Approved Code No. 9 — Amendments Nos. 1-2 Registry No. 313—1—06 NATIONAL RECOVERY ADMINISTRATION AMENDMENTS TO CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE LUMBER AND TIMBER PRODUCTS INDUSTRY AS APPROVED ON OCTOBER 9, 1933 BY PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT WE DO OUR PART 1. Executive Order 2. Letter of Transmittal 3. Amendments to Code univ. op ^tSt NITED STATES MENTJ PRINTING OFFICE GTON : 1933 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. -------- Price 5 cents This publication is for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., and by district offices of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. DISTRICT OFFICES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Atlanta, Ga. : 504 Post Office Building, Birmingham, Ala. : 257 Federal Building. Boston, Mass. : 1801 Customhouse. Buffalo, N.Y. : Chamber of Commerce Building. Charleston, S.C. : Chamber of Commerce Building. Chicago, 111. : Suite 1706, 201 North Wells Street. Cleveland, Ohio : Chamber of Commerce. Dallas, Tex. : Chamber of Commerce Building. Detroit, Mich. : 2213 First National Bank Building. Houston, Tex. : Chamber of Commerce Building. Indianapolis, Ind. : Chamber of Commerce Building. Jacksonville, Fla. : Chamber of Commerce Building. Kansas City, Mo. : 1028 Baltimore Avenue. Los Angeles, Calif. : 1163 South Broadway. Louisville, Ky. : 408 Federal Building. Memphis, Tenn. : 229 Federal Building. Minneapolis, Minn. : 213 Federal Building. New Orleans, La. : Room 225-A, Customhouse. New York, N.Y. : 734 Customhouse. Norfolk, Va. : 408 East Plume Street. Philadelphia, Pa. : 933 Commercial Trust Building. Pittsburgh, Pa. : Chamber of Commerce Building. Portland, Oreg. : 215 New Post Office Building. St. Louis, Mo. : 506 Olive Street. San Francisco, Calif. : 310 Customhouse. Seattle, Wash. : 809 Federal Building. (H) EXECUTIVE ORDER An application having been made by the Lumber Code Authority pursuant to and in full compliance with the provisions of title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act, approved June 16, 1933, for modification and amendment of the Code of Fair Competition for the Lumber and Timber Products Industries, as heretofore approved by me, and for the modification of my approval of said code of fair competition accordingly, and the Administration having recom- mended the granting of such application, such proposed modifica- tions and amendments to be in accordance with proposed amendment no. 1 and amendment no. 2 attached, establishing the " Veneer and Plywood Division " : NOW, THEREFORE, I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States, pursuant to the authority vested in me by title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act, approved June 16, 1933, and otherwise, do approve the granting of the aforesaid application, such modification and amendment to take effect 1 week from the date hereof, unless good cause to the contrary is shown to the Administra- tor before that time, and do order that the final approval of the Code of Fair Competition for the lumber and timber products in- dustries contained in my Executive order dated August 19, 1933, is hereby modified to the foregoing effect. FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT. The White House, October 9, 1933. Approval recommended : Hugh S. Johnson, A dministrator. (in) 21656 244-21 33 October 3, 1933. To the President: Under the Code of Fair Competition for the Lumber and Timber Products Industries, as approved by you on August 19, 1933, the Lumber Code Authority has submitted the two attached amendments creating additional Subdivisions of the Industry, namely, the " Ply- wood Subdivision " and the " Commercial Veneer Subdivision ", also redesignating the present " Veneer Division " as the " Face Veneer Subdivision ", so that these three Subdivisions will constitute the new " Veneer and Plywood Division." After full consideration and conference and agreement with the representatives of the Industry it is recommended that pursuant to the authority vested in you by Title I of the National Industrial Re- covery Act, approved on June 16, 1933, you order that Article VII (d) " Veneer Division " of the Code be amended to read as Amend- ment No. 1 attached, and that Schedule "A", Section 34 " The Veneer Division " of the Code be amended to read as Amendment No. 2 attached. Respectfully submitted. Hugh S. Johnson, Approval recommended by: Tom Glasgow, Deputy Administrator. Administrator. (IV) AMENDMENTS TO THE CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR LUMBER AND TIMBER PRODUCTS INDUSTRY Amendment No. 1 In Article VII (d) strike out the paragraph heading " Veneer Division " * and the wage schedule applying to it and insert in lieu thereof the following: VENEER AND PLYWOOD DIVISION Plywood Subdivision: South: (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Pulaski County Illinois, Ken- tucky except Jefferson County) — 230 per hour or $9.20 per week of 40 hours. North: (All other territory except the States of Arizona, New Mexico, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, North Da- kota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Metropolitan District of New York and Chicago) — 300 per hour or $12.00 per week of 40 hours. Metropolitan Districts of New York and Chicago: (Estab- lishments located within ten miles of the limits of the cities of Chicago and New York) — 42^20 per hour or $17.00 per week of 40 hours. Commercial Veneer Subdivision : South: (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Pulaski County Illinois, Ken- tucky except Jefferson County) — 230 per hour or $9.20 per week of 40 hours. North: (All other territory except the States of Arizona, New Mexico, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska, and Metropoli- tan Districts of New York and Chicago) — 300 per hour or $12.00 per week of 40 hours. Metropolitan Districts of New York and Chicago (Estab- lishments located within ten miles of the limits of the cities of Chicago and New York) — 42*^ per hour or $17.00 per week of 40 hours. (l) Face Veneer Subdivision x : Zone 1 : New York City and Chicago — 42.5 cents per hour. Zone 2 : Northern Cities — 35 cents per hour. Zone 3 : Northern Rural — 35 cents per hour. Zone 4: Southern Cities — 30 cents per hour. Zone 5 : Southern Rural — 25 cents per hour. Amendment No. 2 In Schedule "A" strike out Section 34 " The Veneer Division " and insert in lieu thereof the following : 34. VENEER AND PLYWOOD DIVISION Division (Art. II (c)) — The Veneer and Plywood Division con- sists of producers, manufacturers, importers and distributors of com- mercial and face veneers and furniture, cabinet and interior finish plywood throughout the United States. Products (Art II (a)). — All such veneers and plywood re- gardless of species and origin except Douglas Fir, Western Cedars, Spruce, Western Pine, Hemlock, Redwood, and such veneers or plywood as are manufactured and sold exclusively for boxes, crates, and other containers. Administrative Agencies (Art. III). — A committee to be selected by the three subdivisions hereinafter named, to be known as the " Coordinating Committee of the Veneer and Plywood Division ", is designated as the agent of the Authority for the administration of the Code in this Division. The said Com- mittee is authorized to make rules and regulations necessary to administer the Code in this Division, and shall designate and authorize such agencies as may be required for this purpose. Subdivisions (Art. II (c)). — A. For the more effective admin- istration and enforcement of the Code in this Division, sub- divisions shall be established as may be necessary to meet the requirements of the various groups and classifications of pro- ducers, manufacturers, importers, and distributors included therein. B. The following subdivisions are hereby established and the following Administrative. Agency of each subdivision is hereby designated : (a) Plywood Subdivision. (b) Commercial Veneer Subdivision. (c) Face Veneer Subdivision. 1 Face Veneer Subdivision Zones are as follows : New York : Any establishment located within ten miles of the limits of the City of New York. Chicago : Any establishment located within ten miles of the limits of the City of Chicago. Cities : Communities over 75,000 population, including establishments within ten miles of the city limits. Rural : Communities of less than 75.000 population. South : Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Caro- lina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia. North : Balance of the United States. C. Additional subdivisions of this Division may be established by said Coordinating Committee with the approval of the Authority. D. The said Coordinating Committee shall, with the approval of the Authority, designate the administrative agency under the code in each of such additional subdivisions as may hereafter be established ; and shall authorize the designated agency in each such subdivision to make such rules and regulations, and to designate such further agencies as may be required for the administration of the code therein. E. Each subdivision shall be independent and self-governing in respect of all matters and problems relating to said subdivi- sion exclusively under the general direction of the said Coordi- nating Committee. Proposals in respect of matters effecting more than one subdivision may be negotiated by any such sub- division and shall be submitted for consideration to the said Coordinating Committee. 3 4-A. PLYWOOD SUBDIVISION Subdivision (Art. II c). — The plywood Subdivision consists of producers, manufacturers, importers, and distributors of com- mercial plywood throughout the United States. Products (Art. II a). — All plywood, regardless of species or origin except Douglas Fir, Western Cedars, Spruce, Western Pine, Hemlock, Redwood, and such plywood as is manufactured and sold exclusively for boxes, crates, and other containers. Administrative Agency (Art. III). — The Plywood and Ve- neer Association, 176 West Adams Street,- Chicago, Illnois, is designated as the agency of the Authority for the administration of the code in this subdivision. Said association, through its National Executive Committee, is authorized to make rules and regulations necessary to administer the code of this division, and shall designate and authorize such agencies as may be required for this purpose. 3 4-B. COMMERCIAL VENEER SUBDIVISION Subdivision (Art. II (c)). — The Commercial Veneer Subdivi- sion consists of producers, manufacturers, and distributors of rotary cut commercial veneers throughout the United States. Products (Art. 11(a)). — All rotary cut commercial veneers, regardless of species and origin, except Douglas Fir, Western Cedars, Spruce, Western Pines, Hemlock, Walnut, Mahogany, other face woods of value and such veneers as are manufactured exclusively for crates and other containers. Administrative Agency {Art. III). — The Administrative Agency of this subdivision shall be a governing committee of six men, two from the Plywood Subdivision, two from the Commer- cial Veneer Subdivision, and two from the Face Veneer Subdi- vision. The Governing Committee shall, with the approval of the Authority, designate the Administrative Agency or Agencies UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08583 0148 under the Code in this Subdivision and shall authorize the des- ignated agency or agencies to make such rules and regulations as may be required for the administration of the code for this purpose. 34-C. FACE VENEER SUBDIVISION Subdivision (Art. II (c)). — The Face Veneer Subdivision consists of producers, manufacturers, importers, and distributors of face veneers throughout the United States. Products (Art. II (a)). — All face veneers of value, regardless of species and origin, except Douglas Fir, Western Cedars, Spruce, Western and Southern Pines, Hemlock, and such Hard- wood Veneers as are manufactured exclusively for crates and other containers. Administrative Agency (Art. III). — The Veneer Association, 616 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, is designated as the agency of the Authority for the administration of the code in this subdivision. Said Association, through its Board of Directors, is author- ized to make rules and regulations necessary to administer the code in this subdivision, and shall designate and authorize such agencies as may be required for this purpose. o