LIBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD March 1954 E-874 United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service Entomology Research Branch A BIBLIOGRAPHY. OF SYSTEMIC INSECTICIDES By Paul A. Giang Section of Insecticide Investigations The term "systemic insecticide" was given by Martin and Shaw (269) to any compound that is readily absorbed by a growing plant and trans- located in the sap stream of the plant in an amount sufficient to render the plant toxic to insects that feed on it, A systemic insecticide should be effective long enough to protect the plant against insect pests during most of its growth, and yet exert no toxic effect either on the plant it- self or on warm-blooded animals using it for food* The advantages of this type of insecticide are self-evident and have appealed to the imagination of entomologists for many years. In 1936 this idea was partially realized when Hurd-Karrer and Poos (208) discovered that wheat growing in soil containing sodium selenate was not attacked by aphids or spider mites. Since then many uses have been made of this property of selenium compounds. However, selenium cannot be used to control insects on food crops because of its extreme toxicity to mammals, A great advance was made in the field of systemic insecticides when Schrader synthesized a series of new organic phosphorus and fluorine com- pounds in Germany during World War II, Reports on this work published by Schrader (376; and by Martin and Shaw (269) greatly encouraged entomol- ogists, and the claims of these reports have since been validated experi- mentally and confirmed by workers in England, France, Germany, and this country. Of the various systemic insecticides reported, schradan and demeton are the most promising and the most extensively studied. In general they are effective aphidicides and miticides, Schradan has been especially studied by W, E c Ripper and his coworkers (3Uh) in England; they called it a selective insecticide, since it kills only the insects that feed on the plants. Demeton can be used as a selective insecticide, like schradan, if it is applied to the soil or absorbed into the seeds before planting. Besides being a systemic insecticide, demeton also acta as a contact insec- ticide and as a fumigant. In these actions its insecticidal effect is immediate • - 2 - The rest Leant pre \t of •• absorbed a: thi ■ - tivity in killing the plant pesti . tion and I nt because it is on . this way that :' a pin ir accessible to ting operations MB - tected. The selectivity of a :. Lc insecticide • ill onl. --feed it killing th< selective killing helps to p ievelopnent ' of pests, since post-t; nt popul&tioi B held la check by beneficial insects. Systemic insecticides have been reported a£ promise in the prevention . j - . itted virus diseases in ain plant . . The hazards associated with the use of systemic insecticides on food crops are not known. v or this rear | e in t: ies has teen limited to crops such as cotter., youn.- trees, an i ornamentals, "ore information is required about the chemical products res\ilting from the Gtemics in grow , and their effect upon warm-blooded animals. The co- *w- ical interaction of systerdes with other insecticides and the effects of soil aoplicaticns of systemics also need further study before be released for general use. The field for further del compounds is wide open, and no doubt more practical and e: :c- ticides, less toxic to mammals, remain to be discovered. This bibliography was compiled for the information of those ed in the study of systemic insecticides. An attempt has been made to incl all the references on the chemistry, pharmacology, and .ng of these compounds that appeared In the literature q I ecember, - It does not include references to syste triad en al5 . he references are arranged alphabetically according to authors, ar. i the follow- ing key is used to indicate the subject matter: (1) Schradan (OMPA or octamethyl .••osphoramide). (2) Demeton (E-1059, Systox, OT - -[2-(ethyl*ierc. 1] 0,0-dicthyl thiophosp. v .ate. (3) Other organic compounds, (li) Inorganic compounds. - 3 - Subject Matter (1) Anonymous 1927. Inoculation of trees for scale tried in South Africa. Calif. Citrog. 13(11): u39. (3) (2) 19U9« Pestox III. Extensive trials in Worcester and Hereford Hopyards with the new systemic insecticide. Brewer's Guardian, October. (l) (3) 1°£0. A systemic insecticide in commercial production. Nature [London] 16£:100. (l, 2, 3) (U) 1951* A new systemic insecticide. Nature [London] 167: 260. (l) (50 1951. Bis-isopropylaminofluoro phosphine oxide. Gard. Chron. 129: 57. (3) (6) 19^1 • "Isopestox": A new insecticide. Chem. and Indus. No. 7, p. 123. (3) (7) 19^1 • New insecticide is selective — it kills only bad bugs. Chem. Engin. 58(7): 16U-165. (3) (8) 19!>1 • New systemic insecticide by Pittsburgh Agri- cultural Chemical Company. Agr. Chem. 6(1): 67-68. (2) (9) 1951 • Progress with systemic insecticides. World Crops 3: 11*8. (1, 3) (10) 1951 • Self-defense for plants. Chem. Indus. 68(6): 21-23. (1, 2) (11) 19^1 • Systemic insecticides. Chem. Age 61;: 511* (2) (12) 1952. Agricultural chemicals. Chem. and Engin. News 30: 3078-3081. - u - (15) (16) 1952. Systerr.ics fight bollworm. Sci. News Letter 62: 130. 1953* Systemic insecticides under test State -oil ere. Chem. and . ews 31: 3 Anor.yr.cus BW ] 1 insecticides. ''Cor: . Insect i'.e search and Control. A^r. err.. 7(1): 53, 97. (lii) 1952. .'.'ewer organic insecticides pose no health problem. Chem. and Engin. .'.'ews 3 : 5363-536U. (1, 1952. Syster.dc insecticide developed to control plague of cocoa industry on Gold Coast. Chem. and Engin. News 30: 17 . (17) 1953. Anticholinesterases. Chem. and Ind. [London] 38: pp. 991-991. , 3) (19) Abramitis, '.-.'alter ... 1952. recent developments of systemic insecticides. or. Assoc. Ecoi . Ent. '.'0. Cent, states Br. Proc. 7: 77-78. . . . ! 2 0) 1953. Action of certain organic rids as syste. insecticider (abs.). Iowa otate Col. Sci. 27: 11 . (21) Ahmed, ' . ., -nvscm, L. L., Roussel . . ., and Hr- ■ with the systemic in: Assoc, ^out/ . . . . -. , in n, . . na in tssei ophos; mar . IM [London] 16?: 3C. - -3) (23; • . • • 1 ■ asida, J. . sorptl nslor iea . "tater r« » - . - 5 - Subject Matter (21;) American Cyanamid Company 1951 • Brief on behalf of the American Cyanamid Company in the matter of tolerances for poisonous or deleterious residues on or in fresh fruits and fresh vegetables. Docket No, FDC-57* 121; pp. American Cyanamid Company, N. X. (25) American Instrument Company (Silver Spring, Md.) 1951* Radiotagging makes plants poisonous to insects. Aminco Lab. News 8(6): 5-6* (26) Andersson, II. and Ossiannilsson, F. 195l« FBrsttk med Pestox 3 som betningsmedel Vaxtskyddsnetiser [Stockholm], No. 5-6, pp. 6V8&. (27) (28) (29) (30) Anthon, Edward W. 1951* New insecticides, including systemic insecticides for control of black cherry aphids. Jour. Econ. Ent. hh: 1012. and Burts, E. 1951 • Systemic insecticides for controlling aphids and mites. Wash, state Hort. Assoc. Proc. pp. 63-66. Appert, J. 195l« Ls lutte contie les pucerons et les insecticides systemiques. Bambey, Cent, de Rech. Agron. Bui. 2, pp. 57-61, 1951. [Preliminary trial of systemic insecticides against the ground nut rosette aphis at the Agronomy Research Center of Bambey. (Senegal}; Acad. d'Agr. de France Compt. Rendt. 37 * U28-U29. [In French.] (3D 1952. The possibility of systemic insecticides for protecting peanuts against rosette. Ann. centre recherches agron. Bambey, Senegal 1951* Minijtire France outre-mer, Direction agr. elevage et forets, Bui. Agron. No. 7> 195-203. (32) Arthur, B. W. 1953 • Effort of certain systemic insecticides on peanut insects and peanuts (abs. J Assoc. South Agr. Workers Proc. 50: 109 • (3) (1, 3) (1) (1, 2, h) (1, 2, 3) (1) (1) (1, 3) (1, 2) - 6 - (33) Ashdown, D., and .3. •.3 on i >1 and response of a sec tic J -d as a spray, as see: -.ent, or as s;il treatrv •Jour. Econ. Ent. hS' 3 2-3 7. (2) (3li) Asquith, Dean, and Kane, Nelson 1952. Mite control with concentrated a iri - • - . Jour. Econ. 'Ent. L5 : 60-65. v35) Austin, L., and W« 1953. Two selective inhibitors of cholinesterase. -ochem. Jour. 53(1) 5 IX. (1) (36) Bailey j Stanley, ., and Smith, Leslie 1951. Handbook of agricultural pest control. Industry Publications, Inc. !.*. Y. 191 pp. 6ee p. 12. .3) (37) bar-.- . , lartln ". 1951 • Acaricides for control of mites in b and pear orchards in southern Zalii a. Jour. jn. Ent. >J;: 672-681*. (38) Barnes, J. M., and Davis, D. R. 195l» Elood cholinesterase levels in workers exposed to organo-ohosphc • secticides. Jour. 173: , pp. B16-819. . 3) (39) - 1953. Crop protection as a health hacar an ) Chem. and Indus* No. 26, pp. 62. - (Uo) and enz, 1953. Experimental demyelination with or . connounds. Jour. Pathol. Bad 65: 59 ■-• • (Ul) Barron, . . 'r., and Fletcher,. '•". ... 1951. vintages, li ! iture of systemic inse<~ tfl abs.). AaBT« Ajl . Econ. Ent. No. Cant« 6: 9-10. (h2) beach, deorge I carnations. Florists 1 •(2606): U3. (U) - 7 - Subject Matter CU3 ) Bedard, W. D. 1938* Control of mountain pine beetles by means of chemicals. Jour, Forestry 36: 35-hO. (U) (hh) Bell, Alan 195>0. Insecticides produced by reacting trialkyl phosphate with thiophosphoryl halides and their preparation, U, S. Patent 2,5lU,l50. (2) (U5) Bellamy, L. J. 1951. The infra-red analysis of insecticides, with special reference to DDT and the phosphate types. Hnd. Internatl. Gong. Crop Protect. Proc. [London, 19U9i-pp. 16-19. (1, 3) (U6) Bennett, S. H. and Martin, H« 191*8* The qualitative examination of insecticidal properties. Progress Report Long Ashton Res. Sta., Bristol, England 19u7: 151-156. (l, 3) (ii7) — Martin, H., Stinger, A., and Woodcock, D. 19U9. The qualitative examination of insecticidal properties. Progress Report Long Ashton Res. Sta., Bristol, England 19U8: 1U9-151. (1, 3) (1,8) 19U9. Preliminary experiments with systemic insecticides. Ann. Appl. Biol. 36: 160-163. (1, 3) (U9) 1950. Experiments with systemic insecticides against the green apple aphis. Ann. Rpt, Long Ashton Res. Sta., Bristol, England 19U9: 90-96. (1, 3) (50) and Thomas, W. D # E. 1952. Experiments on the abscrption and fate of a systemic insecticide bis (bisdiTnethylamino- phosphonous) anhydride [(CH3)2N]2P0-0-0P [(CH3) 2 NJ2. Trans. IXth Internatl. Cong. Ent. [Amsterdam, 1951], It 981-985. (l) (51) Beran, F. 1951. Die innere Therapie ein Weg zur selektiven Schftdlingsbekampfung. Pfanzenarzt U(12): 1-3. (1, 2) (52) Bidstrup, P. Lesley 1952. Clinical aspects of poisoning by organic phosphorus insecticides. Roy* Soc. Med. Proc. h$: 572-573. (l f 3) - 8 - Sub; Lidstrup, P. Les. . _ - - , .3 foil wing poison Lng by a new r, .ic phosphorus . .:'ox). : 1068-1072, (51i) Blauvelt, . . 1951 • jpi"ier :ri.Les and their control* .... p. 1U9-162. . 2) (55) 1952. Pest control In 1951 - outlook for 1952. :.. :'. State rlover Grower* Bui, " 1 •-' . .2) (56) . J« A. . . >53« Trunk a:. sorption of a syste.Tiic ch^.-JLcal coffee. Bui. Eht. esearch [Londo:. .. (part 1): 97-100. (57) bonnemaison, L« 1951* '"'ssais orelL-niiiaires sur les . • ~etoxiques ou "systerd'Tues" v. de Path. Vez. et d'^nt. Agr. de . - 30(1): 3-15. 195l» Les insecticides teletoxiques ou "sys- [France] Min. re l'Agr. ol, 7ecn. I : . 57: 223-226. . 3, h) (59) I oaae, a. H. c. 1952. Ver3uche mit einem neuartiren Schadli top- fun £s;;iitt el ijr. ban. 5: 81- . (2) (60) Bronson, T, ' . , and Dudley, J. . 1951. Two systemic insecticides for control of the 1 aphid. Jour. "con. r nt. I|i|l 7U7-7 C . r A. 1951. Insect con* . John Viley -17 and -' . (62) . • ■ •: - rlrui "[London] ( 63 ) .,-.,.., ... red c- lasma "rmae - vrc 1 - 9 - Subject Matter (6U) Cameron, A, E. 1951 • Citrus problems r Systemic insecticide offers possibilities of single control of a wide range of insect pests. Citrus News [Australia] 27(5): 67, 77. (65) Carson, H. C. 1952. Isopestox. Farm Chem. 115(3): 22-23. (3) (66) Carter, R. H. 1939. Chemicals and methods used in treatments of trees by injections, with annotated bibliography, U. S. Bur. Ent. and Plant Quar. E-U67, 25 pp. (U) (67) Carter, Walter 1952. Organic phosphates as systemic insecticides on oine apple plants. Jour. Econ. Ent. U5:*981-98U. (2) (68) Casida, J. E., and Allen, T. C. 1952. Absorption and translocation of insecticides (1, 2, by plants. Agr. Chem. 7(6): U1-U3, 135, 137. 3, k) (69) 1952. The role of plants in the production of systemic insecticides. Com. Fert. 85(2): U8. (l) (70) Allen, T. C, and Stahmann, M. A. 1952. Reaction of certain octamethylpyrophcsohor amide derivatives with chymotrypsin. Am. Chem. Soc # Jour. 7U: 55W. (1) (71) Chapman, R. K., and Allen, T. C. 1952. Relation of absorption and metabolism of oc tame thylpyrophosphor amide by pea plants to available phosphorus. Jour. Econ. Ent. U5: 568-578. (1) (72) Allen, T. C, and Stahmann, M. A. 1953. Enzymatic and chemical oxidation of dimethyl- phosphoramide to biologically active dimethylphosphoramide oxides. Nature [London] 172: 2U3-2UU. (l) (73) — and Stahmann, Mark A. 1953. Systemic insecticides — Metabolism and mode of action of schradan. Jour. Agr. Food Chem. 1: 883-888. (1) - 10 - _ _ Iher • , • • . . -.tecony In | rat and its effect f r±t« Jour. . ath. 32: 'uL.- . , (1) (75) Chollet, C. :., •. , . . Iy52. Control of a-hids and mites on he; or,'or.ic phosphate ir.sectici/ies. Jc .::..:.. . 2) (76) Ciferri, . 1950, Systemic insecticides [In Italian.] 6(10): 22-23. (1, 2) (77) Coat , . l°Li9. The chemistry of phosphorus insecti Ann. Appl/liol". 36': 156-159. . 3) (78) 1950* Preparation and Droperties < TEPP. Nature '[London] 163: U97. (79) Cochran, J. H. 1952. r ;anic phosphate lusts on the plum c -o. Jojt. Econ. &it. .. -1087 • -, 2) (80) Corey, . A., Dormen, ! . ., Eiallj . ., lover, L. and V/hitstone, R« R. 1953. -'iethyl 2-chlorov I e and l-carbomethoxy-l-nropen-2-yl pho: two new systemic phosphorus pt -ides. Sci- ence 11. : ■ -29. (61) 'orman, S. C, Hall, . . , sni (•. . '. . •53. Translocation studies with two nc.. Les« .'•:••..-.. (82) , . P. - t.icides of 1 1 • - . 1 ■ , . .. . . . , . ... co eetle:; . •- - 11 - Subject Hatter (85) Craighead, F. C, St. George, R. A., and V.'ilford, B. H. 1937 • A method fcr preventing insect injury to materials used for posts, poles, and rustic construction. U. S. Bur. Fnt. and Plant Quar. E-k09, 8 pp. (h) (86) ■ — and St. George, R. A # 1938. Experiment al work with the introduction of chemicals into the sap stream of trees for the control cf insects. Jour. Forestry 36(1): 26-3U. (3, U (8?) Cutkomp, L. X., Dahm, P. A., Stanley, J. T., and Abranitis, W. W. 1952. New insecticides: Hydrocarbons, phosphate and systerrdc insecticides. Amer. Assoc. Fcon. Fnt. No. Cent. States Br. Proc. 7: 7U-76. (88) Outright, C. R. 1953* Controlling Anuraph is roseus and Aphis por.ti . Jour. Fcon, Ent. T6: 379-381. (2) (89) Daniels, Norris 1952. Control of slider mites on wheat. Prog. Rept. Texas Agri. Fxpt. Sta. IU76, pp. 1-3. (2) (90) Davich, T. B., and Apple, J. W. 1951. Pea aphid control with contact and systemic insecticidal sprays. Jour. Fcon. Ent. 14: 528-533. (1, 2, 3) (91) David, Alan 1950. Preventive medicine in weed and pest control, Assoc. Indus. Med. Officers Trans. [London] 11 PP. (1) (92) Hartley, G. S., Heath, D F., and Pound, D. W. 1951. Studies on comr.ercial octanethylpyrophosphoramide (schradan), II. Determination of toxic residues. Jour. Sci. Food Agr. 2: 310-31U. (l) (93) David, W. A. L,, and Kilby, E. A. 19h9* Preparation and insecticidal action of bis- (bis-dimethylamino)phosphonous anhydride. Nature [London] 161;: 522-523. (l) (91,) ^d Kilby, B. A. 19h9* A radioactive systemic phosphorus insecticide. Research [London] 2: 590. (l) - 1 - __• (95) • . . L. 1950. Insecticidal action of ra" dimethylomino) phosphonous an] .re* [London]" 16/.: 72. (1) (96) on fluoroacetate as a contact insectici . 165: h - U. (3) (97) - 1551. Experiments with oivano-phosphorus inse~ Ir.ternatl. Cong. Crop Protect. [London, July 191*9] 2: 91-1-1. (1, (96) and Gardner, B. 0. C. 1951* I- -ens on the :. • cticidal action of sodium fluoroacetate and of roe phosphorus compounds or. Aphi s f aoae Scop. Ann.Appl. Biol, 36: 91-1 / (99) 1951* Insecticidal action studies with biscir.ethyl- aminophosphonous anhydride contai. - -P. . • : ' . :. 3 1 506-52U. (100) 1952. Insecticidal action studies with bis- amino fluorophosphine oxide eont U . Biol, 39: 203-210. (3) (101) an • Sardine , . 0. C. 1953* Systemic insecticidal action of nicotine and certain other organic bases. An. . . I . .. 91-] 05. (3) , . . , an . _ vent . . . 3. dilation of insecticides for pea I ircl. ■ . . : 321-3:3. 1 3) (103) Davis, D. . 2. T:. ct of or *>sphor. or. er.. . . . -roc. .. I - (lj (10U) Dav I Li , N ., and Sessions, A. C. 3. On the systemic ac jr. cottar.. - 13 - Subject Matter (105) Deichmann, William B., Brown, Patricia, and Downing, Charles 1952. Unusual protective action of a new emulsifier for the handling of organic phosphates. Science 116: 221. (2) (106) and Rakoczy, Raman 1953 • Buscopan in treatment of experimental poisoning by parathion, methyl parathion, and Systox. Arch. Ind. Hyg. Occup. Med. 7:152-156. (2) (107) Dimentjew, A. 191ii« [On the question of the internal therapy of plants.] Jour. Expt. Agron. Petrograd 15(U): 292-293. [In German.] (k) (108) Deuber, Carl G. 1929* Theory of tree injections. Natl. Shade Tree Conf. Proc. 5: 37-38. (109) Dicker, G. H. L 1950 • The strawberry aphid, Pentatrichopus fragaefolii (Cock), and its control. Ann. Rept. East Mailing Research Sta. 19ii9» pp. 132-138. (1) (110) Ditman, L. D., and Burkhardt, George 1952. Further experiments on pea aphid control. Jour. Econ. Ent. U5: 880-881. (l) (111) Dovaston, H. F. 1951 • Systemic insecticides. Gard. Illus. 68(1): 19-20. (1, k) (112) Dowdy, Alfred C, and Sleesman, J. P. 1952. Systemic poisons on vegetable crops. Jour. Econ. Ent. i£: 6U0-61;3. (1, 2) (113) DuBois, K. P. 1950. Food contamination from the new insecticides (an address). Amer. Dietet. Assoc. Jour. 26: 325-326. (1) (111*) and Doull, L. 1950. Cholinergic action of alkyl pyrophosphoramides. Fed. Proc. 9: 268-269. (1) (115) Doull, J., and Coon, J. M. 1950. The cholinergic action of octamethyl pyro- phosphoramide (OMPA) (abs.). Jour. Pharmacol. and Expt. Ther. 98: 6-7. (l) - Ik - (116) lAjbois, K. P., Doullj ., - Hj J« 1950. Studies on th«-' toxicity arid pharmacologi . I action of octo.- (OKPA,. Jour* ol. m • r. - -3. (1) (117) an I Jochran, ; :. ..'. 195l« Inhibition of cholinesterase by dime* fluorophospr.ate. Fed. Proc. 10: 292. (116) 1952. The chemistry and the therapeutic properties of orranic phosphoruc-cont airdng insec Amer. Soc. Hosp. Pharmacol. Bul« 9: 169-17U. (1, 2, 3) (119) and Coon, J. 1952. Toxicology of or, anic phosphorus -bearing insecticides to mammals. Arch. In . . yg. and Occup. Med. 6: 9-13. (120) Deroin, Jere A., and Gkir.aka, Arthur J. 1952. Inhibitory action c: x on cholinesterase. Fed. Proc 11(1): 3U1. (121) Doull, John, Okinaka, Arthur J., and Coon, Juli . 1953* Studies on the toxicity and pharr.acolo L acal actions of symmetrical diethyl bi - _- phosphate. Jour. Pharn. ind Hxpt . 107: U6U-U77. ■ 3) (122) Dugas, E. L., Concienne, B« J., and Landers, Zharlfl . 1952. 'velative effectiveness of new and promising insecticides against the sugar cane borer. Sug. Bui, April If. pp. . - (123) Dumont, L. 19^0. L^ 3 phosphates organiques insecticides "les systemiques." '.'ouvelle classe d'insc oa 3(19): 6-Ui (121) i, . ■ . 1951. Recont pi n the control of ccf wi . . *•:.'■■ Control Conf. Pr0C« "••mphis, Te: pp. - . ) Duspiva, . 1951. B 1 I - • si- mit in sock-, aften auf . • lamt. Undu. ■:-.•«. . . (1) - 15 - Subject Matter (126) Eaton, J. K. 19h9» Insecticidal properties of certain organo- phosphorus compounds. Nature [London] 163: U96-U98. (1, 3) (127) and Davis, R. G. 1950. The insecticidal activity of some synthetic or gano -phosphorus compounds. Appl. Biol. Ann. 37: 92-10U. (l, 3) (128) Edwards, Fred I. 1951 • Chemical and physical properties of organic phosphorus insecticides. U. S. Bur. Ent. and Plant Quar. E-832, U pp. (1, 3) (129) Elliot, J. A. 1917 • The conduction of cyanide of potassium in plants. Phytopathology 7: UU3-Ui9. (h) (130) English, L. L. 1951 • Sodium selenate soil treatments for chrysanthemum and carnation pests. Jour. Econ. Ent. kh: 208-215. (U) (131) Ernould, L. 195l« La lutte contre la jaunisse par 1' anhydride bis-bis dimethyl amino phosphorique. Publ. Inst. Beige Amelioration Betterave 19(U): 179- 188. (1) (132) Everly, T. 1951. Spittlebug studies in Indiana in 1950. Amer. Assoc. Econ. Ent. No. Cent. States Br. Proc. 6: 71-72. (2) (133) Farrar, M. D. 19U6. Use of sodium selenate on greenhouse bench soil for the control of plant pests. Internatl. Cong. Plant Protect. (Heverlee, Belg.), Gen. Rpt. 1: hl6-U.7. (h) (13k) Fassuliotis, G., Sasser, T. N. and Feldmesser, T. 195l» Studies on the control of golden nematode of potatoes with Systox (E-1059) spray, an organic phosphate insecticide. Plant Disease Rptr. ^'. 152-155. (2) (135) Fenton, F. A. 1952. Insidious new killers. South Seedsman 15(2): 23, 7U, 81. (1, 2) - 16 - (136) Ferj^uson, 0. ., and Alexander, :. C. 1953. Syst' .-.secticides — Heterocyclic carbanates having systemic insecticidal action. Jour. .'..-r. Food • ll 888- •• (3) (137) Fernando, H. 1952. N'otes on systemic insecticides. Trop. Agr. [Ceylon] 106: 125-126. :, 2, 3) (136) Fjel 'alen, Jack j. [Systemic insecticides: Liochemical control of pests. ] lartneryrhet U0(U7)J ..- . . [In .'.'oraegian. ] (139) 1952. Midder 1 Frukttraer : ■ .-rt og Baer, pp. 56-72. . 2) (HiO) 1953. Systemic phosphorus preparations ■ 3. .st pests on ornamentals [In Norwegian]. Gar* hi: 295-298. (1. . (liul) Fleisher, Joseph H., and Jandorf, Bi J. 1952. Metabolism of octaneth. -jphosp (OMPA) by liver slices and honogenates. Fed. Proc. 11(1): part 1, 212. (1) (11*2) Fletcher, Fred . 1951 • Advantages and future of systemic inse es. Amer. Assoc. Econ. Ent. No. Cent. States Br« Proc. 6: 10-12. (1, . (UO) "2. Use of insecticides as seed I for the control of soil p^sts attac-: .1 crops. .■■■•. &880C« . '. . -t. States Br. Pre- . 0-52. (lhh) Flint, . P. 15. T. octs of c. on the 1 I -M^rer and Uie locu:.t-tro". je 1x2: 726-~ . (lii?) Frank!' ... . 3.1 r pea aphids in ilfai Pa hay . . En' . : . - v2) "0., . P., and Fitxhu.-:., Igt of ti : •. - .o^pho . . - . : ): 3l • - 17 - Subject Matter (147) (1U8) (Hi?) (150) (151) (152) (153) Oft) Frawley, John 0«, Hagan, Ernest C, and Fitzhugh, 0. Garth 1952. A comparative pharmacological and toxic ological study of organic phosphates — anticholines- terase compounds. Jour. Pharmacol, and Expt. Ther. 105(2): 156-165. Frear, D. E. H. 1952. Pesticide Handbook, College Science Publishers, State College, Pa, 176 pp, see pp. hh, 19, 9h, 102, 120, 1U0, 1U6, 1U8. Frickhinger, H, W, 1952, Innere Therapie im Pflanzenschutz, Deut, Aroth. Ztg. 92(37): 70U. Fuller, Glen 19U6. Selenium compounds in greenhouse-pest control, Internatl, Cong. Plant Protect, (Heverlee, Belg,), Gen, Rpt. Is Ull-415* 19U7* Selenium in plant pest control, Chemurgic Digest 6: 113, 115-117. Fulton, R« A,, and Mason, H, C, 1937. The translocation of derris constituents in bean plants. Jour, Agr. Res, [London] ^: 903-907. Fulton, Ro A., and Smith, F, F, 1950, Aerosols prove worth in greenhouse pest control. Chem, Indus. 66(U): 539-5UO, 5U2. Gaines, J, C, Ivy, E E., Dean, H A., and Scales, A. L. 1950. Toxicity of various sulfur and phosphorus compounds applied as sprays on spider mites and aphids. Jour. Econ. Ent. U3* 61U-619. (155) (156) (157) King, C. E., and Fuller, F. M. 1952 • Spider mite control on cotton. Jour. Econ. Ent. U5: 523-526. Pfrimmer, T. R., Merkl, M. E., and Fuller, F. M. 1952. Insecticidal control of thrips on cotton. Jour. Econ. Ent. U5: 790-79U. Galley, R. 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