LIBRARY ;tate plant board ET-178 August 1941 United States Department of Agriculture Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine A DEVICE FOR ESTIMATING TKRIPS POPULATION ON CITRUS FOLIAGE By E. A, McGregor, Division of Fruit Insect Investigations It is very difficult to make population counts of the citrus thrips ( Scirtot h rips citri (Moult.)) because these insects are small, active, and easily disturbed, and their color blends with that of the foliage of the host. Because of this difficulty the writer developed a number of years ago a "thrips meter," herein described, for obtaining indices to thrips populations. The thrips meter consists of four items of equipment (fig. 1) , each of which will be described separately. Item 1 is a light, durable box, 8 by 6 by 2-1/2 inches in dimensions. A cigar box will fill these requirements. At one end of the inside of the box is placed a spring catch and at the other end a ledge, to hold in place items 2 and 3. Item 2 is a sheet of black paper to v/hich is applied a thin film of sticky material, such as tanglefoot, and which fits into the bottom of the box. For convenience in handling, the margin of this sheet is left free of the sticky substance; this reduces its effective adhesive area to about 23 square inches. Black paper is used, as the pale insects are readily seen and counted on a dark background. This item is referred to as the capture sheet. For the oreoaration of the capture sheets the sticky material is applied with a painter's brush. A supply of these sheets may be prepared in advance and stuck face to face to await use. Care should be taken to apply the sticky fluid as a continuous film of proper thickness. IT is important that the exposea, sticky area of the sheet be aiways tne same, otherwise tne records obtained would not be comqarable. Item 3 is a frame or wood or tnick caraooara of tne same over-all dimensions as the sticky sneet. At one ena it fits un- der the ledge in the box and at the other end under the spring catch. The frame is put into place, or removed, by means oi a Knob fastened to tne upper suriace or the frame on the end that fits under tne ledge, and is held in place by the ledge and the spring catch. The opening of this frame corresponds in size to the effective sticky area of the sheet and exactly registers with it. - 2 - Item 4 is a cover of wire screen soldered to a frame of light angle material made of tinned sheet iron, fitting snugly over the box. The mesh of the screen is large enough to permit the thrips to fall through and at the same time prevent larger insects and trash from passing through to the sticky sheet. When the device is assembled for use, the arrangement is as follows: The adhesive capture sheet lies directly on the inner bottom surface of the box. the frame lies immediately over the cap- ture sheet, and the screen cover fits snugly over the box opening. Both larvae and adults of the citrus thrips feed by pref- erence on the tender twigs or terminals of the citrus trees, and these new growth terminals are used as the units of measurement for the thrips counts. The twigs are beaten upon the screen with the thrips meter held in a horizontal position (fig. 2), and the in- sects fall through the screen and are retained by the sticky capture sheet. To facilitate the counting of the insects, the sticky sheet is removed and cut into smaller pieces, usually six. Counting is further aided by cutting a series of intersecting cross lines into the surface of each small piece of the capture sheet. It is prefer- able to make the count in the field with a hand lens before the in- sects have had time to become quiet or settle into the sticky fluid, when counting becomes more difficult. If necessary, however, the counting may be done later in the laboratory, with either a hand lens or a binocular microscope. Figure 1. — ^Four component parts of the thrips meter: 1, Light box^ 2, capture sheei provided with a film of sticky material; 3> frame serving to hold the paper in place and standardize the area of capture; X, screen cover. Figure 2. — Thrips meter in use in an orchard, lifiiili