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Cratitude is also expressed to people in private industry who supplied data and information. Issued August 1980 Washington, D.C. Contents Introduction 3 Sodium content of foods 6 Beverages and fruit juices .... 6 Dairy products 8 Eggs, fish, shellfish, meat, poultry, and related products 11 Fruits 17 Grain products 19 Legumes and nuts 24 Soups 26 Sugars and sweets 27 Vegetables, vegetable juices, and salads 28 Condiments, fats, and oils .... 33 Sodium content of selected nonprescription drugs 35 Use of brand names in this publication is for identification only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 The Sodium Content of Your Food Anne C. Marsh, Ruth N. Klippstein, and Sybil D. Kaplan* Introduction Sodium is a mineral element necessary (or proper body func- tion. It is involved in maintaining blood volume and cellular osmotic pressure and in transmitting nerve impulses. Body needs for sodium are not great. Intakes of 1,100 to 3,300 milligrams of sodium per day are considered safe and adequate for the healthy adult by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences— National Research Council. Most dietary sodium is found in the form of sodium chloride, the compound we know as table salt, which is 40 percent sodium and 60 percent chloride. One teaspoon of salt con- tains approximately 2,000 milli- grams of sodium. Current estimates of daily sodium intake by individ- uals are between 2,300 to 6,900 milligrams (about 1 to 3 teaspoons or 6 to 17 grams of salt). Many Americans consume more sodium than they need. "Nutrition and Your Health— Dietary Guide- lines for Americans," published jointly by the Departments of Agri- culture and Health, Education, and Welfare in February 1980, suggests that people should "avoid [eating] too much sodium." Excess sodium in the diet is believed to contribute to high blood pressure or hypertension in some *Marsh is a Nutrition Analyst with the Consumer Nutrition Center, SEA, USDA; Klippstein is Professor, Division of Nutri- tional Sciences, Cornell University; and Kaplan is a Cooperative Extension Specialist, University of Rhode Island, Kingston. people. Control of body weight and restriction of sodium intake from foods, drinks, and drugs are among treatments prescribed by physicians to control high blood pressure. This publication provides a table showing the sodium content of common foods (table 1), to help you figure out how much sodium is in your diet. Table 2 lists the sodium content of selected non- prescription drugs. In addition to the salt we know- ingly sprinkle on our food, many foods contain sodium as a part of their normal chemical composition. Household staples like baking powder and baking soda are sodium compounds. Some popular flavoring agents high in sodium are soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, catsup, pickles, olives, and garlic, onion, and celery salts. Many processed foods contain added sodium. Salted or brined meats and fish are obviously higher in salt content than the uncured forms. Many canned vegetables are packed in a salt solution or brine. Frozen vegetables are usually processed without added salt. How- ever, starchy vegetables like lima beans and peas are frequently sorted in brine before freezing. Frozen vegetables with added sauces, mushrooms, or nuts are higher in sodium than the plain varieties. Canned and frozen fruits are not usually processed with added salt, but some companies add small amounts of salt to prevent darken- ing of some fruits and to enhance flavor of applesauce. Some canned and frozen fruits, and most canned whole tomatoes, are dipped in sodium hydroxide so that they can be easily peeled. This process causes these foods to have higher sodium levels than are found in the fresh foods. Canned and bottled citrus drinks are sometimes buffered W\th sodium citrate. Sodium ion exchange is used in processing some wines to reduce sedimetpt and clarify the product. Chemical ingredients which con- tain sodium may be added during food processing. Some examples of these ingredients are monosodium glutamate or MSG (a flavor enhancer); sodium saccharin (a sweetener); sodium phosphates (emulsifiers, stabilizers, buffers); sodium citrate (a buffer); sodium ca- seinate (a thickener and binder); and sodium benzoate and sodium nitrite (preservatives). It is especially important for per- sons on salt-restricted diets to read ingredient labels carefully to see which, if any, sodium compounds have been included in processed foods. Those items listed first on the label are present in the largest amounts. Nutritional information on labels of some foods, such as break- fast cereals, shows sodium values. To allow for variability among pack- ages, cereal manufacturers may show higher values on packages of cereal than those shown in the table. Some over-the-counter drugs, par- ticularly antacids, contain sodium in significant amounts. Read labels carefully and ask your physician about using such drugs. Refer to table 2 for a list of selected non- prescription drugs and the amount of sodium each contains. Many patients with high blood pressure take diuretics and are ad- vised to increase their potassium in- take to replenish that lost in the increased urine volume. Bananas and orange juice are frequently recommended for their potassium content. Most fresh vegetables, fruits, legumes, and uncured meats are also good sources of potassium and add only small amounts of sodium to the diet. If you are think- ing of using a potassium substitute for common salt, you should con- sult your physician before doing so. Another source of sodium is drinking water. The sodium content of drinking water varies consider- ably throughout the country. This variation also affects the sodium content of soft drinks and beer pro- duced and bottled at different loca- tions. Water softeners raise the sodium content of water— the harder the water, the greater amount of sodium needed to soften it. In most States, the State department of public health can supply informa- tion on the sodium content of public water supplies and provide help in getting water from indi- vidual wells or water supplies analyzed. This bulletin updates sodium values listed in "Composition of Foods," Agriculture Handbook No. 8 (1963), and includes values for additional food items. The values were obtained from published reports of laboratory analyses that used flame photometry, atomic absorption, or emission spectro- scopy to find the sodium content of foods. These reports include data from industrial, scientific, and tech- nical literature. Because some products vary con- siderably in sodium content, table 1 gives representative values. Sodium values shown reflect current proc- essing practices and typical product formulas. If these practices and for- mulas are changed, sodium values may change also. Values given in table 1 are for un- salted products, unless specified. Cooked items have been prepared using unsalted water, even though the manufacturers' instructions may call for salt. Canned vegetable values are for total can contents of solids and liquids. The values reported are for common house- hold measures of the foods and in- clude metric equivalents. Some labels may express sodium content in grams or milligrams. Here's how to convert these measurements and also how to measure the amount of sodium in salt. Salt and sodium conversions Grams to milligrams Multiply weight in grams by 1,000 Sodium into salt (NaCi) equivalent Milligrams of sodium content H- .40 = milligrams of salt Salt into sodium Milligrams of salt x .40 = milli- grams of sodium Sodium in milligrams to sodium in miliiequivalents^ Milligrams of sodium ^23 (atomic weight of sodium) = milli- equivalents of sodium Milliequivalents of sodium to milligrams of sodium Milliequivalents of sodium x23 = milligrams of sodium ^Medical prescriptions are often given as milliequivalents (mEq). Tabic 1 — Sodium Content of Foods Beverages and Fruit Juices Item Food Portion Weight (grams) Sodium (milligrams) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Alcoholic: Beer 12 Gin, rum, wh-isky 2 Wine: Red: Domestic- 4 Imported 4 Sherry 4 White: Domestic 4 Imported 4 Breakfast drink, instant: 8 Grape 8 f 9 Citrus fruits 8 f Carbonated: 10 Club soda 8 f Cola: 11 Regular 8 f 12 Low calorie 8 f Fruit flavored: 13 Regular 8 f 14 Low calorie 8 f 15 Ginger ale 8 f 16 Root beer 8 f 17 Cocoa mix, water added — 8 f Coffee: 18 Brewed 8 f Instant: 19 Regular 8 f 20 Decaffeinated 8 f 21 With chicory 8 f 22 With flavorings 8 f 23 Substitute- 8 f oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- 360 25 60 1 120 12 120 6 120 14 120 19 120 2 240 240 14 240 240 240 39 240 16 240 21 240 34 240 46 240 13 240 24 232 240 1 240 1 240 7 240 124 240 3 Item Food Portion Weight Sodium (grams) (milligrams) 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 49 50 51 52 53 54 Fruit drinks, canned: Apple 8 f 1 oz Cranberry juice cocktai 1 8 fl oz Grape 8 f 1 oz Lemonade 8 fl oz Orange 8 fl oz Pineapple-grapefruit — 8 fl oz Fruit drinks, dehydrated, reconstituted Sweetened: Lemonade 8 fl oz Orange 8 fl oz Other fruit- 8 f 1 oz Unsweetened, all flavors 8 fl oz Fruit juices: Apple cider or juice-- Apricot nectar Citrus: Grapefruit juice: Canned Frozen, diluted- — Lemon or lime juice: Canned Frozen, diluted--- Orange juice: Canned Frozen, diluted--- Tangerine juice Grape juice, bottled— Peach nectar Pear nectar Pineapple juice Prune juice cup- cup- cup- cup- cup- cup- cup- cup- cup- cup- cup- cup- cup- cup- 48 Mineral water, imported — 8 fl oz- Tea: Hot: Brewed Instant Iced: Canned Powdered, lemon flavored: Sugar sweetened- Low calorie Thirst quencher 8 f 1 8 fl oz- oz- 8 f 1 oz- 8 fl oz- 8 fl oz- 8 f 1 oz- 240 16 240 4 240 1 240 60 240 77 240 80 240 50 240 35 240 240 248 5 251 9 250 4 247 5 244 2 248 4 249 5 249 5 249 2 253 8 249 10 250 8 250 5 256 5 240 240 240 240 42 1 2 240 1 240 15 240 140 Dairy Products Item Food Cheese: Natural : 55 Blue 56 Brick 57 Brie 58 Camembert Cheddar: 59 Regular 60 Low sodium 61 Colby Cottage: 62 Regular and lowfat- 63 Dry curd, unsalted- 64 Cream 65 Edam 66 Feta 67 Gouda 68 Gruyere 69 Limburger 70 Monterey Mozzarella, from: 71 Whole milk 72 Part skim milk 73 Muenster 74 Neufchatel Parmesan: 75 Grated 76 Hard 77 Provolone Ricotta, made with: 78 Whole milk 79 Part skim mi Ik 80 Roquefort 81 Swiss 82 Tilsit Pasteurized processed c 83 American Portion Weight Sodium (grams) (milligrams) 1 OZ- 1 OZ- 1 OZ- 1 OZ- 1 OZ- 1 oz- 1 oz- 4 4 oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- OZ- oz- oz- oz- OZ- OZ- oz- oz- oz- oz- /2 cup- /2 cup- oz OZ OZ heese: 1 OZ — ■ 28 396 28 159 28 178 28 239 28 176 28 6 28 171 113 457 113 14 28 84 28 274 28 316 28 232 28 95 28 227 28 152 28 106 28 132 28 178 28 113 28 528 28 454 28 248 124 104 124 155 28 513 28 74 28 213 28 406 8 Item Food 84 Low sodium 85 Swiss Cheese food: 86 American 87 Swiss Cheese spread: 88 American Cream, sweet: 89 Fluid, all types 90 Whipped 91 Cream, sour, cultured Cream products, imitation Sweet: Coffee whitener: 92 Liquid 93 Powdered 94 Whipped Topping 95 Sour, cultured Milk: Fluid: 96 Whole and lowfat 97 Whole, low sodium Buttermilk, cultured: 98 Salted 99 Unsalted Canned: Evaporated: 100 Whole 101 Skim 102 Sweetened, condensed- Dry: Nonfat: 103 Regular 104 Instantized 105 Buttermilk— Milk beverages: 106 Chocolate 107 Cocoa, hot 108 Eggnog Malted: 109 Natural flavor 110 Chocolate flavor Shakes, thick: 111 Chocolate or vanilla- Mi Ik desserts, frozen Ice cream: 112 Chocolate 113 Custard, French VWight Sodium Portion (grams) (milligrams) oz - 28 oz 28 oz 28 oz 28 oz 28 tbsp 15 tbsp 3 tbsp 12 tbsp 15 tbsp 6 tbsp 4 oz 28 cup 244 cup 244 cup 245 cup 245 cup 252 cup 255 cup 306 /2 cup 60 cup 68 11 cup 60 cup 250 cup 250 cup 254 cup 265 cup 265 shake 306 cup 133 cup 133 2 388 337 440 381 6 4 6 12 12 2 29 122 6 257 122 266 294 389 322 373 310 149 123 138 215 168 317 75 84 Item Food Portion 114 strawberry Vanilla: 115 French, softserve-- 116 Hardened I ce mi 1 k : Vanilla: 117 Hardened 118 Soft serve Novelty products: Bars: 119 Fudge • 120 Orange cream Vanilla, chocolate coated: 121 Ice cream 122 Ice milk Cones, vanilla, 123 chocolate coated 124 Sandwich 125 Sherbet, orange Milk desserts, other: 126 Custard, baked Puddings: Butterscotch: 127 Regular, whole milk- 128 Instant, whole milk- 129 LoCal, skim milk 130 Ready-to-serve Chocolate: 131 Home recipe 132 Regular, whole milk- 133 Instant, whole milk- 134 LoCal, skim milk 135 Ready-to-serve Vanilla: 136 Home recipe 137 Regular, whole milk- 138 Instant, whole milk- 139 LoCal, skim milk 140 Ready-to-serve 141 Tapioca, cooked Yogurt: Plain: 142 Regular 8 oz- 143 Lowfat 8 oz- 144 Skim milk 8 oz- 145 With fruit 8 oz- Weight Sodium (grams) (milligrams) 1 cup- 1 cup- 1 cup- 133 cup- cup- bar- bar- bar- bar- small 71 sandwich-- cup cup- /2 cup- /2 cup- /2 cup- can--- 265 II cup- II cup- /2 cup- /2 cup- can--- /2 cup- /2 cup- /2 cup- /2 cup- can--- /2 cup- 77 173 153 140 112 131 105 175 163 73 54 66 27 47 24 50 31 71 64 62 92 193 89 209 148 245 149 445 130 130 142 290 130 73 148 195 149 470 130 80 142 262 128 83 148 200 149 400 130 115 142 279 145 130 227 105 227 159 227 174 227 133 10 Eggs, Fish, shellfish, Meat, Poultry, and Related Products Item Food Portion Weight Sodium (grams) (milligrams) 146 147 148 149 Eggs: Whole- 1 egg- White 1 white- -- 1 yolk-- -- 1/4 cup- Yolk Substitute, frozen- 50 59 33 50 17 9 60 120 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- 3 oz- 3 oz- Fish: Bass, black sea, raw — 3 oz Bluefish: Baked with butter Breaded, fried Bonito, canned Catfish, raw Cod, broiled with butter Eel, raw Flounder (includes sole and other flat fish) baked with butter Haddock, breaded, fried Halibut, broiled with butter Herring, smoked Lingcod, raw-- Mackerel, raw Mullet, breaded, fried- Ocean perch, fried Pollock, creamed Pompano, cooked — Rockfish, ovensteamed-- Salmon: Broiled with butter-- Canned: Salt added: Pink Red Si 1 ver Without salt added- 85 57 oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- oz- 3 oz- 3 oz- 3 oz- 3 oz- 3 oz- 85 87 85 123 85 437 85 50 85 93 85 67 85 201 85 150 85 114 85 5,234 85 50 85 40 85 83 85 128 85 94 85 48 85 57 85 99 85 443 85 329 85 298 85 41 11 85 552 85 338 85 66 85 56 85 67 85 303 85 288 85 246 Weight Sodium Item Food Portion (grams) (milligram s) Sardines, canned: 173 Drained 3 oz 174 In tomato sauce 3 oz 175 Shad, baked with butter 3 oz 176 Snapper, raw — ■ 3 oz 177 Trout, lake, raw 3 oz Tuna, canned: Light meat: Chunk : 178 Oil pack 3 oz 179 Water pack 3 oz 180 Grated -— 3 oz White meat (Albacore) 181 Chunk, low sodium-- 3 oz 85 34 Solid: 182 Oil pack 3 oz 85 384 183 Water pack - 3 oz 85 309 Shellfish: Clams, raw: 184 Hard 3 oz 85 174 185 Soft 3 oz - 85 30 Crab: 186 Canned, drained 3 oz 85 425 187 Steamed 3 oz--- 85 314 188 Lobster, boiled 3 oz 85 212 189 Mussels, raw 3 oz 85 243 Oysters: 190 Raw - 3 oz 85 113 191 Fried 3 oz 85 174 192 Frozen - 3 oz 85 323 Scallops: 193 Raw - 3 oz 85 217 194 Steamed 3 oz 85 225 Shrimp: 195 Raw -- 3 oz 85 137 196 Fried 3 oz 85 159 197 Canned 3 oz 85 1,955 198 Squid, dried 1 serving — 4 183 Meat: Beef: 199 Cooked, lean 3 oz 85 55 Corned: 200 Cooked 3 oz-- 85 802 12 Item 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 Food Portion Weight Sodium (grams) (milligrams) Canned Dried, chipped Lamb, cooked, lean Pork: Cured: Bacon: Cooked Canadian Ham Salt pork, raw Fresh, cooked, lean- Veal, cooked, lean 3 oz- 1 oz- 3 oz- Organ meats: Brain, raw Gizzard, poultry, simmered Heart: Beef, braised Calf, braised Poultry, simmered--- Kidney, beef, braised- Liver: Calf, fried Pork, simmered Poultry, simmered--- Sweetbreads, calf, cooked Tongue, beef, braised Tripe: Commercial Poultry and game: Chicken, roasted: . Breast with skin Drumstick with skin- Products: Canned Frankfurter Duck, roasted, flesh and skin Goose, roasted, flesh and skin 2 slices 1 slice 3 oz 1 oz 3 oz 3 oz 1 oz- 1 oz- 1 oz- 1 oz- 1 oz- 1 oz- 1 oz- 1 oz- 1 oz- 1 oz- 1 oz- 1 oz- 85 28 85 14 28 85 28 85 85 28 28 28 1/2 breast— 98 1 drumsti ck- 52 893 1,219 58 274 394 1,114 399 59 69 35 17 28 29 28 32 28 14 28 71 28 33 28 14 28 16 28 32 28 17 13 69 47 1 5-oz can— 142 714 1 frankfurter 45 617 1/2 duck 382 227 1/2 goose—- 774 543 13 Item Food Rabbit: 228 Leg, raw 229 Flesh, cooked Turkey, small, roasted: 230 Breast with skin 231 Leg with skin Sausages, luncheon meats, and spreads: 232 Beer salami, beef Bologna: 233 Beef 234 Beef and pork 235 Bratwurst, cooked 236 Braunschweiger 237 Brotwurst 238 Chicken spread 239 Frankfurter Ham: 240 And cheese loaf 241 Chopped 242 Deviled 243 Spread — 244 Kielbasa 245 Knockwurst 246 Lebanon bologna 247 Liver cheese 248 Old fashioned loaf— — 249 Olive loaf 250 Pepperoni Salami : Cooked: 251 Beef 252 Beef and pork 253 Dry or hard, pork Sausage: Cooked: 254 Pork 255 Pork and beef 256 Smoked 257 Thuringer 258 Tuna spread Portion Weight Sodium (grams) (milligrams) 4 OZ" 4 OZ- 1/2 breast- 1 leg - 1 slice- slice slice OZ slice OZ OZ frankfurter OZ slice- oz OZ slice- link- slice- sl ice- si ice- si ice- slice- sl ice- si ice- si ice- link- patty- link- slice- oz 113 113 344 245 22 22 28 28 28 28 57 28 21 28 28 26 68 18 20 22 21 6 22 22 10 13 27 28 22 28 40 70 182 195 56 220 224 158 324 315 115 639 381 288 253 258 280 687 228 245 275 312 122 255 234 226 168 217 264 320 92 14 Item Food 259 Turkey roll 260 Vienna sausage Prepared main dishes: Beef: And macaroni : 261 Frozen 262 Canned Cabbage, stuffed, 263 frozen Chili con carne with beans, canned: 264 Regular 265 Low sodium Dinners, frozen: 266 Beef 267 Meat loaf 268 Sirloin, chopped — 269 Swiss steak 270 Enchiladas 271 Goulash, canned Hash, corned beef, 272 canned 273 Meatballs, Swedish- Peppers, stuffed, 274 frozen Pizza, frozen: 275 With pepperoni 276 With sausage Pot pie: 277 Home baked 278 Frozen 279 Ravioli, canned Spaghetti, canned: 280 And ground beef 281 And meatballs 282 Sauce 283 Stew, canned Chicken: 284 And dumplings, frozen 285 And noodles, frozen-- Portion Weight Sodium (grams) (milligrams) OZ--- link- 28 16 166 152 6 OZ 170 1 cup 227 8 OZ 226 1 cup 255 1 cup 335 1 di nner 312 1 dinner 312 1 dinner 284 1 dinner 284 1 pkg 207 8 OZ 227 1 cup 220 8 OZ 227 8 OZ 226 1/2 pie 195 1/2 pie 189 1 pie 227 1 pie 227 7.5 OZ 213 7.5 OZ 213 7.5 OZ 213 4 OZ 114 8 OZ 227 12 OZ 340 3/4 cup 180 673 1,185 63 1,194 100 998 1,304 978 682 725 1,032 1,520 1,880 1,001 • 813 967 644 1,093 1,065 1,054 942 856 980 1,506 662 15 Item Food Chow mei n, home recipe Dinner, frozen Pot pie: Home recipe Frozen Fish and shellfish: Fish dinner, frozen-- Shrimp: Dinner, frozen Egg rol 1, frozen — Tuna, pot pie, frozen Pork, sweet and sour canned Weight Sodium Portion (grams) (milligrams) 1 cup 250 718 1 dinner 312 1,153 1 pie 232 594 1 pie 227 907 1 dinner 248 1,212 1 dinner 223 758 1 roll 71 648 1 pie 227 715 1 cup 275 1,968 1 dinner 333 1,228 1 pie 227 620 1 pie 233 1,018 7.5 oz 214 1,825 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 Tu rk ey : Dinner, frozen- Pot pie: Home recipe-- Frozen 298 Veal Parmigiana- Without meat: Chow mein, vegetable, 299 frozen 300 Pizza, cheese 301 Spanish rice, canned- 1 cup 240 1,273 1/4 12-inpie 90 447 1 cup 221 1,370 Fast foods: 302 Cheeseburger--- 303 Chicken dinner- 304 Fish sandwich-- 305 French fries--- Hamburger: 306 Regular - 307 Jumbo 308 Frankfurter 309 Pizza, cheese-- 310 Shake - 311 Taco • 1 each Ill 709 1 portion-— 410 2,243 1 sandwich— 164 882 2-1/2 oz 69 146 1 each 92 461 1 each 236 990 1 frankfurter 93 728 1/4 pie 110 599 1 shake 308 266 1 taco 75 401 16 Fruits Item Food Apples: 312 Raw or baked 313 Frozen, slices 314 Frozen, scalloped 315 Dried, sulfured Applesauce, canned: 316 Sweetened 317 Unsweetened 318 With added salt Apricots: 319 Raw Canned: 320 Peeled 321 Unpeeled 322 Dried - 323 Avocado, raw 324 Banana, raw Berries: Blackberries (Boysen- berries) 325 Raw 326 Canned Blueberries: 327 Raw 328 Canned Raspberries: 329 Raw 330 Frozen Strawberries: 331 Raw 332 Frozen, sliced Cherries: 333 Raw 334 Frozen 335 Canned Citrus: Grapefruit: 336 Raw 337 Frozen, unsweetened — 338 Canned, sweetened Portion Weight (grams) Sodium (milligrams) apple 138 cup 200 8 oz 227 8 oz 227 cup— 250 cup 250 cup 250 apricots — 114 cup 258 cup 258 cup 130 avocado 216 banana 119 cup 144 cup 244 cup 145 cup 250 cup 123 package 284 cup 149 cup 255 cup 150 8 oz 227 cup 257 /2 grapefruit 120 cup 244 cup 254 2 28 45 210 6 5 68 1 27 10 12 22 2 1 3 1 2 1 3 2 6 1 3 10 1 6 4 17 Item Food 339 Kumquat 340 Lemon, raw 341 Oranges, raw 342 Tangelo 343 Tangerine 344 Cranberry, raw •- 345 Cranberry sauce Currant: 346 Raw 347 Dried — 348 Dates, dried Fi gs : 349 Raw 350 Canned 351 Dried 352 Fruit cocktail, canned — 353 Grapes, Thompson seedless 354 Mangos, raw Muskmelon: 355 Cantaloup 356 Casaba 357 Honeydew 358 Nectarines, raw 359 Papaya, raw Peaches: 360 Raw - 361 Frozen 362 Canned 363 Dried, uncooked Pears: 364 Raw 365 Canned 366 Dried - Pineapple: 367 Raw 368 Canned Plums: 369 Raw 370 Canned Prunes: 371 Cooked 372 Dried - 373 Raisins, seedless Rhubarb: <, 374 Cooked, sugared 375 Frozen 376 Watermelon Weight Sodium Portion (grams) (milligrams) kumquat 19 1 lemon 74 1 orange 131 1 tangelo 95 1 tangerine-- 86 1 cup 95 1 cup — 277 75 cup 133 3 cup 140 10 dates 80 1 fig 50 2 cup 248 3 fig— 20 2 cup 255 15 grapes 50 1 mango 200 1 /2 melon 272 24 /5 melon 230 34 /5 melon 298 28 nectarine-- 138 1 papaya 303 8 peach- 100 1 cup 250 10 cup 256 15 cup 160 10 pear 168 1 cup 255 15 cup 180 10 cup 135 1 cup — 255 ^ 7 plum- 66^E^' 1 cup-- imm 10 cup 213 8 large 43 2 cup 145 17 cup 270 5 cup 270 5 /16 melon--- 426 8 18 Grain Products Item Food Portion Weight Sodium (grams) (milligrams) 377 Barley, pearled, cooked — 1 cup- Biscuits, baking powder: 378 Regular flour 379 Self rising flour 380 With milk from mix 381 Low sodium 1 biscuit- 1 biscuit- 1 biscuit- 1 biscuit- 200 28 28 28 28 175 185 272 1 Bread: 382 Boston brown bread 1 383 Cornbread, homemade 1 384 Cracked wheat 1 385 French 1 386 Mixed grain- 1 387 Pita 1 Rye: 388 Regular 1 389 Pumpernickel 1 390 Salt rising 1 White: 391 Regular 1 392 Thin 1 393 Low sodium 1 394 Whole wheat 1 slice- oz si ice- si ice- si ice- loaf- si ice- si ice- sl ice- si ice- slice- slice- si ice- 45 28 25 23 23 64 25 32 26 25 16 23 25 120 176 148 116 138 132 139 182 66 114 79 7 132 Breakfast cereals: -4tot, cooked, in unsalted water: ~ "^orn (hominy) grits: 395 Regular 1 cup--- 396 Instant 3/4 cup- Cream of Wheat: 397 Regular 3/4 cup- 398 Instant 3/4 cup- 399 Quick 3/4 cup- 400 Mix 'n eat 3/4 cup- 401 Farina 3/4 cup- 236 1 177 354 184 2 184 5 184 126 184 350 184 1 19 Item Food Oatmeal : 402 Regular or quick--- Instant : 403 No sodium added-- 404 Sodium added 405 With apples and cinnamon 406 With maple and brown sugar 407 With raisins and spice Ready -to -eat: Bran cereals: 408 All-Bran ■ 409 Bran Chex ■ 410 40% Bran ■ 411 100% Bran ■ 412 Raisin Bran 413 Cheerios Corn cereals: 414 Corn Chex ■ Corn flakes: 415 Low sodium 416 Regular • 417 Sugar coated 418 Sugar Corn Pops Granola: 419 Regular ■ 420 No sodium added 421 Kix ■ 422 Life ■ 423 Product 19 > Rice cereals: 424 Low sodium 425 Puffed rice ■ 426 Rice Chex • 427 Rice Krispies 428 Sugar coated 429 Special K— ■ 430 Total " 431 Trix ■ Wheat cereals: 432 Puffed wheat • 433 Sugar coated 434 Shredded wheat 435 Wheat Chex ■ Portion Weight Sodium (grams) (milligrams) 3/4 cup 180 1 3/4 cup 180 1 3/4 cup 180 283 3/4 cup 180 220 3/4 cup 180 277 3/4 cup 180 223 1/3 cup 28 160 2/3 cup 28 262 2/3 cup 28 251 1/2 cup 28 221 1/2 cup 28 209 1-1/4 cup— 28 304 1 cup 28 297 1-1/4 cup— 28 10 1 cup 28 256 3/4 cup 28 274 1 cup 28 105 1/4 cup 34 61 1/4 cup 34 16 1-1/2 cup— 28 261 2/3 cup 28 146 3/4 cup 28 175 1 cup 28 10 2 cups 28 2 1-1/8 cup— 28 238 1 cup 28 340 7/8 cup 28 149 1-1/4 cup— 28 265 1 cup 28 359 1 cup 28 160 2 cups 28 2 1 cup 28 46 1 biscuit — - 24 3 2/3 cup 28 190 20 Item hjo(i Portion Weight Sodium (grams) (milligrams) 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 Wheaties Wheat germ, toasted- Breakfast sweets: Coffee cake: Almond Blueberry Honey nut Pecan 1 cup--- 1/4 cup- 1/8 cake- 1/8 cake- 1/8 cake- 1/8 cake- Danish: Apple, frozen Cheese, frozen Cinnamon, frozen Orange, refrigerated dough 1 roll 1 roll 1 roll 1 roll Doughnut: Cake type Yeast leavened- 1 doughnut- 1 doughnut- Sweet rolls: Apple crunch, frozen- Caramel, frozen Cinnamon, frozen Honey 1 roll 1 roll 1 roll 1 roll Toaster pastry: Apple, frosted Blueberry, frosted- Cinnamon, frosted-- Strawber ry 1 pastry--- 1 pastry--- 1 pastry--- 1 pastry--- Cakes, from mix: Angel food: Regular One step Devils food — Pound White Yellow 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 cake-- cake-- cake-- cake-- cake-- cake-- 28 28 39 32 42 28 29 26 28 52 52 52 52 56 57 67 55 68 69 355 1 42 167 35 135 55 110 40 172 72 220 72 250 72 260 329 160 99 105 118 110 119 324 242 326 238 134 250 402 171 238 242 21 Item Food Cookies: 462 Brownies, iced 463 Chocolate chip 464 Fig bars 465 Ginger snaps 466 Macaroons ■ Oatmeal : 467 Plain ■ 468 With chocolate chips- 469 With raisins 470 Sandwich type 471 Shortbread • 472 Sugar - — 473 Sugar wafer 474 Vanilla wafer Portion 1 brownie — 32 2 cookies — 21 2 bars 28 4 cookies — 28 2 cookies — 38 1 cookie 18 2 cookies — 26 2 cookies — 26 2 cookies — 20 4 cookies — 30 1 cookie 26 4 cookies — 28 6 cookies — 24 Weight Sodium (grams) (milligrams) 69 69 96 161 14 77 54 55 96 116 108 43 53 Crackers: 475 Graham 476 Low sodium-- 477 Rye • 478 Saltine 479 Whole wheat- 1 cracker-- 1 cracker-- 1 cracker-- 2 crackers- 1 cracker-- 7 4 6 6 4 48 1 70 70 30 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 Macaroni, cooked--- Muffin, English Noodles, cooked Pancakes, from mix- Pancake mix Pies, frozen: Apple Banana cream Bavarian cream: Chocolate Lemon Blueberry Cherry Chocolate cream- 1 cup 1 medium--- 1 cup 1 pancake-- 1 cup 1/8 of pie- 1/6 of pie- 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/6 of of of of of pie- pi e- pie- pie- pie- 140 57 140 27 141 71 66 80 83 71 71 66 2 293 2 152 2,036 208 90 78 71 163 169 107 22 Item Food Portion Weight (grams) Sodium (milligrams) 504 505 506 507 508 509 511 512 Coconut: 492 Cream 493 Custard 494 Lemon cream 495 Mince 496 Peach - 497 Pecan 498 Pumpkin 499 Strawberry cream- Rice, cooked: 500 Brown ■ White: 501 Regular— 502 Parboiled- 503 Quick 1/6 of pie-- 66 104 1/8 of pie— 71 194 1/6 of pie-- 66 92 1/8 of pie— 71 258 1/8 of pie— 71 169 1/8 of pie— 71 241 1/8 of pie-- 71 169 1/6 of pie — 66 1 cup- 1 cup- 1 cup- 1 cup- Rolls: Brown and serve Refrigerated dough- 1 roll 1 roll Snacks: Corn chips- 1 oz- Popcorn: Caramel coated- Oil, salt Plain - 1 cup- 1 cup- 1 cup- 510 Potato chips- Pretzels: Regular twist- Small stick--- 513 Spaghetti, cooked 514 Stuffing mix, cooked- 515 Waffle, frozen 195 205 175 165 28 35 28 35 9 6 10 chips 20 1 pretzel — 6 3 sticks 1 1 cup 140 1 cup 170 1 waffle 37 101 10 6 4 13 138 342 231 262 175 1 200 101 17 2 1,131 275 23 Legumes and Nuts Item Food Almonds: 516 Salted, roasted 517 Unsalted, slivered Beans: Baked, canned: 518 Boston style • 519 With or without pork- Dry, cooked: 520 Great Northern 521 Lima ■ 522 Kidney ■ 523 Navy ■ 524 Pinto • 525 Kidney, canned 526 Brazil nuts, shelled Cashews: 527 Roasted in oil 528 Dry roasted, salted 529 Chestnuts 530 Chickpeas, cooked Filberts (hazelnuts), 531 chopped 532 Lentils, cooked Peanuts: 533 Dry roasted, salted 534 Roasted, salted • 535 Spanish, salted 536 Unsalted ■ Peanut butter: 537 Smooth or crunchy 538 Low sodium Portion Weight Sodium (grams) (milligrams) cup 157 cup 115 cup 260 cup 260 cup 179 cup 192 cup 182 cup 195 cup 207 cup 255 cup 140 cup 140 cup 140 cup 160 cup 169 cup 115 cup 188 cup 144 cup -- 144 cup 144 cup 144 tbsp 16 tbsp 16 311 4 606 928 5 4 4 3 4 844 1 21 1,200 10 13 2 4 986 601 823 8 81 1 24 Weight Sotlium Item Food Portion (grams) (milligrams) Peas: 539 Blackeye, cooked 1 cup 540 Split, cooked 1 cup 541 Pecans 1 cup 542 Pilinuts 4 oz 543 Pistachios 1 cup Soybeans: 544 Cooked 1 cup 545 Curd (tofu) 1/4 block- Fermented (mi so): 546 Red--- 1/4 cup 547 White 1/4 cup 548 Walnuts, English 1 cup 120 204 12 237 5 118 1 113 3 125 6 180 4 130 9 72 3,708 67 2,126 25 ■ Soups Item Food Portion 549 Beef broth, cubed 1 cup-' Beef noodle: 550 Condensed, with water — 1 cup-' 551 Dehydrated, with water — 1 cup-- Chicken noodle: 552 Condensed, with water — 1 cup- 553 Dehydrated, with water- 1 cup-- Chicken rice: 554 Condensed, with water — 1 cup- 555 Dehydrated, with water- 1 cup-- Clam chowder, Manhattan, 556 condensed, with water — 1 cup-- Clam chowder, New England, condensed: 557 With water 1 cup- 558 With milk 1 cup-- Minestrone, condensed, 559 with water 1 cup- Mushroom: 560 Condensed, with water — 1 cup- 561 Condensed, with milk — 1 cup-- 562 Dehydrated, with water- 1 cup- 563 Low sodium 1 cup-- Pea, green: 564 Condensed, with water — 1 cup- 565 Dehydrated, with water- 1 cup-- Tomato: 566 Condensed, with water — 1 cup- 567 Condensed, with milk — 1 cup- 568 Dehydrated, with water- 1 cup- 569 Low sodium 1 cup-- Vegetable: 570 Condensed, with water — 1 cup- 571 Dehydrated, with water- 1 cup- Vegetable beef: 572 Condensed, with water — 1 cup- 573 Dehydrated, with water- 1 cup- 574 Low sodium 1 cup- Weight Sodium (grams) (milligrams) 241 1,152 244 952 251 1,041 241 1,107 252 1,284 241 814 253 980 244 1,808 244 914 248 992 241 911 244 1,031 248 1,076 253 1,019 244 27 250 987 271 1,220 244 872 248 932 265 943 244 29 241 823 253 1,146 244 957 252 1,000 244 51 26 j SJSSwBBaMawwWAggagag r y' ""uuu »Ww< SM7 ■7. a™ffy1 Sugars and Sweets Item Food Candy: Candy corn Caramel Chocolate: Bitter ■ Milk Fudge, chocolate--- Gum drops Hard - Jelly beans Licorice Marshmall ows Mints, uncoated Peanut brittle Taffy ■ Toffee bar, almond- Jams and jellies: Jam: Regular Low calorie Jelly: Regular Low calorie Sirup: Chocolate flavored: Thin - Fudge Corn Maple: Regular Imitation Molasses: Light Medium Blackstrap Sugar: Brown Granulated Powdered Portion Weight Sodium (grams) (milligrams) 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 oz 28 oz 28 oz 28 oz - 28 oz 28 oz 28 oz- 28 oz 28 oz 28 oz 28 oz 28 oz 28 oz 28 oz 28 tbsp 20 tbsp 20 tbsp - 18 tbsp 18 tbsp 19 tbsp - 19 tbsp 20 tbsp 20 tbsp 20 tbsp 20 tbsp 20 tbsp 20 cup- 220 cup 200 cup 120 60 74 4 28 54 10 9 3 28 11 56 145 88 65 2 19 3 21 10 17 14 1 20 3 7 18 66 2 1 27 Vegetables, Vegetable Juices, and Salads Item Food Artichokes: 604 Cooked 1 605 Hearts, frozfen 3 Asparagus: 606 Raw 1 607 Frozen 4 Canned: 608 Regular 4 609 Low sodium 1 Beans: Italian: 610 Frozen 3 611 Canned 1 Lima: 612 Cooked 1 613 Frozen 1 614 Canned 1 615 Low sodium 1 Snap: 616 Cooked 1 Frozen: 617 Regular 3 618 With almonds 3 619 With mushrooms 3 620 With onions 3 Canned: 621 Regular 1 622 Low sodium 1 Beansprouts, mung: 623 Raw- 1 624 Canned 1 Beets: 625 Cooked 1 Canned : 626 Sliced 1 627 Low sodium 1 628 Harvard 1 629 Pickled 1 630 Beet greens, cooked 1 Portion Weight (grams) Sodium (milligrams) medium 120 36 oz - 85 40 spear 20 1 spears : 60 4 spears 80 298 cup 235 7 oz 85 4 cup 220 913 cup 170 2 cup 170 128 cup 170 456 cup 170 7 cup 125 5 oz 85 3 oz 85 335 oz 85 145 oz 85 360 cup -- 130 326 cup 135 3 cup 105 5 cup 125 71 cup 170 73 cup 170 479 cup 170 110 cup 170 275 cup 170 330 cup 145 110 28 Item Food Portion Weight Sodium (grams) (milligrams) 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 Broccol i : Raw -- 1 stalk-- Frozen: Cooked 1 cup With cheese sauce 3.3 oz--- With hoi landaise sauce 3.3 oz--- Brussels sprouts: Raw 1 medium- Frozen: Cooked 151 1 cup-- In butter sauce 3.3 oz- Cabbage: Green: Raw Cooked Red, raw Carrots: Raw Frozen: Cut or whole In butter sauce With brown sugar glaze Canned: Regular Low sodium Cauliflower: Raw Cooked Frozen: Cooked With cheese sauce Celery, raw Chard, cooked Chicory Collards: Cooked Frozen Corn: Cooked Frozen 1 cup- 1 cup- 1 cup- 3.3 oz- 3. 3 oz- 3.3 oz- 1 cup- 1 cup- 1 cup- 1 cup- 1 cup--' 3 oz 1 stalk- 1 cup--- 1 cup--- 1 cup- 3 oz— 1 ear- 1 cup- 18 150 94 70 144 70 1 carrot 72 23 188 35 94 440 94 115 1 15 421 8 16 18 34 94 43 94 350 94 500 155 386 150 '58 115 17 125 13 180 18 85 325 20 25 166 143 90 6 190 24 85 41 140 1 166 7 29 Item Food Portion Canned: Cream style: 658 Regular ■ 659 Lew sodium 660 Vacuum pack Whole kernel : 661 Regular 662 Low sodium 663 Cucumber 664 Dandelion greens, cooked- 665 Eggplant, cooked 666 Endive, raw Kale: 667 Cooked ■ 668 Frozen 669 Kohlrabi, cooked 670 Leek 671 Lettuce Mushrooms: 672 Raw ■ 673 Canned Mustard greens: 674 Raw ■ 675 Cooked 676 Frozen 677 Okra, cooked Onions: 678 Mature, dry 679 Green 680 Flaked ■ 681 Parsley, raw 682 Parsnips, cooked Peas, green: 683 Cooked ■ Frozen: 684 Regular 3 oz-- 685 In butter sauce 3.3 oz- 686 In cream sauce 2.6 oz- 687 With mushrooms 3.3 oz- Weight Sodium (grams) (milligrams) cup- cup- cup- cup cup slices cup cup cup cup-- oz--- cup-- bulb- cup-- cup- 0Z-- cup--' cup--- oz pods- medium medium tbsp tbsp cup 1 cup- 256 256 210 165 166 28 105 200 50 110 85 165 25 55 70 56 33 140 85 106 100 30 6 4 155 160 85 94 74 94 671 5 577 384 2 2 46 2 7 47 13 9 1 4 7 242 11 25 25 2 10 2 31 2 19 80 402 420 240 30 Item fo(jd Portion Canned: Regular Low sodium Peppers: Hot, raw Sweet, raw or cooked--- Potatoes: Baked or boiled Frozen: French fried Salted - Canned Instant, reconstituted- Mashed, milk and salt-- Au gratin Pumpkin, canned Radish Rutabaga, cooked Sauerkraut, canned Shallot ■ Spinach: Raw Cooked Frozen: Regular Creamed Canned: Regular 1 cup--- Low sodium 1 cup--- Squash: Summer: Cooked 1 cup--- Frozen, with curry — 1/3 cup- Canned 1 cup--- Winter: Baked, mashed 1 cup--- Frozen 1 cup--- VVfiv;hl Sodium Igramsi (milligrams) 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 cup 170 cup 170 pod 28 pod 74 medium 156 strips — . 5 oz cup cup cup cup cup smal 1 cup cup shal lot--- cup- cup- 3.3 oz- 3 oz--- 50 71 250 210 210 245 245 18 200 235 20 55 180 94 85 205 205 210 71 210 205 200 493 8 7 9 15 270 753 485 632 1,095 12 2 8 1,554 3 49 94 65 280 910 148 5 228 785 2 4 31 Item Food Sweetpotatoes: Baked or boi led in skin- Canned: Regular Low sodium Candied Yam, white, raw Tomatoes: Raw Cooked Canned: Whole • Stewed Low sodium Tomato juice: Regular Low sodium Tomato paste Tomato sauce Portion Weight Sodium (grams) (milligrams) 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 Turnip greens, cooked 730 731 Vegetables, mixed Frozen Canned 732 Vegetable juice cocktai 1-- Salads: Bean: 733 Marinated 734 Canned 735 Carrot-raisin 736 Cole slaw 737 Macaroni 738 Potato — 1 potato 132 1 potato 100 1 serving — 113 1 potato 100 1 cup 200 1 tomato 123 1 cup 240 1 cup 240 1 cup 240 1 cup 240 1 cup 243 1 cup 243 1 cup 258 1 cup 248 1 cup 155 3.3 oz 94 1 cup 170 1 cup 243 1/2 cup 130 1/2 cup 130 1/2 cup 63 1/2 cup 60 2/3 cup 127 1/2 cup 125 20 48 27 42 28 14 10 390 584 16 878 9 77 1,498 17 45 380 887 104 537 97 68 676 625 32 Item 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 Condiments, Fats, and Oils Food Baking powder Baking soda Catsup: Regular Low sodium Chili powder Garlic: Powder Salt Horse radish, prepared — Meat tenderizer: Regular Low sodium MSG (monosodium glutamate) Mustard, prepared Olives: Green 4 Ripe, mission 3 Onion: Powder 1 Salt 1 Parsley, dried 1 Pepper, black 1 Pickles: Bread and butter 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Dill Sweet Relish, sweet-- Salt ■ Sauces: A-1 • Barbecue Chili: Regular Low sodium- Weight Sodium Portion (grams) (milligrams) tsp 3 339 tsp 3 821 tbsp 15 156 tbsp 15 3 tsp 3 26 tsp 3 1 tsp 6 1,850 tbsp 18 198 tsp 5 1,750 tsp 5 1 tsp 5 492 tsp 5 65 olives 16 323 olives 15 96 tsp 2 1 tsp 5 1,620 tbsp 1 6 tsp 2 1 slices 15 101 pickle 65 928 pickle 15 128 tbsp 15 124 tsp 5 1,938 tbsp 17 275 tbsp 16 130 tbsp 17 227 tbsp 15 11 33 Weight Sodium Item Food Portion (grams) (milligrams) 766 Soy 1 tbsp 18 1,029 767 Tabasco 1 tsp- 5 24 768 Tartar 1 tbsp 14 182 769 Teriyaki 1 tbsp 18 69U 770 Worcestershire 1 tbsp 17 206 771 Vinegar 1/2 cup 120 1 772 Yeast, baker's, dry - 1 package—- 7 1 Fats, oils, and related products: Butter: 773 Regular 1 tbsp 14 116 774 Unsalted 1 tbsp 14 2 775 Whipped 1 tbsp 9 74 Margarine: 776 Regular 1 tbsp 14 140 777 Unsalted 1 tbsp 14 1 Salad dressing: 778 Blue cheese 1 tbsp 15 153 French: 779 Home recipe 1 tbsp 14 92 780 Bottled 1 tbsp 14 214 781 Dry mix, prepared — 1 tbsp 14 253 782 Low sodium 1 tbsp 15 3 Italian: 783 Bottled 1 tbsp 15 116 784 Dry mix, prepared — 1 tbsp 14 172 785 Mayonnaise 1 tbsp 15 78 786 Russian 1 tbsp 15 133 Thousand Island: 787 Regular 1 tbsp 16 109 788 Low cal 1 tbsp 14 153 ir U.S. Government Printing Office: 1980— 620-22 0/3642 34 Table 2— Sodium Content of Selected Nonprescription Drugs' Sodium content Type of product Trade name Ingredients mg per dose m^ per 100 ml Analgesic (Various) Aspirin 49 Antacid analgesic Bromo-Seltzer Alka-Seltzer (blue box) Acetaminophen Sodium citrate Aspirin Sodium citrate 717 521 Antacid laxative Sal Hepatica Sodium bicarbonate Sodium monohydrogen phosphate Sodium citrate 1,000 Antacids Rolalds Dihydroxy aluminum Sodium carbonate Soda Mint Sodium bicarbonate Alka-Seltzer Antacid Sodium bicarbonate (gold box) Potassium bicarbonate Citric acid Brioschi Sodium bicarbonate Tartaric acid Sucrose 53 89 276 710 Laxatives Metamucil Instant Mix Fleet's Enema Psyllium Sodium bicarbonate Citric acid Sodium biphosphate Sodium phosphate 250 250-300 (absorbed) Sleep-aids Miles Nervine Effervescent Sodium citrate 544 Antacid suspensions Milk of Magnesia Magnesium hydroxide Amphogel Aluminum hydroxide Basalgel Aluminum carbonate Maalox Magnesium hydroxide Aluminum carbonate RIopan Magnesium aluminum complex Mylanta 1 Magnesium hydroxide Mylanta 11 Aluminum hydroxide Digel Simethicone Titralac Calcium carbonate 10 14 36 50 14 76 160 170 220 'Reprinted by permission from table 4 of the American Medical Association's publication "Sodium and Potassium In Foods and Drugs " that was adapted from an article by D. R. Bennett, MD, PhD, entitled "Sodium Content of Prescription and Non-Prescription Drugs." Copyright (1979) to this Information Is held by the AMA. 35 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08584 2861