Br— A25 October l^UU UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE I 1/ A REVIEW OF THE INSECTICIDAL USES OF ROTENONE AND ROTENOIDS FROM DERRIS, LONCHOCARFUS (CUBE AND TIMBO), TEPHROSIA, AND RELATED PLANTS PART VII: LEPIDOPTERA By R. C. Roark, Division of Insecticide Investigations CONTENTS Page Introduction Lepidoptera: Aegeriidae 2 Amathusiidae ■ ~ 5 Arctiidae — -- 5 Blastobasidae 7 Bombycidae 7 Citheroniidae 11 Coleophoridae — 12 Cosmopterygidae 13 Cossidae — — 13 Crambidae 13 Galleriidae — — 14 Gelechiidae ~ — 14 Geometridae 18 Gracilariidae ■ 23 Hesperiidae 23 Hyponomeutidae 23 Lasiocampidae 25 Limacodidae — -- — 30 Lymantriidae 31 Lyonetiidae • 38 —/The manuscript of this publication was read in the following re- search divisions of the Bureau and helpful suggestions were contributod: Fruit Insect Investigations, Truck Crop and Garden Insect Investigations, Cotton Insect Investigations, Insects Affecting Man and Animals, Control Investigations, Cereal and Forage Insect Investigations, and Insect Identification. The reviewers in these divisions were respective! . D. L. Van Dine, W. H. White, R. W. Harned, F. C. Bishopp, L. A. Hawkins, C M. Pa ckard and C. F. 17. Mousebeck and the specialists on Lepidoptera in his Division (Insect Identification). -2- Page Notodontidae 38 "•' Kymphalidae — — ■--—"" 39 Cecophoridae 41 Olethreutidae — ; -- 42 PapiliOnidae ' 65 Phalaenidae ; 65 Fhaloniidae ■ ■ • 100 Phycitidae --■ -- — — 10° Pieridae ---. — ; — — -■ — - — «-— ; 103 Flutellidae -— --■- *-- 119 Psychidae ' *•-- — ' 129 Pterophoridae • ■ 130 Pyralididae — ■ '•■ 130 Pyraustidae — 130 Saturniidae — — '--' '• 147 Schoenobiidae ; 147 Sphingidae — — 148 Tineidae .--___«-«_„__ ; 151 Tortricidae — - — ■ 153 Zygaenidae .—-_-; — ;-_- ; ■•■ — ; 158 Literature cited — :—i-.;-i- — >»_^.-i_„__»^ •_» „ 171 Junior-author index ■-- --• ; 213 Insect Index « — — 216 \ ■ ' INTRODUCTION This is the' seventh in a series Of papers designed to review all available information oh the 'insecticidal Uses of rote none and the rotenoids. Part I reviewed tests vrith derris, cube, timbo, Tcphrosia, friundulea, and their constituents oh members of the Collembola, Orthop- tera, Dcrmaptera, Cdonata, I'sbptera, Corrodontia, and I.'allophaga. Apparently no tests with the rotenone plants on Thysanura, Ephemcrop- tcra, or Plecoptcra have been recorded, Part II reviewed the tests that have been made on Thysanoptera; Part1 III, the tests- on Homoptcra; Part IV, the tests on Hemiptcraj Part V, the tests on'Anbpluraj Part VI, the tests on Colcopt'era, and Part VII, the present paper, reviews the tests and recommendations for use on Lcpidoptcra. ' L3PID0PTERA - .. Acgcriidae ■ ■ A Cephonodcs hylas (L. ) ' Corbett and Yusope (J32J in 1932 stated that the extract from 20 pounds of tuba root diluted to 100 imperial gallons with water, al- though hot so satisfactory as lead arsenate in solutions of 4 pounds to 100 gallons of water, is effective against the coffee cloar-wing moth on coffee bushes. -3- Ilelittia satyriniformis Hbn., the squash borer At trie 1934 meeting of the American Association of Economic Ento- mologists, as reported by the United States Department of agriculture Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine (437), Cory led a discussion of field results v.*ith arsenical substitutes for the control of vegetable insects. Eeadlee, of New Jersey, stated that the squash borer is among the insects that may be controlled with derris dust. Burdette (55) in 1935 recorded results of tests with three derris dusts and one derris snray, all materials being apolied three times to *■«'•' ° i care the stems and basal portions of the plants only, /being taken "to cover all parts thoroughly, beginning July 10, when eggs were first found. The dusts were applied with a Vcrmorel puff duster and. the spray with a Vermorel hand sprayer. The total amount of dust applied per acre ranged from 55 tc 65 pounds . Material Derris 25 + talc 75 (rotcnone = 1 percent) Derris 20 + sulfur 25 + clay 55 (rotcnone = 1 percent) Increase in borer- ;free vines over .check. Percent 83*5 71.3 Increase in weight of squash over check. Percent 33. 5 74.5 Pyre thrum extract in a carrier + derris Lead arsenate 3 pound s/l 00 gallons + '1 percent oil 37.4 51.7 39.3 29.5 Hcadlce (136) in 1935 reported tests made in New Jersey with derris as a substitute for arsenicals on vegetables . The squash borer is among the insects that may be controlled by derris -dust. The New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (292) in 1935 repor- ted that a mixture of 20 parts of finely ground derris root (5 percant rotcnone and 18 to 20 percent total acetone extractives), 25 parts of finely ground sulfur (300-mesh), and 55 parts of finely ground clay con- trols this insect. The most effective insecticidal treatment, according to th<- Massa- chusetts Agricultural Experiment Station (270) in 1937, was a spray pre- pared from cube powder at the rate of 5 pound s in 100 gallons of water, and made wettablc with fish-oil soap at the rate of 1 quart in 100 gal- lons of s;"ray. This reduced the injury 74 percent. S1 . 1th nicotine sulfate 1:500 plus 1 percent of sumner oil was mere effective .-4- than nicotine sulfate 1:250. Dusts were, not so effective as in 1955, although they protected the vines from serious injury and were applied much more quickly, and easily than the sprays. Pyre thrum- clay dust 50: 70 gave slightly better control than derris or cube dusts. The same station- (271) in 1953 reported that the liquid sprays were consistently; superior to the dusts, although the cube-clay dust containing 0.6 percent of rotenone was nearly as effective. As in other years, the spray consisting of nicotine sulfate 1:500 plus summer- oil emulsion 1:100 was the most effective treatment and reduced the borer injury 88.59 percent. The wettable cube spray using 4 pounds in 100 gallons of water. showed a reduction of 81.55 percent and, being less expensive, would seem more practical. Contrary to the results in 1956, the pyrethrum-clay dust containing 50 percent of pyre thrum powder was ineffective. Treatment Check Nicotine sulfate 1:500 + oil emulsion 1:100 Wettable cube spray, 4 lbs. in 100 gallons Nicotine sulfate 1:250 Cube-clay dust, 0.6 per- cent of rotenone Derris-clay dusf"^ 0.6 percent of rotenone 27 1.48 Average borer Reduction in injury Plants tunnels per over check vine Number Number Percent 25 5.68 19 .42 88.59 . 28 .68 81.55 22 .77 79.08 25 -.84 • 77.81 59.79 Pyrethrum-clay dust, 50 percent of pyre thrum 29 2.06 44.05 The average field infestation in hubbard squash at Ysaltham in 1957 wa: ■2 <*■ .68 borers per vine, which is throe times as heavy as last year, W Derris powder, 1956; othor powders, 1957. The "borer moths were late in appearing and the first treatment was not applied until July 9, followed by three additional .amplications at week- ly intervals. This station (272) in 1939 reported that insecticides were applied on July 6, 13, 22~~ahd 29, and 40 percent of nicotine sul- fate 1:250 permitted an average of 3.06 borer tunnels per vine, a reduc- tion of 54,12 percent over the infestation in the untreated plants. Cube-clay dust (0.6 percent rotenone), wcttable cube spray (4 pounds in 100 gallons), and a neutral copper-rotenone dust (0,8 percent rotenone) all reduced the infestation approximately 45 percent. Nicotine sulfate 1:500 plus oil emulsion 1 percent end cube-clay dust (0,75 percent ro- tenone) were less effective in the record but obviously v/ere affected by the unfavorable weather conditions. The Hew York County Agents' Training School (299) in 1938 discussed the control of insects attacking vegetables, including the squash borer. Dcrris dust with 1 percent of rotenone gave 79 percent control; derris spray (4 pounds to 100 gallons), -73 percent control. The 'Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station (488) in 1938 repor- ted that the effectiveness of dcrris insecticide against this insect was improved by including 2 percent of oil emulsion to the spray. Crosby, Chupp, and Leiby (87), of the Cornell University Agricul- tural Extension Service, in 1939 reported that recent insecticide-control tests indicated that dusting the plants with a 1 percent rotenone dust will give good commercial control of the insect. Spraying with derris or cube at the rate of 4 pounds to 100 gallons cf spray also gave fair control, but not quite so ;;ood as the dust. The treatments should be started about July 1 end repeated at weekly intervals until 4 or 5 appli- cations have been made. The spray or dust should be applied ever the ontirc plant. The rotenone in the insecticide kills the newly hatched larvae and also seems to have a repellent effect on the moth at the time of egg laying. Mr. W. J. Haude in 1939 stated, in advertising literature published by John Powell and Co., Sew York, i'Jew York, that a v^ettable cube cr derris spray (4 pounds to 100 gallons) will give better than 80-percent reduction of infestation. Amathusiidae Amathusia phidippus (L. ) Flippance (137) in 1920 suggested tuba-root (derris) powder for use against the larvee of the large coconut butterfly. .-ctiidae Arctia caia ( L . ) Van der Laan (244) in 1956 reported that this species was not af- fected by derris. - 6 - Diacrisia luTsricipeda (L. ) Van der Laan (244) in 1936 reported that th.i-s species -was not affected by derris. Diacrisia subcarnea (Walk. ) . . The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (214) , Tokyo, Japan, in 1927 reported that Neoton at 300 gin. plus 750 gm. of soap per 40 imperial gallons of water gave 100-percent mortality of the larvae of this species. Estigmene acraea (Drury), the salt-marsh caterpillar -Finch et al. (l_33_) in 1939 recommended derris preparations for control on grapes in Arizona. Tyria jacobacae (L. ) . . Craufurd-Benson (85) in 1938 reported that for testing derris insecticides by his dipping method (Bui. Hit. Sss. 29;4l) many insects are unsuitable. Cinnabar moth larvae, Tyria (■Hipoc.rvba) jacobacae (l, ), have been trisdj^ith unreliable results'. This was probably due oo tie variable weather conditions, at the .time '.of collection, the variety of food material, the lack cf uniformity ' in the size of the larvae, and the impossibility of knowing their age. Hyphantria cunea (Drury) the fall ^ebworm Mclndoo, Sievers, and Abbott (264) in 1919 reported that cat- erpillars about one— third grown were killed within a "*eek by a spray containing 1 pound of derris ponder to 5 gallons of ^ater. Mixtures ranging from 1 pound per 50 gallons to 1 pound per 200 gallons 7'ere not satisfactory because nearly all the sprayed foliage was eaten and not all the caterpillars "-ere killed. Brittain (50 ) in 1924 reported derris to be of no value against the larvae. In chess tests the larvae were dipped in a suspension of derris in water and then allowed to feed on unsprayed leaves; also, larvae •'-ere allowed to feed on dipped leaves, Kopp (2_42^ in 1924 reviewed the use of derris as an insect- icide. Derris ponder has given excellent results against larvae ■ of this species. • . * Eelsali et al. (233) in 1926 reported that the larvae were strongly r'esisfca&b to derris dust and derris spray, Not even at 10 pounds per 100 imperial gallons of "'ater did the derris have the slightest effect. Kelsall and Stultz (234) in 1937 reported laboratory tests of derris (3,95 percent rotenone) and pyrethrum (0.94 percent pyrethrins) as dusts, pith gypsum as the diluent, Derris 25 percent and 100 per- cent each produced 20 percent mortality in 5 days. Feeding on foliage was some-'hat reduced. Phrethrum at 50 percent gave 100 percent mort- ality in five days. -7- Hamilton (180) in 1938 reported that on walnut trees the larvae were satisfactorily controlled by derris or cube powder spray (0.02 percent rotenone) plus rosin-residue emulsion (4- pounds per hundred gallons) as a sticker. The spray acts as a contact poison, the effective period being 6 days. There was 100 percent kill of larvae in sprayed webs. According to the Ne?: Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (294) in 1938, derris or c ube powder in water to which rosin- residue emulsion had been added was effective. !AT. J. Haude in March 1939, in advertising literature published by John Powell and Co. New York, $. Y. , recommended a cube or derris spray (4. pounds of powder containing 4- percent rotenor.e per 100 gallons plus 4 pounds rosin residue emulsion) against this insect on walnut. In cage tests Bonrote (a rotenone spray made by the Bonide Chemical Company) at 10 pounds per 100 gallons gave 67.7 percent kill of two-thirds-grown exposed caterpillars at the end of 13 days.- Felt and Bromley (128) in 1940. Isia spp. Agicide DC-4. (rotenone 0.6 percent at the rate of 4 pounds per 100 gallons of water (O.003 percent rotenone in spray) killed from 50 to 100 percent of brown woolly-bear caterpillars within 96 hours. — Agicide Laboratories (8_) in 1939. Utetheisa lotrix (Cramer) U. pulchella (L.) Dusting with derris mixtures containing 0.5 to 1.0 percent of rotenone failed to give more than 30 to 50 percent control of the larvae in the laboratory. About 50 percent of the caterpillars of _U. lotrix survived after being dusted in the field with derris dust containing 2 percent of rotenone.— Van der Vecht (4r4) in 1936. ^~* Blastobasid~e Holcocera iceryaeella (Riley) See Basinger and Boyce (24) under Argyrotaenia citrana (Fern.), on page 154. Bombycidae Bombyy mori (L.) the silkworm • Silkworms were used as test insects by Fryer et al, (149) in 1923 in evaluting derris extracts. -8- The cold alcoholic' extract of cube used without soap was effect- ive. A water extract of a species of Lonchocarpus had no effect. A commercial derris powder was effective. Used as a fumigant ^burned it was also effective. — ?:cIndoo and Sievers (263) in 1924. Gross and Fahey (170) in 1930 referred to tests made by F. L. Campbell, which indicated that rotenone as a stomach poison is 30 times as toxic to silkworms as is lead arsenate. F. L. Campbell ('60. 61 ) in 1932 reported results by Davidson. Rotenone suspended in water 1:1,00.0 sprayed on leaves and fed to the third instsrs as a sandwich killed all; at 1:5,000, 40 percent were killed, f.'ore precise results were obtained by Campbell with fourth ins tars. Using the sandwich method as described by Campoell and Filmer, Campbell- found the median lethal dose of rotenone to be about 0.003m§» Per g01* Since the m.l.d. of acid lead arsenate for the fourth instar is about 0.09mg« per gn^ rotenone is about 30 times as toxic as acid lead arsenate for this inssct. In two of his tests Davidson did not kill all the silkworms. In his quantitative tests of various stomach poisons Campbell found that the most obvious effect of nearly lethal doses is to prevent the larvae from feeding oh untreated leaves for a period that depends on the quantity of the sublethal dose. When lethal doses of roten- one are taken, the silkworm does not eat again, but may remain alive for several days. The toxic action of rotenone is slow as compared with that of established insecticides, and the silkworm is so slowly affected by ro'tenone that it may take a dose many times as large as the median lethal dose. The quantity of roten- one that an insect may eat in excess of the median lethal dose depends on the concentration of rot?none on the foliage, the feed- in? habits of the insect, and its specific reaction to rotenone. Dr. Campbell also reported in 1932 that the m.l.d. of malachite green for fourth instars is about 0.025mg. per gnu Ginsburg(l63) in 1932 reported experiments with waxes as possible carriers of insecticides. An emulsion containing 1 percent of spermaceti, derris-root extract 1:400, and 0.2 percent .of tri- ethanolamine oleate caused a mortality of 96 percent after 72 hours. Similar tests with paraffin (42° m.p.) and with paraffin (55° m.p.) instead of the spermaceti gave mortalities of 95 and 100 percent, respectively. Derris and triethanolamine oleate at the same strength without wax gave a mortality of 90 percent. These tests were made as follows: Mulberry twigs were sprayed with the desired, solutions and placed in vials of water under cages. As soon as the leaves were dry, 20 third or fourth inst?rs were transferred to the foliage in the cages, 3 or more cages being used for each test. After 72 hours, the number of dead and' living cat- erpillars was counted. The derris was used in the form of an extract equivalent to 1 pound of derris root (4 percent rotenone) to a gallon of stock emulsion. Similar tests with a pyrethrum extract equivalent tc 1 pound of flowers (0.9 percent pyrethrins) to a- gallon of stock emulsion killed less than half as many caterpillars. Shep&rd and Campbell (368 ) in 1932 tested compounds isolated from der« ris and- derivatives of rotenone, by the leaf- sandwich method of Campbell and Filmer, as modified by Campbell, in fourth instars with the following results: Material Rotenone Dihydrorotenone Deguelin Tephrosin Acid lead arsenate Toxicarol Derritol Rotenol Dehydrorotenone Tubaic acid m.l.d. (mg./gm. ) approximately 0.003 not more than ,010 between 0.01 and ,012 between 0.03 and .060 approximately .090 more than 1.540 more than .870 more than .510 more than .400 more than . 540 Voelkel (460) in 1933 gave an account of the after effect of a derris preparation on some silkworms that were not killed by it, but there was an apparent decrease in the number of individuals produced. The insects were carried through two generations. Ginsburg and Granett (164, 165) in 1934 reported on the insecticidal properties of completely extracted derris-root residue, applied in the form of coarsely and finely ground dusts, against chewing and sucking insects. Silk moth larvae, cabbage worms, and apple aphids were used. The results suggest the following conclusions: Derris-root dust is very toxic to sucking and chewing insects. Against aphids the toxicity was greater when the dust was applied on wet than on dry foliage. Residues from derris root completely extracted with acetone possess practically no toxicity to aphids, but are both toxic and repellent to caterpillars. Residues from dorris root extracted first r.dth acetone and then with water do not seem to possess direct toxicity to caterpillars but act as a deterrent, preventing them from feeding on the dusted foliage. [Note: It is doubtful whether the extractions were complete-.-— R.C.R.] Ginsburg, Schmitt, and Granett (167, 16G) in 1934 reported the toxi- city of various oxtracts of dorris root to sucking and chewing insects. Derris root was extracted rath acetone, alcohol, and water, two different processes being used, one consisting of continuous distillation in a Soxhlet apparatus for 10 hours, the other, of making a suspension of the ground root in cheesecloth and washing several times with fresh solvent. Secondary extracts were obtained by re-extracting the root residues from one solvent with another solvent. The primary and secondary extracts were tested on apple aphids, silk moth caterpillars, and mosquito larvae. The results suggest the following conclusions! Vfeter-solublo organic sol- vents, such as acetone and alcohol, are able to extract practically all the water-soluble and water-insolublo ingredients of dorris root toxic to sucking insects. Either continuous distillation or soaking rath subsequent filtration and washing will extract practically all the active principles of derris root. At low dilutions the water extracts compare' in toxicity with acetone and alcohol extructr. but proved inferior to thorn in high dilutions. Water extracts rapidly deteriorate on standing, wi th resultant loss of toxicity. -10- Garnett (169) in 1935 described further studies on the insecticidal properties of derris-root residues extracted rath different solvents. Extractions v/ere made by continuous distillation in Soxhlet apparatus for about 10 hours. These solvents can be divided into two groups: (a) Water-soluble: Ethyl alcohol, acetone, and acetic acid; (b) water- insoluble: Ethyl acetate, carbon tetrachloride, benzene, chloroform, and ether. Successive or secondary extractions were obtained by re-extrac- ting the marc with the same or a different solvent. In some cases, the residue left on re-extraction was still further extracted with another solvent. The extracts v/ere used to determine the percentage of total ex- tractives present. The residues left after extraction and certain of the extracts v/ere tested on silk moth larvae. The following conclusions v/ere drav/n from the results: Ethyl alcohol v/as the only solvent which removed practically all the insecticidal substances from the root, leaving a residue v.hich produced slight, if any, effect on silkworms or aphids. All the marcs tested, exerted a deterrent effect on silkv/orms. • The percentage of total extractives obtained from derris root varies with the type of organic solvent used. Water-soluble solvents tend to extract more total solids from the root than do water-insol- uble solvents. However, the removal of a large percentage of total extractivos by a solvent does not alv.ays indicate more efficient in- secticidal extractive properties. Tests on insects with the marcs and with certain of the extracts indicate that the water- soluble solvents also extract more of the active insecticidal ingredients. Re-extraction with the same solvent after 10 hours* continuous Soxhlet extraction removes very little, if any, additional solids or insecticidal material from the root. Successive extraction with a water-soluble solvent (acetone or alcohol) of a residue previously extracted with a water-insoluble solvent (ether or carbon tetrachloride) removes additional insectici- dal constituents. « -11- These results are also referred to in the annual report of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (292) for 1935. Fischer and Nitsche (134-) in 1935 reported tests on fifth instars with rotenone and various derris preparations. Pure rotenone 0.15 gm. in 98 cc. of neutral Turkey-red oil plus 2 cc. of acetone diluted with water 6:94. killed 9,7«5 percent of the silkworms within 2 days. Tischler ( 4-13 ) in 1935 studied the mechanism of how derris kills insects. Studies on the heart ratea of various insects (including silkworms) showed that the rate of pulsation was markedly decreased before the insects exhibited incoordinated movements. Other tests made with silkworms led to the conclusion that derris inhibits oxygen utilization by the tissues and that its detrimental effects are general rather than specific to any organ. Trappmann and Nitsche (4-17) in 1935 reported that rotenone sprays gave 98-percent and rotenone dusts 100-percent mortality of fourth instars of the silkworm after 8 days. Dosage was regulated to give a deposit of 0.18 mg. of rotenone per 500 cm. . Klinger (237) in 1936 reported the results of toxicity tests carried out with pyre thrum extract and with rotenone and derris root on fourth instars of a number of Lepidoptera. Fifteen-percent petroleum extracts of pyrethrum and of rotenone were dilutee to 0.15 percent, with Turkey-red oil for spray tests and with talc for dusts. These talc and Turkery-red oil preparations served as standard solutions, beirg diluted further for the tests. The spray balance described by Trappmann and Nitsche and the dusting bell used by Lang and Welte were employed for measuring the dosages, The concentrations used in the actual tests -vere 0.00015 gm. or pyrethrin or rotenone in 100 gm. of dust (on Alc cm.2) and 0.00018 gm. in 100 gm. of spray (on 500 cm.2). In some instances it was necessary to double or treble this concentration.. The standard agents were kept in well-closed containers in the dark and no loss in toxicity was apparent after 4 to 5 months. The tests were carried out at room temperature (19° to 25° C). Tho spray gave 100-percent and the dust 95-percent mortality of 20 fourth instar silkworms arter 8 days. Derris dust caused 100-percent mortality in 6 days. Rotenone was less effective than pyrethrum against most of the insects. Derris root was markedly more toxic than rotenone, . showing that the other active constituents of the root — tephrosin, deguelin, and toxicarol — are of importance. The toxicity of the insect poisons in derris root, expecial ly rotenone, was shown to be due to a hindering of cell respiration and not to any action on the nervous system such as that caused by the pyrethrins. Citheroniidae Anisota senatorja (A. & S.\ the orange-striped oak vorm Two small oak trees, on which about 300 caterpillars of this species were feeding, were sprayed thoroughly with derris at th> r I -12- of 1 pound of ponder to 25 gallons . of water; soap was added at the rate of 1 ppund to 50 gallons, ~nd a knapsack sprayer was used. ''.'ithin 24. hours the larvae became inactive and ceased to feed, and at the end of 6 days no livin? ones could be found. !-.s a check on this test, powdered lead arsenate was applied at the rate of 1 pound to 50 gallons of water, and almost identical results were obtained. In a second test a small tree was sprayed and 24 hours later about ^0 larvae were placed on it. The caterpillars ate very little and gradually disappeared, evidently leaving the tree, and at the end of 5 days they were nearly all gone. — l/clndoo, Sievers, and Abbott (264) in 1919. Kopp (242) in 1924 in a review of the use of derris as an insecti- cide stated that derris powder has given excellent results against this species when used as a spray (500 gm. to 100 liters containing 250 gm. of soap. ) rotts and ".'hitten (337) in 194-0 described tests with concentrated mixtures for aerial spraying. In order to determine whether certain concentrated spray mixtures could be successfully applied from the air, and to study the comparative merits of various spreading agents, adhesives, arsenicals, and substitutes for arsenic^ls in concent- rates, 22 mixtures war:-: sprayed on woodland plots from an autogiro. Fresh foliage from most o" the plots was fed to fourth and ri-"th instars. The degree of control was determine"' by comparing the amounts of frass passed by l°rvae feeding on sprayed ana on un- sprayed foliage. These foliage samp"1 . ? were taken 1 to r6 days after treatment and in all cases the spray residue was sufficient to kill some of the larvae. The arsenical sprays were more toxic than th : organic sprnys after the longer periods o^ exposure. The toxic principles of derris, derris extract', nicotine sulfate, free nicotine, and quebracho-fixed nicotine remained on thi -'oliage in effective quantities after 2 to 3 weeks1 exposure.. With the exception of lime-sulfur none op the mixtures caused any injury to foliage of wild black cherry. The following derris nr xtures were tested: (l) Derris 1, fish oil 0.4., water C.G\ (2) derris 1, fish oil 0.2, spreader B (water- soluble sulfonic acid op pet- roleum) 0.07, paraffin oil 0.2, water 5; and (3) derris extract 1# acetone 1, fish, oil 4., spreader i\ (alkylphenylbenzene sulfonic acid.) 0.", w?ter 37. The derris powder contained 4 percent of rot none and the derris extract 2C percent. Coleophoridae Coleophora l-.ricella (Hbn.), the larch casebearer Kelsall eb al. (233) in 1926 reported that derris, both dust and spray, gave a measure of control. Hamilton (180) in 1938 reported that on larch trees 75 percent were controlled by a spray of derris or cube powder (4- percent rotenone) at 4- pounds per 100 gallons of water plus 4. pounds of rosin-residue emulsion. The spray acts as a stomach poison. The effective period is 3 to 4 days. Results are slow. These results are r if erred to in the 1938 annual report or the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (294). -13- W. J. Haude in 1939, in advertising literature published by John Powell and Company, New York, N. Y., recommended a cube or derris spray- er pounds of porder containing U percent rotenone per 100 gallons plus 4 pounds rosin-residue emulsion) against this insect on larch. Coleophora malivcrella Riley, the pistol caseberror Peairs and Gould (325) in 1930 tested Derrisol, alone and also with Penetrol as an activator, against the newly hatched larvae. Varying results were obtained. Coleophora pruniella Clem., the cherry casebearer Hutson' (205) in 1932 reported that a summer application of Derrisol 1:800 plus lime-sulfur solution 1:4.0 as a contact spray kill- ed 84 percent of the larvae or. cherry trees. Nicotine sulfate 1;800 plus lime-sulfar 1:^.0 gave a control of 88 percent. Cosmopterygidae Batrachedra amydraula . !"ieyr. Derris and derris plus sulfur rere ineffective against the ' lesser d°te moth. — Dowson (100) in 1935. Cossidae Cossus cossus (L. ) Debussy et al. (57) reported in 1936 that this species is sensi- tive to derris dust but difficult to reach. Crambid-e Chilo simplex (Butl.), the Asiatic rice borer The Institute of Physical and. Chemical Research (214), Tokyo, Japan, in 1927 reported that Neoton at the rate of 1 pound in 4.0 imperial g-- lions of vater, sprayed on the eggs soon after ovi- position and kept "rom rain, gave a mortality of 60 percent. Chilo suppressalis (";'lk.) (syn.., Di^traea auri cilia Dudg:on) Jick (216) in 1923 wrote th-it the juic g -rris elliptica was most effective in combating this stem-boring irs.^ct attacking rici). Crambus bonif-:tellus (Hulst), C_. sperryellus Klots ■ •'. i ' .i Bohart (39) in 194-0 reported' that derris extract containing 2 percent of rotenone, dilute-' 1:400 with ".iedat the P of 1 gallon p?.r squ-re yird, gave temporary control of th. s two sod webworms known to dam-.g-: lawns in Califomi-:. This * -H- did not prevent rcinf est'tion within from 3 weeks to 1 month; there- fore, it was necessary to repeat the treatment from one to three times during the summer. Lead arsenate used at the rate of 5 pounds fco 1,000 square feet in 50 gallons of water, v;ith 2 pounds of white flour added as an adhesive, gave excellent temporary control and retained its effectiveness throughout the season under most conditions, "'here watering is done every day, it may be necessary in some cases to make two applications a month apart, usins; 10 pounds of lead arsenate and A pounds of flour to 1,000 square feet. Crambus teterellus (Zinck.) North and Thompson (308) in 1933 reported that damage to velvet bentgrass by the bluegrass webworm was reduced from an average of 2.25 percent &6 an average of 0.25 percent by the application of 1.5 pints of a proprlet?ry rotenone extract per 111 g'-llons of water per 1,000 square feet. Lead arsenate 2 pounds in 20 gallons of water per 1,000 square feet reduced the damage to zero. Crambus spp., sod webworms Apply a dust (1.0 percent rotenone) at the rate of 1 pound per 100 square feet of wetted sod, or spr y with cube or derris powder (4- percent rotenone) at the rate of 1+ pounds per 100 gallons of water. — Kaude in 1939, in advertising literature, published by J,->hn F.owell and Co., New York, N. Y. Crambidae sp. (unidentified), cr9.mbids on tobacco L. B. Scott, at the second annual meeting of the Tobacco Insect Council in 1938 (414-) , discussing the use of dips prior to setting tobacco plants, st-ted that cube dust may be used with safety but its effectiveness against cr^mbids is not kno-;-n. Galleriidae Arenipses sabella Kampson Derris and derris plus 'sulfur were ineffective against the greater date moth. — Dowson (100) in 1935. Tirnthaba sp. Gater (154) in 1925 reported dipping tests with larvae to det$y~ •mine the relative values of extracts of differ nt species of Derris. Achroia grisella (F.) Dusting with derris powder was unsuccessful. — Anonymous (_5) in 1937. Gelechlidae . Dichomeris m-. t-pjnollus (F.), the juniper webworm '. series of sprays ?nd dusts was applied on Fay 8, 1936, to trees -15- in a heavily infested nursery block and therefore adjacent to in- fested unsprayed trees. On October 14-, results were as follows: After rotenone sprays (several dilutions of rotenone-bearing prop- rietary sprays and 2 pounds of 3 percent rotenone dust in 50 gallons of water with and without spreader), the trees were heavily infested. Results obtained with rotenone dusts have been variable* The best kill, 73.3 percent, was obtained with a 0.75 percent rotenone dust applied late in tha summer. — Langford (247) in 1937. Keiferia lycopersicella (Busck.) the tomato pinworm Barfoot. (23) in 1935 wrote as follows: Due to the rather outstanding results being obtained in the control of the pea leafminer by the use of standardized rotenone liquid sprays, it is this writer's opinion that if the same procedure were adopted on the tomatoes, this material would go far in the way of controlling the 'pinworm;1 however, I strongly recommend spraying early and as often as every 10 days from blossom time until maturity. C. A. Thomas (4.07, 4-08) in 1936 reporting on tests made in Penn- sylvania, said that the larvae were easily affected by dcrris, pyre- thrum, cube, and nicotine dusts and sprays, and proprietary insec- ticides containing these mat;.rirls or extracts of them in combination with various carriers. Ground der'is and cube root (2 to 4- percent rotenone) and mixtures of these with carriers such as dusting sulfur, bentonite and inert C, also are toxic, although the larvae die quietly without the violent reaction and strong regurgitation characteristic of pyrethrum effects. Tomato le?.ves dusted with a derris pc-der containing 4- percent of rotenone were still toxic to these larv?e at the end of U weeks, although the plants wera exposed in a window during that time. After the tomatoes have begun to form, such ■ c- ntact materials as derris, rotenone, pyrethrum, or nicotine dusts and sprays should be used. These materials, especially derris, containing several percent of rotenone, ire very toxic to the larvae, and will kill them or. brief contact. PTany proprietary dust? contain too low a percentage of rotanons to b very toxic. Treatments - ith any of these rrateri^ls should begin with the srcrll seedlings and be repeated at int rv-ils of - week or 10 days. The Pennsylvania Igricultural Experiment Station (327) in 1937 stated that dusting with sulfur-clay-dcrris-lead ars>:< - . good control. Elmore (j_lp_) in 193S reported testa of insecticide at Alh imbr . Calif. Cube extract was ineffective. Cryolite and cuprous cyanide, in either sprays or dusts, w. re t! most effective. Haude in 1939, in advertising literature, published by John Powell and Co., New York, N. Y., cited Thomas of Pennsylvania ,-ho found derris dust very toxic to young l-:rvae. Pectinophora gossypiella (Saund.) the pink bollv.orm -16- and small field-plot tests at El Paso, Tex., stated that derris was by far the most effective insecticide used. In addition to prevent- ing the young larvae from entering the bolls, derris was a repellent and decreased oviposition on the dusted bolls. Chapman and Cavitt, in a typewritten report tbr the Division of Cotton Insect Investigations, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quaran- tine, gave the following results of laboratory tests with cube and other insecticides in Presidio, Tex., in May 1934-. Petri dishes with a small coin placed in the center were given a light covering of dust a.plisd with a small hand gun' in a dusting chamber. Approximately 25 newly hatched first instars were placed in the undusted circle, which had been covered by the coin, and were allowed to crawl into the dust. Examinations for mortality were made at intervals ranging from l/2 hour to 2-1/2 hours. Four dusted dishes and a check were used for each test. In series I, 13 insecticides, including several samples of derris from different sources, cube, and pyre thrum, were used. The derris samples contained from 1 to 8 percent of rotenone and the cube contained 6 percent of rotenone. All the samples were mixed with flour in equal proportions. Pyre thrum showed no kill, "while many of the derris samples and the cube root showed as much as 100 percent kill at the 2-l/2 hour examinations. \The checks showed no mortality." In series II, the above-mentioned samples were all diluted with flour 1:3. "At the end of 2 hours there were few larvae alive in any of the tests and in one sample there was 100 percent mortality." In series III, the two samples of derris that gave the best results in Scries IiandTTI and the- cube were selected. Dust No. 1: Derris, claimed to contain between 5 and 7 percent of rotenone, was mixed with flour 1:7. Diluted dust therefore contained approximately 0.75 percent of rotenone. In 2-l/2 hours 86,5 percent of the larvae irere dead. Dust No. 7: Derris containing 5-l/8 percent of rotenone was mixed with flour 1:7. Diluted dust therefore contained approximately 5/8 percent of rotenone. Eighty percent of the larvae were killed in 2-1/2 hours. There was no mortality in the checks during the same period. Dust No. 12v Cube containing 6 percent of rotenone was mixed with flour 1:7. Diluted dust contained 0.75 percent of rot- enone. fill the larvae were dead in 2-1/2 hours. Fenton, Chapman, Owen, and Fife (131) in 1934 reported the results of laboratory and field tests with insecticides at Pr sidio, Tex. In the laboratory tests for larval mortality, green bolls grown under cages and worm-free were usee1. They were cut from the plants with attached stems, which were inserted through carboard covers over j^rs of water. The bracts were removed and 10 eggs abo'it ready to hatch were inserted beneath the involucre. The bolls were then thoroughly dusted and were examined 4 to 5 days later. Powdered derris (rot- enone, 4.. 8 percent) was the most effective material in laboratory tests. It reduced the number of worms per boll over that of the checks 89 percent. The field tests were confined to small groups of plants. All the bolls of suitable size were tagged and the infestations "stepped up' -17- in. half of them by placing 10 eggs under the involucre, and leaving the other half with the natural infestation. The bolls were collected after 10 days and examined for worms that had entered. In the field tests derris reduced the number of worms 23 percent on the stepped-up infestation and 4.9 percent on the neutral infestation. Of the 12 insecticides tried, only sodium fluosilicate (.26 percent reduction on; the stepped-up infestation) was better than derris. The effect of dusting bolls on cviposition was tried by placing 5 pairs of moths in breeding cages with dusted and undusted bolls and deter- mining the. total number of egf dermis ordi cube of equal rotenone content on many ins. etr. Be n ' rred to a typewritten report by Ch-praan and O.vitt, of the Division of Cotton Ineect Investigations, who, in 1934., made laboi on first in- - 18 - star pink bollworms at Presidio, Tex. Derris dust diluted with flour to 0.75 percent of rotenone killed 86.. 5 percent in 2-1/2 hours; cube dust of equal strength killed 100 percent in 2-1/2 hours. Sitotroga cersalella (Oliv.) the Angoumois grain moth Breakey and Miller (4-8) in 1935 reported the results of tests with rotenone as follows: Rotenone sprays were prepared from an extract of derris in pine oil, assaying 5 gm» of rotenone for each 100 cc. Emul- sions were made fr m this stock containing 1 part of rotenone, 19 parts of pine oil, 5 parts of saponin, and 75 parts of water. Dilutions made from these emulsions gave the desired concen- trations of rotenone. An attempt was also made , to use rotenone as a colloidal suspension, preparing the suspensions from an extract of derris in acetone with the aid of a protective colloid, tannic acid. The results obtained from the use of trese suspensions confirmed, in general, those obtained from the use of the emulsions* However, since there appeared to be impurities present in the suspensions which might affect the behavior of the toxin, these results have not been used in preparing this paper. A concentration of 1 part of rotenone in 50*000 parts of the spray killed more than 95 percent of the eggs. Smerinthus ocellatus (L.) Trappmann and Nitsche (417) in 1935 reported that rotenone sprays and dusts were not effective against fourth and last in- stors, respectively, of this species. Dosage was regulated to give a deposit of 0.18 mg. of rotenone per 500 cm. . Klinger (237) in 1936 reported that rotenone spray (0.18 mg. per 500 cm. 2) killed 5 percent in 6 days and rotenone dust (0.15 mg. per 415 cm. 2) killed none in 8 days. Derris dust killed 60 percent in 4 days. These tests were made in the laboratory on fourth instars. Rotenone and ground derris root produced no symptoms of poisoning when applied to the body segments of larvae of this species. Geometridae Abraxas grossulariata (L.) DeBussy et al. (57) in 1936 reported that the magpie moth is sensitive to derris dust. Van der Laan (244) in 1936 reported that a plague of the currant canker^orm on gooseberry in the Netherlands was effectively controlled with derris. Alsophila pomet-:.ria (Parr.), the fall cankerworm Felt and Bromley (126) in 1937 reported the results of tests -19- raade in 1936 and . 1937 several brands of pyrethrum powder and cube powders applied in a mixture of summer oil, 1:200, as contact insecticides. In general, results on exposed tent caterpillars were better than on this species. In 1932 these authors (127) reported on a comparative test conducted in May 1937, of lead arsen- ate, cryolite, and derris-resin-residue emulsion. A woodland border comprising deciduous trees up to 80 or 90 feet maximum height whidh were lightly infested with the young caterpillars, was spray- ed with power sprayers. The derris powder (J+ percent rotenone and 15 to 16 percent total ether extractives) was applied at the rate of U pounds to 100 gallons plus rosin-residue emulsion at 2 quarts to 100 gallons; Kryocide cryolite at k pounds to 1C0 gallons plus S.S.S. Spreader at 2 pounds to 100 gallons; and lead arsenate at 5 pounds to 100 gallons plus 0.5 pound of S. S. S. Spreader to 100 gallons. On the young larvae a good initial kill was obtained with all three materials, the most lasting protection being obtained with lead arsenate. McDaniel (260) in 1938 reported on control on elms in Michigan. All sprays were applied under 600 to 800 pounds pressure at the nozzle. None of the sprays caused injury to the foliage. Results were good with cube and derris applied in June 1937 at the rate of 3 and 4. pounds, respectively, plus 3 pounds of rosin residue per 100 gallons of water. No live larvae were found on sprayed elms at the end of 72 hours, but they were numerous on the checks. Bupalus piniarius (L.) See Tragfirdh (4-16) under Panolis griseovariepata, page 92. Weis (477) in 1931 reported that fifth instars were very resistant to Polvo but the effect of the poison was noted in a decrease in the amount of excrement. Schwerdtfeger and Stahl (367) in 1937 reported tests made in 1936 with 12 proprietary contact dust insecticides against larvae of the pine geometrid in Prussia. In the laboratory, batches of ^0 larvae were dusted in the Lang-Welte apparatus [Rev. kppl. Ent. (A) 1°: 701 1 with quantities corresponding to about 45 pounds per acre, fed on untreated material, and examined for mortality after 2 days. Seven insecticide-: based on derris, pyrethrum, or veratrine caused average mortalities ranging from UU to 100 per- cent, while 5 based on dinitrocresol gave 100-percent mortality. The effect of the latter w- s confirmed in further tests, in which almost complete mortality was obtained in 2 hours. In field work between July 20 and August 20, the insecticides were applied by power dusters at the rp.te of IS pounds per acre in unmixed pi stands, each test area covering nearly 2-1/2 acn s. roup of 7 insecticides gave average mortalities of 30-79 percent, -! the 5 dinitrocresol poisons gave mortalities of from 90 to 99 p ^r- cent. The latter caused slight scorching of the pines, but only when the amount applied was excessive. Chcimatobia brumata ( I. . ) Gimingham and Titter sfield (161) in 1928 found I ictracts of -20- Tephrosia vogelii leaves and the stems and roots p^ black and white haiari were extremely repellent to larvae of the winter moth. Extracts of T_. toxicaria roots and of T. macropoda stems and roots were also repellent to the larvae on hawthorn. Even at high dilutions (1 part of plant materiel to 4-00 parts of water) the sprayed foliage- remained uneaten, and the larvae died of starvation . Soap 0.25 percent, was added to all these extracts. Kesrns, Marsh, and Pearce (231) in 1933 reported that derris spray gave good control of small winter moth larvae. Commercial experience with derris as a means of controlling apple pests in England is limited and the results ha\re been variable. The indifferent results are probably due to the use of too low a concentration of the tcxic principle (rctenone)< Derris is used mainly in two forms for the preparation of sprays: (a) Finely ground derris root added to a weak soap solution, and (b) an oil emulsion consisting of a derris extract in a mineral or vegetable oil. The duration of effective toxicity after application of some prep- arations may be several days, but critical data on this point are not available for apple pests. Derris dusts have not been used to any extent on apples. Kearns, Marsh, and Martin (230) in 1934 "tried mixtures of rotenone and lime sulfur r'or the control of the winter moth on apples in Worce- stershire, England. The composition of the rotenone spray wns as follows: 1.2 ounces of rotenone, 1.18 pints of acetone, 1.5 gallons of lime-sul- fur, and 1 pound of sulfonated Lorol to 100 imperial gallons of water. This was prepared by the addition. of an acetone solution (5«13 percent) of rotenone to the dilute lime-sulfur plus sulfonated Lorol solution. The sprays were applied in drenching amounts on May 17, 193 4., each to 4- trees selected at random, 4- other trees being left unsprayed as controls. Immediately after spraying small numbers of half-grown larve were collect -d from the spr-yed trees and kept under observation. Many of the insects collected from the rotenone-spreyed trees remained active for an hour, then paralysis set in; 15 hours later all the larvae were moribund. Moore (105) in 1934 reported field tests of combined derris-fungiclde sprays. Lead arsenate 7/as not included in the progr-m and control of caterpillars of the winter moth group by the contact insecticides was indifferent, although infestation of fruits on unsprayed control trees reached only about percent. Derris with sulfite lye failed to wqst and spreedwell on the foliage but the addition of liii'e-eulfur improved the mixture in this respect. Neither nicotine nor derris greatly reduced the proportion of fruits bitten by winter moth caterpillars. Craufurd-Benson (85) in 1938 reported that for testing derris insec- ticides by his dipping method (Bui. 3nt. Res. 29:41) many insects are unsuitable. Winter moth larvae were tried, with unreliable results, probably because of the variable weather conditions at the time of col- lection, the variety of food material, the lack of uniformity in the size of the larvae, and the impossibility of knowing their sge. The foil ova ng tabulation shows a typical result of a trial with 5 derris insecticide on larvae of this species collected in the field. -21- Concentration * * Trial No . "T "■ (mg./l: fflgJ of derris) t 1 ; .2 i 1 3 ! 4 • Average 250.0 •loo 70, 100' 7.0 65.0 125,0 : 100 60' ' 80 :50 72.5 62.5 90 40 . ...... ~~*- >■•' 60 _40_ 57.25 This pest on cherry, pear, and plum was killed by a product contain- ing 12 percent of powdered Lonchocarpus nicou root (6 percent rotenone content) and 88 percent of talcum, according to a .letter from Etablisse- ments Rotenia to R. -C. Roark in 1938. Cingilia cat en aria (Drury) , the chain-spotted geometer Derris:, both dust and spray, was ineffective. -- Kelsall et al. (233) in 1926. Paleacrita vernata (Peck), the spring cankerworm McDaniel (260) in 1938 reported on control on elms in Michigan. All sprays v/ere applied under 600 to 800 pounds pressure at the nozzle and none injured the foliage. Vo live larvae v/ere found at the end of 72 hours after the application of cube or derris powder. (3 and 4 pounds, respectively, plus 3 pounds of rosin residue per 100 gallons of spray) . Larvae were numerous on the unsprayed trees. Selenia tetralunsria (Hufn.) Gimingham and Tattersfield (161) in 1928 found that extracts of. Tephrosia vopelii leaves r»nd the stems and roots of black and white haiari were extremely repellent to larvae, ^ven at high dilutions .( 1 part of plf>nt material to 400 parts of water) the sprayed foliage re- mained uneaten, and tho larvae died of starvation. Soap, 0.25 percent, was a,dded to all these extracts. Tattersfield and Gimingham (401) in 1932 reported that an alcoholic extract of the root of Tephrosia macropoda when sprayed on the larvae had considerable value as a contact insecticide. The stems v/ere less effective and the leaves wero of little value. Alcoholic extracts of black haiari (Lonchocarpus sp.) were toxic to the young larvae and to those three-quarters grown. Tephroclyntia absinthiaeta (CI.) Schotte and Gornitz (364) in United States patent 2,024,392 claim an insecticidal preparation consisting of a mixture containing rotenone and veratrine. They also claim an insecticidal preparation consisting of a mixture containing 2,5 parts of Dorr is elliptica root and 7.5 parts of sabadilla seed. By combining one of these drugs containing rotenone with a drug containing veratrine, ^37^53(-'ll^ sabadilla seed or an extract or alkaloids recovered from -22-- such products^ — an insecticidal effect ras obtained which was far great er than the effects exerted by the two drugs used singly. This is shown by the ToIIdwing comparative tests made by using strewable prep- arations consisting' of intimate' ground "mixture's of sabadilla seed with talc, Derris elliptica root with talc, and with a mixture of saba dilla seed and D_. elliptica root. In each test 30 caterpillars of Tephroclystia absinthiaeta (CI.), placed on blotting paper, were duste with a quantity of one of the mixtures corresponding to 0.16 mg, per square centimeter, the powder being evenly distributed. ■ I ■!■»—! ■ I' ■■■ WWII— WMP— ^1*»W^»—W I li<|l f ■!■ i' II ■■ ■ - — — ■■■^— — ■■ . • ' Caterpillars Preparation ' Killed * Not Killed Number Number Talc + 2.5 percent derris root 1 29 Talc + 5 percent derris root 10 20 Talc + 7.5 percent derris root 18 12 Talc + 7.5 percent sabadilla seed 17 13 Talc + 10 percent sabadilla seed 19 11 Talc + 15 percent sabadilla seed 26 U Talc +2.5 percent derris root + 7.c percent sabadilla seed 30 0 Control test 0 30 Geometridae (unidentified sp.) Geometrid larvae on a cut-leaf birch were killed and dropped in a few hours when sprayed with derris 1.5 pounds per 100 imperial gallons of water, plus soap. — Kelsall et al. (233) in 1926. The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (214) Tokyo, Japan, in 1927 reported that the external or contact action of Neoton is effective against geometers (larvae). Turner (^18) in 1932 reported that in a field test some small apple trees received 2 sprays containing cube extract at the rate of 1:25,000 and 1:12,500, to kill a heavy infestation of cankerworms. The sprays did not kill the worms, but no further feeding occurred on the sprayed trees. The larvae remained on the sprayed leaves for several days and were apparently normal in reaction to prodding. Hamilton (179) in 1935 stated that .powdered derris is more stable and cheaper ths>n derris extract. One pound of derris dust (rotenone 1 percent) to 15 gallons of w^ter was effective against half-grown cankorworms. Van Gundia (452) in 1936 reported control of cankerworm on many varieties of shade trees with a rotenone dast containing approximately -23- 30 percent of sulfur in the form of fused . bentonlte sulfur, which aids as a sticker' for the rotenone ^nd also ?.cts as an activator. Hamilton (180) in. 1938 reported that canker^orms on various shade trees were satisfactorily controlled by a Sj.ray.of cube or derris powder (4 percent rotenone) at the rate of 4 pounds per 100 gallons or v^ater plus 4 pounds of rosin-residue emulsion. The spr^y acts as a contact poison and as a repellent. The effective period is 3 days to 2 weeks, and one spraying befor- 1^^-ae were more than tro- th irds gro'wti gave good kill. These results are referred to by the Few Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (294-) in 1938. "7. J. haude in 1939 in advertising literature published by John Powell and Co., Few York, N. Y., recommended cube or derris spray, 4 pounds of ponder of 4 percent rotenone content plus 4 pounds of rosin-residue emulsion per 100 gallons, for the control of c^nkerworms. 'Gncilariidae Phyllonorycter \ n. sp. The United States. Department of Agriculture, Puerto Rico Experi- ment Station (451), in 1940 reported th^t early in January 1939 the leaflets of a number of petted insecticidal plants of Tephrosia toxicaria and T_. vogelii were attacked by the lsrv*»e of a small moth, which caused them to drop prematurely. Hesperiidae Erionota thrax (L. ) Flippance (137) *n 1920 suggested derris powder for use again-st '. the larvae. Urbanus proteus (L.) the bean leaf roller secup (489) in 1933 reported tests in <"h.ich leaves '--ere treated in the laboratory and larvae introduced. Rotenone dust was effective against small larvae but against lar^e larvae cryolite ana 1' arsenate dusts were more effective, Rotenone-containirg sprays, 1 part in 200 parts of w^ter, appeared to be rath sr effective repell- ents, as only a small portion of the treated food was eaten. Howev- r, when untreated food was added the larvae fed readily and developed normally, indicating that the contact v'ith the rotenone-troated food had not been fatal. Hyponomeutidae Argyresthia coniugella Zell., the ap,-le fruit moth Stapley(392) in 1934 described laboratory tests with derris agai st the apple fruit miner in nd. T^o batches of re lightly dusted over witl a nrrris dust 10 day ber 1 laid. The young lnrvae could be se^-.n inside tl • g rs, which were due to hatch in 3 or 4 days. About ha] : the erTs hatched but the young -Z.I+- larvae were killed on leaving the eggs or immediately afterwards, as soon as they touched the dust. The dust may have inhibited the hatch- ing of some of '"he eg?s but it must be remembered that mortality of ova was often observed to be high when large numbers were present on a single fruit. Argyresthia ephipella (F.) Jancke (217) in 1931 reported that in investigations in Germany on the control of the cherry blossom moth, a bait spray of 2 parts per 1,000 of Polvosol (a proprietary insecticide containing derris) and U percent of molasses (c0 percent sugar) gave excellent results against the adults. In the laboratory a mortality of BO percent _on the third day after .spraying was obtained with this concentration of insec- ticide, higher or lower concentrations being' less successful. Probablj a second or third application would increase the effect. Only about a pint of spray was required for each tree, so the cost ?;as low. Kyponomeuta cognatella (Pbn.) Spoon and Van der Laan (385) in 1935 described tests with various samples of powdered derris root to determine whether rotenone con — tent or total ether extract is the better means of judging the quality. The materials were dusted and sprayed on caterpillars of1 several spec- ies, including this ermine moth. The rotenone content of the 10 samples of derris root ranged from 0 to 8 percent, and the total ether extract from 8 to 23 percent. T"hen applied as a spray 0.1 percent of Agral was added as a spreader. The writers concluded that the ether extract is not a sufficient indication of the biological value of derris root. A. good indication, however, was obtained from a consid- eration of the rotenone content as obtained by the extraction-crystall- ization metl'od. The rotenone content must therefore be given first consideration in rating derris root. In derris root containing a suf ficient amount of rot none (4. percent or more) the quantity of ether extract is of no consequence in respect to biological effectiveness, but with roots having low rotenone content (under 2 percent) and high ether extract the latter factor can influence the effectiveness. DeBussy et al. (6?) in 1936 reported that the larvae were sensi- tive but thy cioths insensitive to derris dusts and sprays. Pyponomeuta malinella Zell. -~ Jancke (218) in 1933 reported that in Germany certain derris preparations proved very suitable in the control of the larvae of Hyponomouta (variabilis) malinella and _H. padella. A mortality of 80 to 85 percent was obtained by the use in bait traps of derris extract and of Katakilla (a proprietary derris preparation) when used at 1:100 in 3 percent sugar solution. The cheapness of the material indicates the possibility of complete control. Klinger (237) in 1936 report, d that rotenone spray and dust gave no mortality in 8 days. These tests were made in the laboratory on fourth instars. -25- Bohmel (4-0) in 1937 reported that effective poisoned baits against this species were 0.4- percent of sodium fluoride and 1 percent of derris (as an acetone extract or as Katakilla) when mixed with sugar. Derris did not produce any scorching, but ecdium fluoride did. The bait sprays contained either 0.4- percent of sodium fluoride with sugar or molasses, or 1 percent of an acetone extract of Derris el - liptica with sugar. In some tests a dye was added to the spray and was traced on dissection, which confirmed direct observation of feeding. In the laboratory, all adults placed on sprayed leaves before and after the spray had dried were dead in 2 to 3 days. These results were con- firmed by tests in field cages, and in a test on plum trees in the open the number of moths was greatly reduced within 2 to 5 days, in spite of rain. With molasses the toxic action was a little slower than with sugar, and derris was the more effective poison. Hyponomeuta padella (L.), the ermine moth See also Jancke (218) under Hyponomeutg malinella, on page 24, The larvae were used as test insects by Fryer et al. (14-9) in 1923 in studying the insecticidal properties of derris. k product containing 12 percent of powdered Lonchocarpus nicou root (6 percent rotenone) and 88 percent of talcum killed Yponomeuta padella on cherry, according to a letter from Etablissements Rotenia to R. C. Roark in 1938. Hyponomeuta sp. Van der Laan (24^) in 1936 reported that "Yponomeuta" sp. was sensitive to derris. Lasiocampidae Dendrolimus pini (L. ) See also Tra.^ardh (416) under Panolis griseovariegata, on pa^e 92, Schwerdtfeger (266) in 1932 reported effective control of this species with the proprietary ponders Derrothan I and Derrothan II and the emulsion Derrothan, containing derris. Fischer and Nitsche (12£) in 1935 reported tests on these pire moth caterpillars with rotenone and various derris preparations. Crude rotenone 0.6 gm. in 94- cc. of neutral Turkey-red oil plus 6 cc. of acetone, diluted with water 6:94-, killed 55 percent ifter 5 days. Trappmann and "itsche (417) in 1935 reported that rotenone sprays gave a 4,-percent and rotenone dusts an 8-p.rcent mortility of last instar? of this species after 8 days. Dosage was reeulatod to give a deposit of 0.18 mg. of rotenone ptr 500 cm. 2. Klinger (237, 238) in 1936 reported that rotenone dust gave 5 percent mortality and rotenone sproy 15-percent mortality of t, is sp-e cies after 8 days. Derris dust gave 4.0-percent mortality in 6 days. - 26-. -These, tests were made in the laboratory on fourth instars. Later this author reported that of. 17 fourth instars ' treated with 'derris root 5 died. at the following molt and 3 more could hot build complete pupal cases, Of the 9 normally' pupated caterpillars, 6 developed into female moths and the other 3 died in the pupal cases. Malacosoma americana (F.), the eastern tent caterpillar Mclndoo, Sievers, and Abbott (264.) in 1919 reported the results of tests with derris against young caterpillars' of this species in a series c " strengths ranging from 1 pound of powder per 8 gallons of water to 1 pound per 200 gallons. All the mixtures were 'effective. Apple-tree branches -were thoroughly sprayed, and' after the foliage had dried 20 to 4-0 ■ newly hatched larvae, were, placed on each branch. The larvae began to show signs of discomfort within' 48 hours and practically all were dead in from 5. to 10 days. No appreciable feeding was obser- ved. In a second series of tests the larvae were placed on -the branches and sprayed after they had begun to form their tents. Sprays contain- ing 1 pound of powder to '50 gallons of water and 1 pound to 100 gall- ons killed all the larvae within 24- hours. When 1 pound to 200 gall- ons and 1 pound to 400 gallons were used, not all the larvae were killed within 11 days, but the few remaining alive ^rere very small and inactive. Used as. a dust, this material killed all the treated larvae within 1 week. Kelsall et al. (233) in 1926 reported (l) that the derris applied to the caterpillars along with the foliage gave much higher control than where applied to the foliage alone; (2) that 1 pound of derris pe~ 100 imperial gallons of water gave an equal eventual control, though much more rapidly, than 2 pounds of le^d arsenate; (3) that when applied direct to the foliage but not to the caterpillars, derris was not quite equal, pound for pound, to lead arsenate; and (4) that used in practical strengths, derris was much more effective than nicotine. Rotenone suspended in water 1:30,000 killed 100 percent of the first and second instars on plum and apple. Of the thirs instars 47 percent were killed at 1:100, 000— Davidson (90) in 1930. Li otle (254-4 255) in 1931 reported on the insecticidal properties of root' of devil' s-shoestrings (Tephrosia virginiana) dug fro^i several localities at various times of " the year' and dried by different methods, then finely ground in anherb mill.. Field experiments showed tlhat the plant has considerable promise as" a' contact spray against this species. He also determined the comparative death rates caused by Tephr»osia, virginiana root and by derris in experiments with this insect. Caterpillars ranging from one-third to two-thirds grown were d.lpped in dilutions of 1:400 for 20 seconds and then placed in ca£es on dipped, foliage. Fifty caterpillars were used in each experiment, and with each, insecticide 4 experiments were run. All the larvae "were affected, but some recovered and resumed feeding. . Two experiments with each insecticide w.ere carried through until the caterpillars hand either died or transformed to moths. From 100 caterpillars dipped 'in the derris spray, 14 pupated and Jl moths, emerged, with 3'8: pupating and 34 moths emerging from the experiments with devil' s-shpe strings. Field -27- tests with the powdered devil' s-shoeetringa root gave excellent con- trol, lb was indicated that the. plant is a repellent rather than a stomach oison. F. L. Campbell (60) in 1932 critically reviewed the results of Davidson, who found thet rotenone suspended in water It 4.00, sprayed on leaves and fed to the . fourth instars as a sandwich, killed all; at 1:1/X)0, feeding was curtailed. Ten larvae at the beginning of the fourth stadium were used, 1 larva to a Petri dish. Each" larva was given an apr-le-leaf sandwich {5'/% inch in diameter) containing about 0.002 cc. of a 1:1,000 suspension of rotenone, and probably containing about 0.002 mg. of rotenone. The larvae ate from one-eighth to one- third of the sandwiches and therefore probably did not consume more than 0.001 mg. of rotenone. All but one of these larvae finally died. If ti weighed about 0.1 gm., they were killed by doses of about 0.005 mg. of rotenone per gram of .body weight.. This calculation is very uncertain, but shows that rotenone is much more toxic to tint caterpillars than is .acid lead arsenate. Preliminary results obtained by Bulger indicate that a dose of at;least 0.15 mg« of acid lead arsenate per gram of body weight of tent caterpillar in the' last inst r is required to kill 50 percent of a population or, in other ""ords, that the median lethal'-- dose is greater than 0,15 nig. per gram. Turner (418) in 1932 reported that cube extract in oil emulsified in water with a sulfonated mineral oil (cube extract 1;50,000, oil" 0,5 percent) killed 62 percent of the half-grown larvae. The check oil killed 12 percent. In tests made by Turner in 1929 to determine the repellent effect of cube extract, rose plants in the greenhouse were sprayed with, emulsified mineral oil containing cube extract 1:25*000, Several larvae were placed on each sprayed plant and on suitable check plants. In four tests there was much less feeding on the sprayed than on the i nsprayed leaves. The larvae failed to grow on sprayed plants One spra red plant was washed twice in U days bef re larvae were placed on it. These larvae grew normally. Radertscher and V'otherspoon (l£) in 1935 compared the stability' of treated derris and pyrethrum powders with that of untreated powders. . Tests were made on the eastern tent caterpillar. Exposure to a light from a Uviarc mercury vapor lamp operating on 118 volts with a current of 4.8 amperes and ISO watts for 21 hours destroyed about half ~ toxicity of a derris powder containing 6 percent of rotenone end 18 percent of acetone extractives. ?r • s (treatment not ' dir. ct light. -28- That treated derris- ponder after exposure to light and air shows an efficiency from 34 to 93 percent greater than untreated derris powder similarly exposed. Felt and Bromley (126) in 1937 reported the results of tests made in 1936 with several brands of pyre thrum powder and cube powder applied in a mixture of, summer oil 1:200 as contact insecticides. In general, results on expbsed tent caterpillars were better than on cankerworms. One or two commercial brands of derris powder gave excellent kills of exposed +"-ent caterpillars at the rate of 3 pounds of 4-percent powder to 100 g lions of spray. The cube powder appeared slightly less toxic, requiring larger amounts of material. The pyre thrum powder in the oil' emulsions was invariably less toxic than the pyrethrum-extract soap sprays and less toxic to the older tent cater illars than was the derris. Derris-gypsum dusts containing 5» 12. 5» and 25 percent of derris (4 percent rotenone) in laboratory tests caused mortalities of 0, 28, and 92 percent, respectively. — Kelsall and Stultz (234) in 1937. Hamilton (180) in 1938 reported that the larvae on wild cherry, apple, and hawthorn trees were satisfactorily controlled by a spray of cube or derris powder (4 percent rotenone) at the rate of 4 pounds per 100 gallons of spr^y plus 4 pounds of rosin-residue emulsion. The spray, acts as a contact poison and as a repellent. The effective period is 6 to 8 days. Caterpillars would not feed on sprayed foliage. These results were referred to by the New Jersey State Agricultural Experiment Station (294) in 1938. Felt and Bromley (128) in 1940 reported that cube dust was effec- tive against very young eastern tent caterpillars in southwestern Connecticut in the spring of 1939. Malacosoma disstria Kbn., the forest tent caterpillar A. 5 or 6-year old sample of .derris was ineffective when dusted or sprayed on chokecherry foliage fed on by the caterpillars. — Kelsall et al. (233) in 1926. IV^'la cose via neustria (L. ) The larvae were used as a test insect by Fryer et al. (149) in 1923 in evaluating derris •preparations. Spoon and Van der Laan (j8£) in 1935 described tests with various samples of powdered derris root to determine whether the rotenone content or the total ether extract is the better means of judging the quality. The; materials w re dusted and sprayed on the caterpillars of several species, including the lackey moth. The rotenone content oh the 10 samples of derris root ranged from 0 to 8 percent; and the total ether extract from 8 to 23 percent. vhen applied as a spray 0.1 percent of kgr&l was added as a spreader. It was concluded that the ■ bher extract is not a sufficient indication of the biological value ri.s roots. \ good indication, however, is obtained from a con- sideration of the rotenone content as obtained by the extraction-crys- r£9~ tall izat ion method. The rotenone content must therefore be given first consideration in rating derris root. In derris root containing a suff- icient amount of rotenone (4 percent or more) the quantity of ether extract is of no consequence in respect to "biological effectiveness, hut ^'ith roots ^ith lo^ rotenone content (under 2 percent) and' high etkar . extract, the latter is a factor in the effectiveness. De Bussy et al. (57) and also Van der Laan (244) in 1936 reported that this species is sensitive to derris dust. », Klinger (237) in 1936 reported that larvae of this species had been used to test the effect of rotenone dusts and sprays but no results ••'ere recorded. A product containing 12 percent of pondered Lenchocar'pus nicou root (6 percent rotenone) and 88 percent of talcum killed this spe- cies on pear, according to Etablissements Rotenia in 1938, in a letter to R. C. Roark. The Koloniaal Instituut of Amsterdam (241) in 1938 proposed spec- ifications for derris root, derris ponder for spraying purposes, and povdered-derris mixtures. The moisture content of the root and of pov'ered root for spraying purposes must not be over 10 percent. The fineness of the latter material must be such that 90 percent "-ill pass a 75-mesh sieve. The pondered mixtures must be made "-ith a neutral filler, the maximum moisture content should be 2 percent, at least 90 percent must pass a 125-nesh sieve, and the density must be between 0.6 and 1.2. The following materials "-ere suggested as carriers: Diatomaceous earth (density 0.65), Kaolin (density 0.83), talc (density 1.12), and gypsum (density 1.33). Derris ponder of a fineness such that 90 percent passes a 125-mesh screen has a density of 0.56. During 1937 derris preparations containing 1 percent of rotenone "'ere used in the Netherlands in combating this species. At a meeting of the Netherlands Entomological Society in 1938, Polak (329) criticized the use of a derris dust against larvae of this species attacking trees in Amsterdam. He argued that the larvae '"ould be shielded by their '«rebs against the dust, that many harmless species would be destroyed, and that control «>ould best be obtained by means of hymenopterous parasites. Diakonoff replied that derris greatly red.uced the ultimate number of pupae ant. adults. Fransen (141 ) in 1939 reported, the results of investigations in the Netherlands on the most economical employment of contact dust in- secticides. The apparatus used for ascertaining the minimum lethal dosages is described. Tests "-ere made on larvae in different stvres of development. Fifty times as much rotenone ^as neceesiry to kill the largest larvae as to kill the smallest used (3.0 and 0.4 cm. in length, respectively). The author concluded that for a giver, insec- ticide there is no fixed relation between the quantities necessary to control the larvae of this in different stages of development, and still less between the necessary quantities of the active co^ponrnts of the various insecticides and a given developmental stage of any group of insects. The susceptibility of the larvoe may vary, orlng to internal causes and -'•eather conditions. Temperature did not greatly -30- affect mortality, but dew and light rain before or after the dusting increased the mortality. alacosoma pluvialis (Dyar), the western tent caterpillar Campbell (60) in 1932 reviewed unpublished work by Robinson of Oregon, who reported a few tests with rot -none in an insectary. Most of the caterpillars that ate any of the foliage treated with rotenone at 1:1,890 and 1:1,260 died. Robinson noted that the toxic action was slow and that many of the caterpillars placed on the sprayed appa foliage fell to the table below. Ee therefore concluded that rotenoni is repellent to the larvae. However, Campbell surmised that the catg pillars that fell from the foliage might have been irritated by h-nd- ling. Lasiocampidae (unidentified sp.) Kopp (24.2) in 1924-, in a review of the use of derris as an insec cide, stated th^t derris powder has given excellent results against gtelacosoroa (500 gm. to 32-800 liters of water). Mclndoo and Sievers (263.) in 1924- reported that a hot^water ex' - tract of the stems of a fish poison, Cracca villosa purpurea (Tephrosl purpurea) , had no effect on tent caterpillars, and that derris powder used as a "umr'g^nt was ineffective against small tent caterpillars* The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (214.), Tokyo, Japan, in 1927 reported that Neoton at 150, 225, and 300 gm, plus 4.50 gm. of soap per 4-0 imperial gallons of water gave mortalities of 56, 60, and 72 percent, respectively, after 24. hours; and of 82, 78, and 96 percent, respectively, after 30 hours. Neoton at 225 gm. plus 675 gm. of soap per 4.0 imperial gallons of water gave 100-percent mortality of the Japanese tent caterpillar. According to the Harder Extermination Service, Inc., in an adver- tising leaflet in 1934, its harder Rotenone Plant Spray is used at l:4-( for killing tent caterpillars. Tischler (4-13 ) in 1935 studied the mechanism of how derris kills insects. Tests made with insects such as tent caterpillars lead to the conclusion that derris inhibits the utilization of oxygen by the tissues and that its detrimental effects are general rath, r than spe- ific to any organ. Haude in 1939, in advertising literature published by John Powel & Co., New York, N. Y., recommended a cube or derris spray (/+ lb. of powder c.-.ntaining 4 percent rotenone per 100 gal. plus 4- lb, rosin-resi- due emulsion) against the test caterpillar on wild cherry, apple, and hawthorn. Limacodidae i- a rasa consocia 'Valk, Yago (502) in 1933 wrote that this species, formerly abundant in -31- pear orchards in Shizuoka, Japan, had become scree, probably owing to the use of insecticides, including, derris. Parasa herbifera (Walk.) Gater (15 A) in 1925 reported dipping tests with nature larvae of this species to determine the relative values of extracts of different species of derris. Setora nitens ''Valk, Van der Scheer (360 ) in 1935 ascribed the unsatisfactory results reported for the use of rotencne suspensions to a lack oi stability of the suspensions used, and suggested first dissolving the ro'tenone in a liquid insoluble in water, then preparing a rotenone emulsion from this solution, because emulsions are regarded as being more stable than suspensions. Benzene is well suited as a solvent for rotenone for the preparation of rotenone emulsions. Soap is not suitabl , because of its alkaline reaction. Igepon T may be used, is follows: One gm. of rotenone is dissolved in 20 cc. of benzene, "his is added to 30 cc. of Igepon T solution (0.3 to 0.5 percent Igepon T) and the mixture agitated until a homogeneous liquid is obtained, This concen- trated emulsion is then diluted with water to the desired concentra- tion, which should first be determined on a small scale- The spray material must be kept in a closed container, or evaporation of the benzene will cause the rotenone- to separate from the emulsion. This disadvantage may be avoided by the use of so: xpensive essential oil, such as "katjang" oil, which also has some insecticidal activity, and which protects rotenone from oxidatior. Stable emulsions were prepared by the addition of pine oil to the katjang oil. Oil eit- ronella may also be added. The rotenone-benzol emulsions at a concen- tration of 1:5,000 gave good control of "Setora nitensis." The fruit of the lerak (Sapindus rarak) contains a saponin that is an excellent emulsifying agent and may be used to replace the Igepon T. By he* t- ing 8 of the fruits with 1 liter of water, sufficient emulsifyi agent to prepare 250 liters of emulsion is obtained. Limacodidae (unidentified sp.) ■« The Ceylon Tea Research Institute (66) in 1930 describ d tests of insecticides against net4"! grubs on tea in Ceylon. Nicotine oleate at the dilution tested gave ve~y disappointing results, • v sol- ution made from the fgl^age of Tephrosia vogelii waseffectiv . Lyman triid Arctornis alba (Bremer) Sonan (378) in 1927 reported that sprayii lerris nnd soap proved very effective against this'species Infestii \ tea plants in Formosa . Dasychira mendosa (Kbn.) Sonan (378) in 1927 reports! that spraying witl derris \ rid so^p -32- proved very effective against (Plane) Dasychira mendosa (Ebn.) infes- ting tea plants in 'Formosa. Euproctis conspersa (Felder) The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (214), Tokyo, Japan, in 1927 reported that Neoton at 300 gm. plus 750 gm. of soap per 4-0 imperial gallons of water gave IPO-percent mortality of the larvae. Euproctis fraterna (Moore) Bhatta and Narayanan (31) in 1938 reported that in small-scale field trials extracts of seeds' of Tephrosia Candida and stem bark of Mundulea sericea were effective at 2-and 3-percent concentrations, re- spectively, against larvae of this species on apple. Water .suspensions and alcoholic extract? of the roots of Derris elliptica grown at Bangalore, India (rotenone 7 pe_v cent, etl er extrarted that derris poi ve 98-percent control of the lam ' s upon whJ ch * i 7 '-ere feeding. -40- DeCng (95) in 1930 tested the repelling action of the ether extracts of four species of Derris on larvae of varying ages. Solutions containing 2 percent by weight of the extract were sprayed on the foliage and stems of Scrofularia californica (the common host of this insect), and as soon as it was dried the larvae were placed upon the twigs. Feeding caused, in most instances, after a few attempts to consume the sprayed foliage. A small percentage of the caterpillars were killed and the more mature ones pupated. The larvae were confined with these. twigs for 8 days with no appreciable increase in feeding, except that in one cage the growing tip was consumed. The repelling effect apparently lasted during the entire time the cuttings were kept alive in the laboratory. Aglais antiopa (L.) Hamilton (180) in 1938 reported that these caterpillars on elm trees were satisfactorily controlled by cube or derris spray (4 pounds of pow- der containing 4 percent of rotenone plus 4 pounds of rosin-residue emul- sion per 100 gallons of water) . The spray acts as a contact poison. The effective period is 3 to 4 days, and the kill- was 100 percent by actual count. W». J. Haude, in advertising literature published by John Powell & Co.; New York, N. Y., in 1939 also recommended this spray. Vanessa cardui (L.), the painted lady Hansberry and Richardson (183) in 1936 reported the median lethal dos< of rotenone in milligrams per gram of body weight for the larvae to be 0.03. Vanessa io (L.) Trappmann and Nitsche (417) in 1935 reported that rotenone sprays and dusts were not effective against last instars. The dosage was regulated to give a deposit of 0.18 mg. of rotenone per 500 cm. . 415 Klingcr (237) in 1936 reported that rotenone dust (0.15 mg. per/cm. ) gave 15-perccnt mortality, and rotenone spray (0.18 mg. por 500 cm. ) 45-percent mortality after 8 days. Derris dust caused 7G-percent mortality in 6 days. These tests were made on fourth instars in the laboratory. Vanessa polychloros (L«) Trappmann and Nitsche (417) in 1935 reported that rotenone sprays gave 30-percont mortality of last instars after 8 days; but rotonone dusts gave only 10-perccnt mortality. Dosage was regulated to give a doposit of 0.18 mg. of rotenone por 500 cm.^. Vanes sn urticao (L.) Trappmann and Nitsche (417) in 1935 roportcd that rotonone sprays -41- were not effective against last ins tars. Dosage was regulated to give a deposit of 0.18 mg. of rotenone per 500 en. . Hymphalidae (unidentified sp. ) Sprays made by extracting Tephrosia vogelii seeds with kerosene proved about half as toxic to unidentified caterpillars of this family as similar sprays containing pyrethrum. — Worsley (499 ) in 1934. Oecophoridae C remona cotoneasteri Busck Roaf, Dimick, and Mote (556) in 1937 reported tests against this webworm on Cotoneaster horizontal is near Portland, Oreg. A derris dust applied to the infested shrub with a large salt shaker gave good control. This dust v/as prepared by mixing 1 part of derris (rotenone 5 percent) with 9 parts of hydrate of lime. This mixture did not kill the cater- pillars quickly but in a week's time most of the webworms were dead. After the caterpillars died a garden hose was used to wash the material from the plant. Depressaria nervosa Haw. The Wageningen (461) Station in Holland in 1934 reported that spraj^s containing 0.01 percent of rotenone, 0.25 percent of acetone, and C.2 per- cent of Agral gave from poor to fair control. Blijdorp (36) in 1935 reported that derris powder containing 2 per- cent of rotenone v/as the best of several materials tried for the control of the caraway moth. This was applied at a rate of 37.5 and 75 kg. per hectare (equivalent to about 33.5 to 67 pounds per acre), in two applica- tions using one-third of the total amount in the first application. The results were obtained by measuring the yield cf caraway seed obtained from each of four experimental plots 10 by 20 meters, and counting the number of cocoons. Lr tor Dlijdorp (37) reported that for control of this moth it is almost always betterTo apply an insecticide as a dust than as a spray, advocating derris of known rotenone content diluted with talc. Dusting is worth while if a count at the end of March over a few square yards indicates the presence of more than 6 to 8 thousand females per acre. Spoon ( 584) in 1935 reported on the control with derris powder in Holland. Derris powder (8 percent rotenone, 21 percent other extract) was mixed with 3 ^arts of French chalk. This mixture at 53 pounds per acre gave better results than 133 pounds per acre of either 20 percent of bar- ium fluosili >.ate or 50 percent of sodium fluosilicate. At 66 pounds | acre this derris mixture gave practically complete control. -42- DeBussy, van der Laan, and Diakonoff . ( 57 ) In 1936 reported that in the Netherlands derris was the best material .for the control of this species. The rotenone content should be at least 0.5 percent and, pref- erably, 0.75 percent. The dosage was 50 to 75 kg. per 10,000 m£. The Koloniaal Instituut (240) in 1936 reported that in the Nether- lands an example of the practical use of derris is the control of this insect. in Groningen. Eighty-six thousand kg. of derris dusting mixture was used in 19 35 for control. Derris was first applied as a dust in 1934 and pure rotenone was also used in 1934. The destruction of the caraway moth by means of derris has become a general practice in the Netherlands. — Koloniaal Instituut of Amsterdam (259) in" 1936. In the Netherlands, one of the principal uses of derris is to control this insect. — Van der Laan (244) in 1936. An anonymous writer (5) Virrote in 1937 -.that in the Netherlands the caraway moth was effectively checked with a derris dust containing 0.75 percent of rotenone. The Koloniaal Instituut (241) in 1958 reported that in the Nether- lands derris dusts containing 0.5 to 0.75 percent of rotenone were large- ly used for combating the caraway moth. ) Hofmannophila pseudospretella (Stt.) An anonymous author (5) in 1937 wrote that the larvae of ( Borkhau- senia) Hofmannophila pseudospretella were sensitive to derris dust con- taining 1 percent of rotenone. Olethreutidae Ancylis comptana f rap;ariae (Walsh & Riley), the strawberry leaf roller At the 1934 meeting of the American Association of Economic Entomol- ogists, as reported by the United States Department of Agriculture, Bur- eau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine (437), Cory led a discussion of field results with arsenical substitutes for the control of vegetable' insects. Hutson, of Michigan, reported" that derris dust containing 0.5 percent of rotenone had been most satisfactory for the control of the strawberry leaf roller. Satisfactory diluents were flour, talc, bentonite, china clay, 300-mesh dusting sulfur, tobacco dust, silicated infusorial earth, and finely ground gypsum. In 1934 the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station (275) reported that an infestation when there wore berries on the plants was best con- trolled by the uso of pyrethrum or derris ducts or sprays. -43- Hutson ( 207) in 1935 reported that derris was tested both as a dust and as a spray. A dust made by mixing 25 pounds derris pov:der (2 percent rotenone) with 75 .pounds talc, applied at the rate of 30 pounds per acre, left 74 live leaf rollers on a 10-rod row at the end of 10 days. A spray made by adding 5 pounds of this derris powder plus 2 pounds of soap chips to 100 gallons of water, applied at the rate of 125 gallons per acre, left 68 live leaf rollers. On- the untreated check 237 live leaf rollers were found. Hutson concluded that better control was obtained by the use of derris and pyrethrum than with other materials. The Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station (316) in 1937 reported that life-history studies conducted in the insectary at Wooster showed that 3 broods may occur annually, but during the preceding season the first brood of larvae was most abundant and did most damage. In southwestern Ohio 16 insecticidal treatments v;erc tested against the first brood and each v:as replicated 5 times. Applications were made on May 11-12, May 21-22, and May 27. In the third application, however, only materials that would leave no poisonous residue on the berries were used. Differences in the extent of injury detected in the various plots on May 21 were slight, but increased as the sea^n advanced. On June 10, 600 leaflets from each cf the more outstanding plots were examined for injury. The efficiency of the various insecticides, measured by the number of injured strawberry leaflets in a 600-leaflet sample taken from each replicate of each plot, is shown in the -following table. Material Applica- Replications Total Control tions 12 3 4 5 Number Number Fercent Derris, 4 percent, 12-1/2 pounds Gypsum, 87-1/2 pounds 3 122 73 124 135 100 554 75.7 Cube, 4 percent, 12-1/2 pounds Gypsum, 87-1/2 pounds 3 197 276 243 246 244 1206 47.2 Black Arrow Dust 3 215 254 256 240 260 1225 46.3 Dutox, 5 pounds SS-3, 100 cc. Water, 100 gallons 2 233 310 284 286 200 1313 42.5 Kalo Spray, 5 pounds SS-3, 100 cc. Water, 100 gallons 2 74 170 111 78 75.9 Check, no treatment 0 383 503 416 502 473 22-2 ...... -44- Twc spray applications of Kalo Spray proved just- as effective as three dust applications of powdered derris root, each effecting a 75- percent control. Powdered cube root, although it contained the same amount of rotenone and was used in the same way, was significantly less effective than powdered derris root. The Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station (228 ) in 1938 reported that pyrethrum and rotenone dusts applied three times at 5-day intervals during the period of nonrolling of the leaves by the larvae gave good con- trol. Neiswander (290) in 1938 reported that three applications of derris dust gave 75.7— -percent control in Ohio in 1936 and three applications of cube dust gave 47,2 percent control. Each material contained 4 percent of rotenone and was diluted with gypsum in the ratio 12,5:87.5. Cryolite (either natural or artificial) is recommended as giving the best -control. yin 1938 The North Central States Entomologists (509)/discussed the control of certain insects by the use of cube and derris. Parker and Lamerson, of Manhattan, Kan., reported on the control of the strawberry leaf roller. Nicotine sulfate or pyrethrum extract in combination with summer-oil emul- sion, sprayed three times at 5-day intervals during the period of nonroll- ing of the leaves by the larvae, gave the best results. This hold true for the second and third broods, as well as for the first brood. Pyreth- rum and rotenone dusts applied during the same period gave good control. Cubor containing 0,75 percent of rotenone, with and without sulfur, was also tested by these workers. Roark (557) in 1938 reviewed the comparative action of derris and cube of equal rotenone content, on this species. Reference was made to the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station (316), which &n 1936 obtained 47.2-percent control with a cube-gypsum dust and 75,7-percent control with a derris-gypsum dust (each containing 0.5 percent of rotenone). Lamerson and Parker (246) in 1939 recorded tests of insecticides against the American strawberry leaf roller at Manhattan, Kans. Against half-grown to mature larvae in rolled leaflets, pyrethrum dust containing 0.8 percent of pyrethrins' gave the best control — 96,8 percent killed. A dust containing 1 percent of rotenone killed 90.8 percent and 'one contain- ing 0.75- percent of rotenone killed 85.8 percent. Carpocapsa pomonella (L. ), the codling moth Quaintance ( 338 ) reported in 1928 that, according to Van Leeuwen, . der- ris in laboratory and field tests in New Jersey bad shown promise for con- trol. In- 1929 (339) he reported that derris had been tested for control in Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, New Jersey, and Washing- ton. In Illinois good results were obtained with commercial derris extract combined with white oil, 1.25 percent. An alcoholic extract of derris used against second-brood worms appeared to be of little value. -45- Van Leeuwen (453) in 1928 reported that at "River-ton, II. C. , three early applications of lead arsenate against the first brood, followed by three applications of pyrethrum, nicotine, or derris against the second brood,, gave good ;results . Check trees showed 83 percent of ail apples free from worijfs" whereas the lead arsenate plat showed 97 per- cent, the nicotine plat 95 percent, the pyrethrum plat 93 percent, and the derris plat 95 percent free from worms. In laboratory tests with newly hatched larvae, derris, pyrethrum, and nicotine gave very enoour- aging results. The Bureau of Entomology (428) in 1928 mentioned that extracts of derris at 1:800 had been tested as contact sprays and as ovicides. Farrar (117) in 1930 reported that Derrisol 1:800 in combination 7,1 th Verdol 1:50, applied for the control of the second brood, kept the wormy fruit dorm to 1.1 percent in 1928 and 7.0 percent in 1929. The corresponding figures, for Verdol were 3.6 and 6.0, respectively. Lead arsenate, 2 pc\" ~ds to 100 gallons plus hydrated lime 4 pounds to 100 gal- lons, gave 3.6 and 2.7 pcrocnt wormy fruit for these years. Farrar con- cluded that in field combinations the addition of 1:800 parts of either nicotine sulfate or Derrisol was satisfactory, whether the grower would be recompensed in full for this additional cost in the spray is question- able. Flint (135) in 1929 reported on Derrisol for the control of second and third-brood larvae. In southern Illinois two commercial sprays using a 2-pcrcent white-oil emulsion allowed infestations of 1.1 and 0*7 percent, respectively. The same oil at 1 percent plus nicotine sulfate 1:800 per- mitted 0.3-percent infestation, and a similar experiment with Derrisol at the same dilution gave 1.1-percent infestation. The commorcic n sprayed plot in the- same orchard, where lead arsenate was used in the second-brood sprays, had 5. 2-pcrcent infestation. The check showed that 31 percent cf the apples were injured by this insect. Nearly as good results ■'•ore ob- tained in a second orchard in western Illinois. At the codling moth conference hold in 1929 by the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology (429), the followj Federal men reported on derris: Ackerman, of Bentonville, Ark.; Gilmer, of Wichita, Kans.j Newcomer- and Yothers, of Yakima, Wash.; Van Lceuwen and i.'.cAllistor, of Moorestown, N. J.; and Siegler, Quaintance, and Roark of Washington, D. C. Reports were also given by the following State men: Eyer, of lTew liexico, and List, Yetter, and Newton, of Colorado. In field tests both derris powder and the alcoholic extract of derris gave poor results, and in laboratory tects against larvae the extract of derris gave poor results. As pointed out by Roark, this alcoholic ex- tract of derris was later examined and found to contain very little if any of the active principles. Eyer reported that bands treated with Der- risol at full strength wore definitely repellent to tho li Mexico, and List, Yetter, and i.'ewton reported th rrisol red to have some value for control in Colorado but not enough to b< r- aging. The Bureau of Entomology (430 ) in 1929 referred to tcrts with rotenone and with derris plus oil spray. -46- Gross and Fahey (170 ) in 1930 wrote that in field tests at Yakima, Wash., in 1929 rotenone in lov,r concentration was not so"* toxic as had been expected. The Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station (227) in 1930 reported that Derrisol 1:200 plus summer oil 2:100 was tested as a substitute for lead arsenate for the control of the codling moth. Fair tc good control was obtained. Quaintance (340) in 1930 reported that the addition of derris extract, 1:800, to oil did not materially improve its effectiveness. In small-seal? field tests rotenone gave very poor results; in the laboratory results ranged from good to poor. Rotenone appeared to be effective immediately after application but lost its effectiveness rapidly on exposure. Spuler et al. (388 ) in 1930 reported that the use of spreaders, fish oils, mineral oils, nicotine, derris, and pyre thrum compounds in combina- tion rath lead arsenate had given variable results. The United States Department of Agriculture (425) in 1930 stated that rotenone was being tested against this insect. At the annual codling moth conference in 1930 the Bureau of Entomology (431), of the Department, in- cluded reports on derris and rotenone by Newcomer, Dean, Campbell, Roark, and Runner. Newcomer reported as follows: . and field Laboratory/results with derris were poor in 1928, and laboratory results with derris were poor in 1929, even when tested the day the spray was applied. In the 1929 tests, the commercial Derrisol was used at 1:400 and 1:800, with and without a mineral-oil emulsion. Derrisol at 1:800, plus 0.75 percent of oil, used in the orchard, burned the fruit and foliage, and the experiment was discontinued. The rotenone was first used at 1:1,500 and 1:3,000 in alco- holic solution, alone and with mineral oil, fish oil, and casein spreader, and later at the same dilutions and the same combina- tions, with saponin at 1 pound to 200 gallons. The rotenone-saponin combination iras better than the alcoholic solution, and this combin- ation with mineral oil showed some indication of value. Dean reported that Derrisol at 1:200 plus summer oil at 2:100 gave fair control and seemed worthy of further trial. Campbell stated that rotenone was the most toxic compound to the silkworm that he had tested so far under laboratory conditions and that if it failed in the field decomposition or some other fact must be responsible. Such failure can- not bo due to lack of original toxicity. The Bureau of Entomology (432) in 1930 reported that derris extract combined with white-oil emulsion had been tested in the field against codling moth at Yakima, Wash, ; Benton- villc, Ark., and Wichita, Kans . Field and laboratory tests were made with rotenone. The Bureau (433) in 1931 reported that tests of rotenone against the codling moth in the field gave disappointing results, but because of the high initial toxicity this material possesses, efforts to develop ways of effectively utilizing it were being continued. -47- Hcadleo (185) in 1931 recorded tests with arsenical substitutes for the control of the codling moth. Four applications against first brood on early apples (Starr variety) gave the following percentages of infested fruit: Lead arsenate, 9.6; oil-pyrothrum, ll,4j' light oil-rotenone, 12.0; heavy oil-rotcnonc, 14.9; and tank-mixed nicotine tannate, 11.0. The Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station (458 ) in 1931 referred to the work of Kough to determine the difference between western and Vir- ginia strains in resistance to arsenical sprays. The results had indicated that tolerance to spray materials is not specific for arsenic, but also holds true for such insecticides as cryolite, barium fluosilicate, and rotenone. For control rotenone is considered as still in the experimental stage. — Anonymous (3) in 1932. Campbell (60) in 1932 critically reviewed all tests with rotenone. In all tests the apples were sprayed with suspensions of rotenone in water with or without the addition of other substances. Newcomer found that ro- tenone alone at 1:3,340 and 1:4,450 was decidedly more effective than lead arsenate at 2 pounds to 100 gallons (1:416) when the tests were made shortly after application of the spray, but the effectiveness of rotenone was markedly reduced when the tests were made 7 days after application; whereas the effectiveness of lead arsenate remained about the same. Kough noted the same phenomenon in a test of rotenone with Fenetrol. Of the larvae that hatched from 6 to 48 hours after the application of the spray, 6,8 percent entered the fruit; of those that hatched from 48 to 72 hours after the application 25 percent entered. An experiment by Lathrop sup- ports results of Newcomer and Hough. Using a 1:4,450 suspension of ro- tenone, Lathrop found that 97.4 percent of the number of larvae that entered the untreated apples were prevented from entering apples freshly treated with rotenone. However, the efficiency of rotenone, when the lar- vae were placed on the fruit several days after treatment, was found to be only 32.5 percent. Newcomer also tested rotenone at 1:1,110 and found that the effectiveness of the deposit was greatly reduced in 7 days. In all tests by Newcomer and Hough the percentage of stings on apples treated with rotenone was lower than that on apples treated with lead ar- senate. In laboratory tests against this insect the addition of starch and glue as stickers reduced immediate effectiveness. The addition of mineral-oil and fish-oil emulsions to rotenone suspensions appeared to have no significant effect in immediate tests. In Hough's e: riment with rotenone ap excellent results were obtained 3 ' applica- tion of the spray. On the basis of total injuries, rotencne-soap v distinctly superior to the lead arsenate check. >ted that the a - dition of soap materially improved the distribution of rotenone. Several field tests have been made in the Pacific Nori er, obinson, and Spuler. Some results of such tests of roten .'. compi with lead arsenate are give" in the following table. T. was di - solved in acetone and the solution was add water to suspr .48- Material Spray schedule Apples wormy and stung Rotenone 1:1,670 Lead arsenate 1:416 Rotenone 1:4,200 Load arsenate 3 pounds per 100 gallons Rotenone 1:4,450 Lead arsenate 3 pounds per 100 gallons Calyx and first- coyer spray... of lead arsenate followed by- ■6 cover sprays of rotenone Calyx and S coyer sprays Calyx and 3 cover sprays Tannic acid was added to first cover spray Calyx and 3 cover sprays Calyx spray of lead arsenate followed by 6 cover sprays of rotenone Calyx and 6 cover sprays Percent ~70.4 51.5 ' 41.5 .9.3 17.0 2.5 Those "who have tested rotenone in the field do not consider it a prom- ising substitute for lead arsenate, However, it is so effective in labor- atory experiments when' freshly applied that the possibility of its use in the field should not be abandoned until efforts have been made to under- stand and control its adherence and decomposition on fruit and foliage. Newcomer (306) in 1932 stated that pyrethrum had' been tested rather thoroughly but no Way had been found that would make it as effective as nicotine for control of this insect and the same might be said of rote- none. Newcomer and Yothers (507) in 1932 reported .that a commercial extract of derris [Derrisol?] was ineffective as an ovicide (1:800) and as a lar- vicidc (1:400). A mixture of 0,75 percent, of lubricating- oil emulsion and commercial derris extract (1:400 and 1:800 ) was ineffective in preventing the worms from entering sprayed fruit in laboratory experiments. An alco- holic extract of derris and a kerosene extract of pyrethrum in orchard experiments were practically worthless, the fruit becoming extremely wormy, This sample of derris root was later found to be low in total extract and to contain not more than traces of rotenone, which explains the very poor results obtained with it. An orchard experiment with the commercial', derris extract was discontinued because fruit and foliage injury developed and much of the fruit was becoming wormy. -49- Spulcr, Doraan, and Gillies (507) in 1932 reported that none of the contact sprays, sveh as mineral oil, nicotine sulfate, pyre thrum, end rotcnone, have sufficient larvicidal value as a spray when used alone. Their chief value is in combination with other mateVials in such a way that the resultant spray contains both ovicidal and larvicidcl value. Turner ( 418) in 1932 reported that tests in controlling this insect wore limited, owing to low infestations, hut in general they showed that rotenonc is of some value. Webster (475) in 1932 reported that on "blocks of trees in the Wenatchee, Wash., experimental orchard sprayed with rotcnone, oil-nicotine, or the oil- pyrethrum combination, freedom from red spider injury was conspicuous during the past season. He said: "We must still regard the use of rotenone, a: the oil-pyrethrum combination as well, as in the experimental stage so far as codling moth control is concerned c" Jarvis (222) in 1933 reported on the use of Katakilla with white oil in Queensland. Five rows of 5- to 6-year-old apple trees, four trees in each row (Jonathan and Vandorpool Red) wore sprayed with nonarsenicais, each row receiving a different treatment. Four treatments i:ere given each row, the spray being applied with a knapsack spray outfit of 4 gallons' capac- ity. Approximately 3/4 to 1 gallon of spray fluid was used for each tree per application. For a small tree this was a generous allowance and per- mitted a thorough coverage. -In the Katakilla and white-oil mixture, Kate - killa was used at 2 pounds to 32 imperial gallons and the white oil at 1:80. White oil alone was used at 1:64. ITicotine sulfate-white oil Katakil la-white oil gave .equally good results and both were slightly more efficient than lead arsenate but were much more expensive. However, it is possible that the strength of these two sprays might be reduced, and three applications be given instead of four. The perr .sound fruit obtained by each treatment was as follows: Barium fluosili- cate 92.8, lead arsenate 97.3, nicotine sulfate-white oil 98.2, Katakilla- white oil 98.1, white oil 97.8. List (252) in 1933 discussed the progress made in codling moth control during the preceding decade. Petroleum oils as carriers of nicotine, py- rethrum, and rotenone must be used cautiously to avoid foliage injury. The United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomol' (459) reported that Childs in 1934 tested mixtures of cube or derris and kaolin 1:3 (rotenone 1 percent) on apples at Hood J 'eg. results, compared with those obtained with lead arsen; be, Material Lead arsenate, 3 pounds per 100 gallons, 5 applications Cube mixture, 10 pounds per 100 gallons, 10 applications : e from wc 'and stii. 96.1 95.5 : , . . -™ STATE PLANT BOARD -49ct- Derris-kaolin gave results similar to those obtained with cube-kaoli Gentner in 1934 tested the same mixtures at Talent, Oreg., against codlin moth infesting 25-year-old Bartlett pear trees. Four cover sprays of the material tested were applied following a calyx and first cover of lead arsenate, and 6 cover sprays of cube-kaolin were applied also following ai calyx and first cover of .lead arsenate. Because of delay in receiving materials, nicotine-bentonite (o pounds per 100 gallons) was used in the third cover spray in place of cube-kaolin, .Then lead arsenate only vas used, 5.6 percent of the fruit Was worcnyj when cube-kaolin was vised as described, 14.2 percent was wormy; and when derris-kaolin was used, 16.3 percent was wormyo None of the sprays injured the fruit, but the heavy residue of cube-kaolin prevented uniform coloring of pears that developed a red cheek. An acid wash containing 3 percent of acid at 100° F. failed to remove. a derris-kaolin residue on Dears, but Robinson removed all traces of the residue by washing in a solution of sodium silicate. Haegele in 1935 tested these mixtures at Parma, Idaho, us ins either 5 or 10 pounds of the mixture per 100 gallons of water, and making 8 or 12 applications to trees about 20 years old. Comparative figures for this mixture and lead arsenate, 3 pounds per 100 gallons, applied in the regu- lar schedule (8 applications) are as follows: Material i' ru- Woi'my Free f i om worms and stings Lead arsenate, 3 pounds per 100 gallons, 8 applications Cube mixture, 10 pounds per 100 gallons, 12 applications Lead arsenate, 3 pounds per 100 gallons, 8 applications Cube mixture, 5 pounds per 100 gallons +0.5 percent of white oil, 12 applications Percent 68.0 98.6 Percent 2.6 1.0 66.3 91.3 2.4 1.6 "forms per 100 apples Number 266.9 481.9 181.6 304.9 Stings pc 100 apple Number 317.3 16.9 318.2 131.8 Although a heavy residue of cube-kaolin was left on the fruits, this did not inhibit coloring. The derris and cube dusts tended to bo some- what nauseating to the operators. Derris-kaolin was not so effective as the cube-kaolin mixture. ') in 1935 also reported that derris, 10 pounds per 100 gallGjas all id also plus 0.5 percent of oil, proved most unsatisfac- tory in controlling the insect at Parma, Idaho, in 1934. -50- Harman (184) in 19 34 reported experiments in a badly infested King orchard during i935 in New York. Kubatox (a derris extract), 1 quart to 100 gallons, permitted 3 percent of stings and 89 percent of worms; the same plus 1 quart of cil permitted 3 percent of stings and 87 percent of worms, as compared with 60 percent of stings and 13 percent of worms for lead arsenate at 3 pounds to 100 gallons. The addition of 1 quart of oil to 1 quart of Kubatox per 100 gallons of spray resulted in 3 percent of stings and 87 percent of worms. Hough (192) in 1934 reported on the relative abilities of Colorado and Virginia strains of the larvae to enter apples sprayed with rotenone. Eggs placed on the apples sprayed with rotenone hatched 3 days after the spray was applied. Greater ability of the Colorado larvae to enter sprayed fruit was not specific for lead arsenate but was also demonstra- ted when such nonarsenical sprays as cryolite, barium fluosilicate, rote- none, cuprous cyanide, and nicotine were used. Comparative tests with Colorado and Virginia larvae on apples that received two applications of a nonarsenical spray (rotenone, 1 gm. in 2,000 cc.) gave results as fol- 1 ows ; Strain Eggs hatched Live larvae Total injuries Number Number Percent Number Percent Colorado 377 57 15.1 67 17.7 Virginia 440 24 5.4 25 5,6 Kearns (229) in 1934 reported that derris did not provide a very high control in England. Marshall (269) in 1934 stated that derivatives of derris or cube root have not been so widely applicable as nicotine sulfate. Mote and Thompson (284) in 1934 recorded tests of substitutes for lead arsenate in Oregon. Various materials were tried as substitutes. The material was applied at a pressure of between 300 and 350 pounds, 10 trees being used in each plot. All the apples on each tree, including windfalls, wore examined and the percentages of "wormy apples, stings, and clean fruit were recorded. Rotenone was tried only 1 year, 3 ounces being used in each 100 gallons of spray. In the first 2 cover sprays, 6 ounces of tannin was added to each 100 gallons and this may have been responsible for considerable foliage injury, which developed on this plot. Fruit Material Clean Vormy Stings Percent Percent Percent Rotenone 72.1 23.5 4.4 Lead arsenate check 89.0 6.5 4.5 Unsprayed control 15.2 82.0 2.8 -51- The He-'-: York State Agricultural Experiment Station ( 500 ) in 1935 stated that rotenone' and derris gave/ promising results as substitutes for lead arsenate. The United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine (440) concluded, from a review of all work done in the United States in 1934, that mixtures of 1 part of derris or cube with 3 parts of kaolin (1 percent rotenone) gave definitely unsatisfactory results This material was tested at strengths of 5 and 10 pounds per 100 gallons on varying schedules and in some instances in combination with, oil. Neither increases in concentration nor in the number of applications re- sulted in increased control. The addition of oil gave a certain degree of effectiveness, but this is attributed to the oil rather than to the derris. The kaolin used as a carrier caused an unsightly deposit on the apples that could not be removed by the usual hydrochloric acid wash, therefore otherwise high-quality fruit could not be marketed except at a cannery. Eowe'ver, Robinson removed all traces of derris-kaolin residue from pears by washing them in a solution of sodium silicate. Boyce (44) in 1935 reported the results of tests in Persian walnuts. Nicotine tannate, nicotine-bentonite, nicotine-mineral oil, rotenone, ground derris, pyrethrum extract, and ground pyrethrum gave unsatisfactory results. Each toxic material was used at the rate of 4 pounds plus 2/3 quart of highly refined light-medium mineral oil, plus l/o pint of liquid blood albumin per 100 gallons of water. Basic lead arsenate gave the best control. F.'L. Campbell (62_) in 1935 said that derris and cube are so toxic in the laboratory that they should be followed up further. Eyer (115) in 1935 presented the following results of tests of insecticides in New Mexico Sound apples after treo tn tent with — Variety Check {no insecticide during season) Lead arsenate Pyrethrum-derris- bentonite -sulfur supplement Delicious Stayman Yfinesap Gene Arkansas Black Percent 73.8 81.5 47.0 65.6 Percent 88.8 84.9 82.2' 95.4 Percent 76.6 73.0 66.8 82.2 Childs (71_) in 1935 stated that derris and cube had been tested as substitutes for lead arsenate in the Hood River Valley, Orog. , and had boon found ineffective or uneconomical for general orchard use. -52- F. J. D. Thomas (409), Kent, England, reported in 1935 on the control of 'surface-eating tortricid larvae en apples. Tests were made with derris dust and derris spray against Cacoecia podana Scop., to apply a protective dust to the fruit before an attack bega*rZ In the Latter part of June moths of this species and also codling moths were beaton from the trees. Two dusts v,rere applied on July 17— one of derris, the other of barium fluosilicate. Subsequent observations and counts on both windfalls and crop showed very little tortrix damage to the fruit on any of the trees, including the undusted controls. Surface damage was mainly due to very young codling moth larvae and net to C. podana. * * * Derris (crude rctenone 3.63 percent), 2 pounds plus~"soft soap 5 pounds per 100 imperial gallons, reduced the damage 50 percent when applied approximately 9 v:eeks after petal-fall. Trappmann and Nitsche (417) in 1935 reported that rotenone sprays and dusts were not effective against the last instars of this species. Dosage was regulated to give a deposit of 0.18 mg. of rotenone per 500 CO,2. The United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine (458, 439), in 1935 assembled the results of codling moth investigations conducted during 193'. by State agencies. At Monroe, Oreg. , four cover sprays were applied en the apple trees. Lead arsenate 3 pounds per 100 gallons gave 89.07 percent of clean fruit; rotenone in the last three covers with calcium arsenate in calyx and first cover gave 71,76 percent of clean fruitj and rotenone plus 0.75 percent of oil Mo. 6 in the last three covers and calcium arsenate 3 pounds per 100 gallons in the calyx and first cover gave 78.41 percent clean fruit. At Talent, Oreg., eight cover sprays were applied to apples and five or six cover sprays to pears. On pears derris with kaolin, 1 percent of rotenone (calyx and first cover lead arsenate), 5 and 10 pounds per 100 gallons, both with and without oil, and powdered cube root rath kaolin (rotenone 1 percent) at 10 pounds per 100 gallons, gave much poorer control than did lead arsenate. In 1934 workers in the Division of Fruit Insect Investigations of the Bureau, tested derris in the field at Kearneysville, W. Va, ; Saint Joseph, Mo. j Parma, Idaho; Hood Fiver and Talent, Oreg. ; and in the labor- atory at Takoma Park, Md, Derris powder was toxic to larvae under labor- atory conditions, Derris-kaolin applied in the field to apples, from which plugs were made for laboratory testing at Vincennes, Ind., was no»t toxic. In the field derris, cube, and pyre thrum in admixture with kaolin were all rated ineffective. Baker and Butler (20) in 1936 reported en tests made on a 20-acre block divided into plots of ubout 15 trees each. All applications wore made with a power sprayer operating at 400 pounds' pressure and carrying 2 single-nozzle guns. Derris alone gave little or no control, but in combination with mineral oi] it was more effective though still far from satisfactory. Derris caused no foliage injury. The follow!] ble shows the results of field tost3 of organic substitutes for lead arsenate at St. Joseph, Mo., in 1934. All plats were sprayed \ I ad arsenate, 3 pounds per 100 gallons, in tho oaly y. -53- Haterial used (pounds per 100 gallons unless otherwise stated) Worm infestation (number of vrorms per 100 apples) Material used alone Regular 7-dav Material used with — Summer oil, 0.5 i Fish oil, 0, percent ■percent Regular j 7-day J Regular { schedule s,chedule°[ schedule j schedule ] scliedule Lead arsenate 3:100 Ground derris root 1 part, kaolin 3 parts containing 1 percent rotenone 10:100 The same 5:100 Lead arsenate 3:100 in first brood; der- ris as above 10:100 remainder of season 41.6 172.9 165.: 76.4 81.3 111.3 1/ Beginning with second cover spray. 2/ Nine cover sprays applied at approximately 10- to 12-day intervals, of Fourteen cover sprays applied at approximately 7-day intervals. The East Mailing Research Station, Kent, England (108), in 1936 re- ported the following results in control: Of the unsprayed apples 13.7 percent were damaged; of those sprayed with derris containing 5,6 percent of crude rctenono at the rate of 2 pounds, per 100 imperial gallons plus 5 pounds of soap, 11.4 percent were damaged; and of those sprayed with lead arsenate at the rate of 4 pounds per 100 imperial gallons plus 1 pound of Lethalate wetting preparation, 2.8 percent were damaged. Farrar (118) in 1936, reporting on the effect of petroleum-oi,l sprays on insects and plants, stated that emulsions containing extracts of derris and pyrethrum were less toxic to codling moth larvae under field condi- tions than were the non impregnated emulsions. Exposure of derris or py- rethrum products to the action of sunlight and oxygen destroyed their activity toward insects, as is clearly demonstrated by laboratory tests. These same oil emulsions, when tested against codling moth larvae in the laboratory after a relatively short exposure to the air, consistently gave performance superior to nonimpregnated emulsions. The following were tested in admixture with "white oil stock emulsion 200:" Derris 1/2, 1, and 2 pounds per gallon; cube extract; rotenone with and without i i netrolj Derrisol. Carman (151) in 1936 reported the following results of tests on apples in Connecticut: -54- Treatment Fruit showing — External insect I Codling npth injury entries Conspicuous spray russet Lead arsenate1 plus flotation sulfur 2 Cryolite plus flota- tion sulfur Cryolite plus Coposil Derris spray0 Check— pink spray only Percent 91.5 • 65,4 48.3 32.0 24.4 Percent 0.0 .'8 2.0 .9 3.9 Pe re ent 35.8 1.3 l/ Lead arsenate used at 3 pounds per 100 gallons. 2/ Cryolite used at 4 pounds per 100 gallons. "hj Derris used at 4 pounds per 100 gallons. One extra spray in August. Ground root containing 4 percent rotenone combined -with skim-milk ponder. . Klinger (237) in 1936 reported that in laboratory tests en fourth in- stars, rotenone spray or dust gave no mortality in 8 days. i' . McGovran ( 262) in 1935 reported that in laboratory tests against lar- vae oil impregnated with 1 percent of rotenone gave between 40 and 25 per- cent of entries; nicotine sulfate, 2 percent in oil, gave 100-percent con- trol and -was the most effective material for impregnating oil. The Missouri agricultural Experiment Station (280) in 1936 reported that rotenone and a number of other chemicals proved far more toxic to the larvae under laboratory conditions than lead arsenate, but in the or- chard they did not prove effective or safe. Siegler and Hunger, in a typewritten report to the Division of Fruit Insect Investigations, of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine in 1936, stated that a sample of derris containing 3.6 percent of rote- none (15,6 percent total extractives with carbon tetrachloride), used at the rate of 1 pound to 50 gallons- of water, wa- ineffective in laboratory tests against codling moth larvae. Tephrosia virginiana, used at a dos- age in which the rotenone content was the same as that of a sample of derris, was not quite so effective .as derris,' possibly because the per- centage of total extractives was only one-half that obtained from derris. Extracts of other plants such as T. piscatoria, Jamaica dogwood, and daisy flowers did not appear to have promise. -55- Strong in 1936, in a* letter to the Chief of the Bureau of Plant In- dustry transmitted the results of tests with'devil' s-shoestrings on various insects. A comparison of this insecticide with derris was made against codling moth larvae at Beltsville, Md.," using Siegler's apple-plug method, with the following results: Treatment Larvae Successful entrances None Tephrosia virginiana (1.72 percent rotenone, 7.5 percent total extractives, carbon tetra- chloride) 4 pounds in 10Q gallons Derris root (3,6 percent rotenone, 15.6 percent total extractives, carbon tetra- chloride) 2 pounds in 100 gallons Number 226 40 Percent S5 85 41 71 Lead arsenate was not used in this series but, on the average, tests carried on by this technique gave approximately 40 percent of successful entrances. The United States Department of Agriculture on January 13, 1936, issued a press release which called attention to certain disadvantages that bar the use of rotenone insecticides for some types of insects. Derris is not effective against all insects. / \ though toxic to codling moth larvae in the laboratory, rotenone preparations, exposed to light and air in a thin spray film, decompose too rapidly for economical use. Allman (_12) in 1938 reported the results of a series of experiments in commercial control, carried out during the 1936-57 season at Maimuru (Young) in Australia, the tests including four varieties. The derris and white-oil emulsion specially prepared for the test was ineffective at 1:100, and a residue of derris usually ran to the calyx end of the fruit, resulting in oil staining. Excessive use of the usual white oils has caused a somewhat similar' condition, but the presence of the derris pow- der apparently encouraged this tendency to oil-burn. Infestation on apple, pear, and plum was- mitigated by a product con- taining 12 percent of powdered Lonchocarpus nicou root (6 percent rote- none) and 88 percent of talcum, according to Etablissements Rotenia, in a letter to R-. C. Roark in 1938. The New York County Agents'. Training School (298) in 1938 heard re- ports on rotenone products. Cube was not a satisfactory control in a moderately Infested orchard. -55- The Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station (318) in 1938 issued a spraying program for the control of insects and diseases attacking fruit crops. Under Ohio conditions the following materials were not recommended for use in the orchard against the codling moth: Natural cryolite, syn- thetic cryolite, barium fluosilicate; pyrethrum, derris or rotenone, and phenothiazine; and summer oils were not recommended unless fortified with lead arsenate or nicotine. Roark (557) in 1938 reviewed the comparative action of derris and cube of equal rotenone content on many insects. Reference was made to reports by Haegele and Childs (457, 439) issued by the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, who tested derris- kaolin and cube-kaolin mixtures of equal strength (1 percent rotenone) on larvae. Neither material appeared to have much effectiveness in control. Although both resulted in fewer stings, there v/ere more worms per 100 apples than when lead arsenate 'was used. Webster (476) in 1938 discussed substitutes for lead arsenate and stated that rotenone, because it breaks down quickly in sunlight, has not been of much value. Agicide DC-4 (rotenone 0.6 percent) at the rate of 4 pounds per 100 gallons of water (0,003 percent rotenone in spray) killed from 50 to 100 percent within 96 hours. — Agicide Laboratories (8) in 1939. Siegler (370) in 1940 reported laboratory studies of various sugars and other materials as possible larval attractants for use in increasing the effectiveness of lead arsenate and other stomach poisons. Of the several compounds reported on, brown sugar, because of its availability and low cost, appears to offer greatest promise as a larval attractant. The addition of brown sugar to lead arsenate, calcium arsenate, nicotine bentonite, and phenothiazine considerably increased the toxicity of these insecticides under laboratory conditions. In combination with paris green it decreased the percentage of injury. With pyrethrum, however, brown sugar was not notably effective as an attractant and with derris it had no value. It was thought that in a large measure derris and pyrethrum might have killed the larvae by contact. The derris (5 percent rotenone) used at the rate of 4 pounds per 100 gallons gave 48,5 percent of clean apples, when tested by the apple-plug method. The addition of brown sugar at the rate of 16 pounds per 100 gallons to this spray gave 47.9 percent of clean apples. The United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine (447), in 1939 reported that at Kearneysville, W. Va. , cube was tested in two orchards. A proprietary cube mixture (4 percent rotenone) at 2 pounds per 100 gallons wag used in the 7- to 10-day schedule but proved ineffective, the number of worms per 100 apples rang- ing from 49 to 81. -57- Grapholitha funebrana Tr. Bovey (43) in 195S reported that in tests made in Germany, derris dusts containing from 0,8 to 1.0 percent of rotenone did not give as good results against this insect as did nicotine sprays, which gave controls ranging from 75 to 96 percent at a nicotine concentration of from 0.9 to 2.2 percent. Grapholitha molesta (Busck. ), the oriental fruit moth Driggers (101 ) in 1929 made laboratory tests to determine the toxicit of sprays to the eggs. An alcoholic extract of cube root at 1:200 gave a control of 4.1 percent; at 1:500, a control of -0.9 percent; and at 1:1,00' a control of 1.1 percent. Derrisol 1:800 plus rosin-fish-oil soap, 1 poun to 50 gallons, gave a control of 6,3 percent as computed by Abbot's formuli The greatest control, 85.2 percent, was given by Volck at a strength of 1.25 percent. Lipp (251 ) in 1929 reported that derris compound 1:500 seemed to have no repellent action against this insect, Garman (150) in 1930 reported that in Connecticut peach shoots sprayec With rotenone 0,075 or 0,1 gm. in 100 cc. of water to which 1 or 2 gm. of sirup or honey had been added were placed in cages containing the moths. On the treated peach shoots 854 eggs were deposited, as compared with 2,217 on untreated shoots. White-oil emulsion 1.3 gm., derris preparation 1 gm. , and water to 500 cc. killed 60 percent of the eggs; white-oil emul- sion 1.6 gm,, derris preparation 1 gm., and water to 600 cc, killed 68 percent of the eggs; and white-oil emulsion 1.3 gm. , rotenone 1:12,000 (0,5 cc. of a 10 percent solution in acetone), and water to 600 cc. killed 73 percent of the eggs sprayed with the mixture. Rotenone 1:1,000 (1 cc. of a 10-pcrcent solution in acotone), sirup 2 gm. , and water to 100 cc, when sprayed on the eggs gave a probable efficiency of about 93 percent, on account of larval mortality after hatching. Wo insecticide gave suf- ficient control to warrant recommending it. Rotenone in oil emulsified in water with powdered milk (rotenone 1:25,000; oil 1,0 percent) killed 96.4 percent of the eggs, but the oil alone killed 92.9 percent. -- Turner (418.) in 1932. The Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station ( 515) in 1934 reported that combinations of oil with rotenone were among the materials that gave best results in orchard tests. Six applications at weekly intervals re- duced injury 36.1 percent. Had the first application been made 2 weeks earlier better control might have been obtained. Chandler and Flint (69) in 1936 published an account of tests of oil dusts (35 parts sulfur, 25 parts talc, 25 parts lime, 10 parts lead arse- nate, and 5 parts oil) against oriental fruit moth in southern Illinois. The addition of derris in place of load arsenate to these oil dusts did not increase their effectiveness. The same authors (70) in 1938 reported bhat in Illinois in 1936 a proprietary dust containing~~oil , sulfur, and ale with lime, in the proportion of 5:57:38, gave 96 percent control and -58- this was not improved by the use o^ dusts containing in addition 1 per- cent of rotenone with or withou^bentonite sulfur, or 0.5 percent each of rotenone and nicotine. It was as satisfactory to apply the dust at the appearance of the third-generation larvae, about a month before harvest, as during the attack of the second generation. .laalenotti ( 267) in 1937 reported the results of tests with rotenone spr.ay' and dust on infested peaches in the province of Veneto, Italy. Pon- der containing 0,9 percent of rotenone v/as sprayed as an aqueous suspen- sion nine times, and dust containing 0,3 percent of rotenone was also applied nine times. Results -were unsatisfactory. Trees not sprayed but periodically pruned to remove infested branches yielded 70.3 percent' of wormy fruit; those treated with spray yielded 79,5 percent of wormy fruit, and those dusted yielded 89,5 percent wormy fruit. The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (78) in 1938 reported that experiments with derris were made on a block of';~lborta peach trees laid out in Latin-square arrangement. Results showed no" improvement over the untreated plots, Flint, Farrar, and Chandler (136) in 1938 reported that three oil dusts (60 pounds of 300-mesh sulfur, 15 pounds of ;h_ yd rated lime, 20 pounds of 300-mesh talc, and 5 pounds of oil) containing derris, applied thp last of the season, were 37.9 percent efficient in control in 1935 in Illinois. In 1937 5 oil dusts (no derris) gave 70-percent control. Garman (152) in 1938 reported the results of tests in a Connecticut peach orchard. Spray applications were made on August 5, 14, and 28. Results were as follows: Fruit Material infested Percent Ground cube root, 4 lbs'." to 100 gal. 31,3 of water Ditto, plus Ultrawet 0.25 to 0,75 28,0 lb. to 100 gal. Fixed nicotine made with quebracho tannin, 23,5 the' stock containing 4.35 percent of nicotine, 10 lb, , in first spray, 12 lb, in second and third applications Check — no sprays during August 25.5 -59- Garman concluded: ."It will be seen from the data presented that there was no significant difference in the amount of infested or injured fruit from any of the treatments. Separation of the types of injured fruit into old and new did net afford any more favorable data in regard to sprays." Stearns ( 595) in 1958 reported on experiments with the following sub- stances, listed in order of efficiency: Lead arsenate, phenothiazine, cryolite, tetramethyl thiuram bisulfide, and derris, used, respectively, at the rate of 2, 4, 5, 4, and 4 pounds per 100 gallons. In each case, 6 pounds of magnetic sulfur was added as a fungicide, 1 pound of rosin resi- due was added to all the spray mixtures except cryolite, and 4 pounds of zinc sulfate and 5 pounds of hydrated lime were included with lead arse- nate. Three applications were made, one immediately after petal fall, one at the shuck-slip stage, and one a fortnight later. Lead arsenate gave slightly better control than the other materials. Laspeyresia nigricana (Steph. ), the pea moth Miles (276) in 1926 reported good control with the use of a derris spray consisting of 20 pounds of powdered derris to 100 imperial gallons of water. This spray produced the lowest percentage of damage (16 per- cent) in the threshed p-efts. The percentages of damaged peas harvested from plots sprayed with derris or nicotine showed little difference from those observed when the green peas were examined; these sprays, therefore, seem to have a permanent effect, Mel iss opus latif erreanus (iHsm, ), the filbert moth Thompson (412 ) in 1958 summarized results cf spray tests in 1957. This is the most important filbert insect pest in Oregon at present. Many sprays and three dusts, including Cubor (0,75 percent rotenone), were tried for control. Results were as follows: Material Worms Percent Lead arsenate plus soap 0,99 Cubor dust 8,6 Unsprayed chock 25,5 Olcthroutes pruniana (Hbn. ) A product containing 12 percent of powdered Lonchocarpus nicou root (6 percent rotenone) and 88 percent of talcum killed (Pur.thina) Olethreutes pruniana on cherry and plum, and repelled it on apple, according to a let- ter from Eta'blissements Rotenia to R. C. Roark in 1958, "lychronis botrana (Schiff.) See Janoke and Roosler (220) under Phalonia ambiguclla (Hbn. ) on page 100. -60- Delassus and Laffond (92) in 1S36 reported the results of tests of derris against this species on grapes in Algeria. Powder A contained 1.5 percent of rotenone and other derris constituents; powder 3, 2.0 percent of rotenone and related substances; powder C, 3 percent. Two applications were made on August 2 and 9, 1935, by hand dusters. On August 4 there was a flight of butterflies of the third generation. Dosages applied were 130 to 160 kg. per hectare per treatment—an excessive amount. Almost com- plete protection was given by powders A and C; powder B was coarser and did not adhere so well. In 1937 these authors (93) concluded that 15 to 30 kg. of derris dust containing 2 percent of ether extractives per hec- tare gave satisfactory results. Derris residue on the grapes was visible a month after application but did not interfere with fermentation or im- part a taste to the wine. An anonymous (6) writer for the Palestine Gazette in 1938 reported that during the preceding 2 years substitutes for arsenicals had been tested at the Entomological Laboratory of the Plant Protection Service, Acre Stock Farm and Agricultural Station, for the control of this species. Derris and pyrethrum proved effective in the laboratory but had always been a failure in the vineyard, owing to two facts: (l) The active prin- ciples, the rotenone and the pyrethrins, easily break down in the sun and heat of the climate of Palestine in 3 to 4 days. (2) It is practic- ally impossible to apply these dusts so punctually as to meet the larvae just at their emergence or very close to it. The so-called stabilized derris preparations have not proved better than the normal ones. Jancke and Maercks (219) in 1938 reported on laboratory experiments in Germany to determine the length of time during which sprays of nicotine and sprays or dusts of pyrethrum or derris remain active. The insecti- cides were applied at usual concentrations to glass dishes, and test in- sects were placed in them at known intervals after the application, left there for about an hour (uncovered, to preclude fumigant action), then re- moved to unpoisoned food in clean dishes. The mortality was ascertained after 2 days. Batches of varying numbers of larvae were similarly tested or sprayed directly. Y.hen they were sprayed directly, the mortality was estimated after 3 days and was similar (70-81 percent) for crude nicotine and soap, tobacco extract and soap, and preparations of pyrethrum, or py- rethrum and derris. TVhen tested by the first method, the tobacco extract was the most effective spray, giving 75 and 40 percent mortality of lar- vae placed in the dishes 2 and 24 hours after application. The pyrethrum and pyrethrum-derris sprays wore disappointing, the latter giving no mor- tality. Pyrethrum dust and pyrethrum-derris dust gave percentage mortali- ties of 100 and 79, respectively, when the interval was 2 hours. A derris dust gave 100-percent mortality when the intervals were 2 and 6 hours, and 95 percent xvhen they were 24 and 48 hours. Paillot in 1940 (523) briefly summarised the results of experiments on control of the two vine moths (CHysiana) Pha Ionia ambjp;uella (libn. ) and Polychrosis botrana in several districts ii. France. Arsenical sprays were reported to be superior to dusts containing 1 percent of rotenone which, however, were more effective than dusts containing barium fluo- silicate. -61- ' - Polychrosis viteana (den. ), the grape berry moth At the annual codling moth conference held by the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology (451) at Washington, D. C., in 1930, Runner reported tests of nonarsehicals for use on grapes at Sandusky, Ohio'. Three years' work with commercial derris extract in mixtures applied against the grape berry moth had not -shown any important gain in control. At a strength of 1:800 it did not seem to destroy the eggs nor have any decided effect in preventing damage from larvae. The same Bureau (453) in 1931 reported that for the control of the grape berry moth several contact materials, including oil emulsions, nicotine sulfate, and derris and pyre- thrum extracts, as well as rotencne, have been tested against the, second brood of worms, with very disappointing results. The Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine in 1935 (439) reported that derris-kaolin (rotenone 1 percent) at 10 pounds per 100 gallons plus white oil, and derris (rotenone 4- percent) at 2,5 pounds per 100 gallons plus' fish oil, reduced damage by the grape berry moth at Venice, Ohio, but caused such serious staining that the grapes were practically unsalable. Runner ( 359) in 1932 reported that pyrethrum extract, derris extract, nicotine sulfate, and nicotine tannate were tested against this insect un- der field conditions but without encouraging" results. Failures in control also characterized the use of rotenone, of oil sprays, and of oil in com- bination with nicotine. TfVhile most of the nonarsenical materials men- tioned showed decided toxic properties, they apparently either did not re- main highly toxic or were too easily washed from the grape clusters to afford protection over the long period needed for adequate control. Rhopobota naevana (Hon.), the blackheaded fireworm . The Washington State Agricultural Experiment Station (475) in 1930 reported the results of tests by Crowley with insecticides against cran- berry insects. Neoton, a derris derivative, was tried again but proved to be. no more effective then the less expensive pyrethrum sprays. Rote- none was tried against this fireworm at the rate of 3 ounces to 100 gal- lons., of water. It killed uhe larvae at this strength and also repelled chewing insects for several days after the. plants were sprayed with it. The Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station ( 270 ) in 1937 re- ported that a spray of 5 pounds of derris powder (4 percent rotenone) and 4 pounds of fish-oil soap in 100 gallons of viator, 400 gal,, to an acre, killed 75 percent of the worms; 6 pounds of derris powder (4 percent rote- none) and 4 pounds of fish-oil soap in 100 gallons of water, 400 gallons to an acre, killed 85 percent; and 8 pounds of dorris (4 percent rotenone) and 3 pounds of fish-oil soap in 100 gallons of water, 400 gallons to an acre, killed 98 percent. Ttfhile this last spray was very effective, it was too costly to compoto as a treatment for this post; howevor, it has good long-range promise. -62- Rhyaciona buoliana (Schiff.), tho European pine shoot moth An anonymous note (4_) in August 1933 called attention to t he steps being taken by the. Bureau of Plant Industry of the New York State Depart- ment of Agriculture and Markets to bring under control an infestation in the nurseries of southeastern New York. A control measure worked out by R. D. Glasgow, State entomologist, was being employed. The method con- sisted of spraying with any one of a number of formulas. It was stated by Dr. Glasgow and B. D. Van Buren that the most successful of these form- ulas consisted of 1,5 pints of cube extract (5 percent rotencne oil), and 2 gallons of miscible pine oil in 100 gallons of water. The nurserymen were instructed to spray thoroughly between June 25 and July 4, directing the spray branch by branch, downward and inward, so that it night pene- trate the needle clusters from the tip toward the base. Two applications, one near the beginning and one near the end of the period named, were ad- vised. This treatment gave good results, even in severe infestations. Glasgow in 1933, in a letter to R. C. Roark reported the results of spray- ing red pine in New York with a spray containing 2 percent of miscible pine oil and rotenone at the rate of about 1:12,800 parts by weight of the spray. .A, solid cube extract containing 15 percent of rotenone, dissolved /m 1 s o ib X-e ~" " o •• in/pine, oil, "was used. Glasgow said: "A single application of this spray at the right time (July 1932) appears to give excellent control. The im- provement is truly spectacular and can be recognized as far as the plats can be seen." Glasgow' s excellent results with rotenone sprays were refer- red to by Friend and West (147) in 1934. Friend and Hicock ( 144) in 1935 reported that tests in Connecticut carried out in a red pine plantation have shown that two applications of a suitable insecticide vail give fairly good results. A mixture of lead arsenate 1.5 pounds, fish oil 1 pint, and water 50 gallons, applied on June 22 and July 2, gave 86-percent control, based on the number of injured buds. Sprays containing lead arsenate with various other spreaders and stickers, and ground derris (4 percent rotenone) with powdered skim milk were not quite so effective. In 1936 these authors (145) reported fur- ther tests. Spraying experiments were carried out in a stand of infested red pines from 20 to 25 feet in height. Two applications were made, one at about tho time the eggs began to hatch (June 22) and the other 10 days later (July 2). The incubation period of the eggs under field conditions is approximately 10 days. The following three mixtures were compared: (l) Lead arsenate 1,5 pounds, fish oil 1 pint, water 50 gallons; (2) ground derris root (4 percent rotenone) 1 pound, powdered skim milk 0,5 pound, water 50 gallons; (3) lead arsenate 1.5 pounds, waterproof glue 0.5 pound, bentonite 0.5 pound, hydra ted lime 1,5 pounds, water 50. gal- lons. About 5 gallons of the material were applied per tree. The insec- ticide must roach the junctions of tho needle bases rath tho twigs, the only point of ontranco of the first instar, and a heavy application is necessary. In the first application the dcrris-skim milk had been di- luted to 75 gallons instead of 50, which weakenod tho comparison of re- sults with those of lead arsenate. ■63- Insecticide Derris-skim milk Check Lead arsenate- flsh oil Check Lead arsenate-glTie bentonite-lime Check Injured : Uninjured Larvae per Tips in- : Control tips " tips injured tip ' jured Fumber Number Slumber Percent Percent 34 174 0.59 16 66 112 127 .74 47 — 17 226 .53 • 7 88 150 110 .64 58 ~ l 38 238 .61 14 78 141 80 .74 64 The derr is-- skim-milk mixture might have given better results had it been properly diluted in the first application. Reference is made to a mimeographed circular by C-lasgow, who recommended 1.5 pints of a cube or derris extract containing 5 percent of rotenone plus 2 gallons of miscible pine oil in 100 gallons of water, the application to be made on June 25 and July 4 (in New York). Results with derris indicate that the ground root is probably better than the extract. Potts (352) in 1936 reported that derris coated with linseed oil (der- ris 4 lb. and 8 lb. to 100 gal. with' 1 percent linseed oil) was the most effective insecticide, giving approximately 75-percent control. Other in- secticides tried were lead arsenate 3:100 and 6:100 with linseed oil; lime- sulfur 1:20; bordeaux mixture 4-4-50; nicotine tannate 1:400 with 1 percent of linseed oil; and phenothiazine 6:100. In 1937 Potts (554, '355) reported that (a) '1 part of derris resin plus l/2 part of linseod oil plus 8 parts of water, .and (b) 1 part of derris resin plus 5 parts of linseed oil plus 2.5 parts of acetono gave excellent control. Derris and other insecti- cides 'were sprayed from an autogiro for the control of this insect. Potts (536) in 19 38 reported that the control obtained with derris ranged from 85 to 99 percent. The mixtures contained' adhesives and spreaders and were applied by ground equipment,, Concentrated spray mixtures were much more effective than standard spray concentrations and can be applied at a small fraction of the cost of mixtures cf ordinary spray concentration. The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (78) in 1938 reported that two applications of ground derris or cube (4 lbs. per 100 gal,) with a suitable spreading and adhesive agent, was much superior to lead arse- , with fish oil as an adhesive agent, when the latter was used at the rato of 3 pounds per 100 gallons. A modification of the spraying tech- nique may make this method of control economically feasible in forest plan I I - -64- Friend and Plumb (146) in 1938, reporting on tests made in 1936 and 1937, stated that derris (4 percent rotenone, 14 percent ether extractives) plus SS-3 or powdered skim milk gave greater reduction in infestation than did lead arsenate. Cube (same analysis as the derris) was tried "with pow- dered skim milk, milk, rosin residue, and Ultrawet. The authors concluded: Field experiments on the control of the European pine shoot moth on red pine in Connecticut have shown that spraying with a mixture of 4 pounds of ground derris root or ground cube root and 1 pound of pow- dered skim milk in' 100 gallons of water is superior to spraying with a mixture of 3 pounds of lead arsenate and 1 pint of fish oil in 100 gallons of water. One application of cube about July 2 is as effec- tive as 3 or 4 applications of lead arsenate at 10-day intervals in June and July. Two applications of cube, one on July 2 and one on July 12, are significantly more efficient in reducing tip injury than one application -on July 2. As a spreader and sticker, powdered skim milk is as efficient as any other materials tried at the con- centrations used. It was found that spraying during the first half of June did not give good results in controlling the insect in .1936 and 1937. Derris and cube were equally good. Exposure to sunshine for 166 hours did not completely destroy the insecticidal value of these materials. The laboratory experiments with newly -hatched larvae on sprayed twigs show that, after an exposure of 11 days in the field, ground cube root used with powdered skim milk or Ultrawet was as effective in preventing boring as was the lead arsenate and f ish-cil combination. Friend (143) in 1939 reported that two applications of a mixture of 1 pound of powdered skin milk and 4 pounds of ground derris or cube in 100 gallons of water, the first application being made the last week of June or tho first week of July and the second 10 days later, gave excel- lent results on red pine. If control measures are efficiently carried out, treatment every other year should suffice, unless there are untreated infested trees in the immediate vicinity. Spilonota ocellana (D. & S.), the eye-spotted budmoth . Kelsall et al. (233) in 1926 reported that derris spray, 2 pounds to 100 imperial gallons of water, was less than 10 percent effective against budworms, mostly this species. Yago ,( 502 ) in 1933 wrote that this species, formerly abundant in pear orchards in Shizuoka, Japan, had become scarce, probably owing to the use of insecticides, including derris. Stcganoptycha trimaculana Don. DeBussy, Van dor Laan, and Diakonoff (57) in 1936 reported that this species cannct be controlled with derris dust- or sprays because the in- sects cannot be reached. -65- Papilionidae Papilio cresphontes Cram. (P. thoas L.), "the orange dog Andries (13) in 1232 wrote that citrus trees in crops attacked by this species may be sprayed with Derrisol or Katakilla. phalaenidae -grotis segetum (Schiff.) Klinger ( 237) in 1936 reported that tests made in the laboratory with rotenone spray and dust against fourth instars gave no mortality in 8 days, Agrotis sp. Trappmann and Nitsche (417) in 1935 reported that rotenone sprays and dusts, regulated to give a deposit of 0.18 mg. of rotenone per 500 dm. , were not effective against last instars, Alabama argillacea (libn. ), the cotton leafworm The eggs were not affected by a suspension of powdered root of Tephrosia yirginiana in water. — Little ( 255) in 1931. Smith, Clark, and Scales, Tallulah, La., in a typewritten report to the Division of Cotton Insect Investigations, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, United States Department of Agriculture, in 1934 compared the effectiveness of derris, cube, and other insecticides again: the cotton leafworm in cages and in the field. Both derris and cube contained 4 percent of rotenone. The insecticides were applied as a dust according to 'average field dusting" practice, with a small hand dust gun. The results were as follows: Insecticide Mortality Percent Cube only 60 Derris only 73 Calcium arsenate 94 Check 1 These results were referred to by Roark (357) in 1938 in a review of the comparative value of cube and derris. In 1936 Smith, Clark, and Scales (376) reported that in cage tests at Tallulah, La., derris powders containing from 0.4 to 4.0 per- cent of rotenone were less effective than calcium arsenate in killing leafworms on cotton. In 1957, in a typewritten report to the Division of Cotton Insect Investigations of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine they gave the following results of cage tests at Tallulah, La., in 1936: -56- Treatment Leafworm control Percent Cube (4 percent rotencne) 77 Derris (4 percent rotenone) , 78 Tephrosia virginiana root (1.7 percent rotenone) 46 Commercial calcium arsenate 89 The Division of Cotton Insect Investigations of the United States Department of Agriculture, in a memorandum to R. C. Roark, reported the following results of tests at Tallulah, La. , and Port Lavaca, Tex. in 1936: Leaf worm mortality Treatment Percent Derris 40 percent, sulfur 60 percent (rotenone 1.6 percent) 63.5 Derris 20 percent, 'sulfur 80 percent (rotenone 0.8 percent) 55.7 Derris 10 percent, sulfur 90 percent (rotencne 0.4 percent) 41.1 Derris (rotenone 4 percent) 77.7 Calcium arsenate 89.14 Check 3.37 Smith and Scales ( 377) in 1937 reported that calcium arsenate either used alone or in mixtures with sulfur, caused a higher mortal ity of leaf- worms than did derris, cube, or devil 's-shoestrings when tested in cages. Results were as follov^s: Treatment Control Percent Calcium arsenate 89 Derris (4 percent rotenone) 77 Cube (5 percent rotenone) 76 Devil ' s-shoestr~;ngs (1,7 percent rotenone) 44 Pyrethrum (0.76 percent pyrethrins) 92 - 67 - Wille, Ccampo, Weberbauer, and Schofield (485), of the Agricultural Experiment Station at La Molina, Peru, in 1937, reported that sprays of cube extract containing 0,05 percent of rotenone had no effect on larvae of Anomis texana Riley and Alabama argillacea (Hbn. ), but in another -aeries of tests a spray of 0.01 percent rotenone content gave 75-percent mortality after 8 days, and surviving larvae were unable to molt normally. A suspen- sion of cubo dust in water to give a spray containing 0.3 percent of roten- one killed 73 percent of the larvae in 5 days, but was not effective in the field, probably owing to imperfect wetting. Anomis erosa Hbn. Butac (58) in 1938 reported that in 1936 cotton plants in one of the plots at the Philippine Carnival Exposition were dusted with derris-gawgaw (50:50, rotenone 1.5 percent) mainly to control the leaf-eating caterpillars especially those of this species, which were abundant on the plants. The dusting was done at about 9 a.m., the plants wore examined between 2 and 3 p and the insects found were collected, especially those affected by the treat ment. Ninety-six caterpillars, of (Cosmophila) Anomis erosa, all paralyzed, were collected and 61 of them died after 2 days."" Anomis texana Riley See Wille, Ocampo, Weberbauer, and Schofield (485) under Alabama argillacea (Hbn.), mentioned previously on this page. Anticarsia gemmatilis (Hbn.), the velvetbean caterpillar Ellisor and Floyd (109), in 1939, reported tests of insecticides for the control of this insect at Baton Rougo, La. A derris dust containing 1 percent of rotenone plus 1 percent of Vatsol OS killed no larvae after 3 days. Basic copper arsenate gave the best control, 90 percent mortality. Guyton (174) in 1940 reported that timbo-talc dusts (1+7 and 1+3 con- taining, respectively, 0.5 and 1.0 percent rotenone) gave from 25 to 41 perce control on peanut plants in Alabama. The best control, 91 percent, was show* by lead arsenate dust applied at the rates of 8 and 10 pounds per acre. Autographa brassicae (Riley), the cabbage loopcr Mclndoo, Sicvcrs, and Abbott ( 264) in 1919 reported that in two cage tests derris, applied at the rate of 1 pound to 25 gallons of water, killed all the larvae within 24 hours. K'opp (242) in 1924 stated that derris powder 500 gm. to 100 liters. of water containing 250 gm. of soap gave excellent results. White (478) in 1935 published a- progress report of experiments on the control of three species of cabbage worms, i.e., loopers, diamondback moths, and common cabbage worms. Tests wore made at Chadbourn, N. C, Charleston, J S. C. , and Baton Rouge, La., by dusting with calcium arsenate, paris green, lead arsenate, derris, pyrothrum, and hellebore. The derris dusts used con- i i ! from 3.4 to 4.9 percent of rotenone and from 18.8 to 22.7 percent of carbon tetrachloride oxtract. Concerning derris the conclusions were: -68- When used undiluted or nixed "'ith equal parts of finely ground tobacco dust or sulfur, ground derris root proved to be more toxic to each of the three species studies than the other materials tested. It apparently has a residual action, which pyrethrun dust does not have. Plants dusted ""ith derris appear to be more thrifty and freer fron thrips than those dusted ""ith other materials. The data indicated that dosages of 3 to 6 pounds (nixed ^ith equal amounts of tobacco dust) per acre per applica- tion, applied under favorable conditions, "'ill effectively control the cabbage looper, the common cabbage ,rorm, and the larvae of the diamondback moth* Derris caused certain discomforts to operators, including slight tickling and irritation of the respiratory organs and, if breathed for a long period, slight nausea. No plant injury occurred. Derris r^ith sulfur, 1:3, and derris, tobacco dust, and sulfur 1:4:5, '"ere also tried. The relative susceptibility of the three species to a mixture of equal parts of derris (rotenone 4.9 percent, total extract 18.8 percent) and tobacco is sho^n in the following table of results obtained at Chadbourn, N. C. Relative susceptibility of cabbage worms to derris and tobacco Time appl : of : LCa-: Bate of applica- tion/acre Reduction in number of vorms per plant as compared -rith undusted plots (percent) tion Loopers: Diamondbacks : Common cab-: All 3 : :bage <"om.s : species p.m. a.m. 17 16 74 100 100 83 46 69 100 57 White (481) in 1935 summarized the results obtained 'oy the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine at Chadbourn, K„ C, , Charleston, S. ( Baton Rouge, La., and Columbus, Ohio, "-ith nonarsenical insecticides for control. As a general insecticide for the concvol of mixed popu- lations of the four species of cabbage "-orris involved, derris gave the best results and pyrethrum came next. In comparison, paris green, cryolite, and calcium arsenate '"ere approximately equal in effective- ness but, in general, "-ere inferior to either derris or pyrethrum. Based on comparative efficiency, at economical strengths, dermis and pyrethrum -ere approximately equal in effectiveness in controlling the looper, and either "-as more effective than paris green, cr.'-jlite, or calcium arsenate.. In general, better rebults ,:, obtained vith dust mixtures than "-ith sprays. The dusts '"ere applied »ith rotax type hand dusters in such a manner as to cover thoroughly all infested portions of the plants, care being taken to reach the insects "-ith the dust whenever possible. The rate of application ranged fror 15 to 20 pounds per acre per application, according to the size of the plants. Applications vere begun "-hen the vorns firs': appeared on the plants and "'ere repeated as often as was necessary to protect the crop.. Usually three applications ""ere nade per crop. Dc .'is duets, cither hone-mixed or commercial, containing from 0r5 to 1,0 percent of roten- one, gave the most satisfactory results of any of the insecticides tested, in four sections of the Central, Eastern, and Souchern States. ■ -69- Several ncn&Ikaline material sy inducing finely ground, tobacco dust, fine! pulverized .clay, tele, tiatcmaceous earth, jn.fus.orial earth, and sulfur, proved satisfactory els diluents. C-ood control, was obtained with a dorris 7 consisting of a'_ suspension of derris-rQpt powder in "water diluted tc contain, from. 0*0 2 to" 0.025 percent qf re tor one; ..for .example from 2 to 2,5 pounds of derris-root powder cor.t: : n; np 4 percent of rotencne per 50 galli of water,. Under some conditions it .was necessary to add to the spray a nc alkaline spreader or, .sticker . such', as. high-grade liquid or powdered soap, miscible pine oil, or "one-, ci thp sulfonated oils., "White (480 ) in 1935 rec mended . derr is dust. (0. 5 to 1.0 percent rotenene) for the control of the ca V ; looppr.- Derris- spray made by adding the powder to water, ana contain ing 0,02 to C. 02.5'. percent of rotenone, also is' effective against cabbage t» to, .in 3,936, recommended derris dust containing 0.5 to 1.0 percent of rot none for the. control of cabbage -~rorms on cabbage and cauliflower at a dosa of 15 to 20 pounds per acre. Based on the relative efficiency at the roco mended dosages of each of the insecticides tested, experiments indicated t derris end cryolite wore approximately' equal g. in effectiveness in cont trolling the cabbage? loopcr and that both materials are more effective tha ris..grsen, pyrctferuiri, or 'calcium arsenate. It was found to be especially important tc start the treatments on the caul ifl caver while the plants werj small, as it was impossible to obtain a good coverage of the insecticides i over the heavy foliage of nearly mature plants, .The experiments of 1934 on collards indicate that each of the three more common species of cabbage worms or.-- be controlled satisfactorily with a dcrris-dust mixture contain-] ing 0.5 percent of rotencne. , .. White (482) reported that derris duet/ cbnta":r/:;r.g' from 0.5 to 1.0 pcr4 cent of rotencne , applied-at -the rate of 15" to 20 pounds per acre, is the preferred material for use against cabbage loopcr. The rotenone content of derris root varies, and purchases should be made on the" basis of rotcn one content, total extractives, and degree of fineness. For example, a derris-root powder containing 4 percent of rotenone should contain not less than Id percent' of total "6a.r6.on- tetrachloride or ether extractives. In general, the total 'extract should average approximately 3--1/2 times rotenone content. The derris-root powder should be of such degree of fineness that net less than 90 porccnt of it will pass through a" "200-mosh sieve and all the material should pass thrc ugh an 80-mosh sieve. I Tests have shown that neither paris green, -nor load arsenate, nor calcium arsenate will rive so effective control of cabbage loopers as will 6 rris dusts containing 1.75 percent of rotenone applied at the rate of 12 tb"15 pounds per aero, or pyrdthrum dusts containing 0,12 percent of pyrc- 1 appli:.:' at the same red 'Hellebore v.»a-s found to give better control, than the arsonicals but was considerably inferior to the derris A and pyre' v ra roduots;— ifc i State b 'Department of A ;ri.pulture, Bureau o Entomolo - (434) in 1933. ' • • In l'.d v, s r 6rtcd b the United States Department of Agriculture, Bur niol'ogj) id Flint Quarantine (437-), 'Cory- led a discussion of fii I •': ro'si Lts with arsonii ] substitutes for the control of vegetable ina . ud The- , i | 1 , rb'portod that dbrris-sulf^ dust (0»5 •■■ r '■ ) sui ssj L] controlled the. cabbage loopcr. •• 70 - W. H. White reported that derris and pyrethrum ifbrc approximately equal in effectiveness in controlling the cabbage looper, end cither was ncre effect- ive .than paris green, cryolite, -or .calcium. ..recnatc. In general, dusts gave better results than sprays. Walker and. Anderson, of the Virginia Truck Experiment Station, reported that a derris- dust -(0i5 percent rote- none) gave satisfactory control of the cabbage looper. Headlee, of Hew Jersey, reported that a dust containing 0.6 percent of r ie (16' parts derris, 25 parts sulfur, and 59 parts clay cr talc), applied at the rate of 15 to 18 pounds per acre without hoods, or 8 tc 10 pounds with hoods, ■was effective . against the cabbage looper, the jfoipo r te'fl* jPJP^A -.Torn, - the caterpillar of the diamondback moth. The 'Surcau/ih i"0<35 i that laboratory experiments and largo field-plot tests to determine the re" - tive toxicity of pyrethrum and derris mixtures for the control of several , species of cabbage verms had been carried on at several laboratories, field-plot tests on cabbage shoved definitely' that derris-dust mixtures containing from 0.5 to 1,0 percent of rotencne were effective srgainst t common cabbage worm, less effective against the cabba -c loo id still less effective against the diamondbac moth. 1 c indications, wore that derris powder would be useful in the control of all r a species. In general, pyre thrum- dust mixtures were less effective th rris ,inst all throe species. In 1936 the Bureau (442) ' reported that en cab- bage, derris and cryolite wore approximate 1 1 in effectiveness in con- trolling the cabbage looper, and both were more effective than paris green, pyrethrum, or calcium arsenate. Experiments in California demonstrated i dust mixtures of derris, cube, cr pyrethrum gave satisfactory results in the control of the three mere common species of cab". forms on cauliflower. In laboratory .tests the ground root of devil ' s-shoestrings was as effective against the common species of cab". . w n = e. t.o.s derris or cube contain- ing equal percentages cf active in ;'redicnts. A derris-dust mixture (20 parts derris of 5 percent rotonone c at, 40 parts tobacco dust, and 40 parts 300-mesh due ting suifur) is v ry ive in controlling the cabbage looper. — Allen (ll) in 1934, R, E. Campbell in 1935* in a typewritten report t< the Division of "ruck Crop and Garden Insect Investigations of the 3ureau, gave results of field tests at San Fernando, Calif., in March 1934, with derris and cube containing 0,5 percent of rotencne on cabbage. Applications v« - et 22 pounds per acre for derris and 30 pounds ■ re for cube by )f hand dusters. Derris caused a reduction of 75 percent of loopers and cuj a reduction of 34,4 percent. Crosby and Chupp (86) in 1934 re cor I the a dust containing 0,5 percent of rotencne at t r .o of 25 to 30 pounds for the control of lc - ; cater indue" - ] r, on cabbage, cr.ulifl.t-: r, brusscls sprouts, r ccol , . ' ::" r s on Long Island, Gilbert and Popenoe (l59j in 1934 recommended . as those produced • cr cub: r r.cntro! looper. I 'actory re suits ] 10 tc 1.'. P r acre of dust cent 1 to 2 .ne. dusts and extracts Footivc, in strength they should be used a< - 71 - Hervcy and prim ( 190) in 19 34 reported experimental work done in western New York on the control of the three common species of caul if 1 eve insects, including Autographa brassicac, by the use of arsenical s, dYorris pyrcthrum, and hellebore. Dor ris- talc dusts (0.5 and 1.0 percent rotc- nonc), Dercx (0.55 percent rctcnone), and dorr is-pyrc thrum dust (2.5 per- cent rotcnonc and 0.5 percent pyrethrins) all gave good results. The dci pyrcthrum mixture at the . dilutions used was very toxic to cabbage worms, did not appear to be superior to dcrris when used alone. In general, rat none was far superior to calcium arsenate against these caterpillars and appeared tc be about equal to or slightly better than Iced arsenate. Py- rcthrum was more rapid in its action against cabbage worms than rotencve, although the latter material appeared to have a more decided residual eff and gave protection to the plants over a longer period than did pyrcthrua Of the three species of caterpillars concerned, the imported cabbage worn was the easiest to control, the larvae the most difficult, general, the cabbage loopcr ryas not abundant enough to determine definite yjhat effect the materials had on it, but the degree of control obtained somewhat less than that of the imported cc.bbagc worm. On carl- if lever dcr dust should be applied at the rate of 25 cr 50 pounds p;r acre. During t season of 1933, with moderate infestation, two applications about three t; apart gave adequate protection, Rcid (3_44) in 1934 reported that at Charleston, 3. C,, dcrris-root powder continued to prove toxic to the cabbage worms present, including loopcrs. The degree of control obtained with dcrris powder was proportio ate to the strength of material used. Best results followed the use of a mixture containing 1,5 percent of rotenouc. An increase in this concen- tration to as high as 3.4 percent in 1933 did not apparently increase the kill. A mixture containing only 0.1 percent of rotcnonc shoved some toxi ity. Rcid (346) in 1938 summarized results obtained in tests directed against cabbage worms on cabbage grown at Charleston during the fall and winter of 1937-38. He reported that a populaticn consisting of the ce.b- bagc loopcr and various ^grotinac could be controlled effectively by the use of a dust consisting of calcium arsenate and hydrated-limc mixture (3:1) prior to the heading of the plants, followed by applications of a pyrcthrum- talc-dust mixture (0.3 percent total pyrethrins) or a dcrris- clay-dust mixture (1,0 percent rotcnonc) at 10-day intervals after the plants had headed; provided the plants had been well protected against cabbage voms before being thinned or transplanted. The pyrcthrum-dust mixture and the dcrris-dust mixture were most effective against the c'dobaj loopcr, and the calcium arsenatc-dust mixture effective against the Agrotinac. These results wore also referred to by the Unitod States Dcpaj ment of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomologv and Plant Quarantine (445) in 1938. Rcid and Bare (347) in 1938 reported that against the cabbage loopcr the 1-pcrccnt rotcnonc and the dorris-pyrcthrum-dust mixture (0,5 percent rotcnonc plus 0,2 pcrcont pyrcthrins) applied at 7-day intervals wcro vaosj effective. Huckctb ( 201 ) in 1934 reported field toots on Long Island with dcrris for the control of cabbage worms. The materials used consisted of propria) products appliod, so far as possible, according to the directions on go. Tho infestation was largoly due to Pioris rapac (L.), althod oon advanced from June to July, klutel la macul ipenni s (Curt.) aa Autographa brassicao became increasingly numerous, Applications were uadd -72- on June 27-28, July 6, and July 18, under favorable conditions, at rates equivalent to 60 gallons per acre, increasing tc 80 gallons for sprays; for dusts, 25 to 23 pounds, 30 pounds, and 36 pounds per acre per each suc- cessive application in series 1 and 22 pounds and 33 pounds per acre per successive application in series 2. Derris dusts gave satisfactory results in the field for the control of cabbage trams. A derris-clay dust (0.5 percent rotenone) applied four times at about 15-day intervals during a 10-week period of infestation gave as satisfactory results as five or seven applications at shorter intervals. A derris-clay dust of 0.5-percent-rote- ncne strength gave as satisfactory results as dusts of 1-pcrcent-rotenone strength. A dust of 0.33-percent-rotenone strength was not so effective. Talc, clay and tobacco dust gave a promise of being satisfactory diluents for derris dusts. Hydrated lime apparently affected adversely the toxicity of derris dusts. Rotenone sprays did not give so high degree of control as dusts, possibly owing to the apparently greater infestation in the sprayed section. A rotenone spray of 1:10,000 dilution was as effective as sprays of 1:5,000. There was very little difference in the comparative merits of the various spreaders used "with rotenone when applied as freshly mixed sprays. Proprietary derris products included Hellspra He. 1, Cubor spray, Cubor dust, and Derox. Huckett (202) in 1S36 reported insectary tests with pyrethrum, derris (4,5 percent rotenone and 16 to 18 percent total extractives), and nico- tine against the cabbage looper. The results with derris against third instars were as follows: .. Mortality after Spray formula 96 hours Percent Derris powder 2.5 gm. , skim-milk powder 72,5 2,5 gm, , water 500 cc. 70,5 Derris powder 2 gm., skim-milk powder- 61.7 2,5 gm., water 500 cc. 62,7 Derris powder 1.25 gm., skim-mil1.: powder 56,7 2,5 gin., water 500 cc, 57,1 Chocks 0,0 5.0 Powdered derris root (4.5 percent rotenono, 15 to 18 percent total extractives), at strengths comparable to 4, 3, and 2 poun" : of powder Pr;r 100 gallons of water, gave higher mortality of imported cabbage worms than of cabbage looper larvae. The effectiveness obtained against the cabbage looper at the greatest strength of derris was scarcely satisfactory. Huckett (203) in 1938 stated that young larvae of the cabbage looper are susceptible to derris powder but that the elder larvae are resistant. Huckett and Hervey (204) in 1935 reported that in general the cabb looper is more difficult to control than the other on cabbage, such as the imported cabbage worm and th nondbac!: mot] -- uso of a difference in immunity to the poison, /ences in feeding habits, or other factors is not known. Hervey, sgow (] 1955 recommended a dust containing 0,5 percent of roten derris or cube with talc or clay, used at of 20 to 35 pound:- r acre. A spray consisting of 4 pounds of derrj s povdor (4 percent rotenone) plus 4 pounds of skim-mi] r 100 gallons of water also be used. -73- Mc Campbell (259) in 1934 recommended derris dusts for the control 03 the cabbage looper on cabbage in Colorado. The United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology ai Plant Quarantine, (435) in 1934 stated that the preferred dust for the cc trol of the cabbage loopor on cabbage is derris or other rotenone dusts z the preferred spray is pyrethrum-derris extract. [For further discus si 01 of dusts and sprays, see (435_) under Pi oris rapae (L. ), p, 106 ,] TTalker and Anderson (464) in 1934 reported the folio-wing results of tests made in a broccoli field: : Rotenone : Amount : Dust : content : applied : Control Percent Percent Percent Derris-talc 0.5 55 70 Derris-clay .25 32 68 Derris-clay .5 42 79 Derris-clay 1.0 40 71 Kubatox .4 37 65 Cubor dust 31 45 Sprayrite .43 48 44 Pyrethrum-talc dusts containing 0.3 or 0,5 percent of pyrethrins gav better control (96 and 95 percent, respectively) than did the derris dust Eight different diluents for derris dust were tested, each being mixed wi derris powder (4 percent rotenone) in the weight ratio of 1 part of derri to 7 parts of the carrier. Talc gave the best control, closely followed by gypsum and Inert C (a clay). The large amount of gypsum used was due to its greater weight per volume. The newly made lime dust, flour, and coarse tobacco dusts ranked intermediate, whereas the old lime and the zii sul fate-lime gave the poorest control. Finely ground tobacco dust gave almost as good results as did the talc and gypsum. In 1935 the same auth- ors (465, 466) summarized results obtained with derris and pyre thrum dusts at the Virginia Truck Experiment Station, In 19 33 a derris dust contain-1 ing 0.5 percent of rotenone and a pyrethrum dust containing 0.3 percent oi pyrethrins gave satisfactory control of the cabbage looper and of diamond back moth larvae, whereas dust containing 0,25 percent of rotenone and 0.1 percent of pyrethrins did not give satisfactory control. There was little difference between the effectiveness of gypsum, talc, and inert clay, or a finely ground tobacco dust when usod as carriers for derris, A bentonite carrier was no t/l^tis factory as tho othors. The addition of 5 percont by weight of finely ground dusting sulfur soemed to improve the effective- ness of a dorris-talc dust. Based on rotenone content, a cube dust did nO seem to give so satisfactory control of cannage worms as did a derris dusi Walker and Anderson (467) in 1936 reporting experiments made in 1932-36, said that repeated applications of dorris and cube dusts containing ; from 0.5 to 0.75 percent of rotenone and from 2 to 3 percent of total c xtracti-i - 74. - and pyre thrum dusts containing from 0.3 to 0.5 percent of pjretl rins gave good control of cabbage worms, whereas dust of weaker concentrations were less effective. .Derris and cube- dusts having approximately the same rotenone and total-ether-extractive content appeared to be about equally effective. Derris dusts (0.75 percent rotenone) gave 68 percent control of the cabbage looper, indicating that the imported cabbage worm is as sus- ceptible to derris, if not more so, than the cabbage looper or the larva of the diamondback moth, ftalksr and flnderson (4-68) in 1937 reported that repeated applications of derris and cube dusts c ntaining from 0.5 to 0.75 percent of rotenone and from 2 to 3 p rcent of total extractives at 7- to 10-day intervals g°ve good control of the cabbage looper. Walker ( 4-63 ) in 1937 reported that cube dusts (0.75 percent rotenone) and sprays (3 pounds p r 100 gallons), both with and without Ultrawet, were used to control the cabbage looper. In most cases the adc ition of Ultrawet did not result in increased protection of the plants. The sprays and dusts without Ultrawet usually provide*-! adequate control. Headlee (186) in 1935 reported good control of cabbage loop- rs in New Jersoy with a dust c insisting of 16 parts of ground derris (5 percent rotenone and 18 percent total extractives) , 25 parts of sulfur, and the remainder clay or t lc. '''hen applied without hoods from 1L" to 18 pounds per ac 8 ware necessary; and with hoods, prom 8 to 10 pounds. Howard in a typewritten rep rt to the Division, in 1935 stated that derris powder mixed with t^-lc, infusoria"1 earth, or tobacco dust so as to c ntain frrm 0.5 to 0.75 percent of rotenone and used at intervals of 7 to, 10 days at dosages of 25 to 30 pounds per acre per application was fairly effective against the cabbage looper. Howard and Davidson (195) in 1935 advised that derris sprays or dusts gave best control of cabbage worms in Ohio. For the control of the looper it was necessary to use derris or cube dusts containing 0.4- to 0.5 percent of rotenone, or to use derris or cube-root sprays containing 0.015 to 0.02 percent of rotenone. Applications were made every 10 to 14- days after large numbers of worms appeared. There was no significant difference in the degree of control obtained ..from the use of derris-root or cube-root dusts or sprays, provided the rotenone c ntents were practically equivalent. The addition of spreaders or stickers to derris-root suspensions in water applied as sprays seemed slightly to increase the control obtained. \Tery little difference in the degree of control resulted from the use of a number of diluents for derris or cube dusts. . Howard, Mason, and Davidson (197) in 1935 reported that derris dust was fairly effective against t) 1 per in Ohio. The Ohio Agricultural Eaq tit St.tion (314.) in 1935 re] r1 I tests x>f 23 insecticides against cabbage worms, including the cal I r, the imported cabbage worm, and the diamondback moth. The control obtained by any toxic agent was greater ''-hen the mate! L« 1 w< li i in dust, form than when ap lied as a spray. On the basis of marketable ""boa It- bed, 5 materials, differing little in efficiency from one another, were defin- itely superior to the other 18. These r, listed in ord ' Lr effect- iveness, were as follows: - 75 - 1. 2. 3. 4. parts, 4* 5. 9 parts. flour 5 parts pyrethrum powder Paris green 1 part, hydrated lime' 2 parts, Paris green 1 part, hydrated lime 7 parts. Derris powder (5 percent rotenone) 1 part, diatomaceous clay 5 parts. Barium fluosilicate 1 part, flour 7 parts. Derris powder (5 percent rotenone) 1 part, diatomaceous clay . Where yield data were available, plots treated with paris green produced the greatest tonnage, followed by those treated with derris pow- der, barium fluosilicate, natural cryolite, and calcium arsenate, in the order named. The same station (31?) in 1936 reported that 6 of the most promising insecticides (including derris) for controlling 3 species of cabbage: worms, including the looper, were tested in 1935. The insecticid were used in various strengths and with different diluent1:, stickers, and spreaders. The highest percentage (97 percent) of marketable heads was produced on plots sprayed weekly with paris green (2 pounds to 50 gallons of water), sulfated alcohol being used as a wetting agent. Average of 90 to 93 percent of marketable heads were produced on plots dusted at weekly intervals with derris-powder-flour (0.5 percent rotenone) • The same station in 1937 (316) reported that the most successful, control of 3 species of cabbage worms including the looper 7i;as obtained from paris green. Paris green sprays, 2 pounds per 50 gallons, gave from 81 to 93 percent of marketable heads; paris green dust, 1 pound plus 12.5 pounds flour, gave 87 percent; derris dust, 1 pound of 4-percent derris plus 7 pounds of flour, gave 58 percent; and derris spray, 1.5 pounds of 4-perce derris plus 2 ounces SS-3 to SO gallons of water, g?ve 70 percent of marketable heads. In 1938 (317) this station reported that derris powder talc dust apparently protected cabbage better than did the other material used. Three applications of sprays and dusts were made during the season on July 28, August 10, and August 24, ,1937. The crop was cut between September 26 and October 2, The derris powder used contained 4 percent of rotenone. The results were as follows: c Treatment m '/eight of cabbage Gross , : Trimmed , 1 / 2 / per acre ±— ' • per acre ■=— ■ Loss Derris powder 1 lb., talc 7 lb. Derris powder 1.5 lb. Grasselli spreader 4 oz. Water ^0 gal. Pounds 31,698 29, 448 Pounds 29,857 26,994 Percent 8 l/ Trimmed to meet U.S. No. 1 grsde, with the exception of worm injury which was not removed. 2/ Weight after removal of worm injury. The Indiana Agricultural Experiment Station (213) in 1935 reported that the cabbage looper is harder to control than the other cabbage worms. Three series of experiments were conducted using in c -mparison derris, - 76 - pyre thrum, arsenical, and fluosilieate insecticides. In all cases the derris and pyrethrum insecticides proved -ore efficient than the ars^fiicals or fluosilicates. Roney and Thomas (318) in 1935 reported excellent control of three species of cabbage worms, Pieris rapae. Autograoha brassicae, and rlutella maculipennis, in Galveston County, Tex., with pyrethrum and derris dusts. Diluents used were 300-mesh sulfur, a finely ground clay, and fuller's earth. Tests were made with the following derris mixtures: \l) 10 parts of derris and 90 parts of sulfur; (2) 10 parts of derris, 15 parts of Powco A, and 75 parts of sulfur; and (3) 10 parts of derris, 15 parts of Powco A, and 75 parts of fuller's earth. Each of these mixtures contained 0.5 percent of rotenone. It was goneluded that a dust containing 10 percent of derris or 0.5 percent of rotenone and 90 percent of 300-mesh conditioned sulfur is more effective and economical than any other dust or combination used for controlling cabbage worms. Derris is slower than pyrethrum in its reaction on insects, and little benefit can be seen within 48 hours following an application, Pyretirum is limited "ore than derris as to usefulness in dry or irrigated areas. The South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station (3r8l) in 1935 reported that experiments of the 1934-35 season indicated that a dust mix- ture consisting of/ powder and clay, and containing 0.5 percent of rotenone, was approximately as toxic, and in some cases superior to, undiluted calcium arsenate, to paris green and lime (1:9), and to synthetic cr olite and clay (1:3), when used against the cabbage looper. F. L. Thomas (410) in 1935 recommended 1 part of derris containing 5 percent of rotenone mixed with 9 parts of finely ground, conditioned sulfur for the control of cabbage worms including this species. Mr. Thomas (411) in 1936 rep >rted that in Texas derris-sulfur dust (0.5 percent rotenone) gave good results in the control of the cabbage looper. The Bermuda Department of Agriculture (34) in 1936 reported that two dusts containing derris, Cooper's Drymac and Sherwin-'.'illiams' Rotodust, were tried against the looper on cabbage. Three applications were made and each dust gave a significant degree of control. The Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station (73, 74, 7£) in 193^ reported that in control of the cabbage looper, the imported cabbage r . and the diamondback moth'rum and rotenone gave very satisfactory results at reasonable cost. Against cabbage worms pyrethrum- and rotenone- bearing materials were more effective as dusts than as spr ys. The imported cabbage worm is controlled with pyrethrin- and rotenone-bearing dusts of lower strengths than will control the cabbage looper and the diamondback moth. Derris and cube dusts wore equally effective n used at the snme rotenone content, although the cub... appeared somewhat more erratic used during cool weather in the fall. Rotenone ind pyr thrir.9 are known to break down mor..- rapidly in direct sunlight; ho , there were no significant differences in the results from morn.i - v ning applications. This Station reported that the 19.35 ii * ion on c ■ uli- flower consisted of the cabbage looper, the alfalfa loop, r, • ocnd- back moth. These -ire more difficult to kill ' imported cabbage worm. - 77 - re' Dusts carrying 0.2 percent of pyrethrins or 0.75 percent of rotenone, wfc is higher than called for in cost recommendations and also higher than t contents of most commercial dusts, failed to give satisfactory control. This station in 1937 (76) reported that seasonal tests failed to give a isfactory control of c*bbaee loopers. Fenton (129) in 1936 compiled information on mixtures of sulfur wit derris used for the control of this species. Gui (171), of the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, in 1936 re- ported that in 1934- a spr- y of 1 part of Rotecide plus 1 part of New Eve green to 800 parts of water controlled 71.1 percent of the cabbage loope A. derris-clay dust (0.5 percent rotenone) gave 74-»6 percent control. In 1938 Gui (172) reported that for the protection of cabbage against cabbai worms, including this species, the crop should be dusted or sprayed at li intervals with paris green or derris powder. Derris-powder dusts should contain not less than 0.5 percent of rotenone, and 1 pound of derris pow (4- percent rotenone) should be used to 7 pounds of the diluent. Desirab diluents for derris powder are flour, talc, diatomaceous clay, dusting gypsum, and finely ground tobacco fetems. Derris-powder spr ys should consist of 1.5 pounds of derris powder (4- percent rotenone) in 50 gallon of water, ^'hen other grades of derris powder are used, dosage should be so calculated that the spray contains 0.015 percent of rotenone.. 'A' spre er" and sticker should be used. Feder-! regulations prohibit excessive residues of poison on marketed cabbrgej therefore paris green should* not be ap lied after the heads begin to form. Derris po*"dei~ may be used, aft that date or throughout the season if desired. There are no regualtions at present concerning residues o^ rotenone on fruits and vegetables. The New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (293) in 1937 reports that derris dusts gave' satisfactory results against cabbage worms, inclul ing this species. Shropshire and Kadow (369) in 1936 recommended derris and cube for I control of the cabbage looper. These materials are most -effective when I applied as a dust lata in the afternoon. The dust should contain at least 0.5 percent of rotenone and should be applie-1 at the rate of 20 to/ pounds per acre, ." ' before the worms become abundant, applicat •being repeated at intervals of 10 days to 2 weeks or as often as necessar Unlike metallic poisons, derris products a^e sqfe to use on crucifers up ■ ' to the time of cutting. Derris sprays c-n be used for the control of cabbage worms, if applied according to the manufacturers' directions. The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (4Q4-) in 1936 reported tha derris was more effective than, cube against the cabbage looper, regardles of the carrier used, accord ing to tests conducted at '"'eslaco and "interhaj in 1935. The derris mixtures and tre cube mixtures '-aere more effective against the larvae of the diamondback moth than against the cabbage loope Derris-sulfur (1^:85) or cube-sulfur (15*85) containing 0.75 percent of rotenone gave better control of cabbage worms on the average than either le-id arsenate or barium fluo'silicata, in the lower Rio Grande Valley, the '.'inter Garden, or Galveston County. This station in 1937 reported that results in two series of experiments indicated very little difference betii sulfur and fuller's earth '-hen tl ey were mixed with cube for the control of the cabb?ge looper. - 78 - The cabbage looper is more resistant than Pieris rapae to rotenone dust, "/hen it is young a dust containing 0.5 percent of rotenone gives satisfactory control but a dust containing 0.75 percent of rotenone should probably be used. The applications should be made before the loopers become half grown. — Howard and Mason (196) in 1937. Hutson (209) in 1937 recommended derris dusts or sprays for the cont- rol of the cabbage looper. Kelsall and Stultz (234.) in 1937 reported that in laboratory tests derris-gypsum dusts containing 5 and 12. f percent of derris (4- percent rote- none) caused mortalities of 33 and ^0 percent, respectively, in 1 day. In the field derris gave fair control, pyrethrum excellent control. The Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station (257) in 1937 recom- mended derris dust (1 percent rotenone) for the c:ntrol of cabbage worms, including the cabbage looper. The sane station (258) in 1938 published a summary of entomological progress, in which C. E. Smith reported that in reducing cabbage looper populations derris dust containing 1.0 percent of rotenone was superior to all other treatments; derris dust containi--^ 0.c percent of rotenone and synthetic cryolite was next in effectiveness and superior to dusts containing 0.1 and 0.0r percert of pyrethrin I. The New York Agricultural Experiment Station ( 3 02 ) in 1937 reported that in 1935 infestation by the cabbage -looper increased seriously on late-grown cauliflower and cabbage. The larvae were not readily killed by applications of rotenov'e-containin iv^drol: mis pini (L. ), and Forthetria TTTFpar (L. ). Durl ! preceding di bout -93- 100,000 hectares in Europe had been dusted either from aeroplrnes or from the ground, the former method being used about twice as often as the lat- ter. The use of a ground duster presupposes that the ground is fairly even and also that the trees are planted in rows between which the A-ehicle can move. It is used when the areas are fairly small, not exceeding 100 hectares. In Germany several preparations containing a mixture of pyreth- rum and rotenone were used during the last 2 years with great success. Peridroma margaritosa (Haw.), the variegated cutworm Washburn (472) in 1934 reported that derris was ineffective as a stom- ach poison to last instars of (lycophotia) Feridroma margaritosa. Kale leaves were dusted and made into sandwiches, so that there w ould be no contact between the dust and the bodies of the larvae. Thirty larvae were fed sandwiches of 10 percent ground derris dust (6 percent rotenone) in diatomaceous earth, with no ill effects whatever; 30 larvae were fed pure ground derris dust (6 percent rotenone) with no ill effects; 30 fourth instars were fed derris dust (6 percent rotenone) with no ill effects; 20 fourth instars were put on leaves freshly dusted with pure derris dust and showed no ill effects. The only effect noted was that the derris seemed to be somewhat repellent, as the larvae did not eat so freely of the treated material as they did of the untreated. Plathypena scabra (F. ), the green clover worm Brannon (47) in 1937 reported that recent experiments at the Norfolk, Va., laboratory, designed to determine the relative effectiveness of der- ris, derris-sulfur, cube, cube-sulfur, pyrethrum-sulfur, and sulfur alone, applied as dusts or as sprays for the control of the Mexican bean beetle in association with the green clover worm infesting snap beans, showed that in general the dusts were more effective than sprays for the control of the latter insect on beans. The derris and cube-dust mixtures contained 0.5 percent of rotenone, the derris and cube sprays contained 0.015 percent of rotenone, and the pyrethrum-sulfur dust mixture contained 0.1 percent of total pyrethrins. lettable sulfur was used as a spray at the rate of 2 pounds to 50 gallons of water. It was also noted that sulfur dust alone gave foliage protection against the green clover worm comparable with that obtained when sulfur was used in combination with derris, cube, or pyre th- rum, and that a derris-sulfur dust gave better protection than a derris- talc mixture. These results indicate that sulfur acts as a repellent against this species and that in instances where this pest occurs in assoc- iation with a Mexican bean beetle infestation, sulfur should be used as a diluent for derris or cube for the combined control of the two insects. Haude in 1939 stated in advertising literature published by the John Powell Co., New York, N. Y. that rotenone dusts may be used to control green clover worms where it is desired to avoid poisonous residues. Polia oleracea (L.) Lloyd (256) in 1920 reported tests of preparations made by Tattersfield of tuba root (derris) against larvae of the glasshouse tomato moth, (l) as a dry dust alone and in dilution with powdered earth; (2) with saponin in water suspensions at various strengths from 0.25 percent to 10 percent by -94- weight of the powdered root, mixed and strained through muslin; (3) with saponin in water suspensions cf an alcoholic extract (6 times the strength of the powdered root) at various strengths from 0.08 percent to 2 percent "by weight. Tomato plants in pots were dusted or sprayed with these, then infested with larvae collected in nurseries. The dusting was unsatisfac- tory, as it soiled the plants and encouraged the growth of molds. The water suspensions of the powdered root killed the larvae at a 10-percent strength, but a 5-percent strength failed to do so within a reasonable time. These strong mixtures also soiled the foliage. Suspensions of the alco- holic extract proved to be very satisfactory sprays on an experimental scale. A series of 18 experiments showed that 1 part of this substance by weight in 1,000 parts of water is a sufficiently potent spray, A plant sprayed with this was infested with 12 half-grown larvae confined to 1 leaf by means of a sleeve. Two days later 7 of these were dead, and 8 days arter conf inomon'trthey were all dead. Ten more half-grown larvae were then placed on another leaf, and 10 days later all these were dead. The spray therefore remained potent for 20 days. The foliage of the plant was net damaged, and the fruit set normally. This plant at the end of the experi- ment was photographed with a control plant of the same age which, without spraying, was infested with 10 half-grown larvae at the time the second lot was released on the sprayed plant. They ate an entire leaf each day and had destroyed the plant by the time those on the protected leaf wore all dead. Similar experiments were carried out with strengths of 5, 2-1/2, 1-2/3, 1-1/4, and 5/8 pound of the alcoholic extract in 100 imperial gal- lons of water, respectively, and each plant was infested with 22 larvae as described above. The results varied little from those detailed, except that with the weakest strength the death rate was somewhat slower. None of the plants were damaged, and the substance appears to be safe to use, but no large-scale experiments were carried out. The Experimental and Research Station of the Nursery and Market Garden Industries1 Development Society Ltd., of Che shunt, England (113), in 1939 stated that in order to obtain complete control of all instars of the tomato moth a rotenone content of 0.007 percent in the spray was necessary. Speyer, Read, and Orchard (383) in 1940 reported that sprays contain- ing derris or Lonchocarpus powders wore very effective in rendering foliage of cauliflower and broccoli distasteful to caterpillars of tomato and cab- bage moths. In many experiments carried out but few caterpillars actually died as the result of contact with the powders, or of eating foliage upon xvhich they had been deposited. The deterrent action of the powders, how- ever, obviated any serious injury to the plants and also provontod tho caterpillars from obtaining sufficient nourishment to enable them to pupate. "HDorris powder was applied in the form of proprietary brands containing a spreader at the rate of 1 pound to 20 gallons of water* In small-scale experiments Lonchocarpus powder prevented feeding by the caterpillars when used at a strength equivalent to 1 pound to 40 gallons of water with -1 pounds of soft soap or 3 to 4 fluid ounces of liquid Agral as a spreader. Saponin, sulfonated lord, and casein did not v/et the foliage of vegetables so adequately as did the latter agents. -95- ' Prodenia eridania (Cram. ), the southern ami, .*orm Wisecup (489) compared the relative value of derris and cube, both as sprays and as dusts, against the southern armyworm at Sanford, Fla., in 1933, Small and large larvae were introduced into cages with the follow- ing rotenone-containing dusts or sprays on sweetpotato leaves: Derris spray, 5 percent of rotenone, 1 part in 200 Derris dust, 3 percent of rotenone, 0.3 mg. per square inch Proprietary cube extract, 1.6 percent of rotenone, 1 part in 200 Proprietary cube dust, 0,57 percent of rotenone, 0.3 mg. per square inch The derris, with the greater rotenone- content, appeared somewhat more repellent , showing less feeding at the end of 2 days, when all the larvae were removed to fresh, untreated food. The end results after a week's time were disappointing, as no material had given a kill of over 33 percent; however, the derris gave consistently better kills, both as dust and spray, indicating that the rotenone must be taken into account when a derris or cube product is being recommended, Wisecup (491) in 1936 reported that laboratory tests made at Sanford with 'half-grown larvae indicated in gen- eral, that poisoned-bait mixtures consisting of bran, cottonseed meal, or corn meal, paris green, cryolite, phenothiazine, or cube, with sirup and ground lemons, were not sufficient to overcome the attractiveness ■ of the natural green food of those larvae. Paris green and synthetic cryolite were much superior to cube, Stahl (590) in 1934 reported that derris dust had a repellent effect. The feeding of the armyworm decreased as the concentration of rotenone in the dust increased from 0,1 to 3,0 percent, but there was some feeding in all cages. » The United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine ( 441 ) in 1935 reported that toxicity tests in the labora- tory indicated that this insect, vi/hile repelled by derris, was not other- wise affected. The Division of Control Investigations, of the Bureau (444) has made many tests with derris and cube dusts. The results may be sum- marized as follows: Instar Rotenone con- tent of dust Minimum dosage of dust containing 100-per- cent mortality in 48 hours. Percent First 4.5 Second 4.5 Third 4.5 Fourth 1.0 Fifth 5.4 Micrograms per cm. 2 90 120 (21 percent mortality) 100 (14 percent mortality) 110 (3 percent mortality) 125 (20 percent mortality) -95a- The Department in a press release dated January 13, 1936, called attention to certain disadvantages that bar the use of rotenone insecticides for some types of insects. Derris is not effective against all insects. It repels, but has no ether effect on the southern armyworm, Sullivan, Phillips, and HcGovran (396) in 1938 reported that a single spray test indicated that an extract of the fruit of the Amur cork tree (Phellodendron amurense) of China and Japan possessed low toxicity to the larvae, but this also applies to derris and pyrethrum. -96- Wisecup and Reed (495) in 1938 reported tests made at Sanford, Fla., which showed that poisoned baits containing 1, 2.5, or 7 pounds of cube per 100 pounds of standard bait (50 lbs. bran, 50 lbs. cottonseed meal, 1 gal. molasses and water as needed to moisten) were ineffective against southern armyworm larvae. Yi/bke (495) in 1938 reported studies on the action of insecticides on the alimentary canal of insects. The epithelial cells of larvae that were killed 60 to 80 hours after they had ingested rotenone or phenothiasine presented no abnormalities definitely attributable to the action of the poisons, whereas the arsenicals caused marked disintegration of the epith- elial cells, and barium fluosilicate caused the epithelial layer to be thrown into characteristic folds, probably as a result of an action of barium on the unstriatcd muscle fibers. Woke (496) in 1938 also reported the results of experiments to determine the biological disposition of ro- tenone after its ingestion using sixth instars reared on turnip plants and cut lettuce, Rotenone was fed to the larvae in sandwiches and, after in- tervals of time, acetone extracts of the tissues, gut contents, and feces were prepared and tested against mosquito larvae for the determination of toxicity, Suitable checks were employed. The results showed that the larva, after ingesting 5 mg. of rotenone, eliminates all or most of the substance with its feces. This result was substantiated by chemical tests. Prodenia litu£5i (P. ) DeBussy (56) in 1922 reported the results of tests of various mater- ials on the larvae. This lepidopterous insect is of great importance in relation to tobacco culture in Deli, Sumatra. The finely ground root of Pert'j s elliptic a (toeba) was used as a decoction in water up to 10 gin. per 100 co.,. yet in no case did it kill more than two out of five half-grown caterpillars. Dusting or spraying with derris had only slight effect. The dusts contained from 0.5 to 2.8 percent of rotenone j the spray, 0.11 percont of rotenone. — Van der Vocht (454) in 1936. Sonan ( 379) in 1937 reported that derris dusts were ineffective against the gray-streaked moth in Formosa. Butac (58) in 1938 reported that in 1936 cotton plants in one of the plots at the Philippine Carnival Exposition were dusted with derris-gawgaw (50:50, rotenone 1,5 percent), mainly to control the leaf-eating caterpil- lars which were abundant on the plants. The dusting was done about 9 a.m. Between 2 ar>i •" | ■. :&,» the plants were examined and the insects found were collected, especially those affected by the treatment. Sixteen vigorous •larvae of ProdenU-'. li tura wore collected and none died. Van der Laan (V'.:;) reported in 3 938 that in comparative field tests at Deli, Sumatra, in 1-J37 derris dusts containing 1.5 and 2,5 percent of rotenone proved inferior to a 5-percent load arsenate dust in protecting tobacco against lepidopterous larvae. In experiments against the larvae in ''■■■ : ; ■. ri- dorris-dust mixture containing 3 percent of rotenone gave results than a spray of derris powder mixed with water to give a rotenon atent of 1 in 10,000, but was less effective than a spray of 1.5 percont of load arsenate. In laboratory experiments the larvae proved almost insensitive to derris dust. -97- Merino and Otanes (273) in 1938 recommended derris powder for dusting and spraying against cabbage caterpillars, except this cutworm. Frodenia sp. Derris spray is not effective against Frodenia larvae. -- Deli Proef- station (94) at Medan, Sumatra, in 1939. Spodoptera mauritia (Boisd, ) The Federated Malay States Department of Agriculture (123) in 1934 reported that during the previous year 78 spraying experiments, 9 dusting experiments, and 145 other experiments with derris extracts had been car- ried out. Spraying and dusting experiments were made on 6,010 larvae of this species. These insects thrive well in captivity and are easily ob- tained when the question of replenishment of stock arises. Spodoptera pec ten Guen. Miller (279) in 1935 published a report on the toxic value of differ- ent species of Derris, describing 347 tests in which aqueous solutions, extracts, and dusts of 3 types of Derris root and 3 constituents of derris vrere tested against several species of insects and against fish and rats. The samples consisted of Derris elliptica grown at "two localities and of D. malaccensis var. sarawakensis. The D. olliptica from one locality had a higher rotenone and ether-extract content than that grown at the other. In the D. malaccensis var. sarawakensis the rotcnone content was low but the ether extract was high. One of the principal test insects was the lar- va of the noctuid moth Spodoptera pecten. Stock solutions of the 3 kinds of derris roots were prepared at the rate of 75 gm. of fresh root per liter of water, this amounting to from 21 to 29 gm. of dry root per liter. These solutions were preserved by the addition of formalin. By the addition of barium hydroxide or calcium hydroxide to these aqueous solutions the solids vrere precipitated. This sludge, when dried and powdered, was used in the dusting experiments. The insect tests vrere made by spraying, dusting and immersion. In most of the tests the mortality counts were based on exami- nation of the insects on the third day after the test. The results of the spraying and immersion tests indicated that the insecticidal properties of the 3 kinds of derris tested wore about the same. The conclusion was drawn from these tests that the rotenone content is not necessarily a Toll- able index to the toxic value of derris root. Rotenone, doguelin, and toxicarol vrere only moderately toxic to the insects. The aquoous solutions of derris root or crushed freshly harvested roots vrere toxic to the larvae without actual contact, indicating that dorr is may yield a volatile toxic substance. Fluids obtained from derris by steam distillation vrere also toxic to larvae of the same 2 species when immersed therein, killing 19 per- cent of S_. pecten. The indications were that derris may affect the nervous system of insects through the integument and ncy clso act as a repellent. -98- ■4 The Imperial Institute (211) in 1938 reported information on derris taken from a half-yearly report of the Federated Malay States Department of Agriculture. Repetitions of earlier experiments on the asphyxiant properties of derris had he en carried out. Fresh crushed roots of derris from 3 localities all exerted a lethal distance effect on larvae of this species. The rotenone content, dry oasis, of the roots used ranged from 7.04 to 0.34 percent, but this did not appear to affect its killing power. Fresh-water extract of derris roots gave negative results, as did pure rotenone 13,25 percent, ether extract 30.2 percent (dry basis) also gave negative results j but when this powder was ground to a paste with water it exerted an action similar to fresh crushed roots, but slightly less rap- idly. Controls to all these experiments gave negative results. Spraying experiments with derris extracts were temporarily discontinued owing to inaccuracies of the apparatus. Dusting was tried with more success and 1,000 larvae were dusted, with fairly consistent results. The best dilu- tion of dust appeared to be 10 percent of powdered derris and 90 percent of talc. Results have been expressed as Weight of dust projected and re- duced to weight of derris powder in the mixture and plotted against per- centage kill, thus giving a more accurate picture. Taeniocampa gothica (L.) Gimingham and Tattersfield (161) in 1928 reported the results of lab- oratory tests With nonarsenical insecticides for control of biting insects. An extract of black haiari stems was tested on (Monima) .Taeniocampa gothica. The insects were slightly affected; there avas appreciable feed- ing but very little growth. Soap, 0,25 percent, was added to this extract. Tattersfield and Gimingham (401 ) reported that young larvae of this noctuid moth were highly resistant to an old extract of black haiari stems. Triphaena pronuba (L., ) The Experimental and Research Station of the Nursery and Market Gar- den Industries' Development Society Ltd., of Cheshunt, England ( 115 ) , in 1939 reported .that derris dust was effective against caterpillars of the yellow underwing moth on carnations. Phalaenidae (unidentified sp.) Derris was not effective in a bait fed to cutworms, either in the in- sectary or in the field; but derris'' spray was observed to kill certain noctuid moths. — Kolsall et al. (233) in 1926. The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (214) Tokyo, Japan, in 1927 reported that 1 pound of Nooto'n in 24 imperial gallons of water had no effect on cutworms. Campbell (60) in 1932 reported experiments by Reynolds, who fed cab- bage-leaf sandwichos containing an unknown quantity of rotenone to undeter- mined species of cutworms. Although tho loaf disks were treated with ro- tenone suspension up to 1:200, the larvao fed freely and were not affected by rotenone. This unidentified cutworm is the only lopidoptorous larva so far tested that seems resistant to rotenone as a stomach poison. -99- Derris was not effective against cutisroras. — Alabama Polytechnic Institute (10.) in 1935. The South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station (581) in 1935 reported that experiments of the 1934-35 season indicated that a dust mix- ture of derris powder and clay, containing 0.5 percent of rotenone, v/as not so effective as the arsenicals against cutworms on cabbage. Tischler (413) in 1935 reported that studies on the heart rates of various insects (including tomato cutworms) showed that the rate of pul- sation was markedly decreased before the insects exhibited incoordinated movements. Other tests made with tomato cutworms led to the conclusion that derris inhibits oxygen utilization by the tissues and that its detri- mental effects are general, rather than specific to any organ. Derris must penetrate into the insect body to produce toxic effects. This fact was evidenced by the low toxicity of derris as a spray or dust to cutworms, which, however, are susceptible to derris when a water extract is injected into the blood stream. It is not understood why derris penetrates readily into some insects and into others with difficulty. Derris extract enters the insect body through the alimentary canal, the spiracles and tracheal system, and the external integument. Derris powder enters by way of the alimentary canal, and also is probably extracted by the water of the body exudates and of body fluids by a process of osmosis, and is then absorbed through the integument. White (480 ) in 1935 stated that derris is ineffective against cutworms. In 1936 and 1937 he (482) stated that neither derris nor pyrethrum, at the dilutions tested, had been effective in combating cutworms on cabbage. Reid (345, 348) in 1936 reported that the strengths of derris or py- rethrum-dust mixtures recommended for the common species of cabbage worms were not effective in controlling cutworms on cabbage. Reid (346) in 1938 summarized results obtained in insecticide tests directed against cabbage worms on cabbage grown at Charleston, S. C, during the fall and winter of 1937-38. He reported that a cabbage worm population consisting of the cab- bage looper and various Agrotinae (principally the corn earworm and several species of climbing cutworms) was controlled with a dust mixture of calcium arsenate and hydrated lime (3:1) prior to the heading of the plants, follow- ed by applications of a pyrethrum- talc-dust mixture containing 0.3 percent of total pyrethrins, or a derris-clay-dust mixture containing 1.0 percent of rotenone, at 10-day intervals after the plants have headed; provided the plants had been well protected against cabbage worms before being thinned or transplanted. The experiment demonstrated that the pyrethrum and derris -dust mixtures were most effectivo against the cabbage looper and that the calcium arsonate-dust mixture was mo;-t effective against the Agrotinae. These results wore referred to in the 1938 annual report of the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quaran- tine (446). -99a- The United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine (442), in 1936 reported that in the fall of 1935 several species of cutworms were destructive to cabbage in several plantings at Charleston, S. C., but the derris dusts used wore not effective against these noctuids. The Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station (258) in 1938 published a summary of entomological progress in that State, in which C. E. Smith reported that against larvae of Agrotinae, the true cutworms, the inorganic materials (paris green, calcium arsenate, and cryolite) were superior to the organic materials (derris and pyre thrum powders). At a meeting of the North Central States Entomologists ( 509) in 1938, W. H. V.hite remarked that cube and derris do not control the Agrotinae. -100- Phaloniidae Phalonia ambiguella CHbn. ) See Paillot (323) under Polychrosis botrana, on page 60. Gessner (157) in 1929 reported tests in Germany with a Korean prepa- ration [Neoton?] from the roots of Derris elliptica at a concentration of 100 gm. per 45 liters of water, to which was added 100 gm. of cottonseed oil plus soft soap. Before it was used the spray material was allowed to stand for 2 hours, with repeated stirring. This spray was ineffective in combating the pupae of (Conchylis) Phalonia ambiguella and the larvae of (C. ) Phalonia roser&na, Nicotine caused high mortality. Jancke and Roesler (220) in 1939 reported the results of laboratory experiments carried out in the Rhineland in February-April 1939, in which pupae of the vine moths (Clysia) Phalonia ambiguella and Polychrosis botrana (Schiff.) in trap bands of corrugated cardboard were left in posi- tion on small sections of the card and sprayed with various mixtures. An insecticide should give at least 95-percent mortality to be effective, but this percentage was not given by a 5-percent emulsion of tar distillate alone or with 0.2 percent of nicotine, 1 percent of a preparation of pyre- thrum, or 1 percent of derris ; by a proprietary winter-oil spray; or by nine mineral oils in various combinations with nicotine, pyrethrum, or derris. Field tests with the mixtures were carried out in several local- ities in the Rhineland, but no satisfactory mortality was obtained, as measured by the numbers of adults subsequently caught in trap glasses. Phalonia sp. Frydlender (148) in 1933 wrote that insecticides derived from derris have been on the French market for several years. The Association Viticole Champenoise, "deceived by pyrethrum soap, have had recourse to Katakilla, an English product made from derris, to ccmbat tho 'Cochylis* (vine moth)." Phycitidae Citripestis saglttiferella (Moore) Pagden (322) in 1931 wrote that derris and haiari may be used as stomach poisons for the control of this species on citrus. Ephestia cautella (V.'alk.), the almond moth Craufurd-Benson (85) in 1938 reported that the larva was not suscep- tible to a derris insecticide when dipped in it, Ephestia elutella (Kbn.), the tobacco moth Resistant to derris powder. -- Anonymous (5) la 1937. Craufurd-Benson (85) in 1938 reported bhat a derris insecticide had very slight effect on the larva when tested by dipping. -101- Etiella zinckenella (Treit. ), the lima bean pod borer The United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine (442) in 1936 reported that derris tested on three species of pod borers attacking beans in Puerto Rico was less effective than fluo- rine compounds and that none of the rotenone products tested could be recommended. The Fuerto Rico Experiment Station of the United States Department of Agriculture (450) in 1938 reported on work done in 1937, Of the three pod borers,, I£aruca testulalis (Geyer), Fundella cistipennis (Dyar), and Etiella zinckenella, which infest beans in Puerto Rico, larvae of M. testulalis constituted approximately 85 percent of the entire pod-borer population. Derris-powder sprays were ineffective in controlling bean pod borers. In tests with Challenger lima beans, sprays consisting of derris alone and in combination with other insecticides were also ineffective. Tho insecticides used were derris alone,' derris in combination with fish oil, derris plus a commercial sticker and spreader, derris with nicotine sulfate and soap, derris with a proprietary organic thiocyanate insecticide and a commercial" sticker and spreader, and a proprietary organic thiocyanate insecticide and a commercial sticker and spreader without derris. Fundella cistipennis (Dyar) See the United States Department of Agriculture, Puerto lico Experi- ment Station (450) and the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine (442) under Etiella zinckenella (Treit,), P. 101. Mineola scitulella Hulst Haegele (175) in 1932 described spraying tests for the control of this species, a pest' of prunes in southwestern Idaho. Cubor, a preparation of pyrethrum and rotenone, applied in a concentration of 1:200 to two plots, killed 27 and 29 percent, respectively, of the larvae, Mineola vaccinii (Riley), the cranberry fruitworm The Washington Agricultural Experiment Station (473) in 1930 reported the results of tests by Crowley with insecticides against cranberry in- sects. Neoton was no more effective than the less expensive pyrethrum sprays. Rotenone was tried against the cranberry fruitworm at the rate' of 3 ounces to 100 gallons of water. It killed fruitworm larvae at this strength and also acted as a repellent to chewing insects for several days after the plants were sprayed with it. The Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station (270) in 1937 re- ported that in tests against the cranborry fruitworm a spray of 10 pounds of derris powder (4 percent rotenone) and 2 pounds of fish-oil soap in 100 gallons of water, applied at the rate of 400 gallons per acre on July 13, controlled tho insect much better than any insecticide ever tried before. It was estimated that the worms took less than 10 percent of the berries, as compared with 35 to 90 porcont on surrounding areas. The treatment did not scorn to affoct the vinos or crop. Tho derris spray was also used early -102- • in August on plots where fruitworas were abundant and killed fully one- third of the worms in the berries. In 1938 this station (271) reported that a spray consisting of 0 pounds of derris powder (4 percent and 2 pounds of soap in 100 gallons of water, applied at the rate of 400 gal- lons per acre on July 10 and again on July 20, controlled this insect almost completely on a bog where the worms took 40 percent of the crop on untreated check areas. Ten pounds of cube powder (4 percent rotenone) and 2 pounds of soap in 100 gallons of water, applied at the rate of 400 gal- lons per acre, also gave good control. Goulac, Ultrawet, calcium casein- ate, SS-3, Ortho liquid spreader, coconut-oil soap, and resin fish-oil soap were tried as spreaders for the derris and cube sprays, and the soaps gave the best results. With either derris or cube powder, two sprays seem to be advisable for control of the fruitworm, one to be applied when about three-fourths of the bloom is past, the other about 10 days later. Small sample lots of the berries should be examined before a bog is sprayed, to determine the abundance and condition of the f ruitworm eggs present. In 1939 this station (272) reported that 7 pounds of derris powder (4 percent rotenone) and 2 pounds of soap in 100 gallons of water gave as good con- trol as sprays containing more derris. Two applications at the rate of 400 gallons an acre were necessary, one when about a third of the bloom was past and the other 10 days later. Cube dusts, used when rotenone-bear- ing sprays are most effective, killed the worms fully as well as did the sprays. One dust containing 2 percent of rotenone and an activator con- trolled the f ruitworm almost completely and such a dust may prove to be a satisfactory control. The rotenone-bearing sprays killed most of the worms as they were entering their first berry near the stem end. • . The dusts killed most of them while they were hatching from the egg or soon after they hatched and before they left the cup formed by tho calyx lobes of the 'berry. The Massachusetts Agricultural College in an Extension Service chart in 1957 recommended derris powder (4 percent rotenone), 10 pounds plus soap 2 pounds in 100 gallons of water, at tho rate of 400 gallons per acre, for combating tho fruitworm on cranberries. The first applicction should bo made soon after the vines go out of bloom and a second spr 10 days later. Derris spray should not bo used near a ditch or stream because it hills fish. Haudc in advertising literature published by John Powell and Co., New York, N, Y. , in 1939 reported that in Massachusetts a spray of 8 pounds of cube or derris powder (4 percent rotenone) and 2 pounds of soap in 100 gallons of water, at 400 gallons per acre, applied on July 10 and 20, gave control of this insect. Soap gave the best results of the commer- cial spreaders used, Flodia interpunctella (Hbn, ), the Indian meal moth Craufurd-Benson (85) in 1938 reported that the larva was not suscep- tible to a derris insecTicide v/hen dipped I -103- Zophodia convolutella (Kbn. ) ( syn. , Z. grossulariae Riley), the gooseberry fruitworm The Hew York State Agricultural Experiment Station (502) reported in 1937 that powdered derris or cube root, applied either as a spray or a dust, proved to be the most successful insecticide. For the dust, a mix- ture of cube cr derris root with some inert carrier, such as talc, to give a 0,5-percent-rotenone content is suggested. For the spray, use 3 pounds of the undiluted root in 100 gallons of water. Two treatments are advised for heavy infestations. The first should be timed to coincide with the petal-fall spray on apples, the second 10 to 14 days later. A single treatment 5 to 7 days after petal-fall spray should handle a light- to-moderate infestation. The same station (303) in 1933 reported excel- lent control of this insect in heavily infested currant fields with a dust or a spray of powdered derris or cube root. Two pounds per 100 gallons of a derris or cube root containing about 5 percent of rotenone is the sug- gested spray formula, and a dust should contain about 0.5 percent of rote- none. Hammer (l82) in 1936 recorded tests made in Hew York. Powdered der- ris and cube root (5 percent rotenone) gave good control when used in sprays. The best results were obtained from two applications of either of these materials, used at the rate of 2 pounds in 100 gallons of water. The first application was made on May 21 (l day after the calyx spray was begun on Mcintosh apples) and a second on June 3. Almost as good results were obtained from one application using 4 pounds of derris or cube in 100 gallons of water, applied on Kay 29, just as the worms Were beginning to web the clusters together. In sprays, derris gave slightly better results than cube. Dust mixtures containing either derris or cube root (0.5 per- cent rotenone) gave good control but were slightly inferior to the sprays. There was no apparent difference in toxicity between derris and cube dusts. Both clay and talc proved satisfactory as diluents. These results were referred to by Roark (557) in 19 33 in revietdng the comparative action of derris and cube of equal rotenone content on many insects. Haude in 1959 stated in advertising literature published by John Powell and Co., Hew York, H. Y. , that this worm may be controlled by sprays (3 pounds of powdered derris or cube containing 5 percent of rotenone in 100 gallons of water) or dusts (0.5-percent-rotenone dust with sulfur or talc as the diluent). pieridae Colias philodico eurythemo Bdv. , the alfalfa caterpillar L. G. Jones (225) reported that in 1938 laboratory and field tests at Sacramento, Calif., with cube dust applied to growing alfalfa at the rate of 40 pounds per acre (rotenone 0.32 to 5 percent), disclosed that rote- none did not cause satisfactory mortality of all larval instars and of pupae of (Burymus) Colias eurythemo. Tho cube dust or concentrate was di- luted with varying percentages of talc, sulfur, and wheat flour. No kill was noted in any rotenone combination with these materials nor from the undiluted cube (5 percent rotenone) dust. ■ -104- Pieris brassicae (L. ) Fryer, Stenton, ?attersfield, and Roach (149) in 1923 reported that extracts of Derris elliptica had been shown to have high insecticidal value, particularly for caterpillars. The dry root itself may be used, finely powdered and worked up with water and soap, or other emulsifying reagent. As the pure poisons found in derris root are solids and only slightly soluble in water, their toxicity appears to depend upon the degree cf dispersion. A biological method of determining insecticidal properties qunatitatively is described. It depends on dipping insects, for a con- stant period of time (10 seconds), in known strengths of highly dispersed suspensoids in dilute aqueous solutions of saponin. The results obtained agreed Yvith those given by the chemical method already described. To caterpillars of this insect rotenone and derrid (derris resins) are of the same order of toxicity as nicotine. Van der Laan (244) in 1936 reported that this species is sensitive to derris. Thalenhorst (406) in 1937 reported' tests of proprietary derris, py- rethrum, and nicotine dusts. Derris gave the best results. Etablissements Rotenia, in a letter to R. C. Roark in 1938, stated that this pest on cauliflower was killed by a product containing 12 percent of powdered Lonchocarpus nicou root (6 percent rotenone content) and 88 percent of talcum, Pieris protodico B. & L, , the southern' cabbage worm A derris-dust mixture (20 parts derris of 5-percent- rotenone content, 40 parts of tobacco dust, and 40 parts of 300-mesh dusting sulfur) is very effective in controlling the southern cabbage worm. — Allen (11 ) in 1934. Haude in advertising literature published by John Powell and Co., New York, N. Y., in 1939 recommended cube or 'derris dust (0.5 percent rotenone). Pieris rapae (L. ), the imported cabbage worm See Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station (73, 74, and 76) on pp. 76-77 United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau oT^EntomoTogy and Plant Quarantine (437) on p. 69 , Crosby et al . (_87) on p. 79 , Hervey and Palm (190 ) on p. "*71 , Huckett (201) on p. 71 , Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station (314) on p. 74 , Roney and Thomas ( 558 ) on p. 76 , and White (478) on p. 67 , under Auto^rapha brasc.icae (Filey). A spray of 2.5 pounds of derris plus 3 pints of Sunoco oil (as spreader) per 100 imperial gallons of water gave a mortality of over 90 percent of imported cabbage worms on cabbar^. Dusts of hydrated lime and derris were not so effective. The authors concluded that the moistur usually retained by cabbage foliage undoubtedly assisted in bringing out the toxic properties of derris. Theso tests were mud* in 1924 and 1925 and were reported by Kelsall et al. (233) in 1G26. -105- r, Large larvae on cabbage were all killed by a dust consisting of 1 part /rotenone and 99 parts of diatoraaceous earth. — Davidson (90) in 1930* Davidson and Jones (91) in 1931 reported on the change in aqueous suspension. Rotenone in solution in pyridine, or in acetone to which tannic acid has been added, rapidly loses its insecticidal effective- ness. This loss in toxicity is accompanied by a decrease in optical activity and a progressive yellowing of the solution. Atmospheric oxi- dation of the rotenone appears to account for these changes. The yellow crystalline material resulting from the oxidation of rotenone in pyri- dine solution was tested on goldfish and insects and was found to be much less toxic than rotenone. In acetone or in alcohol rotenone de- composes very slowly. In aqueous suspensions made from fresh acetone and alcohol stock solutions rotenone loses toxicity upon standing. A suspension of rotenone in water at 1:50,000 killed 100 percent of Pier is rapae larvae on potted cabbage plants in a greenhouse, whereas the yellow decomposition material t even at 1:12,500, killed none. Rotenone suspended in water 1:1,000, sprayed on leaves and fed to fifth instars as a snndwich, killed allj at 1:5,000 it killed 20 per- cent. — F. L. Campbell (60) in 1932. Tests have shown that neither paris green, nor lead arsenate, nor calcium arsenate will give as effective control of imported cabbage worms as will derris dusts containing 1.75 percent of rotenone, applied at the rate of 12 to 15 pounds per acre, or pyrethrum dusts containing 0.12 percent of pyrethrin I and applied at the same rate. Hellebore was found to give better control than the arsenicals but was consider- ably inferior to the derris and pyrethrum products. — United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology (434) in 1933. Stahl (389) in 1933 reported that at Sanford, Fla. , rotenone 1.6 percent at 1:200 and rotenone 5 percent at 1:800 did not appear to be sufficiently toxic, either as a contact or a stomach poison. Derris dust (3 percent rotenone), 1 part in 4 parts of an inert carrier, gave very good kill, even without the addition of pyrethrum powder. This combination having approximately 0,6 percent of rotenone gave better results as a contact dust than did a proprietary cube dust of the samo rotenone content. A derris-dust mixture (20 parts of derris of 5-percont-rotenone content, 40 parts of tobacco dust and 40 parts of 300-mesh dusting sulfur) is very effective. — Allen (ll) in 1934. The United States Department of Agriculture, in a press release dated January 13, 1936, chllod attention to certain disadvantages that bar the use of rotcnono insecticides for some types of insects. Derris is not effective against all insects but does kill the common cabbage worm. -106- The United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology (435) in 1934 issued recommendations for the control of some important truck-crop insects. The preferred dust for the control of the common cabbage worm on cabbage was derris or other rotenone dusts and the pre- ferred spray was pyrethrum-derris extract combined , Derris dusts containing 0,5 percent to 1.5 percent rotenone have given very promising results in 4 sections of the Eastern and Southern States, Satisfactory diluents for the derris root powder are finely ground tobacco dust, finely pulverized clay, or talc. Clay and talc have the advantage of being more economical in cost and nore readily available in s oae sections than tobacco dust. Both have the disadvantage of leaving an objectionable whitish de- posit on the cabbage when applied near the harvesting period. The use of tobacco dust eliminates the apoearance of undesirable deposits on the plant and, under favorable climatic conditions, may aid in the control of aphids. Derris retains its insecti- cidal value longer than does pyrethrum. In 0hio excellent re- sults were obtained with commercial dusts containing approximate- ly 0,55 percent of rotenone against the cabbage looper and the common cabbage worm. Sulfur has been used successfully as a diluent on cabbage and squash. Commercial pyrethrum-derris ex- tracts in combination have given good results in Ohio, when used at twice the strength recommended by the manufacturers* A,t the 1934 meeting of the American Association of Economic Entomologists, reported by the United States Department of Agri- culture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine (437) , Ccry led a discussion of field results with arsenical substitutes for the control of vegetable insects, Roney and Thomas of Texas reported that derris-sulfur dust (0,5 percent rotenone) successfully con- trolled the imported cabbage worm, W, H, White reported that as a con- trol for the imported cabbage worm derris was more effective than pyr - thrum, paris green, cryolite, or calcium arsenate, whereas pyrcthrum was superior to the last three materials. In general, dusts gave bet- ter results than sprays. The United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomoh and Plant Quarantine (441) in 1935 reported that i: -plot tests on cabbage showed definitely that derris dusts containing from 0.5 to 1*0 percent of rotenone are effective against the impor go worm* Pyrothru. : dusts are less effective* The Bureau (442) in 1936 r id results of various tests with rotenone, dorris, and jube. On cat 1 , derris-dust mixtures wore more effective against th worm than pyr-:thrum, cryolite, or calcium nr • ' . California demonstrated thrt dust mixtures of • , , >r ga\-o satisfactory results in the control of tl • common species of c- r^.r- on cauliflower. In tory tests 4 round root of devil' s-shoostrings was as effect;-'.' 1 gainst the common spec: of cabbage worms as derris or cube containing equal percentages of activo ingredients. -107- Tho Division of Control Investigations of the Bureau (444) in 1038 report- ed results of tests with derris and cube on the imported cabbage worm, as follows: * : Dosage ■ Material • Instar : per sq. cm a : Mortality Micro grains Percent: Hours Derris (rotenone 4.5 percent; total extractives 19 percent) as a dust Fourth 100 100 48 Do, do. 100 100 72 Do. Third 120 100 48 Do. do. 120 100 72 Do. Second 120 100 48 Do. do. 120 100 72 M.l.d. of derris and cube powders in 48 hours Instar M.l.d. Fifth — _... Fourth 100 (5) Third 120 Second 120 First — The Bureau (448) in 1939 quoted the county agent of Crawford County, Ind., as reporting that rotenone- sulfur dust used against the imported cabbage worm gave 100-percent kill in every case* Crosby and Chupp (86) in 1934 recommended the application of a dust containing 0*5 percent of rotenone at the rate of 25 to 30 pounds per acre for the control of leaf-eating caterpillars, including the imported cabbage worm, on cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale, and similar crops on Long Island* Gilbert and Popenoe (159) in 1934 wrote that rotenone dusts, such as those produced from derris or cube roots, had given the best control* Satisfactory results wore obtained by using 10 to 15 pounds per acre of dust containing from 1 to 2 percent of rotenone. Pyrethrum dusts and extracts were also offective. As these dusts and extracts vary in strength they should be used according to the manufacturer's directions* Used as a test insect by Ginsburg and Granett (165) in 1934. under Bombyx mori L. , on p* 9» See McCampbell (25£) in 1934 recommended derris dusts for control in Colorado, Two or three dustings with a product containing 1 percent of rotenone, applied at the rote of IB to 30 pounds per acre, protected the 1933 cabbage crop in the Denver section af^inst this species. -108- Y,r. J. Reid (344) in 1934 reported that at Charleston, S. C, derris-root powder continued to prove toxic to the species of cabbage worms present, including common cabbage worms, ^he degree of control obtained with derris powder was- proportionate to the strength of materi- al used* Best results followed the use of a mixture containing 1.5 per- cent of rotenone. An increase in this concentration to 3*4 percent in 1933 did not apparently increase the kill. A mixture containing only 0.1 percent of rojfc-ononc showed some toxicity* Swingle (397) in 1934 compared the action of derris and pyrethrum* Films of gelatine were impregnated with derris or pyrethrum by adding 0.7 percent of the powder to a 10-percent solution of gelatin and were dried at room temperature on a piece of tinned sheet metal. Cabbage- leaf sandwiches were made with 7/8-inch circular discs of this impreg- nated gelatin and tests were made with full-grov/n cabbage worms. Derris under these conditions acts as a powerful stomach poison but has. no con- tact action on larvae allowed to crawl over the derris-^elatin film. Pyrethrum, on the other hand, has no effect as a stomach poison but is a potent contact poison. (Also reported by the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology ai d Plant ku^rantinc (44l) in 1935.) R. E. Campbell (63) in 1935 reported that in laboratory tests cube dusts have been slightly nore toxic than h^ve derris dusts with an equiva- lent rotenone content. Talc was used as a diluent in each case, and applications were made with a precision duster at r dosage of 1 gm. per plant. Mr. Campbell, in a typewritten report to the Division of Truck Crop and Garden Insect Investigations, of the Bureau of Entomology & Plant Quarantine, stated that he made field tests at San Fernando, Calif., in March 1934 with derris and cube dusts containing 0.5 percent of rotenone on cabbage. Applications were made by means of hand dust- ers at the rate of 22 pounds per acre for derris1 and 50 pounds per acre for cube* Derris destroyed 54 percent, as compared with 47*7 percent for cube* Headlee (l86_) in 1935 reported effective control on cabbage and cauliflower v/ith a derris dust containing 0o8 percent of rotenone and 2*8 percent of total extractives* This dust consists of 16 parts of ground derris (5 percent rotenone and 18 percent total extractives), 25 parts of sulfur, and the balance clay or talc. From 15 to 18 pounds per a6re were required when applied without hoods and from 8 to 10 pounds v/ith hoods * Hervey, Huckett, and Glasgow (189) in 1935 recommended a dust con- taining 0,5 percent of rotenone, made by diluting derris or ( Lth talc or clay, used rt the rate of 20 to 35 pounds per acre. A spray of 4 pounds of derris powder (4 percent rotenone) plus 4 pounds of sk ■ - milk powder per 100 gallons of water may also bi used* M.uckett and Hervey (204) reported in 1935 that dusts containinr 0«5 percent of re - none were effective* .. -:.r* -109- il ■ ' ■ • , Howard, in a typewritten report to .the . Division "of '.Truck. Crop and Garden Insect Investigations in 1935, stated that derris.. root mixed with talc, infusorial earth, or tobacco dust so as to contain from.O.S to 0.75 percent of rotenone, and used at intervals of 7 to 10 days atr dosages of 25 to 30 pounds per acre per application,, .was very effective, Derris dusts were more effective than derris powder in water, but the latter was more effective than the derris extract :in water .used as a spray.... Cube root, used either as a dust or a spray, gave similar results to derris, provided the rotenone content was the same. ...,'• . Howard and Davidson (195) in 1935 advised .that derris sprays or dusts were the best insecticides for the control of cabbage worms in 0hioo Derris or cube dust containing 0.05 to 0,1 percent of rotenone applied at the rates of from 20 to 25 pounds per acre, gave good control of the im- ported cabbage worm. Three or four applications were necessary in some instances. Good results were also obtained by the application of derris- or cube-roo't sprays containing 0.01 percent of rotenone. Howard, Mason, and Davidson (197) in 1935 reported the same results. Ground pyrethrum powder from which the pyrethrins had been extracted proved to be a suitable diluent. List and Sweetinan (255) in 1935 reported the results of tests with derris, cube, pyrethrum, paris green, cryolite, calcium arsenate, and. lead arsenate, applied 'as dusts with- the Root .hand duster, against cab- bage worms in Colorado. Dosage varied but did not exceed '10 pounds 'per acre. The diluent was Celite FC, a diatOrnaceous earth, 5 percent of which is coarser than 150-mesh and 10 percent coarser than 325-moshi All dusts; were prepared by mixing in a ball-mill type mixer 15 minutes'. Pyrethrum powder containing 0.18 percent of pyrethrins, derri's powder, containing 0,5 persent of rotenone, and cube powder containing 0.5 percent of rotenone vrere equally efficient. In another series, p'yr'thrum powder containing 0.18 percent of pyrethrins, derris powder containing 0,5 percent of rote- none, cube powder containing 0,5 percent of rotenone, and a mixture con- taining 12,5 percent of paris green were all of equal value. A-' dust 6ontaining 0,1 perdent of rotenone was as effective as one containing 0,4 percent of rotenone. Tests showed no 'significant difference between ' dusts, containing 0,5 percent and 0,4 percent of rotenone. No significant difference was found between dusts containing 0,3 percent of rotenone and 0.6 percent of rotenone. Morning and evening applications of a cube dust containing 0,5 percent of rotenone were not significantly different. The South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station (38l) in 1935 re- ported that a dorris powder-clay-dust mixturo containing 0,5 percent of rotenone was a pproximntcly as, toxic, and in somo cases superior to, un- diluted calcium arsenate, paris green and limo (li9) and synthetic cryo- lite and clay (l:3). -110- L. A. Strong in a letter dated July 6, 1935, to Houghton and Byrne, Sydney, Australia, stated that in laboratory tests with the ground root of Tephrosia virginiana, which did not 6ontain any rote- none, approximately 36.6 percent of the quart er-gro^m larvae of the in- ported cabbage worm '"ere killed, as compared with e 55.0-perfient kill from the use of clay alone. Clay is one of the common diluents for rotenone-containing dusts. The total extractives of th.: Tcphrosia v:ere not known, but probably did not exceed 3 or 4 percent* .Amplications of Tephrosia dust containing 0,097, 0.067, 0.042, and 0.105 percent of rotcnone killed from 94 #4 to 98.3 percent of quart er-grov.-n lcr^ae. Those results indicated that the presence of rotenone in Tcphrosia does aid materially in increasing its. toxicity to quart er-gro^n larvae under laboratory conditions, F. L, Thomas ( 410) in 1935 recommended 1 part of derris (5 percent rotenone) mixed with 9 parts of finely ground conditioned sulfur for the control of cabbage worms, including this species. In 1936 Mr. Thomas (411) reported that in Texas derris-sulfur dust (0.5 percent rotenone) gave good results, ' VJhite (480) in 1935 recommended derris dust (0.5 to 1.0 percent rotenone) and derris spr^y (0.02 to 0.25 percent rotenone) for the con- trol of this insect. Later he (48l) summarized the results obtained by th© Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine at Chadbourn, N. C, Charleston, S. C., Baton Rouge, La., and Columbus, Ohio, with nonarseni- cal insecticides for the control of four species of cabbage worms in- cluding the imported cabbage worm, ^-s a general insecticide for the control of mixed populations, derris gave the best results and pyr cthrum came next in effectiveness. Based on the comparative officienoy, at economical strengths, of each of the insecticides tested against each of the principal species present, the sxporiments indicptod that rs a con- trol for the imported cabbage verm derris was more effective than pyrothrum, paris green, cryolite, or calcium arsenate, while pyrethrum wrs superior to the three last materials. i;rhite in 1936 recommended derris dust con- taining 0,5 to 1.0 percent of rotenone for the control of cab' age -..'ems on cabbage and cauliflower at a dosage of 15 to 20 pounds per acre. It w found tb be especially important, however, td start the treatments early in the development of the cauliflower, while the plants were small, since it was not possible to obtain p good coverage of the insecticides ov the heavy foliage of nearly mature cauliflower plants. The experiments in 1934 on collards indicated that each of the three more common species of cabbage worms may be controlled satisfactorily with n derris-dust mixture containing 0.5 percent of rotenone. 'Vhite (482) i. 1937 r - ported that derris dust containing from 0.5 to 1.0 perc nt of rotenon6 applied at the rate of 15 to 20 pounds per -ere, was the ri- al for use against thd imported cabbage worm, the cabbage looper, diamond-brck moth on cabbage. The rotenone content of derris roo*t r 08, and purchases should bo made on the basis of rotenone coni nt, total tractives, and degree o^ fineness. ■ '. , - ' con- taining 4 percent of rotenone should contain not 1©S6 than 14 p of total carbon-tetrachloride or - . . total extract (either by oarbon-tetrachloride or ether) she- approxi- mately three and one-half times the rot . root rder should be of such degree of I rfiont -111- of it will pass through a 200-mcsh sieve and all the material should pass through an 80-mesh sieve. The Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station (75) reported in 1936 that during 1934 the insect infestation on cabbage and cauliflower con- sisted largely of the imported cabbage worm. A satisfactory control was obtained with pyrethrum dusts containing 0.18 percent of pyrethrins and with derris or cube dusts containing 0.5 percent of rotenonc. The min- imum amount of material and the number of applications to give seasonal protection remain to be determined. The infestation of the imported cab- bage worm was so light in 1935 that this part of the work could not bo completed. This station (76) in 1937 reported that rotenone Was found to be superior to pyrethrins in controlling the imported cabbage worm, and that 2.84 pounds of rotenone dust per acre gave a significant kill. Cottier (83) in 1936 reported excellent control of white butterfly larvae on cabbage in New-Zealand by the application of derris dusts and sprays. Derris plus summer-pil spray gave excellent control, whereas the oil sprays alone gave poor control. Dusts were slightly superior to the spray. Cottier recommended replication of e dust containing from 0.5 to 0.75 percent of rotenone at the rate of 20 to 25 pounds per acre. He also tested e number of proprietory derris dusts and sprays. In 1939 Cottier (84) reported that in Few Zealdnd derris sprays and dusts, at least when fresh, gave excellent control. Some of the derris-spray materials, however, had markedly deteriorated in killing power in their second season. One of the proprietary powders (D. P. No, 6) gave good results when bought on the market, although it was not possible to tell when it was manufactured; and another (D. P. No. 8), although it also contained pyrethrum extract, gave good results after storage for three seasons; therefore a considerable variation is to be expected with commercial brands of derris-spray powders. On the other hand, all der- ris dusts of 0.75-per cent-rot enono content retained their killing power well. In the field D. P. No. 2, which contained 0.5 percent of rotenone, gave good control of caterpillars 'when applied at 20 to 25 'pounds per acfe. Summer-oil sprays even at 1:60 did not give satisfactory results, but when derris spraying powder was added to the oil excellent results were obtained. Gui (171) in 1936 reported that in 1934 a spray of 1 part Rotecide plus 1 part, New Evergreen to 800 parts water controlled 95.7 percent of ■ the imported cabbage worm, and that a derrms-clny dust (0.5 percent rote- none) gave cEOO-purccnt control. In 1938 Gui (172) reported that for the protection of cabbage against three species of cabbage worms, including the imported cabbage worm, the crop should be dusted or sprayed at 10-day intervals with paris green or derris powder. Derris-powder dusts should contain not less than 0.5 percent of rotenone, and 1 pound of derris pow- der of 4-pcrccnt-rotenono contont should be used to 7 pounds of the diluent, Desirable diluents arc flour, talc, diatomaceous clay, dusting gypsum, and finely ground tobacco stems. Derris-powder sprays should consist of 1.5 pounds of derris powder (4 percent rotenone) in 50 gallons of water, used with n spreader and sticker. When other grades of derris powder are used, spray should contain 0.015 percent of rotenone. -112- Fedcral regulations prohibit excessive residues of poison on marketed cabbage; therefore, paris green should not be applied after the heads begin to form. Derris powder may be used aft or that date or through- out the season. There nro no regulations concerning residues of rote- none on fruits and vegetables* Huckctt (202) in 1936 reported insectary tests with pyrcthrum, derris, and nicotine. The derris contained 4,5 percent rotcnone and 16 to 18 percent total extractives. The mortalities of fourth instars 96 hours after the derris treatment were as follows: Spray formula Mortality Percent Derris powder 2-g- gm«, 90 0 8 skim-milk powder 2-h 82.5 gm., water 500 cc. Derris powder 2 gm., 87,5 skim-milk powder 2\ gm., 74*2 water 500 cc. Derris powder 1-|- gm., 81.7 skim-milk powder 2-g gm., 65.0 water 500 cc. Checks 10 10 Powdered derris root (4.5 percent rotenono, 15 to 18 percent total extractives) at strengths Comparable to 4, 3, and 2 pounds of powder per 100 gallons of water gave higher mortality of the imported cabbrge worm than of the Cabbage looper. Huckctt (205) in 1938 stated that in ex- periments on Long Island young and old larva, of Pi oris r^p-A r susceptible to derris powder. Vnn dcr Laan (244) and DcBussy ct al. (57) in 1936 report, d that this species is sensitive to derris. The Now Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (293) in 1937 r - ported that derris dusts had given satisfactory result inst cabbag worms, including this species. - -113- The Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station (315) in 1936 reported that six of the most promising insecticides (including derris) for con- trolling three species of cabbage worms, including the imported cabbage worm, were tested in 1935o The insecticides were used in various strengths and with different diluents, stickers, and spreaders,, The highest percentage (97 percent) of marketable heads was produced on plots sprayed weekly with paris green (2 lb. to 50 gal'« of water), with a sulfated alcohol as a wetting agent. Averages of 90 to 93 percent of marketable heads were produced on plots dusted at weekly intervals with derris powder and flour (0.5 percent rotenone) . This station (316) in 1937 reported that the best control of three species of cab- bage worms, including, th.e imported cabbage nvorm, was obtained from the use of paris green. Paris green sprays (2 lb. per 50 gal.) pave from 81 to 93 percent of marketable heads; paris green dust (l lb.^12.5 lb. flour) gave 87 percent j derris dust (l lb. of 4-percent ^errisf? lb# flour) gave 58 percent; and derris spray (1.5 lb. of 4-perccnt derris + 2 oz« SS-3 to 50 gal. of water) gave 70 percent. According to Penick and Co. (326) in 1936, Foliafume (which contains derris and pyrethrum extracts) should be diluted with water 1:400 for use against cabbage worms. Shropshire and Kadow (569) in 1936 recommended derris and cube for the control of the imported cabbage worm, the cabbage looper, and larvae of the diamondback moth. Against cabbage worms these materials are most effective when applied as a dust late in the afternoon. This dust should contain at least 0.5 percent of rotenone and should be applied at the rate of 20 to 30 pounds per acre, before the worms become abundant, re- peating applications at intervals of 10 days to 2 weeks, or as often as necessary. Unlike metallic poisons, derris products are safe to use on crucifcrs up to the time of cutting. Derris sprays, while not commonly recommended, can be used for the control of cabbage worms • They should be used according to the manufacturer's directions. Walker and Anderson (467) in 1936, reporting on experiments con- ducted in 1932 concluded that repeated applications of derris and cube dusts containing from 0.5 to 0.75 percent of rotenone and from 2 to 3 percent of total extractives, and pyrethrum dusts containing from 0.3 to 0.5 percent of pyrethrins gave good control of cabbage worms, where- as dusts of weaker concentrations were loss effective. Derris and cube dusts having approximately the same rotenone- and total -other-extractive content appeared to be nbout equally effective for the control of theso pests, Derris dusts (0.75 percent rotenone) gave 78-oerccnt control of tho imported cabbage worm. -This indicates that the imported cabbage worm is as susceptible to derris, if not more so, than the cabbage looper or tho larvae of tho diamondback moth. The same authors (468) in 1937 roportod that rcpoatod applications of derris and cube dusts containing from 0.5 to 0.75 percent of rotenone and from 2 to 3 percent of total oxtractives, at 7- to 10-day intofvals, gave good control of the imported cabbafee worm. ~llU- Walker (U65) in 1937 reported the results of tests of cube dusts (0»75 percent rotenone) and sprays (3 lb. per ICO gal.) to control the imported cabbage worm, both with and without Ultrawet. In most instances the addition of Ultrawet did not result in increased protection of the plants. Wisecup (U90) in 193& reported that at Sanford, Fla. , a cube-dust mixture containing 0.055 percent of rotenone was very effective in kill- ing quarter-grown larvae of the imported cabbage worm, and this dilution is the most suitable of any tested for use in obtaining comparative re- sults of the reactions of insecticides to larvae of ?. rapae. In 1938 V/isecup/T'lpOTted that insecticidal dusts made from the powdered roots of Derris elliptica, Lonchocarpus sp., and Tephrosia virginiana, diluted with clay to con+ain uniform percentages of rotenone, were tested in the laboratory against larvae of this species. For each material used, ISO uniform quarter-grown and an equal number of half-grown larvae were used. There was no significant difference in insecticidal efficiency between the averages of derris and of cube powders containing nearly equal per- centages of rotenone and total extractives. One sample of cube, however, was definitely inferior, contrary to what would have been expected from the Shemical analyses. Samples of T. virginiana diluted 1:3 with clay, with resulting rotenone contents as low as 0,0]42 percent, were so toxic to quarter-grown larvae that no comparisons could be made. The same dilutions of Tephrosia tested with the more resistant half-grown larvae did not differ significantly among themselves except for the sample ground coarser than 60 mesh, which was inferior to the best. The best saimle of diluted Tephrosia was not inferior to a derris dust containing 0,5 percent of rotenone and v/as superior to one containing 0.1 percent. Materials were diluted with clay to contain 0.1 percent of rotenone for tests with quarter-grown larvae and 0.5 percent of rotenone for half- grown larvae. T;Tisecup and Reed (hyk) in 1938 reported on a study of the decrease in effectiveness of cube when exposed to weathering in Florida. The source of rotenone in the first six tests was sample of powdered cube root containing 6 percent of rotenone and 20.5 percent of total carbon- tetrachloride extractives, whereas that in the last two testr was a differ- ent sample of powdered cube root containing 6.9 percent of rotenone and only 15*9 percent of total carbon-tetrachloride extractives. Four of the treatments in each test were apolied as sprays and four as dusts, with one untreated control. The dusts were always mixed in the proportion of 1 part of cube to 9 parts of diluent. The diluents were talc, clay, to- bacco dust, and sulfur purchased from local distributors. The B were made up to contain 2 pounds of cube per 50 gallons of water, and the adherent or spreading agents added at the rate of 1:S00, or 1:500, the quantity being kept constant in any one test. The proprietary spreaders or adherents used were: (l) A sulfonated, partly oxidized, petrol* hydrocarbon, (2) alkylp&enylbenzcnesulfonic acid, and O) calcium cast i- nate. Eight combinations of cube were applied to cabbage in the field and, after 5 days of exposure to weathering, samples wcr. fod to imported cab- bage worms under controlled laboratory conditions to obtain r< Lativc mortal:- ty records. Eight replicates of each of these tests »erc made unci sly different weather conditions. There was a uniform decrease in mortality -115- for all Combinations, "but the cube remaining after 5 days killed an average of 42 percent of the test insects, as compared with a 17-percent mortality in the controls, indicating that, -on the average, toxic material still remained after 5 days ' exposure to weathering. . Soray suspensions of cube with adherents and spreaders gave a greater total mortality over a period of 5 days than did dusts with four different diluents. However, the kind of spreader or the kind cf diluent made no . appreciable difference, indicating that the choice of either could be based on availability and price. Although the water suspension without adherents or spreaders utilized only about half as much cube per acre as. did the dusts, it gave equally good kills* Precipitation was second to duration of exposure in causing decreases in the- effectiveness of dube dusts and sprays. This was indicated by a significant correlation (r = 0.7^ between the decrease in mortality during H-day periods of ex- posure and the logarithms of the total precipitation recorded during these respective periods. The imported cabbage worm can be controlled with a rather dilute rotenone dust. — Howard and Mason (196) in 1937. Hut son (209) in 1337 recommended derris for the control of .the im- ported cabbage vorm. A good insecticidal dust contains 0.5 to 0.75 per- cent of roter.orie. Suitable diluents are talc,/bW%»nite, chalk, tobacco dust, flour, or sulfur. Five pounds ground derris with 1 pound of poi^dered skim milk, 2 gallons of skim milk, 3 pounds of thoroughly dissolved soap,, or 3 to 6 ounces of one of the sulfated alcohols make 100 gallons of effective spray. Kelsall and Stultz (fffo) in 1937 reported laboratory tests of derris (Vpercent rotenone) as a dust, with gypsum as a diluent. Results were as follows : Concentration of derris Mortality ■ Percent Percent Days -flOO 2 1 • I67 12.5 f 20 2 \ 100 1 A derris-gypsum dust containing 5 percent of derris gave a thorough and practical control in field tests. Manschke (268) in 1957 reported on tests carried out with aqueous suspensions of derris-root powder against a number of insects. The re- sults against imported cabbage worms on cabbage are given in the accompany- ing tabulation. In the sprays tested the amount of derris powder ranged from O.U5 to I.36 kg. in 37#»5 liters of spray. -116- Insccticide Mortality Percent 0.91 kg. of derris root (k nercent rotcnone) in 378*5 liters water + 21.25 gm. of ^0-percent coconut- oil soap per 3»72>5 liters 93 The Few York Agricultural Experiment Station (302) in 1937 reported that field tests of powdered derris, cube, and timbo root of comparable analytical quality showed that such powders were about equal in effective- ness. Dusts of C.5-percent-rotenone content gave optimum results and those of 0,33-percent-rotenone content gave results that were commendably satis- factory, considering costs. Spray mixtures containing k pounds of a good ' of powdered root in 100 gallons of water, with a sticker, gave fair results, but were not so effective &s the dusts. C. E. Smith (372, 373) in 1937 reported tests made at Baton Rouge, La. In field experiments involving several species of cabbage worms — principally Autographa brassicae (Riley), H e 1 lul a un da. 1 i s (IP,), and Pieris rapae (L.) — a dust mixture of peat pose containing 2 percent of nicotine was distinctly inferior in insecticidal efficiency to derris-dust mixtures containing 0,5 and 1.0 percent D.f rotenone, as well as to an un- diluted tricalcium arsenate. There was practically no difference between the efficiency of the derris dust containing 0*5 percent of rotenono and that of calcium arsenate, but a dorris-dust rixture containing 1.0 percent o'f rotenone was distinctly superior to the other three materials tested, when applied at intervals of 2 weeks. Derris powder (h percent rotenono) at 2 pounds per 100 gallons of water plus about 2 pounds (.anhydrous ba.sis) of coconut-oil soap reduced he peculation 93 percent 2^- hours after ap .lication. — C. L. Smith (373) in 1937. Gunderson (173) in 193& recommended derris with or without sulfur for the control of cabbage worms, including the imported cabbage worn. Flour, sulfur, pearl dust, gypsum, or 6ther carrier war recommended as a diluent. A 1-percent-rotenone dust is generally strong enough for all needs. The Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station (258) in 193^ pub- lished a summary of entomological progress in that State, E. E. Smith reported that against the imported cabbage worm derris dusts contain- ing 1.0 and 0.5 percent of rot. none were most effective. Paris and lime (1:9) was thd only other treatment that showod oompar effectiveness. The New York County Agents' Tr 5 School (299) in 1938 dis- cussed the control of insects attac) . 1 ' tt, Hcrvcy, and others recommended "rotenono dusts con- trol of the cabbage looper and the imported cab": follow Rotenone dust contain "t of roteno: proved to bo OX of the most effective treatments for cabbage worm control. The dr: - back to the use of this material is its cost, as comp rod with that of -117- tke lead arsenate treatments. Compared with the lead arsenate spray, ro- tenone dust will give as good or better immediate kill of both species of cabbage worms, but the lead arsenate spray has a greater residual effect and v/ill, therefore, remain effective on the plants over a longer period. Compared with lead arsenate dust, the rotenone dust gives a better immed- iate kill and is about equal or better in residual effect. On Long Island rotenone-conto.ining dusts were used largely in 1938 as a substitute for pyrethrum dust, and in the absence of serious cabbage looper attack they provided the needed protection. The North Central States Entomologists (509) in 1938 discussed the control of certain insects by the use of cube and derris. Compton repor- ted a heavy infestation of cabbage worms in northern Illinois in 1937, in- cluding the imported cabbage worm. Control experiments included tests ex- tending over a period of several weeks during the latter part of the sum- mer, with lead arsenate, calcium arsenate, cryolite, cube, pyrethrum, and several proprietary materials, applied by means of a Niagara traction duster with trailer or Bean power sprayer. Potenone-bearing dusts or sprays, and lead arsenate dusts or sprays gave the best results in these 'tests. W. H, White remarked that derris and cube dusts satisfactorily controlled the cabbage worm. Farks and Pierstorff (324) in 1938 recommended rotenone dust for the control of the imported cabbage worm. Re id and Bare (347) in 1938 reported 'that against the imported cab- bage worm the 0.5-percent rotenone, the 1-percent rotenone, and the der- ris-pyrethrum dust (0,5 percent rotenone +0.2 percent pyrethrins) wero significantly different and significantly superior to the pyrethrum. Against this species, the 7- and the 10- to 11-day intervals were super- ior to the 14-day interval, Ro'ark (357)' in 1938 reviewed the comparative action of dorris and cube of equal rotenone content on many insects. Kc referred to List and Swectman (255) who in 1935 tested cube and derris on Picris rapao in Colorado and found them to be of equal value when diluted to a rotenone content of 0.5 percent ;/Howard, who, in a typewritten report to the Divi- sion of Truck Crop and Garden Insect Investigations, of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, United States Department of Agriculture, in 1935 stated that cube and derris dusts or sprays gave similar result*), provided the rotenone content was the same; and to Campbell, who, in a typewritten report to the same Division, stated that in field tests on cabbage with cube and derris dusts containing 0.5 percent of rotenone, derris destroyed 54 percent of the imported cabbage worms, as compared with 47.7 percent for cube. In 1935 Campbell (63) reported that cube dust was slightly more toxic to the imported cabbage worm than derris dust with an oqual rotenone content, Agicide DC-4 (rotenone 0,6 percent) at the rate of 4 pounds per 100 gallons of water (0,003 percont rotenone in spray) killed from 50 to 100 percent within 96 hours. — Agicide Laboratories (8) in 1939. -118- Crosby, Chupp, and Leiby (87) in 1239 recommended a dust containing at least 0.5 percent of rotenone at the "rate, of 25 to 30 pounds per acre for control, Haude in advertising literature published by John Powell and Co., New York, N. Y. , in 1939 recommended a cube or derris dust (0.5 percent rote- none) at 25 to 30 pounds per acre; or a spray, 5 pounds of powder of 4-per- cent-rotenone content per 100 gallons of water. Jones (226) in 1939 recommended derris or cube for control. Nettles (291) in 1939 recommended derris dust (0.75 percent rotenone) at the rate of 15 to 20 pounds per acre fcr control in South Carolina. Smith and P.eid (574) in 1939 reported tests against the three common species of cabbage caterpillars, including the imported cabbage worm, us- ing four, insecticides, i.e., pyrethrum-talc (1:2); derris-dust mixtures containing 0.5 and .1,0 percent of rotenone, respectively; and a combina- tion of derris-pyrethrum (0.5 percent rotenone and 0.2 percent total py- rethrins), applied at 7-, 10-, r and 14-day intervals. The results indic- ted that pyrethrum was less effective than cerris against imported cab- bage worm. The combination of derris and pyrethrum was most satisfactory for the three species as a whole, and resulted- in the-jbest yields. ■ Al- though no differences could be detected between the 7- and 10-day appli- cations, it was demonstrated that both were decidedly more effective than the 14-day applications. The New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research ( 305 ) in 1940 reported that numerous analyses made on ground derris roots at the Dominion Laboratory, to ascertain physical and chemical standards for certification of derris products, have shown that statements made by manu- facturers as to the rotenone content arc merely relative and that it is necessary to correlate them with some standard method of analysis. Furthermore, it is necessary to consider such a physical property as fineness of division of the dust particles (hitherto ignored in experi- mental work), since this materially influences coverage and, consequently, disease control. Speyer et aL (383) in 1940 reported that sprays containing powders made from derris or Lone ho carpus were very effective in rendering foliage of cauliflower and broccoli distasteful to caterpillars of the tomato and cabbage moth. Few caterpillars actually died from contact with the pow- ders or from eating sprayed foliage. The deterrent action of the sprays, however, obviated any serious injury to the plants and also prevented the caterpillars from obtaining sufficient nourishment to enable them to pupate. Caterpillars of Pieris rapae, on the other hand, were usually killed by contact with the powders. Derris powder (proprietary bran's containing a spreader) was applied at the rate of 1 pound to 20 gallons of water. Lpnchocarpus powder preventod feeding by the caterpillars in small-scale experiments when used at a strength equivalent to 1 pound to 40 imperial gallons of v/ater with 4 pounds of soft soap or 3 to 4 fluid ounces of liquid Agral as a sproader. Saponin, sulfonated lorol, and casein did not wet the foliage of vegetables so adequately as did the soap and Agral. -119- Pieridae (unidentified sp. ) Kearns (229) in 1934 reported that the larvae of the cabbage butter- fly were easily controlled by a derris spray. Warwick (471) in 19 38 reported that derris dust and, preferably, der- ris spray controlled both the large white butterfly and the small white butterfly on cabbage. Plutellidae Plutella maculipennis (Curt.), the diamondback moth See the Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station (73, 74, 76_) on pp.76, 77 , in the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine (457) r on p« 70, Crosby et al, (87). on p. 79 , Hervey and Palm (190 ) on p. 77 , Huckett (201), on pp. TT, , the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station (314, 317 ) on p 74, 75, Roney and Thomas (358) on p. 76 , and TJhite (478~): on p. 67 , under Autographa brassicae (Riley). Bange (22) in 1927 reported the use of a decoction of Derris ellip- tica roots against caterpillars. Because it is not entirely effective, lead arsenate was mixed with it. Morgan (283) in 1929 described tests with insecticides in New South Wales at a time when the moth was unusually abundant. After a second application of a proprietary derris compound as a spray it was evident that the plants were not sufficiently protected from the larvae, and further testing of this spray was abandoned. Jarvis (221) in 1931 recorded comparative tests with Katakilla (2 lb. to 40 imp, gal, of water) and nicotine sulfate ( l/2 pt; plus 2 lb. of lead arsenate to 40 imp. gal.). Katakilla killed 80 percent of the pupae and 87.5 percent of the larvae, as compared with 26.6 percent of the pupae and 33.3 percent of the larvae killed by the nicotine and lead arsenate spray. The plants treated with Katakilla were cleaner and bet- ter grown. Andries (13) reporting on the control of plant pests in Southern Africa in 1932, wrote that Derrisol and Katakilla at 1:800 are effective against the diamondback moth near the time of marketing. The United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology (434) in 1933 reported that tests have shov/n that neither paris green, lead arsenate, nor calcium arsenate will give as effective control of the larvae as will derris dusts containing 1.75 percent of rotenone, applied at the rate of 12 to 15 pounds per acre, or pyrethrum dusts con- taining 0.12 percent of pyrethrin I and applied at the same rate. Helle- bore was found to give better control than the arsenical s but was con- siderably inferior to the derris and pyrethrum products. -120- R. E. Campbell, in a typewritten report to the Division of Truck Crop and Garden Insect Investigations of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, stated that he made field tests at San Fernando, Calif., in 1934 with derris and cube dusts containing 0.5 percent of rotenone on cabbage, applying 22 pounds per acre for derris and 30 pounds per acre for cube, by means of hand dusters. Derris destroyed 58.6 percent of the diamondback caterpillars, as compared with 60.5 percent for cube. Crosby and Chupp (86) in 1934 recommended the application of a dust containing 0.5 percent of rotenone at the rate of 25 to 30 pounds acre for the control of leaf -eating caterpillars, including this species, on cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale, and similar crops on Long Island, licCampbell (259) in 1934 recommended derris dusts for control on cabbage in Colorado. Reid ( 344 ) in 1934 reported that at Charleston, S. C, derris powder continued to prove toxic to the species of cabbage worms present, includ- ing diamondback moths. The degree of control obtained with derris powder was proportionate to the strength of material used. Best control followed the use of a mixture containing 1,5 percent of rotenone. An increase in this concentration to as high as 3.4 percent in 1933 apparently did not increase the kill. A mixture containing only 0.1 percent of rotenone showed some toxicity. The United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology, (455), in 1934 made the same recommendation for the control of diamondback moth on cabbage as for the imported cabbage worm (q.v.). Walker and Anderson (464) in 1934 reported the following results of tests made in a broccoli field to control larvae of the diamondback moth: Dust Derris-talc Derris-clay Derris-clay — Derris-clay Kubatox Cvbor dust Sprayrite Rotenone content Percent 0,5 ?S • .5 1.0 .4 ,43 Amount applied Ounces 53 32 42 40 57 31 48 Control • 75 90 84 82 1 Pyro thrum- talc dusts, containing 0,5 or 0,5 j ■ gave poorer control (84 and 85 percent, i did the dor dusts. -121- Badertscher and T'other spoon (19) in 1935 compared the stability of treated and untreated derris and pyre thrum powders in tests made on the larvae of the diamondback moth. Exposure to a light from a Uviarc Iler- .cury vapor lamp operating on 118 volts with a current of 4.8 amperes and 450 watts for 24 hours destroyed about half the toxicity of a derris pow- der containing 6 percent of rotenone and 18 percent of acetone extrac- tives. Treated powders (treatment not described) prolonged the life of these powders v/hen exposed to light. The authors concluded: That derris powder requires at least twice as long as pyrethrum to lose most of its toxicity when exposed to the action of air and sunlight in the summer time. That the rapidity of the loss of toxicity in pyrethrum powder and in derris powder is largely directly dependent upon the inten- sity and duration of the light. That derris powder loses its toxicity relatively much slower than pyrethrum powder when exposed to air in the absence of direct light. That treated derris powder after exposure to light and air shows. an efficiency from 34 to 93 percent greater than untreated derris powder similarly exposed. The United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine (437) reported that at the 1934 meeting of the Amer- ican Association of Economic Entomologists Cory led a discussion of field results with arsenical substitutes for the control of vegetable insects. Roney and Thomas, of Texas, reported that derris-sulfur dust (0.5 percent rotenone) controlled this species. W. H« YJhito reported that derris and calcium arsenate were approximately equal in effectiveness in controlling the larvae of this moth, whereas pyrethrum, cryolite, and paris green were comparatively less effective. In general, dusts gave better results than sprays. Walker and Anderson, of the Virginia Truck Experiment. Sta- tion, reported that it was necessary to use 40 to 50 pounds per acre of a derris dust containing 0.75 percent of rotenone in order to control a heavy infestation of larvae on heading broccoli. The -Bureau (441). in 1935 reported that field-plot tests on cabbage have shown definitely that derris-dust mixtures containing from 0.5 to 1 percent of rotenone- were effective against the common cabbage worm, less effective against. the cabbage looper, and still less effective against the diamondback moth. The indications, nevertheless, are that derris powder will be a useful material in the control of all three species. In general, pyrethrum-dust mixtures were less effective than those of derris against all three. The Bureau (442) in 1936 reported that on cabbage, derris and calcium arsen- ate were approximately equal in effectiveness in controlling the larvae of this species and were more effective than pyrethrum, cryolite, or paris green. Experiments in California demonstrated that dust mixtures of derris, cube, or pyrethrum gave satisfactory results in the control of the three more. common species of cabbage worms on cauliflower. In laboratory tests the ground root of devil' s-shoestrings, a domestic pro- duct, was found to be as effective against the common species of cabbage worms as derris or cubo containing equal percentages of active ingredients. -122- Tischler (415) in 1935 studied the mechanism of how derris kills in- sects. Studies on the heart rates of various insects (including diamond- back cabbage worm) showed that the rate of pulsation was markedly de- creased before the insects exhibited incoordinated movements. Other tests made with insects including this species led to the conclusion that derris inhibits oxygen utilization by the tissues and that its detrimental effects are general rather than specific to any organ. Hervey, Huckett, and Glasgow (189) in 1935 recommended a dust contain- ing 0,5 percent of rotenone, made by diluting derris or cube with talc or clay and used. at the rate of 20 to 35 pounds per acre for the cor.trrl larvae of this species. A spray consisting of 4 pounds of derris povrcler (4 percent rotenone) plus 4 pounds of skim-milk powder per 100 gallons of water may also be used. Houghton and Byrne, in a letter to the Chief of the 3ureau of Ento- mology and Plant Quarantine of the United States Department of Agriculture, in 1935 wrote as follows concerning the use of derris as an insecticide in Australia: We have been getting very good control of cabbage moth with der- ris dust containing no rotenone whatsoever, but with a total of ether extractives in the finished dust of 2.92 percent. Howard, in a typewritten report to the Division of Truck Crop and Garden Insect Investigations of the bureau, in 1935 stated that derris root mixed with talc, infusorial earth, or tobacco dust so as to contain from 0.5 to 0.75 percent of rotenone and used at intervals of 7 to 10 days at dosages of 25 to 30 pounds per acre per application was found to be fairly effective against the diamondback caterpillar. Howard, I'lason,and Davidson (197) in 1935 reported that derris dust was fairly effective. This species is more resistant than Fieris rapae to rotenone dust but may be satisfactorily held in check if the applications are not delayed too long. — Hov/ard and Fason (196) in 1937. -• Dusts containing 0.5 percent of rotenone are effective. — Huckett and Hervey (204) in 1935. • Morgan (283) in 1935 recommended dusting with lead arsenate plus an equal part of hydrated lime or kaolin until the cabbage begins then treating with 1 part of finely powdered derris root mixed with 9 parts of talc. He said: In the writer* s experiments for the control of cabbage m with a dust consisting of 1 part of finely i -ed derris La 9 parts of talc, 80 percent of the caterpillar: var- ious sizes up to the early stages of hearting were destroyed when the dust was applied at the rate of 1 pound to ' i 500 plants. In 5 preliminary teste on plots each compr 1 ) cab -123- dusted at weekly intervals "beginning 3 ^eeks after transplanting, tl derris dust and a 50-percent lead arsenate dust each gave effective control up to the time Haen hearting began, the untreated plants in the control plots being heavily infested. The 2 treatments ^ere coJ| tinued during the late stages of growth, ^hile the hearts --"ere form-T ing, and in each of 5 tests derris proved more effective than lead arsenate on plants approaching maturity. Of a total of 50 cabbages] treated, derris gave 47 marketable hearts, lead arsenate 38, and the untreated plants 9. In field experiments ^here 4 dustings at 7- to 10-day intervals were applied to cabbages during their early stages of growth, 1 part of finely pondered derris root mixed ^ith 9 parts of talc "-as not appreciably less effective than a dust consisting of equal parts of] lead arsenate and kaolin. Headlee (186) in 1935 reported effective control on cabbage and c flower with, a derris dust containing 0.8 percent of rotenone and 2.8 per- j cent of total extractives. This dust consists of 16 parts • of ground derris (5 percent rotenone and 18 percent total extractives), 25 parts of sulfur, and the balance clay or talc. Fifteen to 18 pounds per acre ^ere required when applied without hoods and from 8 to 10 pounds ^hen applied with hoods. The South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station (381) in 1935 re* ported that experiments of the 1934-35 season indicated that a derris pow- der and clay dust mixture containing 0.5 percent of rotenone is approxi- mately as toxic as, and in some cases superior to, undiluted calcium ar- j senate, to paris green and lime (1:9), and to synthetic cryolite and clay (1:3). TV L, Thomas (410) in 1935 recommended 1 part of derris containing percent of rotenone mixed with 9 parts of finely ground conditioned sulfur for the control of this species in Texas. In 1936 Mr. Thomas (411) re- ported that in Texas derris-sulfur dust (0. 5 percent rotenone) gave good results in control '"hen applied at the rate of 20 to 25 pounds per acre, Veitch (457) in 1935 reported that in Queensland derris ducts in pr- liminary trials gave good results, but have not "been so extensively tested as derris spray, which is now recommended in place of lead arsenate be- cause it gives even better control and leaves no injurious residue. Walker and Anderson (465) in 1935 summarised result s obtained with | derris and pyrethrum dusts at the Virginia Truck Experiment Station. In 1933 a derris dust containing 0.5 percent of rotenone and a pyrethrum dust- containing 0.3 percent of pyrethrins gave satisfactory control of the lar- vae, while dusts containing 0.25 percent of rotenone and 0.1 percent of pyrethrins did not. In 1934, under conditions of very heavy larval infes- tation on heading broccoli, it required from 40 to 50 pounds per acre of a derris dust containing 0.75 percent of rotenone, applied with a traction duster, to control this pest. There did not appear to be very much dif- ference between the effectiveness of gypsum, talc, and inert clay, or a finely ground tobacco dust when used as carriers for derris for the con- trol of cabbage worms. A bentonite carrier did not appear to give as - -124- satisfactory results as the c-ther carriers. The addition of 5 perce: [ weight of finely ground dusting sulfur seemed to improve the effec ss of a derris-talc dust. Based on rctenone content, a cube dust did net seem to give so satisfactory control cf cabbage worms as did a derris dust. In 1936 these authors (461) reported tests made in 1932-33 for the control of cabbage worms. They concluded that repeated applications cf derris and cube dusts containing from 0,5 to 0.75 percent of rotencne and from 2 to 3 percent of total extractives, and pyre thrum ducts containing from 0.3 to 0.5 percent, of pyrethrins gave good control, whereas weaker concentrations of rotenone and pyrethrins were less effective. Derris and cube dusts having approximately the same rotenone and total-ether-extractive • appeared to be about equally effective. Derris dusts (0.75 percent rote- none) gave 65 percent control of the larvae of the diamondback moth. These results indicated that the imported cabbage worm is as susceptible to derris as the cabbage looper and the larva of the diamondback moth, if not more so. Walker and Anderson (468) in 1937 reported that r ed applications of derris and cube dusts containing from 0,5 to 0.75 percent of rotenone and from 2 to 3 percent of total extractives at 7- tc 10- intervals gave good control of the larvae of the diamondback roth, in 1937 they reported that a derris pcr.'der supposed to contain 5 percent of rotenone actually contained 2.19 percent and 9.32 percent of extractives. This test indicated that the nearly full-grown larvae are resistant to derris dust but the newly hatched larvae are susceptible, and that repeated applications of derris dust containing 0.33 percent of rotencne at the rate of 35 pounds per acre at 7 to 10-day intervals will kill the young worms as they hatch, resulting in good control. The resistance cf the near] full-grown larvae probably accounts for the poor control obtained i r- ris in 1934, as a large percentage of the larvae were nearly full grown at the time the dusting was done. Kale plants infested with newly hatched larvae of the diamondback moth were dusted on October 31 and November 10 at the rate of about 25 pounds per acre "with derrir.-talc and cu" c--talc dusts containing 0,5 percent of rotenone, both in combination wit without Are sket. The derris-talc, derris-Aresket-talc . dusts gave 82 percent control and the cub e-Aresket- talc i i ave 87 per- cent control, indicated very little difference between the effects of any of the dusts and that either a derris-talc or a cube-talc dust approximately 0.5 percent of rotenone and 2 percent of total extrac tiv if applied when the larvae are young, will give a satisfactory control. . White (480, 481) in 1935 recommended derris dust (0#5 to 1 percent rotenone) and derris spray (0.02 to 0.025 percent rotenone) for trol of the larvae. He also sumnarized the results obtained of Entomology and Plant Quarantine at Chadbourn, .'..." , S. ".. Baton Rouge.. La., and Columbus, Ohio, with nonarsenical insec ti- the control of the four species of cabbage worms, including the back moth: Based on the comparative efficiency, at - ical str of each of the insecticides tested against each of th< species of cabbage worms present, the at derris and calcium arse'nate wero approximately equal in effective- ness in controlling the larvae of the diamondback . while pyrethrum, cryolite, and paris green wore comparatively loss effec- tive for control of this species. -125- TVhite (482) in 1936 and again in 1937, recommended derris dust con- taining 0.5 to 1.0 percent of rotenone for the control of cabbage worms on cabbage and cauliflower at a dosage of 15 to 20 pounds per acre. The ex- periments indicated that derris and calcium arsenate are approximately equal in effectiveness in controlling the larvae of the dianondback moth, while pyrethrum, cryolite, and paris green are relatively less effective. It v/as found to be especially important to start the treatments early in the development of the cauliflower, since it was not possible to obtain a good coverage over the heavy foliage of nearly mature plants. The experi- ments on collards in 1934 indicated that each of the three more common species of cabbage worms may be controlled satisfactorily with a derris- dust mixture containing 0.5 percent of rotenone-. Van der Vecht (454) of Buitenzorg, Java, in 1936 reported that tests of derris against this species yielded the same results as against Crocidolomia binotalis. The New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station ( 295) in 1937 reported that derris dusts gave satisfactory results on cabbage worms, including this species. The New South Wales Entomological Branch (296) in 1936 described the use of derris powder for controlling the larvae. For cabbage and cauli- flower, lead arsenate was mixed with an equal part of kaolin, while pure derris powder was mixed with 8 parts of kaolin or talc. On no account should lime be mixed with derris, as it reduces its efficiency. The Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station (315) in 1936 reported that six of the most promising insecticides (including derris) were tested in 1935 against cabbage worms, including this species. The insecticides were used in various strengths and with different diluents, stickers, and spreaders. The highest percentage (97 percent) of marketable heads was produced on plots sprayed weekly with paris green (2 lb. to 50 gal. of water) in which a sulfated alcohol was used as a wetting agent. Averages of 90 to 93 percent of marketable heads were produced on plots dusted at weekly intervals with derris powder and flour (0.5 percent rotenone). The same station (316) in 1937 reported that the most successful control of cabbage worms, including this species, was obtained from the use of paris green. Paris green sprays (2 lb. per 50 gal.) gave from 81 to 93 percent of marketable heads; paris green dust (l lb. + 12.5 lb. flour) gave 87 percent; derris dust (l lb. of 4-percent derris + 7 lb. flour) gave 58 percent; and derris spray (1.5 lb. of 4— percent derris + 2 oz. SS-3 to 50 gal. water) gave 70 percent of marketable heads. Shropshire and Kadow (369) in 1936 recommended derris and cube for the control of this species. Against cabbage worms these materials are most effective when applied as a dust containing at least 0.5 percent of rote- none late in the afternoon at the rate of 20 to 30 pounds per acre. Appli- cations should be made before the worms become abundant, being repeated at intervals of 10 days to 2 weeks, or as often as necessary to prevent fur- ther injury. Unlike metallic poisons, derris products are safe to use on crucifrars up to the time of cutting. Derris sprays, while not commonly recommended, can be used for the control of cabbage worms. They should be used according to the manufacturer's directions. -126* . The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (404) in .1336 reported that derris v/ac considerably more effective than cute against the larvae, re- gardless of the carrier used, according to tests, conducted at Tfeslaco and Vfinterhaven in January 1935. The derris mixtures and the cube mixtures were more effective against the larvae of this moth than against the cab- bage looper. On the average, derris-sulfur (15:85) or cube-sulfur (15:85) containing 0,75 percent of rotencne gave better control of cabbage worms than either lead arsenate or barium fluosilicate in the lower Rio Grande Valley, the Vi/inter Garden, or Galveston County, The Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station (76) in 1S37 reported that the larvae of this species rank about midway between the imported cab- bage worm and the cabbage looper in resistance to pyrethrins and rotenone. Hutson (209) in 1937 recommended derris dusts or sprays for control. Kelsall and Stultz (234) in 1937 reported laboratory tests of dorris (4 percent rotenone) as a dust. Gypsum was used as a diluent. Results were as follows: Concentration of derris Percent Mortality in ^ Percent - day 5 12,5 0 40 Craufurd-Benson (85) in 1938 reported that experiments were made in breeding this species in a greenhouse, under standardized conditions for use as a test insect for evaluating derris insecticides by the author's dipping method. The result was a failure, because larvae of the same age showed wide variation in size and instar, and oven with careful grading for size and age the results were still unreliable,. Dibble, of the Michigan Agriculture Extension Service, in a "bug flash" in 1938, recommended pyrethrum or derris dusts or sprays for con- trol on cauliflower and cabbage. Gui (172) in 1938 reported that for protection against cabbage worms, including this species, the cabbage should be dusted or sprayed at 10-day intervals with paris green or dorris powder. Derris-powder dusts should contain not less than 0,5 percent of rotenone. One pound of derris pow- der (4 percent rotenone) should be used to 7 pounds of the diluent. De- sirable diluents are flour, talc, diatomaceous clay, dusting gypsum, and finely ground tobacco stems. Derris-powder sprays should consist of 1.5 pounds of derris powder containing 4 percent of rotencne in 50 gallons of water. When other grades of derris powder are used, dosage should be so calculated that the spray contains 0,015 percent of rotenone. A spreader and sticker should be used. Federal regulations prohibit excessive resi- dues of poison on marketed cabbage; therefore, paris green should not be applied after the heads begin to form. Derris powder may be used after that date or throughout the season if desired. There are no regulati concerning residues of rotenone on fruits and vegetables. -127- The Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station (258) in 1938 published a summary of entomological progress in that State. C. E. Smith reported that against the larva derris dust (1,0 percent rotenone) and undiluted calcium arsenate were about equal in effectiveness and were superior to the other treatments. Yfater suspensions and alcoholic extracts of Derris elliptica grown at Bangalore, India, were effective. — Mysore, India, Department of Agricul- ture (287) in 1938. The North Central States Entomologists ( 309) in 1938 discussed the control of certain insects by the use of cube and derris. Compton report- : ed that there was a heavy infestation of cabbage worms in northern Illi- nois in 1937, including this species. Control experiments included tests with lead arsenate, calcium arsenate, cryolite, cube, pyrethrum, and several proprietary materials, applied by means of a Niagara traction duster with trailer or Bean power sprayer. Tests were extended over a period of several weeks late in the summer. Rotenone-bearing dusts or sprays and lead arsenate dusts or sprays gave the best results. W, H. Yiihite remarked that derris and cube dusts control Plutella to some extent, if treatment is applied while the worms are in the younger stages. Parks and Pierstorff (524) in 1938 recommended rotenone dust for the control of this species. Reid and Bare (347) in 1938 reported that against this species the 1-percent rotenone and the derris-pyrethrum dust mixture (0.5 percent ro- tenone plus 0,2 percent pyrethrins), at 7- or 10- to 11 -day intervals be- tween applications, were most effective. Roark (557) in 1938 reviewed the comparative action of derris. and cube of equal rotenone content of many insects. Reference was made to Campbell, who in 1934, in a typewritten report to the Division of Truck Crop and Gar- den Insect Investigations, of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine of the United States Department of Agriculture, stated that derris dust (0.5 percent rotonone) destroyed 58,6 percent and cube dust 60.5 percent of the diamondback moth caterpillars. He also referred to Yfelker and Ander- son (465), who in 1935 reported that cube dust did not seem to give quite so satisfactory control of these larvae as did a derris dust, but in 1937 they (469) reported that a derris-Aresket-talc dust gave 82 percent control and a cubo-Aresket-talc dust of the same (0.5 percent) rotenone content gave 87 percent control. The dusts were applied at the rate of about 25 pounds per acre. The Division of Control Investigations, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, United States Department of Agriculture ( 444 ) in 1938 reportod results of tests with derris and cube on certain insects as follows: Derris (rotenone 5.4 percent; total extrac-' tives 15,5 percent) as a dust Derris-talc dust (rotenone 1 percent) Derris-talc dust (rotenone 0.5 percent) Cube (rotenone 4.4 percent; total extrac- tives 20.7 percent) as a dust -128- Test insect Diamondback oabbage worn Fourth ins tar Second ins tar Fourth instar Second instar Fourth instar Fourth instar Second instar Dosage per cm. Mortality .in 48 hours Hicrograns Percent 140 140 170 170 140 140 140 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 M. 1. d. of derris and cube powders in 48 hours Insect Instar Fifth Fourth j Third Second \ First Diamondback cabbage worm 140 (0.5) 140 (0.5) Agicide DC-4 (rotenone 0.6 percent) at the rate of 4 pounds per 100 gallons of v/ater (0.003 percent rotenone in spray) killed from 50 to 100 percent within 96 hours. — Agicide Laboratories (_§_) in 1S39. In experiments with insecticides derris dust (l percent rotenone) or paris green plus wood ash (2:15) gave 99- to 100-percent mortality cf tho larvae. Paris green is cheaper than derris, but is dangerous to use. and stains the vegetables. Pyrethrum powder (1.3 percent pyrethrins) plus wood ash (1:6) gave almost as good results. The pyrethrum had a mere, rapid effect on the larvae than the derris, but did not protect the plants so long. The insecticides should bo applied four times at -weekly inter- vals and at the rate of 22-1/2 pounds per acre. — Ghesquiere (158) in 1939. Haude, in advertising literature publishod by John Powell and Co., New York, N. Y., in 1939 recommended cube or derris dust (0.5 porcont rotenone) at 25 to 30 pounds por ucrc or spray (5 pounds of powder of 4 percent rotenone contont) por 100 gallons of water. -129- Nettles (291) in 1939 recommended derris dust (0.75 percent rotenone) at the rate of 15 to 20 pounds per acre. Smith and Re id (374) in 1939 reported tests against the three common species of cabbage caterpillars, including the diamondback moth, using four insecticides, i.e., pyrethrum-talc (1:2); derris-dust mixtures con- taining 0,5 and 1.0 percent of rotenone, respectively; and a combination of derris -pyre thrum (0.5 percent rotenone and 0*2 percent total pyrethrins), applied at 7-, 10-, and 14— day intervals. The results indicated that py- rethrum was less effective than derris for control of diamondback moth. The combination of derris and pyrethrum was most satisfactory for the three species as a whole, and resulted in the best yields. Although dif- ferences could be detected between the 7-day and the 10-day applications, it was demonstrated that both were decidedly more effective than the 14- day applications. H. T. Pagden (522) in 1931 stated that neither derris sprays, with or without agral, nor pyrethrum sprays or dusts gave satisfactory control of Flutella on cabbages. Nicotine extract, 0,05 percent, gave better results. The New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research ( 505) in 1940 reported that tests at Owairaka showed that best control of this pest on cabbages was obtained with derris dusts, which proved to bo more efficient than nicotine sulfate spray or lead arsenate and calcium arsen- ate sprays. Arsenates when applied as dusts gave unsatisfactory results. Psychidae Clania (Cryptothelea) minuscula Butl. Yago (502) in 1933 wrote that this species, formerly abundant in pear orchards in Shizuoka, Japan, had become scarce, probably owing to the use of insecticides, including derris. Thyridopteryx ephemera eformis (Haw. ^, the bagworm Hamilton (180) in 1938 reported that in only one out of four tests were bagworms on evergreen trees satisfactorily controlled by a cube or derris spray (4 lb. of powder containing 4 percent rotenone plus 4 lb. of rosin-residue emulsion per 100 gal. of water). The spray acts' as a repel- lent. The period of effectiveness was 3 to 4 days. Bags do not fall off the trees, but larvae cease feeding and do not increase in size. Psychidae (unidentified sp. ) The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (214) Tokyo, Japan, in 1927 reported that Neoton, 1 pound in 60 imperial gallons of water, warded off an attack by larvae of the pear bagworm for 7 days. Upon in- vading the field sprayod as above with Neoton, 20 percent of the larvae wero killod by the internal action of the drug. -130- Bagworm larvae, not more than two-thirds grown, were, controlled, apparently "by repellent action, by derris or cube powder in water. to which rosin-residue emulsion had been added. — New Jersey Agricultural Experi- ment Station (294) in 1938. Pterophoridae Pterophorus periscelidactylus Fitch, the grape plume moth (Oxyptilus) Pterophorus periscelidactylus readily controlled by spray- ing with 3 pounds of ground derris or cube (4 percent rotenone) and 1 pound of pov/dered skim-milk in 100 gallons of water. — Haude, in advertising literature published by John Powell and Co., New York, N, Y., in 1939. Pyralididae Acrobasis caryae C-rote, the pecan nut casebearer Moznette (285) in 1935 reported that sprays containing pyrethrum and derris extracts produced very unsatisfactory results against this species in the Southeast in 1932 and 1933. Homalopalpia dalera Dyar IVolfe and Lynch (497) in 1940 reported that spraying for control of the papaya webworm is difficult because the web soon fills with excreta. A strong pyrethrum spray, or a rotenone spray, gives fair control if applied with enough pressure to drive away the web. The webbing may bo removed with a feather to give the spray free access to the stem and fruit. Pyraustidae Crocidolomia binotalis Zell. Van der Vecht (454) in 1936 reported tests of derris against this species, which is a serious pest of cabbago in Java. Tests in the field with derris dusts containing 0,5 percent and 1,0 percent of rotenono ^avo excellent results. Tho dust was applied onco a Week from a small tin, closed with a piece of cheesecloth, or by means of a hand 'duster. The dusted plots yielded about three times as much as tho untrcatod plots and twice as much as a plot where tho caterpillars had been regularly destroyed by hand-picking. About 5 to G pounds of dust arc required for 100 cabba during the entire growth period, but whore infestation is loss severe, tho number of applications may perhaps be reduced. Spraying with derris powdor in water (rotenone 1: 2,860 to 1:10, 000) was less satisfactory than dusting. Merino and Otanes (273) in 1938 recommended derris powder for the con- trol of these cabbage caterpillars in the Philippines. -131- Desmia funeral is (Hbn. ), the grape leaf folder Dickey and Loucks (98) in 1938 recommended derris spray for control in Florida. Diaphania hyalinata (L.), the melon worm _D. nitidalis (Stoll), the pickleworm Reid (345) in 1933 reported that in tests made in Charleston, S. C., derris dust, mixed with tobacco dust to give a 1,5 percent rotenone con- tent, is particularly effective against the melon worm and the pickleworm. In a series of plots in which derris, cryolite, pyrethrum, paris green, lead arsenate, and calcium arsenate were used, effective control was ob- tained in the order given. The derris plot produced 765.5 pounds of sound fruit, as compared with 86.5 pounds of sound fruit produced on the calcium arsenate plot. The derris plot produced over 100 pounds more of sound fruit than did the cryolite plot, which was next in effectiveness. The check plot produced no sound fruit. The United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine (435) in 1954 issued the following recommendations for the control of some important truck-crop insects: The indications are that the melon- and pickleworms may be satis- factorily controlled by dusting with a derris-powder mixture contain- ing from 0.5 to 1.5 percent of rotenone. In light infestations the 0.5 percent dust should be sufficient if applied early and regularly. "Where the infestation is heavy the 1 percent or the 1.5 percent dusts should be used. Sulfur seems to be the most effective diluent for melon worms and pickleworms, possibly because of some action against young larvae. The addition of from 10 to 25 percent of talc, clay, or wheat flour or finely ground tobacco dust to the derris-sulfur mixture will improve its dusting qualities. The treatments should begin when the worms first appear on the leaf buds of the squash plant, which may be within a week or 10 days after the plants appear above ground, and should be continued at 7- to 10-day intervals as long as the worms are present or the crop is being harvested. The rate of application will depend on the size of the plants, and should' range from 15 to 25 pounds per acre. .Extreme care should be exercised to see that the growing tips of the plants are well covered with the dust as the worms feed extensively on the young leaf buds before tunneling into the fruit, stem, and vines. There are several leaf- feeding forms which may attack lettuce and spinach, and on occasions cause considerable damage. Pyrethrum or derris is recommended as a substitute for the arsenical s in order to safeguard the health of the consumer. -132- T he "Alabama polytechnic Institute, Agricultural Experiment Station (10) in 1935 issued information on the use of derris in controlling garden insects. Derris-sulfur dust (at least 1.0 percent rotencne) gave fair re- sults in controlling pickleworms and melon roras in squash, cucumbers, and cantaloups. As a spray, 4 pounds of derris (4 percent rotenone) should be used per 100 gallons. Directions are given for applying derris dust to squash, cucumbers, and cantaloups (15 to 25 pounds per acre per applica- tion. Ytfhite (460) in 1935 recommended derris-sulfur dust (l to 1.5 percent rotenone) for combating the pickleworm and the melon worm. In 1936 and again in 1937 he (482) wrote that the indications are that the melon worm and the pickleworm may be controlled satisfactorily on squash in the coastal areas of North Carolina and South Carolina, and probably elsewhere, by dust- ing with a derris-sulfur mixture containing from 1,0 to 1.5 percent of rote- none. Haude in advertising literature published by John Powell and Co., New York, IL-Y,, in 1939 recommended to dust with cube or derris plus sulfur (rotenone 1.0 to 1.5 percent) at 15 to 25 pounds per acre. Hetties (291) in 1939 referred to results obtained by the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, which reported promising control of these worms on late* squash with a derris-sulfur mixture. The mixture contained from 1,0 to 1.5 percent of rotenone. From 10 to 25 pounds per acre of the mixture were applied at 7-day intervals, beginning about 1 week after the plants came up and continuing as long as worms wore present, Arant (14) in 1940 reported that derris-talc dusts containing 1 per- cent of rotenone were effective in controlling the pickleworm and the melon worm on small field plots; the control in cantaloups ranged from 83 ■to 100 percent and in squash from 89 to 100 percont. -- derris dust con- taining 25 percent of sulfur was effective against the insects but caused such severe burning to cantaloup foliage that an average of one-third fewer edible fruits were produced than on tho untreated chocks; plants treated with derris-tale mixtures produced 10 times as many fruits as the checks. Dcrric mixtures containing 0,5 percent of rotenone were less effec- tive than dusts containing 1 percent of rotenone. Cube appeared to be in- ferior to timbe and derris. Heavy applications of dusts were made, approx- imately 15 to 30 pounds to the acre, and .no attempt was made to determine the minimum effective rate of application, Evergestis rimosalis (Guen. ), the cross-striped cabbage w The Division of Control Investigations, of the Bureau of Entomclo and Plant Quarantine, United States Department of Agriculture ( ■-• 4) in May 1938 reported results of tests xr -id cube on thi or IS- cabbage worm as follows: -133- Material Instar Dosage per cm.' Mortality in' 48 hours Micrograms Derris (rotenone 5.4 percent; total extractives 15,5 percent) as a dust « Derris (rotenone 4.5 percent; total - extractives 19 percent) as a dust' Derris-talc dust (rotenone 1 percent) Derris-talc dust (rotenone 0.5 percent) Oube (rotenone 4.4 percent; total extractives 20,7 percent) as a dust First/, .- 110 Fourth '-."• 110 First 120 First- , . 120 Fourth 170 First 170 Fourth 185 First ■ '-, 185 Fourth 125 First 125 Percent 100 100 100 100 (72 j 83 100 23' 100 100 100 M. 1. d. of derris and powders in 48 hours Instar Fifth Fourth Third Second First 110(5) — ' — 185(0.5)- 'The same' Division (445) in August 1938 issued its third report of test} on the insecticidal value of various compounds. Derris (rotenone 5.4 per- cent, total extractives 15.5 percent.) at 230 micrograms per cm. ^ gave 100- •per cent mortality o;f fourth; instars in 48 hours. Hymeiiia fascialis (Cram.), the Hawaiian beet webworm The .Bermuda Department of Agriculture (33) in 1934 reported that der- ris spray. (Katakilla) adequately controlled a"~mild attack of the beet fire- worm in the field. • ? ,'. . Fenton .(129) in 1936 quoted the following from a letter dated December 10, 1935, from Roney, of the Texas Truck Crop Experiment Station, Dickinson, Tex.: "Our experiments seem to bear out tho fact that early application* of the three-way dust ( 10 percent cube, 15 percent 'A' dust, 75 percent sulfur) are very beneficial in controlling the insect. Due to the faol that it has such a web, also because of the number of larvae on each plant, we find it vory difficult to control," Haudo in advertising literature published by John Powell- and Co.,' New York, i.'. Y. , in 3 ' i ■ 'erred to the successful control of this species in Tc:>:as with a dust containing 10 parts of- cube, 15 parts of Stimtox "A", an< 75 parts of sulfur. -134- Walker and Anderson (470) in 1940 reported that several tests had been conducted with dusts containing calcium arsenate and hydrated lime and v/ith rotenone-bearing dusts at Norfolk, Va., in the preceding 5 years. In these tests, even though the spinach leaves appeared to be well covered with the dusts, none of the materials gave satisfactory control. Occas- ionally the worms disappeared without seriously damaging the spinach, which probably accounts for many of the reports that the calcium arsenate dusts gave good control of this pest. Kellula undalis (F. ), the cabbage webworm Watanabe (474) in 1927 recommended spraying the young growth of cru- ciferous vegetables with derris to combat this species in Japan. At the 1934 meeting of the American Association of Economic Entomolo- gists, as reported by the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine (437), Cory led a discussion of field results with arsenical substitutes for the control of vegetable insects. White reported derris to be effective against the cabbage webwom. In general, dusts gave better results than sprays. The Bureau (455) in 1934 stated that the preferred dust for the control of the wobworm on cabbage is derris or other rotenone dust and that the preferred spray is combined pyrethrum-derris extract, Veitch (457) in 1935, reporting on tests made in Queensland, stated that derris was effective against the larva, which tunnels in the stem of cabbage. White (481) in 1935 summarized the results obtained by the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine at Chadbourn, Ar. C, Charleston, S. C., Baton Rouge, La., and Columbus, Ohio, with nonarsenical insecticides for the control of the cabbage webworm. Derris gave the best results. Appli- cations were begun when the worms first appeared on the plants. White (482) in 1937 reported that results of experiments in 1936 indicated that the cabbage webworm can be controlled by applications of dust containing 0.5 percent of rotenone, provided applications are made during the ^arly stages in the growth of both insects and plants, and the plants are covered thoroughly with the dust. Walker and Anderson (467) in 1936 reported tests made in 1932. A derris extract containing 5 gm. of rotenone per 100 cc. of solution, usrd at the rate of 1 part by volume to 200 and to 400 parts of water cor. ing 0.5 percent of Red A soap, gave only 11 and 9 percent control, respec- tively. Dusts containing 50 percent by "weight of calcium arsenate, 25 per- cent of cryolite, 25 percent of Dutox, 5 percent of . rid 0,4 percent of rotenone gave from 10 to 21 percent control. C. E. Smith (373) in 1937 reported tests made at 3a ton Rou, , I . In field experiments involving several species i rms, principally Autographa brassicae (Riley), Hellula undalis ( F. ), and Fieri s rapao (L. ), a dust mixture of peat moss containing '?. percent of nio otine was distinctly inferior in insecticidal efficiency to dorris-uust mixtures contail .5 and 1,0 percent of rotenone, and also to an undiluted tri-c^lcium areonato. -135- There -was practically no difference "between the efficiency of the derris dust containing 0.5 percent of rotenone and that of calcium arsenate, but a derris-dust mixture containing 1,0 percent of rotenone, applied at in- tervals of 2 weeks, was distinctly superior to the other 3 materials tested. Haude in advertising literature published by John Powell and Co., New York, N. Y. , in 1939 recommended/^rris dust (0.75 percent rotenone) at the. rate of 15 to 20 pounds per acre for the control of the cabbage webworm in South Carolina. Lineodes Integra Zell, Compton (77) in 1937 reported on this species, a potential pest of greenhouse tomatoes. Greenhouse tests were made with a 0,5 percent rote- none dust composed of 10 pounds of ground derris root having a rotenone content of 5 percent and 90 pounds of talc. This dust was effective in holding the insect in check, but did not give so complete control as did the 85:15 sulfur-lead dust. Loxostege commixtalis (Walk. ), the alfalfa webworm L. sticticalis (l.), the sugarbeet webworm McCampbell (259) in 1934 recommended derris dusts for the control of these species on cabbage in Colorado. Ma rue a testulalis (C-eyer), a bean pod borer See United States Department of Agriculture, Puerto Rico Experiment Station (450) under Etiella zinckenclla (Treit. ), on page 101. The United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine (442) in 1936 reported that derris was tested on threo species of pod borers attacking beans in Puerto Rico, but was less effec- tive than fluorine compounds and none of the insecticides tested to. date could be recommended. I'fymphuls. depunc talis ( Guen. ) The Federated Malay States Department of Agriculture (120) in 1922 reported that for dealing with the rice case-worm in the padi nurseries spraying was being carried out with a decoction of tuba root. Sison (371) in 1938 recorded laboratory tests as follows: Larvae with their cases were collected from the field and placed in 3 separate containers each with water having a volume of about 200 cc. and a surface area of about 0.11 'square meter. Grass was also placed in each container. , Twenty- two larvae were placed in the first container and 25 each in the second and third. The first container was dusted' with 0.2 gm. of derris powder (rotenone, 3,09 percent); the second with 0.13 gm. ; and the third with 0.1 gm. The dust covered the surface of the water. With the 0.2 gm. ' all the larvae died after about 5 hours, whereas in the last two treatments it was about 22 hours before all died. In another trial the derris powder was put in the water, then the whole was stirred well before' the larvae were placed, so as to got readily the soluble substance from the powder. -136- The strengths used were 0.1 gin. and 0.05 gm. per liter of water. Twenty larvae were used in each test. In the first all the larvae died after about 4 hours; and in the second, after about 5 hours. Dusting the in- fested plants with calcium arsenate, draining the water from the infested paddies, and applying a thin film of kerosene over the water to control the larvae gave encouraging results. Preliminary trials, under laboratory conditions, with derris powder also gave encouraging results, warranting further trials in the laboratory and in the field, Pachyzancla licarsisalis ("Walk. ) The Federated Malay States Department of Agriculture (125) in 1S37 reported that the caterpillars inflicted severe damage to Bermuda, Blue Couch, and other grasses in experimental plots. A derris spray was effec- tive in controlling them. Phlyc taenia rubigalis (Guen.), greenhouse leaf tier, or celery leaf tier Howard (194) in 1933 reported tests to control this insect on celery in storage houses near Sandusky, Ohio. Dipping the celery in various con- centrations of pyrethrum and derris extract was not feasible, because cf demands that the celery be kept dry. It was decided that shaking was probably the most satisfactory control. Stahl (390) in 1934 reported derris dust not toxic to the leaf tier. A single test yielded the following results: Rotenone in dust Larvae killed in 6 days — Quarter- grown Half-grown lla ture Percent rcent 0 0 0 0 1.8 0 7.2 0 Percent Percent 0.1 8.7 0.5 6.7 1.0 16. G 3.0 41.3 No noticeable jffects resulted from the use of any of the dilutions against the larger larvae, and even the 3-percent dust gave unsatisfactory ' 1 s against the small larvae. The United States Department of Agriculture, Buroau of Enta in 1934 reported that additional tests have shown rather dofir.i1 rotenone compounds are not effective, and that pyrethrum is apparently a specific poison for the pest. In 1935 the United States Department of Agricul . bureau of Entomol- ogy and Plant Quarantine (441) reported that toxicity tests in the labora- tory showed that this insect is not affected by derris powd- . . -137- Derris is ineffective against this insect. — Huts on (208, 209) in 1936 and 1937. The United States Department of Agriculture on January 13, 1936, pub- lished a press release which called attention to certain disadvantages that bar the use of rotenone insecticides for some typos of insects, Derris is not effective against all insects, e.g., the celery leaf tier. Howard and Mason (196) in 1937 reported that derris or cube was in- effective against this insect. The Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station ( 270) in 1937 re- ported that derris and pyrethrum were tested for control of the greenhouse leaf tier on snapdragons in two separate experiments on greenhouse grown plants. Commercial pyrethrum sprays diluted 1:200 and 1:400 and applied at approximately 10-day intervals gave good control. A derris extract con- taining 1.5/ percent of rotenone was also satisfactory. Derris-powder washes (2 lb. and 3 lb. in 50 gal.) permitted 66 percent of moderate or severe in- jury and were surprisingly unsatisfactory. Derris and pyrethrum clay dust diluted with inert clay were less effective than the liquid spray and left a very objectionable residue on the plants, T/hich generally eliminates these dusts from commercial use on snapdragons. .Parks and- Pierstorff (324) in 1938 wrote as follows: "Apply two pyre- thrum or rotenone sprays within 30 minutes. The first brings them out of heart leaves and the second kills them." Pionea forficalis (L.) Miles (277) in 1931 wrote on the garden pebble moth, which is a pest of cabbage, cauliflov/er, and allied cruciferous plants in England. A spray can be used for controlling the larvae of the pest in plants so long as the center or heart of the plant is loose and open; soap and nicotine spray or a spray containing derris extract, forced well into the plants and played on the undersurfaces of the l©avos, should be satisfactory. Pyrausta aurata meridional is (Stgr. ) Bremond and Rungs (49) in 1938 reported that in Morocco experiments using sweetened-bait traps gave poor results. A commercial insecticide containing rotenone 3 percent, powdered soap 67 percent, and inert matter 30 percent, applied as a 2-percent spray 4 days after the beginning of adult flight and again 8 days later, gave good control. Equally good re- sults were obtained with a commercial rotenone-containing dust. Pyrausta nubilalis (Hbn. ), the European corn borer Worthley (501) in 1929 reported that derris powder was ineffective against eggs of the European corn borer laid on potted corn plants, but would be given further trial as a larvicide. -138- Th e United States Department of Agriculture (425) in 1930 stated that rotenone was being tested against the European corn borer. According to a press release of the Department, dated March 11, 1938, derris spray is a promising insecticide, for control of the European corn borer on early mar- ket sweet corn. It must be applied during the comparatively brief period the caterpillar spends on the outside of the plant. The Department on April 23, 1938, announced in a press release that several new insecticides recently developed by the Department gave effective and practical borer control for early crops. These insecticides— nicotine tannate spray, der- ris spray, phenothiazine spray, and a nicotine dust— mixed with suitable spreaders, must be applied to plants as soon as the borer eggs begin to hatch, before the young caterpillars have had time to find shelter beneath leaf sheaths and inside corn husks or stalks. Campbell (60) in 1932 reviev/ed previous work on rotenone. V/orthley tested rotenone as a dust (with talc as a carrier) against the European corn borer. A certain number of eggs (from 598 to 679) were seeded into each of four plots of sweet corn, which were then dusted as follows: (l) with 5 percent of rotenone, (2) with 1 percent of rotenone, (3) with 0.33 percent of rotenone, and (4-) with pure talc. On the check plots 2,450 eggs were placed. Six larvae, or 0.88 percent of the number of eggs, wore found in (l); 44, or 7.12 percent, in (2); 52, or 8.55 percent, in (3); and 50, or 8.36 percent, in (4). In the check plots 305, or 12.51 percent, were recovered. Only the 5-percent rotenone dust was markedly effective. Ficht (132) in 1933 reported that in Indiana, two applications of a proprietary pyrethrum soap (pyrethrum = 1.82 gm. per 100 cc. ) at a concen- tration of 1:400, together with rotenone at 1:40,000, reduced the number of larvae 53.6 percent. Lead arsenate (3 applications each at the rate of 4 lb. per 100 gal.) reduced the number 47.8 percent. A proprietary derris extract [Derrisol?] when added to an oil emulsion only slightly increased its effectiveness in reducing larval infestation. Batchelder, in a typewritten report to the Division of Cereal and Forage Insects, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, United States Department of Agriculture, in 1936, reported that derris spray (4 lb. of 4-percent powder per 100 gal. plus butyl phenyl phenol sodium sulfonate at 1:2,500) and derris dust (1 percent rotenone) were tested against sec- ond-generation borers infesting dahlias at Milford, Conn., in August 1936. The derris spray reduced the population 32.1 percent; the dust 72 percent. Phenothiazine and nicotine preparations were equally good. In November 1936 he reported tests against European corn borer in seed sweet corn at Milford. Derris dust (1 percent rotenone) reduced theppulation 56.3 por- cent, being somewhat less effective than dual-fixed nicotine as a dust (66.1 percent) or as a spray (64.1 percent reduction). B ler In 1937 reported that the corn borer population in ears of early market sweet corn in Connecticut, when treated with derris spray (4 lb. of 5-] per 100 gal.) under commercial conditions, was reduced 78 at, Batchelder (25_) in 1938 reported that in 19 37 at New Haven derris spray ro- duced the corn borer population in ears of early market sweet corn 77 p< cent. Cube dust reduced the population infestii lias li rimenti plots about 90 percent. In August 1939 ho (26) reported that derris spr (rotenono 0.023 percent; made by adding 4 lb. of derris powder to 100 gal. of wator) containing Ultrawot 0.062 percent reduced infestation 82.2 per- cent in the plants and 80.6 porcont in the cars of early market sweet com, infested with the first generation at Nov/ Haven in 19 37. -139- Batchelder and Questel (27) in 1937 described experiments with insec- ticides at Berkley, Llass., and at New Haven, Conn., for control of the "borer in early market sweet corn. Derris (2 lb. of powder containing 4 percent rotenone to 50 gal, :" of water) plus a suitable spreader (e.g., sod- ium lauryl sulfate 3 oz. per 50 gal.) was recommended. Other suitable spreaders are ammonium-sulpho soap, sodium-sulpho soap (4 oz. per 50 gal.), or sulfonated alkylated diphenyl, dry powder (3 oz. per 50 gal* of spray). In 1933 these authors (29) recommended derris, phenothiazine, and nicotine tannate for the control of the European corn borer in dahlias. Derris pow- der (4 percent rotenone) should be used at the rate of 4 pounds per 100 gallons, to which may be added 32 ounces of liquid measure of a spreader such as Areskap, Ultrawet, and SS-5. They also stated (28) that, in con- trolling the borer in 'dahlias, derris powder (4 percent rotenone) may be used as a mixture in spray water to which has been added a spreader as described in 1937. For 50 gallons of spray, 2 pounds of ground derris- root powder was stirred with a small quantity of spray water until the . powder was thoroughly wetted and in the form of a thin paste. This paste was then added to the spray water, and the mixture agitated to obtain com- plete dispersion of the derris, Questal in a typewritten report to the Division of Cereal and Forage Insect Investigations, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, United States Department of Agriculture, in 1937 reported on the effect of nico- tine- and derris-treated surfaces on newly hatched larvae. Sheets of paraf- fined paper 9 inches by 11 inches were covered lightly with the following materials, using Bancroft clay as a carrier: ^l) Dual-fixed nicotine (4 percent nicotine), and (2) ground derris (0,6 percent rotenone). Two sheets dusted with these materials were left dry while two more were sprayed with water to dampen the dust, and allowed to dry. A dry sheet was. dusted with Bancroft clay,' and a sheet on which there were no materials served as a check. Approximately 160 eggs of the European corn borer, in the black -head stage, were placed in the center of each sheet and allowed to hatch in a room of constant temperature (75° F. ) and high relative humidity (80- 90 percent). After 40 hours in the incubator room the sheets were exam- ined. The results are shown in the following table. Material E Placed on paper Kgs Not hatched Dead larvae Greatest distance trav- eled from hatching point by any one larva Number Number Dual-fixed nicotine 169 31 Number 158 Not more than 1 inch. Dual-fixed nicotine dampened and dried 171 10 Many had completely gone; the remainder were scat- tered all over the sheet. Ground derris ' '• 153 1 153 Ground derris dampened and dri ed 155 1 49 Bancroft clay No treatment 156 158 2 1 143 0 Not more than 1 inch. Many had completely gone; the remainder were scat- tered all over the sheet. Not more than 3 inches. All had left the sheet. ., -140- The mechanical effect of the clay dust on the larvae was fatal, al- though it allowed them to travel farther than the dual-fixed nicotine or the derris dusts. The dual-fixed nicotine apparently acted as an egg destroyer, but in this particular case the egg .mass had been placed face downward on the dusted surface. In a season when rainfall is not exces- sive a dust such as dual-fixed nicotine, applied just before hatching and kept on the plant during' the hatching period, should give good results, Questal in September 1937, in a typewritten report to the Division of Cereal and Forage Insect Investigations, stated that early market sweet corn was completely tolerant to derris spray and derris dust. In another typewritten report to the Division, he said that derris spray (i lb. per 100 gal.), containing 0.0235 percent of rotenone, gave high control on Golden Cross Bantam corn at Maumoe, Ohio, in 1937. Derris dust (0.98 per- cent rotenone; plus sodium butyl hydroxy phenylbenzenesulfonate 1:3,000 was equal to a dust of dual-fixed nicotine but inferior to dorris spray. The plants were completely tolerant to both derris sprays and dusts. In 1937 Questel stated in a similar report that various fluorine compounds compared favorably with derris as a spray on early sweet corn in the vicin- ity of Toledo, Ohio. In a similar report in 1938, he said that ground derris was outstanding among the sprays used at Toledo. Very good control was obtained, as well as complete freedom from spray injury to the sweet corn plant. "When applied by hand with a single nozzle, this spray appeared to be satisfactory for use in the Lake States. The labor cost of applic - tion by this method is high, however, and types of booms tested, although reducing the labor cost, did not allow sufficient quantities of the spray to enter the whorl of the corn plant, therefore the control was lessened. The derris powder was used at the rate of 4 pounds per 100 gallons of water and contained 4 percent of rotenone. Derris dust (1 percent rote- none) was less effective. Ground derris (four applications at 5-day inter- vals starting with first hatching) was outstanding among the sprays tested in 1938 and provided a very satisfactory control when applied with a hand nozzle. Questel ( 541 ) in 1938 again reported that ground derris (4 lb. per 100 gal. of water) was the outstanding spray used in the Lake States. V.rith this spray, 97.8 percent of the No. 1 ears in the treated plots were borer- free, as compared with 68,4 percent in the nontreated plots, and the borer population in the treated plots was reduced 89.3 percent from that in the nontreated plots. A report on Questel* s ( 542 ) experiments of 1938 in the Lake States was published in 1940, giving the results stated a^ovo. Sprays and dusts of two fluorine compounds and phenothiazine spray also gave good control and v/ere about equal in their effectiveness. The fluo- rine compounds, howover, caused severe burning of the corn plants. Both standard nicotine tannate (0.0625 percent nicotine) and Quebracho nico- tine tannate (0.0625 percent nicotine) sprays v/ere low in inseotioidal performance in the Ohio tests. -^•SKS?-— -.141- Batchelder, Questel, and Turner (30) in 1937 reported good control with derris spray, but derris dust was unsatisfactory. As a spray finely powdered derris (rotenone 4 percent) was used at the rate of 4 pounds per 100 gallons of water, with ammo ni van- sulpho soap 0.075 percent and butyl phenyl-phenol sodium sulfonate 0,03 percent as spreading agents. In dust form, 1 part of derris to 8 parts of talc was used to obtain a content of approximately 0.4 percent rotenone. In 1936 cube was diluted with talc to a rotenone content of 0,8 percerrb and applied as a dust. In the dusts, butyl phenyl-phenol sodium sulfonate 0.03 or 0.1 percent was used as an adhesive^ In sprays ground derris (rotenone 0.02 percent) was more effec- tive than an acetone extract of derris of the same rotenone content. Ground derris applied to corn in a dust (talc) carrier in 1935 was. less effective (63 percent) than when applied in adjacent plots as a spray (88 percent). The results obtained in 1936 indicated that (A) the effective- ness of derris dust, when the rotenone content was 0.4, 0.6, or 0,8 per- cent, did not increase consistently with the rotenone contentj and (B) all of these derris dusts gave a reduction in the borer population infesting the plants approximating the results obtained with the dual-fixed nicotine (4 percent) dust tested in adjacent plots. In another experiment conduc- ted in adjacent plots, a dust preparation of ground cube containing 0,8 percent of rotenone was less effective than dual-fixed nicotine dust (4 percent nicotine). In comparing the performance of dust preparations tested in 1936, however, the frequency and the extent of the rainfall dur ing the critical period of residue effectiveness should be considered carefully. It is believed that the effectiveness of all materials was greatly reduced by these rains and. that inconsistent results are attribu- table to residue losses occasioned by them. Turner (420) in 1936 reported that in tests in Connecticut, two of the materials tested proved to be outstanding and a third only slightly less effective. Pure ground derris root (4 percent rotenone) and phenothiazine used in suspension at the rate of 2 pounds in 60 gallons of water, with a j suitable spreader, were very effective. Sprayed plots produced 85 percent of borer-free ears, while adjoining unsprayed plots produced only 36 percent The formula recommended for derris is: Water, 25 gal.; pure ground derris,. root, 1 lb. j and a spreader, IN 181 (sodium lauryl sulfate) 1.5 oz. (avoirdupois), or Areskap (monosodium sulfonate of butyl phenylphenol ) 1,5 oz., or SS-3 (a sulfated alcohol combined with a resinous sticker) 2,5 liquid oz. The only practical sprayer used to date has been a hand sprayer either a knapsack- type or a small compressed-air sprayer. The spray mix- ture is prepared in a barrel and poured through a fine screen into the hand sprayers. Turner/ irrT<537 stated that both pure ground derris root and pure ground cube' root (each 4 percent rotenone) had proved highly satisfactory J in sprays on early market corn, and were the most practical materials for borer control. To obtain the best results in corn borer sprays, it was necessary to use a spreader. Three available materials had proved satis- ', factory and had not injured corn plants in the quantities used. These were Areskap, a phenyl-phenol preparation (dry powder); Ultrawet, a dry powder made from petroleum sulfonatos; and S3-3, a self-emulsifying liquid con- taining a sulfated alcohol combined with a resinous sticker. To 25 gallons of water one of the following spreaders is added: Areskap, 1,5 oz. (avoir- dupois); Ultrawet, 2.0 oz. (avoirdupois); or SS-3, 1,5 liquid oz. One pound of derris was mixed with a small quantity of this spreader solution to font -142- a thin paste and then added to the 25 gallons of water. It was very impor- tant that the exact quantities of spreader be used, since larger quantities may injure the corn and smaller ones nay fail to ensure adequate spreading. ,(422) Turner/ in 1939 recommended sprays or dusts of derris or cube for con- trol of this insect on dahlias, stating that they should be directed at the tips of all growing shoots. The first application r.hould be made about August 5, with weekly applications until the middle of September. • Applica- tions made at intervals of 5 days rather than 1 .week are somewhat more effective. The spray was prepared, as follows: To 1 lb. of pure ground derris or cube root (4 percent rotenone) was added one of the following spreaders: Areskap, 1.5 oz. (avoirdupois )j Ultrawet, 2.0 oz.; or Grasselli Spreader-Sticker, 1,5 liquid oz. The derris or cube and spreader are mixed thoroughly and enough .water is added to make a thin paste. One pound of derris or cube is sufficient for 25 gallons of water. For small amounts 2 level tablespoonfuls may be diluted in 1 gallon of v/ater. Rotenone dust (derris, cube, or timbo roots diluted with, talc or clay) containing 1 per- cent of rotenone is available ready for vise. This dust has been very sat- isfactory on dahlias but has net been effective in controlling the corn borer in sweet corn, Zappe, Turner, and Schread (504) in 1937 referred to their work repor- ted in Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Circulars 114 and 113, which showed that nicotine tannate, phenothiazine, and pure ground derris root were highly effective against the European corn borer when applied in sprays on early sweet corn and that a spreader was necessary for best re- sults. Britton, Turner, and Zappe (51) in 1938. reported on the control of the European corn borer in Connecticut in 1937, referring to former reports in Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 395 and Circular 118. The spray, which contained 1 pound of pure ground derris or cube root (4 percent rote- none) in 25 gallons of v/ater, with a suitable spreader, was slightly more effective than the dual-fixed nicotine dust (4 percent nicotine). Appli- cation of dust with hand dusters was more effective than with a 4-row vege- table duster. Late sweet corn was successfully treated by applications on August 5, 9, 14, 20, and 27. Reduction in borers was well over 80 percent, with a high increase in the percentage of borer-free ears. The materials, method of application, and time of application were highly satisfactory. Dahlias were treated with the following sprays: (l) Pure ground cube root (4 percent rotenone), 1 lb. in 25 gal, of water. with a suitable spreader; (2) nicotine tannate and dusts (A) dual-fixed nicotine dust (4 percent nicotine) and (B) cube dust (l percent rotenone)., Application made August 2, 9, and 16, and September 1, 8, and 15. All treatments w satisfactory, but the cube spray was seme' /hat less effective than the other treatments. Dunlap and Turner (102) in 1938 roc -"led*, a spray of ■ (4 percent rotenone) at 't n ( ; rate of 4 pounds po'a? 1 lions p application, Ultrav/ct or Areskap si r. -143- The United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, in a typewritten report for January 1937 submitted by the Division of Cereal and Forage Insect Investigations, stated that pow- dered derris diluted with Bancroft clay to a rotenone content of 0.6 per- cent "was dusted lightly over sheets of paraffined paper 9 x 11 inches „ About 160 eggs in the black-head stage were placed in the center of each sheet and allowed to hatch at 75° F. and a relative humidity of 80 to 90 percent. Dual-fixed nicotine killed some eggs but derris killed larvae only. Bancroft clay alone killed most of the larvae and did not permit them to travel more than 3 inches from the hatching point. Walker (465) in 1937 reported that bordeaux (4-4-50) plus cube (4 lb. per 100 gal.) was increased in effectiveness, from 59.5 to 92.3 percent, in potatoes by the addition of Ultrawet 1:1,600. Cube alone (4 lb. per 100 gal.) gave 63,5 percent control; the same with Ultrawet 1:1,600 gave 85 per-] cent control. Bourne and Boyd (42) in 1937 recommended the use of 2 pounds of derris powder (4 percent rotenone) and about 2,5 ounces of Areslcap or similar material as a wetting agent to 50 gallons of water. Apply four times at 5-day Intervals beginning as soon as first larvae hatch. Fill central whorl of leaves and cover base of lower leaves and of young forming oars. Hervey (187) in 1937 stated that spraying or dusting sweet corn for control may become feasible where the value of the crop is high. Insecti- cides showing the most promise include derris or cube, phenothiazine, and nicotine. Insecticides were tried for the control of this insect on sweet corn according to the Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station (270. 271, 272), in 1937, 1938, and 1939. Such use is based on the habit of the young larvae of feeding externally during the early period of their growth. In cooperation with the Federal European corn borer laboratory at Net; Haven, Conn,, the department ran field tests with three contact sprays in l/2-acre plots of sweet corn on two farms in Hampden County, Mass. Each material was run in quadruplicate, with a corresponding number of unsprayod areas, The sprays were applied at 5-day intervals beginning with the first appear- ance of larvae in each field. Four applications were made between June 19 and July 3 on each farm. A fifth application was made on July 8 on one farm because the corn there had developed more slowly than in the other field, although the insect first appeared on approximately the same dato in both fields. The materials tested were ground derris (4 percent rotenone), phenothiazine (thio-diphenylamine), and tank^mix nicotine tannate. Each material was used at the rate of 12,5 gallons for the first application, 15 gallons for the second and third, and 25 gallons for the fourth and fifth sprays. The results wero based on the total yield from both fields, approx- imately 20,000 oars being examined. Nicotine tannate and derris wero effec- tive in reducing damage. Phenothiazino gavo fair control. Its failure to measure up to the other materials is believed to bo duo to its poor sus- pension, which prevented uniform coverage and protection. None of the ma- terials caused any injury to the corn nor did they render it unsafe as foddor. The yield rocord from ono of the farms is as follows: -144- . Treatment y Total ears Conditions of ears — Clean Grades 1 and 2 Infested Infested but salable Number Percent Percent Percent Percent Derris 2,124 95.1 90.0 4.9 57.2 Nicotine tannate 2,447 92.1 88.4 7.9 53.0 Pheno thiamine 2,232 89,9 78.8 10.1.... . 48.4 Check 1,993 77.7 70.4. 22.3 45.7 y Four plots totaling l/8 acre for each treatment. On each farm Span Cross 2, • the earliest variety of yellow sweet corn to mature was tested. The crop was harvested as rapidly as possible, which allowed a comparatively short -time for the infestation of the ears and enabled the check plots to show a much better record than the relative infestation warranted. Practically every stalk in the check plots was infested and many contained 6 to 8' borers and were seriously weakened, while comparatively few stalks in the sprayed plots showed the presence of borers. In January 1937 Questel reported that derris spray (4 lb. per 100 gal., 0.0192 percent rotenone) and derris dust (l percent rotenone) were effective in reducing the population of second-generation borers in- festing dahlias at ililford, Conn. The station in 1938 reported the re- sults with derris spray, as follows: In the derris plot, 5 percent of the sprayed plots and 12 percent of the checks were damaged by borers. In the treated plots the infested stalks were not often ser- iously damaged and for the most part, contained only one and two small, young-stage larvae, whereas in the checks the stalks were badly riddled often contained from five to eight mature borers, and many stalks had broken down before the ears had fully matured. The loss of vitality to the plants caused by even a light or moderate infestation is clearly re- flected in the yield records as shown by the following table: Infestation Increase en t reat ed over untreated plots Material Total ears per acre Uninfeste I ears per acre Percent Numbe r Numt r Dual-fixed nicotine (dust) 30 225 1,562 Derris (spray) 5 1,692 2,052 -145- In every case the treated plots showed an increased total yield over the checks. On the basis of uninfested ears, the difference was even more pronounced. Even in comparatively light infestations, as in the derris plots, an advantage of more than 2,000 ears per acre represented a consid- erable profit to the grower. A more significant index of the value of the treatments is the relative proportion of Grade 1 corn harvested from the experimental plots as shown in the following table: - Total yield Material Uninfested plots Grade 1 ears in plots Dusted Check Dusted Check Dual-fixed nicotine Nicotine tannate Derris Percent 92,8 97.6 98.3 Percent 70,0 94,4 94.9 Pe re ent 76 72 88 Percent 48 60 81 The field containing the derris plots was heavily fertilized. The corn made excessive stalk growth and many of the ears did not fully develop and were graded as culls. Since the total yield in this field, however, was at the rate of 24,000 ears per acre, even the small difference of 7 percent represented an increase of 1,680 ears, Derris spray increased the uninfested ears per acre by 2,052, and the grade-1 ears by 1/680, The same station in 1939 reported the results of field tests with three dusts — dual-fixed nicotine, cube-vatsol, and a commercial rotenone — conducted in a commercial planting in Hampden County, and with four sprays, including ground derris, cube, and two of commercial rotenone. The sprays and dusts were applied at 5-day intervals from June 10 to June 25, the "~TlTr"st~ application being based on the general appearance of the young larvae, The sprays gave satisfactory protection and the dusts fair commercial con- trol on the basis of the borer-free ears harvested. The real value of the insecticidal treatments, however, is indicated by the relative proportion of the total yield that was of marketable grade. In the dusted plots from 62 to 65 percent of the crop was borer-free and 50 to 56 percent of mar- ketable grade j in the sprayed plots from 75 to 80 percent of the total yield was borer -free and from 57 to 60 percent was marketable; while in the unsprayed plots only 16 percent of the crop was boror-froe and less than 12 percent of the ears fit for market. The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (78) in 1938 reported that trials of sprays devised by the United States Department of Agricul- ture for control of the European corn borer in Connecticut were again suc- cessful. One spray contained pure ground cube root at the rate of 2 pounds in 50 gallons of water with and without spreaders. It was applied four times, on June 9, 15, 22, and 26 for the first generation, and resulted in 75 percent of the ears being borer free. Untreated plants produced 37 per- cent of borer-free ears. Dual-fixed-nicotine dust applied on the same dates was not so effective as the sprays. Second-generation sprays were applied on August 5, 9, 14, 20, and 27. A spreader increased the percent- age of borer-free ears (64,8^ as compared with cube without a spreader (57,3), and the untreated chock (9,7). A pyrethrum spray was not effective. -lkG- Dual-fixed- nicotine dust applied on the same dates resulted in 75 percent of borer-free ears in contrast to Uo percent on the untreated check. The same station (j^) in 1939 reported that further trials using pure ground cube root (*U percent rotenone) at the rate of 1 pound in 25 gallons of water with a suitable spreader, indicated the effectiveness of this material against the corn borer, especially when used in August against the second generation. Three applications on early corn at weekly intervals were al- most as effective as four at 5-day intervals. Five applications at 5-day intervals were more effective on late corn than four at weekly intervals. Seven weekly applications of rotenone dust (1 percent rotenone in pure ground cube) or of pure ground cube root (h percent rotenone) 1 pound in 2!? gallons with a suitable spreader protected dahlias against the corn borer, but the cube spray was somewhat less effective than the dust. Parks and Pierstorff (32^-) in 193S recommended derris spray (U lb. per 100 gal. of water plus 3 °z. °f sulfated alcohol spreader) to control borer on sx^eet corn. Pepper (328) in 193& reported that nicotine bentonite dust and ground derris or cube-root dust have proved more satisfactory than other dust materials tested in reducing damage. Nicotine bentonite dust gave slightly better protection than derris -root or cube-root dust. Derris-root or cube- root dust was made by mixing 19 pounds of finely ground derris root or cube root (U percent of rotenone and l6 percent or more of total extractives) , 1.6 ounces (by weight) of wetting agent, and SI pounds of talc. If desired, 25 pounds of dusting sulfur may be substituted for 25 pounds of talc. The derris-root or cube-root dust is easier to mix at home than the nicotine bentonite dust, as the nicotine bentonite dust tends to pack when mixed in a ball mixer. Each application of dust should be made at the rate of 25 to 30 pounds per acre. In experimental plots of the Few Jersey Agricul- tural Experiment Station nicotine bentonite, derris-root sprays, and cube- root sprays consistently gave good results. Derris or cube (k percent rotenone) spray at U pounds per 100 gallons of water plus 5 ounces of wetting agent is also recommended. O'Kane (319) in 1939 reported that derris powder plus Ultrawet made a safe and effective spray. According to Haude in advertising literature Published by John Powell and- Co., New York, H. Y., in 1939, the Connecticut Experiment Station re- ports good control of this insect by a spray of finely powdered derris (U percent rotenone) at the rate of U pounds per 100 gallons of water. Hervey and Carruth (188) in 1939 reported that powdered derris root (5 percent rotenone), used at the rate of U pounds to 100 gallon of water with a suitable spreader, gave very good control at Albany, 1'T. Y. Four to 5 treatments were necessary to protect the rapidly growing cor:. ta during the egg-laying season. The treatments were begun when the first eggs started to hatch and continued until shortly after c. ing rc.ichod a peak. Certain fixed-nicotine dusts and spray a also reduced borer popula- tion but were less efficient than the derris spray. In order to reach the newly hatched borers, which feed between the loaves in the cro'-'n of the plant, one of the newer wetting or spreading agents should bo used to re- duce the surface tension and cause the mixture to penetrate the spaces where the insects are feeding. -1^7- Baker and Quest el" (21) in 1939 reported that at Toledo, Ohio, derris } powder (rotenone k percent) at U pounds pel* 100 gallons of water plus Area kap at 1": 2,000 reduced the "borers as follows: ' In 1937, 9*4, U. percent on ears, 9L9 percent on plants; in 1938, 92.S percent on ears, 89.3 percent 1 on plants. Derris dusts were tried with the following results: "KeoTictlon of borers in — Year ; Material ; ' ' Bars "' :, Plants Percent Percent 1937 Bancroft clay + derris (rotenone 0.8 percent) + Areskap 1:3000 69.7 63. 0 1938 Bentonite + derris (rotenone 1 percent) * 6l.O 59.4 The authors concluded that, in general, the sprays were more effective than the dusts. Derris and the fluorine compounds gave excellent protectio: when used as sprays in a standard-treatment schedule of four applications' at !>-day intervals, starting immediately after the first hatching of eggs. The fluorine compounds injured the plants, however, which makes their use undesirable unless some means can he devised to eliminate burning. Pyrausta salentialis (Snell.) The Federated Malay States Department of Agriculture (122) in 1933 stated that experiments for the control of the larvae, which "bore into corn stalks, have been laid down, consisting essentially of a varying number of applications of the extract of tuba root. Saturniidae ' Cricula trifenestrata (Heifer) Dusts containing as little as 0.25 percent of rotenone killed all larvae within 3 to h days. — Van der Vecht (jjjjf) in 1936. Schoenobiidae « Schoenobius bipunctiferus (Walk.) The Federated Malay States Department of Agriculture (119) in 1920 sprayed derris extract for the control of this species, with uncertain results. Jack (2l6) in 1923 wrote that the juice extracted from Derris elliptic* was most effective in combating this species attacking rice. - -lM-3- * Schoenobius, incertulus ( Walk . ) Otanes (320) in 1925 wrote that in certain parts of the Visayan Is- lands, as in Cebu, it is said that farmers sometimes use -t'..e roots of derris for combating the rice "borer "by scattering chips of the roots and stem. The juice mixes in solution with the water, and when the caterpillars come in contact with the water, as when they transfer from stalk to stalk or after hatching, they are poisoned and soon die. Just how effective this remedy is has not "been scientifically determined. . Sphingidae Celerio lineata (?.), the white-lined sphinx Finch et al . (135) in 1939 recommended derris preparations for the control of this species on grapes in Arizona. Ceratomia catalpae (Bdv.), the catalpa sphinx Hamilton (180) in 1938 reported that the caterpillars on catalpa trees were controlled satisfactorily by cube or derris spray (*+ lb. of powder containing U percent of rotenone plus h lb. of rosin-residue emulsion per 100 gal. of water). The spray acts as a contact poison. Within a few hours there was 100-percont kill of all sizes of caterpillars. These results were referred to by the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (29U) in 1932, and Haude in 1939 recommended this spray, in adver- tising literature published by John Powell and Co., lie'-' York, H. Y. Herse convolvuli (L.) In the laboratory dusts containing 0.0 percent of rotenone killed all larvae. — Van der Vecht (ktk) in 1936. Pholus achemon (Drury) , the achemon sphinx Finch et al . (133) in 1939 recommended derris preparations for control on grapes in Arizona. Frotoparce quinquemaculata (Haw.), the tomato hornworm (on tobacco) Neither pyre thrum nor derris, even at the heaviest doses, gave satis- factory control on tobacco, but the larvae, after feeding on derris, stopped feeding for a time. — Gil mo re (l6o) in 1933 • Stanley and iiarcovitch (391) in 193b reported that in I93U derris and pyre thrum were used in Preliminary field tests against this insect on tobacco, and some of the applications showed a temporary reduction in number of insects. Hornworms were not much affected by either derris or pyrethruo, even with heavy applications. Results are shown in the following tablo. Cage tests indicated that derris was not toxic to hornworms. Some repel- lent action was shown, however, as the worms would not eat dusted until they had been exposed for U days. Material -lU9- Dust used per acre Worms found — Before On On dusting j June l6 \ June 19 Pounds Pyrethrum, 0.20 percent Pyr.ethrum, 0.50 percent, diluted with talc Derris (0,7^ percent rotenone) Fumber Number Number 25.7 9 r 16 .26.1 6 5' 2k 10.3 2 7 1+ White (UgQ) in 193^ stated that derris was ineffective against this insect. Chamberlin and Morrill (6S) in 193& Galled attention to the necessity of devising a new method of evaluating insecticides tested against this insect. The fifth instar consumes 300 square inches of shade-grown tobac- co leaf, or about 12 times as much. as the fourth instar, which in turn consumes 5 times as much as the third instar. Chamberlin and Morrill pro- posed that the value of the insecticide applied be determined by the ratio of the third, fourth, and fifth instars to the total of all instars, rather than by the usual method of percentage of kill. According to this method, the lower this ratio the more.- efficient the /treatment. Different insecticides yielded the following results: Insecticide '5 parts lead arsenate + 3 parts lime 1 part paris green + U parts lime 1 .part "Oaris green + 6 Parts 1 lme 1 part derris + 1 part sulfur + 2 parts clay Phenothiazine diluted 1:10 Ratio 0.091 .071 .079 .381 .552 C-underson (172.) ^n 193^ recommended derris with or without sulfur for the control of Protoparce qui nquemaculata (Haw.) and' P. sexta (Johan.) , with flour, sulfur, pearl dust, gypsum, or other carrier as diluents for derris dust. He said that a 1-percent-rotenone dust was generally strong enough for all needs and that derris spray, 5 pounds per 100 gallons, gave satisfactory control of the tomato horn worms, This insect on tomato may be killed by dusting the plants rather heavily with a dust containing 0.75 percent of rotenone, although the larger worms are rather difficult to poison. — Crosby, Chupp, and Leiby (87) in 1939. • . -i5o- Haude in 1939 » in advertising literature published "by the John Powell Co., Hew York, N. Y. , recommended a dust containing 0.5 percent of rotenone at the rate of 20 to 25 pounds per acre, applying it when the worms are young and repeating every 7 to 10 days. For severe infestation, the New York State Experiment Station recommended a 0.75- or 1.0-percent -rotenone dust. A 0 ,5-percent-rotenone dust was recommended to control young tomato hornworms on eggplant. Protoparce sexta (Johan.), the tobacco hornworm See Gunderson (I7j0 and Haude under Protooarce quinquemaculata (Haw.). Campbell (60) in 193^ critically reviewed the work of Chamberlin, who tried rotenone against this species on tobacco. The preparation con- tained 0.5 percent of rotenone in an inert carrier. The effectiveness of a 1-percent suspension of this preparation was compared with that of a 1-percent suspension of lead arsenate, each applied as a spray on grow- ing tobacco plants. The third and fourth instars were allowed to feed on the sprayed plants until they died, or until the end of 5 days. Lead arsenate killed all the larvae in the first 2U hours. The rotenone prepa- ration killed only 26 percent of the larvae in 5 days. Similar results were obtained when the rotenone preparation was used as a dust at 3 to 9 pounds per acre. The failure of rotenone to cause a greater mortality may have been due, not only to decomposition and weathering, but to the small quantity of rotenone applied per unit area of leaf surface. At the 193^ meeting of the American Association of Economic Ento- mologists, as reported by the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine (U37) Cory led a discussion of field results with arsenical substitutes for the control of vegetable insects. Headlee of New Jersey stated that derris dust had given excel- lent control of this hornworm. This statement was published by Headlee (186) in 1935. The Alabama Polytechnic Institute (10) in 1935 reported that derris dust was effective in control. Protoparce spp . Cube exerts only a very limited control of the tobacco hornworms, Protoparce sop. — Chamberlin and Madden (6j) in 1937. Parks and Pierstorff (32U) in 193& recommended rotenone spray to control hornworms on tomato. -151- Tineidae Gracilaria azal.eel*3te Brants, the azalea leaf miner -. This pest on azalea vras mitigated by a product containing 12 percent of powdered Lonchocarpus nicou root (6 percent rotenone) and 88 percent of talcum, according to Etablissements Rotenia in a letter to R, C . Roark in 1938. Kakivoria f lavorasciata Nagano Nozu (311) in 1936 reported that, in experiments against this tineid on persimmon in Japan, sprays of Neoton (a derris insecticide), nicotine sulfate, or lead arsenate and calcium caseinate were effective for control, Neoton being the most successful. Tinea pellionella L,, the casemaking clothes moth See Back (16_) under Tineola bisselliella (Hum.), on page 152, Tinea sp. A swarm of almost-grown Tinea moths on an oak in Korea were killed within an hour by the application of a commercial derris spray [probably Neoton. -- R.C.R. ], — Anonymous (l_) in 1927. Tineola bisselliella (Hum,), the webbing clothes moth Back, Cotton, and Roark (18) in 1930 reported that acetone containing only 0.05 percent of rotenone gave excellent protection against this species to woolen goods thoroughly impregnated with the solution. Rote- none appears to equal any proprietary moth-proofing solution now offered the public in imparting moth resistance to fabrics. The United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology (432) in 1930 mentioned the work of Back, Cotton, and Roark in mothproof- ing woolens with an acetone solution of rotenone. Si Campbell (60) in 1932 critically reviewed the work of Back, Cotton, and Roark, who in 1930 published the results of moth-proofing fabrics by treating them with an acetone solution of rotenone. According to Campbell, Moore repeated the tests of these authors, using a solution of rotenone in " » a mixture of acetone and naphtha, and obtained the same results; howevor, he found that when treated fabric was exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet light it lost some of its resistance. Turner and Townsend (425) in 1934 reported that an infested upright piano was vacuum cleaned and the felts treated with rotenone in carbon tetrachloride at 1:500, applied with a camelrs-hair brush. The piano was treated in June 1932, and two subsequent examinations, the latter. made in January 1934, disclosed no additional damage to the felts. Clothes moths were still present in the house but had not established an infestation in the piano. Rotenone is particularly suitable for this purpose because it is soluble in carbon tetrachloride. -152- ' Turner (41C-) in- 1935 reported on tests in. moth-proofing materials. Wool flannel was exposed to' the larvae. Three; .materials were tested, in- cluding rotenone in carbon tetrachloride at the rate of 1:1,000. The rotenone solution was not satisfactory. The two proprietary compounds, the one containing a fluoride, the other cinchona alkaloids, v:ere very effective in half-disc and v/hole-disc tests in- petri dishes. De3ussy et al. (57) in 1936 reported that larvae .are somewhat sensi- tive to derris powder and rotenone. Back ( 1 6_) in 1938 recommended spraying as one of the methods for con- trol of the webbing and the casebearing clothes- moths. Available trade- name sprays usually consist largely of a high-grade, odorless, stainless kerosene oil plus pyrethrum or derris extracts. Directions for making a spray of this type were issued by the United States Department of Agricul- ture. These sprays are contact sprays and do not render the sprayed objects immune to moth attack. They are used to destroy moths on clothing and furniture, in floor cracks, about baseboards, and elsewhere. They can be applied with hand sprayers, but are best applied with power sprayers. Craufurd-Benson (85) in 1938 reported that a derris insecticide had a very slight effect on the larvae dipped in it. Tineidae (unidentified sp. ) Kelsall et al. (233) in 1926 reported that a trunk of woolen goods" swarming with adult dotes moths was given a liberal application of a 50-50 mixture of derris and hydrated lime. Four days later all mo were dead. The trunk was examined a month later and no living larvae and no moths were found. The Canada Experimental Farms (64) in 1927 stated that derris has been found "von,'' effective as a moth preventative". Back and Cotton (17) in 1931 stated that the most effective of mothproofing solutions for the control of moths in upholstered furniture are the fluoride, cinchona alkaloid, end rotencne solutions. Schmit'c (362) in 1931 reported that e>- ntal impregnation of woolens with rotenone in alcohol, ether, ether ana alcohol, chlorofor . and combinations of these extracts was effective in mothproofing the terial. Vizetelly (£59) in the 1931 edition of the New Standard ITncyolopedia wrote: "Some species of insects (clothes moths and fabric pests) may best be destroyed by rotenone (from derris r acetone. " -153- Back (15) in 1932 stated that when rotenone dissolved in acetone is applied to fabrics in laboratory tests it imparts a real moth resistance, A number of mothproofing solutions' now on the market contain rotenone. Campbell (60) in 1S32 critically reviewed the tests of rotenone as a mothproofing agent by Back and Cotton and by Moore. These tests gave the clearest evidence of a repellent or deterrent effect. V',hen the larvae were placed in a petri dish containing a half circle of cloth treated with rotenone and an untreated half circle, they at first distributed them- selves over both pieces. Later most of them were found on the untreated piece. Back does not consider rotenone repellent, because the initial distribution of the larvae was uniform. Moore writes that rotenone has a very strong repellent effect, because all the larvae fed on the untreated side. He says there is some doubt about its toxicity to the larvae. Yihether the effect is repellent or deterrent, it is certain that rotenone drives the larvae away to the untreated cloth, where they feed normally. With the exception of tho case just mentioned, Campbell does not believe that a repellent or deterrent effect of rotenone has been convincingly demonstrated. . Musser (286) in 1936 included rotenone solutions- among the most effec- tive mothproofing solutions available. McTavish (265) discussing mothproofing problems in New York in 1937, said that frequently vegetable insecticides are dissolved in hydrocarbons, the favorites being pyrethrum extract, cube, and derris root. These tend to prolong the larvicidal action after the solvent has evaporated. Un- fortunately deterioration of these natural insecticides under ordinary atmospheric conditions is relatively rapid. Takei and Tada (399) in 1937 in discussing the use of insecticides against insect pests of woolen goods, said that pyrethrum and rotenone are both effective, but the latter at the rate of 3 parts to 1,000 by weight of material is preferable for preventing infestation because the former evaporates more quickly. Tortricidae Adoxophyes privatana (Walk. ) Nawa (289) in 1936 reported that the eggs of this species ontea in Japan can be destroyed by spraying with derris and soap. Archips fosteriana (F. ) An anonymous writer (5) in 1937, discussing the control of insects in the Netherlands rath derris, stated that a concentration of 0.75 percent of rotenone suffices for control of (Tortrix) Arc hips fostcriana. -154- Archips xylosteina (L. ) Yago (502) in 1933 wrote that (Tortrix)(Cacoecia) Archips xylosteana, which was formerly abundant in pear orchards in Shizuoka, Japan, had be- come scarce, probably owing to the use of- insecticides, including derris. Nakayana (288) in 1937 reported that this species was widely distrib- uted on apple and pear in Korea. Sprays containing nicotine sulfate or derris were effective against the young larvae and lead arsenate was effec* tive against the older ones. Argyrotaenia citrana (Fern.), the orange tortrix Basinger and Boyce (_24) in 1936 reported that cryolite 'and barium fluosilicate may be combined with derris compounds for citrus aphid con- trol. Organic compounds used alone were ineffective. The following re- sults rath a derris. containing 5 percent of rotenone were obtained at Corona, Calif., in 1934 against orange worms, principally the larvae of this species, though Holcocera iceryaeella (Riley) and Platynota stultana (Wlsm. ) were also involved. Material and concentration Fruits with live larvae under but- .tons prior to treat- ment Recently damaged fruits observed per hour approxi- mately 130 days after treatment Derris (rotenone 5 percent) 1:800 Derris (rotenone 5 percent) 1:800 + synthetic cryolite 3 lb./lOO gal. Check (no treatment) Percent 31.2 14.8 30.3 Number 69 116 Argyrotaenia mariana (Fern. ),• the gray-banded leaf roller Kelsall and Stultz (£34) in 1937 reported laboratory tests of dorris (3.95 percent rotonono) and pyrcthrum (0.94 percent pyrcthr-i ns) as dusts. With gypsum as the diluent. Results with derris were as follows: Concentration of derris Percent 5.0 12.5 25.0 100.00 Mortality Per Days 20 8 10 0 40 5 40 5 -155- Feeding was reduced when caterpillars were treated with more concen- trated dosages. Derris powder (2 lb. per 100 imp. gal.) gave poor control on apple trees in Nova Scotia. — Kelsall (232) in 1938, Argyrotaenia velutinana (Walk.), the red-banded leaf roller Hough (191) in 1927 reported that in an insectary Derrisol applied to the red-banded leaf roller with an atomizer at a strength of 1:800 did not give promising results. Garman (151) in 1936 reported the following results of tests against the red-banded leaf roller on apples in Connecticut: Treatment Apples Without external insect injury Marked by this species Conspicuous spray russet Lead arsenate (3 lb./lOO gal.) plus flotation sulfur Cryolite (4 lb./lOO gal.) plus flotation sulfur Cryolite plus Goposil Derris spray (4 lb./lOO gal., ground root, 4 percent rote- none, combined with skim-milk powder. One extra spray in August) Check— pink spray only Percent 91.5 65.4 48.3 32.0 Percent 0.1 2.1 4.3 1.5 Percent 35.8 24.4 2.6 1.3 Haude, in advertising literature published by John Powell and Co., New York, N. Y. , in 1939 recommended' cube or derris dust (0.75 percent rotenone). Argyrotoxa semipurpurana (Kearf • ) Felt and Bromley (127) in 1938 reported comparative tests of derris (4 percent rotonono and 15 to 16 percent total ether extractives) at the rate of 4 pounds to 100 gallons plus rosin-rcsidue emulsion, 2 quarts to 100 gallons, cryolite, and lead arsenate. In the case of the pin-oak leaf rollers, derris, apparently most effective as a contact spray, gave little control, most of the larvae being protected by the roll of the leaf. Cryolite gavo much better control, while lead arsenate gave com- plete protection. -156- Hamilton (180) in- 1938 reported .that oak leaf rollers on pin oak trees were controlled satisfactorily (50- to 100-pe'r'cent kill) in one test out of three by cube or derris spray (4 lb..,.pov/der of 4-percent ro- tenone content plus, 4 lb. rosin-residue emulsion per 100 gal. water). The spray acts as a contact poison. The effective period- -was 3 to 4 days. Cacoecia podana (Scop,) The East Hailing Research Station Kent j England (106), in 1935 stated that tests of derris dusts and sprays against the apple surface-eating fruit tortricid showed sufficient promise to justify further trials. F. J. D. Thomas (409) of that station, reported in 1935 on the control of apple surface-eating tortricid larvae with derris dust and derris spray. The object of the dusting trial was to apply a protective dust- to the fruit before tortrix attack began. Moths, both codling and Cacoecia podana, were beaten from the trees available for this trial during the latter part of June. On July 17 two dusts were applied, one of derris and the- other of barium fluosilicate. Subsequent observations and counts on both wind- falls and crop showed very little tortrix damage to the fruit on any of the trees, including the undusted controls. Derris (crude rotenone, 3,63 percent), 2 pounds, plus soft soap 5 pounds per 100 imperial gallons, re- duced the damage 50 percent when applied approximately 9 weeks after petal fall. Cacoecia pronubana (Hbn. ) Miles and Miles (278) in 1935 discussed the use of derris for combat- ing greenhouse pests. For control of the carnation tortrix moth, spraying with lead arsenate and nicotine washes and tho more recently introduced derris and pyrethrum sprays is most likely to give satisfactory results when carried out before the larvae spin themselves up in their feeding shelters. This pest on carnations was killed by a product containing 12 percent of powdered Lonchocarpus nicou roct (6 percent rotenono) and 88 percent of talcum, according to Etablissements Rotenia in a letter to R. C. Roark in 1938. The Experimental and Research Station of the Nursery and Market Gar- den Industries1 Development Society Ltd., of Cheshunt, England (113), in 1939 stated that a concentrated derris insecticide failed to control cat- erpillars of the carnation tortrix moth on cyclamen. For the control of the carnation tortrix moth, poison sprays such ai lead arsenate, nicotine, derris, and pyrethrum are effective in killing the caterpillars before they become enclosed in their protective webs. The foliage of the plants should be thoroughly wetted above and below, and the spray should penetrate the flowers and loaves at the ends of the shoots. — Cameron (59) in 1939. -157- Archips rosaceana (Harr. ), the oblique-banded leaf roller In the Netherlands derris at a dilution of 1:5,000 was used with good results against (Cacoecia) Archips rosaceana. — Anonymous (_5_) in 1937. Carposina sasakii Mats, , Toyoshima (415) in 1934 reported that spraying apples with nicotine .sulfate, or derris, killed many of the eggs. Sprays of lead arsenate, derris, or nicotine sulfate have not proved effective for control. — Yago and Ishikawa (503) in 1936. Platynota stultana (Wlsm. ) See Basinger and Boyce (24) under Argyrotaenia citrana (Fern,), on page 154, Spar gano this sulfureana (Clem,) commonly Beckwith (31) reported in 1938 on the control of this species, /known as the false yellowhead or sulfur leaf roller. Cage tests- carried on in the Doehlert apparatus indicated that the adults could be killed by an application of 50 pounds of pyrethrum dust (0,9 percent pyrethrins) to the acre but, because of the irregularity of emergence, this treatment was not considered practical under ordinary conditions. An airplane application of 15 pounds of derris dust (4 percent rotenone) to the acre was not effec- tive in killing larvae in a single field experiment. The New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (294) in 1938 stated derris dust (4 percent rotenone), applied at the rate of 15 pounds per acre from an airplane, was not effective in killing this insect. Acleris contaminana (Hbn. ) A product containing 12 percent of powdered Lonchocarpus nicou root (6 percent rotenone) and 88 percent of talcum killed "Terras contaminata" on rose and pear, according to Etablissements Rotenia in a letter to R. C. Roark in 1938, Tortrix vi ri dana (L, ) See Trag5rdh (416) under Panolis griseovariop;ata, on page 92. Tortrix sp, - — — — — — ^ . Derris with sulfite-lye failed to wet and spread well on the foliage but the addition of lime-sulfur improved the mixture in this respect. Neither nicotine nor derris greatly reduced the proportion of fruits bit- ten by caterpillars of Tortrix sp. — East Mailing Research Station (105) in 1934. -158-." Steer (594) in 1936 published a sunr.ia.ry of the use of derris as an insecticide in England. Promising results were obtained in 1934 with derris and soap against larvae of the apple tortrix. This pest on carnations was .killed by a product containing 12 per- cent of powdered Lone hoc ar pus nicou root (6 percent rotenone content) and 88 percent of talcum, according to Etablisserrents Rotenia ir. a letter to R. C. Roark in 1938. Zygaenidae Artona catoxantha ( Kmps . ) Van der Vecht (454) of Buitenzorg, Java, in 1936 reported that the well-known coconut pest (Bracrartona) Ar to no. catoxantha was readily killed in the laboratory by dusts containing from 0.5 to 1.0 percent of rotenone. In the field a derris dust containing 1 part' of ground derris (11 percent rotenone) and 10 parts of talc, and applied by a motor duster, conpared favorably with the pyrethrum product "Dusturan". In another field experi- ment derris dusts containing 0.5 percent or 1.0 percent of rotenone killed about 90 percent of the caterpillars. In 1935 van der Vecht ( l-55) reported that the addition of 1 to 2 percent of talc to spray suspensions used against this species helped to fix the particles of derris on the smooth lower surface cf coconut leaves and also served to indicate the thorough- ness of application of the spray. In 1939 van der Vecht (456 ) reported that laboratory experiments showed that aqueous suspensions of derris pow- der containing 0,005 percent of rotenone caused a 100-percent kill of fourth instars, whereas a total mortality of full-grown larvae was ob- tained after spraying with suspensions containing 0.01 percent of rote- none. Furthermore, it was observed that the residue cf the suspensions kept Its toxicity to Artcna larvae for a considerable period, especially when talc was added, which apparently improved the sticking power of the derris and rendered the residue more easily visible. In field experiments in West Java 2 infested localities with 800 and 4,O0Otrees, respectiv were sprayed with derris- and cube-talc suspensions, containing 0.015 to 0.03 percent of rotenone; in both localities large numbers of o illars were killed and in the next generation the remains of the populat; re destroyed by parasites. From the results experiments, it may be ccncluded that spraying with derris-talc suspensions : re effective and cheaper than dusting, and that the various difficu] bed with the latter method can be avoided by the use of s of sprayr.ii, over dusting are that the treatment of the highest 1 no special difficulties, the disturb', ct of str Lnda is r.uch less pronounced, the sprayers ^-ansported, and the work can be better controlled. For these reai applied in- a number of outbreaks in central Java in 1938. Harrisina amc r i c a na ( Gue r . ) , the leaf skeletoniz r Dickoy and Loucks (98) in 1938 recommended derris for control in Florida. -.159- Haude in advertising literature published "by John Powell and Co., New York, IT. Y. , in 1939 stated that this insect nay "be controlled with a 0.75-percent dust or a liquid-rotenone spray. Harris ina brillians B. and McD., the ivestera grape skeletonizer Finch et al . (133) in 1939 recommended derris preparations for the control of the ■western grape skeletonizer. Illiberis pruni Dyar The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research ( 214) Tokyo, Japan, in 1927 reported that Neoton, 1 pound in 60 imperial gallons of -water, $ra.rded off an attack of the larvae for 5 days, and that in a field sprayed with Neoton 25 percent of the larvae were killed by the internal action of the drug. A pound of ITeoton in 32 imperial gallons of water exterminated the larvae of this species completely. One pound of Neoton in 40 imperial gallons of water killed 15.1 percent of the eggs, which were sprayed soon after they were laid and were kept from the rain. Pryeria sinica Moore Takai (59 6 ) in 1923 reported that derris spray may be used for the control of this species but arsenicals are more effective. Lepidoptera, unidentified sp. Daniels (89) in 1905 mentioned the successful use of derris against lepidopterous larvae in British Malaya. Schneider (363) in 1907 reported that the use of a strong milky sus- pension of derris destroyed caterpillars on tobacco in Sumatra. McDougall et ak (26l) in 1912 stated that derris extractives at the rate of 12 ounces per 100 imperial gallons of water would destroy the more hardy and vigorous caterpillars. Ridley (340) in 1912 wrote of derris as follows: "Tuba root is one of the best insecticides and is the one most regularly used by the Chinese in the Malay Peninsula for treating their vegetables and other crops. The roots are pounded up in water and the decoction poured or sprayed over the crop, where it will kill all caterpillars, grasshoppers, and other insects. It is perfectly harmless to any plants!' Wood (498) in 1912 described the use of derris for the control of three undetermined species of small caterpillars on cabbage in the Fed- erated Malay States. Two pounds of crushed root was added to 2 imperial -lions of boiling water, allowed to soak for a few hours, and then diluted 1:8 for spraying. -160— Gimlette (162) in 1923 referred to tests by Durham who, in 1903, found that caterpillars were easily poisoned by derris. Lewin (250) in 1923 wrote that in Sumatra diluted derris-root sap used to kill caterpillars on young tobacco plants, but too great a quantity killed the tobacco, Tattersfield and Roach (403) in 1923 referred to work carried out be- tween 1902 and 1907, by Durham, who reported that larvae of Lepidoptera were very susceptible to derris. The preparation of derris for use as an insecticide was* described by the Federated Malay States Department of Agriculture (l2l) in 1924, as follows: For small caterpillars and sucking insects, where a simple wash is required, the derris spray can be made on the spot. ITse the fol- lowing proportions: Derris root 4 to 5 pounds, soap 2 pounds, water 50 imperial gallons. Cut the derris root into snail pieces and pound to a pulp in a mortar with a little water. Inclose the pulp in a cloth and squeeze well in a larger quantity of water. To the extract obtained by this process add the soap, which has been dissolved in a little hot water. Then dilute to 50 gallons. Alcoholic extracts of cube and derris plus soap were ineffective against first-instar webworms, as was also derris used as a fumigant. — Mclndoo and Sievers (265) in 1924. Caterpillars can be easily exterminated by the application of insecti- cides containing derris or its products. — Carlos (_G5) in 1926. Tattersfield, Giinihgham, and Morris ( 402 ) in 1926 reported • re- liminary experiments indicated that the haiaris ar. roria v id T. toxicaria, as stomach poisons are both repellent and toxic to e pillars. The application of a commercial derris spr tiled cabbage within a half-hour. Cabbage butterflies flew away. — Anonymous (l) 1927. The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (214) Tokyo, Ji in 1927 reported that Neoton gave 100-percent mortality oV caterpJ green caterpillar at the rates of l/2 poun ] pound of Moot, imperial gallons of water. Leefmans f 248) in 1927 reported that on the growers are mixing load arsenate with the usual • ion. suspension in water gave . ^ablc results a i I I but excellent results were obtained when finely tracted with alcohol. The i Lon of a water derris or d - ris roots to a solution of lead arsenate seemed I , beoauee T I with the addition of soap, was satisfactory. -161- According to an anonymous (2_) writer in 1930, the milky colloidal sol- ution of resins and other compounds obtained "by extracting the roots and stems of Derris elliptica with water is exceedingly toxic to insects. A 0.8-percent solution constitutes an effective stomach poison. Derris does not injure blossoms and foliage, and leaves sprayed with derris solution remain toxic to insects for many days. The dust is equally effective. The dry root may be powdered, worked up in water with soap or other emulsifying agents, and applied as an insecticide. Extracts of the root, made with petroleum ether and ethyl alcohol and mixed with water, are used as sprays. There is no record of injurious effect on those handling the materials. Schmitt (361 ) in 1930 reported that spraying with derris extract gave good results against caterpillars. Hendren in 1931, in a typewritten report to the United States Depart- ment of Commerce, stated that tuba-root extract was used to combat cater- pillars on cabbage in Sumatra, sprinkled on the plants by means of a little brush of coconut fiber. Later lead arsenate was added to the tuba extract, but this left poisonous residue on the cabbage. The use of an alcoholic extract of derris was also recommended, Andries (13) in 1932 recommended both tuba and derris extracts for use against caterpillars. Corbett (81) in 1932 reported that an unidentified caterpillar was found damaging golf greens in British Malaya. A tuba spray was recommended but, possibly owing to prevailing wet weather, it was not effective in con- trolling the caterpillar. Been (32) in 1933 suggested to the cauliflower growers in Suffolk County, N, Y,, the use of rotenone and pyrethrum in place of the arsenicals. Reference was made to the work of Huckett in controlling worms on early cabbage and early cauliflower, using various rotenone dusts and sprays, and combination rotenone-pyrethrum dusts and sprays. The dusts contained 0,5 percent of either rotenone or pyrethrins or 0,25 percent of each where a combination was used. Either finely ground talc or clay was suggested as a diluent. Dusts were effective when applied at the rate of 25 to 30 pounds per acre. Sprays used at a dilution of 2 quarts to 100 gallons of water gave good control where three nozzles per row were used and coverage was good. Rotenone, pyrethrum, and a combination of the two were equally effective. On July 17, 1935, Been warned cauliflower growers to avoid arsenical or fluorine residues on cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and other crops, by dusting or spraying with one of the new rotenone or pyrethrum insecticides, Huckett ( 198 ) in 1933 discussed the various pyrethrum and rotenone in- secticides proposed as substitutes for arsenicals for use on cabbage, cauli- flower, and lima beans on Long Island. In the dust mixtures the i percentage of active ingredients necessary to kill cabbage and cauliflower worms, for example, was taken at some point bctwoen 0.5 and 1,0 percent. Tilth liquid extracts from 1 to 2 quarts of extract per 100 gallons of spray per acre was commonly recommended. -162- - The. Suffolk County. [ N. Y,] Farm Bureau (395), in 1933- reported that on Long -Island all the rotenone products were effective against cabbage worms. The dusts contained 0.5 percent of rotenone, and 'the sprays were used at the rate of 2 quarts of extract to 100 gallons of water. Proprietary pro- ducts tested included Derox, Cubor dust, Cubbr spray, and Hellthspra No. 1. In discussing white's (479) paper presented in 1933, Ginsburg consented that recent investigations have "shown that rotencne is not the main toxic principle of d.e.rri-6 'so far as chewing insects are concerned. Derris from which all rotenone had- been extracted proved to be just as toxic to cabbage worms as derris containing 1. "5 percent or more of rotenone. [it is prac- tically certain, that Ginsburg did not extract all the rotenone by the pro- cedure used.— R.C.Ri. ]" ■ Bock (38) in 1934 reported the results of tests with Derris elliptica, which was tried as' a spray material in the following mixture: 125 gm. of soft soap plus 100 gm. of' derris tincture (percolation with fuel alcohol in proportion 1:5) plus 7 liters of water. Experiments were made against caterpillars on fruit trees, berry bushes, ornamental shrubs, roses, and vegetables. In all cases, the derris preparation proved equal to the "Nosprasit" and arsenical mixture used for comparison. The soap could be replaced by soap bark without detriment. At the 1934 meeting of the American Association of Economic Entomolo- gists, as reported by the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, (437), Cory led a discussion of field results with arsenical substitutes for the control of vegetable insects. Watson, of Florida, reported successful control of cabbage worms with some of the commercial rotenone preparations including Cubor. Robinson, of Alabama, reported derris-talc and derris-sulfur dusts (0.5 percent rote- none) effective' in the control of various cabbage worms. Kutson, of Michigan, reported trying various combinations of derris and pyrethrum against caterpillars on celery and cole crops with strikingly suoeessful results. Satisfactory diluents were flour, talc, bentonite, china clay, 300-mesh dusting sulfur, tobacco dust, silicated infusorial earth, and finely ground gypsum. Currie (88) in 1934 reported that in the Salinas, Calif., area dorris dust gave good results against cabbage worms, Garman and Turner (155) in 1934 recommended a dust containing 0.6 per- cent of rotenone for the control of cabbage worms. ♦ Hamilton and GemmeB (181) in 1934 compared the effectiveness of derris, pyrethrum, and hellebore powders against the cabbage worm. The derris-clay dusts (rotenone 0.5 and 1,0 percent) were best, hellebore next best, pyrethrum (1,16 percent pyrethrins) the poorest. A dust containing both derris and pyrethrum gave good results. -163- Huckett (199) in 1934 reported that dusts containing 0,5 to 1.0 percent of rotenone were used in 1933 to protect 4,000 acres of late cauliflower on Long Island against worms. About 275,000 crates of cauliflower were sold by the Long Island Cauliflower Association and about 150 tons of derris dusts were sold by dealers on Long Island at a price of from 12 to 14 cents per pound, as substitutes for calcium and lead arsenates. He (200) also reported in 1934 that against insects attacking vegetables, derris dusts have usually been slightly superior to derris sprays. For cabbage worms effective control may be obtained by the use of a derris-clay, kaolin, or talc-dust mixture containing not less than 0,5 percent of rotenone, applied much in the same manner as recommended for arsenical dusts. Hydrated lime or a mixture of hydrated lime and monohydrated copper sulfate effects rote- none adversely, hence their use as a diluent for derris dust is not recom- mended. During the summer months, it will usually be found necessary to apply sprays or dusts once every 10 days to 2 weeks, but with the shorter, cooler days of autumn once every 2 to 3 weeks may be satisfactory. If derris powder is applied in a spray mixture, a strength comparable to 10 pounds of a derris-clay dust (1 percent rotenone) should be used in 100 gallons of water, or 2 pounds of an undiluted powdered derris root of 5-percent-rotenone content in 100 gallons of water, plus in either case 4 pounds of a spreader, such as dry skim-milk powder, or a miscible sulfonated oil or neutral coconut-oil soap, 2 quarts, 3oth derris powder and skim-milk powder should be made into a- paste before being added to the tank. Hydrated lime, bordeaux mixture, and ordinary laundry soap are considered undesirable in a derris spray, owing to their adverse effect on rotenone. Although the cost of ingredients for spraying may be a little cheaper than for dusting, it will generally be necessary to spray at slightly shorter intervals to obtain results similar to those obtained with the dust. Huckett, in a letter dated May 3, 1934, to W. H. White, submitted the following results of tests of proprietary rotenone dusts against cabbage worms: Treatment Plant Injury None Slight Moderate to severe Derox (0.55 percent rotenone) Cubor and clay (50-50) Hellthicide No. 1 (l percent rotenone) Hellthicide No. 2 (1 percent rotenone) Kubatox (0,44 percent rotenone) Drimac Florote Check Percent Percent Percent 83.1 15.1 1.8 65.4 28.5 6.1 86,0 12,0 2.0 92,4 5.7 1.9 73.6 22.7 3.7 82.0 14.0 4.0 62.3 26,4 11.3 27,5 43.1 29.4 -164- .Hutson (206) in .1934 reported that pyrethrum and. derris dusts (1 percent rotenone) were very efficient ir. the control of -cabbage Worms in Michigan. Hutson (208) in 1936 stated that cabbage worms and many other insects on plants from which, residues are difficult to reiove .are readily -controlled by derris or pyrethrk , 7» 7. 19^0. Summer pest control. West. Grower & Shipper 11 (9): **• 8. 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A field spraying trial of combined fungicide-contact insec- ticide sprays in 1933. A progress report. East Mailing [Kent] Res. Sta. Ann. Rpt. (1933) 21: 156-165. 106. - 1935. [Entomology.] East Mailing [Kent] Res. Sta. Ann. Rpt. (1934) 22: 68-72. 107. — 1936. Routine spraying programme. Blast '"Mailing [Kent] Res. Sta. Ann. Rpt. (1935) 23: 22-25. 108. 1936. Observations on codling moth (Cydia pomonella L. ) in 1935, East Mailing [Kent] Res-. Sta.' Ann. Rpt. (1935) 23: 186-190. 109. ELLIS0R5 L. 0., and FLOYD, S. H. 1939. Further investigations on the control of the velvetbean cater- pillar, Anticarsja gemmatilis (Hbn. ). Jour. Econ. Ent. 32: 8G3-867." -180- 110. ELMORE, J. C. 1938. Cryolite and cuprous cyanide control tomato pinworm. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent, and Plant Quar. News Let. 5 (3): 24. [Processed.] 111. CAMPBELL, R, E., and GUY, C. S. 1935. A method of applying insecticidal dusts quantitatively as a basis for cage tests of insecticides. U. S. 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FEDERATED MALAY STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 1920. Short report on the work of the inspection staff, second half year - 1920. Fed. Malay States Dept. Agr. Bui. 8 (4): 256-258. 120. 1922. [Tuba root.] Malayan Agr. Jour. 10: 266. 121. 1924. Plant diseases and pests. Brit. Empir bition, Lond Malayan ser. 9, 42 pp. -181- 122. 1933. [Derris.] Fed. Malay States Dept. Agr. [Bui.] Gen. Se-r. . ,■ 14: 45-46, 51. 123. ' 1934. Division of Entomology. Fed. Malay States Dept. Agr. [Bui,] Gen. Ser. 19: 38-54. 124. - 1935. Division of Agriculture. Fed. Malay States Dept. Agr. [Bui.] Gen. Ser. 21: 1-22. 125. 1937. [Derris.] Fed. Malay States Dept. Agr. [Bui.] Gen. Ser. 26, 97 pp. 126. FELT, E. p., and BROMLEY, S. W. • 1937. Observations on shade-tree insects and their control. Jour, Econ. Ent. 30: 71-75. 127. and BROMLEY, S. W. 1938. Shade tree insects and sprays, 1937. Jour. Econ. Ent. 31: * 173-176. 128. ~ and BROMLEY, S. W. 1940. Mew insecticides and spreaders on shade trees. Jour. Econ. 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Die Brauchbarkeit einiger Schnellmethoden zur chenischen Prufung von Derris-extrakten und ihr Vergleich mit der biologischen Prufung derselben Extracte an Kiefern- und Seidenspinnerraupen. Mitt. Biol. Reichsanst. 50: 57-78. [Abstract in Rev. Appl. Ent. (A) 23: 523.] FLINT, K. P. 1929. Orchard insect control for 1928. Trans. (1928) 62: 97-109. 111. State Hort. Sec. FARRAR, E. D., and CHANDLER, S. C. 1938. Experiments in the control of oriental fruit moth with oil dusts. Jour. Fcon. Ent. 31: 380-382. 137. FLIPPANCE, F. 1920. A guide to the palm collection in the botanic gardens. II. Gard. Bui. Straits Settlements 2: 246-258. 138. FLORIDA AGP. I CULT URAL EXPERIMENT STATION 1934. Fla. Agr. Sxpt. Sta. Ann. Rpt. 1933-34, 133 pp., illus. 139. FRAN3EN, 1937. 140. 141. 142. 143. 1937 1939, 1940. J. J. De gevoeligheid der overvanterende rupsen van den bastaard- sati jnvlinder voor poedervormige contactvergiften. Neder- land. Heide-Mij. Tijdschr. 49 (7): 203-216, illus., 19 refs. 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Rpt. 37 (1937). 153. and TURNER, N. ...... 1934. Substitutes for lead arsenate on fruits and vegetables in Connecticut. Conn. (State) Agr. Expt. Sta. Cir. 100: 55-58. 154. GATER, B. A. R. 1925. Investigations on"tuba". Malayan Agr... Jour. 13: 312-329. 155. and YUSOPE, M. 1925. A note on Laelia 'suffusa Wlk. (Lymantriidae) damaging padi. Malayan Agr. Jour. 13: 72-76. 156. .GEORGIA EXPERIMENT STATION 1938. [Entomology.] Ga. Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt. (1937) 49: 50. -184- 157. GESSNER, A. 1929. Prufung von Rebsch'adlingsbekanpfur.gsmitteln im Jahre 1928. Vfeinbau u, Kellers. 8 (4): 27-31. 158. GHESQUIERE, J. 1939. La teigne des cruciferes an Congo 3elge. Bui. Cere. Zool. Congol. 16(1-2): 61-66, illus; also Rev. de Zool. et de Bot. Africaines 33 (1). [Abstract in Rev. Appl. Ent. (A) 26: 437.] 159. GILBERT, W. W., and POPENOE, C. K. 1934. Diseases and insects of garden vegetables . [Roterone insec- ticides.] U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers' Bui. 1371: 43, illus. (Rev. March 1934.) 160. GILMORE, J. 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G. 1934. Recent research in insecticides: Substitutes for lead arsenates. Pacific Sci. Cong. [Canada] Proc. (1933) 5: 3411-3417. 285. MOZNETTE, G. F. 1935. Recent experiments in the control of the pecan nut casebearer in the Southeast. Jour. Econ. Ent. 28: 791-794. 286. MUSSER, D. R. 1936. Observations on the effectiveness of some mothproofing chem- ical compounds. Kans . Ent. Soc. Jour. 9 (4): 11C-125. 287. MYSORE [ INDIA] AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT 1938. [Derris.] Mysore Agr. Dept. Rpt. 1936-37, 203 pp. 288. NAKAYAMA, M. 1937. Studies on the Tortricid, Cacoecia xylcsUeana L. Chosen Govt. -Gen. , Agr. Expt. Sta. Ann. 8 ( 4 ) ■ J 5-212, illus. [in Japanese. Abstract in Rev. Appl. Ent. (A) 25: 230,] 289. NAWA, U. 1936. Biology and control methods of Adoxophyes privatana V.Ik. Nav/a Ent. Lab. [japan] Bui. 3, 33 pp., illus. T"Tn Japanese. Abstract in Rev. Appl. Ent. (A) 24: G69.] 290. NEISWANDER, R. B. ' 1938. The strawberry leaf roller, Ar.c;-"! ; .-, • ■ :■ • i ".n:i (Froel.), in Ohio. 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A., 17, 18 Davidson, R. H. See Howard, N. F., 195, 197, A. See Bussy, L. P. de, 57 and Spoon, W., 386 Dimick, R. E. See Roaf, J. R., 356 Dorman, R. See Spuler, A., 387, 388 Essig, E. 0. See Michelbacher, A. E., 274 Fahey, J. E. See Gross, C. R., 170 Farrar, M. D. See Flint, W. P., 136 Fife, L. C. See Fenton, P. A., 131 Flint, W. P. See Chandler, S. C, 69, 70 Floyd, E. H. See Ellisor, L. 0., 109 Food and Drug Administration. See U. S. Dept. Agr., 449 Gaines, J. C. See More land, R. W., 281 Gemmell, L. G. See Hamilton, C. C, 179-181 Gillies, K. See Spuler, A., 387, 388 Gimingham, C. T. See Tattersfield, F. , 401, 402 Glasgow, H. See Hervey, G. E. R., 189 Gould, Eo See Peairs, L. M., 325 Gorham, R. P. See Kelsall, A., 233 Gornitz, K. See Schotte, H., 364, 365 Granett, P. See Ginsburg, J. M., 164-168 Guy, C. S. See Elmore, J. C, 111 Hepburn, G. A. SOe Ripley, L. B., 352-355 Hervey, G„ E. R. See Huckett, H. C, 204 Hicock, H. W. See Friend, R. B., 144, 145 Hilgeman, R. H. See Finch, A. H., 133 Huckett, H. C. See Horvey, G. E. R., 189 Ishikawa, H. See Yago, M., 503 Jones, Ho A. See Davidson, W. k., 91 Kadow, K. J. See Shropshire, L. H., 369 Laan, P. A. van der. See Spoon, W. , 385, 386, and Bussy, L. P. de, 57 Laffond. See Dolassus, 92-93 Loibey, R. W. See Crosby, C. R., 87 Loucks, K. Wo Sec Dickoy, R. D., 98 Lynch, S. J. Soo Wolfo, H. S., 497 -214- L'cDcugall, I. See McDougall, I. S., 261 McDougall, S. See McDougall, I. S., 261 EcGovran, E. R. See Sullivan, V.r. II., 396 • ' ' Madden, A. H. See Chamberlain, F. 3., 67 Maercks, H. See Jancke, 0., 219 Marcovitch, S. See Stanley 7. ''."-., 391 Marsh, R. ff. See Kearns, K. G. H., 230, 231 Martin, I '. See Kearns, H. G. H. , 230 1'ason II. " . See Howard, N. F., 196, 197 Michelbacher, A, E. See 'Essig, E. 0., 112 Tiles, M. See Miles, H. ".".'., 278 ' ' Miller, A. C. See Breakey, E. P., 48 Morrill, A. V.'. See Chamberlain, F. S., 68 Morris, H. I". See Tattersfield, F., 402 Fote, D..C. See Roof, J. R., 356 Narayanan, 3. T. See Bhatta, K. L. , 35 Nitsche, G. See Fisher, '..., 134 and Trappmann, W, , 417 Ocampo, J. A. See IVille, J., '485 Orchard, 0. See Speyer, E. R., 383 Otanes, F. Q. See Merino, G. , 273 Overholser, E. L. See Parks, T. K. , 324 Owen, '.'. L., Jr. See Fenton, F. A., 131 Palm, C. B. See Hervey, G. E. R., 190 Parker, R. L. See Lamerson, P. G., 246 Pearce, T. J. P. See Kearns, H. G. K., 231 Phillips, G. L. See Sullivan, '".". N., 396 Pierstorff, A. L. See Parks, T. H., 324 Plumb, G. K. See Friend, R. 3., 146 Puerto Rico Experiment Station. See U. S. Bept. Agr,, 450, 451 Popenoe, C. II. Sec Gilbort, "7. "7., 159 Questel, D. D. See Baker, "7. A., 21 and Batchelder, C. H., 27-30 ' icl, Roach, V.". A. See Fryer, J. C. F., 149; Tattersfield, 7.". A., 403 Bead, W. See Speyer, E. R., 383 Reed, L. B. See TTlsecup, C. 3., 493, 494 Roid, '7. J. See Smith, C. E., 374 Richardson, C. H. See Hansberry, T. R., 183 Roark, P. 0. Sec Bad;, S. A., 18 Roeslcr, '.. See Jancke, 0., 220 Rungs, C. See Bremond, P., 49 Scales, A. L. See Smith, G. L., 376, 377 Schmitt, J. B. See Ginsburg, J. M. , 157, 168 Schofield, D. See Wi.lle, J., 485 Schread, J. C. See Zappe, M. P. , 504 Spittall, J. P. See Kelsall, A., £33 Sievers, A. F. Sec Mclndoo '., 263, 264 Stahl, G. Sec Schwerdtfeger, F. , 367 Smulders, C. M. L. See Spoon, 17. , 386 ^tenton, R. See Fryer, J. C. F., 149 Stone, ?'. 17. Sec Yilcox, J., 483, Streets, R. B. See Finch, . . ., 153 Stultz, II. T. 5 Isall, A., 234 Swectman, L. Sec List, G. ?"., 253 -215- Tada, K. See Takei, S., 399 Tate, H. P. See Finch, A. H., 133 Tattersfield, F. See Fryer, J. C. P., 149 and Gimingham, C, T., 161 Thomas, F. L. See Roney, J. N. , 358 Thompson, B. G. See I'.ote, D. C., 284 Thompson, G. A., Jr. See North, H, F. A., 308 ToY/nsend, J. F, See Turner, N. , 423 Turner, N. See Batchelder, C. H. , 30, Britton, W. .E., 51, Dunlap, A. A., 102, Garman, P., 153, and Zappe, II. P., 504. Walker, G. P. See Kelsall, A., 233 Weberbauer, A. See Wille. J., 485 Wehrle, L, P. See Finch, A. H., 133 West, A. S., Jr. See Friend, R. B., 147 TfShite, L. T. W. See De Ong, S. R., 95 Whitten, R. R. See Potts, S. F., 337 Wotherspoon, R. See Badertscher, A. E., 19 Yothers, I". A. See Newcomer, E. J., 307 Yusope, 21. See Corbett, G. H. , 82 and Gater, B. A. R. , 155 Zappe, K. P. See Britton, W. E., 51 •216- INSECT INDEX Page Abraxas grossulariata * ; 18 Achemon sphinx ---*» 1 — ■ --■ =- — -- 148 Acleris contaminana — ■» ' 91 Acrobasis caryae — *— ' 130 Acroia grisella ■» — «-• 14 Adoxophyes privatana - -— • 153 Aegeriidae 2? 5 Aglais antiopa — -— — •-*-- 40 Agrotinae 65, 71, 89, 99, 99a Agr oti s segetum 65 Agrotis sp. --.-- — — — — _ — ... «... —___-. 65 Alabama argillacea 65.- 67 Alfalfa caterpillar ■ 103 Alfalfa looper 80 Alfalfa webworm 136 Almond moth 100 Alsophila pometaria 18 Amathusia phidippus ■•>- 5 Amathusiidae 5 American strawberry leaf roller 44 Ancylis cotnptana fragariae 42 Angle-shades moth 82 Angoumois grain moth 18 Anisota senatoria 11 Anorois erosa 67 Anomis texana — Anticrrsia genraatilis 67 Aphids 9, 106, 166 Apis mellif era 32 .*,pple aphid Apple dptana 39 Apple fruit miner — — 23 Apple fruit moth 23 Apple surface-eating tortricid 52, 156 Apple tortrix 158 Apple tree tent caterpillar B6>~Z7 Archips f osteriana 153 Archips rosaceana 157 Archips xylosteana 154 Arctia caia 5 Arctiidae 5,- 7 Arctornis nib a 31 Arenipses sabella ■• 14 Argyresthia con.jugella — 23 Argyresthia ephipella 24 Arryrotaenia citrnna • 7, 154, 157 Argyrotaenia nari°.nr — 154 Argyrotaenia volutin ana 155 Argyrotoxa semipurpurana 155 -217- Page Armyworm --- — - 85 Art on a' eatoxantha- ?•-.- -.--. — 158 Asiatic rice borer- .-— - '-'-• «-.-.-« — . ~ — 13 Asparagus caterpillar --— ~ — --— - -___.;-.;. ..-_ — ._ — 93 Auto'grapha brassicae ----- • ;*-.♦*** -*t.-.-- 67-80, 110, 116, 134 . Autographa • calif ornica, — ■ --*■ «*~^t. -.- :- — 80 Autographa chalcytes .----; -- -„«,---- . --.-.. *. 80 . . Auto graph a falcifera --- ■ ----; — - ?fr _- 80 " Autographa si gnat a ; -—•i.—_-~—^. --.__-, .-- — .- 81 Azalea leaf miner • :-~ — « —-?--.- ;— • — '* — 151 Bagworm "- • — --- • — ■— — .- ; '_i.-i*l.«— 129 . Barathra" 'brassicae.. — — ~— •- • --—*!^---- — - 81 Batrachedra amy dr aula..- -■ ?- -?r — 13 Bean leaf roller -~- ^-^-.i^.-: __ — 33 Bean' pod -borer -*- — r— - *■-• — — — - — 101 Bees >«-.—• ; ■ ■ • ■-: 32 Beet armyworm ; '■ '- '■ 91 Beet webworm -— -- — — - — -- ? 133~ Beetles T — '■- -- — > — 165 Blackheaded fireworm — r — 61 Blastobasidae < 7 Bluegrass webworm ■ -- — 14 Bbllworm.— — » ■ '-- ■ 90 See also Cotton bollworra; corn ear worm. Bombycidae — • — — — 7-11 Bombyx roori • ■ --. 7 Bombyx neustria. .See Malacosoma neustra. Borer. See European corn borer. . . Borkhausenia pseudospretella. See Hofmannophjla,, pseudospretella. (Br a chart on a) Art on a eatoxantha — = — 158 Brithys crinl- -• _ — ■ ■ — 81 Brithys pan era-til ; -. 81 Bronzed cutworm — — -- — — — . — .-—«.•«-«.» — — _-— _ 92 Brbtolomia meticulosa --- . 1 — - 82 , Brown vroollybear . caterpillar .t- 7 ' Brown-tail moth *■ — -t: 7 — 34-35 Buff -tip — — -' ;->-*-, 1--— — 38 Bupalus" piniarius ; ; — '■ — .-- . — • . 19, 92 Buss'eola fusca - — . '-"-'• ' .-„. — -- — -. — — ~j t-t — -- 82-83 " Butterfly — --— ---- ^— __-^__— — ;— 60 Cabbage butterfly. • — •»» -77-- -81, 104, 119, 160 "Cabbage white butterfly — -+* «r-:~ 7— — -—7 104, 111, 119 "Cabbage" caterpillar. .--- — — .— ,80., 97, 129„"*:i30, 161,169 'Cabbage' looper ..— — — — '— — 67-80, 99a,- 110, 112, .113.* 121, 125 -Cabbage moth :.---- — — -——- .— -— -81, 87, 94, 118, 119 Cabbage webworm '--'- -'- --«.--- :— -'w- .7- 134-135 Cabbage worms. . See under specific nnmes. . (Caooecia) Archips rosaccana j -_-- — - — , .-- » 157 Cacoecia podana « -— 52, 156 Cacoecia pronubana — — 156 -218* Page Calogrammo. festive-- — -— -- 83 Cankerwornu r-.-—r-—:— ——-——- ~ 19, 21, 22-23, 28 Carnation. iprtrix moth »_'———-__ _. 156 Caraway moth ■ -— — — 41-42 Carpocgpsa^pomonella .--- -- — 44-56 Carposina .sasakii . — -- — " •"—"- — — — 157 Casebearang .clothes, moth — — - — - — — - 151-152 Catalpa sphin.x.moth — r 148 Caterpillars*. See under specific names. Cauliflower worms < 161 Celerio .lineata - — ;-— — — - — — -— — — — 148 Celery leaf.tier ;— — '■ * 136-137 Celery looper — — — — — — ;. >— ■**--- — 80 Center grub.. =•--——.—"■:"•:"""""""""""" """ ~~~ ~~ -""' — — 87, 134 Cephonodes ..hylas ----- — -— ———-.— — -— -— -i — ... — Cer arnica pi eta — -— -;;;:-i.;;i^.*i.* 84-85 Ceratomia catalpae -— '- — :-;:i------- **; 148 Chain- 6 potted geometer^ — •* ~- 21 Cheiroatobia brum at a — . — '--—-1--. — -; --- 19-20 Cherry moth. r """.""""T" "~ ""' ^4 Cherry -casebaarfir, ■ — .-—."*-' ~ "~" " 13 Chilo simplex . ,r - -.- r ~ .r.r ~r "r ~ ~ 13 Chilo s-uppressalis — ; — :--- -; — --- — --"-'--■ 13 Chrysorrhea..„ jffygmia, jshaeorrhoea. Cingilia catenarie •■ — —. :.-- — '— — ■ 21 Cinnabar- moth .— - — ■ ~ 6 Cirphis unipuncta — :---- - — • : 85 Cither oniidae . 11-12 Citripestis sagittiferella 100 Clania yCryptothglea) minus cu la — — - — -. — 129 Climbing cutworm — 90, 99 Clothes moths .-r---— 151-153 Clysia arobiguella. See Phalonia ambiguella. Clysiana ambiguella* See Phalonia ambiguella. Cochylis — -r--— -; — f "." 10° Cochylis roserana. , See Phalonia ambiguella* Codling moth. — .— — ----- — 44-56, 61, 156 Coffee cleor-ydng moth Coleophora laricella 12-13 Coleophora mplivorella^ — — 13 Coleophora. pruniella — '• 13 Coleophoridae -— '— - — 12-13 Colias. philodicc cur yth erne 103 Gommon. .cabbage, wpj-m. — ; ■ '— ' : 68, 70, 104, 108 See -also Imported cabbage worm. Conchylis ambiguella. See Phalonia ambiguella". Com borer.. Sec European corn borer. Corn ear worm „-— ; 85-91 Cosmopterygidae 7 ■ 13 COSSUS COS3US ■ 13 Cotoneaster webworm . ■ 41 Cotton bollworm. Seo Corn ear worm. -619- Page Cotton leaf worm 65-66 (Cosmophila) Anomis erosa -- 67 Crambidae 13-14 Crambids ■ .— — ■ — 14 Cr ambus bonifatellus ■ — 13 Cr ambus sperryellus -- — *•- >.. 13-14 Crambus teterellus ' • — • -— - — : 14 Cr ambus sp# ■■-. — — — — ;.--.-. — .... — .T.- .... X4 Cranberry fruitworm t~t*— — — 101-102 Cranberry fireworm — < — 101 Cranberry insects — — 61 Cremona cotoneasteri ■ 41 Cricula trifenestrata — — 147 Crocidolomia binotalis — — — ■ - ■ • — — — ... 125, 130 Cross-striped cabbage worm — — -• — 132-133 Currant cankerworm — — •*- • — -< — — — 18 Cutworm ■ ■ 88, 97, 98-99a Dasychira mendosa ~ ■ — — — — — 31-32 Datana ministra ■ 39 Dendrolimus pini — -— — 25 Depressaria nervosa — — ■ — 92 Desmia funeralis 131 Diacrisia lubricipeda ■ — — 2 Diacrisia sub earn ea — — 2 Diamond-back moth 67-68, 70, 71, 74-77, 79, HO, 119-129 Diaphania hyalinata — - — ■ 131 Diaphania nitidalis — -— ■ — 131 Diatraea auricilia ■ 13 Dichomeris marginellus —■ 14-15 Drymonia manleyi 38 Earias fabia — — 85 Eastern tent caterpillar 26-28 Ephestia cautella ■ 100 Ephestia elutella ■— — 100 Erionota thrax — 23 Ermine moth -'- ' ' * 24-25 Estigmene acraea .... — — .. — 6 Etiellalinckenella — ■ -— 101, 135 (Eucosoma) Spilonota ocellana * — — 64 Euphydryas chalcedona — — ~ — - 39 Euproctis chrysorrhoea* See Nygmia phae.orrhoea* Euproctis conspersa .—...——— — . — ...... 32 Euproctis fraterna — — ■ — - — - — — ■ — — — — — .«— ~~ 32 Euproctis pseudo conspersa ~ — • — 32 Euproctis sericea. See Porthesia sericea. European corn borer — 138-147 European pine shoot moth — 62-64 European red moth — — • 168 (Eurymus) Colias eurytheme — — — 105 — 22GW (Euvanessa) Aglais antiopa ' ----—-. 40 Evergestis rlmosalis '-—-" — " 132-1.33 Fall cankerworm •-. ' — • — ■ — — -- 18-19 Fall webworm — • • • 6-7 False yellowhead '—- ; 157 Fig moth ■ ' 100 Filbert moth — — ■ 59 Fireworm -- 61 Forest tent caterpillar 28 Fruit tortricid — 156 Fruitworm.-- See Cranberry fruitworm. Fundella- cistipennis — ■ - — •- 101 Galleriidae — * — 14 Garden pebble'moth — 137 Gelechiidae --- 14-18 Geometers : 22 Geometridae — . — • 18-31 Geometrids — — -"- 22-23 Glasshouse tomato moth -• 93-94 Gooseberry fruit-worm — — — 103 Gracilaria azaleella •--- '•--- 151 Gracilariidae — '■- — . 23 Grape berry moth — ■ • '•--' — ■ ; 61 Grape berry worm. See Grape berry mothv ' Grape leaf folder — — — 131 Grape leaf skeletonizer •-- — — • --- — • ;-— rr — J68-159 Grape plume moth t- ; 130 Grapholitha fun eb ran a — '--- : 57 Grapholitha molesta •__-_--_• 57-59 Grasshoppers '■ 159 Gray-banded leaf roller 154-155 Greater date moth 14 Green cabbage worms ; 79 Green caterpillar ; 160 Green clover v/orm 93 Green worms Greenhouse leaf tier 136-137 Grey-streaked moth : 9H-07 GyPsy moth 36-37 Harrisina am or i can a • 158-159 Har rising brillians 159 Hawaiian beet webworm — — -»» 133-134 Heliothis armigera' 85-91 Heliothis nssulta • 91 Heliothis viroscens -*•- 91 Hellula undalis 116, 134-135 Hemerocampa leucostigma 32 Herso convolvuli 148 Hesperiidae 23 -221 - (Hipocrita) Tyria jacobacae • : 6 Hofmannophila pseudospretella 42 Holcocera iceryaeella — — •• ¥, 154 Homalopalpia dalera ■ 130 Honeybee - — -'- — • ' 32 Hornworm 148-150 Hymenia f ascialis ■■*■ 133-134 Hymenopterous parasites --— 29 Hyphantria cun^a ■ 6 Hyponorneuta co; .,atellus 24 Hyponorneuta variabilis malinella. See H« malinella . Hyponorneuta malinella ■ < ' 24-35 Hyponorneuta padella : ; 24-25 Hyponorneuta sp. ■ 25 Hyponomeutidae ■ 23-25 Illiberis pruni ■ — .- 159 Imported cabbage worn. See Fieris rapae. Indian meal moth '■'- 102 Isia sp. ■• : 7 Japanese tent caterpillar ; — 30 Juniper webworm — 14-15 Kakivoria flavofasciata 151 Keiferia lycopersicella ■ 15 Lackey moth ■ 28-30 Laelia suffosa — — 32-33 Laphygma exigua ; 91-92 Larch casebearer :--- : *— 12-13 Large coconut butterfly • 5 Large white butterfly 119 Lasiocampidae 25-30 Laspeyresia (Grapholitha) funebrana 57 Laspeyresia nigricana 59 Leaf roller 42-44, 168-170 Leaf skeletonizer < n 158-159 Leafvirormo See Cotton leaf worm* Lepidoptera — 2, 11, 160 Lepidopterous larvae 96, 98, 159 Lesser date moth ■ 13 Lima bepn pod borer ■ 101, 135 Lima cod id a e .*•; 30-31 Lineodes integra • — - 136 (Liparis) Lymnntria monacha. See Lymantria monacha. Looper. See Cabbage looper. Loxostege commixtalis — 136 Loxostep;e sti'cticalis --— — 136 Lycophotia margaritosa. saucia. See Feridroma margaritosa* Lymantria disparo See Forthotria dispar ° Lymantria monacha — 33-34, 92 Lymantriidae ■ — — — '■ — - 31-38 • -ZZ2 - Lyonetia clerkclla -■ --' ! 38 Lyonetiidae • " 38-39 Magpie moth 1 '• 18 Maize stalkborer "■ 82-83 Malacosoroa americana -' 26-28 Mai a co soma disstria 28 i.ialacosona neustria 28-30 Malacosoma pluvialis 30 lialacosoma sp. 30 (Maraestra) Barathra brassicae — 81 Mamestra oleraceae 92 Hanestra pictao See Cer arnica picta. testulalis 101, 135 IJelissopus latiferreanus ---- — 59 iielittia satyr iniformis 3-4 Melonworm 131-132 Mexican bean beetle 93 Mineola scitulella 101 Mineola vaccinii 101-102 Monima gothi^q 98 Mosquito 9, 96 Mothproofing 151, 153 Moths 166 Naranga aenescens 92 Nephelodes emmedonia 92 Nettle grub 31 Noctuids' 97, 99, 99a Notodontidae 38-39 TTotolophus antiqua 36 Fotolophus posticus 34 Nun moth 33 Nygmia phaeorrhoea 54-36 Nymphalidae r 39-41 Nymphula depunctalis 135 Oak leaf roller 155-156 Oakworm 11-12 Oblique-banded leaf roller 157 Oebia undalis . See Hellula undalis. Oecophoridae — 41 Olene mendosa. See Dasychira mendosa. Olethreutes pruniana 59 Olethreutidae 42-64 Ophiusa melicerta 92 Orange dog 65 Orange-striped oak worm 11-12 , Orange tortrix 154 Orchard tent caterpillar 26-28 (Orgya) Notolophus antiqua 36 Oriental fruit moth ?' Oriental peach moth. See Oriental fruit moth. Oxyptilus periscelidactylus . See Pterophorus periscelidt.ctylus . ,~223>.- Pachyzancla licars-isali^s —-—-——.—--->...—— — •-——-—«..... 133 Paleacrita vernata • -— - : _. — — 21 Panolis fl amine a — — — — — 92 Panolis fcriseovariegata- — -- : — — — 92-93 Papaya webworm — — — **?- -.« — — — — 130 Papilio thoas ■-- -— _-— .— 65 Papilionidae- — — — — — — - — .— - 55 Par as a consocia - — — — — _ — -. — — - — - 30-31 Parasa herbifera - — -— — — - — — - — — r — 31 Pea moth . :— - p — .-' — ? 59 Peach warm. See Oriental fruit moth. Pear bagworm ■ ---,- , — • — --- — — 129 Pecan nut casebearer — — - — — 130 Pectinophora gossypiella ■-*•- - — .-- < -— - — — — 15-18 (Penthina) Qlethreutes pruniana — ■ — 59 Peridroraa margaritosa; ---- < < — -■ — — ; — - — - 93 Peronea contptninana. See Aclerjs contaminana." .. *. Phalaenidse — — t- ■ ■ — 6 5-99 a Phalera bucephala ' — . 38-39 Phalera f laves cens > -— — --< — ;-———— 39 Pha Ionia sp, — — — ■ — — — ft.,.---,. 100 Phalonia ambiguella 1 — -— — -. ~- — — — — . 59^ 60, 100 Phaloniidae «• -— — «— < 100 Phlegethontius quinquemaculata* See Protoparce quinquemaculata* Phlyctaenia rubigalis — — -- — - — — - — — — 136-137 Pholus achemon — ■ — .— — -—— — - — - «.— «. 148 Phycitidae 100-103 Phyllonorycter sp. *- - — r---- — — : '— — — • 23 Pickleworm — - — — ———--— r »--*■ — — — — - 131-132 Pieridae i - 103-119 Pier is brassicae — — - — - — — — — — — • 104 Pieris protodice — - — — -- — -- 104 Pieris rapae — 72-80, 104-118, 126, 134 Pinoak leaf roller • 155 Pine beauty — — — — - — — -— - — — —- — — 92 Pine geometrid -. — r — — — * — — -1- 19 Pine moth 25-26, 92 Pink bollworm ■ r- — '• 15-18 Pinworm. See Tomato pinworm. Pionea f orl' icalis — 137 Pistol casebearer -< ~-~ — — — — --— -_-__——__----- 13 Flat hyp en a scabra ■ — — — : 93 Plodia interpunctella « 102 Plotynota stultana' -■ 154, 157 (Plusia) Auto^rnpha chnlcytes — 80 PlutellP. mpoulipennis 71, 73, 74, 76, 119-129 Plutellidae.— — - -» 119-129 Pod borer. See Lima bean pod borer. Polia oleracea ■ 93-94 Polychrosis bo tr ona — < ■- — ; 59-60 Polychrosis viteana 1*< — — - 61 Porthosia scintillans — — vr.n — r- * ""*"•* 36 Porthesia sericea _ — --— — 36 -224 - Porthesia taiivana 36 Porthetria dispar — ■ 36-37, 92 Prodenip eridania 95-96 Prodenia .tura — — -■ --—- 96 Prodenia sp. 97 Protoparce quinquemaculata > — 148-150 Protoparce sexta — — 150 Protoparce sp. — — — — -— 150 Pryeria sinica «-— -— -— — — 159 (Psara)' Pachyzancla licarsisalis -- — — -— •*-»» 136 Pseudodura dasychiroides — 37 Pseudo-looper — — 80 Psychidae — — — _— — 129 Pterophoridae 130 Pyralididae 130 Pyrausta aurata meridionalis — — — 137 Pyrausta nub i Talis -• — 137-147 Pyrausta salentialis — 147 Pyraustidae 130-147 Red-banded leaf roller -— 155 Red spider «-«.—..- ~ 49 Rhopobota naevana 61 Rhyaciona buoliana -— - . 62-64 Rice borer 135-136, 148 Rice case worm 135-136 Rusty tussock moth — 36 Salt-msrsh caterpillar 6 Satin moth 37-38 Saturniidae • 147 Schoenobiida'e 147 Schoenobius bipunctif erus 147 Schoenobius incertulus 148 Selenia tetralunaria — - — -— — 21 Semi-tropicnl armyworm 95-96 Setora nitens — ~ -— 31 Setora nitensis. See S. nitens « Silk moth. See Silkworm. Silkworm 7-11, 46 Sitotroga cerealella — — •— * 18 Small cabbage white butterfly. See Pier is rapae. Small white butterfly 119 Smerinthus ocellatus — -— — — 18 Sod webworms ~ 15-14 Southern armyworm -— — — - — 95 -96 Southern cabbage worm — — 104 Spar panotitis sulfureana 157 Sphingidae ---- 148-150 Spilonota ocellnna < Spiny elm caterpillar 40 Spodoptera mauritia ■ 97 Spotted bollworm 85 Spring cankerworm 21 -225- Squash borer 3-4 Stalkborer. See Maize stalkborer. Steganoptycha trimaculana ■ — 64 Stilpnotia cygna 37 Stilpnotia salicis 37 Strawberry leaf roller ' — • 42-44 Sugarbeet webworm — ■ ---« — — — ~- 135 Sulfur leaf roller 157 Taeniocampa gothica — 98 Tent caterpillar 19, 26-28, 30 Tephroclystia absinthiaeta — — 21-22 Terro.s contaminana. See Acleris contamina. Thrips — 68 Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis — 129-130 Tinea pellionella -— — 151 Tinea sp. — ■ 151 Tineidae 151-153 Tineola bis ell jell a — 151 Tirathaba sp« -- 14 Tobacco budworm 91 Tobacco hornworms 150 Tobacco moth 100 Tobacco worm — --- — > --— 150 Tomato cutworms — • — 99 Tomato fruitworm. See Heliothis armigera. • Tomato grub. See Corn ear worm. Tomato hornworm ^ 148-150 Tomato insects — 87 Tomato moth 81, 93-94, 118 Tomato pinworm — — 15 Tomato worm 148-150 Tortricidae 153-158 Tortrix (Cacoecia) xylosteana. See Archips xylosteana. Tortrix fpsteriana. See Archips fosteriana . Tortrix pronubana. See Cacoecia pronubana. Tortrix viridana ' — — — 92, 157 Tortrix sp. 52, 156, 157 Triphaena pronuba — 98 Tussock moth — ■ 32, 38 Tyria jacobacae 6 Urbanus proteus 23 Utetheisa lotrix --— --»- —.—_.. —.- — - — — 7 Utetheisa pulchella *.*•«*« — ; 7 Vanessa cardui 40 Vanessa io — — 40 Vanessa "polychloros ' 40 Vanessa urticae b 40-41 Variegated cutworm « — 93 Velvetbean caterpillar 67 Vino moth 60, 100 -2 26- Webbing clothes moth 151, 152 Webworm on cotoneaster — — -— -- 41 Western grape skeletonizer — — — 159 Western tent caterpillar — -- — — -- 30 White butterfly 104, 111 White-lined sphinx 148 White-marked tussock moth — -— 32 Winter moth -19-21 Yellow-necked caterpillar -- -— 39 Yellow rice borer 148 Yellow underwing moth — 98 Yponomeuta padella» See Iiyponomeuta padella » Yponomeuta sp. See Iiyponomeuta sp. Zebra caterpillar — — — 64-85 Zophodia convolutella 103 Zophodia rrossulariata. See Z. convolutella. Zygaenidae •- 158-170 — oOo — UBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD n,nin£RSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09230 4145