UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology ?.nd Plant Quarantine Washington, D. 0. B. E. P. q.— 458 July 10, 1937. PLANT -QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OE THE FEDERATED MALAY STATES (British) Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/malaybritOOunit UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B. E. P. Q.--458 July 10, 1937. PLANT -QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE FEDERATED MALAY STATES (British) This digest of the plant-quarantine import restrictions of the Federated Malay States has "been prepared for the information of nursery- men, plant-quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to those States. It was prepared "by Harry B. Shaw, Plant Quarantine Inspector in Charge, Foreign Information Service, Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines, from Notification No. 3659 of 1935, as published in Federated Malay States Government Gazette, No. 18, August 23, 1935, and reviewed by the Chief Agricultural Field Officer, Department of Agriculture, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States. The information contained in this circuLar is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not in- tended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts, nor is it to be interpreted as legally authoritative* The original Notification should be consulted for the exact texts. LEE A. STRONG, Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. P LAN T-QUARAN T INE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OP THE FEDERATED MALAY STATES . (British) BASIC LEGISLATION The Agricultural Pests Enactment, 1925. This Enactment, among other things, authorizes the Chief Secretary to make rules for preventing the introduction of posts into the Federated Malay States or any part thereof and for preventing the spread of pests therein. Such rules may provide for prohibiting the landing in the Pederated Malay States from places outside the said States of any plant or animal the landing of which may appear to the Chief Secretary to be likely to introduce any post; for the treatment or destruction of any plant or animal that has been landed, and of the packages, cases, pots or coverings in which the same may be packed. GENERAL REGULATIONS (Notification No. 3659 of 1935; Ped. Malay States Government Gazette. No. 18, Aug. 23, 1935, pp. 1775/1776) Importation Conditionally Prohibited The Chief Secretary hereby prohibits the importation of the following merchandise from places other than the Colony or a Malay State, except on compliajice with the conditions established by this notification: Rubb er - all species of Hevea. Cotton - all species of Gossypium. Sugarcane - ( Saccharum off icinarum) . Seeds of coconut palm - ( Cocos nucif era) . Growing: palms of every species. Coffee (Cpffea spp.) except dried beans intended for consumption or transshipment . Banana sprouts for planting (all subspecies and varieties of Mas a sapientum. M. cavendishii, M. chinensis f M. paradisiaca, and M. textilis. Oil-palm seeds (Elaeis spp.) Tea (all varieties of Camellia thea) ; living plants or parts thereof, and seeds. Pineapple (all varieties .and forms of Ananas sativus) : Shoots or other living parts thereof intended for propagation except pineapple fruit from the Netherlands Indies for consumption or when preserved in jars. Definition of Plants For the purposes of this Notification, the word "plants" includes trees or shrubs, and fruits, seeds, tubers, bulbs, grains, stocks, suckers, slips, cuttings, and other parts of a plant. Conditions of Entry- Such an importation is to be undertaken only in the following manner: Authorized Port of Entry By sea, through the port of Swettenham, whether such plants have been transshipped in the waters of the Colony or "brought direct from a place outside the Malay Peninsula, or By parcel post addressed to the consignee, care the Adviser on Agriculture., Federated Malay States, or the Chief Agricultural Field Officer, Federated Malay States. TTritteri Authorization Necessary Such an importation is permitted only in accordance with the written authorization of the Adviser on Agriculture or of the Chief Agricultural Fj_cld Officer of the Federated Malay States. This authorization must be procured before the pl'ants concerned are shipped from the country of origin. - 3 - Phytosanitary Certificate Required Such a plant ar shipment of plants must "be accompanied by a certificate signed by an officer of the Department of Agriculture of the country of origin or "by some other competent person previously approved by the Adviser on Agriculture, Federated Malay States, not more than 14 days prior to the date of shipment, certifying that such plants or shipment had been inspected by the certifying officer and, to the best of his knowledge and belief, are free from any pest or disease. One copy of the certificate shall bo sent direct to the importer in the Federated Malay States and handed by him or his representative to the Superintendent of Customs and Excise in the port of Swettenham; another copy shall be sent to the Chief Agricultural Field Officer, Federated Malay States. Inspection on Arrival Every such plant or consignment of plants shall be inspected on arrival at Port Swettenham by the Chief Agricultural Field Officer, Federated Malay States, or the State Agricultural Officer, Sclangor, who shall have power, at his discretion, to deliver it to the importer or to order that, at the expense of the importer, it be quarantined in his own charge for such a period as ho may think fit, and to submit the plant or plants, and the packages, cases, pots, or coverings in which the same may be packed, to such treatment as he may consider necessary for the destruction of any pests, or to order the destruction of such plant or plants and of the packages, cases, pots, or coverings in which the same may be packed. Any further considerations may be imposed that the Adviser on Agriculture, Federated Malay States, thinks fit. Entry May be Refused in Absence of Certificate If the written authorization and certificate mentioned above are not presented to the Superintendent of Customs at Port Swettenham, he may prohibit the landing of such plants or consignments of plants. After presentation of the authorization and certificate, the Superintendent of Customs and Excise in Port Swettenham will permit the landing of such plants or consignments of plants, and shall detain them in his charge and forthwith inform the Chief Agricultural Field Officer, Federated Malay States, or the State Agricultural Officer, Selangor, of the landing. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09245 5566