United States Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Amendment No. 1 to B. A. I. Order No. 142 (Regulations for the Inspection and Quarantine of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, and Other Ruminants, and Swine Imported into the United States). AMENDMENT TO REGULATION 35, PROVIDING FOR THE ADMISSION OF HORSES BELONGING TO INDIAN TRIBES AND SETTLERS OR IMMI- GRANTS AND THOSE USED IN CONNECTION WITH STOCK RAISING (COW PONIES) OR MINING, AND THOSE FOR TEMPORARY STAY AT POINTS ALONG THE .FRONTIER NOT EXCEEDING TWO WEEKS. nwm&b&r. Effective August 15, 1907. U.S. DEPOSITORY Ui S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington, D. C, July 30, 1907. - Regulation 35 of the Regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture for the Inspection and Quarantine of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, and Other Ruminants, and Swine Imported into the United States, B. A. I. Order No. 142, is hereby amended to read as follows : "Horses for breeding, racing, show, and sale purposes, for grazing or for work, shall be inspected at the port of entry. Those belonging to Indian tribes and settlers or immigrants and those used in connection with stock raising (cow ponies) or mining, and those for temporary stay at points along the frontier not exceeding two weeks, whether for pleasure, driving, or teaming, shall be required to pass a veterinary inspection at the port of entry by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry ; or they may be admitted without inspection upon written permission from the Secretary of Agriculture first had and obtained. Provided, however, that neither inspection by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry nor written permission from the Secretary of Agriculture shall be required for Canadian horses for pleasure, driving, or teaming, whether driven or ridden into the United States for a temporary stay of not to exceed three clays. The same rule will apply to American horses returning to the United States from Canada after a stay in Canada not to exceed three days. Horses may be admitted in bond at any port of the United States without inspection for export from any port of the United States ; they shall, however, be subject to inspec- tion when exported from ports at which this Department has inspectors stationed." This amendment shall become and be effective on and after August 19, 1907. Acting Secretary of Agriculture. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA