CV3,s,;^+=a h h Ci I GUA^t/ -f-> UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE SINCLAIR WEEKS, Secretary WEATHER BUREAU F. W. REICHELDERFER, Chief International Station Numbers for North and Central America (Third Edition) AMENDMENT NO. 1 Washington : February 1955 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Ofiice, Washington 25, D. C. - Price 10 cents Digitized by the Internet Arcliive in 2011 with funding from University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries with support from LYRASIS and the Sloan Foundation INTERNATIONAL STATION NUMBERS FOR NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA (Third Edition) AMENDMENT NO. 1 The cancellations, assignments, and corrections given in this amend- ment supersede data given in the basic publication. Station copies of the publication will be amended to include these changes. The changes given in this amendment correct the publication to February 1, 1955. A. WRITE-IN CHANGES 1. CANCELLATIONS - NUMERICAL LIST Delete all data given on the page indicated for each of the following assignments which have been canceled: Page Station No. Number Name 9 106 Point Hope 9 1U Shishmaref 9 138 Candle 9 154 Shxmgaak 9 171 Wiseman 9 183 Demarcation Point 9 192 Stevftn.s Village 9 196 Livengood 9 198 Circle 9 201 White Mountain 9 216 St. Matthew Island 9 223 Ruby- 9 234 Stony River 9 250 Curry 9 256 Tanalian Point 10 263 Big Delta 10 276 Portage 10 280 Goodpaster 10 285 Tanacross 10 316 Cold Bay 10 319 Sand Point 10 329 Pilot Point 10 339 Chirikof Island 10 349 Kodiak (Woody Island) 10 363 Haines 10 366 Port Althorp 10 370 Tenakee CANCELLATIONS - NUMERICAL LIST (Continued^ Page Station No. Number Name 414 Sheraya 429 Kiska Island 439 Amchitka 446 Tanaga 462 Atka (AFB) 482 Nikolski 484 Umnak 494 Scotch Cap 499 Simeonof Island 15 236 Vicksburg 16 285 Beaumont 17 343 McAlester 18 402 Snow Hill 23 657 St. Paul 24 696 Yaquina Head 25 794 Port Townsend 31 391 Castine 32 495 East Moriches 32 793 St. Johns Lightship 43 517 Cabo Rojo 44 776 Almirante 44 784 France Field 44 794 David 44 800 Aguadulce 44 802 Rio Hato 44 807 Balboa 44 809 Isla del Rey 44 820 Pocri 44 822 Jaque 2. CANCELLATIONS - ALPHABETICAL LIST Delete the following assignments fran the Alphabetical List: Page Under Index No. Letter No. Name 49 A 78800 Aguadulce 49 A 78776 Almirsinte 49 A 70439 Amchitka 49 A 70462 Atka 49 B 78807 Balboa 49 B 72285 Beaumont 49 B 70263 Big Delta 49 C 78517 Cabo RoJo 49 C 70138 Candle 49 C 74391 Castine 2. CANCELLATIONS - ALPHABETICAL LIST (Continued) Page Under Index No. Letter No. Name 50 C 70339 Chirikof Island 50 C 70198 Circle 50 C 70316 Cold Bay 50 C 70250 Cxury 50 D 78794 David 50 D 70183 Demarcation Point 50 E 74495 East Ibloriches 50 F 78784 France Field 50 G 70280 Goodpaster 51 H 70363 Haines 51 I 78809 Isla del Rey 51 J 78822 Jaque 51 K 70429 Kiska 51 K 70349 Kodiak 51 L 72749 TAkehead 51 L 72820 Lake Maniian 51 L 70196 Livengood 51 U 72342 McAlester 52 N 70482 Nikolski 52 P 72799 Patricia Bay 52 P 70329 Pilot Point 52 P 78820 Pocri 52 P 70106 Point Hope 5:2 P 70276 Portage 52 P 70366 Port Althorp 52 P 72795 Port Townsend 53 R 78802 Rio Hato 53 R 70223 Ruby 53 S 74793 St. Johns Lightship 53 S 70216 St. Matthew Is. 53 S 72657 St. Paul 53 S 70319 Sand Point 53 s 70494 Scotch Cap 53 s 70414 Shemya 53 S 70114 Shishmaref 53 S 70154 Shungnak 53 S 70499 Simeonof Island 53 S 72402 Snotr Hill 53 S 70292 Stevens Village 53 s 70234 Stony River 53 T 70285 Tanacross 53 T 70466 Tanaga 53 T 70256 Tanalian Point 53 T 70370 Tenakee 53 U 70484 Umnak 54 U 70489 UnsLlaska 54 V 72236 Vicksburg 54 w 70201 White Mountain 54 w 70171 Wiseman 54 Y 72696 Yaquina Head 3. ASSIGNMENTS - NUMERICAL LIST Insert the following assignments in the numerical list as indicated: Page 41 78118 Turks Island (Auxiliary AFB) N 21' 28' W 71° 08' 18 ft. Page 43 785^5 Ham Bluff Ught, St. Croix N 17* 46' W 64° 53' Page 44 78862 Coolidge Field, Antigua N 17' 07' W 61° 47' 34 ft. 4. INSERTS - ALPHABETICAL LIST Insert the following changes in the alphabetical list as indicated: Page 49 Under A - Change the number 72699 for Astoria, Oregon to 72791 . Page 50 Under D - Insert 70489 Dutch Harbor, Alaska following 76424 Durango. Page 50 Under F - Insert 72749 Fort William/Port Arthur, Ont. between 72533 Fort Wayne and 72259 Fort Worth. Page 51 Under M - Insert 72820 Manuan Lake, Que. between 70179 Manley Hot Springs and 76654 Manzani Ho Page 53 Under T - Insert 78118 Turks Island between 72330 Tupelo, Miss, and 76639 Tuxpan, Veracruz Page 54 Under V - Insert 72799 Victoria, B.C. between 74200 Victoria, B.C. and 72255 Victoria, Texas 5. CHAMGES - NUMERICAL LIST The values for latitude, longitude, and altitude given belcw supersede the corresponding values given in the publication. Correct the original values as indicated: Pa«e Station Lat. Long. Alt. No. No. e * ' (ft.) 9 104 68 52 166 08 9 207 63 54 160 47 9 219 161 43 9 232 159 35 10 272 192 10 273 149 59 132 10 296 60 30 10 298 60 05 142 30 15 201 24 33 81 48 Z\ 15 208 59 15 212 75 15 223 88 15 15 231 90 15 15 248 32 28 93 49 259 16 255 97 05 16 261 1,102 16 265 2,862 16 267 3,241 16 271 2,588 16 276 4,716 16 278 112 01 1,107 16 295 104 17 3H 35 13 17 329 36 58 84 08 17 348 91 51 17 362 34 04 4,625 18 375 7,018 18 378 112 08 18 380 34 46 114 37 18 382 2,538 18 386 2,180 18 387 36 54 18 389 36 42 327 18 397 36 08 120 22 18 406 155 18 414 989 19 427 39 16 81 34 19 437 593 19 438 86 16 808 19 439 613 19 450 37 39 97 25 1,340 19 456 885 19 458 39 34 97 40 19 464 38 17 104 31 4,643 19 465 39 22 19 467 10,156 20 475 5,033 20 479 39 23 4,761 20 486 114 51 20 487 6,647 20 499 634 20 505 118 20 507 71 26 20 509 71 01 20 511 76 51 20 512 40 54 20 513 948 20 515 42 13 75 59 1,638 20 519 408 Page Station Lat. Long. Alt. No. No. • 1 e 1 (ft.) 20 521 1,236 21 532 662 21 533 41 00 21 536 41 36 83 48 692 21 538 42 16 21 539 42 44 84 29 878 21 547 1,080 21 553 41 22 96 01 1,331 21 557 42 24 96 23 1,103 21 583 117 48 22 590 39 27 22 595 41 19 122 19 22 599 124 33 188 22 605 346 22 608 67 00 23 646 1,205 23 655 1,042 23 662 44 12 103 03 3,168 23 669 2,596 23 679 45 57 5,533 23 687 3,304 23 690 43 14 123 22 510 23 691 17 23 693 373 24 711 45 36 1,362 24 730 46 37 80 48 1,121 24 731 79 25 24 744 88 30 24 747 93 23 1,183 25 753 899 25 791 22 25 793 450 ?5 799 53 ^5 802 20 26 816 53 19 26 828 54 49 66 49 27 866 52 10 27 872 50 01 27 896 53 53 122 41 27 906 58 06 27 909 63 44 28 915 83 22 28 921 1,150 28 925 47 28 926 96 00 28 940 55 11 28 964 135 04 31 090 10 31 122 4,583 31 138 102 28 31 392 43 53 79 31 493 69 18 32 506 15 32 509 40 32 694 76 11 43 520 36 44 783 79 54 44 805 08 56 79 34 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 6. CHANGE OF NAME - NUMERICAL LIST Below is a listing of names for which correction of the printed material is required. Change the information given in the pub- lication, by deletion or addition, so that it conforms to the following: Page Station No. No. Name 9 200 Nome 11 454 Adak 11 489 Dutch Harbor 15 201 Key West, Fla. 15 204 Melbourne, Fla. (Melboume-Eau Gallie Airport) 15 207 Savannah, Ga. (Travis Field) 15 212 Ocala, Fla. 15 240 Lake Charles, La. (AF Field) 15 252 Laredo, Texas (AFB) 16 261 Del Rio, Texas (Val Verde County Airport) 16 265 Midland, Texas (Air Terminnl) 16 266 Abilene, Texas (Municipal Airport) 16 270 El Paso, Texas (international Airport) 17 348 West Plains, Mo. 18 372 Prescott, Ariz. (A) 18 375 Flagstaff, Ariz. (A) 18 382 Palmdale, Calif, (international Airjiort) 18 384 Bakersfield, Calif. (Kern County Airport No. 1) 19 432 Evans vllle, Ind. (Dress Memorial Airport) 19 450 Wichita, Kans. (New Wichita Airport) 20 488 Reno, Nev, (A) 20 491 Monterey, Calif. (NAS) 20 494 San Francisco, Calif. (International Airport) 20 505 Block Island, R. I. (State Airport) 20 506 Nantucket, Mass. (Municipal Airport) 20 515 Binghamton, N. Y. (Broome County Airport) 20 517 Allentown, Pa. (A-Bethlehem-Easton Airport) 20 524 Cleveland, Ohio (Cleveland -Hopkins Airport) 21 532 Peoria, 111. (Greater Peoria Airport) 21 535 South Bend, Ind. (St. Joseph County Aii^ort) 21 536 Toledo, Ohio (Express Airport) 21 539 Lansing, Mich. 21 551 Lincoln, Nebr. 21 553 anaha, Nebr. (North Omnha Airport) 21 556 Norfolk, Nebr. (Karl Stefan Field) 23 643 La Crosse, Wis. (A) 23 650 Spencer, Iowa 23 654 Huron, S. Dak. (A) 23 662 Rapid City, S. Dak. (A) 23 687 Grangeville, Idaho (A) 23 690 Roseburg, Or eg. (A) 24 695 Newport, Oreg. 24 698 Portland, Oreg. (International Airport) 24 749 Fort William/?ort Arthur, Ont. (Lakehead Airport) 25 781 Yakima, Wash. (A) 25 783 Lewiston, Idaho (Nez Perce County Airport) 25 799 Victoria, B. C. (Patricia Bay) (A) 26 820 Manuan Lake, Que. 44 805 Balboa, C. Z. (NAF) 45 967 Chaguaramfts Bay, Trinidad (M) v.- U S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1955 O — 336337