STATE PLANT BOARD E2/Oolonbia UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. Juno 1, 1942 B. E. P. Q. 4.77, Supplement No. 2 PLANT-QJJARANTI HE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA Importation of Untoasted Cacao Permitted Temporarily. Decree No. 769 of March 26, 1942 Foreign Commerce Weekly for May 9, 1942 reports that the importation of untoasted cacao beans into Colombia is permitted through the ports of Buenaventura and Ipiales for six months beginning Marcy 26, 1942, according to the above decree. The cacao beans are subject to sanitary inspection and must bo shipped perfectly dry in double packing of paper or fiber. Chief, Bu of Entomology and PI a nt Qua rail tine. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OE AGPJ CULTURE Office of the Secretary TSashington, D, C. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09314 6388 Pejieui. j.ux xjj.j.,cj.u^ ^w „^ avc payment of postage, $300 Official Business DR. E W 3ERGER ENTOMOLOGIST STATE PLANT BOARD SEAGLE BLDG 2 GAINESVILLE FLA