of 2°, cavitation was found to occur near the leading edge on the lower surface of the Tulin-Burkart configuration used in the investigation . Because of the need for operating at finite angles of attack, the upper portion of figure 5 has been shaded to indicate that the lift-drag ratios calculated near the design lift coefficient are of academic interest only. In general, the minimum angle at which supercavitating flow from the leading edge is possible will be equal to or greater than about 2°. The exact minimum angle and, thus, the practical range of operation will be determined by the type and magnitude of camber and the thickness required for strength. In figure 6 the cavity streamline shown may be considered as possible upper surfaces of practical hydrofoil configurations . For a given angle of attack the five -term hydrofoil permits a thicker leading edge and a more uniform section. These features are desirable structurally. 22 NACA RM LpTGlla CONCLUSIONS The principal results obtained in the application of the linearized theory to the design of new configurations may be summarized as follows : 1. The two-dimensional lift-drag ratios of the two new sections operating at their design lift coefficient are theoretically about k^ and 80 percent greater than the Tulin-Burkart configuration. 2. The relative magnitude of the lift-drag ratios of these new con- figurations as compared with those of the Tulin-Burkart design decrease with increase in angle of attack. 5. The simplified equation developed for the cavity boundary stream- line for arbitrary shapes is in good agreement with the more exact solu- tion for the Tulin-Burkart Section and should be adequate for all low- drag sections. k. Low -drag hydrofoils developed from the linear theory cannot operate at the design angle of attack because an upper surface cavity will not form even for sections with zero thickness. The sections must be operated at an angle of attack slightly greater than the design angle. Langley Aeronautical Laboratory, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Langley Field, Va., J\ily 2, 195?. MCA RM L57Glla 25 REFERENCES 1. Talin, M. P., and Burkart, M. P.: Linearized Theory for Flows About Lifting Foils at Zero Cavitation Number. Rep. C-658, David W. Taylor Model Basin, Navy Dept., Feb. 1955. 2. Glauert, H. : The Elements of Aerofoil and Airscrew Theory. Second ed., Cambridge Univ. Press, 19h'J . (Reprinted 19^1-8.) 5. Tachmindji, A. J., Morgan, W. B., Miller, M. L., and Hecker, R. : The Design and Performance of Supercavitating Propellers. Rep. C-807, David Taylor Model Basin, Navy Dept., Feb. 1957- k. Ripken, John F.: Experimental Studies of a Hydrofoil Designed for Supercavitation. Project Rep. No. 52 (Contract N6onr-2U6 Task Order VI), Univ. of Minnesota, St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Lab., Sept. 1956. NACA RM L57Glla CO g I— I ■a; o o o I c •H rH R ^^ g a) ^ +J Q) -P (U Q) 0) ^ > £ •S fc-i [x< ffi o o II 6 H •H O •H u ■p s:l o o o / • ft • [fl r-\ •H O / <>. + O / ^ 1 Id >? 1 •\ j:! 1 (-1 1 °9 o •H 1 •s -P J i-:i nJ 1 o +3 •H 1 ft ;> 1 o cd ■"*— — ^ Q • II H cd -P (U en • o -p ^ 1 / '~Pk ^ / O 1 1 > / o / ^ H 1 1 ^ C! / o O / cd / +^ a / -p o / -« 03 ■H +J / 1 w fH tn ► a w 5 S E H \\ U ^i <^ ' TJ ' •^ h^ --__C) r-j| O • . " ^ o + tH d ^ w ' d_ d"~ P^ r->| O P< . -— - ;3 H cd O +3 O -P o •H 4^ ;3 XI •H ?H -P Cl o o -p > 03 O 0) X! 4J O 0) & X! 02 I ITA •H NACA RM L57Glla 29 Hydrofoil lower surface Cavity upper surface 'JZ I I L Angle of attack, 0( 'leg., --6 ._-- 3 I I -.1 .2 .3 .M- .5 .6 ( a) Tulin-Burkart . .8 .9 1.0 c .2 .1 o(,deg . — -—3 -± J L .9 1-0 (b) Three term. (c) Five term. Figure 6.- Location of cavity upper surface for low-drag supercavitating hydrofoils, C-^ ^ = 0.2. NACA - La.igley Fielrt, Vo. I C CM t4 CM CSl ^ O CJ ,rt ^ 0/ 0) .O ■ -a S & a c >. ■o o •o X o c K >.o < o 2S 0) O SZ O -1 tti ISI 1-3 ir> £< §s , ■-■ M -r u i H W^ o K J y "^ S o oj ■ o J m S 3 2 z "^ !>§§•: SS>1 - a; J= o to a. s o < h: U ;2 w ; < rt K ;_ . . _ Z Z H OT H U CO = m n ? .2 o ; H a) ; ID E ■s-s °^ *-• o V (U (tl o£5 J3 -H SC<1 u, M • ° U ..c o o c =? " ■§ T3 S s s M N '^ M :: S c« K-^Z Q Q ^ .O n s 3 o C J o (K 0) o <: z O o — H (U • :« bC -^ Lh c o to u 1^ o o to a S to h c > o. to a. o CO < en u o to j= :} M •o — « -n o c o (1) a. a 3 00 ^ > « 2 •« CO H O ra ' «- S : O) t< I ■ I -Q ^ c; u — ■ ; 3 3 _ . ' ^ 1 c .5 .2 ; ^ m c< 3 c ^, C 3 J - s = » .2 .S s ;:: o ■£ -^ oj 3 _ 7: oj i X to ^

Ml £ u X . >w2t <; T) CO H O CO « r I tl) ^ ' T3 :S.2 , C be t _o ts *j 1 - a: -! ; t» — ' 3 __ i PQ ts S .2 SSa' •2 Si' to M) S >" ■" m rt 4) <: ■i- ^ ' o S . I i3 a c ' io.2 ! n ^ o , c 3 =^.; bo O ■" • ■ rf O M . ^ (J ? ^ 2 - '-s 3 ° ^ -S H 41 S »> s rt J^ a; 0, . o££. ; CM L4 eg CO CO CM fH g' S 0) CO a c >i •73 hfi u c ■a :S X to r t« w :^ bD^ ^2 OCX o §<; >. o < X ^Z g J 41 O S2 4) <• !^Z SSX X S X N i-s in 3frH -J x<: gs f-co « K ay J<: •< CO ^ < M X m2. ■J w 4) C . " «S t!> P « rt 5 2 " -2 QJ C I — I rj eS cS , .Co. p " .„ u u a> (S ■n to ■5. L, m c 41 bO s >> to 4) 4) .- to C« 4) < O B Ex] I >>Q ' tl " •"• "O HH § - w < go O 2 w < « X Z Z H w u w • o J mS C & D . SSz"^ < a) CO f-i O CO to OJ TJ ° ^ O C N .2 2 °. c « t, hCui C ■,; ts ' 5 Sf I t. 5 tti — 1 e iH .^ ' s 3 3 _^ o = ffl ci — c ' c S o .5 .2 4) r; -3 to So >. 3 cS — ffl tS t: - m P !- o c ^ — .a r r: 03 -; fH 4) tl o 4) 0) (U i < < z o < z H — s s o . ^ M f-, e c >. ■a o u •a X ^ ^ 5 P (u o in X< g S ■^23 < £ u *" • o J«S SgS 52g- bl§2 > w 2 >- O 5? <; ^ f^ » 2^ a. p > •< a) TO H (J CO rt 13 S .2a| O — (H — -a ■" m 0) ^ o t, N o « t- ■0(1,0) >> fc. = •c ni :::: ,o5r-o ■a g a; c £ (1) *j S - ^, '^ c : S !« 4) <; ( CO CJ < x: o 3 . 1 **-! li o ' ° rt S :S ! o o "a u I n „, = 3 J cu 3 3 > o .5 Ih re ^ CO *J o t. C 3 , •a bD o ■" -^ m rt rt ;2 T3 « t. . _^ ^ >i 3 o g" o c , ^ T^ "t^ "^ £ 2 gH § n V <" a O " (4 o H — >, . . i L, CM CM ^ . o ^^ — « rt bD .5 a 01 S CO I O C « 2 §< >> o ■< < < z ^H .^ S3 a ca U CM c^'^ o « »-» o ^ u . O £ H^ en c o =:0 c o a Rt C <^ (U ■S" o c « g> bo e o 73 Hydro Johns NACA > > X 5& g J 2b< So "2 u os°H a '^ o C S si5" < go o - w *Jl rt X ^ .^ ^ ;y Z Z H ai H O M z rH CM Op. o OS u OS ISI 00 3° g J V O <=z S2 - H 2 l-« g§ "3 gs n OS I ° I U o X < Hm ^ Q2-=< zh °u xogi 5 2z^' hIz- > wO U c < XI OS '^ - - < o 5 w i <: rtXu - - Z Z H CO H U OT CO " c Ji ■^ o ro oj . ■" a.f-1 c 0) ■= ^ ^ ^ 2 . i -S ^ CO bO i 4) a) aj= >. O ■" h (1> ■" -o j: £ o — > 4) fi c be ■U ■" CO « « <: I o S . 1 i2 o. c ' io.2 : O TS t. ' n, C 3 J ii cH bd- bOin ^ ■: P^ Q) •2 5 w a 3 3 _^ o = n 15 C 3 MO — •-' Si ^ cj o ho •o . t. . ^ >> 3 cfl-m. ? .2 lu a CO ■- - <" 3 *^ o a> J, a) : j3 x: o S3 -o o S3 S3 — c: I < u ■< z UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT 120 MARSTON SCIENCE LIBRARY P.O. BOX 11 7011 GAINESVILLE, FL 32611-7011 US^