/ Registry No. 1133— 10 NATIONAL RECOVERY ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE LOCKSMITH INDUSTRY AS SUBMITTED ON AUGUST 28, 1933 WE DO OUR PART C£ L_il U.S. The Code for the Locksmith Industry in its present form merely reflects the proposal of the above-mentioned industry, and none of the provisions contained therein are to be regarded as having received the approval of the National Recovery Adtninistration as applying to this industry UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1933 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. -------- Price 5 cents CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE NATIONAL LOCKSMITHS' ASSOCIATION AS SUBMITTED TO THE ADMINISTRATOR AUGUST 25, 1933 Article I — Definition The term " Locksmith " shall apply to any person having three or more years' experience at the trade, and those working at the lock- smithing trade with less than three years' experience shall be known as Junior Locksmiths. Article II — Labor Provisions Section 1. No person under the age of 16 years shall be permitted to work at the locksmithing business except for purposes of delivery or waiting upon trade, in which cases they shall not work longer than three hours per da}', between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Such employees in all cases shall be more than 14 years of age, and these horn's shall in no case conflict with school hours. Wages for such services shall not be lower than 30^ per hour. Sec. 2. Junior Locksmiths shall not receive less than the minimum wage prescribed by the code, which in cities of over 500,000 popula- tion would be $15.00 per week, and in cities of less than 500,000 it would be $14.50 per week. No Junior Locksmith shall be permitted to operate any locksmithing shop or department without the supervision and advice of a competent Locksmith. Sec. 3. Locksmiths working on a salary basis shall receive as a minimum wage $24.00 per week. Those employed on a percentage basis shall receive a guarantee of the minimum wage, or $24.00 per week, unless said employee is working part time, in which case a minimum hourly guarantee of 750 per hour shall be made. Sec. 4. No Locksmith or Junior Locksmith shall be employed longer than 40 hours per week with the exception of emergency cases such as lockouts, etc., in which cases a maximum of 48 hours per week is agreed upon, it being understood that time and one third is to be paid for all time over 40 hours. Sec. 5. Locksmiths called in an emergency to open locks of in- tricate design or mechanism, such as bank vaults, etc., may, if the emergency warrants, work straight through, regardless of the hours consumed to complete the job, when such an emergency requires that said locking device must be opened at the earliest possible moment. Hours taken for such work shall apply to the remaining hours for the week and time and one third shall be paid for every hour over the 40-hour week. In the event that the time should run longer than 48 hours in such an emergency, he shall receive time and one half for all hours worked over the 48-hour minimum, and 8941—33 (1) such hours used shall bo deducted from the 48-hour minimum of the ensuing week. Sec. 6. Employees in an establishment which makes keys but who do work as clerks, shall be paid and employed as per the code established for Junior Locksmiths and Locksmiths, and shall not be permitted to cut keys unless they are so employed. This shall not affect clerks unless they actually do key work. Sec. 7. Pursuant to subsection (a) of Section 7 of the National Industrial Recovery Act, and so long as the Code shall be in effect, the Code shall be subject to the following conditions : (1) That employees shall have the right to organize and bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and shall be free from the interference, restraint, or coercion oi employers of labor, or their agents, in the designation of such representatives or in self-organization or in other concerted activities for the pur- pose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection : (2) That no employee and no one seeking employment shall be required as a condition of employment to join- any company union or to refrain from joining, organizing, or assisting a labor organiza- tion of his own choosing; and (3) That employers shall comply with the maximum hours of labor, minimum rates of pay, and other conditions of employment, approved or prescribed by the President. Article III — General Provisions Section 1. Xo establishment shall be permitted to open a key- cutting department unless at least one Locksmith with three or more years' experience is placed in charge, or is working full time within the concern. This shall not be construed to mean that when such a Locksmith is employed, that he should spend the entire time as a Locksmith. However, it shall mean that during the entire time the department is open for business, he shall be available for pur- poses of lock work if the occasion demands his services. Sec. 2. No Locksmith shall, under this code, make a passkey for any firm or individual without first ascertaining that the person ordering such is entitled to, or has the authority to have same made, and in no case shall any Locksmith make a key by code number or otherwise for locks not brought to his establishment, for persons unknown to him, or to persons not presenting positive proof that they are the rightful owners of said lock, or authorized to procure same by the proper owner or authorities. Sec. 3. Locksmiths shall in no case open any safe, money chest, or other containers of valuables at any time without first being pre- sented with proper credentials from the owners thereof, and in all cases shall make certain that the parties employing his services have the proper authority to have said device opened. This shall also apply to house doors, store doors, buildings, etc. Sec. 4. Locksmiths shall obtain a signed receipt for any key made by code number or any master or pass key made. Said receipt shall show the name and address of the party receiving same, and such receipts shall be kept on file for a period of at least one year, as a record of where such keys were sold or delivered. Sec. 5. No Locksmith shall under this code sell blank keys to per- sons not known to be engaged in the Locksmithing business as lock- smiths or Junior Locksmiths. Sec. 6. Keys commonly known as " passkeys " shall at no time be sold to persons under the age of 18 years. The term " pass- key " shall apply to ready-cut keys, purchased as a finished product from factories producing them and which are designed to open a great many locks using similar keys. This applies to passkeys for door locks, night latches, padlocks, automobile switches, and other locks for which they are offered for sale. Sec. 7. Firms selling passkeys shall obtain the name and address of part} 7 purchasing same and a record kept of the type of passkey purchased. Article IV — Unfair Trade Practices The following practices are now prevalent and are deemed by this organization as unfair and having a deleterious effect upon the working conditions and wages of those working at the trade, and upon the trade as a whole. Section 1. The establishment of a scale of prices which does not return sufficient revenue to recompense the shop operator for the time spent in turning out the product, the investment he has made in order to be able to turn out said product, and the material, supplies, power, etc., used in turning it out. Sec. 2. The practice of other concerns, engaging in the simpler operations or services of the locksmiths, such as duplicating, etc., thereby depriving the locksmith of his just revenue for such services. Sec. 3. The practice of other concerns, whose major operations are along other lines, of duplicating keys, charging for such services only a nominal sum, or doing it free of charge, as a trade stimulator for "their major line of endeavor, thus depriving the locksmith of work and compensation he should be receiving. Sec. 4. The practice of persons not experienced as locksmiths of charging less for locksmithing operations they perform than is charged by the locksmiths operating in that community. Sec. 5. The practice by either locksmiths or other individuals of impairing the security of any lock in any manner whatsoever, whether by removing parts or weakening the lock structure. Sec. 6. The practice of making keys in office buildings, hotels, real- estate offices, schools, and other institutions, by any except lock- smiths, as defined in Article 1. Sec. 7. The practice of allowing quantity discounts to. customers not entitled to such. Sec. 8. The practice of traveling locksmiths have a small capital outlay, of cutting prices prevailing in the community in which they happen to be, in competition to firms who pay taxes, rent, etc. Article V — Executive Committee This organization recommends the appointment of an Executive Committee, fairly representing the locksmithing trade of different sections of the country, the work of this committee being to establish such rules as it finds necessary to remedy the above practices, and to regulate the trade in any manner found necessary by the adoption of such rules. National Locksmiths' Ass'n., Arthur M. Sear, Setfy-Treas. o Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries with support from LYRASIS and the Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/proposedcodeoffa2833unit UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA illlllllllllMlllIll! 3 1262 08856 1195